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Whom to pray for alcoholism. The miraculous power of prayer for alcohol addiction. Turning to the shining face of our Lord Jesus Christ

Surely every mother does not want her son to suffer from alcoholism, which slowly kills a person and makes her useless for society. It is especially necessary to quickly resort to the fight against alcoholism when a person does not see himself from the outside and does not want to part with his addiction, which pulls the alcoholic to the bottom, and also kills vital interest and goals.

If the son has problems with alcohol, it is recommended to seek help from modern methods of getting rid of such a disease, and since today folk treatment widely known for the prevention of alcoholism, many mothers turn to him for help. Prayers from the son's drunkenness allow the alcoholic to get rid of the drunkenness, as well as return a full life.

How Prayer Can Help Fight Alcoholism

To begin with, it is important to understand that the whole family suffers from the son's hobby - this is especially reflected in the mother. To cure alcoholism in a person is not only difficult, but sometimes even impossible. And even if a man realized that his habit has a negative impact on his health, having performed medical treatment or visiting a psychologist, there is a great chance that the disease will return again. That is why, when fighting alcoholism, it is important to give preference to such methods that can work miracles, as well as "contain" faith and hope for a brighter future.

A mother's prayer against her son's drunkenness is one of the few solutions that will help get rid of bad habit, because in this case she will ask for help from God and the saints, which leads to a lasting result of the treatment.

However, when reading a prayer for alcoholism, a mother should remember that the main requirement of such treatment is her sincerity, purity of faith and complete confidence for her son that he will be better off as alcoholism ends. In this case, the prayer will be taken into account by the saints and fulfilled by them in the shortest possible time.

Strong prayer from the drunkenness of his son will help overcome alcoholism even for a person who does not believe in the help of the church. How does the treatment take place?

First of all, reading a prayer is endowed with a strong psychosomatic effect - this means that the alcoholic begins to feel support. loved one and he wants to quickly get rid of alcoholism. At the same time, he becomes more courageous, decisive and spiritually strong.

Attention: drinking alcohol in the modern world is considered a great sin for any person, therefore, getting rid of this bad habit, you will also be able to "cleanse" before God.

If the son is not going to fight alcoholism on his own, strong prayer, which should be recited by the mother in strict observance of church laws, can help him in this.

Prayer to the Icon Inexhaustible Chalice

The Inexhaustible Chalice is considered one of the most powerful icons of the Mother of God, which allows you to overcome addiction. Today there is a lot of evidence that she helped even the most inveterate alcoholics to quit drinking. A mother can pray for her son in church or at home on the face of the mother of God.

A legend is already known about such a prayer - a man who drank heavily dreamed of an angel who ordered him to come to the monastery and ask for help from the Mother of God and her icon. The alcoholic disobeyed the angel. Then he dreamed again, but the drunkard again ignored this dream. After that, the person became so bad that he could not walk - then he had to crawl to church. There he asked to be shown where this icon was - but it was not in the church. Later, the employees recalled that they saw her in the basement, from where the icon was brought and the alcoholic asked her for help in the fight against alcoholism.

This powerful ritual helped the man to overcome the addiction very quickly - after a couple of weeks the alcoholic felt a surge of strength and vigor, and forgot about the drunken states.

Over time, such an icon disappeared, but after a while it was restored so that people would pray for it in the fight against alcoholism. This is especially true for mothers, for whom the icon of the Mother of God will certainly help to overcome the addiction of their son.

It is important to read the prayer according to the following rules:

  • read the conspiracy at home or in the church 2 times;
  • for the ritual to help, it must be pronounced for 40 days;
  • if the mother wants her son not to drink, it is recommended to read the prayer at home as follows: put the icon in a conspicuous place, and next to it place a hot candle and a bowl of water (if desired, the image of God and Nicholas the Wonderworker is placed around the Inexhaustible Chalice icon) ...

As soon as the prayer is read, the blessed water should be given to the alcoholic to quickly get rid of addiction.

Who else can you ask for help

One of the most powerful prayers is an appeal to three saints at once: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matronushka and Jesus Christ. While reading this conspiracy, a praying mother is waiting for the observance of certain rules - otherwise he will not be able to help overcome addiction.

The prayer to Matrona, Jesus Christ and Nicholas the Wonderworker is read at home according to the following rules:

  • it is important to recite a prayer by heart;
  • the mother needs to take all the "consequences" of the treatment on herself and say that her child will no longer drink alcohol;
  • while reading, it is important to know exactly what to talk about, as well as to be confident in your words - at the same time, the son should be presented as a completely healed and successful person;
  • before reading, it is worth visiting the temple and repenting of all the sins committed by the son;
  • Before reading the conspiracy, it is important to place the icons with each other, and place a vessel with water between them, which after the ritual must be given to the son with the words "accept for your speedy cure."

You can also address these saints one by one. Then the effect of the treatment will be just as strong, especially if the woman takes into account all the "requirements" for reading this or that conspiracy.

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A person suffering from alcoholism poisons not only his life, but also the existence of the people around him, relatives and friends. And if many friends and acquaintances turn away from such a person, then the mother will never leave her son and will do everything to help him on the way to get rid of his addiction. Of course, it is much easier to help a person recover from alcohol addiction, if he himself wants to. But what about mothers whose sons have not yet come to understand how their addiction damages life and health? In this situation, she can only believe in miracles. And not in vain, because there are cases when the mother's prayer for drinking son, helped to relieve him of alcohol addiction.

The power of prayer

Often life difficulties, problems, misunderstanding and lack of self-realization pushes even quite strong man on the path of an alcoholic. It is especially difficult for parents to contemplate how their beloved child breaks his life and health. Because of alcohol, families collapse, crimes are committed, body and soul suffer.

Important: it is important for a mother to understand that alcoholism is a disease from which no one is immune. And her son is no worse than other people. It is only important to help him in time.

In order for his son to stop drinking, he needs your all-round help. First of all, he needs to show that he is not alone and can always count on the help and support of loved ones. It would be nice to introduce him to the church, because it has been proven more than once that this really helps in overcoming the harmful cravings. However, even if your son does not want to get rid of alcohol addiction yet, you yourself can start helping him through prayer.

The Son's Conversion to God

The main condition for prayer is the sincerity of your faith. You yourself must believe that the Lord is able to help you in this matter. It is your faith and mental attitude that will help your son resist the temptation and cope with any difficulties.

It is very good if you can persuade your son to go to church and repent of the sin of drunkenness. It is also important that the son does the following:

  • He defended the entire service prayer. It would be nice to visit the prayer service of All Saints at least three times.
  • Father's blessing will be very helpful.
  • Then the son must undergo a forty-day fast, which will purify the soul and body.
  • During Lent, every day you should turn with prayers to the Inexhaustible Chalice icon. At this time, you need to drink holy water.
  • If there is a strong craving for alcohol, then you need to drink this water and pray.

Mother's prayers

In order for the mother's prayer, when the son is drinking, to be effective, it must begin with Our Father. Moreover, you need to read this prayer three times before starting any other prayer. You should also consider the following guidelines:

  • It is important to accept the fact that your son is an alcoholic and not blame him, yourself, or anyone else for what happened.
  • Try to attend church as often as possible.
  • You can pray at home or right in the church. But in the latter case, the effect will be much greater.
  • If you pray at home, then nothing should distract you from this process.
  • It is better to memorize the text of the prayer, so you can better concentrate and will not be distracted by reading.
  • Try to imagine as best and vividly as possible the image of a son who has got rid of alcohol addiction.
  • Your appeal to God should be simple and straightforward.
  • If you are unbaptized, then it is better to pass this rite as soon as possible in the Orthodox Church.
  • Since alcoholism has a bad effect on the health of any person, it is additionally worth ordering a prayer for health in the church.

Most effective prayers with alcoholism, the son reads about the following icons:

  1. Since ancient times, it has been believed that the most effective prayer for getting rid of alcoholism is read in front of an icon called the Inexhaustible Chalice. It is in this image that many alcoholics and their relatives pray daily for deliverance from a pernicious disease. You can turn to the Mother of God at home or in a church. It is believed that Mother will help if you ask with all your heart and deep faith in an early deliverance from alcoholism.
  2. You can also turn to the great martyr Saint Boniface for help. This holy martyr himself once suffered from alcoholism, but he was able to be healed with the help of prayer. After healing, he began to treat people suffering from similar addiction.
  3. An appeal to Moses Murin can be no less effective. Prayers in his image also help in getting rid of alcohol addiction.

The most effective prayers

As mentioned above, it is best to pray in front of an icon called the Inexhaustible Cup. The text of the prayer is as follows:

  • “Bring back this day as a stream to the Perfect and Divine image Blessed Virgin, which fills the hearts of believers with the inexhaustible heavenly cup of His mercy and people who believe in Her, showing miracles. All of us believers, hearing and seeing spiritually celebrate and sincerely ask: Merciful to the Lady, heal our passions and ailments, pray Thy Son, our Christ God, to save our souls and my son (name). "

No less effective will be a prayer to the main helper of people suffering from alcohol addiction - Saint Boniface. Before starting to read the prayer, the mother is advised to go to the priest and ask him to bless her son. As a rule, to get a visible result, the prayer must be read daily for 40 days. In especially difficult cases, the saint must be addressed for forty weeks. The prayer sounds like this:

  • “Oh, Saint Bonifatius, servant of the merciful Lord God! Hear those who turn to you, suffering from a destructive craving for wine drinking, and, as throughout your life on earth, you have never refused to help those who ask, so now save the unfortunate (son's name). Once upon a time, God-wise father, when the hail destroyed your vineyard, you, thanking God, ordered those clusters that were preserved to process and call the beggars. After that, you ordered the new wine to be poured dropwise into different vessels and, having prayed, performed a miracle: the wine multiplied in all the vessels, and the poor were able to fill their vessels. Oh, God's saint! As once the wine, through your prayer, multiplied for the good of the church and the poor, so now let it decrease where it does harm, relieve you of the addiction of wine drinking (son's name). Heal him from a serious illness, deliver him from demonic temptation, strengthen his weak and infirm, give strength and strength to endure this temptation, bring him back to sober and healthy life... Guide him on the righteous path of work, put in him the desire for spiritual vigor and a sober life. Help him, God's saint Bonifatius, when the thirst for alcohol will eat him, destroy this addiction, which entails excommunication from the Kingdom of Heaven. May piety be established in the eternal radiance of the infinite Kingdom and worthily glorify our Lord with His Father and His Life-giving Holy Spirit. Amen".

In prayers to Matrona, believers turn to various requests for help, including the problems of getting rid of alcohol addiction. To save her son from drunkenness, the mother needs to read the following prayer:

  • “Oh, mother Matrona, Blessed and holy, hear and accept me, a sinner, praying to you, accustomed to receive and listen to all grieving and suffering throughout my life, I resort to your help and intercession with hope and faith, ambulance and giving healing to all. May your mercy for us, rushing about in the bustle of the world, not become scarce even now. Heal the illnesses of my son (name) and deliver him from mental grief and bodily illness, deliver him from the torment and temptations of the devil and the addiction to wine. Help the son (name) to endure all the hardships of life without the help of a harmful drink and keep aversion to wine drinking until the end of his days. Amen".

Other effective prayers

There are many other equally effective prayers that, when repeated many times, give good effect... Here is one of them:

  • “Heavenly Father, Lord, I will forgive you for help in my grief, my son (indicate his name) is drinking. I feel the need for repentance for those sins of mine, voluntary and involuntary, in the past or in this life, which led, indirectly or directly, to the emergence of addiction in my son (name). Lord have mercy (repeat 33 times). Have mercy on me, Lord, for the words and thoughts, actions and inaction in relation to the father of my son (indicate the name), myself and the son, which were associated with rejection, condemnation, grief, accusation and other negative emotions and feelings. I understand that they had a destructive effect on my son (name), his father and me. Lord have mercy (repeat 33 times). Heavenly Father, All-Forgiving and All-Loving, Creator of all that exists on earth and heaven, bless me for my awareness and repentance sent by You, Lord. To gain me motherly wisdom of the heart in manifestation and expression true love to the son (indicate the name) through words, thoughts and actions that are directed to him, so that he stops drinking alcoholic drinks, so that his craving for them completely disappears, so that my son finds my meaning in life and understands its value. God bless (repeat 9 times). Lord, I will forgive you with all my heart and mother's soul, direct all the thoughts, deeds and feelings of my son (name) to changes inside and out, which will lead to a complete rejection of alcohol, purification of his spirit and body for the joy and good of him and my mother hearts. To the glory of Your Power and Love, Lord, amen. "

After reading such prayers, one can expect that the son's craving for alcoholic beverages will weaken, and he will return to a healthy life. However, he will still need your help, attention and care in difficult times to protect him from relapse.

A person suffering from alcohol addiction completely loses any interest in life. The urge to drink becomes his daily goal. And it is in vain to talk about the weakness of the alcoholic. He shows a truly titanic effort and various tricks to get himself a drink.
Especially in this case, close and dear people suffer. What methods and methods they just do not resort to, what miracles they cannot believe.

The miraculous power of prayer for alcohol addiction

Many people believe that. And so often it happens, especially if you yourself are strong drinking man realizes his dependence and turns to the Lord God. But close people should turn to God's help in another case. When an alcoholic does not want to be treated and does not want to recognize himself as an alcoholic. In such a difficult situation, the only thing left is to turn to healing faith and start praying with faith in your soul.

What is the right way to pray?

The main condition for turning to God is your faith. It is your spirit and faith that can cope with various difficulties and can help you resist temptations. It is important to pray with great sincerity. Before praying, you must repent of your sins. Especially in the sin of drunkenness. It is important to persuade the drinking person to defend the service prayer of all Saints. Father recommends doing this three times.

It is necessary to receive a blessing from the priest. Then you need to go through a forty-day cleansing fast. Fasting helps to cleanse not only physically, but also spiritually. During Lent, it is imperative to appeal to the Inexhaustible Chalice icon with a prayer every day for help. Together with this appeal, it is necessary to consume water consecrated in the church. Store this water in glass jar with a closing lid. This water can even be diluted. If you have a strong desire to drink, you need to take a few sips of holy water and pray ..

Prayers for drunkenness

The most important prayer is Our Father, it must be read before every other prayer. And preferably three times. The main effective prayers are;

  • They say that prayer in front of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon is especially helpful. It is at her place that most people pray with tears in their eyes for the salvation of their relatives from drunkenness. You can turn to the Mother of God with prayer not only in church, but also at home. It is only important that this be done with a soul and deep faith in healing.
  • An appeal for help to the holy martyr Boniface. This great martyr at one time himself suffered from alcohol addiction, but he was healed. And after that he began to treat other addicted sufferers.
  • An appeal to Moses Murin is also effective and can help in the fight against a terrible ailment.

For any mother, alcoholism in her children is a terrible disaster, leading to despair. Sometimes the only way not to lose heart is the opportunity to turn to God. Before you start praying, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic church commandments. Which are very helpful.

  • It is important to assess and realize the full severity of the situation. Recognize alcohol addiction.
  • Set a goal - to get rid of addiction and call on the Lord God for help.
  • It is important to immediately strive for the goal and not postpone giving up alcohol the next day.
  • You need to constantly control your desires and not give yourself indulgences.
  • In the event of a breakdown, do not fall into despair, you must continue to believe.
  • In no case do not succumb to idleness. Every minute of the day should be occupied with useful things. There should be no free time at all.
  • It is important to visit church often and constantly seek help from God.

Now many people turn to the church when no one can help them. At many churches, specialized centers are being created where they provide assistance to people with alcoholism. There can be applied and different ways treatment. But the main methods are daily prayers and labor.

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    A strong prayer from the drunkenness of his son is a prayer to the Holy Martyr Boniface.

    Prayer to the Holy Martyr Boniface
    “Oh, holy and long-suffering martyr Boniface. We resort to your intercession. Hear us graciously and do not reject our prayers. Heal our son (name), possessed by the grave illness of drunkenness, for the sake of your mother, the Church of Christ. Oh martyr of Christ, touch his heart By God's grace... Lead from sinful falls to saving abstinence. Pray the Lord God not to turn away from us, and will strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. May he help those who are sober with his right hand. Prima, the intercessor of God, prayers of mothers, for their children. And this cry will come with your prayers to the throne of the Most High. Save us from the evil one and the wiles of the enemy. In the hour of our departure, do not leave us. And the mercy of God will cover us forever and ever. Amen".

    There are other prayers from the drunkenness of the son. This is a prayer to John of Kronstadt, a prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ, an appeal to the martyrs Frol and Laurus, as well as an appeal to Moses Murin.

    Prayer for mother's drunkenness

    To help their mother, they often pray to Matrona of Moscow and the Inexhaustible Chalice icon. This icon of the Mother of God has long been recognized as miraculous. She is said to have freed many from addictions. The icon of the Mother of God is found in almost every temple and church. This icon depicts an infant with the Mother of God and a cup of Communion. This cup quenches spiritual thirst and gives people joy and comfort. However, it is not enough, just to order a prayer service with an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos. A baptized person needs to repent of his sins, that is, to confess and receive communion.

    If the mother is sick with alcoholism and does not want to be treated, then you need to pray for her and light candles. The main thing is to sincerely believe in God's help. Prayer to the Inexhaustible Chalice icon is considered the most effective.

    If your mother drinks, it is necessary to pray for her, but you must not forget about yourself and become discouraged. You need to find the remaining strength in yourself and arrange your life. If you are looking for information on how to help a drinking mother, then you have these forces and core. It is important to show your children by example how to live and how not to lose heart.

    Alcoholism is a common problem modern society that people suffer from of different ages... A person with such an addiction does not control his actions, which sometimes leads to tragic consequences. It is especially scary for parents when their children suffer from alcoholism. Since ancient times, mothers have used their son from drunkenness, saving their child from mortal addiction. To date, several texts are known that help in such a situation. It is necessary to read them with pure thoughts and unshakable faith in the result.

    It is important that the drinker attends the prayer service for All Saints three times. An alcoholic must receive a blessing from the priest and pass a fast, which lasts 40 days, which cleanses the body and soul. Every day during Lent one should pray near the Inexhaustible Chalice icon and drink sacred water, which can be collected in the church and stored in a glass container with a lid. If there is a desire to drink alcohol, it is necessary to drink holy water and pray.

    Strong prayer from drunkenness son

    It is the deepest faith that is the very lifeline that will allow you to cope with the problem and find a way out of the trap called "alcoholism". It is worth noting that if a person with an addiction does not want to pray on their own, close relatives can do it for him. A sincere request will certainly be heard by the Lord. The prayer sounds like this:

    “Save, Lord, and have mercy on Thy servants (name) with the words of Thy Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of Thy servants (name). The thorns of all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, have fallen, O Lord, and may your grace dwell in them, enlightening, scorching, cleansing the whole person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Prayer to Boniface from drunkenness

    Saint Boniface is the main helper of people who suffer from. Before reading a prayer, it is recommended to go to church and ask the priest for the blessing of your son. To get the desired result, you need to read prayers for at least 40 days, but in some cases you will need to contact the saint for 40 weeks, and it sounds like this:

    “Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Vladyka! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to wine drinking, and, just as in your earthly life you have never refused to help those who ask you, so now save these unfortunates (names). Once, God-wise father, hail destroyed your vineyard, but after giving thanks to God, you ordered the few remaining grapes to be put in the winepress and take the beggars. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God fulfilling the prayer of the merciful performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. Oh, to the saint of God! As through your prayer wine has multiplied for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed one, now reduce it where it does harm, relieve those who indulge in the shameful passion of drinking wine (names) from addiction to it, heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength for the good to hastily endure this temptation, return them to a healthy and sober life, direct them to the path of work, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, saint of God Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their throats, destroy their harmful desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, set their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving behind their soul-harmful addiction, entailing excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they, having established themselves in piety, were rewarded with a shameful peaceful end and in the eternal light of the infinite Kingdom of Glory they worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Originless Father and with His Most Holy and Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

    Prayer to Matrona from the drunkenness of her son

    The believers turn to this saint with various problems, including asking her to help get rid of alcohol addiction. To do this, you must read the following prayer:

    “O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept now us, sinners, praying to you, accustomed in all your life to accept and listen to all those who are suffering and grieving, with faith and hope to your intercession and help who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to all; May your mercy to us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere find solace and compassion in the sorrows of the soul and help in bodily illnesses, also not fail now: heal our diseases, save from the temptations and torment of the devil, who is passionately at war, help bring your life Cross, bear all the burdens of life and not lose the image of God in it, preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after our departure from this life, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all who have pleased God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

    Prayer to the Mother of God from the illness of drunkenness

    The most powerful icon that helps to cope with alcoholism is the face of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Cup". The icon depicts the Mother of God with raised hands, and in front of her is a bowl in which the Infant God is located. The prayer sounds like this:

    “Today, by a stream of faithfulness to the Divine and wonderful image of the Most Holy Mother of God, who gives to the faithful hearts the heavenly inexhaustible cup of Her mercy and shows miracles to the faithful. Even we see and hear spiritually celebrate and warmly cry out: Gracious Lady, heal our ailments and passions, praying to Thy Son, Christ our God, to save our souls. "

    Prayer from drunkenness is the only salvation for a person who suffers from this ailment... Nowadays, many families suffer from terrorism, the nagging of a drinker who lives with them under the same roof. To endure this, you need to have a lot of strength and health or be a person indifferent to the world around you and what is happening. Everyone who has encountered alcoholism wants to help a drinking person, to save a husband, son, daughter or mother. Such a desire is very justified, because dependence on alcohol must be eradicated not only from the body, it is necessary to heal the soul of the patient.

    Alcohol addiction is a disease

    According to statistics, not a single drinker has yet admitted that he is an alcoholic. Usually such people say that they can quit drinking at any time, this is just a way to realize themselves in life, to prove their worth, a great pastime with the same friends. But is it really so?

    In our country, there are a handful of non-drinking people who do not even touch alcoholic beverages and can safely sit in the company of drinking friends. And then, one of them by nature does not like alcohol, others have undergone appropriate treatment. Thanks to own strength Will and self-control, they look at alcoholic beverages with disgust.

    But, that part of humanity that stayed at least sometimes, but drinks. Agree, they are forced to do this by the events themselves, then someone has a birthday, wedding, another celebration, some just want to relax at the end of the working week and drink with employees at work or go with friends to a beer bar. As for me, there is nothing wrong with this, if a person does not abuse alcohol, does not come home late at night, picking up all relatives from bed, gets up in the morning and calmly, without another dose, begins to do his usual work.

    True, which drinker will agree to treatment, most likely, if this happens, then such a case will be an exception. In order for an alcoholic to voluntarily agree to treatment, a long way of working with him is needed, various consultations in rehabilitation centers, pleading with relatives, a sea of ​​tears. But even this does not guarantee that he will not return to his old habits after treatment. Do not despair there is one valid way that, thanks to your efforts and perseverance, will help an alcohol addict forget about alcohol for life.

    Prayer for alcoholism is the only, surest way that will help you get rid of addiction, save your husband or son. People who resorted to him say that miraculous prayers, sincere faith in God's power and help saved souls drowning in alcohol more than once, cleansed, made them bright and pure.

    If you want to save the lost soul of your husband, son or other person close to you, lost in sin, sincerely believe in the power of God and pray, pray with your last strength, without feeling tired. The Almighty will hear your prayers, he will certainly open doors for you, listen and help. The main thing is, do not give up, do not stop hoping and sooner or later your prayers will be answered, you will be rewarded for your patience, faith and perseverance.

    The power of prayer

    It is not for nothing that the people compare alcohol dependence with a snake temptation. Indeed, even in the Bible, the serpent is mentioned as a tempter who, with his cunning, lured the first people and forced them to commit sin, today all mankind is paying for him. If you look around you, you can easily see people who have fallen under the power of the tempting serpent, who are drowning in sins, and one of them is alcohol. The serpent does not stop there, it conquers in all sorts of ways, seduces all new and pure souls.

    But you can defeat the snake, it is not omnipotent, because it was created by God, and will perish from his hand. Therefore, turning to the Almighty for help, we, in this way, by his hand and strength will defeat the tempting snake that has taken possession of the soul and thoughts of an alcoholic.

    A person, using alcohol, loses his essence, becomes aggressive, impudent, rude, like a cattle, it seems that everything human that once was in him has long been drunk.

    But, this is not so, the spark of humanity does not disappear, if you turn to God in time, pray for the drinker sincerely, especially in front of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon, then the spark may turn into a huge flame. At first glance, a long-lost alcoholic will become ideal husband, who will help to cope with the disease, the same sick as he once was.

    If your husband or loved one has faith in God, ask him to pray for his own recovery. Only a strong faith in healing, your immediate help and the Almighty are able to work miracles.

    Alcoholism destroys the mind, blinds the human soul, drains the body. Orthodox Christians truly believe, often ask for help from the Mother of God, her icon called the Inexhaustible Chalice has miraculous power. Many mothers and wives who washed her with tears became convinced of her strength and help themselves.

    Miraculous icon

    In churches Temples of God there are many miraculous icons in front of which the suffering ones pray and ask for help. No icon has yet been washed with such bitter tears as the Inexhaustible Chalice. Probably, this is because alcoholism in our country affects people unusually quickly, acts like a virus or pathogenic bacteria.

    In front of the icon people are praying for the healing of the soul and body, people who want to help drinking relatives and friends from alcohol addiction. Many icons are decorated with the image of the Virgin with the Divine Child in her arms. The Inexhaustible Chalice is different in that it depicts Mother of God with outstretched hands over the bowl with the Divine baby. The vessel is the Chalice of the Lord's Communion, which gives joy, consolation to mankind, fills them with vital and spiritual forces.

    History of the icon

    O miraculous icon Humanity learned the Inexhaustible Cup in 1978 from the birth of Christ. At that time, one soldier, who was like a peasant family, began to drink heavily after the end of the service. Yes, he became addicted to alcohol so that soon his legs gave up, he could not move freely only on all fours. One night, when he was fast asleep, in a dream the holy schema-monk appeared to him, who told him that the Inexhaustible Chalice icon was in the holy monastery in Serpukhov. He told the servant to go to the monastery, find the icon there and ordered the Divine Service in front of her face. Thus, he will be healed of drunkenness and his illness. The soldier was very frightened and did not believe the schema, and he was afraid of the long journey, which he would not master with his sore legs. But the elder did not retreat and appeared to the serviceman a second, and then a third time, strictly ordering him to step into the indicated holy place.

    The soldier had no choice but to obey, and he went in search of the monastery and the icon, which the monks found with difficulty and agreed to serve a prayer service in front of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon. Upon its completion, the serviceman felt a great relief, the passion for alcohol passed, he got to his feet and walked, completely healed from a serious illness. A miracle happened in front of all the inhabitants of the monastery, who spread the glory of the icon all over the world.

    Since then, wives wishing to save their husbands, mothers of sons come to the Inexhaustible Chalice icon and ask for help, washing it with tireless tears.

    How to pray correctly

    You decided to fight alcohol addiction, help your loved one, then you must turn to God. And not only the wife should pray for her husband, or the mother for the son, the daughter for the mother, it is better if the whole family will say the prayer. It is desirable that all family members go to church and order the Divine Service in front of the Inexhaustible Chalice icon with consecration of water.

    The water that will be consecrated must be taken home and given to drink to the patient with alcoholism. Turn to God with all sincerity, an open soul, prayer and water will surely help you heal. If the patient wants to drink, but is not at hand consecrated water, then he must say three times, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner. After the words are spoken, the desire will pass. It will also be helpful for the patient to read the Gospel every day, at least one chapter a day.

    In addition to prayers in front of the icon, the Inexhaustible Chalice is also read in front of the faces of other saints. The face of the Savior, the akathists in front of the icon of the Martyr Boniface, the icon of the Monk Moses Murin, the icon of St. John of Kronstadt, prayers to the healer of the Caves, Saint Hypatius, will help.

    Anyone who wants to get rid of the addiction to alcohol should regularly attend church liturgies, pray on a rosary, confess, read the Psalter, Scriptures, stick to fasting.