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Quotes about inspiration in English. Beautiful phrases in english with translation. Spoken phrases in English

Nowadays, man is nowhere without English, because he is everywhere: music, cinema, Internet, video games, even inscriptions on T-shirts. If you are looking for an interesting quote or just a beautiful phrase, then this article is just for you. From her you will learn the famous cofamages, useful spoken expressions and just beautiful phrases in English (with translation).

About love

This feeling inspires artists, musicians, poets, writers, directories and other representatives of the creative world. How many wonderful works are devoted to love! For centuries, people tried to find the most accurate wording, which would reflect the essence of this spiritual feeling. There are poetic, philosophical and even humorous phrases. In English, a lot of love is written and said, let's try to collect the most interesting examples.

Love Is Blind. - Love is blind.

It is difficult to argue with this statement, however, there is another capable of clarifying the thought.

Love Isn't Blind, IT Just Only Sees What Matters. - Love is not blind, she only sees what is really important.

Next aphorism continues the same topic. In the original it sounds in French, but its English translation is presented here. These beautiful and accurate words belong to Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

IT Is Only With the Heart That One CAN See Rightly; What is Essential Is Invisible to the Eye. - Zorko only heart. The main eyes will not see.

Another beautiful statement characterizes not only the feeling itself, but also loving people.

We Come To Love Not by Finding a Perfect Person, But by Learning to See An Imperfect Person Perfectly. - Love does not mean finding and therefore learn how to take imperfect.

And finally, we give a humorous in it, however, a fairly serious meaning is concluded.

Love Me, Love My Dog (Literal Translation: Love Me - Love and My Dog). - If you love me, you will love everything connected with me.


People who love watch movies are probably interested in quotes from popular American films of different times. There are interesting and even very beautiful phrases. In English with the translation, you can find a list of the most famous movie. It was compiled by leading American critics 10 years ago. The first place in it is occupied by words spoken in the scene of the gap of the main heroes of the film "Gone by the Wind": Frankly, My Dear, I Don't Give A Damn. - Honestly, dear, I don't care about it.

Also in the list includes many other recognizable quotes from the old classic films. Some of these tapes are pretty old, removed in the middle of the twentieth century. Phrases of them are now used usually in humorous quality.

No less popular quotes from other well-known American films taken relatively recently, from the 80s to the 2000s. Those of them, which was especially loved by the audience, became sources of wonderful quotes.

To better understand the humor in a foreign language, it is good to know at least some famous quotes from Kininelate, because they are heard from the English-speaking population of the world as well as residents of the CIS - phrases from Soviet films.

For tattoos

What phrases can be used? For example, summarizing life experience. Such a tattoo will be suitable for a person who has recently experienced a difficult situation, but I managed to learn a lesson from my trouble.

You can also make a tattoo from the words that will inspire you. Applying such a picture on the skin, you, as it were, "recapture" the energy that the words important for you are entitled.

Choosing a tattoo with the inscription, it is important to find such that it will always want to wear on your skin. English is good in that it is possible to choose such a saying that will contain a minimum of letters and words, but maximum meaning. For a text tattoo, this is an ideal formula.

On T-shirt

Very interesting look inscriptions on clothes. You can choose something suitable in the store, but if you want a real originality, it is better to choose a personal motto for yourself, and then order such an inscription on a T-shirt. Beautiful phrases in English are well suited for this purpose. Choose any or invent your own, and exemplary options are presented below.

  • Music is My Language (Music is my language).
  • I ALWAYS Get What I Want (I always get what I want).
  • Forever Young (eternally young).
  • Follow Your Heart (Follow Your Heart).
  • NOW OR NEVER (now or never).
  • Don't Judge ME by My Clothes (Do not judge about clothes, do not meet for clothes).
  • I Love Chocolate (I love chocolate). Instead of Chocolate there may be any other words: Music - music, Tea - tea, etc.

In status

For social networks, you can also use beautiful phrases in English. With the translation together, they can not be placed: the one who knows the language will understand and so, and who does not know - can ask you. With such a question, it may well begin to get acquainted and communication. Which of the English phrases are successful for status from a social network? First of all, those that will reflect the current globility of the host or hostess of the page. In the list below you will find phrases like a life-affirming sense and suitable for a bad mood.


If you are learning English, you have the opportunity to practice in your skills through communication in special chats, on forums, as well as on social networks. To the conversation passed easier and more naturally, it is useful to remember at least a few can always have a list at hand and periodically read it.

Useful spoken phrases in English may vary - from the simplest, adopted in informal and friendly communication, to suitable polite formulas that are well used in a conversation with an unfamiliar or unfamiliar man.

Below are examples of some spoken clichés. The first group is those that allow you to thank the interlocutor or respond to gratitude.

Another group - phrases, allowing to calm and support a person during a conversation.

The next selection of expressions can be used to express a polite refusal or consent with a proposal (invitation) of a communication partner.

And the last small list of phrases allows you to ask the interlocutor questions to clarify one or another situation, recognition of the latest news, etc.

This article featured well-known, useful and just beautiful phrases in English with translation. They will help you better understand humor, express our thoughts and enjoy communication in a foreign language.

This article presents quotes in English with a translation on various aspects of human existence as a way to study new words, phrases, grammatical structures. Quotes inspirational, reasoning, slightly funny and slightly sad and so on.

Quotes about success

Quotes in English dedicated to the topic of success:

TRUE SUCCESS IS SOMETHING INTANGIBLE; IT IS An Inner Sensation That Cannot Be Shown Materially to Others. The Growth of Spirit, Positive Emotions, The Right Choice and Respect for Every Living Form, Good Relations, True Love and Sincere Friendship: These Are All The Real Components of Success.

True success is something intangible; This is an inner sensation that cannot be shown to others in material form. Growth of the Spirit, positive emotions, the right choice and respect for every living form, good relationship, genuine love and sincere friendship - all these are real components of success.

Personally I Believe That Success Can Be Savored Every Day. Every Moment of Present Life, Every Minute and Every Second Can Represent An Opportunity for Success WHEN IT EXISTS WITH LOPEENS.

Personally, I believe that success can be saved every day. Every moment of real life, every minute and each second can be an opportunity for success when it exists with love, with joy and with full awareness.


Success is when at some point you do what you really want to do when you are in the place where you are really happy, find yourself.

Obviously The Success Is Not Static; IT IS A State Tahat Every Day Must Be Confirmed Setting New Goals.

Obviously, success is not static, this is a state that must be confirmed every day by establishing new goals.

Trying to Imagine a Successful Person I Immediately Visualize Someone Sitting In An Expensive Ferrari, Maybe Parked In Front Of A Huge Luxurious Villa. NEXT TO HIM IS A BEATIFUL WOMAN. He Has a Dazzling Hollywood Smile, A Couture Suit and A Purse Full Of Banknotes That Stick Out of His Pocket, Etc ...

Trying to imagine a successful person, I immediately see how someone sits in expensive Ferrari, possibly parked in front of a huge luxurious villa. Next to him a beautiful woman. He has a dazzling Hollywood smile, a suit from Couture and Purse, a full banknote sticking out of his pocket.

There Are Ato Actually Things, Attitudes, That Distinguish Successful People From the Chronic Dissatisfied ...

In fact, there are things, relationships that distinguish successful people from chronically disgruntled ...

The Word Success, In Fact, Is Associated Very Often; Indeed I Would Dare to Say Practically Always, to a Condition of Wealth and Popularity That Also Interpretz INTO Owning Luxury Goods As Well As Having A Socially "Higher" Position. This is What Many People Understand As Success. In Fact, This Is The Idea of \u200b\u200bSuccess Dictated by The Mass Media, Newspapers, Radio, TV, Society, Etc ... Do You Have A Lot Of Money? Are you Famous? So, According to Many, You Are A Successful Person.

The word success is essentially connected very often, in reality, I would dare to say almost always, with the state of wealth and popularity, which is also interpreted as possession of luxury objects, also a social "higher" position. This is what many understand as success. In fact, this is the idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess dictated by the media, newspapers, radio, television, society, etc. Do you have a lot of money? Are you famous? So, according to many, you are a successful person.

Luck Has Always Helped The Realization Of A Goal.

Good luck has always helped in achieving the goal.

Personally I Do Not Believe That True Success Is This True. But then what is it is it really? Why do People Chase IT SO Desperately? And Why do we talk about it more every day?

Personally, I do not believe that this is a real success. But what is it? Why do people with such despair chase him? And why are we talking about it more and more every day?

People argue a lot about success and its conditions, all this is expressed in quotes and winged phrases.

Quote in English, defining "success":

  • What is success? First of All, I Think It Is Something Very Personal But It Has A Common Area: Satisfaction and Fulfillment.
    What is success? First of all, I think that this is something very personal, but he has a common area: satisfaction and accomplishment.

Quote in English about condition for success:

Quote in English about what a successful person is:

  • There Are No Magic Tricks or Formulas. Are you A Professional in Your Job and Happy What You Do? You are A Successful Person. Are you A HOUSEWIFE WHO IS WAPPY TO TAKE CARE OF HER OWN HOME, TO TAKE CARE OF HER CHILDREN, WHO IS ABLE TO REALIZE HERSELF AND DEDICATE HERSELF TO THE HOBBIES SHE Wants? You are A Successful Person.
    There are no magical tricks or formulas. You, professional in your work and happy what you do? You, a successful person. You, a housewife, who is happy to take care of his own house, about his children, who can realize himself and devote himself to his beloved hobby? You, a successful person.

Quotes about personality

It's True WE Talk About Personality There Are Always Different Nuances That Do Not Allow Someone To Be Labeled AS "Purely" Introvert, Extrovert, Independent, Intuitive, etc.

True, when we are talking about personality, there are always different nuances that do not allow someone to be "purely" introverted, extrovert, independent, possessing intuition and so on.

Strong Personalities Can Often Cause Some Tension or Discomfort. These People Show Their Selfishness, They Never Give Up, Pursue Only Their Own Interests, Do Not Accept Opposing Visions or Other Proposals.

Strong personalities can often cause some tension or discomfort. These people demonstrate egoism, they never surrender, pursue only their interests, do not take opposite visions or other offers.

Strong Personalities Are Not Loved by Everyone Because The Are Often Not Understood.

Strong personalities are not loved by everyone, because they are often not understood.


We can, for example, to recall the first criminologist Cesare Lombroso, who was convinced that somatic features are a person's mirror.

The Resistant Personality Does Not Worry AT ALL IF Someone Does Not Accept It As IT IS.

Persistent person does not worry about that someone does not accept it as it is.

The personality of man is a reflection of his character, which can be both strong and weak, nervous, etc.

Quote in English about different personalities:

  • However WHEN WE TALK ABOUT STRONG PERSONALITIES THERE ARE NUANCES TO BE Understood. In Psychology This Type of Profile IS Known AS "Resistant Personality". A Person With Such Personality Can Be Introved or Extroverted But to Characterize It More Than Anything ELSE IS The Ability to Stay Afloat in the Stormy Sea of \u200b\u200bAdversity.
    However, when we are talking about strong personalities, you need to understand the nuances. In psychology, this type of profile is known as a "sustainable personality". A person with such a person can be introverted or extracerted, but it is more characterized than anything else - this is the ability to stay afloat in a raging sea of \u200b\u200badversity.

Quote in English about a strong personality:

  • Strong Personalities Have A Concept of Concrete Life: They Have Learned This From Their Mistakes And Their Successes and Act Accordingly, with Humility, But Also with Determination. THEY KNOW WHAT THEY WANT AND WHAT THEY DO NOT WANT. They Learned It At Their Own Expense When in the Past Someone Has Disappointed or Betrayed Them.
    In strong personalities there is a concept of a concrete life: they learned this from their mistakes and their success and act accordingly, humbly, but also with determination. They know what they want and what they do not want. They learned this from their experience when in the past someone disappointed or betrayed them.

Quote in English what is personality:

Quote in English how to identify personality:

  • To Have A More Complete View of A Personality We Must Treasure The Most Dominant Personality Model In The Scientific Scene, The So-Called Big Five Model (The Big Five Characterize Every Single Personality / Eve Single Human Being). In Oter Words, IT IS The Five Factors of the Personality.
    To have a more complete picture of the personality, we must appreciate the most dominant identity model on the scientific scene, the so-called "big five" ("Big Five" is five great features characteristic of every person / every individual). In other words, these are five identity factors.

Quote in English about a neurotic personality:

  • A NeuroTic Is a Very Sensitive Person, Emotionally Unstable and Has a Tendency to Experience More Negative Emotions (Including Anxiety and Anger) Than Positive Ones. For a Neurotic The Outside World Is A Source Of Threat and for That Reason He Is Constantly Obsessed with Everything In A Perennial State of Arouasal of the Nervous System.
    Neurotic is a very sensitive person, emotionally unstable and tends to experience more negative emotions (including anxiety and anger) than positive. For neurotic, the outside world is a source of threat, and for this reason he is constantly obsessed with everything that happens around him, living in a long-term state of excitation of the nervous system.

Quotes about life

An Important Feature of Life Is The Fact of Growth: The Computer, As A Rule, Always Remains of The Same Shape and Sizes While The Cat and Plants are Born Small and Become Larger.

An important feature of life is the fact of growth: the computer, as a rule, always remains the same shape and size, while the cat and plants are born small and becoming more and more.

All Humanistic Nonsense Comes from the Complension of Homo Sapiens As A Representative of Life. The Bacterium (Which Will Continue to Exist When We Fade Away) And Life Occurs When The Subject Becomes Capable Of Processing Information

All humanistic nonsense comes from comprehending Homo Sapiens as a representative of life. The real representative of life is a bacterium (which will continue to exist when we will fade), and life occurs when the subject becomes able to process information.

We Have Learned to Exist But Not to Live.

We learned to exist, but not live.

We Must Work So That Every Person Has The Opportunity to Live A Life Full of Dignity.

We must work so that every person has the opportunity to live life, complete dignity.


Enjoy life, that's all we have.

The Beauty Of Life Is That Every Period Puts You in The Face Of Reinvention of What has features and a Reinvention of What has Been Done Before BeaFore.

The beauty of life lies in the fact that each period puts you in the face of repeated starts, new adventures and rethinking what was done before.

Smoking kills. But Life Does Not Joke.

Smoking kills. But life is not joking.

The Greatest Compiler of Sensational Stories Is Life. But Is Life Always True? Life Is The Same As It Has Always Been, Indifferent To the Joys and Sorrows of Man, Mute, Impenetrable Like The Sphinx.

The largest compiler of sensational stories is life. But is there always life true? Life is the same as always, indifferent to the joys and sophistication of a person, a dumb, impermeable as Sphinx.

As A Doctor, I Think So: Life Is Important Not Only When IT IS Attractive and Exciting But Also If It Is Helpless and Defenseless.

As a doctor, I think so: life is important not only when it is attractive and fascinating, but also if helpless and defenseless.

You Cannot Expect Anything from Life Except That It Is Difficult.

You can not expect anything from life, except that it is difficult.

Quotes about love

Love Is A Multiplicity of Different Emotions and Behaviors Which Can Give Form to a "General" Affection Until An Inseparable Bond Is Reached, An Absolute Emotion.

Love is a lot of different emotions and behaviors that can give the shape of the "general" attachment until an inseparable connection is achieved, absolute emotion.

Love IS An Absolute Sensation. Love Is The Moment in Which One Stops to Reason Wither Head and One Begin to Think with the Heart.

Love is an absolute sensation. Love is a moment when a person ceases to argue his head, and begins to think with a heart.

Love Fills The Days, Makes US Laugh, Makes Us Cry, And Makes US Despair But Surely Without Love We Cannot Live.

Love fills the days, makes us laugh, makes us cry and makes us despair, but we cannot live without love.

It is a Feeling That Comes from the Desire to Give Oneself, to Jump Into The Darkness, to Take a Risk and to Entrust One's Life to the Hands of Another Person.

This feeling that comes from the desire to pay yourself, jump into the darkness, risk and entrust your life to another person.

Love Means to Desire The Best for The Other, Whoever It is, Even When The Motivations Are Different. IT Means Allowing The Other to Be Happy Even When ITS Path Is Different From Ours.

Love means to want to wish the best person, whoever he is, even when different motivations. This means that the other can be happy, even when his path is different from our path.


In most cases, love chooses us, even before we are aware of it.

From A Purely Psychological Point of View Love Arises from An Emotional and Sexual Need.

From a purely psychological point of view, love arises due to an emotional and sexual need.

A sense of love that fills a person has always been angry with poets and writers, books wrote about him and poems and songs.

Quote in English about love in modern understanding:

  • Today IS Synonymous with Uncontrollable Passion or Endless Hours in the Chat. Of Course, Love Has Many Languages \u200b\u200band It Can Also Be this, But in Reality It Is a Choice. To Love Means To Forgive Those Whose Mistakes Or to Trust Those Who Have Disappointed US, Or Even Respect Different Ideas. To Love Means Not to Pretend and To Give Joy.
    Today the idea prevails that love is synonymous with uncontrollable passion or endless hours in the chat. Of course, love has many languages, and it can also be, but in fact it is a choice. Love means to forgive those who make mistakes, or trust those who disappointed us, or even respect different ideas. Love means not pretending and give joy.

Quote in English about love as a feeling:

Quote in English What is love:

  • WE ARE AWARE THAT LOVE IS NOT SOMETHING PURELY ROMANTIC WHEN WE SAY THAT BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE THERE IS CHEMISTRY, THAT TWO OTHERS ARE NOT WELL TOGETHER AND THAT SOMEONE NO LONGER LOVES ANOTHER PERSON. These statements show that we know tat the there is a biological or Physiological Component. But They Also Hide Notions About How Our Culture or Social Media Influence Our Way of Loving.
    We realize that love is not something purely romantic when we say that there are chemistry between two people that two others are not connected with each other and that someone no longer loves another person. These statements show that we know that there is a biological or physiological component. But they also hide ideas about how our culture or social media affect our way of love.

Quotes about studying and education

The Concept of Education Includes All the Incentives That Come To US From The Outside World.

The concept of education includes all the incentives that come to us from the outside world.

Education Is The Development of All Asperts of Human Personality: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional and Character.

Education is the development of all aspects of the human personality: physical, intellectual, emotional and character.

Education HAS TWO Aspects: One Internal and One External. The Most Striking Aspect IS EXTERNAL, THAT IS, A LOT OF ACTIONS, Relationships, Words, Tricks That A Person Creates for Learning Another. ALL This Set of External Environmental ACTS and Circumstances That Make A Significant Contribution to Our Education is Called Hetero-Education.

Education has two aspects: one internal and one external. The brightest aspect is an external, that is, many actions, relationships, words, tricks that a person creates to the other order. All this complex of external exogenous acts and circumstances constituting a significant contribution to our education is called heteroormation.

In The Educational Process There Is The Possibility of Absorbing All The Cultural Elements That Millennia of Civilization Have Accumulated. Culture Is All That Man Has Conceived and Built by Transforming Nature to His Advantage.

In the educational process there is an opportunity to absorb all cultural elements accumulated by millennia of civilization. Culture is all that a person conceived and built, turning nature in his favor.

The Importance of Learning and Education Lies at the Heart of Everything. Education Is The Right of All But It Is Also a Knowledge That Helps in Communication, Helps to Perform Better Daily Tasks.

The importance of studying and education underlies everything. Education is the right to all, but it is also a knowledge that helps in communication helps to perform better daily tasks.

IT Is True That Nowadays, Television Has Lost Interest in Culture for Children And Money Has Become The Most Important Thing, So Much So That WHEN THE COME ACROSS LITERATURE, PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY, THEY HAVE SUCH QUESTONS AS: "What's the use?".

True, that these days, television has lost interest in culture for children, and the money became the most important thing, so much that when they face literature, philosophy and history they have such questions as: "What is the benefit?".

Children Need To Know Feelings Such As Love, Joy, Good, Evil, Boredom, Hope, Pain, etc. But This Is Learned Only by Studying, Knowing The Past, The Events of History, Touching The Pages of Books and Feeling Their Scent.

Children should know such feelings as love, joy, good, evil, boredom, hope, pain and so on. But this is comprehended only by studying the knowledge of philosophers and literature of the past, history of history, touches the pages of books and feeling their smell.

Theraefore, Study Is Not Only Important for Our Cultural Background But Also for the Health of Our Brain.

Therefore, studies are not only important for our cultural background, but also for the health of our brain.


It can be said that education is the right of all, because it allows not only to have a certain culture with which it has to deal with the world, but also allows you to use mental elasticity every day.


Ignorance also includes ignorance of own rights, and ignorant people are easier to subordinate and command them.

In English: Studies and Culture Go Hand in Hand On the Path of Person Whose Mind Must Be Forged With A Long Preparation Starting from Elementary School When The First Contact with Knowledge Is Made.

Studying and culture go hand in hand on the path of a person whose mind should be forged long-term preparation, starting with elementary school when the first contact with knowledge occurs.

Quotes with humor

Humans and Dolphins Are The Only Species That Have Sex for Pleasure.

Is that Why Flipper Always Smiles?)

People and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.

(That's why Flipper always smiles?)

The Orgasm of a Pig Lasts 30 Minutes.

(How Did the Find Out?)

Pig orgasm lasts 30 minutes.

(How did they know?)

You Need 150 Calories Per Hour to Bang Your Head Against a Wall.

You need 150 calories per hour to hit your head about the wall.

Those WHO Use The Right Hand Live On Average Nine Years Longer Than the Left-handed.

Those who use the right hand live on average for nine years longer than left-handed.

The Eye of the Ostrich is Bigger Than His Brain.

Ostrich's eye more than his brain.

If You Cannot Be Irreplaceable Make Yourself unforgettable.

If you can not be indispensable, make yourself unforgettable.


So, the doctor, isn't it that when a person dies during sleep, he does not understand this until the morning?

Each country and profession has its own specific humor. Consider a couple quotes on this topic.

Quote in English from the British humor:

  • I'm on a whiskey diet. I'Ve Lost Three Days Already.
    I'm on a diet from whiskey. I have already lost three days.

Quote in English from Italian humor:

Quote in English, belonging to one doctor:

  • Tell Me, How Many Times Have You Committed Suicide?
    Tell me, how many times have you conceded the life of suicide?

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Phrases in English for tattoo

Phrases in english

Sometimes A Winner Is Simply A Dreamer Who Has Never Given Up.

Sometimes the winner is just a dreamer who never surrendered.

You Will Never Find The Truth If You Are Not Willing to Accept Even What You Did Not Expect.

You will never find the truth if you disagree with what you did not expect.

Every True Joy Has a Fear Inside.

Each real joy has fear inside.

Those Who Follow Others Never Arrive First.

Those who follow others never come first.

You can only see with your youart. Essential IS Invisible to the Eye.

You can only see the heart. Essentially invisible

Don't Forget Who You Are.

Do not forget who you are.

Live Every Day As If It Were The Last.

Loom every day, as if he is the last.

Japanese quote in English: Fall Seven Times, Get Up Eight.

Quote: Fall seven times, climb - eight.

Do what you love.

Life goes on.

Beautiful and short quotes in English with translation

Beauty here.

IT IS Useless to Talk About The Problem Unless You Also Talk About the Solution.

It is useless to talk about the problem if you do not talk about the decision.

If you Want to Be Loved, Love!

If you want to be loved, love!

Different Paths That Meet.

Different paths that are found.

To know how to see hope.

Know how to see hope.

Words Have the Power to Interpret Thought.

CLOVA is capable of interpreting thoughts.

Happiness Is The Most Evident Republic of Impermaance, Of Dynamics, of Change, of Alternating Moments and Feelings That Fill Our Lives.

Happiness is the most obvious idea of \u200b\u200bimpermanence, about dynamics, change, about variable moments and feelings that fill our lives.

This is completely!

And kisses lit me.


Love is the essence of life.

Motivating quotes

Here are collected quotes that can motivate a person to certain actions:

Intrinsic Motivation Is Linked to a Force, An Inner Push and Not to External Stresses and Rewards: IT IS A Sort of Personal Commitment. The Emotions Connected to IT Are Curiosity, Pleasure and Gratification in Itself.

Internal motivation is associated with force, internal impetus, and not with external stress and awards: this is a kind of personal commitment. Emotions associated with him are curiosity, pleasure and satisfaction by themselves.

INTERNAL INCENTIVES GENERATE INTERNAL MOTIVATION AND ARE DETERMINED by The Desire and SatiSFAction of Achieving The Goal; External Stimuli Are Beyond The Control of The Individual and Generate External Motivation: In These Cases, The Subject Participates in The Task of Obtaining Benefits or in Order to Avoid Negative Circumstances.

Internal incentives generate internal motivation and are determined by the desire and satisfaction of the achievement of the goal; External incentives are outside the control of the individual and generate external motivation: in these cases, the subject participates in the implementation of the task of obtaining advantages or to avoid negative circumstances.

The Term Motivation Derives Literally From "Motive" That Impels Us to Perform a Specific "Action". In Other Words, IT IS The Set of Motives (Or Goals) That Push A Person to Act and to Implement a Behavior.

The term motivation occurs literally from the "Motive", which encourages us to perform a specific "action". In other words, it is a set of motifs (or goals) pushes a person to action.

For Many Years Motivational Policies Were Organized Through Instruments Such As Salary (Social Recognition within The Organization).

Over the years, the motivational policy has been organized with such tools such as wages (material value) and career (social recognition in the organization).

Some People Are More Attracted to Money Considered to Be The Best or The Opportunity to Express Their Creativity.

Some people attract money more, others want to be considered the best, to be recognized in their role or the ability to express their creativity.

Go Even If You Do Not Work with US Any More You Will Have Accumulated A Lot of Experience.

Even if you no longer work with us, you will have a great experience.

In Work and In Study Knowing What Stimulates and Gratifies Us Fundamental for Guiding Our Paths and Being More Effective.

In the work and in study, knowledge of what stimulates and satisfies us is fundamental to managing our paths and increase efficiency.

The Best Thing Is To Have A Combination of Big and Small Goals in Order to Constantly Reach Some Goals Which Will Keep Alive The Determination and Will Give Satisfaction to the Daily Efforts. IT IM IMPORT NOT TO LOSE SIGHT OF THE FINAL GOAL BUT WE MUST AVOID FOCUSING TOO MUCH ON THAT RISKING FEELING OVERWHELMED by The Intermediate DiffiCulties.

It is best to have a combination of large and small goals in order to constantly achieve some goals that will maintain a resolve and will satisfy daily efforts. It is important not to overlook the ultimate goal, but we must avoid too much concentration on this, risking to feel overloaded intermediate difficulties.

Motivation Starts From Ourselves, from the conviction that We Are Are Able to Take Responsibility for Our Lives. To Be Truly Aware Of It, You Need to Have Self-esteem Which Is a Good Judgment of US and Our ABILITIES, And to Be Helped by A Robust Portion of Perseverance.

Motivation begins with us, from the belief that we can take responsibility for our lives. To truly realize this, you need to have a feeling of self-esteem, which is a good judgment about us and our abilities, and we will help a strong portion of perseverance.

Personal Motivation IS Self-Esteem and Will Power

Personal motivation - self-esteem and willpower.

Quotes about summer

Summer is not only the sun and heat, but also a small journey of life into the world of love and beautiful sunset and dawn, butterflies and unicorns, with songs in the forest and photographs for instagram.

Because Summer Is Passion, Memories, Light Breeze, The Sun That Appears on the Skin and Careses The Face. IT's The Smile of The Seasons, and Passes, Passes Faster Than Any Other, Brings with IT a Volume Full of Nostalgia That Dyes The Red Brown Autumn.

Because summer is a passion, memories, light breeze, the sun that appears on the skin and caresses the face. This is a smile of the time of the year, and passes, passes faster than anything else, brings with them strength, full of nostalgia, which colors red-brown autumn.

I Want Summer, The Light of the Sun Shining on The Skin, The Color of the Sky Reflected on The Sea and That Feeling Of WHEN I Was a Child. Summer Is That Sense Of Party, Holiday and Magic Were School Ended and You Were Ready for Adventures, For Love and for the first Delightful Nights.

I want summer, the light of the sun shining on the skin, the color of the sky, reflected in the sea, and this feeling when I was a child. Summer is the feeling of a party, holiday and magic, when the school is over, and you were ready for adventure, love and first sweet nights.

You are the Season of Bright Color Which Brings Joy and Good Humor; You are the Season of Full Life Which Reignites A NOW DORMANT FLAME. You are the Season of Love and Conquest Where Time Passes Quickly and Takes You Back.

You are a bright color season, which brings joy and good humor, you are the season of full life, which goes on the dormant flame now; You are a season of love and conquest, where time passes quickly and confuses you.

In The Summer Nights Getting Lost In The Stars Is One of the Wisest Ways to Spend Time.

Summer nights get lost among stars - one of the wisest ways to spend time.

Summer Is a Wonderful Season in Which Everything Becomes More Beautiful and Colorful. Summer Is Not Just a Season But A Real State Of Mind

Summer is a wonderful season in which everything becomes more beautiful and colorful. Summer is not just a season, but a real state of mind.

In Summer There IS A Swimming Pool, a Tropical Shower, a sea, a lake, a Waterfall and a Hose. Summer Is Water for Refreshment, Water for Washing The Soul, Water to Have Fun.

In the summer there is a swimming pool, tropical shower, sea, lake, waterfall, hose. Summer - water for renewal, water for the ablution of the soul, water to have fun.

I know We Should Eat Three Servings of Fruit Every Day Including in Winter. But, Seriously, Watermelon, Melon, Grape, Papaya, Orange, Plum, Peach, Pineapple, All Fruits Get More Delicious in The Summer.

I know we have to eat three portions of fruit every day, including in winter. But, seriously, watermelon, melon, grapes, papaya, orange, plum, peach, pineapple, all fruits are more delicious in summer.

Is there Anything Hotter Than Ice Cream In The Summer?

Is there anything more roast than ice cream in the summer?

Quote belongs to Ennio Flyano, Italian playwright and scriptwriter who wrote ten scenarios to the films of the Great Federico Fellini, including sweet life and 8½:

Beautiful quote in English about summer time:

  • In The Summer I Become Happier, People Laugh More, They Moeet More Often, They Make More Fun Rides, They Take Ice Cream Twice A Day in The Excuse to Cool Down. I Know a Lot of People Complain About the Sun Cracking In The Head, The Stuffy Weather. I know Nothing Is Perfect But, In My Perception, Summer Is The Gateway to Real Happy and Good Humor.
    In the summer I am getting happier, people laugh more, they are more common, they are more fun, they eat ice cream twice a day in an excuse to cool. I know that many people complain about the sun, cracking in the head, sampling weather, I know, nothing perfectly, but, in my opinion, summer is a gate for genuine happiness and a good humor.

Quotes about friendship

Long friendship since childhood with a guy or girlfriend is, first of all, a feeling of kindness in relation to each other, in which there is no lie and betrayal and even the distance cannot destroy this connection.


Friendship is a feeling that is difficult to find, but it needs to be achieved even more. Few people remain friends for life, and these people like flowers that need to cultivate, water.

A Friend Is One Of The Oldest Words Ever Heard On This Planet. This Word Is Able to Express The Greatest Feeling Necessary for Peaceful Coexistence.

Friend is one of the oldest words that ever heard on this planet. A word capable of expressing the greatest feeling needed for peaceful existence.

Who Does Not Have a Friend Is A Person Who Will Always Miss Something. He Does Not Even Know What But HE Knows That Something Is Missing.

A person who does not have a friend who will always miss something. He does not even know that, but he understands that something is missing.

With Your Friend You Can Talk, Confront, And Even Argue Because The Relationship Of True Friendship Wrong.

With a friend you can talk, resist, even argue, because the relationship of true friendship without any confrontation is incorrect.


Friendship is a flame that will never go out. It is comparable to the Sun, the light of which never goes out.

Having A True Friend Is Like Owning A Treasure That You Do Not See But That You Have.

Have a real friend - how to possess a treasure that you do not see, but you know what you have it.

In Words You Cannot Say What It Is. Friendship Is As Big As The Infinite, IT IS Worth More Thanms You Have and What Dreams You Have.

Words it is difficult to express what it is. Friendship is as big as endless, it costs more than what you have a good and what you dream.

Only Life Can Say, Without Words, What It is An Illusion or if it is an illusion or if it is An Illusion or IF IT Exists ...

Only life can say, without words, that this is: an illusion or it exists ...

The Basic Values \u200b\u200bof Friendship Are Trust and Honesty.

The main values \u200b\u200bof friendship - trust and honesty.

I Think The Friend Is The One WHO CAN Understand You, The One That If You Have a Problem Helps You, Who Believe In What You Do. I THINK OF FRIENDSHIP AS Something Eternal Which Is Not Born and Does Not Die But Lives Forever Within Each of Us.

I think a friend is the one who can understand you, who helps you when you have a problem who believe your actions. I believe that friendship is something eternal who is not born and does not die, but lives forever inside each of us.

Quotes about happiness

Happiness is a fire that burns in fun people and fresses in depressive. Osho, Bob Marley, Audrey Hepburn and many others were expressed about happiness.

A selection of cool quotes about happiness:

HAPPINESS IS NOT A DEFINABLE THING EVEN IF ON VARIOUS DICTIONARIES AS ON VARIOUS TEXTS THERE ARE Explanations and References. All Starting from the Great Philosophers Like Plato Have Tried to Make US Understand What It Is and What It Feel If There Is. But The Truth Is That It Is a Difficult Perhaps Even Useless Exercise.

Happiness is not definable, even if in different dictionaries, as in different texts, there are explanations and links. All, starting with great philosophers, such as Plato, tried to explain to us what it is and what feelings are related to him if it is. But the truth is that it is difficult, perhaps even useless exercise.

Happiness Is That Personal State Tarat Makes One Thinks of the Word Happy In Turn Makes It Clear That There Is Happiness.

Happiness is a personal state that makes you think about happiness without the need to look for it, and this, in turn, makes it clear that there is happiness.

Happiness Is A Condition of Wellbeing Caused by The Pleasure of Being In A Loved Place with Close People. Happiness Is To Know, Understand and Appreciate What Is and What Is Going Through.

This is a state of well-being caused by pleasure to be in your favorite place with loved ones. Happiness means to know, understand and appreciate what is and for what you are worried.

Happiness Is Not A Thing That Has Duration, A Term and a Beginning, That Knows Where to Find and Keep. -Happiness Is The Most Evident Republic of Impermaance, Of Dynamics, of Change, of Alternating Moments and Feelings That Fill Our Lives.

Happiness is not something that has duration, name and beginning that knows where to find and save. Happiness is the most obvious idea of \u200b\u200bimpermanence, about dynamics, change, about variable moments and feelings that fill our lives.

HAPPINESS IS A Beautiful Word Because It Not Only Provokes a Great Pleasure In Plonouncing It, But Also Because It Contains a Philosophy, An Interpretation of Being In The World, Indicates Priorities, Allow You to Understand How to Take and Chase Them, to Enjoy Them .

Happiness is a great word, because it not only causes great pleasure to pronounce it, but also because it contains philosophy, the interpretation of being in the world, indicates priorities, makes it possible to understand how to take and pursue them, enjoy them.

Happiness Represents The Only True, Profounding and Judging People, Precisely in Relation to How They Love, Take or Leave Happiness. In Fact, IT IS Not a Paradise Beyond Life, But It Is The Sublime Element for Feeling and Being in Life.

Happiness is the only true, deep system of classification, understanding and judgment of people, precisely how they love, accept, or leave happiness. In fact, it is not a paradise outside of life, but this is an elevated communion for feeling and being in life.

And Yet Happy Class, On The Possession of Money, On The Place Where People Are But Only On Their Own Approach to Life, On the Desire to Consider It Important.

Nevertheless, happiness does not depend on the social class, from ownership of money, from the place where people are, but only from their own approach to life, from the desire to have it, from the desire to consider it important.


Happiness is not only a prize for those who lose in accordance with the common standards of thought and which can be consoleted by the illusion of happiness, like many who consider themselves the main characters of life.


Happiness is a way to be in front of the world, in a virtual courtyard, where everything passes, and where you can meet and choose different feelings from hate to friendship, from pleasure from victory, from the pleasure of knowledge and participation in contemplation, from love and its numerous forms .

IT Depends On Each Of US And This Is Why Every Man Is The Arbiter of His Own Destiny, In The Sense That Happiness Must Be Sought and Constructed in An Absolutely Personal Way.

It depends on each of us, and that is why every person is an arbitrator of his own destiny, in the sense that happiness needs to look and build absolutely individual.

Quotes of great men

Usually among the top statements of great people there are pathos quotes of Einstein, Kurt Kobaine, Confucius or Buddha and William Shakespeare, as well as Omar Highama and Marilyn Monroe, reflecting on death, space, art, etc.

Here we have gathered the nonbany statements of other famous people who will look original as status in your profile Instagram or VC:

Life Is a Combination of Pasta and Magic. - Federico Fellini.

Life is a combination of macaroni and magic. - Quote Federico Fellini

I Believe The End of The 20th Century Is A Moment of Renegotiation On ProCreation On Birth and Sex. Sexual Politics Has Given US Wider Freedom, The Concept of Contraception ... - Peter Greenaway

I believe that the end of the 20th century is the moment of revising the issue of the continuation of the birth and sex. Sexual policy gave us more freedom, contraception concept ... - Quote Peter Greenway

Of Course It's Not True That I'm Crazy. They Visited Me and I Was Clinically Healthy. - Werner Herzog.

Of course, this is not true that I am crazy. They visited me, and I was clinically healthy. - Quote Verner Herzog

A good composer does not imitate; He Copies. - Igor Stravinsky

A good composer does not imitate, it copies. - Quote Igor Stravinsky

Human Life Is Nothing But A Drop Of Dew, The Flash of Lightning. - Ryūnosuke Akutagawa.

Human life is nothing more than a drop of dew, a flash of lightning. - Quote Ryunca Akutagawa

I Like The Rule That Corrects Emotion. I Like The Emotion That Corrects The Rule. - Georges Braque.

I like the rule that corrects emotions. I like emotion that corrects the rule. - Quote of George Marriage

Motion Is The Cause of Every Life. - Leonardo Da Vinci

Movement is the reason for each life. - Leonardo da Vinci.


Those who only explore and treat the consequences of the disease, are similar to people who think that they can send the winter to fit the snow on the threshold of their doors. This is not snow - the cause of winter, and winter causes snow. - Quote Paracelsa

The Love of Solitude Is The Sign of A Disposition for Knowledge; But We Reach Knowledge Only When We Perceive Loneliness Always and Everywhere, In The Crowd, In The Battle and On The Market Place. -Sri Aurobindo.

Love for loneliness is a sign of a tendency to knowledge; But we achieve knowledge only when we perceive loneliness always and everywhere, in the crowd, in the battle and in the market. - Quote Sri Aurobindo

To Succeed in Business You Need to Make Sure That Others Can See Things The Way You See Them. - Aristotle Onassis

To achieve success in business, you need to make sure that others can see things as you see them. - Quote Aristotle Oressis

Quotes from books and films

No one will refuse to see the spiritual and interesting series or the film, as well as read a good book for a cup of coffee when it rains outside the window.

Some funny quotes from movies and smart books:

"Sometimes AT Night This Darkness, This Silence Weigh On Me. IT IS PEACE THAT FRIGHTENS ME; I Fear Peace More Thanne Anything Else: IT Sems to Me That It Is Only An Appearance and That It Hides Hell. Think About What My Children Will See Tomorrow ... "/ Steiner, La Dolce Vita /

Sometimes at night this darkness, this silence presses me. My world scares me; I am afraid of the world most of all in the world: it seems to me that it is just visibility and that he hides hell. Think that tomorrow my children will see ... / Quote Steiner, from the film "Sweet Life" Federico Fellini /

"The Purpose of This Game is to Fall with a Sufficiently High Point Because The Fall Causes Suffocation. The Aim of Gambling Is to Punish Those Who Have Caused Great Unhappiness by Means of their Actions. This Game Is The Best of All Because The Winner Is Also The Loser And The Decision Is Always Unsuccessful. " / IT IS Voiceover Narrating Its Suicide by Hanging, Drowning by Numbers /

The purpose of this game is to fall with the rope around the neck with a sufficiently high point, because the fall causes a suffocation. The purpose of gambling is to punish those who caused a great misfortune through their actions. This game is the best of all, because the winner also loser, and the solution is always unsuccessful. / Voice behind the scene, telling about his suicide by hanging, from "plunging into numbers" Peter Greenway /

"Time IS A Mountain Crossed by Secret Tunnels ..." / The Magician Eusebius, The Visitors

Time is a mountain crossed by secret tunnels ... / Wizard Eusevia, "Aliens" /

"You Cannot Give Your Heart to a Wild Creature: The More You Love It The More It Becomes Rebellious". / Holly Golightly, Breakfast AT Tiffany's /

You can't give your heart to a wild creature: the more you love him, the more he becomes rebellious. / Quote Holly Golightli, from "Tiffany breakfast" /

"I Cannot Repeat Everything They SAID. I'm not a hunter to nonsense. / Professor Preobrazhensky, Heart Of A Dog

I have no opportunity to repeat everything they talked. I am not a hunter to nonsense. / Professor Preobrazhensky, from the story "Dog's Heart" Mikhail Bulgakova /

"Either Get Busy Living OR Get Busy Dying" / Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption, Stephen King /

Either to do life, either to do with dying. / Quote from the story "Rita Hayworth and Salvation from Showanchka" Stephen King /

Quote in English about the debris from the story "Taras Bulba" N.V. Gogol:

  • The Motherland Is What Our Soul Seeks for, What is Dearest to IT All. My Fatherland Is You.
    The step rate is what is looking for our soul that Mile for her everything. My step is - you.

Quote in English from the anti-absolute novel "Bottom Dvor" George Orwell:

Quote in English from the fabulous story "The Wizard of the Emerald City" Alexander Volkova:

  • - Tell Me, Do Not You Have a Cherished Desire?
    - I have? Oh, I Have a Whole Bunch of Desires!
    - Tell me, do you have a cherished desire?
    - I have? Oh, I have a whole bunch of desires!

Quote in English from Decameron Giovanni Bokachcho:

  • Theere Are People Who Imagine That They Know More Than Others But In Fact, As Far As I Can Judge, They Know Little.
    There are such people who imagine that they know more than others, and in fact, as far as I can judge, knows little.

Quotes about dreams

Daydream, Fantasy, Imagination ... Are Terms Often Used AS Synonyms to Stimulate Our Creative Part and Bring Out What We Want; But Are thely Really Synonymous?

Dream, fantasy, imagination ... These are the terms that are often used as synonyms to stimulate our creative role and identify what we want; But are they really synonymous?


When we dream, we stay in the power of images, and when we end to dream, it often manifests "sigh", but not relieving ... almost nostalgia and sadness, because we feel that the dream is very far from us.

DayDreaming IS The Class of The Very Immediate Surroundings of An Individual During Which Its Contact With Reality Is Diffused and Partially Replaced by A Visionary Fantasy.

Dreaming is the class of the most direct environment of a person, during which his contact with reality is scattered and is partially replaced by a visual fantasy.

Some Psychologists Believe That Daydreams Are Manifestations of the Human Subconscious, Just As Dreams Are.

Some psychologists believe that dreams are manifestations of human subconscious, as well as a dream.


People in a state of thoughtfulness tend to talk about the subjects without linking, which make sense only for them; Conversations or unexpected actions that do not have a timeline or rational line.

DayDreams CAN Affect Various Senses; The Nervous Circuits of Perception Are Also Activated.

Dreams can affect various feelings, nerve perception chains are also activated.


Dreaming is a pleasant activity characteristic of most of us; We fantasize people, events, more or less complex situations; When we return to real life, the taste of fantasies remains for a moment in the air, and then disappears.

In Some Cases, However, The Daydream IS SO Engaging That It Cages The Subject in a Web from Which He Cannot and Perhaps Does Not Wish to Go Out. Here Is the Compulsive Need to Dive Back Into Imagination As Soon As Possible and Move Away More and More from the Real World.

In some cases, however, the dream is so attractive that it emanates the subject of the network, from which he cannot and may not want to go out. Here is an obsessive need to dive as soon as possible in the imagination and move away from the real world more and more.

Unlike "Norm-Dreamers" Visionaries Perceive The Urgent Need to Return to the Fantasy World As Soon As The Real One, in Order to Continue The Process of Creation.

Unlike normal dreamers, fantasies feel the urgent need to return to the world of fantasies as soon as they "break away" from real to continue the process of creation.

It makes it possible to dream useful, here is a quote in English, scientifically explaining the benefits of dreams:

    When we dream, we process information about who we and what we experienced. Thus, during dreams, the brain areas involved in memory are activated, such as hippocampus, a structure that stores information and extracts memories.

Sad quotes

Sadness Sometimes Hides Behind a smile. IT IS LIKE AN ETERNAL Traveler Who Visits US At Its Pleasure Reminding US That Weaknesses Great Strengths Can Sometimes Arise.

Sadness sometimes hides behind a smile. She as an eternal traveler who visits us with pleasure, reminding us that we are people, and that from our weaknesses can sometimes have strengths.

Sadness Envelops US with its Cold Mantle and We Remain Paralyzed.

The sadness envelops us with its cold mantle, and we are paralyzed.

Sadness IS Part of Our Lives, And Can Safely Be Considered One Of The Most Common and Least Understood at the Same Time.

The sadness is part of our life and can safely be considered one of the most common and least understandable concepts.

Sadness CAN APPEAR AS A Result of a Cognitive Process. These Are Those Moments in Which One Looks at a Past Or Suddenly Presents a Series of Negative Emotions.

Sadness may appear as a result of a cognitive process. These are those moments when you look at the last or real aspect of your life and suddenly imagine a series of negative emotions.

IT's All Right, Why Does Sadness Come?

All right, why does sadness come?

Bad Thoughts Or Sadness Do Not Come Because We Are Wrong But to Force Ourselves to Question Who We Are, to Question A Superficial Mentality Which Is Most Often Antithetical to Our Deepest Nature.

Bad thoughts or sadness occur not because we are mistaken, but we are questioning who we consider themselves, the superficial mentality, which most often contradicts our deep nature.

Is it SAD to CONTEMPLATE A WINTER LANDSCAPE? Or Is It The Starting Point for Creating New Colors in Us? Baudelaire Spoke of A "Sad And Beautiful" SKY; Byron Adored The Windy Cliffs ...

Is it sad to look at the winter landscape? Or is it a starting point to create new colors in us? Baudelaire spoke about the "sad and beautiful" sky, Bayron adored windy cliffs ...

There Are Times WHEN EVERYTHING GOES WRONG AS You Want: The Boyfriend Left You Want: The Boyfriend LEFT You, Work Not Found and Even in a Family You Feel Nervous. In Short, There Are Moments in Which It Seems That Life Takes a Completely Different Direction From What We Would Like to Accept. And in This Direction We Continue to Walk Almost Helpless and Powerless.

There are times when everything goes wrong, as we want: a friend left you, no work, and even in the family you feel nervousness. In short, there are moments in which it seems that life takes a completely different direction from what we would like to accept. And in this direction, we continue to move, almost helpless and powerless.

Are You Sad for No Particular Reason? Are you more Tired Than Usual? You just Want to Hide Your Head Under the Blanket And Stop Thinking About Anything? Do Not Worry: It's "The" Fault "of Blue Monday, The Saddest Day of The Year.

Are you sad without much reasons? Are you tired more than usual? You just want to hide your head under the blanket and stop thinking about something? Do not worry: it's "wines" of the blue Monday, the most sad day in the year.

Sad From The Fact That The Holidays Are Over But Good Wishes and Intenders Seem Unrealistic and You Return to the usual Routine.

Sad from the fact that the holidays have already ended, but good wishes and intentions seem impracticable, and you come back to the usual routine.


Probably no one is the author of more quotes than the English writer Oscar Wilde. Quotes This writer affects all parties to life: there is about life, friendship, love, about work, about society. Many works of Oscar Wilde are simply disassembled by quotes.

We bring to your attention the best quotes of Oscar Wilde in English. To all quotations have translating to Russian language. Quotes are so different that, I think everyone will find among this set of lines close only to him. For example, I liked these.

Quotes by Oscar Wilde (in English)

Time IS A Waste of Money.

We Are All In The Gutter, But Some Of US Are Looking AT The Stars.

Always Forgive Your Enemyes, Nothing Annoys Them So Much.

Children Begin by Loving Their Parents; AS THEY GROW OLDER THEY JUDGE THEM; Sometimes The Forgive Them.

Fashion IS A Form of Ugliness SO Intolerable That We Have To Alter IT Every Six Months.

But I. translation of these quotes Oscar Wilde into Russian. If you do not know English, then the order quote in English coincides with the order of the same quotes in Russian!

  • Time is a waste of money.
  • We are all in the wastewater, but some of us look at the stars.
  • Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them more.
  • At the beginning, children love their parents; Then, when they get older, they begin to judge them; Sometimes they forgive them.
  • Fashion is a form of disgrace and so unbearable that we must change it every six months.

Oscar Wilde. Quotes in English with translation

Oscar Wilde. QUOTES ABOUT LIFE (in english)

Life Is a Nightmare That Prevents One From Sleeping.

I Beg Your Pardon i Didn't Recognise You - I'Ve Changed A Lot.

There Are Only Two TRAGEDIES IN LIFE: One isn't Getting What One Wants, And The Other Is Getting It.

To Be Natural Is Such a Very Difficult Pose to Keep Up.

Be Yourself; Everyone Else Is Alady Taken.

Oscar Wilde. Quotes about life (translation into Russian)

  • Life is a nightmare that prevents us from sleeping.
  • I apologize that I did not recognize you - I have changed a lot.
  • Our life includes only two tragedies. The first is that you can not satisfy all my desires, the second - when they are already satisfied.
  • Being natural is the posture that is most difficult to keep.
  • Be sobody - all other roles are already busy.

Oscar Wilde. Quotes about Soxiety (in english)

America Had Often Been Discovered Before Columbus, But It Had Always Been Hushed Up.

Experience Is The Name Everyone Gives To Their Mistakes.

The Only Thing Worse Than Being Talked About Is Not Being Talked ABOUT.

The Public Is Wonderfully Toleren. IT Forgives Everything Except Genuis.

Questions Are Never Indiscreet, Answers Sometimes Are.

Oscar Wilde. Society quotes (translation into Russian)

  • America has been discovered more than once before Columbus, but it was always jammed.
  • Experience is a name that everyone gives his mistakes.
  • So that you can only be worse than this, only one thing - when they are not talking about you.
  • Society is amazingly tolerant. It forgives everything except genius. (My translation)
  • Questions are never immodest. Unlike answers.

Oscar Wilde. Quotes About Friendship (in english)

Anybody Can Sympathize with the Sufferings Of A Friend, But It Requires a Very Fine Nature to Sympathize with a Friend's Success.
I don't want to go to heaven. None of My Friends Are there.

Oscar Wilde. Quotes about friendship (translation into Russian)

  • Everyone sympathize with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice in their successes.
  • I do not want to go to heaven, there are no my friends (my translation)

Oscar Wilde. QUOTES ABOUT PEOPLE (in english)

IF You Want to Tell People The Truth, Make That Laugh, Otherwise They'll Kill You.

MAN IS Least Himself When He Talks in His Own Person. Give Him A Mask, and He Will Tell You The Teruth.

Most People Are Other People. Their Thoughts Are Someone Else`s Opinions, Their Lives A Mimicry, Their Passions a QUotation.

One can Always Be Kind to People About Whom One Cares Nothing.

Selfishness Is Not Living As One Wishes To Live, IT IS Asking Others to Live As One Wishes to Live.

Some Things Are More Precious Because They Don't Last Long.

IT IS SO Easy to Convince Others; IT IS SO Difficult to Convincenelf.

Oscar Wilde. Quotes about people (translation into Russian)

  • If you want to tell people the truth, then make them laugh, otherwise they will kill you.
  • The man is most of all shifting when he speaks from his face. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
  • Most of us are not us. Our thoughts are other people's judgments; Our life is imitation of anyone, our passions - copying other people's passions.
  • I am always very friendly treaty to whom I have no business.
  • Being an egoist is not to live, as you want. This means to ask others so that they live as you would like.
  • Some things are valuable only because they are short-lived. (My translation)
  • It is easy to convince others to convince much harder.


IT is awfully hard work doing nothing.

Work IS The Refuge of People Who Have Nothing Better To Do.

Oscar Wilde. About work (translation into Russian)

  • It's terribly hard work - do nothing.
  • Work is a refuge of those who do nothing else. (or more accurate translation Work is the salvation of those who have nothing more to do.)

Oscar Wilde. Quotes ABOUT MYSELF (in english)


I CAN Resist Anything But Temptation.

I am Not Young Enough to Know Everything.


I Have Nothing To Declare Except My Genius.

I Have the Simplest Tastes. I Am Always Satisfied With The Best.

To Love Oneself Is The Beginning Of A Lifelong Romance.


I Like Talking To A Brick Wall-It's The Only Thing In The World Tat Never Contradicts Me!


Oscar Wilde. About me (translation into Russian)

  • I believe that I will have to die without means. (My translation)
  • I can resist everything except for temptation.
  • I'm not so young to know everything. (My translation)
  • Whenever people agree with me, I feel that I am wrong.
  • I have nothing to declare, except for my genius. (words O. Wilde at customs)
  • I am not published: I am quite the best.
  • Love for yourself is the beginning of a novel who lasts all his life.
  • I never lay off for tomorrow, what I can do the day after tomorrow.
  • I love to talk with a brick wall - this is the only interlocutor who does not argue with me. (My translation)
  • I love simple pleasures. This is the last refuge of complex natur.


Women love us for ur Defects. If We Have Enough Of Them, They Will Forgive Us Everything, Even Our Intellects.

Women Are Meant to Be Loved, not to be understood.

MEN ALWAYS WANT TO BE A WOMAN'S FIRST LOVE. That is their clumsy vanity. We Womet Have A More Subtle Instinct ABOUT THINGS. What Women Like Is To Be a Man's Last Romance.

Men Marry Because They Are Tired, Women, Because The Are Curious: Both Are disappointed. (From "The Picture of Dorian Gray")

One shald always be in love. That's The Reason One Should Never Marry

The most terrible Thing About It Is Not That It Breaks One's Heart-Hearts Are Made to Be Broken-But That It Turns One's Heart to Stone.

We Women, As Some One Says, Love with Our Ears, Just As You Men Love With Your Eyes ..

I am happy in my prison of passion.

Woman Begins by Resisting A Man's Advances and Ends by Blocking His Retreat.

Oscar Wilde. About love (translation into Russian)

  • Women love us for our shortcomings. If these shortcomings are a fair amount, they are ready to forgive us everything, even the mind.
  • Women are designed to love them, and not to understand them.
  • A man always wants to be the first love woman. Women are more sensitive in such matters. They would like to become the last love of the man.
  • Men marry fatigue, women are married from curiosity. And those and others are disappointed.
  • We must always be in love. That is why you should never marry.
  • The most terrible thing happens when the heart is broken - the hearts are created for this - and when the heart turns into a stone. (my translation)
  • Woman loves ears, and man with eyes.
  • I am happy in the prison of my passions.
  • First, the woman resists a man. However, everything ends with the fact that she does not want him to leave.


I Drink to Separate My Body From My Soul.

Oscar Wilde. About fault (translation into Russian)

  • I drink to separate the body from the soul.
  • Two Things Are Infinite: The Universe and Human Stupidity; AND I "M NOT SURE ABOUT THE UNIVERSE. - Two things endless: Universe and human nonsense; and I'm not sure about the universe yet.
  • Your Life Is Not A Problem to Be Solved But A Gift to Be Opened. - Your life is not a problem that needs to be solved, but a gift that needs to be revealed. (Vane Miller)
  • WHEN YOU START THINKING A LOT ABOUT YOU PAST, IT BECOMES YOUR PRESENT AND YOU CAN "T SEE YOUR FUTURE WITHOUT IT. - When you start thinking a lot about the past, it becomes real, and you no longer see the future without him.
  • Life Is What Happens to US Wheble We Are Making Other Plans. - Life is what happens to us at the time while we are building other plans. (Allen Saunders)
  • It's Not The Years In Your Life That Count. It's The Life in Your Years. - It matters not the number of years lived, but the quality of your life during these years. (Abraham Lincoln)

Best quotes about life in English with translation

  • Life Is Short, There Is No Time To Leave Important Words Unsaid. - Life is short, there is no time to leave important words of unraded to leave.
  • A Book Is a Version of the World. If You Do Not Like It, Ignore IT or Offer Your Own Version in Return. - The book is a copy of the world. If you do not like it, ignore it or offer your own version. (Salman Rushdi)
  • Life is beautiful. - Life is Beautiful.
  • I HATE CLOCKS. HATE TO SEE MY LIFE GO BY. - I hate the clock. I hate to see how my life passes.
  • Quotes about life in English with translation - Life Isn't About Finding Yourself. Life Is About Creating Yourself. - Life is designed not to find yourself, and to create yourself. (George Bernard Show)
  • Life is a Foreign Language; ALL MEN MISPRONOUNCE IT. - Life as a foreign language, everything utters it wrong.
  • People in Your Life May Appear Closer Than The Are. - People in your life may seem closer than they really are.
  • Variety "S The Very Spice of Life, That Gives IT All Its Flavour. - The diversity is the most seasoning to life that gives it all the fragrance. (William Cowber)
  • Where There is Love There Is Life. - Where there is love, - there is a life there. (Mahatma Gandhi)
  • There Are Only Two Ways to Live Your Life. One is As Though Nothing Is a Miracle. The Other Is As Though Everything Is A Miracle. - There are only two ways to live your life. The first is to believe that nothing is a miracle. The second is to believe that everything is a miracle. (Albert Einstein)
  • May You Live Every Day of Your Life. - God forbid you live every day of your life. (Jonathan Swift)
  • ReSpect The Past, Create The Future! - Relie the past, create the future!
  • WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS, DRINK TEQUILA! - When life gives you some lemons, drink tequila!
  • Your Time Is Limited, So don't Waste It Living Someone Else's Life. - Your time is limited, so do not lose it, living someone else's life. (Steve Jobs)
  • A Life Is a Moment. - One life is one instant.
  • Nobody Dies Virgin Cause Life Fucks EveryOne. "No one dies with virgin, for life has everyone."
  • The Two Most Important Days in Your Life Are The Day You are Born And The Day You Find Out Who WHY. - Two most important days in your life: the day, when you were born, and the day, when I understood why. (Mark Twain)
  • The Life Has Taught Me One Important Belongings - Allow The People on Distance of the Extended Hand Only. So their More Simply Delete ... - Life taught me one important thing - to let people only at the distance of an elongated hand. So they easier to push.
  • To Live Is The Rarest Thing In The World. MOST PEOPLE EXIST, THAT "S ALL. - Live - the rarest phenomenon in the world. Most people simply exist.
  • To Love Oneself Is The Beginning Of A Lifelong Romance. - Love yourself - this is the beginning of a novel in life. (Oscar Wilde)
  • Life is 10% What Happens to Me and 90% of how i react to it. - Life by 10% consists of what happens to me, and 90% of how I react to it. (Charles Svindoll)
  • Life Would be Tragic If It Weren't Funny. - Life would be tragic if it were not so funny. (Stephen Hawking)
  • WHEN I WAS 5 YEARS OLD, MY MOTHER ALWAYS TOLD ME THAT HAPPINES WAS THE KEY TO LIFE. When Went to School, They Asked Me What I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up. I wrote down 'happy'. They Told Me i Didn't Understand The Assignment, And I Told Them The Didn't Understand Life. "When I was five years old, Mom always said that happiness is the main thing in life." When I went to school, I was asked who I want to be when I was growing. I wrote: "Happy man." Then I was told that I did not understand the question, and I replied that they did not understand life. (John Lennon)
  • Beautiful quote about life in English with translation - Life Is Not Measured by The Number of Breaths We Take, But by The Moments That Take Our Breath Away. - Life is measured not by the number of sighs, but the number of moments that breathe breathing.
  • This World, Where Much Is To Be Done and Little To Be Known. - This is a world in which a lot should be done and small - good. (Samuel Johnson)

... We prepared for you quotes about summer in English, with translation into Russian. A lot of beautiful words say people about this beautiful season.

Summertime Is Always The Best of What Might Be.
Summer time - always the best of what could be.

Charles Bowden (Charles Bowden)

O, Sunlight! The Most Precious Gold to Be Found on Earth.
O, sunlight! The most precious gold that can be found on Earth.

Roman Payne (Roman Pan)

When the end of summer comes, the following proposals are becoming very topic:

Summer's Lease Hath All Too Short a date.
Summer rental has too short time.

Summer Is Leaving Silently. Much Like a Traveler Approaching The End Of An Amazing Journey.
Summer leaves silently. As a traveler approaches the end of an amazing journey.

Darnell Lamont Walker (Darnell Lamont Walker)

Several quotes with a beautiful meaning:

IT IS Easy To Forget Now, How Effervescent and Free We All Felt That Summer.
Easy to forget now, as far as effervescent and free, we all felt this summer.

Anna Godbersen (Anna Godbersen)

I Love How Summer Just Wraps It's Arms Around You Like A Warm Blanket.
I like how summer just wars hands you like a warm blanket.

Kellie Elmore (Kelly Ellmore)

A short phrase with which many will not be able to disagree:

In Summer The Empire of Insects Spreads.
In the summer of insect empires.

Adam Zagajewski (Adam Zagayevsky)

Several beautiful quotes from the same author:

In The Summer, We Write Life's Summary With The Slow Waves of Love Flowing Over The Sandy Beach. The Slow Breeze And The Warm Sun Write Our Memories.
In the summer we write a summary of life with slow waves of love, current over the sandy beach. Slow breeze and warm sun write our memories.

In Summer, We Grow Young and Stay Young Forever.
In the summer we are younger and remain young forever.

In Summer, A Soothing Warm Breeze On a Beach Is the Most Soothing Music for the Soul.
In summer, a soothing warm breeze on the beach is the most soothing music for the soul.

Debasish Mridha (Debacis Mridha)

Words of summer weather in England and not only:

It is Not Summer, England Doesn't Have Summer, It Has Continuous Autumn With A Fortnight's Variation Here and There.
It's not summer, England has no summer, she has a continuous autumn with a variation in two weeks here and there.

Natasha Pulley (Natasha Pulley)

I am Cold, Even Though The Heat of Early Summer Is Adequate. I Am Cold Because I Cannot Find My Heart.
I'm cold, although the heat of early summer is adequate. I'm cold, because I can't find my heart.

SEBASTIAN BARRY (Sebastian Barry)

They Say It'll Be Even Hotter Tomorrow. That's How We Spend The Summer. Complaining ABOUT THE HEAT.
They say tomorrow will be even hotter. So we spend the summer, complaining about the heat.

Yoko Ogawa (Yoko Ogawa)

Don't Forget The Snow in the Summertime, Because You Will Meet Him Again WHEN THE SUMMER IS OVER!
Do not forget the snow in the summer, because you will meet with him again when the summer ends!

When The Winter Comes, The Summer Shines Infinitely In Our Hearts!
When winter comes, summer shines infinitely in our hearts!