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Correct registration of the report. Stop note of the absence of an employee at the workplace: how to make

The article tells how to make up and place a memorandum, and the universal notes templates are given.

From the article you will learn:

What do you need a memorandum

The head can not always personally fix the incident or violation by the worker of labor discipline. As a rule, it is reported by the staff who were present at the incident, or colleagues of the intruder. In some companies, the obligation to report incidents and violations of the rules employers is fixed in local acts.

Many specialists, especially working in state-owned enterprises, consider reports of formality, bureaucracy, taking time and place. However, this widespread opinion is in many ways an erroneous. In some cases, compliance with such formalities can protect the employee from injustice by the employer, to help persuade the possible trouble. As practice shows, oral requests are not always perceived seriously and quickly forgotten. The official appeal confirms the fact of relationship itself. It is registered as an outgoing document, so it is less likely that it will be lost. In addition, this approach suggests the seriousness of the employee's intentions, its responsible attitude to work.

What does the document need

If the situation requires specific solutions, for example, to attract a violator to disciplinary responsibility, the oral report is not enough. An employee is obliged to report on what happened in writing. For this use a report note. Employees write it both at their request and on demand. Address the document to the head of the unit or organization.

There are no unified forms of notes. Therefore, the organization can develop its own template and include details on the recommendations of GOST R 6.30-2003.

Who is

From the position of the personnel department, the reports are divided into incoming and outgoing. In the first case, they make up employees of other departments, and in the second - notes Decalas the frame itself. Thus, employees of the personnel department can inform the Director General of the violation by the linear managers of the established rules, for example, a late delivery of working hours accounting tables. However, reports of linear leaders fall into the personnel department more often. They report that employees do not comply with discipline, and require measures, for example, to remove from work, to make disciplinary penalties.

What you need to write

How to make a memorandum

Make up notes on the usual sheet of paper A4 format. Be sure to leave the fields - at least 10 mm on the right edge and at least 20 mm - on other parties (clause 4.1 GOST R 6.30-2003). This is important, since the document then needs to be used to storage. If the document takes more than one page, they are numbered. Page number indicates from above in the middle of the top field (clause 4.9 GOST R 6.30-2003). It is permissible to write a document from hand, but more often use printed form.

After compiled or received a report, register it in the Internal Documentation Journal. It can be both in paper and electronically. Specify the date when the document entered or when it was sent, as well as the registration number. In the instructions for office work, the employer determines where to assign the registration number of the document: at the place where the document amounted to or where they received. As a rule, to assign a number, the chronological procedure for the preparation of documentation, the letter designation of the structural unit is used.

On the delay of the employee, the absence of it in the workplace along with the act, explanations of the employee and the explanations of the colleagues serves as a basis for disciplinary recovery, including dismissal, therefore must be compiled correctly. So that workers have less allowed errors in the reports, develop and approve the template that they can use in the future.

Decalanted memorandums according to the rules of the GOST

The document must have a cap in the upper right corner (paragraph 3.15 GOST R 6.30-2003). Here you need to specify the name of the addressee and the compiler. Also, if necessary, you can enter the name of the structural unit so that the head can identify where the document came from. Below in the center you need to specify the name of the type of document (clause 3.10 GOST R 6.30-2003). Under the name, specify the place where the document, date and registration number were made (clause 3.11, 3.12 GOST R 6.30-2003). Below, enter the title, which reflects the summary of the document. GOST allows them to be located both in the center and in the left edge of the document. Next is the text of the document and application (clause 3.21 GOST R 6.30-2003). At the bottom must be a signature (clause 3.22 GOST R 6.30-2003).

Useful tips, how to make a memorandum note, can be found in the article "What you have been here". Use our templates for perfect reports and service

What is the difference between the official note from the report

A job memorial note is close to the report, but has an exceptionally internal character.

What does the document need

Make up notes on the usual sheet of paper A4 format. After compiled or received a report, register it in the Internal Documentation Journal. On the delay of the employee, the absence of it in the workplace along with the act, explanations of the employee and the explanations of the colleagues serves as a basis for disciplinary recovery, including dismissal, therefore must be compiled correctly.

The service note helps to solve economic, organizational and other internal issues, but in contrast to the report provides interaction in the company in two directions: information goes from the bottom up from employees to the management or between units.

- These are the documents that make up the manager to solve any question. The sender must state his conclusions, and then make his proposals in connection with the problem under consideration. Such documents are not necessarily related to misdemeanors. Sometimes they are informational and reference, and may affect any issues related to production.

Reporting notes belong to the varieties of business documentation. They are at the same time informational nature and advisory, and are addressed to the leaders of the entire enterprise or a specific structural division. The document has the right to make any employee, if there are at least one of two reasons:

  1. Personal initiative.
  2. The task .

The main thing is to provide as many detailed information on the question of interest. It can be said that this is just the opinion of the employee who is expressed in the form of a written message. It often happens that the leader itself needs to be familiar with the opinion of subordinates in order to take the right decision in the field of management and production. Then he asks write a state-in. Employees lead argued answers, and add specific suggestions, recommendations.

Proper design

Any such note has three main parts:

  • Description of the causes, events and facts that led to the need to issue a document
  • the current situation, and the options with which the problem is solved
  • Conclusions together with the most suitable actions for further promotion

Compilation begins with the instructions of the addressee to which the message is written. Slightly below, the one who compiled a note itself writes. The outgoing number along with the date is installed on the left. This is a mandatory component for the so-called external notes. Internal data indicate if this requires the features of the office work.

In some types of documents there is no so-called analytical part. The commission is in itself becomes the subject of proceedings. No matter what consequences have come. For example, if the program is described - it means that the note in any case wrote after the violation. No need to collect arguments to confirm.

About reporting notes for employees

In organizations, it is most often encountered with notes on the fact on the basis of these documents to employees, you can apply any kind of penalty. Therefore, when drawing up an analytical part, it is recommended to strictly adhere to current legislation, and refer only to them.

For example, if a person was not a few hours on the spot, then automatically walks not put. If it takes less than 4 hours, the fact is called abolish. So, the recovery is used softer. Before drawing up the note, it is better to ask the employee to explain the situation.

  1. The cause of the ability.
  2. Punishments that were superimposed before.
  3. Overall characteristics and importance of the employee.
  4. The consequences arising after the absence of on-site.

All this information is detailed in the essence of the note. After that, conclusions are made about what form of punishment is most suitable, and what decisions will be rational.

The speaker should not rely on his emotions. It is necessary to express only facts, and give them an objective legal assessment. The speaker must clearly say what point or indoor routine was broken. From the explanation of the guilty can already be concluded from the reasons.

It is likely that the director himself will not see the strong offense from the perpetrator, or think that the explanations are satisfactory. The law does not have such concepts as valid or disrespectful reasons. Therefore, it remains with the interpretation to rely only on the personal opinion of the head, his understanding of the situation.

Another situation is developing when reporting in its violation refuses. Then it is recommended to separately compile an act that the guilty refused to testify. This document can be used as an application to a memorandum. After that, the order is issued, which describes the recovery in connection with the disciplinary offense. After absenteeism and alcohol intoxication is allowed to dismiss employees without additional explanations. In other cases, reprimands are first.

I always have such notes at the secretary of the enterprise. The main rule is a clear statement of the essence of what is happening. The head must immediately understand what the compiler says. It is better to describe the facts following the chronological sequence. Then the whole and clear picture will be poured.

If the report is needed for use within the company, the usual sheets of A4 and A5 format are applied. Printing on the branded form is allowed when providing information to higher instances, other enterprises. The signature of the head on the document becomes a mandatory requirement. You can use additional information to confirm your information. They are presented at the same time as the main document.

Usually, the memorandums are executed by typewrition. From hand, documents that are used only for internal turnover can be written.

If the text does not fit on one page, then the next must be numbered. In the upper right side of the page, Arabic figures are put for this. If there are applications, they are also numbered, depending on the general rules of business turnover, adopted on a particular enterprise.

Sometimes compilers admit a number of errors that are associated with the main content. For example, it is important to determine which structure is responsible for consideration of the appeal. But regardless of the content, the presence of emotions and speculation is unacceptable.

With internal investigations, it is reporting notes that often serve as starting points. It should be borne in mind that the guilt is often imposed not only on the employees themselves, but also on the direct chiefs. It is recommended to compile documents immediately after the offense is detected. Otherwise, it will not be possible to detect a single trace. By themselves, notes cannot serve as evidence of guilt.

Each company stores a standard sample, according to which the notes fill. This allows you to avoid when specifying information on the compiler and addressee. The head can make an answer to the note, and may reject it if it seems that there are not enough grounds for further action. Any such question is solved only by the internal management in the enterprise. The recipient must visit the documents if it is planned that they will go beyond one or another organization. The signature helps to confirm that the second side carefully examined the note along with its content.

Write your question in shape below

Discussion: there is 1 comment

    In my opinion, the memorandum is a slightly outdated tool for organizing work with personnel, sometimes there is a need for it, in particular when the employee is dismissal. But in general, now labor processes are more dynamic, IV successful firms from workers have no time to write official notes on each other.


With the goal of education. If earlier it was possible to clap a ruler or expel the student from the class, now now nothing teacher is entitled to do. Although hard did we damage the parent belt applied for the case? But they knew that it was impossible to do so.

The teacher became practically powerless, students enjoy this, but believe that the teacher should "cope." The child can declare drunk to the class, do not fulfill tasks, interfere with other students. But in no documents and the official instructions, it is not said that the teacher must establish discipline in the class, to cope, etc. The teacher must give knowledge provided for by the program and educate those means that are provided for by the school course. What then to do?

Almost a year ago I wrote my thoughts on why there may not be disciplines in the classroom. This is a very good article for parents to once again recall that education is mainly dependent on parents, but not from school. Please pay your attention to it again -. In other cases, the teacher remains one thing - to report the director about the current situation. This is preferably writing, as it will be proof to parents that claims to them and their child are not unfounded.

We now turn to the question of the article - how to write a report to the school director. She is written by teachers and other school employees.

Why write a report director?

In order to inform about the current situation in one or several classes, about discipline, about the breakdown of the schedule at school and about other misdemeasures.

In what cases do I write a report?

If you encountered a school with:

  • violation of discipline in the class;
  • nongetation of classes in one or several students in a disrespectful reason;
  • repeated late desection for lessons;
  • non-compliance with the school charter;
  • the emergence of a child in school in a state of narcotic or alcohol intoxication, etc. (in such cases may cause police) ;
  • insult to your address;
  • fight;
  • the abominability of the child on the subject (the inability to set a positive assessment)
  • etc.

In situations allocated fat, you must write a report as soon as possible to reduce the consequences and bring your responsibility to a minimum. All problems with the class also need to notify that he can quickly contact his parents.

Who considers the report?

The report is fixed in the book of incoming correspondence, which makes it mandatory for consideration.

The report is transmitted depending on the situation, but if it comes to the violation of the discipline, it will be transferred to the Deputy Director for Educational Work, Social Pedagogue, Psychologist and Class leader.

What time frames are accepted after receiving a report?

It all depends on the situation. As a rule, in the near future, as the delays in solving problems can lead to deplorable results, which no one wants.

How to write a report?

Reporter is written as ordinary , on the sheet A4 (even on the airtal) by hand or on the computer. For you.

Good luck to you in solving school problems! Comment and put the huskies. Subscribe to new articles through the form!

Sincerely, Tatyana Ivanova.

In the course of the organization, there are situations where the managers of divisions and other employees need to convey to the leadership of various information. Make it needed in writing. This uses either service or report notes.

What it is

A memorandum is a document in which an employee of the enterprise brings to the attention of the management of any information. This is its main difference from the service note, in which employees ask the leadership of something.

Most often, they are found in personnel office work, since the information that is brought to the attention of the management almost always concerns the employees of the organization. They are a primary document, on the basis of which other documents are compiled and various activities are being carried out (orders, official investigations).

Who and who writes them

Reporting notes are drawn up by the heads of departments and units. Then they go to the upstand boss. They can write a simple employee.

In preparation, the following rules must be followed:

  • an employee cannot write a memorandum "self for himself", that is, in the document drawn up, the person who made it, may not be the one who reports leadership;
  • you can write either about the lower employee, or about the equal in the hierarchy of the enterprise.
  • always writes to the upstream guide;
  • even if the title page contains the name of the head of the enterprise, the service note first is transferred to the direct leadership of the employee who wrote it.

All the above principles are not regulated by law, they have developed in the practice of office work.

In what cases is applied

The memorandum is written in cases when you need to bring to the higher management information:

  • about violation by employees of labor discipline or job description;
  • about the violations that occurred, the decision on which only the head can take.

In other words, it is informational and suggests that the further order of action determines exactly the higher management.

The procedure for transmission

If you follow all the rules of office work, it is necessary to follow the following procedure for transferring a memorandum:

  1. Recalling notes.
  2. Her transfer to the direct supervisor. If the note is transferred to the head of the organization at once, it must be transferred through the secretary, which registers it.
  3. After the head decides on the document, he puts the resolution on it and reports to the secretary.
  4. The secretary sends it to an employee who must fulfill the indicated resolutions.
  5. After the problem specified in the note is solved, it is deposited.

Such an order is strictly followed, as a rule, only if the enterprise is large. In small companies, this system is simplified and reports are sent immediately to the head of the organization.


Reporting notes should be issued in accordance with the rules of office work.

On the letterhead or not

Unified form for registration of such documents is not provided, it is made up either on the enterprise form, or on a simple piece of paper.

You can create it from hand, or print on a computer.

In any case, if a memorandum will contain all the necessary details, it will have the power of the document, regardless of what form it is composed.

Some organizations are developing their forms to compile various documents that do not have unified forms. Including for report notes.

Cap of document

Compiled in the same way as in other documents, such as applications:

  • the cap should be located in the upper right corner of the paper sheet or blank;
  • in the first two lines, the post, surname and initials of the head of the enterprise are written;
  • further is written the position, surname and initials of the employee who amounted to a report.

If the company approved a form for a memorandum, then in it, as a rule, there is already a template for the header.

Procedure for writing

  1. Document cap.
  2. The name of the document, in this case, the "memorandum". The name can be located either on the left or in the middle of the string. It is written from a capital letter.
  3. Below the name is directly text with information. It must contain as a detailed description of the problem.
  4. Below is the date and signature of the person who made up the document.

Example of registration

Director LLC "Luch"

I.I. Nikitenkov

from chief accountant

A.N. Rynykova

Stake up

I bring to your information that in the course of the inventory of the warehouse, a shortage of commodity and material values \u200b\u200bwas found in the amount of 1548.28 rubles.

Time and place of storage

After the problems set forth in the statement are resolved, it is deposited. It is possible to store it in the following places:

  • smend to the book where all the grounds are going for orders (statements, office notes, references, etc.);
  • which were compiled on the basis of this report note (official investigation, order, etc.).

The storage term of the memorandum will depend on which documents will be drawn up. On average, this period ranges from 3 to 5 years. Therefore, the folder where all the reports are stored can not be sewed, but to store just on the folder.

Samples of report notes

The text of the memorandum is drawn up in an arbitrary form, but for the most common cases, exemplary samples can be used.

On the absence of an employee in the workplace

I bring to your information that the welder A.A. Burenkov is absent in the workplace without warning from the beginning of the working day and to the present (from 8 hours 00 minutes to 12 hours 30 minutes). I ask you to dispose of a service investigation on this fact.

About non-fulfillment of official duties

I bring to your information that Accountant N.A. Pavlova made a mistake when accrued wages to employees of the production workshop. She also regularly violates his job responsibilities and neglects the orders of his direct supervisor. Please take action.

About the incorrect behavior of the employee

I bring to your information that the manager I.A. Ezersky, communicating with the customers of the organization, allows himself to use obscene vocabulary and insults. Please take action.

On the appearance of an employee in the workplace in a state of alcohol intoxication

I bring to your information that the electromonter A.V. Yudin is at its workplace with signs of alcohol intoxication: non-hardy gait, incoherent speech, are characteristic of the smell. I ask you to dispose of the removal of this employee from the performance of official duties and conduct a service investigation on this fact.


The memorandum is a document by which employees inform the leader of the Organization about various situations, making decisions on which depends on the manual.

This document is compiled in free form, but at the same time make it up in accordance with the requirement of the rules of office work.

Video - What is the difference between the reports and the service notes:

The informational memorandum is a document whose goal is to encourage a higher person to accept any decision. The author can make a memorandum of both personal desire and to indicate a higher person. Consider how to write a memorandum

Reporting notes have several units.

  1. By content Reports are divided into informative, reporting and initiative. Informative report - a document that includes information about the details and methods of work. Notes of this species are prepared periodically. The reporting report informs the chief about the results of the work done, the implementation of the instructions. Initiative memorandum prompts a higher person to make a decision. In it, the author can state his recommendations and suggestions.
  2. Also report notes are divided depending on their addresses:
  • internal note - the document addressed to the Director of the Organization;
  • external note It is addressed to the face outside the enterprise.

Internal strateging notes are written on a regular sheet of paper, external - on a special form of organization.

Drawing up a memorandum

So, consider the structure of the report note regardless of its type. Any memorandum consists of 3 parts.

1 part - includes the causes of writing reports, facts and events.

2 part - Analysis of the situation that has occurred, solving problems.

3 part - The most appropriate in the opinion of the author are offered, conclusions are made.

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Registration of the internal memorandum

For the proper registration of the internal report, do the following steps.

  1. At the top, in the left corner, write the name of the desktop, from which the information comes.
  2. In the upper right corner, specify the addressee, his position, surname, initials.
  3. In the center or near the left border of the sheet in capital letters write the name of the document.
  4. On the next line, have a date and the report index. Date Write by Arabic figures, for example, 07/31/13, that day, when the document was compiled and signed.
  5. Briefly write the essence of the memorandum.
  6. Then goes, directly, the information that needs to be conveyed to the head.
  7. In conclusion, stand up your position, surname and initials, signature (all on one line).

Form of an external memorandum

As already mentioned, a special form is used to draw up an external report. The form of a memorandum includes:

  • name of the organization
  • title of the document
  • document number and date of compilation
  • city of compilation
  • address (position, initials, surname)
  • title to the text (begins words "regarding ...", "O ...")
  • the text of the memorandum itself
  • position, surname, initials, signature

An example of a memorandum

Consider a sample of writing a memorandum on an employee using an example of an internal report.

Stroll memorandum (sample)

A memorandum report is served to inform the head of the absence of an employee in the workplace. It contains the motivation to attract missing disciplinary responsibility.

In the text of the stake on the pass, the fact of the absence of an employee first indicates, then put forward this problem to solve this problem. The structure of the report remains the same.

Chief Department

Director of LLC "Sweetka"

Reporting note Krasnov I. F.

I bring to your information that September 11, 2012 employee Belov Z.Yu. Absent in the workplace for an indefinite reason. I put you knowing that the employee is not to work 4 times over the past two months.

I ask you to apply to Belov V.V. Disciplinary measures, since its absenteeism is able to significantly reduce the performance of our company.

Deputy Director (Signature) Gorshkov Yu.G.

Report of the discipline violation

The memorandum on the name of the head about the violation of discipline includes the name of the guilty, type of violation, the number of similar misconduct and possible ways to solve the situation.