Repairs Design Furniture

Best coating for wooden floor. Review of protective equipment: what covers wooden floors in the house, choosing the optimal option. Using Wood Floor Wax

Differences in the properties of coatings, depending on the characteristics of the used varnish or its alternatives, dictate the characteristics of the choice of coating for each particular room in the house. Where the floors experience severe loads (corridors, passing rooms, stairs, etc.), it makes sense to use formaldehyde and polyurethane varnishes; Oil-wax suitable for the kitchen, for the terrace - oil coating.

In residential premises without constant people's stay (for example, in the bedroom) will appropriate will be water-based coating. As for children's rooms, it is most often choosing water-dispersive varnishes without solvent content or oil-wax formulations. The last option is preferable, despite the complexity of cleaning, thanks to the safety for the health and ease of the update.

To cover the floors in unheated dacha homes that are not intended for permanent residence, it is best to use oil and oil-wax formulations: the elasticity of the lacquer coating does not allow it to withstand strong temperature differences and their decrease to minus values.

Wooden floor varnish

Wooden floor varnishes create a solid, smooth waterproof coating, largely resistant to scratches and not requiring special care. The main characteristic of varnish is the strength of the final coating to abrasion. Textures of modern varnishes vary from glossy to fully matte, including many intermediate options. There are completely transparent varnishes, in no way affecting the appearance of the tree, and compositions with specified visual effects: toning, dimming, etc. The properties of the coating, its durability and the method of application directly depend on the composition of the varnish.

Water-resistant (acrylic, acrylate polyurethane, etc.) varnishes. May consist only of water and emulsifiers, but most often contain solvent (from 5 to 15%).


  • "Practically do not smell;
  • "Quickly dry (3-4 hours);
  • "Fireproof, as they almost do not contain ignite substances;
  • "They have an excellent clutch with the surface, due to which the very uniform layer is formed.


  • "Complicated in application: work can be carried out only by a special roller;
  • "If you get into the gap can break the density of the fitness of boards or parquet dies to each other;
  • "They have low wear resistance;
  • "Over only primer.

Organo crashed(alkyd-urethane). In the production of these varnishes, natural raw materials are used, an auxiliary component is a solvent of organic origin. This category includes the so-called yacht varnishes, which were originally intended for external coverage of such vessels, and then began to be used for work in the premises.

be careful When choosing: not all varnishes in this category are intended for internal work, as they may contain volatile toxic components (xylene, toluene).


  • "Relatively rapid drying (6-12 hours);
  • "Good coating resistance to wear;
  • "Sufficient elasticity to compensate for small oscillations of wood size with a change in temperature and humidity;
  • "Improving the aesthetics of the floor by underscouncing the color and texture of wood.


  • "When applied to fresh wood requires its solvent processing;
  • "Due to the high depth of absorption, the varnish is removed only with the removal of a layer with a thickness of several millimeters.

Formaldehyde(Acid-curable). The basis of these varnishes is a formaldehyde resin, acid is actuated as a casing. By themselves, these components themselves are quite toxic, but they have a scientifically proven ability to completely evaporate without residual concentrations in the final coating.


  • "Maximum strength and durability of the coating (up to 10 years);
  • "Resistance to temperature drops;
  • "Simplicity of application - you can work with any tools;
  • "Do not require primer;
  • "Create the most saturated and deep color of wood.


  • "A sharp smell and selection of toxic vapors during drying - it is possible to work only in the respirator and protective glasses, it is impossible to use the room to complete lacquer drying, and after a long-term ventilation is required;
  • "Deleted only by grinding with the removal of a layer of wood with a thickness of up to 1 mm;
  • "Long dry: on full drying and weathering of formaldehyde vapor can take up to 3 days.

Polyurethane anhydrous Lucky are one-component and two-component. The first consist of polyurethane and solvents, the second may contain alkida as auxiliary substances, acrylic.


  • "High coating stability to wear, exposure to high temperatures, moisture and UV radiation;
  • "Fast drying (about 2 hours);
  • "Excellent clutch with a surface;
  • "Do not require primer;
  • "Do not possess a strong chemical smell.


  • "Esley the humidity of the floor board exceeds 6-8% or in the process of application there was a contact with water, the coating may begin to bubble or foam.

Oil and oil-wax coatings for wood

Floor coatings based on natural oils were popular thanks to their environmental friendliness: they do not contain toxic compounds and fully retain the natural look of the tree. The principle of oil impregnation is fundamentally different from the functions of the varnish: they give the wood itself increased strength and water-pumping properties. Formulations, including oils also wait (bee or vegetable), create a protective film on the floor surface.

Oil-based coatings are divided into three types:

  • "Exceptionally oily. On top of these compositions, it is recommended to additionally apply wax.
  • "Oil-wax, combining oil and wax properties.
  • "Oil with a high solid content. Includes resins that increase the strength of the coating.

The coatings may also include fungicides to prevent fungus and other auxiliary components, such as hardeners to accelerate drying.

Very often, oil-wax formulations are used to cover floors on terraces and indoors with strong temperature and humidity drops. Conducting floors in such places varnish may be inappropriate: wood reacts to sharp changes in conditions with expansion or compression, as a result, the lacquer coating can crack.

be careful: Oils for the terraces are not recommended for flooring in residential premises, since in some cases may contain toxic substances.

Before applying oil-wax formulations, wooden floors are carefully prepared: grind, polished, close up the slots, remove dust and all pollution. Bright wood (pine, birch). It is recommended to handle alkali to preserve a natural light shade, since under the influence of oil they have a darkest property. Poor surface preparation leads to the appearance of spots and uneven color of the floor. The drying time of the coating depends on its composition and density and can be from several hours to several days. In many cases, full-fledged floor exploitation (for example, furniture alignment) is possible not earlier than a week.

The main minuses of oil are the fragility of the coating and the complexity of the care. Restore or partially update the coating is necessary every 1-2 years. Practice shows that the first time after applying the oil, the floors are very quickly contaminated, moreover, when cleaning it is not recommended to use conventional detergents. Oil-wax covering is lighter in care, but also not very durable.


  • "Safe composition;
  • "A pleasant smell, the complete absence of toxic vapors;
  • "Simplicity of application: the coating is simply rubbed into the floor or applied with a roller;
  • "Easy to restore the coating;
  • "Insensitivity to humidity and temperature fluctuations;
  • "Wood protection outside and inside, including from water.


  • "Cleaning only with special means;
  • "Fast pollution of the first few months after coating;
  • "The likelihood of appearance of spots with long-term contact with metal objects (for example, with feet of furniture);
  • "Long drying.

Primer under varnish

  • "Improving the strength of the coverage and the extension of its service life;
  • "Alignment of the floor surface, especially if there are cracks and other small defects on it;
  • "The ability to give wood more intense shade, lighten or darken the main tone, emphasize the texture.

When choosing a primer, it is necessary to take into account the compatibility of its composition with varnishes, which are supposed to cover the floor, and the likelihood of changing the shade of wood after drying the coating.


  • "Water-dispersion or acrylic primer and water-based lacquer; Effect of tree clarification.
  • "Primer with a solvent content and water varnish; The effect of "burnt" wood.
  • "Primer and varnish with a solvent content, as well as polyurethane varnish; The tree acquires a golden shade.

If your choice fell on a specific varnish, be sure to consult a specialist regarding its compatibility with primers.

Irina Eremin,

marketing Manager V33 RUSSIA

When choosing a varnish matter of wood variety. Manufacturers, as a rule, indicate the packaging, for what type of wood their product is intended; In the Russian market, compounds for coniferous and hardwood are mainly represented. It should be borne in mind that some species of wood isolated painting pigments: so, oak floors due to the selection of tanins gradually acquire a yellow shade.

Specialists often ask the question whether partial repair of the varnished coating is possible if local defects appeared on it. Until now, in such cases, it was recommended to completely remove the old varnish and apply a coating. Now this can be avoided: products that can be used for local repair and renewal of parquet, laminate and even linoleum. It is enough to clean the processed area with the skin and rinse with a soda solution, after which you can apply lacquer.

When completing the finishing of various residential premises, it often raises the question of how to cover the wooden floor in the house. Its difficulty lies in the need to ensure not only excellent decorative properties that must be unchanged during the entire period of operation, and the operational relating to the integrity of the coverage and ensuring the protection of wood from negative factors.

What are the requirements for decorative coverage?

Decide on how to cover the wooden floor in the house or in the country, you must make sure that the selected composition meets the following requirements:

  • coatings are able to withstand the alleged loads, including elevated wear, abrasion and scratch;
  • ensure optimal protection of wood from moisture, fungus, mold, pests and microorganisms;
  • maintain their decorative properties in a wide range of temperatures and optimal humidity level;

Important! The painting of the wooden floor should be carried out with such a paintwork, which will be resistant to tolerate all possible negative impacts. Particular attention to the choice should be converted when finishing wooden structures operated in an unheated room, since it is in it a high probability of increasing the level of moisture and destruction of the material due to temperature fluctuations.

  • provide the desired level of fire safety;
  • have increased adhesion to a specific wood breed: not peel and not crack;
  • have an optimal ratio of plasticity and strength, which will not break down the protective layer under load or as a result of temperature changes;
  • comply with decorative properties: have the necessary color shade, form a matte or glossy coating;
  • the protective layer should not be slippery in specific conditions for its operation to ensure safe movement by the floor.

How to paint the floors in the house?

To answer the question of how to paint the wooden floor in the house or in the country, it is necessary to determine what type of coating should be obtained:

  • transparent, allowing you to preserve natural shades of wood and fiber texture, which is ideal for finishing the floor at the cottage;
  • with a color tinge (opaque), which gives wood a unique color, but with the preservation of a natural texture pattern.

Transparent compositions include varnishes and special protective impregnations, which are mainly manufactured on a natural basis and do not pose a health hazard. They are able to impregnate surface layers of wood or form high-strength protective films that will easily carry various mechanical damage or negative external influences.

Important! To cover the floor in a wooden house, it is recommended to use only proven paints from well-known manufacturers who guarantee their high quality and complete compliance with the stated characteristics. The use of cheap analogues threatens to replace the coverage ahead of the alleged period due to the violation of its aesthetic and operational properties.

Paintwork materials with a color tinge for wooden floors are formulations based on solvents (acrylic, polyurethane, oil paints) or water-based (water-dispersion, alkyd paints). They are suitable for finishing not only new wood, like varnishes and impregnations, and for a used to operate, as they are able to form contrast and rich flooring.

What types of impregnations are suitable for finishing wooden floors?

If you doubt how to cover the wooden floor, the choice in favor of impregnations is the most optimal, as they improve the adhesion of the surface, provide protection of wood from moisture, pests, chemically active substances, as well as sharp temperature differences. In addition, after them, it is possible to cover wood with practically any types of paints.

The answer to the question is the better to cover the wood for its maximum protection, depends on the requirements that are presented to it, and the features of operating conditions. Professionals recommend using the following impregnations:

  • on an oil basis, differing from an exceptionally natural composition, the ability to increase the moisture and water resistance of the material, as well as reduce the porosity of the surface layers, due to which reduce the consumption of paints;
  • antiseptics protecting wooden structures from biological influences (insects, fungus, mold), which increase the life of wood with deep penetrating abilities and the ability to solve previously arising non-critical problems with the material;
  • antipirens, allowing to improve the fireproof of the tree due to the effect of self-effect or radiation without fire at direct contact with open fire.

What paints are suitable for finishing wooden floors?

The question of how best to paint the wooden floor in the country or in the house is far from obvious, since there is a sufficiently large number of compositions on different foundations that give the compositions of various properties. Therefore, first of all it is worth considering the features of the operation of floors in a particular room to ensure the maximum service life.

There are the following types of coloring compositions for trimming floors of wood:

  1. Alkyd, which has excellent shelterness, elasticity and increased resistance to mechanical damage, chemical and biological negative factors. However, the composition of such paints may include toxic or harmful substances that, when applied, harsh odors can be highlighted. Coatings are distinguished by the minimum time of frozen and unpretentious in operation.
  2. Acrylic, which is the optimal solution for painting floors in the country or residential house, as available in a wide color range, inexpensive and very resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage. The only drawback is that the painted bar or the board is distinguished by a long time to froze the coating.
  3. Polyurethane, capable of forming a coating that is well resisting abrasion, loads and elevated wear. It has durability, the optimal ratio of strength and elasticity, as well as resistance to high humidity, which can be painted floors in unheated rooms.
  4. Oil, allowing to create inexpensive, but practical decorative coatings, which will be beneficial for decoration of wooden flooring in rooms with low or middle levels. Have a fairly simple application technology and low consumption per unit area.

What varnishes can cover wooden floors?

If you need to complete the finish of new wooden floors in a country house or a country building, it is recommended to use the following types of varnishes:

  • acrylic two-component, allowing to obtain a strongest transparent or color tinge coating with high strength to mechanical damage, resistance to pollution, increased wear, humidity and biological negative factors;
  • water-dispersive, characterized by increased resistance to wear, which have minimal porosity and high swelling speed;
  • alkyd-urethane having optimal decorative and operational properties, minimum cost and unpretentiousness in operation;
  • polyurethane, capable of ensuring durable and high-strength protection for wood from various negative actuating factors with increased adhesion to wood and excellent covers.

Important! When using varnishes for coating wooden floors, add additional components to their composition, for example, solvents to increase drying or dyes to improve decorative properties is prohibited. This is due to the possible loss of the main properties of the coating, which will require additional costs to fully update it.

If there is a difficulty with the choice than to paint the wooden floor in the country, it is recommended to focus on the following selection criteria:

  • minimum consumption per unit area;
  • simple application technology;
  • lack of toxic component;
  • sufficient fireproof level;
  • resistance to certain negative external influences.

That is, the answer to the question than painting the floor in the house, in each case it is individual due to significant differences in the degree of erase of coatings, requirements for decorative properties, features of operation and other factors.

In order to finally decide on how to cover the wooden floor, it is necessary to understand, for which it is necessary and what properties are those or other materials used in this form of work.

Wooden floors are used in residential construction from time immemorial.

And even in our time of the rapid development of construction and finishing technologies, when new materials appear hardly every day, the floors of wood continue to enjoy high popularity and widespread.

It is easily explained - the wooden floor in a country house or in an urban apartment has not only an attractive appearance, but also the following properties:

  • Durability, reliability and durability;
  • High heat-insulating characteristics;
  • Anti-allergency, natural ability to "breathe" and electrical antistaticity;
  • Relatively low cost;
  • High maintainability. When damaged, individual elements of the wooden floor can be easily replaced.

However, as is known - any medal has two sides. The construction of the wooden floor in the house, on the balcony, or for example, in a bath, also pays for certain disadvantages.

The fact is that no matter how high-quality tree, it has low noise absorbing properties, high hygroscopicity, is subject to rotting, abrasion and damage resulting from mechanical and shock loads, as well as deformations, under the influence of moisture or temperature drops.

That is why wooden floors in the house, bath, bathroom, on the veranda, balcony or in the garage it is best to cover with varnish or a layer of any other protective material.

This will allow not only to increase the life of a wooden floor covering, but also to significantly increase its consumer characteristics and properties.

But to the selection of the coating material, it is necessary to approach the most weigly and scrupulously, since not all kinds of wooden floors and coating materials are successfully combined with each other.

Types of paints and varnishes for floating floors

As a rule, choosing than to cover the wooden floor in an urban apartment or at the cottage, the consumer examines two options: paint and varnish.

In fact, today's market offers a much larger diversity of materials than just a lacquer coating in a private house (on the veranda, balcony, in the bathroom, garage, etc.).

There are a variety of coatings that take into account the specifics of the room and the conditions of the floor.

You can easily choose a coating, for example, for a bathroom or for the floor in the bath, you can choose a composition that is optimally suitable for the floor on an open veranda or, for example, in the garage.

Consider various types of coatings in more detail.

Paint for floating floors

To date, there are several types of paints for wooden floors. They are accepted to divide into two such large groups as paints on an organic basis and water-dispersion mixtures.

In addition, the paint may include antipers that increase the fireproofing of wooden floors, and biocides that effectively prevent the occurrence of rotting processes, the appearance of mold, fungus and pathogenic bacteria.

The paints on an organic basis (for example, acrylic or polyurethane) are easily applied, capable of listening to a long time, if they apply them correctly, do not mask the natural structure of the tree.

And acrylic paints are famous for its moisture resistance and resistance.

However, it is necessary to understand that the floors of residential rooms in an apartment or a country house, like a floor covering, mounted on an open veranda or on the balcony, are exposed to much less intensive loads than, for example, in the corridor, in the kitchen, in a public institution, Technical structure or in the garage.

And the paint for the floor in the corridor in the bathroom, in the shower or in the bath should also and successfully resist the elevated concentration of moisture.

In addition, even if we properly cover the floor in the apartment or in the country of the layer of paint, then you need to be prepared for the fact that this new layer will be quickly and unevenly carried to worry, crack or rely on, no matter how high-quality coverage.

Lucky for the floor

Wooden or parquet floors with varnish is one of the most popular types of protection and floor finish, both in the city apartment and in the country.

Being a solution of natural resins or polymers of synthetic origin, in combination with various types of solvents, floor lacquer is capable of effectively protecting the wooden floor from rotting, mold and fungus, and also give it a spectacular appearance.

There are several types of varnish, depending on the composition and type of solvent:

  • oil;
  • turpentine;
  • alcohol;
  • water;
  • polyurethane;
  • organic.

However, the coating of the wooden floor with varnish is possible only in those rooms in which there is no excess of moisture.

Therefore, the coating varnish is not used to protect the wooden floors in the bathroom, in the bath and in other rooms with high humidity.

Almost inapplicable lacquer and on an open veranda, loggia or balcony.

At the same time, most lacquer compositions have such a disadvantage as fragility of the structure and relatively low resistance to mechanical and shock loads.

Therefore, the floor covering is varnished in the garage, in a barn or in any economic building is inappropriate.

Oil protection floor

The technology of coating wooden floors by oil-containing compositions is already known no longer than one hundred years.

What kind of uniquely beautiful, durable and gorgeous can be the oil floor, you can still see in the Louvre, in the Hermitage, in many medieval castles, palaces and museums.

Oil, deeply penetrated into the structure of the tree, provides high protection of the floor covering, its strength, durability and aesthetics.

In addition, the floor oil has high moisture-repellent properties, which allows it to use it for sex in the bathroom, in a bath, on an open veranda and in general - in the country.

However, the coating of a wooden floor with compositions on the basis of various types of flaxseed oils, sunflower, soy and so on - relevant not only in a country house, but also in urban accommodation, for example, on the balcony, on the loggia or in the living room.

But in economic buildings or, for example, in the garage or veranda, the oil compositions are not rationally just with a financial point of view, given what time-consuming process is to care for such protection of the floor.

But there are floor coatings performed on an oil basis, a number of sufficiently significant flaws. First, they are very poorly perceived heating and temperature differences.

Therefore, for wooden floors in the house, in the country, in the city apartment or, for example, on the balcony, which is planned to install any heating system, the oil coating is best not to use.

In these cases, it is best to cover the surface of the floor with varnish.

In addition, the care of the oil floors is a rather laborious process and expensive.

Therefore, to cover the oil-containing compositions of the floor in the garage, on an open veranda, and indeed in the country - a solution, just say, controversial.

It is better to use paint or the same varnish.

But for the floor in the bathroom, in the bath, in other rooms characterized by the high percentage of moisture, such a coating is suitable as it is impossible.

Floor protection wax

Where the wooden floor covering with paint or varnish does not allow to achieve the desired effect and does not provide due protection, compounds made on the basis of wax are used.

Usually they will include in their composition, in addition to directly beeswax, also flaxseed oil, as well as a variety of polymer and composite additives.

Waxent floors have high water repellent properties.

Due to this, such coatings are often used in the country or to protect the floor in the bath, or in the sauna and in urban apartments - for example, for sex on the balcony or in the bathroom.

Floor finishing is one of the last steps of repairs in an apartment or a private house. It can be carried out using various materials, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the purpose of the room, there are certain requirements for materials:

  • Hall. Room with high walking load, in which a large amount of dust and dirt accumulates. The flooring should be as strong as possible and non-smast.
  • Bathroom. In this room, the floor covering is constantly in contact with water, so the material must be moisture-resistant and easily washed.
  • Kitchen. Here you also need a material that is not affected by moisture and not absorbing fat.
  • Balcony. Conditions in this room are close to street, therefore products must be resistant to low temperatures and humidity.
  • Living room. This room with high walking load, therefore the main characteristic of the material is mechanical strength.
  • Bedroom. In this case, the flooring should be environmentally friendly.
  • Children's Material must combine product characteristics for two previous premises.

This material is used to lay out floor coatings in any appointments. The linoleum had a special popularity in the times of the Soviet Union, now it is not so common, but still holds certain positions.

Linoleum - accessibility and easy to care


  1. A wide range of. The material for the floor is manufactured in different colors and can have patterns and ornaments on the front part. Modern rolled materials imitate the surface of the stone, wood, parquet, and so on.
  2. Moisture resistance.
  3. Mechanical strength.
  4. High indicators of sound and thermal insulation.
  5. Simple installation and subsequent care.

From the disadvantages it should be noted too high plasticity, dents remain in linoleum after furniture and other heavy items. Some models identify harmful substances, it can be determined by a strong chemical smell.

Another classic floor finish. Most often, the material is used to arrange flooring in kitchens and bathrooms.

Ceramic tile - Environmental purity and durability

To the positive sides of the tile can be attributed:

  • Resistance to chemically active substances, water, ultraviolet and abrasion.
  • A wide range of shades and sizes of products. Also produced materials imitating the color and texture of natural wood, stone and others.
  • Easy to care.
  • Safety for health.

The tile is considered a practically perfect option for floors in the house, but the material is cold, which is why it is unpleasant to fall barefoot. Some types of wets become slippery, also the tile is rather fragile and easily splits when the object is hit or the fall.

Wood is now experiencing a new wave of popularity. With it, they laid floors in the rooms of any destination, including the kitchen.

The floor of the board - the nobility and the feeling of comfort


  1. Noble appearance.
  2. Ecology.
  3. Feeling comfort and comfort.
  4. The ability to use in almost any interior and combination with other materials.

The disadvantages should be noted exposed to water, so it is necessary to take measures to protect coatings. Because of this, floors of floors require more time and money. The ability to absorb moisture makes wood very brand, spilled juice, tea or coffee will leave the track on the coating.

Also, the tree requires regular cyclishing, because with time, burrs appear on the surface. In addition, high-quality natural materials are quite expensive. If they are processed incorrectly, they can swell or dry, which will lead to deformation. Do not forget about rodents and insects who prefer to settle in such a medium.

Cork floor - naturalness and heat

Such outdoor materials make it possible to create a truly original coating. Products are made from cortex cork, so they are completely natural and eco-friendly.

  • Comfort when walking barefoot.
  • The coating is non-slip and non-smoke.
  • The plug is well protected from moisture.
  • Material is easy to care.
  • A wide range of color solutions and textures.

From the disadvantages you can allocate low mechanical strength and short life. In addition, the plug needs to be lacquered, so it is impossible to name such floors.

Laminate - wealth of choice and easy care

These products were invented in order to replace natural wood. Some of its characteristics are significantly higher than wood:

  1. Laminate is produced in a very rich assortment. It can imitate shades of almost all varieties of wood, natural stone, fabric, skin, and so on.
  2. The material is warm, in addition to this, under it you can lay the "Warm floor" system.
  3. Easy care.
  4. Moisture resistance.
  5. Comparatively low cost.
  6. The ease of installation (products are equipped with locking systems, thanks to which they are easy to lay).

Despite the fact that there are models with moisture-proof coating, it is better not to use laminate for a kitchen or bathroom. It will also be necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing. It should be noted that the laminate is rather fragile: long-term contact with water and mechanical impacts leave traces on it. In addition, during the stacking there is a risk of damaging the castle compounds, so the products must be bought with a margin.

Porcelain stoneware - durability and practicality

This material is very similar to ceramic tiles, but is made a little on another technology. At the same time, he resembles a natural stone. In the modern world, product stoneward products are popular thanks to the following advantages:

  • The strength of the porcelain is estimated at 9 points out of 10.
  • Surfaces are able to last up to 50 years.
  • Does not highlight harmful substances when heating and wetting.
  • Easy to care.
  • Resistance to the effects of sun rays and water.
  • It does not burn and does not support combustion.
  • A wide range of.

The main disadvantage is the high cost, and this concerns prices both on materials and on the installation work. Polished porcelain stoneware for use in kitchens and bathrooms. In addition, it is cold, so it is heated. In some cases, it is impossible to lay the floor with such material because of the greater weight.

Self-leveling floors

Bulk floor - aesthetics and uniqueness

This species is considered relatively new, it has not yet gained popularity among users, but has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. The presence of polymer compounds in the composition provides high moisture resistance, so it is easy to wash.
  2. Bulk floors can serve about 20 years.
  3. On the surface, the seams are not formed, so that it looks aesthetic. The same feature protects the coating from the appearance of fungus.
  4. Attractive appearance.

Of the disadvantages it should be noted the high value of the material and the need for serious preparatory processes. In addition, the coating cannot be fixed locally. That is, if in some place the floor will turn around, you will have to completely remove the coating and pour a new one.


Previously, concrete was used only for the arrangement of flooring in the economic premises, garages and so on. Now the concrete screed is very often the basis for other products: parquet, laminate, tile and others. But modern methods of fillings and grinding make it possible to create a perfectly even, visually attractive (which can be seen in the photo) and absolutely inert to the effects of water coating. In addition, the floors are obtained strong, durable.

Concrete floor - durability and durability

From the disadvantages you can select a lot of material weight, so it cannot be used in wooden houses. Also, specialized construction equipment and qualified operators are required to obtain a perfectly smooth coating. Another drawback is the complexity of the work.

On a note! If the floor is selected by concrete, then it is subject to mechanical effects. Despite the strength, the material can be cooled when it is falling on it from height.

Once this material was the main product for construction, now it is considered a sign of wealth and luxury. The fact is that the stone itself is cheap, but it requires high-tech, which means very expensive, equipment and consumables.

Natural stone - presentability and practicality

Of the advantages it should be noted:

  1. High mechanical strength.
  2. Resistance to virtually any impacts (precipitation, sun, blows).
  3. Almost unlimited service life.

But natural stone has disadvantages:

  • Significant weight, which is why it is difficult to work with it, it is not suitable for all overlaps.
  • The stone is cold, so you have to install the "warm floor" system.
  • The installation process will be quite expensive.
  • Material requires special care.

Another material for the arrangement of floors, which is known to mankind from the time of antiquity. It is also considered expensive because it is quite complicated in the laying. It is made of glass or natural stone.

Mosaic - elegance and uniqueness

The main advantage of the mosaic is that even curvilinear surfaces are obtained, and any patterns and drawings can be created using multi-colored elements. For the convenience of laying, manufacturers fasten the mosaic fragments on the grid, forming a pattern. The master remains only to stick it to the floor. According to its operational qualities, the mosaic resembles a tile.

From the disadvantages it should be noted the high price on the material itself and on work on its laying. In addition, the coating of the mosaic will not fit modern interiors, it looks better in classical or antique style. It should also be noted that only an artist or a person with a developed taste and fantasy will be able to cope with the laying of mosaic.

Polyvinyl chloride

Products from this material are made in the form of tiles with adhesive base or locking compound. There are also cheaper varieties that need to be laid on a layer of tiled glue. Modern polyvinyl chloride coatings are produced in a wide range of colors. Earlier, the tiles from this material were also used to lay outdoor coatings, many remember these blue and green squares, now the products look more aesthetic.

Polyvinyl chloride tiles - Wealth of choice and resistance to moisture

Of the advantages it should be noted:

  1. Easy and fast laying.
  2. Easy care.
  3. High sound insulation features.
  4. A wide range of color solutions, shapes and sizes.
  5. Long service life.

Despite the listed pluses, there are disadvantages:

  • High requirements for the preparation of the basis. The draft coating should be perfectly smooth, otherwise all defects will be praised on the tile. It is also important to consider that the moisture of the base cannot be higher than 5%.
  • Before you set the floor with such material, you need to hold the tile for several days in the room so that it adapts to the conditions. In addition, each manufacturer indicates temperature and humidity modes that must be met during installation.
  • Changes color and destroys under the influence of sunlight.
  • PVC is a synthetic material, so it highlights harmful substances when burning. As for fire safety, she also leaves much to be desired.

This pretty popular option for finishing floor surfaces. It is a soft and warm material with a long or short pile, which is stacked on the prepared base and is closed by a plinth. As a result, a coating is obtained, resembling a regular carpet, but which is covered on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Carpet - Comfort and Soundproofing


  1. Comparatively low cost.
  2. Comfort and comfort.
  3. A wide range of design solutions.
  4. Long life and resistance to various kinds of influences.
  5. High sound insulation.

Of negative qualities, you can allocate:

  • Cheap products are not protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet.
  • High hygroscopicity and exposure to water.
  • Accumulate garbage and dust.
  • Complexity in care.
  • Bright products are very marked.
  • Requirements for the preparation of the foundation. Under carpeting, it must be a layer of reliable waterproofing.

The latter in the list, but not by the value, the option of the floor arrangement. It is a high-quality and simultaneously elite coating. Operational indicators are directly dependent on the wood variety, which was used in the manufacture, as well as production and processing methods.

Parquet - durability and feeling of warmth

If we talk about the positive sides of the parquet, it should be noted:

  1. Attractive appearance. Like other products made of natural wood, the chambers of the parquet look noble.
  2. Long service life. Subject to proper laying and regular grinding, the coating can serve about 30-40 years.
  3. High thermal insulation qualities. In the warm regions under the parquet you do not need to lay insulation.


  • Exposure to various deformations. In the summer season, wood expands, it is narrowed in winter, so when laying you need to leave compensation seams.
  • High price. Parquet significantly exceeds laminate or linoleum on this indicator.
  • The need for regular repair and replacement of a protective lacquer layer.

Parquet is one of the best types of flooring, but due to the high cost of material and works, it has not gained more popularity

For finishing floor coatings, a huge number of different materials are suitable. Folk craftsmen use even coins or cardboard to arrange floors. Most of the products can be laid on their own to save money on hiring specialists. But there are also those that require the qualifications and use of a professional tool.

All photos from the article

Wooden house - cozy and warm. In such buildings, in most cases, a particularly favorable microclimate is established. However, it should be remembered that the construction of natural material needs special construction methods. Thus, the basic requirements for its floors are their smooth surface, as well as reliable protection against moisture and temperature drops.

General provisions

First of all: independently, what is the floor material, it must meet the following established standards and requirements:

  • sanitary-hygienic;
  • operational;
  • constructive;
  • decorative.

Then: thinking about what the floor can be covered in a wooden house, keep in mind that its coverage is divided by the level of heat conservation on the subspecies presented in the bottom table.

Warming and related design features

Thinking than better to cover the floor in a wooden house, note that the competent choice of the method of thermal insulation is extremely important. Here it is necessary to take into account the design of the base floors: multi-layered (screed, lags, rough floors, finish coating), single-layer (screed or boards on lags).

It is necessary to take into account the availability of the basement or basement.

If there is no base, it is necessary to mount a multi-layer pie.

  1. First places rolled waterproofing (rubberoid and its taxes) on the tie of concrete or on a dense soil.
  2. Then put lags from a wooden bar.
  3. Meets are mounted, the slab insulation is mounted or the bulk is stacked.
  4. Next, thermal insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film. To improve the tightness of the coating, the canvas of the film should be kept with an adhesive of 10-15 cm. The edges of the insulation are becoming at a height of about 10 cm. Subsequently, they are fixed by the plinth.

Note! The instruction notes that the excellent solution will be chosen as insulation Penoplex. It can be put, without applying vaporizolation.

In fact, it is a rolled foamed polystyrene. The material has a low thermal conductivity, moisture resistance and sound insulation properties.

The presence of basement, basement

In the photo - the coating in the house with the basement.

If the house is a basement, the floor should be insulated from below. It is best for this foam isolation, she will score all the joints and cracks.

Double board floors are needed to achieve the maximum stability effect.

  1. The base (base, draft floors) is made from raw (hill, unedged, unstored) boards with a thickness of 5-5 cm. It saves the first floors if the whole design is slightly shifted. The base is placed on the beams of overlaps and is not fixed with nails, and inserted into the grooves in them, as an option - the cranial bars stuffed on the sides. Typically, the wood of coniferous rocks is used, the price of which is small.