Repair Design Furniture

We choose a double boiler to be always healthy and enjoy life. How to choose a steamer? Steamer rating and customer reviews

Rostislav Kuzmin

Good afternoon, dear readers. Steamed dishes are particularly healthy and delicious. This kind of food is great for baby food, the diet of pregnant women, the elderly and people who care about their health. And it will help you in preparing healthy culinary products with a double boiler. In today's article I will try to figure out how to choose a steamer, what it is, what are its functions and design features.

The most indispensable kitchen unit in which you can simultaneously cook several low-fat, low-calorie dishes (meat, vegetables, desserts) is a double boiler. It is easy to use and easy to clean, therefore it is in great demand among people who value healthy, tasty food.

The most frequently asked question I hear is help me choose a quality and inexpensive steamer for home use.

Here you need to understand that the functionality, performance and cost of the device directly depends on its parameters and power, therefore, when choosing a double boiler for your home, you need to pay attention to the following selection criteria:

Following these selection rules, you will always be able to choose the right steamer for home use or as a gift to friends. Going through the parameters of the device, you can choose the most productive, multifunctional or, conversely, a budget unit.

TOP 6 best steamers of 2017

If you care about your health, nutrition, shape and are thinking about buying a steamer, then you need to find out how to choose a high-quality, efficient device that is ready to cook quickly and tasty healthy food... Functional kits modern devices so diverse that it is rather difficult to make a choice. The most common functions include heat support, liquid level indicator, overheating protection, automatic shutdown. The equipment of the kitchen assistants is also different. How not to make a mistake in your choice and not overpay for unnecessary functions?

Especially for you, I made an overview of the most popular among buyers of inexpensive, average models, as well as premium devices. Based on these data, I have selected the most demanded steamers, the rating of the best.

Rating of inexpensive steamers

Not every customer has the opportunity to choose an expensive multifunctional steamer from a leading brand. Surely you are interested in the question whether there are inexpensive, functional and high-quality steamers in our market kitchen appliances?

Of course, there are such, the most popular budget devices include:

Both options are fully consistent with the price-quality parameter, so you should not expect something supernatural from these steamers, although they are quite suitable for rare home use.

The best average steamers

If you are not satisfied with appliances for rare use, and you are looking for an average steamer with a good range of functions, high quality and good appearance, then this rating of units middle category especially for you.

Also good option will become the lineup VITEK trademark, they are relatively inexpensive, aesthetic, functional and roomy. Any of these steamers will become good choice for preparing healthy food for the whole family in good quantities.

Top best premium steamers

If you prefer modern, multifunctional kitchen appliances equipped with various bells and whistles, then the rating of the most popular luxury steamers will help you in the right choice.

These include:

Both models will become irreplaceable helpers in the home kitchen in preparing healthy meals for the whole family.

Regardless of which device you choose, you will purchase good friend guarding your health. If you still have any doubts about the benefits of steaming food, you are welcome. On this positive note, it's time for us to say goodbye. I hope that the rules for choosing and the rating of the best steamers of 2017 will help you decide and make right choice... Subscribe, remain regular readers and invite your friends, I have many more useful information For you.

Thank you for the attention! Until next time on my blog. Best regards, Rostislav Kuzmin.


Today in stores you can see a huge amount of various kitchen appliances. Sometimes choosing exactly what you need becomes an overwhelming task even for the most experienced housewife.

Our article will tell you about such a kitchen assistant as a double boiler. Don't you know what it is yet? Or are you wondering how to choose a steamer? Well, you've definitely come to the right place! We will help you not to make a mistake and buy a unit that will delight you long years and will answer all requests and desires.

Why do you need a double boiler?

Now a huge number of people are paying increased attention to the food they consume. This is very correct. As you know, the most healthy food- this one that is steamed. With this method of processing, all nutrients, minerals and vitamins are preserved in it. When frying and boiling, they are destroyed, and people eventually consume "dead" food. To prevent this from happening, they purchase a double boiler.

Such a kitchen unit is also an excellent household helper. Sterilize the dishes? Please! Defrost food? Not a problem! Reheat cold food? Easily! You see how many functions this real "kitchen treasure" has gathered in itself! It turns out that one device can easily replace the sterilizer and microwave. What else is a steamer good for?

You can cook not one dish in it, but three at once. And in such portions that will be enough for a whole horde of guests. Another plus - in a double boiler, your culinary delights will never burn or become tasteless. And one more thing: to wash this miracle, you do not need to make titanic efforts, as, for example, in the case of a frying pan after frying. If the above reasons convinced you to run to the store tomorrow for a purchase, all that remains is to find out how to choose the right steamer. Let's talk about this.

What kind of food can I cook in a double boiler?

This is a versatile machine in which you can cook almost anything! Fish, meat, cereals and vegetables - the "queen of the kitchen" can easily cope with all this variety. And if you add seasonings to the dish, then it will become even tastier and more aromatic. A huge advantage of the double boiler is that the products cooked in it remain very juicy and tasty, they retain their color and appetizing appearance.

Moreover, there is no need to constantly "be on duty" in the kitchen. This alone is a sufficient reason for purchasing it. And to make cooking also enjoyable, we will tell you which steamer to choose. Reviews of people who, due to their health, are forced to eat only dietary products, confirm that for these purposes the mentioned unit is simply necessary and 100% ideal.

Device device

One of the main advantages of a double boiler is its simplicity. There are no tricky devices here, and even a teenager can deal with it. What does a double boiler consist of? Let's figure it out.

1.Base. This section (the lowest) contains a water tank and a control panel, which can be mechanical or electronic.

2. Steam tanks. There can be several (up to three) or just one. The material for their manufacture is high quality plastic. It is food grade, and therefore does not pose any threat to health. At the bottom of these containers there are holes through which steam enters. The uppermost section is tightly closed with a lid.

3. Pallets. They can also be several (for each container) or one common.

Gas steamer: pros and cons. How to choose a gas steamer?

The simplest steamer is gas. It does not have an electric "filling", and in order to cook food in it, you just need to pour water and put it on gas stove... The question of choice is also pretty simple. Here it is worth paying attention only to the number and volume of bowls, based on the needs of the family. But is it all that great? Let's take a look at the pros and cons.


  • Simplicity.
  • Lifetime. Since there is simply nothing to break in it, it can serve faithfully for many years.
  • Profitability. After all natural gas in our country it is much cheaper than electricity.


  • Requires supervision when preparing food.
  • Insufficient functionality.

Based on this, it becomes clear that a gas steamer has much less capabilities than an electric one, and is often simply not able to compete with it. For this reason, further material will reveal the question of how to choose the right steamer, taking into account only electrical models.

Electronic or mechanical control?

Mechanical control is the simplest. This is its main advantage. You just need to turn the lever to required amount minutes of cooking and the process starts. Steamers with such a panel are the cheapest.

More expensive models have electronic control, their capabilities are much wider. On such a panel, you can turn on the timer, delay the start of the vaporization process, set the required operating mode.

Which steamer to choose (with which control panel) - by and large depends on the desired set of functions and financial capabilities.

Pallet: what exactly to look for?

In order to answer this question, you need to understand: why do you need a pallet in a double boiler? During cooking, it "collects" condensation and juice from the food.

There can be one pallet, then it is installed under the lowest bowl, and juices from all available containers get into it. In this case, a through structure is obtained, and moisture with odors from the upper bowls enters the lower one.

If you want to avoid this, then you should choose a steamer with several trays, that is, they must be installed under each bowl. Then the isolation of each dish is ensured.

If liquid from the bottom pan overflows over the edges, it could damage the unit. Accordingly, the height of its sides should be sufficient, 2-3 cm is a good indicator. You will be able to calmly go about your daily business and not run to the kitchen every 10 minutes.

You should also pay attention to the presence of handles on the pallet. Then it will be almost impossible to get burned.

Now you know how to choose your steamer wisely. It turns out that such an insignificant detail as a pallet should also be treated very carefully.

Steam bowls (baskets): which ones to choose?

First of all, you should pay attention to the number of containers. They, as already announced earlier, can be from one to three. The more people in the family, the more you will need.

In addition, there are different volumes of bowls. It ranges from 1 to 3.5 liters.

An important factor, which, however, not everyone knows about, is the shape of the baskets. The fact is that there are such models of steamers that have different diameter bowls. The lowest is large, the middle is smaller, and the top is the smallest. It is not comfortable. Owners who leave reviews about this type of steamer do not recommend purchasing these models. And the reason for this is simple: different kind products, the cooking time is different.

In the case when food from the lower bowl is already ready, but not from the upper one, you just need to rearrange the baskets in places. As you may have guessed, in the latter type of steamers, this cannot be done precisely because of the design of the containers. Therefore, the shape, size and volume of the bowls must be approached thoroughly and responsibly. Pay attention to the presence of handles for each container. With them, the likelihood of getting burned will be minimized.

Keep Warm - what is it?

Translated from English, keep warm means "keep warm." This is exactly what happens to the contents if the steamer has this function. That is, after the dish is cooked, the unit will not turn off, but will keep the food warm, suitable for consumption. Agree, this is a very nice little thing. Especially in combination with the delayed start function, which will be discussed below.

"Delayed start" - a necessity or a nice bonus?

With this wonderful function, food can cook itself while you are away. You just need to plug the steamer into an outlet, put food into it in advance, pour water and set a delayed cooking timer for the required time. It can be from one to twelve hours. This function is simply necessary for very busy people when, upon returning home, they want to see a ready-made dinner on the table, and not raw semi-finished products.

This nice button on the control panel of your electric "cook" will save a lot of free time, so it is definitely worth remembering about it when asking yourself in the store a question about how to choose a steamer. Customer reviews unanimously confirm this, characterizing the delayed start function only positively.

Quick steam function

In modern steamers with an electronic control panel, you can often find the presence of such a function as "Fast steam". What it is? Why is it needed? And can you do without it? This issue needs to be sorted out. Then you will understand even more clearly how to choose the right steamer and which unit is right for you.

We already know that this kitchen appliance prepares food quite quickly, while preserving them. beneficial features... And with the "Fast Steam" function, dishes on your table will appear 2 times faster and will be even more useful. So the manufacturer says. The principle is simple: the fact is that when you press the corresponding button, the steamer begins to heat up even before the food gets into it. That is, they immediately and immediately find themselves in a "hot bath".

Do you need such a nice little thing? Probably yes, when you are expecting guests, and there is too little time left for cooking.

What are the important little things to pay attention to?

In addition to the functions discussed above, the steamer may have other useful little things... Of course, you can live without them. But they add comfort and thoughtfulness to the cooking process. And this, you see, is always nice. So this:

  • The possibility of adding water during the operation of the unit, thanks to a special hole. That is, you do not have to remove all the bowls of food for this.
  • Steamer water level indicator.
  • Overheat protection.

Power. Which one to choose?

How to choose a steamer for your home? What power should I give preference to the device? This is perhaps one of the most important parameters, because it is no secret that the smaller it is, the slower the food will cook.

In stores you can find very different models, with power from 500 to 2000 watts. There are also those for which this parameter is regulated.

It is not necessary to choose the unit with the highest capacity. In fact, the most important point here is its optimal ratio with the number and volume of baskets. For example, if a steamer has only one 1 liter bowl, then 500 watts will be enough. If there are three bowls, and the volume of each of them is 2.5–3 liters, then, of course, it is better to play it safe and take more power (so as not to bite your elbows later). But, as practice shows, 900 watts is usually enough with your head.

How to choose a steamer for your home? Reviews. Rating of the best models

To date, steam cookers are produced by a huge number of companies. Manufacturers compete with each other to come up with original design, new highlights and features. Sometimes the question "which company to choose a steamer" seems insoluble. To make it easier to find the answer, we present to your attention a table in which the seven most popular models of steamers are presented with a description of their advantages and disadvantages (according to consumers).

Manufacturer, model Price, average value in rubles Model Description Dignity disadvantages
1 Braun, FS20 3800 2 baskets,
mechanical control,
power 850 W
Good quality plastic,
easy to clean
very easy to operate,
the presence of pallets for each bowl,
the set includes bowls for cereals and coloring products
No water level indicator,
high cost in comparison with other models
2 Tefal, VC1014 2350 Large baskets, maximum number of bowls, clever design,
heating function
Lack of complete instructions,
no water filling function
3 Scarlett, SC343 1280 2 baskets, mechanical control, power 850 W Low price, compact,
rarely breaks, easy to clean,
easy to operate
There is no hole for filling water, the plastic is slightly deformed
4 Philips, HD9120 1720 3 baskets, mechanical control, power 900 W Reasonable price, maximum number of bowls, compact, a special bowl for cooking porridge is attached,
there is a function of water topping up,
there is a container for spices
Short cord, noisy
5 Supra, FSS-310 1390 3 baskets, electronic control, power 800 watts Timer availability, low price, overheating protection, delay start function,
easy to clean
No water level indicator, short cord, no display backlight
6 Philips, HD9189 3850 3 baskets, electronic control, power 2000 W Lovely design, spice container,
function of heating and delayed start, convenient water topping up, powerful, folding bowls
No rice bowl
7 Tefal, VS 4003 VitaCuisine Compact 4690 3 baskets, electronic control, power 1800 W Easy to clean, powerful,
odors do not mix, excellent plastic quality
High cost,
no rice bowl, no water filling hole

Now you know how to choose a steamer. This wonderful appliance will make your food tasty and healthy without the hassle! As for the criteria for choosing an ideal unit ... There is no specific answer to this question. Yes, reviews of steamers can clarify and help you choose a reliable manufacturer. But the final set of functions, control system and design can only be chosen by the hostess of the kitchen, knowing the needs and characteristics of her family. It is necessary to evaluate all parameters together in order to find the ideal model for each individual case.

V modern house in some cases, such a thing as a double boiler will be simply irreplaceable. It is a technique that allows you to steam food so that the food is absorbed the best way, the safest for the body. Food from the steamer is indicated for children, pregnant and lactating women, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and just everyone who wants to take care of their health. Food from a steamer is the least heavy for the stomach - it is easily digested, besides, steaming allows you to preserve the maximum amount of useful components in food. Which steamer is the right one to choose for your home?

Before deciding which device is better to buy in a store, you should find out what a steamer is and what are the principles and features of its operation. This technique looks as follows - at the bottom of the device there is a control panel, while in the upper part one or more compartments for cooking food are placed, into which steam enters. The evaporated water envelops the food on all sides, so it cooks evenly and completely without the use of fats. This is both economical and important for people who wish to reduce the amount of fat used in their diet.

For the operation of a double boiler, the main element is water - you must pour liquid into the device from time to time, because without water it is impossible to get steam for cooking.

It is worth noting here that it is better to use special, prepared water in a double boiler. Ideally, this should be a liquid passed through a filter. Otherwise, when using an ordinary tap water, various deposits will settle on the walls of the device. You will have to take them out from time to time. For example, limescale should be removed with a vinegar solution.

Some modern models steamers have a system for cleaning the walls of the appliance. Others boast an alert system that reminds you of the importance of wall cleaning. Be that as it may, the most modern models always have their advantages.

The appearance of a reliable device: what a steamer looks like

What types of steamers are there, and what does a high-quality appliance look like? First of all, steamers are distinguished by a control panel - it can be either mechanical or electronic. The mechanical panel is more reliable and easy to operate, basically you only have to turn one knob, which is responsible for the operating time of the equipment. In the case of an electronic scoreboard, everything is a little more complicated, but you can set more subtle parameters for controlling cooking. This can be a special or even proprietary mode of operation from the manufacturer.

In general, mechanical panels have a number of advantages over electronic ones, for example, they:

  • Easier to operate;
  • More reliable;
  • Cheaper;
  • They break less often.

The second thing you need to know about steamers is the power of the appliance. Everything is simpler here - the larger the steamer, the more baskets it has, the more power it needs. A large steamer for the whole family needs 1200 - 1500 watts. For a small steamer with one basket, 400-600 W is sufficient.

The most interesting review of steamers concerns the number and shape of their baskets. This is the most important nuance that distinguishes this category of technology. The most simple steamers have one or two small baskets. Large steamers can have six or even eight baskets, each of which has a volume of 1-3 liters. Why does a steamer need so many baskets at once? It's simple, in each separate basket you can cook different dishes at the same time. If you want a steamer for a small family, then the two-bowl model will do the trick for most of the tasks.

The most convenient transparent bowl to use, thanks to which you can monitor the readiness of the dish. The second important nuance is whether the bowl is removable; in the best case, you can conveniently remove the bowl and use it as a dish for storing food.

Well, do not forget that the steamer bowl must have a high-quality bottom. The best bottom in this case is from non-stick coating that will last you the longest.

Nuances and selection criteria: how to choose a steamer for home

If you want to make the most balanced choice of a steamer, then you should take into account many parameters, characteristics and nuances.


  • Control;
  • Bowl volume;
  • Availability of indicators;
  • Power;
  • Price.

Let's take a closer look at the nuances of choosing a steamer. So, a test purchase can be made primarily if you are satisfied with the control of the device. It is on him that the convenience of daily use of technology depends. We recommend staying on the mechanical type of control with a timer knob. In this case, to start the operation of the device, it is enough just to turn the knob, setting it for the required period of time. The electronic scoreboard is suitable for those who like to take control of all the nuances of cooking, for example, setting a delayed start mode or heating food after cooking.

As for the volume of the bowls, it all depends on the needs of a particular family. For a large family, it is better to take bowls with a volume of about 2-3 liters, so that a large dish can be prepared in a double boiler for everyone. Pay attention to the shape of the bowls, it is better if they are the same, in this case, you can change the dishes in places right during cooking.

If the dish on the lower pan is already ready, you can remove it and reposition the upper bowl in this place, speeding up the cooking process.

Well, do not forget about water, without which the steamer simply will not work. In order for the device to be in the switched on active state, it is necessary that a heating element was submerged in water. V good models steamers have a water level indicator, thanks to which you do not have to guess how much liquid is left and whether it is enough to complete the cooking. In addition, it is convenient when there is a special hole for adding water to a cooking trip.

A quick overview of the steamers

In general, modern steamers on the market differ in many ways that we discussed above, however, for many of us, it is always the most important moment still is the price. Domestic manufacturers offer equipment at the lowest price, but its durability is always comparable to the cost of the device.

Among good domestic firms, Vitek is worth highlighting, while Philips, Moulinex and Tefal are considered the best imported devices. It is also worth highlighting the company Redmond, without which not a single review of steamers can do without - the models are cheap and quite durable.

Expert's answer: how to choose a steamer (video)

The rules for choosing steamers are not much different from the choice of other household electrical appliances. In addition to the appearance, it is important to consider the ease of use of the model, which is rather difficult to determine at the time of purchase. Having looked at a certain model that is suitable in terms of parameters, it is advisable to find out reviews about it. Choosing a durable and convenient steamer for your home takes a little effort.

The word "steam" is usually associated with a bath or sauna, which are very beneficial to health. An electric steamer can also be called a bath, only not for humans, but for food. There is an undeniable unity between these two baths - they both strengthen human health. If you are a supporter healthy way life, do not forget to go to the bathhouse and be sure to use a double boiler. If you do not have one, then in this article we will tell you how to choose a steamer.

Double boiler. What kind of "beast" is this?

If you have never seen this unit, then you should get to know it before choosing a double boiler. The steamer device is pretty simple. It consists of three parts:

  1. 1 Base. This part of the steamer contains everything electrical components devices. They are necessary for heating water, which is poured into a special container located in the same section of the steamer. Everyone knows that when water boils, steam is released. It is he who is used to prepare food in a double boiler. The steamer is connected to an outlet using a wire with a plug. The steamer can be operated through the control panel located in this part of the steamer.
  2. 2 Steam baskets. Depending on the type of steamer, there can be from one to three baskets. They are made, as a rule, of high quality plastic suitable for food. At the bottom of the baskets there are holes through which steam flows into them. The uppermost basket has a tight lid.
  3. 3 Pallet. A drip tray is needed in a steamer to collect condensation and juice from food that is released during the cooking process. Most steamers have only one pallet for all baskets, but there are also models in which the number of pallets is equal to the number of baskets.

As you can see, there is nothing tricky about the structure of a double boiler. All of them are arranged according to the same principle. Therefore, the choice of a steamer depends primarily on technical characteristics apparatus.

Why do you need a steamer for you?

Surely you have met people more than once whose kitchen is cluttered of various kinds household appliances. At first you think that these people are real chefs, but often it turns out that all the equipment was bought thanks to the consumer boom. Often half of these devices are idle or just very rarely used.

In order not to make such mistakes and not waste money on obviously unnecessary appliances, you need to know why you need this or that household appliance. Of course, explain why you need a vacuum cleaner or Washer pretty simple. But with kitchen appliances, things are much more complicated. It is important to decide specifically which steamer you need to choose, because the steamer must first of all meet all your requirements.

Before we start talking about how to choose a steamer, it is worth considering the main advantages of purchasing this unit. So, the pluses of a double boiler:

  • The steamer will first of all become an indispensable device for people seeking healthy eating... Thanks to the steamer, all vitamins and minerals which are destroyed by cooking or frying. In fact, fried foods are generally not recommended.
  • The steamer is an excellent household helper. Thanks to this unit, you can not only cook tasty and healthy food, but also defrost food. In addition, the steamer is simply irreplaceable for pregnant women and mothers, because for the former, the best food is exactly the one that is steamed, and for the latter, the steamer can serve as a sterilizer for baby bottles and plates.
  • You can also reheat food in a double boiler. In addition, the steamer can cook several dishes at the same time, the number of which depends on the number of steam baskets. Therefore, if you evaluate this technique by the number of baskets, the best steamer will be the one with more baskets. After all, it is not necessary to use all the baskets all the time, but when you need to cook several dishes, a double boiler with several baskets will save you great time when cooking. A great option when you are waiting for guests and you need to cook a lot. Moreover, when cooking several dishes, it is not at all necessary to select products with the same cooking time. Simply put foods that take longer to cook in the lower basket and those that cook quickly in the upper basket.
  • The food in the steamer never burns, and nothing escapes in it. Therefore, the steamer is very easy to clean. Plus, the food in a double boiler will never turn out to be dry. And if you suddenly forget to turn off the device, or all the water in it boils away, the steamer will turn off by itself. In this regard, it is impossible to decide which steamer is better, since all steamers are designed so that food is easily cooked in them, they are easy to clean and are able to turn off on their own by a timer or when the hostess forgets about them.
  • The steamer belongs to those kitchen appliances that any hostess should have. Even if you don't know how to cook, get this device anyway. Cooking in a double boiler is extremely easy, you just need to put food in the steam basket, pour water and turn on the appliance for the required time.
  • If you have little time for cooking, you are a very busy person, then you will not have problems with dinner if you have a double boiler. The steamers have a function such as a delayed cooking. The maximum grace period can be 12 hours. That is, you can put the necessary food in the double boiler early in the morning, set the timer for a certain time - and the double boiler will prepare tasty and healthy food for your arrival. If you are suddenly not scheduled to stay somewhere, then the steamer will regularly heat up the food for several hours. Therefore, in any case, by your arrival at home there will be a hot meal, which usually leaves no energy or desire to cook it in the evening.
  • For students, a steamer will also be an excellent helper. Usually, electric stoves are prohibited in hostels, so that, God forbid, there is no fire. And on common kitchen I don't feel like cooking for many different reasons. This is where a double boiler will save you from hunger, because you can cook food without leaving your room.

As you can see, the advantages of the steamer are undeniable. Now let's figure out how to choose a steamer, which steamer is the best and which company steamer should you choose.

A little about the characteristics of the steamer

The main characteristics of any steamer are power and control system. Before deciding which steamer to buy, you need to know more about these characteristics.

There is an opinion that the power is the most important parameter of the steamer and here the best steamer will be the one with the highest power. But in reality, this is not entirely true. Most steamers now have the ability to adjust the power - from 650 to 2000 watts. Of course, the higher the power, the faster the food will cook. But besides this, the volume of the steam baskets, the quality of the products used in cooking and the design of the double boiler also affect the cooking time. Well, what is the best steamer to buy? The one that is most powerful, or what is the other? Rather, we can say that you should choose not by power, but by all parameters of the double boiler together.

Before choosing a steamer, carefully study what its control system is. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult in operating a steamer. But there are some nuances here. So, steamer control systems can be of two types:

  • WITH electronic control... Steamers with this type of control system are the most functional, since they have such functions as delaying cooking, heating cooked food for a certain period of time. Such control systems are equipped with a display on which all modes of operation of the steamer are displayed.
  • WITH mechanical control... Steamers with this control also have their advantages. Firstly, there is no need to activate any incomprehensible modes, to press a bunch of buttons. You just need to set the round timer for the required cooking time - and the steamer will get to work. Everything is simple to the point of indecency, and there is really nothing to break there.

How to choose the right steamer?

Well, here we are getting closer to the main topic of our article. How do you choose a good steamer? Which company is the best steamer? What kind best models double boiler should be considered in the first place when determining your choice? We will try to answer these questions in the continuation of the article.

First, turn your attention to the pallet. The height of the sides of the pan should be 2-2.5 cm. The sides below will add problems, since during the cooking process you will have to drain the condensate accumulated in the pan several times, which will take you some time, you will have to monitor the cooking process all the time. If you do not drain excess moisture from the pan, this can lead to damage to the steamer, due to the ingress of moisture on the heating element. In addition, it is better to choose a steamer with a tray equipped with handles. Since the condensation in the pan is hot, the handles will protect you from the possibility of scalding from the water.

If you do not want the food in the lower steam basket to soak in the juice of the food from the higher baskets during the cooking of several dishes, then it is better to choose a double boiler with several trays. If you think that vegetables soaked in meat broth are very good, then you can choose a double boiler with one tray. In addition, many steamers come with a rice bowl that can be used to store food from the upper steam baskets. In this case, juice leaks from the upper floors of the steamer will be excluded.

Well, here, in fact, are all the main points that you should pay attention to in order to choose the right steamer. According to all of the above, decide for yourself which steamer is better to choose in your particular case.

You can also explore the vastness of the Internet, ask the question which steamer to choose: reviews of people who have already bought this or that model of a steamer will help you get an idea of ​​a good steamer. How to choose a steamer: the reviews of such people will help you to form your own opinion about what you need from a steamer, what is not very good, and what is completely unnecessary. Then you can mentally make up yourself general form the perfect steamer.

Choosing a good steamer, you can also pay attention to such insignificant, but sometimes very useful little things, such as an indicator of the amount of water, the volume and number of steam baskets, their transparency and shape. If they are of any importance to you when deciding which steamer is best to choose, then let's look at these "little things" in more detail.

Other nuances in choosing a steamer

The presence in the steamer of the indicator of the amount of water in the tank of the device helps to keep track of how much water is in the steamer before the start of cooking. This element is perhaps the most useless, since it is not difficult to add fresh water every time before starting cooking.

If the preparation of a dish is delayed for long time- from an hour or more, then it may be necessary to add water to the tank. Then a small hole will be useful, thanks to which you can add water without turning off the steamer and without removing the basket of food. But at the same time, this hole is unlikely to come in handy, since during such a long cooking time, the pan will most likely be filled, which will have to be emptied. And in this case, you still have to turn off the steamer and remove the baskets, at the same time it will be possible to add fresh water.

The transparency of the steam baskets is, of course, beautiful at first glance. After all, sometimes, sitting with the whole family for dining table and while talking, it is very pleasant and interesting to look at the food being prepared in a double boiler in between times. But in this case, do not flatter yourself - the baskets are transparent only for the time being, during the cooking process they will still fog up with steam and it will be very problematic if not impossible to see through the walls of the baskets. Therefore, when deciding which steamer to choose, do not pay special attention to the transparency of the baskets. This does not affect the quality of cooking and taste.

But the number of steam baskets and their volume is a rather important parameter. As already mentioned, there are from 1 to 3 baskets in steamers. Their volumes vary from one and a half liters to three and a half. If you have a large family and you like to cook a variety of food, then such a steamer will be better for you, in which there are three baskets. Moreover, the larger the family, the larger the volume of baskets should be. For a person who lives alone, for example, a bachelor or student, a small double boiler with one basket is more suitable. If the family is small, then the best option will become a double boiler with two baskets. That is, the volume and number of baskets is quite an important indicator when choosing a steamer, but this is all purely individual. Only you yourself can determine which steamer will be the best for your family, since only you know how many people there are in your family and how much food you consume in one dinner or lunch.

The shape of the steam baskets also plays a role, albeit not a big one. Here it comes not about round or square shapes, but about the fact that in some steamers one basket is smaller than the other and there is only one way to arrange them - a smaller one is placed on a large basket, and even less on it. Such baskets cannot be swapped. And the ability to change baskets in places happens quite often. It happens that the products from the lower basket are already cooked, but from the upper basket they are still damp. In this case, the upper basket should be replaced with the lower one. This is due to the fact that food is cooked faster in the lower tier of the steamer, and longer in the upper tier. Therefore, it is better to purchase steamers, the shape of the baskets of which are the same, so that you can freely change the baskets in places.

This is, in fact, everything you need to know about steamers in order to make the right choice. But which company to choose a double boiler is another question. Of course, the manufacturer is also quite important in choosing a steamer, since the durability of the apparatus and its price depend on the firm. At the moment, there are steamers with a price of 800 rubles to 7 thousand. If the manufacturer of the steamer matters to you, then let's take a quick look at which steamers are the best.

Top 5 steamer manufacturers

There are five of the very best steamers that most people say positively about. Which steamer to choose - there are many reviews of people, they say that the best steamer models are: Tefal, Scarlett, Philips, Moulinex and Braun.

  • Tefal steamers. The models VC1014, VC4003, VC4008 and VS4003 are especially popular here. These models look very different from each other. But what unites them is that they have many useful functions, voluminous baskets. In addition, all these steamers have three steam baskets. Among the functions: fast steam, delayed start of cooking, keeping warm. But the VC1001 model can be safely given the title of "Best Steamer 2011" among compact models.
  • Philips steamers. The models HD9120 and HD9140 are especially popular. Both steamers have three steam baskets and have the same power. In addition, these steamers are quite affordable.
  • Moulinex. Popular models are MV1000 Principio and MV1003 Accessimo. These models have 2 baskets, they are quite compact and easy to use. In addition, the second model has the function of adding water during cooking.
  • Braun. The best steamer of this company is the Braun FS20 model. The steamer is equipped with two matt plastic steam baskets. The power of the steamer is 850 W, which is a high indicator for budget option steamer. In addition, a dark bowl is included with the steamer, designed for those products that can stain the steamer baskets.
  • Scarlett. The most popular models are Scarlett SC343 and Scarlett SC1143. These models are popular primarily due to their very low price. Quite good steamers, and most importantly - compact. Moreover, their service life is quite long.

So, summing up all the steamers reviewed, we can say that the best steamer in 2011 can be called the Philips HD9140. It is she who is in greatest demand among all segments of the population.