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From strong detentious pain at home. What to do if the tooth whines - how to facilitate and relieve pain. Painfaling during dental pain


Anyone who overtook the sharp dental pain, knows that this is the case when it is impossible to endure such unpleasant sensations. Some compare them with hellish torments that you want to stop urgently. It should be understood as at home to get rid of dental pain, as it is not always possible to sign up for a doctor and not immediately.

What to do at home if the tooth hurts

The degree of unpleasant sensations can be different: from a weak weak to intolerable pain. It is better to immediately turn to the dentist and get specialized assistance. If you get to a doctor, there are no ways, there are ways how to relieve toothaches at home. It is necessary to organize an integrated approach to facilitate the state. Minimum actions in this case:

  • clean your teeth very carefully;
  • interdental gaps clean the tooth thread;
  • take an anesthetic tablet;
  • rinse your mouth with a solution of ordinary or sea salt and soda;
  • use folk tips, recipes.

Folk remedies from dental pain

There were times when there was no high-quality medicine in the field of dentistry, calm the dental pain was possible only with the help of natural agents. Worried the unpleasant feelings of adults and children to which a special approach should be. The causes of dental pain, its character may differ, but most means have a universal action. Used for the treatment of different champs, climbs of therapeutic herbs. What rinse the patient tooth is described below.


In folk medicine, there is a method to calm the tooth pain using garlic. To do this, they are smeared on the wrist the place where the pulse is checked. Next, the slice of garlic is primed in a crushed form using a bandage to the same place. The point is that garlic juice stand out in this zone. If the tooth hurts on the right side of the mouth, the teeth are adhered to the left hand, and vice versa. Savings from dental pain a mixture of salt, onion, garlic. It is necessary to do this:

  1. Grind everything in Cashitz, add salt and mix well.
  2. Ingredients Take in equal proportions.
  3. Put the tooth tooth, cover with a cotton swab above.


Food soda is used as an antiseptic, in folk medicine. It helps to reduce the pain such a means when inflammation of the gums, if the tooth is neot. The preparation of a solutions for rinse occurs like this:

  1. On a glass of water, dissolve the soda in the amount of one teaspoon.
  2. Well stir so that the substance does not settle down at the bottom.
  3. Rinse your mouth every few hours.
  4. By adding 2-3 drops of iodine, you can strengthen the effect.


For treatment, not so much flower itself is used as oil from it. How to relieve toothaches at home, using this tool, a long time ago. There are enough several drops of a substance for removing painful sensations. You can wet the blade, put on the gum to the patient. If there are no oils, you can try to chew a few bundles of seasoning. This tool has no contraindications, you can give a child and pregnant women.

How to talk toothpow

"I am not a street, nor expensive, but on empty alleys, on ravines, on docks. Meet me hare: "Hare you, hare, where are your teeth? Give me your own, take mine, "I am going by, nor an expensive, but a dark forest, a gray boron. To meet me a gray wolf: "Wolf you, a wolf, where are your teeth? Here you are my teeth, give me your own. " I go neither earth, no water, but a clean field, a color meadow. Towards me an old woman: "Old Baba are you, where are your teeth? Take you wolf, give me your emotions. " I speak the teeth tightly firmly at the slave (name) to this day, to this hour, for centuries.

Other efficient homemade

  1. To anesthety tooth, you can use vodka, brandy or any other unsweetened alcohol-containing drink. It is not necessary to drink it, you should rinse the oral cavity, after which the "medicine" should be spitred. Some alcohol will be bought by the tissue of the gums, which will lead to its numbness and temporary elimination of dental pain.
  2. Teeth pulsing pain - symptom of the inflammatory process. It is possible to treat such a disease using propolis, which is reminiscent of novocaine by action. It is sold in the form of plates or alcohol mortar. The latter must be rubbed into the gum, you can rinse your mouth or moisten the vaccine and put her sick tooth. If you bought an option in the plates, then use it a piece to plug the hole. If the tooth bothered under a seal or crown, the plate is put next to the tooth on the gum.
  3. If the tooth fell ill and began to pulsate, then the collar is used as a soothing agent. They need to moisten the rut, put on the gum.
  4. It helps a simple ice cube from the dental pain, if they take on the gum. The exceptions are the cases when the nerve of the tooth was denied or he was painful because he was treated.


  1. With a weak dental pain, it is recommended to drink "analgin". During the day it is allowed to take no more than four tablets. It should be started with halves of the medication if the pain did not pass in half an hour, take the second half. It is not necessary to swallow the tablet, you can put it directly to the tooth, which needs help. It is forbidden to use the drug to those who suffer from impaired liver function, kidney, who has been diagnosed with vascular diseases, during pregnancy, during lactation. It is impossible during the reception to use alcohol.
  2. "Nooofen". It helps to eliminate the pain, teeth and back. During the day you can drink 6 tablets. Drugs are prohibited for people with ulcerative disease, disorders of the kidney and liver, duodenal dysfunction, in color violations, reduce hearing, heart failure.
  3. In case of unbearable dental pain, it is recommended to accept "Ketanov". The tool refers to the category of potent anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Recommend the first taking strictly control to notice a possible allergic reaction and stop it. Contraindicated to the use of children under 16, people with renal and liver failure, lactation, pregnancy.
  4. As a temporary means, tablets can be used: "Tammpalgin", "Naz", "Baratgin".

How to kill the dental nerve

The most unpleasant cause of pain of the oral cavity is the inflammation of the nerve in the teeth. In this case, as a rule, it is necessary to delete it, it should do this dentist. If there is no possibility to bring a doctor, there is an option how to learn such a toothache at home: you need to kill the toothache. To delete, there are several folk remedies:

  1. In the carious cavity, which was formed on the tooth, it is necessary to put a little powder. Use this method is very neat, because there is a likelihood of the body poisoning substance.
  2. Devitalization (killing nerve) can be carried out using the essay of vinegar. It is necessary to actually apply it only to the tooth: if it falls on soft tissues, it is possible to burn.
  3. You can use a mash impregnated with alcohol. It is necessary to put it directly on the problem tooth.

If you decide to conduct devotalization yourself, sign up for a dentist. Even with the successful procedure, do not postpone the visit to the doctor more than 2 weeks. The probability that infection will fall into the tooth, the inflammatory process will develop and complications will be shown. This may later lead to the need for surgical intervention. Check out the methods,

Toothpache most often occurs suddenly and at the most inappropriate moment. It may be night, weekends or a festive day.

In most locations, dentists and pharmacies at this time does not work. In addition, painkillers drugs have a mass side Effects, very unpleasant to health.

Ensure to relieve pain in the teeth without medicines possible at home.

How to quickly remove toothpow at home without tablets

Before visiting a dentist to get rid of the house from painful sensations will help folk remedies. They are available, safe and effective.

Bow or garlic

It is possible to remove the toothaches with a bow or garlic. In addition to package property, they possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic exposure.

Fresh onions need to cut in half. Remove the juicy middle and attach to a sore place. Onion juice good rub Inflated guys.

Strong painkillery effect a mixture of swivel garlic and luke. Cooked Cashitz need to be placed in a hollow peeling tooth and cover cotton or gauze tampon. Before the procedure necessarily need carefully rinse the mouth, To delete the remains of food from the carious cavity.

Purified and cut garlic slice applied to the wrist, in the area of \u200b\u200btacking the pulse. If worried about the tooth on the right sidethen manipulations should be carried out on the left hand. If sores left, then garlic ties to the right hand. Despite the seeming absurdity of this method, it perfectly eliminates even from very strong dental pain.

Reference! Garlic can cause burns on the skin and mucous membranes, so it can not be applied for a long time.


Remove the toothaches maybe with the help of pork saline. Perfect product For this procedure not suitablePepper can cause burning and enhance pain. Need to execute the following actions:

  1. Cut off Little slim piece of sala.
  2. Remove skin.
  3. Read With a slice of large crystals Sololi.
  4. Applied to des with a sick tooth.
  5. Expect for about 20 minutes - The pain subsides.

Can be made of sala kashitsa, add finely drenched garlic and attach to the gum. Such a means is fast pull up and will not disseminate inflammation further.

Important! You do not need to fill out the carriage hole tooth. it causes amplification pain.

How to drown out alcohol

Dental pain may be dried alcohol. For this you need rinse the mouth Vodka, rum, whiskey or brandy. The alcohol contained in strong drinks affects the nerve endings and leads to the numbness of Dysen..

Exists another way Alcohol anesthesia: pour in the palm a little alcohol or vodka and inhale couples That nostrote, from which there is a nice tooth.

Attention! Alcohol treatment categorically contraindicated Futive mothers and nursing women.

How to get rid of cloves and fir oil

Considerate the dental pain with the help of fir and cloves. They possess anesthetic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action.

Nanced 2-3 drops of oil on cotton swab or gauze, then attach for 10 minutes To the sophisticated teuba and gum.

Prohibited Apply fir and cloves pregnant womenas well as people with individual intolerance.

How to eliminate pepper

Plant leaves have the ability eliminate dental pain destroy microbes and nasty smell. For cooking anesthetic need:

  1. Put in ceramic or glass container half a tablespoon Dry grass.
  2. Add 250 ml of hot water.
  3. Cover and give strangle one hour.
  4. Strain and use for rinsing Tooth.

Plant raw materials remaining after can be applied to the gum. If available is fresh leaves of peppermint, then it is recommended to rush them.

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How to remove potatoes

Relieve toothaches maybe raw potatoes. Necessary clear root root from the peel and grind His grater. For more effect you can add a little salt.

The resulting mass is applied to a gauze swab or cotton disk and attach to the new teuba. An anesthetic effect will come approximately after half an hour.

Reference!Raw potatoes soothes pain and pulls the pus, reduces inflammation, heals the wounds. It extremely rarely causes allergies, so it can use it even pregnant women.

How to calm propolis

Spacelis will help to get rid of dental pain produced by bees. It strengthens dental enamel, relieves inflammation and disinfect. Propolis fits for anesthesia in any form, namely:

  • alcohol tincture;
  • natural resin.;
  • water solution;
  • ointment or gel.

Practiced chewing propolis. For this you need to take quite a bit of substance and rage his front teethand then dissolve. For rinsing several droplets of the alcohol tincture of propolis dilute water. You can apply a gauze tampon with a solution to a sore tooth.

A piece of propolis, laid in the heap of the tooth, will help quickly stop pain. Strengthen the effect of anesthesia reception of the bee product inside.

Photo 1. Propolis is a resid-like substance of brown or yellow, it will be enough from one to three grams from one to three grams.

How to hover the pain of iodine

It is possible to relieve the toothpache. It deprives sensitivity The inflamed nerve, destroys the microbes and prevents the formation of pus. For the preparation of the compress enough throw a few drops iodine on cotton or gauze tampon. Attach to a sick And wait for the disappearance of pain.

Than rinse to cure

Get rid of pain in the teeth without tablets using rinsing solutions that easy to cook alone at home.

Soda, salt and iodine

Every person finds in the house cook or sea \u200b\u200bsalt, soda and iodine. It is worth trying to cure a toothache with a rinse with a solution prepared from these simple and affordable tools.

On one glass Warm boiled water goes half teaspoon Salts, as much soda and 1-2 drops iodine.

The resulting solution is possible magnify all the remains of food From the oral cavity, contributing to the reproduction of microbes. Especially carefully You should rinse the area of \u200b\u200bthe patient tooth, cleaning carious wells. The composition will not only eliminate pain, but also prevent bleeding Dysen suspensit inflammatory process, pull up, will be disinfecting effect.

Solution of hydrogen peroxide

Eliminate dental pain is possible rinsing solution of hydrogen peroxidewhich also has a disinfectant, antibacterial and deodorizing effect. To prepare the composition you need to take 100 ml of warm water and pour into it teaspoon 3% peroxide. Stir and rinse tooth or use for compresses. You can make a solution from grinding pill hydroperita and 200 ml of water.

Attention! Not to use hydrogen peroxide with elevated sensitivity To the medium.

Massage techniques for treating and rapid pain relief

Massing reflex dots on the certain parts of the body It will help to cope with suddenly arising to the dental pain.

Massage analgesic effect will improve if applied essential oils fir, mint. or lavender. The oil is applied to the finger, which will massage the reflex zones.

One of the points shooting pain is in place between the second and third fingers of the legs. It follows to massage it five minutes. Another point is located in the area of \u200b\u200bVpadinain the middle between nose and gubami. The index finger is needed with power put on this place about 10 Seconds.

Reduce painful sensations in the upper teeth Perhaps with a point located 1 cm down from the middle nizhny The edges of the orbit. Helps also pressure in the field of viscov. It is necessary to do it 2 times to 10 seconds. Can be put on the point in the area upper jawlocated above the patient tooth. First push slightly, then increase the pressure.

Massing the reflex point located below the ear of the ear for 1 cmwill remove pain in the lower teeth. Can be pressed to the point behind the urine of the ear. In this place the cranial bone begins and the lower jaw ends. Press down 3 times by 10 Seconds.

And since it is impossible to deal with the familiar affairs, suffering from painful sensations, the question is very relevant among modern people. The best helper in this case is.

But if for any reason to take such drugs you can not, for a while we will weaken the pain or completely eliminate it, using the remedies.

How to get rid of unbearable pain in the tooth forever with medication?

Unfortunately, get rid of a strong dental pain forever, using tablets, it will not work. Paints in most cases indicate the presence of pathological processes in the tooth tissues, which, in the absence of timely treatment, can lead to dangerous not only for health, but also for life consequences.

Analgin will help to stop painful sensations

Therefore, drugs that have pain relief properties can be considered exclusively as an auxiliary means of temporary use, and not as a reliable therapeutic agent.

If you suffer from unbearable dental pain, and you do not have the ability to contact Dentist in the near future, you can apply the following drugs:

  1. . Excellent remedy for only nascent or. By virtue of its cheapness is a very popular drug. The tablet is recommended to swallow immediately, and not to put on a damaged tooth. The fact is that the ingredients present in the composition are capable of destroying the dental enamel, which is unacceptable in damage to the solid tissues of the tooth;
  2. . It has an antipyretic effect, thanks to which she has a soothing effect on irritated. Perfectly suitable for combating sharp pain. Not recommended to people who suffer renal failure, intestinal diseases and bronchial asthma;
  3. . Refers to the number of universal means, which are used for pains arising from, and many other cases. The medicine is produced in the form of a suspension capable of eliminating painful sensations for as many as 6 hours. However, this agent has a huge list of contraindications. Therefore, before taking a medicine, be sure to read the instructions.

The use of drug preparations will not help cure the sick tooth, but it will save you from the unbearable pain for a certain period of time.

How to get rid of strong dental pain quickly and without pills?

If you have already taken too much painkillers or can not use them (for example, in childhood or) ,. Some of them can be read below.

Rinse of Oboy and Salt

In the glass of water dissolve 1 teaspoon.

It is advisable to use warm boiled water to prepare the solution so as not to incur an infection in the existing cavity and even more not to irritate the inflamed nerve of cold or hot liquid.

Rinse tooth can be an unlimited number of times. Salt and soda are neutral products, so you can use it even pregnant and young children.

Cooks of medicinal herbs

A good painful effect gives a chalf decoction used to rinse the oral cavity. The 1-2 teaspoon of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and insist for 15-20 minutes in a water bath. The brave should be made to cool to warm and rinse the oral cavity 4-5 times a day.

Garlic and Luke Mix

Such a medicine also gives a good painful effect. Try to warm the clove of garlic with a sick tooth.If this is not possible, prepare a mixture of onion and garlic.

Finely cut both products and mix them in proportions 1: 1. The resulting mixture attach to the patient. It is necessary to keep such an application for 5 - 10 minutes, but no more.

Otherwise, the bitter juice of vegetables will burn soft tissues of the gums, thereby enhancing pain.

Essential oils

Oil applications are also a good way to combat dental pain. For their preparation, fir, tea tree or carnation oil suitable. Watch tampon is wetted in oil and apply to the patient. If there are no oils in a home first aid kit, they can be replaced by tincture of valerians, propolis or eucalyptus.

Effective with pain in the brown oil


This product is one of the most ancient ways to combat dental pain that our great-grandfather used. A thin slice of ordinary swine bass (can be salt) to attach to a sick tooth and hold it on a problematic place for a while.

Other folk recipes for urgent help

A good effect also give ragners for rinsing, cooked from chamomile, hunter, souls, mint or melissa.

Also rinse the sore tooth can be ordinary alcoholic beverages, as part of which there is a minimum amount of sugar.

Ethyl alcohol, which is available as part of such liquids, kills pathogenic microorganisms, thereby slowing down the inflammatory process.

Use alcohol rinsing for children and pregnant women is not recommended.

Massage as a way to get rid of the mining sensations in the oral cavity

Properly spent can also be loosen or completely eliminated toothproof.

To get rid of pain, the impact on the following points is required:

  • zone located in the recess between the big and index finger (pregnant women are not suitable, because it can stimulate a premature beginning of childbirth);
  • point at the base of the uhm (with the opposite patient's sides, it is compressed by large and index fingers);
  • point at the corner of the lower jaw (helps from).

Rhythmic and intensive impact on active zones allows you to eliminate pain in your teeth.

Also on our body there are other points, pressing which allows you to get an anesthetic effect.

Effective and safe painkillers for pregnant women

As with all other groups of patients.

If a woman is on the period when it is impossible to carry out treatment, the following means can be applied to remove pain:

  • rinse the mouth of the chamomile decoction, sage, melissa, mint;
  • lubricate the sick tooth with a navital powder;
  • applied to the gum just a cut sheet of calangean, aloe or geranium;
  • attach a mixture of garlic and onions for 5-10 minutes to a sick tooth for 5-10 minutes.

If the folk remedies did not help, it is allowed to infrequent use of such funds as, and some others.

Fast assistance in acute dental pain in children

If the child fell ill with the tooth, but it is not possible to turn to the doctor, it is possible to eliminate pain with the anesthetic drugs allowed for children (Panadol, and others).

You can also applied to a sick tooth a piece of swine salary, rinse the mouth with a sodium solution or decoction of therapeutic herbs (sage, melissa, chamomile and others).

After that, you should immediately seek help to the dentist.

Useful video

How to get rid of strong dental pain quickly:

Toothpick is not a sentence. But we should not forget that it is possible to finally get rid of it only in the office of the dentist. Therefore, noticing the unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity, it is not necessary to engage in self-medication.

Otherwise, harmless caries or pulpitis can turn around from which not only the mouth is also injured, but also the whole organism.

Toothpick - a serious reason for anxiety, which gives discomfort and violates the usual rhythm of life. When the teeth hurt, it is impossible to stay vigorous and joyful, it is impossible to fall asleep, fully eating and work. Accompanied toothaches can also inflammation in the oral cavity, deterioration of well-being, an increase in body temperature.

All this indicates the need to visit the dentist. But before you go to the doctor on reception, you can give my first help yourself. If the teeth hurt, from pain you can get rid of several universally accessible ways.

How to quickly remove the toothpache

At first painful sensations in the teeth you need to stop eating and thoroughly clean your teeth so that food particles do not excite painful sensations.

How to remove acute toothache at home?

None of the named helps and does not become easier? Then rinse your mouth with a warm strong decoction of Sage. You can also attach a compress made with it.

Effectively from pain rinse mouth with an aqueous solution of food soda with the addition of two drops of iodine. This solution not only is anesthesia, but also disinfects.

How to remove the toothpache?

Reduce pain syndrome or reduce it to zero will help several funds. But even if they affect in your case, be sure to consult a doctor.

Do not tighten with a visit to the dentist, and this will help you avoid complications like periodontitis, osteomyelitis and other serious health.

If you can't immediately contact the specialist, the syndrome will help immediately refuse drugs for internal use, point massage, folk medicine and rinsing products with various solutions.

Do not know how to quickly remove acute dental pain? For the help will come:

What you need and can not be done during dental pain

It is possible to treat a patient with various methods. But resorting to any of them, we must follow some rules.

If the pain caught surprise on a weekend or deep at night and at this time, at this time, do not appeal, emergency measures will come to help, capable of ease of suffering for some time.

With acute pain syndrome:

  • You can rinse the mouth with a warm soda solution at the rate of 1 tsp. soda on 1 tbsp. water.
  • It is better to keep your mouth closed when the pain is increased.
  • It should be kept open in the pathology of the bite, which can affect the enhancement of pain.
  • It is impossible to use antibiotics without medical advice and destination. They are accepted exclusively according to the scheme. A single reception of such a tablet only hurts.
  • You can massate your hand from the side where the sick tooth. In the field of closure of the bones of the index and thumbs, it is necessary to lose the ice cube, pressing on the brush with shocks for 5-7 minutes.

Which pills take off the toothpow

The analgesics preparations are hardly every first-aid kit. But it is very important to apply them competently. Highly toxic pills can harm health. Preparations that take off the tooth pain in their impact are different and belong to different groups.

What drugs to calm pain?

To calm the pain of the teeth, in addition to these drugs, you can use:

Tabs from dental pain

A rare person did not ask the question than you can remove the toothaches, what pills. The easiest way is to use modern medicines with pain syndrome.

Choosing the appropriate, you need to take into account contraindications and chronic diseases if they are. A complete list of diseases in which the reception of the tablets is invalid is outlined in the instructions for the drug.

How to remove toothaches by folk remedies

From dental pain at different times, people saved differently. Easy suffering during such ailment help the recipes of informations, decoctions and compresses help the time and experience.

They are interesting primarily for those who want to know how to remove the toothpow with the tablets at home.

There are a lot of ways to remove the toothacter pain. Choosing any of them, remember the importance of compliance with the instructions for medical preparations and contraindications, as well as at the first opportunity, contact your doctor.

How to get rid of dental pain: recipes of traditional medicine and drugs

Many teeth problems cause panic and reluctance to see the doctor. However, while we come up with another reason for themselves, according to which we cannot visit the dental clinic, the dental pain can become unbearable. What do you need to do what medicines to take and how to prevent the most serious effects of dental pain?

Causes of dental pain

Pain occurs as a result of transmission over nervous pulse fibers, which occurred when irritating the receptor, in certain brain departments. Pulp receptors, periodontal and sometimes densite tubules are responsible for the tooth pain. The reasons for their irritation may be as follows:

  • Caries. At the initial stage, it develops asymptomatic, destroying the teeth tissues until the sensitivity to mechanical, temperature or chemical impacts appears. For example, pain can be felt if you drink a glass of cold acidic juice. The caries not sealing in time can lead to a pulpit, which means even more severe pain.
  • Pulpitis. Inflammation of the pulp of the tooth is characterized by spontaneously arising severe pain.
  • Periodontitis. This is the inflammation of the tissues around the root of the tooth. Strong pain occurs when pressing a tooth - for example, when chewing.
  • Mechanical damage. With cracks, chips of enamel and other damage, a sensitive dentine is often taken off, which leads to pain in any impact.
  • Teething tooth wisdom. It is inflamed and swells the surrounding gums.

Toothpache always caresses us unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. In this situation, the main thing is to keep calm and do not make mistakes.

What to do if the tooth hurts

First of all, inspect the oral cavity and very neatly, but thoroughly clean your teeth. Removing stuck foods and bacteria will help facilitate your condition. Before the moment you get to the dentist, refrain from solid, sweet, salty, cold, hot food, so as not to provoke an increase in pain. Measure the temperature, take an anesthetic. If the pain is unbearable, use the service of calling a dentist to the house or contact an institution providing urgent dental care. 24-hour dental clinics are usually operated by appointment, and among the nights your problems will not be solved. If you are constantly visiting a particular dentist, sign up for a reception at the nearest date.

How to remove toothpow

At home, you can remove the dental pain, but the dentist visit after that it is necessary. The exception is two cases - when the tooth of wisdom is breaking or hurts the place of deletion of the tooth.

Recipes of traditional medicine

The problem of detentious pain Humanity has to be solved throughout the history of its existence, and the recipes of traditional medicine reached us from the depths of the centuries. They took into account the disinfecting, antihistamines and the analgesic qualities of the primary means even before such terms appeared.

  • Phytoncides. The infusion of husks of one bulb in a glass of boiling water. The liquid must be dialing into the mouth and hold 15-20 minutes. This time is enough to disinfect the oral cavity. After three such procedures, pain should retreat.
  • Essential oils. Apply cotton swab, moistened with mint drops or cloves, to a sick tooth. This will help relieve inflammation and will have an anesthetic effect. Repeat the procedure several times.
  • Antihistamines. Hammering turmeric, roasted in a frying pan and neatly applied to the patient tooth in the cooled state, will help remove swelling and pain due to the blockade of histamine receptors.
  • Tannins. Moisten the sachet of ordinary black tea in warm water, press and place on the sore tooth. After 15 minutes, pain should pass.
  • Cold. The ice cube wocks in a gauze napkin and applied to a sick teuba or gum. The feeling of numbness will facilitate pain.

It should be recognized that these funds are not suitable for everyone, and the reaction to them is individual. They may not work at all or solve the problem for a short time - half an hour, an hour. The undoubted advantage is almost complete absence of contraindications. However, those who are prone to allergies from some of these recipes should be abstained.


An efficient and simple method for removing pain is the rinse of the oral cavity by slightly warm decoction or influence. It is distinguished by the speed of processing the entire oral cavity, the anesthetic effect lasts usually within a few hours. The method is suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers.

  • Abundant rinsing of the mouth with a solution of salt or soda at the rate of 1 teaspoon on a glass of water. This displaces the oral cavity, remove the swelling and helps to doubt the pain.
  • Chalfy, plantain, calendula, calendula, chamomile render a disinfectant and soothing effect.

Be sure to check the shelf life if you are going to use them for cooking.

A typical mistake is to warm the sore place. Warming compresses and heating plants will enhance pain, causing an active blood flow to the affected tooth. The blood circulation of the incinerate fabrics is also enhanced with the horizontal position of the body, so it is to lie if you have a tooth hurts, it is not worth it.

Dental Pains

Official pharmaceuticals offers the most effective and convenient ways to combat dental pain. However, they all have contraindications, so applying drugs without appointing a doctor should be carefully, especially if the tooth hurts the child. In any case, carefully read the instructions for the drug.

  • Analgin, "Spasmalgon". Cheap painkillers, which is already used by one generation. It is helped with a non-abnormal pain, quickly absorbed by the body, you can give children from six years.
  • "Nooofen". Effective anti-inflammatory agent, relieving pain and swelling. Released for adults and children. Not applicable for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • "BARALGIN". Quickly removes a novel toothache, you can give children.
  • "Ketanov". Powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Will help if the tooth hurts very much. Optimal will be one-time application, but in the extreme case you can take another tablet. Contraindicated pregnant, nursing, children, as well as with acute diseases of internal organs.
  • Pregnant and nursing can be resolved dROTAVERIN (but-shp).