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Temperature norms in the apartment. Indoor temperature in the Labor Code at different times of the year. Norm for apartment

For a comfortable stay in the apartment, it is necessary to maintain a certain level of room temperature. The norm may differ depending on the climatic environment and the season, as well as the needs of the body. The deviation from the norm can lead to poor well-being or development of diseases.

Behind the room temperature should be monitored

Well-being when overheating the body

Regardless of the season, too hot conditions in the apartment can cause bad well-being. Comfortable temperature for a person should not exceed or be equal to +26 degrees.

With the overheating of the body, the heart suffers first. The heat causes the body to spend more fluid, which is why the blood is thickened and the heart becomes more difficult to distinguish between blood. Therefore, people with the problems of the cardiovascular system are recommended to carefully monitor the temperature regime of the house.

In this video you will learn what temperature in the room should be:

Dry and hot air often leads to the dehydration of the body. To normalize the temperature, the body sweats well, which is lost liquid. As signs of dehydration appear gradually, you can not have time to fill the water balance. Long-term dehydration can lead to disorders of the nervous system, dry skin and constant fatigue.

In addition, maintaining the hot atmosphere leads to the reproduction of harmful bacteria. Heat is the main condition for creating a favorable environment for the appearance of bacteria. To avoid undesirable infections, adhere to the recommended temperature regime for the winter and summer period.

The effect of supercooling on well-being

If the in winter is not supported by a sufficient level of heat, then the risk of developing the light stage of hypothermia. Reducing the ambulation causes reinforced heat transfer. Being cold premises for quite a long time, the body can no longer fill the heat loss and maintain the necessary temperature (not lower than 36 degrees). The supercooling may cause a number of diseases:

  • ORVI;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • inflammatory processes.

Various diseases have several bases, for example, supercooling

It is especially important to maintain a comfortable environment in children's rooms, since the body of young children is not able to independently save enough heat.

Thus, the minimum room temperature is the number of degrees needed to maintain heat.

Room temperature standards

The optimal temperature in the room for a person largely depends on the individual needs and other factors. At the state level, this value is governed by Document GOST 30494-2011 and R 51617-2000. According to GOST, the standard parameters of the microclimate in the room are:

  • residential rooms - from +20 to 23 degrees. Celsius;
  • kitchen and toilet - from +18 to 21 degrees. Celsius;
  • bathroom - from +23 to 25 degrees. Celsius;
  • corridor, pantry, staircase - from +14 to 19 degrees. Celsius;
  • in the summer - from +24 to 28 degrees. Celsius;
  • in winter - from +22 to 24 degrees. Celsius.

In winter, the temperature in the premises should be higher by 3-4 degrees, in comparison with summer

Depending on the purpose of the room, the average temperature conditions are determined. For example, sleep better in a well-ventilated room with a temperature of about 22 degrees. In a faster setting it will be more difficult to fall asleep, and nightmares will dream in the cold.

If the question concerns the children's bedroom, the temperature in the room must be adjusted depending on the age of the child. Thus, for comfortable, the baby is best to adhere to the maximum allowable temperature regime (+ 23 ... + 24 degrees). During the cultivation, the rule will decrease to minimum indicators, comfortable for adults (+ 19 ... + 20 degrees).

Bathroom with the largest humidity in the apartment, so follows the standards of sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN) in the bathroom is important for personal hygiene. When the indicator deflects from the norm in the bathroom, dampness occurs and mold begins to form.

A suitable temperature in the kitchen is determined by the type of household appliances that are used in the kitchen, as well as the intensity of their operation. Thus, if the kitchen is often used kettle and stove, the temperature in the room will be too hot, so the degree should be reduced. However, when using electrical equipment, the temperature in the room will not change, since such devices have the level of heat transfer below.

Factors defining comfortable conditions

Regulatory indicators of comfortable temperature in a person for a person are based on ideal conditions, in which significant seasonal fluctuations do not occur, additional measures of increasing or decrease in temperature are not used and all people have the same preferences. In life the determination of the optimal conditions of the residential room may depend on a number of factors:

  1. Various climatic zones.
  2. Significant temperature fluctuations on the street.
  3. Features of the building of the house (in brick heat keeps better than in panel).
  4. Human factor. Some people are pleased to be in a well-ventilated room, while other people are suitable for air-conditioned air.
  5. Women look warm more, and men - on the contrary. Children are comfortable in the room, where + 21 ... + 23 degrees.

Considering the various preferences of each person, it is recommended to adhere to standard standards. The temperature in the room must be comfortable for a particular person.

Independent deviation measurement and adjustment

In order to maintain a normal temperature mode, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in the microclimate of the apartment.

To obtain detailed information about what air temperature and humidity level can be used a conventional thermometer and hygrometer.

Placing the measuring instruments should be at a distance of at least 1 meter from the outer walls and at an altitude of at least 1.4 meters. If there is a suspicion that the temperature balance was broken into the room, it is recommended to carry out control measurements every hour within a day.

In the event of a deviation from the standard of 3 degrees, day or 5 degrees at night, you can submit an act of the measurements on the basis of which the payment for utilities is recalculated.

You can adjust the room microclimate yourself, using one of the methods:

  • room ventilation with a draft;
  • the use of an air conditioner that can heat or cool the air, as well as to ventilate, clean and moisturize it;
  • install traditional heat sources - convectors or electric fireplaces.

It is important to remember that in the winter period, the average temperature of the room should not be descended below 19 degrees of heat. A significant decrease in temperature is a sign of poor-quality provision of heating services.

With the moment of the offensive of the heating season, the question of the temperature climate in the residential premises is especially relevant. It often happens that the temperature of the walls in the apartment on the standards and the real temperature is very different from each other, which is a violation by communal services. And what is generally the temperature of the walls should be in the apartment and how to measure the temperature of the walls in the apartment?

The temperature of the walls indoors

The permissible temperature of the wall in the apartment in the winter is regulated at the legislative level. Norms are allocated according to GOST, SNiP (building standards and rules) and sanitary standards.

The temperature of the walls in the apartment should be such that in the room it was comfortable. The main heating of the apartment in the cold season should be carried out mainly due to central heating, which is provided by the city communal services.

What are the temperature of the walls to be in the apartment?

According to the legislative documents on the heat supply of residential premises, the average temperature in apartments in the cold and warm seasons should be about 20-23 degrees. This temperature is considered comfortable for life.

Indeed, if such a microclimate is supported in the residential, a child and adult will live in it. But not always the real indicators of the temperature of the walls and air in apartments correspond to the established standards. Especially often it happens during the heating season. The apartment of the tenants are not warm well, although considerable money is charged for heating.

For the most part, utility specialists are repelled not from the temperature of the walls, but on the total air temperature indoors. Batteries may not warm the walls enough, but the air they warm well (under the condition of the normal current of hot water and the absence of trusting). It is also taken into account that from the outside of the walls are actively cooled, so the temperature of the walls in the room may differ from the air temperature.

How is the temperature of the walls in the apartment measured? Measurements are made at special points. The temperature indicator is not measured in close proximity to the walls or windows. In most cases, a point that is 1.5 meters above the floor and 1 meter from the outer wall is selected. It is noteworthy that if the air temperature does not match the established norm, the payment of heat supply is reduced by 0.15% for each hour of non-compliance with the state established by the state.

The temperature of the walls in the apartment on the stands of SNiP

The temperature of the walls in the apartment on the standards stands is practically no different from the established norms. According to construction standards and rules by number 2.04.05-91, the temperature in the residential premises should not be descended below 20 degrees.

It is worth considering that the permissible temperature of the walls in the apartment according to the standp standards strongly depends on the temperature of the external environment and the so-called dew point.

Norm of the temperature of the walls in the apartment in Sainpin

The temperature of the walls in the apartment for sanitary standards in the residential room is 24 degrees Celsius. It is worth noting that only the upper temperature limit is indicated in sanitary standards. As for the residential rooms (regardless of their type), the temperature is one.

In general, the temperature of the walls in the apartment under sanitary standards is practically no different about the norms that are indicated in the construction rules and interstate standard. In any case, the air temperature and wall temperature in apartments are identical in all legislative documents.

Learn more The upper and lower limits of temperature standards are spelled out in GOST. In the documents of SanPiN and lower information.

The temperature of the walls in the apartment in winter

The temperature of the walls in the Gosta apartment (30494-2011) depends on the type of room and the time of year. For cold seasons (from the moment the heating is turned on) the norms are as follows:

  • Residential premises
    20-22 degrees
  • Residential premises in the Northern region
    21-23 degrees
  • Kitchen
    19-21 degrees
  • Restroom
    19-21 degrees
  • Combined bathroom and bathroom
    24-26 degrees
  • Corridor between apartments
    19-20 degrees
  • Children's room
    23-24 degrees

It turns out that on average the temperature of the walls in the apartment in the winter season should be 20-22 degrees. The magnitude of the temperature indicator almost completely coincides with the norms specified in SNiP and SanPiN.

In addition to the temperature of the walls in the apartment, it is necessary to rely on common sense. The standards for the temperature of the walls into the room are prepared depending on the purpose of the room. At the example, moderate coolness should be observed in the bedrooms and they should be used regularly, because in the room with a high temperature of the walls and, accordingly, the air, sleep much worse.

The optimal temperature indicator in the nursery also depends on the age of the baby. For breasts, it is necessary to maintain the norm designated in Guest - 24 degrees. As the child matches the temperature should gradually fall to the lower limit of the norm and then gradually displayed into normal for the ordinary residential room.

In the bathroom, the temperature indicator of the walls and air depends largely on the frequency of use of the room. In such a room there is a constantly high humidity rate, so the impression can be created that there is dumping and cold in there, although it is not. With the kitchen, the situation is approximately the same. Depending on the amount of used equipment and frequency of cooking, the temperature should be varied. The more often in the kitchen is prepared, the lower the low temperature should be maintained (from the oven, stoves and other equipment, the air and the walls are still heated). If the kitchen is actively used, it is better to maintain a temperature there closer to the upper limit of the norm.

Normally, the temperature of the wall in the corner apartment should be 2 degrees to exceed the one specified in GUT 51617-2000. Some utilities are focused on the indicators specified in GUT 30494-96, but it is less meaningful and in it about the temperature of the walls in the corner apartment is not mentioned.

In residential rooms during the cold seasons, the temperature should not be lowered below 22 degrees, in non-residential - below 21 degrees. For the northern regions, the minimum temperature, respectively, more. For residential premises, its indicator should not be less than 23 degrees.

Freezing of walls in the apartment - permissible temperature

The temperature limit at which the walls of the building begin to blend, directly depends on the thickness of the walls, the state of ventilation, windows and design features as a whole. And also the influence and location of housing. Washing wall in the apartment The permissible temperature for each room is indicated in SNiP 23-02-2033 "Thermal protection of buildings".

The calculation of the permissible temperature to the freezing of the walls in the apartment is quite complicated. On average, the limiting temperature indicator is 20 degrees Celsius.

Measurement of the temperature of the walls in the apartment

At home and without a professional device, the temperature of the walls in the apartment is almost impossible. An infrared thermometer is used to measure the measurement. How to measure the temperature of the walls in the apartment with this device? Everything is simple: the infrared beam emitted by the thermometer is directed to the desired wall. An indicator will appear on the instrument dial. This will be the temperature of the wall in the apartment.

After you have measured the temperature of the walls in the apartment, you need to compare the results with the rules. However, it is necessary to take into account that the results may not be completely reliable.

Ideally, it should be ordered a measure of the temperature of the walls in the apartment from specialists who have official permissions and tolerances. In addition, they have more accurate equipment, which will affect the measurement results. Professionals also help to arrange the necessary documents confirming the temperature of the walls with which then you can contact the court. On average, the cost of such a procedure in Moscow, St. Petersburg and regions of the Russian Federation is 1 thousand rubles.

How to file a complaint to the low temperature of the walls in the apartment?

If, after measuring the temperature of the walls in the apartment, it turned out that it does not correspond to the state established by the state, it can be safely complained. To do this, it is necessary to contact the repair and operational management or the organization that serves a residential building and inform them about a violation of the temperature regime. Please note: at the time of communication, an employee of the structure must report his position and surname.

After submitting an application, the Commission will be compiled in which the representative of the Heating network and the repair and operational management worker will be included. While visiting a residential premises, specialists will independently carry out measurements of temperature and make an act. This act will be a documentary confirmation that the room heating service is provided with a residential apartment in improperly.

After that, the staff of the heating network and repair and operational management will find out for which reasons the temperature decreases below the established norm. Then, depending on the results, repair work will be carried out to eliminate insufficient heat supply. After all necessary works, employees of the relevant instances will hold a secondary inspection of the premises and will be issued to the HELLS of the second act. The document will confirm that the temperature of the walls and air indoors complies with the standards and this is confirmed by repeated instrumental measurements.

If employees of public services refuse to somehow facilitate the normalization of temperature in the room, you can contact the social protection authorities or the prosecutor's office. In such cases, more thorough investigations and utilities are punishable. Volokatites are larger, but a successful result is almost 100% guaranteed.


The temperature of the wall temperature in the apartment depends on the specific region of the apartment (ordinary or angular) and the season. In the warm season, the temperature should be 22-25 degrees. For cold seasons, the normal temperature is from 19 to 24 degrees. The specific indicator of the norm depends on the room. The warmer should be in children's and residential rooms.

If a person has doubts that the temperature of the walls in the apartment does not match the established standards, it is possible to conduct an independent measurement of the temperature indicator using an infrared thermometer or order a measure of temperature from specialists. If the fears are confirmed in the residential room, the temperature will be inappropriate, it is necessary to contact the appropriate communal instance and require the elimination of the lack of heat supply.

Housing and communal services are required to provide comfortable conditions in apartments, so in winter it should be warm in the housing. Managing companies are far from always provide indoors the instrumental temperature. As a result, the tenants of apartment buildings not only marznut, but also forced to overpay for services inappropriate quality.

Let's figure it out with ways to influence the management company.

Optimum temperature for man

During the studies, the most affordable living conditions were identified. Normal temperature in the apartment should be in the range of 21 to 25 degrees.

Such a large scatter is explained:

  1. individual characteristics of the body;
  2. age of man;
  3. his way of life;
  4. floor.

The research results formed the basis of the accepted technical standards.

Existing norms permissible temperature in the dwelling

The requirements for the temperature regime in housing are installed in GOST R 51617-2000. This document provides for differentiated indicators, taking into account the season and the appointment of the room in the apartment. Permissible The temperature rate in the apartment in the heating season is in the range of 18 to 25 degrees.

The following indicators are installed in relation to individual parts of apartments and public premises:

  • for residential room from 18 to 24 degrees;
  • for a bathroom at least 24 - 26 degrees;
  • for a kitchen from 18 to 19 degrees (this is due to heating devices that are on it);
  • for children's rooms, the norm ranges from 21 to 24 degrees (for babies is optimal higher temperature, and for older children - closer to the lower limit);
  • for the rest of the premises in the apartment, the norm is within 18 - 22 degrees;
  • for the landing site from 14 to 20 degrees;
  • for the corridor between apartments from 16 to 22 degrees.

The air temperature in the apartment may deviate from the norm by no more than 3 degrees. With regard to the residential room, the discrepancy is allowed only from midnight to 5 in the morning.

If the apartment is angular, then the minimum temperature plank increases by 2 degrees, since the room has 2 walls overlooking the street.

Parameters of the battery and the procedure for measuring their temperature

To determine the compliance with the permissible temperature rate in the apartment during the winter, it is necessary to check the operation of the batteries. They should be periodically monitored to establish the validity of utility tariffs.

Regulations governing the minimum temperature of radiators are not provided. At the same time, the maximum heating limit of the batteries defined in SNiP 41-01-2003 was established.

  • If the heating system is two-pipe, then the radiator should not be heated stronger than 95 degrees.
  • When a single-tube system, the limit is 115 degrees.

To establish deviations from a permissible temperature norm and achieve recalculation, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the radiators in one of the following methods:

  1. applying a standard electronic thermometer to the battery surface (in this case, it is necessary to add to the indications of no more than 2 degrees);
  2. with a heat meter that perceives infrared radiation;
  3. taking advantage of an alcohol type thermometer (when measured it is required to isolate from the environment).

Any of the instruments used must have a certificate and passport, where the rules for use and the characteristics of the error are contained.

Meat temperature in the apartment

Violations can be detected by fixing the temperature in the apartment. Measurements should be carried out by observing a number of rules:

  • fix the temperature is necessary on a cloudy day so that the sun does not heat the air;
  • if the doors, windows or walls are not sealed, then it is required to limit air flow;
  • measurements are conducted in 2 rooms (except for apartments with a single residential premises);
  • the temperature is fixed at a distance of at least half a meter from the outer wall and heating devices and not lower than 60 cm from the floor;
  • as with the establishment of compliance with the permissible rate of temperature of the battery in the apartment, you should use a certified instrument that has a passport.

For temperature standards, see the video:

Actions when detecting deviations

Finding the inconsistency of the temperature regime in the housing of the current standards, you must contact the management company. It must send a brigade to establish the causes of the lack of heat.

If the source of the problem is not found, it is required to refer to the OPC operator with a statement of measurements. The organization will be verified and will draw up an act in which the evaluated testimony will record. Before signing the document, it is worth familiar with the used equipment and test results.

The next step will be the direction of the Act and the claim to eliminate the problems and recalculation of the cost of services already rendered.

If the management company refuses to comply with the requirements, then it is necessary to apply to the court. This requires to collect all copies of documents (acts, applications and claims), which the citizen exchanged and the Housing and Public Utilities operator exchanged.

The plaintiff is entitled to demand a reduction in the cost of services rendered by 0.15% for each period of the period when the permissible temperature rate was not respected. Practice shows that it is possible to achieve overly paid services to return only, initiating a trial.

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The microclimate in an apartment or a private house is considered to be the main condition necessary for the convenient stay of all households. Comfortable room temperature for a person can be different, it is determined by the individual preferences and features of the body. Separately, it is worth saying about the temperature mode for kids, since it differs slightly from the norms for adults and it is strongly recommended to follow it.

What kind of room temperature should be in an apartment or a private house, you can find out in GUT 1.5-2001. But this rule largely depends on the factors affecting the final indicators. There are several conditions that can change it:

  1. Climatic features. All countries are conditionally divided into northern and southern. In each of them, its concepts about which temperature should be in the room, since climatic conditions are determined not only by air temperature indicators. They include the average humidity, the amount of precipitation, atmospheric pressure. Special attention is paid to sunny days throughout the year, since in some locations this indicator is quite low. On the basis of all data, regulatory documents are drawn up.
  2. Seasons. It is not worth a long time to explain that seasonal features also play a role in the formation of a microclimate in the room. In the summer, the temperature is high, the air is overwhelmed, in the fall there is an increased humidity, in the winter the indicators are somewhat declined regardless of the quality of heating. Optimal figures can be observed in the spring, especially in the case when the season was not very rainy.
  3. The human factor is also worth considering because the normal temperature in the room for each will be different. Women more often freeze than men, so for them the norm by 2-3 degrees above. Some people on the hottest summer day feel quite comfortable, while others in the winter are constantly complaining about the foolot and open the windows.
  4. Materials from which housing are built, also play a role. Apartment buildings are usually built of special plates that are quickly heated and cooled. A private house can be built of brick, slagoblock or other materials, and the rate of accumulation and spending heat in them is different.

People of old age and children also feel in different ways, the norms for them are different. Especially important is the optimal microclimate for infants.

Permanent hypothermia (supercooling) is a danger to adult and child health. The reason for it can be reduced indoor temperature and increased humidity. As a result, the body is in stressful state and uses all resources to normalize metabolic processes. The need for calorie food, which turns into energy to heat the body increases.

Gradually advocates the imminent immunity. Adults are easier to carry such a state, since the heat transfer of their body is quite high. The blood circulation of children is much better, but they have low heat transfer, so with constant finding indoors at a temperature of less +18 degrees, their body is quickly cooled.

As a result of constant hypothermia, symptoms of colds pathologies, trachea lesions, bronchi and lungs appear. The slowing down of blood flow leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to cells. As a result, the regeneration of tissues after damage deteriorates.

It is dangerous supercooling not only for children, but also for women, the bodies of the reproductive system of which are sharply reacting to any changes in temperature regime. Inflammation of the appendages is considered the most common disease, which develops in the case of long-term hypothermia.

In addition to the supercooling of adults and children, headaches are often tormented. This is due to the vessel spasms arising in response to the constantly reduced room temperature. Usually analgesics eliminate symptoms for a short time, as it is required to remove the root cause.

Harm overheating

Harm overheating

Overheating (hyperthermia) for the body brings no less harm than supercooling. In adults, the constantly elevated indoor temperature causes a headache, contributes to an increase in the figuration of blood pressure and deterioration of the overall state.

Women hardly transfer such conditions, especially during menstruation or menopause. The expansion of blood vessels leads to an increase in blood loss, and the tides bring even more discomfort than usual. There is also insomnia, weakness and reduction of working capacity. Man becomes apathetic, drowy.

For infants, overheating is badbecause negatively affects all organs and systems. The baby begins to breathe mouth, the mucous membranes of the mouth of the oral cavity. In the nasal sinuses there is a mucus, which turns into a crust, impede breathing, and in the skin folds are formed hyperticated areas.

With constant overheating, hyperemia passes into inflammation, minor ulcerations appear. Healing is long-term, since oxygen access is limited to the place of lesion. The work of the sweat glands of the child becomes intense, it loses a large amount of liquid. This can lead to dehydration.

Especially dangerous overheating for children who suffer from chronic bronchitis. As a result of a constant overhangship of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, the disease is complicated, the child coughs more often, but the sputum does not leave. At elevated temperature in the room, dust rises and gets into the kid's respiratory tract. It is harmful to both healthy children and for those who suffer allergies.

Norms for each room

There are certain norms established by GOST. They describe what comfortable temperature in an apartment or house will help preserve and strengthen the health of all households. The indicators of the speed of air and humidity in the residential room are also taken into account. The first should not exceed 0.3 m / s, the second is 60%. Temperature for each room should be different:

  1. In the adult bedroom, the temperature regime must be maintained at + 18-19 ° C, otherwise headaches are often observed with headaches, insomnia, throughout the day it is scattered and dried. During sleep, overheating is not needed, so it is better not to include heaters.
  2. Almost every kitchen contains instruments that allocate heat, such as the oven, plate, kettle, a slow cooker, etc. It is why it is sufficient to maintain the temperature of +19 ° C in this room to avoid overheating.
  3. The bathroom should be comfortable not only in terms of equipment, but also to have the optimal temperature mode. According to the GOST standards, this indicator should not be lower than +24 ° C and above +26 ° C. Smaller numbers will certainly lead to the fact that it will be raw and unpleasant in the room. It is especially important to comply with the rules in the case when a small child lives in the house.
  4. For the living room, enough + 20-21 ° C so that the households feel comfortable. If there is a wood-haired or electric fireplace indoors, it is allowed to reduce the rate of 1-2 degrees in winter. It is worth noting that the temperature should be the same in the upper and lower part of the room.
  5. Children's room is the most important placement in an apartment or house. For a newborn baby, the indicator should be at least +24 ° C. Toddles older than 3 years is enough + 21-22 ° C.
  6. Almost every apartment has a pantry. The temperature in it should not exceed +17 ° C. A higher indicator will damage the blanks that are usually stored in the room. In a private house, the pantry is replaced by the cellar, in which high temperature indicators are rarely noted.

In other rooms, temperature fluctuations in the range + 18-22 ° C is considered the norm. It is worth noting that when moving from one room to another temperature difference should not be felt.

Creation of optimal microclimate

The residential building needs permanent service, especially during the cold season, since only the correct organization of heating will help maintain the optimal microclimate in it.

Before the start of the heating season, it is recommended to check the windows and doors for the presence of slots through which heat can go. If necessary, you should take them with special ribbons. Plinths must be well attached, in the floor it is necessary to eliminate the holes. It is important not to stick all the windows to be able to periodically open them for air.

If in the child's room, the temperature is below the norm, it is recommended to warm it with artificially. In the case of the use of a heater, a special humidifier should be installed to prevent air cutting. If there is no such possibility, it is allowed to put in the room with water pelvis, which will perform the function of the humidifier. To monitor temperature and humidity, it is recommended to purchase special devices.

During the heating season, adjust the temperature regime is quite difficult. Today, there are various models of radiators that make it possible to monitor the indicators in each room. They are equipped with special thermostats. The device can be configured depending on the needs of households and the norms of each room, it will independently reduce or increase the heat transfer of the battery. In each room, this device is not mandatory, but it is recommended to install it in it.

In the cold season, various types of heaters are in demand, allowing to maintain the optimal temperature regime. Most effective are considered:

  1. Oil radiators are available and allow you to heat the room in case of low-quality centralized heating. There are various models with different number of sections, depending on the needs of a person. Usually, the device is equipped with a thermostat that helps adjust the temperature. The disadvantage is the impossibility of using the device in the room where small children are, since its body is very heated.
  2. Convection devices usually have a panel shape, can be wall, embedded and outdoor. Everyone can choose the appropriate option. Radiators can also be water, electrical and gas.
  3. Infrared heaters are popular and easy to use. May be outdoor, wall and ceiling, which makes it easier to choose. Installation of the device does not represent complexity and is performed with your own hands even in the absence of professional skills. The devices are economical, work silently, do not raise dust and evenly distribute heat all over the room.
  4. The easiest option is the fan heater. The cost of its available, operation is simple, and the service is not required. When overheating, the device is turned off due to the presence of a thermostat. The disadvantage of the device is that it strongly cuts the air into the room, so when it is used, the humidifier is required, especially in the children's room.

Any of the heaters will be a good option when it is impossible to increase the temperature in the room in other ways. The device can be turned on and off if necessary, which is very convenient and will avoid hypothermia or overheating.

The temperature regime in the room is considered the basic condition for creating an optimal microclimate necessary for a comfortable stay of people. It can be adjusted by a special thermostat for radiators. To maintain it at the desired level, it is recommended to adhere to the norms established by GOST.

In contact with

The amount in payment receipts increases quarterly, especially in the crisis for the country period. But at the same time, the quality of utilities leaves much to be desired. Complex times come for tenants when the heating is turned off. In such a situation, managing companies responsible for providing DHW in apartment buildings often work unfair and tormented from responsibility.

Temperature norms

Of course, a lot depends on the preferences of tenants - some love it is cold and satisfied with low temperatures at 18 ° C, others instead of thick sweaters and socks prefer cozy warmth and 24-25 ° C. But you need to know what temperature should be in our apartment under legislation Since this depends not only by the state of the health and well-being of the family, but also the budget.

The temperature rate in the apartment is contained in " GOST R 51617-2000. Housing and communal services. General technical conditions". Here are the values \u200b\u200brequired to calculate the maximum power of heating devices. Stair marches in residential buildings should have a temperature of 14-20 ° C. This is a space that residents use briefly, no more than an hour and dressed in the upper clothes.

In the inter-worker corridors, as well as in the lobbies, the temperature is 16-22 ° C. In the hallways, residential rooms and kitchens with gas or electric plates The temperature is 18-25 ° C. These premises are designed for permanent residence (that is, more than 4 hours). The highest temperature of 24 ° C - acts for calculations in the bathroom. Also, the norm is regulated Sanitary rules and sump.

Medical norms of temperature regime in the residential room

A little about what optimal temperature should be in the home for medical recommendations. Norms in residential premises are 22 ° C. This temperature provides high thermal comfort with air humidity of 30%. If the room temperature is higher, then this may cause irritation of the respiratory tract, the appearance of mucus, increased susceptibility to bacteria and viruses in the nose and throat. The only exception is the bathroom where water vapor rises, and even higher temperatures do not threaten health.

When the child is at home, the temperature should be raised in the apartment at least 1 degree, and in the bathroom or other room, where it bathes up to 28 degrees. In the bedrooms for adults, the temperature may be slightly cooler than in the living room - about 20 ° C. This indicator guarantees a deeper sleep and, consequently, the best rest.

Control of the norm of heat

In order to maintain the above recommendations and to minimize heating costs, it is necessary to correctly monitor the heat norms, caring for the thermal insulation of the house. You need to compact window and door frames. In the room, do not cover the radiators, do not paint them with a thick layer of paint and do not hang thick window curtains over them (heaters are usually installed under the windows). Put furniture and equipment at a minimum distance - 1 meter from radiators.

The temperature schedule of the heating system in individual rooms is recommended to be adjusted using manual or electronic thermostats. When installing, even on the old heater, the electronic head can be adjusted to a temperature of up to 0.5 degrees, and to program thermal power for a whole week, taking into account the time of day and habits of local residents.

Modern thermostats will also regulate thermal power in accordance with external conditions - warming or cooling on the street, sunlight, etc. You do not need to completely turn off the heat, everything that needs to be done is to reduce the temperature, for example, by installing the economical mode in 15 ° C. Decrease of temperature even at 1 ° C increases heat savings by 5-7.5%.

Factors affecting temperature

Many factors affect the temperature testimony in the apartment, first of all external. They fluctuate due to the following conditions:

  • disconnection of heating;
  • climatic features of the place;
  • change of seasons;
  • individual features of individual apartments.

The temperature schedule of heating also depends on the place where the property owners live. For example, in northern latitude it will differ from the southern climate. The influence of such factors, as atmospheric pressure and humidity outside the room, also affect the normal value of the heat supply system indicators in any month.

When changing the seasons, the microclimate in residential rooms will also be varied. For example, during the winter months, the temperature will be lowered, and in the hot season will increase. When in the spring stop feeding heat into radiators observing the shutdown schedule, the temperature in the apartment also falls. For medium latitudes, the optimal value in winter is about 22 degrees, and in the summer - 25 degrees. At least at first glance, the difference of three degrees is insignificant, but it affects the well-being of all living in an apartment or private house.

Climate adjustment

When heating is turned off, the temperature regime in the apartment needs to be monitored to comfort all citizens living in it. There are people who are convenient and good in the hot months, they do not need to install climatic equipment. Also, some in the winter cold are constantly ventilated. But all the requirements of the average inhabitants are reflected by the current standards for any heat supply company, which has a graph of the central shutdown of heating devices. After all, the supercooling, as well as overheating, negatively act on human health.

Among other things, the norms depend on gender. Women need higher temperature indicators than men. It is very carefully necessary to observe the temperature regime in the apartment where children live. They still cannot regulate their temperature, therefore are subject to rapid, compared with adults, overheating and freezing. As a result, the thermal rate for them should be stable and reach about 22 degrees.

In accordance with the current sanitary standards of the central temperature control system, the indicators should maintain no less and not more than 22 degrees, and all deviations from this value do not affect well-being.

To maintain normal temperatures, some conditions must be observed. Previously, the temperature was adjusted using batteries, and to warm up the room more, additional heat sources were used - various electrical heaters, convectors, etc. To cool the room, opened framugues and windows, in such a way solving the problem.

Today, scientific progress made it possible to choose any climatic equipment that will provide comfortable conditions in the apartments. For example, modern air conditioners not only cool the air flow coming from the street, but also equipped with a heating function. They also have drainage functions when the room is too humid, and the purification of air from harmful connections.

Existing sanitary standards do not set the temperature of the radiators. It is only important that the temperature in the housing corresponds to certain indicators, which is affected by the differences in the climatic conditions of the respective region. Indicators in the winter months should be no lower than 20 degrees. If this value is less, then the services of the heat supply organization are poor-quality.

At the same time, real estate owners are needed:

  • seek to eliminate bad work on the provision of municipal service;
  • demand from the management company when the heating is unscheduled;
  • carefully close all the slots in the windows and doors;
  • buy additional equipment for heating the room;
  • put autonomous thermal devices.

How to increase or decrease the temperature

By GOST. The minimum indicator in the apartment must correspond to 15 degrees. With this meaning, even though it is quite difficult and uncomfortable, but management companies believe that all regulations are observed. Because of this, the population is independently engaged in regulating the temperature mode, and when the cold or massive heating disconnects occur, the windows are installed or the windows are tightened. At worst, turn on electric heaters or convectors.

And what to do when the constant temperature in the housing reaches 28 degrees, which is happening at too hot batteries. The highest indicator in the standard is 24 degrees to which an error in 4 degrees is added. When thermostators are installed on the radiator, then there are no questions, you only need to adjust it to the desired figure.

When there are no such devices on the battery, it is not very convenient to discover constantly the windows in the room. If there is a small child in the apartment, then such actions are not out of position, older people are contraindicated. To correct the situation, you can:

  • wrap the crane in front of the radiator;
  • put the air recuperator.

When overlapping the ball crane in front of the battery, you will reduce the amount of hot water that is served. The heat recuperator will be allowed to circulate airflows correctly, and the air flow will fall into the housing already heated.

Optimal temperature in the heating season

Kaya is clear from the foregoing, comfortable value in the apartment is established SNIP In 20-22 degrees. Possible indicators are defined within 18-26 degrees, in accordance with the purpose of housing. Kitchen, residential rooms and bathrooms have different norms. The errors correspond to 3 degrees of reduction and 4 degrees of increasing indicators. Unfortunately, according to the current legislative acts, when the apartment is 15 degrees above zero, it is impossible to make complaints to managers. Also at a temperature of 30 degrees, when the battery is heated as much as possible. Here, as they say, - you want to live - I will be able to ripe and address the relevant authorities.

Responsibility of public utilities in violations

According to the law, employers and owners of housing have the right to seek recalculation of management companies that are obliged to reduce 0.15 percent per hour of violation of standards. If you calculate, then in 28 days of the inadequate provision of the payment service is reduced to 90 percent. Naturally, utilities themselves do not fulfill this recalculation, so you have to go to courts.

There are many cases when residents of apartment buildings have noticed money from public utilities for not fully or low-quality services. For example, three years ago, Perm managed to recover from the management company 136 thousand rubles for violation of their obligations to provide heat in the apartment. Therefore, you should defend your rights and contact.


Ensure the temperature on the current standards and regulations is obliged to the management company at the place of residence. As a result, with identified cases of non-compliance with the quality of heating services, it is necessary to report in this organization and, if required, to issue an act.

If it comes to a private residential building, it is necessary to check the supplied heating devices, increasing the efficiency of batteries or modern efficient devices.