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Seeing large spotted pythons in a dream. Dream interpretation - Big dog. Dream interpretation - Big white birds

Dreams in which snakes appear usually leave unpleasant memories in their wake. What is the dream of a boa constrictor or a python? As the dream book says, a boa constrictor, a python is bad sign, which predicts you a series of failures and a lot of different shocks. The river of fate will be so raging and dangerous that complete disappointment in life and people will enter your soul. A meeting with a boa constrictor is especially dangerous large sizes- there will be only failures on your way. But in a dream, killing a boa constrictor is a very good omen, you are destined to quickly and skillfully resolve all difficulties, you will be endowed with the strength to adequately survive the black streak of failures.

What is the dream of a boa constrictor or a python: according to dream books, snakes in a dream symbolize various troubles.

Why boas dream - the correct interpretation of such a dream depends on the plot outline. For deciphering, all the smallest details of what is happening in the dream are important: how the python behaved - lying, crawling, attacking, or vice versa - you killed the reptile. For an accurate understanding of sleep, it is important to know the color of the boa constrictor. Such details are quite possible to compare with lighthouses, because they will lead to the correct understanding of sleep. What exactly means a boa constrictor in a dream can be understood by interpreting all the signs in a dream in a complex way.

Who saw the dream: woman, man, girl, child

  • Why is a boa constrictor or a python dreaming for a woman - the sign signals serious problems in the family. Most often, such dreams are dreamed of by women whose husbands are tyrants, who allow themselves to raise their hand against their wife.
  • A dream in which a woman saw a golden or silver python - good sign, he prophesies the sleeping meeting with wealthy person... He will make his beloved rich, give her expensive gifts, but at the same time make her powerless - deprive her of the right to her own opinion.
  • If a man dreamed of a boa constrictor, he will have a long black streak with a host of problems, difficulties and troubles, both at work and in family life. In order to get out of this quagmire, a man will have to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time.
  • If a girl saw a boa constrictor in a dream, she will have to fight with a rival for her narrowed one;
  • For a child, such a dream portends a lot of things, trouble and employment.

What does it mean to see a boa constrictor or python in a dream

If a boa constrictor appears in a dream, you have to go through the path of losses, hardships, failures that will drive you into stress, apathy and depression. If a snake, while dying, has bitten you - the vital obstacle course will leave its mark for life. The plot of the dream is filled with multi-colored boas - in strategic plans your ill-wishers have many tactical moves to destroy you as a business partner. If you dream about pythons bright colors, then your enemies are asleep and see that you have stumbled or made a mistake in your activities, in order to notify the whole world about this.

What color was the dream snake?

According to the dream book, a yellow boa constrictor or python means betrayal.

A yellow boa constrictor in a dream is the most insidious, this color predicts betrayal on the part of friends or closest people. It is very difficult to recognize them, because in the eyes they give out praise and flattery of the highest standard, and behind the eyes a metamorphosis occurs with them - they characterize you with the help of the blackest colors.

Indicates that the flatterer intends to harm you. In order to prevent this from happening, you should identify the traitor and stop all communication with him. There is another version of the interpretation of such a dream: a boa constrictor yellow color prophesies an insidious disease, for the treatment of which an emergency health care... You dreamed that a yellow boa constrictor bit you - you cannot make the main choice of your life, and this will give rise to a deep resentment for life.

Boa white I dream when circumstances in a difficult situation change in your favor and the problem will automatically be exhausted.

A green snake is dreamed of by people who suffer from alcohol or drug addiction and they have problems with a violation of the perception of reality. Such a prognosis is also possible - the green snake dreams before an illness that requires treatment under general anesthesia. You had a dream in which a green boa constrictor swims in a pond with crystal clean water- this is a good sign. He informs you: all the plans of ill-wishers will become known to you, and you will quickly neutralize them.

Where exactly did you see this snake?

  • A dream in which a boa constrictor was in the house of a sleeping person means that family relationships bursting at the seams - a mistress or lover has entered your life;
  • If you dreamed about a python in a forest, you will have to firmly defend your point of view at work;
  • If in your dream a boa constrictor is located on central square cities - a non-standard situation on your way;
  • You dreamed of a snake in a cage - loneliness will come to you;
  • In your dream, a reptile swims in, or any other body of water - your life at this stage will resemble a quiet haven. All problems will recede for a while.

If a boa constrictor attacked you in a dream

A dream in which a boa constrictor tries to attack you communicates extremely unpleasant news for you: in this moment you stand at the abyss, one more step and you will fall down. An attempt by a boa constrictor to attack you - life drove you into a dead end, from which it is difficult for you to get out on your own.

A good dream in which you managed to destroy a reptile - happy times have come for you, and problems, misfortunes have gone into oblivion, your financial situation will also improve dramatically. Such a dream also has a good ending - in a battle with a boa constrictor, you were the first to strike him. Such a dream prophesies good luck and the unhindered achievement of the intended goals. You will get to the designated line the first time and you will not encounter a single obstacle along the way.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Our dreams are a clue from the subconscious of what awaits us in the future, what to beware of, what actions not to take in order to protect ourselves and loved ones from danger, or vice versa, what needs to be done so that joy and well-being come to the house. Understanding the language of dreams makes it possible with your own hands to open the door to your future for a short or longer term. Dream books will tell you what fateful events the dream in which you saw a boa constrictor entails.

Miller's dream book - serious trouble

  • This famous dream book considers a boa constrictor to be the most terrible phenomenon in a dream, comparing it with the image of the devil. Such a dream is a storm in the fate of a person, with setbacks, disappointment and a drop in spirit. Disappointment in humanity at the sleeper reaches its highest point.
  • I dreamed that the reptile was trying to choke you - all the difficulties from your enemies and enemies, but you have the strength to withstand this unequal battle with evil, treachery and hatred. In your dream, a boa constrictor attacks suddenly - these are the intrigues of your opponents who are trying to knock you out of the saddle
  • You saw in a dream how a little snake, after a very short period of time, became a huge boa constrictor - such a serpentine metamorphosis informs about the impossibility of defeating enemies at this stage.

Dream interpretation of Wangi - meeting with enemies

Often a boa constrictor or a python in a dream symbolizes the enemy that you have to face.

The famous Bulgarian seer agrees with the traditional interpretation of the image of a boa constrictor in a dream. She predicts that the boa constrictor brings a person not only big troubles, failures, but also shocks of a tragic nature.

This image prophesies a battle with the enemy. If in a dream the python was poisonous, then your enemy will win this battle. If not, then you have every chance to inflict a crushing defeat on the enemy without suffering in the fight with him.

Wanga believes that a dream with a boa constrictor has positive side, because a dream is a warning, which means that you have in your hands a tool that makes it possible to avoid problems, to reduce the force of a blow to fate. You have time to take preventive measures and develop tactics to overcome the black strip and return life to its former shores.

Freud's dream book - experiments in bed

For a famous psychologist, all interpretations of dreams are associated with the psychological states of a person. According to his interpretation, the python in a dream announces the awakening of sexuality. He confirms his point of view with the following fact: in a dream, people without fear - with interest, and sometimes with admiration, observe the actions of reptiles. Why does a boa constrictor dream of a woman - Freud believes that this indicates a desire to conduct experiments in bed. He is also convinced that if in a dream a man dreamed of a boa constrictor, from which he runs away, these are problems in the intimate sphere that affect sexual relations with the opposite sex. Escape is avoiding their decision.

Modern dream book - problems and obstacles

A dream in which you see a python means trouble, you can overcome them. If you are trying to fight boas, you are able to take steps that will protect you from adversity and problems. If you are not afraid to confront the reptile, then you have enough courage to fight the black streak in life.


Dreams in which the main character is a boa constrictor usually bring negative events, most often disappointment and failure. This is a sign behind which there are troubles and serious difficulties. The dream will indicate the nature of the trouble, therefore, upon waking up, you will know from where the harsh wind is rushing towards you. This means that you will have time to prepare for the blows of fate and for the formation of internal forces in order to withstand all these trials with honor.

Your fate is in your hands, it all depends on your aspiration, skill and efficiency, and a dream will only help you see your future a little earlier.

Video "Why is the Boa constrictor in a dream"

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

Python - If you dreamed about a python that attacked someone, then someone will deceive you.

If you saw in a dream a python that is curled up in rings, then you will soon have a new sexual partner.

If you saw in a dream a python that was asleep, then you will soon recover your health.

If in a dream the python hissed, then you will be forced to fight for your love.

If you dreamed that you killed a python, then you are ready to sacrifice everything to make your dream come true.

If in a dream you took a python in your arms, then you can get out of a difficult situation.

See also: why is a large snake dreaming, why is a viper dreaming, why is it dreaming.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Why does Python dream from a dream book:

Python - potential hidden in you Vital energy, healing power.

Modern dream book

Why is Python dreaming, what does it mean?

According to the Python dream book, if he moves calmly, then you will have a measured life. If the python wants to attack you, your enemies will heal you in a ring. To kill a python is to defeat your opponents. If a python is wrapped around you, but does not strangle you, you will be able to make a good marriage.

Miller's dream book

Why does Python dream from a dream book:

Python is a small python that turns into a big one - you have to survive a threat from which you will miraculously be saved. All your failures in the subconscious will look just global. Holding a python in your hands is a minor annoyance that will make you worry.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Seeing Python in a dream:

Python that crawls - your enemy openly hates you and will soon go on the offensive. A python that is curled up in a ring and just lies quietly - your enemies are waiting in ambush to strike.

A boa constrictor in a dream book

A boa constrictor that appeared in a dream is a bad sign. The dream book in this case rarely promises something positive. To more accurately find out why this creeping creature is dreaming, carefully study all the interpretations available on this topic.

Female interpreter

Seeing a python in a dream - to continuous failure. Frequent emotional upheavals and negative emotions... You may even be disappointed in the person in whom you previously had infinite trust.

If you dreamed that you killed a boa constrictor, you will surely cope with the problems that befell you. If the snake before its death has bitten on any part of the body, then the difficulties will not pass without a trace. Your life will change forever.

Dream interpretation of the seasons

If you dream of a big boa constrictor, then cooling will come in the marital relationship. You will be seriously disappointed in your partner. If he has no chance of rehabilitation, it is better not to waste time and part as soon as possible, giving each other a chance to start a new, happier life.

A dreaming python is a sign that you will have to solve many problems and take on great responsibility. It is highly likely that there will be no strength left at all. But do not despair, the period of increased workload will not last long.

Seeing in a dream how a yellow python is strangling you - to the impossibility of making the main choice in your life. Now, not in a dream, but in reality, you feel like a victim and have no idea how best to act. Wait a little, everything will resolve by itself.

A dreamed fight with a large white snake predicts the upholding of a personal point of view. The Seasons Dream Interpretation is convinced that there are many opponents around you. To kill a boa constrictor means to defeat rivals and achieve the goal.

Versions of Tsvetkov and the Wanderer

If you dream of a boa constrictor within the walls of your house, then you should look for an enemy among loved ones. Someone from relatives or, so-called, friends builds insidious intrigues against you. Dream Interpretation Tsvetkov advises to be on the alert at all times!

To see how in a dream a yellow boa constricted his throat is a mortal danger. Don't think you can avoid it. Try to better think about ways out of the difficult situation that will develop in advance.

If you dream about a green boa constrictor floating in a river, then you will be under the influence of alcoholic beverages. If a white boa was swimming in the water in a dream, a good period will come in life. Everything will work out, for which you will not undertake. Use this moment to take decisive action. The probability of victory is high.

If you dreamed about a yellow boa constrictor - pay attention to your health. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation clearly warns of all kinds of ailments. Do not expect the disease to go away on its own. This, unfortunately, will never happen. The dream interpretation advises - go to a professional doctor. Only he will help to avoid the most negative consequences ailment.


Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Like all snakes, python- is a symbol of the potential life energy hidden in you. Like two snakes wriggling around a wand, a python can mean- healing power.

Collection of dream books

Python - vitality inside of you.

dreamed of a yellow python



in general, dreams about snakes warn of evil in its various manifestations ((((but a dream can also be considered in detail))))) !!!


The snake, like most other reptiles, including the PYTHON, should be treated like a penis. If the snake is basking in the sun, it symbolizes the good sexual tone of a man. If a woman sees a snake instead of her partner, this indicates possible changes (including pleasant ones) in your relationship. If a man sees the snake, this indicates both his homosexual aspirations, although perhaps hidden, and that he may be subjected to homosexual claims. A snake bite suggests that your sexual relations can be disturbed by the intervention of another man. If the snake bites not you, but someone else, then this indicates your sexual desire for this person, or your desire to change your partner, if the object of the bite is unclear. If you are chasing, hunting, and trying to catch a snake, then you are capable of, or are leading, a very active sex life. If you are running from a snake, then you have some kind of problem in sexual life that you are afraid or do not want to allow. A snake curled up in a ring speaks of your desire for self-gratification. The crawling snake symbolizes sexual intercourse. If you look at the snake with pleasure, admire it, then you can easily change the style of your sex life, you love to experiment and enjoy it. If you kiss a snake, then you strive for oral sex, but hesitate to admit it even to yourself.
The snake is a difficult symbol because it is interpreted differently in different CULTURES. Interpretations range from blood-chilling fear to peace and wisdom. Variants are determined by literary history and folklore different cultures, and personal experience... V real life fear of snakes is not uncommon. For some people, this fear is so destructive, almost pathological, that even a photograph of a snake seems threatening. For such people, dreams with snakes do not bode well. If there is someone in a dream who holds a snake in his hands, then he, in all likelihood, symbolizes the source of wisdom and order management in the dreamer's world and may in some way represent himself or someone from his acquaintances. In Asian and North American cultures, the snake is a symbol of wisdom. The thought of wisdom stems from the snake's ability to shed its skin and renew itself. If someone dreams of snakes in this light, then this dream symbolizes renewal, problem solving and ordering. In Judeo-Christian cultures, the snake is a symbol of temptation or spiritual opposition to the achievement of a goal. This interpretation follows from the Bible, in which Satan in the guise of a snake seduces Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Sometimes a snake dreamed in such a context hints at a specific person in your real life, with whom you did not have a very smooth relationship. Finally, Freud and classical psychotherapy also offered their own interpretations of this iconic image. In their opinion, the snake symbolizes the phallus, but sometimes it embodies fear of sexual intercourse, aversion to it. It is rather difficult to correctly interpret the snake you dreamed. What emotions prevail in relation to the snake: fear, respect or opposition? How do you feel about snakes in real life: neutral, fearful, or friendly? Did the snake appear when you were alone or with others? How do you feel about those; people who were with you? The answers to these questions should lead to a fruitful interpretation of the dream with a snake.
A dangerous enemy. Treachery, betrayal; if it creeps, it leads to illness.
The ring is a very important time (attention!). Deployed - dangerous adventures. Attacks - don't miss the moment! The closer the contact, the closer in time.
Yellow can mean envy. And also yellow in a dream means that soon you will meet a certain woman who will do a lot of good for you, but at the same time will give you a lot of problems.
But don't worry, sun

Kind yellow python

Dream interpretation Kind yellow python dreamed why the Kind yellow python was dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing a dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Good yellow python in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Python

Dream interpretation - Yellow

Treason, deception, envy, illness.

Dream interpretation - Yellow liquid

Dream interpretation - Yellow

Extraverted intuition focused on an external object or other person.

Or cowardice.

In combination with blue, it forms the unity of extra-introverted intuition, thereby being the mandala of the magic circle.

Dream interpretation - Yellow

A yellow cow comes into the house - wealth and nobility are ahead.

Dream interpretation - Yellow

Glory, luxury, impermanence.

Dream interpretation - Yellow color

It instills joy, expression, ability to act, clarity and alertness of mind, organization, attention to detail, ability to evaluate, discipline and organizational talent.

Eliminates the desire to criticize left and right, stubbornness, contempt for people, feelings of grief, self-flagellation, cynicism ..

Dream interpretation - Kind woman

To see in a dream a very kind woman who is literally ready to help everyone with advice and deed - to the mother's illness.

Dream interpretation - Kind woman

If you see in a dream a kind, affectionate woman who speaks to you, expressing her disposition with her whole appearance, and you feel how the light of kindness literally emanates from her, this is the approach of a big deception that will turn your whole life upside down.

Dream interpretation - Kind woman

You are drawn to good, but you see only evil around.

Yellow python

Dream interpretation Yellow python dreamed why the Yellow Python is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Yellow Python in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Python

Like all snakes, python: is a symbol of the potential life energy hidden in you.

Like two snakes wriggling around a wand, a python can mean

Dream interpretation - Yellow

Yellow - (color) - In clothes - to the spiritual professional occupation(go to a monastery, become a priest). Flowers - to separation from a loved one, treason. Auto - to changeable mood or weather. Yellow color suggests a change in what it refers to in the direction of deterioration (living conditions, situation).

Dream interpretation - Yellow color

Some yellow objects or landscapes, dream events, interiors painted yellow mean treason, betrayal, envy, slowdown in business, in solving necessary issues.

Dream interpretation - Yellow

Seeing this color, wearing yellow clothes - is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dream interpretation - Yellow

Many gypsy carts are painted yellow - for the gypsies it is the color of happiness, love and a close-knit family.

Dream interpretation - Yellow

These colors are the colors of the setting sun.

A historically established symbol among Buddhists, they symbolize divine qualities - holiness and enlightenment.

But an excessively bright yellow color is envy, a postponement of deeds, betrayal.

Dream interpretation - Yellow color

Dream interpretation - Yellow

See the interpretation of the COLOR symbol in the dream book

Dream interpretation - Yellow

Hopes for the best, striving for the future.

The world affects us with color, regardless of our personal preferences.

And in response we show some kind of emotion or just feel changes in mood.

On a conscious level, we can express in words our admiration or resentment about color combinations.

This color is more directed towards intellect and intuition.

Most of our dreams are uncolored.

We barely have time to notice the characters, their actions and, at best, the dream environment.

But sometimes we have colored dreams.

Color appears in our dreams to illuminate those aspects of our life from which we most persistently turn away.

We unconsciously read color information.

Even in reality, preferring or rejecting any color, we do not realize why we made our choice.

Therefore, the color test is an objective psychological characteristic of a person.

On an unconscious level or in a dream, we are involved in a situation from the opposite position.

First, we experience a feeling, then we react by the appearance of a color spot in a dream

Dream interpretation - yellow cow

Comes into the house - portends wealth and nobility.

Boa constrictor python

Dream interpretation boa python dreamed why the boa constrictor is a python in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a boa constrictor in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Python

Like all snakes, python: is a symbol of the potential life energy hidden in you.

Like two snakes wriggling around a wand, a python can mean

Dream interpretation - boa constrictor

The image of a boa constrictor in your dream may be associated with the words: "Look like a boa constrictor at a rabbit," thus, your daytime reflections on the relationships of the people around you fall into your dream.

If you dreamed of how a boa constrictor climbs a tree, then this means that in real life you have witnessed how cruelty and arrogance makes its way, and how the most unworthy people seize power, humiliating others.

Seeing in a dream how a boa constrictor strangles its victim - you feel the pressure of your superiors or some influential person on yourself, but you cannot make a choice: obey in order to keep what you have, or rebel and lose everything except your own dignity.

To fight a boa constrictor is to defend your point of view in reality, although there are more opponents and envious people than friends and supporters. If you win in a dream, it means that in reality you will be lucky. If in a dream a boa constrictor strangles you, but someone comes to your aid and frees you from his deadly embrace, then you will get rid of communication with an evil person due to circumstances.

A dream in which you feel fear when you see a boa constrictor crawling past you testifies to your timidity and indecision, because you cannot find the strength to respond with a blow to a blow, but turn the other cheek when you are hit on one.

Dream interpretation - boa constrictor

Boa constrictor - symbolizes great strength and the danger of strangulation. Seeing how a boa constrictor strangles its victim, you feel the pressure of some high-ranking person, but you cannot make a choice: obey or resist. Fighting a boa constrictor in a dream means waking up to defend your point of view when there are a lot of opponents around. A dream in which you feel fear when a boa crawls past you indicates your indecision in defending your own interests.

But behind the visible measured way of life lies a miscalculation and iron restraint. Python attacks only when the victim has practically no escape routes. That is why Miller's famous dream book says that to see this reptile in a dream is to the emergence of difficulties that can be overcome through persistent physical work.

If you dreamed about a python, do not despair and expect imminent disasters in your life. This is one of the easiest dreams in which a snake can appear. A large individual can mean strength and power. Creeping by - calm family life... And rolled into rings - a trap preparing for you.

A snake seen in a dream does not always promise continuous troubles and troubles. Python is devoid of deadly poison. But he is endowed with special physical strength and external slowness. It is because of this that he became a symbol of wisdom and eternal life in many Asian sources.

And every time she wanted to get up, the python lying behind her began to move and crawl after her. She herself was not afraid of him and sat back, he also calmed down. When it came time for us to leave the guests, I told my sister, run, I will distract him ... I start to run into the next room, I jump onto the sofa and see that the python has turned into about a 5-centimeter snake ... then we leave, and when I got home, my friend comes by bike and gives me that little snake, I got scared and left him on the ground ... and he said "you will be mine anyway" I answer "we'll see" and leave ... why is this all?

I live in an apartment on the second floor. Then he threw a big python out my window. The python itself was very large and long. He could freely climb from the ground to the second floor through the window, and besides, he could also be in my room. It was a dark green marsh color. Golrva was small and the rest of the body was big, it crawled towards me. T. Mom and aunt were in the hall.

In a dream, Python means that soon a person will appear in your life, a connection with whom will bring you many happy minutes and fill your life with new meaning.

My parents and I came as if on a motorcycle (although I had never ridden before, and my father is against it) for a picnic in the forest. We drove into a slope where there were a lot of trees. and suddenly a huge orange python crawls down from above.

I'm in kindergarten children hang on me. Then I see myself at the station, I want to go to the toilet but I can't find my shoes. I see my sister asking her shoes to go to the toilet. I run from a small hill to the basement of the house there should be a toilet. I run in and see that this is a basement where old things are lying around, iron beds, etc. I look back at the entrance to this basement, I see something on the street near the entrance crawling. Something long and thick. I think if it is a snake, but I banish the thought. I want to run out and from entering the cricket a python crawls into the opening and looks at me. But there I see grass. I calm down, turn my head, look at the python and wake up.

It was an ordinary warm May morning outside, I was walking down the street in a light dress, but they are still far from me. I turn around and see that there was also an apricot tree behind me ... I thank her and ask if she can take off like me ? grandmother takes off a little current from the ground, too, pushing off and spinning her body like in space ... about the snake, she said that it was a python, she found it somewhere and sheltered it ... and the python looked into my eyes and crawled back into the house without touching me at all ...

I'm in a room where there are a lot of people. This is a bedroom. The beds are made with white linen. Everyone is lying down, resting. On white open door a pale pink snake appears. I lie near the wall behind the door. I see it. It looks around the room looking for prey. It seems to me that everyone saw it. I turned to the wall in the hope that it would not crawl towards me. The snake is very long and wide. I am I feel her flesh. I look forward to when she crawls away. But she does not crawl away. She is tender with me. This is a pink python. Everything.

We saw a python crawling on the ground - soon your fierce enemy will come out against you in the open. If you dreamed that the python curled up in a ring, but lies calmly, your enemies are waiting for the moment to deliver a powerful blow. Seeing a python squeezing someone's neck is a bad sign. If you dreamed about a python of gigantic proportions, the Earth would be in the power of Satan. Violence and suffering, hunger and poverty will come, which will take millions of people away. But if they kill him, then devilry retreat.

My daughter and her friend went for a walk to the schoolyard. I accompanied them back home. Passing the garden I saw movement in the ground. Then a small golden snake began to crawl out of the ground sideways and began to grow right in front of our eyes. Python found a small hole near the door and stuck his head in and he seemed to be stuck with her to move on, he could not or did not want to, but his muzzle was very close to me (calm without a grin) I prepared to punch him in the nose and woke up

My daughter and I are in a room at the zoo. and the man shows to another male visitor how the python winds around the man. this visitor falls, entwined with a python, almost strangled, and the circus performer puts a prick in the python's tail and his muscles relax - he releases the victim. the man is already breathing, and the python is hung on the wall by the head and tail until the next performance.

The huge python, which fettered you, dreams as a harbinger of impending danger. Such a vision warns of the possibility of an accident or increased injury. If he attacked one of your acquaintances, it means that trouble threatens this person. Pay more attention to him and try to prevent misfortune as much as possible.

Python in a dream personifies the strength of mind and potential of the dreamer. These qualities will be useful to him to overcome significant obstacles to success. Such a sign warns of a meeting with a strong and insidious adversary who can disrupt all your plans if you fail to provide worthy resistance.

Among all types of snakes, python in a dream has the least unfavorable prognosis. He does not promise anything terrible, but he warns that obstacles will constantly arise on the way to the goal. Very often, a python in a dream symbolizes strength and power when someone is firmly held by the throat in a figurative sense. If in a dream he did not look aggressive and was friendly, then such a dream indicates your ability to resist enemies and achieve the desired result.

If a python wrapped around your neck in a dream, then this is a harbinger unhappy relationship... Your chosen one will actually turn out to be completely different from what he wanted to seem. He will torment you forever with his jealousy and despotism. It will be your responsibility to let him know and to encourage him as much as possible. Do everything in your power to help your loved one cope with the illness. A python of unrealistically large size brings poverty and suffering into your life.

A python crawling on you symbolizes an enemy who will act openly against you. But, if the python is curled up in a ring in your dream, then be prepared for a strong attack from enemies at the most inopportune moment.

When a girl dreams of a snake hissing at her, this means that in reality she will have to fight for the object of her love. If a boa constrictor tries to attack the dreamer in dreams, says the Dream Interpreter Avadyaeva, consider that you were warned of possible obstacles in business. If obstacles arise, postpone business for a while - now is not the best period for them.

Miller's dream book gives an interpretation of a dream in which a small python turns into a huge snake. If he attacks and strangles you, it will be difficult for you to resist enemies.

The most unfavorable color of a reptile is yellow. The yellow python symbolizes that there is someone in your environment who praises you in the eyes, and speaks nasty things about you behind the backs.

The dream, which featured a boa constrictor and a python, is twofold. Much will depend on the emotions experienced in dreams. Fright foreshadows shock. Whether they become positive or not depends on your actions and decisions. Was the appearance of snakes taken with interest? Close person will make an interesting offer. Serenity in vision communicates well-being and gifts.

The dream book of the Oracle of the Python is considered as a symbol of a strong spirit. Thanks to this, a sleeping person is able to reach significant heights, conquer new heights and achieve success in all spheres of life.

The very sight of this crawling creature, even in a dream, generates in the depths of the soul indescribable fear. And the interpretation of dream books, what the python dreams of, leaves much to be desired. According to interpreters, the dreaming image promises conflicts and troubles in reality.

It is not difficult to guess what the green python is dreaming of floating in the water. The dreamed image symbolizes the risk of being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, which can lead to drunkenness or alcoholism, depending on the size of the reptile in a dream.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Python in dream books famous authors... Perhaps, in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream of Python in a dream

Dream interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

What are you dreaming about and how to solve Python:

If you dreamed of a python that attacked someone, then someone will deceive you.

If you dreamed at night about a python curled up in rings, then you will soon have a new sexual partner.

If you saw in a dream a python that was asleep, then you will soon recover your health.

It was a dream that the python hissed - then you will be forced to fight for your love.

If you dreamed that you killed a python, then you are ready to sacrifice everything to make your dream come true.

I dreamed that in a dream you took a python in your arms - then you can get out of a difficult situation.

See also: why is a large snake dreaming, why is a viper dreaming, why is it dreaming.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

What does Python symbolize and why does it dream?

The potential life energy hidden in you, the healing power, read on if you want to find out what Python is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

Why is Python dreaming, what does it mean?

According to the Python dream book, if he moves calmly, then you will have a measured life. If the python wants to attack you, your enemies will heal you in a ring. To kill a python is to defeat your opponents. If a python is wrapped around you, but does not strangle you, you will be able to make a good marriage.

Dream book by G. Miller

Why does Python dream from a dream book:

A small python that turns into a large one - you have to survive a threat from which you will miraculously be saved. All your failures in the subconscious will look just global. Holding a python in your hands is a minor annoyance that will make you worry.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Seeing Python in a dream:

Python that crawls - your enemy openly hates you and will soon go on the offensive. A python that is curled up in a ring and just lies quietly - your enemies are waiting in ambush to strike.

A boa constrictor is a twofold image associated with the horror of a strangled victim and the wisdom inherent in folklore snakes. Appearing in a dream, the animal is unlikely to cause positive emotions... Seeing such a dream, everyone will try to understand what a boa constrictor can dream of. Great value for correct interpretation what he saw has a dream plot, a state after waking up, an objective state of affairs, an internal state of a person. Numerous dream books interpret the snake image in different ways.

General cultural significance

Python is a special snake that slowly suffocates the victim, squeezing the prey with the rings of its own body. As the classic dream book says, the boa constrictor is a symbol of pressure exerted from the outside, squeezing problems from all sides. Experiencing a severe psychological attack while under stress long time, a person sees such a dream.

However, speaking about the boa constrictor, many will remember the wise Kaa. The association is stable, general cultural, entrenched in the subconscious. Based on it, the interpreters say: to see a boa constrictor or a python in a dream - to the need to find a mentor, a calm, confident patron who can solve the dreamer's problems. Analyze the state of your psyche. Perhaps pressure, anxiety overcomes so much that you yourself are trying to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of an older, wise acquaintance?

Prerequisites for reality

Partially prerequisites the real world giving birth to a serpentine image are voiced. However, there are other common situations that provoke dreams with a boa constrictor:

  1. The observer has committed an offense for which he expects punishment, but is afraid to confess. Inner feelings of guilt are the basis of a frightening dream;
  2. Thinks too much about relationships with people around him, feeling dissatisfied with his position;
  3. Is experiencing strongest emotional experience, good or bad.

The general meaning of a reptile is anxiety, felt pressure, overwhelming fear. The subconscious mind indicates the overstrain experienced, giving rise to an unpleasant vision. The rest will be prompted by the details of the dream.

Opinions of different dream books

Explaining why a person saw a boa constrictor, different interpreters rely on different aspects of psychology. Only you yourself can more accurately understand the cause of the frightening plot. Therefore, after reading the proposed interpretations, assess the life situation. Comparing the interpretation options with the events taking place in reality, you will understand what the subconscious wants to convey.


To see a boa constrictor in a dream - to the expected difficult period of life. The dreamer has a premonition: it will soon be difficult, experiencing internal anxiety, expecting a problem. The result is a serpentine dream, in which the observer acts as a victim, squeezed by the rings of the scaly body.

Female dream book

Python - symbol of the strongest shock knocking out peace of mind... Not necessarily negative, often the snake predicts positive events. The details of the dream will help to interpret more accurately. A boa constrictor who was killed is dreaming - in reality difficulties will arise, but you will overcome them without much loss. Did the reptile get bitten? Expect cardinal life changes.


According to this dream book, a boa constrictor or a python are heralds of intrigues against the dreamer. Betrayal should be expected from the inner circle. Sleep warns: be more attentive, watch your tongue, do not trust important secrets! Was the snake yellow? Something negative is about to happen. Problems can be easily resolved if they are met with serpentine composure.


The wanderer's dream book says: a reptile of yellow, golden, ocher color - to a disease. The disease spreads in the body, the subconscious mind actively warns a person: check your health! Many commentators associate yellow or green wriggling images (ribbons, ropes, snakes) with diseases that grind from within.

The green animal is also interpreted as alcoholism: the nerves are so heated that the observer of the dream is ready to break into a long binge. The temptation is great, but you must resist it, otherwise you can lose a lot.

The overall meaning of what you see is reinforced by the feeling experienced immediately after awakening.

Condition after waking up

The state after awakening is important for the correct understanding of sleep. Remember with what feelings you woke up. Calmness, pacification, pleasant excitement - to positive changes in life, harmonization of the inner state. Feeling negativity, melancholy, fear, anxiety? Expect the negative influence of the external environment. The stress experienced will cause a severe nervous breakdown.

Specific interpretations

By the details of the dream, it is easy to understand what the subconscious is trying to communicate. Analyze the plot of the dream, turning points, some of the nuances.

Snake behavior

Calmly lies, curled up in rings - wait for the manifestations of the actions of a secret enemy. Attacks - get ready for serious tests. Squeezes, trying to strangle - the dreamer is in serious danger. Stares into the eyes - looks closely at the observer of the dream influential person with a negative attitude.

Reptile color

Another meaning of yellow python is human doubt. The dreamer hesitates in making a decision, dissatisfaction with life is growing. The white snake is the embodiment of the intrigues of enemies. Ill-wishers hover around the dream watcher, choosing the moment to strike. The black boa constrictor is a dangerous evil.

The dreamer's actions

Kill a python - solve problems in reality, calm down, lead inner world into balance, defeat the enemy. A person succumbs to the hypnotic effects of snake eyes - to personal helplessness, inability to independently get out of a difficult real situation. To release a snake into the water - to the successful intrigues of enemies left unpunished.

Interpreters interpret the serpentine image ambiguously. To correctly understand why the boa constrictor dreamed, carefully compare the details of what you saw with real events and the internal state.