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Osada Plevny: The Great Victory of the Russian Army. Siege of Plevna

The capture and successful defense of Shipkin Pass played a huge role in the victorious Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. Height control (1185 m) prevented regrouping of the army of the Ottoman Empire and opened the shortest path to Constantinople with Russian troops.

Posted on positions

The capture of the chips entered the plans of the front parts of the Russian army, which forced the Danube in early July 1877. The Russian-Bulgarian detachment of Lieutenant Lieutenant Joseph Gurko with a number of 10,500 liberated Tarnovo (July 7), and then committed a difficult transition through the Khankoyan pass.

This mannewer allowed Russian troops to suddenly reach the rear of the enemy, who was on the approaches to the chip. Russians and Bulgarians broke the Ottomans at the village of Uflans and the city of Kazanlyka, clearing the path towards the pass.

In mid-July, parts of General Major Valerian Derozhin joined the Gurko detachment. This provided the necessary numerical superiority for the assault storm, which was held about 5,000 Turks under the command of the Hoolussian Pasha.

On the night of July 19, under the city of fierce attacks of Russians and Bulgarians, Ottoman troops left the pass, retreating south to Plovdiv.

The Russian command was aware of the impossibility of further offensive operations until the end of the forcing the Danube. In this regard, it was decided to strengthen the defense of Shipkinsky and Khainkoy Pass.

The Russian Army and Bulgarian militia occupied the settlements of Nova Zagor (July 23) and Stara Zagora (July 30) located southeast of the Shipka. In the meantime, the Turks pulled a powerful 37-thousand group under the command of Suleiman Pasha to the passage.

Despite the heroic efforts, the Russians and Bulgarians were forced to retreat from those employed previously settlements, pouring into a detachment of General Fyodor Radetsky, who was responsible for the southern flank of the Spooky defense.

In August, the Russian command was entitled to manage the defense ships on Major General Nikolai Tsekolov. As the Scientific Research Institute of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Council of Tabletova included the Orlovsky Infantry Regiment, the Bryansk regiment and five Bulgarian teams.

The total number of defendants was 6,000 people, a third of them - Bulgarian militias.

"Critical Fight"

In the fight for the southern approach to Suleiman Pasha, 12,000 people threw. The Turks moved to the offensive on August 21 and did not stop attacks and shelling until August 27. Worrying for the thinners of the defenders of the southern flank, Radetsky sent reinforcement in the form of two infantry brigades.

"Fight 11 (23) of August, which became the most critical for the defenders of the pass, began with dawn; By ten o'clock in the morning, the Russian position was covered by an opponent from three sides. The attacks of the Turks, beaten by fire, resumed with fierce perseverance. At two in the afternoon, Circassians came even in the rear of our location, but were dropped, "describes the battlefield Institute of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

  • "Battle at Shipkinsky Pass August 11, 1877" (1893), Alexey Kivchenko

By evening, on August 23, the Turkish army managed to conduct a successful attack from the West, carved the so-called side slide. Under the threat of breakthrough turned out to be the central positions of the Russian-Bulgarian troops. A practically hopeless situation managed to straighten with the 16th Rifle Battalion and other divisions of the 4th Rifle Brigade who arrived for the rescue.

Closer to night, Osmans were knocked out with side slides. It was also possible to prevent a breakthrough on other sites. Taking into account the reinforcement of the "garrison" of the southern flank defense of the Shipki amounted to 14,200 people with 39 artillery guns.

On August 24, the Russians and Bulgarians moved to the offensive at the heights of the Western Growing (Forest Kurgan and Bald Mountain) to secure the rear. At the same time, the Turks attacked the central positions defending. As a result, none of the parties have reached success.

On August 25, the Russian-Bulgarian troops repeatedly attempted to assign the heights of the Western Glushing. As a result, Ottomans were knocked out from the forest mound, but Bald Mountain remained impregnable. On August 26, the defenders of the Shipki, the defenders of the Ships suffered large losses and were forced to retreat, focusing on protecting a more important side slide.

In the second half of August 1877, the Russian troops lost 2850 people, Bulgarian squads - 500 people. 109 Russian officers died, including the general of the Derozhinsky. The Army of the Ottoman Empire lost about 8,200 people.

"Shipkin Seat"

On August 27, the 14th Infantry Division Mikhail Petrushevsky arrived in the Shipki defenders. The Oryolsky and Bryanian shelves suffered the greatest losses were brought to the reserve, and Bulgarian squads were transferred to the western flank to the village of Zelen Tree.

The Russians and Turks denied by battles refused active actions and focused on strengthening positions. This period of defense of the Pass of historians was called "Shipkinsky Seat".

The only major clash occurred on September 17 for the rocky Cape Orlia's nest. Turks were able to master them, attacking from South and Western Parties. But the Russians in a hand-to-hand fight beat the eagle nest.

The harsh test for the Russians and Bulgarians were cold winds, fogs, frosts and blizzards. The greatest period came to November and the first half of December 1877. From September 17 to January 5, 9500 Russian warriors became victims of diseases, although 700 people died in battles and shootings with the enemy.

  • "Snow tranches (Russian positions on Shipkinsky pass)" (1878-1881), Vasily Vereshchagin

The position of the garrison of the threshing has changed dramatically after taking the Russian-Romanian troops and the Bulgarian militia of the Fortress of the Plevna (December 10). 10 generals, 2128 officers and 41,200 soldiers of the Ottoman Empire were captured to the winners.

The end of the tightening blockade of the Pleven released a 100-thousandth Russian arousal. On January 7, 1878, a 19-thousand group was hit by a 19-thousand group, which was commanded by General Peter Svyatopolk-Mirsky, and the 16-thousand detachment of General Mikhail Skobelev.

On January 9, 1878, Ottomans suffered from Russian defeat under Shainovo (3 km from the chip). Vessel Pasha, who at that time commanded the Turkish troops, gave an order to surrender. On January 10, 23 thousand Turks were in captivity of the passenger defenders.

Symbol of combat brotherhood

The victory under her chip opened the shortest path to Adrianopol and, making further resistance to the Turks meaningless. Already on January 19, the port agreed to sign the Adrianopol truce.

Shipka has become a symbol of combat fraternity and thanks to the Bulgarian people of the Russian army for liberation from Turkish rule.

"Shipka is one of the most famous names in the history of Bulgaria, the shrine of Bulgarian patriots," the staff of the Institute of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

At the moment, several monuments of liberators and the cemetery of Russian soldiers are located on the pass.

In a conversation with RT, the scientific director of the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO), Mikhail Mikhatkov noted that the feat of the ships defenders is difficult to overestimate. If the Russians and Bulgarians could not hold the pass, the Turks would hit the rear to crossed through the Danube of the Imperial Army.

"In essence, this battle decided the outcome of the war. That is why both sides were so violently for control over the height. An important factor in the battle was complex climatic conditions. Sanitary losses in the period of the autumn-winter "standing" multiple exceeded the fighting. Russian warriors had to be courageously to endure frosts, winds, fog and dampness, "explained soft.

The expert called a real feat, the transition of Gurko's squad through the Khankoyan Pass in July 1877. According to him, this maneuver is often compared with the famous transition of Alexander Suvorov's troops through the Alps.

"The battles themselves are very cruel. The legends say that when the cartridges ended in the counterparts, stones were going to move, and sometimes even the corpses: the dead Turkish warriors were discharged from above on the heads of the attackers, "said soft.

According to the historian, in the battle for the chip, the colonical talent of Valerian Derozhinsky and Mikhail Skobelev was especially clearly manifested. Also, the expert noted the bravery and courage of the Bulgarian militia and stressed that the end of the defense of the Shipka became the most important milestone towards the national self-determination and independence of Bulgaria.

On August 26 (September 7), the third battle of the plelevant began, the Russian troops had 46.5 thousand bayonets and 5.6 thousand, saber, Romanian troops - 29 thousand bayonets and 3 thousand sabers, Turkish troops - about 32.5 thousand . The calculation was made on prolonged artillery training (4 days), during which Russian troops gradually approached the strengthened opponent's positions. But artillery preparation was ineffective due to the weak fugasal action of shells.

Before you start the attack on the Plevnu, the Russian command decided to take a catcher - an important node of roads leading to the Pleven. Through the catcher Osman Pasha supported the connection with the army of Suleiman Pasha and received reinforcements. Taking this item should have ensured the fake attack of the pieces from the south.

Catching was defended by the Turkish squad under the command of Rifat Pasha (as part of about 8 thousand people with six guns). Master Calley was supposed to be a detachment of Major General A. K. Imeretinsky (the total number of more than 22 thousand people with 98 guns). The Russians exceeded the enemy in people almost three times, and superiority in artillery was overwhelming. The main shot applied the left column on the command of General-Major M. D. Skobelev. The battle was over complete defeat of the enemy.

In battle, the power of the fire of manual weapons and the unsuitability of the old ways of occurrence was especially clearly revealed. The fire of defense demanded from the advancing promotion of the mining. This first understood ordinary soldiers and younger commanders.

On the day of the battle, undercover, Osman Pasha made an attempt to assist Rifat Pasha. With eighteen battalions (about 12 thousand people), he came out of the Plevna fortifications and attacked the position of the 4th building south-west of the Plevna. Russians reflected the offensive of the Turks. An important role was played by artillery. But the command missed the opened opportunity to defeat the Osman-Pasha detachment and the sudden attack on his shoulders to break into the plevnu. The commander of the 4th Corps General P. D. Zotov and the commander of the 9th Corps General N. P. Curden did not take action in order to; Destroy the enemy in the field battle, although they had superior forces. While the 4th Corps led the thrust fight, the 9th case passively followed the course of events. "Thus, D. A. Milyutin noted, - and this time, when the enemy dares to stumble upon 25 thousand for our two buildings, our strategists did not know how to take advantage of the favorable case and beat the enemy, and they were able to beat him attack".

By this time, Osman Pasha's troops, defended in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Plevnes, had 32 thousand people with 70 guns. The number of Russian-Romanian troops reached 84.1 thousand people with 424 guns. During the time passed after the second assault, the Turks strengthened the positions occupied. Numerous support points - redoubts associated with continuous trenches in several tiers, represented a strongly fortified position. The approaches to the fortifications were under cross-rifle and artillery fire. From the West of Pleven was not covered with fortifications, since here the approaches to the city were blocked by the river.

The Russian command was hoping for a four-day artillery bombardment to destroy the enemy fortifications, then start the assault, inflicting the main blow from the east. The auxiliary strike came out from the south. When organizing the assault, an attempt was made to plan artillery training. However, it was a new thing, and it was not fully implemented.

Artillery preparation in which 152 guns participated, four days continued and in general turned out to be ineffective due to the weak fugasal action of the shells. Turkish fortifications were not destroyed. The assault on August 30 had to start after an additional bombing. In addition, the opposition to the assault was sent just a few hours before the start of the assault, and the troops did not have enough time for a thorough organization of attack. The direction of the main strike was incorrectly chosen. He applied at the most fortified site. I did not use the opportunity to carry out the bypass maneuver, attack Osman Pasha from the West, where he had almost no fortifications.

The assault time was also unfortunate. All night and half a day, August 30 was shining. He was replaced by a drizzling rain. Soil splaver. Visibility was bad. The assault should be postponed. But it was the day of the royal name, and no one dared to make such a sentence. In his memoirs, the former chairman of the Cabinet; P. A. Valuev's ministers wrote that "if it were not for the 30s, we would not storm the piers."

Bravery, courage and perseverance in achieving the goal equally were manifested by all participants of the assault. However, the offensive in the main direction was not crowned with success. But the events on the left flank have favorably developed, where a detachment was operated under the command of M. D. Skobelev. Here, Russian managed to break through all the lines of enemy defense and go to the southern outskirts of the spine. The soldiers who did not sleep two days were extremely tired. Due to the lack of the Shant tool, it was not possible to fix it.

At this time, the Turkish command, focusing against the Skobelian superior forces, managed to discard his detachment to its original position.

So, despite the heroism and courage of the soldiers, the assault of the Pleven turned out to be unsuccessful and led to great losses: they achieved 13 thousand people from the Russian troops, Romanian - 3 thousand; The losses of the Turks were also significant.

After an unsuccessful storming of the Pleven, the command decided to block the fortress and force her garrison to surrender. Russian and Romanian troops laid out the Pulna from the north, south and east. However, in the west and southwest, the paths for the enemy actually remained open. A Sofia road was particularly important for the besieged garrison, according to which the Army of Osman Pasha received ammunition and food. In order to hold this important communication, the enemy placed considerable strength along it. To finally block the plevnu, it was necessary to interrupt a message with Sofia. To do this, formed a detachment under the command of Gurko. Bold and energetic actions of the squad by October 20 completely displaced the enemy from the road. From this; The moment of the city of Plevna turned out to be closely by the union Russian-Romanian troops.

On October 25, General Gurko proposed the commander-in-chief plan of the forcing the Balkans: it was to defeat the new army of the opponent formed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Organization of the New Army and not to give her opportunities to help Osman Pasha. At the same time, it was meant to ensure the path for the Russian troops to South Bulgaria.

The plan was approved, and in mid-November began an offensive. Gurko's detachment was now in its composition 50 thousand bayonets and a saber at 174 guns; The offensive has developed successfully. Overcoming the opponent resistance of the enemy, the Russians by the end of November went to the Balkan ridge and stopped before a highly fortified Araboneak position.

Meanwhile, the position of besieged in Plevne became critical: food reserves and ammunition approached the end, there was no fuel. The Bulgarian population of the Pliven was allowed to help Russian siege troops. It reported information about the state of the Turkish garrison, about the security of its ammunition and food. Despite the cruel repressions, Bulgarians often overwhelmed to the Russians, bringing them valuable information about the state of affairs in Plevne.

November 24, four days before the surveillance of garrison, Ilya Tsyuvev, Ivan Flowers, Hristo Slava, Tom Pavlov, Vienna Nikolov said that every soldier of the garrison was issued for 100 g. Bread, 20-25 g. Meat and two pillage Corn per day, and in the city there are up to 10 thousand Turks of patients. Bulgarians Dmitry Georgiev, Ivan Kostov, Hristo Bozhinn, Costo of Christ reported that food in Pleven is enough for only five to six days that "Osman-Pasha thinks to break through ... All projectiles and the Turks' cartridges have been dragging around the Reduts." Having received such information, the Russian command took measures to repel the enemy's attempts to escape from the pie.

Desperate, Osman Pasha really decided to break through. On the night of November 28, (December 10), his troops spoke out of the piers, crossed r. The view and, built in the columns, at dawn attacked the position of the 3rd Grenadier Division. They pushed part of the division and even took the second line of defense, but soon they themselves fell under the crossfire and could not develop success. The suggested reserves hit them from all sides. The enemy embraced by panic appealed to escape, having lost 6 thousand people killed and wounded. This failure finally demoralized the army of Osman Pasha, and at 13 o'clock the same day he capitulated. 10 generals surrendered, 2128 officers and 41,200 soldiers; 77 guns were taken.

The fall of the pie was made great importance. Now the Russian command could, without fear of his right flank, plan a decisive offensive through the Balkans.

"None of our victory," wrote one of the contemporaries, "did not cause such noisy enthusias as a victory under the whip. Hardly the joy of Russian would have manifested themselves with greater force even in case of mastering the capital of Constantinople. " The victory of Russian-Romanian troops filled the hearts of the Bulgarians with joy and hope at the ambulance. After joining the Russian army to the plevnu, the Bulgarian newspaper wrote: "The fall of the piers, which has become a significant holiday for us, will be inscribed in the story of large letters."

Exhausted, who have suffered incredible difficulties and deprivation, the inhabitants of the Pleven on December 30, 1877 presented to their liberators a thank you, in which they expressed their delight on an exceptional event in the history of the city, in the history of the whole country. "The liberation of the Pleven," said in the address, is the dawn of the liberation of the ancient Bulgaria. Pleven rested the first just as a few centuries ago he died the last! This resurrection will forever remain in the memory of our descendants. "

Russian-Romanian troops suffered tremendous victims in the struggle for the liberation of the pieces. Each lame of land is impregnated with their blood. In the battles for the Plevna, the Russians lost about 32 thousand, and Romanians - 4.5 thousand people. Plevna became a symbol of the brotherhood of Russian, Bulgarian and Romanian peoples.

A source: Barbasov A.P., Zolotarev V.A. About the past in the name of the future. M., 1990)

The Russian-Turkish war began in April 1877. Its main goals were the liberation of Slavic peoples from the Ottoman Iega and the final revision of the provisions of the Parisian peace treaty concluded on the basis of the unsuccessful Crimean War for Russia.

16 (4 in Art. Art.) July, one of the detachments of the Russian army after the crossing through the Danube seized the fortress Nikopol. Hence the troops should have moved to the south to take the city of Pleven, lying at the crossroads of important ways. 7 thousand infantrymen were put forward to the fortress and about one and a half thousand cavaliers with 46 cannons under the command of General Yuri Schilder-Schuldner. However, Osman Pasha, commander of Turkish troops in this direction, almost half a day ahead of Russian soldiers. By that time, when advanced parts came to the fortress, the Turks were already entrenched in Plevne. The number of their garrison amounted to 15 thousand people. Despite the minority, 20 (8 under Art. Art.) July, Russian troops took the first assault of the piers. After the artillery shelling, the infantry shelves went to the attack. In one place, Russian soldiers almost reached Turkish batteries, but were thrown out numerically superior opponents. In another direction, it was possible to take three rows of advanced tune and turn the Turks to flight, but without receiving reinforcements and not having enough forces to continue the attack, the Russian parts moved back. Their losses amounted to more than 2500 people, Turkish - about 2000.

Over the next ten days, the 30-thousand Russian army with 140 cannons was concentrated. But the Turks strengthened the garrison, bringing his number to 23 thousand soldiers and 57 guns, in addition, they erected new fortifications around the city. Deciding to take advantage of a numerical advantage, 30 (18 under Art. Art.) July, the Russian army after art preparation began the second assault. At the same time, the troops were actually in the frontal attack on the most fortified Turkish positions. At first, Russian soldiers took several trenches and fortifications, but were stopped. The detachment skillfully and the brave of the current General Mikhail Skobelev (in battle, one horse was killed, and the other was injured) also had to move away. The second assault of the Pleven ended in failure. The Russians lost about 3 thousand killed and thousands of prisoners, the Turks are about a thousand killed. A month later, the scrablels captured a catch, through which the spruce was supplied, and the baggage to support the Lovechian garrison, organized by Osman Pasha, ended to no avail.

The failure of the second assault of the Pleven did not embarrass the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops of the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich. At the end of August, he decided on the next attack, having received reinforcements in the form of the Union Romanian troops. This time the fortress had more than 80,000 soldiers at 424 guns, while the Turkish army is about 35,000 people and 70 guns. But the offensive of the Romanian troops, incorrectly estimated the number and location of Turkish fortifications, choked. Although the scareves and took the redoubts, approaching the city itself, from which it was possible to continue the offensive, he again did not receive reinforcements and was forced to leave busy positions. The third assault of the Pleven was repulsed, the 13,000 Russian soldiers and 3,000 Romanian sold out of the order. After that, the command invited a talented military engineer General Edward Totleben, on the recommendation of which it was decided to abandon the subsequent stormings, focusing on the blockade. In the meantime, the Turks brought the number of garrison to 48 thousand people and had already 96 cannons. Osman Pasha for successes in the defense of the Plevna received from Sultan the honorary title "Gazi" (which meant "invincible") and the order in no way take the city.

In the future, with the seizure of the Russian troops of a number of fortifications in the piers around the city closed the ring blockade. Turks have nowhere to wait no longer reinforcements, nor ammunition, nor provisions. Nevertheless, all offers for Osman Pasha answered. But he understood that the situation of besieged becomes hopeless, and decided to go for a breakthrough. November 28 (December 10, under Art. Art.) The Turkish garrison led by the commander went to the attack. Turks, taking thanks to a sudden strike, advanced Russian fortifications were stopped, and then began to retreat, Osman Pasha was wounded. After that, Turkish troops capitulated, 43.5 thousand soldiers were captured.

The capture of the Pleven became one of the key episodes of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. The victory allowed the Russian army to successfully continue the fighting and ultimately successfully complete the war. The memory of the heroes of the Pleven was immortalized in 1887 by creating a chapel of the monument in the Ilyinsky Square in Moscow.

None of the people know nothing in advance. And the biggest trouble can comprehend a person in the best location, and the greatest happiness is looking for him - in sainted ..

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

In the foreign policy of the Russian Empire of the XIX century there were four wars with the Ottoman Empire. Three of them won, one lost one. The Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 was the last war in the 19th century between the two countries, in which Russia won. The victory became one of the results of the military reform of Alexander 2. As a result of the war, the Russian empire returned a number of territories, and also helped acquire the independence of Serbia, Montenegro and Romania. In addition, for non-interference in War, Austro-Hungary received Bosnia, and England - Cyprus. The article is devoted to the description of the causes of the war between Russia and Turkey, its stages and the main battles, the results and historical consequences of the war, as well as the analysis of the reaction of Western European countries to enhance the influence of Russia in the Balkans.

What were the causes of the Russian-Turkish war?

Historians allocate the following causes of the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878:

  1. The exacerbation of the "Balkan" question.
  2. Russia's desire to regain the status of an influential player on the external arena.
  3. The support of Russia of the National Movement of the Slavic peoples in the Balkans, seeking to expand its influence in this region. This caused the intensive resistance of the countries of Europe and the Ottoman Empire.
  4. The conflict of Russia and Turkey for the status of straits, as well as the desire for a revenge for the defeat in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.
  5. Turkey's reluctance to compromise, ignoring not only Russia's claims, but also the European Community.

Now consider the causes of the war between Russia and Turkey in more detail, since they are important to know and correctly interpret. Despite the lost Crimean War, Russia, thanks to some reforms (first of all, the military) Alexander 2 again became an influential and strong state in Europe. This forced many politicians in Russia to think about revenge for the lost war. But it was not even the most important thing - much more important was the desire to return the right to have a Black Sea Fleet. In many ways, the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 was unleashed to achieve this goal, briefly about whom we will talk further.

In 1875, an uprising against Turkish rule began on the territory of Bosnia. The army of the Ottoman Empire severely suppressed him, but in April 1876 the uprising began in Bulgaria. Turkey has also dealt with this national movement. In protest against politics against South Slavs, as well as wishing to realize its territorial tasks, Serbia in June 1876 declares the war of the Ottoman Empire. Serbia's army was much weaker than Turkish. Russia since the beginning of the XIX century positioned itself as a defender of the Slavic peoples in the Balkans, so Chernyaev went to Serbia, as well as several thousand Russian volunteers.

After the defeat of the Serbian troops in October 1876 near Dudunis, Russia called on Turkey to stop the fighting and guarantee the Slavic people cultural rights. Osmans, feeling support for Britain, ignored the ideas of Russia. Despite the evidence of the conflict, the Russian empire tried to solve the issue in a peaceful way. Proof of this serve as convened by Alexander 2 several conferences, in particular in January 1877 in Istanbul. There were ambassadors and representatives of key countries in Europe, but they did not come to the general decision.

In March, a contract was still signed in London, who obliges Turkey to hold reforms, but the latter fully ignored it. Thus, Russia remained only one version of the solution of the conflict - military. Until the last, Alexander 2 did not decrease to start a war with Turkey, as worried about the fact that the war again turn into resistance to the countries of Europe by Russia's foreign policy. On April 12, 1877, Alexander 2 signed a manifesto on the announcement of the war of the Ottoman Empire. In addition, the emperor concluded an agreement with Austria-Hungary on the non-step of the last on the side of Turkey. In exchange for neutrality, Austria-Hungary was supposed to get Bosnia.

Map of the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878

Main battles of war

In April-August, 1877 several important battles were held:

  • Already on the first day of the war, Russian troops seized the key Turkish fortresses on the Danube, and also crossed the Caucasian border.
  • On April 18, Russian troops captured the fear, an important Turkish fortress in Armenia. However, in the period on June 7-28, the Turks tried to hold a counteroffensive, Russian troops in the heroic struggle survived.
  • At the beginning of the summer, the army of General Gurko seized the ancient Bulgarian capital Tarnovo, and on July 5, he established control over Shipkinsky Pass, through which the road was going to Istanbul.
  • Throughout May-August, Romanians and Bulgarians massively began to create partisan detachments to help the Russians in the war with Ottomans.

Battle for Plevna in 1877

The main problem of Russia was that he commanded the troops inexperienced brother of Emperor Nikolai Nikolaevich. Therefore, individual Russian troops actually acted without the center, and therefore, they advocated the uncoordinated divisions. As a result, on July 7-18, two unsuccessful attempts of assaulting the piers were adopted, as a result of which about 10 thousand Russians died. In August, he began the third assault on the protraptic blockade. At the same time, from August 9, the heroic defense of Shipkin pass lasted on December 9 until December 28. In this sense, the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, even briefly, seems very controversial on events and personalities.

In the autumn of 1877, the key battle took place near the Fortress of the Pleven. By order of the Military Minister D.Milutina, the army refused to storming the fortress, and moved to a systematic siege. Army of Russia, as well as its ally, Romania numbered about 83 thousand people, and the garrison of the fortress consisted of 34 thousand warriors. The last battle near the Plevna was held on November 28, the Russian army came out the winner and was finally able to capture the unavailable fortress. It was one of the largest defeats of the Turkish army: 10 generals and several thousand officers were captured. In addition, Russia installed control over an important fortress, opening his way to Sofia. It was the beginning of a fracture in the Russian-Turkish war.

Eastern front

On the Eastern Front, the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 also developed rapidly. In early November, another important strategic fortress - Kars was captured. Due to the simultaneous failures on two fronts, Turkey completely lost control over the movement of its own troops. On December 23, the Russian army entered Sofia.

In 1878, Russia entered the full advantage over the enemy. On January 3, the Storm of the Phillipopol began, and the 5th city was taken, the road to Istanbul was opened before the Russian Empire. On January 10, Russia is part of Adrianopol, the defeat of the Ottoman Empire is a fact, Sultan is ready to sign the world under Russia. Already on January 19, the parties agreed on a preliminary agreement, which significantly strengthened the role of Russia in the Black and Marmarand Sea, as well as in the Balkans. This caused the strongest fear of Europe.

The reaction of the largest European powers on the successes of Russian troops

England dissatisfied most of all, who already in late January introduced the fleet to the Marmara Sea, threatening with an attack in the event of the invasion of Russians in Istanbul. England demanded to push the Russian troops from the Turkish capital, as well as begin to develop a new treaty. Russia turned out to be in a difficult situation, which threatened the repetition of the scenario of 1853-1856, when the entry of European troops violated the advantage of Russia, which led to the defeat. Given this, Alexander 2 agreed to revise the contract.

On February 19, 1878, in the suburb of Istanbul, San Stefano, a new agreement was signed with the participation of England.

The main results of the war were recorded in the San Stefan peace treaty:

  • Russia joined Bessarabia, as well as part of Turkish Armenia.
  • Turkey paid the Russian Empire to contributing in the amount of 310 million rubles.
  • Russia received the right to have a Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol.
  • Serbia, Montenegro and Romania received independence, and Bulgaria received such status after 2 years, after the final output from there by Russian troops (which were there in case of Turkey's attempts to return the territory).
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina received autonomy status, but Austria-Hungary was actually occupied.
  • In peacetime, Turkey had to open ports for all vessels that were sent to Russia.
  • Turkey was obliged to organize reforms in the cultural sphere (in particular for the Slavs and Armenians).

However, these conditions did not suit European states. As a result, in June-July 1878, a congress was held in Berlin, on which some decisions were revised:

  1. Bulgaria was divided into several parts, and independence received only the northern part, and Turkey returned to the South.
  2. The amount of contact decreased.
  3. England received Cyprus, and Austria-Hungary is the official right to the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Heroes of War

The Russian-Turaken War of 1877-1878 by tradition was the "minute of glory" for many soldiers and military leaders. In particular, several Russian generals became famous:

  • Joseph Gurko. The hero of capturing the Shipkin pass, as well as the capture of the Adrianopol.
  • Mikhail Skobilev. He led the heroic defense of the Shipkin Pass, as well as the capture of Sofia. He received the nickname "White General", and Bulgar is considered a national hero.
  • Mikhail Loris Melikov. The hero of fights for fear in the Caucasus.

In Bulgaria there are over 400 monuments established in honor of the Russians who fought in the war with Ottomans in 1877-1878. There are many memorial boards, fraternal graves, etc. One of the most famous monuments is a monument to freedom on the bike pass. There is also a monument to Emperor Alexander 2. There are also many settlements, named after Russians. Thus, the Bulgarian people thank Russians for the liberation of Bulgaria from Turkey, and the cessation of Muslim dominion, which lasted more than five centuries. Russians themselves in the years of war Bulgarians called "brotherhood", and this word remained in Bulgarian as a synonym for "Russians".

Historical reference

Historical value of war

The Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 ended in the complete and unconditional victory of the Russian Empire, but despite military success, European states had a rapid resistance to strengthening Russia's role in Europe. In an effort to send Russia, England and Turkey insisted that not all the aspirations of the Southern Slavs were implemented, in particular, not the entire territory of Bulgaria received independence, and Bosnia moved from the Ottoman occupation under the Austrian. As a result, the national problems of the Balkan have become even more complicated, as a result, turning this region in the "powder cellar of Europe". It was here that the murder of the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne occurred, becoming a reason for the beginning of the First World War. This is generally a fun and paradoxical situation - Russia wins in the fields of battles, but once at a time suffers defeats on diplomatic fields.

Russia returned lost territories, the Black Sea Fleet, but did not achieve the desire to dominate the Balkan Peninsula. This factor was also used by Russia when he joined the first world war. For the Ottoman Empire, which was completely defeated, the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge was preserved, which forced her to join the world war against Russia. That were the results of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, which was briefly considered today.

11/28/1877 (11.12). - Taking the piers of Russian troops. Capitulation of the Turkish Army of Osman Pasha

Talk: 8 comments

    With surprise I read a description of this magnificent monument. But now it is falsification: the monument was almost all made of black granite, he sparkled in the sun and was really monumental. Now it's just a rusty layout, fake. It hurts on this sacrifices to watch!

    I ask you to combine an article in Wikipedia, which is reported that when taking the piers, 1700 Russian warriors died, you have other data. Apparently you need to make a remark Wikipedia about the inaccuracy of their data, and the whole article written, as it seemed to me in the anti-Russian veneer.

    Wikipedia writes: "80-90 thousand people took part from the Russian-Romanian troops, during the breakthrough, 1700 were lost." The figure includes not only Russians, but also Romanians. And lost - does not mean killed, the losses were treated and wounded. So I do not see contradictions with written in this article: "Taking the piers was worth the Russian 192 killed and 1252 wounded."

    "In the last battle by the Russian-Romanian troops, 80-90 thousand people took part, during the breakthrough of them 1700 were lost. Turkish losses, in view of the complete depletion and overload of the composition, amounted to about 6,000 people. The remaining 43338 Turkish soldiers surrendered ; a significant number of them died in captivity. At the end of the war, 15581 Turkish veteran from the Osman-Pasha army was awarded a silver medal for the heroic defense of the Plevna. "
    Do you think that Russians and Romanians were counted together and killed, and wounded, and the losses of the Turks how to count? After all, only the remaining were taken prisoner, according to your wounded Turks, did not captivate? What was allowed to die in Plevne or still treated as prisoners? And whether Russian veterans were awarded?

    Multivated Catherine. The exact source of Wikipedia data is not specified there - a list of references is given. The source of information used in this article: "Russian war heroes of 1877: a description of the Russian-Turkish war." Translation from German. Moscow: Edition of the bookstore B. Post, 1878. (See: Collection: Historical Documents\u003d&ob_no\u003d13875)
    The above figures belong only to the last storm of the pieces. Of course, and previously there were losses that were not taken into account: about 31 thousand people - according to owls. military. ENT. This clarification is now introduced to the article so that there is no misunderstanding. Thank you for your attention to this issue.

    31 thousand Russian losses are all losses killed, wounded, etc., and not just killed

    Found with what to compare, in Wikipedia, most articles are written in the anti-Russian vein, even if the Russians are not there)))

    What's the matter? What if a person did not kill, and wounded so that he could not fight, then he is not lost for the army? Or did he not lose his health in the battle? Why do you need to share losses for killed and unstuck? So the figure of losses should consider and not killed!