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How to tie a red thread on your hand. The power of the red wool thread. Which hand is tied with a red thread

Thin red woolen thread on the arm. This is what and why do you need to wear it? Lifestyle, ideology, religion, enlightenment, philosophy or mystical knowledge? The threads can be seen on the hand of Magda Sesseler, Madonna, Kaya.

Red thread frees you from envy and hostile looks

A red ribbon or thread frees us from envy and hostile views that hold back our life potential. It is supposed to get rid of negative emotions... You need to ask a string of enthusiasm and strength to give everyone true compassion and kindness.

Magic amulet

An amulet should be tied to the hand by a person who is very important and dear to us, deserving respect and love. Seven knots must be tied, not counting the first, and the Ben Porat prayer must be read.

This protection tool has been used for centuries. The thread needs to be wrapped around the tomb of Rachel (the wife of Patriarch Jacob) seven times, then divided into pieces and tied around the wrist. Thanks to such an operation, she acquires magic power... Today, the followers of this tradition are Kabbalists.

According to Kabbalah, the left hand receives energy from both components of a person: body and soul. The red woolen thread on the left wrist gives great strength and protects against misfortune. Power does not help greedy and selfish people... Following the Madonna, who was the discoverer and distributor and enriched the Center for the Teaching of Kabbalah by a modest 13 million, many foreign and, paying tribute to fashion, our stars became followers of the teachings.

The red thread on the left wrist protects the two sides of life. You are safe for others, others are safe for you. Does it really work and how should it really be? It is said that "Faith can exceed capacity." The secret is that the work is not only about faith, but also about the real power of the red thread.

Now the thread is used for protection

The thread of Kabbalah or the thread of Rachel

But there is something more dangerous than the strictly commercial activity of the Kabbalah Center. In the teachings of Kabbalah, Yehuda Berg uses symbols from Jewish mysticism, which is completely cut off from Judaism.

The most famous student of Kabbalah is Madonna, who has already spent $ 22 million on the development of the Kabbalah Center in New York. Stars such as Demi Moore, Elizabeth Taylor, Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan have openly joined the Kabbalah followers. Madonna and Demi, along with their husbands, celebrated the Jewish New Year in Tel Aviv.

Orthodox Jews regard Kabbalah as an esoteric version of Judaism because it is not taught by Jews, unlike progressive rabbis. Rabbis-Kabbalists, according to Jewish saints and blessed by God for life, in the United States have a reputation for murderers and embezzlers, perverts and religious maniacs.

Kabbalah together with Scientology is nothing more than a scientific way of rapid spiritual development and solving global problems facing humanity. The study of Kabbalah as a metaphysical philosophy requires a higher intellectual potential and a higher function of the mind, including the ability to think abstractly. This must be understood in such a way that philosophers and scientists should have the ability to think abstractly to analyze and synthesize the ability to visualize acting abstract things and phenomena.

The most famous disciple of Kabbalah - Madonna

Kabbalah, or the secret code of the Bible

For several recent years Jewish mysticism is generating increased interest in Hollywood. The woolen thread on the left hand is a symbolic sign of the disciples of Kabbalah. Elizabeth Taylor and Britney Spears do not hide it. Tying a red thread on your hand is just part of a wide range of commercial projects by Yehuda Berg, head of the Kabbalah Center. He recommends that people buy water from the organization's store, which helps in the treatment of cancer, AIDS and SARS, and with it buy pads with the name of God written on them. But before that, you need to purchase a 23-volume edition of the Kabbalists' textbook - Sefer ha-Zohar. An interesting fact is that in the organization's store, you have to pay a price for a textbook five times higher than in other bookstores in America.

The incarnation of Queen Esther?

There is no need to wait for the consequences of the activities of the center. The stars who have gone through the last stages of initiation at the Kabbalah Center are full of ideas on how to realize their religiosity. Madonna adopted the name Esther - she says that she is the embodiment of Queen Esther, and Britney Spears tattooed the name of God on her back below the waist. Madonna donates millions of dollars to spread the teachings of the Kabbalah Center, and Yehuda Berg creates additional villas for himself and his sons.

Co-director of the Center for the Study of Kabbalah -Yehuda Berg

True Kabbalah

The Kabbalah taught by the founder of the Kabbalah Center has little to do with the real teaching that was studied by many Jews. The teaching proclaimed as Kabbalah defines the whole, very rich heritage of Jewish mysticism. Studying its history, you can see that it consists of different variations and trends. For many centuries, under his banner were Jews dealing with magic, applying the teachings of Kabbalah in practice. It also included the production of talismans, the use of the names of angels, written different ways the name of God, spells and curses.

Therefore, those who could not study Kabbalah based on biblical research are close to Orthodox Judaism, which does not recognize the use of spells, and sees only one magic in Kabbalah.

Even King Vladislav Jagiello invited Kabbalists to his court, who performed a magical ritual of reading a vision, which arose in a crystal.

It was also noted that a Kabbalist residing in Prague sculpted a creature out of clay, which he called Golem. The sage managed to revive his work. He used the power of the name of God for this, but the creature was not going to carry out the commands of its master and destroyed everything that stood in its way, sowing fear among the inhabitants of the city. Frightened, the creator was forced to kill him.

Superstitious people tying a red thread or ribbon on a child's wrist

Why hundreds of people wear red thread

It promotes a direct connection of a person with protective energies, protects from unfriendly views, envious people and enemies, has been used by many generations for thousands of years. Superstitious people tie a red thread or ribbon on the child's wrist.

In addition, tabloid media write that for people all over the world, wearing a red thread means being a student and an adept studying Kabbalah, and that it brings good luck in love.

The Slavs also wear a red thread on their left hand, but their rules differ from the teachings of Kabbalah.

  1. It is allowed to tie the thread yourself.
  2. Seven knots are required.
  3. Say a request to protect and protect over the bundles. Imagine what you want from life (vividly and figuratively).
  4. When performing the ritual of tying knots, thoughts and thoughts should be pure, noble. A positive attitude is important.

If suddenly your woolen thread breaks, do not be upset, it saves you from big trouble in this way. You need to tie a new protective amulet.

If the red thread breaks, then the safest way is to burn it.

Why on the right hand

In India, in sacred temples, on the right wrist unmarried girls tie a red thread. Why the ritual is carried out, no one remembers exactly. This is probably a special mark that indicates that the girl is unmarried and that she, as a bride, is worth taking a closer look at.

The ancient Slavs believed that if you tie a thread on your right hand, only pleasant events will occur in your life. There will be wealth and prosperity in your home.

Modern youth, following fashion, also wears a red thread on the wrist. There will be no harm from this, it will even help improve health if it is made of natural wool. As a talisman, it must be used correctly, be able to wear and tie it. The ancestors have long noticed the properties of natural wool and the thread tied on the right wrist:

  • Improves blood circulation in the capillaries.
  • Accelerates wound healing.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Helps repair stretched tendons.

Scientists attribute the miraculous properties to the fact that wool is a weak source of static electricity.

It is worth noting, no matter what teaching you follow, and on which hand to wear woolen thread, it is not so important. In ancient times, sick and premature babies were treated by putting them in natural sheep's wool, which they saved. They applied wool to a sore tooth, to sore knees, relieving pain.

Red thread is safety

Ancient people did not know about such a substance as lanolin, which easily penetrates into the bloodstream through the skin and has a miraculous effect on the entire body, soothing and relieving pain. They did not know about electricity and the laws of physics and the properties of substances from chemistry, but with their ability to observe, they could draw the correct conclusions that wool heals, hence the woolen thread on the hand of the Slavs and Eastern peoples.

Knowledge from afar

There is no single version of why a red thread is tied on the left hand. Whatever the people, there is a new legend telling why the thread should be red.

Even our great-grandmothers knew such an amulet, and it worked effectively.

Is just a piece of thread enough to protect us from the evil eye and charm? Maybe all the magic power of the thread lies in color?

The hottest of all colors, red is the color of life and extreme sensations. It has hundreds of meanings, the most important:

  • convenience;
  • warmly;
  • sensitivity.

The color attracts attention and seems closer than it really is. Red absorbed the energy and warmth of the animal and the light of the sun, which colored it in a hot, fiery color. Such a thread protects from the evil eye and protects our health, protects against accidents and evil spirits. Maybe that's why the red thread serves as a talisman and amulet.

The Slavs believed that the goddess Swan taught the red woolen thread to tie the people on a wattle fence. She defended their home, yard, farm, dashing people could not harm the crop. Even in the twenty-first century, in the outback there are villages where residents tie a red thread on a wattle fence, protecting themselves from the epidemic of colds.

Red thread protects from the evil eye and protects our health

Many people believe that by tying a thread on the wrist, they save themselves from the evil eye and many diseases.

Gypsies, wearing a red thread and using its miraculous properties, was granted by the holy apostles for the noble deed of Saint Sarah, who saved them from persecution. She received the gift of foresight and the right to choose the first baron. She plucked the strings from the red shawl and tied the baron candidates around the wrist. And only the gypsy Joseph, the thread pulsed with a bright light. Joseph became the first gypsy baron. The tradition has been preserved. Gypsy barons are tied with a thin red thread on their right hand.

During the plague epidemic, the Nenets goddess Nevehege personally tied a woolen red thread on the right hand of the sick.

The Indians of North America also used a woolen red thread to heal the sick, and it also helped women in labor.

The properties of natural wool are known to modern medicine, as well as its effect on the human body. The substance lanolin is used to make ointments and creams that help in the treatment of diseases and many of the properties that our ancestors attributed to red wool thread, can be explained in terms of modern science.

Hello. Have you seen the red thread on the hand of the artists? And why do they wear it? Today we will find out what the red thread on the wrist is for.

Fashion or tradition

What is this thread on the hand for? It turns out that this is an ancient Jewish movement of the esotericists of Kabbalah. Kabbalists believed that a woolen thread tied by one of their relatives, friends or lovers would become a powerful talisman against the evil eye.

Why woolen? It is believed that it has a positive effect on blood circulation in small vessels, relieves inflammation, and accelerates wound healing.

This is explained by the fact that it acts as a source of weak static electricity. The first to wear this accessory on her left wrist was Madonna.

What does this banner mean? Kabbalists believe that this is a powerful energetic who has a powerful influence on fate, protects a person from any shocks, failures, helps to rise to the pinnacle of success if a special ceremony was performed.

On which wrist should you tie the amulet? Kabbalists believe that all negativity penetrates into the subtle bodies of a person precisely through left hand... That is, the amulet on the left hand will drive away all the evil that other people or invisible creatures direct you to. The constrictions brought from Jerusalem have a special aura.

Charm to preserve health

Slavic peoples believe that the red thread on the right wrist is worn by those people who wish to attract wealth and good luck. Many women of fashion simply adopt this tradition, not understanding why it is needed. Will not bring harm. If the thread is made of natural wool, then it is even good for health. But if you make a real amulet against the evil eye, then you need to tie it correctly.

A special tying ritual

How to tie a fiery amulet against the evil eye? As mentioned above, it should be tied close person who is able to genuinely wish you good luck, happiness. But you, in turn, should not wish harm to anyone. If you take offense, get angry, then the thread will slowly take away your strength.

You can ask a priest or nun. A self-tied constriction will not be able to protect from the evil eye. But according to Slavic customs, you can make a talisman on your own, but by all means tying 7 knots.

When tying knots with your own hands, then vividly imagine what you are asking for. Be sure to ask for protection from various negativity.

The amulet can break. What does it mean? Kabbalists believe that if the thread is torn, it means that the person escaped a great disaster, that is, it was the fiery accessory that saved the person, but he no longer had any strength left. After the break, you need to tie a new amulet.

Why is the color red chosen?

Since the earliest times, the color red has been given special significance. Kabbalists consider him a symbol vital energy and protection. Many nations believe that it will protect from both external and internal negativity.

How does it help? If a person wears a fiery bracelet, then his thoughts and actions will be pure. That is, he will not hold grudge against other people, he will not envy or take offense. The person will receive peace of mind as well as inner peace.

If you do not have a wool thread, silk, linen, cotton thread will do, that is, it must be made of natural material.

You can see a red bracelet and on right hand... Why wear on the right wrist? It depends on the person's personal beliefs.

  • On the left wrist mdash protection against negative energy
  • On the right wrist to attract material wealth and good luck

Tying rite

How to make a rite so that the amulet begins to work. There is strong words prayers that are read when tying. But remember, the prayer is read by the one who ties the knots, not the one who is tied. There should be exactly seven knots.

Have mercy on me (name), Lord, and save, Mother Holy Mother of God, Father, the Savior of the World Jesus Christ, all-all holy saints. Lord, bless, have mercy and save, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You can make amulets for desire using beads.

  1. Tie a knot first.
  2. Then thread the bead.
  3. Then tie the knot again.
  4. There are six knots and five mdash beads.
  5. The seventh wish must be said when you tie this bracelet on your wrist
  6. This will be the seventh node.

This advice is given by the famous psychic Alena Kurilova.

The red thread in Christianity

For Christians, such a talisman is tied with 7 knots (7 is the number of God) on the right hand to attract good luck and luck. Christianity is not against it, because this bracelet carries good in itself, cleansing the body from ailments, and the mind from problems. Christians should not wear a bracelet with symbols of another faith.

Tie a red amulet to your child to provide protection from envious eyes and negativity. When tying, read the prayer Our Father.

Muslims have a red thread

Muslims also have such an amulet. They wear it on their left hand, and it is also considered a powerful talisman against evil, various evil spirits. The amulet gains even more power if it has the symbol of the Hand of Fatima on it.

Both men and women are allowed to wear such an amulet. To tie a thread is accepted by women: mothers, sisters, lovers.

How much to wear red thread?

Many people wear it until it breaks, but Kabbalists believe that it should be changed as often as possible. After all, a fresh thread has a more powerful energy charge.

Advice: the amulet will bring good luck if it does not attract attention. Do not tell anyone about it, for others, let it be just a decoration. To get rid of the damage that has already been put on you, then, tying the amulet on your left wrist, pronounce the conspiracy:

The servant of God (name) is healed, theologizing, from the Holy Spirit, the seal of the Khrestovaya, Spasovaya hand, the Mother of God. The cross is over me, the cross is in front of me, be you, the enemy, cursed, chased through the earth into abusive pits, empty gaps. In the name of the Lord, the life-giving cross, the Father in progress. I ask for your mercy. Amen.

Reading the reviews of those who wear this amulet, you are amazed at the miracles that happen to people.

In parting, I want to wish you not to neglect the ancient traditions, because it is not for nothing that celebrities wear this bracelet.

More on the topic.

Do not keep to yourself, speak out: 3 comments

I'm afraid to disappoint, but Kabbalists also believe that wearing hats made of fur half a meter in diameter and black stockings with patent leather shoes also protects them from something there) I live in Israel and here there are uncles everywhere in kippah who will tie you up for a dollar and a half they will read such a thread and a prayer, but there will be no sense, every second person here with such a thread, but something not every hundredth or thousandth has a car, an apartment and other benefits, but morally they are still ugly, everyone has heard the saying * from Shabbat before Shabbat, brother fucks brother *.

It is better to knit a red wool sweater and wear it, some thread cannot * protect from the evil eye *, firstly, the evil eye is nonsense, as well as damage, psychics and other charlatans profit from this, and secondly * Kabbalists believe * even in all sorts of garbage, not only in a red thread))))

The post was delivered, thank you, I laughed heartily) I can send you * Air of Jerusalem * in a jar, tourists willingly buy it, as well as deceitful red strings)))))

The red thread on the wrist is a charm that has a special meaning. It is believed that the bracelet brings good luck and protects its wearer from evil. Tie a thread on either hand. On the left are worn by those who want to protect themselves from the evil eye, on the right - those who want to improve their financial situation. It can be worn by people of any faith and age. The red thread is an ancient kabbalistic amulet, which, when performing a special ritual, is able to protect its owner even from death and serious illness.

Basic meanings

Red thread has become popular recently. Today, such a bracelet adorns the hand of every third inhabitant of the planet. The amulet gained popularity due to its effectiveness. Red woolen thread is charged with special energy, it will protect its owner from the following problems:

  • evil eye;
  • damage;
  • envy;
  • hex;
  • bad influence of others.

Before you buy a talisman for good luck, you should know that it is tied according to certain rules... If you just hang a red thread on your hand, then it will not have any power. Only correct ritual will help to charge the rope with the right energy.

The history of the origin of the talisman goes back to ancient times. For the first time, such a miraculous amulet is mentioned in Jewish history. The tomb of the nun Rachel, who is considered the progenitor of the Jews, was tied with a red thread. The nun studied Kabbalah, where red has a special sacred meaning.

Red belongs to Mars and is ruled by this planet. Mars has a huge impact on a person, gives him strength and self-confidence. The Red Planet protects and protects everyone who was born under its patronage.

The red thread on the wrist means that its wearer is protected from all bad things. He will certainly be accompanied by good luck in all matters. The talisman will protect you from the evil eye and an evil tongue, save you from death and serious illness.

Right or left hand?

The red bandage can be placed on the left or right hand. They place it on one side or the other, depending on the meaning that the amulet will carry. According to Kabbalah, the left side of the body is considered the most vulnerable and requires special protection; therefore, more often the rope can be found on the left side. Located on the left wrist, the talisman will protect a person from the bad influence of others, creatures from the other world.

The main rule of the red thread is that it should be woolen. Only natural wool will help protect against the evil eye and damage. There are several other opinions that speak in favor of other materials. Today, for the manufacture of amulets they use:

  • silk;
  • cotton.

Some people prefer to wear the thread on their right hand. In this case, she helps in financial matters. Usually on the right wrist a red rope is worn by influential people, businessmen. The talisman brings good luck in all matters, helps to conclude profitable deals.

Quite often, the reason for the acquisition of a red knitted ribbon is severe illness... If an adult or a child is seriously ill, then he needs to purchase or independently knit a charm. It is necessary to tie it together with a prayer for seven knots. Close relatives necessarily knit a thread, they also tie a ribbon and read a prayer. This ritual is mainly used in Christianity.

In what religions is the talisman found?

A red thread is widespread in Judaism, since it was this religion that gave the world such a talisman. Almost all Jews wear a thread from birth. Sometimes other holy signs are placed on it, the palm of Fatima or the Star of David.

Christianity involves wearing a red talisman. The child should tie the thread immediately after birth, so that evil spirits did not take possession of the newborn. A Christian's thread is tied by a grandmother or mother who read a special prayer.

There is such a sign in Hinduism, where only young girls who have found their chosen one are allowed to have a bracelet. Occasionally, a charm can be found on a man's hand, which means good luck and good income... Only a sister has the right to tie a thread to an Indian man. Sometimes, a master can make such a gift to his student, as a sign of recognition.

Buddhists put on a red bracelet after a special service in the temple, where the thread is illuminated and charged with the correct energy. Buddhists attach great importance to the red rope and tie it on household items, animals, doors.

Muslims do not neglect to wear a red thread. They put it on their left hand to protect themselves from evil and evil spirits... The talisman is worn by men and women, it is tied by native women, it can be done by a wife.

Rules for tying a talisman

In order for the talisman to have its strength, it must be properly tied, energized. This is usually done by a loved one, most often a woman. During tying, a special prayer is read. Be sure to tie the ribbon to a knot to make a ring. Ring - good sign, the border from evil.

There should be seven knots in total while tying. It is 7 - the number of God and lucky number in almost all religions. 6 knots should not be allowed, since this is the number of the devil, and nothing good should be expected from such a talisman.

The talisman is charged with positive energy by a special prayer, which the tying one reads during the ritual. The words should be as follows:

  1. 1. "Lord Almighty, may your kingdom be glorified.
  2. 2. I bow my head before your Greatness and ask for your mercy.
  3. 3. For you are favorable to all who have come to you in prayer.
  4. 4. You heal the sick and help those who ask.
  5. 5. Your love is true and no one except you has the forgiveness of all people.
  6. 6. Please, protect your servant ... (name), save from troubles and protect from enemies visible and invisible.
  7. 7. For you are the Lord Almighty. "

Each line is read by tying one knot. Only 7 lines and 7 knots. The prayer should end with the tying of the bracelet on the arm.

You can make a talisman yourself or purchase a ready-made one. You can order a red thread from Jerusalem, where it will undergo a special ceremony and will be endowed with a special protective power. V ready-made kits prayer is often attached, which saves in any difficult situation. The strongest medium and psychic Swami Dashi believes that the red thread is the most powerful amulet for all people.

Among the many attributes designed to protect and protect a person from evil forces, especially popular in recent times there was a red thread on the wrist. The tradition of wearing a red bracelet came to us, rather, from the West. Imitating the stars of pop culture is something inherent in the modern world. And people are happy to copy their idols, putting on a thread on their wrist and at the same time sometimes not knowing what this symbol means, why it is tied and on which hand the red thread should be worn. Let's try to figure it out.

General description of the amulet

Such celebrities as Madonna, Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, Sean Connery borrowed wearing an amulet from Kabbalah - an ancient Jewish teaching, according to which it is tied on the left hand so that it fulfills its main purpose - to protect it from the evil eye and damage.

Besides, red thread is considered a powerful weapon from anger, envy and others negative influences... According to the teachings of Kabbalah, it is the left hand that is the portal to the human aura, through which negative energy can penetrate. The mechanism of action is as follows: by rubbing the woolen thread in hand, minimal electrical discharges arise, which affect the energy channels in the left hand, creating protective field around the person. Therefore, in order to block the entrance for all evil, it is worth tying a scarlet amulet.

Our ancestors, the Slavs, wore red threads on the wrist of their right hand to attract prosperity, luck and prosperity. Christianity is hostile to such a talisman, considering it part of the occult. ... Therefore, upon entering the church you will definitely be asked to remove your amulet.

What materials should the thread be made of

It is advisable to use a woolen thread as a talisman. This natural material has a beneficial effect on the entire body. For this reason, some people wear woolen ropes. with the aim of improving well-being without giving them any magical meaning... A woolen thread is capable of:

  • normalize blood circulation;
  • ease joint pain;
  • relieve headaches.

Silk thread is sometimes used instead of wool. Since silk is natural material, he is also endowed with the ability to positively influence a person. Tapes are not used for this purpose. Bracelets bought in jewelry stores, to which all kinds of decorative elements made of silver, can only serve as decoration, not possessing any magical abilities.

Besides, what thread is desirable to purchase in sacred Israeli places, for example, in Jerusalem, the amulet must be bought with personally earned funds. Avoid tying a gift or self-made bracelet. You should not tie a red thread from Israel yourself, but entrust the performance of this ritual to a loved one or loved one whom you completely trust.

How to tie correctly

It is worth remembering that the bracelet will become effective only as a result of observing the rules for tying it. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly tie the red thread on your wrist. It needs to be tied in seven knots. If in the process of this a Jewish prayer is read, then the talisman will receive special power. You need to start the ritual with pure thoughts, in a good mood. Not the last condition wearing the rope correctly is believing in its power. After all, it is faith that gives it the very power that you expect from it.

Some of our compatriots wear the Khuzhin amulet. This is the name of a specially woven ancient Slavic amulet that can be found among Old Believers living in distant Siberia. They lead a hermitic lifestyle, have a subsistence economy and pass on their knowledge from generation to generation. Such an amulet is weaved at a certain time of the day, performing a special ritual with a conspiracy and prayers. It is believed that the bracelets made by the inhabitants of the Khuzhin community have special power. Whether this is true or false is unknown. Such a charm can be freely ordered on the Internet.

Why is red

Red is a warning color, it means that it is dangerous for evil spirits here and that a person is protected by light forces. Buddhists also use threads other colors: yellow, green, blue.

How long should the red talisman be worn

The red talisman is worn all the time, without taking it off. How long it will serve you, it is impossible to say unequivocally. If your red thread is torn from the evil eye, do not rush to get upset. Amulet amassed negative energy, so it broke. Just replace the thread with a new one by speaking it and following the same steps of the ritual as with the first.

Red thread on the wrist

Watching famous artists, actors and other workers in the show industry, you notice a red thread on the wrist of many of them. This fashion is gaining momentum at a rapid pace. Have you wondered why they wear a red thread on your wrist? Few know what this tradition means.

One of the first stars to tie a fiery thread on her left wrist was the legendary Madonna after she became a follower of the most ancient Jewish esoteric movement of the Kabbalah.

According to the beliefs of Kabbalists, a woolen red thread that a relative, friend or lover ties around a person's wrist becomes a powerful talisman against the evil eye. It's incredible strong energetic, which, after a person has passed a certain rite, begins to influence fate, protect against any adversity and help achieve success.

Why on the left hand? Kabbalists believe that negative energy penetrates the body and aura of a person through the left hand. By tying the amulet on your left wrist, you scare away all evil that is directed to you by people and supernatural beings. For the followers of Kabbalah, this custom means a lot; they wear only strings on their wrists brought from sacred places.

The ritual of tying a red thread on the right wrist of unmarried women is common in Hindu temples. Why this is necessary, no reliable information has been found. Perhaps a bright object on the right hand simply means that the girl can be looked at and evaluated as a potential bride.

Among the Slavs and some eastern peoples, there are beliefs that a red thread on the right hand is worn by people who wish.

Many fashionistas and women of fashion, having caught the popular trend, simply mindlessly copy this tradition. They don't understand why they wear red thread. There will be no harm from this. It's even good for health if the thread is made of natural wool. But if you expect to acquire a talisman against the evil eye, you need to learn how to tie it correctly.

How to tie a red thread to prevent the evil eye?

According to the generally accepted tradition, your beloved should tie it to you, best friend or close relative... A person should understand what this ritual means, and sincerely wish you well. A charm against the evil eye can be made and put on your hand by a person with a strong and clean energy - a priest or a nun.

For followers of Kabbalah, a self-tied thread does not mean anything and does not protect from the evil eye. A correctly tied amulet also means that a person protected by this bracelet should also not wish anyone evil. If you do not comply with this condition, let low feelings into your heart, your negative message will go into a thread and drain its defenses.

The Slavs have slightly different rules for tying a red thread on the left wrist. You can do it yourself. But be sure to tie seven knots. Above each of the knots, ask for protection and very vividly imagine what you want to bring into your life. Don't think bad positive attitude and faith in this process is extremely important.

Don't worry if your protector breaks. Kabbalists believe that if a properly tied amulet is torn, it means that a great misfortune has passed by the person at that moment. The red thread managed to save her client, but she had already given all her strength. After that, a new amulet is simply tied.

Why should the thread be woolen?

Wool thread can interfere with blood circulation in the capillaries. By tying it around your wrist, you will speed up wound healing, relieve inflammation and tendon sprains.

Myths and prejudices have nothing to do with it. Although the legends about these properties of wool are very colorful. Explains the effect of woolen thread on the body is quite measurable and understandable physical properties wool - it is a source of static electricity, though not strong.

Many centuries ago, traditional healers noticed this feature of wool. Inflammation, which modern scientists have already managed to see and measure on highly sensitive devices, begins with a slowdown in blood flow in the capillaries. Wool, possessing a certain energy, makes the blood accelerate to normal.

From time immemorial, they have been treated for toothache, lumbar, headache, joint aches by applying natural undyed wool. Even premature, weak babies in the old days, when the Slavs and Eastern peoples did not have specialized equipment, were put in sheep's wool and rescued.

Another little-known, but important nuance... The fibers of the non-chemically treated wool are coated with lanolin (animal wax). Now chemists have learned to isolate this substance from wool, it is used to make very effective ointments and creams.

Lanolin dissolves at body temperature (35-37 ° C) and easily penetrates through the skin into the blood. It is he who has a beneficial effect on the muscles, spine, joints, stimulates blood circulation and soothes pain.

Our ancient ancestors did not have knowledge of physics, chemistry and did not have the equipment capable of showing the effect of woolen yarn on the human body. All the more, we should pay tribute to them for their incredible observation, intuition and the ability to draw correct conclusions.

Why red?

There is no single version on this matter. Each nation has its own legend, arguing why the red thread must be tied to protect against the evil eye and other dangers.

The Slavs have a belief about the goddess Swan, who taught the peasants to tie a red woolen thread on a wicker so that the disease could not enter the house. Even today, in some remote villages, this method is used to stop the flu epidemic. Our contemporaries who prefer to be treated and save themselves from the evil eye folk methods, red yarn is used to treat colds.

In ancient chronicles it is said that the red woolen thread absorbed the power of the animal and the sun, which painted it with the color of fire. That is why this amulet bestows health and protects from the evil eye.

The elders of the Roma peoples also have their own legend. According to legend, Saint Sarah was a gypsy. The woman saved the holy apostles from the persecutors. For this she was given the power of foresight and the right to choose the first gypsy baron. Sarah plucked a red thread from her shawl, cut it into several pieces, and tied it around the applicants' wrists. In one of the gypsies, named Joseph, a red thread suddenly began to glow, as if the sun's rays had passed through it.

So the first gypsy baron was chosen. Since then, the gypsies have retained the tradition of tying applicants for the title of baron to tie their hands with red woolen threads.

According to the legend, the Nenets goddess Nevehege bypassed the plague and tied the wrists of sick people with red woolen threads.

Among the North American Indians of the Goe tribe, the goddess Gray, who was engaged in healing the sick and helping at the birth of children, also tied red yarn on the wrists of the suffering.
Many nations have similar stories. You can consider this a fairy tale and be skeptical. But the properties of wool modern medicine already managed to comprehend.