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Strong protective prayers for all occasions. Protective conspiracy for home. Brief prayer charm for family and home

It contains some of the most powerful protective prayers that will help protect themselves and their loved ones from ill-wishers and different troubles.

Prayer of the Lord - Our Father

Our father, izh, at Heaven!
Yes, it will hire your name,
yes, your kingdom will come
may will be your will
yako in the sky and on the earth.
Bread our urgent grandfather to us;
and we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our;
and do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

Virgin Devo, rejoice,

Fertile Marie, Lord with you;

blessed you in the wives

and blessed with the fruit of your fraught

yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotok "Softening evil hearts». Protects against ill-wishers.

Soften our evil heart, the Virgin,
and attack hate us
and all the crisp your soul is allowed.
On your more holy image of a discrepancy,
Your suffering and mercy about us we will fail
and your wounds are lying,
hands of our, tearing, terrify.
Not gone to us, Mother's blessing,
in our cruelways
and from the hardness of the near die.
You are able to truly evil hearts softening

Strong protective prayer Jesus Christ from any evil

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the fences of our holy angels and the prayer of the All-Exercise Lady of Our Mother of God, the power of honest and life-giving your cross the victim of the Heavenly Forces of the Funny Honest Prophet and the Forerunners of the Lord of John and all your saints Help us sinning unworthy slaves (name), save us from Any evil, witchcraft, magic, sorcerence, from evil deer man. Yes, they will not be hug they causing us no evil. Lord, the power of the cross of yours will save us in the morning, for the evening, to sleep the coming and powerfulness of your grace, and removed all sorts of evil uncleans acting on the baptism of the devil. Who thought, or did, return their evil back to hell, Yako bless you are in eyelids. Amen

Protective prayer Jesus Christ from evil people

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Meaning my enemies and sorcerers, do not punish them with mournful pains. Protect me from terrible words, those are pronounced by the mouth. Sawn me from evil people, help recover from grief. Protect my children from them. Let your will be on it. Amen.

Protective prayer honest cross

In prayer, we express faith that the procession is the strongest remedy for the defendance of demons, and ask the Lord spiritual assistance to the power of the Holy Cross. Banning yourself with a cross and say prayer:

God will resurrect, and the gazes are harmful, and yes, they fight his hate him. Yako disappears smoke, yes will disappear; Yako melts wax from the face of fire, so will die demi from the face loving God and marked with the godmond sign, and in the fun of the verbols: rejoice, the precessive and life-giving cross of the Lord, running the demons to the power of the gentlemen of our Jesus Christ, to hell to hell and the strength of diatling, and we have a casset to you honest for a sacrup. Oh, the precessive and life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help with the sacred mistress, the girl of Virgin and with all the saints. Amen.

Protective Prayer Archangel Mikhail from Dark Forces

Oh, Saint Michael Archangel, Svetlothy and Terrible Heavenly Tsar Voivodo! Hermers of the sinsmano, demanding your intercession, save me from all visible and invisible enemy, and there is a savings from the horror of the mortal and from embarrassment of the diabolian, and there is a restless to see the creator of our terrible and righteous trial court. Oh high great Mikhail Arronement! Do not despose me a sinner, who praying for you about helping and interpreting you in Either Sech and in the future, but it is advised by Tamo what to buy the soda of Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer Archangel Mikhail from enemies

Lord, God's great, the king is initial, went, Lord, the archangel of your Mikhail to help your slaves (name). Protect, Archangel, us from all enemies, visible and invisible. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Demons crusher, prohibit all enemies fighting with me, and the coordinate of their Yako Sheep, and Smiri their evil hearts, and crushing their sneaks in the face of the wind. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Six-colored first prince and the governor of the Heavenly Force - Cherubimov and Serafimov, Budge the assistant to all the troubles, sorrow, in the sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet man. Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Get rid of us from everyone to the delights of Diavolskaya, Zechy will hear us, sinful, praying for you, calling your name Holy. Speakers to help and bring all opposed to us, the power of honestly and the life-giving Cross of the Lord, the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the Holy Apostles, the saint of the Wonderworker Nikolai, Andrei, Christ for the sake of whitewash, the Holy Prophet Elijah and All Saints Great Martyrs: Holy Martyr Nikita and Eustafia , and all the reverend fathers of our, from the century God of the faithful, and all the saints of heavenly forces.

Oh, Merran Great Archangel Michael! Help us a sinful (name) and save us from a coward, a flood, fire, sword and in vain death, from the great evil, from the enemy of flattened, from the storms of infant, from the evil to get rid of us forever, now and died and forever. Amen. The Holy ArchReart of God Mikhail, the lightning sword of your discharge from me the Spirit of the Deck, tempting and Toying me. Amen.

Protective prayer for the last Optina elders at the beginning of the day

Lord, give me with soul calm Meet all that will give me this day. Lord, let me quite go to the will of your holy. Lord, for this day, in all of the day they will mention and support me. Lord, I will discover your will to me for me and surrounding me. Lord, no matter what I will receive news during the day, let me take them with the late soul and solid belief that your entire holy will of yours. Lord, the Great, Mercy, in all my affairs and the words of my thoughts and feelings, in all unforeseen circumstances do not let me forget that everyone is sent to you. Lord, let me reasonably act with each of my neighbors, no one is upgrown and no one confuse. Lord, give me the power to postpone the fatigue of this day and all events during it. I will manage willy and teach them to pray and love all non-estatery. AIMN.

Protective Prayer for Driver

God, all-storey and all-airily, all guarding their greatness and humans, humbly pray, the concept of the Virgin and all the saints, save from a sudden death and everybody, sinning, and the people entrusted to me and the pump unharmed to deliver everyone to his needs. God merciful! Get rid of me from zlago spirit of chicasticity, unclean power Pianos, causing unhappiness and sudden death without repentance Save me, Lord, with a clean consistency to live to a deep old age without the burden of the people killed and crippled in my unfortunate, and it will be glorified by your sacred, now and is dreaming, and forever. Amen.

Protective prayer Obereg

(Wear in the inner pocket of clothes, or embroider on the nasal scarf)

"I love and believe. God trust the whole protection insert! "

Psalm 90. Strong protective prayer in the face of danger

Live in the help of Vysnyago, in the blood of God is awkward. The mistake of the Lord: My Esu and Refrigerate my, my God, and I hope for him. Yako, that will save you from the network of catch, and from the word of the rebellion, the shoulders will be squeezed by the hand, and under Kille, they hope: the weapon is created by the truth of him. Do not be removed from the fear of Nobachnago, from the arrows flying in the days, from the thing in TME while passing, from shaking, and Demo Halfuna. It falls from the country of Thousand, and the TMA is wearest you, I will not approach to you, Obhach is the cleaning of your watch, and the reward of sinners of the vrudeshi. Yako You, Lord, Hope Moe, Vynyago put your refuge. Does not get an evil to you, and the wound will not approach your tele ways, I can also save an angel about you, keep your luck in all the ways of yours. In the hands of the hands, but not when you are pushing about the foot of your leg, at aspid and Vasilisk coming, and ease of Leo and Zmia. Yako on My Upopa, and get rid of and: covered and, too, know my name. I will call me, and I will hear him: I am in grief, Izbu, and I will glorify him, I will fulfill him with the longitude of days, and I will declare my salvation.

The life of every person in the modern world is filled not only joyful experiences, but also numerous fears and anxieties. Often a person feels complete helplessness before life difficulties, negative emotions and undesirable events. What can help overcome difficulties and testing fate?

The power of protecting prayer

Prayers, conspiracies and amulets miraculously affect human share. Some of them were checked repeatedly, and in all cases acknowledged that they had a tremendous force. Prayers-wubbles for all occasions saved from evil rock not one person. The trouble immediately retreats, the negative is dissipated, and the enemies no longer cause anxiety. The power of such a prayer is increasing when you read it for your loved ones. In order to avoid another attack, it is better to read them daily.

Prayer facing is a kind of damper or shield. Why is it so powerful? The word has a huge force. Each has its own vibration. Unbreakable speeches, you can easily put trouble, curse, even an unconscious, maybe even a person and life break.

But the prayer that protects from evil and trouble carries a special energy. When a person pronounces prayer words and conspiracies, he creates around himself a protective energy field, through which no negative can pass through. This is protection against bad vibrations.

What are the miraculous prayers and how to pronounce them?

Species of faithful prayers

  • Washer-prayer against human envy, anger and ill-advantage.
  • Protective to prevent conflicts, diseases and poverty.
  • Prayers against damage and evil eye, for children.
  • Daily conspiracies for all occasions from all problems and adversity.
  • From evil intent, curse or black magic.

Exist protective prayersthat can and need to read daily, and there are also those that should be pronounced in specific cases.

The strength of prayer also depends on the mindset in which it is pronounced. It is necessary to completely concentrate on words and read them with faith and sincerity.

Magic words

If there is a need for protection against magical influence or an evil person, exists good waywhose action lasts for a long time. Washer prayer is not simple wordsPronounced unconsciously. This is a whole set of actions that a person can protect himself and its loved ones from all adversity and misfortune. He can get rid of problems in family life, at work, health and in other areas of life.

Strong prayer-charm

Prayer words need to be made at least once a month. Prayer will be more effective if you read it with church candles. More will need holy water, paper and pen. Especially favorably read on the growing moon. On paper, you can write everything you are afraid, such as divorce, diseases or problems at work. Only formulate fears are necessary clearly, so the power of prayer will only grow. Then the sheet must be sprinkled with holy water and set fire. While paper burns, it is necessary to read the following phrases: "All serious problems I burn. From myself I am assumed. Let them take their dense forests, reservoirs in deep and wood bark. Let me send all the bitter misfortunes and life problems. From the bad evil eye, from unkind people, from evil sorcerers and witches. Prayer to the Lord will be my defense, water and fire will clean my fate and strengthen protection. From any evil, the slave of God (name) is free, from all the uncleans got rid of and all sorts of misfortunes drove away, it will be exactly that way and in any way. Amen".

Charging prayer is read three times. After the leaf of the dog, the ashes from him should be dispelled in the wind, saying the following words: "I blow all the misfortunes, let them leave me today in the future!". Candles after the ritual must be paid off and do not use them more.

Wintering prayer of the Mother of God

Prayer-guard from the evil eye and damage is read early in the morning. "I appeal to you, the Most Holy Mother of God! For help to you and support! As a son of his, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, you guarded from the evil of anyone, so I will save me, the slave of God (name) from the evil intent, people of bad and evil eye, from black magic and words curses. I appeal to you with Moloto and repentance. Save me from any evil, soul and body clean Save! Thank you for help and support. Always Slavl your name. Amen!" Wubble-prayer is read seven times. After that, it is necessary to wash with the words: "Everything is wetted with me, water is strengthened with water."

Prayers from the evil eye Orthodox

Anyone negative impact From the outside you can neutralize Christian prayers. For example, it is very effective that the wubble prayer "Our Father" is considered. Of course, it is better to worry about your safety in advance and read prayers daily. Dark power It will be difficult to penetrate your life. But if there is already a damage already, there are certain conspiracies here, and it is necessary to clearly realize what words to pronounce, what time and in the same place. Prayers from damage - these are real magic conspiracy with creative energy. Orthodox Church same advises reading daily christian prayers All saints.

Ritual from damage

In order to spend the ritual correctly, it is necessary to gain spring water. The vessel with water must be crossed and pronounce the prayer: "Forgive me, Lord, and Homes." Then, in a cup with water, you must put three pieces of coal and read a plot: "The Most Holy Mother of God climbed the water, took her and baptized, she saved from evil fate. All tests are men's and female, for girls and drains lessons are rewritten, everyone is provided, all are eaten. There is no evil rock, do not live in the body of the slave of God (name), blood does not spoil and heart do not torment. In the glory of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading, it is necessary to monitor well-being. If the condition worsened, overcomes drowsiness, envelops weakness and malaise - this means that the negative leaves your body. In this case, it is necessary to wash the face of holy water. But if you did not feel at all, it means that there are no damages, and the reasons for concerns need to look for not in magic.

Prayer on the road

Especially in the defense of the Lord, those who are going on the far path are needed. Any trouble may occur on the road, and to prevent it, you should contact the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is considered the patron of travelers with humility. Prayer-charm on the road sounds as follows:

"Oh, Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, hear our prayer,

Ask about us (names) from the Lord God of our, to forgive us all the sins,

It was indulgent to us and did not shed his anger to us.

Get rid of us from trouble on the road,

Let me not drown in the bunch of sins.

Moths of God about us, Saint Nicholas,

For the life of our peaceful and for saving our souls. Amen".

Archangel Mikhail - Defender of the Righteous

The great defender Archangel Mikhail gained huge glory and respect in many religions. This is the first angel, designed by the Lord himself to fight evil and negative. Mikhail Arkhangel's prayer is the strongest defense and charm - is inscribed in the miracle monastery in the Kremlin. Everyone who in this place turns to St. Michael, will definitely be defended and its patronage. It is this prayer that is recommended to read in danger, even if it has not come yet.

Ancient prayer to St. Michael

The prayer itself has a kind of preface, which says that everyone who will repeat it will get rid of the devilish influence, damage, envy of others. And even when a person leaves this world, then his soul will not go to hell. The text of the prayer itself sounds as follows:

"Lord Jesus Christ came your servant - Angela Mikhail on ambulance Slave Your (name), save from all visible and secret enemies! About Defender, Archangel Mikhail, Demoral Shredder, eliminate all unkilled people who are fighting with me, eating them, like sheep, and twisted them in the wind. Oh, the great Lord, the Archangel Heavenly Mikhail, the first intercessor and the governor of all heavenly forces! Woofs in me, sinful, great intercession and assistant in troubles and mourn, resentment and sorrows, on deserted land and the rivers of deep, seas and oceans are quiet refuge. Get rid of me, about the great Archangel Mikhail, from all the twin, hear me, a sinful slave (name), with a prayer in you with a fallen and writing your name, come to me for help and hear a humble prayer for me. The win of all the enemies of my power of the Cross of the Lord of Christ's life-giving and intercessious prayers Blessed Virgin The Mother of God, the intercession of our, all the holy angels, the prophets and the apostles, in the name of St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker, St. Andrei of the Rudnoy, all the greatest martyrs and divine forces. Oh, Holy Angel Mikhail! Help me, the slave of your sinful (name), save me from shocks, flooding and burning fire, sustainable death and other evil, from the people and the lucavism. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Fruits prayer

This prayer is capable of providing reliable protection Praying and all his loved ones. Read it better every day at any time.

A person who treats this prayer to Archangel Mikhail is always under the patronage of the saint. No evil, disasters, enemies, witchcraft and temptation, and even the flour of hell are not able to cause concern to the prayer. Sincere prayer will always be heard.

Some people do not know how to pray orthodox texts. In this case, you can call the saints in your own words, outgoing from the depths of the heart.

For example, you can say: "Hear my humble request, help and implicit about me or for my loved ones!". This phrase is a faith. But it is better that these short words are primarily addressed to St. Michael.

You can also pray for your own words any day and at any time. After this appeal, it is not forbidden to voice any specific request - to call what exactly you need the help of St. Michael Archangel.

Who can handle prayers for holy?

To cry for holy personalities can every person (even an avid atheist). For Archangel, Mikhail is no meaning who is drawn to it, what sex, nationality and religion. In a difficult moment, he always comes to the rescue and supports.

Strong prayer-charm to all saints has enormous power. It is capable of protecting not only from external enemies and troubles, but also from internal disorders, for example, from confusion, despondency, grief, confusion of thoughts.

Often, with requests for protection for holy personalities are treated in fear, natural disasters, alarms, doubts, in troubles. it strong conspiracies From damage, evil people, wars and death.

The Lord hears all the souls entering him. The main condition is the sincerity of the request and faith in what you will definitely help. And even no matter what words do you pronounce read or your own, invented. Sometimes a prayer in his own words, which comes from the depths of the soul, has a greater effect, rather than phrases from prayer-reading mechanically read.

Our life is always conjugate with certain fears and alarms. How often in life we \u200b\u200bhave to feel defenseless before evil, in front of enemies or vitality. Who or what can protect us?

These are the prayers of the charms, wonderful conspiracies, tested by time, "workers" and simply miraculous. They exist for all occasions, help protect themselves and their relatives from the evil eye or damage, from evil people and from enemies, from negative in life. These prayers need to know and can always be applied, every day.

Each prayer-charm is a kind of shield. How it works? You probably know about the strength of the word. Each word has its own thin vibrations. So, an evil word can be attached to trouble and illness, and the curse, said in the hearts, can break through a person all his life.

Prayers and conspiracies have special vibrations and energy. When you read such a plot, a specific energy field is created, which does not miss negative energy and gives reliable protection against poor energy vibrations. What exactly are prayers exist, and for what purposes?

  • Carrying from envious and evil people, from enemies and ill-wishers.
  • Conspiracies for family and protection of the house, diseases, conflicts, poverty.
  • Prayers and charms for the birth of children, for a son and daughter - from the evil eye, from diseases and damage.
  • Conspiracies for every day - for work, good luck, take problems.
  • From evil, from the witch, black witchcraft and curses.

There are conspiracy universal - for all occasions, they are good for every day. There are special, which are applied in specific cases. Choose the needed you need and use yourself and your family!

Magic words

From ancient times appeared a large number of Prayers who serve overalls for people. In order for the overawe of the effect and benefit, the main thing is to believe in his divine power, and not doubt that he will help. It is worth reading out loud, but it is possible for yourself if such a situation. It is better to know several major faiths by heart to enjoy them if you suddenly have a need.

1. There is a prayer-guard for every morning, it helps for the whole day, protects against bad people, from evil and different misfortunes. Read three times:

2. If some kind of danger suddenly arose, you feel fear of evil people, enemies or some circumstances, there are fast protection. Throw this short plot three times:

Cross and imagine an invisible shield around yourself that protects you from any evil.

3. Very powerful protection is the "dream of the Most Holy Mother of God." This miraculous prayer conspiracy is good for all occasions, it is very powerful, helps from evil, damage, evil eye and all negative energy.

4. The famous, ancient prayer plot "Seven Crosses" also need to know. The prayer "Seven Crosses" is worth reading every morning at home, you can at work, it will protect you from any evil and the whole family, daughter and son, your spouse. Read seven times:

5. If you feel the alarm for myself or for your son, for your daughter, for a husband - read the plot "Sorokilar Charger", and think about who you send protection. This powerful shield will save you and your loved ones from any evil and misfortunes.

For other cases

What other prayers and charms exist? There are special intended for specific purposes, or those read only once a year.

Prayer from a witch or sorcerer - sometimes it can come in handy, especially when intuition tells you that the ill-wisher is near that someone plunges unkind witchcraft against you or your family. This prayer will help protect against the witch and will not give her evil charm to influence you.

"My Birth Angel" is one of the most miraculous and powerful prayers. Magic Prayer "Angel of My Birth" gives strength to fight any turmoil and evil, protects and protects the whole year! Read "Angel of My Birth" you need once a year - on your own birthday, early in the morning, only getting out of bed, and without saying not a word. Read sincere and faith, and you immediately feel the power of this conspiracy!

To protect the Son from all the troubles and any evil while he sleeps, stand up from his headboard and read this request to God and whisper.

So, they are armed with miraculous conspiractions, and know - they will definitely help you, and the stronger your sincere faith, more powerfulwhich give you these prayers. Posted by: Vasilina Serov

If you want to always stay under protection higher Forces, then you can choose the charm and speak it with a special text. There is a conspiracy to protect against the overag, in addition, you can learn several protective conspiracy that you can apply in any situation.

Rules for pronouncing a conspiracy on the char

  1. It all begins with the choice of the overag. This charm can be chosen as immediately for all occasions and the specific life situation or the sphere. It's good to have overalls, which are always with you. It can be a Motanka doll, a talisman in the form of a decoration, keychain on the keys or another small object that you liked.
  2. The most important thing is that it is necessary to believe in protective conspiracies when they pronounce them. They will only work if you believe in them.
  3. When pronouncing a conspiracy, invest in each word a piece of your soul. Well, if, when you pronounce every word, even the body responds with feelings of heat.
  4. It is important to understand the meaning of each word from prayer or conspiracy. The more you aware of the meaning of the conspiracy, the higher it is the result.

Trade conspiracy

You can create charms that will protect you in the field of trade, work, that is, in the sphere that brings you money. As an overchareg, a coin, bill, icon, Buddha Figure, Guards Figure can be selected. All this will symbolize cash energy.

Bring this subject home, let it lie with you under the pillow. Thus, he will get used to your energy. After these three days, put it in front of yourself, intend it with your hands and say such words:

"I will take care of you from the heat, I will keep you from the cold, I will wear you with me all the time and show the whole world. And you, cute, help me instead of money in my work to hold yes to multiply, suggest me with whom it will be profitable to work, and who will bring losses. So we will live with you, do not rush, good to multiply. Thank you, dear, in advance. "

After that, once again, intensive the symbol of wealth and put there, where it will be constantly inhabited. It can be a purse, wallet or what you choose a house for it.

Invest in the words of a protective conspiracy for trade and financial success, as much as possible tenderness. Cash energy has already become accustomed to hearing bad words that there is always a little money, or phrase type: "Damned money." And you make money energy with kindness and caress.

From time to time, take a mascot of your pocket, communicate with him, really, show the world, as promised. You can also consult in difficult situations, he will tell you the right answer.

Angel's protective conspiracy

If you want you to always be accompanied by luck, so that the situations are unfolded only in the direction necessary for you, then in this case the figure of angels are very helpful. Purchase yourself such a figure. Choose it with the soul. You can spend not one week for this choice. Protective chargers in the form of the first figurines will not work not the most the best way. Therefore, select the figure from the soul. Bring home, let it live in your home for three days. Then take her in hand and say such words:

"Angel is small with wings over the ground flew, my soul defended. If suddenly the trouble awaits me on the right side, the angel will tell me that it is necessary to go left to left. He is a hint, I am gratitude to him. Together we live soul into the soul, we do not know grief, happiness are off. As I bought it, I immediately loved. "

Speak words with a smile and tenderness. At this point, you give protection an angel, which he will then return to you. You can not wear a figurine with you, let him live at your home, not in the most prominent place, for example, in your bedroom.

Every time you have a responsible case, which causes you excitement, leaving home, say:

"My Angel, I take you with me, you are ahead, I'm yours."

In this case, remember the image of the angel.

The image of an angel is a very powerful archetype, capable of protecting from everything bad and attract a lot of beautiful and kind mass into your life.

Protective conspiracy

Slavic protective conspiracies are half consist of conspiracies that protect the house from all bad. Slavs tried to make an unreal fortress from home, in which only the very presence of a person became better. It was believed that in his hometown, it is much easier to recover, it is much easier to build a happy family or get rich in native land.

Here are the strong protective plots of prayers that our ancestors used.

Being at home alone, say such words:

"Saint Seraphim urge, Saint Paul urge to St. Volodyramir. Let all of them come to me, the protection of the saint to my house will be imposition. So that none of the Spirit, I couldn't look into my house, I'll scare my family. To sleep on peacefully, it was sinking, so that life was rejoiced from the soul. Help Help, protect you, you will bring you mail, I will bring me a treat, thank you. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Protective conspiracy

"Christ was on you, Christ suffered for us, sent us to defense. Thank you, thank you, to him. Protect and you are me copper. Under your protection I am, nothing in life is afraid. "

Such prayers are good to repeat on this subject, at least once a month. It increases its energy, respectively, and you are more protected under it.

Protective conspiracy

If you are in a difficult situation and feel that you are not very surrounded kind peopleYou can pronounce a plot of a glass of water:

"I stand, the slave of God (your name) in the Water of the Lord, I look at her clean and I do not see anything superfluous. So let him surrounded by my unnecessary, no one, so that I was afraid of anyone, so that they were frightened and fell off, as dirt dried. For it and drink. "

After that drink water. After some time you will notice that people who you are not very trusted, left the circle of your society.

Protective conspiracy for the whole family

To spend this plot, you will have to first make a charm for the whole family. Wait for the closest church holiday And on this day, buy a candle in the church. Bring it home. After collecting a few hair from each family member. All fold them into a piece of white cloth. Wait for the moment at home alone. Put the candle on the table t lit it. Put the cloth with the hair of loved ones in front of it, expand it. Burn over hair and say such a text:

"The Holy Son, Father, and the Holy Spirit, I urge all of you for help. I ask you to hear those who want to break the rules of God and my home to wish the evil or sadness, that they could not do it. The walls will not hear those speeches sly, they will not miss them inside, the wagon is strong, the bunch of white all the blackness turns away from our house. I am a faithful and powerful glorious shield for the family, I do not give offense. Amen".

In addition, you can choose the sphere of life and protect it yourself with the help of prayer. The main thing is to understand and talk with feeling every word prayer.

How to protect yourself and family with the help of the prayer of the overag?

Our life is always conjugate with certain fears and alarms. How often in life we \u200b\u200bhave to feel defenseless before evil, in front of enemies or vitality. Who or what can protect us?

These are the prayers of the charms, wonderful conspiracies, tested by time, "workers" and simply miraculous. They exist for all occasions, help protect themselves and their relatives from the evil eye or damage, from evil people and from enemies, from negative in life. These prayers need to know and can always be applied, every day.

Each prayer-charm is a kind of shield. How it works? You probably know about the strength of the word. Each word has its own thin vibrations. So, an evil word can be attached to trouble and illness, and the curse, said in the hearts, can break through a person all his life.

Prayers and conspiracies have special vibrations and energy. When you read such a plot, a specific energy field is created, which does not miss negative energy and gives reliable protection against poor energy vibrations. What exactly are prayers exist, and for what purposes?

  • Carrying from envious and evil people, from enemies and ill-wishers.
  • Conspiracies for family and protection of the house, diseases, conflicts, poverty.
  • Prayers and charms for the birth of children, for a son and daughter - from the evil eye, from diseases and damage.
  • Conspiracies for every day - for work, good luck, take problems.
  • From evil, from the witch, black witchcraft and curses.

There are conspiracy universal - for all occasions, they are good for every day. There are special, which are applied in specific cases. Choose the needed you need and use yourself and your family!

Magic words

Since ancient times, a large number of prayers appeared, which serve as champions for people. In order for the overawe of the effect and benefit, the main thing is to believe in his divine power, and not doubt that he will help. It is worth reading out loud, but it is possible for yourself if such a situation. It is better to know several major faiths by heart to enjoy them if you suddenly have a need.

1. There is a prayer-guard for every morning, it helps for the whole day, protects against bad people, from evil and different misfortunes. Read three times:

2. If some kind of danger suddenly arose, you feel fear of evil people, enemies or some circumstances, there are fast protection. Throw this short plot three times:

Cross and imagine an invisible shield around yourself that protects you from any evil.

3. Very powerful protection is the "dream of the Most Holy Mother of God." This miraculous prayer conspiracy is good for all occasions, it is very powerful, helps from evil, damage, evil eye and all negative energy.

4. The famous, ancient prayer plot "Seven Crosses" also need to know. The prayer "Seven Crosses" is worth reading every morning at home, you can at work, it will protect you from any evil and the whole family, daughter and son, your spouse. Read seven times:

5. If you feel the alarm for myself or for your son, for your daughter, for a husband - read the plot "Sorokilar Charger", and think about who you send protection. This powerful shield will save you and your loved ones from any evil and misfortunes.

For other cases

What other prayers and charms exist? There are special intended for specific purposes, or those read only once a year.

Prayer from a witch or sorcerer - sometimes it can come in handy, especially when intuition tells you that the ill-wisher is near that someone plunges unkind witchcraft against you or your family. This prayer will help protect against the witch and will not give her evil charm to influence you.

"My birth angel" is one of the most miraculous and powerful prayers. Magic Prayer "Angel of My Birth" gives strength to fight any turmoil and evil, protects and protects the whole year! Read "Angel of My Birth" you need once a year - on your own birthday, early in the morning, only getting out of bed, and without saying not a word. Read sincere and faith, and you immediately feel the power of this conspiracy!

To protect the Son from all the troubles and any evil while he sleeps, stand up from his headboard and read this request to God and whisper.

So, they are armed with miraculous conspiractions, and know - they will definitely help you, and the stronger your sincere faith, the more powerful the defense that these prayers give you.

And the most important advice

  • Prayer-guard will help protect your loved ones and all that is expensive to you.

    Prayer-charm is the strongest protection that protects us from any misfortunes, adversity and suffering. Many generations of people are confident - with the help of the words facing God and Holy, you can protect yourself, protect your loved ones from enemies and envious. Prayer will help in protecting the house, which is also susceptible to negative impacts.

    Prayer charm for home

    Quite often, under the blow, we turn out not only we, but also our dwelling. Sometimes black magicians, when they want to cause damage to a person, damage the damage to his house so that the place of residence was damned, stretched out of the human strength and energy. For this, however, it is necessary to seriously offend the sorcerer, because damage at home is a complex occupation. The curse imposed on its construction is strongest. But in this case, first will have to remove it, and after that, to put the charm. A more common problem is the evil eye. His consequences may also be very unpleasant.

    Not to become a victim aimed at housing negative program, It is necessary to put a strong home protection. Before entering the creation of magical armor, it is necessary to carry out the ceremony of cleansing to get rid of already existing negative programs.

    There are many rites that will help protect the house from magical attacks. Before spending this simple rite, you need to arm a special candle.

    You need to buy it for Easter. After buying, without leaving the church, burn the candle and immediately hide it with breathing. This can be done in any part of the temple, the main thing is that you are inside it. After that, at any time, you can freeze this candle at home and get around the whole house 12 times in a clockwise room. At the same time, the baptize each angle and say:

    Father Savaof, put the cross crosses from the sky to the Earth. Remove my house, close it from the black eye. House of Christ - the Lord of Pokrov. Here is the Major of the Virgin Mary with his all the All-Wild Guarders and Guardians, guard us from all the enemies, supports. Amen. Amen. Amen.

    You can also use the help of St. John to protect the house from curses and black magic. In this case, you will need a church wax candle with which you need to get around the entire apartment clockwise three times. For each angle, read this:

    Saint John - Warrior, clutching his warriors, and on my estate, around my house, on the windows and on the doors. Take care of my house and everyone who lives in it. Amen.

    Family Protection Prayer

    Often, a black magician does not just poison life to one person, but also curses his genus. There are various reasons why the evil sorcerer can take advantage of a similar terrible gun. But even such strong curseAs damage to the genus, you can resist.

    To do this, you will need to read this simple prayer every morning. It is desirable that no one interfered with you when holding a ritual, and you were in the room alone. When reading prayer, you can stand before the image of the saints or simply before the window.

    At sea-in the ocean

    There is a fisherman-fleet.

    How the fish is sick without water on dry shore,

    So let her nausea be my enemy.

    So that my family was strong-strong,

    Who is the Beloryobitsa will eat,

    That hour does not ship off, the day will not live.

    The name of the God of Christ

    None of my family breaks.

    How the scales for fish

    From head to tail,

    So and my family be strong and Czek.

    Seven crosses

    This prayer is rightfully considered one of the strongest is used as an overawe for the whole family. If you make a conspiracy exclusively on yourself, then read it three times and say your name if the charm is done for all relatives, then the text is read one time on each of your relative.

    To hold the rite to arm the family of candles. It is advisable to buy them in advance in the church. As soon as the sunrise begins, become in front of the window, drop the candles into one line, burn them down and read the text of the prayer.

    Put the first cross from the Holy Spirit,

    The second cross from the Lord God,

    The third cross from Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

    The fourth cross from the guardian angel of the slave of God (name),

    Fifth Cross from Mother of the Most Holy Virgin,

    The sixth cross from the west to the twist,

    Seventh Cross Earth to Heaven.

    Seven crosses will close the house for seven castles.

    The first castle - from Likha-misfortune,

    Second - from poverty poverty,

    The third - from the tears of combustion,

    Fourth - from painting,

    Fifth - from the spectat,

    Sixth - from the disease-absolutes,

    And the seventh is the strongest, six closes, the century is locked up, my house is guarded.

    Prayer charm for pregnant women

    For a pregnant woman, it is very important to be strong, healthy, able to confront any forces that may interfere with her to endure a child. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the Lord and Saints during pregnancy so that they help you endure and give birth to a healthy child.

    This can be done with one of the prayer texts. He reads, like most of these prayers, in the morning. But if you feel the inner gust that pushes you to repeat these words several times a day, do not oppose. Light a church wax candle and tell the text of the prayer three times:

    The body lashes the fruit of the power of the Lord, and I ask God to set up in the birth of a new life and give me the strength to endure my long-awaited time. Let him hide him from evil, from the black eyes, from the thoughts of a distance and will not give me dangerous ways so as not to prevent the correct distribution of life forces and development will not be distorted and broken, for the Lord Hand will help me and in scheduled time Javits the world of who under my heart. Amen.

    Try so that no one interfere with you during reading. Contact God with clean intentions, with good thoughts. You must understand that nothing should interfere with your communication with the Almighty.

    Do not turn to the holy if you are very angry. Better Try to calm down, and only after that, ask divine grace. Otherwise, your prayers will not reach God, as they will be told in anger's gunpowder.

    Conspiracy Prayer for Child Protection

    For each mother it is very important that everything is in order with the chal. In order to protect your child from negative energyYou can use special amulets, protective rites or read special prayers daily. There are different conspiracies that can be read at different times of the day. In the morning, as soon as the child woke up, you can read such a prayer conspiracy over it:

    Let my son of God (name), in the eyelids of the eternal in the health will arrive, will pass through all the obstacles, about the Lord. Amen.

    Before bedtime, over the bed of the son, it is best to read such a plot-prayer:

    The cradle is soft lie down, then turn on the barrel, sowing and not afraid. Let the Holy Mother of God save you, and everything will leave.

    This prayer will help both the baby and an adult child. She will protect from nightmares, will help you sleep well, gain strength.

    Third text need to read before important moments In your child's life. Prayer is suitable for both small and adult children. Everyone needs Divine Help and Mother Support, so do not be lazy to use this prayer in front of any serious tests that are waiting for your son.

    Heaven angel, from birth on his only saving. White wings remove from the enemies, all those villains, Lyarkheev and enemies with fire, and the sword is frightened, but my child will save. Oh, Lord. Amen.

    Prayers from enemies

    Almost every person has to face enemies. If you successful man, There will always be people who want to cause damage. Special prayers and conspiracies from enemies will create protection both from damage or curse and from more material methods of revenge.

    In order to protect against the enemies, you can ask for help from the Virgin. She never refuses a prayer person in a fair request. In order to be under the divine cover God's Mother, you need to read such a prayer in the morning:

    Mother The Mother of God got up early

    Prayer about his son Christ read:

    "Be you, my beloved son,

    Under the view of the Most High Creator, your god Father,

    Everywhere saved, protected,

    From any trouble to the famous time is intended. "

    Angels prayer heard,

    The Lord God passed all the words.

    So it would be me, God's slave (name),

    To know this grace

    To avoid troubles in your home.

    Lord, bless, Holy Trinity, help!

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Now and in the eyelids. Amen"

    From enemies you can read and prayer to St. John. This method is suitable only to protect against one particular nebaw, whose name you know. Remember, if you know exactly who wants to drive you damage, you should not be angry and make an evil to this person, on the contrary, you need to ask God and the Saints that love, kindness and harmony appear in his heart. This plot-prayer has nothing to do with a damage and conspiracy to revenge, this is an appeal to the Holy Protection against the enemy. No need to fear the consequences, they will not be.

    In order to ask for help from St. John, you should go to the temple. You will need to buy a candle before the service, to defend the service, then put a candle in the image of Saint John with the words:

    John Batyushka, you conquered enemy shelves, cover the heart of my enemy (name).

    After pronouncing the prayer Low to bow 9 times.

    Wheel from evil people

    If, because of the circumstances, you are in the team, where you may envy or wish for evil, be sure to protect yourself with prayer. Such an overlap from evil people creates strong protection that no black magic breaks.

    You need every morning before work or before going to study to go to the window, be baptized and read this text:

    Mother, Mother Holy Mother of God Three-hand, the whole people are righteous you protect, pray and for me before God. Yes, you are the same with your cover miraculous me from all the enemies and evil suggestions. Let it be so far from the condation of the century. Amen.

    Prayer Charm is really the strongest protection for all your loved ones. Each person is able to protect himself, his relatives, their home. So be sure own power, please contact the Holy and Lord. Pray sincerely, then your prayers will be heard, and you will find yourself under Divine cover.

    • Fortune telling
    • Consistencies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Sloalth and damage
    • Obragi.
    • Privors
    • Outlines
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantra
    • Creatures I.

    On this day there were extensive festivities, the people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the crust is full. Not for nothing they said: "nicked!". On the winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracy against alcoholism. You can order a prayer for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, St. Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers about their health.

    Obereg-prayer. Prayer power. Favoring prayers for all occasions

    The life of each person in the modern world is filled not only by joyful experiences, but also numerous fears and anxieties. Often a person feels complete helplessness in front of the vital difficulties, negative emotions and unwanted events. What can help overcome difficulties and testing fate?

    The power of protecting prayer

    Prayers, conspiracies and amulets miraculously affect human share. Some of them were checked repeatedly, and in all cases acknowledged that they had a tremendous force. Prayers-wubbles for all occasions saved from evil rock not one person. The trouble immediately retreats, the negative is dissipated, and the enemies no longer cause anxiety. The power of such a prayer is increasing when you read it for your loved ones. In order to avoid another attack, it is better to read them daily.

    Prayer facing is a kind of damper or shield. Why is it so powerful? The word has a huge force. Each has its own vibration. Unbreakable speeches, you can easily put trouble, curse, even an unconscious, maybe even a person and life break.

    But the prayer that protects from evil and trouble carries a special energy. When a person pronounces prayer words and conspiracies, he creates around himself a protective energy field, through which no negative can pass through. This is protection against bad vibrations.

    What are the miraculous prayers and how to pronounce them?

    Species of faithful prayers

    • Washer-prayer against human envy, anger and ill-advantage.
    • Protective to prevent conflicts, diseases and poverty.
    • Prayers against damage and evil eye, for children.
    • Daily conspiracies for all occasions from all problems and adversity.
    • From evil intent, curse or black magic.

    There are protective prayers that can and need to read daily, and there are also those that should be pronounced in specific cases.

    The strength of prayer also depends on the mindset in which it is pronounced. It is necessary to completely concentrate on words and read them with faith and sincerity.

    Magic words

    If there is a need for protection against magical influence or an evil person, there is a good way, the action of which lasts for a long time. Wubble-prayer is not simple words uttered unconsciously. This is a whole set of actions that a person can protect himself and its loved ones from all adversity and misfortune. He can get rid of families in family life, at work, health and in other areas of life.

    Strong prayer-charm

    Prayer words need to be made at least once a month. Prayer will be more effective if reading it when lit church Candle. More will need holy water, paper and pen. Especially favorably read on the growing moon. On paper, you can write everything you are afraid, such as divorce, diseases or problems at work. Only formulate fears are necessary clearly, so the power of prayer will only grow. Then the sheet must be sprinkled with holy water and set fire. While paper burns, it is necessary to read the following phrases: "All serious problems I burn. From myself I am assumed. Let them take their dense forests, deep and wood bark reservoirs. Let me send all the bitter misfortunes and life problems. From the bad evil eye, from unkind people, from evil sorcerers and witches. Prayer to the Lord will be my defense, water and fire will clean my fate and strengthen protection. From any evil, the slave of God (name) is free, from all the uncleans got rid of and all sorts of misfortunes drove away, it will be exactly that way and in any way. Amen".

    Charging prayer is read three times. After the leaf of the dog, the ashes from him should be dispelled in the wind, saying the following words: "I blow all the misfortunes, let them leave me today in the future!". Candles after the ritual must be paid off and do not use them more.

    Wintering prayer of the Mother of God

    Prayer-guard from the evil eye and damage is read early in the morning. "I appeal to you, the Most Holy Mother of God! For help to you and support! As a son of his, the Lord of our Jesus Christ, you guarded from the evil of anyone, so I will save me, the slave of God (name) from the evil intent, people of bad and evil eye, from black magic and words curses. I appeal to you with Moloto and repentance. Save me from any evil, soul and body clean Save! Thank you for help and support. Always I speak your name. Amen!" Wubble-prayer is read seven times. After that, it is necessary to wash with the words: "Everything is wetted with me, water is strengthened with water."

    Prayers from the evil eye Orthodox

    Any negative impact from outside can be neutralized by Christian prayers. For example, it is very effective that the wubble prayer "Our Father" is considered. Of course, it is better to worry about your safety in advance and read prayers daily. Dark forces will be difficult to penetrate your life. But if there is already a damage already, there are certain conspiracies here, and it is necessary to clearly realize what words to pronounce, what time and in the same place. Prayer prayers are real magical conspiracies with creative energy. The Orthodox Church advises to read the Christian prayers every day to all saints.

    Ritual from damage

    In order to spend the ritual correctly, it is necessary to gain spring water. The vessel with water must be crossed and pronounce the prayer: "Forgive me, Lord, and Homes." Then, in a cup with water, you must put three pieces of coal and read a plot: "The Most Holy Mother of God climbed the water, took her and baptized, she saved from evil fate. All tests are men's and female, for girls and drains lessons are rewritten, everyone is provided, all are eaten. There is no evil rock, do not live in the body of the slave of God (name), blood does not spoil and heart do not torment. In the glory of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After reading, it is necessary to monitor well-being. If the condition worsened, overcomes drowsiness, envelops weakness and malaise - this means that the negative leaves your body. In this case, it is necessary to wash the face of holy water. But if you did not feel at all, it means that there are no damages, and the reasons for concerns need to look for not in magic.

    Prayer on the road

    Especially in the defense of the Lord, those who are going on the far path are needed. Any trouble may occur on the road, and to prevent it, you should contact the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is considered the patron of travelers with humility. Prayer-charm on the road sounds as follows:

    "Oh, Saint Nicholas Wonderworker, hear our prayer,

    Ask about us (names) from the Lord God of our, to forgive us all the sins,

    It was indulgent to us and did not shed his anger to us.

    Get rid of us from trouble on the road,

    Let me not drown in the bunch of sins.

    Moths of God about us, Saint Nicholas,

    For the life of our peaceful and for saving our souls. Amen".

    Archangel Mikhail - Defender of the Righteous

    The great defender Archangel Mikhail gained huge glory and respect in many religions. This is the first angel, designed by the Lord himself to fight evil and negative. Mikhail Arkhangel's prayer is the strongest defense and charm - is inscribed in the miracle monastery in the Kremlin. Everyone who in this place turns to St. Michael, will definitely be defended and its patronage. It is this prayer that is recommended to read in danger, even if it has not come yet.

    Ancient prayer to St. Michael

    The prayer itself has a kind of preface, which says that everyone who will repeat it will get rid of the devilish influence, damage, envy of others. And even when a person leaves this world, then his soul will not go to hell. The text of the prayer itself sounds as follows:

    "Lord Jesus Christ came to your servant - Angela Mikhail on an ambulance help to your challenge (name), save from all visible and secret enemies! About Defender, Archangel Mikhail, Demoral Shredder, eliminate all unkilled people who are fighting with me, eating them, like sheep, and twisted them in the wind. Oh, the great Lord, the Archangel Heavenly Mikhail, the first intercessor and the governor of all heavenly forces! Woofs in me, sinful, great intercession and assistant in troubles and mourn, resentment and sorrows, on deserted land and the rivers of deep, seas and oceans are quiet refuge. Get rid of me, about the great Archangel Mikhail, from all the twin, hear me, a sinful slave (name), with a prayer in you with a fallen and writing your name, come to me for help and hear a humble prayer for me. The victims of the Mother of God's life-giving and the intercessious prayers of the Most Holy Virgin of the Virgin, the assistant of Our Most Holy Virgin, the prophets and the apostles, in the name of St. Nicholas, the Miracle, St. Andrey, Nicholas, all the greatest martyrs and the Divine Forces, and the Divine Forces. Oh, Holy Angel Mikhail! Help me, the slave of your sinful (name), save me from shocks, flooding and burning fire, sustainable death and other evil, from the people and the lucavism. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

    Fruits prayer

    This prayer is able to ensure reliable protection that is praying and all close to all. Read it better every day at any time.

    A person who treats this prayer to Archangel Mikhail is always under the patronage of the saint. No evil, disasters, enemies, witchcraft and temptation, and even the flour of hell are not able to cause concern to the prayer. Sincere prayer will always be heard.

    Some people do not know how to pray to Orthodox texts. In this case, you can call the saints in your own words, outgoing from the depths of the heart.

    For example, you can say: "Hear my humble request, help and implicit about me or for my loved ones!". This phrase is a faith. But it is better that these short words are primarily addressed to St. Michael.

    You can also pray for your own words any day and at any time. After this appeal, it is not forbidden to voice any specific request - to call what exactly you need the help of St. Michael Archangel.

    Who can handle prayers for holy?

    To cry for holy personalities can every person (even an avid atheist). For Archangel, Mikhail is no meaning who is drawn to it, what sex, nationality and religion. In a difficult moment, he always comes to the rescue and supports.

    Strong prayer-charm to all saints has enormous power. It is capable of protecting not only from external enemies and troubles, but also from internal disorders, for example, from confusion, despondency, grief, confusion of thoughts.

    Often with requests for protection for holy personalities are treated in fear, natural disasters, anxieties, doubts, in troubles. These are strong conspiracies from damage, evil people, wars and death.

    The Lord hears all the souls entering him. The main condition is the sincerity of the request and faith in what you will definitely help. And even no matter what words do you pronounce read or your own, invented. Sometimes a prayer in his own words, which comes from the depths of the soul, has a greater effect, rather than phrases from prayer-reading mechanically read.