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What is Vedic cuisine - Secrets of healthy eating through Ayurveda. Ayurveda. Nutrition for doshes: how to achieve a balance

This is an ancient medical teaching, which, comprehensively affecting a person, improves it completely. From Sanskrit "Ayurveda" is translated as "science of life." The human body has great potential and enough energy to treat himself. A special role is assigned a special role in this teaching. Depending on what a person eats, its internal state, health and life in general is depends on Ayurveda, a guarantee of good health and well-being. This is not just a meal, it is a whole philosophy that helps to clean the body and mind. It is based on the principles of medicine and nutrition, which are used and modern specialists. To power the most impact on a person and gave as much strength and energy as possible, it is necessary to combine it with yoga classes.

Basic nutrition principles

Each person is unique. To stay healthy and lead a full life, he must study his body. Much attention in this science is devoted to the study of the types of nature of men and women, products and their characteristics, their compatibility, as well as the selection right diets Taking into account the individual predisposition, activity and daily regulations.

Improper nutrition can provoke various diseases and reduce the quality of life. With an irresponsible approach to the issue of nutritionally, it will never work out. A person cannot be healthy if it uses harmful and incompatible products. The selection of daily should be conscious.

Ayurvedic food helps the body to fill the reserve of energy, which will allow you to be vigorous during the day, keep a good mood, cope with any diseases. Organism that gets required substances Of the right products, less often is subjected to seasonal diseases. Changes in health and general condition Will noticeable after a week of the practice of such nutrition.

There is no unique diet that will help anyone to become healthy, everything is individually. It is important to take into account the constitution of the body, otherwise the incoming food not only does not help a person, but also poists it to toxins. It aggravates the problem that in stores are now a lot of unnatural, artificial products. They are addictive, and the body is only harmful.

There are several rules that are important in Ayurvedic nutrition.

  • Lunch must be at 12 o'clock in the afternoon.
  • Prepare food is needed in a good mood and with good thoughts. All negative energywhich is in man will be transferred to the dish.
  • It is necessary, only experiencing a feeling of hunger.
  • During meals, a fuss is unacceptable, there should be a calm situation around.
  • During meals, you can not engage in other affairs (reading, watching TV, conversations).
  • After a meal you need to rest a little, you can not immediately jump and begin to affairs.
  • The benefit brings only that food, which is eaten before sunset.
  • It is not worth drinking water at the time of meals, a small amount is allowed, but warm.
  • Spices are useful, they improve the digestion process
  • Sour, fried and salty is not worth it in the last meal, and indeed this food is harmful.
  • Milk is an independent product that does not need to be mixed with something else.
  • To achieve the balance, together with need to be engaged, yoga is perfect.

What is taken into account when drawing up an Ayurvedic diet

Powerful nutrition is selected carefully. It is important to explore the human body, its features, predisposition. During the study, the type of constitution is determined, only then can we talk about what is suitable for a particular person. Ayurvedic kitchen recipes are diverse, therefore everyone can choose a saturated and diverse diet.

The person consists of five components: water, fire, air, earth and space. The pledge of the balance of the elements in a person is the doss, which represent a set of certain characteristics:

  • wat, she has a predominance of air;
  • pitt, she accommodates two elements: fire and water;
  • kapha, includes the remaining land and space, and also there is water in it.

Docess - these are energy types, vitalityresponsible for the physical state. All of them are in every person, but when choosing food it is important to determine which of the three is the predominant. Selecting the products for the diet you need to take into account their taste, consistency, temperature, severity for the body, as well as the time of year.

Types of tastes

All tastes are divided into six types:

  1. sour,
  2. sweet,
  3. salty,
  4. acute,
  5. bitter,
  6. astringent.

Each of them corresponds to their elements:

  • sweet - land and water;
  • sour - earth and fire;
  • salt - water and fire;
  • acute - fire and air;
  • knitting - fire and earth.

Wat type people should try to avoid products that contribute to the accumulation of air poems and provoke gases. These are products with sharp, binders and bitter taste.

It is necessary to avoid products that affect the increase in the element of the fire: with sour, salt and sharp taste. The remaining three tastes are useful to people like Pitt.

Sweet, sour, salty tastes are contraindicated to people kapha, as they contribute to the increase in water in the body.

Nutrition corresponding to different doshes


People of this type are thin, they have a thin bone, wide and protruding shoulders. Skin thin, dry. Such people are marzed very quickly, they are uncomfortable at low temperatures. Fast metabolism, which is peculiar to these people, eliminates the problem of excess weight.

People of this constitution eat very unstable, the appetite is crazy, it is not at all.

Products that are needed to people type WATS on the Ayurvedic Nutrition System: Buckwheat and rice porridge, Any kinds of nuts, dairy products. It is better to flaunt a cardamon.

But raw vegetables and acidic apples can not use cotton wool. It is better to eliminate soybean products and black peppers as seasoning. Alcohol, tea, coffee is contraindicated, they harm the body. Dry and cold food does not fit the vehicle such as wool. It is better that it was oil, juicy and certainly warm.

Meal must be calm, measured and necessarily on a specific mode. As for tastes, acid, sweet and salty dishes are suitable. But the sharp and bitter tastes are contraindicated.

Most important reception Food for this type - breakfast, so it is important that it is satisfying. The person will receive a sufficient amount of energy, it will contribute to normal well-being throughout the day.


So people are characteristic of a strong, powerful physique. They often experience a feeling of hunger, the heat for them is a real test, at high temperatures they feel bad. In such a way, it is necessary to observe the power mode, in no case passing food intakes.

The food must be nutritious, oily, and tastes sweet or bitter. Such people need to drink more fluid during the day, juices are suitable and pure water. Strong coffee is better not to drink.

Do not suit products that can cause fermentation in the body, for example, kefir or yeast dough. Sharp spices Do not benefit people Pitt. For the night, a glass of warm milk will be appropriate with the addition of cinnamon.


People of this type have lush, rounded shapes. Move such people smoothly, slowly. They love to eat very much, and they have been slowing the metabolism. They have to have a clock, if possible, only twice a day - at lunch and in the evening. Food food must be nutritious and saturate the body with energy, and the evening is light.

People of Kapha are contraindicated by sweet foods, flour products (yeast bread), strong alcohol, roasted and fatty food.

Fresh vegetables, especially green, fruits, berries, buckwheat, corn, yellow peas, lentils are useful. They are suitable dishes rich in seasonings (cinnamon, cardamom, anise, turmeric and others). And from the drinks you need to choose vegetable juice, tea with the addition of chamomile or raspberry, compote from plums and dried fruits.

Ayurveda and Yoga

These two concomitant teachings are integral parts of one whole that complement each other.

Yoga helps a person save good health and, having achieved calm and balancing internal energies, live a long, prosperous life. Exercises that are used in yoga are valid at the energy level and have a healing effect on the entire body.

Under the observance of the rules of Ayurvedic food occurs, getting rid of excess weight. But in the complex and yoga affect the internal energies and on the body, so you can talk about. They give a person to live full life, enjoy it and comfortably feel in harmony with the outside world. If you regularly do yoga and stick to the type of nutrition, you can achieve a spiritual and physical balance.

No wonder they say that healthy mind is in a healthy body. But in order for the body to be healthy, just only want this, you need to do anything. Therefore, various diet, exercises and methods of traditional, as well as alternative medicine are so popular. One of these techniques is proper nutrition in Ayurveda. We will talk about her about it.

Ayurveda Nutrition

The concept of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical, the origins of which come from India. Ancient Indian doctors specialized very well on the human body. And they considered not every disease separately, and the concept of the human body as a whole itself. Over time, their learning, it led to the creation of the system proper nutritionThe name of Ayurveda.

The very concept of Ayurveda can be translated into Russian as "knowledge of life", or "science of life."

Ayurveda: Power Principles

Power principles for Ayurveda are very simple and not difficult to follow them. Try to remember them. It will be your first step to healthy image Life, good health and impeccable figure.

  1. Eat spices. As you know, the inhabitants of India love spicy dishes, and the Ayurveda technique itself, as we have already said, came from India. Spices are not only able to give a dish specific taste, but also useful to influence human body. In such seasonings there is a huge amount of substances capable of becoming valuable for the health of any person. Naturally, here you need to know the measure and in no way abuse.
  2. Do not close your eyes to your wishes. Despite the fact that there is a list of recommended products, the rules that need to follow does not exclude Ayurveda foods that you may want. If you keep the right lifestyle corresponding to all the advice, you and your body will need this food, which will be useful for it. It is possible, you very soon pay attention to what you want exclusively useful food, only healthy foods. This is the charm of Ayurveda.
  3. Try to cook all the food with your own hands. Ayurveda rules say that there is only fresh food prepared by their own hands. By the way, it is recommended to prepare small portions so that food is enough for one eating food, because when heat treatment, re-warped food, it loses its beneficial features. In addition, it is recommended to take cooking only in a good mood, because otherwise your mood may not affect prepared dishes.
  4. Because Ayurveda is a science of life, live food needs to be eaten. Vegetables, fruits, as well as grains - it perfect choice. Such products are not only tasty, but also have a whole set. nutrientsaffecting the correct construction of cells, enzymes that improve digestion, as well as vitamins. Forget about the preparation of frozen products, use only fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. Do not forget to periodically eat apples, oranges, pears.
  5. Arrange your holiday from food. Try to allocate one day a week in which you will avoid using the hardest food. At the very beginning you will be difficult, but in time when you are accustomed, you will begin to understand the beauty of this one unloading day. Believe me, these sensations are simply unique.
  6. The rule of six flavors. As you know, there are six tastes:
  • salty;
  • sour;
  • sweet;
  • astringent;
  • bitter;
  • acute.

And they all should be in your diet. But remember, this does not mean that each dish must be saturated with all tastes. No need to add all seasonings to your culinary masterpieces that only exist in the house. Alternate tastes day after day, prepare such dishes that you want exactly the current time. Enjoy the food that you need, please contact those tastes that your body requires today.

  1. Do not limit yourself in meals if you are hungry. Ayurveda eliminates the rules "not after 6" and other nonsense, which is afraid of the majority modern ladies. Indian doctors at one time came to the conclusion that itching should be eaten when you want it when you really hungry. After all, our body knows better than he needed. And if you feel the feeling of hunger - it means that he tells you about it. But it should be aware of all responsibility and never overeat. Ayurveda has one rule, and it states that breakfast should be eaten until the onset of 8 am.
  2. Eat only in full calm. Another rule that concerns how and when we need to eat. Doctors from India believed that a calm condition, a good mood contributes to the correct digestion of food. Food in Ayurveda states that food used by us absorbs our energy, our thoughts and emotions. Therefore, you need to think exclusively about good when you sit down for my meal. If your mood can not be called positive, and thoughts are clogged with something negative, you better wait with meals.
  3. Do not hurry so that the Ayurveda system helps the body. This rule Concerning food intake. Make sure that it is not too fast. Only carefully chewing all the food, useful and important items will be able to be assimilated by the body. But this is exactly the main point of the whole diet. In addition, when you already live according to the rules of Ayurveda, the lack of a rush during the meal will allow you to benefit even from the most useful products. Your body will be already trained, which will give him the opportunity to neutralize useless substances and benefit even from not the most useful food.
  4. Completely combine products. Time impertons doctors in India leanned to the opinion that proper combination Products may affect food digestion. It is this simple truth that has become one of the rules of Ayurveda. Therefore, if you decide to eat dairy products, note that they do not interfere with citrus. Fruits are better not to mix with potatoes, since the starch will interfere with the rapid digestion of fructose. Finally, the melon should not be interfered with milk or grains. And at all, the melon is better not to interfere with any products.

Ayurveda: day and meals

To this diet It had the meaning, she is obliged to have a certain composition. Every day you have to consume the following products:

  • at least half a tablespoon of ureaged vegetables;
  • 5% daily diet soups with vegetables;
  • about 30% of legumes. You can use both dishes, with the addition of legumes and them separately;
  • 50% rice or grain (your taste).

Healthy nutrition Ayurveda implies some other conditions for combining food:

  1. Do not heated honey. If you love honey, try not to heat it, because in this case it loses its useful properties and can even harm. Sometimes Ayurveda even calls poison heated honey.
  2. Do not interfere with milk with proteins. This rule is simply explained: protein products are characteristic of their heating properties, and milk, in turn, performs cooling. This is how toxins are created.

General power rules for Ayurveda

In addition to the power modes of Ayurveda, there are also some rules that allow you to always be in the form and feel canceled. These rules look like this:

Try to take the bulk of food for about 12 pm. It is necessary to use food solely in the sitting position. During meals, you should not be distracted by the newspaper, TV and conversations. Appreciate calm. When the food intake is over, do not get up because of the table for 5-7 minutes. After the sunset, try not to eat food. If you do not feel hunger, you do not need to go to eat, even if for this very time. Do not eat " From the abdomen, "we eat about 75% of your options. Do not use cold food. Do not abuse liquid during the food process. There is such a concept as "Ayurvedic boiling water" is water that was in the boiled state for about 20 minutes. Such water can be picked up food. Paid should combine all 6 of the above-mentioned Ayurvedic flavors. But, this does not mean that everyone should be in one dish. Do not abuse fried, salted, as well as acidic dishes. Do physical education, and also find out more about yoga-asanas, and try it in it.

Ayurveda Nutrition: Ayurveda Doshi

The concept of Ayurveda implies that any cooked dish should approach the concept of dosha, and this is five primary elements. Among them are:

  1. Land.
  2. Water.
  3. Air.
  4. The fire.
  5. Space.

Each of the DOS has its own unique characteristics, and so that the powered by Ayurveda for weight loss is really effective, they need to know more about them.

Ayurveda cotton nutrition

Watt is the wind. People who belong to this type can be found on a finestorette. They all do very quickly: think, move. In such people are peculiar to insulating hair, dry skin on their hands, as well as very thin nails, eyelashes.

Watt is such a category of people who do not like a cold or cold food. All because they are always freezing and sometimes it is sometimes very difficult for them. Burning fat in such people occurs in fact instantly, due to which their accumulation is not carried out.

Watt food should include:

  • buckwheat;
  • milk products;
  • nuts;

At the same time, their daily food diet must almost completely eliminate non-cooked vegetables, apples of acid varieties, as well as soy products. As for spices, nutmeg is recommended.

Ayurveda Nutrition: Ayurveda Pitt

This is how the "fire" is called. And people belonging to such a type can be found in a normal physique. It is also characterized by a truly explosive character. Very often, these people enter conflicts, while blushing.

Externally they often have red hair or light shadeAnd there are often small moles on the skin surface. The skin has more pink color.

I don't like the representatives of Pitt Heat, because they sweat and not the best way Feel yourself on it. And the hunger for them is real torture.

Their type of food in Ayurveda must accommodate the following products:

  • legumes;
  • coriander;
  • cinnamon;
  • products of dairy origin;
  • mint;
  • celery;
  • dill;
  • cauliflower;
  • asparagus.

About red meat and ginger is best forgotten. Just as about nuts and saffron.

Food in Ayurveda: Ayurveda Kapha

People who are peculiar to completeness belong to the variety of caps. They have a bad metabolism, and in addition, they are accustomed to improper nutrition. They are characterized by love for sleep, reluctance to work, a quick weight gain.

Despite all this, their character has positive features, among which peacefulness, great confidence in itself and balance itself.

Despite its weight, Kapha always feel just excellent in all weather conditions and at any temperature indicators.

Visually, they can be found in thick hair, cool and clean skin, as well as big eyes and wide shoulders.

As for the too slow metabolism, in rare cases, it is capable of leading even to the fact that the usual apple will be postponed as fat in the body.

The diet of such people needs to be made of the following products:

  • beans;
  • cheese of soybean origin;
  • rice brown;
  • ginger.

Among the unsuitable products, the Ayurveda nutrition system notes rice white, chicken meat, beef and everything is sweet, except honey.

Ayurveda Meals: Recipes

If suddenly you decide to adhere to life in the style of Ayurveda, you need to know which dishes can be prepared. No wonder yoga say that healthy, suitable food is obliged to fill the human body with energy of life and health. Here are some dishes that you like.

Fruit and vegetables salad

To prepare such a salad that is enough for 4-5 servings, you will need:

  • 1 spoon of cilantro;
  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 1 spoon of sweet fruit jam;
  • 2 tomatoes sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes;
  • banana 1 pc.;
  • pear 1 pc.;
  • green chili pepper, chopped in pieces small size;
  • raisins and dates 60 g.;
  • mango 1 pc.;
  • almond and cashew. 60 g.;
  • sour cream or whipped cream. Exclusively to your taste;
  • salt;
  • apple. 1 PC.


  1. Grind dried fruits and nuts.
  2. Clean the purified fruit cubes.
  3. Mix all elements in a big bowl and add salt.
  4. Serve salad to rice dishes.

Indian vegetable plov

To prepare the pilas you will need:

  • 950 ml of water;
  • carnation;
  • chopped cinnamon;
  • bay leaf 2 pcs.;
  • acute pepper 1 pod;
  • 100 g of green peas, podolova beans, carrots, cauliflower;
  • paul spoons of cardamom seeds;
  • half a spoon of ginger and half a spoon of turmeric;
  • tomatoes 3 pcs.;
  • basmati rice 350 g;
  • creamy or born oil 2 spoons;
  • salt to taste;
  • quarter spoons asafetide.


  1. Cut the washed vegetables and rinse rice. After that, leave it in the water for 15 minutes.
  2. Heat the oil and root the pepper in it with ginger and turmeric.
  3. Add vegetables and oil in a saucepan. Tomatoes so far hold. Plush the mixture for 5 minutes. Add rice and start stirring.
  4. Add tomatoes lavra leaves and salted water.
  5. Prevent all the ingredients before the boost.
  6. Add spices and close the pilaf using the cover.
  7. Boil the first to the moment until all the water is impaired.
  8. Put rice in a plate and decorate it with lemon slices.

Ayurveda is one of the most ancient medical exercises on earth, which has already numbered at least five thousand years. From other Ayurveda systems, it differs in the fact that it is suitable for treating a person comprehensively, in general, and not sending their efforts to detect, decay and treat individual diseases.

Special attention in this ancient doctrine is given to meals, as it is believed that, from this, various diseases can occur, so they can be avoided if they can make the right food in a special order, following numerous, but completely uncomplicated rules and the regime of the day. This meal in Ayurveda is consonant in very many modern areas in medicine and nutrition.

Difference of Ayurveda from familiar medical systems

This teaching does not consider diverse dishes only with fuel for the body, which, burning in the digestive system, gives only energy for further development. In Ayurveda, much attention is paid to the compliance of the products used and ready-made dishes of the human constitution, as well as the selection of food, the maximum suitable or another type of human nature, a day regime. Ayurvedic doctors believe that without proper, harmonious and well-balanced nutrition, it is impossible to cure a single disease, since the body will not resist the disease to the need. Moreover, the improper nutrition can cause serious ailment, and if it is used long term, then the dangerous disease.

According to the laws of Ayurveda, it is believed that most diseases are called by the fact that our body turns out to be poisoned by the products used by us. If food does not comply with the Constitution of a person, then it highlights the veneer-specific member - toxins, which cause the disease. It aggravates the situation affection for incorrect, artificial products and violation of food reception rules.

For the millennium, existence arose and completely formed numerous and well-thought-out recipes for Ayurveda for health and longevity. They can be successfully applied in our day, you only need to thoroughly study the foundations that Ayurveda is based on human nutrition.

The concept of doss

In Vedic tradition, it is believed that everything in the world consists of dash - special definitions or characteristics that provide balance in everything. Their three:

  • Wool, or wind
  • Pitt or Fire
  • Kapha, or mucus

People who are in the test can be attributed to the CAT Category, have a fragile build, elegant lightbounds and thin dry skin. They are easy to freeze, poorly tolerate low temperatures, windy and wet weather, cold food and drinks. Wat constantly frustrate and warms with great difficulty. These people are rapid in everything - they quickly move, they are so well concerned and differ as fast susceptibility, and emerge. Wool have dry curly hair, fragile, gentle and sensitive skin, soft nails and thin eyelashes. Wat people differ accelerated metabolism And almost never have overweight problems. Food, which offers Ayurveda for people with a predominance of cotton, consists of the following products:

  • Buckwheat
  • Milk products
  • A variety of nuts
  • Food is best of all cardamon and nutmeg

Exclude from your diet to people Wat stands the following products:

  • Cheese vegetables
  • Soy Processing Products
  • Apples of acid variety
  • Black pepper as seasonings

Continuing to understand the constitution on doshes, it is necessary to stay in people like Pitt. This is strong I. strong people with normal build, with sharp, explosive temperament, with active digestion and constant feeling of hunger. They have blond hair, thin in nature, sometimes redheads, bright skin with a pink shade, which easily overheats and blushes, is covered with moles. Pitt is poorly tolerant heat, sweat and blush, do not like hot food. They suffer with tide heat, and their hands and legs are hot in any weather. Pitt should always get in prosperity drinking water And do not miss the meals, observing the correct mode.

The following Food List includes the following:

  • Milk products.
  • Celery.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Asparagus.
  • All kinds of bean vegetables.
  • Spices: cinnamon, coriander, dill and mint.

Exclude from the menu you need the following food:

  • Nuts.
  • Red meat.
  • Ginger.
  • Saffron.

People Capcha wide-resistant, slow, love a lot and eat well and sleep. Because of such features, as well as due to a detrimental habit of excessively abundant and irrational nutrition, the slow metabolism of rope substances is usually prone to a set of excess weight and even to obesity. Excess weight to Kapha comes very easily and quickly, and it goes extremely slow and with great difficulty.

Kapha is balanced, calm, it is almost impossible to remove them. They are distinguished by large physique, broadcast, with dense smooth and clean skin, they have beautiful eyes And wonderful curly shiny hair. Kapha does not have discomfort in any weather, even the most extreme. Since the exchange of substances in Kapha is incredibly slow, even the most harmless food product will lead to the accumulation of excess fat. People of this type need to avoid sweets in every way, limit the use of high-calorie food, such as white peeled rice, chicken and beef. The ration of the Kapha must be as defected and balanced as possible, there is a need to strictly observe the mode of the day, and the main emphasis in it must be done on the following products:

  • Rice brown and black, natural unpaired.
  • Bean vegetables.
  • Cheese soy.
  • Ginger.
  • Instead of sugar in very limited quantities you can use honey.

If you need to follow all tests on doshes, you can quickly note that manifestations in " pure form»Characteristics of the Kapha, Wat or Pitt is practically no. This suggests that all major characteristics are at once in the human body, but one of them is the predominant, that is, for example, a person with a dominant wool will be at a certain extent to be a Kapha and Pitt. Using the recipes of Ayurveda for health and longevity, the balance of all three doshes should be achieved, then everything will be in equilibrium in the body and there will be no disease. The human nutrition is focused on the prevailing dosh for balancing, for example, in people cottage, accelerated digestion and metabolism, so they should increase the frequency of food intake, and if necessary and calorie. Such a diet and the day of the day will benefit their health and appearance.

Basic rules

The food that Ayurveda offers is not a diet in our European understanding of this word. In fact, this is the selection of optimal types of dishes that will benefit as much as possible; certain ruleswhich should be adhered to:

  • What we used to be considered dinner, that is, the main food intake, should be at noon, at 12 o'clock in the afternoon.
  • Meal must be held in a relaxed atmosphere, sitting, for a beautifully covered and served table. You can not be distracted by talk, reading or viewing transmissions on television.
  • After the end of the food, you do not need to jump off and run on your business immediately - give the body at least five minutes of rest.
  • The break should be at least 180 minutes for the full digestion of the previous volume eaten.
  • Meal must be only when the feeling of hunger appears.
  • Hurry is unacceptable, the food must be slow and thoroughly fed.
  • Do not take food after sunset - it will not digest normally. Under the rule, benefit will bring only meals from the day of the day.
  • All dishes should be fresh, preferably directly prepared, not cold and not too hot.
  • It is necessary to limit yourself in volumes, leaving about a quarter of each dish.
  • While eating it is undesirable to drink a lot of water, especially if it is cold. Warm water is allowed, carefully reckoned.
  • Milk is a separate food product, it is not mixed with other dishes, especially salted and sour, do not drink cold. Optimal option - Boiled milk in warm with spices.
  • Spices contribute to improved digestion.
  • Food must correspond to the time of year, weather conditions, temperament and even the mood of a person. That is, those dishes that we eat in the spring, do not always suit winter conditions etc.
  • At night you should not eat sour and salty.
  • Dangerous products include cheese of factory manufacturing, yogurt and ice cream.
  • Fried, salt and acidic food does not benefit health.
  • To maintain the form and health of the body should be played sports, it is best to yoga.

Such simple and understandable recipes of Ayurveda for health and longevity will help any person every day to comply with the correct mode and use food that benefits, and not harm to its body.

Depending on which dosh in the human body prevails - cotton, Pitt or Kapcha is selected the type of power, based on: "What for one poison is for another medicine."

First you need to determine your type of Doši..

For people with the prevailing vata (Wind) Characteristic:
Slept thin binding
Fast metabolism
Thin dry skin
Alignment and speed reaction
Mood change and excitability
Non-costness and unpredictability

For people with the prevailing success Pitt (Fire) Characteristic:
average build
good appetite and digestion
Punctuality and pedantry
acute mind
inclination to emotional splashes
Oil leather with freckles

For people with the prevailing success Kapha (mucus) Characteristic:
strong and widespread body and large physical strength
Permanent energy filler
Slow motion
tendency to corpulence
Strong continuous Son.
Slow digestion
Relaxity and slowness

More accurately, you can define your dosh, passing special Ayurvedic tests that can be easily found on the Internet.

Based on this, the Ayurveda has developed guidance recommendations for of different types Dosh, which are designed to balance and bring into harmony energy processes in the body, prevent diseases, weighing problems.

People Wats Constitution Recommended food warming organism - cereals, vegetable products rich in protein, fats, sweet fruits. Preference should be given to satisfying, hot, oily food, avoiding dry and cold. Boiled vegetables are preferable to raw, you can use dairy products moderately. The main taste of food is acidic and sweet. People Wati Doha can be recommended fractional food.

People Pitta constitution Recommended Cold Food Or room temperatureIn order to no longer disperse the inner fire, but to calm it. It is necessary to give preference to dry, chilled and raw food - vegetables, fruit. For this dash, vegetarian food is best suited. It is worth paying attention to products with basic food taste - bitter, tart and astringent. In such people you can eat almost everything, but in moderation, giving preference to fruits and vegetables with a high water content (cucumbers, watermelons, peaches, etc.)

People Kapha constitution It is recommended to reduce the amount of food consumed, due to the fact that it is for a long time they have in gastrointestinal The tract, give preference to light, cool not fat, well digestible food. As you can include as much as possible fruit vegetables in the diet. Well fit knuckling, spicy and acute food, inciting the fire of digestion. All dishes should be poorly roasted and preferably cooked for a pair, baked, with a small amount of oil. Bakery and sweet products should be excluded.

You can have a mixed type of dos, however, these recommendations can help you understand the general direction when choosing your type of power, the main thing is to study this topic in detail!

With which every person is born and which determine all its basic psychophysical signs. We also found out that, according to the ancient science of Ayurveda, their imbalance or, as is called in Sanskrit, dosha leads to health problems and worsening the qualities of nature. In this material we will get acquainted with the main rules for the harmonization of the constitutions that you can apply in practice by building your food through Ayurveda. However, we draw your attention to the fact that if you passing an Ayurvedic test on the Internet have identified signs of 2 or all 3 types of constitutions that have come out of equilibrium, it is better to apply for advice to the competent Ayurvedic doctor. After all, the independent treatment of the diet or the triidos of an incorrectly chosen Ayurvedic diet can harm you even more. For example, trying to lower your dosher cotton, you can seriously increase your crouch and vice versa. We convincingly call you not to experiment with your health, but to contact the proven professionals!

So, let's start with general recommendations By balancing the air, cold and dry from dosh - cotton. This constitution has a very weak digestion, so any distracting factors are TV, a computer, a book - during meals it is necessary to exclude. Of the six existing tastes, dosher is suitable only three - sweet, salty and sour. It is resorted to acute taste if you need to warm it with a dosher and increase the fire of digestion. In other cases, the sharpness will be even more dried by cotton, for example, dehydrate the skin and hair. The same effect possesses any fried and dry food (chips, poor dried fruits, crackers, dryers, loaf, crackers, "dry breakfasts"). Gorky and astringent taste cool and dried. Yes, yes, chocolate fans with cotton constitution will have to abandon his beloved delicacy! The cotton must be powered regularly and more often, otherwise not to avoid nervousness. Strict power mode, 3-4 meals per day - best tool From a bad mood for this dash. According to Ayurved, the food of the wool must be hot, satisfying and well-oiled. Thermal processing of products is simply necessary to wool not freezla. Cold products and drinks, fresh berries, fruits and vegetables will invariably increase cold in the body. They should be less common. Sesame oil, honey and oil GCH (grained) are indispensable in the struggle for harmony - they are harmful to heat the body and incite the digestion. Food made of whole grain wheat and any kind of rice - Musthave on the tables of hyperactive, slender and constantly freezing people. It is strongly recommended to drink a glass of hot milk with turmeric, fenhel, nutmeg, saffron, cardamomon or cinnamon to drink a glass of hot milk. Milk and dairy products are generally useful for all types of constitutions, but it is important to know that kefir and cottage cheese strongly cold the body, and the skimmed milk brake should be avoided. Bean, despite their utility, are difficult food for people of cotton-type. The exception is Masha, one-piece and late (Mung-gave). Any nuts, especially walnut, cedar and almond, are very favorable. And last: Nowadays now, raw foods do not fit the dosher, for this diet it is necessary for a strong digestion and a well-working intestine, for example, like a pertta, we will talk about.

Dosha Pitt is although there is an excellent digestion and appetite, but the fire imbalance in the body leads to the fact that people of this type become quick-tempered and even aggressive. Therefore, to extinguish or simply support the "inner flame" in safe mode It is designed to measure the nutritious, not strongly oily, not very heavy, sweetish or bitter food. Dry, very hot and sharp food will act in case of Pitta, like firewood for a fire, you need to be very careful. Strong alcohol, by the way, also remove from the diet, if you do not want your stomach reminding the scorched field, and ulcers, heartburn and gastritis - traditional Dose Pitta diseases - have become your eternal satellites. Fasting for more than a week for Pitta is contraindicated for the same reason as alcoholic beverages. Coffee and tea stimulate the urinary system, dehydrating the body and giving fire to the dash Pitti to roam into a joke. Reception of these beverages should be significantly limited. For this type of constitution, as opposed to cotton, all kinds (except acidic) caused by fruits and vegetables, natural juices, and in general, raw food as such will not cause Pitte harm. Grass and legumes will also become very different. During the day, Pitte needs to consume more water. During meals, especially if it is dry, doctors recommend to drink warm drinks gradually. Prepare food follows with cooling spices: cardamon, fennel, coriander, mint. Fatty nuts, like cashews, peanuts and hazelnuts, are not suitable for Pitta, but almonds without husk will provide a tone for the whole day. Pitt-constitution is best absorbed by dairy products, so much benefit for the body and mind will bring them unloading Days on a dairy diet.

Go to the diet for dough Kapha. We know that representatives of Kapha love to eat delicious and tightly, but they, like any other, should follow their meals, as they have a very weak digestion and quickly gain body weight. Day mode and power mode is very important for kapha. Ayurvedic doctors recommend to eat this dosher no more than 2 times a day. One of these meals must necessarily have to be at noon when the fire of digestion reaches his peak. If the Kapha loves to dine, then it should be light dinnerconsisting of a small amount stew vegetablescooked without spices that have a strong taste. It should be excluded from the diet old, fatty, pierced, watery, very hot or very cold food, articles from yeast dough and, of course, strong alcohol. The diet must be filled with light food: fresh vegetable salads with a small amount vegetable oil And fresh nice fruits well reduce a kap. Sweet food to eat, of course, is not recommended for kapha, but if I really want, then in small quantities and only in the morning. Sisul and salty food, which is so loved in winter in Russia, the owners of the dash kapha will have to be excluded. It should be remembered that the astringent, sharp and bitter tastes - this is the basis of a diet for perts. Doshe Pitte fluids need to be used in very moderate quantities, since the water balance in this constitution is already disturbed. From that dry types of preparation - baking, frying on the grid, quenching is preferable than cooking on water and a pair. If you are the winner of a kip, and even a lovers of Fastfud, then alas and ah, you will have to give up completely from him. Since often "fast food" is very fat and has either very salted, or a strongly sweet taste, which is contraindicated by this constitution. Oatmeal, wheat products and rice only increase the knife and lead to health problems. It is possible to replace them with buckwheat, bang, corn and flour. Of all dairy products for Kapha, only milk with a reduced fatness percentage is suitable. To use it as well as other constitutions follows in heated form and with a spoonful of honey.