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World of Cosmos Lunar Calendar on. Moon calendar

Moon calendar is the most ancient of all existing calendars, sunny calendar It appeared much later lunar. The first lunar calendar was compiled in ancient Egypt for more than six thousand years ago. The modern lunar calendar for 2019 is based on the knowledge of the ancient civilizations, and also contains topical information about the cyclic movement of the moon and the change of lunar phases.

The lunar cycle lasts about 29.5 days, passing four: new moon, the first quarter, full moon and the last quarter. These phases of the Moon since sincerversion are celebrated in all lunar calendars. The first lunar day is counted since the new moon. And the new moon each time begins in the new sign of the zodiac. Taking into account this and compiled our

Different phases of the moon have an unequal impact on the environment and human. The new moon, full moon, the days of the first and last quarters of the moon are the time of the intense interaction of the sun and the moon among themselves. At these phases, the moon is better not to plan important things and not start anything new. Is not favorable days.

It is best to start new things on the growing moon, it is desirable shortly after the new moon, and completing things on a decreasing moon, but so that you have time to complete them to come to the new moon. The most favorable lunar days Days are considered when an aspect of 60 (sextile) or 120 (trigon) of degrees between the Sun and the Moon is formed in the sky. It will help you to navigate in the moon phases and more optimally distribute your time.

The full moon cycle consists of 30 days, and this month is considered perfect. In the defective lunar month, consisting of 29 days, unfavorable days will be really complex.

We offer you a monthly monthly days of new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable moon days. The lunar calendar 2019 will allow you to always be aware of what the Moon is now, and which Phase of the Moon will be without the need for visual observation. Lunar calendar for 2019 will help you plan your affairs with the least loss time and effort.

(Waxing Crescent).
At 04:41 ends the period of the moon without a course
At 04:41, the moon passes from a lion in the sign of the Virgin.
At 16:12 the 14th lunar day begins. until 16:12 lasts the 13th lunar day

Symbols - Wheel, Ring.
Magic day. In these moon day There are processes of the organism rejuvenation. Therefore, it is very good to do: visit the sauna, use all sorts of cosmetics, to use more useful products - They will die out great. Energy, blood, useful material - Everything is perfectly circulating in the body. On this day, it is good to receive new information - to read books that allow us to better understand yourself and the world. Well lay a new cycle of learning. The period is good for contacts in a group, exercise. Old problems may appear - take it calmly, try not to be nervous, but somehow smooth them, or, if possible, to solve them. Deciding the problem, you will get fresh forces for a new life. The day will help you easily get rid of the ship's shipment if he presses you and prevents life. This is the day of accumulation of information, the manufacture of round talismans, strands of the threads, the organization of contacts, the correction of the past, work with karma. For successful transformation of lunar energy, physical energy is also needed. It is impossible to keep a passive lifestyle even on the day off. This day follows the bake bread.
Divination. Energy recharging. It is meaningless.
Dnah. Dreams, as a rule, are not simple - you can see the difficulties and problems that you really pursue in life, but they can appear in symbolic form. In any case, try to understand: Dreams of truth, they reflect the problems that need to be solved.
In medical attitude The day is associated with the stomach and pancreas. It is not recommended on this day to starve and fast (if it is an unplanned cycle).
The case, happy or unhappy, will play in the life of the child the main role. The whims of Fortune and the laws of Karma will be shown the most concrete way. Freedom or complete dependence on the circumstances. Long life.
Very good disciples are born in this lunar day. Often have unusual abilities. They may live to deep old age, if they do not die in children's and young years. "; at 16:12 the 14th Lunar Day begins

Symbol - Pipe.
Do not miss this day: it is exceptionally successful to start any important thing. All started in these day, with glitter. The next such chance will have to wait a whole month. Useful work with sacred texts. It is being obtained by secret knowledge and a person opens the third eye. Useful any physical work. You can not load your eyesight, eat perfume, it is better not to look in the mirror. On this day, sorrow, longing, sadness, melancholy are often poured. Drink them away and do business. If the longing is not overcome, give yourself a good physical activity.
Divination. It is better not to guess. Or guess the most important.
Dnah. This night can be seen prophetic dream, so, waking up, do not hurry to jump off the bed. Remember and analyze it.
In medical attitude The day is associated with the intestines and the chakra manipura (slightly above the navel). It is necessary to purify the intestine. It is good there is more almonds and salty products, refuse bitter and sweet.
The child is winning this day, will not lose touch with another world. He is assisted ancestors. The voice of the conscience will forever call him. The incomprehensible longing and foreboding will always cover it. But he will be stored amazingly in the most catastrophic situations. Do not think only to guess this day.
This lunar day is born by people who, as a rule, fate will patronize. They have a calling. They are characterized by longing for authority, adaptability, ability to disguise, mind and cunning, the ability to captivate. They are ready for a feat, internally clean, rather sterile, very squeezing.

Are you familiar with the lunar cycles? Do you know how they affect our daily life? Be sure to look at the renewed lunar calendar for 2019, indicating the days of the new moon, the full moon, which is the moon phase today, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, and also favorable lunar days.

You have the opportunity to be aware of how this moment Phase moon. Calendar for 2019 will help you today to determine the unfavorable and favorable days of each month of 2019, orient on planning cases with the least loss of time and effort.

Find out what a lunar day is today, and read what is his action and characteristics. If you even want to improve your life a little, look more likely to this page.

Themed lunar calendars

Scientists continue to argue when the lunar calendar appeared exactly, but so far one thing is definitely a useful everyday assistant. You do not immediately determine the phenomenon in your life, which are described in the recommendations of 2019, but this is normal. After all, all people on earth are different, and on each effect of the moon is manifested in different ways. But observations show that the topic of the sign of the zodiac, according to which the moon is currently moving, very often manifests itself in our emotions, experiences, and in real events. Try to take advantage of cosmic rhythms in your life, find out what the lunar days, what phase.

We have placed many different calendars on the site, main on the moon movement. We are invited to briefly familiarize yourself with each of them.

Stylish haircuts, creative hairstyles make wonders and transform people to be unrecognizable. The responsible step helps to succeed, make a career, find a new satellite. All this proves that it is better not to surrender to Stylist on any day, but taking into account the lunar calendar of Strizhek for 2019. Cosmos power favorably affects hair. By observing the cycles of the Moon, it will be possible to achieve changes in life and improve hair health. The state of male and female curls will noticeably transform if the procedures are made in the recommended lunar day.

Many centuries ago, the lunar calendar helped our ancestors in the fulfillment of the goals. Now it is compiled as astrologers for manicure, haircuts, treatments for appearance, hair, body. Night shine, being in certain zodiac signs, favorably affects the skin, improving its condition. Tips of astrologers, properly chosen lunar day - is the extension of youth, gaining beauty. Lunar cycles are taken into account when conducting procedures for each type of skin, age, human floor. You will learn what day to urgently go to the salon, and when staying at home and devote yourself to other matters.

Houseplants, creating their delicate charms of comfort in apartments and offices, capricious and demanding of care. Information in the lunar calendar for 2019 is composed for flower water, taking into account the position of the heavenly body. Knowing phases moon month, pruning and feeding, transplantation and reproduction of unpretentious colors and decorative trees. If the lunar day has a favorably affect the plant, it is activated by the exchange processes, the growth is accelerated, in the opposite effects of heavenly bodies, processes are slowed down. Domestic pets are better to leave alone by creating maximum comfort.

Using the Soviets of the Lunar Calendar 2019, experienced and novice gardens will be able to get rich yields. Taking into account the lunar cycle, sowing the seedlings in the garden, crops landing on permanent place, care and weeding, watering a variety and harvest. Not every lunar day will favorably affect the care of plants, so the tips of astrologers are given by months, weeks and even days.

When planning the creation of a family, it is worth studying the calendar of the lunar days of 2019. Wedding - a special event. Choosing the right day of the moon, it will be possible to enlist the support higher Forces, beneficial affecting the fate of newlyweds. Not all phases of the moon are suitable for celebration. Paying attention to the full moon and new moon, it will turn out to strengthen the bonds, extend happiness.

Earth's companion more than other celestial bodies affects its atmosphere. Lunar weather calendar for 2019 is an exact prediction of weather changes. All four phases of the moon and certain sign The zodiac makes the weather stable or bring cyclones, warming, hurricanes, storms, rains. Meteorological observations were collected for years. Each lunar day has its own coloring and is able to positively affect climate or present unpleasant surprises.

Choosing a day for a surgical operation, going into the hands of doctors, read what is recommended by the lunar calendar 2019. Our fate is dictated by those invisible forces that are in nature. Heavenly bodies affect the healing of wounds and cuts, stopping bleeding and rapid recovery. There are phases of the moon, in which the operational intervention is not recommended. Let the assets of the astrologer prompt when a favorable intervention, and at what moment it should be abandoned.

Correctly composed Lunar calendar for 2019 for sowing is the key to the future harvest. It is noticed, some vegetables and flowers are growing, and others are stuffed and dried. All because people Sowing work in new moon, and in the second case, the lunar cycles were not taken into account. Semit lunar phaseIt will be possible to get a lot of berries, get rid of weeds, have beautiful lawns and get a rich harvest of vegetable crops.

The lunar calendar of pregnancy will help those who are planning the birth of the heir. Cheating a child is a pleasant moment, but it should be remembered that, even being in the mob of mom, the fruit is influenced from the outside. Knowing the moon phases favorably affecting the conception, to form an embryo, will be able to protect the emerging life from difficulties. Let 9 months pass in harmony with nature, and the baby will appear on that day when the Earth is ready to give him his care.

Massage is the best doctor with many diseases. The lunar calendar for 2019 it is recommended to conduct the first sessions at the descending of the Moon so that the ailment is to go with a person. Phases of the Moon are taken into account when conducting different species Massage onto the whole body or separate areas: Relaxation is rapidly achieved at a decreasing moon, the steps zones are also massaged in this period. Properly calculated lunar period for the procedure has a beneficial effect on general recovery.

Do not want to fully or urgently need to add a few kilograms, pay attention to the lunar calendar. There are the phases of the moon, which have a beneficial help to fight gluttony. It is in such a lunar day that you should sit on a diet that transforms form will improve health, will save from many ailments. Taking products on strictly established schedule, Using not only for your forces, but also to the aid of nature, seriously ill chairs oncology, craving for excesses in nutrition.

The night is the most pleasant time for the origin of love and new acquaintances. And all because the moon has a beneficial effect on people seeking to rapprochement. With the help of a lunar calendar you can increase the number of friends. Remember: when growing - love is enhanced. Follow the tips of astrologers, do not miss your best lunar day, and loneliness will retreat forever.

On the long years Save the elasticity of the skin helps the lunar calendar. Following his advice, choosing the moon phases for making masks, cleaning the face, will be able to extend the youth. Beneficially affects our organism and timely conducting caring procedures at home or in the cabin. Choosing a good day through the moon, try to relax as much as possible and breathe in yourself for the strengths sent to you over Nature.

Lunar calendar for 2019 gives priceless tips on nail care. For centuries, the collected knowledge, represent the science layer, allowing to make hands beautiful. Being in Capricorn, the night shine has a beneficial effect on the nail records. These lunar days are used to trim nail, manicure, pedicure, with increasing nail plates should be struggling on a decreasing moon.

Plants help to win serious diseases. This is proved by centuries-old practice. Not at any time the medicinal roots and leaves are collected. The lunar calendar indicates the timing of the collection. It defines the Phases of the Moon, in which the plant gives fully its strength to a person, and she has a beneficial work on us and our health. To these lunar days goes Preparation raw materials.

Not every night is ideal for conceiving a child if you want to have a heir to a healthy, smart, happy. The lunar calendar of 2019 helps to determine the choice of time of the Socia. Interesting life With luck and great perspective, it is promised whose life womb began in the 2nd half of the 1st lunar day. The 2nd day of girls has been beneficial for the birth of girls, but in the third one should not even try, because children are born with a quick-tempered character. The attention of future parents and the Phase of the Moon is drawn to avoid restrictions in the development of children.

In this lunar calendar, there is a warning, as will affect the person a disease that came to him suddenly. The disease will last long if its beginning coincided with the new moon. Nature's forces will beneficially help the patient if the disease fell on 7, 12, 15, 27, 19 lunar days. Periods are determined when the disease will be fatal or dangerous, so immediately apply for extra help.

The bath treats, heals, leads organs into a tone. With the help of a lunar calendar, you can pick up for lovers of steam room, when the effectiveness of the steam and broom will make the most beneficial effect on well-being. Nobody calls an approach to the bath or sauna, but choose the best moon day and combine it with water treatments will not only be pleasant, but also useful. Considering the phases of the Moon, try to treat your back, make masks for the face, drink medicinal teas. Everything will work out and health will arrive.

Therapeutic and wellness procedures appointed by the doctor are not bad, given the phases of the Moon. Tips You will find in the lunar calendar for 2019, where the signs of the zodiac painted on the body of the planets. Choose, in what cycle to clean from the kidney slags, and in which you can help you treat yourself the genital organs, stomach, intestines. Even for the admission of violence and carrying out masks, compresses, inhalations were determined.

Delicious food allows the hostess to conquer respect and location of the family, guests. But sometimes your favorite cakes and borschs do not succeed. It's not just like that. In the lunar calendar for 2019, the cooking dishes suggests, in which cycle of the moon it is better to work with meat, and when it is emphasis on the preparation of vegetables that have a beneficial effect on any body. Do not forget about the phases of the moon of 2019: then the dough is suitable, and the porridge does not fake, and the sauce will be fame.

Note about the moon

The lunar calendar is the cyclic change of 4 phases of the night shone. The lunar month consists of 29-30 lunar days based on the length of the 1st day, besides, the proximity of the Earth's satellite to the horizon at the time of the new moon. The lunar days (days) are not always equal to each other in magnitude.

This is due to the fact that the true cycle of the moon is approximately 29.5 sunny days. Moonful days, like sunny, consist of four parts: moon morning, lunar day, lunar evening and moonlight.

  1. Moon morning continues from the sun satellite sunrise to its upper climax when the moon passes through the MC. This period of lunar days can coincide with the start of a sunny day only in the first days of the lunar month, then he comes it later and later, and in the fourth phase of the lunar month of the calendar, the lunar morning comes in deep at night. This part of the lunar days is the most unstable, the person at this time will exclude, changeable, it is difficult for him to own his emotions. The lunar calendar as 2019 advises people born in the lunar morning, learn to manage their emotions.
  2. Lunar day continues from the upper climax until the moon sunset. This period of lunar days can coincide on a sunny day. This lunar period brings high excitability, hidden negative emotionsThe peak emotion peak falls on the lunar day, and due to excessive energy waste, emotional breakdowns may occur. Lunar day is the most favorable time of work on yourself. The lunar calendar recommends during this period to engage in prevention of diseases, take medicine. A man born in the world is brightering moon quality.
  3. The lunar evening continues from the sunset of the night shone until the bottom of the climax. This period brings emotional maturity; At this time it is easier to control your emotions. Lunar evening in the third phase of the lunar month more often coincides with a sunny day. At this time, a person is more striving for emotional harmony. The lunar calendar reports that the man born in the evening, somewhat slowed down, is capable of immersion in itself; Such a person is easier than the rest of the people, abstract from the problems of the outside world.
  4. Moonlit night continues from the lower climax of the moon until it is sunrise. During the lunar night, a person becomes more closed and strives for solitude, it is especially manifested in people with a strong moon. On the lunar night it is recommended to limit contacts. According to the lunar calendar, a man born in the lunar night, as if sums up the emotional cycle. Emotions of such a person are hidden deep inside, which can arise depression.

13th lunar days, mysterious and mystical, they seem to open the door between the ground and the sky, today you can comprehend the uncharted. The number 13 corresponds to the constellation of the snakesman - it is also called the constellation of magicians. This is the day of predictions and gadas. Predictions that have received on this day can strongly change your destiny. Also, this is the day of the perception of information that in the future you will be useful. Today it is very good to acquire talismans and different charms, they will have a special connection with you.

Second phase (quarter) moon

Element: Water. Approximately the eighth or ninth lunar day from the beginning there comes or still call the first quarter of the moon. During this period, the level of liquid in the human body focuses on the middle of the breast. In this regard, there may be diseases of the organs that are located here, if there are hidden pathologies. Need to pay attention to changes occurring with the body, especially when they are directed not best side. If the body has started the problems that you yourself have not yet guess the second Phase of the Moon - it's time to identify them. A man at this time becomes sensitive, energy continues to increase, but no longer actively and rapidly as in.

Moon in the sign of the Virgin H 01 ° 22 "29"

During this period, people become more rational, reasonable and practical. However, at the same time, the pedanticity wakes up in their character: they quarrel on the trockers, they make rapid things, pay attention to insignificant things, Mooring the main thing. These days often occur quarrels on such trifles that do not have the slightest attention, but in the days of the Virgin seem serious and significant.

Days of Virgin give people and good qualities character - for example, discipline, responsibility, attentiveness and concentration. Fragilely executed hard workwhich requires a large concentration of attention and accuracy of actions. People become careful, reasonable and neat. They do not seek to get rid of the problem with one fell swoop, and trust their mind. Unfortunately, we are talking about everyday, small, household matters. If we talk about global decisions and risky projects, then people feel an acute shortage in intuition, natural flair and the ability to calculate the events. It is best to deal with tedious, monotonous and labor-intensive work, and important responsible steps to postpone on then.

Moon without a course (C 18 Mar 18:19 to 19 Mar 4:41)

The term "" refers to the period of the state of the moon, when it is located between the last major aspect with the planet in the current sign, and the moment of transition to the next sign.

  • Do not start new projects, important things with far-reaching plans.
  • Avoid important meetings with new people during this period.
  • Do not accomplish expensive purchases.

How to use the moon period without a course

  • Good time to rack the dodge, clean up the desktop or at home.
  • Suitable time for yoga, meditations or spiritual practices.
  • Rest and sleep will quickly restore your strength.
  • Miscellaneous events and meetings with friends.
  • Good travel time.
  • Enhanced intuition or sixth sense will help, in the search for unresolved, internal psychological problems. Best timeTo listen to your inner "I".

Now 13 lunar day.

13th lunar day. Moon in the mark of Virgo 1 ° 23 ". The moon: Big - Super Moon. Lunge Day started on Monday March 18, 2019 at 14:40 and will end on Tuesday March 19, 2019 at 16: 10.Tow at 06:26. Sunrise of the moon of 16: 10.Curdates of the moon: azimuth \u003d 300.0 °, height \u003d -2.9 °. Earity \u003d 95%. Training from the ground to the moon \u003d 359724 km. Club new moon will be on Friday 05 April 2019 at 11:51. Close-in Full moon will be on Thursday March 21, 2019 at 04:43.

Characteristic of lunar day

13 lunar day.

Symbols: Wheel with a swastika inside (or spinning).
- Stones: Red Opal, Ruby.
- Body: Blood.

Lunar day is associated with the Virgin. This is the day of accumulation of information, contacts in a group, teaching. The day of making round talismans, strands of the threads, work with karma. On this day, ideal disciples are born.

Dreams and moon: 13th lunar day. And again the day-flopper; Unlike the previous, extremely "good" lunar day, his dreams lead to material deprivation, troubles and moral adversities.

Symbols Wheel and spinning wheel - talk about our existence in eternal movement. A new one comes to replace the old, and so constantly. In general, this day is associated with the time, the correction of the past, the accumulation of information, which makes a person confident, independent and able to survive in this complex world.

Day, when all creative, personal intentions need to be implemented by scrupulous, painstaking work. It is important to start acting in time with like-minded people and a team. Loneliness will be a bad medium for mental state. They say, on this day perfect students are born. On this day, reduce the consumption of liquids. It is recommended to use nuts and various pickles, and bitter and sweet to limit.

This day is unhappy, on this day you need to do and take the most urgent. Anything can be left and better not to do on this day. No wonder the Japanese called this day " damn dozzy"Although it is prejudice, but many believe it.

Haircut In the 13th lunar day on the Tibetan lunar calendar: happiness and use, beautiful appearance (On Tibetan: Bzang BSKYED).

Additional Information

The first half of the lunar day is very unfavorable, because it retains a number of negative trends of previous days. However, if a person stood the test for the pride and self, then new opportunities associated with the strengthening of its aura, its influence on others appear. Therefore, in the second half of the lunar day, new positive opportunities appear for the manifestation of creative activity. The ability to achieve the intended goals and the ability to relieve partners, reaching the desired with minimal costs.

The day is unhappy. Nothing should take. Diseases are dangerous. Dreams soon come true. Children are short-lived.

Thirteenth lunar day - the time of spiritual aspirations and searches; The mystical period: raised the curtain between the worlds, and the person can penetrate the foregoing. The day of energetic actions, breakthrough in the unknown, unknown. Perfectly carry out activities aimed at the opening of something new. This is the period of updating and transition to a new, high-quality, level of perception. Energy spent for the previous 12 days is replaced by a new one. In other words, there is an energy recharging. If you correctly follow the lunar rhythms from the very beginning of the lunar day, then get extra forces to implement your plans and projects. In the 13th lunar days you can even in old, long-known things to find something new, to detect some nuance, which was previously not noticed. In short, the time of joyful discoveries came! The time of clarity, speed, perseverance and skill came. The more decisive you will now lead yourself, the more successful your undertaking will end. The thirteenth lunar day is a continuation of the 12th lunar day. Everything that has begun, in no case cannot be thrown. Whatever happens, do not slow down the pace! The success of the whole matter as a whole depends on this. During this period, the hidden reserves of the human psyche occurs. The human energy field and the energy field of the astral matrix of the conceived project merge into a single integer and rushed to a successful completion. Therefore, the symbol of 13 lunar days and serves the wheel. You are now like a wheel riding a mountain. Do not stop, do not slow down the pace, do not doubt and believe in your luck. Lay out completely and do not spare forces, especially since you have a lot of them now. If you do not listen to these tips, risk knowing the fate of Sisif. This is a very favorable time for traveling, business trips or pilgrimage. Think about your lifestyle. Do you all do, how is it? Is it time to change your habits? Give tribute to all round. The thirteenth day is favorable to begin construction of round objects - wells, fountains, domes. On this day, it is also recommended to read a lot: all information is perfectly absorbed, especially the one that allows you to better understand yourself and your destination in this world. For "Ring" to you may return for old worries and problems. Rehend to them precisely, without hassle. Solve problems - does not mean lifting panic around them. In terms of health, the thirteenth lunar day is the correction period. You can improve and adjust to yourself those wellness programs that started in the second lunar day. You can make changes, some exercises are replaced by others, increase or shorten the time of execution of the entire complex and so on. This period is favorable for the treatment, prevention and prosthetics of teeth, as well as for cosmetic and plastic operations and cellulite treatment. Very helpful in thirteenth lunar hours of massages and water treatments. In the warm season, it would be nice all day to stay on fresh air On the lap of nature.

Characteristic: in each magic fairy tale Looking at the hero gives a kind of means indicating the road. It can be a wheel, ball, apple. And what points to us the way in real life? Such a magic wheel is knowledge, the doctrine of the path. This is a kind of life compass, invariably indicating the path to the goal. But the real knowledge is creativity, and not the blinder crutch. Dead knowledge holds a man like a rope tied to a peg. A person wanders all his life around the same problems thinking that he moves forward. Capricious fortune it wakes it up, then she puts the leg, seeking the monotony of this run in a circle. True knowledge It allows you to move in time and in space, return to the origins, to see the future, stop the real moment and come into touch with eternity.
The hero of the day is Ariadne, giving a guide thread in the maze of our confusing life. On the physical Plan The day is associated with the belly, subtle bowel and navel.

Symbolic compliance: the 25th degree of lion - the 6th degree of the Virgin.

Action: Hope.

Names: Wheel. Snake biting his tail.

Symbol - wheel (snake, biting his tail) with a swastika inside. Swasty "Mirror": It seems to rotate in a clockwise direction, on the sun, the ambatom (swastika symbol - the sun). The swastika symbolizes the movement, first of all the blood, intestinal peristalsis, the circulation of the energy of Chi (Prana) through the channels of our body.

Social influence: Good, especially for group work.

Domestic influence: Excellent for study, cooking, bread. Not bad for accumulation, acquisition, manufacturing of household goods. Lost for big cases and travel.

Influence mystical: Magic day. The number 13 corresponds to the sign of twins (1 + 3 \u003d 4 - Mercury, the ruler of this sign. By the way, the 13th zodiacal constellation Stemman - the constellation of magicians). This day of accumulation of information, making round talismans, strands of the threads, organization of contacts, study, consultation, correction of the past, work with karma.

The period is good for contacts in a group, exercise. This day follows the bake bread.

Medical influence: Diseases are dangerous, but this day is perfectly absorbed and medicines, cosmetics (for example, beetted with sour cream), go processes of rejuvenation. It is necessary to load the stomach.

Influence on born: Perfect students are born. Mystics.

A man born on this day is a snake that bit his tail is a person working with time, which is in contact with other worlds.

Impact on the conception: A happy or unhappy case will play an important role in the child's life. Caverza Fortune and the laws of karma will always manifest itself and completely. Life will be long. Depending on the circumstances, the person will be free or completely dependent.

Meditation: Swastube embonodged.

Signature: noble opal.

Stone - noble opal.

Sometimes you can see in some places of descriptions of the lunar days disagreement. For example, in one place it may be written that today's dreams foreshadow joy, and below it can be written that you need to treat them as something not important. The information was taken from different sources. This is a look from different sides. Therefore, just keep in mind both options. It is much better if you entertain yourself with some one decision, and you will not know about the other (hidden).