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Complex-thematic planning in kindergarten in GEF. Thematic weeks. Plans and Topics Weeks in kindergarten groups

In pedagogy, there are different forms of work with the family of children. preschool age. Our kindergarten is always in finding modern forms, methods and ways to work with parents aimed at creating a single children's development space. Traditional in the work of our pedagogical team with the family was such a form as "thematic weeks".

Conducting thematic weeks increased the interest of teachers to the creation of joint projects with specialists, the use of active forms of interaction. The main purpose of conducting thematic weeks in kindergarten is systematization, deepening, summarizing the knowledge of children on a specific topic.

The topic of the week allows you to combine all types of childhood activities, make them interesting, as much as possible for children. Events held during the thematic week contribute to the development of creative interaction between children of different groups, educators, parents, specialists of kindergarten. They can have different forms of holding: holidays, entertainment, travel games, experimentation, cognitive classes, observations, excursions, exhibitions, etc.

These activities are pursued by several tasks at the same time. First, the informative task is solved: depending on the topic of the week, the activities include a new material that is considered somewhat in another aspect than in class, which contributes to the best assimilation of the material.

Secondly, the social aspect of the pedagogical process is revealed, this is: the interaction of children of different ages, attracting parents not only as spectators, but, above all, as direct participants. And, of course, the forces of adults and children, an entertainment task is being implemented.

Our kindergarten works on the "origins" program. For each week, the teacher is given tasks for educational and joint activities with children. But some dates and holidays are not covered by this program, therefore, making up a calendar-thematic plan for the school year, we took into account such holidays as Easter, Victory Day, the International Children's Day, Family Day, Love and Loyalty, Apple Savior, Elderly Day , Mothers Day. In kindergarten was drawn up a calendar of thematic weeks.

Apple saved.

Mothers Day.

New Year's Beauty.

Let us dwell in detail at the week dedicated to the Victory Day. This is the main holiday of our country. But this is the most difficult holiday for children's understanding. Love for mother, respect for the elders, pride for their homeland is the qualities that are formed from childhood. To the topic Great Victory It became more understandable to preschoolers, a great preliminary work was carried out. Read works about war, poems learned, viewed using a multimedialector of videos and video clips. Children drew pictures, together with their parents made crafts, brought festive cards. A few days before the holiday in the reception, there were mobile folders and consultations for parents, together with the children issued a congratulatory poster with photos of military years. Georgievskaya tape on the poster was made by applique from finely chopped woolen threads. From the brought postcards turned out wonderful garlands. The drawings of children became one of the sections of the album "Great Victory", replenished the album and recorded by the parents of children on the topic "What War". The album has a photo of war years and photos of the veterans of our days. Ends the album of photographs of visiting by children of our group of monument, laying colors. Integrated occupation "May 9 - Victory Day" was very solemnly.

I would also like to tell another one of the thematic weeks. In the preparation and holding of the "Family" week, many participants in the pedagogical process were involved. The educators prepared the exhibitions of books for children in the reader's corner, learned poems, proverbs. In the exercise on the visual activity, the children drew their family. Two weeks before the holiday "Family, love and loyalty" asked the parents to bring photos of the family, as well as come up with and make the coat of arms of their family.

Interesting seemed to the guys viewing the cartoon "Tale of Peter and Fevron".

Before the holiday in the reception, the exhibition "Family is the main thing in life". These are photos of families that I placed in the chamomile holiday symbol, as well as the coat of arms of families who considered children with genuine interest, studied adults, asked each other questions and explained symbols and signs.

The final event was the holiday prepared by the music director together with the educators. During the holiday, children not only answered questions and carried out tasks offered by the lead, but also read poems, sang and danced. And in some rooms, parents were actively involved, which caused a huge interest and delight in children. Take part in the games could anyone who would have parents together with their children. It was necessary to see how children were happy, playing with their moms. And as it was interesting to dads! In conclusion, the most attentive and intelligent children were awarded with memorable medals.

Such events with parents not only give pleasure to children, but also fulfill the function of cohesion of a kindergarten and family team, being the grace of the inclusion of parents into the educational process.

Bright themed weeks raise on new level Relationships with parents call on to look for new forms and methods of work. If adults are interested, the children always pick up the game, entertainment, and they will never disappear the desire to go to kindergarten. So, the most important years will be held not only with educational, educational benefit, but also with the feeling of joy, happiness. This is our main task!

In the 1st junior group:


1. Toys

2. Vegetables

3. Fruit

4. Trees, bushes, flowers


1. Autumn

2. Clothes, shoes

3. Transport

4. Pets and their young.


1. Dishes

2. Properties and quality materials

3. Plants Corner of Nature

4. Poultry


1. Wild animals and their young


3. Objects of hygiene

4. New Year


1. Winter

2. Clothes, shoes

3. My beautiful body

4. Professions of adults (doctor, nurse)


1. Toys

2. Poultry


4. Plants Corner of Nature


1. Professions of adults (cook)

2. Tableware

3. Vegetables, fruits

4. Wild animals and their young


1. Pets and their young

2. Transportation

3. Objects of hygiene

4. Spring


1. Birds, insects

2. Trees, bushes, flowers

3. My beautiful body

4. Properties and quality materials

2nd junior group


1. Acquaintance with the group and other premises of the kindergarten.

2. Garden. Fruits.

3. Garden. Vegetables.

4. The work of adults.


1. Autumn.

2. Trees. Mushrooms. Forest.

3. Clothing. Footwear.

4. Transport.


1. Our body

2. Fire safety

3. Dishes.

4. Labor sales. Food.


1. Winter.

2. Birds.

3. Family.

4. New Year.


I. Toys.

2. Winter, winter entertainment.

4. Wild animals and their young.


1. Objects of hygiene.

2. Furniture.

3. Inhabitants of the alive corner (plants, fish, birds, animals).

4. Labor chef.


2. Who works in Children's SA-Doo?

3. Transport.

4. Week toys


1. City. Street. Traffic light.

2. Properties and quality of materials (wood, glass, fabric, paper).

3. Forest. Liberty. Insects.

4. Doctor's work.


1. Trees, bushes in spring.

2. Birds.

3. Flowers of Sado and Field.

4. Fees and fairy tales.

Medium group


1. Garden. Fruits.

2. Garden, vegetables.

3. Autumn. Labor adults.

4. Running traffic


1. Trees. Forest. Mushrooms.

2. Clothing. Footwear.

3. Transport

4. Ig-handles. Belarusian toys.


2. Fire safety.

3. Dishes. Work cook.

4. Our body. Man and his health. Security rules for injury and poisoning


1. Winter.

2. Birds.

3. Family.

4. New Year.


1. Vacation. Week toys

2. Winter, winter entertainment.

3. Double animals, their young.

4. Wild animals, their young.


1. Transport.

2. Furniture.

3. Inhabitants of the living corner (plants, fish, birds, animals).

4. Belarusian folk art.


2. Air. Water. Energy saving

3. Profession for adults working on transport.

4. Vacation. Week toys.


1. City. Street. Traffic light.

2. Properties and quality materials.

3. Doctor's work, nurses.

4. Forest. Belly. Insects.


1. Who works in Children's SA-Doo?

2. Trees, bushes in spring.

3. Birds.

4. Ceal-you garden and field.

Senior group


1. School.

2. Semia. Acquaintance with the elementary security rules in the family (call by phone 101, 102, 103, 104).

3. Vegetables, fruits. Preparation of sala-com.

4. Forest, its inhabitants. Gifts of forest. Mushrooms.


1. Hells and his health. Security rules for injury and poisoning

2. Autumn Golden. The work of the peasants.

3. Vehicles. Street. Road traffic.

4. After the rule of behavior. Teaching children with proper behavior with unfamiliar people


1. The world of plants and animals of Belarus. Child learning to safely communicate with animals.

2. Fire safety.

3. Our country. Our city (memorable places). Holidays. Traditions.

4 Family. Teaching children by the rules of behavior in order not to be lost and during natural disasters.


1. I am a man. What do I know about myself (my body, my feelings, thoughts, stupas, my skills, etc.)?

2. Clothing, shoes (modeling, production process).

3. House, apartment. Furniture (production process, classification).

4. New Year. Means of communication. post office


1. Vacation. Week toys.

2. Winter. Winter entertainment.

3. Belarus (coat of arms, flag, hymn).

4. Belarusian on native creativity.


1. Animals and birds are part of the wildlife. Animals and birds of different countries.

2. Salt System. Planet Earth solar system. The globe.

3. Air, water and terrestrial transport. Defender of the Fatherland Day.

4. Non-fat nature (electricity, heat, magnet). Energy saving.


1. Spring. Changes in nature. Migratory birds.

2. Day March 8. Professions of our moms. Professions of co-workers of kindergarten.

3. Non-fat nature (water, air). Energy saving.

4. The kingdom of stars. The sun. Moon..

5. Vacation. Week toys.


1. Library. Books. School.

2. Cosmonautics Day. Mastering a man of space.

3. Our country. The nature of the native country. Our famous countrymen.

4. Building. Architecture. Design.

May - 1. Spring holidays. Victory Day.

2. Trees, bushes, birds, insects, fish, amphibians in spring.

3. Khokhloma and Gzhel painting. Dymkovo toy. 4. Profession.

Nomination "Methodical Piggy Bank Teacher preschool institution»

In accordance with the comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process to motivate educational activities, it is proposed not a set of individual gaming techniques, but the assimilation of educational material in the process of preparing and conducting any significant and interesting events for preschoolers on a particular topic.

Theme of the week: "My family".

Purpose: To form in children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family.


  • teach children to understand the role of adults and children in the family, call members of their family;
  • to form elementary ideas of children that in the family everyone is careful and love each other;
  • educate love for native and loved ones, the desire to take care of them;
  • develop the emotional responsiveness of children.

Final event: Theatrical game "The house lived a big family."

Group: II junior.

Age: 3-4 year.

1. Cognitive activity, OE cognitive development (Familiarize yourself with others)

- "My family" - to teach children to call members of their family. To know that in the family everyone is careful and love each other. Understand the role of an adult in the family. Call the child joy and pride for the fact that he has a family.

2. Motor activity, Physical development - develop coordination of movements in walking and running between objects; repeat the exercise in crawling; Exercise in preserving a steady equilibrium when walking on an increased support.

3. Musical activity, oo artistically aesthetic development -Muz. Rhythm. Movement - "Yes, yes, yes!", "Family"; Listening to "sparrow"; Singing - "There is a Sun Friends", "Bobik"; Games, dance- "quarreled, made up"; Muzitication- "People's Melodies", "Song about names".

Day of the week


Independent activities

Interaction with parents






1. Motor.

View a computer presentation "Look, I have a very friendly family!"

3. Communicative. D / and: "What is your name to mom and dad?"

4. Motor. M / n game "How much can you sit?".

5. VHL - Reading the poem S. TEMERIN "Mom will be very happy"

Consider the scene paintings on the topic "Family" (F.I. Children).

2. Communicative. Game "Nazis Laskovo".

1. Communicative.

1. Fine Creative workshop: "Portrait of my family" - with different visual means (for choosing children)

(Designing). Games with outdoor builder.

3. Communicative.

4. Game. Scene - role-playing game "Family": the plot of the game "Households dolls"

5. VHL. Consider illustrations A. Usanov "I am one of my mother's son."

1. The material on the theme of the week in the parent corner.

2. Parents' population on the topic "Family is ..."

3. Ask parents to make the photo album "My Family."


  1. Observation: bush and tree.
  2. Elementary household work. Collection of cones for crafts.
  3. Game. N / and "1,2,3 - to the title tree of the run"; "Cat Matvey"

1. Lady. "Get into the circle"

1. Communicative. A situational conversation "On how Mom Ryabinka sang a song to his daughter."

2. Communicative.

3. Cognitive-research.

"What smells?"

  1. Elementary household work. Shovels, bullets, scrapers.
  2. Game. Scene - role-playing game "Family".

II half of the day

  1. Motor.
  2. Communicative. D / and "Open a doll Katya for a walk"
  3. Motor. P / and "Who lives in our apartment?".
  4. Game. Fingering gymnastics "You decide to cook soup, feed my mother."

1. Communicative.

3 .Fine. "Locks sample"

(F.I. Children).


Conversation "What have I seen (a) with my mother and dad on the way to kindergarten?"

2. Cognitive-research.

Preliminary work Paul organization of the story-role-playing game "Family", making attributes from salt dough.

  1. Cognitive research (modeling). Mosaic (patterns).
  2. Game. "Music for dolls"
  3. Fine

(Free drawing).


Observation of the sky.

2. Khl. Lesheka "Grandfather Egor"

3. Label.

4. P / and "Fathers", "Cat Matvey".

1. Communicative. D / and "What happens in the spring?" (F.I. Children).

1. Communicative. A situational conversation about folding clothes in the cabin.

1. Game. Scene-role-playing game "Family", the plot "Ride to the country".

2. Motor. Subgroup of children to offer badminton.


1. Communicative. Obzh conversation "As a naughty girl Katya fled from home to grandmother."

1. Recreational research. D / and "" What did Dad brought us? " (F.I. Children).

1. Magic.

Day of the week


Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational regions

Independent activities

Mutual action with parents




Educational activities in regime moments


1. Motor. Morning gymnastics "Friendly Family"

2. Cognitive-research. "Stone sinking, no ball."

3. Communication-tive. Conversation "With Pope, Mom and Sister, I go along the native street.

4. Motor. Music game "Kolobok".

5. Game. Communicative - Fingering gymnastics "Mouse family"

1. Cognitive - Research / CommunicativeConsider the album "My family." (F.I. Children).

2. Communicative. Game "Whose kid?".

1. Communicative musical. Morning Circle - "Hello, friend!"

2. Elementary household work. Order - remove toys before walking.

3. Communicative. Verbal game "My family"

1. FineCreative workshop: draw a plasticine "Babushka Flower"

2. Cognitive-research(Designing). Games with a large builder.

3. Communicative. Pictures

4. Game. Scene - role-playing game "Family": the plot of the game "Mom is preparing breakfast"

1. Package - Moving "The role of the family in the raising of children"

2. "Stop - frame" - to issue a photo report on the topic "That's how we play" ( scene-role game "A family)

3. Ask parents to bring a photo of a family for registration for the parent meeting

1. Communicative activity: OO speech development - "Stories about your family" -
teach children to respond to adult questions; activate adjectives and verbs;
secure the pronunciation of sounds (g), (P). Specify the composition of your family.
To form a skill with respect to treat members of their family.
Learning to listen in the poetic form of riddles.

2 Productive activity : Oo artistically - aesthetic development (drawing)

- "Portrait of a family" - to educate in children good to dad, mom, yourself; Learn to transmit these images in the picture available tools expressiveness; fasten the idea of \u200b\u200bround and oval forms,
form the ability to draw them; Learning to see emotional state, transfer joy.


1. Recreational research. Communicative. Welcome observation. Drawing up the story "What I love most I love"

2. Elementary household work. Collection of chopsticks.

3. Merry. N / and "sun and rain"; "Who lives in our apartment"

1. Lady.

n / game "From a bump on a bodie"

1. Communicative. A situational conversation "How did the ant search for his home?"

2. Communicative. A situational conversation about folding clothes in the cabin. 3. Conductive research.

"Properties of sand"

1. Elementary household work. Shovels, bullets, buckets, scrapers (cleaning equipment washing0

2. Fine.

Creative workshop: We draw small ones on the asphalt "My favorite parents."

3. Merry. Games with sand "Presenting for Mom"

II. day polo

1. Lady. The invigorating gymnastics "In our group, all friends, well, together we are a family!"

2. Communicative. Arcing the scene "The house lived a big family"

3. Label. P / and "Find that spit."

1. Communicative. Cognitive-research. D / and "Who lives in the house?".

1. Communicative. Situational conversation about folding clothes in the cabin

"Visiting Caps".

3. Communicative. Mini-entertainment "Grandma - Magnify".

4. Designer. Preparation of drawings to the contest "My family".

view the cartoon "Tetushka's lessons owls. Spring".

2. player.

Desktop yoke "Friendly Family".


1. Recreational research. Watching birds.

2. Khl. Plem "Bird"

3. Elementary household work. Suggest children to clean up the veranda.

4.conal.Gaming exercise "Birds".

P / and "Sparrow and Cat", "Crows".

1. Communicative. Cognitive research D / and "You can - Cannot" "

(F.I. Children).

1. Communicative.

1. Play. Scene-role-playing game "Chauffeur": playing the "Wheel Replacement"


1. Magic."Hour disobedience"

1. Lady. "Get into the circle."

2 .Relaxation

1. Elementary household work. The order is to clean up before leaving home.

1.Musical. Free mizication.

1. Magic. Wallpaper - printed games for the interests of children.

Day of the week


Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational regions

Independent activities

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in regime moments


1. Lady. Morning gymnastics "Friendly Family"

2. The corresponding research. Work with calendar of nature.

3. Communicative. Conversation "Where and with whom I live?"

4.conal. P / and "Magic hoop".

5. VHL -repeat poem

S. Tetherin "Mom will be very glad"

1. Research and research"Collect chamomile"

(F.I. Children).

2. Communicative. Game Situation "Polite Bear"

1. Communicative. Morning Circle - "Hello, friend!"

2. Elementary household work. Order - remove toys before walking.

3. Label. P / and "Ball in Circle"

1. IndoakingIndependent productive activities "Coloring"

Consider "Family Albums of Children"

3. Communicative. Table printing games ("Whose mom?", "Associations").

4. Integrated plot role-playing game on the themes "Family", "Shoefer", "Hospital"

5.Mizical. Playing musical instruments.

1. Consultation "Aibolit School. Posture".

3. The distribution meeting "Kolya Family together and the soul in place".


1. State Research Activities: OO cognitive development (mathematics) "Geometric Family" - to learn to reproduce a given number of objects and sounds according to the sample (without a counting and name of the number). Improve the ability to distinguish and call familiar geometric figures: Circle, square, triangle.

2. Musical activity. OO artistically - aesthetic development - music.-Rhythm. Movement - "Yes, yes, yes!", "Family"; Listening to "sparrow"; Singing - "There is a Sun Friends", "Bobik"; Games, dance- "quarreled, made up"; Musication- "People's Melodies", "Song about names"


1. Recreational research. Observation of clouds.

2. Communicative. Nhl.Lesk "rain"

3. Communicative. Cognitive-research. D / game "What does the cloud look like?"

4. P / and "Fathers", "Ozerechik".

1. Lady. "Jumping"

Gaming exercise "Catching the ball"

1. Communicative. A situational conversation "How children decided to become adults in kindergarten."

A situational conversation about folding clothes in the cabin.

1. Elementary household work. Shovels, Bills, Scrapers Repair of Cleaning Inventory)

2. Game. Plot

the role-playing game "Family", the plot "We celebrate guests".

II.half of the day

1. Lady. The invigorating gymnastics "In our group, all friends, well, together we are a family!"

2. Communicative. Game. D / and "housewarming dolls".

3. Label. P / and "Family".

4.Al. Reading K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with family"

1. Communicative. "Retelling fairy tales on the illustrations."

2 .Fine. "Shawl for younger sister"

(F.I. Children).


Conversation "What are we going to kindergarten?"

1. The corresponding research (modeling). Mosaic (patterns).

2. Play. Scene - the role-playing game "Hospital", the plot "Our grandmother got sick"

3. Indoor(Free drawing).


1. Recreational research. Observation, cognitive story "Birch in spring".

2. Elementary household work. Collection of cones for crafts.

3. Label.Gaming exercise "Who is the fastest?".

4. P / and "Zoom and Chickens", "Find your place."

1. Communicative. D / and "When it happens?"

(F.I. Children).

1. Elementary household work. A situational conversation about folding clothes in the cabin.

1. Play. Free game activity of children.

2. Lady.Subgroup of children offer "hockey on the grass".


1. Communicative. D / Game "Who, what is needed to work?"

1. Recreational research. D / and "one - a lot"

(F.I. Children).

1.Musical.D / and "Guess what I play?"

2. Khl. Reading the poem V. Orlova "Who is my family?"

1. Magic. Table - Print Games for Children's Interests

2. Elementary household work. The order is to clean up before leaving home.

Day of the week


Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational regions

Independent activities

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in regime moments


1. Lady. Morning gymnastics "Friendly Family"

3. Game. Communicative. - fingering gymnastics "My family"

D / and "Help the grandfather to collect carrots"

4.conal. Music game "Kolobok".

5. Magic. Communicative. - fingering gymnastics "We decided to cook soup, feed my mom"

1. Research and research

Communicative. D / and "Make a story about your family by photography" (FI. Children).

2. Communicative. The game "What is my name of my relatives?"

1. Communicative. Musical. Morning Circle - "Hello, friend!"

Order - wipe the leaves of the ficus.

3 .Misical.

Hearing the musical work "Evil"

D. Kobalevsky.

3. Communicative. The verbal game "My family."

1. Designing

"The house I live in"

2. Communicative. Design printing games (lotto, domino).

3. Game. Scene - role-playing game "Family": the plot of the game "Bathing daughter" "

4. VHL. Consider illustrations in the book E. Blaginina "That's what mom".

1. Place the Consultation "Style of Education in the Family" in the parent legal corner.

2. To make an exhibition of children's drawings on the topic "Portrait of my family."

3. Consultation "Children's Health and Relationships of Parents

1. Productive activity: OO artistically - aesthetic development (applique) - "My family" - to teach children to have items on a sheet in the right place.

Secure the ability to keep the brush properly, evenly smeared the glue shape. Call joy and pride in children for the fact that they have a family. Relieve responsiveness and kindness.

2. Motor activity: OO Physical Development (for a walk) - develop the ability to act across the tutor signal, consolidate the ability to throw in the distance.


1. Recreational research. Observation: Clothes of people.

2. Elementary household work. Slide tracks on the site

3. Merry. Motor. N / and "find your place" "; "Run to me."


Gaming exercise "Little and big legs".

1. Lady. "Get a shishk in the basket"

2. Research and researchD / and "Where did the bear hide?"

1. Communicative. A situational conversation "What will go for a walk?"

2. Communicative / elementary household work. A situational conversation about washing hands after a walk. 3. Research and research

Experiment "Sunny Heat"

1. Productive activity

Laying from the cones "My house"

2. Game.

Independent gaming activity.

II. Half of the day

1. Lady. The invigorating gymnastics "In our group, all friends, well, together we are a family!"

2. Communicative. Conversation "In the world of good words"

3. Label. P / and "Magic hoop".

4.Al. Reading E. Charushin "Duck with ducks."

1.. CommunicativeD / and "Large-Male"

2. .Fine. Creative workshop applique from natural material "Mom, Dad, I am a very friendly family" "

(F.I. Children).

1.Chch. Communicative.

theatrical game "Chicken with chickens", sl. I. Sunnyh.

2. Communicative. MusicalD / and: "Find down in vote ??"

1. Recreational research.

Games in touch corner.

2. Game.

Integrated plot-role-playing game on the topics "driver", "Family", the plot "To the store for potatoes"

3. Fine

(Free drawing).


1. Recreational research. Observation of the sun.

2. Khl. Lessel "Sunshine - Loadshko"

3. Label.Gaming exercise "Who is the most deft?".

4. P / and "Sun and rain", "Shaggy dog".

1. Communicative. D / and "balloons"

(F.I. Children).

1. Communicative.

The conversation "like I love mom and daddy".

1 . Elementary household work.

Suggest children to visit the order on the site.

2. Game.

Game - fun with soap bubbles.


1. Communicative. Creative told schemes.

1. Communicative. "Who sings what song?" (onomatopoeia".

1. Elementary household work. The order is to clean up before leaving home.

1. Magic. Forech Theater "Family"

2. Musical.

Listening to children's songs from cartoons.

Day of the week


Joint activity of adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational regions

Independent activities

Interaction with parents




Educational activities in regime moments


1. Lady. Morning gymnastics "Friendly Family"

so sit? ".

2. Communicative. VHL, -repeat a family poem.

4.Instaluating research. D / and "What is your name?" "

5. Magic. Communicative. - Fingering gymnastics "Mouse family", "My family"

1. Communicative.

D / and "Who does what?" - Work on the schemes (FI. Children).

1. Communicative. Musical. Morning Circle - "Hello, friend!"

2.Simo serving / elementary household work. Order - wipe the cubes.


Orchestration of the musical work "Sad rain", music. D. Kobalevsky.

1. Cognitive-research

(Designing). Construction material. Lego. Puzzles.

2. Communicative.

Desktop Theater "Repka".

4. Motor.

Suggest Kolzebros.

1. Consultation: "The role of the Father in Family Education."

2. Memo for parents "Family communication rules" (distribute each family)

4. Organize parents for mini - Saturday to replace sand in the sandbox.

1 . Cognitive-research activities:

OO cognitive development- "House for my family" -

fasten the ability to build at home, complement them with details.

Improve the concentration of the construction on the plan.

Improve the ability to beat your buildings.

2 . Motor activity: Oo physical development

Develop coordination of movements in walking and running between objects;

repeat the exercise in crawling; Exercise in preserving a steady equilibrium when walking on an increased support.


1. Recreational research. Wind observation.

2. VHL.Reading A. Koltsov "Blowing winds".

4. Motor. N / and "the wind blows to us in the face"; "Lohamny Dog"

1. Lady.

"Let's go through the bridge"

1. Communicative. A situational conversation "How Chicken Petya wanted to be the same as dad"

2. Self-service. Elementary household work.

A situational conversation about folding clothes in the cabin.

1. Elementary household work.

Shovels, panicles, buckets, scrapers.

2. player.

Games are fun with "wind fruit."

II. Half of the day

1. Lady. The invigorating gymnastics "In our group, all friends, well, together we are a family!"

2. Communicative. Conversation "My Family."

3. Label. Music mobile game "Ezhina Family".

4. Cognitive-research. D / and "Wonderful Pouch"

2. Communicative. D / and "What is first that then"

1 .Communicative.

D / Game "Whose kid?"

2.Simo serving. Elementary household work. Exercise "The most accurate"

3 .Fine. Final event. Theatrical game "The house lived a big family."

1. Game.

Independent games for the interests of children.

2. Cognitive-research.

Consider children's albums with photos "My family."


1. Cognitive-research. Kidney observation.

2. VHL. Ya. Akim "May."

3. Motor.

Wellness running on the physical education site.

P / and "Sparrow and Cat", "Mice in Storeroom".

1. Communicative. Cognitive research D / and "You can - can not" "(F.I. Children).

1. Communicative.

D / Game "Masha - rubber".

1. Game.

Independent gaming activity in the plot "Family".

2. Elementary household work.

Suggest children, fastening the benches on the site.


1. Game.Correctional - developing game "Processing hamsters".

1. Motor. Exercise "Buratino".

1. Communicative. Obzh conversation "On the incomprehension of pleasant appearance and good intentions."

1. Elementary household work.The order is to clean up before leaving home.

Amounted to: teacher

Parhomenko V.S.

Planning in a preschool institution in accordance with GEF to.

In preschool education, large changes are happening today, the foundation of which was laid by the state showing great interest in the development of this sphere. In order to improve the education and education of preschoolers, GEFs were introduced preschool education, Sanpine approved to the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations, from 01.09.2013. A new Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" has been commissioned. The main goal of policies in the field of pre-school education is a qualitative education of preschoolers. Currently, preschool institutions can choose priority areas, programs, species. educational services, new forms of work focused on the interests of the pedagogical team and parents.

For the first time in the history of Russian education, GEF pre-school education is a document that at the federal level determines which the basic general education program of the preschool institution should be, which it defines the goals, the content of education and how the educational process is organized.

The introduction of GEF pre-school education is due to the fact that the need to standardize the content of pre-school education, in order to ensure equal starting opportunities for each child successful learning at school.

However, the standardization of pre-school education does not provide for harsh requirements for children of preschool age, does not consider them in the hard "standard" framework.

OOP is a model of the organization of educational process DOU. The main general educational program helps the child to master the basic level of preschool education. She is designed to provide a preschooler that level of development that will allow him to be successful in further training, i.e. At school and must be carried out by each pre-school institution.

In today's conditions, according to many specialists, the role planning in education management is significantly increased. Competently composed models of the educational process in the Dow serve as a guide for teachers, help to solve the tasks of high-quality education.

The holistic educational process in DoO is a systemic, holistic, time-developing in time and within a certain system, a targeted process of interaction of adults and children, which is a personal-oriented character, aimed at achieving socially significant results, designed to bring the personal properties and qualities of pupils . The educational process provides every child the opportunity to satisfy its development needs, develop their potential abilities, maintain their individuality.

The educational process should:

    Combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability;

    Comply with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency;

    To ensure the unity of educational, developing and learning purposes and the tasks of the process of education of children.

Educational process in each educational institution And for each pupil (learning) has its own uniqueness and originality due to the possibility of participating in its design of subjects of different levels - from the state to a specific teacher, parent and child.

For creating optimal model The educational process in accordance with GEF must be remembered which major educational models exist in the DOW currently.

Three models of the organization of the educational process in the DOO

1. Training model

In recent years, it is actively used in Do. The organization of the educational process in the preschool institution is based on the principle of separated training techniques, each of which has its own logic of construction. In this model, the position of an adult is a teacher: he is entirely the initiative and the direction of activity. The model is calculated for the advance rigid programming of the educational environment in the form of techniques. The educational process is carried out in a disciplinary school-urgent form. The subject environment serves the occupation - the methodology and acquires the form " tutorials". The attractiveness of the training model for practitioners is determined by its high technological, the availability of a professionally trained teacher. Many abstracts are published to help the teacher, the content of which is not connected with each other.

2. Comprehensive-thematic model

The basis of the organization of educational content is the topic that acts as reported knowledge and is represented in an emotional-shaped form. Implementation of the topic B. different types Children's activity ("Accommodation" by her child) forces an adult to choose a more free position, bringing it to the affiliate.

The organization of the objective environment in this model becomes less rigid, the creativity of the teacher is included.

The set of topics defines the educator and this gives the systematic to the entire educational process. However, in general, the educational process is directed rather, to expand the ideas of a child about the world around him than on its development. This model more often use teachers - speech therapists.

The model presents fairly high demands on the overall culture and creative and pedagogical potential of the educator, since the selection of theme is a complex process.


The formation of the formation is directed directly to the objective environment. Adult - the organizer of the objective environment, selects the autodictic, developing material, provokes the samples and records the baby errors. Classic option This model is M. Montessori System.

Restriction of the educational environment Only subject material and the rate on the self-development of the child in this model leads to the loss of systematics of the educational process and dramatically narrows the cultural horizons of the preschooler. At the same time, as is the educational, this model Technological and does not require creative efforts from an adult.

Conclusion: The features of these prototype models must be kept in mind when designing the optimal model of the educational process for preschool children. Perhaps use positive Parties Complex-thematic and subject-environmental models: unobtrusive position of an adult, a variety of children's activity, free choice of substantive material.

Modern demands to planning educational activities in accordance with GEF pre-school education.

The basis of the educational process is planning. The plan is a draft pedagogical activity of all participants in the educational process. Planning is a scientifically based organization of the pedagogical process of the DOW, which gives it meaningfulness, certainty, handling.

Psychological and pedagogical studies recent years It has shown that paramount importance for planning has not so much knowledge as an educator of the age and individual characteristics of children, how much to record their personal characteristics and opportunities. Developing, personal-oriented interaction is understood as a support for the personal qualities of a child, which requires from the educator:

1. Permanent study and good knowledge of individual features, temperament, character traits, glances, children habits;

2. Ability to diagnose, know the real level of formation of personal qualities, motives and interests of children;

3. timely detection and elimination of the reasons that hinder the child in achieving the goal;

combinations of upbringing with self-education;

4. Supports on activity, development of the initiative, the amateurness of children.

Planning educational educational work in the preschool institution - one of the main functions of controlling the implementation process of the main educational program - reflects various forms of the organization of adults and children.

The obligatory pedagogical documentation of the educator is the work plan with children. There are no uniform rules for this document, so it can be compiled in any form convenient for the teacher. However, there are several important conditions that the leader of the Dow, the older educator or teacher must be observed when planning:

1. Lending assessment of the level of its work at the time of planning;

2. The flow of the objectives and objectives of planning for a certain period of work, correlating them with an exemplary general educational program of pre-school education, on which an educational process is organized, the age-related group of children and the priority directions of the educational process in DOO;

3. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe performance of the work to be achieved by the end of the planned period;

4. Selection of optimal paths, means, methods that help achieve the goals, which means to get the planned result.

An equally important condition for real work planning is to account specific features Age group, a specific pedagogical team, a real situation and conditions in which educational activities, as well as professional competence of teachers.

The plan for educational and educational work with children is a document for which two replaceable caregivers work. Consequently, this model of joint activities and planning should be joint. Planning implies not only the process of drawing up a plan, but also mental activity, discussion by two educators of what is to be done to achieve goals and objectives.

The plan can be adjusted and refined in the process of its implementation. However, the number of amendments can be minimized if the principle of promising and calendar planning.

No matter how the plan for educational and educational work with children, he must answer certain requirements:

based on the principle of developing education, the purpose of which is the development of each child;

on a comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process;

on the principle of integrating educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the group students;

to ensure the unity of educational, developing and training goals and the tasks of education of pupils, in the process of the implementation of which knowledge, skills and skills are formed, which are directly related to the development of children of preschool age;

the planned content and forms of the organization of children should correspond to the age and psychological and pedagogical basics of preschool pedagogy.

When planning and organizing the pedagogical process, it is important to take into account that the main form of working with children of preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game.

According to GEF, the planning of the educational process in the DOO should be based on a comprehensive - thematic principle.

In accordance with the comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process of the FGOS, not a set of individual gaming techniques for the motivation of educational activities, but the learning of educational material in the process of preparing and conducting any meaningful and interesting events for preschoolers. Training through the classes system will be rebuilt into work with children on the "event" principle. These events will be Russian holidays (New Year, Day of the Family, etc.), International Holidays (Darry Day, Earth Day, etc.). Holidays are joy, tribute, memory. Holidays are events to which you can prepare, which you can wait. Project activities will be a priority. The criterion that this principle will work will become a living, active, interested child's participation in a particular project, and not a chain of action to indicate an adult. After all, only an active person can become successful.

The topic calculated for 2-6 weeks is selected;

All forms of educational work continue the chosen topic;

For parents, brief recommendations are offered on the organization of joint children's and adult activities at home;

Each topic ends with a final event (exhibition, holiday, sports entertainment, plot role-playing game, performance, etc.).

How do we understand the "comprehensive-thematic planning of the educational process"?

First of all, thematic planning is planning in accordance with the approximate basic general education program for pre-school education for all educational areas (physical, socio-personal, cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic). What tasks the author puts? What conditions? What results should be achieved?

Types and form of planning

Dow uses two main form planning: an annual and calendar plan. Teachers are traditionally used such types of planning: calendar-thematic, prospective calendar, block, complex. New view is modular planning.

Modular planning takes into account the peculiarities of the modern pre-school institution and consists of three interrelated sections:

    prospective calendar planning;

    implementation of continuity between the DO and the school;

    communication with specialists of pre-school education and public organizations.

Pedagogical diagnostics are also connected to the planning to assess the achievements of children, the effectiveness of pedagogical effort, correction of the level of development of children.

Principles of planning:

    an integrated approach that ensures the relationship of all units and parties to the pedagogical process;

    building a pedagogical process with a support for interaction, an adult partnership with children;

    real accounting of the peculiarities of the region, the situation, the age of children.

Priority direction of management pedagogical process is modeling and adapting exemplary educational models to the DOW conditions, preschool group. The organization of the pedagogical process requires relevant technologies.

Pedagogical Technology Models:

    individual pedagogical support;

    personal pedagogical support.

Algorithm for planning and tracking results

The algorithm for planning an educational process on the school year can be represented as follows.

The first step is the choice of the foundation for building a thematic calendar. It can be planning in accordance with the lexical topics that are repeated from year to year ("Seasons", "work adults", "Safety on the roads", "New Year", "Moscow", "House and Family", etc. .). Or planning based on the festive and event cycle, the basis of which is important events in the life of an adult team (knowledge day, city birthday, autumn fair, the holiday of lanterns, the new year, the group's birthday, we travel, etc.).

Step The second - the distribution of the subject on the school year indicating the time intervals.

Themes selected by the educator can be distributed to weeks. In addition, it is necessary to plan a developing environment that will help expand the independent activities of children on the development of proposed topics.

When choosing and planning, the teacher can be guided by the teaching factors proposed by N.A. Short:

    the first factor is the real events taking place in the surrounding and causing children's interest (bright natural phenomena and public events, holidays);

    the second factor - imaginary events described in artistic workwho teacher reads children. This is the same strong straining factor, as well as real events;

    the third factor is the events, specially "simulated" educators, based on developing tasks: introducing into a group of items, previously unknown children with an unusual effect or appointment, causing genuine interest and research activity: "What is it?", "What to do about it? "," How does it work? "

    fourth factor - events taking place in the life of the age group, "infectious" children and leading to preservation for some time of interests, the source of which serve as a rule, mass communication and toy industry.

All these factors can be used as an educator for flexible design of a holistic educational process.

The planning of the thematic week should be based on a specific system general requirements. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the tasks of working with children in accordance with the program of a specific age group of pupils and the theme of the week. For example: "Expand and summarize the knowledge of children about Moscow The capital of Russia, its history", or "the formation of primary ideas about themselves, family, society, the state, peace and nature."

Next, you should select the content of the educational material according to the educational program. Thinking out forms, methods and techniques for working with children on the implementation of software tasks. Prepare equipment and think about what changes should be made to an objectory environment of the group (exhibitions, filling of game corners, making new items, games, etc.).

The issues of organizing and tracking the results of learning and developing children within the thematic week are also of great importance.

The algorithm of the teacher's action in these areas may be as follows:

selection from the program and the formulation of the pedagogical purpose of the week, the tasks of the development of the child (children);

selection of pedagogical content (from different educational areas);

allocation of the event of the week, the main form of the organization of children's and adult activity; The wording of individual training, developing tasks for each child and the Group as a whole;

selection of methods and techniques for working with children and with each child separately;

practical planning of pedagogical activities for every day during the thematic week;

thinking and organizing the process of discussing the results of residence with children of the event of the week, while it is important to emphasize the role of each child in its preparation and conduct;

fixation of the results of the development of educational tasks.

Efficiency of comprehensive-thematic planning

According to many specialists, comprehensive-thematic planning is the most effective in working with preschool children. So, from the position of the senior caregiver, it allows you to systematize the educational process in the DOW and unite the efforts of all teachers and specialists, without missing any pedagogical task during the year.

From the position of the educator, this approach gives the systemality and the sequence in the implementation of software problems according to various educational areas of knowledge, the situation is created when the child is involved all the organs of feelings, and, therefore, the material is better absorbed.

The child is not overwhelmed, because Permanent change of actions and impressions is ensured. At the same time, life in kindergarten is understandable and makes sense for children, because They "live" the topic does not rush, not in a hurry, the time to comprehend and feel.

Baby consciousness keeps the events emotionally significant for him. And every time segment (in this case, the week) has a culmination point - an event to which the whole group is prepared. It can be a holiday, exhibition creative work, game, quiz. Event accommodation helps the formation of a child of certain knowledge, skills, skills in educational areas.

The task of the teacher is to plan the educational process in such a way that together with the pupil fully live all its stages: preparation, conduct, discussion of results. At the same time, it is important that the child remains positive emotional experiences and memories. At the same time in joint activities with the teacher, the pupil takes a step forward in its development.

This method educational planning requires the educator high level Professionalism, common culture and creative potential. The educator should be able to integrate educational areas, select the most effective forms of children's activities to solve specific software tasks, and also be able to combine pedagogically miscellaneous methods and techniques, focusing on the age and individual features of children.

IN Russian education Changes are systematically occurring, and these changes encourage teachers to look for new approaches to the implementation of pre-school education problems. This applies not only to program documents, but also mainly the activities of teachers with children.

The first step to this activity is definitely planning. From how qualitatively planning is made, the effectiveness of the pedagogical process depends to a large extent.

Plans should take into account a number of modern moments, such as the actual situation of children's development, features of a group of children, implemented technologies, a regional component, a variable part of the educational program, implementing the requirements of the GEF to: Accounting for the interests of the child, supporting his initiative and the formation of a child as a subject of its education.

That is, there is no and can not exist the finished plan for your group and under your kids until you do it yourself. Finished plans can only be partially used to develop their own teachers plans.

According to the order of the Ministry of National Education of the RSFSR of 20.09.88 No. 41 "On the documentation of children's preschool institutions", the following pedagogical documentation of children's preschool institutions has been established: for educators and musical leaders - Plan of educational and educational work with children For a day or week at their discretion.

In addition, for educators - daily maintenance of the table attendance of children.

For a senior educator - a plan of working with educators for a month or a week.

At the same time, the planning of their work educators, musical leaders, senior educators lead in arbitrary form. Observation records for the pedagogical process of senior educators and heads are also underway in a form convenient for them, and this documentation is not mandatory for submission to higher authorities. Medical and financial documentation of the children's pre-school institution are conducted medical workers and administration according to regulatory documents of the respective departments.

In order to streamline these arbitrary form planning, it is advisable to introduce uniform approaches to planning in a preschool institution. This can be done in the form of a local act adopted and approved in DOU.

Plans for educational and educational work with children in age groups Dow are mandatory regulatory documentsregulating the activities of educators and specialists of the DOU, on the implementation of the maintenance of psychological and pedagogical work on the main areas of development of preschool children (socially communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development) are developed and implemented by each teacher DOU. What are these species and form of planning?

Comprehensive-thematic planning of the educational and educational process in age groups - This is planning in accordance with the main general educational program of pre-school education in all educational areas. Comprehensive-thematic planning is compiled by the methodology and teachers of each age group jointly and is developed for the school year (from September to May inclusive).

This species Planning should reflect:

The name of the theme and the period of its implementation;
solved pedagogical tasks;
Actress of the teacher with children in the regime;
Options for final events.

Comprehensive-thematic planning is part of The main educational program of the DOU and should be developed by the Methodist and teachers before the school year. Comprehensive-thematic planning is drawn up in printing should have a title page.

Perspective planning of the educational and educational process in age groups - This is an advance definition of order, the sequence of the educational and educational process on the school year with the definition of tasks and content for every month. The basis of it is the main educational program of the preschool institution. A promising plan is made up by teachers of each age group for a month, quarter, six months or year (permissible correction during work in terms of this species).

A promising plan is developed by educators and experts on their own on one academic year and is carried out on the basis of the curriculum approved by the head.

Perspective planning of direct educational activities (NOD) is drawn up for each age group, taking into account comprehensive-thematic planning.

The promising plan includes (depending on the DOU program):

Terms of implementation;
educational areas (socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development; physical development);
goals and objectives (per month);
Types of children's activities
Used literature I. methodical manuals,
work with parents for school year (parent meetings and consultations);
At the very beginning of each month, it is determined: complexes of morning gymnastics, a set of gymnastics after sleep, work with parents and children for a month (individual and group consultations, group and general grade parent meetings, information stands, mobile folders, memo, competitions, exhibitions, seminars, musical And sporting events, days open doors, etc.).

Cyclicogram Compiled on the basis of a plan for organizing educational activities for each age group, in each kindergarten. It is divided on the days of the week. Every day it is: morning, the first half of the day, which includes directly organized educational activities, walk, the second half of the day, the second walk, evening. In the cyclogram, only forms of organization of children, which correspond to each type of activity.

Calendar and thematic planning of the educational and educational process in age groups - this is the advance definition of order, the sequence of the implementation of educational and educational work indicating required conditionsused tools, forms and methods. A single calendar-thematic planning structure is established in the Dow.

The calendar-thematic plan is drawn up for every day in accordance with the group's day regime, a grid of directly educational activities that take into account the requirements for the maximum load on children in educational activities, cyclogram, comprehensive-thematic planning, promising planning, software content in age groups.

This plan is drawn up for two weeks and provides for the planning of all types of activities of children and the corresponding forms of their organization for every day.

Calendar and thematic planning should be started with a promising (Node grid), taking into account:

Requirements for the maximum load on children;
Theatic planning requirements.

When planning each form of work with children, the educator indicates the type of game, the name, tasks, reference to educational and methodical support. If you have a card file, only its appearance and the game number in the card file are indicated.

The calendar-thematic plan includes:

Morning time planning;
Node planning;
Planning Morning and Evening Walks;
Planning the second half of the day,
Planning work with family
Creating a developing subject-spatial environment.

This type of educational work plan should include a reasonable alternation of organized and independent activities of children based on children's initiative and activity and to ensure the organization of children's life in three forms:

Directly educational activities;
- non-inflammed activities;
- Free time provided for a child in Dow during the day for a free spontaneous gaming activity and communicating with peers.

The calendar and thematic plan for educational - educational work should be based taking into account the specifics of the pre-school age of activities (game, design, productive, musical, theatrical activity, communicative, etc.), to provide a variety of activities that contribute to the maximum possible disclosure of each child's potential, and It should provide for the possibility of implementing an individual approach to the child, work with different subgroups of children, take into account their age characteristics. This type of planning should determine the goals and ways to achieve them, perform motivating and activating functions. The plan is also a means of monitoring the achievement of goals and determine the necessary activities.

It is very important to take into account the comprehensive-thematic principle when planning - a single topic combines all types of activity.

Components of calendar-thematic planning are:

Target component: purpose and task. They are aimed at developing, education, training (goals and objectives should be diagnosed).
Content - determined by the program.
The organizational and effective component (forms and methods must comply with the tasks set).
Extensive (which was planned at the very beginning and that they received should coincide) - may be present in the form of calendar planning as a means of assessing the achievement of results.
Material and technical: equipment and didactic support.

When planning is planned, the use of cards of walks, morning gymnastics, observations, finger gymnastics, articulating, invigorating gymnastics, etc., compiled by teachers of groups, Dow specialists.

In promising and calendar-thematic planning, the features of the development of children of this group and specific conditions of the DOW should be taken into account.

The plans must necessarily be issued a title page with an indication of the group, F. I. O. both educators of the group, qualifying category, start and end date. Control over the calendar-thematic planning is carried out by the method of dough monthly with the corresponding mark: the date of verification. Inscription: "Plan is checked, recommended: 1 ...., 2 ... .., 3 ... .., etc.", as well as in accordance with the control measures planned on the annual plan. The shelf life of the calendar-thematic and promising plan is 5 years.

In order to ensure the continuity of activities, balance the alternation of specially organized nodes and non-elected activities, free time and recreation of children, optimal combination Individual and frontal work, competently plan mobile, plot-role, theatrical games, walks, excursions, observations, work in the corners of development, you can use modular planning technology. It will help rationally distribute a variety of work forms on days of week and material to secure knowledge, skills, preschoolers. When drawing up a plan based on the module, a single scheme of the distribution of forms of working with preschoolers for a week is created, the teacher can only write the name of the games, the subjects of conversations, indicate objects of observation, specify the tasks of work for this period.

Creating a plan module begins with the distribution of activities organized by an educator with children, searching for their place in the day.

An example of a modular planning scheme.

Type of children's activities Form of work Number of repetitions per week

Educational work plan It is issued in accordance with the approved form of writing a plan of educational and educational work in accordance with the requirements of GEF to. The educational work plan contains the following sections (at the discretion of the administration and pedagogical team DOU)

Annual tasks of DOU;
group day mode;
Schedule directly educational activities;
Daily traditions of the group;
weekly traditions of the group;
List of children's children (indicating the date of birth and age of a child as of 01.09 of this year, indicating individual characteristics, health groups ...);
List of children in subgroups;
legend (It records all reductions used by the group's educators);
information about parents of students' pupils;
promising work plan with parents per year;
Protocols of parental meetings;
Complex and thematic planning for the school year;
prospective planning for the month;
Calendar and thematic planning for every day;
Recommendations of the methodologist.

Applications to the plan of educational - educational work can be:

Complexes of Morning Gymnastics and Curigative Gymnastics After day sleep.
Work on the creation of a developing environment.
Evaluation of intermediate and final results of work (assimilation of the children's children) in accordance with the age of children.

Teachers can independently choose the form of a plan. Nevertheless, it is advisable that a single form of writing a plan is adopted in the Dow. The decision on the choice of the form of writing a calendar plan of educators is accepted at the Pedagogical Council of the Preschool Institution. Forms of planning educational and educational activities:


The text form involves writing a plan in the form of text. This form is widely used when planning work per year and longer forms. Most often, the text planning form is used when describing the analysis results dOU activities For the previous year, the installation of causal relationships, description of the structure of the program document, etc.

The network form planning involves the use of grids, tables, cyclicograms. This form applies for individual sections of the Development Program or the Annual Dow Plan. A cyclicogram, which reflects regularly repeating activities, is most often laid for the network form, in particular for the next academic year.

For promising and complex-thematic planning of the educator, it is more convenient to use the tables.

Node schedule planning (model of regulated organized educational activities of the teacher with children) It is more convenient to plan schematically. In contrast to the table, where the content is presented in a specific sequence, the scheme shows the relationship and complementarity of its elements.

Calendar and thematic planning for a week is more convenient to plan with a cyclogram. All components of the calendar plan are almost repeated daily during the day (games, conversations, individual work, work in nature and economic work, etc.). Therefore, the cyclogram will allow the educator to significantly save time at planning educational activities, paying it to working with children.

The graphic form of planning reflects the content of the Dow operation in the form of two coordinate graphs, charts, histograms. Most often this form Planning is used to demonstrate quantitative indicators. Its application allows you to visually present the entire amount of work per year, month, week or day.

Compiler form plan can combine several different shapescombined with each other.

In the work of the educator, as in any other activity, is needed and planned. Only under these conditions, it is possible to get satisfaction. It is no secret that the design of documents is often given a secondary role. However, the planfully decorated and correctly plan can be our first assistant.