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What regulatory documents are prescribed by self-help instruments? Emergency souls and fountains Shower for washing eyes

For the safety of man in production, emergency showers (hell) are responsible. They are similar normal soulsbut the main feature is the moment of action, high water supply pressure, maximum convenience for staff. These are professional installations that are not intended for use at home. They differ from the usual shower cabins by external device, dimensions and price.

What it is?

Emergency shower is effective system Eye flushing and body, created for large industries and chemical laboratories. On the this moment Release emergency souls for eyes, bodies, combined installations, frost-resistant, with additional heating, fountains. Adu - a tool for collective protection, which provides the first assistance to the victim. With it, they quickly remove aggressive chemicals from the skin and mucous membranes, thoroughly washing them.

Made hell out of durable materials. More often is galvanized steel. Standard simple emergency shower is attached to a vertical surface, such as a wall. It is equipped with a manual lever. More complex and professional installations are made in the form of cabins that have radiation protection.


Specialized hell, depending on their purpose, help in the most difficult situations and conditions. Eye-eye shower - installation, which is equipped with a special manual activation pedal and mixer. After emergency emergency, the victim must press the emergency pedal. To do this, you should quickly run up to the installation, leaning over hell, to reveal the eyelids, maintaining them with your hands, and press the start pedal.

The mixer in the device is thermostatic. He mixes hot and cold water And gives out a shower. Comfortable temperature must be installed in advance. It is not recommended to rinse the eyes with cold water!

Treatment of body

In dangerous production, emergency shower for the body should be within walking distance from a possible place of danger. Depending on how premises are located in the enterprise, the hell is attached to the wall, ceiling or floor. For a certain time, the affected person is washing the skin large quantity Water, which is fed under special pressure. Minimum breakdown time - fifteen to twenty minutes. Rog your eyes and face the body shower for the body is prohibited for security purposes.

Combined emergency shower installation

Emergency shower for body and eye is called combined. It is a special device that is installed in production room With any air temperature, since the device can be heated.

The combined arids are equipped with a fountain and sprayers for eyes and body, outlet discharges for drain, manual and automatic shower, a knife panel and an activation lever, backlight, protective frame, shower, a light-sound signaling, a thermostatic mixer. Heated emergency combination souls is designed for the regions of the Russian Federation with a cold climate. Inside the shower cabin is installed thermostat air heater. Cabin is thermally insulated, so it retains heat. Heated hell has plastic windowswhich allow you to follow the condition of the victim (they are closed if necessary). Automatic doors are triggered after entering the cabin and exit. Emergency soul material - galvanized steel. There are other elements available.

Where is the hell used?

Emergency shower is used in production and in laboratories, where they work with chemicals, acids, alkalis, conduct experiments. In such enterprises, the likelihood of emergencies is high. They are associated with the release of hazardous substances that can harm human health.

In this case effective tool Security serve emergency shower plants. With their help, it can be removed from the body, open mucous membranes harmful substances. There is a shower instantly, therefore the likelihood is reduced. negative impact Chemicals on the body. Emergency installations also apply in enterprises with a high probability of combating clothing workers.

Manufacturers of emergency souls

Emergency shower Haws is a modern and efficient instantaneous purification system designed for industries and laboratory conditions. The peculiarity of the systems of this manufacturer is that they are most comfortable for operation. With their help, you can assist a person, even if it is in a horizontal position. This is possible due to the presence of an elongated hose, which is used for the whole body. When starting hell, Haws works automatically, and the hands remain free. Eye shower models are equipped with special rubber cuffs. They protect human vision organs from mechanical damage. Shower watering can be protected from dust and dirt with special disposable caps. They are deleted independently after use (when water turns off). The addument of the ADU also consists of stickers with a symbols of the emergency system, which is accommodated next to the shower.

IST Emergency Shower is Turkish equipment and systems intended for labor protection and safety at dangerous enterprises, health workers, first aid. Made as IST for European quality standards. Emergency souls ensure the prevention of harmful effects on open mucous membranes and skin when necessary. Installations are analogues of the Adu of foreign manufacturers. The feature of the devices is that they are connected to the water supply constantly, and at the start, the valve opens and spray fluid under pressure in right direction. Emergency showers are protected from deformation and corrosion, so serve for a long time.

Installation requirements

Emergency souls should be installed on all potentially harmful manufacturing enterpriseswhere there is a high risk of human-sized human skin, such as acid and alkali. To category hazardous seats relate:

  • Warehouses for storing chemicals.
  • Laboratory.
  • Foundry plants.
  • Claimed facilities.

Requirements for installing emergency showers are recorded in regulatory and technical documents that operate in Russia. For example, they are fixed in the sanitary rules "Hygienic requirements for placement, design, construction, operation and refill facilities for the destruction of chemical weapons, and the conclusion from the operation of objects for the storage of chemical weapons." Emergency souls must be connected to the water supply and be in the very in a convenient place For an employee of the enterprise. The victim must take advantage of the hell no later than seven seconds after an emergency.

Elekton has been delivered to emergency showers and fountains for over 15 years. Elekton company can execute an order for the supply of models of different manufacturers, such as Broen, Haws. However, I take into account the experience and reviews of our customers, specialists of the company Elekton recommended equipment haws firms.

Call us 8 499 922 06 54, 8 495 661 28 83

We will be happy to answer your questions.

Installation of emergency souls

Start flushing immediately, within a few seconds

Remove the contaminated clothing

Continue flushing

In case of damage to the eyes, keep them open

Call ambulance, to doctor

Continue washing in ambulance

Continue washing in the injury and during transportation in the room intensive therapy

The need to install emergency shower

Unfortunately, despite the precautionary measures taken, there are a danger of emergency situations associated with the danger of health, and sometimes the lives of personnel. To such emergency situations Believers: fires, emissions of harmful substances, damage to equipment, mechanisms, etc. Such incidents are possible in many companies. They cause acute pain, inoperability, and can also lead to a fatal outcome. In places of wood processing and metal, as well as in places with an elevated content of fine dust there is a danger of serious eye damage. Danger There is also in schools, laboratories, in kitchens, ships and in many other places. Experience shows that, despite the measures taken, thousands of industrial accidents happen every year. The consequences of such accidents in some cases can be significantly reduced if damaged parts of the body are immediately rinsed with flowing water. Very often the most effective precautions can be taken with the least costs. That is why each enterprise on which there is a danger of a crash should establish emergency souls. According to active guest 12.3.002-75 SSBT and "Sanitary Rules of the Organization technological processes and hygienic requirements to production equipment No. 1042-73, paragraph 82 "from 04.04.1973:" In the production processes under which there is a risk of entering the skin and mucous membranes penetrating the skin (for example, aniline, nitrobenzene, etc.) and operating on Skin and mucous membranes, for example, mineral acids, strong alkalis), hydrants, souls and fountains with automatic inclusion in quantities should be installed in the work rooms, which provide them with them no later than 6-12 s after the defeat. "

Installation of emergency souls

The main rule - emergency souls are set as close to the workplace as possible. The souls should provide watering immediately after the accident, preferably during the first five seconds. The shower must be installed in an easily accessible place to which a free passage is constantly provided. When working in the premises of one person, it is recommended to install sound or light alarmwhich turns on when the soul is running. The soul package includes stickers with the symbols of the international emergency system, intended for accommodation next to the shower, as well as instructions for installing and maintaining the shower.


The design of all emergency souls ensures maximum ease of operation. Sometimes there is a need to use the soul by a person lying on the floor. For such cases, on request, a soul is offered with an elongated hose used for the entire body. When turned on, the emergency shower continues to work automatically, freeing up, thus hands. In cases of eye damage, they need to be kept open. In models for washing the eyes, the hole of the soul is protected by rubber cuffs, which protects the eyes of victim from random damage. Watering can also be protected from dirt and dust with protective caps, which are automatically removed when water is turned on.

Pressure and water temperature

Emergency souls are connected to a cold water supply system that provides a constant stream. clean water. To achieve the best effect, providing acceptable human comfort and simultaneous avoidance of the organism (hyperthermia), the temperature should be maintained in the range from 15 to 25 ° C. Eye-eye souls are supplied with a water regulating device Flowfix, providing a constant water flow regardless of pressure.

Types of thread

As a rule, emergency souls are equipped with a carving of pipe cylindrical G 1/2 ", 3/4" and 1 "in accordance with ISO 228/1 - analogue of GOST 6357-81.

General information and maintenance

When installing the emergency shower, you must follow the installation and maintenance instructions. It is recommended to check the performance of the shower every month. All employees should know the location of emergency cashew, ways to use them and the rules of conduct in case of emergency situations.

Emergency Behavior

When burns or blisters appear as a result of a fire or chemical impact, as well as if eye damage, it is necessary:

Start flushing immediately, within a few seconds

Remove the contaminated clothing

Continue flushing

In case of damage to the eyes, keep them open

Call an ambulance, to a doctor

Continue washing in ambulance

Continue washing in the injury and during transportation in the room intensive therapy

In the event of a blister, you must inform the doctor about the substance that caused the burn and the possible countermeasures.

Fast and timely help may be vital!

Decoding hell - This is an emergency shower. What are the emergency souls for the body and for the eyes?

Let's try to explain the language available.

In enterprises and industries, emergencies may arise related to the emission of chemicals and by hitting a person. Most. effective way Aid is an emergency shower, the faster the person comes to the affected area, the less negative impact on the body he will receive.

There are several types of emergency shower

Eye shower for eyes and face.

An emergency fountain for eyes and face, which is usually completed with an additional pedal for activation (in the Activation standard occurs by pressing the "checkbox") and the thermostatic mixer.

Consider the need for each option:

Pedal to activate the emergency shower for the eyes- With the defeat of the eye, a person running to the emergency soul should open his eyes with his hands to rinse them, so hands should be free and to ensure that the emergency shower activation pedal is put.

Thermostatic mixer - This device mixes cold and hot water and outstanding water in the shower with a predetermined comfortable temperature.

One simple example:

Try to put the face under the rush of cold water and discover the eyes. It will be alone, you will get very unpleasant sensations, and a person with an affected area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes or a person will doubly get all stress.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity to bring hot and cold water, then put the thermostatic mixer, it is not the case when you need to save.

Model hell 0301-0319

combined shower ADA0301

Combined emergency souls

Unheated emergency souls for installation indoors with positive air temperature. Combine with shower / fountain for body and eyes / face

Options hell 0301-0319:

- Body Sprayer
- color at the request of the customer
- Fountain for washing eyes / face
- outlet for draining water from the fountain at the floor level
- separate models, models for wall and ceiling mounting
- intake hole for water supply at the floor level or at the level of the shower head

Additional equipment hell 0301-0319:

- Illuminated
- Shower Cabin
- Protective frame
- Limit switches
- Thermostatic mixer
- manual shower on flexible eyeliner
- Signs - pictograms with fasteners
- local refinement alarm
- Plastic shower head or of stainless steel

Models hell 0140-0340
Emergency showers heated

Heated emergency shower cabins are designed to install outdoors in the regions with a cold climate. Inside the cabin installed air heater equipped with a thermostat. The cabin has thermal insulation to maintain the temperature inside the cab. The cab doors open automatically and closed for a part-time person. Transparent windows in the doors allow you to track the condition of the victim the frame of the welded column from the square of the square section with the mounting eye pieces for fastening to the floor. Frame material galvanized steel. The cabin is equipped with an "emergency shower" icons or "shower for eyes". The size and position of the drain hole is selected in accordance with the requirements of the customer. Industrial shower emergency cabins manufacturer.

Options hell 0140-0340:

- stainless steel frame
- Stainless steel side panels
Color scheme At the request of the customer
- general industrial and explosion-proof performance
- Add. Thermal insulation for operation in extreme low temperatures

Additional equipment hell 0140-0340:

- Signs - pictograms with fasteners
- PVC strip transparent curtains
- Heated underground extension trumpet
- foot panel or foot lever to activate the soul

In conditions of real production, it is impossible to organize the technological process so that the values \u200b\u200baffecting working hazardous and harmful production factors are zero. Therefore, there can always be risks of obtaining different injuries, including burns with chemicals.

In production related to permanent work with chemical active and lightweight liquids, emergency souls and fountains must be used, which will be able to directly flushing damaged parts of the body in the first seconds after an emergency.

Emergency souls and emergency fountains are first aid devices and are intended for emergency flushing of aggressive chemicals when entering the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Emergency souls can also be applied on production facilitiesWhere are the ignition of clothing.

Emergency souls and fountains supplied by LLC "Company IRIMEX" comply with the requirements of Russian regulatory documents, the requirements of the European Community EN 15154-1., EN 15154-2and the American Standard ANSI Z 358-1.. Production on which emergency souls and fountains are made, meets the requirements of the International Quality Standard ISO 9001..

Installation of emergency souls

Basic rule - Emergency souls are installed so close to the workplace as possible. The souls should provide watering immediately after the accident, preferably during the first five seconds. The shower must be installed in an easily accessible place to which a free passage is constantly provided. When working in the premises of one person, it is recommended to install a sound or light alarm, which turns on when the soul is running.

The soul package includes stickers with the symbols of the international emergency system, intended for accommodation next to the shower, as well as instructions for installing and maintaining the shower.

In production, where water splashing from the soul is unacceptable, emergency souls can be installed in special shower cabins, thus avoiding the violation of the technological process of the enterprise. To avoid damage and adverse effects on emergency shower, in production where transportation is made large cargoIt is recommended to install a fencing protective framework.


The design of all emergency souls ensures maximum ease of operation. Sometimes there is a need to use the soul by a person lying on the floor. For such cases, on request, a soul is offered with an elongated hose used for the entire body. When turned on, the emergency shower continues to work automatically, freeing up, thus hands. In cases of eye damage, they need to be kept open.

In models for washing the eyes, the hole of the soul is protected by rubber cuffs, which protects the eyes of victim from random damage. Watering can also be protected from dirt and dust with protective caps, which are automatically removed when water is turned on.

Pressure and water temperature

Emergency souls are connected to a cold water supply system that provides a constant flow of pure water. To achieve the best effect, providing acceptable human comfort and simultaneously avoiding the hypercooling of the body (hyperthermia), the temperature should be maintained in the range from 15 to 25 ° C. Eye-eye souls are supplied with a water regulating device Flowfix, providing a constant water flow regardless of pressure.

Types of thread

As a rule, emergency souls are equipped with pipe cylindrical carvings G 1/2 ", 3/4" and 1 " in accordance with ISO 228/1. - Analog GOST 6357-81.

General information and maintenance

When installing the emergency shower, you must follow the installation and maintenance instructions. It is recommended to check the performance of the shower every month. All employees should know the location of emergency cashew, ways to use them and the rules of conduct in case of emergency situations.

Emergency Behavior

According to requirements international standardsIn the event of an emergency, a damaged body portion should be immediately rinsed with a stream of pure chilled water continuously for 10-15 minutes.

The flushing of aggressive substances from the skin or eye usually takes more time that fell into the eye of the acid should be continuously leaning for 15 minutes.

After the flushing is completed, you should appeal for further medical help, and continue washing in medical institution. A quick washing of a hazardous substance from a burnt area of \u200b\u200bskin is able to prevent strong injury, loss of vision, and in some cases avoid fatal outcome.

When burns or blisters appear, as a result of a fire or chemical impact, as well as when eye damage, it is necessary

  1. Start flushing immediately, within a few seconds
  2. Remove the contaminated clothing
  3. Continue flushing
  4. In case of damage to the eyes, keep them open
  5. Call an ambulance, consult a doctor
  6. Continue washing in ambulance
  7. Continue washing in the injury and during transportation in the room intensive therapy

In the event of a blister, you must inform the doctor about the substance that caused the burn and the possible countermeasures. Fast and timely help may be vital!

LLC "Company" IRIMEKS " presents to its customers leaders in the production of emergency washing systems for industries and laboratories products companies, Krusman., FSP Tech.,

Broen company is a world leader in the supply of emergency body shower, eyes, as well as safe and reliable equipment for laboratories, educational sector and industry. All equipment is modular, which facilitates its transportation and installation; Designed to be constructed with the possibility of changing the workspace.

Security, reliability and simplicity

Emergency systems respond to all regulatory requirementshave clear and understandable instructions Installation and operation. They are easy to use and help you quickly remove the pain in an emergency. We advise on work, maintenance and testing equipment so that you can be confident that it will work when an emergency occurrence.

Equipment not having analog

Broen has created the most best construction emergency soul on the market. Redline's souls provide optimal pressure and water flow distribution in case of emergency. The head of the soul is self-having, so dirty water never accumulates in it.

REDLINE Body and Eye Emergency Souls meet the requirements of the European standardization company.

Created for modern laboratories

In addition to the emergency soul, Broen develops, produces and supplies fittings for professional laboratories. Fittings Broen Lab provide accurate movement of water, gases and air from the source to the consumer.

Experience and accumulated knowledge allow us to constantly develop and improve our products so that it meets the increasing demands of customers. Security, functionality and quality are an integral part of the products of Broen Lab. The look from the inside on the specifics of the laboratories allowed us to create unique design Combining high functionality and quality. Thanks to this, laboratory equipment Broen Lab is an advanced laboratory solution.

Following the standards of the American standard ANSI Z358.1-1998, as well as some national requirements, water supplied by emergency installations should be warm. Thus, Broen recommends installing thermostatic mixers In emergency installations for the eyes (see page 16 for more information)

Benefits Broen Redline

The only solution in the emergency showers, fully relevant to the European standard EN 15154.

Effective assistance in an emergency due to the optimal distribution of water flow.

A unique self-having shower head. For the time of service due to improved corrosion protection. The sale of assembly and installation.

The need to install emergency shower

Unfortunately, despite the precautionary measures taken, there is a danger of emergency situations in production,

associated with the danger to health, and sometimes the life of the staff. Such emergencies include: fires, emissions of harmful substances, damage to equipment, mechanisms, and so on. Such incidents are possible in many companies. They cause acute pain, inoperability, and can also lead to death. In places of wood and metal, as well as in places with an elevated content of fine dust there is a risk of serious eye damage. Danger There is also in schools, laboratories, kitchens, ships and in many other places.

Experience shows that, despite the measures taken, thousands of industrial accidents occur every year. The consequences of such accidents, in some cases, can be significantly reduced, if failed parts of the body immediately rinse with flowing water. Very often, the most effective precautions can be taken with the smallest costs. That is why each enterprise on which there is a danger of a crash should establish emergency souls.

According to the current GOST 12.3.002-75 of the SSBT and the "sanitary rules of the organization of technological processes and hygienic requirements for production equipment No. 1042-73, paragraph 82" from 04.04.1973: "In production processes under which there is a danger of skin and mucous membranes. harmful substances penetrating through the skin (for example, aniline, nitrobenzene, etc.) and acting on the skin and mucous membranes (for example, mineral acids, strong alkalis), hydrants, souls and fountains with their automatic inclusion in quantity must be installed in the work rooms. In places, ensuring the use of them no later than 6-12 s after the defeat.

International Standards

ANSI - Standard

(American National Standard Institute)

Primary requirements

Emergency souls and sinks for the eyes should be located in such a way that the user can use it no later than 10 seconds after the injury is received. Everyone's eye / person should provide water flow at least 11.1 liters per minute continuously for at least 15 minutes .

The tensioning lever handle must be installed at an altitude of Max. 175.3 cm above the floor.

The crane must rotate from the "Open" position. to the position "Slap" For 1 s or less and should remain in the open position without additional actions.

Emergency shower for the body should provide permanent flow Fluids for washing in a volume of 75.7 liters per minute for at least 15 minutes.

The diameter of water splashing must be at least 50.8 cm at 152.4 cm above the floor.

The outlet of the soul must be located at a level of from 208.3 cm to 243.8 cm from the floor.

The outlet of the shower for the eyes / face should be located at a height of 83.8 cm to 114.3 cm from the floor.

The shower must be operated at least once a week.

All kinds of emergency shower should use warm water (20-25 ° C).

En - Standard


Primary requirements

The body shower must provide a constant water consumption in accordance with government standards with a water flow specified by the manufacturer. Body shower must provide this water consumption for at least 15 minutes.

Note: In the absence of state or local regulations, the water shower consumption for the body should be at least 60 l / min, and the shower for the eyes is 6 l / min.

Carrying out any work on setting the direction of water flow and its distribution of the shower head should be possible only when using special tools.

The shower head must be self-heating around everything from the crane to the outlet. The shower head should be removable for its service, but only when using a special tool.

At a distance of 700 mm under the shower head (50 ± 10)% of the water volume should be in a circle with a radius of 200 mm, as well as the amount of water in different parts This circle should not differ more than 30% of the average. At the same height, no less than 95% of water should be within the boundaries of the circle with a radius of 400 mm. The flow rate of water must be low enough so as not to apply additional injuries to the user.

The shower head must be installed in such a way that its lower edge is at a height (2200 ± 100) mm from the floor.

The faucet should be opened by turning no more than 90 and at an effort no more than 100 N. The crane should not be automatically closed. The crane lever should be clearly visible.