Repairs Design Furniture

Wall mural in the corridor. Use in the hallway photo wallpapers, examples of interiors. The combination of bright and calm tones is the optimal solution.

Repair - a protracted laborious process, often before the hallway it comes to the last place when I want to complete everything as soon as possible. This increases the risk of decoration in the style of "High so". Especially if there are few places, many simply do not know how to beat it, so that it turned out stylish, functionally and interesting. Character and uniqueness can be able to add a photo wallpaper into the hallways regardless of its size and shape.

Use in the hallway wallpaper with photo printing is beneficial for many reasons. They simply mount them, they have different size, images, texture. In addition, with their help you can solve style, functional tasks in the hallway. Photographing coatings allow:

  • visually adjust and zonate space;
  • distract attention from flaws;
  • emphasize the style of the interior;
  • diversify a sad design, add it an individual;
  • create a cozy atmosphere.

Before purchasing photo wallpaper, you should evaluate the space. The choice of model affects the area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway, layout, illumination, the height of the ceiling, the presence of a free space on the walls, the overall style, color range of the corridor.

The optimal version of the drawing, size and walls for placing the photo of wallpaper must be selected based on the individual features of the hallway.

Beautiful, but incorrectly arranged or inappropriate fragments are able to spoil even the most thoughtful design. To avoid this, a number of recommendations should be taken into account:

  • In a small room, it is undesirable to use the photo wallpaper with massive elements or 3D effect;
  • Using bright drawings in the interior must be carefully dosed to exclude overload. It is desirable combination with surfaces of a smooth texture of neutral shades;
  • Photo cells can occupy all the walls, one surface is entirely or partially vertically or horizontally depending on the characteristics of the planning, the availability of free space;
  • For narrow long corridors, photos without sharp color and tone contrasts, horizontal lines are good;
  • Raise low ceiling will help stretched vertical drawing - stripes, tree trunks, masts and so on;
  • For curves of the walls, it is impossible to choose patterns with strict geometric and symmetry - they are even more emphasized. If there is no possibility to align the differences, abstract, vegetable curvilinear drawings will be smoothed;
  • Photographing with a pronounced perspective, which goes deep into, should be placed on the side of the corridor opposite from the entrance. Pasted on the side surfaces, they will "break" the space, worsen the perception of the pattern;
  • The photo of a single bright element will become the main accent of the room.

From a practical side, it is important to choose wallpaper, resistant to mechanical damage, fading, dust, pollution, moisture (washable models).

Wall mural with vertical pattern Visually raise the ceilings 3D Wall mural in a spacious lobby
Wall mural with perspective are located on the opposite of the entrance of the wall
Example of smoothing the walls of the wall
Wall mural with a large drawing suitable for a spacious hall

Color solutions

In addition to size and style, it is important to pay attention to its color compatibility with space. The warm shades include red, orange, yellow, oars, peach. The cold range includes blue, purple, green, turquoise, lilac, blue and others.

With the help of a correctly selected shade, you can expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway, increase the height of the ceiling, add light, brightness.

In case of insufficient lighting, the pastel range should be preferred without abundance of small parts. Golden, beige, peach shades on the photo walls "warm" will add comfort. For the illusion of the expanded space, a cold color scheme is used. For the hallway it is not desirable to choose too light pictures - such walls are quickly dirty.

Shelves with rows of books in calm colors visually expand the narrow corridor

Stylishly looks with a metallized texture, golden, silver elements. Their color must maintain the parts of the metal in the interior - handles, frames that guide doors.

Style matching

No matter how little zone does not seem like a small and insignificant place, it is an important component of the entire design of the house or apartment. Wall murals need to harmoniously enter the selected style of space.

Eco-style will complement the images of the fauna, the flora of the natural color scheme. For the classic interior, it is characterized by the use of strictly drawing, laconic lines, a restrained color palette. In the design of Art Deco, ethno motifs, wallpaper with geometric abstract compositions. Modern will emphasize plant patterns with smooth curved lines. Retro will complement photos of vintage cities, music stars and movies.

For a harmonious solution, you need to decide on the motive for a wall-mounted wallpaper in the hallway. Image options:

  • urban landscapes - leaving distance, stairs, panoramic species;
  • ethnic motifs;
  • natural landscapes - marine, mountainous terrain, waterfalls, forests, fields, lakes;
  • macro photo of flowers, water drops, insects;
  • abstract, geometric patterns;
  • stylized images;
  • architectural elements - balconies, doors, windows, columns.
Plant motifs for the hallway

For more diversity, you can add design using different decors - lights, benches. For example, on the wall with the photo image of the door, you can attach a real door knob, which will perform the role of decoration and hook for a bag or umbrella.

Alternative ways of accommodation

In the modern interior it is possible to use several different types and texture of materials. Wall murals are combined with decorative brick, stone, liquid wallpaper or vinyl, paper, fliesline, tissue-based, plaster, wood, cork, bamboo coatings.

Different surface textures will enrich the design of space, but they should be withstanding in a harmonious color combination.

The coating with the photo printing can be saved all the walls in the interior of the hallway, only one or part of it. If there are no large free sections on the walls, and I really want a photo version, there is an alternative:

  • modular picture;
  • panel in the form of a false window;
  • pasting interroom, inlet or furniture doors;
  • placement on the ceiling.

For the hallway there is no need to choose excessively luxurious design with high detail. Such wallpapers will be more expensive at cost, and staying in the room takes a little time. It looks good, simple understandable drawings that do not require a long study.

When fitting a photo under the individual dimensions of the interior, you need to trace so that the image is not deformed and has not lost in quality. Wall mural will help to make the hallway worthy of any cottage or apartment.

Wall murals are not too expensive and easy way to decorate any room. To date, they were gained great popularity in the walls of the walls, so they are often used even for the hallway. The advantage of the design of the corridor This option is that you can not tie the plot or drawing to the overall style of the dwelling. But, choosing wallpaper to the hallway, you should follow certain rules.

Key aspects of choice

To successfully choose 3D photo wallpapers on the wall for the hallway or corridor, certain principles should be taken into account:

  1. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway is not large enough, it is necessary to eliminate the photo wallpaper in the corridor or hallways that have large applying with the 3D effect. It should also be limited to scale abstractions and animal patterns. This is due to the fact that such drawings are most often able to reduce the area even more. For a narrow room it is unacceptable.
  2. When choosing bright color options for wallpaper, you need to ensure that they do not put pressure on the psyche. It is better to choose calm shades, with some splashes of bright. So, colors are combined between themselves and do not look too catchy.
  3. If you want to create an illusion of expanded space, you should apply a photo wallpaper on the wall of the hallway or a corridor with flowers such as blue, blue, turquoise, aquamarine, purple.
  4. To visually make the ceiling above, you should use photo wallpaper for an entrance hall and a corridor with vertical parallel lines or drawings. It is not recommended to use photo wallpapers with horizontal lines, in which case the ceiling will seem even lower and will optically reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway or the corridor.
  5. Often the entrance hall is such a place in which the lack of natural lighting is felt. Therefore, it is recommended not to use photo wallpaper in the interior with an abundance of small drawings or lines. If there is no required amount of lighting, such compositions will have pressure on vision and on a psychological background.

In order to visually expand the space, you can use photo wallpaper blue, turquoise, blue colors

In order to visually expand the space of the hallway and the corridor, use the large-sized mirrors, which are installed opposite the walls on which the photo wallpapers are located. In the hallway, residents and guests will constantly remove shoes and clothing items, so it is important to choose such wallpapers that can be laundered from dirt, and they will not be ruled during operation.

Council! It is recommended to acquire wallpapers made only from waterproof accessories. You can purchase photo wallpapers, which are equipped with a protective coating or varnish. This will prevent the constant need to wash or submit them. You can combine the photo wallpaper in the interior of the hallway or corridor with panels based on various materials. They are durable and easily put in order.

How best to use

Often, all free place in the hallway occupies furniture. If there is no possibility to use photo wallpapers on the walls, pay attention to the alternative ways to decorate the space of the hallway with their help:

  1. The wallpaper of certain sizes look good on the sliding door of the cabinet or on the room wall, which is combined with the corridor.
  2. Such an element of the decor is successfully used by creating a modular picture or panel. They can be placed on a free wall.
  3. In the presence of a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room, it can be zonied using a finishing material.
  4. Certain wallpapers will be advantageous to look at the interior even in the ceiling decoration.

Photo wallpapers can be replaced by traditional wallpaper. With their help, it is also possible to distinguish a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway, making an emphasis on it. Regardless of your goals and preferences, the photo wallpaper in the hallway should be harmonized with the rest of the interior elements.

How to determine the style

When choosing a pattern or image, it is important to emphasize the comfort and comfortable environment or highlight a certain style in the interior of the corridor or hallway. Since non-standard color filling is used for the design of modern halls, it is not necessary to choose a specific color. You can choose for each free space various color gamas that will be combined with each other.

In the hallway or the corridor, the wallpapers performed in the following directions are well suited:

  • Ecosil. Such wallpapers carry images of animals, flower motifs, butterflies and other representatives of the plant and animal world.
  • Classic - the characteristic difference of this style is the clarity of the drawing, the restraint of the shades and clear, strict lines.
  • Modern style - here there are wallpapers with applied images of abstractions, with 3D effects.
  • Retrostil is characterized by images of favorite groups or actors, vintage cities and localities, famous personalities.

When choosing a picture to an entrance hall or a corridor, remember that the more difficult the drawing, the higher the cost of wallpaper. In addition, this room is a passage, so for a long time to admire the original paintings or compositions of guests will not be possible. It is recommended to choose to a hallway or corridor wallpaper with drawings, simple for perception that will not put pressure on the psyche and vision.

If the interior of all the premises of the apartment is designed in one style, it needs to be repeated in the hallway. In such a situation, the best choice will be wallpapers for painting or weathered in one tone.

With the help of finishing material for the walls, an expressive style of the hallway is created. Even a small room can be visually increasing with certain shades and textures. You can increase the space and make the room light using such colors: white, pastel, pearl. The corridor and entrance hall with the help of competently selected materials can become expressive, positively, spacious.

Tips for designers for choosing wallpapers in the hallway and corridor

Often, the hallway in many people is associated with the dark and narrow space, from which you want to escape to run into a bright living room. In order to eliminate such a sense of discomfort, it is important to listen to the advice of specialists when choosing finishing materials in the corridor:

  • It is necessary to limit the surround images, as they will make the room less and greasy.
  • If the hallway has a large area, you can dwell on the design of the walls, which contains the storyline - objects of architecture, volumetric landscapes.
  • Thanks to cold shades, the space is optically expanding, and with the help of warm tones - narrows.
  • When choosing abstractions, it is better to stay on bright shades with clear geometric lines in the interior. The abundance of geometric lines and turns will make an entrance hall and a corridor in which there is no large amount of natural light, oppressive and dark, they will create psychological discomfort and the desire to go to a more spacious, and a bright living room.

Design specialists advise to separate the long-distance wall opposite to the entrance door, images with a yacht or sea. Regardless of the selected pattern, it should be a light, saturated sun and positive emotions.

How to successfully combine materials to finish the walls of the hallway

Most often, if there are small children or animals in the house, experts recommend using photo walls in combination with panels from various materials. Instead of panels, you can apply wallpapers in the interior that can be easily soaked and put in order. In the absence of practical need, you can choose only the wallpaper, focusing on a certain style or contrast of colors and drawings.

There is another interesting designer reception - the use of different materials in the design of each wall. This technique allows you to adjust the proportions of the room. So, if the room is narrow, it is possible to expand optically using catchy colors for finishing short walls, and the long walls to arrange with light shades. Apply to the expansion of space also vertical inserts on long walls.

For the expansion of the room, you can park the long wall of the hallway with the prints, on which the sea, forest or desert are depicted. Such landscape motifs in the interior will create the illusion of the expanded space and will not be unregistered guests, will give positive emotions, they will create psychological comfort in the hallway.

How to use different photo wallpaper

Often an entrance hall has small sizes. For the decoration of the walls in this room, one-photon wallpapers are often used, which are equipped with a relaxed colors. They successfully harmonize with ceiling and outdoor plinths. Dark shades distinguish the backlight on the ceiling, a snow-white plinth on the floor. For small rooms, it is good to apply light shades of finishing materials. They are successfully combined with shiny items in the interior.

Sleeper-pink cherry big inflorescences, orchid or chamomile fill the room with freshness and will not leave anyone indifferent. With a successful combination of vegetable print with a bright color palette, the hallway will not look too clean and the pestro. But such a combination will not be ignored. Even a small fragment of a flower print can be added to a small room, and you can supplement the small area of \u200b\u200bthe room using bright parts of the interior and textiles.

It is believed that the hallway (which is also known as the corridor), it is the room that the first come across our familiar and guests. Therefore, so that it was nice to enter yourself, as well as what is called, from the threshold to make the impression on guests, it is necessary to try to beautifully equip the space of the hallway. Wall mural in the corridor is one of the original, but at the same time, which has become a familiar way of registration of the interior of this room.

Due to the fact that this type of finishes are characterized by a wide variety of options and plots, you can achieve a much greater effect, if compared with traditional wallpaper for the corridor. In addition, you can use photo wallpapers in the corridor to expand the space. This is an extremely important point, since most of the hallways in our apartments are small in the area, and I would like to achieve a visual "expansion" of such narrowers. How to make the right choice, to pay attention to when sticking and what you need to know about styles? Let's analyze the photo wallpaper in the corridor (photos of which are presented in this article), and we will try to make certain conclusions.

Application options

It is not always that it turns out that it is possible to break the wallpaper in the interior of the corridor without obstacles. The fact is that the free space can be taken by various furniture (wardrobe, shelves, etc.), a mirror and other elements of the decor and the interior. So, if there is a free space on the walls of your corridor, you can safely glue them. At the same time, if the space is quite limited, it is necessary to think about how to use it correctly.

Options for such cases there are several:

It must be said that the photo wallpaper for the corridor in the apartment, some of whom you see in the galleries to this article, pretty much depend on what kind of functional task they are called to perform. If we talk about the purpose of their use, you can select the two most common options:

  • Replacing the classic wallpaper (at least partial).
  • Use on one particular site, in order to focus attention at this place.

Interesting to know! Thinking about the possibility of combining, you must take into account that it is necessary to combine wallpaper not only among yourself, but also, taking into account other items in the interior of a particular room. Not exception and corridor.

By the way, a few words about what materials are most widely used. With this - nothing new. As in the case of classic, rolled versions for walls, photo wallpaper can be vinyl, phlizelin or paper. All of them have both their advantages and certain disadvantages.

Style choice: what you need to know

When repairing, you should always remember that the decoration of each space has its own characteristics. This applies, above all, the choice of primary color. It is clear that these are not simple wallpapers that are usually monochrome, or have at least a certain dominant color. With photo wallpapers, everything is somewhat more complicated, since they are, in most cases, do not have some one color, but are a whole peculiar kaleidoscope from different shades.

If we talk about photo wallpapers for the hallway, the following stylistic options are the most successful and appropriate and appropriate.

  1. Eastern or ethnic style. He offer us photos of plants, exotic animals and birds, species of nature (mountains, savannah, jungle, and so on).
  2. Classic style. Traditional lines, lack of personality and cliff, as well as restrained tones.
  3. Cities. Such plots are optimally suitable for interiors performed in more modern styles. You can find out more detailed about such wallpapers. In addition, we advise you to read about, and.

Important! Be that as it may, the main condition is the coincidence of photo walls under the overall style of the interior of the room and its design.

Be that as it may, it is desirable that the photo wallpapers for the hallway are simple. It is not necessary that they differ in a large variety of elements in the image. At the same time, try to avoid that they seem too distrend, resembling a journey from the pillars. Such images are only visually narrowed by the already small space of the corridor.

What you need to know about design

So, if you firmly decide to stop on the photo wallpaper, you will need to consider certain rules according to which the internal space of the corridor is formed:

  1. Kohl is your choice fell on the wallpaper with bright shades, it is desirable what is called, "not to overtake the stick." Let juicy and bright colors be only an addition and peculiar fragments. Also, do not forget that they are well combined.
  2. For small halls, it is desirable to choose special photo walls in the interior. Photo in the corridor, if possible, should be big. Thus, this technique will allow to achieve a visual expansion of space.
  3. In addition, for broader (naturally, only in a viewed), the size of the room corresponds to the dark, as well as the so-called "cold" tones, which include blue, gray, dark green, etc.
  4. A good idea for designing space in a small hallway can be a mirror. The more the size of them, the more "spacious" the room will seem.
  5. Do not forget about the fact that the bands placed in a particular direction can also help. Horizontally located patterns or ornaments are capable of providing an effect that has just been said slightly higher. If we are talking about vertically located pictures, then they are known to help cope with the problem of low walls (which is especially relevant for apartments in Khrushchev). The ceiling with such wallpaper will seem higher.
  6. Do not forget about the fact that the corridor, as a rule, is a rather dark place, since there are no windows in it, and, as a result, a very small amount of sunlight penetrates there. So, try to avoid too dark shades that will make the room even more gloomy.

Selection of material

By the way, I would like to say a few words and about the choice of material from which the photo wallpaper. In the corridor and hallway (the photo of the examples do not allow you to say, from which material are those or other wallpapers, but, nevertheless, read them) It is advisable to use quite reliable and durable finishing materials, and that is why. The fact is that the surface of this room, be it floor or walls, are constantly exposed to different kinds of pollution. It is dirt and dust with shoes, splashing from the beloved dog or blurred clothing, which, will be in contact with wallpaper.

Therefore, it is very desirable that the photo wallpaper can be washed. As you know, the washes are flieslinic and vinyl wallpapers. As for paper analogues, in their case, everything is not so simple, since it is not recommended to wash them, especially using chemicals. It will spoil the decorative layer. In addition, according to its structure, the material must be durable, since it must have the ability to resist mechanical damage.


As we see, the photo wallpaper for the corridor is an interesting option that finds its use in the interior of apartments, becoming more and more popular. Despite certain disadvantages and restrictions, the advantages of this type of finish are significantly larger. Therefore, taking into account the basic recommendations, you can safely start repairing.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

It is originally issued to the hallway and emphasize their design will help spectacular photo wallpapers. They are able to visually increase the space, make the interior brighter and attractive. When choosing a finish, it is worth considering the volume of the pattern, the predominant color gamut. Additionally, you need to spend the correct framing.

How to choose beautiful photo wallpapers in the hallway?

The image on the coating can be any: from the mountain slopes and rivers to the scenery of cities, motifs with floral or vegetable patterns. Choosing a finish need to take into account the surrounding painting or wallpaper. Color gamut inserts must partially coincide with the background available. Absolutely complete coincidence is unacceptable: in this case, the beauty of the photo wallpaper in the hallway or the corridor will be lost, they will not be able to stand out in the overall interior.

Where is it better to have pictures?

Wall covering the entire wall is permissible only with a bright shade of the element. Overweight dark background or patterns will reduce space and significantly reduce comfort. The optimal solution for large, and for small sites will be coated with the original finish of one small wall or part of it. The last option is admissible only when creating a framing, otherwise the transition from the background finish to the insert will be non-harmonic.

By purchasing a photo wallpaper in a small hallway, you need to take care of a smooth transition of light from the center to darkened edges. Such visualization will increase the space. Therefore, many experts recommend to acquire 3D photo wallpaper in the hallway. They will help achieve an unusual stylization of the front, make it attractive. Entering such a hallway and guests, and households will feel comfortable and cozy.

Additional decor

So that the acquired photo wallpapers fit perfectly into the overall interior of the hallway, it is necessary to add them to the framing by stylized elements. It can be scenery, auxiliary finish, practical components, furniture. Select the optimal framing should be based on the drawing on the insert. When searching for an optimal addition, you can be guided by this hint:

  • Against the background of the city or streets, there will be a good lamp and a bench with wrought elements.
  • Next to the sea views, the depicting of the coast can be mounted shelves and lay large sinks, transparent glasses or round vases with sand.
  • Image of colors, greenery will help supplemented by a range of vases with high indoor plants.
  • Types of steppes, vintage ruins, the desert will perfectly emphasize the natural stone, glued in the corners from the insert or located on the next wall in chaotic order.
  • Bright and colorful photo wallpaper can be supplemented with a beautiful baguette frame painted in neutral tones (beige, cream, white).

Create the correct backlight

The buyer of stylized products should be remembered not only how to choose a photo wallpaper for an entrance hall, but also how to select them in the interior using the backlight. There are several options for its location:

  • around the perimeter inserts;
  • from above;
  • on the sides (from the floor to the ceiling);
  • P-figurative (on sides and top).

It is necessary to select lighting according to the drawing, its brightness, transition of shadows and light. Dark parts are better slightly lit, the surround images must be highlighted around the perimeter. On the included photos, you can see how the perception of the pattern is very different depending on the selected light. Therefore, before buying photo wallpapers, you need to take care of the framing, and about the illumination. As lighting devices, you can use outdoor and wall, suspended lights, sides, small scaves, or apply the most favorable option - the LED wire.

The first thing we see at the entrance to the house is an entrance hall, and it is from how it is framed, the overall impression of the owners depends. It is very important to choose the right finishing materials, including wallpapers. Wallpaper gained great popularity, the choice of which is large enough in the modern market.

Of course, there are many wall finishing options in the hallway, but it is not always possible to find a good option that will arrange at a price, quality, and at the same time will be something new. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the rules for choosing photo walls before you start purchases.

Basic selection criteria

Due to the fact that the photo wallpaper is very in demand, today it is possible to find a lot of worthy options in various building stores. There are companies that are engaged in the production of wallpaper to order, which greatly facilitates the task. All types of wall coatings differ not only on design, but also by textural indicators, dimensions and forms. They can be smooth, rough, glossy, matte, with a vertical or horizontal pattern.

It is important to note the growth of product quality among well-known manufacturers. And if before the photo wallpaper had a limited design, the average quality and high cost, now these indicators have changed significantly for the better. Now among the variety of models, you can find a high-resolution wallpaper with high resolution, which will look as much as possible.

To find the desired wallpapers for the interior, you need to rely on certain principles.

They will help to make a hallway presentable and memorable:

  • To visually increase the space of the corridor, you need to choose products with large images. As for the color design, it will appropriate to use cold shades of blue, gray and lilac flowers. But it is not necessary to use these colors too much, otherwise it will get a very dark place.

  • In order to visually expand the hallway, you need to choose a wallpaper with a horizontal image, and vertical stripes will be suitable for visual lifting the ceiling. And if the space is very narrow, then raising the ceilings at the expense of the photo wallpaper is not worth it - it will be very compressed zone.
  • Use bright and motley colors only in moderate doses as an additional element.

  • Panoramic wallpapers on the whole wall are appropriate only when their common tone is made in bright bed shades. And if you need to add an image, you can resort to different decorative elements.

  • For the corridor, it is best to choose a 100x270 cloth. And to shove wallpaper on the arches, then you need to use monochrome or small abstract drawings for which you do not need to combine.

  • If, in addition to the walls, the owners of the apartment want to be caught by photo wallpapers and doors adjacent to the corridor, then you need to remove locks and handles. This will help get the perfect picture.

Another important advice on the arrangement of a small hallway is to use large mirrors. Mirrors or any reflective surface are able to create the illusion of a large space.

A wide range of wall coatings allows you to find the option suitable in all parameters, but there are covers that look most effectively and original. Wall murals have a different design, therefore it is worth saying about the volumetric and LED models.


3D wallpapers are necessary to create a bulk room. As a drawing, any images can act, be it flowers, trees, snowflakes, etc.

In the apartment with a small hallway, the coatings, imitating raindrops will be originally looking. The reality of the picture will fascinate guests and tenants at home, from what the desire to touch the drawn drops will occur.

It is enough to punish the wallpaper with the image of the forest trail, which in combination and point lighting will create the illusion of reality.

But it is worth remembering that the photo wallpaper with a three-dimensional image is quite expensive, and their installation requires an absolutely smooth wall. In addition, 3D wallpapers exclude the ability to decorate the walls of the corridor with additional decor elements.


As for LED wallpaper, they are a whole system consisting of microprocessions, control panel and LEDs. With the help of the PD, the tenants will be able to enable and turn off the backlight or change the illumination of the panel.

But there is such a pleasure very much, moreover, if there are pets in the apartment, it does not always make sense to use it.

A plus of LED photographic windows is that with them even not very bright entrance hall acquires the ability to become a lit zone. But their installation is quite complicated for the beginner, so it is necessary to seek help from a specialist.

Selection of style design

To make a corridor, you need to select photo wallpapers, which beneficially affect the emotional state of the person. Do not stop the choice on options that have full color coincidence with other elements of the interior. The main thing is that they favorably looked against each other's background.

In the hallway it is best to use the following styles:

  • Eco-style Protects harmony between man and nature. With it, you can create a calm and lively interior, which will emphasize the love of the owners to nature and animals. For example, in this style it is interesting to look at the wallpaper with the image of the crocodile, flower glade, clear sky. The main thing is that light tones and natural motives are present at them.

  • Classic It is distinguished by rigor and love for all natural. Very often, this style is chosen for the visual increase in the ceilings. Therefore, it will be appropriate for it to use coatings with vertical stripes, the color of which will differ in a few shades from the main background.

  • Modern It implies modern trends. It welcomes non-standard forms and curved lines. For the design of walls in the hallway in the Art Nouveau style, you can use different photo wallpapers combined by any detail.

  • Exotic Uses the most unusual ideas for creating a unique interior. It is characterized by images of rickened animals and exotic paintings.

The corridor is the darkest room in the entire apartment, and therefore needs additional lighting. The shortage of sunlight can be reimbursed by using artificial light sources. Under different angles of lighting, the drawing on the photo wallpaper will look different. Therefore, before repairing an entrance hall, it is worth paying particular attention to this issue and find a compromise solution.

If residents want to decorate the walls with bright details, then you need to know when possible. For example, if the photo wallpaper imitates a natural stone or brick, they can be added to several small pictures or photographs. But at the same time the color of the frame should be close to the color of the main tone of the walls.