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What do the lines on the palm of the left and right hand mean - meaning. Decoding on chiromantia. Hiromantia - Line of the mind on palm hands in women and men: meaning, decoding, photo. What hand to watch the mind line? Line of the mind on the left and right hand short, Prober

This article will help you learn your hands off the hand. Line of the mind will tell about intelligence and mental capabilities.

Hiromantia came to us from ancient Greece. This science explains and predicts fate along the lines on his palms.

  • Despite the fact that Khiromantia is known for a long time, interest in it still remained.
  • She fascinates many people who want to gdess professionally, and those who want to know only their destiny.
  • Line of the mind is one of the most important bands on hand.
  • With its help, you can learn about the possibilities of the person who are laid when the intelligence level appears. Read more in this article.

What hand to watch the mind line?

The fortune telling is always performed on both hands. On the left hand indicated what was given to us when the appearance of the light, and on the right, which is in reality, taking into account the vital correction circumstances. Therefore, it is necessary to watch the mind line on the right hand, but taking into account the signs and symbols of the left hand. Read more.

To begin with, it is necessary to explore the location of other bands and hills. This will help make this drawing:

Khiromantia - Line of the mind on palm hands in women and men: meaning, decoding, photo

If you just started learning a chiromantia, then you will be difficult to correctly make decryptions. To make it easier to study stripes, you can make a scan-imprint. Attach your hand on the device glass and click on the "execution of the scan". It turns out an imprint, which is easy to guess, as all clear and pronounced stripes and signs will be visible. It is such lines and symbols that matter when you fortunate.

You can hardly press the printed glass of the device with your hand, the main thing does not move your hand. Scanned "Figure" Save. It must be a 300 dpi format. Now you can do in this photo decryption to find out the value of your lanes on your palm.

Tip: If there is no scanner at home, you can use stamped paint. Slide the palm of paint with a roller and attach a hand to a white paper sheet, which is pre-laid on the stack of papers or newspapers. It turns out an imprint with stripes and signs that can also be guessing.

Before starting to make decryption, see where there is a strip of mind on my palm. This is one of the four main strips on hand.

This feature originates between the index and thumb, passes through the whole palm and ends - in one people in the middle, others comes to almost the edge of the palm. She will tell about the level of intelligence, the thirst for knowledge, talent, the presence of willpower and what thoughts are attended by a person throughout life. When you fortunate, the position of the feature at the beginning and end, width, severity, the presence of symbols and branches are taken into account.

Determination of the ability of the length of the strip:

  • Long and well-pronounced trait Indicates ambition, the presence of a tendency to talents, the presence of good willpower and excellent mental abilities. Such a person will be able to be a good leader and is always confident in its rightness and correct point of view.
  • Head strip running right through the whole palm Indicates a person with powerful intelligence and good abilities. Moreover, many of their deposits this person uses for mercenary purposes. More often such people are egoists, they are greedy and calculating, but always achieve their goal.

The beginning of the mind line is of great importance:

  • Joint with a lane. The damn of the mind should touch the life strip slightly, but not having one beginning with it. Such a touch indicates equilibrium, dimension in actions, accuracy to detail.
  • Association at the beginning of two strips Speaks about excessive caution that a person manifests over the time of its existence, exorbitant sensitivity and vulnerability.
  • Initial origins on the hill of Lower Mars - The owner of such a palm is excessively hot and inclined to rapid actions.
  • Beginning at Jupiter's Bug - Decisitancy, appeal and courage are the main qualities of a person, the source of the mystery of the mind of which is over a strip of life without touching it. These are inborn leaders who have enough energy, they are movable and charge with these qualities of all others.

Different options for the end of the head line and what they indicate:

  • Closer to the top of the moon bulb - An impressionable person who is not deprived of a rich fantasy and is inclined to non-standard thinking.
  • Closer to the bottom of the moon - emotionality prevails over the mind. Such a person can easily escape from reality and live in illusions.
  • In the area of \u200b\u200bBugg Apollo - Good ability to memorize any information, developed logic, clear mind.
  • Branch in the Strip area - Increased sensitivity towards other people and excessive emotionality prevail over the rationality of the mind.
  • Connection with cardiac stripe closer to the end - Sleeping passionate love, which in life will bring a lot of trouble. Therefore, for such people, the rationality of thinking is important to make the right decisions.

Now you know what the features of the beginning and the end of this strip say and how to decipher them. Below will consider other exceptional characteristics of this strip.

Short line of mind on hand: What does it mean?

Indicates the lack of imagination. So people need to be engaged in the development of intelligence. If the trait of the head is too short and ends in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Saturn hill, then this indicates an insufficient mind.

Intermittent mind line on hand: What does it mean?

If at the place of breaking the strips are superimposed on each other, or the interrupt location closes the symbol of a square, triangular shape or another sign, then the negative impact of the interrupted strip compensates.

  • If there are no charactersSo there is no favorable balancing signs and such a person has weak physical health.
  • Diseases can be chronic And they are always connected with the brain or blood formation system.
  • Apollo bug Indicates the danger of obtaining solar strikes, problems with the visual apparatus or epilepsy.
  • Wave-like line Or the presence of different bends indicates the instability of thinking.

The cross on the mind line on the palm of the hand: What does it mean?

Conducting sign It suggests that a person should be extremely careful, attentive to himself and his health. Indicates the possibility of getting a head injury. Such a person should not be used alcohol to always have clarity of the mind and make the right decisions.

Square on the mind line on the right and left hand: What does this mean?

Symbol of square shape On any strip - it is always a charm. Life itself protects the owner of such a hand with this sign.

Triangle on the mind line on the right and left hand: What does this mean?

In many people, the symbol of the triangular shape is formed from the three main strips on the palm: life, mind and fate.

  • If the strips of this triangular mark are clearSo, a person will achieve in the life of everything he wants.
  • If the triangle is small And his one side is a head band, then a person will be configured in life with its own high intelligence. He will have excellent knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200binterest, and congenital insight will confidently lead to success.
  • Triangle, which is located under Mercury Bug, Speaks about successful work in the scientific field.

The location of the triangular shape symbol in another area of \u200b\u200bthe head strip shows that the owner will receive inheritance from parents.

What does the mole mean on the palm of the hand on the mind line?

The birthmark or other dark spot on the mind strip - mental abilities reduced. It is necessary to study soberly assess the situation to protect themselves from unpleasant situations that can lead to injuries of the head. For example, do not ride the car in a strong ice winter so as not to get into an accident and so on. Moles on the palms always affect the fate of a person.

Line, parallel lines of mind, 2 lines of mind on the palm of your hand: What does it mean?

Two stripes of the mind - the owner of such an extraordinary man with good intelligence and deep thinking. The dedication and strength of the Spirit helps him achieve great success in life. Often such a person is immersed in himself. He is not interested in worldly petty problems and external conversations, it is passionate about only by his affairs.

The line of mind is split at the beginning, middle, end on the right and left hand: What does this mean?

Split at the beginning with the direction of one side of the plug towards the Jupiter Bugra. Such a person has many ideas related to managerial activities.

If the strip of mind is short and ends in the middle of the palm of the splitThe person has strict and concrete thinking. It is difficult to knock down from the way, especially if the big side of the split is directed towards the Bugra Saturn.

Split at the end of the strip in the form of a fork - An interesting sign, talking about the presence of writing talent. This is a sign of creative people. Such a split of mental energy can also point to the artist's talent or sculpture. If this strong sign is a person, then he needs to develop creative abilities, since only the correct talent applied in life will bring success.

The value of the intersection of the mind line on the palm of the hand with a line of life, health, heart, fate: decoding

The intersections of a particular strip on the palm with other lines or symbols indicates specific character traits, life circumstances or events that can occur.

  • Touch with Line Line Speaks about equilibrium, dimension and accuracy. Merge or almost intersection with this life strip indicates caution, sensitivity to the insults of other people and vulnerability.
  • Crossing with a strip of heart and life at the same time Indicates that a person does not know how to live at the order of his heart. Read more about it.
  • Intersection with a line of fate Indicates that a person will consistently climb the career stairs. About it .
  • Interlayerness Indicates the clarity of the mind. A person always deliberately accepts all important decisions.

Lines can not only intersect with each other, but also to connect. This indicates on other life factors. Read about it below.

The line of mind on the palm of the hand is connected to the line of fate, health, heart, life: What does this mean?

Chiromantia warns possessors who have a connection of three strips on the palms: life, hearts and mind.

  • Such a connection, intersection or touch leads a person to hazardIf he will ignore the "decrees" of his heart. It is important not to act on the "cold" calculation, but to listen to what tells the soul and the heart.
  • Connection with a strip of fate It suggests that a person can succeed in life, especially if this feature is a "money triangle" party. In this case, a person is waiting for wealth and prosperity.
  • Health Station Connection - Risk of brain diseases, vessels.

If a health band is connected to the mind strip, which is a wavy or intermittent, then this indicates a tendency to stress and depressiveness.

The line of mind on the palm of hand ends or starts from the line of fate, heart, life: What does this mean?

If the trait of the mind ends or begins on one of the main lanes of the palm, it means that it is too short. This speaks of a lack of mental development. Such a person needs to raise the level of intelligence and learn a lot.

  • Ending on the strip of fate - You can easily correct the situation, since everything is in your hands. Work on yourself and do not be lazy.
  • If the strip of mind begins on the strip of fateYou can realize that you need to actively apply your mental abilities in life or even change the specialty, but this will happen closer to 50 years.
  • End on health band - Take care of the health of the head, vessels and blood circulation systems. Do not walk in winter without a hat, do not get fond of oily and too satisfying food.
  • If the palm is almost no mind, but she begins on the spot of health and at the same time branches, then it is about creative and energetic person who is not interested in anything serious. Favorite creative work, noisy companies, cheerful life and not to think about anything - these are the main priorities of such a person. But everything can be corrected if a smart and measured person will appear in the life of such an individual, who will direct creative energy in the right direction.

We ourselves are the builders of their fate. Do not be discouraged if the fortune-telling predicts something bad. Everything can be changed! Perform positive installations every day, think only about good and your thoughts are necessarily implemented and turns into good signs and lines on your palms.

Video: Line of the mind will tell about your vocation

Interpreting any signsYou must check how the line behaves after them, weakens or enhanced. This predicts the main action of these signs - it will be positive or negative.


They show a short period of concern or tension or the opportunity to get injuries of the head. If you have found a series of points, then you probably have permanent attacks of migraine or headaches.

Cross lines

They predict the intervention of other people in your plans. They can also notify about serious obstacles to your ways that are stressful and concern.

Island on the mind

Island - one of the most visible signs on handHis name speaks by itself, because it shows a period of isolation and loneliness, as if you were thrown on the desert island. In any place of the palm, the island will predict a feeling of abandonment, stress, vulnerability, breaking connections, loneliness, remoteness from life or isolation. Like all the main signs, it can be interpreted on two levels: as a personal quality you have, and / or events that make this personality quality manifest. For example, if the island is located on the mind line, then you are prone from nature to stress and very woundims, therefore you will experience periods of stress, mental overwork, doubt about yourself or just a black strip in life.

Located by mind LinesThis island will violate your mental activity and the learning process. Your reflection can lead to stress, relations with people will also often cause stress, and then alienation, etc. Very often island on the mind Shows a too big concentration of attention in external circumstances. You should avoid stressful situations where you have to take a big load or fulfill obligations. Work that regularly arise stressful circumstances associated with harsh time, or personal relationships with an authoritarian person who wanted to control you constantly, will be very harmful to influence your psyche health. Your desire will be all to quit, leave or break the relationship. Instead, you need to seek clarity and understanding the negative situation, and then try to turn it into a positive. In extreme cases, large islands (plus breaks in the line of fate and lines of life) predict severe gaps in personal relationships or periods of deep depression and complete loneliness.

The island shows your Achilles heel - a weak place, but at the same time this sign carries a special potential in himself: he says that you can come up with something outstanding during the difficult period of sampling and researching your own soul. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that island on the mind It is a key indicator of intelligence (possibly because of the greatest susceptibility of the latter), and thanks to him you will become more insightful and you will be deeper than most people to look into the essence of things.

The island can be the bottom, top and central. Upper Island (Located on top of the mind line) shows the stressful environment at work. Nizhny Island associated with problems in personal relationships while central Island (The line of mind seems to surround it from all sides) is of greater importance, it predicts increased susceptibility and sensitivity that are subject to stress attacks in all areas of life. If there is any island, the flow of mental energy is disturbed, it is divided and depleted, leaving you almost without motivation and courage of the mind.

Star on the mind

This sign has a dual interpretation. First, your attitude to life stimulates others and attracts to you others, you are a bomber owner who can entertain guests in a witty conversation. If on the mind lines, the lines of fate and the Apollo line there are other signs of success, then star on the mind Show a bright creative personality capable of creating something outstanding. When there is a star (especially if its center is located on the line, and not just the intersection of the mind line with the rays of the star), then success is likely to be unexpected and may even choose you from the rut.

Secondly, if the remaining hand factors come into contradiction, the star may indicate an increased blood pressure, and it is often found in people who survived stroke (although the star on the mind line is not an accurate prediction that the stroke will have a stroke). If there is any violation of health at the time that the star shows, it will be associated with long-term stress accumulation or with inability to adequately express negative emotions.

Because of the explosive nature of the star, any physical disease (or strong, even positive emotions) will become a thunder among the clear sky. A similar unexpected event will make a person feel like a defenseless victim, varying and afraid of repetition of such a situation. it mind Sign The highest situation of the situation and at the same time nervous temperament, especially if it confirms its abundance of other lines on the palm.

Sign "Eyes" at the end of the mind

Such a sign appears when there is a violation of the functions of one eye (left, when left-handand right when right-hand). If he appeared immediately on both hands, then it should not be very worried after this discovery. Nevertheless, it makes sense to examine the eyes to pick up glasses or undergo a course of medication treatment. If the diagnosis is really alarming, then first of all you must listen to doctors.

The psychological interpretation of the lion of the mind ending with the "eye" is a limited or non-smallest approach to the point of view of other people. You may learn how to immediately block someone else's opinion and will apply a dogmatic approach to resolving any encountered problem. This interpretation can be applied both to personal life (eye on your left hand) and professional and public situations (eye on the right hand).

The line passing through the palm is slightly below the heart line, is called the head line (Fig. 212).
This is an important line. An countless experiments showed that it indicates the entire set of mental qualities of a person: the type of mentality, the power of the mental concentration, the possibility of self-control.
Awareness of importance will increase when we recall what a significant role is the mind playing in our fate.
No matter how beautiful the rest of the person is beautiful, he will never be able to act correctly without good mentality.
The mind will not be able to function as necessary if the brain has physical disadvantages. And the person will not have a mental ability to concentrate on a certain goal in life.

Mind is a force that gives us the opportunity to change our natural life map, gives us the strength to change the qualities of our type and is a factor that the most strongly affects the lives of other people.
The role of the mind, which is endowed with the subject, is largely the way it is: improves or makes deterioration in his self, completes or destroys strong places in his character and acts in accordance with its weaknesses.
Thus, the head of the head requires a thorough study so that it can accurately determine the possibilities of the mind and the limits of its boundaries.

The organ, called the brain, is the center, from which the life force comes, permeating each cell and the current nervous system. It is a wonderful indicator of diseases, especially caused by nerves.
The human brain is locked in the cranial box and is not degree of degree and sensitive that any physical research is unsafe. Even with the most careful study, it is impossible to accurately determine the difference in the structure of the brain of the genius, a monk or a criminal.

Since the brain is so carefully protected, it is impossible to study it in detail and find out where it is well and evil. But the palm contributes to this study, because the inner work of the mind is reflected on the head line. Consequently, today we must actively use the head line to obtain this or that information. It is better than waiting when the brain itself will open us the work of consciousness.

All the facts that are set out in this chapter are confirmed by numerous studies and inspections.
And so I approve without hesitation that the head of the head characterizes the entire amount of the qualities inherent in the subject's mentality.
Also, the line reflects the physical condition of the head.

Before starting the study of the head line, you must determine its location, since the situation is possible when it is generally absent. However, since the mind is a force acting directly to the state of all lines, the head of the head is rarely absent in the hands.

It is often that way that the palm crosses only one line, and then you are lost in guesses, whether it is the line of the head, or this line of the heart.
In 99% of cases, such a lone line is a head line, not a heart line. In this case, you need to pay attention to the length of the head.
The head of the head should not continue as far as the heart line, but if it still crosses the palm in a similar way, it indicates a strong intelligence of a person whose qualities can be estimated by the nature and depth of the line.

If the head of the head is short (Fig. 213), it indicates a person with the "non-smile" mind. Such a line must be carefully studied, since it may define the length of the life of the subject, which can end at point where the head line stops.

The cross at the end of the short head line indicates the interruption of the energy flow, which will lead to death, but not as unexpectedly, as if there are stars. The cross on the short line of the head together with the cross at the end of the short line of life (Fig. 217) has almost the same meaning as in a situation where instead of crosses - stars. Along with these signs, it is also necessary to take into account the type of subject, the color of the lines. If the type of subject Jupiterian (is predisposed to apoplexy), Saturnian (is predisposed to paralysis), Martian (excess blood in the head), the characters described above are becoming more serious, especially if the line color is red or bright yellow. On a short line of the head, accompanied by signs on the lines of life, Mercury, hearts and the hills, you need to pay attention.

If the head line at a normal heart line passes through the entire palm directly (Fig. 218), then the subject is disturbed by the balance between mind and feelings. You can be sure that in your manifestations it will be a stingy and will evaluate all things in the world from the point of view of common sense. His feelings are subject to material interests, it is practical in everything, he is more attracted to a concrete result than anything beautiful, pleasing eye and writing to the heart.

If, with a long and straight line of the head on the palm there is no heart line, the person is cold, and is also ruthless, stingy, little. It is necessary to pay attention to the depth and character of all lines. If the head line is straight and long, as well as deep, the corresponding characteristics are enhanced. The red line will strengthen the aggressiveness of the subject, and the yellow will increase the misfortune and cruelty.

If the head line is long, but thinner than the other lines, then the head of the subject will operate in constant voltage. Consequently, any unnecessary brain force may not withstand.

If the line is short, narrow and superficial, it means that a person is unlikely to have a good intelligence. A short and thin head line in combination with deep and well-formed by the rest of the lines presents us a person who is easily affected by someone else's effect, with a weak intelligence, with the lack of the leader's qualities. Thus, along with a length line, it is necessary to take into account its size and ratio with other lines. It is also necessary to inspect both palms.

If the head of the head is longer on the right hand than on the left, this indicates the efforts of the subject aimed at the development of intelligence. The opposite situation speaks of the opposite, but it is also possible that this is an indication of the fact of early death. In this case, simultaneously explore the line of life, type and all other signs indicating health or related to it. Inspecting both palms and noting the difference between them, you will get the opportunity to determine the change in the intelligence and views of a person for a variety of issues.

Studying the head of the head, it is necessary to determine the level of line values. To make such a conclusion, you need not only to pay attention to the lines defects produced by breaks, points, islands and other similar signs, but also for a narrowing or thinning of the line, as well as to the ratio of it with other lines. Any defect on the head line may indicate disorders in the field of thinking, which may occur as a result of the disease or be a consequence of an unstable nature.

To determine the cause of the defect, always inspect the line of life about the same time on the subject of the defect on it. Any deviation on the line of life will confirm the judgment that the defect is caused by the disease. It is also necessary to take into account the nails whose ribbed will indicate a huge nervous stress, which is a consequence of the intensive work of the brain.

If you find the ribbed and brittle nails in addition to defects on the head of the head, it means that your duty is to prevent the subject that it consumes its vital energy with such speed, that it does not have time to recover, and ultimately it can lead to paralysis. Such an output will have additional confirmation if your client belongs to Saturnian, Mercurian or lunar types.

Palm color and, especially, lines are extremely important for the correct conclusions. Too white color threatens at least a subject and weaken the work of its brain. On the other hand, excessive red line will point out blood surplus, which, in turn, will affect the work of the brain. Such colors indicate abnormal functional work of the brain.

White indicates a predisposition to weakness and lack of vitality, red - on the inevitability of fever and apoplexy. The latter is more likely in the presence of crosses, stars, points and deep sectional line.

Before making any conclusion regarding the defect on the head line, carefully inspect the lines of life and Mercury in accordance with the instructions given above, in addition, explore the nails, the color of the lines and all this is correlated with the subject of the subject. Hand analysis will allow you to determine whether the cause of defects is the disease of the head or something else.

Also pay attention to the beginning of the head line. On most palms, the head of the head begins on the line of life to which it is somewhat attached at its beginning (Fig. 219), and then bothering it and comes independently; Sometimes the period of their joint relationship is insignificant, and sometimes long enough (Fig. 220).

The faster the division of the line of the head with the line of life takes place, the sooner the human development occurs. The longer the line of the head is associated with the line of life, the less confident in itself the subject, as a result of which in his life it relys more on the advice of others. Very rarely, the head line is connected with the line of life longer than 20 years; Many head lines only slightly concern the lifestyle, their owners already rely only on themselves. When studying the beginning of the head line, pay attention to the angle formed by the head line with the line of life. What it is more acute (Fig. 220), the more sensitive person, the easier it is to harm him feelings, and if you also find a small elevation on the pads of the first phalange, then a person has very high sensitivity. Such people will make almost everything, just not to cause harm to others, their life will often be unhappy even because of an inadvertent disregard for them. Do not forget about the Tine Subject and pay attention to the fingertips. A man with sharp pads of the fingers and a sharp angle will suffer because of a lack of confidence in himself, timidity, will try to rely on someone else in his life and to experience disappointment every time when he loses support. The thick fingers of the square or vopotoxic shape will not indicate the increased sensitivity, but on prudence and caution.

Sometimes the head of the head does not leave the line for quite a long time (Fig. 221), moving with it with one course. In this case, the intellectual activity of a person will manifest quite late. If it goes for so long that it produces a stupid angle in relation to the line of life (Fig. 222), it means that the man is rejected before neglect. If in this case the fingertips will be square or vcotted, and the fingers and palm will be thick and red, then the person will be weakly susceptible in intellectual terms. In this case, the presence on the palm of only three main lines will indicate the elementary intramorousness of the intellect and its low susceptibility. Such people will be careful, evasive, non-original, not able to lead, rude, neutactic.

When the head line is distinctly separated from the line of life (Fig. 223), you will find an excess self-confidence in a person. Such a person is original, he is not related to other people's opinions, it acts and depends on himself, it is able to plan well and is guided by his own common sense, independent and bold in the manifestation of his own views; Consequently, such a sign is good if the distance between the lines is not too wide. Hence, the wider distance, the more the person's self-confidence increases, and then all positive qualities acquire their extreme degree. A person becomes reckless and not a safe adviser. With the above cases, also pay attention to the fingertips, which will give additional information about the qualities of character. Thus, the conic fingers and the presence of a wide distance between the line of the head and the line of life will indicate the desire for idealism; Vopotoxic - for greater energy and originality, which will give an abundance of new ideas, but since such people do not ask other people's advice, it can lead them to heavy mistakes. Square fingertips are in this case most secure, since the common sense inherent in them is a deterrent. Also pay attention to the length of the fingers. If the fingers are short, then the speed in making decisions in conjunction with self-confidence easily leads to impulsive, hasty and dangerous conclusions. And if the fingers are smooth, then the impulsivity increases many times. The nodes on the fingers will restrain human pulses. The head of the head separated from the line of life always indicates a subject with pronounced individuality. The distance between the lines indicates a degree of self-confidence and individualism. Conclusions regarding the subject with such a sign should always be made with extreme caution, since it is necessary to weigh everything to decide whether the self-confidence passes the dangerous trait when it turns into arrogance and self-conceit. The separation of lines may indicate on sensitive people, but this sensitivity of another kind. After numerous studies and attempts to find the reasons for this situation, I came to the conclusion that all this is due to pride, since such people are extremely self-confident and are convinced of their capabilities, but, on the other hand, nothing does not harm them than doubt in They are other people.

Sometimes the head of the head, crossing the line of life begins with the lower Mars (Fig. 224). Such people are prone to oscillations, they can start any case with enthusiasm, but afterwards to change their attitude to it several times. Such a person is "chameleon", which constantly changes its opinions and is not able to think in the same way for a long time. He is energetic in his views, makes categorical conclusions, but it is inclined to change them and take for new ideas with the same energy. Such people rarely achieve success, since they do not invest enough strength to achieve something. They are always aggressive because the head of the head begins on the Nizhny Mars, and often have troubles that arise in disputes and collisions with others. The inconstancy of the reason and the tendency to quarrels is a bad combination, as it makes their manifestations of unexpected and spontaneous. If the color of the palm and lines are red, it enhances the adverse sign, yellow will indicate a person whose behavior will be unbearable to others. And the less developed intelligence in this case, the less chances of a person overcome these problems. However, with a good first phalange of the fingers, the long second phalange of the thumb, as well as a narrow, long and adolescent first phalanner of the thumb, the subject will still be able to have a fairly effective opposition to its own unstable trends.

The beginning of the head line can lie on the Jupiter Hill (Fig. 225). This provision testifies to the excellent abilities of the leader, about a person who delicately feel people, and the most of them obeys. Such people are self-confident, and the beginning of the head line in itself indicates a strong intelligence. Many of them are excellent diplomats, skillfully manage others, smart, great and achieve success in life. Always pay attention to the type of such a subject: if in its manifestations is inherent in the rudeness, then tact and diplomacy will replace power, it will be the leader, but people will feel power in its actions.

If the palm is graceful, he will do everything that wishes, and people will not feel it. The head line can begin at the base of the Jupiter's hill (Fig. 226), and may rise to the very finger of Jupiter, as in Fig. 225. With these embodiments, the line scores are made depending on the specific beginning of it on the hill.

It happens that the head of the head only sends a branch to the hill of Jupiter (Fig. 227). In this case, ambitions pushed a person to the desire to be a famous and famous ruler. If the palm clearly indicates the intellect, the ambitions of the person are aimed at the glorification of its intelligence. The hand of the artistic warehouse will indicate in this case at the desire of the subject to achieve fame in the field of arts. With a material hand, the subject will be a desire to earn as much money as possible. In general, it can be noted that with the above-described sign, people will always strive to take the upper social stage in society.

The next thing to pay attention to is the course of the palm line. The more directly goes the head of the palm, the more convinced the person in his ideas, and its main qualities - common sense and practicality (Fig. 228). Such a line shows that a person will not change its intentions and any external influences will not produce strong impact on it. It comes to everything from a practical point of view and takes only what he chose himself. Sometimes he can compromise, but without a significant change in his opinion. This leads to the fact that a person becomes unlimited, too "inelastic", dogmatatic to change. The surroundings of such people are small, as they are trying to comb all the comb. Everyone is subordinate to common sense, and the speculative and ideal for them is not interesting.

When the head of the head under the hill of Saturn is significantly bend (Fig. 229), and so that its course is seriously changing, the qualities of the character of this subject are strongly painted by Saturnian influence. Often, when you can't clearly define the type of client, despite all your efforts, the head of the head will help it. The stronger the bending towards Saturn, the brighter the manifestations of Saturnian qualities. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the palm with this sign. If the mental world prevails in it, then your client is inclined to study and research, which is typical for Saturnians; The predominance of the Middle World tells us about a fool of messing down with the land, to engage in any other activities in the field of agriculture; The severity of the lower world leads to making money.

The head line deviating towards Apollon (Fig. 230) indicates that the human mind travels along the maze created by Apollonian qualities. The predominance of the Upper World shows the enthusiasm of the subject with art; The allotment of the Middle People causes a person to reconcile the love of beauty with the desire to make money; With the dominant lower world, we are witnessing a shown love of art.

When the head of the head deflects in the direction of Mercury, we will face the influence of Mercurian qualities (Fig. 231). In this case, with the domination of the spiritual world, a person is characterized by elegant power of expression, the power of belief and the oratorical gift. View of specific talents will help you determine the fingertips. If the most expressed average world, then the mind of such a person will rush to scientific research. Of these people come out good doctors, teachers or lawyers. The bottom world gives the talent to make money. Taking into account the finger of Mercury, the bending and twisting of which will tell you how successful the activity of the business of the business will be.

If the head line has a wavy character from the very beginning to its end (Fig. 232), this is evidence that a person has no permanent ideas. The number of variations of a similar line is large, but, exploring this line, you can determine the age of each mental deviation and trends prevailing in it. General conclusion on the wavy line such: lack of mental efforts in any area, variability of the goal and, as a result, constant fluctuations. Such people as advisers and lawyers are unsafe, as their intentions are inconsistently. The instability of the line arises due to the instability of ideas.

Sometimes the head line is too devoid upward, so that the bend is close to the heart line (Fig. 233). In this case, the heart will play a more important role than the head. If there is a deviation of the head line from the very beginning towards the line of the heart and it continues until the very end, it means that a person will rely on the feelings all his life. If such a deviation is observed later, then such priorities in the nature of the subject will be shown later. If the deviation is insignificant, the predominance of feelings will be insignificant. Do not forget to take into account which of the lines deeper and stronger: if the heart line, then the feelings will lead, and the mind - to give the form of their manifestations; If the head line, then the mind will defend itself, which will often lead to mental exhaustion, as it cannot follow the dictate of the heart.

Sometimes you will meet the head line deviating down (Fig. 234). In this case, the straight line of the head speaks of equilibrium or close to equilibrium. So, any deviation of the up or down line is the result of ascending or downward forces. Therefore, when the head of the head deflects down, we assume that the intelligent level of the subject falls at this time. Since the straight line of the head indicates a practical mindset, then any deviation down testifies to the retreat from this rate aged, which is determined by the line. The hill of the moon, which is based on the palm of the palm, giving the quality of the imagination, has a force capable of causing the deviation of the head line towards it. I looked at the palm of many spirits and people who had mental phenomena, and came to the conclusion that the period in which they start wondering these questions should be determined to deviate the head line. If the deviation is insignificant, the subject will make a lot of effort to implement his ideas in this direction, but soon his dust will fade, and it will return to ordinary practical thinking.

If the deviation is observed throughout the line (Fig. 235), the person will literally break between the ideas of practicality and the desire to immerse themselves in the imaginary world, but since the head of the head returns to the path of the straight line at the end, the practicality will take the top. When the line has deviation down under a certain hill (Fig. 234), the quality of the hill will force the subject to a certain image of thinking. The personality of a person to one of the three worlds will tell you which side of these qualities will cause a mental reorientation. The result of such a reorientation can be determined by the nature of the line before, during or after the deviation.

If the nature of the line is such that the well-formed line turns into a thin, and then acquires the shape of the chain (Fig. 236), the result of the mental deflection of the subject will be the exhaustion of vital energy. The age of events can be determined by line.

If the line of the head is thin at its beginning, and then during the deviation period acquires the shape of the chain and ends with a star (Fig. 237), then the person in his intellectual research will damage his already "gentle" mind, which will eventually end with its full destruction. The result will be either madness, or death, the final conclusion you can do after inspection of the line of life, nails and so on. These illustrations are only two possible combinations of countless. I led them to determine the general method of reasoning in such cases. The beginning of the head line speaks of its potential capabilities, the course of the line through the palm - about changes in the intellectual activity that occur during the life, the end of the activity. A small length line is a sign or low intelligence, or early death, or madness (the above-described values \u200b\u200bof the short head line will be interpreted in the indicated manner only with additional signs).

When the line is very short and rises up to Saturn (Fig. 238), this means that a person has a Saturnian mindset, and the diseases that are characteristic of Saturn will cause his early death. Since we consider the head line, you should consider and illness affecting the head as a physical organ. Paralysis is one of the known diseases relating to Saturn, it may be the cause of the above-described sign of early death. Nails with grooves, bent back, or brittle, yellow, thin line of life, islands, chains, breaks and other defects will help you check your conclusions. Old palmisters talked about a short head of the head, going to Saturn, as an unexpected death. The grounds for such a conclusion should be obvious.

If the head line rises far from Saturn Hill (Fig. 239), your confidence should only increase. Having found a star on such a line, a cross, point, you can be sure of: unexpected death is guaranteed (Fig. 240). If the line ends with a brush (Fig. 241), then, in contrast to an unexpected death, foreshadowed by a point, cross or a star, a person is waiting for a gradual extinction, weakening of intelligence and, in the end, paralysis. Experienced palifers talk about the severity of the consequences caused by Saturn.

When the head of the head turns towards Apollo (Fig. 242), a person is under the charm of Apollonian ideas. The prevailing aspect of these ideas will be able to find out after determining his belonging to one of the three worlds. But, be that as it may, remember that the head line, ascending to one of the hills - a sign of not very strong intellectual endurance.

If the head line rises up and connects to the heart line (Fig. 243), the entity completely falls under the power of feelings, but not common sense. Some palmisters interpret the above sign as a tendency to illegal behavior. This is not quite so. Emotions, feelings, desire or anyone else drown in such a person, the voice of reason, and a person can commit a crime in response to the call of his passions. He will not necessarily become a criminal, although he will have certain sins. However, if you find a large hill of Venus, a complete and red heart line, short nails, the severity of Mars and in addition to this hard palm, then a person can not only go to a crime to satisfy his desires, but also to commit.

If the head line goes back to the hill of Apollo (Fig. 244), while crossing the heart line, then, most likely, it will cause the complications of cardiac activity, as well as problems in the work of the brain, which is likely to end apoplexy. If at the point of intersection both line is red and deep, it enhances the severity of the sign. The appearance of a star at this point (Fig. 245) indicates the danger of shocks and a serious illness. If the island appears on the head line (Fig. 246), the work of the brain will be constantly weakened by strong bolts, which will cause a long weakening of mental activity and will eventually lead to inflammation of the brain.

The head of the head, rising towards Mercury (Fig. 247), indicates a strong effect on the subject of Mercury's qualities. As a result, whatever part of Mercurian qualities is accentuated, the person will have the talent of "make money." This desire will be so strong that a person will undermine his health and bring any sacrifice for this altar. As employers such people are real tyras, they will have ropes from their employees, paying them minimal wages. They love to bargain to help out several pence. In their presentation, everything has its price. When you find such a line on your hand, try to determine the type of subject. If he has more or less expressed Saturnian qualities, such a totality will exist its vital energy. If it is a Mercurian, then such a person honest or dishonest will achieve his money.

Curved or twisted finger of Mercury in such a subject will only strengthen your conclusion, and the lack of a heart line on such a hand will tell you that it will not stop before. Finding a similar line on a good hand, you can conclude that a person just loves money. If, along with this line, you will find a plurality of small vertical lines on the Mercury hill (Fig. 248), it will indicate special abilities in medicine. You see a doctor in front of a doctor who knows how to make money, and if you find a long third phalanger of Finger Mercury, then you are a lucky businessman.

Head line, highly rising to Mercury, is a warning about the threat of human health (Fig. 249). This indicates a tendency to change bile, gastric diseases, nervousness leading to frequent dizziness, but all this will not lead to serious consequences.

If the line ends with a star (Fig. 250), a person threatens an unexpected death.

The line running on the top hill of Mars (Fig. 251) speaks of the priority of a practical common sense. If at the same time the upper Mars is well developed, then the person has its qualities: can, if necessary, to stand up for itself, cool, brave, warlike in spirit. If the Mars hill is not balanced with the rest of the hand, the subject's mentality suffers from certain disadvantages: it is easily discouraged, it is not able to support the power of resistance for a long time. But no matter how deficiencies suffered intelligence, human practicality does not undergo special changes.

On many palms, the head line has a slope toward the hill of the moon (Fig. 252). Such people are prone to dreaminess, the game of imagination and in addition they suffer from the lack of practicality. The large misunderstanding of the head of the head to the moon is widespread, the essence of which is that such a course of the line is interpreted as a sign of madness. There is nothing more distant from the truth than such a statement. The fact that a person has a developed imagination does not yet mean that he is mad. Nothing leads to the conclusion that such people are impractical, in particular if the head of the head is good, deep, correctly formed, intact. Only the head of the head that goes to the moon and having an excessant tilt and duration should cause your concern. Other combinations with such a line or the nature of the lines in itself can modify it, but the general rule is such that a person with such a line is not only in the kingdom of logic, but possesses and imagination. This is a typical feature of writers, speakers, linguists.

Most of the successful people of these professions, I found a downward line of my head; Some it went so far that they, like writers, had a gift of writing and poetry (Fig. 253). The head line to reach the moon hill must be long, so in these cases it is impossible to talk about the lack of intelligence, but this is possible if the remaining elements of the hand will not confirm the development of intelligence. In some cases, the outstanding line of the head together with other adverse signs is a clear indication of intelligent chaos in the head.

If the line falls on the moon hill and ends with a cross (Fig. 256), this indicates an obstacle that arose in intellectual activity. The island (Fig. 257) or point (Fig. 258) on this line signals the dangers of spiritual disorders. The size of the point or the island will tell you how serious it is.

If the head line on the first part of its path goes directly and only then goes down (Fig. 261), it can be interpreted as the dominance of imagination over practical views in the second half of life. The age of shifts is determined by the point of change in the direction of the line movement. Such a strong change in the stroke of the line is not the best option, much more preferable is an elegant arc, smoothly descending towards the hill of the moon, such a course of the line does not entail negative consequences.

Sometimes the head line is split at the end (Fig.262), which indicates the versatility of a person who allows it to estimate the subject from different sides. I saw such a sign on the hand of the success of theatrical figures and those who achieved success in other ways to appeal to the public.

If the distance between the tails of the fork on the end of the head line is small, then it must be interpreted simply as versatility. The ability to look more largely to the question is reflected by the wider branch of the head ends (Fig. 263). By paying attention to which of the ends of the line is better formed, you will be able to conclude a predominance in the thinking of certain qualities. This is a wonderful sign on a good hand. The double head of the head gives the subject the opportunity to look at certain things from different positions, which leads to the habit of misleading others. He does not always deliberately lie, as he often does not know himself, whether he tells the truth or fantasies. He has such a living imagination that he convinces himself, which tells the truth, although it is far away. In people who constantly lie, I always found a plug on the head line. Sometimes such people lie from pride or vanity, and happens - by malice or mercenary intent. All this is related only to professional liars, but not to lovers to tell any story.

If one of the ends of the fork goes towards the upper moss, and the other on the moon and so ends (Fig. 264), then the "double" imagination of the subject, reflected by the fork on the hill of the moon, will be so strong that it will exaggerate and speak in a manner in The very time when the truth is necessary. It has such a comprehensive imagination that the result of this is the constant distortion of reality.

If the "plug" ends with a star, a cross or point (Fig. 265), then almost complete confidence can be said that unlimited imagination will lead to madness - first, due to the super-octurience, secondly, due to illness, on which the star is indicated, the cross, point. In the two cases described, if the hill of the moon is covered with a grid or strongly cut, there is a susceptibility to anxiety due to the imagination force.

Sometimes there is a line of head, divided into three branches, one of which goes to Mercury, another on Mars, the third - to the moon (Fig. 266). This is an excellent sign indicating a wide variety of mental abilities, adaptability. In this case, the three endings mean an alliance in one person: a businessman (Mercury), a fighter (upper Mars), a fantasist (moon). Such a combination contributes to a good career, but only if there are no pronounced signs of laziness on the hand or other defects.

In rare cases, it is possible to detect the head line bending like a bow and ending on the Venus Hill (Fig. 267). This position of the line indicates a special significance of Venusian ideas for humans. If the line is long, deep and clear, it indicates a high level of intelligence. Some believe that this is a sign of spiritual disorder, but it is incorrect; Remember that the drawing occurs under the influence of Venus. The nature of the head line shows the strength and power of intelligence, as well as the ability to concentrate thought. A deep and well-shaped line indicates a significant strength of mind, good self-control, purposefulness, excellent memory, mental health and its strength. A good and clear line is an energy channel, thoughts go on it smoothly and smoothly, therefore a person is not susceptible to hoppy chaotic thinking. The deep and correct head of the head shows a man of calm, restrained, who does not lose their heads, is not amenable to whims, full of dignity, knows how to express his opinion and fulfill their decisions. The long head line often turns out to be broken or damaged, but this does not detract from mental abilities, but it suggests that in some situations, human thinking will be unnewned and chaotic. The length of the head line indicates for the power of thinking, and the depth and clarity - on its quality. Holders of a deep, well-stated line may not so quickly come to conclusion, but they will weigh everything and thoroughly think about it. Come once to any decision, they will concentrate on it all their thoughts and make all the strength and knowledge obtained at different times. They are cold-blooded at the time of danger, highly owning themselves, they are not easy to force their post. A strong thumb adds to this hardness and inflexibility. A long thumb indicates the will, which manifests itself internally, the deep and clear line of the head shows the degree of a volitional self-control. Relate the line under consideration with other lines on your palm, as well as with the size of the palm itself. Deep and clearer compared to other head of the head speaks of a man of an intellectual warehouse, which must be confirmed by the first phalanges of his fingers. A deep head line tells us about the excellent physical brain health. Such a line rarely accompany headaches and other diseases concerning heads. And only when the line is short, red or on it there are other defects, a person lies in danger, dizziness, fainting, in extreme cases - apoplexy and madness. The probability of such an outcome increases if your client is Jupiter, especially if the third phalange of his fingers are full. A man with a strong and deep line of head can transfer significantly large mental loads than a person with a weak, defective line. It is less dependent on others, more reliable. In many palms you will find a thin and narrow head line. Such a thin line shows that your client does not have a large margin of vitality. It can be smart if the line is long enough, but will suffer due to a lack of energy. It can have a lot of wonderful ideas, but to realize them in life will be difficult for him, since any, great intellectual efforts are depleted by its strength. Such a person cannot concentrate his mind for a long time on one subject. Having a low self-control, the subject gives the will its feelings, sentiments; Low appetite and laziness can be an integral qualities of such a person. The usual characteristics of such a line: intelligent inertness, lack of desire and ability to act with efforts, lack of hardness and aggression, the ability to concentrate. Such people in their lives rely on intuition, avoiding mental efforts. It is dangerous to overload people with such lines, as they can not withstand it. Again, pay attention to the ratio of such a line with other lines and the size of the palm. If the lines of the hand and palm are more accentuated in comparison with the thin line of the head, then the subject can not be overloaded. It is impossible to allow any stress, insomnia, drugs, stimulants and other frills. He needs to take care of the stomach and remember the rest, as any type of active activity can cause him brain disorders.

On the palms of people with a thin line of head, experiencing strong mental loads, you will find the place where the line is deeper (Fig. 268). The gaps of the thin line on which such recesses are present, indicate a pressure that a person is experiencing in these periods; The consequences of such pressure are paralysis and nervous disorders. You can determine the time of such overloads.

Stars, crosses, points (Fig. 269) on the thin line of the head indicate a danger threatening the intelligence of the subject. Sequer lines indicate dangerous moments in life. If they are small and often arranged on the head line (Fig. 270), then it speaks of headaches, if, with a thin head line, they are deep (Fig. 271), then a person cannot be avoided by brain fever, nervous disruptions or paralysis. In all cases, look at both palms. If the head of the head is deep on the left hand and superficial on the right, the man is endowed with a large natural strength of the mind, but weakened, and therefore, not suitable for large mental effort. Such people rarely pay attention to warning, since the natural forces of the mind do not allow them to quietly reconcile with the loss of vital energy, which is reflected on the right hand. The opposite picture (the thin line on the left palm, deep on the right) indicates a positive process that allows a person to carry additional loads. I believe that weak mentality can be enhanced by continuous development. All changes from good to bad, from a weak to strong can be defined accurately using both palms.

The wide and surface line of the head (Fig. 272) is not a sign of a strong mentality. The brain in such people is susceptible to disease and progressive deterioration. Such people are unreliable, uncertain, fluctuate, suffer from the lack of courage and determination. They may have a good intelligence if the line is long, but they are weak in intellectual efforts. The wide and surface line indicates a lack of strength and intensity of mental processes, assertiveness in achieving the goal. However, if such a person has a long thumb, it can produce the opposite impression, but it will only be an external shine. He will also miss the self-control, the ability to influence others, the ability to concentrate their thoughts, for him there will be a bad memory. Such a person is subject to someone else's influence, cannot resist temptations. He was lazy to indulge in reflections, enough of what others think for him. A wide and surface line on both hands is a sign that a person will remain so life. Noticing signs of improved line on the right hand, you can confidently state overcoming the subject of intellectual inertness. If the wide and surface line is visible on the left hand and split into pieces on the right, the person can be characterized as a weak spirit and prone to strong fluctuations. Any person is a wonderful head of the head can save from the worst situations, even if the palm will testify to the lack of the most desirable qualities, - he will be able to compensate for their strong intelligence. The wide and surface line of the head will weaken any other positive qualities and will make worse the result of a person's efforts. It reduces the significance of developed hills. Therefore, Jupitorian ambitions, Martian energy will greatly decrease and the manifestations of other hills will weaken due to the intellectual junction of the subject.

On many palms, the head line in the first years of life is superficial, then becomes deeper and clearer (Fig. 273). The age in which such changes occur, indicates the period of life when a person becomes stronger in its external manifestations and begins to think independently. This sign can often be found on the hands of women who were spoiled in childhood and have never had to do anything themselves, "but by using once with their own resources, they won the battle for their existence. Their head of the head becomes deeper, clearer and straight, because they have a reason for the development of their forces.

Head line in the form of a chain (Fig. 274) - a bad sign. The energy that passes through the head of the head is dissipated and creates a mass of obstacles. In this case, a person is extremely lacking ability to concentrate. Oscillations, timidity, sensitivity and impermanence - the qualities that he possesses. You can not rely on the promises of such people; They do not want to break promises, but do it. They have a bad memory, lack of common sense, they are pursued by headaches and other troubles associated with the work of the brain. They cannot carry out any work for a long time. If the palm is a strong heart line, sensitivity deprives them of a practical view of life. With a weak thumb, it is hard to plan any actions and their implementation. For such people, any stress is extremely dangerous because it can derive them from a normal state. This is due to the fact that they have no strength to deal with emerging problems. They are prone to illusions, hallucinations, believe in chimeric, irrational, and if at the same time the head of the head falls on the moon, then a person is inherent in super-oralness, a tendency to delight, madness. A person who has a head of the head is similar to a chain, one should recommend work not related to intellectual activity. In his work, he needs to have a manager, since he himself cannot effectively manage its own. The appearance of the chain only on some kind of line limits the above-described trends in human behavior with a certain period of time.

The subsequent change in its deep and well-cut line proves the ability of a person to active mental activity (Fig. 275). You will not often meet such a sharp contrast to the palm, as usually transitions from one state to another occur gradually: the chain is replaced by a thin line, which only then becomes deep enough (Fig. 276). For final output when the head line is found in the form of a chain, inspect both palms. Much to determine the quality of intelligence plays the color of the head of the head. White line color appears as a result of bad blood supply, and therefore, speaks of its low performance. Such a color is usually characteristic of wide, surface, chain-like lines, which enhances their unfavorable qualities. Pink color indicates the strengthening of the brain, the red corresponds to its increasing intensity. Surface and wide line is painted red in the event that a person is inclined to brain spasms. Such people can mislead many others, but hardly those who are familiar with the true cause. The yellow color of the surface wide line gives a person irritability, nervousness, a tendency to depression, search for errors in other people's actions. With a pronounced yellow color in the human character there will be such quality as meanness, in this combination, a person has not only weak head, but also low interests. A blue tint line is associated with slow blood circulation, which may result from heart failure to terminate mental activity. White color is not characteristic of a deep and well-formed head line; But if, when you click on it, it still does not blush, but it remains white, it means that coldness is added to good work of the head. The owner of such an intelligence is inclined to calculate all events, cold-blooded, stingy, looking for an exaltation in the assessment of others. White line color suggests that such a person causes little sympathy, feelings from others. It can easily become a ruler and tyrant, both at home and in business.

The lines on their hands make up the pattern by which the character of a person is visible, his habits and style of thinking. Any arc signs symbolize fateful changes. So, on the mind line, the gap suggests that there will be a lot of tests in the life of a person. But he can pass them: he has all the necessary internal resources to overcome difficulties.

Line of the head (mind) on the palm of the person

Location of the head line

The arrangement of the mind line (head) is easy to find on the arc of life. This feature describing the life path of the personality from her birth to her death, departs from the edge of the palm between the index and thumbs. At the same point takes his beginning the mind arc. In most cases, these two lines are interconnected. They can create additional figures that enhance or reduce the influence of positive character traits. The mind arc passes across the palm and ends on the opposite edge.

The structure and position of the feature directly depends on the information hidden in it. It can intersect with a line of fate pointing to the purpose of personality. This is a vertical dash separating the vertical palm into two parts.

Any figures formed by the arcs of the mind and fate talk about talents that are endowed by a person. The intersection of the lines of the mind and the heart is less common. The heart arc denotes the attachment and the romantic side of life, passes under the fingers and hills and ends on the edge of the palm. More often, these two features are not in contact. But if they intersect or connect, forming additional figures, all their life will have to be tormented between what the mind tells him and what the heart says.

Lennage of lines on human palm

The total value of the line

Displays the mental scalp line. This thinking, habits, personal principles - all that is based on the perception of the world, on the processing of information coming from it.

In rare cases, the arc passes through the entire palm and ends on the edge. Such a feature of the arc speaks of a highly developed personality, but not ingenious. More often her ending coincides with the middle of the nameless finger.

Head line means:

  • logical thinking;
  • mental development;
  • mental capacity;
  • ambitions;
  • well-developed intuition.

The clearer and more even the arc of the mind, the easier it is to read its general meaning. It is endowed with ambitions if his feature runs along the palm and never interrupts: any gaps, shapes, talk about difficulties.

Characteristics of the Mind line

Each line has its own unique bending. This is a pattern with which a person is born. It reflects the path of personality development and ability for further growth. The head of the head is found in several variations:

  1. Clear and long. The most favorable sign when the line is clear and is clearly visible on the palm. Owners of such a drawing are endowed with great luck. In their lives, many opportunities in order to not only succeed like a professional, but also earn big money. These are the competent personalities that are taken only for the fact that they are thoroughly dealing. Says a clear feature and about ambitions: a person knows what to strive for what sacrifices for the sake of purpose is to go. The longer the arc, the more realistic plans.
  2. Short. Short line holders can be proud of special intuition. They are completely different perceive the world around us than an ordinary person. They are endowed with high intelligence and know how to calculate the development options for different situations. The more they work, the more they know how. Successful to this nature will not be any difficulty.
  3. Wavy. Says such an arc on confusion of consciousness. A person often changes his own opinion. Also quickly changes his mood and priorities. Reliable owners of a wavy arc head are not. They can promise a lot and hope that their lies will not reveal. The more bends on the line, the less achievements in the life of such a person.
  4. Small dashes interrupted. If the line is present on the line, the implementation of a person will take longer. He will have to seek the goals through force. In the life of such a person a lot of disappointments. It often suffers from doubt: these are perfectionists, but their desire to achieve the ideal borders with addiction from the fact that it is impossible to perform.
  5. Weak, neurko pronounced. If the head line is difficult to consider or it splits, the fate of the person is not yet predetermined. Only from his actions and goals will be dependent. If desired, such an identity can radically change the work and try yourself in the new field of activity. Finding yourself to people with a barely noticeable line of mind on the palm will only benefit.

If there are no heads on your hand, you should not be afraid. This person often has an emotional burnout. It is susceptible to temporary, but strong emotions. A person suffers from constant depressions and experiences, as everything takes to heart.

Figures on line

Patterns on the right and left hand may differ. They reflect not only the fate of a person, but also its potential. If a passive hand (for the right-hander - left) shows talents and abilities, then the consequences of their development are visible on the right hand. For a general forecast, it is equally important to understand patterns on both hands. By comparing the drawings, you can understand what qualities should be developed, and from which to get rid of.

Additionally, the palms are treated. These are signs formed by several lines. They completely or partially cross the main arcs and hills.

Important figures on the mind arge:

  • chain;
  • cross;
  • lattice;
  • square;
  • point;
  • star.

The chain on the head line speaks of the absentness. Personality is difficult to concentrate on one task.

The cross symbolizes self-deception: a person does not know how to live real events. He either runs away to the world of fantasies, or voluntarily removes from the world.

The grille characterizes its owner as smart, but demanding. He knows the price, but its demand is applied to others. In such conditions, it is difficult for him to associate his life with a decent partner.

The square on the mind arc suggests that a person knows how to risk: he is ready to fight for the case in which believes. Star is an unfavorable symbol. She speaks of the suicidal inclinations of an adult or even a child.

The line on the line indicate a stag. No matter how hard the person tries to get out of the crisis, it is given to him with difficulty.

Rales on line

The gap on the head line is one of the most important notes on the palm. The sign predicts the cardinal changes. The greater the gap, the stronger its influence on fate. If a person finds such a sign on his own palm, he can be sure: soon he will have to move or change the place of work.

The heterogeneous head line warns about shock, which will have to experience. From the shock, the one, whose line is interrupted immediately in 2 places.

If the head of the head is uneven, you need to pay attention to the bending of the cliff. There are such options as:

  • gap downward;
  • running up.

If such a drawing of a break is a fork, a person is like an extraordinary thinking. He is able not only to quickly make decisions, but also to see problems from.

Double features along the palm talk about comprehensive development: a person can succeed in technical sciences and at the same time engage in creativity.

The gap on the line of mind is peculiar to creative people


The torn line does not carry any danger, if it is interrupted, and then continues again. This predicts a change in the human thinking system. Such changes will be cardinal and shocking. Previous events will allow to overestimate the surrounding people, work and habits. Whatever the shock, it is needed for further development.

The ascending gap on the thin line of the head speaks about changing priorities. Personality will cease to exist in everyday problems. She will grow, he will see a completely different world around him, to some extent grows up. The size of the break depends on how long the person will be in confused state. If he can quickly get together - his life will change for the better. Rales on this type of line indicate the destruction that needs to be taken. Without it, it will not be possible to find a true purpose.

Downward break

The opposite case, when the gaps on the head lines are descending. This is a negative sign that carries a greater danger. He talks about the cessation of spiritual development. Personality loses motivation, and over time and itself. She does not want to know the world more, it is not capable of seeing his deep meaning. Such negative changes may precede shocks, injuries, losses.

Such a "defect" says that the personality will gladly exchange its worldview for ordinary everyday troubles. It will create protection from routine, through which it will be very difficult to break through.

The sign warns about pain: a person voluntarily punishes himself, hurts himself. It can only come out of this state independently, no one else will help in such a matter. If the personality is deeply immersed in an unconscious state, all its abilities are worse, and the work becomes in a burden.

People with a descending rupture tend to hide behind the routine


Rales on the head line are important signs to pay attention to. The mind arc speaks of the intellectual development of the personality, about its deposits and talents that it develops. Negative are "defects" that interrupt the course of the line. They promise degradation, stagnation, unauthorized conclusion. The more the person gives back to negative trends in his own life, the more he suffers. It is difficult to choose from this closed circle on your own, but there is no other way to have a person.

Each dialer, a small part of a unique pattern on a person's palms indicates fateful events in his personal and professional life. The line of mind on hand predetermines the character of a man or woman, their fears and hopes.

Why is the mind line so important in the chiromantia? Unique patterns are the signs with which a person is born and dies, and the lord of mind on the palm will be the best helper for a person if he learn to read dashes on his palm.

Mysterious lines - unique signs for the knowledge of the future

The line of the mind refers to the benchmarks on which fortune-telling is built by hand. Chiromantia is a difficult science for studying and understanding, capable of opening a person to a completely different world. In the mind line can be a lot of branches, breaks or additional figures. All these signs are only additional information that helps to reveal the true nature of a man or a woman.

How will the long mind line be helped for self-realization or in the drafting of the exact characteristic of the person? Signs on the palms only appear to seem primitive and simple, and in fact deciphering characters can be engaged in days. Each dialer is a significant or trifular information. Folding together all the details, a person can talk about self-knowledge. A special location is assigned to the mind on the palm of the palm. Together with the foregoing line of life, she comes out of the middle of the rib hand. Ends the trait until the middle of the palm. A long child comes to the end of the palm. Such features of the structure of the hands mean the fate of a person with a big future.

For the line of mind is the age of man. Like the trail, she slowly passes through the years allotted by a man or a woman. Signs on a clear drawing are always important, and to solve them is the primary task of the chiromant. A simple or sophisticated fortune telling will display the desired even before birth. Development of spirituality and physical personality. Her growth and possible problems. In the mind of the mind laid a lot of useful information, with which a person will understand himself.

Where does the chain of events begins? From the day when a person appeared on the light, the pattern, the personiform mind follows his success, behind each failure and sharp turn of events. If the pattern is abruptly interrupted or splits (on the left or right hand), it is not necessary to scare. Signs whatever they are - only the likely future applied to the hand, which is entirely depends on a man, a woman, a child or an elderly person. Where to look for your own talents on your palm, what does a trident mean or other notes? Only an experienced chiromeant can be expanding a patterned hand.

What does the abnity of the mind on the palm?

For the line of mind, clear invasses and deep patterns are characterized. Considering the hands of the personality, the chiromate can see unforeseen changes. Branching at the end or beginning, between different drawings and patterns - additional guidelines (hidden conditions, possible sharp turns of events). Two identical palms in the world are found, and a unique life, full of surprises and amazing accomplishments come from the mind line. What signs do you deserve attention?

On the palm of just three fundamental invasses, the values \u200b\u200bof each predetermines the fate of the personality:

  • Hearts;
  • Life.

The quality of a person in professional and personal life depend on the quality of the mind and life, but the heart pattern is responsible for the emotional component, the most controversial and difficult to read.

Signs applied to the palm can change during life. At the very end of a long journey, a person can appreciate his own actions. But at the beginning, in youth, in a mature age, the person seeks to find out his own future.

Does not depend on the mind of the mind how happy there will be a person, but in a clear line on the palm of the palm of the palm, how to reach this happiness and self-realization? Lullaby chiromantia is considered by India. The resettlement of souls and karmic debt formed by Buddhism has formed the basis of Chiromantia. To read the palms, not only knowledge is needed, but also the courage to accept the fact that it does not depend on a person. Own fate.

There is a big difference between people who can succeed in life and those who are actually successful. The lines on the hand do not solve the problems of a person, do not give him all the answers, but suggest the faithful path of further direction. What depends on the man's mind line?

Description of the head line (mind)

The pitch of the head is the story of the life that a person is only to survive. Thoughtful parents can predict the future of their own child, reviewing the patterns on the children's palm. All items are important at the beginning or end of the line, at the intersection of the head pattern with other patterns. Each parallel cat is a sign that defines all the fortune telling.

We need a lines of mind, hearts, fate to determine the wave of life, when the soul of a person does not hide responsibility for the possibilities of the possibilities. From birth and to death on the palm of man there are all the necessary prompts and signs, about which the personality is unrequisite asking for the highest forces from day to day. If the pitch of the head connects with the branches of the line of fate, then the fate of a man or woman will be incredible, fruitful and prosperous.

The position between the two strong conditioned boundaries is the head pattern is more rich and truthful. Excessive lines do not proceed from the mind line, but only those that will indicate fateful turns. Find the head of the head is easy, it is between the index and thumb. Immediately above it features a heart (the diabec of the heart is responsible for any social relationship with the surrounding world, which either will be in the future), and from the bottom of the fate pattern - can tell about the future, show the quality of life and its duration.

Mind Line will tell about your vocation

Line of mind (head). What inclinations, mental abilities say this line. Palmistry

Chiromantia Head Line or Mind (Part 4)

PALMISTRY. Issue 3: Mind Line

What does the pitch mean? For a person's life, the word decryption is very important. In the photo with a detailed scheme of all dashes and figures, it can be seen, what multi-layer drawings can be. For the chiromantia, temporary boundaries are important. The long darling mind is the events that predetermining the well-being of individuals. There is no need to look for answers to all questions in the Chiromantia, because science is unrecognized by all scientists, tells a person about his deposits, and does not create conditions for development. What will help in the chiromantia the pattern responsible for the mind and success in life?

Form and length of the image of the mind

The line of mind on the right hand is a shorter with a small bend or split, indicating the mind, reasonableness, human practicality. Pattern of nobility and kindness, help the personality to reveal from a completely different side. For this, just need to read the picture correctly. Damn with a star, clearly painted at the beginning or end, talks about talent laid in a woman or a man. The connection at once of two characters nearby speaks of an inevitable success in the future.

The first sign that rushes to the eye should be carefully considered. Just in case, you can read special literature with a detailed overall interpretation of the main lines. The Venus Hill, located above the heart line, is often connected with a dash mind. This location of intersecting lines is not accidental. Interpretation of the pattern during the life of a man or woman:

  1. From birth to 20 years. Fits the line of the line from the beginning to the middle of the index finger. For myself, it is necessary to understand where and what period passes, and under the influence of what signs the fate of a person is being formed. Another segment will tell about the future, if we are talking about a small child. The trait marked with a star testifies to the giftedness of the baby. If the sign coincides with the beginning of the next period, the child will have the opportunity to be implemented.
  2. Up to 35 years inclusive. The end of this period coincides with the arrangement of the middle finger. In the interval with a clear feature of a person, many pleasant surprises are waiting. Energy, many new ideas and inspiration. If there is no sign or symbol before the second border, it is not necessary to scare. Smooth fundamental dashs are the best messenger.
  3. 60 Summer Front. The last period ends on the nameless finger, resting in the base of the mother's. In this temporary interval there is a part of life in which a person is gaining wisdom, patience and realizes its own place in society, its own family. The point on this segment is a sign of disease and poor well-being. Says a point about problems causing a lot of trouble and experiences. Ends the path on my palm on the day when a man or woman leaves this world.

Hiromantia predetermines such a thing as the flow of time in both directions. On the bends of the head, the values \u200b\u200bof those or other characters can be repeated. Duplicate point or star (located on any temporary segment) indicates confirmation of the pre-balanced, inevitability.

All my life through strength and pain personality fights for happiness, for well-being, which is easy to determine by hand. Indicates notice conflict of internal desires and circumstances imposed by the outside world. If the diabee is connected by figures (rhombus, star, square, cross, fish or circle), then the situation will be resolved either by the mind or to the heart. Drawing of the heart and its location will help determine the prediction.

Coincidence of the mind line with other hand drawings

If the lines did not coincide (the heart pattern looks up, and the mind is down), then the internal torments will never leave the person.

Such a discrepancy means doubts, constant changes in their own will and without it. Slight figures come from the heart line, which will help to understand how to overcome internal contradictions. Several branches are departed from the mind line on his hand - a person is comprehensively developed, he seeks knowledge and inner strength.

Points on the mind line, especially on the first segment, talks about difficulties in communication. This does not mean that the child will grow closed or asocial. Signs on the mind line are unique tips that will not replace any other prediction. If we look at the left hand, you can see the talents inherent in personalities. The processes at the second temporary interval will be prompted, will the human classes bring significant income. Right hand will report on the implementation of conceived plans.

Human character on the mind

In the course of the hand, you can find out the traits of the character of the personality. The square indicates scattered (square of different sizes and thickness, with a clear line and without). The square on the mind line or the island on the mind line indicates inconstancy in all spheres of life. With a line formed a cross, it is necessary to alert, self-deception is possible in the life of a person. The rupture on the line (gap at the end, on the intersection, on a large and small area) indicates injuries of the head. The torn packer, which begins on any site, indicates tensions and stress. The gap never promises positive changes (dangerous gap near the point).

A short line of mind promises problems in the financial sphere, and the star at the end of the line of the mind will tell about possible problems if there are no positive signs nearby. The long line of mind, which begins with the line of fate, means the same long prosperous life. The line of mind and the fate line always affect each other. If you carefully consider the hand, you can see how from one point leaves (fork) Two full-fledged lines - they redefine what will be the weekdays of a person, his work, family, health. The value and description of each dash is important for general divination.

Branch is important changes, but a short distress indicates serious problems in the financial sphere. Fork, turning into one line, a good symbol, which is stable. If the drawing of the mind crosses with other pictures or figures, a person will gain harmony. Dash arrangement up symbolizes a person's desire to spiritual growth. The island, formed from the mind of the mind, life and hearts on the right or left hand, means an interesting occupation, which will have to do with the personality and bring good income.


Any note on the hands of a short, long, dashes that merge, branching or clear indicates events in a person's life. It predetermines talents, aspirations, skills not only until the middle of life, but also until death.

Mountain or notin on the mind line indicates significant turns in fate. Comparing correctly drawings can be solved as the line of mind affects the life and fate of a person.