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What is the benefit and harm from sports? Children and Professional Sports: for or against

Considering the benefit of sports, it is necessary to speak not only about the benefits of the health of the physical, but also mental, for the moral, emotional state of the child.

Let's start with what we clarify what kind of (or type) of sports we will be considered in this article. The fact is that there are two main sports - amateur and professional. Professional sport implies work, work is very heavy, it is exhausted with places. If we talk about the benefits or dangers of professional sports for the health of the athlete, then rather there is more harm, because To achieve the outlined results, an athlete is experiencing very large physical and mental loads, especially for training before competitions. Even if at all his career athlete did not receive a single injury, it does not mean that it is healthy, all those loads obtained in the youth will make their more bad things to mature years. On the other hand, professional athletes, like no other resistant to all colds, because Have a large supply of immune protection.

Another thing, sports amateur. They are engaged in pleasure, to maintain a good form, due to the fact that it is fashionable. But do not earn them money, on the contrary, spend their own, sometimes very significant. are organic part healthy image Life, which is now so zealously promoted. In order to, indeed, the sport brought only the benefit of your health, it is necessary to choose it in line with your capabilities, limitations, diseases. Optimal in this regard are water sports, in particular swimming, is generally recognized that there is nothing better for the development of physical health of children. As for the "terrestrial" sports, here leadership belongs to running (light athletics) and various team sports. Speaking of harm, we can say that in football, for example, you can easily break the leg, and in basketball finger. There is a case of the case, and sports, although amateur, but zeal is often too professional, as a result of which various injuries happen. Having giving a child in martial arts (boxing, struggle, oriental martial arts, etc.), so as to learn for himself to stand up, you must be prepared for the fact that the child can earn a brain concussion or a fracture of jaws. On the other hand, he could have earned these injuries just playing on the street.

Considering the benefit of sports, it is necessary to speak not only about the benefits of the health of the physical, but also mental, for the moral, emotional state of the child. Recognized fact that children from an early sports involved in sports are well developed discipline, sense of responsibility, hard work, adjacent. Of course, all this will not be superfluous for a child.

Athletes who have achieved in the lives of high awards and confessions often receive this price of injuries and disability. However, many parents will literally wander the sports career of their children, without thinking about what consequences can turn the medal or victory to the Olympiad to the child. Professional sport does not strengthen their health, and undermines it - they say the athletes and coach themselves. And the sooner the children begin to occupy professional sports, the harder there may be consequences in health in adulthood. What you need to know by deciding the question of choosing a section?

Many parents, giving birth to children in sports sections, do not expect awards and prizes, and wish to strengthen the health of kids, increase their physical strength and endurance, form volitional qualities. However, if children submit hope, often parents give them to professional sections, especially without thinking that such a severe physical and psychological burden can turn into a rapid organism, as it will manifest itself in the future. An erroneous view is that the earlier workout will begin, the biggest success and high results in the sport will achieve kids, and the more healthier they will become. Modern professional sport, aimed at achieving high results, upbringing Olympians and winners, has nothing to do with health. Moreover, he breaks the psyche and cripples the body of a young athlete that the age of 20-30 will make a disabled person from him.

Professional sport: What parents are important to know!

The timing of sports on medical criteria, and those when young athletes are gaining coaches in the section, differ greatly. Often, in favor of the upbringing of professional athletes, neglect by all medical standards and contraindications. So, gymnastics, figure skating, acrobatics and many other sections with hunting are gaining children almost from three years old, while the permissible minimum dates for the start of classes of such sports are 6-7 years. And the thing is that children are still obedient and podiatiles, are not afraid of dangers and difficulties, easily going to perform risky and crushing elements. In addition, at this age, children are easily inspired, unconditionally obey the coach, and they are easy to "break".

Therefore, parents should think about how such sports will affect children if he will lead to problems in health. Ordinary sports sections, for general development and health promotion, build their activities based on the game, and only this is permissible under the age of 7-8 years. The professional sections are "adults", tough and many hours of training, with severe injuries and a fairly strict discipline, command spirit, heavy, exhausting physical exertion.

Professional sport is problems of both physical health and mental. The nervous system of children is still very raven, and strict discipline and rigidity, the suppression of individuality in favor of the team's needs, often can lead to psychological injury. This can lead to a kind of "zombie" of pupils, except for his team and its sport, they are not interested in anything else, they have the only goal - to achieve results through sweat, blood and tears. In the future, such psychological attitudes have a negative impact on the psyche, and lead to problems in communicating with peers.

Those children that are engaged in a lot, in the usual school classes often show unsatisfactory successes due to scattering, fatigue, violations of the blood supply of the brain due to the redistribution of it in the area of \u200b\u200bnaked muscles. Increased loads lead to stress and frequent diseaseswho, in favor of training, are poorly treated, sometimes children go to classes even with temperatures.

Dangerous and injuries who receive athletes in training - a fracture of legs or hands, stretching bundles, defeat joints - the usual business in professional sports in children. Often it is familiar, chronic injury, especially in the joints of the joints, repeated several times in a row, and conducting tissue-resistant and irreversible deformations. Such an injury later, in adulthood, will respond to the development of degenerative diseases - arthrosis. Multiple fractures come from team players, often during rigid workouts or competitions, then they can lead to a disability counterfeit.

Often, the fracture is substitched when the bone gives a crack without damaging her shell - periosteum and changes in the form of limb. Such a fracture is often ignored, hidden, which leads to serious complications.

In girls who with early childhood They are engaged in heavy physical exertion, problems with sex ripening and childbearing in the future can be formed. In favor of the figure necessary for the sport, they exacerbate themselves with tough diets, physical workouts, which significantly upsets hormonal exchange. By age, 20-25 years, the athlete's career is completed (sometimes due to multiple injuries and disability), and a bouquet of diseases and psychological problems It remains for life. But parents often give children in the section to improve health!

If parents decided to play sports, it is important for a detailed examination of the doctor. The specialist will tell you the deadlines when the medical standards are allowed to deal with those or other sports. For most of them, the bottom plank is 6-7 years old, and for such workouts as boxing, martial arts is a period of at least 8-10 years.

It is important to seriously check the heart and the broncho-pulmonary system, the state of the musculoskeletal system, the main load on the workouts will fall on them. If a child has age-related problems, intensive sports, they are most likely aggravated.

And most importantly, it should be considered when choosing a sport - this is the desires of a child and his attitude towards classes, if he constantly complains that training is hard for him, it is worth listening to his opinion.

Andrey Nosov.

Considering the benefit of sports, it is necessary to speak not only about the benefits of the health of the physical, but also mental, for the moral, emotional state of the child.

Let's start with what we clarify what kind of (or type) of sports we will be considered in this article. The fact is that there are two main sports - amateur and professional. Professional sport implies work, work is very heavy, it is exhausted with places. If we talk about the benefits or dangers of professional sports for the health of the athlete, then rather there is more harm, because To achieve the outlined results, an athlete is experiencing very large physical and mental loads, especially for training before competitions. Even if at all his career athlete did not receive a single injury, it does not mean that it is healthy, all those loads obtained in the youth will make their more bad things to mature years. On the other hand, professional athletes, like no other resistant to all colds, because Have a large supply of immune protection.

Another thing, sports amateur. They are engaged in pleasure, to maintain a good form, due to the fact that it is fashionable. But do not earn them money, on the contrary, spend their own, sometimes very significant. Sports are an organic part of a healthy lifestyle, which is now so zealously promoted. In order to, indeed, the sport brought only the benefit of your health, it is necessary to choose it in line with your capabilities, limitations, diseases. Optimal in this regard are water sports, in particular swimming, is generally recognized that there is nothing better for the development of physical health of children. As for the "terrestrial" sports, here leadership belongs to running (light athletics) and various team sports. Speaking of harm, we can say that in football, for example, you can easily break the leg, and in basketball finger. There is a case of the case, and sports, although amateur, but zeal is often too professional, as a result of which various injuries happen. Having giving a child in martial arts (boxing, struggle, oriental martial arts, etc.), so as to learn for himself to stand up, you must be prepared for the fact that the child can earn a brain concussion or a fracture of jaws. On the other hand, he could have earned these injuries just playing on the street.

Considering the benefit of sports, it is necessary to speak not only about the benefits of the health of the physical, but also mental, for the moral, emotional state of the child. Recognized fact that children from an early sports involved in sports are well developed discipline, sense of responsibility, hard work, adjacent. Of course, all this will not be superfluous for a child.

A mansion in this topic cost extreme sports associated with increased risk to health and life. Of course, you won't meet young children in it, but your child may well get sick, let's say, skateboarding, for years of EDAK in 9-10. Here you can go to meet and buy a novice extremal good defenseAnd you can return a skateboard to a neighbor boy. But if, he really "fell ill", then it is better to accept everything as it is, all the more so there is nothing wrong with that, and what it is more dangerous than tennis, and let it be stronger.

About 70% of Belarusian schoolchildren who end the senior classes have certain health problems. It is impossible to play sports professionally with such problems, but it does not mean at all that it is not necessary to do it at all, I am sure the Gennady Country, Head of the Department of Sports Medicine and the Medical Physical Administration of Belmapo.

What is more in professional sports - benefit or harm? In this we understood on the air TUT.BY-TV.

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Professional sport is the benefit or harm you think?

Any professional activity involves the impact of related factors that may cause health disorder, be it a professional builder, a journalist or an athlete. It is believed that almost any sports at the level of the candidate in the master of sports is preferably a wellness effect. Already after the athlete came to the level of the Master of Sports, the athlete of the national level, the risk of developing pathology increases.

The biggest problems in athletes arise after the completion of the sports career. The accumulated compensated pathology begins to manifest themselves against the background of forced hypocinezia, hypodynamia, we begin to lose compensation that the sport provides. From this point of view, the sport can be considered as the main malicious factor. But this is a delusion that sport is crippled. Sport can cripple exactly as much as any other activity: fell in training, at the construction site, stumbled on the stairs. Sport itself benefits. Sports are obliged to engage in all persons who do not have medical contraindications.

My friend wanted to give my child to tennis. A child since childhood had problems with a musculoskeletal system. Doctors said "impossible." Mom was ready to buy not only expensive equipment, but also help to take the child to the section. Is such an attitude normal?

At the last seminar in April in Monaco, the International Olympic Committee recognized our system of cliserization of young athletes the best. I managed to visit different structures in Belarus, Russia, Europe. We have a very good approach. During the year, all children should pass a full medical examination one or twice. Based on this, testimony and contraindications are detected.

Do you mean children who do in sports sections?

Yes. There is Resolution No. 47 of the Ministry of Health of May 27, 2011, which regulates the admission to sports on medical clubs. There everything is clearly set out. Now we create a new regulation, which will be united by children and applicants, and professional athletes, and physical education. There are such cases that a person goes to school in preparatory groupAnd he is engaged in sports. This is nonsense! We also work with russian colleagues Regarding the creation of national guidelines on a cardio attraction.

The problem you voiced is often found quite often. Parents are truth and inconsishes to receive permits for sports without taking into account that one or another injury or disease limits the potential of an athlete. Parents are investing money, their children grow up to 14-18 years old, and the question of future fate. Serious sports implies the loss of the level of education, because it is impossible to be Schwarzenegger and Einstein in one person. There is a problem of another kind: children are undergoing medical examination in our center, they find a disease or deviations that limit the prospects of an athlete or are contraindicated. So, what is next?

The man was engaged in several years. Huge physical and cash are spent ...

And moral too.

And then the surveys show that he can not be playing sports.

Literally recently we had a case. The girl is a candidate for an athletics youth team. She is 16 years old. All this time, she was on dispensary accounting at a residence permit gastrointestinal tract. Parents hid it. She began to study, got tolerance. During classes, as a result of sports-associated injury or high psychophysical loads, it was manifested by a disease. If a person is on a dispensary accounting, there can be no speech about a professional sports about sports. If there is hidden or compensated pathology, sooner or later it will come out out.

Sport is now not the one that was 20-30, especially 30-50 years ago. Olympic champions in swimming in the 70s in Beijing with their results could not be selected even in the final. For 20-30 years, sports, especially female, strongly stroke through the sporting result. Accordingly, the requirements for the functional state also seriously increased.

I will give you an example. I recently looked through the statistics of the medical examinations of first-graders for 2008, 2009, 2010. It turned out an interesting situation: in Minsk, 20% of children have disorders of posture. In some regions of the Grodno region, this figure is four times less. It is clear: High Activity in Countryside, children from five years know what rakes, shovel, - and Minsk, where the main childhood pastime - the Internet, computer games. And at the beginning of the school, 20% was broken posture. Another 10% have problems with vision. It is clear that training in school, sports loads will exacerbate the compensation that we had. At the output of up to 70% of school graduates have decompensation in a state of health, simply speaking, are considered patients. In the countryside, this figure is lower.

But if a child has a desire to engage in the sports section, what should be done first?

It should be proceeded from what the child wishes. However, the desire of the child should not dominate so that it does not work out that today he likes football, the day after tomorrow - karate, and the next day - hockey. Thus, parents serve the whims of the child, and such a child never reaches anything in any sport.

Parents must start with themselves. Whatever it was, the question of financing sports activities is quite relevant. Hockey and tennis are expensive sports, and if parents can pull it, please. Swimming and football is a bit cheaper. Athletics, the run is also a little cheaper. If a person has no medical contraindications, he is obliged to play sports, especially if this is a boy. It is clear that if the soul lies with drawing, music, dancing, biology, chemistry is a primary. But if we are talking about incremental education with "beer burdens", then the first place should be a sport.

The next stage, parents should evaluate their own physical development. If the father played football all the time, even if the yard level, the mother is active enough, then why not give a child in football. If parents are compact, hyperstoles, low, but stronger, then why not send the child into power sports, weightlifting, fighting. If the child is elastic, which is usually transmitted along the motherboard, then he is a straight road to light gymnastics. In China, the gymnastic sections are gaining very simple: comes a trainer on gymnastics to school, puts children and makes them jump 5-10 times. Those who jump above all, and take into a section. In China, there is such an opportunity, they have a natural selection. At our 9.5 million people on the natural selection, they will not be attended particularly, so great potential is the development of the coaching component.

It is necessary to evaluate their physical and financial capabilities. For example, you should take 7 in the morning for a hockey hockey training. To do this, get up at 5 in the morning, my mother must be prepared, wear a child, and at 7.30 he is already on ice. And so lasts for years. Not every mother can afford it, even physically.

The next stage is the choice of coach. The level of qualifications of coaches largely determines the future athlete in childhood. I say to your cadets, patients, customers: if the coach is closely monitored by the warm-up and the harness (the final part) is a really qualified coach. I myself was a sports school, I know what it is. It happens, instead of exercising stretching, there is a light cross, the coach suggests squeezing a hundred times or raised the bar. And the training on this ends.

Do we have the opportunity to choose coaches?

In sports medicine after the institute I have been for 15 years. I can say that the number of children engaged in sports is increased from year to year. I'm not talking about statistics, but about the real state of affairs. Earlier, 10 years ago, I had patients who asked to resolve the issue with inadani physical culture and sports in connection with invented diseases. It is clear that with such people the conversation was short. And now among my patients a large number of People who are asked to get into the section. Previously, they tried to remove themselves from sports, and now, on the contrary: the patient has a disease, and it will clearly not be an Olympic champion, but the parents insist that he is engaged in sports.

But the disease will ever manifest ...

In our country, this is all clear. On average, 95-98% of UMOs are held annually (in-depth medical examination). My older daughter is engaged in sports and is being examined regardless of me. Literally yesterday I accidentally met her at my work. Girl is 15 years old, and she herself passes from year to year. I am a doctor of the national hockey team. All my athletes are at least once a year undergo a medical examination. This is added to current control and express control. Athletes are under serious observation. If the child has an unambiguous contraindication, no one will violate the law. After the case with the Cherepanov, even before it, we have even hyperdiagnosis and hyperfect.

All are reinsured.

Yes. There are states in which it is impractical to engage in sports - for example, progressive myopia or scoliotic posture. Of course, we will simply not allow such a person to the national team. The child does not make sense to spend physical, moral and material means, because nothing will happen at the output.

Suppose we will not do from the child of the Olympic champion: he has myopia, scoliosis. But what to do with it? To put for a computer - let it be blind further?

Excellent question! This is one of the most discussed problems. We have four alternatives: Sport, access / Street, Drawing / Dancing / Music and a virtual reality. Once I went to the Internet club: 40-50 computers were engaged in children aged 10 years. Where do parents look? In the end, where does the regulatory structure look at? Okay, money, but what will happen to the eyes of children who constantly play computer games? What is their prospect? If a person has the opportunity to play sports, he must do.

In Europe, sports is voluntary. Almost semi-blind can be engaged in shooting. It is clear that you do not shoot a lot, and sooner or later you will understand that you have nothing to do there. But abroad there are no serious regulations on tolerance to sports except Cardiopathology. For example, a person will not be allowed to fight if he has a pathology of development. If a child can do sports, he must do. If he has contraindications, he can do sports dancing. Useful any view motor activity.

In the end, go to the rollers to ride - also useful.

I live near the bike, not far from Minsk-Arena. In the summer there we must ride neatly, because the number of bicycles riding from year to year is growing. And I am pleased to talk about it. Previously there were runners, but now cyclists, roller. Fortunately, the consumer relationship of parents is becoming less and less: they say, there can be no speech about sports, in 16-18 years we will give you biological additivesAnd you will be a genius. As a result, this person enters the institute, and the exit is a vegetable.

Not so long ago, one friend, learning that my son was five years old, I advised to buy a small dumbbell. Only said to be sure to take the child to the coach so that he showed how to deal with them: they say, very often parents for ignorance show incorrect exercises that the child cripples. Correct this position?

Quite right. The most healthy sports are those that develop overall endurance - for example, when an adult man on the pulse 120 blows runs cross, quickly walks. On the this moment There is no better classes than fast walking, jogging and swimming. The more power loads in your work, the larger time should be given to the technique and warm-up. The more you work with rods, dumbbells, the more you need to quickly warm up and the better should be technique. All people are asymmetric: the right hand is stronger than the left. No matter how much, but if we take a bar right hand We will always strain stronger. As a result, the posture is disturbed, because the right side pulls the vertebral pole. Then, because of this, there will be serious problems. Therefore, the recommendation of your friend is completely justified.

How then to determine the permissible load? For example, the child does, it seems to feel good, but suddenly at some point he falls and cannot raise his hands, move his feet - overloaded. How to understand that classes need to suspend?

To a large extent, these issues are determined by the coach. As one of my comrade joked, if only one athlete brought up the coach for his entire career high level, he did not raise him, but simply did not give him to dry. He did not prevent the athlete to develop what was laid in nature. When the coach has five or ten such athletes, it is already talent. Everything is determined by the capabilities and skills of the coach.

60 people are engaged in hockey groups. It is impossible to immediately estimate the functional state of 60 people, the doctor will not measure pressure or ECG. In this case, there must be good subjective control. First of all, work should be carried out with parents. If the child is after training activities He sleeps badly, he eats badly, his behavior changes, it means that he physically overheated. I have a number of patients who have a school in the morning, the day of the music school, and in the evening hockey. Parents are trying to argue immense. It is simply impossible, it different types Activities. The nervous system of the child suffers from this very much.

There is such a notion of "disabled pathology" - pathologies that lead to disabled in children. Of course, in the first place is normal development. On the second - diseases nervous and endocrine Systems. Then there is oncology and so on. If on developing nervous system In our super crucial information society, we impose exercise, we can get a negative at the exit. This is a secondary question, which has more influenced: music or sports, or what the child falls at 12 o'clock in the morning, and at 6 am he needs to go to hockey.

Recently, we talked with pediatricians about how to preserve the health of schoolchildren. They said that first the parents do not know how to load the child, and then do not know how to cope with it.

Quite right. it back side Medals for which we estimate the need for physical education and sports.

Finally, I would like to ask you to give general recommendations. How to choose the right section for your child?

First, it is important to desire a child. Secondly, your features. Third, the ability to control and work with the coach. And most importantly - medical admission to physical culture and sports, which can be obtained at the Center for Sports Medicine on Sverdlov, 9. In addition, the Belmapo.BY website has an email address of our departments. At any time you can send a question regarding admission to sports. We will try to answer as quickly as possible.

Catalog will help choose the best sports sections in Minsk.

As far as it was possible to find out, sports are prohibited for those who have incurable pathologies and acquired eye diseases. In the case of the farewell or myopia, this question solves the doctor. Often, you will not allow you to exercise any sport only with a high degree of violations of vision, for example, with farnicide +6 D.

Can there be sport harmful to health

One thing is amateur workouts, and the other - occupations at a professional level. What bodies are most susceptible to risk? Is this depends on the selected sport? Of course, not all physical classes have an adverse effect on the body. The most important thing is to know the measure.

Benefit and harm of sports

Physical activity is a set of exercises aimed at maintaining and developing common group muscles. Physical activity can be regular or periodic, depending on your preferences. You yourself can choose the sequence of exercises yourself, to control the pace of actions yourself, the load volume and choose the shell on which they traine. The use of sports in this case is obvious, your body comes into tone, blood circulation is normalized and you feel much better.

Sport is harmful

But still, if you are engaged in sports without overdoing, in a specialized group or yourself, but again, knowing the measure, bad nothing happens, even on the contrary, your body will be much better prepared for childbirth and thanks to this woman in labor will quickly manage to restore the shape that She was before childbirth.

When sport is harmful

And now consider Read more option of professional sports.Any human body has its own margin of safety and its limit permissible loads, Permanent training with ever-increasing loads and standards gradually produce this storage stock, wearing a human body. In addition, when you are engaged in a professionally one and the same sport for a long time - groups of joints and muscles that you use constantly "produce". That is why those who engaged in flight athletics and gymnastics in the future are faced with diseases of the joints and pain in the back. A, professional injury and stretching? So, for example, the wings of Sumo (or sums, as they are also called), suffer from obesity. Boxers, throughout their sports career, are knocked off from the account how many times they had a broken nose and how many times they got a concussion (most boxers in old age, besides, begins to hurt Parkinson's disease and suffer from attacks of epilepsy). And, these are just a few examples. We see sports competitions, results, medals, but we do not see injury, pain and disappointments ...

Harm sports: fiction or harsh reality

Constantly growing loads wear joints, heart, muscle. But most often professional sports beats for those who leave him. The loads to which the athlete is used, suddenly disappear sharply, the body is emergency to rebuild on a new mode. And since the safety margin is usually already running out, not everyone can adapt to such a restructuring. That is why doctors advise after leaving professional sports, do not throw training sharply, but gradually reduce the loads and dwell on a minimum that will support the muscle tone and the body as a whole.

Opinion of professional sports

On the one hand, sports is always wonderful. Not that seat in the office. But is it really? We suggest to consider this issue on the example of such a common sport as an easy athletics. Athletics is a sport that includes various competitive sports competitions on the rags on various distances, jumping (in length, triple, height, with sixth) and throwing (pushing the kernel, spears, disk and hammer). This sport is one of the main, oldest and most famous in principle. It is under the banner of athletics that the famous Olympics pass.

Sports for health

I was long worried about the choice better view Sports to improve the health and extension of longevity. Now it seems to me that I found the answer to this question. The most natural movement for a person is walking and running. I believe that this is the best aerobic health. From the anaerobic choosing fitness. Naturally, both are in a reasonable moderate limits. Justification of this choice, as well as an overview of influence different species read sports for health in this article.

Site about the harm

Harm from active physical exertion, such as running, or cycling, can be dangerous for people in more mature age, especially if you just start running. Usually after 40 years, many launch their the physical state Until unsatisfactory, and some decide to put themselves in order, drive weight and gain shape, but they do not think that they have not been involved in sports before sport and their body is not adapted to so active actions, and after the first circle at the stadium may feel pain in Heart, dizziness, shortness, darkening in the eyes, etc., these are signs of oxygen starvation, the body lacks oxygen to power the muscles, especially important if at the age of 35-40 years old are going to start playing sports, be sure to check the doctor on The presence of hidden diseases that may be still in the early stages, and you yourself may not know about them, because you did not bother you, and if there is a small problem with the heart, kidneys, lungs, increased or reduced pressure, cholesterol, et al. should be taken to exercise sports is more wary, and not to rush in the quarry. Sport although most often useful for the body, such diseases he will not cure, and may be the opposite, aggravate the situation, so think about harm exerciseIf your age is over 40 years old, harm sports can be much stronger than its benefits.

Sports for health

Now my back is twice as bigger than in a competitive form, it actually attracts attention. But I enjoy what I can eat normally and do not deliver yourself to insane preparations. They will no longer be. I need to take care of my face and youth, I need to take care of my health.

Sports for health

During training at the athlete, the pulse is participated. And for the work of the brain it is very good. Brain activity is enhanced several times when sufficient enrichment of blood, and with it and oxygen. Good sport helps and with disorders, because when a person is engaged in sports, he thinks about him, and there is no desire to reflect on world problems, and their own problems become secondary when the task of raising a hundred kilogram rod is faced.

When sport is harmful

Sport is part of physical culture. Therefore, there are two components in the concept of sports: 1) organization, conducting and participation in professional competitions along with the system of preparation for them, 2) human advantages in order to promote health.

What is the benefit and harm to sports

It is believed that sports exercises allow the symptoms of the development of many diseases. If you decide to figure out what sport can give - favor or harm, then in most articles it is said only about positive moments. At the same time, sports can also have negative impact on the body. A lot of time is a question about the benefits and harm of sports remains open. This gave rise to a mass of statements, many of whom have nothing to do with reality.

Sport is harmful? To whom and why physical exertion is contraindicated

Intensive physical exertion lead to early atherosclerosis and calcium deposition in vessels. This news came from American scientists (publishing in the scientific journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, which is published by the famous "Clinic Meio"). The results of the study shocking. Not only very intense loads were harmful, but also the usual, which we strongly recommend to perform.

Project Bayhou

Together with the growing popularity of cycling, highway and mountain cycling, the number of injuries associated with them increase. According to the American Commission on Consumer Safety, in 2009, Americans received about 554 thousand cycling injuries. Among children, this figure amounted to 300 thousand injuries, of which 15 thousand cases required hospitalization. Thus, cycling is one of the most traumatic amateur sports.