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What to say when you are insulting. How to respond to insults: General rules. In what cases should not be responsible for insults

And why? Why did you take this insult to your account? Do you feel your guilt? Have you learned to respond to such psychological attacks?

You know the enemy in the face - it is easier to fight. Do I need? Or it is worth developing a certain reaction tactics (or rather - not response) to insult. When a person deliberately wants to insult you - ask yourself a question - why?

Why does he do it? Wants to humiliate you to raise yourself? Then his act causes compassion. The man in this way can only assert.

Or he wants to hurt you for the living to bring out. What for? Looking for a bulletwriter in you, wants to merge somewhere his irritation.
Always think - why? And after you understand the root cause and choose the model of your behavior. After all, we can not be offended, we can only take offense. Ourselves. So, such a reaction is the result of its own choice.

Still Lion Tolstoy said: "It's all about thoughts. Thought - the beginning of everything. And thoughts can be controlled. And because the main thing is to improve: work on thoughts. "

The main groups of lovers of insults:

  • Losers. The only way their way to assert is to remake another person.
  • These are people who enjoy, energy "fueled" due to quarrels, scandals, including insults of other people. They are good when others are bad.
  • Agressors: People who see the enemy in all. To protect yourself, they are the first to attack other people.
  • Slept people for whom the norm is communication in the language of insults.

If you immediately after the insult, you will begin to react mindlessly - your offender will celebrate victory. WHAT FOR?
Why give him such an opportunity! How do we react to insults? Fool - fool himself. Familiar picture?
When you see such from the side, you realize that both are these very stupid people. One due to the lack of education and excerpt allowed himself, and the second, tuned to his destructive wave, took the conditions of this "game". Both are worthy of compassion.

Sometimes so unexpectedly we get insults that even there is no time to respond positively. It hurts offensive words, sharp needles enter the heart. We are not in what to say in the first minute, but "after fight" invent the place of revenge.
Now stop and look at the situation as if from the side. Stupid and funny. Wit on the stairs. What we spend our precious life! A person has long forgotten about his lunge, and you carefully and scrupulously grow in your soul to grow seeds of revenge. And they are very scenario destroy you from the inside. WHAT FOR?

If you still understand that you are the owner of your thoughts, and not the opposite, stop and imagine the whole situation from space. Are you crying now? It's a shame? And how would it look in a space scale? Negligible and not worthy of your nerves. Even ridiculously becomes - because of such a trifle so many experiences.
Calmed down? And now go to the window and carefully, and the smallest drops consider some object outside the window. You switched attention, rissed deeply and ... it became easier for you.

First, it will be not easy to get rid of destroying thoughts, and resentment will be from time to time to remind itself.
STOP! Stop the stream of sad thoughts. Get out delicious tea with lemon and honey. Listen to good music .. Look comedy. Play pets. Switch to a positive wave.

If the offender is a surveillance man, then you should not be kept on a provocation, put into mutual accusations and clarifying relationships. The wise step is to ignore.

More difficult to do it When you insult the boss or colleague. In this case, it is better to get away from the conflict. If this is your boss and you still have to communicate with him - here you have to develop a certain tactics of behavior.
Psychologists recommend the first thing to understand that it was in your work that caused such a reaction, to stripped the constructive criticism, where you did not make it or made a mistake.

The next step needs to protect your psyche from the verbal "attack".
There is such a reception. It is called "Aquarium". When the boss from the half-turn starts to shout and insult, imagine it in the aquarium, like a fish that opens the mouth, and words are not heard. Such a protective shell helps to abstract. Words like balls, bounce without reaching the goal.

Generally, as for the boss, it is necessary to act neatly. In this case, before answering insult, it is necessary to imagine that you are a little capricious child. And your task is to calm him down, stroke the head, to be treated and feeding the semolina. By placing yourself in such a situation, you will easily postpone attacks, having met them calmly and with a smile. This will affect the emotional state of the chief.

If you watched the movie "Matrix", remember the moment when Neo stopped the bullets, bruised into it. Imagine that the rudeness thrown into your address is bullets, and you are invulnerable, and all rudeness does not reach you, falling with a ringing to the floor.

If silence does not work, you can answer with a small stitch.

"The meek response removes malice; Hisoid words excite anger. "
John Reskin.

Good reception, only it requires a certain quenching, exposure - to evil insults to react politely. Or, as a last resort, to say calmly: "As you are not superpans and rude."
Sometimes it acts as the ears of cold water on the offender. In any case, you get a pause and you can with proudly raised your head. Retires from the battlefield.

The most unsuccessful, in my opinion, receiving a response - to shove in response any nonsense. Of course, in this way, you become a twin brother and roll to the level of this uncompatible type. But sometimes it helps to throw the tension. Especially if you took two octaves higher.

Much better helps receive splash negative emotions in water.Open the faucet and just shock everything that boiled into the water jet. How well helps! Clean cool water and get getting positive emotions. Conflict has been exhausted. You turned out to be smarter! Put five and try to endure the sound conclusions from this situation.

Man showed his true face. Can you remake it? Ungrateful work. Or you accept it as it is, or on this end your relationship. The choice is always yours! The main thing is not to fall to the role of the victim.

We all had to hear in their address of insults and from surprise we did not know how to react to them correctly. Began to bed or cry from the resentment. Below, the psychologist gives several tips, how to smartly answer the offender to insult. Causes an example of phrases that will help you to get out of the unpleasant situation.

To begin with, talk about several types of proper reactions to insult.


PS.We remember that an insult is negative, intentionally saying a person's assessment, which humiliates his honor and dignity. It can be verbally, writing and even gesture. At the same time, the attack object must be present personally.
IN Russian Federation For this, punishment is provided in accordance with Art. 5.61 Administrative Code.

It happens that we can be offended and whatever, even in the most inappropriate place, for example, in the store, where in theory, the "buyer is always right", or in a clinic, in a bank, at work, in an educational institution, and just at home same houses.

It was easy to watch a picture, as a young mammy, a lucky stroller with a baby, a security guard flew out and began to yell that it was forbidden to call the store to the store, although it was illegal.

Some people at work take such an atmosphere, which is not clear how they survive there. The boss can easily be reduced or call the subordinate, and employees do not dare to argue, fearing to fly from office.

If you were offended, they said rudely or called, do not fall into the despondency, rushing with fists on the offender.

What if you were called, wounded, gasped:

  • You can simply be silent, do not react, smirking arrogantly. On offenders, such a way often acts discouragingly, because their words did not have the desired effect.
  • Answer briefly: "You are rude and poorly brought up." In some cases, you will introduce a sympector into a stupor, put it in place, and while it stands, letting the eyes, you can leave the collision place with proudly raised.
  • Read Grubian notation on the topic of polite behavior in society, or tell me: "Zainka, God forbid you health!" With a cute smile.
  • If possible, be calm when hear in your address inappropriate comments, do not shout and do not climb with fists, that you just show how much the words of the Grubian are touched. Better with a smile answering something like that: "Where so much interest in my person?" "There is no personal life, decided \\ and in someone else's participation?"
  • Say it: "If you have so much self-esteem, that you can only humiliate others, exalting yourself, I advise you to ask for help and support to a psychologist, because people like you are not real friends."
  • Answer Woman Hamke: "You are so smart and kind, as far as beautiful."
  • Of course, you can answer the same and boil back, having gone to the level of the Grubian offender, but shouting out my tirade in response, you can drop a little overwhelming stress. However, this is the most unsuccessful options.

Here are some more options for answers that can be used when slaughter with offender:

  • Sorry, I didn't want to upset you;
  • The depth of your thought appreciated, thanks!
  • Thank you for your attention to my personality that they did not laugh to chite it;
  • Yes, for God's sake, I do not feel sorry. I love when they hate me;
  • That's all you wanted to tell?
  • I was \\ and about you better opinion;
  • Rudeness to you not to face at all;
  • Do you wish a polite answer or truth?
  • What are you trying to look worse than you really?

Depending on the situation, you can use in practice all of the above methods of combating hammes and booms, in particularly unpleasant situations, try to give a witty joke or a replica.

As not sad, but it happens that it does not help any of the above, especially for adolescents. Ignoring and silence offenders can calculate for cowardice and weakness, and even greater fiercely continue to make fun and mock the man. In this case, it remains only the only wayThrough which you can earn the respect of peers - give passing the offender. It will show that you are not afraid, and are not going to tolerate offensive ridicule, calling and rudeness.

The person who is humiliated must learn to love and respect himself, get rid of fear when communicating with others, to form a correct idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, learn to live in harmony with other people and most importantly - with himself. The victim of the cruel environment should learn to find right solutions All problematic situations.

The main thing is to understand yourself

First you need to understand that every person is unique. Your individual data must be disclosed, knowing yourself and the world. You should learn to respect myself and never allow the attacks to your side.

To understand why others are worth conducting self-analysis. It is necessary to identify those traits of character that provoke surrounding on the manifestation of aggression. As a rule, they are slightly accuracy, the fear of communication, excessive manifestation of kindness.

Good relationship with others is possible with the right attitude towards themselves. It is impossible to deal with self-bosses, loved ones or because of the benefit. It is necessary to strive to achieve internal consent with you and stop perceiving others as a source of threat.

Who becomes a controversy?

The truly strong nature does not fall to humiliations. Gloomy and mocks usually aggressive coward. So that the offender did not break up, he should not feel the presence of fear of him. When a collision, you need to keep calm and prudence. After all, people possessing spiritual equilibrium transmit to other positive impulses.

What to do to the surrounding did not humiliate?

To others stop humiliate, you need to do self-development. And be sure to develop the ability to manage your thoughts and emotions. It is necessary to learn to win victories, grow up your self-esteem. It should not always depend on the opinions of the people around.

On any aggression you need to react as calmer. Stormy reaction The behavior of the offender shows him that he could hurt for the living, so he will feel superiority. It is better to correctly put it in place and leave. And in the future, avoid communicating with them or ignore all his attacks, showing him that his opinion is not interested in anyone.

IN dangerous situation It is necessary to make it clear that any strength will always be opposed - response aggression from an offended or sanction of the head or action of police officers. It is safe to express their threats to the offender, explaining that this is the last warning. It is necessary to remind the aggressor that everyone has the right to protect their dignity.

Feeling humiliation for a long time, personality loses self-esteem, its level of self-esteem falls. When communicating with other people it is present nervous tension. Any comments are perceived by her painfully.

Real assistance in an unpleasant situation when they humiliate others will have a professional psychologist. He will teach how to manage emotions, will explain how to communicate with people will help get rid of unnecessary fears, depending on the opinions of others and from indecision.

The methods of self-affirmation depend on the nature, possibilities and abilities of a person. Protection against humiliation is a full-fledged internal condition of a person: self-esteem, excerpt, humor. Decide those who have understated self-esteem.

Dislikes to themselves occur for the following reasons:
- because of too strict upbringing;
- because of the low socio-economic situation;
- with neurotic disorders;
- due to cultural traditions social Groupto which the person belongs.

The humiliation of others, as a rule, leave a psychological injury that adversely affects the nature and life of offended. No need to humiliate in front of people and do not regret yourself. It is necessary to work on yourself, love and respect yourself as a person, increase self-confidence, whose elements can be:
- physical qualities;
- traits;
- Relationship with others.

Much in this world depends not only on the internal state of the person, but also from the appearance. As Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote: "In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts." Therefore, it is necessary to work on your wardrobe, hairstyle and, maybe make up. But it's worth not to do it in order to like your surrounding, but to become an attractive personality for yourself.

Healthy psyche, creative actions, the development of abilities and talents, the need for self-knowledge and the desire to perfection give a man strength to help resist the humiliation and any offensive actions of the surrounding people.

Rudeness, vulgarity, matery, insults and other impartial things - widespread and depressing phenomenon, inexperienced evil in the modern world.

Although most people seek to be polite, tactful and courtesy with each other, there are moments in life, when the rudeness is just not to leave. Proper reaction The aggression from the side can help not only curb the Grubian, but also to maintain their own self-esteem. Let's try to answer the question - how to answer insult funny and sarcasm?

Rudeness and rudeness are distributed over a number of different reasons, ranging from banal poor mood And ending with a whole list of personal features. Mostly people daring and rude surrounding, because:

  • Do not experience satisfaction with life;
  • Possess the complex of inferiority, which is difficult arrogance and egocentric;
  • Have a low level of culture and education;
  • They want to provoke anyone to exchange insults by virtue of their aggressive nature.

Unhappy, embittered, squeezed, but at the same time as ambitious and vain people are the main generators of rudeness in society. The intentional disregard for others, conflict essence of character, primitive consciousness - all this can seriously spoil the life to balanced and educated people.
How to react to insults?

Suppose, the Grubian is still not leaving and continues to withdraw its "opponent" from soul equilibrium. Sleeping to its level and start a response tirade, saturated with sophisticated insults, in no case. How then to deposit an amateur of insults?

Important! Grubian - always weak and uncertain personwhich is very afraid to be worse than others. This is an axiom, which should always be kept in the mind in case of verbal conflict.


Silence is not only gold, but also the most popular way to combat rudeness.

Demonstrative ignoring of various audacious "cattle" can be effectively only in the case of absolute non-vulnerable.

No touchy looks, tired sighs and similar reactions! For successful ignoring insults It is necessary to show Grabian that it is an empty place.


If the previous tactic did not have a proper effect, and the flow of insults continues to spoil the mood to others, then during the "conversation" with the Grubians, it is necessary to try to observe self-control and not to show their confusion.

Frank and solid position expressed calm and confident toneoften acts on the "Bazaar Hama" as if cold water. As the energy vampires in their essence, the scandalists draw inspiration in weak, pliable and nervous people. Ice calmness drives the Grubian into a stupor, because it expects the opposite reaction.

You me i'm you

You can use the method of translating the negative interlocutor to it. Whatever he says, a complete agreement with his replicas and gratitude for the identification of "shortcomings" will bring the Grubian. He is waiting for a sharp disagreement with his attacks, how can it be so?!

Nevertheless, calm phrases like "thanks for the valuable council", "I will take note" and other similar options can plug the source of insults. This the way works best in publicbecause Grubian is unlikely to receive any other support, and it may even be raised to laughter.


If Ignoring did not help, and Ham continues to pour off offensive replicas, you can let him do it until he believes in his own right point.

And then sneeze, withstand the pause and say: "Sorry, I have an allergy to such nonsense."

Similar replica calls confusionand can reduce the stream of insults to not.

What to do if a close person or colleague is rude?

A stranger, who decided to assert themselves with the help of insults, does not deserve attention and worthy of ignoring only. But in the case of people who constitute a permanent circle of communication, this method will not work. Therefore, with rudeness, emanating from relatives and loved ones, it is necessary to immediately understand and clarify all uncomfortable topics.

Another thing is people, by the will of fate who are colleagues (classmates, fellow students, regular visitors of any institutions).

Important! Neat care from insults - the first step, which is taking almost every sensible person.

If the silent ignoring only disksrates the boolean, then it is possible to present it in the form of a capricious little child who attracts attention to various khamsk phrase. After all, no one will perceive seriously albeit rough, but not aware of his behavior of the kid?

Thus, ignoring will help not only gain protection from all sorts of insults, but also to increase your own mood. Especially since the grubean, one way or another will notice the manifested resistance, which later may positive side affect his behavior.

Nevertheless, silent ignoring does not always lead to a successful repayment of the conflict. Sometimes worth it pluck up courage And parry Grabian. For this, the phrases "Who allowed you to talk to people so?", And also "talking in such a tone you will be with your wife / husband." Most often, such a replica is enough to indicate Grabian, who is who.

When is it better to ignore insults?

Resistances to GRUBIANS Sometimes it is a deliberately meaningless occupation.

Provocations suitable on the streets, in stores and other public places just just ignore.

The person in principle can not like everyone in a row, so the most winning move in a similar situation is indicative ignoring.

In addition, there is a risk to post with unstable and inadequate booms. With the exhaustion of his scarce vocabulary they can easily go from simple insults to physical violence. In order not to suffer in a fight, it is best not to join with similar booms into any conversations and decently returned with the "battlefield".
How to respond to insults?

Beautifully answer insults

Furnishing communication is frightened by Grabian, as they do not expect such an unusual reaction. For example, the phrase "Dear, I'm not going to talk to you in such a tone" or "Dear, you probably confused me with someone" can cool the Khamsky dust.

Other similar replicas, demonstrating pupil And the formation: "The rudeness does not paint you," "Thank you for showing interest to me," "Do not be discouraged, you will still succeed."

If it did not work, the best thing to say goodbye to the "interlocutor" and leave.

Smart Answers to Insults

You can ask the leading questions to which Grubian is most likely not able to answer. Best options for such phrases: "Why do you want to hurt me?", "What do you really want from me?", "What answer will you arrange, polite or truthful?" etc.

Ceremonial responses

Holders of acute mind can build a good line of behavior with uncompatible people.

Responding to criticism with different fun replica, it is possible not only to put on a person beautifully, but also call overall laugh under certain circumstances.

With this task copes well the following remarks: "You were not frightened by babaikha in childhood?", "I'm not interested in what you think about me, but I am pleased that you can think", "Go, drank the desert!", "The most important thing is my lack - inability to communicate with the Grabians. "," Did I look like a dentist? Then close, please, your mouth. "

Robust and shyness - real food for smoking and scandalous personalities, and their ignoring can not always correct the situation. It is worth remembering this and at the right moments to overcome themselves, giving a worthy repulse to different manifestations of human beast.



We all come from time to time to face rudeness, insults and rudeness. And those of us who do not know how to react to insults correctly, have to endure the offense, angry and smoke depression. Many, not knowing how to adequately respond to insult with their rampant words, actions and actions, provoke serious conflicts and, neglecting common sense, join "Internecine Wars".

It happens that a person, not knowing how to answer an insult, hesitates fists, sometimes even in cases where the situation does not require the slightest reaction. Inability to answer the offender in a word, the inability to find the necessary words to put in place to place - the reason for poor mood, stress, health problems, suicides, fights and even murders. Say, I excessively dramatizing the situation? But it really is!

In order to learn to respond to insults, it's not enough to memorize beautiful phrases and expressions, it is necessary to understand what an insult is what its motives in each specific case, learn to respond (it is not about to answer, but about the psychological reaction to rudeness, humiliation and criticism), well, and it is wise, worthy and beautiful Answer to these tights.

So what is an insult? Insult is the intentional resentment, humiliation of honor and dignity of man, often expressed in coarse and indecent form. In addition, as orally, an insult can be applied in writing or in the form of actions (obscene gesture, push, spit, singing, etc.), openly or in the absence of a person.

Insult is always a negative assessment, this behavior and qualities of a person, in the form contrary to adopted in society rules of behavior, morality and morality. In most countries, an insult is a crime for which in ideas should always follow the inevitable punishment (in Russia, after the article 130 of the Criminal Code has lost its strength, an insult is an administrative offense, and the responsibility for it provides for Article 5.61 of the Administrative Code). However, in this article we will lower the moment of this kind of response as the protection of honor and dignity in court, and try to figure out how to respond and respond to insults yourself.

Today there are many different psychological techniques that can help adequately answer insult. However, the basis of each of them is the initial understanding of the intentions and objectives of the offender, appreciating "poisonous injections". Therefore, in order to competently parry an insult and put a glowing interlocutor in place, first need to be aware of the hidden motives of the opponent and take care of the nidity.

How to react to insults and accusations

You accidentally or specially wrapped. For business? Hurt? Remember that any feeling or emotion, including insulted (insult in combination with a sense of severe humiliation) occurs within a person. Therefore, we can not be offended, we can only be offended.

First of all, you should not understand the insult literally and take each word to your account. If your offender has a unimportant mood or he is poorly pupil, it does not mean that you are to blame for this.

A person to learn how to react to insults, it is important to know that the one who splashes saliva and behaves inadequately, on the right and on the left, scattering the renovation, itself is a victim. The victim of his shavily character. Usually, people who attack others and humiliating them are weak. They cannot cope with negative emotions and therefore splash them on others. As a rule, they also offended them, and unable to cope with the overflowing bitterness themselves, thus they "merge" it (often people insult and rude from the feeling of envy). So does it make sense to be offended by the leaf?

How to react to an insultif the offender is your close person? If you value the relationship, then it is worth talking and putting all the points over the "th". Quietly and openly tell him that his words were deeply treated for you (namely, the words of close people hurt us deeper, even when we seem to have learned to calmly respond to insults from strangers, unfamiliar or just acquaintances). Discuss the situation and it will be easier.

The most preferred response to insults unfamiliar man - ignoring. Simply, do not notice the Grubian (of course, if the situation does not require opposite behavior), imagine that there is no one nearby, and the opinion and words of the stranger are an empty sound. If you are not from the category of people wishing everyone likesThis will make you easily.

If you are offended by a work colleague or boss, remember that accurate care from the conflict will always be more profitable. On the words of a colleague, who still can not calm down and on which your silence does not work, you can answer some neutral stitch. And with the head jokes are bad. Therefore, it is better to listen to the opinion of psychologists who advise in this situation not to conflict and not respond to insults, but to submit their leader with a capricious little child, who all the time is humpy and drown. Mentally stroking the head, calm it. Check out the semolina and sat down on the pot. Those who tried this method say that the effect is awesome. Not only is it forces to smile and easily transfer offensive statements, it will also give the inner strength that your boss will definitely notice.

Workout calm reaction to insults will bring you exclusively dividends, namely positive mood , improvability, unshakable and balance. Having learned to respond to aggressive attacks with serene calmness (it can be expressed both in words and deeds, and in silence), you can disarm the offender every time and make him think about whether to behave with you.

How to answer an insult, considering the type of criticism

Before answering an insult, quickly analyze the said, and if it looks more like a constructive criticism (insult, in fact, has nothing to do with what we imagine it), immediately admit your wrongness, start with "yes": " Yes, you are absolutely right. " If you doubt the reasons for attacks and do not know how to answer the knight and comment to your address, ask the clarifying question. For example, if the case does not apply to your real omissions or misses, and an angry tirade spoken by your opponent aims to remake you and insult, then phrase - "Do you have a specific offer?", Put it in a dead end. An adequate person, even in the case of a sharp statement, justifies its opinion and will offer other options.

If you agree, albeit with an unpleasant, but with just criticism - do not apologize without much need. Just agree, constantly apologizing people look not confident.

In the event that an insult or charge is right only from the part, admit it partly. For example, you are told that you are always late (to insult it is hardly like, but if it is said in a rough and aggressive form, and even publicly - someone can count it such). There will be something like a worthy answer: "Yes, today I was late." Or another example: "You are an illiterate specialist and constantly make mistakes in spelling." A decent response to an insult will be the phrase: "Yes, in this report two spelling errors».

A fully unfair insult can be answered by counterproof the essence of rudeness. They can be several types:

  • Specifying questions, such as: "Why do you think so?", "What exactly do you mean?", "Why do you personally interest it?", "What did you want to say?" etc., rarely, but give results. If a person begins to answer them, it will imperceptibly bend himself in a dead end. However, it is not worth counting on it (although you can try), after clarifying questions, the insulting, as a rule, does not calm down (also uses an unfair type of criticism, without justifying its rudeness) and answers something like: "Do you yourself know?" Or "I mean, you are a loaf and launch." It is necessary to gain patience, of course if you want to answer an insult culturally, and continue to quietly ask further.
  • Actual questions - this is a call to voice the facts and bring examples: "Names, turnouts, passwords?", "Be kind to name the facts", "Give example", etc. If your discrepaniary is responsible for these questions: "Examples and facts can be given a lot ...", "You yourself understand everything perfectly ...", etc., - continue to "torture" it further or stop the dialogue phrase, they say, You can even say essentially nothing.
  • Alternative questions will help the offender to formulate specific claims and say than it is in fact dissatisfied: "Maybe you are not satisfied with my nonpunctuality Or how I dress and look? Maybe you do not like how I communicate with buyers or how I make reports? ". Here, perhaps, you will hear a specific answer, unless of course an opponent and the truth is that you have to show. If there is, act according to the scheme described above.
  • Defending questions: "You are not satisfied with how I make reports, as I look, as I communicate. What else does not suit you? ", - Write the person to express everything to your critic or insulting you, and did not touch you as long as possible.

Probably, bringing questions that you specify a calm tone will cause criticism of amazement and even outrage. It is normal and therefore he feels your advantage in this situation. He is accustomed to when they are justified or mile up in front of him, and you are friendly trying to understand and take into account specific and objective comments as soon as they are voiced.

How to respond to insults: General rules

The first thing you need to learn a person who does not know how can I answer insult - This is that in no case should not be descended to mutual insulting accusations and mindless reactions. First, on the outside it looks very stupid and funny. Secondly, maybe you are putting on some manipulative impact. So why start playing for someone else's rules, with the ability to be caught in deftly spaced networks.

In most cases, it is better not to respond to insult that politely and culturally, but at least calmly and with self-esteem. In some situations (for example, in the case of trolling), the best response will be absolute ignoring the offender.

If you are a calm and educated person, then culturally respond to an insult Babied Hama is quite difficult and most often meaningless. You are knowingly loser, because you start playing in someone else's site and on someone else's rules. You must stay in your field. If you can safely and reasonably answer, then answer, but another problem is a Hama receptors that perceive your arguments do not work. Therefore, it is best to turn around and go. This is the easiest option to respond to an insult.

Often responding to criticism, people allow for a mistake - they begin to justify: no, I'm not like that, you are unfair to me, I am not guilty ... justification put you in the position of humiliated - this is, first. Secondly, they are not interesting and not needed, as a rule, they do not even listen. Agree, it's stupid to justify in front of a person for whom to say any knife or offend - the desire to play emotions, the way of self-affirmation (in this situation you can ask - "Well, that self-affected by my account?") Or the desire to stand out. Therefore, listening to insults, always try to understand why you want to insult.

Everyone has difficult days, and be a rough remark, conceded from the mouth of your interlocutor by chance. In this case, the question is - "Bad Day?" will be sufficient. A normal person will agree and apologize for sharpness. However, ask such a question "Troll" is not the best way Answer an insult, as this can cause a whole stream of imparting expressions in your direction.

Sometimes it is not necessary to respond to an insult, it is just that it is simply unagusably or even friendly ask for a person, about what he said. Pretend that you did not hear or, thinking, simply did not pay attention to his statement. Only Frank Hamlo will repeat insult.

If you all decided to answer the offender, and whether it does not matter if this situation is required or you just wanted it, you should not rush on the enemy with objections directly. Be cold-blooded, shuffle charges and insults with laid and witty answers, but only after completely listen to all attacks in your address. First, you will have time to think and find a sharp word, and secondly, you can temper the dust and keep the sobriety of thought. And if this is the situation when your deferment acts on emotions (that is, it is not a planned and careful thoughtful attack), you can provide him with the opportunity to discredit itself in full.

Some attacks can be answered by humor. When an insult seems to be not an insult at all, and so, the harmless mockery, or when it is necessary to answer and discharge the situation, without spoiling a relationship - the joke is quite appropriate. This reception has another plus. He will save you from further insults and the attacks of a man who enjoys, seeing his victim, feel the malice or any other negative emotions. After all, if you react with a smile on his attacks, therefore, you don't care, and you don't even think angry, offended or swear. Humor Uymet Grabian, inserting it into a stupor. And he is like energetic vampire He will go in search of a new victim.

Do not joke if insults are serious, hiding your honor and dignity. Otherwise, the offender, and the surrounding decide that you can safely "wipe your feet."

How to learn to respond to insults and not provoke new

Get out of any verbal duel winner and put in place a glowing interlocutor will help you the ability to quickly formulate thoughts. In order to learn to respond to insults witty and most importantly, do not hesitate with friends, friends or colleagues to organize comic duel. Remember that in every duel you acquire the necessary experience and skill.

There are people who Hamyat more often. There is such a concept - the psychology of the victim. The sacrificial people who are easy to offend (he has such an appearance, he behaves like this, it can be seen that he will not be able to answer an insult) - will always find her Hama. Here you have to ask a question: "Why do people talk to me like that? Maybe a problem in me, if it repeats periodically? ".

Often people are not able to somehow answer insult due to their own uncertainty, low self-esteem or natural shy. Having heard unpleasant words in his address, they caught with fear can not be modeled and words. Here you need an integrated approach - starting the struggle with these qualities, constantly practice in the ability to respond correctly to insults. And remember, the reaction to rudeness and Khamsky behavior should proceed from the depths of the inner unshakable.

In addition, fear transmitted by some absolutely unthinkable channels can spur off the offender for all new and new rudeness. So in any conflict situation, including responding to insults, it is necessary, first of all, curb your fear. We are so arranged that, not knowing how to defend yourself from insulting, you begin to breathe deeply, straining your eyesight, squeeze the fists or cross legs and hands. Try to follow emotions in such situations, and it is conscious to control your external manifestations.

How to clearly answer insult: examples, situations, phrases

Insulting, people often use template expressions. So to know as competently answer an insultIt is possible to make a list of frequently observed coarseness and come up with adequate answers.

What would you have become clear in which direction to move, I suggest you familiarize yourself with typical insults and possible options Decent reaction. Perhaps my answers turned out not original enough, sure you can come up better.

If the ill-wisher with a fake note in his voice notes that because of yesterday's feast you look, thank it for non-indulgence, and in turn, show care of appearance The offender: "Strange, you're like that yesterday, the whole evening was sitting at home (a), but you look still marked. Look, what are your bruises under the eyes. " Well, or tell me that they forgot to look into the mirror as they were very rushing to work, and then, dropping the height with a quick look, please add: "Oh, I look, you also do not like to look at the mirror."

You can answer an insult, translating the negative qualities that you are attributed to the dignity. - "You are verbose and bolties." - "Just me sociable person».

If you are insulted and accused, you can remind a person to a person: "We are what we think about" or the famous saying "who has what hurts, the one about that says", well, or say "do not judge by itself." The meaning is as follows: Often we suspect those who are surrounding that they are capable of themselves, and it is necessary to explain to the person that he characterizes himself with their insults rather than you.

You can turn reproach to reverse side And ask the aggressor as he managed to achieve such outstanding results, master the skills that you do not have to acquire such wonderful character traits (it is possible to do it in vast or in a serious form):

  • - "You are crucial!". - "How do you manage to keep the hand to the hand?"
  • - "You first day in the workplace, and already showed themselves as worthless odds. " - "Share your experience. Tell us how you manage to keep cool in stressful situations? "

How cleverly answer an insult to your clothes:

  • - "Are you in the Chinese market?". - "It doesn't matter what I am dressed, on my figure, even a beggar rags will look like a gorgeous dress.

If the offender, wanting to impress the value of your business, says that, in your work, bad funds were used, not those tools or methods, you can say that, despite the originality of the funds used in the paper, it is made above all silence and the result speaks himself Himself.

Try must answer an insultwho sounded at your address in the bar, a restaurant or shop should not be (unless to hone their ski ski and fast attacks). Proper reaction There will be a requirement to call the administrator or ask for a plaintive book. Several such complaints and the rude officer will be dismissed.

If you have to listen to insults from a certain official, then you just need to be very polite asked to call you his position, as well as FULL NAME. Who uses this technique to cool the dust of the unprofitable employee, know that it acts perfectly. It seems that cold water will be poured on it at this moment.

Answering an insult can be like a light-point Buddha - a radiant smile and the wishes of the offender of all the brighter. Of course, such a reaction is not always appropriate and not everyone is suitable, because each case of insulting individuals and people are different, so there can be no universal answers. Choose behavior tactics that suits you best. Try, experiment, but do with the mind.

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