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System of distributed situational centers. The potential of the distributed situational centers system for the implementation of the program "Digital Economics of Russia. Unified distributed system

In St. Petersburg opened a forum "The system of distributed situational centers as the basis of the Digital Transformation of Public Administration", organized by St. Petersburg State University and FSO of Russia. During the plenary sessions, scientists, representatives of power and business discusses the modern possibilities of ensuring the information security and the role of situational centers in government management.

The system of distributed situational centers (CRSC) is a unique complex of means of communication communication, a kind of "flying management center", which allows you to monitor everything that happens not only in a particular region, agency, university, but also throughout the country.

Today, more than one hundred such centers works in Russia: they help managers in different levels, quickly receiving and analyzing information, take the most effective solutions. Also, the CRSC is widely applied to eliminate transport problems, work on cosmodromes, eliminating the effects of forest fires, terrorist attacks and other emergencies, reported in a press release received by Planet Today.

Situational centers are actively opening in scientific institutions, and one of the pioneers in this area has become the St. Petersburg State University, where the first situational management methods began to apply several years ago.

"The openness of information for the university is the norm," said Nikolai Kropachev's rector SPBSU. - A virtual reception room has been created in St. Petersburg State University, where all the answers to appeals to the university officials are published, and each of our internal orders ends with an email address and contacting everyone to send proposals to this address to improve the document. And such methods have a huge amount. We are convinced that in the life of the university, as in the life of the city or region, not only leaders should take part, but all who are not indifferent to his fate. That is why situational centers in organizations such as SPBSU should involve even more people in their own management processes. "

Nikolai Kropachev also added that it is very important to work out general standards that will allow combining situational centers of different levels, which means that the system of government is more effective. At the time of the plenary session, this problem also affected the first deputy chief designer SRSC Nikolai Ilyin. He noted that it was not enough to simply collect information, it is important with the help of these centers to learn how to build forecasts and predict the consequences of management decisions.

"Today, situational centers mainly solve monitoring tasks, but it's time to look wider and starting to engage in multifactorial forecasting, strategic planning issues, current territorial and industry planning, project management, Nikolai Ilyin told. - To form the right, reasonable and effective solutions, experts should be included in the process. I am confident that on the forum, we will develop specific directions for improving the work of situational centers. "

Of course, in the work of the centers can not do without modern scientific and technological developments, which also submitted to the forum participants. Guests of the event were able to see the latest domestic satellite and reference systems, intelligent access control systems, data visualization services and much more.

Presented at the Development Exhibition highly appreciated the vice-governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Govorunov: "Humanity entered into the next phase of development - digital era, and we must comply with the requirements that the new era dictates. Today we have seen achievements in the field of communications, including St. Petersburg scientists, among which there are a lot of interesting decisions, and some have already been implemented. This experience must be used - only as we can join a new era with a proudly raised head. "

We add, the exhibition contained unique resources of St. Petersburg State University, which allow you to collect and process the information necessary for the work of the SRSC: Computer Center and the Center for Sociological and Internet Research. As the first Vice-Rector of the University Ilya Dementiev told, a unique distributed situational center of SPbSU long ago converse the concept of "room with monitors". It was replaced by modern information and analytical systems that permeate all the work of the university: the Blackboard Digital Platform for Training Management, SAP Personnel Accounting System, Pure Scientists, Electronic Document Management System and Delivery System and a number of other products.

All this allows you to manage such a large and multidisciplinary organization as the St. Petersburg State University, where more than 40,000 people study and work today. The unique experience of St. Petersburg State University can help establish a management system in other scientific organizations or authorities - as the university representatives noted at the forum, the university is ready to share their knowledge with colleagues.

On October 25-27, the All-Russian Forum "The System of Distributed Situational Centers (SRSC) - 2017" was held in the Tauride Palace.

Representatives of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, more than 125 federal and regional authorities, 23 leading universities, 22 scientific organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Officers 58 IT -Perries, only 650 people.

SPbGEU took an active part in the work of the forum. Rector of the University of I.A. Maximtsev was the Deputy Chairman of the Program Committee, and the Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies I.L. Korshunov, together with the supervisor of the Center for Long-Term Forecasting and Strategic Planning of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova S.Yu. Malkov made moderators of the section 3 "Digital Economics and Digital Transformation of Strategic Planning and Management of Public Programs and Projects". An interesting report, according to the participants, did Professor Kolbanev M.O. "Information and technological platform of a digital economy."

The forum resolution was noted that the system of distributed situational centers is a technological basis for the development of a digital economy and digital management of the Russian Federation. And the task of leading universities is to prepare and retraining personnel for these purposes.

In the late decade of October, the All-Russian Forum "System of distributed situational centers as the basis of digital transformation of public administration", organized by FSO of Russia and St. Petersburg State University, held in St. Petersburg at the Tauride Palace in St. Petersburg. The event was attended by representatives of federal and regional authorities, universities, scientific organizations and IT enterprises. One of the conclusions of the consistedies consisted is that without a single ecosystem of a situational response to time calls, it will not be possible to increase the effectiveness of the decisions taken at different levels. In the new technological conditions, it is necessary to rethink the role and functions of situational centers. The organizers of the event set the goal before the delegates - to develop recommendations on the formation of a strategy for the development of a system of distributed situational centers as the basis for digital transformation of public administration. Today in the country more than 100 situational centers of different levels - in federal, regional, municipal authorities, in corporations, primarily with public participation, and educational institutions. The St. Petersburg State University has become a pioneer among universities in the use of Specific Technologies, where various techniques are used and test. For example, answers to management and university officials are placed in a virtual reception. According to the rector of St. Petersburg State University, Nikolai Krtachev, the capabilities of the situational center allow you to access the university management processes a greater number of people. The speakers at the plenary meeting of the conference noted the need to develop general standards, on the basis of which it is possible to combine situational centers of different levels. Transition from monitoring [...]

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08/20/2015, Thu, 17:08, MSK , Text: Igor Korolev

The implementation of the decree of President Vladimir Putin on the creation of a system of distributed situational centers will cost 1.6 billion rubles, calculated in FSO. This money from the budget has not yet been allocated, although the system must earn this year.

Need 1.6 billion rubles

The FSO and the Ministry of Communications appreciated the cost of implementing a project to create a system of distributed situational centers (CRSC). According to the report of the Accounts Chamber on the preparation of the federal budget for 2015-2017, I 1.61 billion were requested for these purposes, including in 2015 - I 840 million, in 2016 - I 770 million more I 680 million Required in 2018-2020.

What is a situational center

Situation Center (SC) is an organizational and technical complex designed for information and analytical and communication support for solving management problems in state-owned bodies. SC applies to support management decisions based on monitoring events and processes, analyzing their causes and consequences, as well as forecasting the situation.

The center consists of a specialized room equipped with a telecommunications equipment complex (video conference foundation, information visualization tools, etc.) and the class of "Business Analytics" with specialized information and analytical tools (information storage, collection, processing and visualization means, methods Simulation and forecasting).

The first situational center - under the presidential administration - appeared in Russia in 1996. Since then, many bodies of federal and regional authorities have acquired their own similar structures. In 2009, the National Security Strategy was approved, providing for the creation of situational centers working in the Unified Regulations. In 2013, the corresponding decree signed the President Vladimir Putin.

Unified distributed system

The CRSC is designed to radically increase the effectiveness of information and analytical support for the implementation of state-owned state in the social and economic and public policy development of the country and ensure national security, including in military time and in emergency (crisis) situations.

The system is a multi-level, geographically distributed and integrated structure. It includes a system of software and hardware, a distributed information fund, information systems, a protected telecommunications network, a management and coordination center and a complex of information security.

According to the Presidential Decree, in 2013 it was necessary to be developed and approved the concept of information security of the SRCS, in 2014 - developed a single regulation of interaction and methodical recommendations for entering new situational centers, and an experimental section of the system was introduced. In the current year, the creation of the system should have been completed, including the management center and coordination center should be commissioned.

According to the plan, in 2015, the proportion of state-owned bodies using situational centers should be 30%, in 2020 - 90%. The share of state information systems integrated into the SRSCs should be 10% in the current year, in 2020 - 80%.

The department responsible for the functioning of the SRSC is the FSO. Financing should receive the Ministry of Communications in the framework of the event "Improving the quality of public administration by creating and implementing modern IT" included in the state program "Information Society".

What to spend money

FSO presented the following estimates for two years. The development and implementation of a distributed center for the management and coordination of the CRSC was offered to send I 445 million to typical software and technical complexes to create new and modernization of the existing SCs were assumed to spend I 350 million for typical software systems for information and analytical systems to support government and strategic planning. - I 330 million

Typical complexes of information interaction of elements of the SRSC with information and communication infrastructure of the electronic government - I 200 million.

In addition, I 150 million was supposed to send to the creation of a set of information security of the SRPC. Another I 110 million to form a distributed CRSC Information Fund, including access to open and confidential data of state information systems, as well as I 20 million to develop the CRSC project.

The Ministry of Communications requested to allocate from the budget in 2015-2016. The funds requested by FSO, but this question was not agreed. The current fate of the project in the ministry does not comment.