Repairs Design Furniture

Floor cold tambour. From the cold, wind and dirt: a vestibule or a warm entrance hall. Tambora types in a private house

Tambour is needed in any private house. Many do not pay due attention to this small place, believing that the tambour is suitable only for storing clothes and shoes, but it is not. It is very important to avoid drafts, additionally insulate the entrance door and minimize the ingress of outdoor dust directly into the house. In addition, the design of this room is also important: as the tambour takes usually the minimum area, its finish should be Simple and concise. At the same time, to furnish a tambour worth the most comfortable, because it is in this space that you get from the threshold.

Types of Tambourov

Tambura before entering the house is not always put, but lately they have become increasingly popular. To save the tambura, they make in the form of frame forces having a base of polycarbonate, and a more expensive option is a brick extension, which is also often done for large homes. This space is important to minimize the penetration into the living space of cold air and dust. At the same time, the tambura is very diverse.

  • Tambour-parishione - This is the most common option. In this case, in an additional entrance hall, there is no need for directly in the house - it is very often not done at all. Thus, this tambour allows you to save space - it will be the perfect option for small-scale houses in which each square meter wants to use as rationally as possible. In such a space, you can place a small wardrobe, hooks, shelves for shoes and a mirror. It is important good lighting for maximum convenience.

It is important good lighting for maximum convenience.

  • Tambour-Veranda or combined with a balcony - It is usually a fairly spacious room with large windows, which can be used to relax in nature. Here you often have a small table, a bench, miniature lockers for storing things, and on the windowsill you can grow seedlings or room plants. To maintain a comfortable temperature, double windows from double-glazed windows, insulated entrance door. This layout is often choosing in spacious private homes or in cottages.

  • Tambour Seni. Often make in residential buildings: this option implies the use of space for household needs. This is a common insulated porch, where it is usually stored everything you need for gardening, repair and cleaning at home. However, even such a space can be stylishly arrange, decomposing all the necessary things on the cabinets.

Finishing and materials

The tambura finish can be very different - everything will depend on your budget, the design of the exterior of the house, as well as the need to seriously warm the vestibule or simply avoid drafts. Materials for the tambour can be diverse - consider all options and determine what is the best suitable for your home:

  • Plastic tambour - This is a fairly economical option that is often made for middle-class homes. In this case, the walls are harvested from PVC panels - this material is quite durable and resistant to weather conditions. Collect such a tambour is not even independently. At the same time, it is very important to insulate it. It is possible to do this by upgracing the walls with an additional insulation - the cheapest and traditional option is felt, but there are more modern thermal insulation materials.

  • Brick tambourfor a brick house, it will be the most harmonious, and will also be the most durable and practical of all possible options - such a design will stand for decades, will be able to protect the inner space from wind and cold. Brick should be chosen by the color of the house so that the tambour fit into the main structure into a single ensemble. The tambour of the brick always looks good and often does not even require additional finishes from the inside, which is one of the unconditional advantages.

The tambour of the brick always looks good and often does not even require additional finishes from the inside, which is one of the unconditional advantages.

  • Glass tambouroften they do to use it as a veranda. You can make fully open glass walls and ceiling on the frame. Such a project will no longer - especially if you consider that all glass should be with insulation for a comfortable stay inside in cold weather. At the same time, such an unusual designer decision, of course, is worth his money: you will get a wonderful survey on the courtyard and you will be able to feel part of the nature, and the houseplants will perfectly feel in this Tambour. One of the possible problems can be the need for regular wet cleaning, so that the glasses remain transparent.

  • Wooden tambour Most characteristic of the same wooden houses. However, it can be separated from the outside or inside any option - for example, from a brick or from plastic. The tree is not the most practical material, on average, such tamburas have to be repaired after 10-12 years. At the same time, the tree can look excellently, it leaves a lot of space for fantasy: you can make carved scenery, cover the boards with varnish or paint in any color. The tree perfectly fit into the design in the style of Country and allow you to fully experience yourself part of nature.

We are determined with the size

Many refuse the tambour for the reason that in a small-growing house he will take too much space that I want to use the most economically and appropriate. However, a tambour can take and not at all so much space, as it seems. Consider the following popular sizes and decide. how spacious tambour need you:

  • The minimum tambour depth is considered 1.4 m, And the width should be only 1 m. Many owners of small household houses seem that the smallest tambour is the optimal solution, although it is not always true. In a more spacious tambone, you can place functional cabinets and shelves, and, with a minimum tambour size, it will occupy space without performing any practical function.

Therefore, such a tambour-porch should be made more likely in a spacious house, where it is possible to make a separate hallway and veranda.

  • For maximum savings work Middle sized tambour with a width of 3-4 m. In this space, it is easy to equip a hallway: you can put a small wardrobe, place open wall shelves or shelves for shoes, hang hooks for outerwear and put the mirror. Thus, within the house itself in the hallway there will be no need.
  • Spacious Tamburas in private houses with width of more than 5 mthe hosts are often equipped as a veranda. Especially good if there is a large window in Tambour or it is possible to make a mirror wall. With good insulation, such a vestibule will be a favorite place for breakfast or dinner in a small family. It is enough to put a small table and a few chairs.

Tambour do it yourself

If desired, a tambour can be built with your own hands. It is an ordinary extension to a private house. If the house has a porch, the task will be significantly erupted - you just need to disintegrate with the walls. If there is no porch, you will need to do the foundation and gender: if you have never been engaged in construction, to do this, it is worth attracting professionalsotherwise, such an extension can break or collapse in just a few years.

When creating a tambura on the spot of the porch, it is important to initially create a project. Consider the following nuances:

  • The walls of the tambura can be made from a wide variety of materials. It may be a tree, brick or PVC. With PVC, it is easier to work with PVC, although brick and wooden walls can also be made with your own hands.
  • Install the walls of wood or PVC follows the framework. It can be made of wood or metal rods. If you can not work with welding, you will fit the wooden version.
  • For insulation, the inner surface of the walls should be seen with felt or modern materials holding heat. Then the walls can be separated by plasterboard, paint or stick wallpaper.

  • If there is an opportunity, it is worth making a vestibule with the window - it will be especially useful for a spacious tambura. At the same time, if you want to make glazing with double-glazed windows, which will not pass the cold air, you will have to turn to professionals.
  • The plan is to develop, taking into account how the attraction is located in relation to the house. For example, you may have a house with a template side or in front. Think about the house to be convenient to enter the street, but also on how the Tambour will affect the appearance of the house. If you have a one-storey house with a separate tambour, you do not need to build it too wide. It is important that an extension looked harmoniously.
  • Think about the lighting of the room in advance. If you have a very small tambour or version with a window, there will be a single lamp. For spacious attacks, you need a bright light from one or more sources. This is especially important if you are going to use a vestibule as an entrance hall.

Master class on the construction of Tambouri look next.

Interior design Tambura

Many are neglecting interesting design solutions in Tambur, without considering it, as a full part of the house. At the same time, the situation at the threshold of the residential premises is very important - this is that from the very entrance to the house will allow you to feel comfort. Inside the Tambura, you can make almost any design - everything will depend on the planning, destinations, as well as from your flavors.

The ceiling finish is usually not distinguished by a large variety. Most often it is simply covered with white plaster, less often make mounted ceilings. Sometimes the ceiling in the tambour can be horizontal, and sometimes it is left in the form of a triangular roof - both of these options can look good.

In a spacious Tambone, some placed lamps around the ceiling perimeter, but are usually limited to one light source.

Paul can be separated very differently. Consider the following options:

  • Some prefer to leave the floor with concrete, but in this case it will always be cold: it is worth sitting a carpet and walk only in shoes.
  • Linoleum is an inexpensive version that will allow to separate the floor, and it is not difficult to lay it on its own. At the same time, in the Tambour of the private house, this option is often not too practical, the linoleum is quickly scratched and rushes.
  • Instead of linoleum, you can put high-quality laminate. It will be better to look, will serve longer, and it will also be warmer. In addition, you can now find a laminate with a very interesting design - for example, multicolored or monotonous variants, imitating wood, as well as models with prints and ornaments.

  • Parquet is a fairly expensive coating that is infrequently done in the vestibule. At the same time, he can look great, to serve decades, and will also allow you to feel closer to nature - this is an excellent option for connoisseurs of country style.
  • Many make tiles on the floor. It can look very interesting, because the choice of modern options for tiles is extremely large. In addition, the same tile you can set up a staircase that will make the design more solid and harmonious.

The greatest scope for fantasy leaves the wall design. Here are a variety of options - it all depends on your preferences and layouts:

  • Wallpapers are rarely used - they can quickly flaps from the contrast of temperatures, so they are suitable for a temporary finish.
  • The easiest way to beautifully arrange the walls in the room - just paint them. If the walls are perfectly smooth, you can put the paint with a thin layer just on the plaster, and it will look good. If the walls are not perfect, you can give them the texture - now there are techniques of embossed paint with strokes or splashes - this will help make small flaws imperceptible.

Paint should choose a dark or pastel colors - depending on the area. White walls should not do, because they will quickly get dirty, as well as designers recommend to abandon bright colors in a small-growing room.

Construction - the process is extremely expensive, especially according to the current standards. Hence, quite natural is that any space should carry a certain load on themselves, that is, not to be inconsolable. This is a reasonable approach, but it is very disappointing that because of him, a small room was undeservedly suffered regarding which certain standards were even created at one time.

Modern builders consider tambour in a private house completely useless. They motivate this, the small room without heating only takes heat from the house, therefore, the consumption of energy carriers increases. This is partly true, but they forget that thanks to this room, the cold from the street does not enter the house. Simply put, the entrance door is reliably protected from piercing winds and vile precipitation. It is always in dryness and relative warmth, so heat from the house does not go out, but on the contrary, it remains inside.

New role of Tambura in a private house

It is likely that the whole problem of non-absorption tambour lies in its size. And what if you make it a little big? This will allow to expand its functionality. For example, you can arrange a wardrobe in it, where all the outerwear and shoes will be. If your home is connected to the garage, then such a room will perform the role of a buffer zone that will not allow cold and exhaust out of the garage to fall into the residential premises.

Options for placement Tambura in a private house
Example of construction Tambura do it yourself

The main task of the Tambura in a private house is to maintain heat. Despite this, many consider it optional, motivating this by the fact that it is better to install a double door. Indeed, two doors are much better preserved heat than one. But at the expense of this will increase the time for which you will get into the house, and it means that the cold stream will still be able to go along with you. Therefore, the presence of a small protected space in front of the entrance door is a necessity.

Design features of the Tambura in a private house

Finally, deciding with the role and functions of the tambura in a private house, and realizing its need, you can begin construction. Tambura are two types: built into the design of the house and attached to it. We will analyze in more detail each type.

For the construction of an attached tambura First of all, you need to make a foundation. The design of the foundation makes sense to agree with the designer, as it depends on a number of factors: the composition of the soil, the weight of the structure, the presence of the porch, etc. Most often choose a ribbon foundation. However, it all depends on the specific situation.

Tambour in the form of a veranda
External tambour in a private house

In this room there is no need to arrange heating, i.e. Heating is not mandatory. It is quite well insulated the door and walls. Due to this, reliable tightness is ensured. However, if you wish, the Tambour performs the function of the hallway, you can put an additional radiator or heat gun. But first come back to the construction points.

Walls are better to erect from the same material as the house. You can additionally be insulated with foam sheets or mineral wool mats. Regardless of the selected option, insulation will play an important role. In winter, it will not release heat out of the house, and in the summer I will save cool in it.

Now you need to do floors. First, the floor of the tambura is lowered below the main floor of the building for 1-2 steps. So it will be better to maintain heat. The floor is better to make concrete to secure the penetration of rodents. On top of the concrete, the board can be word - it will make the room more warm, or to put the tile, which will help simplify cleaning. Tile should choose with a rough surface to increase contact with shoes and secure from prompting. Some homeowners are organized in the Tambour Warm floor, but our view is not convenient. Excessive heat in the tambour will contribute to the occurrence of condensate on the doors and castles, in the winter season it can lead to freezing and problems with opening-closing doors. Heated Tambura implies the presence of ventilation indoors.

Interior decoration
House with an external tambour

As for the lighting, the placement of the window in the Tambura in a private house is not at all necessary. There will be enough artificial lighting in the form of a lamp, especially considering the fact that it will work only a few hours a day. In order to convenience, many owners provide a small window in the vestibule or doors with glass inserts. This is done with the aim of natural lighting of the room during the daytime. This solution is exclusively at your discretion. The doors with glass inserts will be less hermetic and not so reliable. It should be borne in mind that external doors should be mounted so that they open out.

The size of the tambura is also not a small thing. Since the stay in this room in time is not significant, he does not want to distinguish many places from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house. However, it is necessary to take care of both for you and for all members of your family. The dimensions of this room should provide for the possible movement of furniture from the house to the street and back. Depths of 1.4-1.5 m, in our opinion it will be enough. The width must take into account the dimensions of the door leaf of the inner and outer doors (the doors are preferably installed opposite each other).

Built-in tambour to organize easier. Here there are the same recommendations with the exception of the construction itself. Additional insulation of walls in the zone of the tambura you will not need. Many make an exit to the garage from the Tambura, it is convenient. We recommend placing special floor mats from the entrance. Rugs must have large cells and hard pile.

Walls from the inside: whim or necessity?

The decoration of the room with a permanent temperature drop is recommended to choose from moisture-resistant materials. Tambour layout options you can see on our page.

As you can see, build a tambour is simple enough. For this you do not need much expenses, for that you will feel all its advantages. You not only reduce heating costs, but also be able to provide a comfortable environment in the house.

Features of layout Tambura

There are no individual standards for designing tambourists. However, there are rules that, among other things, regulate the arrangement and this space.

It is advisable to place entrance to the house, and with it, it is advisable to consider the wind directions prevailing in the country. The door from the leeward side will make the house a little warmer, because the gusts of the wind will not be blown in it.

At the same time, the tambour can be built into the main volume of the building or attached to it in the form of a protruding part (rizalit), where you can also place a staircase. The entrance door must be opened out: it improves its resistance to hacking, increases the free space in the vestibule, provides a safer evacuation during the fire.

Natural lighting is not necessary, fairly artificial. But in the inner door can be provided with glazing: it will increase and illumination, and improve the visual perception of space. The floor covering should be solid and not slippery (including wet). When installing the mudstit grids, they should be arranged in the top coating of the floor, without a protruding threshold. This ensures more secure movement. Finally, the Tambura zone is often descended into two or three steps below the level of the first floor, which further contributes to the detention of the cold in this room.

  1. Most often, tambour build from the same material as the house.
  2. Translucent design, such as glass, can also perform the role of the tambura.
  3. In small old houses, for example, in the sacred, often made a summer kitchen - essentially the same tambour, insulating the living part of the house from the cold.
  4. The construction of the Tambura is mainly the volume of the house with reasonable planning can help in zoning space
  5. If the tambour is small, the door must be installed so to open on the street.
  6. The vestibule is better to dump autonomously - with the help of a "warm floor" system or installed above the outer door of the fan heater.
  7. The tambour, lowered by 2-3 steps below the level of residential premises, is better delayed cold.
  8. To burn a small hallway, turning it into a vestibule, is easy and inexpensive, and the resulting buffer will allow saving on heating.
  9. Two rugs - with a large cell and hard pile - best clean shoes

What to build a vestibule - heated or not?

A lot of disputes causes the question of the need and the possibility of heating Tambura. Some experts strongly recommend to conduct the contour of the overall heating system here to avoid the appearance of winter in the doors or the ceiling of the room. In addition, according to them, a vestibule in frosts may cool that it will cease to perform the role of the temperature buffer.

However, according to construction standards, heating devices should not be placed in rooms that have external doors, to avoid freezing the coolant. And most of the projectors do not advise you to connect vestibule to traditional heating systems: This leads to excessive, completely unnecessary energy costs. The very essence of the tambour, then why it is needed first, to be a buffer, a cold and warm air mixing area.

Admissible to install two heat devices here. First, this cable warm floor. It will not harm the basic function of the tambura, will provide a more comfortable shift shift to the home slippers, will speed up the melting of snow, which is often closed on the soles. The air heat curtain will benefit, that is, a few fan heaters installed by the appropriate opening, with a flat, clearly directed air flow. It will be enough to install the curtain of small power (I, 5 ~ 5 kW) so that the wall of warm air along the opening is completely cut off cold from the residential area. In this case, the tambour will be used only for changing the shoes and accumulation of street mud.

Tambura thermal insulation

The fullness of the design of the pattern of the structural temperature barrier for the rest of the premises depends primarily on its thermal insulation qualities. The external wall of the tambour, being part of the outdoor design of the house, is an integral element of the thermal contour of the building, and its "pie" should help ensure and maintain the "thermos effect".

Perform the wall of the same material as the rest of the houses at home. But if additional insulation, for example, for a wall of a cerarmoblock or glued timber, is usually not required, then in the zone of the tambura, experts are recommended to arrange a layer of thermal insulation from foam, perlite or mineral wool slabs (basalt or glass gamblers - read more about seamless insulation here). For the latter, film vapor barrier is required from the inside and waterproofing with external. Outside on the heat insulating layer, the reinforcing mesh is strengthened and then coated with finish paint or plaster.

An attached tambour can also be performed using the technology of the winter garden: a frame of an aluminum or plastic profile with double glazing. The main thing is to ensure a reliable docking of the profile design with the main wall. To do this, compensation seams are satisfied: leave a gap with a thickness of 20-50 mm, filled with a fibrous insulation (palauls or mineral wool, but not polyurethane foam) and protect the facade sealant or waterproofing tape. The same seam needs to be performed at the junction of the foundations of the cottage and the input tambour to avoid the appearance of cracks. But the roof of the extension should not be docked. To cover the attached tambura it is better to perform an independent rafter design, and the joint is close from above the cornice bar.

Also in Tambour, you need to trace with special attention, whether there are no cracks: around the perimeter of doors, along the plinths and in the corners. Large holes are better to lay mineral wool, but it is possible to bleach with polyurethane foam, and small girks to score pacles, take the insulating tape or simply "close" with silicone sealant.

Tambour do it yourself

Fill and collect the framework.

Collected on corners galvanized, Yellow screws, because Black broke through one. The lower axle pulled with studs in advance embedded in concreting.

Extrastricly remembered that I forgot about the porch (actually wanted welded, but I refused this idea). We make a formwork under the porch.The frame for this time has already been trimmed.

Fill this case, not forgetting mortgages under the railing.

Outside the windproof, inside vapor insulation or vice versa, I do not remember.

We are wearing siding outside, on pre-installed profiles. And also cook pillars for visor

Inside - plastic panels

Tambour from glass packs

  1. The site is determined on which the vestibule will be.
  2. The most distant corners of the future premises are pits for support pillars.
  3. For the correctness of the pillars during installation, concrete. · Filling the alleged floor with soil.
  4. Distribute metal profiles with their fastening on the support poles.
  5. Roof beams are added, connecting them with each other using all security measures.
  6. Attaching roofing beams to profile frame and to a metal profile.
  7. Next are the materials that insulate the vestibule.
  8. Wall processing, design style design.
  9. Inserting double-glazed windows and doors, fixing to power frame.
  10. Elimination of unfinished trifles.

Small tambour with their own hands

Along the construction and any construction start with the foundation. The foundation will be pile with painter. To do this, you need to drill the holes with a manual brown for a depth below the soil freezing. Install in the hole for pile fittings.

We make waterproofing piles. Take the runneroid and turn it into the tube, install in Zhero. In addition, he will act as a formwork, as Screener is finished raised over the ground by 10 cm. Pour concrete.

For the paintwork, we make a formwork, put the reinforcement and fill with concrete. In order to raise it over the Earth, you need to plug the sand, and the bottom of the formwork is a film to choose.

An appearance after three days can be processed to the reinforced concrete ceiling device.

On the seventh Tuesday we will be erected by the walls that are connected to the outer wall of the house with the help of rewards of fittings.

Building the roof in the tambour.

Size Tambura

For residential buildings, the sizes of the tambour must consist of the following: depth 1.4 m, width \u003d doorway width + 0.3 m.

For public buildings, the size of the tambour is calculated slightly differently. The depth should be peeling the width of the door web + 0.2 m, and the width \u003d width of the door cloth + 0.15 m on each side. Only at the same time the minimum depth should not be less than 1.2 m, and if they are abused people with disabilities, then the minimum depth should be 1.8 m and width 2.2 m.

Building under the table on foot Tambur with dimensions 1.4x1.2 m is not entirely rational. Therefore, often this building will develop into a glazed veranda, where there is already more place and you can place any furniture.


The presence of an input gateway not only helps to reduce heat loss, but also contributes to a better organization of residents of residents. Our review will explain to readers the need for the construction of the Tambura and will tell what this extension should be to properly perform its functions.

What problems solves a vestibule

It is impossible to briefly list all the variety of architectural solutions that are taken to armared modern developers. The shape of the house, the height of the base, the appearance of the facade and the appearance of the entrance group are the most diverse, but in one majority of opinions converges - the tambour will always have a place.

The most obvious preposition for the construction of an entrance gateway is the fence of the internal climate of housing from the street. In the presence of Tambura, residential premises will always be separated from the bad weather at least one door, respectively, the heat loss due to the exchange of air will be limited to the volume of the input room. What is equally important, the gateway fully eliminates the appearance of drafts that cause serious discomfort by residents in close proximity to the entrance.

There are more practical moments. The category of people who are in a private house is extremely small, while observing the "apartment" way of life. The farm is almost always underway on the household site, therefore, there are homemade clothing and shoes. And the snow, dirt and strangers in the house is not a place, it is better to remove such things before entering the inhabited zone, for which the tambour is suitable in the best possible way.

Actually, the presence of a tambura in a private house is not strictly necessary, the lack of an input gateway can be compensated by planning a hallway and an additional dressing room. Nevertheless, for greater objectivity, we list the secondary advantages that the vestibule provides:

  • cool zone for storing vegetables and other foods;
  • the place where you can leave a pram, bicycle or sled, wash the paw dog after a walk;
  • protection of the porch or ladder from the land;
  • protection of the metal inlet door from freezing.

Foundation, porch and walls

We note immediately that the tambura can be classified as warm and cold, while the presence of heating in this classification role does not play. We are talking about the location of the Tambour on the plan of the building: it can be inside the thermal circuit of the house, or partially or completely outside it. The first case from the point of view of construction is quite trivial, because today even amateurs can perform division of the inner rooms by partitions. Therefore, in the future focus on the construction of a attached tambour.

Attach a vestibule to the building - the task is not quite simple, the reason for this is the uneven sediment of the soil, which under the house was already established, and under the Tambour will still be accredited within a few centimeters. Therefore, the foundation for the tambura must necessarily be closed or at least bound by a smaller cross section, as well as separated from the base of the house by a deformation shutter with XPS. In general, for the construction of the Tambura, a small-breeding belt foundation (MZLF) is recommended with a warmed scene, the distance from the edge of which to the supporting edge of the foundation is obviously greater than the depth of the freezing in a separate region. Under the tape, be sure to arrange a submetage of sand and gravel, the rammed layer.

It is desirable that the cabbage on the side of the entrance door had a towering section of about 100-120 cm and a depth of about 80 cm. In height, the porch should be below the tape at least 100 cm, this part is recommended to be poured monolithically with the foundation, pre-linking the reinforcement of both parts. between themselves. Walls can be erected already 10-14 days after the end of concrete works. Wall material can be completely any - from slag block to a wooden frame and sandwich panels. However, it is recommended to begin the construction of walls from a small parapet with a height of about 40 cm, made with a warm masonry material, for example a delicate unit. Like the foundation, the walls of the extension must have damper seams in places of pricing to the house. The mechanical connection of frame walls with capital fueling structures is allowed.

Choosing a glazing

For the attached tambura, glazing about 20-25% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is extremely desirable, but it is not always appropriate. The benefits of glazing will be apparent only with enough high-quality insolation, for example, if the tambour is located on the south side of the house, in the southeast or south-west corners.

The degree of glazing has no restrictions only if heating is not planned in the tambour. Currently, the glazing systems based on aluminum and PVC are extremely popular. In the summer, a glazed tambour will like a steam room, where it is unbearably hot, in the winter, the high thermal conductivity of glass walls will not allow to keep warm.

On the other hand, the complete lack of windows in the tambour is also not desirable. Even a minimum of natural light will make the use of an extension much more comfortable. It will be enough for one narrow window with a height of about a meter with one swivel-folding flap. Naturally, the window should be placed from the most illuminated side of the tambura.

An example of a tambura made completely from translucent materials. It protects against bad weather and looks very impressive, but it is not able to keep warm.

Roofing and adjoining to the facade

Regardless of the roof configuration, it is recommended to remove the walls into a common plane so that the ends formed almost ready-made Maurylalat. It is enough to fix on the walls along the massive bruster of the order of 100x150 mm, after which it can be started to install the solid system, the type of which determines the shape of the roof of the tambour.

The simplest and low-cost option will be a single roof based on several inclined farms. It is desirable that the slope from the tambour roof is not directed toward the entrance door, while the release of the roasters will allow to form a fairly wide sofit, capable of replacing a canopy over the porch. The main benefit from such a design is the simplest way to pair the roofing coating with the facade wall. It is enough to make a disk on a stone to a slot and insert the side of the Z-shaped plank into it, compounds with silicone sealant.

A slightly more complex type of roof will be a half-haired or double with a small fronton. In this case, the adjoining to the wall of the house will be formed by two inclined segments. These adjoits, as in the case of a single-sided roof, are performed by Z-shaped straps, which are superimposed on the full width in the skate area, overlapping each other. Under the fallen planks adjacent to the wall, the silicone or bitumen sealant should be abundantly, and then press the connection with hardware. Additional complexity When such a roof device manifests itself when the skate is installed: To disguise the overwear of the adjustment planks, it may be necessary to manufacture a special cutting element - the plugs of the skate with an external title.

Do I need warming and heating

The main function of the tambour is reduced to the formation of a protective zone in which the air is fixed than the heat outflow from the front door decreases. Thus, a small extension well protects the door from the freezing, although the temperature inside it is only a few degrees above the street. However, the tambour can be used in more practical purposes.

A typical example is when you need to wear a child: if you do it in a heated room, at least one person will be dressed in warm and necessarily overheat. Many similar actions are easier to spend in a cool tambour, which even with minimal warming will not be released heat penetrating along with heated air through the open door.

Warm the tambour is easy: for frame walls, the insulation laying is provided in the cells between the racks, the stone extension can be safely insulated from the inside with the reflective surface materials. At the same time, the main heating in the tambue should not be: removal of even several radiator sections will significantly cool the coolant.

In general, the ideal option can be called the organization in the trembone cold and warm zone on the floor. The latter is a small segment of the heating cable, laid in the floor in one of the inner corners. In this place, you can keep street shoes, which by heating will be well kneaded overnight. And the opposite corner is formed a cold zone for cooled food and storage of vegetables.

Installing the input and inner door

It remains to deal with the latest nuance - how to propose an inner and outdoor door. It all depends on whether there will be any valuable property in the vestibule. If so, the outer door should be durable steel, that is, the fence of access to the house occurs at the entrance to the vestibule itself. In this case, the entrance door is not susceptible to freezing and formation of land, but the internal must necessarily be insulated.

If there is nothing valuable in the vestibule, the main door can be placed inside, making access to the extension practically unlimited or with the installation of the simplest English lock. Please note that a distance of 2-2.5 steps should be saved between two doors so that in the cold time they were guaranteed not at the same time open. In the optimal version, both doors should open inside the tambura.

A qualitatively performed and warmed tambour can make a significant contribution to the conservation of a comfortable microclimate in the cottage.

Tambour preserves heat

According to standards residential Rooms (bedrooms and children's) from the streets should be separated not less than three doors. With their consistent opening, the cold air remains between them and does not fall into residential premises.

At the same time in the house the heat is maintained, the heating devices do not "warm" the street. And in the summer, the coolness is worse in the house, which is especially relevant when using air conditioning.

Thus, both in winter, and in the summer, more efficient use of climate techniques is ensured and saving costs for heating or cooling are created.

In addition, Tambour blocks the formation of drafts, prevents the penetration of smoke and unnecessary smells to the house. Finally, here you can leave shoes, and with her and dirt from the street.

Reliable isolation

Will there be a tambour to perform the role of the temperature barrier for the rest of the premises, it depends primarily on its thermal insulation qualities.

The external wall of the tambour, being part of the outdoor design of the house, is an integral element of the thermal contour of the building, and its "pie" should help ensure and maintain the "thermos effect".

Perform the wall from the same material as the whole house. But if additional insulation, for example, for a wall of a cerarmoblock or glued timber is usually not required, then in the zone of Tambura, experts are recommended to arrange a layer of heat insulation from foam, perlite or mineral wool slabs (basalt or glass gamble).

For the latter, film vapor barrier is required from the inside, which will prevent the wetting layer of the insulation and the loss of their qualities. Outside on the heat insulating layer, the reinforcing mesh is strengthened and then coated with finish paint or plaster.

Technologies for Tambura

Attached tambour can also be performed using the technology of the winter garden: Frame from aluminum or plastic profile with double glazing. The main thing is to ensure a reliable docking of the profile design with the main wall.

For this, the compensation seam is suitable: leave a gap with a thickness of 20-50 mm, filled with a fibrous insulation (pakrels or mineral wool, but not polyurethane foam) and protect the facade sealant or waterproofing ribbon.

The same seam needs to be performed at the junction of the foundations of the cottage and the inlet tambour to avoid the appearance of cracks in the future. But the roof of the extension should not be docked. To cover the attached tambura it is better to perform an independent rafter design, and the joint is close from above the cornice bar.

Also in Tambour, you need to trace with special attention, whether there are no cracks: around the perimeter of doors, along the plinths and in the corners. Large holes are better to lay mineral wool, but it is possible to bleach with polyurethane foam, and small girks to score pacles, take the insulating tape or simply "close" with silicone sealant.

Doors for Tambura

Special attention should be paid to the doors. The outer must be made of a wood array or metal frame with an internal insulation.

As a second, a balcony door with a double-sided handle, glazing and complete sealing of the opening is suitable due to two seal contours.

You can also put a simple, even interior door from a tree or plastic, just need to climb it around the perimeter with a rubber seal.

Draw or not to dump?

Many disputes cause the question of the need and the possibility of heating for the Tambura. Some experts strongly recommend to conduct the contour of the overall heating system here to avoid the appearance of winter in the doors or the ceiling of the room. In addition, according to them, a vestibule in frosts may cool that it will cease to perform the role of the temperature buffer.

However, according to construction standards, heating devices should not be placed in rooms that have external doors, to avoid freezing the coolant.

And most of the projectors do not advise you to connect vestibule to traditional heating systems: This leads to excessive, completely unnecessary energy costs. Itself the essence of the Tambura is to be buffer, cold and warm air mixing area.

Heble tambour

Admissible to install two heat devices here. First, it is cable warm floor. It will not harm the basic function of the tambura, will provide a more comfortable shift shift to the home slippers, will speed up the melting of snow, which is often closed on the soles.

Will benefit I. air heat curtain, that is, a few fan heaters installed above the door opening, with a flat, clearly directed air flow.

It will be enough to install a curtain of small power (1.5-5 kW) so that the wall of warm air along the opening is completely cut off cold from the residential area. In this case, the tambour will be used only for changing the shoes and accumulation of street mud.