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Exercises to improve voice timbre. Causes of voice loss. Preheat and pull vowel sounds starting with high notes to low

The voice is one of the tools of interaction between people. If he is from nature weak and uncertain, the likelihood of what the words you say will not produce the desired effect. But Professor Felix Alekseevich Kuzmin believes that the power of votes can be trained.

You can develop its strength with special exercises as well as muscle developing in physical education. The voice will become lower and harmonious, its range will expand, the pronunciation will become clearer.

Exercise 1

Stand in front of the mirror. Make exhale, then inhale and pronounce every sound until you have a breath. So, inhale and start:

- Iiiiiiiiiiii.

- Eeeeeeeeeeeeee.

- Aaaaaaaaaaaa.

- Ooooooooooooo.

- Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

This sequence is not accidental, you start with the sound of the highest frequency - "and". If you put your palm on your head at this, then feel the light vibration of the skin. This is a certificate of more intense blood circulation. Sounding the sound "E" activates the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and the throat, you can feel it, putting your hands to the neck. Sounding sound "A" has a beneficial effect on the chest area. When pronouncing the sound "O", the blood supply to the heart increases, and the exercise with the sound "y" has a positive impact on low part belly.

Try all the sounds of all the sounds slowly. Do you want your voice to be lower and deep? Then many times during the day say the sound "y".

Exercise 2

Now you need to activate the area of \u200b\u200bthe chest and abdomen, for this you need to pronounce the sound "M" with a closed mouth. Exercises on the sound "M" do three times. Once quite quiet, the second time is louder and for the third time as louder as possible so that the voice ligaments tighten. Putting the palm on the stomach, you will feel a strong vibration.

Exercise 3.

Special attention should be paid to the sound "P", because it contributes to improved pronunciation and gives voting strength and energy. In order to relax the language, draw a preliminary preparation: lift the tip of the tongue to the sky behind the front upper teeth and "suffer" as a tractor. So, do the exhale, then inhale and start "lying": "- RRRRR." After that, it is expressive and emotionally with an emphasized rolling "P" say the following words:




boxing ring










Exercise 4.

In conclusion, do "Exercise Tarzan", which is better prevention Against colds and myocardial infarction. Stand straight, make an exhale, then deep breath. Squeeze your hands in the fists.

Loudly pronounce sounds from the first exercise, starting with the sound "and", and at the same time, run yourself to your chest fists, as Tarzan did in the famous film. Then continue by uttering the sound "E" and so on. At the end of the exercise, you will notice how your bronons are cleaned like your breathing becomes free as you charge the energy.

After a few weeks of workout, compare your current voice with the same, it is best to do that, in advance before starting training, writing your voice to the voice recorder. You will make sure that your voice has changed noticeably. Now he gained great strength, which means that you began to speak more convincingly and to influence the surrounding. As a result of such a workout, not only a voice, but also your thoughts becomes calmer and deeper. The deeper and below the voice, the more he settles in the consciousness, the greater the impression of pronounced words produced.

Surely you want to listen to you with an enthusiastic look and opened your mouth? And maybe your scope is unthinkable without public speechesin which voice is so important and honed pronunciation? But due to the lack of certain skills and knowledge, you do not even try to improve yourself? Next, we will tell you how with the help of uncomplicated voting exercises, you can hone your technique of speech, which will help you achieve success both in the professional field and in personal life.

Speech technique is a science in the field of speech, articulation, diction, intonation, facial expansion and other elements. People certain professions need to study this science Throughout life. Their task is to make their speech technique in the right, beautiful and understandable.

A significant indicator that characterizes the quality of human speech techniques is a dictation (this is how pure it speaks sounds). This element of speech is comparable to the handwriting. The message written by curves, an unintelligible handwriting, will be incomprehensible and uninteresting to the addressee, as well as the crumpled, the vague speech will be unlikely to interest the listener or cause a lot of oncoming issues. Next, we will tell me how to put a voice with the help of regular exercises, improve pronunciation.

One of the ways used main character From the movie "Carnival", she honed the speech by repetition of the patter on the cucususchonka, stinging his mouth walnut nuts. In addition, there are a number of respiratory activities that we will tell a little later.


A nice voice is one of the main indicators. proper speech. The voice is also amenable to workout and it is possible to put it. Each person is able to learn how to manage the power of the voice, depending on the situation to increase or lower it, it is enough to restrain the emotions, to be calm and speak dimensionally. An important factor is a healthy throat and you need to quit smoking.


Next indicator - voice timbre. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, since it is unnecessarily low or a high voice is perceived fake. For testing voice tone important moment - This is breathing and need to work with a diaphragm.


Follow the intonation and correct pronunciation, it is important to properly arrange stress in words and make logical pauses. This makes it possible to translate your breath, to correctly build a further speech, as well as attract the attention of the listeners.

So, before starting to do exercises, you need to create a working environment. Conveniently interconnected in front of a mirror in a free room, remove unnecessary items by providing the necessary acoustics. All tasks are approximately 5-10 minutes, proceed to the subsequent then, how to dwell the previous task. Write down the video in order to further correct errors.

Lessons to improve speech


To execute this task, you must not forget to breathe a nose, it is important!

We work out breathing:

  • Put the legs on the width;
  • Put your palms on the waist and slowly exhale so that you feel oppose the lips of the air (you need to repeat the quatrain in parallel).
  • Make an exercise combining with a move, accelerating on a light run, imitating the cutting of grass, cutting trees and flooring. For accurate execution And the exhalation should be even, not to be knocked out.
  • Keep your back straight, bend ahead and take a deep breath.
  • When straightening to the initial posture, do the exhale and slowly pronounce "Guy-Mmm." Synchronously combining with a light run.
  • Return to the right rack position. I deeply inhaling stuck straight, and combine your hands behind your head. In the same location, exhale and straighten, pronouncing "Gn-n-n ...", combining with a light run; Next you need to fulfill the task to improve the nasal breathing.
  • With covered mouth, we do a small nasal breath, increasing the nostrils, exhausted gently hit the fingertips on them. On the basis of the past example, when they exhale slowly pronounce the letters "M" and "N" and lightly hit the steps of the fingers along the nostrils in turn.

Preparation of neba muscles

  • Speak the consonants "K", "G" three times without stopping. Next, say the vowels "A", "O", "E" also three times, but at Zovka.
  • Inhale the air of the mouth, as if riding it. Open your mouth and say: "AMMMM ... AMMMM", "A" should be slightly audible, "M" - sonorous and then do three times.

Lip and Language Exercise

  • To test the upper lips, say: "GL", "VL", "VN", "TN", for the Lower - "COP", "GZ", "Pz", "Bz".
  • Relax the language and repeat the shape of the shovel, putting it on the bottom lip, say: "And", "e", five times.
  • Tenge Take a similarity of the spinning hook and spend the tongue on the sky, synchronously defiantly "O", "U".
  • Pull the letter "M" with a covered mouth and moving the tongue to the lips, cheeks and the sky.

Exercises helping to reveal and strengthen the voice of the main speech

  • Slash a random feeding applying exclusively consonant letters, vowels appropriate will be deaf and long.
  • After this, say the same typule, only perfect voice. Diligently listening to yourself, you will feel the epicenter of your own speech voice, set which state of the articulation apparatus is free and genuine. Repeat the exercise with head slopes, alternately back / forward, right / left.
  • Read the patter with the designated reception, but exposing the language on the lips, dropping and replacing this very vowel progress.
  • Thoroughly breathe and slow down breathing (you can squeeze your nose with palms) and read some text out loud. Exhale and breathe once again through the nose in those passages of the text, where it is required by grammar and semantic pauses.

At the end of all the works, read the text again, already a relaxed voice, and listening to the sound, understood the difference in pronunciation before and after the execution of tasks.

Exercises for the Improvement of Diction

These exercises for the development of diction are performed only after working out the objects described above, which are focused on the exclusion of common mistakes in pronunciation caused by the small development of the speech apparatus. In case of issues on making tasks, you can find videos on YouTube and visually see.

Exercises for a weakened lower jaw

  • Tell me "Pai", "Bai", "May" while holding back at this moment, palm chin in a permanent state, the head must deviate back. With the sound "th" it takes the initial state. Next, do this item in the usual position, comparing whether the feeling of muscle independence did not originate.
  • Repeat the exercise, but with the coup of the head left / right, try to reach the chin to the shoulders. With the sound of "th" head again, return to the original location.

Supplementary sky

  • Show your head and rinse the larynx by air, saying the length of the "M" sound, but do not put the lower jaw. Try to make yawns with a closed mouth.
  • Inhale the air to the nose and draw the cheeks, besides the jaw of the jaw, and the lips in the compressed state, pull the letter "M" on the exhale.

Exercises for strengthening language and mouth

Each of the listed classes will certainly reproduce three times in a row.

  • prophovate "BA", putting a language on the lower lip;
  • corporate "AS", actively working forward / backwards;
  • cancel in a row "TKR", "KTR", "DRT", "RCT", repeat three times;
  • in order to amend the lips of the lips, say "MB", "TV", "BM";
  • roll lips with a tube and pull the sound "Mmmmm", then smile.

Exercises for adjusting the lack of sound in the speaking cavity of the mouth

  • with a straightforward and direct state of the body on a leisurely exhale, say: "Sssssss ...", "Schshshshshshshsh ...", "Lzhzhzhzhzhzh ...", "Rrrrrr", "Ryrirt ...";
  • in the same posture on a stress constant exhalation, say: "F! F! F! F! F! F! F! ", Which is transmitted to the unchanged sound" Fffffff ... ";
  • close the nose and mouth with a palm, in such a pose try to prolong the sound "M", after you remove the palm, read some text with the maximum number "M", "N".

Exercises for underdeveloped sounding in the chest

  • Please accept the convenient position of the body, lay the palm on the chest to feel the ripple, and the second close the mouth for the survey of your own breathing. Try to publish various vowels: a tender exhalation - the sound ("Uuuuuu") is a gentle breath. If you do everything unmistakable - then the desire to yaw and ease in the pharynge zone appear.
  • A further step is similar, the only one at the time of the moan should try to stretch it and push the emphasis on a slight blow of the diaphragm inland, then a gentle exhale.

Any next task increases the number of strokes per unit and, in the same way, you need to bring up to five stresses one by one.

Heavy breathing fight with a quick conversation

  • It is necessary to take an inclined state and start looking for a fictional object, in parallel, pronouncing a loudly arbitrary poem, but observe a uniform breathing.
  • Jumping through a rope with synchronous prisoner, so that the jumps correspond to the syllables of words. If the task, at first glance, will be difficult, will be confused and breathing, it is recommended to reduce the speed and step by step to strengthen them, bringing to the maximum.

Range and voice raising

  • Choose some poetic text consisting of eight or more rows, and learn to pronounce it in such a way that at the beginning of the row fell a weak level of your range and with each row it has consistently increased by achieving the limit on the final.
  • After you have worked this exercise, start from the limit and complete the low range of your own voice.
  • According to the results of successful execution, increase the number of lines of the poetic story.

Also quite effective technique got the name "Voice Sinking". Choose and drink any verse you like, using first exceptionally vowels, and then only consonants.

Another way (we have already spoken about it at the very beginning) Repetition of patterings, filled with walnuts, text declamation and sneaking, using wine plug, closing it between the teeth. First time should be pronounced slowly, slowly accelerating, carefully observe the endings and sounds.

Speech should sound correctly and ringing, you need to work on it. For this purpose, pick up adorable quatrains and read them alternately, one line is loud, the next is quiet, then the opposite.

Do not forget about the intonation of the voice, read the texts with the change of feelings, sad, fun, evil, passionately, with reproach, with surprise. The more often you will do this exercise and the more emotions work out, the riche will be your speech technique.

Increasingly, in professional activity, we have a lot of attention to the technique of speech, it becomes a peculiar instrument of labor. Therefore, it is certainly necessary to develop and improve diction, voice formulation and skills of business and daily communication. So you will be able to create a positive image, for those who are instinctively falling under the influence of a person who knows how beautiful and clearly express their speech.


Many people owe their success to their success. Its timbre is important for us as well as appearance, image and behavior manners. The development of voice should be given enough time, because it is the tool with which we denounce your thoughts to others. The mutual understanding between us and people depends on our voice and speech data. A well-supplied voice makes speech clear and enjoyable to others, helps to make a first impression, can help convince the person in our rightness, drag it to our side.

Do you like your voice?

It has long been established, the impressions of people from communicating with each other are based on the body language (54 percent), 37 percent is paid to the voice of the voice and speech diction and only 6 percent of the words they pronounce. Therefore, the problem is good voice It is extremely relevant for a person, since it defines about 35 percent of his success in life.

In other words, your voice must promote fate and career, and not spoil them. No matter who you are: politician or actor. Each of us has to talk with people in order to receive the reaction from them that we need. We are interested in listening to and understand that our words will have to have reached, reached another person. And in the case of pronouncing positive statements or affirmations, whatever they come to us.

Your voice tool belongs only to you, and only you can take advantage of them. If possible, write down your voice to the voice recorder and listen to the recorded. Did you like it? Is it suitable for you? Or you exclaimed: "Does this voice really - mine?". After you understand what is involved in the formation of a voice, you will be able to develop your ways to improve it.

It is created in the depths of our organism, and not only in the field of voice ligaments. The diaphragmal breathing supports the voice process, the larynges pushes the air through the resonators, and the articulation organs allow us to pronounce sounds and words. These processes are managed by the subconscious, reflecting the voice of all your essence and the state in which you are in this moment You are.

For instance:

Due to the excitement, you lose control of yourself - you increase the tone of the voice

The accelerated tempo of speech speaks of your insecurity

You are responsible earlier asked question - You justify or annoyed

Taking a phone tube, be aimlessly starting to walk around the room - you worry or confused

If you are suitable more comfortable in a chair or pause before answering a call, you are calm and confident.

There are vowel sounds that have impact on different human bodies.

For example:

aaaa, and-and-and - cause oscillations in the head

uh-e - in glares and brain

u-U-y - in the throat, larynx

mmm - in the lungs

oh-oh - in the middle of the chest

sU-SU-SU - at the bottom of the lungs

oh-oh - in the diaphragm

How to understand if you need to deal with voice development? Here are some signals indicating this:

Often people ask you to repeat what you said to them

You have a fear of public speeches

You have a noticeable accent

Feel like your throat after twelve-minute conversation

You have to explain to the listeners that you take a high position, because in your speech they do not feel

Forget the following adjectives that will interfere with you in life due to an unpleasant vote:










Too loud

With shortness

Replace them with the following, well-appropriate affirmations:












After listening to your voice on the recorder, you will understand for yourself: whether you should work on your voice. If the answer is positive, then in what direction? Remembering that the process of voice forming is managed on a subconscious level, it becomes obvious: a bad voice is first of all your situation that can be "treated" by reprogramming the subconscious. And to formulate the situation for reprogramming is extremely simple: "I have a boring voice (monotonous, creaking, bent, etc.)." At the same time, the subconsciousness will indicate the reasons for which it generates exactly such a voice. Most often there are thoughts on arrogance or pride (loud and sharp voice - "there is nothing to communicate with the jesters!") Or because of the low self-esteem (quiet, weak voice - "I am unworthy, patient, weak, insignificant, etc.) . But other options are also possible. After reprogramming the subconscious, you will learn a positive intention that is usually very apparent. Something like "not to waste time and strength on those who still will not understand this (for arrogance and pride) or" to protect ourselves from unnecessary problems "(in other cases).

After the process of "flashing" subconscious, your voice may change so much that no improvements will be required. But if you want to give a certain timbre, increase its strength or something else, then you should perform exercises for voice development. It is best to start from setting the right speech breathing, which will ensure optimal sound formation and the melodiousness of speech.

Exercises for speech breathing

1. Choose a convenient position for you, put one hand on your stomach, another - on the bottom of the chest side. Inhales deeply through the nose (the stomach should stick forward, and the lower part of the chest should expand). Immediately after the inhalation, make a smooth exhalation (stomach and bottom of the chest take the starting position).

2. Make a short and calm inhale through the nose, delaying the air in the lungs for 3-4 seconds. After that, make a smooth and exhalation through the mouth.

3. Clean the short breath (the mouth is open) and on a smooth long exhalation, say one of the vowel sounds (y, a, o, s, and e).

4. Smoothly say several sounds on one exhale:



5. Board

Stand up and loudly "do" vowels 3 times: "a", "u", "and", "o", "y". At the same time note:

  1. Notice where the sound is born as it moves inside you.
  2. When you lie, breathe air not to the end. Finish to buzz when the air reserve remains inside 20-22% of the lung volume. So you will be easy to dial breathing.
  3. Try to sympathize with vibrations that occur in the chest during the buzz.
  4. Relax your body as much as possible: shoulders, neck, back, arms, legs, belly ...

If it is not possible to buzz out loud, then try to do it silently. You will notice that when you are slightly opening your mouth and start to buzz without sound, then 85% are strained by the same muscles that work when you go to the full voice.

7. Read the patter, proverbs, sayings on one exhale. Be sure to pay attention to the instructions in the first exercise.

On the courtyard of grass, on the grass of firewood: time of firewood, two firewood - not the rudy firewood on the grass of the courtyard.

On the bench at the house all day sobbed Tom.

Right hand build - left break.

Live not as you want, but how God tells.

There is time to cry, eat and have fun

Like a slide on the hill, thirty-three yorks lived: Odd York, two Echorka, three York ...

Psychological Exercises for Voice Development, Development of Health

You can develop your voice as well as, for example, to develop a musculature when serving. As a result, your timbre will change, the voice will become harder, its range will expand, and the pronunciation will become more distinct. We recommend performing these exercises daily, in the morning. This charges you with vigor for the entire subsequent day. In addition to a beautiful and pleasant voice, you will feel much better.

1. Make an exhale, then breathe and say each sound to your breath. Inhale and start:






Sounds are given in such a sequence not by chance. You start with the sound "and" - it has the highest frequency. If you put your palm on your head, then feel easy vibration. This indicates more intense blood circulation.

With the sound "E", the area of \u200b\u200bthe throat and neck is activated. You can also feel it - attach your hands to these regions.

The pronouncement of sound "A" is favorably affecting the field of the chest.

Giving the sound "O", you enhance the blood supply to the heart.

And the exercise with the sound "y" has a useful impact on the lower part of the abdomen.

Slowly utter all the sounds one by one four times. If you want the voice of the voice to become lower, and the voice is more expressive and deep, then during the day it repeatedly utter the sound "y".

2. Now you should activate the chest area and abdomen. To do this, it is necessary to pronounce the sound "M" with a closed mouth. Exercises on the sound "M" do three or four times. The first time is very quiet, the second time - the riot, on the third and fourth time - as louder as possible. If you put your palm on the stomach, feel a strong vibration.

Special attention should be paid to the sound "P", as it helps to improve pronunciation and gives voice strength. In order to relax language, draw preliminary training: lift the tip of the tongue to the sky behind the front upper teeth and "suffer" as a tiger. So, exhale, then breathe and start "lying". After that, expressively and loudly say the following words:

Radio, roll, racket, role, piano, lynx, carpet, pressure, trail, cane, etc.

3. Say long and smoothly syllables:

mi, Ma, Ma, Mo, Mu, we.

4. Exercise "Tarzan"

So, stand straight, make an exhale, then deep breath. Squeeze your hands in the fists. Remember how Tarzan kicked himself his chest fists? Loudly pronounce the sounds of "IIIIIIIII" and at the same time do the same.

Now continue to perform this exercise with sounds:





At the end of the exercise, you will notice how your bronons are cleaned from the mucus, how your breathing becomes natural as you charge the energy. Clear well, get rid of all unnecessary! This exercise should be performed for voice development only in the morning, since it has an exciting effect.

4. Indian yoga is known for their deep and beautiful voice, which is achieved with the help of one simple exercise.

Stand straight and put your feet on your shoulder width. Perform some calm breaths and exhale. Then type the air into the stomach and make one sharp exhale, accompanied by the sound "ha-a". Exhalation must be complete, and the sound is so loud as it is possible. At the same time you can slightly tip the housing forward.

Work on diction

Dickey - Clear and distinct pronunciation of all sounds native language With their correct articulation. A clear pronunciation of words is ensured by the correct articulation of each sound and the ability to widely open the mouth. Because if you are not widely openly open your mouth, then you will be "tissue through your teeth."

Articulation is also managed at the subconscious level. Therefore, you should understand those reasons why you have a bad dictation, and reprogram them already known ads.

For example: "I have a bad dictation", "I speak fuzzy", "I can't say the sound" r ". The reasons for bad dictation most often are the negative thoughts of the "My business" or "There is no" in my family. "

After reprogramming the subconsciousness, the diction, as a rule, is noticeably improved. And for the subsequent development of the mobility of the articulation bodies and the ability to widely open the mouth in the process of speech, special exercises are used.

Development of mobility of the lower jaw

1. Freely lower the lower jaw until the gap between the teeth is one thumb.

2. Silently and long, on one exhale, say vowels:




iioiiiiiiiiiiii (mouth open)

yejёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёёё (the distance between the teeth in one finger);

y(the distance between the teeth in two fingers);






4. Solo and pass through several vowels on one exhale:









When pronouncing, watch your mouth: it must be wide open.

5. Say the patters, sayings, proverbs, in which there are several vowel sounds that require wide mouth disclosure.

For example:

Tongs and ticks, here are our things.

Has Horror, hedgehog's hedgehog.

Two of a Kind.

Mal, yes delete.

Know the edge, do not fall.

What a fisherman is also fish.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

6. Read the poem, clearly uttering sounds A, Oh, I:

Serving perfectly noble

His father lived on debts

Gave three bala annually

And finally dreamed.

The fate of Eugene kept:

First, Madame went for him,

Then Monsieur changed it.

The child was cut, but Mil.

Monsieur L'Abbe, Frenchman Rady,

So as not to be angry with the child,

He taught him everything jokingly,

Did not bother morally strict

Branled slightly

And in the summer garden to walk drove.

A.S. Pushkin

In the process of performing exercises, make sure that the lower jaw has lowered freely down, the vowel sounds say, slightly emphasizing them.

Exercises for the development of lip mobility

With insufficient mobility of the lips, the clarity and clarity of the pronunciation of many sounds suffers. So, to pronounce the sounds of "U" and "Yu", it is necessary to pull the lips forward with the tube. For "O", "E" - round lips, and for the sounds of "C" and "Z" - stretch the lips in a smile.

Use the following lip development exercises:

1. Stretch your lips in a smile, not exposing your teeth.

2. Stretch lips in a smile with dental exposure. The mouth is closed.

3. Tightly closed lips pull forward (like a whistle).

4. Pull your lips forward in the shape of the tube.

5. Alternate the "tube" and "smile."

6. Raise the upper lip, exposing the top teeth, then lower the bottom lip, exposing the lower teeth.

7. Slowly utter vowels (first without voice, but carefully sounds, then with him):

ooooo (lips oval)

uuuuuu (lips tube)

iiiii (lips stretched in a smile)

8. Say consonants (first silently, then with a voice):

ssssss, ZZZZZ (lips stretched in a smile)

shershshshsh, Lzhzhzhzh (lips stretched forward)

9. Now, jumped and passing a few sounds in one exhalation:

iIIUUUUU (lips first stretched, then take the shape of the tube)

owwiiii (rounded, "tube", "smile")

uuuiii (lips from the shape of the tube pass into the form of a smile)


sssssssshshshshshh (when pronouncing the sound "C" of the lips stretched, while pronouncing "sh" stretched forward)

zZZZZZZhzhzhzhzh (when pronouncing "z" stretch her lips, when they pronounce "F" pull forward)

10. With tightly closed lips, explosive sounds "P" and "B" (Pop, Beans, Beaver, Crupes, Drum, Flying).

11. Secure the clarity and clarity of the pronunciation of sounds in words:

Eva, game, Duck, Coupe, Style, Oats, Donkey, Yula, Jung, South, Hedgehog, Ira, Institute, Incubator, Shelter, Snail, Feeling, Okulist, Equipment, Juice, Wheel, Cap, Curtains, Beetle, Belly, Sasha, sun, iron, stick, broom, bike, apron, fuffy, jacket.

Watch out for the position of the lips in front of the mirror when pronunciation of words.

12. Read the patter, proverbs, and sayings. Do not forget to follow the right position of the lips and the definition of the pronouncement of words.

The wasp is not a mustache, do not weigh, but the mustache.

The tree has a needle rolling.

Joy is not eternal, sadness is not infinite.

Behind each other and win the fight.

Cabbage loves water and good weather.

From smart to learn, from stupid to seek.

13. Read the story out loud and make sure that the lips take an active part in the pronouncement of sounds and words.


It was impossible to look at the sun now, - with shaggy dazzling threads it was raised from the embroidered. Clouds floated on blue-blue sky, like heaps of snow. Spring breeze smelled of fresh grass and bird nests.

Big kidneys were burst in front of the house, the chickens moan the chicks. In the garden, out of the heated land, the cakes of the greenery of the greenery, the grass climb, climbed the grass, the whole meadow extended with white and yellow asterisks. Every day the birds arrived in the garden. Through the trunks of black frozards - dexcices walk on foot. In Lipa, the Oriolga started big bird, Green, with yellow, like gold, puffed on the wings, - fussing, whistled with a honey voice.

As the sun get up, on all the roofs and birdhouses wake up, the starlings were poured on with different voices, wheezing, they walked to the nightingale, then the lark, then some African birds, whom they heard over the winter, were swallowed, fake terribly. Sereny handkerchief through transparent birks flew by the woodpecker, sitting down on the trunk, turned around, ended the red shochol.

And so on Sunday, in the sunny morning, in the trees who did not die from dew, the pond had a cuckoo: sad, lonely, a gentle voice blessed everyone who lived in the garden, ranging from worms;

Live, love, be happy, ku-ku. And I will alone anyone, ku-ku ...

The whole garden listened to silently cuckoo. Ladybugs, birds, always all surprised frogs, who were sitting on the stomach, who on the track, who are on the steps of the balcony - all fate all. Cuckoo cuckoo, and I cheerfully saw the whole garden, looked at the leaves ... with a honey voice, exactly in a dull with water, whistles Ivolga. The window was revealed, the room smelled of grass and freshness, the light of the sun shaded the wet foliage. The breeze flew out, and the drops of dew drops fell on the windowsill ... Before that, it was good, waking up, listening to the whistle of the escape, look into the window on the wet leaves.

Tolstoy Alexey Nikolaevich

Muscle development language

The language is actively involved in the formation of most sounds. The clarity of speech largely depends on its work. Special difficulties occur when it is necessary to quickly switch the movement of the language from one position to another. To strengthen the muscles of the language, improve its mobility, the following movements should be clearly developed.

1. Tighten the language outward and move them left, right, up, down several times.

2. Tighten the language and make circular movements from left to right, then on the contrary.

3. With open mouth and slightly dried tongue, make it wide, narrow (tip and side edges are raised).

4. Slightly raised tense tongue "Clean" the upper teeth from the outer and inside, in the direction of the inner side of the teeth to the outer and vice versa.

You will help to use a mirror if necessary. Get all the movement to the language free and naturally.

We develop voting power

1. Read the texts by changing depending on the power of the voting force:

There was silence, silence, silence.
Suddenly she was replaced by the thunder!
And now the rain is quietly - you hear? -
Crushed, crushed, crushed on the roof.

Thunder rinsing - boo! Fuck!
Like Mount Rushit.
Silence in fright - ah! -
Strips ears.
Probably, now he will be drumming.
Already drums! Already drums!
Say the word "Thunder" -
Word rinsing like thunder!
I sit and listen, not breathing,
Rustling rustling reel.
Kamyshshchiki whispering:
- Shi, Shi, Shi!
- What are you quietly whisper, reeds?
Is it so checked well?
And in response, rustling:
- sho, sho, sho!
- I do not want to shook with you!
I will sing over the river and burst
Even permission will not ask!

I wake up the reeds itself!
Kamyshshchiki whispering:
- Sha, Sha, Sha ...
As if they ask for a whisper:
- Do not dance! ..
How frightening reeds!

I go ahead (top top top) -
And the snow goes (Tyrlim-Bom-Bom),
Although we are completely not at all on the way!
But only here (top top top)
Tell me, from - (Tyrlim-Bom-Bom),
Tell me, from what the legs are so torn?

Exercises for changing the height of the voice and expanding its range

1. "Floors"

Call the floors for which you mentally climb, increasing every time the tone of the voice, and then "go down" down, lowering it tone.

"Anger, about the goddess, Achilles, Peleeva Son!"

3. Read the poem in such a way that the increase and decrease in the height of the voice corresponds to the content of the statement:

To master the chest register,
I'm becoming aqualant.
Lose down, below!
And the bottom of the sea closer, closer! ..
And here in the kingdom I am underwater!
Although immersed deeply,
But the voice of the chest, free
I am able to easily.
To master the chest register,
It is useful to become an aqualant.

Development of flyiness of voting

1. To perform this exercise, two people are needed. Between them should be enough large distance (7-10 meters). It is necessary to speak quietly, but clearly. The topic of the conversation is not negotiated in advance. Before performing the exercise, you must develop a speech situation (for example, to submit that someone is located nearby, which for any reason should not be the well-known content of your conversation).

Voice mobility exercise

1. First, slowly utter words, then gradually accelerate the tempo to very quickly followed by a slowdown:

"Quickly rushed, quickly rushed, quickly rushed ... quickly rushed ... quickly rushed."

2. Read the sentence with gradual acceleration:

Lady Korovka,
Flying on too
Bring us from the sky
To be in summer:
In the garden beans
In the forest berries, mushrooms,
In a driver's spring
In a wheat field.

3. Read the poem at a specified pace:

Barely barely, barely - - - (slow paced)
Completed carousel. - - - (slow paced)
And then, then, then - - - (Middle Temp)
All run, run, run! - - -(fast paced)
All faster, faster, run, - - - (very fast tempo)
Carousel circle, circle! - - - (very fast paced)
Quieter, quieter, do not rush - - - (average pace)
Carousel stop. - - - (Middle Temp)
Once, two times, two - - - (slow paced)
That ended the game. - - - (slow paced)

We go in a circle,
And walk together: once, two, three.
We are jumping on the way
We often change legs.
Pocked, cried:
And then as a stork got up -
and kick!

5. Read the poem. Choose a speech tempo corresponding to the content of the text:

Milk escaped,
Used milk!
Down the stairs rolled
Along the street was broken
Through the area flowed,
The post went around
Under the bench slipped away
Three old women jumped
Treated three kittens
Preheat - and back:
Along the street flying
Up stairs puff
And in the pan covered,
Thinking hard.
Here the hostess arrived:
- Win?
- boiled!

6. Pick up the poetic work, in which the change in the speech pace plays an important role for understanding the content.

We work out the tone of speech

1. Say the phrase "ah, what a woman" so to express:

  • question
  • surprise
  • delight
  • contempt
  • sympathy
  • neglect
  • envy
  • question-Restross

2. Read the text in accordance with the Notes:

Came?! I'm scared for you! - - -(with fear)
In all vini itself! - - -(with fear)

Came?! And where? - - - (with condemnation)
Behind him as a faithful dog everywhere! - - - (with condemnation)

Came!? So fool me! - - - (with contempt)
You are not a man, but a clever! - - - (with contempt)

Came?! That caught, friend! - - - (with Echidism)
After all, you will not be deceived suddenly! - - - (with Echidism)

Came! To know, so be! - - - (joyful)
We do not live without a friend! - - - (joyful)

Left! .. will Ile come? Riddle. - - -(with anxiety)
I entered him so gadko! - - -(with anxiety)

Gone! The mountain fell off his shoulders! - - -(relief)
Get rid of God from these meetings! - - -(relief)

"Misha, enough angry! Sorry, if I offended you ... "

"And you still kidding? And you still dare to ask? "

"I'm not at all angry at you. Honestly."

"I am not guilty of anything!"

"Yes, ah, with you porridge do not cook ..."

She said quietly, but decisively.

With regret, she stretched out.

Screaming and even screamed, waving his hands.

4. Determine how tone talking with Cinderella Father, stepmother, sisters, fairy, prince. Words for references: kind, angry, enthusiastic, indifferent, rough, gentle, surprised, frightened, sad, official, friendly.

5. Tell us about the delay of the employee to work from the face of the head and the employee himself.

6. Come up with the speech situation yourself, in which the same event can be told on behalf of different heroes. Pay attention to the tone of speech.
7. Pick up the excerpt from the children's work with a direct speech of heroes. Analyze, what tone you need to read a replica. What funds in the test help to choose the right tone of speech?

Exercises for clear pronunciation of consonant sounds in syllables

Read the following syllables:

1. PA, PU, \u200b\u200bPU, \u200b\u200bPO, PE, PU, \u200b\u200bPO, PU, \u200b\u200bPI, PE,

that, then, that, TE, TE, TE, TY, TE,

sA, CO, SU, Sy, SE, Sy, Syu, Si, Ce,

ms, jo, zh, zh, same;

2. AP, OP, UE, OPC, EP, AT, from, Ut, YT,

aS, OS, Us, Oys, ES,


Studying words with consonant sounds

Read out loud words with a streak of two, three and four consonant sounds:

Entrance, attach, foofing, tourist, map, flowerbed, service, tail, smear, cut out, collect, hawk, canadians, moment, roach, stamp, pimple, swallow, climb, set, fix, move, spark, split, canvas, View, grotesque, germ, stagnate, smooth, tetanus, smooth, tetanus, trunk, sprats, to emerge, open, health resistant, fight, meeting, supervisioner, uniform, Metrostro, colander, travel, transcription.

Clear pronunciation of sounds and words in speech

To work out the clarity and clarity of the pronouncement of consonant sounds, it is useful to use speakers built on a combination of consonant sounds. Reading spells should be started in slow motion, distinctly pronouncing each word and every sound. Gradually accelerate the tempo, but make sure that the clarity and clarity of pronunciation do not decrease.

Tab fabric mandes on Tana shawls.

Buy kip peak.

Water carrion drilled water from the water pipeline.

Galka sat on a stick, a stick hit a tank.

By Bull Bela's lip was Tup.

Cap on the cap, under the cap of the cap.

On seven Sanya on seven in Sanya sang themselves.

Chicken Quickens cling to chain.

The Boyarin Beaver has no wealth, no good - two bobbran at beauty is better than all kinds of good.

Scratching in a pinchka, a bristle in the banks.

Mamas Romashus gave serum from under the prokubvashi.

He sentenced the bee, the spider was reasonable.

On the courtyard of grass, on the grass of firewood: time of firewood, two firewood - not the rudy firewood on the grass of the courtyard.

The ships were lavored, lavished, but did not hesitate.

You will not protigue all twigs, you will not re-outgrow.

Short and small patters pronounce on one exhale. Observe the fusion of their pronunciation.


For further consolidation of good diction, you can read aloud poetic texts. It should also follow the work of the lips, the language, the lower jaw, for the distinct utterance of vowels and consonant sounds, while not allowing their emphasized pronunciation.

Each exercise is manifested until it is performed easily and naturally.

When working on diction, it is necessary to take into account proper use Speech breathing and voices. And when pronouncing patterings, it is necessary to correctly convey their meaning and content, it is appropriate to take pauses, to tyve the air in a timely manner.

Conduct lessons to work out a good speech diction daily, paying at least 12-15 minutes. The transition to the next exercise is carried out only after the previous one will be clearly worked out.

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what you open this beauty. Thanks for inspiration and goosebumps.
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Comprehension oratory. - Difficult and painstaking process. Since ancient times, people have sought to know the art of performances before the crowd. Centuries later, we still wish to take possession of the audience, however, we now use modern methods.

website Diligently selected several effective practices from the book Elvira Sarakan "Learn to speak so that you are heard."

1. Articulation of Sounds "Sh - F"

  • The ball is the heat, yours - an important, joke - terribly, wide - fat, live - sew.
  • Buzzing the grip, buzzes, spinning. Loading from the skin in the clamp of Vherreli.

2. Articulation of sounds "K - G, X"

  • Swing - Gazelles, Cole - goal, bone - guest, code - year, whip - bent, club - stupid, Kesha - Ghisha.
  • Going with a goat oblique goat. Crab Craba made a rake, gave a rake crab: Gravel gravel robbles, crab!

3. Operating sound "C"

  • Heron - Saber, Coc - Juice, Objective - Sel, Color - Light, Circus - Cheese, Street - Fox.
  • Well done against sheep, and against a young sheep himself. Heron Chashla, Heron Serebed.

4. Say first slowly, then faster:


5. Exit first slowly, then faster:

Walk, wonder, post-promptum, swinging, transplantation, supersonic, unwitted, counterproduction, explosion item, Protestantism, to make up, super-strangled, get into the trunk, department, brand ascent, torture, philosophice, monster, molding.

6. Training pronunciation of consonants:

  • To Clara, to whom, to the throat, to the tour, to the gallets, to Kate, to Kiev, to the end, to the city, distant, get involved, give, ignite, hang out, negotiate, without fur coats, ruthless, immortality, restore, confirm, push off
  • Top - up, keeping - Introduction, push - push, keep - support, drag - to drag, water - input, sorce - quarreled.

7. Operating combinations of sounds in the form of the game:

  • Scroll nails: GBD! GBO! GBDE! GBDA! GBDA! GBDI! GBDE!
  • Imitate horsepower: ptchu! PTCO! Middle! PTK! PTKE! Pitch!
  • Throw imaginary plates to a partner: KCchka! Kchko! KCHK! KCH! KChK! Kick!

8. Say phrases first slowly, then quickly:

That hour here sang a thrush. That year there was a hail. Oak was old. Everyone was Peter. VMYG Club full. Moss hid a mushroom. Grandfather became old. Your guest took a cane. Wave Splash - Spray Glitter! One hundred miles hack.

9. Working sounds:

  • Buy Kipa Peak, buy pike kip. Buy Poha Kipu, buy Poha Kipu.
  • Magned Volkhv in Khlevu with Walking.
  • Rhododendrons from Arndrairia are given by their parents.
  • Brit Klim Brother, Brit Gleb Brother, Brother Ignat Beardat.
  • Karl put onion on the stall, Clara crawled onion with a variar.
  • She sews a cap, yes not in Kolpakovsky; The bell is tightened, but not a bellovers. It is necessary to overlapping the cap, to transfate, it is necessary to spin the bell, reel into combat.
  • Interviewer Interviewed interviewed.
  • The annilated constitutionalist was discovered to assimilated in Constantinople.
  • A quarter of the fourth of pea without wormwort.
  • Jasper in the sleeper suede.

10. Repeat slowly, and then quickly complex words:

  • (B, W) - Used
  • (K) - petty-caliber
  • (P, B) - publish
  • (P, P) - mediated subsidization
  • (P, T, C) - Territorial integrity
  • (P, T) - illustrated
  • (P, B) - Reverb
  • (C, F) - funds
  • (H, c) - four hundred dollar
  • (H, f, p) - phantasmagoric

At the beginning of training, your task is to learn how to breathe correctly. Pay this section. Moving forward, periodically return to it, repeating breathing exercises. It is useful to use them as a warming gymnastics before combustion. First, try to test the operation of the respiratory muscles.

Put your palms on the stomach and make some calm breaths and exhale. So that breathing was more intense, warm their hands to them or inflate the imaginary fire in the oven. You will feel that the stomach rises and lowers. If this does not happen, then you use the most non-rational kind of breathing - clavical. It is correct that the intercostal muscles of the lower walls of the abdomen and the diaphragm - the membrane separating the pectoral region from the abdominal are most actively working. This type of respiration is called a diaphragm. The easiest way to check the diaphragm movement in the lying position. You need to lie on the back, put your hands just above the abdomen, where there is a solar plexus / the diaphragm region / and take a breath and exhale. When inhaling the hand will necessarily rise due to the movement of the diaphragm. With an exhalation, the hand goes down. Simultaneously with the test of the movement of the diaphragm, the movement of the abdominal muscles, which work rhythmically and coincide with the movements of the diaphragm during inhalation and exhalation. The diaphragm and abdominal muscles in the positions standing and sitting should be in the same way. Check will show you the advantages and disadvantages of your physiological breathing.


Naturally, our breath is functioning during laughter. We will notice how and where the muscles of the abdominal press are strained, the bottom of the back / loins /, the belly is served forward.


Now I will put your hand on the stomach to control the breath and make a slow breath, considering it up to four. Do not delay the breath, slowly exhale, again counting to four. Feel like the stomach inflates when inhaling and blown away when exhaling. If the motion of the belly is badly tangible, let's try to do this exercise, tilting the body forward and putting your hands on the lower back area. The inhalation should be felt the expansion of this area of \u200b\u200bthe back. With each subsequent breath-exhalation, we increase the bill per unit (five, six, seven, etc.).


Active exhalation. We warm up the muscles, alternating fast breaths-outflows open mouth. Close how the sides of the dog are raging, breathing language breathing, and you will understand why this exercise is called the "dog". This exercise is useful to perform at the mirror. Sit on the chair, learn on his back and relax your shoulders and neck. Performing an exercise, watch the shoulders do not rise.


One of the essential flaws of breathing is the uneven exhalation. The voice sounds jolts, trembling and swinging. Training smooth exhalation, we lay the basics of smooth voice sounding. Having pre-exhausted, we will make a sharp breath, sending the air to the abdomen. With the sound of TC-C-C ... Slowly exhale air through closed teeth. In order for the air pillar to be uniform and did not swing, it is necessary to leave the abdominal muscles after the inspire, and the abdomen itself is round, like a ball. Try to maintain the tension until all the air comes out. Gradually, it is necessary to extend this exercise from 20-30 seconds to one minute.

While singing uses specific muscles that do not work in everyday life. Therefore, to swing the press or resort to another kind of exercises for their workout should not be! Help yoga, medical breathing exercises and swimming. The diaphragm breathing must be brought to automatism: breathe "belly" in the subway, studying and walking. Characteristic errors: constant looting or twitching shoulders during the breath - testimony of a clavary breathing, the deliberate protrusion of the abdomen and its unnatural pulling or another inconvenience in respiration means that the exercise is incorrect. The diaphragm type of breathing is the most natural and useful for the entire body. This type of breathing is commonly common for professional singers, athletes, lecturers and speakers. He is part of Medical gymnastics, yoga, oriental martial arts. So breathing animals and you breathe in early childhoodSo far the costs of civilization in the form of various physiological complexes have not led to the fastening of the wrong skill. Do not forget at first at the time of singing constantly put your hand on the stomach to control the breath. In the future, it is useful to use a tightly fitting wide rubber belt. It helps to control the breath and takes a slightly load on the muscles, performing the functions of the simulator.

Auxiliary exercises

Often proper singing interfere with muscle clips, excessively voltage of individual muscle groups, their discordination. The proposed exercises will help properly organize the work of the muscles. First of all, you should take care of the right posture: the back is straight, the shoulders are spinned and lowered down, the head is in the middle position. Do not bow your head up - it is overnight straining the larynx and voice ligaments. Work rhythmically.


Neck relaxed. Soft movements of the head in a circle in the right and left side.


Mildly lower the lower jaw down, then return to the place. Perform gently, carefully. Proper position The lower jaw can be found by opening the mouth to the maximum width, and then slightly weakening the muscles.


The lips are elongated into the tube, perform movements to the left-right, rotation in a circle back and forth and left-right.


The language takes various forms: folded into the tube, takes the shape of the bathtubs rising lateral walls and the tip of the language / or sail / mouth open, the language concerns the upper sky as far as possible from the front teeth.

If you can't do all exercises, - do not despair. It is enough if you limit the regular execution of the simplest. Follow the larynx Kadyk - the most wide place. Take it with two fingers and follow his movements during the yoke. Kadyk lowers down. It is necessary to learn to fix this condition during singing. This is called vocal zoo. Omitted, which means free and slightly extended larynx contributes to the beautiful natural sound output. The lack of extra tension on the larynx is the key to the artist's creative longevity. But it is not necessary forcibly to pull the larynx down and all the more keeping it with your hands. Its proper discovery is achieved only by the feeling of Zovka. I will open your mouth in front of the mirror and try to "show your doctor's throat" - omit the root of the tongue, raise the soft sky with a small tongue and say "a", opening rear wall Things.

  1. Wrong: the tongue is the hump, closing the passage in the throat, the soft sky is lying in the language.
  2. Correctly: The throat is open, the language lies freely, almost touching the tip of the lower teeth, the soft sky is raised. At the same time, the sensations of the recorded zovka are preserved.

A low-live curtain / soft sky / and the language interfere with the output of the free sound. It becomes flat, hollow. The following exercises train the mobility of a soft sky, language and larynx.


3-4 Finger-coated finger insert in the mouth as an expander. The most self-consistently, distinctly and loudly pronounce the location of NGA, NGO, NGU, NGU, NSU, NGA. I do not let your head, do the exercise to the feeling of fatigue in the area of \u200b\u200bthe larynx.


Open your mouth. Throughly push the language to the outside with such an acceleration, so that he hike himself jumped himself. We assign yourself a frog, catching a mosquito. Try to touch the chin tongue. The mouth is open, it does not twitch and does not close, the jaw is relaxed. At first, you can hold yourself for the chin.

Work rhythmically at a convenient pace before the feeling of fatigue of the muscles of the larynx. Watch that only the needed muscle group acted in each exercise. Learn to differentiate the work of the individual muscles of the vocal apparatus and manage them arbitrarily. Watch out for breathing, posture, do not strain your shoulders, neck.

Free resonator sound

In the process of finding the right sound, we will use various devices that allow you to put into the course of various natural mental and physiological mechanisms. Usually this conditional representations that we call in your imagination. They help to penetrate the nature of sensations arising from proper singing.

IN previous sections We have already used similar devices: remember the exercises "Doggy", "Frog catches mosquito." Naturally, they should not be understood literally. It is only necessary to call these pictures in your imagination. This greatly facilitates you finding the right sensations.


Open your mouth. Let's make a slow breath with a slight sound of "surprise." Feel chill on the soft sky and lowering Kadyk. On the exhalation, I will publish extensive, free, similar to moan sound "A". Mountains along with Kadyku remains in the lower position. Language should not close the throat. Lips should not tremble. Check yourself with the mirror. Watch out for proper breathing. Inhale Do not fix / exhale - immediately after the inhalation without delay /. Lanes do not rise. The involuntary birth of free sound contributes to peace, internal discrepancy and even some relaxation.

Vocal exercises.

General rules for their implementation

Now that you got acquainted with the basics of correct singing - a diaphragm breathing and free resonator sound, you can go directly to the exercises.

First, listen, how do the teacher performs. Then try to repeat.

Exercises must be sitting on the chair, smoothly holding the back and not bother.

Initially, it should be done within the first 6-7 most comfortable sounds, gradually expanding the range of votes. Keep your breath. To control, keep your hand on your stomach. Control the operation of the lower resonator. Make sure that the lips are not trembling, do not pull up the shoulders and head, do not pull the neck. Keep the feeling of peace, comfort and some relaxation. Only stomach should work, as if pumping air for singing. To the upper note, the stomach is strained more than during the previous one. It feels your hand lying on the stomach. All of the above is mandatory for both exercises and directly execute things.


Sound concentration exercises

These exercises are needed by those of you who have the following problems during singing: deaf, swallowed sound, difficulties with the execution of upper and medium notes, sapper sound on all or some vowels / often on "and" \\, tendency to incline notes.


Closed syllable "M". Make a quick breath. At the same time, lower the larynx, as during Zovka and discover the nostrils. In exhalation, we sing one note on the consonant "M". Glows remain below. The lower jaw is lowered so that the teeth do not touch each other. Tongue lies freely. The lips are closer, but not tense. Nostrils are open. You must achieve a deduction of long smooth sound. Vibration \\ Easy oppression \\ Feels in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, bridges, cheeks, chin. The vibration epicenter is located on the front upper teeth. Try not to allow the beacon of the gloom. Do not pull to the note from the bottom, attack on top, as if by pressing the imaginary key. Otherwise, the note will succeed in a slightly understated, or the feeling will be present that you "drive up" to the note without exactly intonating. It is necessary to start this exercise with anyone comfortable notes that are in the middle of the range, and gradually increase and lower the tone. The author does not recommend doing this exercise in a high register, stay low and medium.


M-and-and-and-and-and-and-and. In this exercise, the first note should sound the same as in the previous one. For the execution of subsequent notes, it is necessary to open a little mouth, tracking however, so that any voltage does not appear. The sound "and" during singing should not differ from the usual conversational \\ as in the word "snail" \\.


Mr.-E-A-oh-oh-ah-u-and. When you feel control over the letter "And", go to this exercise. All vowels must be executed by the same sound - a ringing, without chic and the product. It is necessary to constantly feel the point of the concentration of sound on the upper front teeth.

Exercises to achieve sound strength, depth and beauty timbre

These exercises are designed for everyone, but special attention to them should be paid to those who have the following disadvantages of singing: the vigilance of votes, votes, inability to guess elegant vocal decorations \\ little things \\. If, as it approaches the top notes, your voice becomes thin, it lacks a powerful dramatic tone, so necessary for the execution of fatal compositions, then these exercises are undoubtedly for you. Performing them, use all useful skills acquired when working on the exercises of the previous cycle.


Ro-oh-oh-oh about mouth is open wide, the jaw is in the lowest position. Lips are relaxed. Do not try to form a letter of lips. It should be as if inside the larynx. With this position, the sound will resemble something among the average between O and A. Take the mirror and check the position of the language on the vowel. Do not forget that the ladins slightly climbing on the r, must fall on O. again. It must be remembered about the state of the frozen yawk. Control the operation of the lower resonator. To do this, it is necessary to imagine that the mouth moved to the chest and the sound goes from there.


RO! -O! - Well! -Oh! -Oh! In this exercise, after each syllable, a sharp exhale is performed and a quick breath, as if good air. Exhalation occurs due to a sharp reduction in the muscles of the press, as during laughter. This reception is called an active exhaler. If it is completed correctly, the good air takes place automatically. The higher you climb, the deeper there should be sound. The sound more and more should be like a moan, as if on the chest lies a heavy girome and you sing through strength. Do not close your mouth and strain your neck.


RO-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" O during the execution of this exercise after every two sounds about doing a small exhale and breath breathing marked with an apostrophe sign /, as if good air / see. UPR.2 /. Try not to jump from the notes on a note, but smoothly transfer, making Glyssando. There should be a feeling as if you stretch the lower note on the top. At the same time, a higher sound must be disconnected in the chest deeper than the previous one.


PO-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" O-O "O-O" o Unlike the previous one, this exercise is performed easily jumping from notes on a note. Gradually, accelerate the tempo, but make sure not to stretch behind the sound, pulling the neck and throwing the head, and lower it on the chest. The sign of the apostrophe is marked active exhalation and good respiration.

Exercises for the development of the subton


A, Ma-Ri-I-I. Waire hands with breathing, as they do in the cold. Now add a little sound to breathing. This technique is called splitting or subton. Here you also got the feeling necessary to perform exercise 3. Watch the mouth widely discovered and the priests do not disappear throughout the phrase. Exercise is designed to use greater than usual, air quantities. If breathing is hardly enough, it means that the sound is found correctly. To facilitate the task, lean forward, put your hands on the lower back and feel the air penetrates there. Now you have formed " lifebuoy"Around the waist. Do not rush, spend the air economically, - do not exhale a lot on the first note. Inhales do the nose, rhythmically, quickly and sharply, feeling how the air" Rescue circle "is filled with air. If vowels and clamp or sounds in the nose, replace it On s / a-ve Mary-s-I /. When you learn how to lean it correctly, it will be possible to return to the original sound. This exercise can be done within the octave. Cut the breast resonator vibration - it should not disappear at high notes.