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Strong prayers for sickness

For the third millennium, the main patron and healer for Orthodox Christians has been Saint Panteleimon, after diligently reading a prayer to which sick people recover. I remember that my grandmother, upon retirement, often suffered from severe toothache, which is why she was very tormented and worried. Then one friend suggested to her that it was necessary to read a prayer to Saint Panteleimon the healer, and she would remove the pain, as if by hand. And so it happened - toothache She left her grandmother, and if later she reminded of herself, then after the Orthodox prayer she passed again.

The holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon is the main patron saint of all doctors and patients. If you are tormented by any sore or ailment, just pray to Saint Panteleimon, read a prayer to him, buy an icon of Panteleimon, necessarily consecrated in the church, and put it in a prominent place at home. Panteleimon will definitely help a sick person suffering from pain - if he does not completely cure the disease, then at least he will reduce the pain and suffering, suffering of a person.

Prayer to Saint Panteleimon the Healer is the main prayer for sick people. Also, the prayer of Panteleimon can be read not only for the sake of curing the disease, but also as a prayer for the health of an adult and children for, so to speak, preventive purposes. The life of Saint Panteleimon was very difficult - he healed people, and he was punished for this, and later was completely executed. But even after his death, the saint helps the sick and suffering from pain, heals their illnesses and restores health to the “hopeless” patients.

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, a merciful God imitator! Look with mercy and hear us, sinners (names), before your holy icon of those praying. Ask us (names) from the Lord God, to whom the angels stand in heaven, forgiveness of our sins and sins. Heal the mental and physical diseases of God's servants (names), now remembered, here coming and all Orthodox Christians who come to your intercession. Behold, we, by our sin, are possessed by many ailments and are not imams of help and consolation, but we resort to you, as if we give you the grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every disease. Grant to all of us (names) with your holy prayers the health and well-being of soul and body, the perfection of faith and piety, and all that is necessary for temporary living and for salvation. Yes, yes, having been honored by you with great and rich mercies, let us glorify you and the Giver of all blessings, wonderful in the saints, our God, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to Healer Panteleimon

Today, Saint Panteleimon, we resort to you, as a gratuitous doctor, a comforter of the mourning, an enrichment of the poor. Having learned well the worldly love and the art of medicine, you believed in Christ and, from Him, the gift of healings, healed the sick without compensation. Giving all your wealth to the poor, the poor, the orphans and widows, in the chains of the tormented you visited, the holy sufferer of Christ, and with healing, conversation and alms you consoled them. For faith in Christ, you experienced various torments, you were beheaded with the sword, and before your death, Christ appeared, called you Panteleimon, that is, the all-merciful, because he gave you grace to always have mercy on everyone flowing to you in any circumstances and sorrows. Hear us, who have come running to you with faith and love, holy great martyr, for you were called all-merciful from the Savior Christ himself, and in your earthly life you gave one healing, another alms, other consolation, not letting anyone go unbounded. So it is now, do not reject and leave us, Saint Panteleimon, but listen and hasten to help us; heal and heal from all sorrow and illness, free from troubles and misfortunes, and pour divine consolation into our hearts, so that being cheerful in body and spirit, we glorify the Savior Christ forever. Amen.

Prayer to Healer Panteleimon

Oh, great servitor of Christ, most merciful Panteleimone, a passion-bearer and physician!
Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, and grant me healing from an illness that oppresses me.
Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinner of all people.
Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not abhor my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me, so that I am healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, by the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing God and I will be able to receive the good end of my life.
She, the saint of God! Pray Christ God, that through your intercession he grant health to my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen.

Prayer to Healer Panteleimon

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimone! Pray to God for us, the servant of God (name) and do not allow any longer to remain in it diseases, with which it hurts the soul and body! Heal those ulcers and scabs that our passions inflicted on us. We are sick with laziness and relaxation are healed. We are sick with attraction and addiction to earthly objects healed. We are sick, about Saint Panteleimon! We are sick with forgetfulness: about the work of salvation, about our sins and weaknesses, about our duties, we are healed. We are sick with malice, anger, hatred, heal, about the healing agent of Holy Athens and worldwide. We are sick with envy, pride, arrogance, exaltation, with all our poverty and lewdness, we are healed. We are sick with many and different fits of carnivorousness: gluttony, intemperance, overeating, voluptuousness, healed us. We are sick with sleepiness, verbosity, idle talk, condemnation, heal us, O Saint Panteleimon! Our eyes ache with sinful views, our ears ache with the hearing of idle talk, slander, slander, we are healed. Hands hurt with aversion to prayer and to the giving of alms, we are healed. Our legs ache with the unwillingness to hurry to the temple of the Lord and the desire to walk in the haystones and to visit the houses of the world, we are healed. Our tongue hurts, our mouth hurts: with idle talk, idle talk, slanderousness, turning away from prayers and praises, or pronouncing them carelessly, absentmindedly, without attention, without the concept of being healed, of mercy! From head to toe we hurt: our mind hurts with lack of understanding, unreasoning and insanity; the will hurts in us, turning away from holy occupations and striving for harmful and god-repugnant deeds; the memory hurts in us, which has forgotten our sins and contains in itself irrevocably the sins and insults of our neighbors; our imagination hurts in us, not knowing how and not wanting to vividly present to us our death, the eternal torment of sinners, the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, God's wrath, the sufferings of Christ on the Cross, His crucifixion are healed, O Saint Panteleimon! Everything in us hurts. Our whole soul is non-existent, with all its powers and abilities. Our whole body, with all its members, is also non-existent. Heal the servant of God (name), O Saint Panteleimon, Healer, the unrequited and loving Healer, the servant of the Most Holy Theotokos, and do not abandon our repentance in a bit of ailments and a bit of infirmity: yes, healed by your grace, I will glorify the Holy One and the Trinity and the Father The Most Holy Theotokos, sending you to serve the sick, and I will thank yours, O Saint Panteleimon, celibate.

(thanksgiving, after healing from the disease)

Holy great martyr, healer and miracle worker Panteleimon, an all-splendid servitor of God and an inherent prayer of Orthodox Christians! You are worthyly called Panteleimon, the hedgehog is all-merciful, as if you have received the grace from God to pray for us and heal diseases, you richly give everyone who comes to you, various healings and all that are needed for temporary life and for salvation. For this, for the sake of this, we, unworthy, honored with your mercy, packs in front of your holy icon, we run to you, and glorifying you, as a sincere saint of God, our faithful prayer-book and healer, we thank you for your zeal and the Giver of all the blessings of our Lord God about great good deeds, from Him who were you to us.

Accept graciously this little prayer thanksgiving of ours, but not the imams, otherwise repay you according to your wealth, and during the rest of our life, do not deprive us, the weak and sinful, of your help and prayerful intercession from the Lord our God, all glory, thanksgiving and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


Before you go to the doctor or apply the proposed Emerald Prayer, you need to get rid of self-hypnosis, the evil eye, infection, mycosis, worms, constipation, the influence of geopathogenic zones (in the geopathogenic zone, the compass arrow deviates).

Before visiting a doctor, read the prayer: "Lord, forgive me and this doctor our mutual karmic debts a hundred million times."

1. Prayer for self-hypnosis:

Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You, create and maintain a thought-image of the normal state of my soul and my _____ (organism or stomach, another organ, system, part of the body) ... Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!

Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Read the prayer three times in a row. The more specific the object is, the better.

Self-hypnosis arises imperceptibly, patients usually do not admit the thought that they have suggested something to themselves. Even constipation can be suggested to yourself. Ailments from self-hypnosis cannot be cured. Not removed in time, they cause objective changes that can be removed with the Emerald Prayer. Self-hypnosis may disappear after using the medication. It is safer to remove self-hypnosis with the proposed prayer. The same prayer can be used prophylactically. For example, if it blows me cold wind, and I noticed it, I understand that I can make myself sick and I read this prayer. It is advisable to read this prayer with any treatment.

It should be noted that the request for a "normal state ____", in addition to removing your self-hypnosis, also gives the effect of suggesting a "normal" state - it removes symptoms of malaise for a while, so do not write off to stop healing.

2. The evil eye washed off in the shower, bathing, I quote a prayer of great power:

Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, only for the salvation of my soul. Thy Holy Will be done. Amen "

Prayer removes the evil eye, suggestion from others (it appears when they feel sorry), with prolonged reading (3 months 12 times a day), prayer removes the evil eye, which was established in childhood and which other prayers do not remove.

3.Prayer for infection, mycosis, ascaris:

Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and preserve a thought-image exposure to pathogenic organisms, their embryos, eggs and toxins in my ____ (body, lungs, eye, hand, finger, etc.) with a temperature of +116 degrees. Celsius to destroy them. Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ! Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Read the prayer 10 times (everywhere the numbers are given for a weakened person).

Microorganisms (acute respiratory infections, all types of influenza, HIV infection, fungi, etc.) die in 40 minutes. For roundworm, you need to read another 6 days, 7 times a day. If you think that you can re-infection with worms, then read on, every day. If the worms die in the stomach, then there will be nausea, up to vomiting. If the worms die in other parts of the body, then there will be intoxication of the body, rashes on the body, a rise in temperature, temporary.

3-A Prayer for organisms on the skin: replace in 3. after the words “and toxins” with “on my body, on my clothes and pastels”. The rest is the same. After 7 days, pathogens will also die in things.

4.Prayer for constipation:

Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You (create and) preserve the meaning-image optimal advancement of the food bolus and feces in my opinion gastrointestinal tract by discharging additional fluid into this tract. Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ! Lord, I know that everything happened according to your will. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Read the first day 5 times, then 3 times a day and the words that do not read in brackets. At least once a week, do something for constipation (licorice root), be sure.



We remove the evil eye.

“Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul and I also ask You for blessing for the healing of my ______ (for example, heart) using the Emerald Ray and Holy Water. Thy Holy Will be done!

With the invincible word of God “I AM THAT I AM”, I invoke the Emerald Ray, which focuses on the molecule of Holy water and reads from it information about the plan (image) of God for ______ (for example, for the heart), compares the current state of ____ with the exemplary one and begins the process of cleansing and healing _______.

______ (heart) and all associated with it (them, her): vessels, nerve connections, other organs and systems, from toxins, deposits of salts, poisons, various blockages, negativities and everything that has settled in them over the past years is cleared.

It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. The cleansing goes on, on, on, on. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. (Repeat 1, 3, 7 times).

Simultaneously with cleansing, the Emerald Prayer produces the elimination of distortions and the restoration of ____ (heart). It (she, they) restores its working capacity, begins to work reliably, tirelessly, synchronously, to perform its functions in full. (Repeat 1, 3, 7 times).

I AM the miracle of God and I accept His miracle in me as the fulness of the proof of the love of the Father and the Son through the Mother and the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Will of God be done. Amen. "


(The use of the concept of "birth cell" (RC) increases efficiency by 70%)

We start by reading a prayer to remove self-hypnosis from that organ, part of the body, skin, system, to which the prayer will be directed (we enter it in the place of dashes) .

We remove the evil eye.

Even if there was no self-hypnosis at the beginning, it appears when you start to worry, having determined that there are signs of discomfort. Now we drink a sip of Holy water and read:

“Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You for blessing to heal my _____ (for example, 3 nerves) using the Emerald Ray and Holy Water. Thy Holy Will be done!

With the invincible word of God “I AM THAT I AM”, I invoke the Emerald Ray, which focuses on the molecule of Holy water and reads from it information about the plan (image) of God for my nerves (organ, body part): “Sidual”, “Wandering”, nerve “Ampular lateral ", (this is an example of filling) and, accordingly, for a planned (exemplary) generic cell for this group of nerves (consider that everything that you read has a generic cell), compares the existing generic cell of the indicated nerves with an exemplary generic cell for them.

The emerald ray cleans the existing generic cell of the indicated nerves (organ, body part, system) from all distortions, restores it, makes it similar to an exemplary generic cell. The emerald ray frees the ancestral cell of nerves ____ from all distortions acquired over the years of life, from all negativities, all blackness.

It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. (Repeat 1, 3, 7 times.)

At the same time, the Emerald Ray restores the ancestral cell of the mentioned nerves. Recovery continues, recovery continues, recovery continues. (Repeat 1, 3, 7 times.) The generic cell becomes a clean, healthy, young, full copy of the exemplary generic cell.

By the invincible word of God "May it be so!" I turn on the new generic cell. The birth cell now transmits to the nerves ____ the correct information to repair them and optimal performance... The body's capabilities are mobilized to cleanse and restore these nerves and everything associated with them, the whole body. All components, all nerve systems ______ are cleared of toxins, salt deposits, poisons, clamps, blockages. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. (Repeat 1, 3, 7 times.)

At the same time, the Emerald Ray restores the mentioned nerves.

Recovery continues, recovery continues, recovery continues. (Repeat 1, 3, 7 times.) Now _____ nerves work synchronously, tirelessly, perfectly perform all their functions.

Blaze the Light of God! Blaze the Light of God! Blaze the Light of God!

I AM the miracle of God and I accept His miracle in me as the fulness of the proof of the love of the Father and the Son through the Mother and the Holy Spirit. May Your Holy Will be done. Amen. "

If the body is slagged, there will be a cleaning of the organ, the body: runny nose, cough, pus from the eyes, a temporary increase in temperature. Before the cure there will be an aggravation of ailments. In serious cases, there will be great pains, you can reduce them by reducing the number of repetitions, by reading once a day, every other day. You can do pain relief, natural, home remedies.

Order "In Health".


Prayers will work if you fight yourself. With an infection - the immune system... From roundworm - harmelon seeds. For constipation - licorice root. What is for the treatment of the heart, etc.

The Emerald Ray is one of the manifestations of the active, active aspect of our Creator in us. Physically, it is a certain type of energy.

Holy water, unlike ordinary water, which remembers all information, remembers only Divine information.

For example, about every person, Holy Water has primordial information that corresponds to God's plan for a given person.

The generic cell is the information center of an organ, system, skin, body part, which determines its structure and functioning.


Our true Father, I trust in You and I pray to You, Lord, only for the salvation of my soul and I also pray to You: create and save a thought-way of behavior ____ (name) (then other relatives and friends, employees and neighbors) adequate to the situation, and her (his) true character. May Thy Holy Will be. "

Prayer removes your influence on a person's character (usually you expect, you are afraid that a person will show bad character traits and this attracts these traits), read once a week.


“Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You: to restore my nerves _________ create and save a thought-image of nootropic and neurotrophic effects on them, as after taking the phytoconcentrate“ Nervin "And direct action on these nerves of an aqueous solution of ionic peptides, which contribute to the restoration of nerve tissues.

Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!

Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Read 7 times, then 3 times a day (read in a row) until the nerves are restored (you can write up to 3 nerves).

Take "Nervin" as a standard (this is a phytoconcentrate of the company "Ecomed", Kiev, 044-2293868), the effect of ionic peptides will be added through a thought-image.

In case of fractures, apply the prayer at the last stage of treatment, when massage has been completed and everything that chiropractors recommend in such cases.

Nerve damage is repaired in a week, a nerve rupture is repaired in two weeks + 2 days for every millimeter of rupture. When restoring the brain, record the left and right halves separately; for them, the most severe injury is eliminated in 30 days. In severe cases, you can restore one half of the day, the other day. Continuity of treatment is not required.

A spinal cord rupture of up to 5 mm is restored in one step, in a month. Then a 2-week break and you can do the next cycle.

Recovery of the spinal cord after cerebral palsy occurs in 1 - 2 cycles (monthly).


Produced with the help of the Emerald Prayer, you can simultaneously mention up to 4 nerves, read for three days, twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime), the process will take a week. It is advisable to heal the sciatic for everyone.


“Our true Father, I trust in You and I pray to You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and preserve a thought-image of the correct connection and normal functioning of the technological chains of neurons in the brain, spinal cord, nerve pathways, ion channels, noceceptors.

May Your Holy Will be done. Amen. "

Read 5 times, in 3 days, false connections of neurons that have accumulated with age will be eliminated.

Providing the body with vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and preserve a meaning-image the normal state of my soul and the thought-image of saturation of my body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements due to the required amount and at the optimum time of the preparations ALKIVITAL, MULTIBIONTA PLUS CALCIUM AND MAGNESIUM, MULTITABS MAXI, MACROVIT, MULTIBIONTA PLUS, OXIRICH, ZINC TERAL, GASTROFILIN PLUS, vitamin preparation ____, mineral preparation ____ negative impacts of the indicated drugs and medicines. Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ! Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Instead of dashes, write in a vitamin preparation (for example, UNDEVIT) and a cheap preparation with minerals available in your pharmacy, buy them and take them at least once a week.

You can buy one Duovit.

The property of prayer is such that there will be an effect of taking all the means mentioned in the prayer, which means the full provision of the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Read the prayer 7 times (for the weak - 10 times), then 3 (5) times a day - 2 weeks, then 1 time a day - 3 weeks, then 1 time a week.

Try to consume greens, berries, fruits.

The meaning of prayer.

The prayer contains expensive medications that you don't need to buy! To these expensive drugs we add the cheapest domestic ones, we buy and accept them. Can only be taken once a week.

The property of prayer is such that there will be an effect of taking all the prescribed preparations! And if these drugs have negative side effects, then the prayer says: "without negative side effects of these drugs and drugs."

One of the most difficult situations for any person is a disease, especially a serious one, which can only be healed with the help of an operation. If this happened in life, it often means that you need to change a lot in yourself, in your the inner world... And the main "adviser" in such correction, of course, is the Lord.

It is to Him and His Heavenly Pleasures that one should turn to prayer before the operation. It often happens that after repentance and choosing a different path, a person completely manages to say goodbye to illness.

Who exactly should I pray to while awaiting surgery? Initially, the very formulation of this question is incorrect. Because there are no “ready-made recipes” and precise recommendations in the spiritual life... It all depends on the inner disposition of the person.

He can pray to at least a dozen saints for a long time, but at the same time not receive what is asked. And all because he does it either mechanically or is simply not ready, due to his inner disorder, to accept the help of God.

Expecting such a difficult stage in your life as an operation, you can pray to the Lord God, and the Mother of God, and any saint. And even all of them together. The main thing is to understand that the heavenly answer will come only through the sincere prayer of a person and only thanks to his ardent faith. An empty and unhealthy prayer is not pleasing and even sinful.

Despite this, there are certain prayers to be recited before surgery... They are offered by the Orthodox Church because of human weakness, because we, sinful people, always "give" a specific "mechanism" that can fix everything and help. And even when it comes about the sphere where no mechanisms work - about the sphere of spiritual life.

So, the church gives advice to pray for the sick to a few specific saints, while waiting for the operation.

These are such pleasers as:

* Known for his great help to sick peopleHealer Panteleimon.

* A great intercessor for those who are weak,Saint Luke.

* Always hearing the sighs of the faithful children of the Church, SaintGreat Martyr Barbara.

* You can also offer petitions while waiting for a difficult life test to yourGuardian Angel.

* He will surely hear the cry of the believer himselfGod.

* Will not leave without its cover and intercession a person asking for help,Mother of god.

Intercessor Luka Krymsky.

Most often, people in a hospital bed turn to Saint Luke for prayer support.... And this is very true, because Luka Krymsky in the world Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky himself was a surgeon by profession, he performed unique operations in difficult conditions.

This is one of our main intercessors before God, the Saint who understands all human hardships and always comes to the aid of those who seek deliverance from them by correcting their lives.

It is quite possible for a person going to an operation to ask for heavenly support from this saint.... Read a short prayer coming from the heart.

For example, like this:

“Dear saint, I know that I am not worthy of your help, but help me, who is perishing in body and soul. Ask the Lord to forgive my terrible sins, pardoned me and helped me to survive the operation safely, healed me and gave me more help in my life not to do wrong, but to follow the path pleasing to God. Please help. "

If it is difficult to find words in such a crucial period, then you can read a special strong prayer... This text can be read about a son and daughter, for yourself, a husband, a mother, for another relative or loved one... If you ask warmly and heartily, help will come:

“O all-blessed confessor, our Father Luko, the great saint of Christ. With tenderness, bow the knee of our hearts, and falling to the race of your honest and multifunctional relics, like the child of your father, we pray to you with all our heart: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the Merciful and Human-loving God. To him you are now in the joy of the saints and stand before him with the face of an angel. We believe that you love us with the same love, but with it you loved all your neighbors while you were on earth.

Ask Christ our God, let him strengthen His children in the spirit of right faith and piety: let the pastors give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers to observe, to strengthen those who are weak and weak in faith, to instruct those who are ignorant, to reprove them. Give a gift to all of us to someone who is worthy, and all that is useful for temporary life and for eternal salvation.

Hail our affirmation, land fruitfulness, deliverance from gladness and destruction. Consolation to those who grieve, healing ailing, returning to the path of truth, blessing as a parent, education and teaching for children in the fear of the Lord, help and intercession to the poor and the poor.

Give us all your archpastoral blessing, and have such a prayer intercession, let us get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms.

Lead us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, and pray to the almighty God for us, so that in eternal life we ​​will be vouchsafed with you to ceaselessly glorify the Consubstantial and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The most effective support in difficult times is certainly the hand extended by the Lord Jesus himself.... It is better to pray to our Lord, starting with repentance. Because God, seeing a crying heart regretting sins, will certainly send his invisible support.

You can speak from the heart like this:

“Lord, forgive me, a sinner who did not listen to You, who broke Your laws. I repent very much and ask you to forgive me. And help me get through the operation. Please guide the doctors so that they do everything right and that their actions heal me. And so that after the operation I will go on the mend and recuperate. But, of course, Thy will be done. "

Here's another Orthodox prayer about a successful operation:

“Into Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, I give you my spirit and my life. I ask You, Almighty, bless and have mercy on me. Grant me, Lord, life and long days before Thy face. May Thy mercy be upon me. Forgive me my sins in the name of Thy Holy Son Jesus Christ. In You I hope and trust, my Lord and my God. For in truth you alone are Christ, the Son of the living God, who came into the sinful world to save us. Let it be your blessing over the hands of doctors, over what they will do. Thy will be done, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Petition to Matrona of Moscow.

Mati Matrona, a famous saint in Russia, is a strong intercessor of people before God... If a person in a difficult situation calls out to her with all his heart, he will quickly receive what he asked for in his sincere prayer. It is best to ask for support, strengthening and blessing for a good outcome of the operation in your own simple words.

Suppose, in this way:

“Dear Mother, I am in a very difficult situation, I have an operation. Please help me make it go the best way so that the Lord will forgive my sins and heal me. I know that by my deeds I defiled the image that the Lord laid in me. But please ask Him for forgiveness for my dirty and terrible sins, for mercy on me. May the Lord forgive and give health, strengthen my bodily strength. Forgive me, help me. "

Another text of the prayer for health read for yourself or your relatives, to this strong representative before our heavenly Father:

“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept now us, sinners, praying to you, accustomed in all your life to accept and listen to all those who are suffering and grieving, with faith and hope to your intercession and help who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to all; May your mercy to us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere find solace and compassion in the sorrows of the soul and help in bodily illnesses also not fail now: heal our diseases, save from the temptations and torment of the devil, who is passionately at war, help bring your life Cross, bear all the burdens of life and not lose the image of God in it, preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after our departure from this life, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all who have pleased God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

What are the words to offer to the Angel?

It often happens that a person forgets that even during baptism he is given a Guardian-Angel, protecting and protecting from various earthly misfortunes, as well as from numerous invisible spirits of evil. If a person is in danger, then the Angel, figuratively speaking, activates and strengthens his help. But in the event that the believer does not forget about Him and turns to Him.

Therefore, just before the operation, which is potential danger, it is best for a sick person to call on his "personal" heavenly protector, who, like no one else, knows about all his troubles and misfortunes.

The following words can be pronounced, attuned to prayer to our high intercessor before God:

“My angel, my Guardian, go ahead, and I follow you. Mother of God, help me! Queen of Heaven, I ask you: stand at my table. Give, Blessed One, to my doctors precision, attention and dexterity, and give me patience and ease. Son of God, have mercy on me! Jesus Christ, our Savior, send me, a sinner, healing. The Lord's will be done, not mine! "

A non-standard approach.

Today you can often hear among people that there are so-called amulet prayers. Including this is the Dream of the Most Holy Theotokos... You should be very careful here, since the church does not officially accept these prayers as canonical. They are more practiced by healers, magicians, "white" sorcerers, they recommend reading them to the patient's relatives.

“Mother theotokos slept and rested and saw a terrible dream in her sleep. Came to Her Son: - My mother, are you awake? - I am not sleeping, I hear everything, but God gave, and I see: You walk between the robbers, Between the mountains, between the traitorous Jews, that they crucified Your hands on the Cross, that they nailed Your legs to the Cross. On Sunday, the sun sets early, the Mother of God walks across the sky, leads her Son by the hand. I spent it in the morning, from the morning - to Mass, from Mass - to Vespers, from Vespers - on the blue sea. A stone lies on the blue sea, and on that stone the church stands. And in that church a candle is burning and Jesus Christ sits on the Throne. He sits with his legs lowered, his eyes gazing up to the sky, reads a prayer to God, waits for Saints Paul and Peter. Peter and Paul came to him, stood and said to the Son of God: - Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, you read prayers for the whole world and accept torment for us. And the Lord spoke to them: - Peter and Paul, you do not look at me, but take your prayers into your hands, carry them all over the world, and teach all kinds of people - sick, lame, gray-haired, young. Whoever knows how - let him pray, whoever does not know how - let him study. Whoever reads this prayer twice a day will never know any torment, will not drown in water, will not burn in fire, and will conquer the most terrible disease.

A thief will not rob that person, lightning in a thunderstorm will not kill him, poison will not kill him, denunciation in court will not ruin. In the heat there is water, and in hunger there is food. That man will live a great age, and when his hour comes, he will die the easiest death. I will send him two angels and I myself will go down to meet him, the soul and body of the righteous will save at the Terrible Judgment. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

An appeal to Panteleimon the healer.

Of course, before such a difficult stage as an operation, a believer turns to Saint Healer Panteleimon... He always hears those who are in a state of illness, he gives strong protection and invisibly applies his heavenly "ointment" to human wounds.

“Oh, great servitor of Christ, most merciful Panteleimone, a passion-bearer and doctor! Have mercy on me, the sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, and grant me healing from the cruel oppressive ailment me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinner of all people. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not abhor my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May it be healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, with the help of the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing God, and I will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. She, the saint of God! Pray Christ God to grant me through your intercession the health of the body and the salvation of my soul. Amen."

Women usually turn to the Mother of God with their problems. Therefore, you can pray to her before the operation like a woman, on the uterus, as well as if the child is to undergo surgery.

“O Most Holy Lady the Lady theotokos! Raise us, servants of God (names) from the depths of sin and deliver us from sudden death and from all evil. Grant, O Lord, peace and health to us and enlighten our minds and eyes of the heart, even to salvation, and vouch for us, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God: as His kingdom is blessed with the Father and His Most Holy Spirit. "

Nicholas the Wonderworker will not leave the sick.

Saint Father Nicholas - the greatest hope of the sick... This saint is known to everyone, because the help he exudes is really great.

The appeal to his icon during the hardships of life associated with illness and hospital stay may be as follows:

“O all-holy Nicholas, the Lord's most pleasing, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper, help me, sinful and despondent, in this life, pray to the Lord God, grant me the forgiveness of all my sins that have sinned greatly from my youth, in everything my life, deed, word, thought and all my senses; and at the end of my soul, help the accursed one, pray to the Lord God of all creatures, the Sourer, to save me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, but I always glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Each faith has its own rules. But the main thing is one thing: you need to ask for something in your appeals to heaven from the heart and with repentance.

“O Allah who sent down Musa, Isa and Muhammad, O Allah who sent down the Koran, help me, who is sick, help me during the operation. There is no deity but You! Praise to You! Truly, I was unrighteous, I blasphemed Your Name. But do not leave me lonely, forsaken, You are the best of those who inherit, that which by Your will came to You will go away. "

To do without surgery.

Of course, a person suffering from some kind of ailment always tries to hope that such a fate as surgical intervention has passed him.

There is no definite prayer to avoid this situation, but it is quite possible, realizing that there is a chance to do without extreme measures, to speak cordially these words:

“Lord, Mother of God, our saints, you see what situation I am in. And you yourself know that it is better for me - to transfer this share or stay away from it. Take control of this situation yourself. I rely on you for everything. "

When preparing for any intervention, it is good to ask for the doctors performing the operation.... This is significant, because then the Lord himself will lead their hands.

You can pray in your own words.

For example, like this:

“Lord, send your cover to me. And bless all the doctors who will participate in the operation for the operation. Lead the whole process, direct the hands of the doctors. "

Or use ready-made text:

“O Lord Almighty, Holy King, punish and not kill, affirm those who fall, and erect the overthrown, bodily people of sorrow, correct them, we pray to You, our God, Your servant (name), who is weak, visit with Your mercy, forgive him (her) all unwillingness ... To her, Lord, Thy medical power from Heaven was sent down by the hedgehog to control the mind and hand of Thy servant the healer (the name of the doctor) so that he will safely perform the necessary surgery, as the bodily ailment of Thy free Servant (name) will be completely healed, and any invasion hostile far from him will be driven away from him. Raise him up from the bed of the Sick One and grant him health in the soul and body of Thy Church, pleasing. Thou art a merciful God and to Thee we give Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen."


Any prayer requires special attention and concentration. Morning and evening prayer rules read in front of the icons, if possible - aloud, if not - to themselves.

The situation will tell you how to read them in the hospital, the main thing is that they are read thoughtfully, without irritation, in a calm mood. If the roommates do not mind, read the prayers aloud - it will be of benefit to them too.

* Prayer, both for yourself and for a loved one must be extremely sincere and deeply felt, and her every word is balanced and meaningful.

* Praying during the operation focuses on the conversation with the saint to whom he turns, all his thoughts are with him.

* A prayer appeal to a saint should not be one-time... Many people recommend reciting the chosen prayer 40 times. Often people read it constantly - before entering a deep narcotic sleep.

* When preparing for the operation, one must understand that illnesses do not overtake us “for something”, but for “something”: it means that the Lord considers it necessary to enlighten us in this way, to teach a lesson in patience and humility. And therefore this lesson must be accepted, no matter how paradoxical it may seem, with gratitude and faith in the mercy of God. A simple and short "formula" "Thy will be done" will help to accept the situation with dignity.

* In the hours and minutes before the operation, being in a prayerful mood, in no case should you remember offenses, scold, accuse and even more curse anyone, even suspecting him of malice. Reconciliation with offenders is a direct path to recovery.

* It is necessary to take seriously and thoughtfully to the spoken words of prayer... That is why one should distinguish true prayer from conspiracies, incantations that turn the patient more likely to pagan samples of folklore.

* Prayer suggests that the one who asks sincerely repents of his sins, of which many have accumulated over the course of life.

It seemed to you that what you asked was not fulfilled to the extent that you would like?

This is also not for us, mere mortals, to judge, but it is definitely impossible to lose faith. By prayer, the connection of the Almighty with human souls is fixed.

Of course, prayer does not work instantly, like a pain reliever, but it helps to create a mood of faith and trust in the Lord God and doctors-healers working for His glory.

Key moment:

It is best, when preparing for such an event as surgical intervention, not just to pray, but to confess, to get the permission of the priest for Communion, to receive the Holy Communion. And boldly put all further events in the hands of the Lord. And then sincerely offer your petitions. Moreover, you can pray at any time: as soon as a thought or fear comes regarding the future, you need to immediately offer your prayers.

Be sure to say at the end of each petition: "Thy will be done, Lord" , that is, hope not for own strength and rely on our Creator.

If a person with a clear conscience, having repented, goes to the operating "bed", he is not afraid of the consequences of what is happening. The Lord will never leave a pure soul humbly asking for help.

When the operation is left behind, you can constantly pray for a speedy and successful recovery. St. Matrona.

“O blessed mother Matrona, my soul appeared in heaven before the Throne of God, but you rest on earth in your body and perform various miracles given to you by a good gift from above. Look now with your merciful eye at me, a sinner, living her days in sorrow, illness and sins, comfort me, desperate, heal our cruel diseases, from God to us for our sins sent, deliver us from many troubles and circumstances, pray our Lord forgive me all my sins, crimes that I have done from a young age to this day and hour. Thanks to your prayers for us, I received grace and great mercy. Let us glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

If your child or your mother is recovering after the operation, you should ask the Most Holy Theotokos for help. She herself is the great heavenly mother of the Lord and will certainly help those who ask her intercession with warm words.

“Oh, Most Holy Lady, Lady, Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honest icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who run to You, pray, merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, may preserve our peaceful country, His Holy Church, so immutable will keep from unbelief, heresy and schism. Not imams of more help, not imams of other hopes, except for You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the all-powerful Christians Helper and Intercessor. Deliver all those who pray to You with faith from the falls of sinful people, from libel evil man, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death. Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful life and forsaking of sins, but all gratefully singing Your majesty and mercy, let us be vouchsafed to the Heavenly Kingdom and there together with all the saints let us glorify the glorious and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."


Should sincerely thank Heavenly Father when the operating procedures are completed:

“Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to survive this difficult operation. Thank you for not sending hell to the abyss, for having mercy. "

There is such a gratitude at the end of surgical interventions:

“Glory to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the Originless Father, Alone heal every ailment and every ulcer in people, as you have mercy on me as a sinner and delivered me from my illness, not allowing it to develop and kill me for my sins. Grant me from now on, Master, the power to firmly do Thy will for the salvation of my accursed soul and for Thy glory with Thy Beginning Father and Thy Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Important tip:

In general, there is a certain algorithm of spiritual actions performed by a person after surgery. This is a simple sequence that is logical to follow after the operation.

Here is the sequence:

* Immediately after completing a difficult medical procedure, you need to sincerely pray like this:"Glory to Thee, God!"And more than once.

* This is followed byin your own words to thank all the saintsto whom prayers were made before the operation.

* Also very goodask for further intercession from your Guardian Angel.

* And subsequently, every day, according to the strength of the soul, to pronounceheartfelt prayers for your full recovery.

* It is imperative to change yourself internally, to become better, purer in heart... It is worth confessing in the church, and one must resort to this sacrament all the time. When the priest forgives sins, it is important to boldly decide not to take a sinful path anymore and follow this decision.

* You also need to take communion often in church. But only after a sincere tearful confession. You can never do it somehow mechanically, without thinking about the spiritual life.

Faith is strong, strong, a complete change of life, the desire to live spiritually - this is what should become the main guide in the fight against bodily diseases.

Medicine today has developed so much that surgical operations have become business as usual... Nevertheless, the upcoming test worries the patient, makes him experience different scenarios for the development of events. Sometimes excitement deprives sleep, appetite and makes a person even more sick.

Regardless of the complexity of the operation, God rules the hand of the surgeon. And God wants a person in any trial to learn not to hope for a chance, but to resort to His help and to the intercession of the saints.

Why prayer is needed before surgery

Prayer before the operation, addressed to God, fills the soul with calmness and hope, works miracles.

“We are not omnipotent, pray,” the doctors say. This is correct: the human body is so complex that any accident can put on the brink of life and death.

Often the patient turns to God for the first time, fearing the unknown outcome of the medical procedure, and general anesthesia is perceived as a temporary death.

The saints do not help a person by their own strength, but by prayers to God, Who gives what is requested for the sake of their holiness.

Holy prayer books for health

How and to whom to pray, what prayer before the operation reaches God faster? Will God help an unbeliever or a sinner? The answers are contained in the history of the Orthodox Church, which knows many cases of healings by

Important articles:

St. Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

In 2010, in the Krasnodar City Hospital No. 1, a wonderful case occurred with an elderly person. He had an operation on a broken collarbone. General anesthesia was dangerous, the doctors doubted whether such a patient could be operated on.

On the night before the operation, in a dream, a young man appeared to him "in strange clothes," as the patient himself later said. Leaning over the bed, he handed the man a spoonful of medicine and said: "Do not be afraid, everything will be fine."

The operation was successful, the doctors were surprised how easily the patient underwent anesthesia and how quickly the recovery began. Before being discharged, the man accidentally saw the icon of the Healer Panteleimon and exclaimed: "Yes, it was him!"

The help of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon in diseases has been known for a long time. In earthly life (early 4th century) St. Panteleimon was a doctor. Before healing, he prayed to a Christian God, which was dangerous: Christians were persecuted by pagans. Seeing the determination of the young doctor, God gave him the power to heal the sick and raise the dead.

Instead of worries and worries before the operation, it is better to read the akathist to the Healer Panteleimon and then pray in your own words: "Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, help the servant of God so-and-so undergo the operation and recover in order to praise God."

Prayer to Healer Panteleimon

Oh, great servitor of Christ, most merciful Panteleimone, a passion-bearer and physician! Have mercy on me, the sinful servant of God (name), hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, and grant me healing from a cruel oppressive ailment me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinner of all people. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not abhor my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me; May it be healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, with the help of the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing God, and I will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. She, the saint of God! Pray Christ God to grant me through your intercession the health of the body and the salvation of my soul. Amen".

In the offices of surgeons, you can often see the icon of St. Luke Voino-Yasenetsky. This saint was glorified by the Church in 1996.

In earthly life, he was a famous surgeon, healed many patients, wrote works on surgery that are used in medical practice today. In adulthood, Luke became a bishop, not leaving the medical business. God glorified the saint for his confession of faith during the difficult times of the revolution and the Civil War.

After death, healings continued to flow from the relics of St. Luke. Through the prayers of the saint, the patients preparing for the operation were suddenly healed and no surgical intervention was required.

Prayer to Luke Krymsky

O all-blessed confessor, our saint our father Luko, the great servitor of Christ!

With tenderness, bow the knee of our hearts and falling to the race of your honest and multifunctional relics, like the child of your father, we all earnestly pray to you: hear us sinners and bring our prayer to the All-Merciful and Human-loving God.

We believe that you love us with the same love you loved all of your neighbors while you were on earth.

Ask Christ our God, that he may establish in His holy Orthodox Church the spirit of right faith and piety; let her shepherd give holy zeal and care for the salvation of the people entrusted to them: the right of believers to observe, to strengthen those who are weak and weak in faith, to instruct those who are ignorant, to reprove them.

Give to all of us a gift that is somehow useful, and everything that is even useful for temporary life and for eternal salvation: our city's affirmation, the land of fruiting, deliverance from gladness and destruction, consolation to grieving, healing ailing, lost on the path of truth, a blessing parent, a child in education and teaching of the Lord, help and intercession to the poor and the poor.

Give us all your archpastoral and holy blessing, so that by you we will get rid of the wiles of the evil one and avoid all enmity and disorder, heresies and schisms.

Grant us God please to pass the field of temporal life, guide us on the path leading to the villages of the righteous, deliver us from airy ordeals and pray to the almighty God for us, but in eternal life with you we ceaselessly glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, All glory and honor deserve to Him. and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Great Martyr Barbara

The Orthodox Church is aware of cases of St. Barbara's assistance in critical cases during surgical operations.

The holy martyr is depicted on icons with the Chalice for communion. This is not accidental: Christians are afraid to die suddenly, without confessing and not having received the Holy Mysteries.

St. Barbara is asked to get rid of sudden death during anesthesia.

Prayer of the nc. Barbara

Holy glorious and all-praiseworthy Great Martyr Varvaro! Gathering today in your temple Divine people, worshiping your relics and kissing your love, your sufferings are martyrs, and in them is the very Passionate Christ, who gave you not just a hedgehog to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, with praises satisfyingly, we pray to thee, known to the desires of our intercessor: pray with us and for us begging God from His benevolence, may he graciously hear us asking for His goodness, and not leave us all the petitions necessary for salvation and living, and grant Christian death to our belly - painless, shameless, peaceful, partaking of the Divine Mysteries, and to everyone, in every place, in every sorrow and situation requiring His love for mankind and help, He will give His great mercy, so that by the grace of God and your warm intercession, soul and body always stay healthy, we glorify the wondrous God in His saints, the God of Israel, who does not remove His help from us always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer assistance of Guardian Angels

An 80-year-old woman was admitted to the Krasnodar regional hospital with a diagnosis of volvulus. The only salvation was abdominal surgery, which the patient could not tolerate, she had a bad heart. Relatives were warned of a possible death, everyone prayed, since there was nothing more to hope for.

Before the operation, the woman dozed off and saw a glowing face in front of her. She asked the first thing that came to mind: "Guardian Angel?" The vision immediately disappeared, and the soul of the patient was filled with calmness and joy.

"Your grandmother is great!" - the doctors were surprised, discharging the patient, surprisingly easily recovered from the anesthesia and soon rose to her feet. The woman told her happy relatives about the angel's vision at home.

They are located next to every baptized person. If you do not forget them in prayers, then they will not slow down with help.

Praying before the operation, read the Canon to the Guardian Angel, then say short prayer"Holy Angel of God, my Guardian, pray to God for me!" as often as possible.

Sometimes they advise short petitions of the "folk" composition, for example, "My angel, follow me, you are in front, I am behind you." It's okay, but not stronger than prayers consecrated Orthodox Church, they need to be pronounced first.

Canon to the Guardian Angel

Irmos: We will drink to the Lord, who led the people through His Red Sea, as alone gloriously glorified.

Lord Jesus Christ my God, have mercy on me.
Sing and praise the song, Savior, worthy of Thy servant, incorporeal Angel, my mentor and guardian.

I am alone in folly and in laziness now I lie, my mentor and guardian, do not leave me, perishing.

Direct my mind with your prayer, do God's commands, so that I will receive from God the surrender of sins, and hate the wicked, instruct me, I pray to you.

Pray, Maiden, for me, Thy servant, to the Benefactor, with my guardian Angel, and instruct me to do the commandments of Thy Son and my Creator.

Irmos: Thou art the confirmation of those flowing to Thee, O Lord, Thou art the light of the darkened, and my spirit sings Thee.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

All my thoughts and my soul I have laid upon you, my keeper; Deliver me from all the misfortunes of the enemy.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

The enemy tramples on me, and embitters me, and teaches me to always do my own desires; but you, my mentor, do not leave me perishing.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Petit the song with thanksgiving and zeal to the Creator and to God, give me, and to you, my good Angel, my guardian: my deliverer, rescue me from the enemies that embitter me.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Heal, Blessed One, my many unpleasant scabs, even in souls, burn enemies, who are always fighting with me.

Sedalen, voice 2nd

From the love of my soul, cry out to you, the guardian of my soul, my all-holy Angel: cover me and keep me from evil catching always, and teach heavenly life, enlightening and enlightening and strengthening me.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.


The Blessed Virgin Mary of the Most Pure, Even without a seed, having given birth to all the Lord, the One with my guardian angel, pray, rid us of all bewilderment, and give tenderness and light of my soul and purification of sin, Even one who will soon intercede.

Irmos: Hearing, O Lord, Thy Sacrament, understanding Thy deeds, and glorify Thy Divinity.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Pray to the Man-lover of God you, my guardian, and do not leave me, but always observe my life in the world and grant me invincible salvation.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

As a protector and guardian of my stomach, I receive thee from God, Angela, I pray thee, saint, free from all my troubles.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Cleanse my filthiness with your sanctity, my guardian, and may I be excommunicated by your prayers from a part of the shuia, and I will appear a partaker of glory.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Perplexity lies before me from the evils that have eaten me, Most Pure One, but deliver me from them soon: there is more to Thee.

Irmos: A reassuring cry of Ty: Lord, save us; Thou art our God, don’t we believe otherwise.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

As if having boldness to God, my holy keeper, pray to deliver this from the evils offending me.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Light light, light enlighten my soul, my mentor and guardian, from God given to my Angel.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Sleeping me with an evil burden of sin, as if keep vigilant, Angel of God, and raise me up to praise with your prayer.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Mary, the Lady of the Theotokos, the bride-to-be, the hope of the faithful, put down the exaltation of the enemy, and those who sing Thee have been rejoiced.

Irmos: Give my robe a light, dress like a garment with light, Christ our God is much-merciful.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Free me from all misfortunes, and save me from sorrows, I pray to you, holy Angel, given to me from God, my kind keeper.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Illuminate my mind, better, and enlighten me, pray to you, holy Angele, and always instruct me with useful thoughts.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Lead my heart out of this rebellion, and vigilantly strengthen me in the good, my guardian, and guide me wonderfully to the silence of animals.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The Word of God dwelt in Thee, the Theotokos, and by the Man of Thee, showing the heavenly ladder; By you, the Most High has come down to us to eat.

Kontakion, voice 4th

Appear to me, merciful, holy Angel of the Lord, my guardian, and do not separate from me, the filthy one, but enlighten me with inviolable light and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

My soul is humbled by many temptations, you, saint to the presenter, vouch for the ineffable glory of heaven, and a singer from the face of the incorporeal powers of God, have mercy on me and preserve, and enlighten my soul with good thoughts, so that with your glory, my Angel, I will be enriched, and overthrow the enemies who think evil to me , and make me worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Irmos: From Judea, youths came down, in Babylon sometimes, by faith in the Trinity, the cave begged the flame of the cave, singing: Fathers, God, blessed are you.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Wake me mercifully, and pray to God, Lord Angela, I have an intercessor in my whole belly, a mentor and guardian, given by God for ever.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Do not leave on the way the marching soul of my accursed murder by a robber, holy Angele, even from God I was betrayed to be blameless; but instruct you on the path of repentance.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I bring my whole disgraced soul from my evil thoughts and deeds: but beforehand, my mentor, and give me good thoughts with healing, always deviate to the right paths.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Fill all the wisdom and the Divine fortress, the Hypostatic Wisdom of the Most High, the Mother of God, crying by faith: our father, God, blessed be you.

Irmos: The Heavenly King, the warriors of the angels sing him, praise and exalt for all eternity.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Sent from God, strengthen my belly, your servant, blessed Angela, and do not leave me forever.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

The angel is good for you, my soul is a mentor and guardian, most blessed, I sing for ever.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Be the cover and take away all people on the day of testing, good and evil deeds are tempted by fire.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Be my helper and silence, the Mother of God Ever-ever, Thy servant, and do not leave me deprived of the existence of Thy dominion.

Irmos: Truly we confess the Mother of God, Thy salvation, Virgin, pure, with incorporeal faces of Thy magnificant.

To Jesus: Lord Jesus Christ my God, have mercy on me.

Have mercy on me, my only Savior, for you are merciful and merciful, and make me a partaker of righteous faces.

Chorus: Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

Always think and do, Lord Angela, grant good and wholesome, as the manifestation is strong in weakness and blameless.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As if having boldness to the Heavenly King, pray to Him, with the rest of the incorporeal, to have mercy on me, accursed.

And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Have a lot of boldness, Virgin, to the One incarnate from You, offer me from bonds and give me permission and salvation through Your prayers.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me.

To the holy angel of Christ, I pray to you, my holy guardian, given to me for the observance of my sinful soul and body from holy baptism, and with my laziness and my evil custom, the anger of your most pure grace and drive away from myself with all the cold deeds: lies, slander , envy, condemnation, contempt, disobedience, brotherly hatred, and malice, avarice, adultery, rage, avarice, overeating without satiety and drunkenness, polyphony, evil thoughts and crafty, proud custom and lustful self-indulgence for all him. Oh, my evil will, he and cattle do not do wordlessness! But how can you gaze at me, or approach me, like a stinking dog? Whose eyes, angel of Christ, look at me, wrapped in evil in vile deeds? But how can I ask for forgiveness by my bitter and wicked and crafty deed? But I pray to you, falling down, my saint keeper, have mercy on me, your sinful and unworthy servant (name), be my helper and intercessor for the evil of my resistance, with your holy prayers, and create the Kingdom of God, partaker of me with all the saints, always, and now and forever and ever. Amen.

Many people fear general anesthesia as a temporary death. In this case, you can remember the saints in whose life there were similar states, and pray to them.

  1. Seven youths of Ephesus. Christian youths, hiding in the 3rd century from pagan persecution, by the will of God fell asleep in a cave and woke up 150 years later, when their country was already ruled by a Christian king.
  2. Holy righteous Lazarus, one of the followers of Christ. Struck by illness, Lazarus died in his home and was buried. After 4 days, Christ resurrected him, all the inhabitants of Bethany who had gathered were witnesses of the miracle.
  3. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself stayed in a state of death for 3 days, until His Resurrection.

Rehabilitation procedure

Before you go to the doctor or apply the proposed Emerald Prayer, you need to get rid of autosuggestion, the evil eye, infection, mycosis, worms, constipation, the influence of geopathogenic zones (in the geopathogenic zone, the compass needle deviates). Before visiting a doctor, read the prayer: "Lord, forgive me and this doctor our mutual karmic debts a hundred million times."

1 ... Removal of self-hypnosis

"Our True Father, I trust in You, the One, and I pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You, create and maintain a thought-image of the normal state of my soul and a thought-image of a normal state of __________________ (organ, system, part of the body , functions of the body). May Your Holy Will be done. Amen. "

Read the prayer three times in a row. The more specific the object is, the better.

Self-hypnosis arises imperceptibly, patients usually do not admit the thought that they have inspired something to themselves .. Ailments from self-hypnosis cannot be cured. Not removed in time, they cause objective changes that can be removed with the Emerald Prayer. Self-hypnosis may disappear after using the medication. It is safer to remove self-hypnosis with the proposed prayer, while self-hypnosis, leaving, gives an exacerbation of ailment, which lasts from 1 to 7 days, you do not need to be afraid of this.

2. The evil eye is washed off under the shower, bathing, I quote a prayer of great power:

Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, only for the salvation of my soul. Thy Holy Will be done.
Prayer removes the evil eye, suggestion from others (it appears when they feel sorry), with prolonged reading (3 months 12 times a day), prayer removes the evil eye, which was established in childhood and which other prayers do not remove.

2-A. With all treatments, it is necessary to protect yourself from those around you, people who love you. We do not know how to think positively, such thoughts “mom has grown old”, “mom looks bad” do not improve the situation, but there are even more innocent thoughts that objectively worsen the situation of the sick person. If possible, then all people around should read a prayer for a normal state, which will remove the negative impact of their thoughts.

for relatives and friends:

"Our True Father, in You, the One I hope, and I pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You, create and maintain a thought-image of the normal state of my soul and a thought-image of a normal state of ___ __________ (which hurts) in _____________ (name).

3. Prayer for infection, mycosis, ascaris:

"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and preserve a thought-image of influencing pathogenic organisms, their embryos, eggs and toxins in my _____________________ (body, blood, lungs, eyes, nails, fingers, etc.) with a temperature of +116 degrees Celsius in order to destroy them.Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!

Read the prayer 10 times (everywhere the numbers are given for a weakened person).

Microorganisms (acute respiratory infections, all types of influenza, HIV infection, fungi, etc.) die in 40 minutes. For roundworm, you need to read another 6 days, 7 times a day. If you think that you can re-infection with worms, then read on, every day. If the worms die in the stomach, then there will be nausea, up to vomiting. If the worms die in other parts of the body, then there will be intoxication of the body, rashes on the body, a temporary increase in temperature.

3-A Prayer from organisms on the skin:

"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and more, I ask You, create and save a thought-image of impact on pathogenic organisms, their embryos, eggs and toxins on my body, on my clothes, shoes, insoles, socks, bed, temperature +116 degrees Celsius for the purpose of their destruction.

Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.

After two days, pathogenic organisms will die on the body, after 7 days - on clothes and shoes.

To cleanse the skin and toenails from the fungus, it is necessary to remove the self-hypnosis "from the toenails", then by prayer 3. cleanse the blood and toenails, and by prayer 3-A cleanse the skin of the feet, socks, insoles, shoes.
You need to know that ugly nails are caused by osteoporotic damage to the nail phalanges.
The easiest way to get to them is with the "Fiery Prayer", and the "Emerald" one can also be reached.

4. Prayer for constipation:

"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You (create and) keep the thought-image of the optimal movement of the food lump and feces along my gastrointestinal tract by excreting additional fluid into this path. Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ! Lord, I know that everything was so done according to your will. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "

Read the first day 5 times, then 3 times a day and the words that do not read in brackets.

At least once a week, do something for constipation (licorice root), be sure.

5.1. Emerald Prayer:

We start by reading a prayer for the removal of self-hypnosis from that organ, part of the body, skin, system, to which the prayer will be directed (we enter it in the place of the dashes). We remove the evil eye. Even if there was no self-hypnosis at the beginning, it appears when you start to worry, having determined that there are signs of discomfort. Now we drink a sip of Holy water and read:
"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul and I also ask You for blessing for the healing of my _________________ (for example, heart) using the Emerald Ray and Holy water.
Thy Holy Will be done!
With the invincible word of God "I AM THAT I AM", I invoke the Emerald Ray, which focuses on the Holy Water molecule and reads from it information about the plan (image) of God for ___________________ (for example, for the heart), compares the current state of __________________ with the exemplary and begins the process of cleansing and healing ____________.
_________________ (heart) and all associated with it (them, her): vessels, nerve connections, other organs and systems, are cleared from toxins, deposits of salts, poisons, various blockages, negativities and everything that has settled in them over the past years. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. The cleansing goes on, on, on, on. (Repeat 1, 3, 7 times).
Simultaneously with cleansing, the Emerald Ray removes distortions and restores _________________ (heart). It (she, they) restores its working capacity, begins to work reliably, tirelessly, synchronously, to perform its functions in full. (Repeat the last sentence 1, 3, 7 times).

If the body is slagged, there will be a cleaning of the organ, the body: runny nose, cough, pus from the eyes, a temporary increase in temperature. Before the cure there will be an aggravation of ailments. In serious cases, there will be great pains, you can reduce them by reducing the number of repetitions, by reading once a day, every other day. You can do pain relief, natural, home remedies.
Do not forget to read prayers from self-suggestion, which easily appears in such a situation. Read prayers for the evil eye. And other prayers. Ask, give thanks, and it will be given to you.
Order "In Health".


Prayers will work if you fight yourself. With an infection, the immune system. From roundworm - harmelon seeds. For constipation - licorice root. What for the treatment of the heart, what for the stomach, etc.

FOR IMPLEMENTATION into the subconscious positive thinking train yourself to repeat in the morning and before going to bed for all your ailments, suspicions of ailments, for removed ailments, positive statements such as: "I have a normal heart condition", "My heart is working rhythmically." "I have no arrhythmia." "I do not have arthrosis" (even if it is present). Repeat this if you had to complain to a doctor or a friend. In such statements one cannot use negative particles "no", "not", because the subconscious mind understands them the other way around.
I distribute everything that is stated above in one sheet. For the Internet, I add the same prayers, but simplified, because apply in specific cases.

For a grandmother with a sore leg

We start by reading a prayer for the removal of self-hypnosis from that organ, part of the body, skin, system, at which the Emerald Prayer will be directed.Even if there was no self-hypnosis at first, it appears when you start to worry, having determined that there are signs of malaise.

2. Removal of self-hypnosis

“Our True Father, I trust in You, the One, and I pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and maintain a thought-image of the normal state of my soul and a thought-image of the normal state of my right leg... Your holy will be done. Amen".

3. Now we remove the evil eye by reading a large conspiracy:

Put a cup of water (you can add a drop of Holy water).

“Water flowed from a small bottle through the city of Jerusalem from a sorcerer, from a witch, from a heretic, from heretics, from scientists and born, from children and babies, from typhus and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fright, corruption, from yearning , thorns prickly, oppressive, sour, fresh, met, transverse, windy, watery, sown and sent (here you have to baptize water and speak): in the city of Jerusalem, before the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ himself, Elijah - the prophet with his golden rod strikes the demons, holy fire-flame, Jordanian water. I call you with passionate fire - I drive you out: go out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach , from the kidneys, from the liver, from greens, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from Bladder, from the intestines, from the hands, from the legs, from the veins, from the skin, from the fingers and joints. You won't be here, you won't drink red blood from the begotten, prayerful baptized servant of God (name) forever and ever. Amen".

Drink water (you can take one sip).

3. Now we drink a sip of Holy water and read the Emerald Prayer on the right leg:

“Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You for blessing to heal my right leg with the use of the Emerald Ray and Holy Water.
Thy Holy Will be done!

With the invincible word of God “I AM THAT I AM”, I invoke the Emerald Ray, which focuses on the Holy Water molecule and reads from it information about the plan (image) of God for the left nigga, compares its current state with the exemplary one and begins the process of purification and healing left leg.
Cleared left leg and everything connected with it: vessels, nerve connections, other organs and systems, from toxins, deposits of salts, poisons, various blockages, negativities and everything foreign that has settled in them over the past years. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. The cleansing goes on, on, on, on.
Simultaneously with cleansing, the Emerald Ray removes distortions and restores the left leg. The leg restores its working capacity, begins to work reliably, tirelessly, synchronously, to perform its functions in full. I AM the miracle of God and I accept His miracle in me as the fulness of proof of the love of the Father and the Son through the Mother and the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Will of God be done. Amen".

What is in parentheses, do not read, cross out in advance.
If the body is slagged, there will be a cleaning of the organ, the body: runny nose, cough, pus from the eyes, a temporary increase in temperature. Before the cure there will be an aggravation of ailments. In serious cases, there will be great pains, you can reduce them by reducing the number of repetitions, by reading once a day, every other day. You can do pain relief, natural, home remedies.

Do not forget to read prayers from self-suggestion, which easily appears in such a situation. Read prayers for the evil eye. And other prayers. Ask, give thanks, and it will be given to you.

For grandmother with great strength thoughts that have accumulated self-hypnosis:
It's not the place for dashes to insert everything that you have or that worries you.
"Our True Father, I trust in You, the One, and I pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and maintain a thought-image of a normal state _______________.
Your holy will be done. Amen".
For each symptom, read once, repeat the reading in 2-3 hours.

Examples of filling in dashes:

Normal condition of the right side of the head,
- normal skin condition,
- normal condition of the joints of the hands,
- the normal state of the vestibular apparatus,
- normal state of vision,
- normal body reaction to changes in atmospheric pressure,
- a thought-image of the correspondence of the urge to urinate the degree of filling of the bladder,
- normal reaction of the body to external influences (draft, cooling),
- normal body reaction to sugar consumption,
- the normal reaction of the body when the nervous system is excited.
To develop the habit of positive thinking, in the morning and in the evening, read the statement 5 times: "I have a normal state of __________" (and here repeat what was asked for during the day).
Make a list of what worries you and, if you worked conscientiously, after 3 days do not read the prayer on this record. If nothing has changed, go to the doctor. If something is serious, then immediately call a doctor and at the same time remove self-hypnosis. Read the statements for another 2 days, even if the self-hypnosis was removed.
Both in prayers and in affirmations one cannot use negative particles "no", "not". Replace with "absent", "normal".

Getting rid of ARTHRITIS

We read a prayer:
Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and save a thought-image of influencing pathogenic organisms, their embryos, eggs and toxins in my joints with a temperature of +116 degrees. in Celsius with the aim of destroying them. Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.

Read the prayer 7 times in a row. After 40 minutes, the infection in the joints dies, the pain decreases. The relief lasts 3 - 4 months, during this time it is necessary to strengthen the joints (protein and vitamin nutrition through the skin, special creams). In young people, arthritis and rheumatism go away without additional procedures.

Getting Rid of Toothache

We read a prayer:
Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You, create and save a thought-image of impact on pathogenic organisms, their embryos, eggs and toxins in my teeth (gums, jaws) temperature +116 degrees. in Celsius with the aim of destroying them.
Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Read the prayer 7 times in a row. After 40 minutes, the infection in what was indicated in the prayer dies, the pain decreases. Relief lasts 3 - 4 months, during this time it is necessary to take measures, follow the doctor's recommendations.

Killing the DENTAL NERVE

We read a prayer:
Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You, create and save a thought-image of impact on the dental nerve of the tooth ________________ (indicate the place of the tooth) with a temperature of +116 degrees. Celsius for the purpose of killing him. Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Getting rid of worms in the body

We read a prayer:
"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and preserve a thought-image of influencing pathogenic organisms, their embryos, eggs and toxins in my ____________ (body, blood, lungs, stomach) with a temperature of +116 degrees Celsius in order to destroy them.
Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
Read the prayer 7 times in a row and another 6 days, 3 times a day.
If the worms die in the stomach, then there will be nausea, up to vomiting. If the worms die in other parts of the body, then there will be intoxication of the body, rashes on the body, a temporary increase in temperature.

This prayer provides protection for the body

Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and more, I ask You, create and preserve a thought-image of the presence of interferon in my body in an amount sufficient to destroy any pathogenic microorganism.
Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Read 10 times and then read 3 times a day.

This prayer kills the infection in 40 minutes.

Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and more, I ask You, create and save a thought-image of influencing pathogenic microorganisms, their embryos, eggs and toxins in my body with a temperature of +116 degrees ... in Celsius, with the aim of destroying them.
Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Read the prayer 10 times (for a weakened person).
Pathogenic microorganisms of all types die in 40 minutes.

Attention: If instead of "in my body" read "on a microscope slide", then you can see how the pathogenic microflora will die!

Prayers for healing and restoring nerves CORRECT CONNECTION OF NEURONS

"Our true Father, I trust in You and I pray to You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and maintain a thought-image of the correct connection and normal functioning of the technological chains of neurons in the brain, spinal cord, nerve pathways, ion channels, nanoreceptors ...
May Your Holy Will be done. Amen".
Read 5 times. Eliminates false connections of neurons that accumulate with age.

RESTORATION of NERVES, spinal cord (even after cerebral palsy)

"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You: to restore my nerves __________ create and save a thought-image of nootropic and neurotrophic effects on them, as after taking the phytoconcentrate" Nervin "(or another drug, leeches) and direct action on these nerves with an aqueous solution of ionic peptides that promote the restoration of nerve tissues.
Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Read 7 times, then 3 times a day (read in a row) until the nerves are restored (you can write up to 3 nerves). Take "Nervin" as a standard (or use leeches that restore nerve endings), the effect of ionic peptides will be added through a thought-image.
In case of fractures, apply the prayer at the last stage of treatment, when massage has been completed and everything that chiropractors recommend in such cases.
Nerve damage is repaired in a week, a nerve rupture is repaired in two weeks + 2 days for every millimeter of rupture. When restoring the brain, record the left and right halves separately; for them, the most severe injury is eliminated in 30 days. In severe cases, you can restore one half of the day, the other day. Continuity of treatment is not required.
Both halves need to be restored, because medications have side effect on both halves.
A spinal cord rupture of up to 5 mm is restored in one step, in a month. Then a 2-week break and you can do the next cycle.
Recovery of the spinal cord after cerebral palsy occurs in 1 - 2 cycles (monthly).

Removing locks

"Our true Father, I hope in You and I pray to You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and maintain a thought-image of the normal state of my soul, a thought-image of removing blockages of nervous paths from me, and the reasons for such blockages by acupressure and moxibustion, corresponding biologically active points, impact on my body with modified white and infrared rays of deep penetration, ie, through the impact of the best modifications of the "Serajm Maste" apparatus (or other apparatus), but without negative side effects of this apparatus.
May Your Holy Will be done. Amen."
Read the prayer 7 times (in a row), then 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks. Prayer has nothing to do with restoring or healing the nerves, i.e. you can read it whenever a suspicion arises.


(option for healing the nerves)

"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You for blessings to heal my nerves ____________________ using the Emerald Ray and Holy Water.
Thy Holy Will be done!
With the invincible word of God "I AM THAT I AM", I invoke the Emerald Ray, which focuses on the Holy Water molecule and reads from it information about the plan (image) of God for the nerves ______________________________, compares the current state of these nerves with the exemplary one and begins the process of purification and recovery of these nerves.
The ______________________ nerves and all associated with them, vessels, nerve connections, other organs and systems, are cleaned from toxins, deposits of salts, poisons, various blockages, negatives, and all foreign matter that has settled in them over the past years. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. The cleansing goes on, on, on, on. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. The cleansing goes on, on, on, on. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. The cleansing goes on, on, on, on.
Simultaneously with cleansing, the Emerald Ray produces elimination of distortions and restoration of nerves ____________________. These nerves restore their working capacity, begin to work reliably, tirelessly, synchronously, perform their functions in full.
I AM the miracle of God and I accept His miracle in me as the fulness of proof of the love of the Father and the Son through the Mother and the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Will of God be done. Amen".
Read everything aloud. Read in the morning and before bed, 10-14 days. Include one name in the prayer if it is a group of nerves, for example, "pectoral nerves" or three single nerves.
If the body is slagged, there will be a cleaning of organs, the body: a runny nose, cough, pus from the eyes, a temporary increase in temperature. Before the cure there will be an exacerbation of chronic ailments. If there are pains, then you can do pain relief, natural, home remedies.
Ask, give thanks, and it will be given to you. Order "In Health".


The Emerald Ray is one of the manifestations of the active, active aspect of our Creator in us. Physically, it is a certain type of energy.
Holy water, unlike ordinary water, which remembers all information, remembers only Divine information. For example, about every person, Holy Water has primordial information that corresponds to God's plan for a given person.


(option for improving the SPINAL CORD)

"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You for blessings to heal my spinal cord with the use of the Emerald Ray and Holy Water.
Thy Holy Will be done!
With the invincible word of God "I AM THAT I AM", I invoke the Emerald Ray, which focuses on the Holy Water molecule and reads from it information about the plan (image) of God for the spinal cord, compares the current state of the spinal cord with its exemplary state and begins the process cleansing and healing the spinal cord.
The spinal cord and all associated vessels, nerve connections, other organs and systems are cleaned from toxins, deposits of salts, poisons, various blockages, negatives, and all foreign matter that has settled in the spinal cord over the past years. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. The cleansing goes on, on, on, on. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. The cleansing goes on, on, on, on. It all burns, it all burns, it all burns. The cleansing goes on, on, on, on.
Simultaneously with cleansing, the Emerald Ray produces elimination of distortions and restoration of the spinal cord. The spinal cord restores its working capacity, begins to work reliably, tirelessly, synchronously, and to perform its functions in full.
I AM the miracle of God and I accept His miracle in me as the fulness of proof of the love of the Father and the Son through the Mother and the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Will of God be done. Amen".
Read everything aloud. Read in the morning and before bed, 6 days.
If the body is slagged, there will be a cleaning of organs, the body: a runny nose, cough, pus from the eyes, a temporary increase in temperature. Before the cure there will be an exacerbation of chronic ailments. If there are pains, then you can do pain relief, natural, home remedies.


The Emerald Ray is one of the manifestations of the active, active aspect of our Creator in us. Physically, it is a certain type of energy.
Holy water, unlike ordinary water, which remembers all information, remembers only Divine information. For example, about every person, Holy Water has primordial information that corresponds to God's plan for a given person.

RESTORATION of the right side of the BRAIN

"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You: to restore the right half of my brain, create and save a thought-image of a nootropic and neurotrophic effect on it, as after taking phytoconcentrate "Nervin" (or another drug), and direct exposure to it of an aqueous solution of ionic peptides, which contribute to the restoration of nerve tissues.
Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

If medications were used, then both halves of the brain must be restored. drugs have side effects on both halves.

RESTORATION and FUSION of the left and right half of the BRAIN

"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You: to restore and coalesce the left and right halves of my brain, create and save a thought-image of nootropic and neurotrophic effects on them, as after taking the phytoconcentrate "Nervin" (or another drug) of direct exposure to them with an aqueous solution of ionic peptides, which contribute to the restoration of nerve tissues.
Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Read 7 times (in a row), in the next 6 days read 3 times a day. Then break for 3 days and repeat the cycle. There are at least 4 such cycles.
To take "Nervin" as a standard (or another drug), the effect of ionic peptides will be added through a thought-image.

RESTORATION of the left and right half of the BRAIN

"Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You: to restore the left and right halves of my brain and spinal cord, create and save a thought-image of nootropic and neurotrophic effects on the brain. and the spinal cord, as after taking the phytoconcentrate "Nervin" (or another drug), and direct exposure to them with an aqueous solution of ionic peptides that promote the restoration of nerve tissues.
Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
Read 7 times (in a row), in the next 6 days read 3 times a day.
To take "Nervin" as a standard (or another drug), the effect of ionic peptides will be added through a thought-image.


for the patient

"Our True Father, I trust in You, the One, and I pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You to create and maintain a thought-image of the normal state of my soul and a thought-image of the normal state of my brain and spinal cord.
Your holy will be done. Amen".
Read the prayer three times in a row, in the morning and in the evening.


for relatives and friends

"Our True Father, I trust in You, the One, and I pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You, create and maintain a thought-image of the normal state of my soul and a thought-image of a normal state of the brain and spinal cord in ________________________ (name )
Your holy will be done. Amen".
Read the prayer three times in a row, in the morning and in the evening.

God will fulfill your request, you have to work, i.e. it would be good to choose the right order of applying healing prayers, taking into account the recommendations of doctors.

About migraine: Prayer for self-hypnosis should always be applied, since you are afraid of a migraine, then you are already provoking it. There are many reasons for migraines, but try this universal prayer, it will, at least a little, but always help:


“Our true Father, in You, the One, I hope and pray You, Lord, for the salvation of my soul, and I also ask You: create and maintain a thought-image of the normal emergence, passage and impact of signals of excitement and inhibition of all organs and systems involved in regulation _____________________________ (blood pressure, digestion, heart rate, urination, sexual intercourse, sweating, breathing, leg temperature, spine position, coordination of movements, squint, clubfoot, tongue-tied, stuttering, snoring, draft reactions, atmospheric pressure reactions, etc.) NS.).

Lord, do it in the name of Jesus Christ!

Lord, I know that everything has come to pass according to Your will.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Read 5 times, so 3 days, then every other day, 10 days, then as needed.

Eliminates violations that arise over time in those systems, organs where you had a malaise, a violation that you figured out, eliminated (let's say) and now keep under control. That is, from your attention, self-hypnosis inevitably appears there. An obvious, great self-hypnosis may also arise, which is removed by the prayer given in the Health Improvement Program.

Work and write comments about your experience, this is important for others, Boris Petrovich.

Anatoliy Banniy

Removal of damage, the evil eye is well carried out by a leech. I also recommend reading prayers to yourself when treating with a leech, the treatment is more effective. Read more on the website: The same prayer can kill herpes as from an infection. You need to read two days, twice a day.

Axiom: any appeal to God does not remain unanswered, we are all children of God and he loves everyone. Religion, nationality and all other divisions of people do not matter. Even the relationship to the church does not matter. You cannot blaspheme, and then ask, you cannot express your doubts aloud and ask. One can have doubts and ask.

From tachycardia

To help with the prescribed treatment of the doctor, a conspiracy to calm the heart (from tachycardia). Read it on one exhale, monotonously:

“A bird beats in nets, knocks its wings, twists its paws. And you, heart, don't beat, don't knock, don't hit the ribs