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When the birthday of the twins is a horoscope. Positive and negative features. Characteristics of twins on the sign of the zodiac: Relationships and love

Compatibility Horoscope: Gemini Sign Period of Zodiac - Most full description, Only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Happy numbers: 3, 5, 12, 18.

Gemini: Success time

Days of the week: Wednesday, Saturday. Months: The end of September - the beginning of October, the end of January - the beginning of February. Years: 2012, 2019, 2026, 2033, 2040, 2047.

Gemini: unhappy periods

Days of the week: Thursday. Months: The end of August - the beginning of September, the end of December - the beginning of January, for the month before his birthday. Years: 2015, 2022, 2029, 2036, 2043, 2050.

Gemini: significant years of life

26, 33, 39, 52, 65, 66.

Gemini: Talismans, power items

Five-pointed star, snake, mask. It is desirable that the talisman is silver or gold. Keep it close to the place where you spend a lot of time, or wear as a decoration.

Colors bringing luck: orange, pale yellow, gray-blue, purple.

Flowers: daisy, poppy, buttercup, jasmine, daffodil.

Gemini date of birth

The zodiacal sign of the twins begins on May 22nd, but for another seven days, overlapped with the influence of the previous sign does not fully enter into its powers before the beginning of the 29th. In the period until June 21, the twins are in full strength, but at the end of the period for seven days gradually loses its power due to the formation of an increasing sign of cancer.

People born during this period are widely known for their split personality and the ability to change their mood at one moment. Although they really do not want to be related any kind of bonds, interesting, romantic, loving partners come out of the twins, even despite the fact that they can be quite non-permanent.

The dual sides of their nature are constantly pulling them in opposite directions. Their mental abilities are thin and shiny, but they usually lack the purpose of determining the goal.

Twins Dates: May 22 - June 21

From all people, the twins are the most difficult for understanding, they are hot and cold in character almost simultaneously. On the one hand, they can provide you with different signs of attention and immediately turn everything from the legs on the head and quarrel for life. Their subtle wit and excellent observation make them good storytellers, although they tend to exaggerate, which can cause trouble in their relationship.

Being, as a rule, intellectuals in nature, these people do not tolerate fools, the first thing they do when meeting - clearly define for themselves with whom they are interested whether they are interested in one or another person. Such people are usually excellent in diplomacy, their listeners blind them in wit and glitter, but they usually cannot fully take advantage of these advantages.

It is difficult even for them to understand what they want to achieve. In the depths of the soul, twins are ambitious wanting to achieve a certain position in society, however, reaching heights, quickly cool, fall into melancholy, are looking for a new application with their talents.

In financial terms, the twins often achieve good results, but in general their more appropriate career is that it requires diplomacy, tact, and grace. Representatives of this sign born in border periods often show unscrupiance in financial matters, they often turn into successful players, their lobes in business - fast enrichment schemes.

In all matters related to human relations, twins are people riddles. They can love frantically and still be non-permanent, and only their inborn art of diplomacy and elegant tact, how the shield protects them from creating a mess in their lives.

Twins compatibility


Zodiac sign Twins for birth periods.

Twins - a dual sign. It is characterized by constant generation. Twins are smart, have versatile interests, easily adapt to the circumstances. Representatives of this sign are always there for two people. From the nature of the twins a little irritable and nervous. They are prone to unexpected shifts of mood, clothing, work, place of residence, as well as their decisions and opinions.

Gemini love to talk, but do not know how to listen. Conservatism cannot tolerate: nor in humans or ideas.

Gemini have a strong nervous energy, they are fast and graceful, easily twisted from delicate situations. They are able to make several things at the same time. Monotonicity and punctuality are their enemies. They are often late due to the fact that they distracted something else.

Gemini - excellent politicians: thanks to their mental abilities, they will kill others in any way, you will be able to change the viewing about them.

As a rule, twins have a fool's pen, they are capable of learning foreign languages.

Gemini often produce an impression of extremely careless people.

For whatever fantastic work, the twins are taken, they are lucky. These are the greatest improvements in the world. Their brain dwells in constant voltage, so they need a longer sleep.

Gemini seek to ideals in any case, but can not determine it. Money, glory, love is always not enough for them, they are always not satisfied.

Among the representatives of this sign are the largest number of geniuses and talented people both in science and in literature, art.

Zodiac sign Twins for birth periods

Jupiter had the greatest influence at birth. They are smart, they have a congenital flair and predisposition to arts, do not require anything in return. In the absence of both money, and fame This type of people for self-satisfaction is often betrayed by religious reflections.

Numbers contributing to happiness and luck: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.

Mars had the greatest influence on the birth of these people, as a result of which they sometimes have causing hostility, a tendency to ridicule, unreasonable anxiety and excessive concern.

Numbers that contribute to happiness and good luck: 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

The greatest influence at birth on these people was the sun. They have indifferent and impellers, they are predisposed to annoyance in all sorts of trifles, seek fame, narcissist and verbose.

Numbers that contribute to happiness and good luck: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.

Zodiac signs.

Who are they, these twins?

Each zodiac sign has its own individual characteristic, after examining which you can find out better than any representative of this sign, understand its essence, know the habits and preferences, and also determine whether you are interested in such a person or not.

If you decide to explore the characteristics own signthen so you can understand your strong and weak sides And learn them to manage, because there is nothing better than knowing your advantages and shortcomings and be able to live with them. Characteristics of the sign of the Zodiac Twins - the topic of this article. And it was about the twins that we will speak in this material.


Due to the specific shape of the symbol of this sign, it is sometimes called the "butterfly" of the zodiac. According to the legend, the constellation is the embodiment of the plexus of two hands of the sons of Zeus, one of whom was killed, and the second appealed to his father with a request to deprive him of immortality. Zeus asked the brothers in heaven.

A distinctive feature of the sign is a mobility, a living mind, spirituality, variability. Planet Twins Mercury is considered a patron saint of negotiations, and this perfectly affects the sphere of communication, allowing the twins perfectly get along with other signs, to enter into discussions, to make judgments. Oratoric capabilities of this constellation do not cause doubts: from such people there are excellent specialists if their activities are related to negotiations, discussions, teaching.

Gemini are diligent disciples, students who are endowed with a tag of new knowledge. They have imagination and ingenuity, which is often used if they need to write something or invent. As a rule, they study a lot and diligently, and if they lack education, then the character may spoil. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the formation of a twin child, so that it turned up, cultured and pleasant in communication.

This type of zodiac is very changeable, its behavior may vary depending on the mood, and the mood changes several times a day. Victory and good luck makes tremendous optimists from them, but bad luck can cause a prolonged depression. When twins have a difficult period, they do not lose their composure, but the decisions made are rarely true.

This zodiac sign always has many ideas and pans that they love to exercise and turn into reality. However, these ideas are transformed into reality, they will not yet appear new, more interesting and grandiose. In the circle of friends, twins are always popular, because they are easily conversation with them, their horizons are wide, and humor sparklerate.

Representatives of this sign of the zodiac do not like to be tied to one place, as their nature pulls them into an outer adventure, for new impressions and emotions. From an economic point of view, they are not the most household people, although they try to maintain cleanliness and order. They adore change, trips and travels, long planning a vacation and rarely return to countries in which they have already visited.

Cute and charming, they even make some bad things with some vitality, which makes even the most stringent people to forgive them their weaknesses. However, the twin baby needs to bring up since childhood, so that permissiveness does not play a fool in the future with him. After all, it is representatives of this type that often oppose the bosses, lows and orders. And it happens this is not always reasonable.


Gemini are considered intellectual, courageous sign, whose people are distinguished by attractive appearance, duality and changeability. As a rule, people of this type are emotional, but influenced by criticism and irony in their address can develop indifference, detachment and magnitude.

That is, if someone constantly criticizes and underestimates, say, parents who raise twin baby, then the baby can become overly closed and indifferent to everything. That is why it is very important not to overdo it with criticism.

Gemini do everything possible to organize their lives just as it would be convenient. In life, they try to simplify everything and often it turns out. Clever, curious and alive, they can look at the world It is too easy that sometimes it becomes the cause of individual failures.

If something is not laid in the life of the twin, then he can even bring small problems and trifles to the universal scale, making "an elephant fly." And some impassableness and inconsistency of character can only add oil into the fire.

As for the financial side, they, as a rule, enjoy wealth, are dirty. It happens because of the windiness and inability to properly dispose of money. However, if such a person attaches certain efforts, he will definitely achieve success, of course, if he does not allow everything to a sideline and will not enthrall something new.

Among the twins there are a lot of intellectuals that grab everything on the fly and are prone to self-development and self-improvement. Often they can combine love for learning with a burden to merry. And this combination does not make losers in their studies, as it could happen to other signs.

Cute and active, they simply adore new impressions and travels, meetings and dating, casual communication and a change of partners. Their negative trait is inconstancy, which can lead the representative of this sign from the family nest.

Positive and negative features

Among the positive qualities of twins can be noted a fast and living mind, allowing them to see a complete picture of what is happening. They are able to solve almost any task, and they make it simple and at ease, not looking for complex paths. Representatives of this constellation have excellent memory and there is a talent in the writer's craft, the trade sector.

Of these, excellent writers, editors, sellers, translators, teachers, accountants are obtained. Men often find themselves as public figures, speakers, lawyers, bankers. Of women, good hostesses are obtained, in the kitchen of which is always preparing something, and guests often come.

Among negative qualities is an inorganization, scattered. They are not always under the power to finish the started case, distribute their time so that it was enough for all things. If they are passionate, they can devote themselves to achieve their goal, which can be fraught with emotional exhaustion.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to the rest and free time. They do not like slow and calm people, not understanding that not everyone can be as active as they. In addition, they often lack compassion and tolerance towards surrounding people.

Relations with twins are fireworks of emotions and impressions. It is fun to communicate with them and interesting, however, when it comes to long-term relationships, not everyone can withstand their rhythm.

Refer to everything that will occur in relations with the twin, you need calmly and simply, not complicating and not a sharpening setting. Do not protest against their changeability, trying to change them and tame them, because it will not work. You just need to be together with the partner and vary also with him.

For representatives of this sign, men and women, the intellectual level of the partner plays important. If you choose from beauty and mind, they will choose the second, since only with such a partner they will be fun and interesting.

Most often, the twins conclude a marriage several times in life. And the duration of the union may depend directly by age: the older the twin, the greater the likelihood of the duration of the marriage. If he succeeds in finding a person who will share all his hobbies and understand its essence, then such a union will be able to hold out all his life.

A man twin gives a woman confidence in tomorrow, calm, security. He will always help in a difficult moment and will be near. For a twin woman, love is often represented by the game that his whole life is subject to. With such a representative of an excellent half of humanity, you will not have to miss. Charming and beautiful, sentimental and romantic, she will make almost any man happy, especially if he takes her as it is.

As for loyalty, the twins have problems with this. And it's not about physical treason here, but about flirting, communication and desire to behave this way. The most durable marriages are obtained with them after 40 years, when their dust is a little dust and they want to wait at home the beloved person, communication with which gives pleasure.

This zodiac sign is distinguished by changeability and splitness. Representatives of this type are able to get along with others and find an understanding. And often these features are not allowed to find them suitable partner, choose from all the variety of one-sole.

Women gladly give understanding and love, although worthy men can meet very rarely. Random relationships give a greater extent sexual satisfaction than emotional. But when she meets the partner himself, it is him gives all the warmth, hidden eroticism and unconcerned fantasies. In sex, it is active, activity, gentle and picked up.

Men of this type are considered sensual lovers who appreciate female beauty and belong to representatives of the beautiful half of humanity with adoration. He envelops his chosen to romantic veil and always finds the answer in the heart of the lady.

However, in sex such a man can disappoint a woman a little, because more and more thinks about himself and his desires.


Gemini - a universal sign capable of getting great with any type of zodiac. But here is not so simple. If the twin finds an approach to everyone, then not everyone can withstand the pace of life and the nature of the twin. Therefore, it is still worth paying attention to the selection of a partner.

At a young age, a suitable partner is to look for among water and scales. These three signs are air. They know how to get along with each other and understand each other with a half-clow.

After 30 love, you can search already among Tales and Aries, since the twin becomes more calm, balanced and ready for stability and partnerships. After 40, the highest compatibility with Square, which will not let you get bored and pushes to self-development.


Gemini (21.05-21.06) - zodiac sign

Gemini Zodiac Sign Characteristics

There are always 2 people in this sign, and it is very interesting to monitor changes. They can quickly change clothes, work, place of residence, their solutions and manners. They all the time jump, even reading a book, they can start it from the end, from the last page. Twins are able to lead a discussion well. They are always surrounded by nervous energy. Most of them say quickly and at the same time do not know how to listen. These people are very impatient in relation to conservative people. But they have some friendliness in relation to others. They are fast and graceful. Never try to try to convince them. Gemini can easily get out of any situation. They quickly think about everything, they can be sharply satirical, they are smarter than other people. Many of them are pleasure, surprising the speed of their mental processes. If only who can cope with the twins, it is aquarius.

When twins are in love, they can constantly surprise you, their main secret consists of their duality. They can simultaneously do a few things with less effort than other signs. Any routine and ordinary make them feel a bird in a cage. They hate monotony in everything. Usually they are not punctual, often late. They rarely describe the history of their lives and do not like to write letters. The reason is that they have no permanent opinion. Therefore, they write often under the pseudonym. They love and know the languages, their favorite language.

Their tendency is easy to refuse their opinions can lead to dishonest. But nevertheless, they are too big idealists to become criminals. These are the biggest trains. What kind of project they did not take, the angels always smile at them. They are the greatest improvements in the world. In the soul, every twin is a merchant. Gemini need to sleep 2 times more than the rest to give rest of the constantly working brains. At the same time, they often suffer from insomnia and therefore rarely get a full rest, as a result of which there is a threat of nervous exhaustion. From the hospital they can keep only the sun and fresh air. The most common diseases of the twins - diseases shoulders, hands, fingers and palms. Lightweight can also be weak, in addition, they may threaten rheumatism, migraine and arthritis. And a strange thing - they are easier to experience an emotional explosion from longing than from unnecessary activities.

Deep inside themselves they strive for the ideal. Their main problem is to understand what it is? Ideal can be anything, because His imagination does not know borders. Money, fame, wealth, love - he is always not enough. He will always seem to be that it is better where it is not. Perhaps they are looking for something undisclosed in themselves. Their eyes are the talents are numerous, they have a lot of diplomacy and subtleties, but they lack constancy and patience.

Gemini trust only themselves. They are strangers on earth.

Zodiac sign twin men

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac

Living with him, it may happen that by sending him to the store on Monday, you can see it again only on Tuesday. Do not try to look for it at the same time and do not play his neck if he is going to leave. As soon as you learn to understand his restless soul, only then you can adapt to it. You will never be sure where and how much he left. This is exactly what returns all your doubts that love seemingly should melt. When you are in love with the twin, you will never be alone, there will always be two people with you, and both of them are he. Remember that this sign combines double individuality, this is a dual nature. These are the pets of any mistress, he adores the public than her more, the more fun. A rare twin is not an excellent interlocutor. He has a sophisticated taste, he is filled with witty comments, and its compliments - masterpieces of sincerity. Gemini have excellent manners, can send society to their row. This is the most intelligent sign.

But before you marry him, make sure that you are able to live with a person who will provide you with a completely uncertain future. His moods can usually change quickly, its life goals can also change very sharply. He can confess you in love today, and tomorrow to postpone a date, leaving you in complete bewilderment. And after a while he will begin to express doubts that you can be happy together. If you are worried about this, after a few days he will make you an offer again, and you will forget trouble. And here you are collapsed with the mystery itself.

The twin man will not be tomorrow who he is today. Yesterday, he remembers bad, not long. He is constantly changing. These changes are possible for the better, it can strive for the better, but it is always conjugate with an element of surprise. If you are a gambling player, you will make a good pair. But all the good players should understand the game well before making a bet. And it should be remembered. Their goals are always unstable and dual. Often, the twin husbands hide their love under the mask of rudeness, they have a subconscious desire to hide their true intentions, covering them with completely opposite words and actions. In general, they want to confuse you, and then change 100 percent and become open and frank, the more they have to themselves.

Love for a twin man may be light and enjoyable if you do not try to get closer to him too much. It has an inner core belonging to only him, which he will not share with anyone. Believe it easy and calm, do not be too sensitive and practical, do not bother him. And in this case, your novel with him will be quite original. Do not restrave against his changeability, change with him, interest your life just as it is interested, otherwise your romance is doomed. He needs primarily an intellectual partner, such that suits his mind or sometimes even surpasses him. He realist and loves intellectual duel. Silent mouse does not suit him at all.

He has a tendency to leave old friends for the sake of new, but not because the heartlessness. His own individuality is constantly changing, so he is looking for new people interesting for him. He can feel at home everywhere, rarely tied to old things. During the long periods of loneliness, he can shed sentimental tears, but they are called the only loneliness, not a dream along the past. He does not like, even afraid to remain alone during a long time. Many twins get married more often than once, especially if he was married for the first time in his youth (in this again his duality is influenced). As for the financial side, he may be at the beginning of life a very generous person, and then become just greedy. He has no desire to accumulate money, as well as knowledge. He loves everything to consume. The main function is to earn new ideas, issuing its bright mental abilities.

Will he be faithful to you?! In my own way, yes. Since he likes to rotate in society and is attractive for women, there is always a lot of woven around it. A rare twin man will allow themselves to be dishonest to you if you truly trust him. He is always able to catch any of your secret experience. However, you should not expect from him that he will avoid all women only because there is a wedding ring on it. It can have fun with women, drink with them, chat. For him, this is a natural state. This does not mean that he has novels with these women. When confidence is not justified, it is deeply wounded, introduces depression into the state. In this case, he is looking for reassuring his emotions. Its emotional or physical infidelity is not necessary, this is his normal state.

With children, he is a good father, not strict with them. Relationships with them are close, but somewhat free. They often spoil their children. He needs to learn to restrain his promises, which he often violates.

Jealousy is what you should not worry about, having a twin husband. Protection is not his character trait. From suspicion he tries to get off. The physical side of love for him is not in the first place.

He hears, sees and feels more than other people and his impressions are always very bright. His love wears a few air and illusory character. Sometimes it seems that she lacks earthly passions, which other signs possess. It must feel the complete merging of mental and spiritual qualities before it covers a physical passion. This is the only way to his heart.

You need to get used to the word "if". "If I loved." (Do not pay attention to these words, he says them for precaution). Rough critical comments, scenes quickly cool the sensitive twin male. He must have two mistresses at the same time, there is such an opinion. Yes, he needs two mistresses, but it does not have to be two different women. Here is the whole mystery. If you truly know your twin, you will know how to solve this riddle.

Zodiac sign twin-woman

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac

If you like the harem, marry a twin woman. In this case, you will have at least two women, and sometimes 3 or 4. Naturally, this comparison is conditional, it is distinguished by the lack of interest in earthly passions. It is very difficult to get to sit down and do something serious. Her mind is constantly traveling. But look under the dealer. And you will see a romantic woman capable of a strong passion. Moreover, it will be combined with mental, spiritual and physical qualities. How to preserve the changeable character and inner essence of a twin woman? This is the essence of the whole problem. Her age should be very important for you, because While she matures, her novels for her will be only a game.

Her behavior can be unpredictable to incredibility. At first she can admire you, and then starts to criticize in you with rare sarcasm and great mind. But let it not repel you, because She is always dual. She is not so heartless, as it may seem at times. She is a fan. And the novel is the easiest way to express your fantasies for it. All his fantasies, all her dreams she tolerates her novels. This woman needs your pity, not your anger. It is difficult for her to devote himself to some one person. She can be fascinated by you, but at the same time calmly notes that you are poorly dealt with music or, for example in poetry. And when she finds a man who disassembled in music or poetry, she will find some other disadvantages in it because of the duality of their character. Therefore, constant conflicts occur in her soul. But you need to give it tribute. Usually she holds all the difficulties of his character with them, without having burdened you.

She is usually a cheerful and fun partner. In most cases, she is bright, smart, individual, behaves well. She really likes all romantic and sentimental gestures. No other woman will charm you with such original ways of love and charm as she. It can very gracefully blink with their eyelashes as a typical woman, but at the same time she is helpless to earn their lives. It happens very different: at first she is cheerful, easy woman, then can be a lovely wife, a serious woman and suddenly can turn into a lump of nerves, fears, etc. I'm not unitualized! An example of that Merlin Monroe may be. A twin woman can be different in various situations. She always dreams of falling in love for real. But she does not succeed. She also strives for motherhood, but this also does not always work. In every man she can find a few good qualitiesBut seeks to perfection, always not achievable.

She can be yours good friend. She can participate with you in any business that interests you. At the same time, she always manage to look very soft and feminine, as well as exercise his mind. Moreover, its sharp and fast mind manifests itself very brightly when she meets a new man. She is sincerely convinced that in love with you, but at the same time it can be fascinated by another man too. If she is not all the time next to you, she can forget you faster than any other woman. This is her nature, aspiring to constant changes and seeking them. If she does not learn to manage his behavior, he will not learn to patience and stability, then she can spoil all his life, and at the same time yours. Fortunately, for a man, in love with such a woman, most twin women comes to a deep understanding of their nature. As soon as she accepts your offer, you can regret all other men who are doomed to marriage only with one woman. You will have several wives if you marry it.

Wife number one. It can adapt to everything that you want to see in it, and if you need loyalty, it can be true, provided that you are interesting enough to conquer her love. This refers to a combination of mental, spiritual and physical qualities. At the same time, the physical side goes the latter as the pepper, which we add to pizza. This wife will arrange you in everything. She with a good taste, loves to travel, will not blame you in the fact that your future is not stable, because it is interested in all new, even unstable. She will help you, expressing original thoughts. You can count on it in a difficult moment. And although externally, it makes the impression of a frivolous woman, it is incorrect. This is a deep thinker.

Wife number two. May have a different mood, you can expect this. Moments may come when it is ulcer and cynical. She can challenge you in intellectual dispute. But the man needs to be stimulated, right? Let's win her in this dispute and, by the way, this is what she wants in secret from you. Life does not shock her, she has no prejudice. She can take part in the strike, protest march. If you are delayed, it will not ask questions where you were. But do not ask such questions and you. You trust you, do the same in relation to it. This is a very independent person.

Wife number three. Will be tired and is in the state of depression, from homework. Beds will not be filled, dirty dishes while she dreams, reads, smokes. For lunch, canned canned, without even opening banks. But nevertheless, even at such moments you will find an excellent interlocutor in it. It will satisfy your emotional and intellectual impulses. Curiosity will listen to your opinion, will admire new projects. In short, will make you a pleasant company. She will also relate to you with love, because You did not scold her for not sole dust and did not prepare lunch. At such periods, she can waste money recklessly. And if you offer her a journey, she will gladly begin to gather, without asking stupid questions, how to get tickets and what to do with the cat, the remaining at home.

Wife number four. She will be a cheerful, smiling mother. She does not want children to limit her activities and changeable, children will imitate her independence and will do themselves. With children, she spends little time, although it gives them a lot of love. Teenagers love to talk with her, she will be a friend to them, because Her imagination is like a child.

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac twins.

Secrets of happiness twins

"Gemini" are widely known for the many of their hobbies, attachments and even marriages. You need a more sustainable foundation, a basis, and you should, also, to understand that in essence your marriage is not a funny competition and not a game, but accepting on your shoulders is very seriously responsible.

You are at the altitude in situations of light flirting, giving joy, but also a breaking heart. You - classic example A person with a wandering look, not too aspiring to limit his freedom, while tilling himself with some kind of uzami. Prolonged attachments will come only with revising such a relationship to life. Marriage, also implies care, home, children, constancy of income and life routine, and not just fun and games. You may be opposed, but finding family happiness requires rethinking your attitude to life.

Family life can cohere you, although you love your family, take care of her, you wonder your spouse and even relatives on his side. You can simply lose interest in these people, so do not regret the work on the search for a suitable partner - a person who is able to truly get along with you. Perfectly suitable "scales", "Sagittarius", "Aquarius", and even "Aries" and "Lion".

Astrological characteristics of the sign of the Zodiac Gemini

Symbol: Two twins.

Ruling planet twins: Mercury.

Characteristics of Gemini Sign: Air - changeable - positive.

The sign of the inventor, artist.

The nature of a typical "twin": curious, inquisitive and inquisitive, restless, artistic, non-permanent and controversial, witty, multilateral, cheerful and very noisy.

Positive qualities of twins: wit, courtesy, versatility, the ability to provide a big impression on people, enthusiasm, tact and diplomaticity, friendly and cheerfulness.

Negative qualities twins: indecision, inaccurability, egocentricity, carelessness, indifference and rudeness, lack of restraint.

Your personality

Your sign is a "air" sign and, in particular, this is a sign of self-expression, the "open" sign that allows you to easily and spontaneously establish contact with people. Your amazing multilateralism and curiosity takes the beginning in the extraordinary liveliness of your mind. There is a superpric of mental energy. You are ruled by Planet Mercury.

The sign of the twins is not very simple in interpretation, which is associated with the duality of its nature; In the life of "Gemini" inherent in both loyalty and impermanence, sincere affection and a tendency to flirt. You meet the change in the setting with constant joy, without ceasing to think about new projects. Your ideas are unusual and unique, not just original, but shiny and sophisticated.

Your planet - Mercury is known as the messenger of the gods. It gives you the qualities of speed, refinement and direct, makes you very easy to lift; However, it is characterized by lack of exposure. You quickly start the race, but fall without strength at the finish.

Travel and entertainment bring you rest, just like trips to the mountains. In communication and transmission of messages you see the meaning of life. You have never been created for privacy and loneliness. You are equally able to enjoy both azart games. You are not stingy, but do not always play by the rules. Often you are moving the desire to quickly get money, and sometimes you are capable of amazing seamless and practicality. However, at the same time, you are very (or at least you can be quite) are inventive and unrestrained in search of a pleasant pastime. You are able to consciously develop perseverance and hardness of the will.

You can suffer from excessive conciseness - the effect of oscillations of your mood. You eat rationally and tastefully.

Gemini as a friend

"Gemini" meet love for love and bloom from the slightest positive assessment; For the most part, they are kind and charming friends. However, sometimes you can feel difficulties in communication and lack of concerns from other people. You are always young with heart, soul and heart of many companies.

Gemini as father

Your views on life can be successfully transmitted to your children. I did not see the "twin" experienced great difficulties because of the "problems of fathers and children." You try to keep up with the times, especially with regard to the development and further life of your offspring. However, you can feed the tendency to excessive criticality and suppress your children. You may even seem intrusive, so observe these trends. Do not be too proud and we must admit that you are older and may have to modestly move back to the background.

Gemini as a mother

You are one of the few women who can successfully combine the needs of work, houses and small children, making expulsion of amazing dexterity and luck. Such a woman needs a special purpose, it will not be satisfied with the simple role of the mother, although it is a wonderful mother. Its main disadvantage may seem some lack of tenderness. However, she fully compensates for its carefulness, lots and dedicated activities inherent in her.

View for decades

The division for decades will help more accurately describe the features of a person who are capable of significant fluctuations even within the twin period (May 22 - June 21).

If you were born between May 22 and 31 (the first decade), then the planet's right-handed - Mercury, and often such people do not have an extraordinary brilliance of the mind. You are also very hospitable and reliable, and we have in your character some features corresponding to the sign of the Taurus. You are a good friend, the ideas generator, but quite a practical person. You manifest yourself in good deeds, as well as in the art of drawing.

If the date of your birth fell for the period between 1 and 10 (the second decade), the planet is the ruler protruding Venus, and more sophisticated qualities are on the fore. You like to make people happy; And wildlife and human beings serve you with a source of great charm. You love beauty and harmony, but sometimes this softness of your character can use other people for their own purposes.

If you are born between 11 and 21 June (the third decade), then the planet Saturn and Uranium rule, which entails a certain inconsistency, however, with undoubted ability to work. You are capable of ambitious achievements and at the same time share very common views on life. Psychiatry could be a suitable direction, although, in general, it is a decade of the inventor. The duality inherent duality inherent dual dividends in this decade. About Double Nature People - For Changes Born on Days

If you were born in the period 19-22, then the date of your birth came at the time of the transition of the signs of Taurus / Gemini.

Unusually exciting people. However, it is also true that in times you can be very stubborn, unbelievable and inconspile - in this difficulty. Effective wit, damn hot temper, the will of the demon, the trick of the diplomat, both art and science - friends, indicates the Indian God-patron of the knowledge of Ganesh. Your actual name is versatile. You will earn money without difficulty, as well as spending money. It's truly perfectly. Good friend. But please do not expect complete fidelity in response to your own. Take people like that they really have - complex, depending on mood, changeable. Health Danger represents the diseases of the lungs, throat, limbs, chest, sinuses, genitals, genitals and glands, as well as colds, gout, arthritis and bronchitis.

The most important years - 5-6, 14-15, 23-24, 32-33, 41-42, 50-51, 59-60, 68-69, 77-78, 86-87.

Unusual people. Possess mental abilities, witty, easily succumb to mood drops; attractive and several evasors at the same time, and sometimes restrained and cold; In some cases, the wonderful interaction of the mind and the heart is possible, and, unfortunately, the mess, when one falls under the power of another - in others; However, whatever served as a real reason, undoubtedly, they are captivating and charming creatures, often living in their own world. They are either very sociable or very undone and calm. Like water, they are able to take any forms, to be almost all that they want to be - and such is their peculiarity, their distinctive feature. If only they understood it and took sustainable, sincere, concentrated and long efforts! Health threat can be breast, stomach, intestines, nerve attacks, colds, allergies, skin diseases.

Major years will be 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 20, 23, 38, 52, 32, 34, 38, 52, 55, 34, 72, 65, 68, 72 , 77, 79, 83, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97, 101.

Know what is successful for you:

Lucky number Gemini: 5, 14, 23, 32, 50 (five series).

- Happy color for twins: orange, lemon, yellow and yellowish brown.

- Happy day for twins: Wednesday.

- Happy flowers and herbs for twins: celery, myrth, fern, lavender.

- Happy Stone for Gemini: Topaz, Agat, Emerald.

General characteristic of the sign

Sign. Male, air, mutable.

Ruisers. Retrograde Mercury and Retrograde Prosepine.

Exaltation. Mercury, Proserpina, ascending moon node.

EXIL. Jupiter and retrograde Neptune.

Fall. Downward moon node.

Constitution. Asthenic. The body is slim, more often thin. Legs and hands are elongated. Narrow, oblong shape head. Dark hair or dark blonde. Expressive eyes. Insightful look. Gait fast.

Temperament. Sanguine, nervous, light, variable.

Positive features of character and ingredients. A successful combination of intelligence and intuition, good perception, fast reaction, mobility, observation, rich fantasy and lively, vivid imagination, encyclopedic mind, curiosity, honesty, favor and goodwill.

Negative character traits. Lightness, superficiality, variability, unreliability, windiness, indiscretion, chatty, spray, coldness, rashness in decisions and affairs.

Weak places of the body and body. Hands. Breath organs (trachea, bronchi, light, especially the upper part of the lungs and pleura). Language. Nervous system. Brain gray. Psyche.

Diseases. The aforementioned organs and parts of the body. Neurasthenia, neuralgia, speech disorder to not imagination, violation of memory, neurosis and psychosis. Mania, phobias, delusional states, madness, epilepsy, kleptomania.

Metal. Mercury.

Minerals. For Talisman - Topaz Golden, Beryl Yellow. In general: Topaz noble, tiger eye, chrysoprase, carneol. Specificity: for born from May 21 to May 31 - Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Agat, Beryl Yellow; For those born from 1 to 10 June - Beryl; For born from 11 to 21 June - the Glad.

Flora. Laurel, Honeysuckle, Coffee, Tea, Noodle, Blackberry, Marena, Verbena, Zheleznyak, Jasmine, Pijm, Biryuchi, Mint, Rowan, Bindweed, Pigeon Grass, Hazelnuk, Grandfold, Peas, Beans, Beans, Potatoes, Cabbage, Eggplant, Zucchini , peanuts, grapes, olives, pears, figs.

Fauna. Monkey, Fox, Rooster, Parrot, All Sightbirds, Snakes, Spiders, Bees, Ants.

Trace element. Chloride potassium.

Vitamins. C, V.

Numbers. 5, 12.

Day. Wednesday.

Color. Orange yellow and yellow-green.

Countries and regions. United States, North Africa, Canada, Nizhny Egypt, West England, Sardinia, Silence, Flanders, Belgium, Greece, Armenia.

Cities. Cordoba, London, Melbourne, Nuremberg, Kissingen, Plymouth, Versailles, Mainz, San Francisco.

Twins - movable, lively, fast and prompt. The mind is thin, flexible, versatile, but scattered. On the one hand, the twins are located to the whole real, practical, concrete, and on the other - to the perfect, elevated, even spiritual.

Their nervous and restless character, weak will, lack of energy, dismisses prevent them from concentrating on something one and bring the work started to the end. They need a change of impressions, they kill them monotony. They are in constant contradiction between the inner world and the real reality, between desires and opportunities, which brings them the mental disorder and keeps them in constant nervous tension. In this regard, the material position of the twins is unstable and exposed to oscillations. The impermanence and surfaceness of feelings make them unreliable partners, so often the family life does not bring much happiness.

In affairs, communication, in love and family life They interfere with the surface and lack of real, deep feelings. The intellectual side prevails over emotional. Twins are witty and resourceful, they have a fascinating speech and expressive gestures, they know how to keep the interlocutor in continuous tension, forcing him to laugh, then cry. As interlocutors, twins are just perfect, but as partners in love and marriage or as business partners can be unreliable.

Communicating with the twins, it is easy to behave easily, easy and to have a sense of humor. Twins are able to speak freely on any topic you are interested in, but it is better to start a conversation with latest newsand should be remembered about their intellectuality and readiness. If you need to achieve some kind of result from twins, while talking, show your interest, do not break up on the half-word, and at a convenient case praise. If the twins are "not in the spirit" or try to get rid of an undesirable interlocutor or any problem, they apply tactical tricks: false, lucavia, flattery, unleashing words and whole phrases, knocking the interlocutor with a sense due to the obvious lack of logic. Under the larvae of innocent laughter can easily take the interlocutor away from the theme and goals of the conversation.

Under the sign of the twins, talented people are often born, especially if Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Venus are in their sign. Their professions depend not only on the testimony of the horoscope as a whole, but also from the spiritual level.

The main activities of the twins are the world of science and technology: atomic, cosmic and aviation industry, computer equipment, communication, transport, broadcasting, and television. Special success is achieved in journalism and publishing activities. They are attracted by the world of art: literature and lingopology. Twins love active, movable sport games (type of game in the ball, golf), as well as games that train mind (puzzles, rebuses, crosswords, chess, etc.). Often have "golden hands", applying them on such a field as design, applied sciences and applied arts, where a rich fantasy is helped by a rich imagination, inventive spirit and innovative abilities.

With normal development until 28 years of age, they absorb maximum information, experience, knowledge to reach the 56-63 years to reach the climax of their development, peak career, brilliance in society, which will accompany them until the end of days. But it happens, the truth is very rarely, when an individual, as it may find in its development at the age of about 14-16 years, and remaining in the infantile stage. In the period between 30 and 35 years, an accident or catastrophe should be fear. Their most vulnerable place - nervous system. The constant nervous overvoltage of twins can cause nervous disorders and even mental disruptions.

Now consider separately twin male and twin women.

Gemini men are an equation with many unknown. They always have no less "forty bags of ideas" and as much in stock. For their innumerable ideas and suggestions, the twins are pensions literally all: employees, bosses, subordinate, numerous friends, like-minded people, even their family. The same idea is able to present in different ways, depending on which it is intended .. This is natural, if you consider that they try to benefit from everything, even from love, being sincerely convinced that all ET0 is done exclusively in altruistic goals for society. In conversations and intermediary cases, the twin men ttyodya and unsurpassed. Their ideas, plans and intentions for them are urgent bread, without which they cannot live nor breathe nor exist. Therefore, Gemini Men until the end of life are in eternal search. One idea is rapidly replaced by another, more new, shiny and progressive, more attractive. These new ideas, in turn, generate a whole series of new brilliant ideas, which can continue indefinitely. Some of their ideas may be if not ingenious, then at least very useful. That is why friendship or cooperation with twin men contributes to spiritual development and growth.

As for the issues of love and marriage, Gemini, both men and women, belong to the family "Comet". Their feelings are fleeting, during their lives more than once the views, attachment, houses, things, girls, wives are changing. At the same time, they remain young until the oldest, until the stock of ingenious ideas and ideas run out.

Twin women are beautiful interlocutors: intelligent, alive, bright and witty. They are cheerful, quickly and easily converge with people. Can speak on any topic that you offer. Many men argue that it is women born under the sign of the twins give them a new impulse, a lifeful, refreshing and rejuvenating effect.

Twins Women early begin with love adventures, which they encourage them mainly curiosity and thrust for new experience. They love to "collect" fans, know the art of love. True, you are not so easy to seduce them. If the desire does not come from them, they are generally not available. Twin women love them to win in a special, intelligent, gallant, in the style of the last century, and even better - in the style of the era Louis Xiv.. They are attracted by subtle, complete hints of the conversation, witty statements that are capable of, alas, not every man. Those men who will be able to wake them up truly come to them quite late.

All his life they are looking for their narrowed, their prince. New disappointments leave in their soul the breakdown, doubts, begin searching for their only one. At the beginning of the family life of the twin female magnificent mistresses of their salon, beautiful mistresses and helpers with husbands. But as wives, they are true and devotees until the husbands are interested in and satisfy their requests. Then gradually begin visits, travel, business trips, excursions, tourist hiking, travel, etc. New hobbies appear, a whole string of fans and lovers, and with them new disappointments and parting, and again new searches. In addition, their parents and close relatives are constantly put on their psyche, giving all sorts of necessary and unnecessary advice to the "unreasonable child", and in the end they are waiting for the striking and divorces. As a rule, every third of the twin women is divorced, and each fifth - divorces 2-3 times. These women become real "nervous lumps" over time. To avoid this sad fate, the twins should be set positively directed targets. In this case, their energy becomes creative strength, and ingenuity and inexhaustible ideas find their use.

Besides overall characteristics For all twins, we will get acquainted with some of their specificity.

Gemini, born from May 21 to 31 , stubbornly fight for their existence. Often they are threatened by premature violent death. Of these, those born from May 21 to 25 have a strong sense of justice, resourcefulness, ingenuity, prudence, prudence. They easily find the necessary partner, they differ in love with refinement, and in family life -Pertility and practicality. Their fate often depends on the accident. They can easily, without much effort to make a career and climb to a high social stage or fight all their lives with various prefes and obstacles. From May 25 to May 31, often pivysti, ambitious, very demanding, borestiving, have a fair fraction of egoism. They have an outstanding nature, withered them not to occupy. Achieving the goal at all life stages is made to them easily thanks to talent and abilities. In love and marriage are true and devotees. Only under explicit failures, they receded to the background for a while, hide into the shadow.

Gemini, born from 1 to 13 June , have convincing eloquence and amazing duality. Among them, born between 1 and 3 in their nature are reminded from 21 to 25 May. From June 4 to June 13, surprisingly disciplined and conduct an ordered lifestyle. They are sociable, proud and executive. Dream of glory, honors, titles, awards, crave delight and admire others, approval and recognition of the public. In love almost always find reciprocity. We fiercely resist someone else's intervention in their personal life.

Gemini, born from 14 to 21 June In young years, there are strip of grief and disappointment. They are educated, intelligent, have a healthy sense of humor, independent of judgments, may be strong personalitiesBut are subject to frequent attacks of laziness. Their deep and contemplative mind of the philosophical warehouse is fixed to the sciences, especially humanitarian, occult, intimate. Love family life, well refer to people and animals.

C.A. Vronsky "Classic Astrology in 12 volumes"

Compatibility horoscope: Gemini Zodiac sign Date - The most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The zodiacal sign of the twins begins on May 22nd, but for another seven days, overlapped with the influence of the previous sign does not fully enter into its powers before the beginning of the 29th. In the period until June 21, the twins are in full strength, but at the end of the period for seven days gradually loses its power due to the formation of an increasing sign of cancer.

People born during this period are widely known for their split personality and the ability to change their mood at one moment. Although they really do not want to be related any kind of bonds, interesting, romantic, loving partners come out of the twins, even despite the fact that they can be quite non-permanent.

The dual sides of their nature are constantly pulling them in opposite directions. Their mental abilities are thin and shiny, but they usually lack the purpose of determining the goal.

Twins Dates: May 22 - June 21

From all people, the twins are the most difficult for understanding, they are hot and cold in character almost simultaneously. On the one hand, they can provide you with different signs of attention and immediately turn everything from the legs on the head and quarrel for life. Their subtle wit and excellent observation make them good storytellers, although they tend to exaggerate, which can cause trouble in their relationship.

Being, as a rule, intellectuals in nature, these people do not tolerate fools, the first thing they do when meeting - clearly define for themselves with whom they are interested whether they are interested in one or another person. Such people are usually excellent in diplomacy, their listeners blind them in wit and glitter, but they usually cannot fully take advantage of these advantages.

It is difficult even for them to understand what they want to achieve. In the depths of the soul, twins are ambitious wanting to achieve a certain position in society, however, reaching heights, quickly cool, fall into melancholy, are looking for a new application with their talents.

In financial terms, the twins often achieve good results, but in general their more appropriate career is that it requires diplomacy, tact, and grace. Representatives of this sign born in border periods often show unscrupiance in financial matters, they often turn into successful players, their lobes in business - fast enrichment schemes.

In all matters related to human relations, twins are people riddles. They can love frantically and still be non-permanent, and only their inborn art of diplomacy and elegant tact, how the shield protects them from creating a mess in their lives.

Twins compatibility


Zodiac sign Twins for birth periods.

Twins - a dual sign. It is characterized by constant generation. Twins are smart, have versatile interests, easily adapt to the circumstances. Representatives of this sign are always there for two people. From the nature of the twins a little irritable and nervous. They are prone to unexpected shifts of mood, clothing, work, place of residence, as well as their decisions and opinions.

Gemini love to talk, but do not know how to listen. Conservatism cannot tolerate: nor in humans or ideas.

Gemini have a strong nervous energy, they are fast and graceful, easily twisted from delicate situations. They are able to make several things at the same time. Monotonicity and punctuality are their enemies. They are often late due to the fact that they distracted something else.

Gemini - excellent politicians: thanks to their mental abilities, they will kill others in any way, you will be able to change the viewing about them.

As a rule, twins have a fool's pen, they are capable of learning foreign languages.

Gemini often produce an impression of extremely careless people.

For whatever fantastic work, the twins are taken, they are lucky. These are the greatest improvements in the world. Their brain dwells in constant voltage, so they need a longer sleep.

Gemini seek to ideals in any case, but can not determine it. Money, glory, love is always not enough for them, they are always not satisfied.

Among the representatives of this sign are the largest number of geniuses and talented people both in science and in literature, art.

Zodiac sign Twins for birth periods

Jupiter had the greatest influence at birth. They are smart, they have a congenital flair and predisposition to arts, do not require anything in return. In the absence of both money, and fame This type of people for self-satisfaction is often betrayed by religious reflections.

Numbers contributing to happiness and luck: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70.

Mars had the greatest influence on the birth of these people, as a result of which they sometimes have causing hostility, a tendency to ridicule, unreasonable anxiety and excessive concern.

Numbers that contribute to happiness and good luck: 8, 10, 16, 20, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72.

The greatest influence at birth on these people was the sun. They have indifferent and impellers, they are predisposed to annoyance in all sorts of trifles, seek fame, narcissist and verbose.

Numbers that contribute to happiness and good luck: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80.

Zodiac signs.

Gemini Zodiac Sign: Birthdays

Shemers and Babylonians were called the constellation "Velikim Gemini". The Greeks, noticing two bright stars, took them as the sons of Zeus: Castor and Pondhevka. When the first was killed, the second asked the Father to deprive himself of immortality. Zeus consensus and settled both in heaven. It is believed that the symbol displays their arms. Sometimes this form resembles a butterfly. Zodiac horoscope Twins are very entertaining, as in one sign, as it were, there are two personality, so he is changeable and interesting, like a snakecass.

Among famous personalities: Peter I, Pushkin, Arthur Conan Doyle, Jung, Paul Gauguin.

Twin birthday And their characteristics

Gemini: Dates of birth: May 21 - June 20

Zodiac is known for his manner of behavior - they constantly change everything. This applies to clothing, work, activities, place of residence. Even reaches decisions taken. This is a creative person who does not know how to curb his energy. Yes, they do not need it. Movie from the project to the project. And even reading a book, the twin is not able to stop on the spot, returns to the previous chapters or turns to the end. In conversation, more active speakers than listeners. Therefore, they often do not understand the essence.

A huge stock of energy makes them move and do something all the time. It is difficult for them to love constancy and stagnation, and a conservative friend is able to bring out. But still belong to a stranger friendly and without negative. The twin is not amenable to convictions. And you will not be able to pick them up to the wall, as the born under this sign are endowed with the talent to get out of any trouble. Their thoughts are not chaotic, but fast, so they often smarter than others and grab everything on the fly. They even like to surprise slow people by the speed of reasoning. The only worthy opponent in this business is aquarius.

Them month Birth gives Zodiac an incredible passion in love. If they are attached, they surround the object with care, and it is done without much effort. Dust dust only routine and events. They seem to become a layer of laziness and freeze. Monotony - death for twin. They do not have to wait for punctuality. Appointed a sign of a sign? Be sure that he is late. Avoid writing letters, since the opinion is transformed every minute. So use one, or even a few pseudonyms - the usual thing.

The fact that they refuse their opinion does not mean that the twin will go on a dangerous dishonest track. In the soul, they stretch to the perfect and correct, so the criminal life is not an option for them. However, have a habit of silent money. But lucky in endeavors. Sometimes everything comes out so well, as if they manage high power. In the soul, every representative of the sign of the zodiac is a born trader.

Gemini. Woman and man (general characteristics)

Gemini (22.05-21.06) - an ancient, dual, humane sign. This is a variable air: it is warm, then cold, and at times both at the same time. The twins are influenced by Planet Mercury, which gives them the ability to place themselves, build a living on the basis of their own interests.

Gemini - a complex, intellectually gifted sign. Sign symbol - two twin brothers holding hands. Another image is a person peering in its reflection in the mirror. In both characters, the magical entity of the twins is concluded: the twins are hardened and terrified, they are virtuous and disadvantaged. In some cultures with twins, the path of the Sun, the ascent of which means the development of a person, and the sunset is a loss vitality, degradation. In other words, the symbolic image of the twins corresponds to light and dark side Human personality.

Sometimes this zodiac sign symbolize two vertical columns denoting the gates of knowledge and wisdom. One column is associated with the highest divine knowledge, the other is associated with the Earth, where the twin people should continually work on the improvement of the Spirit.

The task of the twins in this world is to develop its intelligence in order to become a conductor of higher ideas, disseminate information, as well as combat the internal outerness, doubts and mood variability. Gemini motto: "I think."

Mythological slice

In ancient Greek mythology, the constellation of twins is associated with the legend of the two inseparable brothers Elena beautiful - Castor and Phalovka, who made many feats and became heroes of Eldla. They did not serve after death, the gods gave them eternal life. And the Greeks nicknamed their Dioskours, which means twins. Dioscurov revered as patrons of gymnastics, horse breeding and seaworthy, hospitality. Constellation, where two bright stars are quite close to each other, it was named after Castor and Poulovka - Gemini.

In the ancient Avestians, the months of twins were under the auspices of the deity-keeper of the integrity of our world of Archangel Huhurvat. His name is literally translated as "health", "integrity." Archangel Chaurvat - Patron water Element; It is a source that feeds the tree of life and giving power. His twin brother - Archangel Amertat protects the plant kingdom and is a springtime tree, which holds all the living. The archangels-brothers are associated legend of living water. Introducing a single whole, they support and restore the harmony of the world.

In Zoroastrians, twins are associated with two great spirits, the Brothers Khormazd and Achriman. One of them chose the path of good and became the Creator, and the second took the side of evil and destroyed everything in his path.

People born in this constellation live in a state of inner struggle. Despite this, they should not give up their internal beliefs and goals, throwing themselves halfway. Gemini, who managed to reconcile the two sides of their "I", will be able to succeed in any undertaking.

General psychological characteristic of the sign

Gemini - the most volatile zodiac sign. Live, deft, curious. This is an extraordinary human type, charming, but with an unpredictable reaction. The sign of the twins spawned a lot of gifted and ingenious people. They are looking for lightness, both in communicating and in affairs, which does not always go for them. Gemini tend to scatter on trifles. The frequensed, because sometimes look nervous and irritable.

Gemini - a sign of establishing contacts. They do not tolerate inaction and loneliness, easy to meet dating. For twins, communication with people acts as a means of obtaining knowledge and information. They need to follow their own words so as not to enjoy gossip and liar. Gemini are prone to exaggeration, distorting information, sometimes they do it unconsciously. With the unfavorable position of Saturn this sign It gives rise to people of dishonest and tactless, prone to deception and theft.

In the best manifestation of the twins of Mila, possess a developed mind, pleasant interlocutors, love new acquaintances and travels. They often lack the rootality in order to realize their ideas.

This zodiac sign gives a person with the ability to mental labor. Gemini often have literary talent, there are many creative personalities among them. Gemini work is suitable A trial nature, as they love fleeting contacts and replacing activities. The influence of Mercury gives ability to languages \u200b\u200band, in general, any activity related to communication and the word. Twins have a commercial vein, they are deft and enterprising traders.

Despite the ability of the twins to adapt to the circumstances, their life is not always going smoothly. They harm impermanence and the tendency to rely on fate. Gracing on trifles, twins lose their vital energy and subsequently let things go on samonek. Family life rarely brings joy, their disposal will, and the partner annoys the impermanence, eternal doubts and nervousness of the twins.

People of this sign are not very strong physically. They often fall from overwork, as activity exceeds their strength. Gemini is useful to be in the fresh air, they need a full-fledged sleep.

Twin female

Twin women are smart and charming. They feel forever young, try to keep up with fashion trends. Alive, with glitter in the eyes they attract men at any age. Without looking at love for flirting and fleeting hobbies, often internally cold. Twins intelligence usually wins the emotional side of nature. They are able to flash passion to a gifted man, who will conquer their mind.

By marrying, the twin female rarely seeks him, sometimes she does it unconsciously, obeying the current circumstances, but over time it turns out a good mother and the hostess. She becomes a reliable assistant to her husband. Applying numerous connections, the twin spouses can resolve many social problems. Because of its location to communication, it sometimes makes the impression of a frivolous person, but it is far from that. The twin female tend to indulge in dreaming, it can easily support the conversation with an unfamiliar man, but low-lying instincts are poorly manifested in it, which would allow to cross the line. Treason in sexual terms does not represent much interest.

In the youth, the twin female wants a lot to know and have time, so motherhood can be burdensome for her. In addition, twins, accustomed to establish contact with communication, difficult to configure concern about breast children. But as soon as the baby grows up and starts to pronounce the first words, the twin mother will be much easier to understand the needs of their Chad. She will be happy to develop intellectual abilities Child. Children usually trust their secrets twin. In the process of education, the twin mom is trying to influence the word without applying force and pressure.

Compatibility for Women Gemini:

Gemini man

Gemini men are able to arrange representatives of the beautiful sex to themselves. After all, as you know, women love ears, and the twins of the seduction wizard. Eruded, you can talk to any topic. The twins attracted by the external charm, women stretch to him, but it turns out that he did not intend to conquer their heart at all, and simply supported a friendly conversation. Men of this sign often elude women to whom they themselves initially showed interest. Why this happens and what woman he needs, twin and does not know himself. It seems to him that one of his girlfriend is not smart enough, the other is not very beautiful, the third is too serious - it can continue until the oldest. Gemini men consider themselves gifted and attractive personalities and dream of finding a companion to themselves.

IN family relationship A twin man leaves his ambitious plans, he needs to be used by his abilities. He is quite freedoming and hardly agree to spend all his free time with his wife, no matter how much she loved her. For his family will be a blessing to have a common circle of friends or the same genus of activity with his wife.

In a relationship with his children, he tries to become the best friend, does not seek authoritarianism. Gemini men are quite democratic, both in family life and in society.

Gemini. Goroscopes twins

Zodiac sign Twins - Dates from May 21 to June 21

Twins are an intellectual and active sign, like air: everywhere and everywhere, trying to fill all empties. This feature Directly reflected on planets in it.

  • Gemini symbol: two brothers.
  • Element of twins: air.
  • Gemini temperament: Sanguine.
  • Season: Spring.
  • Planet Governor Gemini:Mercury.
  • Exile:Jupiter, Neptune.
  • Exaltation: .
  • The fall:Chiron.
  • Key values:brotherhood, kinship, duality, impermanence, information, documents, files.
  • Anatomical compliance:light, pleura, bronchi, trachea. Shoulders, forearms, hands, wrists - in the complex: and bones, and muscle, and vessels; Lockers. Vegetative nervous system, respiratory system. Vasomotorika.
  • Character character traits:instability, impermanence, irresponsibility, duality, the need for support (second half, partner), sociability, flexibility.
  • Situations:contacts, new acquaintances, exchange of information (experience), collection of facts, study, examinations, science, search, erudition, diplomacy, travel, business trips, work with papers, documents, monitoring for something, Slot.
  • Food:Chicken, turkey, partridge. Beans, beans, soybeans, peas, peanuts. Claws: corn, wheat (bread and duff). Berries: strawberries, strawberries, bounds. Exotic fruits: Avocado, Papaya, Zalakka.

Twins are a symbol of contacts and communication! Very windy sign, dry and cold. Any planet (as well as the sun, and the moon), falling into the sign of the twins, shows the features and qualities of their nature are dual, unstable and changeable. Those, in whose birthday horoscopes there are planets (sun or moon) in the sign of the twins, try to actively use the energy of this planet. They seek to show it in a relationship with the outside world.

So, Venus in Gemini means a constant desire for new acquaintances, new sexual contacts. And therefore means impermanence in love, and generally the variability of feelings. Venus in the twins speaks about windiness in feelings, coldness: interest raises the stage of establishing contact with a potential sexual partner. And when communication was established - all interesting is behind. So, the new partner search begins.

Mars in Gemini warns of an unstable will and unstable energy. Here the principle of compensation is triggered here: to hide his weakness, those in whose natal maps Mars is in this sign, sometimes start to behave defiantly and aggressively, cruelly and unfair, substituting others to blow others. It is difficult to directly protect them: since there is no confidence in yourself, there is no inner rod.

Saturn in the twins is very promoted by scientific and research workAllows not to loot, but to be able to see other parties, contributes to the perpetuity in written work, selectivity in contacts.

Neptune in the twins is associated with creative giftedness: poetic, artistic or musical gift.

Forecasts based on planets from the sign of the twins. The general principle is based on duality and instability. And the scheme is as follows. In the period to which the Directorate, as a rule, the event, is still being processed, is already being processed, the event associated with this Directorate occurs. But the peculiarity lies in the fact that in the coming months there is at least another event of this kind, and most often there is a whole string of events. But these events are not associated with stability and constancy. As a rule, when the Directorate of the Planet from the Gemini sign is dispelled, then the consequences of this chain of events are beginning to be leveled.

If the Directorate is associated with love dating, then the period of its projection means dating at once with several applicants. The choice of choice appears. But stable relationships with any of the applicants do not add up, because the twins are a sign of instability. Such relationships can not be called durable, after the divergence of the Directorate, they themselves can easily go to no.

A similar situation is also with work. During the period of projection of such a directorate, a person can immediately make several proposals, and it is important for the right choice to pay attention to the most stable organization.

The devastating directions of the planets occupying the sign of the twins are manifested as "the trouble never comes one" - a series of troubles and misfortunes. But after the end of the projection of the Directorate - the exit from the current crisis will be relatively easy. With progressions to the planet, which is in the sign of the twins, should always be guided by the principle: "For two hares, you will not catch one!" Progressions to the planets in the twins enhance sociability, the desire for acquaintances, intellectual opportunities.


Gemini (21.05-21.06) - zodiac sign

Gemini Zodiac Sign Characteristics

There are always 2 people in this sign, and it is very interesting to monitor changes. They can quickly change clothes, work, place of residence, their solutions and manners. They all the time jump, even reading a book, they can start it from the end, from the last page. Twins are able to lead a discussion well. They are always surrounded by nervous energy. Most of them say quickly and at the same time do not know how to listen. These people are very impatient in relation to conservative people. But they have some friendliness in relation to others. They are fast and graceful. Never try to try to convince them. Gemini can easily get out of any situation. They quickly think about everything, they can be sharply satirical, they are smarter than other people. Many of them are pleasure, surprising the speed of their mental processes. If only who can cope with the twins, it is aquarius.

When twins are in love, they can constantly surprise you, their main secret consists of their duality. They can simultaneously do a few things with less effort than other signs. Any routine and ordinary make them feel a bird in a cage. They hate monotony in everything. Usually they are not punctual, often late. They rarely describe the history of their lives and do not like to write letters. The reason is that they have no permanent opinion. Therefore, they write often under the pseudonym. They love and know the languages, their favorite language.

Their tendency is easy to refuse their opinions can lead to dishonest. But nevertheless, they are too big idealists to become criminals. These are the biggest trains. What kind of project they did not take, the angels always smile at them. They are the greatest improvements in the world. In the soul, every twin is a merchant. Gemini need to sleep 2 times more than the rest to give rest of the constantly working brains. At the same time, they often suffer from insomnia and therefore rarely get a full rest, as a result of which there is a threat of nervous exhaustion. From the hospital they can keep only the sun and fresh air. The most common diseases of the twins - diseases shoulders, hands, fingers and palms. Lightweight can also be weak, in addition, they may threaten rheumatism, migraine and arthritis. And a strange thing - they are easier to experience an emotional explosion from longing than from unnecessary activities.

Deep inside themselves they strive for the ideal. Their main problem is to understand what it is? Ideal can be anything, because His imagination does not know borders. Money, fame, wealth, love - he is always not enough. He will always seem to be that it is better where it is not. Perhaps they are looking for something undisclosed in themselves. Their eyes are the talents are numerous, they have a lot of diplomacy and subtleties, but they lack constancy and patience.

Gemini trust only themselves. They are strangers on earth.

Zodiac sign twin men

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac

Living with him, it may happen that by sending him to the store on Monday, you can see it again only on Tuesday. Do not try to look for it at the same time and do not play his neck if he is going to leave. As soon as you learn to understand his restless soul, only then you can adapt to it. You will never be sure where and how much he left. This is exactly what returns all your doubts that love seemingly should melt. When you are in love with the twin, you will never be alone, there will always be two people with you, and both of them are he. Remember that this sign combines double individuality, this is a dual nature. These are the pets of any mistress, he adores the public than her more, the more fun. A rare twin is not an excellent interlocutor. He has a sophisticated taste, he is filled with witty comments, and its compliments - masterpieces of sincerity. Gemini have excellent manners, can send society to their row. This is the most intelligent sign.

But before you marry him, make sure that you are able to live with a person who will provide you with a completely uncertain future. His moods can usually change quickly, its life goals can also change very sharply. He can confess you in love today, and tomorrow to postpone a date, leaving you in complete bewilderment. And after a while he will begin to express doubts that you can be happy together. If you are worried about this, after a few days he will make you an offer again, and you will forget trouble. And here you are collapsed with the mystery itself.

The twin man will not be tomorrow who he is today. Yesterday, he remembers bad, not long. He is constantly changing. These changes are possible for the better, it can strive for the better, but it is always conjugate with an element of surprise. If you are a gambling player, you will make a good pair. But all the good players should understand the game well before making a bet. And it should be remembered. Their goals are always unstable and dual. Often, the twin husbands hide their love under the mask of rudeness, they have a subconscious desire to hide their true intentions, covering them with completely opposite words and actions. In general, they want to confuse you, and then change 100 percent and become open and frank, the more they have to themselves.

Love for a twin man may be light and enjoyable if you do not try to get closer to him too much. It has an inner core belonging to only him, which he will not share with anyone. Believe it easy and calm, do not be too sensitive and practical, do not bother him. And in this case, your novel with him will be quite original. Do not restrave against his changeability, change with him, interest your life just as it is interested, otherwise your romance is doomed. He needs primarily an intellectual partner, such that suits his mind or sometimes even surpasses him. He realist and loves intellectual duel. Silent mouse does not suit him at all.

He has a tendency to leave old friends for the sake of new, but not because the heartlessness. His own individuality is constantly changing, so he is looking for new people interesting for him. He can feel at home everywhere, rarely tied to old things. During the long periods of loneliness, he can shed sentimental tears, but they are called the only loneliness, not a dream along the past. He does not like, even afraid to remain alone during a long time. Many twins get married more often than once, especially if he was married for the first time in his youth (in this again his duality is influenced). As for the financial side, he may be at the beginning of life a very generous person, and then become just greedy. He has no desire to accumulate money, as well as knowledge. He loves everything to consume. The main function is to earn new ideas, issuing its bright mental abilities.

Will he be faithful to you?! In my own way, yes. Since he likes to rotate in society and is attractive for women, there is always a lot of woven around it. A rare twin man will allow themselves to be dishonest to you if you truly trust him. He is always able to catch any of your secret experience. However, you should not expect from him that he will avoid all women only because there is a wedding ring on it. It can have fun with women, drink with them, chat. For him, this is a natural state. This does not mean that he has novels with these women. When confidence is not justified, it is deeply wounded, introduces depression into the state. In this case, he is looking for reassuring his emotions. Its emotional or physical infidelity is not necessary, this is his normal state.

With children, he is a good father, not strict with them. Relationships with them are close, but somewhat free. They often spoil their children. He needs to learn to restrain his promises, which he often violates.

Jealousy is what you should not worry about, having a twin husband. Protection is not his character trait. From suspicion he tries to get off. The physical side of love for him is not in the first place.

He hears, sees and feels more than other people and his impressions are always very bright. His love wears a few air and illusory character. Sometimes it seems that she lacks earthly passions, which other signs possess. It must feel the complete merging of mental and spiritual qualities before it covers a physical passion. This is the only way to his heart.

You need to get used to the word "if". "If I loved." (Do not pay attention to these words, he says them for precaution). Rough critical comments, scenes quickly cool the sensitive twin male. He must have two mistresses at the same time, there is such an opinion. Yes, he needs two mistresses, but it does not have to be two different women. Here is the whole mystery. If you truly know your twin, you will know how to solve this riddle.

Zodiac sign twin-woman

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac

If you like the harem, marry a twin woman. In this case, you will have at least two women, and sometimes 3 or 4. Naturally, this comparison is conditional, it is distinguished by the lack of interest in earthly passions. It is very difficult to get to sit down and do something serious. Her mind is constantly traveling. But look under the dealer. And you will see a romantic woman capable of a strong passion. Moreover, it will be combined with mental, spiritual and physical qualities. How to preserve the changeable character and inner essence of a twin woman? This is the essence of the whole problem. Her age should be very important for you, because While she matures, her novels for her will be only a game.

Her behavior can be unpredictable to incredibility. At first she can admire you, and then starts to criticize in you with rare sarcasm and great mind. But let it not repel you, because She is always dual. She is not so heartless, as it may seem at times. She is a fan. And the novel is the easiest way to express your fantasies for it. All his fantasies, all her dreams she tolerates her novels. This woman needs your pity, not your anger. It is difficult for her to devote himself to some one person. She can be fascinated by you, but at the same time calmly notes that you are poorly dealt with music or, for example in poetry. And when she finds a man who disassembled in music or poetry, she will find some other disadvantages in it because of the duality of their character. Therefore, constant conflicts occur in her soul. But you need to give it tribute. Usually she holds all the difficulties of his character with them, without having burdened you.

She is usually a cheerful and fun partner. In most cases, she is bright, smart, individual, behaves well. She really likes all romantic and sentimental gestures. No other woman will charm you with such original ways of love and charm as she. It can very gracefully blink with their eyelashes as a typical woman, but at the same time she is helpless to earn their lives. It happens very different: at first she is a cheerful, light woman, then can be a lovely wife, a serious woman and suddenly can turn into a lump of nerves, fears, etc. I'm not unitualized! An example of that Merlin Monroe may be. A twin woman can be different in various situations. She always dreams of falling in love for real. But she does not succeed. She also strives for motherhood, but this also does not always work. In every man, she can find some good qualities, but seeks to perfection, always not achievable.

She can be your good friend. She can participate with you in any business that interests you. At the same time, she always manage to look very soft and feminine, as well as exercise his mind. Moreover, its sharp and fast mind manifests itself very brightly when she meets a new man. She is sincerely convinced that in love with you, but at the same time it can be fascinated by another man too. If she is not all the time next to you, she can forget you faster than any other woman. This is her nature, aspiring to constant changes and seeking them. If she does not learn to manage his behavior, he will not learn to patience and stability, then she can spoil all his life, and at the same time yours. Fortunately, for a man, in love with such a woman, most twin women comes to a deep understanding of their nature. As soon as she accepts your offer, you can regret all other men who are doomed to marriage only with one woman. You will have several wives if you marry it.

Wife number one. It can adapt to everything that you want to see in it, and if you need loyalty, it can be true, provided that you are interesting enough to conquer her love. This refers to a combination of mental, spiritual and physical qualities. At the same time, the physical side goes the latter as the pepper, which we add to pizza. This wife will arrange you in everything. She with a good taste, loves to travel, will not blame you in the fact that your future is not stable, because it is interested in all new, even unstable. She will help you, expressing original thoughts. You can count on it in a difficult moment. And although externally, it makes the impression of a frivolous woman, it is incorrect. This is a deep thinker.

Wife number two. May have a different mood, you can expect this. Moments may come when it is ulcer and cynical. She can challenge you in intellectual dispute. But the man needs to be stimulated, right? Let's win her in this dispute and, by the way, this is what she wants in secret from you. Life does not shock her, she has no prejudice. She can take part in the strike, protest march. If you are delayed, it will not ask questions where you were. But do not ask such questions and you. You trust you, do the same in relation to it. This is a very independent person.

Wife number three. It will be tired and is in a state of depression, from homework. Beds will not be filled, dirty dishes while she dreams, reads, smokes. For lunch, canned canned, without even opening banks. But nevertheless, even at such moments you will find an excellent interlocutor in it. It will satisfy your emotional and intellectual impulses. Curiosity will listen to your opinion, will admire new projects. In short, will make you a pleasant company. She will also relate to you with love, because You did not scold her for not sole dust and did not prepare lunch. At such periods, she can waste money recklessly. And if you offer her a journey, she will gladly begin to gather, without asking stupid questions, how to get tickets and what to do with the cat, the remaining at home.

Wife number four. She will be a cheerful, smiling mother. She does not want children to limit her activities and changeable, children will imitate her independence and will do themselves. With children, she spends little time, although it gives them a lot of love. Teenagers love to talk with her, she will be a friend to them, because Her imagination is like a child.

Planet twins

Mercury - Bulletin of the Gods. God in the winged sandals is instantly transferred through the air and has the right to enter any door - even in the kingdom of the dead aid, where any other way is ordered. Therefore, Mercury born under the auspices are extremely intelligent, sociable and fast.

Element twins

Gemini - air sign. Signs of this element give a man beautiful intelligence. At work, the twins are distinguished by the extraordinary clarity of thinking, capable of solving complex tasks, nominate extraordinary ideas. This quality makes twins with useful employees in any team, and, although they do not seek to become leaders, they are very highly appreciated.

Gemini - one of the "dual" zodiac signsSo his representatives combine double individuality. They seem to coexist two hipostasis. But in this, the peculiar love of twins. They are prone to quick and sudden change of all - places, work, clothing, and even their loved ones.

Born under the sign twins very smartAlways study atmosphere and people in search of new information. Than more information He gets to the twins, the better. For them, the joy of sharing this information with those whom they love.