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Where are the funds for the Foundation Wateranova. Top model from the "slums". Good deeds Natalia Vodyanova. About preparation for the Rabies

For the first time I began to engage in charity at 22 years. "Once my life has improved. Only memories remained from past material problems. I have already married, gave birth to a child and earned it myself well, "says Natalia in one of their interviews. - And once I arrived in my native Nizhny Novgorod and decided to see the news. I was shocked when I saw that actually happening in the world ... Pain, suffering, tears of children ... Then I thought: how can I help? After all, most recently needed help. My younger sister Oksana since childhood was not the same as everything (Oksana suffers from the heavy form of autism. - Approx. WDay), and I know how hard it is. I remember how people avoided us, and the medicines were expensive, all sorts were trouble. "

At first Natalia Vodyanova helped the needy than could. The family itself found the family, went to them, showed material and moral support. And in 2004 she made his dream - the Nude Heart Foundation was opened throughout Russia. Moreover, the model not only leads them, but also itself actively participates in all events. To the question, as she managed to do everything, Vodyanova answers briefly: "The more I give, the more strength and energy I get in return."

The Mission of the Nude Heart Foundation says: "To make that in the life of every child there is something that is absolutely necessary for a full, happy childhood: a loving family and safe developing game space." To implement this goal, Vodyanova is attracted by own connections: it is satisfied with charity events and auctions, and also launches profitable projects (whether it is shooting in the magazine or the launch of the line of the shoes), all income from which is good.

Thanks to the Foundation, Natalia Vodyanova, free institutions are being created in Russia, which provide assistance to families raising children with the peculiarities of development; Training teachers are taking place to work with such children; Inclusive children's playgrounds are built. In addition, in 2011, a project "Each child is worthy of family" was created on its initiative, the purpose of which is to pay attention to the problem of parental failure from children with severe diseases.

Natalya Vodyanova has four children, and older often takes with them to charity trips. "I want my children to understand that they were lucky in life, they have everything you need, which means they should be open to the other," Natalia often repeats in their interview.

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Angelina Jolie

Another person, about the good deeds of which is known to the whole world, is, of course. Who would have thought 20 years ago that the scandalous actress would change his priorities and go on another way?

Angelina Jolie came to thoughts about charity suddenly. It happened in Cambodia on the filming of the film "Lara Croft is a breakdown of tombs." Then the actress opened another world in which there is poverty and hunger. "After I saw the life of people in Cambodia, I hated myself and my life. All my experiences have become full of stupid, "Angelina confessed. And after the filming, she went with a humanitarian mission to the third world countries, and for refugees Pakistan sent $ 1 million in four years. Jolie visited more than 20 countries, each of which took part in the help of children, patients and refugees. "I completely rethought my life and the big half of my income began to spend on charity. And what was my surprise that, despite my certain detachment from the film industry at that moment, the proposals from the directors literally fell apart, "the actress told once. "Then I made sure that if you help others, fate begins to help you, but only double."

About the works of Angelina Jolie can be judged by her awards: she awarded the title of Good Will, the UN Humanitarian Award, Oscar for active volunteer humanitarian aid, as well as the British Order. In addition, the actress performs with reports on all sorts of political forums and has significant authority on many politicians.

Also, Jolie became the founder of several funds in Cambodia, engaged in environmental protection and the treatment of children affected by HIV, and the center for children affected by man-made and natural disasters.

And, as you know, Angelina itself brings up three receptions and three of their biological children. And the sources close to the actress recently reported that she did not want to stop. And most recently, she made an official statement that after the completion of several projects would leave the movie to give all their time to family and charity.

Chulpan Khamatova

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Actively supports the help of children in Russia. All began with the fact that the actress received a proposal to hold a charity concert, all the means of which will go to buy the apparatus for the treatment of children with oncological diseases. She agreed, but the event did not collect the right amount of funds. Chulpan did not despair and together with actress Dina Korzun organized the second such concert. The next attempt was not in vain: managed to collect about $ 300 thousand, this amount was enough! However, Chulpan and Dina decided not to stop on the achieved and continue a good deed. The following year, they again organized a concert and conducted a number of shares. "The desire to help me appear immediately after I saw with my own eyes, with what difficulties our domestic medicine faces: there is not enough drugs, equipment, and just good conditions," said the actress once in his interview.

In 2006, she, together with Dina Korzun, founded the "Give Life" foundation, which by 2009 gathered for the treatment of children more than 500 million rubles. The actresses are personally engaged in the organization of all projects of the center, and also regularly visiting the sick children and their families. In 2012, they opened a branch of the Foundation in London.

Also, the actress attracts to the charity of many stars of the Russian show business and we advise all people if possible to help others. "When you see the human misfortunes, the head gets into place," said Chulpan Hamatov often. "For example, I discovered a lot for myself since founded the foundation: I realized that it was really important in this life, I learned to see true values \u200b\u200band also met with a huge number of good and responsive people."

As you know, Chulpan Hamatova combines combines the acting career and work in the Foundation with the upbringing of two daughters, who, by the way, often takes with them to charity events. "Children are very helpful to know what happens in our world," she said once.

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It is from Colombia, so it is known about poverty and living conditions in this country. And, unlike many other celebrities, who came to charity, randomly, she since childhood has delivered the only goal: in order to succeed to help to help those who need. And since the future star began to show their talents from 4 years old (it was at this age that she composed her first poem), then by 30 years old Shakira became known for the whole world. And from his dream, she did not refuse and first of all began to transfer huge amounts from their fees to poor Colombian children. And in 1997, the singer founded the PIES Descalzos Foundation Foundation, which is engaged in the construction of schools throughout Colombia. Shakira monitors the development of the Fund personally, and also regularly gives a huge number of charitable concerts.

Amazingly, with the optimism of Shakira communicates with children, poor families and people affected by natural cataclysms. Eyewitnesses say that after communication with the singer, people want to believe for the best and live on. She literally charges energy.

Also worth separately telling about its activities in the poor regions of Latin America and Asia. She personally carries around abandoned areas and talks with girls about how important in their lives get education and independence. As you know, in some states of these countries, women's education is still highly rare.

The works of the singer, of course, were rewarded. She received the Order of UNICEF, the Medal of the International Labor Organization of the UN, the reward from MTV in the category "Frequently Obama appointed it with a member of the initiative of the White House for the Development of Hispanic Americans.

On the charity and the work of Shakira gives himself without a balance, but he tries to speak anything about the candles of personal life. She was attributed to the many novels, but none of them was confirmed. Only in 2012, the singer began to appear in public with the Spanish footballer, and in early 2013 they had a son Milan.

Natalya Vodyanova is known not only due to its brilliant career model, but also the charitable shares that she spends. The Naked Heart Foundation, founded by Natasha, is no longer the first year to collect funds for the construction of playgrounds in Russia. In this, numerous friends-designers help her - they make unusual lots for conductive auctions.

The event, which will be held in July, was preparing for several years. The evening called "The White Fairy Tale Love Ball" is dedicated to Russian fairy tales - they were the topic to create a forty magnificent outfits that can be purchased there.

Designers from all over the world worked on these masterpieces. Participation in the project adopted former Designer Balmain Christophe Decarnal and Former Creative Director DIOR John Galliano, Russian fashion designers Alena Ahmadullina, Vika Gazinskaya, Denis Simachev, Ulyana Sergienko. Even Alexander McQuein managed to participate, his work will also be presented at auction. In addition, dresses from Chanel, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Givenchy, Dolce & Gabbana, Givenchy, Lanvin, Louis Vuitton, Alexander Wang, Gareth Pugh and many other famous fashion houses.

Giambattista Valli.Louis Vuitton.Yves Saint Laurent.Gucci.Viktor & Rolf.Vika Gazinskaya.Oscar de la RentaAlexander McQueen.Balmain.

The presented lots will not only allow to assemble funds for the activities of the Kholovna Charitable Foundation, but also will decorate someone's collections. Each outfit is made in a single copy!

Natalya Vodyanova

Foundation "Nude Hearts"

Ten years ago, in 2006, Natalya Vodyanova held the first secular event of his Nude Heart Foundation. The evening took place in New York, and Designer Diana von Fürstenberg helped in his holding model. Then we managed to collect $ 350 thousand and two years later, the name Ball was established for the Fund's events, at which today Natalia Vodyanova gathers several million dollars at a time. The story of "Nude Hearts" began in 2004, after the tragedy in Beslan, which took the life of 333 people. Trying to understand how to help the surviving children, Natalia saw a simple solution - the affected schoolchildren need to distract the game. So the concept was born - the creation of bright spaces that would be a kind of therapy. And even approached for children with features of development. By the time the model was already my mother herself and remembered his own childhood well. Natalia Vodyanova, a senior of three sisters in the family, began at 11 years old, helping mother to trade in fruit on the market. The future model was not to the games, so their necessity and the consequences of the absence in the life of the child she understood as no other.

True, the construction of some sites by 2011 Natalia became little. And then the Foundation launched the program "Each child is worthy of family", aimed at supporting parents raising children with the peculiarities of development. The model itself has repeatedly admitted that her personal history also served to create "naked hearts". Native sister model Oksana doctors diagnosed children's cerebral paralysis and autism. When Vodyanova came out with her for walks, local children laughed. To accept into its company, they agreed only by Natalia, but that of such proposals was invariably refused. The first center for the support of families in which children are growing with diagnoses of cerebral centers, Down sander and autism, "naked hearts" opened in the hometown of Vodyanova - Nizhny Novgorod. And today they work along the whole of Russia: from Kaliningrad to the Soviet harbor and from the village of Upper Fiagdon to Ossetia to Sela Berezovo in Kemerovo region, covering the territory of 7181 km from the west to the east and 6706 km from the north to south. In early June 2016, in the midst of the preparation of the next charitable evening Love Ball, Natalia Vodyanova gave birth to the fifth child. And less than a month, surrounded by Russian birches and installed right in the middle of the Louis Vuitton Hall of the Louis Vuitton Foundation, the club has already taken away from all over the world of guests - from the photographer Mario Testino and Rapper -Canny West to the secular lioness Paris Hilton and Ksenia Sobchak. Now we can already boldly say that Love Ball managed to become one of the main events of the "charity calendar", along with the evening Amfar, the proceeds from which goes to develop ways of treating AIDS, dinner Leo-Nardi DiCaprio, a guide to solving environmental problems Environments, and already over half a century, Gala - Red Cross Ball in Monaco. The auction of the evening, which this year was dedicated to modern art, passed under the patronage of Sotheby's itself, and among the lots there were works of Ilya and Emilia Kabakov, Olafur Eliasson and even Frank Geri, in whose architectural creation and took place.

Natalia Vodyanova, from the very beginning, sought to make charity, "enjoy". And she succeeded. At events, be it love ball or "colorful race", guests and participants eat deliciously, laugh, dancing, run and sprinkle with each other multicolored paint. And in parallel collect solid amounts that go to the good and necessary affairs. So, revenue from the last Love Ball accumulated € 3.88 million. This figure has developed as a result of auction trading and fees for the place behind the table, which the Bala organizers, however, chose not to voice. And in just a day of the secular event, Natalia Vodyanova, almost € 15 million managed to collect.

Another rule that the model adheres to in its charitable work is not to lure problems. It is not by chance that launched together with Yana Rudkovskaya and Dima Bilan in 2015 the project got the name # all. Then the singer recorded the song of the same name, in the clip on which an eight-year-old Nick starred is a girl with Down syndrome. Vodyanova herself is always extremely honest and frankly told about his own heavy and poor childhood, and about Sister Oksana. "Over the past five years, charity in Russia from Tabu has turned into a fashionistine story. This happened precisely because it was stopped silent about her, "said Vodyanova and continues to do his job. "His business" for Natalia today is a successful career, and charitable activities. Moreover, it is important to highlight that one of them is, and that the secondary, no longer possible.

In 2016, Forbes included Natalia Vododanov in the rating of the most highly paid models of the world. She took the 11th line in it, earning $ 5.5 million from June 2015 to June 2016, it goes to the podium, removed for magazine covers and in commercials. At the same time, her participation in the work of "naked hearts" can not be called nominal. The success of the Top Model Foundation calls one of the most significant personally for her. And he admits that he loves most when it congratulates it with the opening of the next playing platform "Nude Hearts". So what was not in her childhood. The smallest playground cost the Foundation at € 5 thousand, and the largest park located in the city of Soviet harbor of the Khabarovsk Territory - at € 263 thousand. Natalia Vodyanova's own children also talks about people with disabilities. And also attracts to participate in the Foundation Charitable Events. "I am very hard and hard work, and it is much easier for children to explain why I do it when they see it yourself," explains Vodyanova. Now her older son Lucas has been 14 years old, and he often about "naked hearts" says "Our Fund". And the model itself hopes that someday she will give the fund in the hands of their children.

Peter Nemtsova

The Happy Hearts Fund Foundation

The history of the model Petra Nemtsova could well serve as a plot for the film. Nemtsova was born in the small Czech town of Karvin, the population of which barely exceeds 50 thousand people. A won model competition was aired for the girl, after which she moved to Prague, and from there to Paris. True, today Nemtsova's house is far from his native Czech Republic. For several years now, the model lives on Haiti, where Parro-founded Charitable Fund The Happy Hearts Fund is engaged in the construction of schools.
Today, charitable activities are key to a 37-year model. But its foundation could not be if not a personal tragedy of Nemtsova. In 2004, the model met Christmas in Thailand, together with his fiance - photographer Simon Athi. On the morning of December 26, a few hours before the pair had to fly home, in the Indian Ocean there was a strongest earthquake of magnitude 9 points. It caused a tsunami that reached the shores of Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the south of India and Thailand. Simon Athi washed off the wave, and his remains only three months later were found off the coast of Sumatra. Peter Nemtsova then managed to survive. When the wave has already carried it into the open sea, she managed to grab the palm tree branches, holding for which he spent eight hours waiting for help. When the model was taken to the state-nourishment, it was diagnosed with numerous fractures of pelvic bones and internal bleeding. Doctors were not sure if Peter would walk, but she could. And there was still a rehabilitation in just four months, although the doctors said that it would take at least two years.

After the restoration, Nemtsova returned to Thailand, where he saw destroyed houses, hospitals and schools. Peter realized that the gap in studies for local schoolchildren could range from four to six years. And this is the very term for which you can get primary education. So the idea was born to create the Wappy Hearts Fund Foundation and focus on the restoration and construction of schools.

Thailand has become not the only country where The Happy Hearts Fund fund actively joined the work. Peter Nemtsova boldly went to the regions affected by various natural cataclysms to build new educational institutions there and attract teachers. Today, The Happy Hearts Fund has been working in ten countries around the world. In Colombia, the Foundation came in 2011 after a devastating flood, to the Philippines - in 2013, after a Typhun "Haiyang" who struck at the island state, and in Nepal - after the series of earthquakes of 2015.

In total, for 12 years of work, The Happy Hearts Fund Foundation built 150 new schools, to return to which almost 75 thousand children were able. All their model considers their family. And charity calls the best fashion in the world.

Dautzene Cruz

Charity Campaign Knot On My Planet

Holland Dutzen Cruz - another top model from the Forbes list, which has recently a lot of effort and time devotes charity. In January 2016, together with her husband and five-year-old son, she went to Kenya, where he visited the Elephant Watch Camp camp. Here, with the very heart of the Samburi National Reserve, the top model watched the elephant families living in natural conditions. And returning, I was joining the help of the Elephant Crisis Fund Foundation and the Knot ON MY Planet Animal Saving Campaigns. "Elephants are largely similar to people, - loves to tell Cruz. - They reach Pubertata at the same time, when we, we learn from the elders for years and live up to 60 years. They are smart, contemplative, have cohesive-family and care for their patients and old men. And if we can safely protect them, then save and other animals. "

The topic of animal protection was close to Dautzen Cruz from childhood. The future model was born in the countryside in the Dutch Province of Friesland. At home she lived two black cats and three hunting stabs, but to go to the zoo and look at the animals in captivity, the little Cruz flatly refused. And even stopped there is a soft French cream cheese.

Another reason why Cruz turned into an elephant protection campaign is the connection of animals with a model business. Back in 1955, the American photographer Richard Avedon took off for advertising a new Collection of Christian Dior the highest paid model Vogue of that time to bring. Frame where Avedon captured the model standing between two elephants, became the most famous in her career. "Elephants have always been on our pictures. They stood in the background, quiet and humble. And now it's time for the fashionable industry to give them due, "is convinced by Dautsen Cruz.

The conviction clearly gave a strength model. She persistently convinced his colleagues to join the project. And she succeeded. "Holy Trinity" of the Model Business - Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and Christ Tarlington - united for the campaign and filmed together for the first time since 1989. To attract Krus to Knot on My Planet, not only other models. Leonardo Da Caprio, who has been fighting the Elephant population for no one year, donated the Elephant CRISIS Fund Fund $ 1 million for $ 250 thousand

Dautzene Cruz does not stop there and already plans the following elephant protection initiatives. After all, according to Elephant Crisis Fund, for the sake of use of the beer every 30 minutes in the world kill one of these animals. But now there are models that are proud: Knot On My Planet's campaign has already managed to collect $ 10 million.

Supermodel, founder of the Naked Heart Foundation Natalya Vodyanova in an interview with the Social Information Agency talks about the development of the non-profit sector, pressing families of families with children with development features, as well as whether the Foundation will always be associated with its name and why people like rapper Kanye West attend charitable auctions.

Natalia, your fund of assistance to children has existed since 2004, for the fifth time this year passed the Forum "Each child worthy of the family" - the organization already has an impressive story. From your point of view, how much has changed in the non-commercial sector over the years?

I think today the situation is much better. We observe significant changes in the last five years, when the fund has become more purposefully and largely working with families raising children with the peculiarities of development. We started when no one was engaged in this, and now, together with us there are other beautiful non-profit organizations, lead their effective projects and make successful communication campaigns.

What is now first of all missing to solve the problems of families and children with whom you work?

From the very beginning, we understood that in order to qualitatively change the situation, we need specialists to work with children with the peculiarities of development. And there are almost no of them in Russia: literally some kind of handful. And they are all grinding and painted for a year ahead. We often cannot provide support in response to requests to the Fund, simply because there are not enough qualified specialists.

Therefore, now our main task is to promote an increase in the number of specialists in the field of children's development, working on modern methods with proven effectiveness. Working with schools and children's gardens, we not only slowly achieve results among the children themselves, but also contribute to the professional growth of teachers and other specialists. It can be said to bring them to the next level, we try to multiply this "handful" to overcome the acute deficit.

Now we have more than a hundred teachers, teachers, specialists in children's development and defectologists, and they "burn" their work. This is really an achievement, and we are proud of it.

If such demand is in specialists, why does not happen intensive development of the institution of their preparation? State is not necessary?

It is not easy, but a multi-step problem. In Russia, in the principle of people with the peculiarities of development is not visible. We seem to have no problem, so there is no formulated request for specialists. And it really is not true.

I am an absolutely apolitical person, and our organization, of course, is also not political. But as the Foundation, we try to always tell the truth: if something at the state level does not exist or does not work, we are directly saying that it is. And at the same time we always try to offer a decision.

Here this situation with "as if they were not" moved from the dead point? Do you notice any positive change?

Yes, now things are still becoming better. Parents who have a child with features, do not fall into an informational vacuum, since in five years it has been lined up correct communication: people understand that you can live with it. Now there is no fear that you stayed alone and only you have such a child when, besides, you will tell you more in the maternity hospital, and everything will be fine. " I really hope that now parents will be strong enough to say "no, this is our child, and everything will be fine."

And the next step that we have to do is help - keep the child in the family. This is possible only due to the support, the system of which still begins to develop, although not enough. But there is still a positive shift.

What do you think, what events in the life of "naked hearts" have a key way influenced the promotion of inclusiveness and accessibility ideas?

Often these are the events and processes that people do not even see, because the main changes occur in a very narrow circle of families and children with whom we work. I am talking about our school project to train teachers working with children with autism, which is now being implemented in Nizhny Novgorod, Tver and St. Petersburg.

Such projects are little noticeable from outside, because it is still a very inner story, covering about 200 families with children with development features. Some of these children with very deep autism. Previously, they were not taken anywhere, and now, after three years of our work with them, they went to ordinary schools. It is this work that is very important for us. This is what we build all the rest of our activities, for which we do everything at all.

Of course, it is necessary that such projects are more, because we have 200 children in the country who need such support and who want to go to school, but are forced to sit at home.

At the same time, our advocacy work is also very important - for example, such projects as "not silent" with Dima Bilan..

In addition to own programs of the Foundation, there were external events?

Of course, I was who had happened to my sister Oksana. The situation was very negative and emotionally painful for all of us, but despite this, she served as one more reason in order to once again talk about people with the peculiarities of development and about the attitude towards them.

In the summer after the Running Heart Rating, you wrote that Dima Bilan became part of the history of the formation of Russia on the path to inclusion. Who else would you attribute to those people who also became part of this story?

Yes, we are very happy that Dima has become one of the main lawyers of inclusion, because the clip is "not silent" is not the only joint project. He supported us and at the auctions in favor of the Fund, and repeatedly raised the topic of people with the features of development in their interview.

Together with him, of course, it is very supportive and Yana Rudkovskaya. Polina Kizhenko - The Foundation Supervolontiver, she has already been organizing for us for two years in a row for us, and this is not only an event for collecting funds to our programs!

First, there is a special distance for people moving in a wheelchair, that is, the race is completely inclusive, and secondly, the Podium Market team, and all participants, and corporate partners - absolutely all - were involved in the dissemination of information about How to talk about people with developmental impairment. For us, as for the organization, and for me personally like a girl's sisters with features, it is important.

Celebrities, promoting the ideas of inclusion, work with other public organizations ...

Yes, of course, I can not not note people who head or support our partner organizations working with the theme of development features. This is I. Avdota Smirnova from the Foundation "Exit" and Love Arkus with the center of "Anton here is near" and Ivan Urgant, I. Anton Komolov.who have long and actively support our partner organization - the Center for Medical Pedagogy, and Ksenia Alferova With the Foundation "I am!".

Every year these people are becoming more and more, and I am very pleased that it happens.

Because of what famous people do you think come to charity?

Speaking on our, Lyubov Arkus (Russian director, film and founder of the Center "Anton here is near." - Approx. ed.) She said that her former profession helps her in her today's profession. She knows actors, directories, producers - this is her resource and luggage, her sum that she can open, as Kuzya's domain Magic casket with fairy tales. You open - and there is a magic that is available to a very narrow circle of people. But it is accessible to you and you can use it for the sake of the case for which you are sick.

Completion of V International Forum "Each child is worthy of family"

Therefore, they probably go to this problem. Because they know that they can positively affect the situation, and do it.

And I understand it very well, because for me the main engine of success, the main flow of funds to the fund, besides its high-quality and professional work, is the Multimular Fashion industry in which I am, and those contacts I have thanks to this industry .

That is, "naked hearts" will always be connected with you?

In general, I really want the Foundation to exist independently, separately from me. Our team deserves, and our activities - from year to year we prove our effectiveness. Yes, and I myself see a tendency to this.

If earlier it was necessary to spend only with my presence, all communication took place only through me as through the founder of the organization and the first person, now Asya (Svaloda, Foundation President. - Approx. ed.) And absolutely all members of our team work with partners directly and can communicate with them at an absolutely any level.

Still now, our organization is already treated as a separate structure, independently standing on a solid basis. If something suddenly happens in my family, and I will not be able to take part in the work of the Foundation for some time, then I am sure that the Foundation will be able to continue its activities. If I suddenly won't be in the work of the Foundation at all, then nothing will crumble, everything will function perfectly well.

This is aware of distancing, because it is important for the organization. After all, in principle, how can I appreciate your work? It is in this way: assuming whether the organization will be able to exist if it won't be in it.

You are in a charitable, non-commercial sector, which is called, seriously and for a long time, like those celebrities that you remembered. And what drives, in your opinion, those who only occasionally turn to charity? For example, visitors of your charitable auctions?

They, too, people who share their image and who consider their duty to help, since they came such success. At the same time, it does not matter where the child who needs help is - the nationality of those who need help is not important that we are now proving the whole world, raising the topic of refugees. Other people's children do not happen, so you do not need to be surprised that, for example, Kanye West Came to the event, which collects funds to support children from Russia.

But at the same time, the quality of the event for which they come to them? Or is it enough that it is held with your participation and what is it about charity?

Of course, it is important that the product is good quality, and it does not matter that it is: auction, communication campaign, cartoon or clip. You can not make a discount on the fact that it is a charity, and do your job is not as good as you can, because it is believed that people still will sacrifice money for children, is unacceptable.

It is good that now in charity come leaders from business, who look at their organization as a company with an important social mission and understand how to organize work. This is important because often the money of non-profit organizations is social money or funds of certain donors, which the organization must spend correctly. Responsibility is huge, so organizationally should be treated as a business.

So you see that the non-profit sector is gradually leaving the pure ideological charity to a more conscious working on the rules of the business?

Yes, but people still remain ideological. The idea is the main engine of charity. After all, in the non-commercial sector, no one earns a lot of money: wages are very small, not relevant to the commercial market. The engine is only a passion for what you are doing.

In the sector you go with a heart. But if you do not have the right skills and qualities to work, then you need to build a team around yourself, connect to the work of people who will help you to do it professionally. Go to the sector on the naked enthusiasm is wrong, because it is about other people's lives and other people's money.

As soon as London newspapers and Govoruna doused with questions about her personal life, like Natalia Vodyanova gave a new reason to talk about herself in connection with the annual charitable ball White Fairy Tale Love Ball Foundation "Nude Hearts", which was held under Paris in the castle of fashion designer Valentino and when Direct participation in this Wednesday, July 6.

Especially for the ball the best world designers sewed 45 unique dresses that were sold at a charity auction. The event was timed to the Paris Week of High Fashion, and gathered the highest guests from the world of fashion and show business.

In this context, rumors about the divorce of Natalia Vodyanova and Justin Portman could seem like a viral marketing move on attracting interest in the preparing Ball of Wateranova. So it is or not, but until guests of the Bala return to Moscow and London, while the press did not stop in the descriptions of the outfits, lots, details, I want to talk about important. About how the charity of Natalia Vodyanova works.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Winter Fairy Tale" came Natalia in the fall of 2009. At that time, I worked with her above the shooting and interviews for one project, and I was lucky to be one of the first to hear about her idea. I say "lucky enough, because I am confident: there is nothing more interesting than the process of appearing and implementing the idea that will certainly take place. It was just such a case.

In London, during the fashion week, Natalia called me from a meeting with Anna Winters, the editor of the American Vogue. They dined together, and they had a good idea that Natalia wanted to discuss. The idea was to offer the best world fashion designers to do on a unique dress, Natalia will take off in these dresses, shooting will be published in Vogue magazines around the world, dresses will cause interest and will be successfully sold at a charity auction within the framework of fashion week in one of the world capitals. .

The peculiarity of the idea, and such charity projects occur here, then there it constantly was only on the scale of the project. If you do this project, then only on a global scale, so that the names of the designers were the first, and the lot buyers are the most wealthy. And here you just need to say a few words about the model of what created Vodyanova, since its success is in a proper well thought out and implemented model.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the Foundation came Natalia after the tragedy in Beslan. In 2006, in New York, with the support of Designer Diana, the Fürstenberg, she held the first event, attracted $ 350,000 and in the same year built the first gaming park.

The next event was held in April 2007 in the framework of the Gala dinner Russian Rhapsody, the grandious secular reception, annually arranged by the organizers of the Russian Economic Forum in London. It is now difficult and imagine that it was only 5 years ago, since then the idea of \u200b\u200bcompatibility of charity and model business was not too obvious. Obviously there was only the fact that Natalia has secular friends on which a large business will come. It was fresh and right - it was Fun. Natalia openly declared that charity in her understanding should be pleasure. Neat guests in the Black Tie format tasty ate, drank, participated in the auction, fighting for children's toys made by leading world designers and danced. The British establishment and friends of Natalia were organically mixed with young and then still confident captains of the Russian business.

Then, like now, Vodyanova collected funds for children's playgrounds. Oleg Tinkov sacrificed money, and Natalia promised to build (which was fulfilled) one such platform in his native Kemerovo region. Matsuev played, Vivien Westwood danced, everyone was happy. During the charity auction, guests donated about £ 400,000.

Already next year in February 2008, at the second charitable ball, which took place in the Moscow region Tsaritsyno, the Natalia Foundation attracted about € 4 million. For the successful Moscow Love Ball followed London in February 2010, on it, on a charity auction, guests were offered works of art and Even the decoration of the design of Natalia Vodyanova. Finally, in two years of his moment, the idea with dresses was waited.

The model that Natalia came up with when charity is luxury and delivers exceptionally pleasure, of course, not news, but it is from her that it turns out best. As usual in any start, and especially in our inacratical times, if the model is correct, everything starts working on it. Charity is not a business, but doing business should be no less, if not more impeccable than in business. Therefore, today, when some company wants to manifest itself at the Niva social responsibility, it is beautiful, transparent and get Fun, the first thing that comes to mind is Natalia and its foundation.

When I criticize the foundation (this, the most funny, you will never hear from the Englishman or Europeans, but only from the compatriot): Say, glamor, then it is usually enough to name only the number of children's playgrounds to cut the interlocutor. Persistence and consistency, with what Natalia, one of the most stubborn people famous for me, does what it does is not from the area of \u200b\u200bGlamor.

For four years, the Natalia Foundation has built 60 playgrounds in 44 Russian cities.

This is the opening of the game park in Biysk in 2010

And these are not courtyard sites, a log-of-a-sided rock, but, more correctly, game parks for children of different ages and interests. Around the clock guarded, for which, by the way, adults are not allowed with beer, but without children. The platforms created by the Foundation are essentially the only playgrounds in Russia, adapted for children with disabilities.

From this year, the Foundation began a program on the development of family support centers called "Each child is worthy of family!", The work is aimed at supporting families raising children with special needs in an attempt to stop refuses from such children and their stream in orphanages.

"Vodyanova does it for a self-esteem," I can also hear from Russian Londoners from Russian. I had several cases to make sure that Natalia was this PR in general to the light bulb. For example, when some rumors began to leak about the divorce with Justin and friends offered Natalia certain steps to minimize image consequences (still a fairy tale, the history of Cinderella) primarily for its reputation and reputation of its fund. But here Natalia stood on the fact that her personal life is her personal life, and there is no reason to associate it with the activities of the Foundation.

In my opinion, it is very interesting. It turns out that, according to Natalia, the public is invited to judge someone in his actions, real affairs and serving society, and not on his personal life. And this is also a new model that is already starting to work.