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Hygienic requirements for labor lessons. Hygienic requirements for lessons

Most of the reasons for the deterioration of children's health as they are not objective at school, it is not objective, but a subjective nature and is associated or with incorrect actions of teachers, or with their inaction regarding health care. It is necessary that the motto of physicians "first do not harm!" He would be the motto of teachers.



Sanitary - hygienic trips to the lesson.

Most of the reasons for the deterioration of children's health as they are not objective at school, it is not objective, but a subjective nature and is associated or with incorrect actions of teachers, or with their inaction regarding health care. It is necessary that the motto of physicians "first do not harm!" He would be the motto of teachers.

The performance and occurrence of fatigue among students in the lesson to a certain extent depends on the duration of the lesson and accounting for hygienic requirements when it is constructed. The duration of the lesson in schools should not exceed 45 minutes, the duration of lessons in compensatory learning classes should be not more than 40 minutes. However, as studies have shown, for elementary schooleven such a duration of the lesson is excessive, especially for 1st grade. It was found that by the end of the 15 minute lesson, the performance of first-graders drops sharply. A reduction in the duration of the lesson up to 35 minutes improves significantly improves the functional state of the central nervous system (CNS) of students and allows you to maintain a higher performance throughout the school day. Manual for us should be " Sanitary rules And the norms of Sanpina. "

In addition to the duration of the lesson, its construction affects the deadlock. According to many researchers, the lesson structure must be flexible enough, since different items require different alternations of elements of the lesson of activities. At the same time, a number of general physiological and hygienic provisions can be distinguished on the right organization of lessons. Proper organization The lesson primarily implies accounting for the dynamics of schoolchildren's performance. The dynamics of schoolchildren's performance in the lesson has 5 phases: transition to new level; establishing the maximum level of health; maximum performance; unstable performance; Falling performance. 1-2 phases - workability; 4-5 phases - fatigue.

During the workplace phase (the duration of this phase on 1 lesson is about 10 minutes, on the following - 5 minutes) the load should be relatively small, it is necessary to give schoolchildren to work. In the period of optimal sustainable performance (in elementary school, this period continues on average 15 - 20 minutes, in medium and older classes - 20 - 25 minutes) the load can be maximum. Then the load should be reduced, as fatigue develops.

Numerous observations and experimental studies have been proven that switching from one type of activity to another ensures the resumption of the normal activity of the cerebral cortex and restores performance.

In elementary school, teaching should be mostly built on sensitive perception, on the use of the first signal system. The best way for this is a visual learning method. Increases the duration of the period of optimal sustainable performance, the rational use of technical training (TSO), as well as a lesson by the type of dialogue "Teacher-student".

A very important role in preserving high performance throughout the lesson belongs to physical attacks (physical assemblies). Studies show that physical attacks are absolutely necessary at each lesson in primary grades, in the penultimate and last lessons in middle classes and very recommended on the penultimate and last lessonsin senior classes. It is advisable to carry out physical attacks at the moment when the first signs of fatigue among schoolchildren are observed (dispersion of attention, frequent change of poses, distraction). Exercises of physical attachment (pauses) should be aimed at the activation of positions of muscles (the slope of the body, head rotation), the muscles of the lower extremities (squats, rear and plantar flexions of the stop). Sitting Pose The most harmful to health: the lungs are siled, the vessels that feed the brain are worse, compressed the neck sympathetic barrel ... Useful action The function of the body has a change in working poses during the lesson. In our work we use the system of Vladimir Filippovich Bazarny. The system of "dynamic change of poses" provides for an organized translation of students from the situation sitting to stand stand 2 - 3 times during the lesson. The duration of work should be from 3 to 7 minutes, I select the appropriate types of tasks for it. Well, if there will be several desks in the class, for which the children alternately can work for 5 to 8 minutes.

Considerable attention should be paid to the prevention of posture disorders. For the prevention of posture disorders in primary classes, it is necessary to provide classes in the system of dynamic poses, with the change of working posts "sitting-standing". During the explanation of the task, after completing the tasks, I made the task "Stand", etc. During the lesson, it is advisable to provide landing in the "Couter" position for relaxation of skeletal muscles up to 30 seconds. Research V.F. The bazaar convincingly showed that the source of very many "school" diseases is ... a visual system.

Light mode in classrooms - the moment about which you can't forget. Vision brings a person the largest number (80-85%) of information about the world around the world, while the light not only ensures the normal life of the body, but also a certain vital tone and rhythm. Studies have shown that long-term light fasting leads to the weakening of the organism's immunobiological reactivity and to functional impairment of the nervous system. The light also affects the human psyche, being an emotional factor. Adverse lighting conditions lead to a decrease in performance; The same reasons determine the development of diseases of the organs of vision. For the prevention of overworking eyes and the development of myopia, exercises are recommended to strengthen the eye muscles.

To reduce fatigue from mental activity, light self-massage is recommended with all the fingers of the scalp, stimulation of biologically active points located on the face and neck, breathing exercises by type of hyperventilation.

To increase the motor activity of students, it is necessary to carry out gymnastics to classes, movable changes for students of primary classes, a sports hour in the GPA.

Air-thermal regime in classrooms is no less important aspect. Optimal conditions The air environment is an important factor in the preservation of human health and performance.Academic premises should be ventilated during changes, and recreational during the lessons. Before the start of classes and after their end, it is necessary to carry out through conducting training premises. It is desirable that each class or cabinet is equipped with a thermometer and an instrument to determine air humidity.It is shown that 3-5 minutes of such a ventilation is enough so that the air in the class is completely updated.

The rational organization of the educational process and a complex of preventive measures in the learning process are important factors for the conservation and strengthening of health in schoolchildren in the learning process. Taking into account the psychological - pedagogical features of children in their work, adhere to the developed requirements - "Valeologic requirements for a lesson", which is the basis of pedagogical therapy.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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The hygienic requirements in physical culture include the requirements for places of classes, sportswear, shoes, to individual hygiene, to the rationing of physical exertion. Requirements for places of classes The following: Temperature in the gym should be 15-17 degrees, batteries and windows must be closed, wet cleaning It should be carried out 2-3 times a day, the state of sports shells and sports equipment is obliged to respond to safety regulations, the illumination of the hall must correspond to sanitary and hygienic standards. Requirements for the normalization of physical exertion in the lessons of physical culture: to organize classes, taking into account the state of the well-being of students, choose exercises to take into account age-sex features, it is necessary to dose the load in accordance with the preparedness of students, to carry out systematic medical and pedagogical control over the state of schoolchildren and their physical fitness.

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The physical education of the student is largely determined by the state of health. Therefore, before the beginning of each school year, a schoolboy is undergoing a medical examination for determining restrictions in the level and intensity of muscle load, on the basis of which it is credited (approved by order of the School Director) to one of the following medical groups. Basic: Healthy children (or with insignificant health deviations) that fully comply with the school curriculum and, if desired, which are involved in the sports sections in interest. Preparatory: Children with small deviations in a state of health, insufficient physical fitness, disharmony in physical development. They are engaged in a school on a program of a felting program with the elongation of the timing of completion of the development of motor skills. There are some individual restrictions in classes in sports sections. Special: Children with diseases of predominantly chronic flow with reversible (subgroup a) or irreversible (subgroup b) changes in the body. For them, a special program of physical education is being developed in accordance with the nature of the existing pathology.

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One of the most important hygienic principles that ensure the health efficiency of physical education is the optimal motor mode. The hygienic standard of motor activity is considered to be a quantitative value that fully satisfy the biological need of the body in a variety of movements and promoting the health and adolescent health. Hygienic rationing implies the volume, intensity, time interval of movements, their age-age features, the deadlines for the start of training activities by sports

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Hygienic requirements for physical education lesson in school: - rational structure of the lesson with optimal motor density (60-80%); - improving load efficiency; - rational combination of the lesson of physical education with other lessons in the school schedule; - The lesson should not be the first in the schoolboy's training schedule, it must contribute to the removal of the static voltage of the body; In addition, it should be carried out during the clock of the greatest functional activity in accordance with the daily biorhythm; - the lesson should not be located in the schedule before or after labor lesson, rhythm, singing, since they also provide for the change of static load on dynamic; - carrying out classes in a specialized room with an optimal light, thermal regime in specialized clothes that promotes hardening and the corresponding season, tasks of the lesson; - Do not connect 2 lessons; - Motor load must correspond to the sexual agent features of the student, its health state, the level of physical fitness; - Be sure to include exercises for posture, for the prevention of flatfoot, it is desirable - to prevent myopia; - high-speed load must precede the power; - Girls are required to exercise to strengthen the abdominal press and pelvic floor; - Conditions for holding classes should contribute to hardening, developing motor qualities, to ensure trauma security of schoolchildren. - the inclusion of self-control in the physical education lesson increases its health efficiency; - eliminate monotonous work, leading to overwork; - create a positive emotional background; - intensify interest in the exercises; - ensure restoration processes in the schoolchild's body during the classes; - "peak" load in the main part of the lesson should be short-term; - It is necessary to activate the anaerobic processes to increase the physical activity and the stability of the body.

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Physical education of schoolchildren must meet the following hygienic principles: graduality, systematicity, complexity, compliance with the functionality of the individual, that is, the application different means permotipal education provided a gradual transition from small loads to large, from simple exercise To difficult, taking into account the strict systematics of classes conducted on a specific plan, in combination with the means of hardening, nutrition, recovery against the background of the favorable conditions of the external environment.

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The structure of the lesson in the classroom of physical culture is necessary so dosing the volume, nature and intensity of physical exertion so that the fatigue of schoolchildren does not exceed a light degree. Hygienic characteristics of the introductory part of the lesson. In this part of the lesson, exercises are performed, improving the performance of the body, its systems and organs that prepare for the fulfillment of large physical exertion. This allows schoolchildren, on the one hand, to cope with more intense physical exertion, and on the other - to reduce the possible risk of their damaging effect on the body of students. For proper planning and performing a workout, it is important to understand its physiological mechanisms. To prepare the body to perform intensive physical exertion, you need to increase the function of the aerobic metabolic system. To move this system from the initial level of rest to the optimal functional state, at least 3 minutes is needed, and therefore, a 5-6-minute physical activity is used to stimulate this function, corresponding to about 50% of the IPC, when CSS 130-150 ° C / min. In this way, input part The lesson should include gymnastic exercises for all joints with moderate efforts, for stretching, to make muscles and joints to prepare for intensive loads, and cyclic exercises, such as running, stimulating the function of the aerobic metabolic system, contributing to the training of schoolchildren, especially cardiovascular and respiratory systemsTo the basis of the part of the lesson.

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Hygienic characteristics of the main part of the lesson. The hygiene problem of the main part of the lesson is an increase in the functional state of the body of schoolchildren and their physical fitness. In the main part of the lesson, general physiological and hygienic principles of physical exercises must be observed: · In one lesson, it is advisable to develop several motor qualities, that is, the content of classes must be complex; · The volume of physical activity aimed at the development of specific physical quality should be sufficient to achieve a pronounced urgent and settling training effects, which is determined by the indicators of medical and pedagogical control and self-control (for example, in terms of gravity); · Physical exertion It is necessary to alternate the intensity of impact on the cardiovascular system, which is estimated on the heart rate, the nature of the energy supply (aerobic or anaerobic); · Physical exertion should be alternating and in their direction on the development of certain muscle groups. The use of the first principle is necessary for the integrated development of motor-quality schoolchildren, since only comprehensiveness, the harmony of their physical fitness meet the demands of the health orientation of physical education. The development of several physical qualities in one lesson increases their effectiveness. The physical exercises of predominantly unidirectional functional effects have an additional, but weaker exposure to other motor quality. For example, running on short segments contributes to the development of basically high-speed qualities, but if used only, fatigue will quickly come, as certain structural and functional education will be involved. Jumping exercises aimed primarily on the development of high-speed-security qualities (jumpers) allow you to diversify the classes and transfer the emphasis of physiological impact on other structural-functional formations of the body. it effective tool Improving the high-speed qualities of schoolchildren, the development of the power component. The duration of the main part of the lesson should be at least 25 minutes.

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Hygienic characteristics of the final lesson. This part of the lesson is very important, for example, in order for schoolchildren to gradually recover a minute volume of the heart after intensive muscular activity: the first 3-5 minutes it remains elevated. This is due to the need to repay oxygen debt, removing the exchange products from tissues determined by inertia in the heart of the heart. It is important to remember that if immediately after the cessation of intense physical exertion (for example, running), a person stops, "Muscular Pump" turns off and can develop cardiovascular failure. Venous blood is not completely returning to the right ventricle, and accumulates on the periphery. This can lead to severe consequences, up to death. In addition, a smooth decrease in the load intensity in the final part of the lesson gradually reduces the excitation of the nervous system, creating conditions for switching to another activity, for example, to mental work. In the final part of the lesson, special exercises that reinforce the recovery effect can be used, for example, relaxation, respiratory. The duration of the final part of the lesson is 3-5 minutes. To determine the adequacy of the physical activity, the lesson motor density indicator determined by the timing method is used. The larger the motor density of the lesson, the higher its physiological effect. For example, if from 40 min, exercise classes passed 25 minutes, the motor density will be (25x100): 40. The indicator of more than 60% is considered hygienically sufficient.

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Hygienic lesson requirements:

    temperature regime;

    physico-chemical properties of air (need to ventilate);


    warning of fatigue and overwork;

    alternation of activities (change of listening to computational, graphic and practical work);

    timely and qualitative conduct of physical attacks;

    compliance with the right working posture of the student;

    Compliance with the class furniture to the growth of a schoolboy.

    Requirements for the technique of the lesson:

    the lesson should be emotional, cause interest in teaching and educate the need for knowledge;

    the rate and rhythm of the lesson should be optimal, the actions of the teacher and students are completed;

    full contact in the interaction of the teacher and students in the lesson must be observed by pedagogical tact and pedagogical optimism;

    the atmosphere of benevolence and active creative labor should dominate;

    if possible, the activities of students should be changed, to optimally combine various methods and teaching methods;

    ensure compliance with the uniform spelling regime;

    The teacher must ensure the active teaching of each student.

Stages of the planning of the lesson and preparation for a teacher

    Development of a system of lessons on the topic or section.

    Determination of educational and educational and educational tasks of a lesson based on a program, methodological manuals, a school textbook and additional literature.

    Selection of the optimal content of the lesson material, dismembering it on a number of blocks completed in semantic relations, parts, selection supporting knowledge, Didactic processing.

    Allocation of the main material that the student must understand and remember in the lesson.

    Development of the structure of the lesson, the definition of its type and the most appropriate methods and methods of learning on it.

    Finding ties of this material with other objects and the use of these links in the study of new material and in the formation of new knowledge and skills of students.

    Planning all the actions of the teacher and students at all stages of the lesson and, above all, when mastering new knowledge and skills, as well as when applying them in standard situations.

    Selection of didactic means of lesson (film and diameters, paintings, posters, cards, schemes, auxiliary literature, etc.).

    Checking equipment and technical training.

    Planning records and sketches on a blackboard by a teacher and performing similar work by students on the board and in notebooks.

    Providing the volume and forms of independent work of students in the lesson and its focus on the development of their independence.

    Determining forms and receptions for consolidating the knowledge gained and acquired skills in class and houses, methods of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

    Drawing up a list of students whose knowledge will be checked by appropriate forms and methods, taking into account the levels of their formation; Planning the scan of students' skills.

    Determination of content, volume and forms of homework, thinking of the method of setting lessons to the house.

    Thinking forms of summing up lesson.

    Planning extracurricular work on this topic.

    Record the plan and the course of the lesson in accordance with the requirements.

______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. General issues Visit and analyze lesson
Approximate scheme thematic Plan. General issues of visiting and analyzing lesson. System visiting lesson. Classification of goals of visiting lessons.

Technological requirements for lesson

1. Displays the focus of the lesson, which will be done for general mental development:

    what spaces will be renewed;

    what will be simply restored;

    what will require a thorough consolidation;

    What private goals are supplied (for low-skimmer and strong students).

2. Suginable and material support:
    By the beginning of the school, the treatment should be in their places and are ready for a lesson;

    cabinet in perfect order;

    educational materials and technical means on face;

    Cool magazine, cool. Board, chalk - ready;

3. Optimal psychological regime of the lesson .. (the creation of such a psychological atmosphere, at which the best work is the best work: a good working mood "of a teacher, his benevolent attitude to the guys, timely help impellers, etc.) 4. The optimal pace of work in the lesson (Collective work with the whole class, independent work on individual tasks, where the student works with its optimal pace.) 5. Systematic sequence and continuity of training operations (actions of action, where each subsequent operation becomes possible only if it is properly performed Previous.) 6. Completion of operations (spending part educational material, Complete it with the appropriate generalization, withdrawal.) 7. Saving time at the lesson (maximum density, saturation of useful work.) 8. Continuous control and self-control:
    Observation of work treatment and on this basis self-control, i.e. Assessment of the teacher's own work; Develop self-monitoring skills: how it turns out and why it does not work.
9. Restoration of business equilibrium when it is violated (switching the attention of distracted guys, raise their mood, cause business excitement, remove fatigue, resolve the difficulties that have arisen. Do not reproach, long morals, ridicule, threats.) 10. Fixing and testing of knowledge and skills. (Each lesson adds old knowledge of some new quality, enriches, improves them.) 11. Continuous improvement of the educational process. (Let each subsequent lesson be at least something better than the previous one, summarizes his experience.) ____________________________________________________________________________________

Approximate Themed Plan Scheme

General issues plan: 1 - date; 2 - lesson number on the topic; 3 - the subject of the lesson; 4 - type of lesson; 5 - Triune lesson's task; 6 - training methods; 7 - repeated material, actualizing supporting knowledge and skills of students; 8 - types of knowledge control and feedback; 9 - planned knowledge, skills and skills, the formation of which will be in the lesson.

Private questions solved in class: 1 - implementation of the educational potential of the lesson; 2 - the communication of educational material with life, with practice; 3 - didactic means of lesson; 4 - independent work of students in the lesson; 5 - Methods for fastening passed in the lesson; 6 - homework (reproductive nature and creative).

General issues of visiting and analyzing lesson

Distinctive features of the function of intraschool control:

    Studying the activities of the teacher, the accumulation of information on its work on the basis of analytically informed purposes and well-thought-out observation programs.

    Submission to control the tasks of providing a teacher of concrete and timely methodological assistance, full assistance in the growth of its pedagogical qualifications.

    The establishment of relations of cooperation between school leaders and teacher based on attentive attitudes towards its creative quests, a deep interest in the development of an individual peculiarity of the teacher, sincere faith in the potential teacher's capabilities to work better, work at the level of modern requirements.

    Planning "objects", goals and objectives of control, taking into account the views of the pedagogical team, the findings of the methodological associations of subject teachers and primary school teachers, proposals of attestation commissions.

    Coordination of the content and forms of control directly with the teacher, taking into account his considerations of the existing difficulties in work and unresolved problems in pedagogical practice.

    The development of publicity in the intra-school control system as in the sense of an advanced notification of the pedagogical team on specific areas and in relation to the operational informing of teachers on the results of verification of the state of affairs in school.

    Unconditional preservation by the teacher the right to approve of his opinion and the rationale for the legitimacy and pedagogical feasibility of their theoretical views and methodological positions.

Information providing control over the quality of teaching and learning activities of students:

    the work of the teacher to prepare for lesson (thematic and persistent planning, selection of educational and methodological manuals, didactic materials, etc.)

    definition by teacher educational, educational and developing lesson purposes, their update

    mobilizing the beginning of the lesson, setting goals, explanation of students of the procedure and working conditions;

    implementation in the lesson of the didactic principles of training;

    the compliance is elected by the teacher of teaching methods for the objectives of the lesson, the content of the material being studied, the level of preparedness of students of this class (explanatory, illustrative, reproductive, problematic and investigative and other methods);

    organic combination in the lesson of learning, education and mental development of students;

    activation of the mental activity of students, involving them in the creative process of educational activities, aware of the learned learning material of the lesson;

    formation of cognitive interests among schoolchildren;

    knowledge of the teacher of each student and the use of these knowledge for the formation of cognitive interests and the development of students' creative abilities;

    the practical focus of the lesson, the relationship of learning with life, the local history of the lesson;

    interprecotement in the learning process;

    forms of organization of the learning process (frontal, group, individual);

    use of TSO and visual benefits;

    the correctness of the selection training exercises and the practical tasks of the skills necessary for the development of skills;

    establishing feedback during the lesson;

    formation of schoolchildren of skills and skills of independent educational labor, stimulating independent work of students, ability to analyze, summarize, compare, draw conclusions;

    the worldview conclusions and generalizations to which students are listed;

    compliance with the lesson of uniform requirements for the culture of speech and letters of students;

    elements of the scientific organization of labor of students and teachers in the lesson;

    methods of organization of homework (volume, character, differentiation, timeliness);

    repetition of the previously studied, fixing the new material;

    rational use of the capabilities and advantages of the Cabinet Training System;

    differentiation of the learning process, the implementation of an individual approach;

    a practical solution in the lesson of a common-class methodological topic;

    assessment of knowledge, skills and skills of students;

    lesson density, time saving;

    emotional lesson saturation;

    compliance in the lesson of safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic requirements.

System of visiting lessons

A visit to all lessons allocated to study the topic in this class with the goal of dating a teacher's work system, estimating the optimality of the elected lesson structure, the optimal combination of methods and teaching methods.

Visiting teacher's lessons throughout the working day in different classes In order to study the compliance of methodological techniques for learning to the age characteristics of students.

A visit to the lessons of various teachers during the day in the same class in order to assess the amount of information received by students throughout the school day, the total volume of homework, the performance of uniform requirements, the intensities of their labor at different classes, style and comparative work technique.

A visit to lessons during the working week in one class in order to study the systematic work of each schoolchildren, its independence, activity and initiative, the quality of homework.

A visit to the lessons from different teachers in order to study certain problems of the educational process (the effectiveness of the organization of independent work, the degree of formation among students in special and general educational skills and skills, the formation of interest in the subject, etc.).

Classification of goals of visiting lessons:

by time of action (long-term, short-term, permanent and variables). It depends on the content of the main and auxiliary tasks facing the school, the main directions methodical workThe characteristics of the issues discussed at pedsovets and production meetings:

by latitude of coverage and depth of aspects studied:

large-scale target settings characterized by the prisoner (development of cognitive, formation of general training skills and skills, etc.);

local target settings characterized by a private orientation (effectiveness of development work oral speech, organization in class creative work students);


General requirements To the lesson analysis. Scientific approach to lesson analysis, support for psychological and pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience. Depth and comprehensive analysis; Evaluation of the lesson, taking into account the relationship of all its components and their didactic conditionality and logical interconnection. Consideration of the lesson in relationships with the previous lessons of the topic studied. Accent when analyzing on the most essential sides of the lesson, in decisive extent determining the degree of learning material learning, the quality of knowledge, the development of students' intelligence. Objective estimates. Scientific validity of estimates, characteristics and conclusions; Their concreteness, evidence and persuasiveness. Accounting for the specifics of this educational subject. Suggestions.

Types and planning visits to lessons. Visiting and analysis of lessons as a method of intraschool control. Types of visits to lessons: selective, thematic, parallel, target. Complex study of teaching in a separate class during a full school day.

Planning lessons visits: promising (per year and half), current (per month and week), calendar and graphic.

Preparation for visiting the lesson. Determination of the purpose of visiting the lesson. Acquaintance with the curriculum, with the actual material of this lesson and the methodology for its implementation (on a textbook, methodological benefits, guidance instructions of national education authorities, IU, etc.). Acquaintance with the presence of educational and visual benefits on the subject. Installation of state programs, accumulation of estimates and current performance of students, timing and quantities test workprovided for by the program on the subject of the practical part of the programs (practical and laboratory work, excursions) of homework. View conclusions, proposals and tasks (they are given to the teacher after visiting the lesson during its analysis). Acquaintance with student work. Determining the forms of personal audit quality of knowledge of students and selection of materials necessary for this. Solving the issue of invitation to the lesson of other school teachers. Determining the purpose of such an invitation.

Scheme of observation and techniques for recording the course of the lesson. The scheme of observation of the lesson is the condition for the rational organization of the work of the verifier, ensuring a clear, consistent fixation of the course of the lesson and its subsequent analysis.

Preparation of a visited lesson visited by analyzing. Viewing the record of visited lessons from this teacher, comments and suggestions. The formulation of issues addressed to the teacher related to the lesson plan and its implementation. Determination of the form of an analysis of the lesson and the place of summing up (conversation, discussion at the meeting of the subject commission, at the Pedagogical Council). Phased assessment of the course of the lesson and activities of teachers and students. Conclusion According to the results of testing the quality of knowledge, skills and skills of students. Dealting the advantages of the lesson, creative finds of the teacher, which deserve study and implementation in the practice of the school teachers. The deficiencies of the lesson and the necessary assistance to the teacher. The formulation of a general assessment, conclusions and proposals to the teacher's address.

Analysis of the lesson by the teacher. The basic requirements for self-analysis: the place of the lesson in the lesson system on the topic under study, the rationale for the educational and educational purposes of the lesson and the implementation of the planned lesson plan, the characteristic of the class and the motivation of the selection of the educational material for this lesson, the psychological and pedagogical assessment of the system of study activities and exercises performed by students At the lesson, an assessment of the development of independent thinking of students in the lesson. Motivating the choice of lesson methods, an assessment of the compliance of these methods for the purposes and the content of the lesson, the implementation of the supplied educational and educational tasks, satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the teacher lesson (its individual parts): measures planned by the teacher to eliminate the noted deficiencies, assessment and justification of the results achieved in the lesson. Self-assessment as one of the conditions of creative labor of the teacher.

Analysis of the lesson verifier.

Analysis of the lesson goals. Assessment of the correctness and reasonableness of the formulation of educational and educational purposes of the lesson, taking into account the characteristics of the educational material, the place of this lesson in the system of lessons on the topic, the level of class preparedness. Staging and bringing the ideas of the lesson to students. The degree of achievement of the objectives of the lesson.

Analysis of the structure and organization of the lesson. Compliance of the lesson structure of its goals. The thoughtfulness of the choice of the type of lesson, its structure, the logical sequence and the relationship of the lesson steps. The expediency of the time distribution of the lesson between them. The rationality of the choice of training forms. The presence of a lesson plan and the organization of its implementation by the teacher. Equipment lesson. The rational organization of the labor of the teacher and students.

Analysis of the content of the lesson. Compliance of the lesson's content with state programs. Fullness, accuracy, availability of presentation. Scientific level of outlined material. The degree of moral influence, the educational focus of the lesson. Generalization The main ideas of the lesson (themes, courses). Polytechnic focus of the lesson, his connection with life, labor education and career guidance. The implementation of the developing lesson opportunities in terms of the formation of active learning activities of independent thinking, cognitive interests. Summing up students for the rejection of new knowledge. Allocation of the main idea of \u200b\u200ba new material. Formation of new concepts. Actualization of reference knowledge.

Organization of independent work of students. The nature of training exercises, types of independent work, the degree of complexity, variability, accounting of the level of classroom studies. Teaching and help teacher. The degree of assimilation of the new material (efficiency). Communication new with previously studied. Repetition (organization, form, techniques, volume).

Analysis of the technique of a lesson. Determination of the validity and correctness of the selection of methods, techniques and learning tools, their compliance of the content of the educational material, the lesson's goals, the educational capabilities of this class, the compliance of the lesson's methodological apparatus to each its stage and the tasks of the activation of students, a variety of techniques and methods used by the teacher. Emotionality of material feed. The efficiency of using visual benefits, didactic handouts and technical training. Assessment of methodological armed and peddle of the teacher.

Analysis of the work and behavior of students in the lesson. General assessment of class work. Attention and adjacent. Interest in the subject. Class activity, student performance at different stages of the lesson. Organization of independent academic work of students, the development of rational techniques of educational labor of students. Evaluation of the feasibility and effectiveness of the applied forms of academic work. Formation of general scientists and special skills. Performing uniform requirements. Individual work with weak and strong students. Combination of collective and individual work. Discipline class and discipline maintenance techniques.

Culture of teacher's communication with students, compliance with the teacher of the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact, the assessment of the Moral and Psychological Climate created by the teacher in this children's team.

Quality of knowledge, skills and skills. Depth, awareness and strength of knowledge. The ability to extract leading ideas in the lesson material, apply knowledge in various situations, acquire with the help of new knowledge available. The degree of mastering practical skills. The nature of the knowledge check of students in the teacher. Types of check. The accumulation, objectivity of the issued estimates, their motivation, raising a stimulating nature.

Analysis of the homework obtained by students. Purpose, volume. The ratio between the amount of work performed on the lesson and the amount of work given to the house. The nature of the homework (creative, training, fixing, developing its saturation). Comment and instruction teacher on homework.

Evaluation of the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the lesson.

Evaluation of self-analysismade by the teacher during the answers to the questions delivered by the inspection; Conclusion for self-analysis.

Total assessment of the degree of achievement of the educational and educational purpose of the lesson. General motivated estimate of the results of the lesson: the optimality of teacher's training actions; Quality of knowledge, skills and skills of students; The tendency of shifts in their development and pupils. The argued characteristics of the dignity of the lesson.

Elements of creativitydeserving studies and implementation in the practice of school teachers.

Disadvantages of lesson. Diagnosis of causes and trends in their development. Proposals for their elimination.

Scientific validity of conclusions and assessments, support for achieving psychology of pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience. The specificity of conclusions and suggestions, their evidence and persuasiveness.

The final word of the teacher.

Conversation style with teacher. Goodwill, respect and tactful talk with a teacher, support for a positive. Accounting for individual characteristics of the teacher: character, type of nervous activity, experience and degree of pedagogical skills, general horizons and pedagogical erudition.

Forms of analysis and self-analysis of the lesson

1 - a brief (appreciable) analysis is total assessment the educational function of the lesson, which characterizes the solution of educational, educational and developing tasks and giving an assessment of their implementation;

2 - structural (phased) analysis is the identification and evaluation of the dominant structures (elements) of the lesson, their feasibility, ensuring the development of educational abilities of students;

3 - system analysis - This is a consideration of the lesson as unified system From the point of view of solving the main didactic problem of the simultaneous solution of the developing tasks of the lesson, ensuring the formation of knowledge, skills and skills of students, the assimilation of the methods of teachings;

4 - a complete system of aspect tests, including an assessment of the implementation of the tasks of the lesson, the content and types of educational activities of students on such characteristics, as levels of learning knowledge of knowledge and methods of mental activity, the development of students, the implementation of the didactic principles and performance of the lesson;

5 - structural and temporary analysis is an assessment of the use of the lesson time for each its stage;

6 - Combined analysis is an assessment (simultaneous) of the main didactic objective of the lesson and structural elements;

7 - psychological analysis - This is the study of the implementation of psychological requirements for the lesson (providing cognitive activities of educational type students);

The main hygienic requirements for the organization and conduct of the lesson.

Name of parameter Value
Theme of article: The main hygienic requirements for the organization and conduct of the lesson.
Rubric (thematic category) Medicine

During the training quarter, it is advisable to use several technologies. Their choice depends on the age of the contingent of students, their health, health status, etc.

Lectures lecture tire more faster than conversation lessons and in connection with this are carried out in specialized, profile classes when preparing for exams. Use in a lesson to one time-consuming educational technology In non-core classes and the selection tone of the teacher contribute early Development fatigue.

1. Accounting of the active attention of students of this agecorresponds to the duration of the assimilation of the new educational material (6 years -5-7 min; 10-12 years old - 20 min; 15-16 years -30 min).

2. Availability of the identity of the outlined learning material;

3. Alternation different species Leisure activities.

During the combined lesson, it is extremely important to alternate various activities ( practical work͵ story, conversation, test tasks, independent work and reports, etc.). It should be remembered that when using one type of activity (lecture, conversation, dictation, independent work, a long listening of music) or one technology is developing an exemplary (protective) braking of neurons of the cerebral cortex. Disciplinary disorders appear in the class. The emergence of this kind of physiological violations the teacher should prevent. At the first signs of fatigue, you need to change the type of activity. You can use an interesting story, a demonstration of visual material, a musical pause, health-saving methods. The alternation of various types of activity in the lesson process contributes to a more uniform distribution of the load on various types of analyzers. Students, especially primary classes, cannot be offered only one type of activity, it is extremely important to switch children from one form of work to another. From a physiological point of view, this is of great importance, since various types of analyzers are included in various activities, and arises in the corresponding cerebral cortex zones, and unexcited sections of the bark are resting. In them, braking appears on the principle of negative induction. This contributes to an increase in student efficiency.

Types of relaxation at the lesson (relaxation) - carrying out physical attacks, eye exercises, musical pauses, autotraining, phytotherapy, etc.
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It is important to note that for older schoolchildren they are held on the 25-30th minute of the lesson, and for younger - after 10-15 minutes of the lesson.

4. Alternation in the lesson of various learning methods (verbal, visual and practical).

5. Treatment and overwork of students

There are two types of fatigue. First type - compensated fatigue (Hidden fatigue). It is overcome fatigue, in which the performance is preserved due to the volitional efforts of a person. Second type - uncompensated fatigue, developing after compensated fatigue. The main sign is a sharp decline in performance. To a large extent, it is manifested in late lessons, academic year. It has been established that fatigue, first of all, develops in nerve centers of the cerebral cortex due to the deficit of the mediator (norepinerenaline, serotonin, etc.) and is manifested by a subjective sense of fatigue. In the neuron in neurons, the bark of large hemispheres is broke between the processes of excitation and braking.

The teacher must be remembered that the fatigue of students leads to a decrease in not only performance, but also disciplines in the classroom. For this reason, it is extremely important to warn. In this regard, it is important to use the health-saving technologies in a timely manner, take into account the individual typological features of the highest nervous activity and the state of the child's health.

At the schoolchildren of rolling (sanguinics) and mixed types of GND, the fatigue occurs within two stages (phases).

First phase The fatigue is characterized by the weakening of braking, an increase in the excitability of the cortex neurons (according to I.P. Pavlov is''ochitory excitement''''''). Motor anxiety appears in students, discipline is disturbed, the quality, speed and accuracy of the tasks are reduced, this step can be removed by reducing the learning load. At the same time, you need to switch students to another type of activity: to move from the lecture form of presentation to the conversation, from conversation to graphic work, polling students, test tasks, etc.
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If the motor anxiety and excitability of students are not liquidated and the teacher makes students intensively work, increases the voice, the second stage of fatigue develops. The task of the teacher is not to miss even the first signs of fatigue and prevent its development.

Second phase of fatigue In the rolling type of children is characterized by an increase in the brain cortex inhibition and the weakening of the excitation (according to I.P. Pavlov - ϶ᴛᴏ ''' shock braking'''). It is observed in the younger and medium in the age of schoolchildren. Students of the elder school can continue to work, since they are developed self-control and self-awareness. In view of the above signs of primary and subsequent fatigue, they are externally expressed. During the second phase of fatigue, children become indifferent, do not respond to the teacher's remarks, he does not hear it. The fatigue of the second phase can be removed only in the recreation process on the break. For this reason, the teacher is important in a timely manner to notice the first signs of fatigue in the lesson arising in its first phase.

For students of junior classes, their characteristics of fatigue are characteristic. As you know, in the first class children there are no letters skills, instrument games. The process of mastering the letter, the game on the instrument is carried out by small draft brushes, which in children 6-8 years are weakly developed. During the same letter, games on musical instrumentThe movements of the thumb are combined with the movements of the index and medium. Such a brush activity has 7 years old have not yet been established, and nervous centers that control these movements work with a large voltage and quickly tire. For this reason, the maximum duration of the continuous letter for the 1st class children is 10 minutes, and for students of 8-11 classes - 25 -30 min. Next you need to proceed to another activity. Similarly, the duration of the game on the instrument should be regulated.

The teacher should also remember that junior schoolchildren Music dominant expressed strongly expressed. Prolonged braking teacher-in this dominant during the lesson causes significant fatigue in children. For example, a long seat causes the fatigue of the corresponding nervous centers of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for cutting the muscles of the back, neck, forearm, brushes, etc. For this reason, younger schoolchildren need to be able to actively move on the interruptions, better on fresh air In the warm season under the supervision of the duty teacher. In class you need to switch to another type of activity. For example, in the lesson of music, the following work forms alternate: singing, listening to music and drawing, musical dictation, dance movements for the music, etc.

Overwork - ϶ᴛᴏ Prolonged and deep decrease in performance, accompanied by violations of the body's activities and requiring a long rest. Overwork manifests itself in violation of mental functions. When overworking, schoolchildren have irritability, the weakening of psycho-physiological processes - attention, thinking, memory. Often the headache, sleep disorder, loss of appetite is a decline in vision, irritability, fiscalness, etc. When overworking, a long rest is needed, compliance with the strict regime in school and at home.

The main hygienic requirements for the organization and conduct of the lesson. - Concept and species. Classification and features of the category "Basic hygiene requirements for the organization and conducting lesson." 2017, 2018.

MBOU "Krasnoslobodskaya School No. 1"

Requirements the psychological and pedagogical and hygienic conditions of the lesson.

Prepared: Meshcheryakova E.M.

Psychologist teacher

The lesson remains the main organizational form of the educational process, which directly depends on the teacher. The construction of a health-saving lesson is an essential condition for overcoming the health of the heart of school education.

Crisis phenomena in society contributed to changing motivation educational activities Students have reduced their creative activity, slowed them physical and mental development, caused deviations in their social behavior. Due to these reasons, the problem of preserving the health of students has become particularly relevant. In the created environment, the natural use was active pedagogical technologiesaimed at protecting schoolchildren's health.

When building a lesson from the position of the healthy-saving technology teacher need adhere to the basic rules

Rule first 1. The correct organization of the lesson

The rational organization of the lesson is important component Healthy school work. On the observance of the hygienic and psychological and pedagogical conditions of the lesson, the functional state of schoolchildren in the process of training activities, the possibility of continuously maintaining mental performance on high level And warn the premature onset of fatigue. We must not forget that hygienic conditions affect the state of the teacher, his health, which in turn influences the state and health of students.

\u003d 60% and not enough 85-90% rational average about the percentage of various species 4 is not rational 4-7 educational activities 5 Frequency of the blackness of various species 2-3 90% of the educational activities The number of types of teaching 10 min 11-15 min 1- 2 shift no later than 6 than through the alternation of species of the teaching shift through at least 3 15 min 2 11-15 min. Change after 7-10 minutes no later than 15-20 minutes 1 than after 15-20 minutes 10-15 minutes do not alternate " width \u003d "640"

Factors lesson

URO Density

Levels of hygienic rationality lesson


Number of types of educational activities

not enough


Medium about the perception of various types

not rational

educational activities

Frequency of the blackness of various types

educational activities

Number of types of teaching

Change no later

than through

Alternation of species of teacher

Change through

At least 3.

Change through

than through


Basic hygienic criteria rational organization organization (by N.K. Smronov)

Lesson factors

Levels of hygienic rationality lesson


not enough


not rational

The presence of emo national discharges (number)

Place and duration of TSO

Alternation poses


with hygienic

With partial observance


Pose alternate in accordance with

Psychological climate

There are cases of inconsistency

view of work.


In arbitrary


2 for a lesson,

pose of work type.

Teacher watches landing

The moment of the fatigue of students

Positive emotions prevail

consisting of 3 light exercises

1 Fizkultminutka

Frequent inconsistencies

pose of work type.

(to reduce educational activity)

The teacher sometimes controls

There are cases of negative emotions. Lesson, emotionally indifferent

for a lesson, with insufficient duration



3-5 repetitions of each

Not earlier than 40 minutes

landing of students

Negative emotions prevail

Pose is not controlled

Not earlier than


after 35-37 min

Less than

after 30 min

Rule 2. Use of perception channels

Features of perception are determined by one of the most important properties of individuality - the functional asymmetry of the brain: the distribution of mental functions between the hemispheres. Stand out different types Functional organization of two brain hemispheres: - left-haircuts With the dominance of the left hemisphere, it is characterized by a verbal and logical style cognitive processes, tendency to abstraction and generalization; - rightphan people Dominance of the right hemisphere, this type developed specifically-shaped thinking and imagination; - equalopoles people - they do not have a pronounced domination of one of the hemispheres.

Based on preferred information perception channels, distinguishes: - Audial perception; - visual perception; - kinesthetic perception.


1st row


2nd a number of equalion

3rd row of robust



Sample frame location scheme in class

Rule 3. Intensity distribution of mental activity

The effectiveness of learning learning knowledge during the lesson is: - 5-25th minute - 80%; - 25-35th minute - 60-40%; - 35-40th minute - 10%.

The duration of active attention in younger students is limited in most cases 15-25 minutes (15-20), which requires switching to another type of activity.

Especially tedious for children monotonous work, as well as work associated with long psychophysical voltage, visual load, static poses.

The duration of continuous reading in elementary schools from 8-10 minutes (1-2 class) to 15 minutes (grade 1), independent reading is desirable to spend at the beginning of the lesson or in the middle and alternate with retelling, listening to entries, talking with the teacher of written work optimal duration 3-5 minutes.

Rule 4 Removing Emotional Voltage

The use of game technologies, game training programs, original tasks and tasks, the introduction into the lesson of historical excursions and retreats make it possible to remove emotional tension. This technique also allows you to solve several different tasks at the same time: to ensure the psychological unloading of students, give them the attention of a developing and educational plan, to encourage their intensification of independent cognitive activity, etc.

Rule 5. Creating a favorable psychological climate in the lesson

A friendly furnishings in the lesson, a calm conversation, attention to each statement, a positive reaction of the teacher at the desire of the student to express its point of view, tactful correction of the mistakes made, encouraging self-mental activity, the appropriate humor or a small historical retreat - here is not the whole arsenal that can Place the teacher seeking to disclose the abilities of each child.

Rule 6. Health and Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle

Teach a person from school years responsibly relate to their health. Introduce health issues into the framework of training items, and this will allow to show the disciple how the studied material is associated with everyday life, teach him to constantly take care of your health.

To carry out the self-analysis of the lesson in terms of preserving the health of schoolchildren, it is advisable to pay attention to the following aspects of the lesson:

1. Hygienic conditions in the classroom (office): Purity, temperature and freshness of air, the rationality of class lighting and boards, the presence / absence of monotone, unpleasant stimuli.

The fatigue of schoolchildren and the risk of allergic disorders in a considerable extent depends on the observance of these simple conditions.

2. The number of types of training activities used by the teacher : Personal survey, letter, reading, listening, story, viewing of visual aids, answers to questions, practical classes.

The norm is considered 4-7 types of lesson.

The error of the lesson contributes to the fatigue of schoolchildren. At the same time, you need to remember that the frequent change of one activity to another requires additional adaptation efforts from students. It also contributes to the growth of fatigue.

3. The average duration of various types of training activities.

Approximate norm: 7-10 minutes.

Rule 7. Samoenalysis of the lesson by a teacher from the standpoint of health

The number of types of teaching used by the teacher : Londer, visual, audiovisual, independent work, etc. Norm - at least three lesson. Alternation of types of teaching - no later than 10-15 minutes.

The use of methods that contribute to the activation of the initiative and creative expression of students that allow them to turn into subjects of activity. These are the methods of free choice (free conversation, the choice of action, its method, the choice of techniques of interaction, freedom of creativity, etc.); active methods (students in the role of teachers, reading action, discussion in groups, role-playing game, discussion, seminar, etc.); Methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-assessment and mutualation), etc.

Rule 7. Samoenalysis of the lesson by a teacher from the standpoint of health

D. Incessing the discussion, discussion, attracting interest in cognitive programs, i.e., for interrelated solution of both educational and educational tasks.

The effectiveness of lessons using TSO also depends on the frequency of occupation of this type.

An expedient number of lessons using TSO - not more than 3-4 per week.

on the lessons of various TSOs, min (by N.T. Lebedeva)









radio transfer

Teacher's ability to use video footage

The following fact is dangerous: the interest of children to work with a computer is so masks fatigue, schoolchildren are so fond of that they do not notice the signs of fatigue, they continue classes (games) and as a result they cause significant harm to their health. As a result - we obtain the appearance of psychosomatic disorders, neurotic reactions and the prevalence of stress manifestations from schoolchildren.

The most important indicator of the effectiveness of classes using information technology is the mode of training sessions. The duration of working with a computer depends on the individual age-related features.

For children of 6 years, the norm should not exceed 10 minutes and for children 7-10 years 15 minutes.

Training mode using

computer Tools (by N.T. Lebedeva)

Duration of work

with computers, min

25, with dual lessons 30 and 15

Rule 7. Samoenalysis of the lesson by a teacher from the standpoint of health

Pose of students and their alternation Depending on the nature of the work being performed. The degree of naturalness of schoolchildren's posture in the lesson can serve as a good indicator psychological impact The teacher, the degree of its authoritarianism: the mechanism of the healthy inspection of an authoritarian teacher consists, in particular, in the fact that children in its lessons are excessively tense. This exhausting situation not only sharply increases the level of neurotic schoolchildren, but is destructively reflected in their character.

Rule 7. Samoenalysis of the lesson by a teacher from the standpoint of health

Fizkultminthki and Fizkultpauses ,

which are mandatory part of lesson. It is necessary to pay attention to their content and duration (norm - by 15-20 minutes of lesson for 1 minute of 3 light exercises with 3-4 repetitions of each), as well as an emotional climate during the exercise and the presence of schoolchildren to perform them.

Gymnastics for eyes

3-5 exercises 5 or more every one


during occupations

7-8 exercises 4-6 times each

on workers

5-7 exercises 8-10 times each

8-9 exercises 6-8 times each

Rule 7. Samoenalysis of the lesson by a teacher from the standpoint of health

Positive evaluation deserves inclusion in the meaningful part of the lesson of health issues and healthy way Life . Teacher's ability to allocate and emphasize the issues related to health, is one of the criteria for its pedagogical professionalism.

Rule 7. Samoenalysis of the lesson by a teacher from the standpoint of health

The presence of students from motivation to training activities at the lesson: Interest in classes, the desire to learn more, joy from activity, interest in the material being studied, etc. It is estimated to estimate the level of this motivation and the methods of its increase used by the teacher.

Favorable psychological climate in class , Which also serves as one of the success of its success: the charge of positive emotions received by schoolchildren and the teacher himself determines the positive impact of the school on health.

Rule 7. Samoenalysis of the lesson by a teacher from the standpoint of health

The prevailing expression of the teacher's face. The lesson is defective if there were no emotionally semantic discharges: smiles, relevant witty jokes, the use of sayings, aphorisms with comments, musical minutes, etc.

The moment of the onset of the fatigue of students and reduce their educational activity. Determined in the course of observation of the increasing motor and passive distracts of schoolchildren in the process of academic work. Norm - no earlier than 5-10 minutes before the end of the lesson.

Rule 7. Samoenalysis of the lesson by a teacher from the standpoint of health

The pace and features of the end of the lesson. It is desirable that the completion of the lesson was calm: students had the opportunity to ask the teacher questions, the teacher could comment on the task of the house, say goodbye to schoolchildren.

The integral indicator of the effectiveness of the conducted classes can be considered the state and type of students leaving the lesson. It is worth paying attention to the state of the teacher.

Preventing all sorts of psychotrauming situations.

Requirements for students must comply with the level of their development, but not exceed and not to underestimate their capabilities. Student training must be carried out with orientation to the nearest development zone. Considering that "the fact that today the student will be able to make in collaboration with the teacher, he will be able to do independently tomorrow" (L. S. Vygotsky). An important psychological - didactic assimilation of the organization of the training activities of schoolchildren, allowing to provide her therapeutic and correctional effect, is to change the approach to the assessment. In pedagogy, it would be necessary to finally abandon negative assessments and provide an opportunity to make an unlimited number of attempts to obtain a positive assessment. This form of communication "Teacher is a student" is based on individualization in training.

Properly organized training contributes not only to the acquisition of strong knowledge, but also to favorable growth and development of students, strengthening their health.