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Andrey Yurody. What do we know about a person who saw the cover of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Blessed Andrei was born in June 1638 in the peasant family of the Ust-Tol-Shemsky parish, a vert on 50 of the city of Totma (the county go of the Vologda province). The peasants-parents could not give the son of the formation, which was then not in Russia, did not give even simple literacy, weakly common in the then village among the peasants. But undoubtedly, they brought in it a child's pure faith in God, firmly and unchanged; He learned the Son to be afraid of God, to pray to him and his directions, go to the church, strictly observe posts - taught everything to what the essence of the faith of Christ themselves believed. All Sundays and holidays The parents of Blessed Andrei sent him to the parish church, not far away from the village of Ust-Tashkomsky. And the church became the only school for a blissful year. Here he soon acquired the first knowledge of God, and the love for him is firmly, for life, it was established in his children's heart. The pious laptop was taken by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need to serve one God; All the Duma and the business of the boy were sent to the service to give him the only task of life and find the means to carry out this task. In the temple, he heard that the world was all in evil (1 in. 5, 19), and therefore left the world; he heard that the I-Tin servant and the follower of Christ should leave the Father and Mother (Matt. 19, 29), and therefore left the Parental House in deserted places, lived there like a bird, not worrying about food, thinking only about God and about the deposit to him. The worldly life was no longer hesitated now, and he looked freely prayer.

Care from the home of the parents was the first victim of St. Andrew God, and his feats began. It is not known how much time I stayed in solitude, blah, but when he returned, he didn't find his parents alive. With their death, the last connection was broken with the world: nothing now he was called, called Blessed to his native village, and he decided to leave his homeland forever. He went to the Galichsky Resurrection Monastery. For a long time, this monastery was famous for the life of his inkom, and Blessed Andrei wanted under the supervision of experienced elders to continue his feats there. He came to the monastery and, without opening his title, settled in one ink. Nelicomeric humility of the aliel and strict piety drew the attention of brethren. Long looked at the Blessed Andrei Inok, whom he settled, and when he was assured in his sincere piety and patience, he said about the blissful infusion. The abbot of the monastery was at the time Stephen. Often talking with a young obedient, the abbot saw in him the chosenness of God and realized that for the hotel there were few feats in the silence of monastic Kelly, that he was able to be-half a thread of feats more difficult, and blessed him to silence.

It would seem that Blessed Andrei achieved now the complete opportunity to live a single God and completely left the world. In the silence of the monastery, nothing met him to indulge in prayer and thinking about God; But the bliss was not satisfied with this and sought more. According to the advice of his rector, he assumed a feat of Christ about Christ - almost the most difficult of all kinds of Christian mobility. With an unceasing prayer on Us-Tah, with the constant Duma of God, the blessed began to bypass the surrounding cities and the abode for worshiping the shrines. Bosaoy, in the old crushed clothes he walked in winter and summer, without having, where the chapters are complicated. There were blessed bread and water, and those he took only inspired to not die from hunger. After graduating from his journey through the abode, the bliss again returned to the Resurrection Monastery, where she was always a shelter and spiritual leadership on the part of the pious abbot. Stefan, as before, often conversation with him, strengthened him in a difficult feat, instructed with patience to carry happened. In these conversations, Blessed Andrei found support and strengthening to commit new features. So he lived in the monastery, then in the walking along the abode to the death of Stephen Galichsky. After the death of Liu-Bim's rector, nothing tied the blissful Andrei to the resurrected monastery, and he left there.

The extraordinary life of the bliss turned attention to the people. They began to guess about his god-long life, and Mol Polva about the man of God on-Cha-La spread around the surroundings. But it also encouraged the Mobility-ka to leave Galich. Having avoiding the glory of human, Blessed Andrei left from there to Tutter and settled near the Church in honor of the resurrection of Christ, on the bank of the rear, Sukhona. In Totme, no one knew him, and therefore he continued his great feats with great convenience. The nights of Blessed Andrei spent in prayer, and in the afternoon, as an oarror, ran around the city, collecting alms. The very blissful needed very little, just not to die from hunger, so he shared most of the results obtained with other beggars. The clothes of Blessed Andrei was a frightened rubble, which only covered his body, not protecting against rain and frost. He never wore shoes: went bare and winter, and summer. The feat of nature is difficult mainly by the fact that unreasonable people subjected Christ for the sake of the oborudy, like insane, ridicule and insult, cropping and beatings; It had to experience both Blessed Andrei. But he endured everything, because, thinking only about God, to him, directing all the strength of his spirit, blissful forgot himself, none gaining hunger, cold, resentment, ridicule and beatings - all sorts of sorrow and grief of their thorough-minded life.

And they were not in vain were the feats of Blessed Andrei. In a reward for them, he received from the Lord's abundant gifts spiritual. Already at the lifetime, his saint showed the great power of the wirals, and many patients received an heament on his prayers.

Over the Blessed Andrey for the feast of the Holy Archdiakon Stephen (December 27) in his native village Ust-Tashomskoye. December stood, the coldest time of winter, and on the blessed was, as usual, the dilapidated clothing, barely covered nakedness. Siberian foreigners, nomadic at the time on the Sukhon River, met him on the road and, seeing the bare-eyed man, who was standing on the knees in the snow, guessed that this was Blessed Andrei. According to hearing, they knew that in Totme there was a roe of God, heard his exploits, about miracles, through him who were committed, and therefore they recognized the blissful. Their ears of Azhbakai, in the Holy Baptism called Abraham, suffered at this time with his eyes and, knowing about the wonders of Blessed Andrei, began to ask him about his IS-Tsenia. As a reward for healing, Azhbakai promised a lot of money. But the blissful did not take anything and ran, without answering a word on his request. Then the foreman of foreigners rubbed the eyes of the snow, on which the warring was stood, and got healing.

Totemsky Voevod Mikhail Grigorievich Rtishchev for a long time suffered by strong headaches. Without getting anywhere to help, the Voivode appealed to Blind Andrei and, calling him to his house, asked him to pray. Blessed ordered the governor to make a way to the image of the Savior, who was in his room, and when he was attached to the holy icon, he felt healthy.

On the banks of the Sukhona River in Totme, urban children were gathered and played in pike. During the game, they often argued between themselves and, so in order to speak once, it was indispensable. Blessed Andrei heard it from his hut and, not torture their foul language, drove the children away. Children ran away from him, but one of them chopped the saint and struck the iron pile-koy. The Lord retained blissful from impact without harm, but the audacious Mal Chick immediately punished. Immediately, he fell on Earth and soon died.

10 years of Blessed Andrei brought Christ for the sake of Christ. He died in the young years, only 35 years old from the family probably exhausted his body with heavy feats. He was peaceful and physically. Pre-summing up the day of his death, Blessed prepared for her. Calling his friend - the decoration of the Resurrection Church of John John, he gave him his posthumous testament and then rose to prayer. He prayed for a long time about the reigning town, about the cities of the Russians, about the Orthodox world, and the death prayer of the Holy was diligent. After graduating from prayer, Blessed asked for forgiveness, then asked to invite a priest for confession. When the priest graduated from confession and session of the blissful Andrey of the Holy Taine, the devotee began to lean as if to sleep and, susperating John Joquoleva, said: "Brother, the time of separation of the soul with the body: prepare everything you need for my burial."

With deep sorrow, Ioann Lampada lit in front and smoked in com-nat on Fimyama. Seeing that the bliss began to end, he kissed his hand with tears with tears and briefly left the room. Returning again, he walked on the blessed Andrew already dead and the room - filled with a good ear. The end of the blissful Andrei followed on October 10, 1673. The message about it soon was separated from the neighboring cities and villages, and many people gathered to the coffin of the devotee. Everyone saw a clear, calm face of blissful, understood the action on it of Divine grace and glorified God. Many then remembered the wonderful phenomena of their blessed Andrei, the resulting healing on his prayers, remembered the words they said, for which they did not pay attention before and who came true in their time. Remembering all this, who knew the blessed were convinced that among them the waters of God, the true man of God lived, and with great honor they buried his body under the bell tower of the Resurrection Church.

Shortly after the death of the blissful Andrei, the Lord glorified him with the gift of the wirals. The burial place was made by a source of healing, and many patients came there for help. The patients took Earth from the grave of Blah-Woman, and this earth, according to his prayers, returned his health. Residents of the city of Tutt-We have seen these miracles, and among them every year they grew a deep good-to-mind to the memory of the honorable saint. It prompted them to ask for the construction of churches over the coffin of blissful. On October 20, 1707, Archbishop Velikotuyu-Sky Joseph gave permission for this, and the church was built. Since the Blessed Andrew was not counted then to the face of the saints, the church was not built in the name of him, but in the name of his angel, the Holy Martyr Andrei Strol-Tilat (19 August / September 1). Currently, the relics of Blessed Andrei are revered under prior in the Stone Assumption Church of the city of Totmas, at the left-handed-church. The memory of the blissful is bodied locally.

From the posthumous miracles of Blessed Andrei, we will tell only some.

A resident of Tutama Simeon Bolonin was sick for half a year; During the illness, he had a leg and he was unable to walk. Simeon was often prayed by Simon, asking for help, and now he sees in a dream, as if he is in the church and prays the blessed near his coffin, and on the coffin there is a bowl full of land. Suddenly, the voice was heard from the coffin: "Simeon, take from the bowl with both hands and spend off his hand." When the patient performed this, the land in his ru kah became a flour, and he began to ask the blissful Andrei about healing. Waking up, Simeon felt some relief from the disease and could come to the church to the coffin of the Wonderworker, where he received complete healing.

The peasant of the Totemsky County Pelagia Pudov has long suffered for fever. Once the Blessed Andrey appeared in her evening, she approached her bed and said: "Promise to go to the blessed Andrey, that in Tritme, the Sunday of Chrysa-Good, near the river Sukhona; Applied to the coffin and you will be healthy. " The delighted woman began to pray to the saint with tears, felt healthy, but forgot his promise. Two days later, she again became the sick worse and again in a dream appeared to her Blessed Andrei, this time with the Gospel in his hands. "What didn't you come to pray for the blessed?" Said Saint. "Sacredness of God, forgive me, sinful," the peasant woman answered, the amendment of his promise. Saint gave her to make the gospel, took her hand and under-nyal from bed completely healthy.

Blessed Andrey retained the cattle of the peasant Totemsky district of Makis Kratkov. During the Tsotsky case, the holy fear of the Saint appeared to this peasant and said: "The slave of God, the blessed Andrei Totemsky and the cattle will be intact." The delighted peasant performed the order of the saint, and his cattle, indeed, was not injured.

So glorified the Lord of his humble room.

All we know knows someone else. And knows better than us. Secrets that are open to us are open through someone.

The fact that the Mother of God prays about the world and the Napa about those who love her son know many. This prayer petition and compassionate intervention in the fate of the world is called cover. We assign a separate holiday to him, although the cover is committed and happening, which means that the celebrations are worthy, daily.

It was necessary to choose a church to choose a single case, which would be a symbol of all the wonders committed by the for our good. This case is, and it is connected with a person who is openly more and which sees deeper. Without a conversation, it is impossible to talk about the origin of the holiday.

Call him Andrei. Andrey Christ for the sake of the warrior.

the brief life of St. Andrew, Christ for the sake of whisk († 936)

Blessed Andrei, Christ for the sake of Yurozhny, was Slav and lived in the second century in Constantinople. From the young age he loved the Temple of God and the Sacred Books. One day, two troops saw the blessed in sleepy vision. In one, there were men in bright clothes, in the other - black and terrible demons. The Angel of God, who kept the wonderful crowns in his hand, said Andrei that these crowns are not a decoration earthy world, but heavenly treasurewhich the Lord awards its warriors who defeat black hordes. "Go to a good feat," said Angel Andrei, "if I juroking me, and you will get a lot on my kingdom day." I understood the bliss that the Lord himself calls him on the feat. From that time, Andrei began walking through the streets of the city in Rugish, as if his mind was clouded. For many years I endured the holy ridicule, insults. He complacently demolished the beatings, hunger and thirst, stepmaking and heat, asking for alms and giving it to others. For his great patience and humility of Holy received from the Lord the gift of prophecy and inspireness, saved many from the spiritual perch and accused many wicked people.

During the prayer, in the Varlaner Church of St. Andrei, it was encouraged to see the Most Holy Virgin, which covers the migrating Omophore. Blessed Andrei died in 936.

"Crazy" - so translates the word "wilderness". Appearance, behavior and attitude to such an area of \u200b\u200bsociety were appropriate, since the most important additive - "For the sake of Christ," was not uttered aloud and did not attach to clothes on the bageik.

Crazy he is crazy, and saliva flows around the beard, and the look is insane, and the speech is strange. From such people they are trying to hold the way, in the case of a richness they are forcibly treated.

Externally, Andrei was exactly the same, but behind the facade of voluntary madness performed smart and incessant work - prayer.

Comprehensive conversation about the saints. There is always a threat to take high Note And break into falsett. Sitting in dirt and praise an eagle - is it a feat?

Yes, and you can only talk if you understand something. And understand the usual sinner of saints is as hard as hard to understand the bird. They hurt them different, albeit on one day ( See life. 1:20).

Overall in the eyes of society is more replete than insane. We need special reasons for portraying madness. Here David pretended to be mad at the courtyard of Tsar Hepsky to save his life (1st kingdoms 21: 13-15).

Andrei also disrupted to hide the proximity to the Mountain Mountain, in order to conveniently make a prayer, not being either boasting for holiness, neither aggravated requests from believers.

Of all the relations with the world, only contempt and one's contempt remains. It is looking for this. In his desire to enjoy the humiliation and ridicule it is above the martyrs. The martyr may appear to the painters, saying: you are insane and believe the false, and I, like Paul, tell you the "words of truth and common sense" ( Dean. 26:25). Unfortunately can not say that. On the contrary, he can say any: "You are madman," and he is only stupid blossoms in a smile, or throw out some kind of striker.

Madness voluntary, intake, but so skillful, that it is impossible to distinguish it from real madness, there is special view Treasure protection. Under the treasure, meaningful prayer. It is necessary to protect it from praise, from the fuss, from inevitable connectedness with the world and society, even with Christian, but still obsessed with passions.

Obviously, the heat of prayer in need of such protection must be extraordinary. That is, the treasure should be genuine, without impurities.

Anotherness is not the path of comprehension of prayer, but rather, a way to preserve prayer. And yet - the method of ministry.

You can think about it and say: "Once you are so holy and so faintly praying inside your heart, then go to the desert or on the mountain and do our unusual life there. Why do you push on the market, sleep on poverty or, causing a loud squeal, you go to the female bath? "

The fact is that the warring lives in the world for the same world. He no longer runs out of the world, fearing to be seduced by something, but intentionally stays in the middle of him, so that the prayer, which in the yurodiva, warmed the world, blind in relation to the events of spiritual.

All this we speak and talk about all this, remembering the above: Fish does not understand the bird. Can a fish with cold blood and a cold heart understand how a hot heart beats in the chest at the seagull soaring in the wind? This seagull is a fish, at best, sees through the thickness of the water, from the bottom up, "as if through the dim glass, gdessing" ( 1 Cor. 13:12).

So, Andrey - Bird. He "does not sow nor wants, not collecting in the residents" ( MF. 6:26.). God nourishes God, and such a manna, which makes you remember the apocalypse: "You're a defeating ladies to eat a hidden manna, and give him a white stone and on the stone written new name" ( Revelation 2:17). Andrew sees what everyone else see. He sees demons, which is pretty annoying his way of life. He sees angels protecting it. He sees saints and communicates with them. Finally, he sees the Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ. This vision and gave the basis of the occurrence of the holiday.

Further increasingly known to a wide circle of readers. Vision occurred in the temple during prayer. As subsequently, Seraphim Sarovsky saw for the Liturgy of Christ surrounded by angelic forces, and Andrei saw God's MotherAround the air surrounded by the saints. Andrei heard the prayer of the Virgin, asking her son, so that he accepted the plea and the requests of any man coming to help through her - the Virgin.

No one except Andrei saw it. All prayed and looked towards the altar. One younger jurisdled my head and considered something on the dome or on the walls. So then it seemed.

Then he told his vision about his vision. After all, it did not concern him alone, but all the people! The people listened and did not laugh, but, like the Virgin, I remembered everything, "Identia in my heart" ( See Luk.2: 19).

Not every phenomenon or vision turns into a holiday. Did anyone who appeared to the celers and whom they saved from?! In order for this to be celebrated and not forgotten with centuries, it is necessary that the church consciousness seemed in private - general, and in a single case - the manifestation of the rule.

The rule of the current holiday sounds like this: the Mother of God, being taken to the glory of his son, does not enjoy the heavenly paradise, but incessantly praying for the world, visiting this world.

The fruits of this prayer are known to millions of people, because millions in different time Associated by the intercession of the Virgin. These are the millions of individual cases and are collected together called "Pokrov" so that one holiday to honor the inhabitual and unlockful prayer of the predicted Virgin Mary.

Similarly, the miracle of Arresting Mikhail in Honhekh is valuable not only as a single fact, but also as a manifestation of that good participation in the history of mankind, which makes clean spirits, faithful to the Lord.

Andrei saw and told others. And others, among which and we, heart responded to the heard word. We also knew that "love never ceases" ( 1 Cor. 13: 8.), And since the Virgin Mother of True Love, then her love is infinite.

We knew how much and often she helps the church and in general, to all those who ask her help. And thanks to Andrei, we would seek his eyes, saw this personitative cover.

Saw and delighted.

Saw and warmed.

Saw and encouraged.

What happened then continues and today. Praying the son of the fellowship of graceful Maria. Participate with her in prayer angels, prophets, apostles and martyrs. Seen this prayer service Favorite slaves of God, continuing the earthly path.

And all the others who have no spiritual vision, but the heart is cut, that is, the truth is susceptible, on the day of the holiday they sing: "Major, the Most Holy Devo, the Maja of the Holy Andrei on the air, the people are prayer for Christ."

Archpriest Andrei Tkachev

This blissful man came from the Slavic clan and lived in Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium, in the x century. In a young age, he acquired as a slave a rich Constantinople Sanovnik named Feoganost. Andrei was distinguished by a friendly temper, responsiveness and externally was very attractive. However, the owner who gave his slave for learning to the sacred texts refused him, since the latter adopted a Christian feud of scientific.

Andrei, abandoned by everyone, lived in poverty, cold and hunger, humbly demolished ridicule of the environment, but he was worthy of the vision of the cover of the Maria's Major Virgin.

What is a yurodyness

Yurodynia is called ocher madness, practiced more often by the wandering monks to achieve internal humility and destroying pride. Society biased belongs to such people: Mocking, humiliates, insults. However, many people do not see that such behavior is performed exclusively for the sake of prayer before the merciful Lord. Intake madness is very skillfully, it is almost impossible to distinguish between the real disease of the mind.

Important! Sculpture is a way to protect spiritual treasures, that is, a hidden prayer, from the worldly bustle, praise, various passions.

The life appearance of the bliss Andrey

Constantinople landowner named Feoganoste, who lived during the Emperor Lion VI (end of the 9th century), acquired people for their estates. Among the purchased slaves was a beautiful and kind -med young man, whose name was Andrei. Feoganoste showed to this tip the highest sympathy, appointed his trusted servant and ordered to learn to sacred writs.

Blessed Andrey, Christ for the Yreeny

Andrew began to read Christian texts, often visited the church and regularly performed prayer petitions.

  • Satan, seeing the great desire of a young man to the Lord, showed envy and rushed to clean the fear. Prince of Darkness appeared to Andrey during prayer, opened the doors and tried to break his will young manwhich soon fell asleep after this harsh vision.
  • In a dream, he appeared two armies: the first symbolized the forces of the world, the warriors were dressed in white, the second is the Hordes of Satan, in the center of which was iridescent, full of bloodthirstiness and rage. Andrew asked the Lord: "Who dares to get out against the giant and defeat this difficult fight?".
  • Then the shining young man with three precious wreaths was designed from heaven. Andrei asked the angel if he could acquire one of these treasures. On this heavenly messenger replied: "You will get a wreath if with the help of prayer and procession you can defeat the dark gigner."
  • Andrei gathered with the Spirit and, like King David, crushed with god's help Negro. Waking up, he felt in his heart the presence of Christian treasures. From that time, the young man began to lead an oar lifestyle for the sake of Christ, because so told the Most High. The next day, Blessed Andrei took the knife, removed the clothes and cut the body. Feoganut decided that his faithful servant was amenable to demonic temptation, he ordered to wear on the unfortunate Verigi and take away the hospital who was in the Church of St. Anastasia.
  • In the afternoon, Blessed demonstrated a squeezed madness, and at night, when no one saw anything, performed sincere prayer before the Lord. However, the young man wanted notifications from the Most High about whether he fulfills divine orders. Then the next vision appeared in his consciousness: the five wise men who came to the church were asked the question of St. Anastasia: "Why not cure this unfortunate?". Blessed Mother replied that the Lord had already healed him and sent him along the true path.
Interesting! After one of the prayers in the mind of Yurodiva Andrei, a vision has arisen with symbolic subtext. He stood in the palace in front of the king's throne, who asked the following question: "Would you like to give your works and life for the sake of Christ?". The Blessed young man answered positively, then the Lord gave the blessed to taste extremely bitter food.

The king explained that he initially sorrow would comprehend those who won to work for the benefit of the Lord. After he treated the young man with the sweet semal heaven, as well ago, he forgot the former bitterness and realized that this food was given to the truly disaven of the Lord and approved in knowledge.

Acts in peace

Annation of scientific for Andrei was the only solution that helped him get rid of the oppression of slavery. The Lord knew that the owner would not let go of a poor servant into the monastery, even if he would show a strong desire to serve God. Therefore, the young man listened to the Council given to him in the vision, and pretended to be insane.

Great price paid Andrei to get freedom.

Feoganoste four months kept Yurody Andrei after he returned from the hospital, and finally let go when he was convinced of the impossibility of "healing" his slave. The young man, continuing to pretend to be a madman, went to the streets where he met sorrows, cornpiece, rules and beatings from the people. Sometimes he accepted alms from a kind of good citizens, but soon gave it to others. However, the servant of God did good peculiar: approached the needy people and threw money in the face, pretending to be wishes to beat them.

For church man, nature is one of the forms of holiness

  • Blessed Andrew could not take food for a whole week, and if no one gave a piece of bread, he extended his harsh post for another few days. Wisen was dressed in a ribbon rubbish, which barely covered bodily nudity. Living in Constantinople, he did not have a place where he could calmly settle down, even the beggars drove him from their Shalyas.
  • Wanting to fall asleep, the younger was sometimes located between the homeless dogs, which were also not tested for him. Andrei's rest was never accomplished under the roof of the building, but always in the cold or heat, in waste or dirt. Having experienced a lot of grief and deprivation, the blessed saint received from the Lord the gift of inspirement and learned to see the thoughts of people.
On a note! Holy lived in this world, without fear to be seduced by material passions. He was in the center of the sinful land and did everything so that his prayer warmed the environment, not seeing spiritual perfection.

Andrei is compared with a bird staying high in the sky and seen through the ocean stroke of cold-blooded fish, that is, the people of human. There will never be an understanding between them, since the yrudiviness and holiness in society is considered as a deviation from the norm.

Facts from life

If we see the truth, it becomes clear that the saint Andrey did not fall under the authority of the demons and did not lose the reason, on the contrary, this man was his doctor's sinful soul and led a long and secret struggle with the worst and the main enemy.

Vision cover

The Holy Yurody was a student, called him with epiphany. They often committed a joint prayer in the Velvernskaya Church, which is not far from Constantinople. The cathedral stored Riza and the belt belonging to the Mary Virgin Mary, the relics were brought here from Israel. The Vellaner Temple was erected in order to accommodate these great Christian shrines here.

  • Blessed Andrey went to the Church of the Blessed Virgin, when the ritual of all-night vigil was committed here, the epiphany was near. At three o'clock in the morning I saw the oral high image of the Virgin Mary, which appeared at the central gate. Near the Mother of God, I. Baptist, as well as the apostles of Jacob and John. The saints kept the preching the masses of the hands, the angels of Heavenly marched over her glawed and behind her, praising the name of the Lord.
  • And then the blissful teacher asked. Epiphany, whether he sees the great procession, the student replied: "Yes, the spiritual will. They continued to contemplate, and the Virgin keen knees and committed a long prayer, shedding tears. After it approached the altar part of the temple and asked the Lord to walked over sinners. After finishing the petition, Virgin Mary took off the long bedspread (omoform) from the shoulders and spread over all of the people who gathered for a vigil vigil in the Varhranian temple.

During the worship service, the Yurodny Andrei and his student of the Epiphany saw the Virgin, which spread over the praying covers

While she was here, the laity and priests saw this cover. The Mother of God retired after a while, but left the Divine Grace in this place. Epiphany was inspired and hurried to tell about the Great Procession to the entire city.

The last days of Yurody

One day the bliss came to the student to spend all night in the dialogue about the spiritual component of the world. The holy old man predes proposal that the epiphany will become Constantinople Patriarch. In the morning, these two bought out about, Andrei felt the approach of death. The student who received a blessing was extremely burned, as he guessed the loss of a loved one. Blessed reached the indoor gallery, where I lay down and humbly frightened the Spirit, giving up in the hands of God.

The body of the yurody was radiated by the pleasant smell of incense, which attracted residents of neighboring buildings. Miro, as if the river, expired from the saint. A certain woman discovered the remains and hurried to report it to people. When the people gathered at the site of the death, the bodies were no longer here, but still remained a strong fragrance of incense. The legend states that no one has discovered the remains of a blissful elder, because the Lord in his will moved them to places, known only to Him.

The warring at the age of 66, having graduated from his secret struggle with sinfulness and worst enemy mankind.

Interesting! The blissful teacher predes, that his disciple of the epiphany will be the Patriarch of Constantinople. According to church custom, when receiving any sanator, a spiritual name is given.

Many researchers believe: Epiphany in young years was the Holy Patriarch Nikolai Chrysierg, who ruled the Byzantine Church for almost 13 years. For the period of his rule (982 - 994), the baptism of Russia is accounted for. This means that the Prince Vladimir was addressed to Nicholas (Epiphana) to send for the great ritual of Orthodox priests for the great ritual.

Life of St. Andrew, Christ for the sake of whims

In the reign of the Greek emperor, the Lion's Great - Wise, the Son of Emperor Vasily Macedonian, lived in Constantinople a certain husband named Feoganost. He bought a lot of slaves, among which was one of the matches, the Slav citizen, named Andrei. This mature was beautiful and distinguished by a good temper. Feoganost loved him more than other slaves, appointed him with his trustee rug and gave it to training with holy books. Having studied the Holy Scripture, Andrei often walked on churches, prayed to God and read the sacred books. Once at night, when he stood on a prayer, the Zlokoznaya Devil, seeing this, envied this good cause And he began heavily hit the door of the room where the young man was. Andrei came to the horror, stopped praying, hastily lay down on the bed and dressed goatno shkour. Seeing this, Satan was delighted and said to another devil

Do you see this young man: Recently, he also bought beans, and now it is already armed with us!

Saying this, Satan disappeared. Blessed and fear flew firmly and fell asleep and in a dream he had the following vision. It seemed to him as if he was on a large area, on one side of which there were many Ethiopians, and on another many holy husbands in white clothes. Between both sides, there was a match and struggle. Ethiopia, having one black giggle on his side, proudly offered clothed into white clothes so that they presented such a wrestler from their environments, which would be able to deal with their black Ethiopian, the Mrigor of their countless Legion. The draft ether boasted by their strength, but Belorisians did not answer them. Blessed Andrei stood there and watched, wanting to know who would decide to join the fight against the sim terrible opponent. And so he saw a wonderful young man descended from the height of a beautiful young man who kept three crowns in his hands: one of them was decorated with pure gold and precious stones, another large, brilliant pearl, and the third is the largest of the crowns - the gossip was from unfavorable white and red colors and the branches of God's whales. These crowns were so wonderful beauty that her and the human mind cannot comprehend, and cannot be described in the human language.

Seeing this, Andrey thought, how would he get at least one of those three crowns. Going to the appearance of the young man, he said:

For the sake of Christ, tell me, do you sell this crowns? Although I myself can't buy them, but wait for me a little, I will go and tell my Mr., "he will pay you for these crowns, how much you wish.

The young man, asking the face, told him:

Believe me, the beloved that if you brought me the gold of all over the world, I would not sell you anyone, no other flower from the twentieth, because these crowns were composed of Heavenly Treasures, and not from the jewelry of the Jewish world. They are crowned with those who chase those blacks of Ethiopians. If you want to get - and not even one, but all three crowns, then enter into martial arts with the black Ethiop and, when you win him, take all the wreaths from me that you see.

Hearing this, Andrei was determined and said to the young man:

Believe me what I will do to you, just teach me to trick him.

The young man said:

But don't you know what his dexterity is? Is it terrible not ester and terrible in appearance? Meanwhile, they are weak forces. Do not be afraid of his huge growth and a terrible look: he is weak and rot, as firing her grass!

Strengthening Andrei's Siem speeches, the beautiful young man began to teach him how to deal with Ethiop.

He said:

When Ethiopa grabs you and starts to fight to you, you do not be afraid, but grabbing him crucifier and - you see the help of God.

After this, the blessed spoke forward and shouted with a strong voice to Ethiop:

Come on the fight!

Osprious and threatened, Ethiopa approached, grabbed Andrei and in continuation of a very long time turned over Andrei to that, then in the other direction. Ethiopa began to handle, and dressed in white rises as if they were pale, because they were afraid, as if this Ethiopa did not hit Andrei about the Earth. Andrei was already overcome by Ethiop, but, having recovered, it rushed into him. The devil collapsed like a huge lubricated tree, and with a fall hit the forehead about the stone and shouted: "Mountain, grief!" Dressed in bright clothes came to great joy. They raised Andrey on their hands up, began to lie him and triumphed his victory over Ethiop.

Then black warriors with a big admission appealed to flight, and the wonderful young man gave Andrei the crowns and, having rolled it, said:

Go with the world! With this time you will be our friend and brother. Go on the feat of virtue: Be Nagim and weak for me, and you will be on the day of my kingdom of some of the best.

After listening to this from that beautiful young man, Blessed Andrei awakened from sleep and was surprised at an extraordinary dream. Since that time, he has become Christ for the sake of oborudy.

Another day, getting out of sleep, he prayed, took a knife and went to the well; Here he took off his clothes and, seemingly devoid of mind, cut it into pieces. Early in the morning came by the water to the well of the cook and, seeing Andrei as if he who came to the frenzy, went and told about the Mr. Mr. Sorrowful about Andrei, Mr. They went to him and found him as if blameless and saying unreasonable. Thinking that Andrei was obsessed with demon, he imposed iron trials on him and ordered to lead to the Church of St. Anastasia. Andrei was presented during the day without reason, and at night I prayed to God and St. Anastasia. In the depths of his heart, he reflected on whether God was nice to him or not, and wanted to get about this notice.

When he thought so, in the vision it was introduced to him that five women and one light old man walk, doctor and visiting patients; They also came to Andrei, and the elder said the oldest woman.

Mrs. Anastasia! Why don't you allow it?

The teacher, "the woman answered," his doctor's heal, who told him: "Take it with the sake of me, you, and on the day of my kingdom you will be for many benefits." He does not need healing.

Having said this, they went to church, from where they were no longer returned, although Andrei watched them as long as they began to hit the uterus. Then the blissful idea that his feat is pleasing to God, rejoiced by the Spirit and began to warm up diligently - at night in prayer, and in the afternoon in the exploits.

Once, the Blessed Andrei at night at night, in his custom, in the depths of his heart prayer to God and St. Anastasia Martyr. And now it came to him, in a clearly visible image, a devil with a lot of demons, holding a secure; The remaining demons carried knives, trees, stakes and spears, as if intending to kill the blissful. The former Ethiop appeared in the form, as he fought with Andrey, and was still published buried on him. Having roped on the saint, he wanted to launch him with an ax, who kept in his hands. After him, all other demons rushed. The Holy Holy Hand Reviews, Revised to the Lord:

Do not betray the beasts of the soul, which pays you glory and honor!

Then he crushed again:

Holy Apostle John theologian, help me!

And here thunder thundered, there was a lot of people and appeared a blessing elder, who had the face of the lighter sun, and with him a great many servants. Grozno and strictly said he was with him:

Gate the gate so that none of the night does not run!

Immediately the gate was gathered, and all the ether were captured. And Andrei heard, as one demon secretly spoke to his friend:

Cursed the hour in which we were seduced; For a nonsense of John and wants cruel to torment us!

The holy John commanded the people who came with him, dressed in white clothes, remove Iron Vergi from the neck. Then he became behind the gate and said:

Bring Ethiopians to me one after another.

They led the first demon and spread it on Earth. Taking a verig, the apostle broke it three times and gave a shock beam. By the same, as a man shouted:

Merry me!

After this, spread another demon, and he was also subjected to impact; Then the third - and he received as many shots. The shock, by whom the Lord subjected demons were not ghostly, but valid punishments, koi cause the suffering of the Besysky family. When all the ether were punished in this way, John said to them:

Compare and show your father, Satan, the wounds applied to you - whether it will be nice to him!

After dressed in white clothes left and the demons disappeared, that spruce old man went to the servant of God Andrei and, having laid the Verigi on his neck, said to him:

You see how I hurried to help you: For I care about you very much, because God instructed me the care of you. So Terepi: Soon you will be released and you will walk in your will, as you will be pleased.

Mr. My, - said Andrei, - Who are you?

The elder replied:

I am the one who stayed on the Frees of the Lord.

Having said this, he spawned as a lightning and disappeared from the eye of the young man. The Blessed Andrey glorified God for sending him to the aid of his beloved student of his.

After the phenomenon of St. John the Theologian, conversation with him and torment, caused by demon, Blessed Andrei, being still Covan, lay, wanting to fall asleep - and at the same time came to an enthusiastic condition. He saw himself in the royal chambers. At the throne, the king was sitting in great glory, who called Andrei to himself and asked:

Do you want to work for me with all soul?

Andrey answered:

I wish, Lord!

The king gave him to taste something very bitter and with Sea told him:

Such is the mournful path to me in the world.

After this, he gave to taste Andrei something whiter than snow and fastening manna. Tracing, Andrei argue and forgot the bitterness of the first willow. And the king told him:

Such is me food for employees to me and courageously to the end of undergoing. And you courageously do your feat, as I started: For, there are few sufferings in this life, you will forever stay in the life endless.

Waking up from sleep, Andrei came to the idea that the first food was seen to them - bitterly processes patience in the world world, and the last one is sweet - the eternal life.

After this, Mr. Andrei in the continuation of four months kept him with him, and then let go to freedom. Pretending devoid of mind, Andrei began to run through the streets. He walked around the city " deprived, grieving, embittered, ego not worthy of all MIR"(Heb. 11, 37-38). Some abused over him, as over insane, others drove him from themselves, bent on them, as a foul language, otherwise considered him for an obsessed demon, and the juvenile focus was mocked and beat the blissful. He And everything has undergone and prayed for those who insulted him.

If some of the merciful beggars filed Andrei alms, he took it, but he gave out to others. However, he distributed so that no one knew that he was submitting alms; Graying on the beggars and as if whaling them to beat, he, as the warring, threw them in the face of money, which kept in his hands, and they were picked up. Sometimes for three days he did not bother bread, sometimes he was hungry and a whole week, and if there was no one who would give him a httop of bread, he spent without food and the second week. Andrei's clothes served not anywhere in a robe, barely covered his bodily nudity. Opening in all of the holy Simeon, Christ for the sake of oborudy, he ran through the streets in the afternoon, and at night he was on prayer. Living in such an extensive city, among the numerous population, he did not have "Where is the chapters of abonentity". The beggars drove him from their salars, and the richness did not let their dwellings of their lives. When he needed to sleep and calm his exhausted body somewhat, he was looking for garbage, where the dogs were lying, and was located between them. But the dogs did not let the slave of God to themselves. Some biting drove him from ourselves, others flew from him themselves. He never fell asleep under roofing, but always in the cold and knowing, lying as Lazar, in the mercy and dirt, trapped by people and animals. So the voluntary martyr suffered and so laughed over the whole world, the warrior: " Till the wisdom of God beyond"(1 Cor. 1, 25). And the grace of the Holy Spirit instilled in him, and he received a gift of inspireness, for he began to inspire the thoughts of people.

Once, in Constantinople, a child who has lived his life in virgin purity, who has lived his noble husband, has died. Dying, she taught her to bury her around the city in a cemetery for the poor, who were in her father's garden. When she died, she was incurred to the place where she buried her in Christian custom. At that time he was in Constantinople a grave, who, breaking the graves, filmed from the dead. Standing on the road, he watched where the maiden will be buried. Noticing the place of her tomb, he decided, with the onset of the night, break the grave and remove the robe with the dead.

It happened that both Holy Andrei, creating the usual exploits of the scientist of Christ for the sake, went to the place. As soon as he noticed that choe, he walked his evil intention. Wanting to reject the thief from the conceived business and predicting what punishment will refuse him, Holy Andrei looked at him with a harsh view and, as if in a strong anger, said:

So Says the Spirit, who fieces the kidding clothes lying in the coffins: You will not see the sun more, you will not see the day nor human face; Gate your gates of your home and never will never open. It will fool for you a day and never enlighterate.

Hearing this, the graduate point did not understand what sacred was talking about, and he moved, not paying for his words. Holy, repeatedly looking at him, said:

Are you going? Do not steal! If you do this, then - testifying the name of Jesus - you will never see the sun.

Realizing that Saint says to him, the grombarder was surprised how he knew his intention, and, returning to the saint, said:

You're definitely obsessed with a lack of disagreement and talk about the mysterious and unknown! I will go there to go there to see if your words will come true!

After this holy retired, continuing to crude. With the onset of the evening, choosing a convenient time, the thief pulled the stone from the coffin, entered the coffin and first of all took upper clothes The deceased and all the decorations, for they were extremes. Taking it, he intended to be removed, but some inner voice suggested him: "take off and shirt: after all, she is good." Having removed the shirt from the maiden, the tomb wanted to leave the grave. Dead maiden, on the command of God, raised her right hand And hit the head of the face, and he immediately blinded. It was terrified then unfortunate and fluttered, so that his jaws, his teeth, knee and all the bones began to be crushed from fear.

The deceased girl rejected her mouth and said:

Unhappy and rejected man! You were not afraid of God, I did not think about the fact that you are a man! You would follow the guise of virgin nudity; With you quite brought to you, "at least you left my naked body. But you did not pierce me and cruelly did with me, I wondered to make me stitching before all the saints on the day of the Second Coming of the Lord. But now I will do with you so that you will never steal more, in order to you it was known that God is alive Jesus Christ and that by death there is a court, rewarding and punishment.

Speaking by these words, the girl got up, took her shirt, enjoyed it into her and, having mastered all the clothes and decorations, lay down and said:

-You, Lord, Edin to hope instilled (Ps. 4, 9).

With this words, she again wed up in the world. And that rejected barely had the power to leave the coffin and find the garden fence. Stringing with your hands for one, then for another wall of the fence, he went out on the nearest road and walked to the city gate. He asked about the reason for his blindness, he told not at all what was in reality. But later he told everything that happened to him to his friend. Since then, he began to ask himself alms and thus he had dreamed of food. And often spoke to himself:

Be cursed, my larynx, because because of you I was glad blindness!

He also recalled St. Andrew and wondered how everything was fulfilled according to the pridone and predetermined holy.

Once, walking around the city, Saint Andrey saw that she was carrying the dead man. The deceased was a very rich man, and he was behind the coffin, a great many people with candles and codilitsa. Church lubber sang ordinary funeral chants, and relatives and close to the dead cried and sobbed. Seeing his ignorant arts, what was done with the dead, Saint stopped and began to watch. And so, fell on for a long time In the perfect insensitory, he saw spiritual eyes the many of the epiopes who went behind the coffin and loudly screaming:

Mount him, grief to him!

Some of them kept the bags in their hands from which the ashes scattered on people surrounded by the dead man. Other demons were danced and shamelessly laughed as shameless harlons, the third ledali, like dogs, and other were still grunts like pigs. The dead was for them the subject of joy and fun. Some of the demons, surrounding the dead man, frogged him with a swearing water, other flew through the air near Odra, on which the dead was lying. From the corpse of the deceased sinner proceeded by suffocating Smerand. Walking after the dead, the demons of the applause and produced a terrible football legs, swearing over singing and saying:

Let God won't give anyone from you to see the light, miserable Christians, for you sneeze above the dog: " with the saints and the soul of Ego", And at the same time you call it, involved in all kinds of evil, the slave of God.

Looking at the second time, Andrew saw that one of the demonic princes, with a fiery gaze, went to the coffin of the rejected with a mixture and gray to burn his body. When the burial rite was accomplished, Saint Andrew saw an angel who went in the image of a wonderful young man and crushed bitter tears. Passing by, the angel approached the Holy Andrei. The latter, thinking that this young man is one of the closest deceased and therefore it cries, approached him and said:

I ask you the name of the God of the Sky and the Earth: Tell me that for the cause of your crying. For I have never seen anyone so bitterly crying about the dead, like you.

Angel answered:

That is why I shed tears: I was asked for the rest of the deceased, which you saw when he was in the grave. But he took him the devil. This is the cause of my crying and sadness.

On this saint told him:

I now realized who you are; I pray you, the Holy Angel, tell me what kind of sins were at the deceased, because of the koi seized him in his hands the devil?

Andrei, Chosen of God! "Angel answered." So how do you want to learn about this, then I will tell you, without hiding. I see the beauty of the saint of your soul, glowing like pure gold; Seeing you, I was somewhat comforted in my grief. This man was in great honor at the king. But he was a terrible sinner and led a criminal life. He was a clodnik, and adultery, infected with sodom sin, lets, merciless, chroprolubets, a liar and a mansman, vintage, Mtzommen and an oathwood. He Moril his poor jelly with hunger, beatings and nagging, leaving her in winter without shoes and clothes. He even killed many slaves and buried them under the gentle of stables. Hateless god woven God, he desecrated to three hundred shower with crowded and disgusting sins of crumpled. But for him, it came to the time of harvest and found his death unsounded and having unraded sins. He was taken by the souls, and his disgusting body - you saw himself - the evil spirits were accompanied with the crop. That is why, holy soul, I mourn; I missed deeply sorrow, I cry, because I was guarded by me now became a lief of demons.

On this, the words of the Angel of God of God Saint said:

I beg you, a friend, stop this crying: the dead did not evoke badly, therefore died without repentance; Let him be saturated with the fruits of his affairs. You, the flame-shaped, filled with all kinds of virtues, the servant of the Almighty of the Lord Savaof, from now on, you will be under the grace of your God.

After this, the angel was invisible from Andrei. Mimoproit, according to their unnecessary, could not see the angel and, thinking that Saint speaks himself with him, they spoke to each other:

Look at this whiskey, as he sweats and makes it pointlessly talking to the wall.

At the same time, they pushed him and distilled him, saying:

What do you need, Yurodny? Unworthy talking with people, are you talking to the wall?!

Holy silently moved away and, retaining in a secret place, Gorky cried about the death of the unfortunate, whom he saw sure to the grave.

One day, St. Andrei walked in the crowd of people in the bazaar near the column, which King Konstantin put. A kind of woman named Varvara, being enlightened by the Holy Spirit, he saw with horror in the crowd of Blessed Andrey shine like a flame pillar. At the same time, some unreasonable pushed it, while others beat; Many, looking at him, said:

This man is mad: destroyed his mind. Yes, this will not happen and with our enemies!

Demons, walking for the Holy Andrey in the image of black Ethiopians, said:

Oh, if God had not sent another similar to Earth; For no one dragged our hearts as this man who, not wanting to work for his master, pretended to be whiten and mocking over the whole world.

And she saw that woman that Ethiopians celebrated the hiking saint and spoke between themselves:

We are pleased that they are recklessly hitting him, for for the torture of the innocent ward of God, they will be convicted of their death hour, and no salvation for them.

Hearing this, blissful, on the suggestion of the Spirit of God, rushed on them as a flame, destroyed the power of the signs of demons and, angry with them, said:

You should not celebrate me beat me, for I pray to my lord, but it does not impress me in the sin. They make this by ignorance and, for the sake of their love, will receive forgiveness.

When Saint said this, suddenly rejected, like gates, the sky and from there dropped over the holy many of the most beautiful swallows, and in the middle of them - a large snow-white dove that kept the golden oil leaf in his beak. And said the pigeon of the Holy Human Language:

Take the list of this, he sent you from paradise the Lord Almighty, in the sign of his favor, for you, for you are pretty and forgiving your victims and pray for them, so that this does not immediateify them in sin.

With these words, the pigeon fell on the head of the saint. Seeing all this, a pious woman was surprised and, having come to himself after the vision, said:

How many lamps have God on Earth, and no one knows them!

Many times he intended to tell about his vision to others, but the power of God kept her. Subsequently, Saint Andrey met her in one place and told her:

Save my mystery, Varvara, and what you saw, do not tell anyone while I do not come down " in the place of the village of Divna, even to the house of God"(Ps. 41, 5).

The honest lamp and the Holy God, - answered Barbara, - if I wanted to tell my vision, I can't, because the invisible power keeps me.

Walking around the city, Saint Andrey met once a certain one and, providya his life, spat on him, saying:

The crampornic, a church loan, you pretend to go to the temple; You say: "To the superer", "and you yourself go to Satan for bad deeds. About the messenger who gets at midnight and the nice God! Have time to perceive you on your deeds, or do you think that you walked from the terrible, all-seeing and all-looking out of God?

Hearing this, the venel hit the horse and left, in order not to be disappeared even more. After a few days, he fell ill and began to dry. The approximents transferred it from one church to another and from one doctor to another; But this did not bring him any benefit. Soon this rejected person went to the eternal torment. In one night, Saint saw near the house of that Veelmeby who came from the West of the Angel of the Lord. Angel had a kind of fiery flame and held a big fiery cockpit. When an angel approached the patient, then he heard a voice over:

Bey of this loyer, disgusting sodomlyann, and, having strikes him, say: "Do you still want to create sins and desecrate various people? Will you walk for the devilian lawlessness, pretending that you go to the superement?"

Angel began to fulfill the commanded to him. With this voice of the angel and the blows were heard, the Angel himself was not visible. In such torment, the man he emptied the Spirit.

Having come once to the market, Saint Andrei met one of the same ink, whom everyone praised a virtuous life. True, he lasted, as inquisition, but without measure, was inclined to Srebroluby. Many of the inhabitants of the city, confessing to him their sins, gave him a lot of gold to distribute them. He, being obsessed with non-random passion, Srebolubia, did not give anyone, and all put in the bag and rejoiced, seeing an increase in money. Passing at the same pathetic ink is expensive, Blessed Andrei saw the witty eyes that this Srebolube wures a terrible Zmiy. Closely approaching Inak, the saint began to consider that Zmia. Ink, taking Andrei for one of the beggars, asking alms, told him:

God raises you, brother; I have nothing to file you.

Overlooking him for a short distance, blissful noted that around him in the air over the serm is written in dark letters:

The root of any lawlessness is the serpent of Srebroluby.

Looking back back, the saint noticed two arms arguing between him - one of them was black and had dark eyes, it was a demon, the other is God's angel, there was white as heavenly light. Black said:

Inok is mine, since he fulfills my will. He is a merciful and chumpy, he has no part with God and works for me as an idolatle.

No, he is mine, "the angel objected," because he will be praying and praying and moreover, he is meek and humble.

So they were intergued, and there was no consent between them. And he was from the sky to the night-blooded angel:

There is no part in Tom Chernech, leave him, because he is not God, and Mamona works.

After this, the Angel of the Lord and the Spirit of Darkness received an elderness over him. Seeing this, Blessed Andrei wondered that the hostile demon was overcome in the dispute of a light angel. Having met once on the street of Inok Togo, Holy took him for his right hand and said:

Slave God, without irritation, listen to me, the slave of yours, and graciously, the departments of the wisp of my words, because because of you suffered a big sorrow, and I can no longer carry so that you, being first of God, became now the devil now. You had a wings like Seraphim: Why did you betray Satan to cut them to the ground? The face you had brilliant, like zipper: why did you darken? Alas to me! You had a spectacle as if many of the eyes, and now the sniped you completely blinded. You were the sun, but went into a dark and distressed night. Why did you, brother, destroyed your soul, why did you make friends with a demon of Srebolombia, I painted him to stay with you, why are you going to gather? Will you be buried with him? After all, after your death, it will come to others! Do you really want to destroy you? While others die from hunger, cold and thirst, you are walking, looking at the abundance of gold. Are there any way to repentance? Is that the charter for the inkom who commands to neglect judge life? How did you renounced the world and what is in the world? Have you crucified the world and all his fuss? Didn't you lean the Lord, saying: " do not change the Zlata, nor Srebra, nor copper, no two robe"(Matt. 10, 9)? Why did you forget these commandments? Now, or tomorrow, our life will end, and Jaja prepared Ecy to whom will(Bow 12, 20)? Don't you know that the angel guarding you with the cry was removed far away from you, and the devil stands beside you, and in the neck, the serpent Srebolombia walked around, you do not notice it. I tell you, - what passing by, I heard the Lord denied from you. I beg you: distribute the estate by the beggar, orphans, widows, poor and wanderers who do not have the place where to bow the head. Try, in order to you again be a friend of God. If you do not listen to me - you will die with the lutest death. The name of Jesus Christ testify that you will immediately see the devil.

After this, he added:

Do you see him?

And opened in the ink spiritual eyes, and he saw the devil black as Ethiopa, beastly, with a terrible mouth; But he stood away and at the sight of Andrei did not dare to approach. Then Inok said to Saint:

Slave of God, I see him, and terrible fear embraced me; Tell me: What is needed to save my soul?

Andrei said to him again:

Believe me: if you do not listen to me, I will find it on you so that he tortured and so that you heard not only some citizens, but all four countries of the Universe; Beware and fulfill what I'm telling you.

Hearing this, Inhibition was afraid and promised to fulfill everything that ordered the saint. And immediate Andrei saw that the mighty spirit came from the east in the image of lightning and touched that Zmia, destroying the power of the latter; Zmey, not being able to endure this, turned into a crow and disappeared. Black Ethiopian also died, and again the power of God was accepted over inkom. Parting with Inok, Blessed commanded him:

Look, do not tell anything about me, and I will remember you in my prayers day and night, so that Lord Jesus Christ sent you to a good way.

After that, Inok went and distributed all his gold and even more was brought by God and people; Many brought gold to him so that he distribute him to the poor. But he ordered sacrifices to distribute it with his own hands, saying:

What is the benefit for me to take care of someone else's sore?

At the time when he lived, as inaco, with a joyful face in the vision, he was Holy Andrei, showed him a bright tree, having a color of sweet fetus, and said:

The thanks to God, for the fact that he is destroyed from the mouth of Zmia and predicted your soul like a color-point tree. Try the same color to turn the fruit sweet. This is a beautiful tree that you see, there is an image of your soul.

Having come to themselves, the ink is even more faster in spiritual doing and always brought thanks to God and the descendants of His Andrei who has written it on the path of salvation.

Holy Andrei so lauded God and so loved his Lord, that one day he was, like the Apostle Paul, admired to the third sky and heard there with distinct verbs and contemplated invisible for the mortal beauty of Paradise. He himself told himself before his ending to his friend Nikifor.

Since somehow, harsh winter happened, and in Constantinople, a strong frost was stood in continuation of two weeks; All dwellings were lined with snow; From the storms broke trees and birds fell dead to the ground, without finding their food. Then all the poor and beggars were in strong grief and imagination; Wall, crying and trembling from the journey, they died due to unnemy, hunger and cold. Then the Blessed Andrei, not having no refuge, no clothes, experienced a lot of grief due to the journey. When he, wishing, though for a while she hide under the roof, came to others, they drove it from themselves with sticks, like a dog, shouting at him:

Went away from here, dog!

Without asylum from the suffering disaster and despairing his life, he said to himself:

Blessed Lord God! If I die from this joine, then let him die for love for him, but God is strong to submit me and suffer the patience to postpone.

Going into one nook, the saint saw the dog lying there and, wanting to warm up her, lay down with her. But, having seen him, the dog got up and gone. And Andrei said himself:

About how much you are sining, the dropsy. Not only people, but also dogs neglect to you!

When he was lying in this way, trembling on the bite of cold and wind, the body was measured and cried and cried, he thought that the time had come to his last sink, and began to pray that the Lord would take his soul with the world. And so suddenly he felt in his inner warmth and, opening his eyes, he saw some beautiful young man whose face was glowed like the sun. He kept in his hand a branch covered with various colors. Looking at Andrei, the young man said:

Andrei, where are you?

Andrey answered:

Now I am " in darkness and sense of mortals"(Ps. 87, 7).

Then the appeared young man slightly touched the face of Andrey the blooming branch, which he kept in his hand, and said:

Get the revival of your body.

Holy Andrei breathed the fragrance of those flowers, it penetrated into his heart, warmed and revived his whole body. Following the sim he heard the voice saying:

In order for him to calm down here, and then he will return again.

With these words, there was a sweet dream on him, and he saw the ineverance of God's revelation, about which he informed the aforementioned Nikifor himself in detail, in such words:

What was with me, I do not know. According to Divine Great, I stayed within two weeks in a sweet vision like a person who, sweetly shipping all night, wakes up in the morning. I saw myself in a beautiful and marvelous paradise and, surprised at this in the soul, I thought: "What does it mean? I know that I live in Constantinople, and how I got it - I don't know." And I did not understand, in the body of the body, or besides the body, the God of West(2 Cor. 12, 2). But I saw himself covered in bright, as it were, a woven robe from the lightning, on my head lay a wreath, woven from many colors; I was obscured by the royal belt and was very happy at the sight of that beauty; I wondered and my heart I was surprised by the unspecified charms of Paradise of God and delighted, walking on him. There were many gardens filled with high trees, which, silent by their vertices, had a great fragrance from the branches, they had a great fragrance. One of those trees incentively bloomed, others were decorated with chilovoid foliage, other had the fruit of unspecified beauty; This trees can not be likened on beauty by a single earthly tree, for they did not have a human hand, but God. In those gardens there were countless birds with gold, snow-white and multicolored wings. They sat on the branches of the paradise trees and sang so beautifully that I did not remember my heart from the sweet singing, and I thought that my singing was heard even at the height of heavenly. Those beautiful gardens stood on the ranks like the one regiment against the other. When I walked with heart joy between them, I saw a large, flowing in the middle of paradise the river, who irrigated the wonderful those gardens. According to both shores of the river, grapes, prostrate the vines, decorated with leaves and chilovoid clouds. There, from all four sides, the quiet and fragrant winds were drowned, from the blow of koie gardens, producing wonderful rustling with their leaves. After this, some horror attacked me, and it seemed to me that I was standing at the top of the heavenly solid, I had some young man with a bright, like the sun, a face dressed in the bugger. I thought it was the one that hit me the blooming branch in the face. When I went to his footsteps, I saw the cross a big and beautiful, according to the form of a similar rainbow, and there were firewalls around him around him, like a flame, singers and chanting a sweet chant, the Slavor Lord, who had no time crucified on the cross. The young man who went to me, approaching the cross, wrapped it and gave me a sign and me, so that I wrap a cross. Putting to the Holy Cross with fear and a great joy, I diligently lied it. I love him, I was fulfilled by the unspecified spiritual sweetness and smelled the fragrance of a stronger paradise. Having passed past the cross, I looked down and saw it as if sea abyss. It seemed to me that I hinder the air; Frightened, I shouted my guide to my guide:

Mr. I'm afraid, no matter how much I feel in depth.

He, turning to me, said:

Do not be afraid, for we need to rise even higher.

And he filed my hand. When I grabbed her, we were already above the second solid. There I saw wonderful husbands, their rest and the human joy indescribable in the language of their holiday. After this, we entered some wonderful flame that did not puzzle us, but only mad. I began to horrify, and again my guide, turning around, filed my hand and said:

We should rise even higher.

And after the words, we climbed above the third sky, where I saw and heard the many strength of the heavenly, chasing and salloneous God. We approached some kind of glistening, like zipper, the curtain, which was the great and terrible young men, like a fiery flame; Their faces shone brighter than the sun, and in their hands they had a fiery weapon. I feel with fear, I saw countless celestial worm. And I told me the young man:

When the curtain is rejected, you will see the Lord of Christ. Will the throne of the glory of His.

Hearing this, I was happy and tremble, because I was horrified and inevitable joy. I stood and watched, waiting for the curtain. And here, some kind of fiery hand rejected the veil, and I like the prophet Isaiah, the progress of the Lord My sedying on the throne of the High and Exalted and Seraphi Standing Okrest Ego(Is. 6, 1-2). It was clothed in crimped clothes; His face was led, and his eyes looked at me with love. Seeing this, I fell before him by the NIC, worshiping the ledge and terrible throne of his glory. What joy embraced me when contemplating his face, it is impossible words and express. Even now, with the memories of the vision, I am fully joying. In the thrill I lay before my domain, amazing such His mercy that he painted me, wicked and sinner, to appear before him and contemplate his Divine beauty. Reflecting on his unnecessary and contemplating the greatness of my lord, I dismissed and repeated the words of the prophet Isaiah: " Own az! Yako how to love, man and uncleans satisfying them, gentlemen of my welfare"(IS. 6, 5). And I heard a premium Creator of My Creator, imagined three divine words to me, koi, koi so much and misunderstood his love that I was imprisoned from the warmth, and turned on On me the word Davidovo: " my heart is mine, yako wax melting through my wrap"(Ps. 21, 6). After this, all the heavenly army squeezed the preliminary and unfaded song, and then I don't understand and myself, like, I again found myself walking in paradise. And I thought about what I did not see the most Mr. Mother of the Virgin . And so I saw a husband, light, like a cloud, wearing a cross and speaking:

The preserved celestial forces of the queen wanted you to see here? But it is not here. She retired in a multi-party world - to help people and console mournful. I would show you her holy placeBut now there is no time, for you should come back to go there, where did you come from: so the Lord commands you.

When he said this, it seemed to me as if I fell sweetly; Then, waking up, I found himself on the place where he was previously lying in the corner. And I was surprised to where I was during the vision, and what was in order to see. My heart turned into unfavorable joy, and I thanked my lord who had learned to reveal to me such grace.

This vision of St. Andrei told before his ending to his friend Nikifor and took an oath from him not to talk about anyone until he dismissed from the bond. Nikifor diligently begged the saint so that he tells him at least one of those three words that the Lord spoke to him; But the holy did not wish to open. So Saint Andrei, admired, like the apostle Paul, saw what was not seen by the Barnish Oko, heard what the mortal ear heard was heard, and enjoyed in revelation such heavenly beauties, which did not imagine the human heart. And since, with the revelation of heavenly secrets, he did not see the Mr. Virgin, he had to see her to see on Earth in the vision in the Velvernskaya Church, when she, come to help people, appeared in the air, with the prophets, apostles and ranks Angelic, praying People and covering their honest omophore. Seeing her, Blessed told the student to his Epiphany:

Do you see the praying queen and Mrs. everyone?

Epiphany answered:

I see the holy father, and horrify.

Conducting wondrous lives, Saint Andrei mysrered a lot and has undergone many rules and beatings, as he was reported in a separate book of his lively written by Nikifor. He predicted the future and drew to repentance of many sinners. He then moved to the eternal abode, to the koim used to be temporarily admired; Now, marching in them forever, rejoices with the angels and in bliss to be to God, one in three faces: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the fame of God forever. Amen.

Tropear Saint, voice 1:

The voice of the Apostle of Your Paul Hearing the verb: We are Yurodi Christ for the sake of the Slave of your Andrei Brodrod to be on the earth, for the sake of Christ, God, the darkness of the memory of Ego is honorably, you pray: Lord, our sow.

Kondak, voice 4:

In nature, by the Wheems, the world of this beauty, bye, thoroughly asked the carnal wise wisdom, faded Ecy, post and thirst, and heat, and the students of the gloom, from the rain and snow, and from other airbone, the belligerents, cleared Ei herself, Yako Zlatto in the horn, Andrei Blessed.


Lev VI Wise-Byzantine Emperor from 886th to 912.Vasiliya Macedonian, his father, reign from 867 to 886 and began his own. Macedonian dynasty.

In all Slavic Life Lists of St. Andrey Yurodova is called Slavic, according to the Greek script - Scythian; But in the continuation of the Greeks, the Eastern Slavs became mistakenly called the Eastern Slavs, mixing them with the wild nomadic people in Eastern Europe - Scythians before in Eastern Europe.

Sculpture means actually madness. - Industry about Christ is a special, the highest form of Christian mobility. Forceable hot jealousy and fiery love for God, the Yreek Christ for God, not satisfied with all other deprivations and self-denials, renounced the most important difference between a person in a number of earthly beings - from the usual consumption of mind, voluntarily taking over the appearance of a crazy person who does not know the decency, Neither the feeling of shame - the petitioner sometimes, apparently, seductive actions. With full self-consciousness, imagining the insane, the Yreek Christ of Christ was subjected to incessant insults, were almost all left and rejected; Living in society, they were no less single, as well as living in wild deserts. Refusing completely from all property, from all the amenities and the benefits of life, free from any attachments to the earth, without having a certain refuge and exposed to all accidents of unemployed life, these orders of God were as if aliens from another world. Food, clothing, housing, it seemed, did not constitute the essential need for them and the necessary life affiliation. With all the fact, the weakly preserved always the sublime spirit, the eyes of his mind and the hearts of their god, constantly burning in the Spirit before him. Carrying insignificantly insults and deprivities, they were alien and spiritual pride, considering themselves great sinners. The sake of Christ is an arbitrary, constant martyrdom, a constant struggle against themselves, against peace and devil, and moreover, the struggle is the most difficult and most cruel. - devoid, apparently, the simple common sense of human, the weeds committed, however, such civil feats of love To the closest, which are not available to other people. Do not hesitate to tell the truth to the eyes of anyone, they are in their own words or extraordinary deeds, they were gloating and hit people of unfair and sinful, often mighty and strengths, they glad and comforted people of pious and giba-fearing. The yreets were often rotated among the most vicious members of society, in order to correct them and save them, and many of these loops were returned to the path of truth and good. Having a gift to predict the future, they prayed with their prayers from their fellow citizens from disasters who threatened them and disgusted the wrath of God. With all the difficulty, the feat of the disorder demanded that the saints of devotees and high wisdom, so that there is no unwind in the glory of God and climbing the neighbor, not allowing anything sinful, in the apparent digest anything seductive or offensive for others. The first devotees of the disorder about Christ appeared very early, in the cradle of the initial monocurity - Egypt, in the second half of the IV century.

St. Simeon of Christ for the sake of the Yurozhnye lasted in Syria, in Ukraine, about 590 years. His memory is performed on July 21.

In Russian translation: "Because the noemuda of God's wisdom of humans." A richness about Christ, the fact that the world considers madness, and there is a higher, true wisdom, as opposed to the wisdom of this century, which is madness before God. The above words of the Apostle, together with the subsequent, applied to the SVV. Apostles and to many Holy God, especially attached to the Yurodiva Christ for the sake of: boey God, the wisdom of Man. And the weakness of God's mumbling of God. ... Bulya of the world is elected God, and wisdom will be a might: and the weak world of God is elected, yes, the sratis is strong: and the humorous world and the humiliage of God, and not judge (meaningless), yes, essential (meaning) abolish. These words are up. Paul can serve as an excellent explanation and, as it were, the characteristic of the great feat of the scientific of Christ.

Here, obviously, of course, the famous purple Roman column, erected by Konstantin's great in the grateful memory of the victory, won over Maksenzius by the power of the Cross of Christ, and they were also transported later to Constantinople.

In the Greek script of the lives of St. Andrei Yurodiva, in conclusion, the writer says: "I, Nikifor, the greatness of the Almighty of God, a glory of the Church of the Great Grad, named the wisdom (Sofia) of God (i.e. Sophia Cathedral), I wrote a wonderful and adast life of the honest in the holy Father Andrew, as I saw my own eyes and found out from the glorious epiphany that was after the bishop. "

St. Andrey Yurodova died 66 years old. Corus followed about 936

[Greek. ̓Ανδρέας ὁ σαλός] (v or ix-x centuries), PRP. (PAM. 2 Oct., Pam. Greek. May 28). Information about A. Yu. Contained in his life, the author of the fourth name is Nikifor, the Jerus of the Church of St. Sophia in the K-Field, who personally knew the saint. More than 110 full and fragmented Greek have been preserved. Manuscripts containing different grades of life, the most ancient list - a uncial fragment of the 2nd floor. X in. (Monac. Gr. 443). According to life, the Holy lived in the time of the "Christ-loving king of the Lion of the Great" (Imp. Lev I) and the PRP. Daniel Stalnik († 493). However, a number of anachronism in the text and its similarity with the lives of others, Symeon Emen, Vasily, new, nifiona Cyprus - forced his first publisher of Bulldist K. Yannang to attribute the time of life A. Yu. To the Board of IMP. Lion VI (886-912), and the creation of lives - to the X century. Agreeing with this, archive. Sergius (Spassky) pointed out later the appearance of the name of St. Greek. Synaksari (XII century). According to I. I. Szrevnevsky (P. 157), an ancient Life of A. Yu could exist, written in the VI century. and recycled in gray. X in., And S. Mango believed that Life A. Yu. It was created in Con. VII century (Mango. P. 298). In the works of L. Ryuden, the dating of Life 50s was argued in detail. X in.

Images of A. Yu. In Russia, appeared, apparently, no later than the XIV century. (in 1371 in Novgorod, the centuries was erected in the name of A. Yu. In the Sitetsky Andreevsky Mon-Rea, where the temple icon of the saint) could be. There are 2 main iconographic variants of the image of A. Yu.- as part of the composition "Pokrov's Mother of God" and as an independent image. Sophia icon-painted script (con. XVI century), indicating the days of the memory of the saint, does not add special description iconography to them. In the original of the consolidated edition (Bolshakovsky script, the XVIII century) of the prescriptions about the image of A. Yu. Contained in articles under 2 Oct., May 28 and 1 Oct. In the description of the composition "Pokrov's Lady". Iconography is being built to the image of St. Elijah Prophet ("Sed, Bras and Vlasia Impi Prok" - May 28) or Andrei Prattylate ("Aki Andrei Stratilat's Person" - 2 Oct.). Distinctive feature The appearance characterizing the saint as a whitewashed is the robe: "Riza Sankiwood game from Belil, short to the knees, and the shoulder right and the ribs to the belt goals, the hands of the crown pressed, the legs of the Bosa" (May 28).

The only preserved sole image of A. Yu. Is icon Ser. XVI in. "Saint Andrey Yurody, with the living in 18 stamps" (MRM), probably originating from C. sv. Andrei Sittsky Mont-Rya. In the furnace icons A. Yu. It is presented to the front, in growth, in a green dress, thrown on the shoulders and leaving the naked chest, right-raised up arm and legs. A significant part of the brand icons is devoted to the vision and wonders of the saint, among the first vision of A. Yu. 3 of the crowns and the fight against the devil; Phenomenon A. Yu. Ap. John; The phenomenon of A. Yu. Jesus Christ; Miracle on dismissed doors; Vision in the Varoran Church of the Virgin and others. In the XVII century. Illustrations of individual episodes of Life A. Y. often appear in the miniature of facial manuscripts, for example. "The lives of the blessed Andrei of the Yurodivoye and his disciple of his epiphany" (RNB. OLDP. Q. 54. L. 8B., 278. XVII century), Fear from facial lives A. Yu. (RGB. F. 722. No. 370. L . 2-4, after a third of the XVII century. (?)) And others.

In the image of the Pokrov of Our Lady, which has an independent iconographic tradition, A. Yu. Presented at the bottom of the composition indicating the miracle of the phenomenon of Our Lady to their disciple bunch. The appearance of the saint on the icons of the XIV-XVI centuries. Most often corresponds to the instructions of the iconographic script. At the Novgorod Icon "Pokrov, the Lady" Ser. 2nd floor. XV century (GTG) A. Yu. Dressed in the sideline, enveloping the whole figure.

East: BHG, N 115Z - 117K; Actass. Maii. T. 4 (1688). P. 4 * -111; PG. 111. Col. 625-888; Navy. October, days 1-3. St. Petersburg., 1870. STB. 80-273; Vassiliev a. Anecdota graco-byzantina. M., 1893. T. 1. P. 50-58 [prophecy about the fate of Byzantium]; Ίίος καὶ πολιτεία τοῦ ὁσίου πατρὸς ἡμῶν ̓ανδρέου τοῦ Διὰ χριστὸν σιὰ χρι ἐκ Σιναϊτικοῦ χειρογράφου. ̓Αθῆναι, 1911; ZHSV. Oct. Kn. 2. p. 52-74; The Life of St. Andrew The fool / ed. by L. Rydén. Uppsala, 1995. T. 1: Introd., Testimonies and Nachleben; T. 2: TEXT, TRANSL. and notes; Moldova a. M. Life of Andrei Yurodivoye in Slavic writing. M., 2000 [Slav. and Greek. texts, research]; Life of Andrei Yurodivaya / entry Art., Per. and comments. E. V. Zhasto. St. Petersburg, 2001 [Greek. Text, lane.]

Lit.: Kovalevsky and. Justice about Christ and Christ for the sake of the Yreek Eastern and Russian Church. M., 1895; Sergius (Spassky), Archipel. St. Andrey, Christ for the sake of the oral // wanderer. 1898. № 9-12. P. 3-33, 193-214, 393-425, 605-652; Szreznevsky and. Life of Andrei Yurodivaya // Pravas. 1880. T. 20. Part 4. P. 149-184; Murray s. A Study of the Life of Andreas: The Fool for the Sake of Christ. Borna; Lpz., 1910; Spassky f. G. Russian liturgical creativity (on Sovr. Mineyam). P., 1951; Da Costa-Louillet g. Saints de Constantinople AUX VIIIE, IX ET XE Siècles // BYZ. 1954. T. 24. p. 179-214; Janin. Églises et monastères. P. 32-33; Ryd é n l. The Vision of the Virgin At Blachernae And The Feast of Pokrov // Anboll. 1976. Vol. 94. p. 63-82; IDEM. The Date of Life of Andreas Salos // DOP. 1978. T. 32. p. 127-155; IDEM. The Holy Fool // The Byzantine Saint / Ed. S. Hakel. L., 1981. p. 106-113; IDEM. Style and Historical FICTION IN THE LIFE OF ST. Andreas Salos // Jöb. 1982. BD. 32. S. 175-183; Mango c. The Life of St. Andrew The Fool ReconSidered // RIV. Di Studi Bizantini E Slavi. 1982. Vol. 2. P. 297-313; SCCR. Vol. 1. P. 131-132; Μαρτίνης π. Σ. Ο Σαλὸς ἅγ. ̓Ανδρέας καὶ ἡ σαλότητα στὴν ̓ορθόδοξη ἐκκλησία. ̓Αθῆναι, 1988; Ivanov with. BUT . Byzantine scientific. M., 1994. P. 86-94.

Lit.: Millet. Athos. PL. 147.1, 214; Mango c., Hawkins E. J. W. The Hermitage Of St. Neophytos and Its Wall Paintings // DOP. 1956. Vol. 20. P. 179, 195, 196. Note 189. Fig. 92; R É Au. Iconograph. Vol. 3/1. P. 84-85; Guseva e. To. About the icon of Andrey Yurodivaya in life. XVI in. in the cat. Russian Museum // Dionysius and Art of Moscow XV-XVI century: Tez. Dokl. Scientific conf. 22-25 Nov. 1976. B. m., B. G. RKP.

YU . Nikiforova, N. IN . Brewovarova