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Rituals for the new year to attract money. Rituals for the fulfillment of desires for the New Year. Money conspiracy

Rituals on New Year's Eve from "Wonderland".

One of the most ancient, mysterious and powerful holidays is coming - New Year's Eve.

On this night we have the opportunity to commit the most unthinkable miracles. As a rule, thinking about what I want to get in the new year, people represent money, love and implementation of various cherished desires.
Are you waiting for the coming year of the same?

Then take for New Year's Magic!

Rituals in the New Year for the fulfillment of desire

Seven candles

Color candles choose depending on what desires you intend to make.
Arrange the candles so that they formed a circle (on the table, by half or throughout the room).

For each candle, Ignoring, pronounce the desire: " This flame lights up for my love (health, career, and so on) ".

You can afford the households to make the desired, as well as to light the candle. If the desire is only one thing, or you simply do not recruit seven, repeat several times that more crave to implement.

Start a ritual 7 minutes before the New Year's battle of the Kurats.
Your "candles of desires" must certainly burn in the festive midnight.

Whisper at wish

At 12 a year of New Year's night, Kohshepti in their drink or a kushan, what is dreaming of (say that they attract it to him). Be sure to drink (eat) everything without residue. Simple magic will affect you with its results.

The same meaning and strength have pronounced words during a toast, which is why there is a tradition to drink to the bottom.

The most famous New Year's ritual

At that moment, when at midnight, the chimes will beat twelve times, notifying about the new year's occurrence, time to write their desire for paper on a piece of paper, burn, and, stirring in a glass with champagne ashes, drink.

Small tips:
- Paper should be small size (the less, the faster it burns);
- for burning "desire" the best option There will be a burning candle (matches have a property in a responsible moment to break and turn out to be raw, and the lighter gives drying). Candles have their own magic, and in addition, give your table a solemn view;
- Prepare paper, pencil, burning candle and saucer on which you will get up "desire";
- In the glass, pour champagne in small quantities (so you will speed it soon);
- Think during the ritual about what you wish.

Desire for Son.

If for some reason on New Year's Eve you are planning just to go to bed, do not forget to make a desire before that.

If you sleep before the fight, you will certainly come true!

New Year's rituals for wealth

A few minutes before the new year, take care of their money, sweets and nuts (as well as their loved ones) pockets, wallets, handbags and purses. Let them be complete whole first day The coming year.

Marry New Year's holiday, putting at least three new things. In the morning of the new year, they dress up in all the freshest and beautiful, if possible, changed several times during the day.

The New Year's festive table should be plentiful, refined and generous. It is important that at least 12 different dishes stood on it. Invite to the feast of all sophisticated you in the house, and then wealth will not work you by the side.

All your debts try to give a few days before the New Year holidays. And in the new year, refrain from debt split twelve days.

New Year's rituals for love

In the headboard, put beautiful vase With sweets (honey, jam, chocolate candies) and try the "whole Slav!". Then stacked sleep. In the new year, your feet will have an irreplace number of men.

Well, who does not like to enjoy chocolate candies! Align the pleasant with useful - giving on New Year's Eve, sentence every time: "As a delicious candy, I am sweet to men (guys)." Eat with pleasure!

Rituals for attracting happiness

Shortly before the onset of the new year, discover minutes to three all doors and windows in the house, begging all negative from your life. After midnight, repeat the procedure, inviting happiness, success, well-being.

Try to fulfill all the difficult and unpleasant job on the eve of the upcoming holidays, since the first 12 days of the new year is important to spend as much as possible. Every day, at least to indulge yourself (trying a new delicacy, go to the concert of your favorite artist, look at a good movie, talk with friends). Happy New Year's twelve days will be a talisman of happiness for the whole year. Give gifts and congratulate on the holiday. In the first day of the New Year, the law of space is never operating: "What I gave is yours."

Apply the magic of an ancient holiday for yourself and your loved ones. Make New Year's rituals and attract love, money and happiness in your home!

© Natalia Natives

Attracting money on New Year's Eve.

Get rich - the dream of many.

Therefore B. new Year's Eve Among the desires made, perhaps most often make money.

After all, for many people, happiness is a feeling of freedom, and such a feeling gives financial security.

There is a whole new Year's magic - compliance with certain rituals on New Year, as well as for the whole 2014 to provide your financial welfare As a guarantee of a happy and comfortable existence.

New Year's magic or rituals to attract money

Council First

To all year you have money, start with the root of covers new Year's table: Put a handful of gold-colored coins under the plates even if it is only ten-topical coins, their golden color in combination with food abundance of the table will attract wealth to you.

Tip Second

On New Year's Eve it is worth changing at least 2 times. Refreshment of clothing symbolizes pleasant changes in the coming year. New attracts new, brave attracts bold, the implementation of the most bold projects becomes possible. You are tune in to multipleness and successful activities immediately in several directions. There is hope that all your undertakings will be paid for.

Council Third

Before the New Year, make a revision in the house and throw away all unnecessary things, and also make general cleaning. Together with the granious trash, you get rid of ballast and negative, accumulated over the year. It will open the way to you new cash flows and opportunities.

Fourth Council

In the New Year's Eve, take a red sheet of paper, and mark on it a bright marker or bright green paint that amount of money whose owner would like to be in the coming year. Then make such a collage: under the designated amount, glue the coin (for example, in 10 kopecks), surround it with drawn or glued coins and bills. Roll into a roll, tie up with two ribbons - golden and scarlet. Before the battle of the chimes, hang a scroll on the Christmas tree. On the morning of January 1, remove it from the Christmas tree and hide it where no one except you sees it.

Council Fifth

Put on the New Year's Eve on the table 12 dishes - as a symbol of 12 months, in each of which your income must be consistently increased. The table must be beautifully served, putting in beautiful dishes. Plastic or disposable plates will exclude as a symbol of small minor income, which in your wallet will not be delayed.

Council Six

On the eve of the new year, buy a new wallet, a decorative thin flexible snake, and a gold ribbon. On New Year's Eve you need to put a large bill in a new wallet, wrap the snake around the wallet and tied up in a gold ribbon. After that, it is necessary to say: "Baking the undequented to himself brings money, for the year it will increase, it will turn out, it will notify his way, it will make me rich. My word is strong! " Remove the wallet away from prying eyes, do not use it for everyday needs. After each salary or income from some other source, insert at least one bill of average advantage in this wallet. There will be no problems with finance. And the amount accumulated in the wallet is spent at the very end of the year for something necessary or pleasant.

Seventh Council

Start the morning on January 1 with a monetary bath. To do this pour hot waterA glass of milk will add to it, a few drops of Berghamot oil and put 7 coins. To lie down in a bath of 10 minutes, visualizing the money from all sides of the money. Then plunge into the water with your head three times. And again visualize the image of cash flows.

To strengthen the money ritual to light the green candle in the bathroom. And after the exit from the "magic" water, not to wipe, give moisture to dry yourself.

By the way, wanting money for money in New Year's Eve, no need to forget about other areas of your life - about love, health, mutual understanding. So you will attract harmony in your life. misunderstandings.

Council eighth

Buy or make independently 2014 talisman - a horse figurine. Put the talisman in the wealth sector - in the south-east of the apartment. And if you want the whole family to enjoy the wonderful properties of your money snake, place it so that it looks at the center of the room, where all relatives are going to.

Practice "New Year's ritual with champagne"

On December 31, you write the three of your most cherished desires on the leaflet for the next year.

Sitting after the New Year's table, open the bottle of champagne, fill the glasses with a sparkling drink and dripped champagne folk drink, saying about myself written on a piece of desire.

Let your relatives, close and favorite, with whom you celebrate the New Year will make the same!

Dill all champagne. Then put in an empty bottle of leaflets with your desires. Take the wax from the burning candle of the neck of the bottle. And hide this bottle until next new year.

And when in a year, December 31, you will get leaves from it, then you will find out with surprise and delight that all your desires come true!

New Year's ritual For the fulfillment of desires.

December 31, hours at 11 pm, on the Christmas tree it is necessary to choose a toy, open it (there is such a hardening, a stall connects a toy with a thread)
and read in the hole One of the most intimate desire.

Then close and hang her down the Christmas tree (Remember your !!!)

Gradually for New Year's Eve Slowly outweigh the toy all above and above,
Separating such words " fly my dream is all higher, closer to the universe, to the stars will be ascended to gather to gather. "

January 1, when you already gather to sleep, the toy should hang as close as possible on the Christmas tree.

And here is the most responsible moment, only before going to sleep to remove the toy from the Christmas tree, open, and "Pour" to any drink.
Drink can be any.
Tell me The request has come, let it be so, the execution is guaranteed".
Go to sleep. Remember the dream that will dream.

The speedy fulfillment of desires !!!

Twelve New Year's desires

Magic new Year's tradition Relief desires.

According to her, you must write twelve-specific desires on separate leaves, and then put them under the pillow, having previously turned into a tube.

In the morning, hardly awakened, you need to pull one sheet at random - exactly the desire that is written on it will come true.

And remember that this technique will work only if you fall to sleep until three o'clock in the morning (that is, until the moment when the morning starts). And remember: if, during sleep, some of the pieces hidden from you under the pillow fell out from there, it means that fate is favorable - these desires will also be fulfilled.
Perform this new Year ritual It follows in accordance with certain rules.

  1. Before the onset of the new year, you can only cut the paper on which you will write desires later. You can start doing record only after midnight.
  2. You should write your desires on paper sheets alone.
  3. Guess exclusively those wishes that can really be fulfilled over the next 365 days.
  4. Specify your desires (write on a sheet names of people with whom your dreams are connected, the dates of the alleged events and others important detailswhich may be important) and be sure to think about their consequences, all wishes should only be good for you and other people!
  5. Clearly formulate your desires and, recording them, imagine how they are executed.
  6. When conducting a magical ritual, you can only use the "new" desires - do not repeat the desire that you have already guess for the battle of the chimes.
Treat the compilation of your desires seriously "After all, it will be hurt to use the magic of New Year's night to get what you, in fact, do not at all.
Think over all your desires in advance (you can even make a list),
And then rewrite them on separate sheets, pay special attention to the process of visualization of each desire

New Year's ritual for attracting money

New Year's ritual to attract money:

You need to make a bait for money in advance. We take 27 needles from the Christmas tree and tie their beautiful magic ribbon. Then the needle need a slightly to dip in honey (so that money is faster in sticking) and sprinkle with a semal, as if snowball (for greater strength). The bait must be put on the New Year's table, pre-putting in the tangerine skirt. And under the battle of the Kurats, say the words:

27 needles with our cute Christmas tree
Take money to us,
Full pockets natrusite !!!
Round year We do not know!
Everywhere to collect money.
May it be so!!!

New Year's ritual

This ritual is better to start performing about a week before the new year.

You will need a box, a vessel, a box or an envelope, a word where you will fold all your old and not very problems, troubles, insults, etc. It is necessary to hold a vessel dedication ritual in the "storage". To do this, make a "magic place": Light a candle, put or put a vessel next, focus and touching it with your hand, say about the following: "I declare you the keeper of all my negative, everything is bad that happened to me in the past! I thank you for what you will reliably keep everything entrusted to you! " Then write on paper the first problem or a clutch that will come to mind and put in the vessel! Candle extinguish. And now, when you remember something unpleasant, immediately write down and put in your storage! And so until December 31. Everyone write, if you even suddenly remember something from childhood, at first glance is now not relevant. Everything!! Any even seemingly small, but the situation stirred by the memory !!!

And 31, closer to the evening, the later, the better, take a candle, burn it, Carefully take your storage, take something that can be burned - a plate, dish, spread, pull out all the notes, and read each, remember these situations. Pronounce every word with a feeling, you can, in your own words, keeping the point: "I thank you, situations! I thank you how my lessons passed! Lessons who gave me strength and wisdom and helped go and live after I survived it! I thank every moment for my moment !! "

And now with love and gratitude, burn all the notes, setting in the candle !!! Looking how the smoke rises upwards, say: "Everything that worried and prevented, goes away, and the new force comes !! "When everything is fruit, wash off the ashes in the toilet! Feel the power you got and save it !!

But on January 1, get a notebook and for 14 days of the new year, write down all your dreams and desires ... Everything, even at first glance, minor! Just prescribe them in detail and in the present time, as the accomplished!


Do you want to be happy, healthy and rich? Sure! All want everyone! So why wait for mercies from destiny? We must take everything into your hands. New Year's Eve is the best time for this. A special atmosphere, the hopes of many people collected together create the perfect background, so that with the help of the magic to correct the flaws of the Guardian angel, send the flow of their lives in the right direction.

Almost this can be done using New Year's rituals and rites. Some of them exist since ancient times, others are invented and reasoned with reasonable modern magicians. Everything works. The results sometimes exceed the most optimistic forecasts! It is worth trying and paying a little time to forget about the experiences for a whole year!

New Year's rituals for money in 2020

Well, that new Year tree Many know bills adorn. The Christmas tree is the chief attribute of the holiday. Green beauty literally attracts cash energy streams into our lives. Moreover, the rat -, animal homemade, and money and wealth loves very much!

But there is a New Year rite that allows you to get rid of debt cargo. It is necessary to throw on the shoulders (they say: on hump) something heavy. For example, you can take the bedspread, roll it and donate an hour - two on the inferction. You need to throw it under the battle of the chimes. At the same time exclaim:

"I am free!".

After that, of course, lenders will not write you a message that debts are canceled. Only events can occur that will allow to close all financial holes painlessly and even unnoticed. Each of this happens in its own way.

In order for the flow of money to picked you up and he himself suffered into a comfortable future, it is necessary to spend the next ritual on New Year's Eve. Before midnight, type some water (cold) into the bathroom. Now create a stream. Let the water run from the crane and goes into the draining. The flow must be performed at midnight! The Living Tree or Pine Branch is placed in it. Immediately after the new year, the branch should be reached and "sprinkling" moisture all corners of the house. At the same time, it is necessary to go, spray water and say:

"I open the doors of cash flow! Remove obstacles and obstacles! I launch the mechanism of wealth! "

Only after you cost all the rooms of the apartment (at home) water can be closed and ritual to finish.

Rituals and rites on health

In order for the ailments not to disturb your family, it's good to raise wine glasses, filled with non-champagne, but a special "healthy" decoction. Prepare it for the New Year rite in advance.

It is necessary to find herbs (well, if you collect them yourself, but the pharmacy is suitable):

  • chamomile
  • plantain,
  • flowers violets,
  • agave,
  • rosehip
  • birch buds.

Still need linden honey.

Pour a liter of water into the container. When boiling there, throw about two whispers of these plants. Boiled thirteen minutes. Enjoy and filter. Then gently to the resulting decoction add two tablespoons of honey. Hold the decoction in the refrigerator. You need to drink during a festive feast, not forgetting to add to each wish:

"And you wish you a health!"

In some villages, such a New Year's ritual is distributed: the kilives have swept out of the house. An ordinary broom is not suitable for this (especially - vacuum cleaner). You need to gain the last herbs on the autumn. Dry them, hanging the broom on a small draft. Before the onset of the new year, this panicle should be met (symbolically) all rooms from the window to the threshold. At the same time to sort:

"Leave a breath, do not need more!"

Belka immediately endure the threshold. Ideally burned. The main thing - she should not get into the house!

New Year's ritual for love

It is said that to attract love, it is necessary to hang the golden heart on the Christmas tree. It follows all my life and get it only once a year to hang on the New Year tree.

And to attract joy mutual relationship The next ritual is suitable. Make from rags and black threads ugly doll. It must be the repeller, which you are only capable. Clause it "loneliness (name)." This can be just pronounced, but you can write on a piece of paper and pinch. Sit with her alone before the new year. It is necessary to explain how you are upset by your missile breaking. To say goodbye to the century and throw it into the window exactly at midnight. If you can squeeze a tear, the effect will come faster.

New Year's Eve, as you know, has incredible strong energywhich is capable of changing our lives. In addition, January 1 is a day that allows us to start life from a pure sheet, if we want it, of course. Do you want the new 2018 to become money and productive for you? Then come to get acquainted with rituals for attracting money.

1. Bag-bait

In the process of decorating the Christmas tree, be sure to prepare a yellow, red or golden bag. Put 12 gold coins in it and hang on the beautiful Christmas tree. Such a simple ritual will help you remain financially successful all year.

2. Two outfits

If you have the opportunity, then take care of the New Year's Eve you had 2 new outfits. In one you need to spend last year, In another meeting a new one. This ritual contributes to your success in any endeavor.

3. Money goes on the heels

Such an easy and to some extent, a fun ritual is very quickly able to attract the necessary amount of money to your home. On the eve of New Year's Eve, draw the marker on the heels the amount you would like to get in the near future. Now the money will go for you on the heels in the literal sense.

4. Swimming in money

On the eve of the New Year, when you take a bath, pour into it the contents of your piggy bank (coins are meant). Bathing in money, mentally presenting how large cash flow. If this ritual is accompanied by aromatherapy, then the result will please you much earlier than you expect.

5. Christmas toy

On New Year's Eve under the Fight of the Kurats, write down your monetary desire on the floor (better red) paper. Roll into the tube and place in any christmas tree toy. A sheet with a desire should remain in a toy until next year. Then the whole year you will be accompanied by financial success.

6. Coin under the tablecloth

During the preparation of the festive table, put the gold coin itself under the tablecloth in the center of the table big Dignity. The coin should stay under the tablecloth to the end of the feast, after which it should be put in the wallet and store like a talisman.

7. A gift to myself

To the coming year has become financially prosperous for you, in the first week of January, be sure to treat yourself to anything pleasant. It may be a purchase that you have dreamed about so long or simply a pleasant care procedure for your appearance.

8. The correct arrangement of the Christmas tree

If you want to pull the cash flow in the new year, choose the correct zone to install the Christmas tree. It is known that the southeastern side in the house favorably affects financial gain.

9. Magnet for money

In order for the new year the money attracts to you, like a magnet, on the eve of New Year's Eve, put your piggy bank under the Christmas tree, pre-putting a magnet under or near it. It may be an ordinary magnet or a magnet from the refrigerator, which shows the money.

10. Train money

Since our four-legged girlfriend is ruled by the coming year, then a wonderful money ritual will be a taching of money. Buy a leash in advance (dog or toy) and attach to it a bill of major dignity, then put under the Christmas tree. Everything. Now money will be held all the year at your home.

PS: Remember that the most important key of success is your work and inspiration!

Rituals to attract money on New Year's Eve.

Get rich - the dream of many. Therefore, in the New Year's Eve among the pleasant desires, perhaps most often make money. After all, for many people, happiness is a feeling of freedom, and such a feeling gives financial security.

There is a whole New Year's magic - compliance with certain rituals for the new year, as well as during the entire 2013, to ensure its financial well-being as a guarantee of happy and occurred existence.

New Year's magic or rituals to attract money

Council First

For all the year you have money, start with a ritual of covers of the New Year's table: Put a handful of golden coins under the plates, even if it is only ten-way coins, their golden color in combination with the food abundance of the table will attract wealth to you.

Tip Second

On New Year's Eve it is worth changing at least 2 times. Refreshment of clothing symbolizes pleasant changes in the coming year. New attracts new, brave attracts bold, the implementation of the most bold projects becomes possible. You are tune in to multipleness and successful activities immediately in several directions. There is hope that all your undertakings will be paid for.

Council Third

Before the New Year, make a revision in the house and throw away all unnecessary things, as well as make a general cleaning. Together with the granious trash, you get rid of ballast and negative, accumulated over the year. It will open the way to you new cash flows and opportunities.

Fourth Council

In the New Year's Eve, take a red sheet of paper, and mark on it a bright marker or bright green paint that amount of money whose owner would like to be in the coming year. Then make such a collage: under the designated amount, glue the coin (for example, in 10 kopecks), surround it with drawn or glued coins and bills. Roll into a roll, tie up with two ribbons - golden and scarlet. Before the battle of the chimes, hang a scroll on the Christmas tree. On the morning of January 1, remove it from the Christmas tree and hide it where no one except you sees it.

Council Fifth

Put on the New Year's Eve on the table 12 dishes - as a symbol of 12 months, in each of which your income must be consistently increased. The table must be beautifully served, putting in beautiful dishes. Plastic or disposable plates will exclude as a symbol of small minor income, which in your wallet will not be delayed.

Council Six

On the eve of the new year, buy a new wallet, a decorative thin flexible snake, and a gold ribbon. On New Year's Eve you need to put a large bill in a new wallet, wrap the snake around the wallet and tied up in a gold ribbon. After that, it is necessary to say: "Baking the undequented to himself brings money, for the year it will increase, it will turn out, it will notify his way, it will make me rich. My word is strong! " Remove the wallet away from prying eyes, do not use it for everyday needs. After each salary or income from some other source, insert at least one bill of average advantage in this wallet. There will be no problems with finance. And the amount accumulated in the wallet is spent at the very end of the year for something necessary or pleasant.

Seventh Council

Start the morning on January 1 with a monetary bath. To do this, pour hot water, add a glass of milk, a few drops of Bergamot oil and put 7 coins. To lie down in a bath of 10 minutes, visualizing the money from all sides of the money. Then plunge into the water with your head three times. And again visualize the image of cash flows.

To strengthen the money ritual to light the green candle in the bathroom. And after the exit from the "magic" water, not to wipe, give moisture to dry yourself.

By the way, wanting money for money in New Year's Eve, no need to forget about other areas of your life - about love, health, mutual understanding. So you will attract harmony in your life. misunderstandings.

Council eighth

Buy or make an independent 2013 Talisman - a feature of the snake. Put the talisman in the wealth sector - in the south-east of the apartment. And if you want the whole family to enjoy the wonderful properties of your money snake, place it so that it looks at the center of the room, where all relatives are going to.

New Year is a favorable time in order to change your life, to attract good luck, wealth, well-being. It is at the junction of the outgoing and coming years that incredible opportunities for each person are opening. With the help of special conspiracies and some objects - candles, mirrors and cash bills - you can attract cash flow to your fate and attract love. To create New Year's magic forces to everyone, the main thing - sincerely believe in a miracle.

How to attract luck

You can attract good luck on the New Year's Eve with the most common household items that are almost magical at that time. To attract good luck, the item is selected that is used every day. It can be a comb, hair curlers, a fluff, hairdryer.

The subject can be just purchased or old. If something is selected for some time, this item is necessarily brushing before conducting a conspiracy for good luck. You can think of a conspiracy phrase yourself, the main thing is that she lifted the mood. The phrase is pronounced during the use of the subject.

You can prove such words:

  1. 1. "Wear hair - good luck."
  2. 2. "Locks straighten - I attract luck".

Prepare an object that brings good luck, you need a few minutes before the battle of the chimes. While the watch beat twelve, pronounce a plot. To contact the subject with such words you need 7 times, and then put it on the window and leave until the morning. New Year's Eve will help to charge a symbol of good luck next year.

To move failure in the new year, after the battle of the Kuranta, you need to go outside and divorce the fire. Around the fire you need to run fun, jump and noise. Funny songs with positive words are welcome. The more noise, the more negative will remain in the old year, and in the new good luck and success.

Attracting money and wealth

December 31 - most best time For rituals to attract money and wealth. In the acquisition of wealth will help such methods:

  1. 1. To carry out the magic ritual, you will need to take three green candles. Each must be attached to 1 coin, then light. FROM closed eyes Imagine how money is attracted, feel the cash flow, enter it. Feel like pockets are filled with money, better - large bills. Images should be bright and clear, then the ritual will work.
  2. 2. January 1 should not be washed with water, it is enough to take paper dollar And wipe the face. For better effect Wipe the bill of all body.
  3. 3. While the chimes will beat 12 hours, you need to drink a glass of champagne with a coin clamped in hand. The magic ritual will help gain wealth in the new year.
  4. 4. On the eve of the new year, you should write a letter with the wishes of the profit, seal it into the envelope with large Covera And put under the Christmas tree. The letter should be kept until the end of the outgoing year, then the money to spend money.
  5. 5. Under the hours of hours in a glass with champagne, lower the coin and make a desire, then empty a glass.

Do not forget that even after the rituals for attracting money, the profit in the new year will not come if they do not apply to this effort. All conspiracies I. magic rites Only contribute to attracting light money, which will come, if you work a little.

Formation of a favorable energy flow

New Year's Eve - time to form a favorable stream of energy, which will come into force on the first day of the new year. At this time, it is important not only to form a flow correctly, but also not to lose it. To attract positive energy, several rules should be followed during the celebration:

  • Before combat hours you need to prepare a pencil, paper, lighter, a fuer and a bottle of champagne. As soon as the battle of the chimes starts, on a small leaves should be written the most cepete desires. All of them are written in the present time with the date, for example: "I buy new car January 2, 2018 ". From the correctness of the wording depends on the fulfillment of the desire. After that, the leaflets need to be treated, throw in champagne and drink to the bottom. Everyone needs to have time for 12 kraist strikes.
  • In the first five minutes after the new year, you need to open all the doors and windows in the house and say: "Go all bad, come good!" Simple New Year's magic will help properly organize a positive energy flow and maintain it for the entire next year.
  • in new Year's feast It is undesirable to eat crabs, crabs, lobsters, since these arthropods go back, which is a symbol of extinction, and not profit;
  • on January 1, it is impossible to remove the apartment, wash the floors, sweep and endure the garbage;
  • in holidays If possible, you need to refuse to work in order not to spend all year in troubles.

It will help to strengthen the formation of a favorable flow observation of the stellar festive sky. You can listen to the ringing of bells, barking dogs, meowing cats or bird singing at dawn. If the New Year's Eve under the window of the unmarried woman licks the dog, then in the new year, it is likely to marry in the new year.

Attracting health

In order to gain good health for the entire next year, a simple magic ritual will be required. Before proceeding with Him, you need to prepare such items:

  • big mirror;
  • three red candles;
  • warm water;
  • large spoon.

Rite time - from 23:00 to 00:00. It is at this turning point that old year will take all health problems. At 23 o'clock, stand in front of the mirror and light the candles. The room should be dark and quiet. It is necessary to cry out from the can a tablespoon of honey and pronounce: "Three sides of the day, one side of the night. How water is drunk out of the earth, they are leaving all my diseases. Earth is heal, honey I will put in my mouth, I'll wake a swan on the ground. Youthful, honey Sweet seal. " This conspiracy is taken from the book Natalia Stepanova, Siberian healers, popular around the world. Immediately after reading the cherished words, you need to eat honey and put it with warm water.

Love ritual

Magic New Year holidays will help attract true love, strengthen family relationships And gain real happiness.

The ritual with apples is suitable for lovers who meet the New Year together, and for family pairs. Apples need to be put on the table as a treat. So that the rite was powerful, it will be necessary to perform the necessary conditions:

  • During the battle of the Kurats, you need to ask your beloved person to apply, which then you need to imperceptibly hide under the Christmas tree.
  • The next morning apple is cut into two halves, all bones are removed from it.
  • On a white piece of paper you need to write the name of your loved one, put a piece of paper between apple halves and tear up a red fruit woolen thread.
  • Apple put in a warm place and leave to dry. The land will be fruit, the more love will be a couple.
  • The rite should remain secret, and no one should find fruit. This apple is an overlap of love and harmonious relationships.

To get married in the new year, it is necessary to store the table with a clean white tablecloth, put on it white candles and water with honey. Candles light and read a conspiracy: "I appeal to myself on the honey driver of the narrowed His. Come, my husband is my future, for a treat. How sweet is this water honey, so sweet your love to me. Amen." After the ritual of honey water, you need to wash and sprinkle all the doors in the house.

Prayer Matronushka about marriage

Prayer of the Virgin

In the new year, love rituals can not be afraid for the consequences. This is the best time for ghosting on the narrowed. Conspiracies for the New Year are of particular strength and will certainly bring the desired.