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How to establish sincere equilibrium

The fortune telling that was favorite in Empress Catherine II, according to the legend, was quite simple. 40 characters were depicted on 40 cards that had classical decoding, however, for a specific situation, they could have a direct value and denote exactly what they were depicted on them. Of the 40 treated top shirts, three and, depending on the question of interest, they interpreted the result. Try this fortune telling to predict fate or clarify the question of interest.

Love fortune telling on Gypsy Maps Tarot will tell you how you feel about and what a mandated person thinks about you. Also, this alignment shows what feelings in relation to you are experiencing the person you are interested in, what does the relationship demonstrate, and what does it hide what goals puts in your relationship, what plans to take you in the future and what is the result of communicating with this person. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

The alignment of Taro's Card "Lake" will help you to analyze and understand the cause of your or someone's fears, obsessive thoughts, complexes and incorrect life. Understand the cause of unpleasant mental states, get advice and forecast for the future will help this fortune telling. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

Each of us constantly creates its reality, but the predetermination of events to one degree or another changes our plans, or even desires. It is also a fortune telling, it may help to understand the looking for an answer to what the meaning of his actions, of life and why everything develops in a certain way. To find out what is in your power, and that the fortune telling "predestination" on one of the most mysterious oracles Madame Endora will help. Play your question or present the situation and select 12 cards from the deck, pay special attention to the key-signifier key card.

Signing cards on Oracle Sybolone "Alchemy Sadness" allows you to disassemble the things or a problem that is saddown, understand why it happened and what experience should be learned from this situation. Sybolone's deck gives a complete picture of experienced feelings and emotions and is most suitable for such divination.

The fortune telling on the Oracle of Endora "Progress or Stagnation" is used in cases where a person needs to decide on his life, in what state is the case at the moment there are works and in which direction to move to achieve the best result. This alignment will show you what your achievements today, what obstacles exist, where you should send your strength and what will be the result of your actions or the selected path.

Each person has a subconscious or conscious fear that interferes in achieving the desired goal or in comfortable well-being. The alignment of the osculatal maps Sybolon "The fear mask helps not only to identify the cause of this fear, as well as understand that it prevents it from eliminating and what to do to get rid of this oppressive inner state. Before the start of divination - focus and ask your question, after selecting cards from the deck.

Online divination on Gypsy Maps Tarot "Tarakan" Complex alignment that allows you to deal with an existing problem, it is possible to understand that it prevents you in life and the causes of unpleasant, possibly repetitive situations. The alignment examines any unpleasant situation under the "cockarakan": conflict, failures in love, failures in business and work, as well as personal problems. The most suitable questions for this fortune telling: "Why does this happen to me?", "What is this situation in my life?", "Who or what is to blame in my problem?". Think your question and select maps from the deck.

Divination on the maps of Tarot "Women's Happiness" is used for the self-analysis of a woman. This fortune telling helps learn such interesting hidden nuances, for example, how a woman you are, what you need for happiness. And who contributes, and what prevents your happiness. The alignment of "female happiness" is a continuation of the definition of the "happiness of man", but the questions that are collected in it more subtlylighte the female questions regarding well-being and self-analysis. Concentrate and ask your question, after select 9 cards from the deck.

The alignment of the cards on the oracle symbolone "The Sun" is directed for self-analysis and self-knowledge. With the help of the defold card, you will be able to find out what values \u200b\u200band ideals are important for you, which strengthens and weakens your identity that you are at the moment and in what direction should be developed further. Concentrate, ask your question and select cards from the deck.

The fortune telling on the runes of Odin "Dreams and Reality" shows the characteristic of human life, as he perceives certain things. With this scenario, you will learn the characteristic of illusory ideas about life, which feeds these illusions, as well as what the connection between the reality and the illusory representation of a person. This divination is intended primarily for subconscious psychological analysis and self-knowledge. Think your question and select runes.

The fortune telling on the five runes of Odin "Achilles Fifas" will show you what you have the weakest and vulnerable place (perhaps physically, and the nature of character), from where the threat can come from, the reasons for the appearance of this weak place and how to protect the vulnerable place. Before the start of divination - concentrate and ask your question, after selecting runes from the placer.

Calculation on the Tarot Maps Dark Moon shows which karmic tasks with you in past embodiments or something else to work. How can karma manifest, if you work on the development of a karmic problem. The fortune telling must be carried out in a peaceful state, preferably under meditative music, decipher read thoughtfully, re-read the second time - in this case you will open new unnoticed early nuances.

The fortune telling on the maps of Tarot "Arrows Goddess Breed" is used to explore and analyze the nature of the personal spiritual progress of the conceived personality. The goddess Bride possessed three fiery arrows of inspiration related to its manifestations, like the goddess of fire inspiration, firefight or forge, and healing fire. With this scenario, you can study the person of interest to you in detail. Focus and think about whom you want to guess and select 9 cards from tarot deck.

The alignment of cards on the oracle Sybolone "Triad" is used to analyze the conceived personality or for the self-analysis of the gadget. This fortune telling allows you to find out the personality characteristic now and determine how a person will develop in the future, as well as from the events of the past influenced him. This divination is considered by Triad. those. sectors of three maps of horizontal and vertical rows. Focus and conceive the identity on which the divination will be carried out. After that, select Cards from the deck.

Interesting alignment of Tarot's "Mystery" of the question is conscious, and what is hidden, what is the mystery and what else will have to understand. Also, the fortune telling will tell about the situation repeated from generation, which can be changed in it and what is not, as this situation is reflected in the life of an inappropriate and what is its true reason. Before the start of fortification, focus and select cards from the deck.

A small, but very useful and informative alignment, focused on the self-knowledge and characteristics of a person. With the help of only three cards, Slimbone, you can get answers to interesting questions regarding your or the mandated personality. Focus and imagine a person on which the alignment will be carried out, select Cards from the deck.

Signing cards on Oracle Simbon "My Dar" gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat kind of talents have been awarded nature and what their abilities you should develop. This unusual allegation will also tell you in which direction it is best to use my gift, gives a forecast for the future, and also answers the question "What is this gift for me?". Focus, think about the person on which you are going to guess and select cards from the deck.

Signing cards on the oracle Sybalon "Exit from a closed circle" will help you understand the reason and the essence of a recurring situation in your life. The peculiarity of this defold is that it indicates the essence of the situation in different aspects: spiritual, conscious and subconscious motive. Also, this fortune telling gives advice as worth it and the warning should not be done. Specify your question and select 10 Slim cards from the deck.

The alignment of the Card Taro "Empress" is applicable for such cases when a person makes one and the same mistake throughout his life, for example, connects his life with unsuitable partners or trusts not to those people. With this divination, you can analyze the internal and behavioral attitudes that you need to work out, leave or get rid of the commencement to stop the cycle of repetitive situations. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

The fortune telling on the Tarot maps, based on the "Future Mom" \u200b\u200bscenario, is intended for women awaiting a child or planning pregnancy. This unusual allegation will help you understand yourself, realize what things or even moral positions will help you in raising a child, and which can harm. The fortune telling is not literally perceived, but Associatively, i.e. The image on the map itself will help you in the awareness of the answer to the question. Do not forget that the inverted maps often have the opposite value.

Fortune telling on the map Tarot "Bird in flight" is necessary for self-knowledge. Completed in the form of a flying bird, this alignment can tell about the most interesting topics related to your personality, conscious and subconscious, the cards of the left wing of the bird tell us something about our feminine, perceiving energy at a moment, and the right wing symbolizes our male, active energy. From the first chosen card, the flight begins, and therefore it belongs to the male wing. Each follow-up card is a response to the previous, helping the "bird" rise above, but to the question - to move into a greater clarity and internal space.

The alignment of the Gypsy Oracle "Square" is used to fully characterize the person of the person, as well as the clarification of the important moments of his life. Maps give answers to the most interested in questions regarding personality, spirituality, positive and negative character traits, as well as what a conceived person in relation to other people and who really is. Before the start of divination, concentrate, think about the person you are interested in and select nine cards from the deck.

The fortune telling on 5 cards Tarot "Past Life" is interesting to what you need to know who you were in the past life, what lessons you learned and have not learned from our past incarnations, what was the main mistake of your past. The alignment makes it possible to understand the reasons for problems in the present life that it is possible to take their origin from the past. Before the start of fortification, focus and try to distract from extraneous thoughts. Select cards and thoughtfully read their value, also paying special attention to the card pattern.


Layouts and divination of this section have the general topic of self-knowledge. They help you deal with yourself, our feelings and thoughts, find a right decision, learn about yourself interesting things that will help in various life situations. Zen of Divan is designed specifically for those who are interested in the spiritual and mental component of their personality.

Probably there is no such person who can answer the question in a few words how to gain a mental balance, because it is impossible. The world around us is changing with a mad speed, in the flow streams that is not always positive, you can drown, problems and anxieties are not released for a minute. Sometimes it seems that the person is a stretched string - trunk, and it will break. All this negatively affects spiritual and physical health. Something needs to be done - but what? How to achieve inner harmony, learn to live in the world with yourself? It is not easy, but it is possible if you make certain efforts.

We are given life to rejoice at her. Want to be happy - be them. Good and bad live in ourselves. Our positive mood makes the world bright, and the life is beautiful. When the mood "on zero", nothing around is not happy, the negative is visible in everything. Do not give in to Handra, drive black thoughts away, because life is given only once to enjoy her benefits.

Be able to forget the insults and forgive offenders.This, believe me, is the most difficult, but the extremely necessary requirement on the way to equilibrium in your own soul. What is the point of remembering the resentment, re-surviving them, if the offender and think forgot, what hurt you. He lives, rejoicing life, and you get yourself, once again returning the pain. Even worse when thoughts about revenge will be born in the soul, about the desire to cause a response pain. Be sure of life will become a nightmare, and there can be no speech about spiritual harmony. Forget and sorry, lose weight from the shoulders, feel relief, thereby protecting yourself from nervous disruptions and diseases.

Cut out the feeling of guilt. The fact that once happened is no longer changed, and you need to accept, take what happened. Return to the past and challenge do not give to live today, daring the world in gray tones. Ask forgiveness, even if you mentally, those who have brought offense, and start living, rejoicing what you have.

The power of faith in the Most High. Often, the finding of sincere equilibrium helps faith in God. Nothing happens without the will of God. Everything that happens, or happens to us, "programmed" over, although we are trying to change various life situations. Those who truly believes in God who discovered the soul for him, perceive what happened, as his will, agreeing with what happens, right. In the soul of believers reign peace and peace, they believe in God's justice.

We change our own priorities and a look at life. It is very difficult to find a person who would like everything in the world around. If desired, there is always a reason to turn. But it has been proven that negative emotions provoke to a response negative and, as a result, you need to forget about the acquisition of sincere equilibrium. The more aggression comes from us, the more returns to us back. This is the law of physics, the strength of action and counteraction. Try just to smile a stranger, foster the head of someone else's child, just call your parents. The response will strike you. It turns out that there are smiles in the world, the words of gratitude, children's laughter. Everything is not so bad if you believe it.

And, more, wish what you need without thinking about prestige. Why waste health and strength, chasing the dream, which is so hard to achieve. Maybe it's easier to change it?


We shared thoughts how to find a mental balance, though, everyone probably has their recipes. Someone listens to music, goes to walk in the park, is engaged in sports. It's great if it brings positive results: raises life tone, causes a smile, helps to relieve the cargo of the problems. Everyone will be like that we want to see it. Good luck

1. Why do states like this arise?
2. Is it a disease?
3. Can I influence such states? How?
4. Why do I give these states?
5. What do I get from them?
6. What am I losing at the same time?
7. What can they bring?
8. How do I fight with them?
9. Whose help count?
10. The result of my effort on yourself.

And now consider this alignment on the real example of life.
Immediately I will say that I know what kind of states of the Quantum are we talking about, so my interpretations will be associated directly with this particular case.

1. Why do states like this arise? TUZ WATS (FDA)
Such states that querule is so worried about, are the result of the imagination of the quantum itself. That is, as-only in the head of the girl there is some thought, the idea, it automatically "includes" in itself the state in itself. Looking at how hard the hand on the map covered the staff, we can say that the girl is tenacious for such its states.
In this case, the words revered by Mary Mary Merry: "This is a big map" Yes! ", Which gives a powerful energy push to everything, what you would have thought and dreamed about." Well, it can also be said that its states are a sudden character, like an outbreak, and they are very difficult to control them.

2. Is it a disease? Knight Swords (employee)
This position involves the presence of a mental disorder, which should specify the appropriate maps, especially from the category of senior arcanes. But since the knight swords has nothing to do with such diseases, I can safely say that in this case such states do not bear the form of the disease. However, this card may indicate accentuated states, in particular, the jams of the individual, in which strong fixation occurs on any object, and it is very difficult to get rid of it.

3. Can I influence such states? How? 9 Swords (restraint)
This card talks about composure, patience and containing its impulses. In no case can not be in panic and succumb to fear. It is very important to calmly react to the occurrence of any kind of thoughts and the manifestation of any emotions. It is important not only to restrain your fear, but reflecting about it.

4. Why do I give these states? 10 Pentacles (wealth)
Since this is a map of enrichment, the first thing that comes to the head is to enrich the already internally rich querient nature))) first, experiencing experienced feelings, the girl can more think about his own well-being and begins to work hard on himself, accumulating Not only material benefits, but also spiritual. Secondly, this card has a property to lay a solid foundation, so these states can lay a solid foundation for the development of a more serious disease in the future, which, by the way, can pass into future generations inherited.

5. What do I get from them? 5 Swords (defeat)
As you can see, it is impossible to get anything good from such experiences, except for feeling powerless and affected. Other negative thoughts and negative emotions are also connected here: the feeling of guilt and repentance, paying for their actions and negative thoughts, awareness of themselves defeated.

6. What am I losing at the same time? Moderation (transformation)
The girl loses the possibility of regeneration of its mental states, restoration of inner peace and equilibrium. This may be reflected in all spheres of her life. This card talks about healing, healing, but since it fell out in such a position, this means the absence of a desire to cure from the states experienced. It takes it the opportunity to feel a harmonious personality.

7. What can they bring? 2 Swords (Duel)
Well, it is quite logical that all this generates internal contradictions and constant debates with themselves, attempts to convince themselves in one, then in the opposite. The girl is constantly in suspense due to the need to restore impaired equilibrium when sudden thoughts occur. She is constantly forced to control himself, lead war with himself and his thoughts. It may be fraught with personality splitting. It is remembered in Osho-Zen Tarot this card is called "schizophrenia".

8. How do I fight with them? 8 wands (projects)

To begin, it is necessary to draw up a project, approach this issue responsibly and seriously, to develop a scheme by which the girl will be able to carry out its project step by step. The map suggests that it is important to observe here, to fix your states, keep the diary of your own thoughts and their consequences. Unlike the Riderian system, in Marseilskaya 8 wands advise not to rush, but to show patience and sustainability towards the goal.

9. Whose help count? World (remuneration) + king cups
The world map contains a sufficient number of characters and can be interpreted in several ways. First of all, I would consider it as "the victory of the Spirit over matter, the success, the wedding case of human life, the result of the act of creativity." Therefore, for querenate it is very important to show the strength of the Spirit, take power over your thoughts into your own hands with the help of the king of cups, which in this example can act as in the role of a gear (for example, psychoanalyst) and in the role of own internal energy (creative impulse, inspiration And the desire to create yourself, tolerance to your own results). Therefore, the girl has two ways:
1) turn to a professional working in the field of human psyche (but the result naturally depends on the work of the Querant over himself; a professional can only direct it);
2) to work independently, by connecting its strength of the Spirit and the creative beginning - reading the appropriate literature (by the way, the king of the Cups can act as an author of some kind of akin on the topic), interest as a result, a creative intention to solve its problem.
Any of these options will require a quantity of effort and maximum self-dedication.

10. The result of my effort on yourself is 6 pentacles (unprincipled)
This card in the Marseille system means unscrupulous attitude to anywhere, so it can be concluded that the girl will react to his experienced states frightly and will not want (or will not be able) to conscientiously fulfill all the recommendations of the Cup King, not listening to the card advice, not will be able to bring the case to the end. Well, this is her choice. I just can wish her faith in his strength and perseverance on the way to healing!

Salvation "Worldview"

1. My view of the world. What I see the world and that I appreciate it.
2. The attitude of the world to me. Fate is favorable for me, if I am the lucky man, etc.
3. What are my beliefs true to which field of life they include
4. What is my beliefs are not true, what I'm mistaken to which area of \u200b\u200blife it applies.
5. What I have not realized
6. What I have already realized
7. Through what will have to go. Shows the nearest part of the hard path.
8. I am ready for this. Shows our experience, luggage knowledge behind the back, strength of character
9. What I do wrong, false direction. The card below it shows which area of \u200b\u200blife it applies.
10. What I do is true, the right direction. Card from above shows which area of \u200b\u200blife it applies.
11. What you need to restrain yourself
12. What is going to calm down. The optimal solution for the state of inner rest.

Salvation "Childhood"
Often our complexes, fears, insecurity go out of deep childhood. This affects the upbringing of parents, and relationships with peers, and attention that we paid or did not have paid. The alignment will help determine the relationship between childhood and our behavior in the present. There is a period of 3 to 6 years.

1. What baby I was
2. How mother treated me
3. How did the father treated me
4. What is the main feature was laid in childhood
5. What the main complex has developed, its reason
6. What am I most afraid of childhood
7. What I lacked in childhood
8. My relationship with other children
9. How parenting has reflected in my character, behavior, life in general

Salvation "Understanding yourself"

The alignment is made on a mixed deck. Will help per minute when you lose the landmarks in life and do not understand what is happening with you. With the help of it, you will open your personality card and you can easily find the desired direction in which you need to act.

1. What is the meaning of my life
2. What am I mistaken
3. Where did the error
4. What to fix
5. How I live
6. What is my vocation
7. What can I find myself
8. What are my beliefs false
9. What I am dependent on what I can not control myself
10. What you need to take yourself in hand
11. What is unacceptable for me
12. What am I losing because of my stupidity
13. What life will behave further

Summary "Brand Equilibrium"
How to find a mental balance? You can apply both a mixed deck and only senior arcanes.

1. What is the cause of discontent
2. What is your soul
3. What's in your thoughts
4. What the subconscious mind is trying to say
5. What you need to be afraid
6. What everything goes
7. What needs to be discarded
8. What you need to take
9. Why is it happening to you
10. What you need to do

Singing "devastation"
It will help in a situation where you feel empty and do not know how to help yourself.

1. What happens to you now
2. Why feel empty
3. What is missing for sincere equilibrium
4. How can you help yourself
5. What can help close people
6. What you need to let go
7. What should be done

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