Repairs Design Furniture

Features of the physical condition and formation of the case. Formation and registration of cases in institutions, organizations and enterprises. The standard details of the form include

Leaf-wit is drawn up to account for the number of sheets in the case of an established form, which is given in Appendix 9

Rules of Filling Leaf Ward

And on personnel after the end of the calendar year, in which they are headed, must be prepared for the transfer to the archive. Predarious business preparation includes two procedures: design and description.

Registration is made by the person responsible for working with documents. The design includes the compilation of a vessel.

The vessel sheet is drawn up in a separate sheet (A4, A5 format) on the back of the last clean sheet.

It is forbidden to make a sheet-withel on the cover of a business or a clean turnover of the list of the last document. If the case is sewn or intertwined without a blank vessel blank, it is glued behind the top of the sheet on the inside of the case cover.

In the vessel sheet, the number of numbered sheets and separately, through the "+" sign of the inner inner (if available) are indicated in the vessel.

The vessel sheet marks the features of the numbering of sheets, the physical condition of documents and the design of the case:

  • the presence of sheet numbers;
  • the presence of missed sheets;
  • sheet numbers with brake photos;
  • numbers of large-format sheets;
  • envelopes with attachments and the number of sheets nested in them;
  • damaged sheet numbers:
  • the presence in typographic instances of brochures with the number of sheets in them, if they were not marked in the total gross numbering in the case.

The number of leases, missed sheets must be taken into account in the final data on the number of numbered sheets. For example, last page Cases number 252, but in the case there are sheets with numbers 5a and 30 A and the missed number 17. In this case, the total number of sheets will be 252 + 2-1 \u003d 253.

The vessel sheet is signed by its compiler, it is indicated by his position, the signature decoding, the date of compilation.

All subsequent changes in the composition of the affairs (damage, replacement of genuine documents) are marked in a vessel sheet with reference to the corresponding act.

On the design of the vessel sheet ends the volume of the case. Where to take his shape and how to fill out a wacker sheet, what is the literary numbers and what features of the state of the case should be reflected in it, as well as a sample of a matter of business vessel in the article. You can also download the form here.

Leaf-witness: We deal with the form

The form of a sheet-witter is annex number 8 to. I remind you: they are mandatory for everyone.

The form is simple. First, the numbers and in words write, how many sheets of the case are late in that. The sheets of internal inventory are not considered. Then indicate the numbers of the extreme sheets of the case, for example:

from №1 to №204.

Then there are literary numbers and missed. Various numbers are numbers with letters: 10a, 55a, etc. They are formed if the sheets were accidentally missed by one (all people, all are mistaken). In this case, it is not necessary to redo anything, but simply take the previous number and put it on the non-smoked sheet, but with the letter. It turns out, for example 54, 55, 55a, 56, 57 ... ..

The same with missed: accidentally missed the numbering sheet - nothing terrible, just remember to reflect it in a vessel sheet.

If there are no literary, nor missing sheets, we put in these fields.

Then separately indicate the number of internal distribution sheets.

The following is the table about the features of the physical condition of the case. In the left column we write that for a feature, in the right - on which sheets. Features There are different: a sheet can be torn, watered with water or something else, a copy can be very pale or, on the contrary, dark on the verge of readability. Fix it.

The basic rules of the archives of organizations are recommended to indicate here:

  • rooms of sheets with blended photos;
  • rooms of large-format sheets;
  • envelopes with investments and the number of sheets invested in them;
  • the presence in typographic instances of the brochure with the number of sheets in them, if they were not marked with a total numbering of sheets of the case.

If, fortunately, it does not have any features, turn this table with the letter Z.

Signs a sheet-withered one who made it.

Where and how the sheet is placed

The leaf-witty of the case is latter. Thus, the volume of a fully decorated case looks like this: a cover with a title sheet, then -, then the documents of the case, the vessel, the cover.

If the cases were decorated before you, without sheets of witnesses, you do not need to spread toms for them. The vested sheet is then pasted behind the top of the sheet on the inside of the case of the case.

Is it possible to make changes to the vessel sheet?

Rules-2015 require fixation in a sheet-vestibule of all changes in physical condition or as part of the case. The physical condition of the issues does not cause, but does the composition of the stitched business be changed? Yes maybe. Bright example -, about which we talked a week ago. Since they may come at any time, the books about the firmware of the volume are not pierced. Pierced the envelopes in which they are embedded, and 1 envelope corresponds to one sheet of business. If in a few years a person or his relatives requested this book, we give it to common order. After that, do not forget to make the appropriate entry in a sheet of business, otherwise it turns out that we have lost the book directly from the case.

Prepare documents for transfer to the archive? Do not forget to make a sheet-assistant. Make information about the number of sheets and their physical condition in the appropriate form. Explain the features of the numbering.

From the article you will learn:

Sheet-assistant in the system of accounting documents

Modern office work is a separate area of \u200b\u200bactivity on documenting issues, as well as organizing work with documentation. One of the most important sites business workforce The formation of cases is considered. Under the term "case" means documents combined into a set on the principle of belonging to one section of the work. The case combines the documentation relating to the same issue. So, for example, it can be personnel, reporting or financial documents.

The preservation of the most important service papers, as well as the speed of their search during subsequent work, depends on the right distribution of documentation. A great importance in the formation of cases is systematization and location of documents within the case, i.e. The principle of its formation.

Inventory refers to the category of accounting documents and is, in fact, a kind of table of contents, a list. Inventory indicates their sequence numbers, identification indexes, names, date of design, page numbers. The need and rules for compiling describe are determined by the internal regulatory act: Instructions for office work, as well as special provisions and instructions.

The business vessel can also be considered a credential. It contains information about the features of the content of the case in the archive of the institution and the specifics of its formation. It is used to keep accounting the total number of sheets of the case. In addition, it records the features of their numbering.

Verseer's blank

To speed up the process of formation of cases and unify existing accounting documentation, for such documents as an opis and a sheet of the case, the legislative level develops and approve their own special blanks.

According to the rules of the archival case, approved by the Ministry of Culture (Order No. 526 of 01/31/2015), filling the vessel sheet enters the procedure for issuing business on paper, along with the stitching of documentation, its numbering, drawing up internal inventory and the design of the cover. Its form is defined regulatory requirements to the organization of storage of archival documents. The sample form of a sheet-witter is contained in Appendix N 8 to the rules of archival case.

The standard details of the form include:

  1. Name of the type of document;
  2. Name of the position of the compiler;
  3. Signature;
  4. Decryption;
  5. Date of preparation;

The form includes the following information:

The total number of sheets of the case (indicate in words and numbers);

Literary numbers;

Missed numbers;

Features of the physical condition and formation of the case;

Recommended for registration of blank paper format - A4. It should be a separate page that is latter in the case. In a situation where the case is initially decorated and stitched without a vessel, there is no need to disperse the form in it. It is enough to fill it out and glue on the upper part to the inside of the cover. As a result, the case will look like this:

Personal Sheet: Design Sample

Acting on this moment The rules for organizing the storage of archival documents (Appendix No. 8) propose the following sample of the vessel sheet:

This sample is valid for all cases of constant and temporary (more than 10 years) storage period. Personal business cases are no exception to this rule. All cases that are prepared for the transfer to the archive of the institution after the end of the calendar year must be described and arranged in the manner prescribed by the rules. According to this regulatory documentAt the end of each case, a paper-wacker should be labeled on a paper basis. His B. general It has A4 format, in the card files corresponds to the format of the card. The sheet is forbidden to endure on the cover of the case or turnover of the last page.

Subscribed documents:

Filling the vessel sheet

When filling out a vessel, the following algorithm should be held:

Specify the case number assigned in accordance with the nomenclature of cases;

Figures and in words, specify the total number of numbered pages that are listed in that (we note that the internal opis is not taken into account);

Specify the numbers of the extreme sheets, for example: "from number 1 to No. 308";

List the literary numbers.

Under the promotional number implies a number with the letter, for example: 11a, 24b. Such numbers appear in a situation where one or more pages were accidentally missed when numbered. In order not to redo the numbering, the previous number is assigned to the sheets with the letter, for example: 33, 34, 34a, 34b, 35.

List the missed numbers;

If in the case did not turn out to be missed and literary sheets, it is necessary to put dirty in the appropriate lines of the vessel blank.

Note that the amount of missed and literary sheets must be considered when counting the total number of numbered sheets. For example, if the last sheet of volumes has a number 264, but in the case contains the literal sheets 34a and 34b, and the sheet number 647 is missing, the total number of sheets will be calculated as follows: 264 + 2-1 \u003d 265.

Specify the number of sheets of internal inventory;

Fill out table graphs on the features of the physical condition and the formation of the case. In the left column, it is necessary to classify the feature, in the right - to specify the numbers of the sheets on which it is found.

To such features can be attributed:

  • Claimed photos;
  • Non-standard (large) format;
  • The presence of envelopes with attachments (the table indicates not only the fact of the presence of an envelope, but also the number of sheets invested in it);
  • Physical damage (for example, torn or poured pages, difficult to photocopies);
  • The presence of typographic instances of the brochure (if the number of pages is not specified in the overall numbering, it must be brought in the table);

If business documents do not have similar features, the table must be crossed by the letter Z.

Specify the name of the position of the person who has made a vessel sheet, put a signature and decipher it.

Put the date of design;

In some cases, after registration of the case, changes may be made in its composition. For example, some documents may be damaged during the storage. Or it will be necessary to replace the copy of one or another office paper. It is possible to bring employment records as an additional example, which are not fed into the case, and invest in envelope. After some time, a former employee or his relatives may request a labor book from the archive, which will lead to a change in the composition of the case. In this case, all the changes made must be fixed in the appropriate act and make a mark on a business vessel with reference to this act.

The entry in this case will look like this:

Labor book (sheet 58) issued, in the traffic book labor books The appropriate entry is submitted No. 118.

Head of the Archival Department Vasilyeva PKPC. Vasilyev


Note that proper design Affairs (including filling the vessel sheet) contributes to the preservation of documents and significantly accelerates their search for further use. In addition, the correct grouping of documentation and its systematization makes it easy to facilitate such processes as conducting an examination of value and preparation of documents for transmission to archival storage.

Subscribed documents:

Drawing up a business vessel

The case of the case is compiled in order to take into account the number of sheets in the case of the established form (Appendix 1). In the assistant inscription, the case-witty of the case is indicated by numbers and in words, the number of numbered sheets of the case, the number of sheets of internal inventory, specifies the features of the numbering sheets of the case and the physical condition of documents of the case, the presence of literary numbers of sheets of business, missed numbers, numbers of sheets with paste photos (except for personal Affairs), numbers of large-format sheets, envelopes with investments and the number of sheets nested in them, and also indicates the presence in the case of typographic instances of the brochure with the number of sheets in them, if they were not marked in the total gross numbering in the case. The number of sheets of internal inventory, which is numbered separately and is placed at the beginning of the case, is indicated in a sheet of business vessel after the total number of sheets of the case through the + (plus). For example, "in the case of late and numbered 100 (one hundred) sheets + 5 sheets internal inventory.

Subsequent changes in the composition and condition of the case (damage, shortage of documents, replacement of original copies, etc.) are noted in a sheet of business vessel with reference to the corresponding act. Marks are certified by the workformer or archival service of the organization with the date.

The business vessel is placed at the end of the case and is drawn up on a blank or a clean sheet of paper A4 format. For cases of personnel who do not have envelopes with investments, the vessel sheet is allowed on the A5 paper sheet. In the books, the assistant inscription is indicated on the back of the last clean sheet, in the card files - on a separate clean card format sheet. A sheet-witty is signed by the compiler. A versatile inscription in a sheet-vestibule of the case must be written picking up, indicating the post, deciphering signatures, personal signature and the date of compilation.

It is forbidden to endure a sheet of business assander on the cover of a business or a clean turnover of the list of the last document. In cases where the case is already delayed or intertwined without a form of a vessel-withered or pure sheet of A4 format, it is glued for the top of the sheet on the inside of the case of the case or can be late at the end of this case.

The vessel sheet is a document that reflects the peculiarities of the numbered and stitched business, ready for the archive.

Two applied forms

1) The document form can be found in one of the applications to the "basic rules of the archives of organizations." But it is mandatory for use only by budget enterprises, since the above-mentioned rules regulate the work of archives of these organizations, and, therefore, are mandatory for execution only by budget enterprises.

Note! These rules also regulate document flow and all other employers, but only in terms of safety, descriptions, accounting and use of documentation. This means that the order of registration remains at the discretion of the organization's administration.

2) Also, the vehicle's sheet form can be drawn up in an arbitrary form, but it should be preserved the essence of this document, that is, it should reflect the peculiarities of the case to which is attached, not another information.

Where is the vessel sheet?

The vessel is used in affairs, which are transferred to the archive. In this case, all documents can be divided into two types:

  • Affairs that store for a long time or constantly;
  • Cases that are subject to storage to 10 years inclusive (so-called temporary storage).

Temporary storage cases are allowed not to numbered and not sewing, but to store just in the folders in which they are stitched. Consequently, there will be no features in these matters and the sheet is not needed.

But this is only the right, and not the obligation of employers. In practice, many of them sew all documents regardless of the storage period, this is especially true of accounting and financial documents.

The vessel sheet must contain the following information:

  1. The name of the document - in this case, the "observer sheet" and the number of the case, to which it is attached;
  2. The number of sheets in the stitched business, and below are explained if there are rooms with lites (1a, 2a, etc.), the missed numbers (for example, after pages number 5 immediately goes No. 7);
  3. Then indicates the number of sheets in the inventory of the case;
  4. Then there is a table in which the features of the TOI or another page are indicated (for example, Page No. 18 - photograph);
  5. Signature of the employee who has made a sheet-witness, his position, full name and date.

Where to heat / glue a leaf assander?

Usually, the vessel sheet is fed on a separate sheet at the end of the case. But if for any reason it was not possible to do this, then a sheet-withered sheet to the back of the upper cover can be pasted, and only its upper part (edge) is lined.

Where it is forbidden to put the vessel sheet:

  • On the front of the cover of the crossloggy;
  • On the pure working part of the document that is going on in the case.

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