Repair Design Furniture

The scenario of the sports game "sports quest". Quest - a game for the formation of a healthy lifestyle in older preschoolers "Journey for the secrets of health

Quest game for students primary school

primary school teacher


Explanatory note

Implementation form of the event:

A quest game is a team game-journey through the stations with a series of tasks.

Goals and objectives of the game:

    systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle;

    the acquisition in the form of a game of new vital necessary knowledge according to healthy lifestyle;

    the formation of students' motivation to conduct healthy lifestyle life, education of responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones;

    promotion of the development of communicative qualities of the student's personality;

    developing the ability to work in a group.

Expected results:

    to form in children ideas about a healthy lifestyle, to help pupils realize that interesting and happy life can only be in a healthy person.

Age composition:

    7 -11 years old.

Scroll necessary equipment and layouts:

    multimedia equipment;

    electronic presentation;

    route sheets, task cards;

    Sports Equipment.

Game preparation and holding plan:

    Preparation of a route sheet for passing the stages (Appendix 1).

    Preparation of questions and answers.

    The choice of the organizers of the quest, the formation of teams of players.

    Conducting briefing for the participants of the quest.

    Passage of playgrounds by teams.



Sample game scenario:


Good afternoon, dear guys! We welcome you to our quest game "It's great to be healthy!".

What can be the most expensive thing in the modern world - in the age of technical progress and the development of space technologies? Of course, health! Health is the main value in human life. A person suffering from any ailment is unlikely to be able to realize his dreams. Being healthy is a natural human desire. Sooner or later, everyone begins to think about their health.

April 7th is World Health Day. This day is held annually so that people can understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world. So let's now think together about what health, a healthy lifestyle is.

Each team has to pass 5 stations. At the stations, the organizers will be waiting for you with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station. You will be guided by route sheets with the specified order of passage of the stations. The organizers will enter the points you earn into these lists.

Game start.

Each team receives a route sheet indicating the sites. Teams move between the gym, the school library, classrooms, performing thematic, practical and intellectual tasks. At each stage, teams receive points for correctly completed tasks.

1 station "Collect a proverb"

Installation: You need to connect the beginning and end of the proverb (Appendix 2). For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

Proverb options:

Correct answer: 2 station "Student day mode"

Installation: You need to fill in the card (Appendix 3.), having determined the regime moments. The maximum score for the competition is 10 points.



8:00 – 15:00


15:00 – 16:00

16:00 – 17:00




Correct answer:

Rise, morning exercises


morning toilet



8:00 – 15:00

School lessons



15:00 – 16:00

Walk in the fresh air, afternoon tea

16:00 – 17:00

Performance homework







3 station "Fun exercise"

Installation: Morning exercise - important element motor activity, which improves well-being, provides us with a boost of energy and a good mood for the whole day. You have to learn fun exercise. The quality of the exercises performed by all team members is assessed. The maximum score for performance is 5 points. (Appendix 4.)

4 station "Blitztournir"

Installation:We adults want you, the younger generation, our future, to learn how to improve your health, and there are no trifles in this matter, just as there are none in our competition, the most impetuous - Blitz Tournament. Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    What is the name of increasing the resistance of the body to the impact adverse factors environment? (hardening)

    Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth? (No)

    What is a good meal without? (no appetite)

    What are winter swimmers called? ice water? (by walruses)

    What does the Ministry of Health warn us about? ("Smoking is dangerous to your health!")

    Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No)

    Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)

    Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process? (Yes)

    What does the Latin word "vitamin" mean? (life)

    When do hands become pronouns? (When they are you-we-you.)

5 station "Obstacle Course" (in the gym)

Setting: Physical education not only improves health, but also educates strong-willed and moral qualities. At this station, you have a task -consistently perform obstacle course exercises. Obstacle course exercises are performed by all team members. The time from the start of the first participant to the finish of the last is estimated. The start of the first participant is made at the command of the judge, the start of the second and subsequent participants is by touching the palm of the hand. The finish of the last participant is recorded immediately after crossing the finish line.
One referee fixes the time of passing the exercises of the obstacle course and the correctness of the handover, the second referee evaluates the quality of the tasks. Students exempted for health reasons from the practical part, help the judges in the arrangement of inventory.

Summing up the game:

The organizers of the stations and the head of the event, based on the results of the passage of the stations by the teams on the route lists, calculate the points and announce the results of the game. The winners are being awarded.

List of sources used:

    Yandex. [electronic resource] - access mode:

    Yandex. Pictures [electronic resource] - access mode:


Task number 1 "Footbogolf"
It's time for our kids to warm up a bit. To do this, we will send them to play a game that is a mixture of golf and football. In any accessible place, we dig a hole the size of a soccer ball in the ground. For entourage, you can place a bucket in this hole and put a flag. We take the players 15-20 meters away, draw a line and offer to roll the ball into the hole in 5 hits. Children take turns hitting the ball each time.

Task number 2 "Shooting"
Don't feed the boys with bread - let them shoot. A task with shooting always arouses increased interest, and a children's quest rarely does without it. Skittles lined up in a row, you need to hit them with a tennis ball.

Task number 3 "Labyrinth"
This is an old team building technique, but always interesting and emotional. One person is blindfolded and launched into a labyrinth, which is laid out on the ground with ropes. The rest of the team must lead the "poor blind man" throughout the maze so that he does not go beyond. Any step over the line and you will have to go through the maze from the very beginning.

Leading a person through the maze, each team member can only say one word and only in turn. If the guides stray, saying two words or not in turn, the blind man starts the passage of the labyrinth from the beginning. Thus, children soon begin to speak like this: "Go", "Stop", "Spin", "Stop", "Go" ... etc.

Task number 4 "Pleasers"

Station manager's comment: Unfortunately, almost everyone gets sick. But our mother nature took care to help a person cope with his illnesses and ailments with herbs and plants. I have two sets of cards: one with the names of herbs; the second - with the names of diseases, their manifestations. Cards must be aligned with folk methods treatment of diseases. For each correct answer - 1 point


1. Chamomile - sore throat

2. Raspberry - high temperature

3. Plantain -- cuts, abrasions

4. Mother and stepmother - cough

5. Nettle - sciatica

6. Celandine - skin diseases

7. Garlic - flu

8. Blueberries - diseases of the eyes

9. Valerian - a nervous breakdown

10. Kalanchoe - runny nose

Task number 4 "Pleasers"

He doesn't want to lie down.

If you throw it, it will jump.

You hit a little, jump right away,

Well, of course it is...

There are two lanes on the snow

Two foxes were surprised.

One came closer

Someone was running...

Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are racing.

And it's not the horses that carry me,

And shiny...

This horse does not eat oats

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive.

Here the team wins

If the ball does not drop.

He flies with a pitch aptly

Not at the gate, through the net.

And a playground, not a field

Athletes in...

In this sport, players

All dexterous and high.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring.

The ball hits the floor loudly

So this is...

Let's put together a school team

And we'll find a big field.

We break through the corner -

We hit our heads.

And at the gate the fifth goal!

We love very much...

Oh, it's snowing!

I'm taking my horse out.

For a rope

I lead a horse through the yard.

From the hill down I fly on it,

And I'm taking it back.

He liked the pool so much -

He immediately plunged into the water,

Rushed butterfly style

Now guess the athlete

I'm on my way to training
In a kimono I fight deftly.
I need a black belt
Cause I love...

There is a lawn in our school,

And on it goats and horses.

We are tumbling here

Roughly forty-five minutes.

At school - horses and a lawn?!

What a miracle, guess what!

green meadow,

One hundred benches around

From gate to gate

The people run briskly.

At these gates

Fishing nets.

Us yesterday in the gym
The class of the girls was shown.
Hardly any of the guys
It also sits on...

I decided to become a strong man
I hastened to the strong man:
- Tell me about this
How did you become a strongman?
He smiled back.
- Very simple. Many years,
Every day, getting out of bed,
I lift...

I have no time to get sick, friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself

What makes me healthy...

Tape, ball, log and bars,

The rings are next to them.

I'm not going to list

Lots of projectiles.

beauty and plasticity

Gives us...

TEAM ROUTE MAP 1 squad ____________________________




« Pleasers»


2 squads ____________________________

« Pleasers»





3 squads____________________________


Sports Quest

The goal of the game is:

    systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and sports;

    acquisition in the form of a game of new vital knowledge on healthy lifestyles;

    the formation of students' motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, the upbringing of responsibility for their own health and the health of their loved ones;

    promotion of the development of communicative qualities of the student's personality;

    developing the ability to work in a group.


Each team chooses a color that will accompany it during the game. The team receives the first riddle in accordance with its color and starts to the place of the first test, if the riddle is not solved, the leader asks additional questions that will help the team guess the place of the first test. At each station, the team must find a sheet with a riddle that will tell you where to go next. The first team to pass all the tests and guess the location of all stations wins.


    Team building . Options: based on the class, the collective of one circle group or during general collection students to the event by distributing color tokens. The number of teams in the game must not exceed the number of stations. The composition of the teams should be as equal as possible in terms of the age of the participants and their number. The number of players in teams is not limited.

    Props preparation. In accordance with the expected number of teams, route sheets are prepared, in our case, riddles (Appendix No. 1), signs on the doors of offices with the names of stations, props at the station (see description of stations).

    Training of stewards at stations. The stewards can be high school students, SSU, pedagogical workers who have received the necessary installation and advice from the organizers of the event.

    Preparation of the award fund. As in any game where the winner is supposed to be revealed, the moment of awarding should also be present when summing up the results. As awards, there can be both medals by the number of team members and sweet prizes and diplomas.


(speech by the organizer of the competition)

Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall.

Today we will conduct a sports - search game and identify the fastest and most savvy participants. Let's meet our participating teams. Let's welcome the teams. Team name and motto.

At each of them, your team will be expected by station managers with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station. Route sheets with the specified order of passing the stations will serve as a guide to the country, but we will not tell you the order of the stations, you have to guess them, how correctly you guess, so quickly you will pass the test.

Good luck! Have a good trip and new knowledge necessary for the future life!


1 station "Gym"

Mystery: There are no desks, but there is something to sit on. You can play and learn there.


Girls 5 people - jumping rope in 30 seconds (you need to score a total number of jumps 300 times)

Boys 5 people - throws in a basketball basket in 3 minutes (you need to hit 10 times)

5 people - long jump from a place (total number of 8 meters)

5 people - press in 30 seconds (total number of 125 times)

Provided that the team completed all the actions and scored required amount points, the manager allows you to find the next riddle. If the team did not score the required number of points, then the manager sets an additional task.

2 station "Cabinet of Music"

Mystery: There the song flows

And the music is playing. It is classic and popular.

Exercise: sing a song with the whole class about sports.

3 station "Library"

Mystery: Knowledge is stored there. Lots of art and educational books. You need to run to the guardian.

Exercise: Solve the crossword puzzle and answer the questions.

Exercise: Based on the description, determine what kind of sport it is. Write down the words - sports in the cells of the crossword puzzle. Make up a phrase from the letters in the highlighted cells.

1. One of the types of skiing, which includes several disciplines: ski acrobatics, ski cross, mogul, halfpipe, slopestyle. It originally emerged as a mixture of skiing and acrobatics. (freestyle)
2. A type of luge that requires a steerable sled. On these sleighs they descend along specially equipped ice tracks. (bobsled)
3. One of the most popular types of gymnastics. There are three types: jumping, steam and group. (acrobatics)
4. Fans of this sport have to climb mountain peaks, sometimes difficult to access. (mountaineering)
5. Competitions on the water at various distances, which are held both in pools and in open water. (swimming)
1. Most often this is called cross-country running. However, not everyone knows that some other types of cross-country racing are also called this way. Can be automobile, bicycle, ski, motorcycle. (cross)
2. Those who go in for this kind of sport must be proficient with hand cold steel, strike them (pricks), and also reflect the opponent's blows. (fencing)
3. A winter sport in which the competition takes place on ice. The participants of the two teams alternately "roll" the shells towards the "house" - a target drawn on the ice. the main task- Hit the target as accurately as possible. (curling)
4. In this sport, athletes need special gloves to hit each other. (boxing)
5. In this sport, athletes compete not only in cross-country skiing. After passing a certain distance, the athlete shoots from a rifle. For each miss, he receives a penalty loop, or a penalty time. (biathlon)
6. For this sports game, you need a round target that is hung on the wall. Players throw darts in an attempt to hit the target. (darts)


 Which modern country is considered the birthplace of the Olympic Games?

 What birds are traditionally released at the opening of the Olympic Games?


 At the opening of the Olympic Games, the teams go in alphabetical order of the host country. But the team of the same country always walks ahead. Which?

 What is the color of the Olympic flag?

 What time of year are the White Olympics held?

Name the continent that hosted the 2000 Olympic Games.


 How many meters are in the shortest athletics distance of the modern Olympic Games?

(100 meters.)

 How many athletes from one team take part in the Olympic relay race?

 Which Olympic sports game is played in the pool?

(Water polo.)

 In what Olympic sport is the saber used?


 Which of the following was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games?

a) small towns; b)Tug of war;

c) Dominoes; d) hide and seek.

 What is the name of the residential complex for athletes, participants in the Olympic Games?

A)Olimpic village ; b) Sports village;

c) The town of champions; d) Championship capital.

 Which of these martial arts is an Olympic sport?

a) Sambo; b)Judo ;

c) Karate; d) Aikido.

 In what part of the world has the modern Olympic Games never been held?

a) in Asia; b) in Australia;

c) in America; G)In Africa .

 Which country hosted the 2012 Summer Olympics?

A)In England ; b) In Sweden;

c) in France; d) in Austria.

(In London.)

4 station "Stadium"

Mystery: Outside the school, it stands, oval in shape, there are trees around.

Exercise: run 30 meters - perform 6 people

Throwing a ball 5 people (total points or meters 125m)

5 station "Doctor's office"

Mystery: If suddenly you get sick or hit a little

Need to contact urgently...

Exercise: 1. What money can't buy. (Health)

2. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 liters of this substance per day. What is this? (Water).

3. What is the name of the mass disease of people. (Epidemic)

4. What is the rational distribution of time called in one word. (Mode)

5. Training the body with cold. (Hardening)

6. What fluid carries oxygen in the body. (Blood)

7. What is the name of the science of purity. (Hygiene)

8. The smallest organism that carries the infection. (Microbe)

9. Voluntary nicotine poisoning. (Smoking)

10. This Russian commander was a very weak child in childhood, but he tempered himself perfectly. the best way hardening he considered a Russian bath. There he withstood the terrible heat on the shelf, after which 10 buckets were poured on him cold water. (Suvorov).

11. Why already in Ancient China and Persia healthy people put some smallpox blood on the scratch?

(Thus, infected people tolerated the disease more easily. It's like a vaccine).

12. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence of sun rays. (Vitamin D).

13. People spend a third of their lives in this state. It is useful and necessary. What is this? (Dream)

14. Can I immediately sit down after running to rest?

(No. You need to walk so that the blood does not stagnate in the veins)

15. What must be taken before going to bed, and in hot weather - in the morning and in the evening? (Shower).

Station 6 "Gymnastics Hall"

Mystery: They call it gymnastic, there are stairs and carpets.

Exercise: push-ups - 5 boys + 5 girls (perform 125 times)

Shuttle run 4 * 9 m 6 people.

Throwing a medicine ball at a distance of 5 people (45 meters - the total number of meters)

After testing, gathering in the assembly hall, the winner is determined by the numbering of arrival at the end point (assembly hall). Summing up, rewarding.

Purpose: popularization of a healthy lifestyle, promotion of sports.

familiarity with one of the sports;

development of curiosity, ability to work in a team.

To participate in the quest game, 2 teams of 10-15 participants (grades 1-2) are formed.
The commander is chosen.


Main characters:

Doctor Tabletkin

twin Vitya.


The sport is rhythmic gymnastics.

Cards with the image of objects (ball, maces, rope, hoop, ribbon), a map of the school indicating the stages.

The game is played at the school.

Teams line up in the school yard.

Host: Hello guys! We have an unusual day today. We will go on a journey with you. But it won't be an easy journey. Adventures are waiting for you: riddles, adventures and much more. You will complete tasks, and for each correct task completed, I will give you cards. Whichever team has the most cards at the end of the game wins. Ready?

Teams: Yes!

Host: And now I want to know what your teams are called.

Children in chorus pronounce the name of the team and the motto of the team. The facilitator issues maps to the teams and the teams go to the venue of stage I on the map.

The sad loser Vitya comes to visit the team with chips and / or lemonade in his hands.

Host: What happened? Why are you so sad?

Vitya: Oh, they got a deuce in physical education! I hate this exercise! Nothing works for me!

Host: How so? Physical education lessons are not only interesting, but also useful. Really guys? (referring to commands). Children's answers.

Vitya: Why is it useful, is it physical education?

Presenter: (turns to Vita) Do you want to know how physical education is useful? What is a healthy lifestyle? Do you want to learn something new about sports? (To the team) And you guys? Then go ahead!

Doctor Tabletkin enters.

Doctor: Where are you going? I won't let you go anywhere until you answer my questions. I must be sure that you are prepared for such a difficult journey.

Doctor Tabletkin talks about healthy eating. The story can be about any useful products. In this case we are talking about milk and vegetables.

Many years ago, Eastern sages believed that milk is a magical drink. Milk makes a person reasonable, helps him understand the world around him and distinguish good from evil, and this is exactly what you guys need so much! Therefore, in order for a child to grow up healthy, he must definitely drink one glass of milk daily! And now I will check what you know about milk.

1. What happens when souring milk?

  • curdled milk
  • Yogurt
  • Oil

2. The first meal of a newborn baby

  • Milk
  • Kefir

3. Why do babies need milk?

  • For happiness
  • For the mood
  • For growth

4. What is butter made from?

  • From cream
  • From cottage cheese
  • From sour cream

5. What cold dessert, loved by children, is made from milk?

  • Cottage cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Pudding

Well, you are great! Now let's see what you know about vegetables?

Vegetables are very healthy foods they are necessary for children.

1. Which vegetable is very good for vision?

  • Carrot
  • Cabbage
  • Tomato

2. What vegetable is called the second bread?

  • Eggplant
  • Potato
  • Cucumber

3. Which vegetable has the most vitamin C?

  • in cabbage
  • In beets
  • In sweet red pepper

4. What is the name of the tomato?

  • Tomato
  • Signor

5. This vegetable in green pods is a favorite childhood treat on country garden

  • Peas
  • Beans

6. The most fabulous vegetable?

  • Pumpkin
  • Eggplant
  • vegetable marrow

Well done you guys. (Gives out cards to the teams). But what are you sitting up. Let's play. If the product is useful, clap your hands and say loudly “Yes!”, If it is not useful, then everyone stomp together and say “No!” (The game is taken from the Internet)

There are harmful and healthy foods.

Who will give the correct answer

What is useful and what is not?

Apple juice (Yeah)

Pepsi, lemonade (No)

Roasted sunflower seeds (No)

Sugar - refined (No)

The pies are hot (Yeah)

Crispy chips (No)

Milk and porridge (Yes)

Fruit, curdled milk (Yeah)

Now I'm sure you're ready to travel. Here are your directions on where to go next. Goodbye, don't forget to eat right. (Gives an envelope with a piece of card).

Vitya: So chips and lemonade make me weak!? I'll throw them out.

throws out harmful products into the urn.

Teams go on the map to stage II.

II stage.

Teams come to the second stage.

Vitya: Oh! See what is it? (Pointing to the envelope.) Let's see what's there? (Opens the envelope.) There's a task! (Gives the captain a task to read).

How do you solve the crossword puzzle, I will let you pass.

The facilitator opens the board with a crossword puzzle on it.

The word "gymnastics" is closed.

1. They stand against each other with clubs

Boys in red and blue.

In helmets, like knights, but don't be shy,

The fight here is training - they play (hockey)

2. Very bitter - but healthy!

Protects from disease!

And he is not a friend to microbes -

Because it - ... . (Onion)

3. Since childhood, people have been told to everyone:

Nicotine is deadly ... (Poison)

4. Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We are racing.

And it's not the horses that carry me,

And shiny ... (Skates)

5. I can’t feel my legs for joy,

I'm flying down the terrible hill.

Sport has become dearer and closer to me,

Who helped me kids? (Skis)

6. Svetka has no luck today -

The doctor gave bitter ... (Pills)

7. I have no time to get sick friends,

I play football and hockey.

And I'm very proud of myself

What gives me health ... (Sports)

8. Here is a silver meadow:

Can't see the lamb

The bull does not bellow on him,

Chamomile does not bloom.

Our meadow good in winter,

And you won't find it in the spring. (Ice rink)

9. Early in the morning along the road

Dew glistens on the grass

Feet go down the road

And two wheels are running.

The riddle has an answer

This is my ... (Bicycle)

10. Round side, yellow side

Sits in a garden bed

He is rooted firmly into the ground.

What is this? (Turnip)

11. Do not be afraid of a pediatrician,

Don't worry, calm down

Don't be naughty, don't cry

It's just childish ... (Doctor)

12. To not be frail, lethargic,

Didn't lie under the covers

Didn't get sick and was fine

Do every day ... (Exercise)

Host: Well done guys! Solved the crossword! (Hands out cards) But what is rhythmic gymnastics? Who will tell us about it. We have a map (Gives a piece of the map). There we will learn what rhythmic gymnastics is! Children go on the map to stage III.

At the stage, the team is met by a child-athlete. (Girl-artist, in a bathing suit, with medals). She tells and shows the children a film presentation about rhythmic gymnastics.

Leading athlete: Guys, every athlete involved in rhythmic gymnastics has a beautiful leotard. I suggest you create a sketch of a leotard for a gymnast, decorate it with sparkles. Printed or drawn swimsuit on whatman paper, children are given paints, glue and sparkles. Children draw to the music.

The leading athlete distributes cards and gives out the next piece of the card leading to stage IV.

Teams go outside on the map. There they are met by a second child-athlete.

Leading athlete: I want to check how strong, dexterous, skillful you are! (Conducts OFP to the music). Worked great! Here are cards for you! And this map will show you the way forward. (According to the map, children go to the hall).

In the hall, children are met by child athletes, a child athlete and a rhythmic gymnastics coach. The coach talks about sports, about training, trips to competitions. Children-athletes demonstrate demonstration performances. The trainer conducts a master class: children are offered to try to repeat simple elements with a ball, a hoop, a rope, a ribbon.

At the end of the master class, cards are counted and the winning team is determined.

Appendix 6

Participants are students in grades 8-9. Design - drawings, newspaper "Our Rights", scoreboard.

Leading: Hello, participants of the collective creative game “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”. We welcome all those gathered in the hall and offer to start our game with the collective pronunciation of these very words: " We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

Leading: Little son came to his father

And the little one asked:

"What is good

And what is bad?

Leading: Today we all have to answer this question together:

"What is good

And what is bad?

Leading: But our KVN not only concerns the health of the physical, but also the moral character of a person, too. There are many documents that enshrine the rights of the child in society. Today we will ask you questions about the main document on the rights of the child - the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Before you books - children's fairy tales.

You all know them well. Your task is to answer our questions.

In which fairy tale is the right to personal integrity, life and freedom violated? ("The Gray Neck", "Little Red Riding Hood", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", "Thumbelina", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

What literary heroes could complain that their right to the inviolability of their home has been violated? (Three little pigs, bunny from Russian folk tale"Ice hut".)

Which fairy-tale heroes or suffer from invasion of privacy? (Lyudmila from the poem by A. S. Pushkin. Marya Morevna is a character in Russian folk tales.)

- The heroines of which fairy tales used the right of free movement and choice of residence?("The Traveling Frog," the old woman from The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.)

In which fairy tale did the heroine take advantage of the right to seek and find refuge and protection from persecution in other countries? ("Thumbelina".)

Which fairy tale violates the right of a person to own his property? ("The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".)

Which literary hero constantly enjoyed the right to freedom of thought, speech, as well as the unhindered expression of their opinions and beliefs?

(Baron Munchausen, Captain Vrungel, "Puss in Boots")

Which fairy tale confirms the right of a worker to a fair remuneration? ("Moroz Ivanovich", "Mrs. Metelitsa", "The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda".)

What well-known fairy-tale heroine has her right to rest and leisure, a reasonable limitation of the working day, violated? (Cinderella.)

What fairy tale characters exercise the right to use scientific and technological achievements? (Baron Munchausen, Alice - a girl from the future, Lady from the poem "Baggage".)

What literary heroes exercised the right to freedom of peaceful assembly? (The Bremen Town Musicians, "Quartet", Seven Dwarfs.)

What well-known literary hero used the right to work, providing himself and others with a free choice of work and fair working conditions?

(Tom Sawyer.)

Leading: And now the contest "Song of Rights"

A song is performed for each of the five teams. Players must say what rights it refers to.

The song "I'm walking down the street" (music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Y. Entin) - (The right to freedom of movement. The right to freedom of peaceful assembly.)

"Samovar, steam locomotive windplane" (music by E. Krylatov, lyrics by Y. Entin.) from the film "Adventures of Electronics". (The right to enjoy the benefits of scientific and technological progress.)

"Two" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky). (The right to education.)

"Secret for a small company" (music by A. Nikitin)

(The right to freedom of association and peaceful negotiations.)

"Dialogue between a stupid king and a beautiful princess" from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians"

Leading: And now, while the jury is summing up, you are welcomed by the propaganda team, we invite you to watch the video social advertising= participant of the competition "SOS"

Leading: Word to the chairman of the jury.

Leading: I would like to end our meeting with the words of a famous poet:

Farewell, our twentieth century!

But we will also appreciate

We are everything that is sacred in life.

We value our dream

In my own way, in my own land,

And the hardest burden

And a good song.

We live in the twenty-first century.

And everything we dream about

With you we can do -

We know this for sure.

We have everything ahead of you:

And a new song in my chest

Both youth and strength

And the motherland is Russia!

Appendix 7


Target (game "Darts"),

- "mines" (skittles, plastic bottles with water)

A poster with a password word (the letters are written randomly in advance).

The course of the competition

Guys! What holiday is our country celebrating today?

Who is congratulated on this day?

Which of you grandfather or grandmother fought? Which of them has awards? Were injured?

Do you know what troops your dads served in?

A question for girls: why today not only adult men, but also boys are congratulated on the holiday?

The boys are the future defenders of our Motherland, and today they must prepare themselves for military service. Today there will be an unusual competition of boys. Boys with full combat equipment are allowed to the "Knight's Tournament":

With a well-aimed word






We wish them success in the competition. May the strongest win!

Competition "Nemoguznaika".

From the letters, make up a word that will be the password for participation in the next task. Those who do not cope with the task, alas, are eliminated. WSWRO

The great Russian commander A. V. Suvorov was an ardent enemy of drill. He brought up in the soldier ingenuity, knowledge of his business, the ability to navigate the situation. Suvorov highly appreciated in him the desire to understand, comprehend, learn. The answer "I can not know" was able to infuriate the commander. Asking questions to the soldiers, he was glad if an unexpected question took the soldier by surprise, but did not confuse him.

Each participant is asked to choose the number of questions. For the correct answer - an asterisk.

sample questions

1. Why are spear and shield inseparable, but eternal enemies?

(The spear is meant to attack, and the shield is meant to defend against him.)

2. According to ancient sources, Spartan women, distinguished by courage, willpower, escorting their sons to war, gave them a shield with the words: "With him or on him." What did they mean by these words?

(Come back victorious or die with glory)

3. What was the name of the hero about whom folk tales tell: he boasted of strength, courage, but, having met death, he was frightened and was defeated?

(Anika the warrior).

4. Name literary work, in the name of which is a personal cold piercing weapon of officers.

(“Dagger” by A. Rybakov).

5. What was the name of a soldier in the tsarist army who did not dream of becoming a general, but served him?

6. A type of ancient weapon, which was used to make the “ax head”.

7. Who is the creator of the Andreevsky flag, the drawing for it? What did its symbolism mean?

(Peter I created a drawing of the flag: a blue cross on a white field. White color means faith, an oblique cross is a symbol of fidelity. Andrew the First-Called was crucified on the cross, who in Rus' was considered the apostle of the Russian land, who brought the teachings of Christ to it).

8. Who established the title of "midshipman" in Russia? What does it mean?

(Peter I in 1876 for pupils of senior companies of the school of mathematical and navigational sciences. Translated from French, “midshipman” means “naval guard.” The title of “midshipman” in the Russian navy was assigned to pupils who graduated from the school of mathematical and navigational sciences, the naval academy) .

9. The victories of Russia, the development of the army and military art are associated with the names of Russian generals. Name those you know.

(A. Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, P. A. Rumyantsev, A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, A. A. Brusilov, A. M. Vasilevsky, K. K. Rokossovsky, R. Ya. Malinovsky, I. S. Konev, N. F. Vatutin, G. K. Zhukov).

10. Which Russian commander owns the famous phrase: “It is hard to learn, easy to fight”?

(A. V. Suvorov).

11. What Russian commander did A.S. Pushkin in the poem "In front of the tomb of the saint"?

This idol of the northern squads,

The venerable guardian of the sovereign country.

Subduer of all her enemies,

This is the rest of the flock of the glorious Catherine's eagles.

(About M.I. Kutuzov).

12. Sword, broadsword, saber, checker, sword are bladed weapons. What unites them, and what distinguishes them?

(All of them are edged weapons. A sword, a broadsword, a saber are chopping, stabbing with a double-edged end, a sword is stabbing, a saber is a chopping weapon with a single-edged blade that cuts on impact, but does not pierce).

13. What are shoulder badges called in the Russian army and navy?

(Shoulder strap and epaulette).

14. The word "soldier" and the name of the coin. What makes them related?

(The word “soldier” owes its birth to the coin. The money that Roman soldiers received for their service was called “solidarius”. The word got to other countries and turned into “soldier”).

15. What is common between the unit of the Russian banknote "kopek" and the spear of the warrior St. George?

(The unit of the Russian monetary account, minted at the behest of Elena Glinskaya, the mother of Ivan the Terrible, was called the “penny”, as it had the image of a spearman, St. George, slaying a dragon with a spear).

16. Who is called the fighter of the "invisible front", who refuted the saying "One man is not a warrior"?


17. What does the expression: "Keep your nose to the wind" mean?

(In the days of the sailing fleet, sailing on the seas depended on the weather, the direction of the wind. To go to sea, only a fair wind was needed, filling the sails and guiding the ship forward, i.e., bow to the wind).

18. What is the name of a teenager studying maritime affairs?

19. But there is no friendship between us either.

Destroy all prejudices

We honor all zeros,

And units - themselves.

We all look at Napoleons.

Tell me, to which Russian poet do these lines belong, and from what famous work are they taken?

(A. S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin").

Competition "Patrol".

Our observation post is located on the "swamp". Found a bump, but very small. It can only stand on one leg. Whoever stumbles first and "falls" into the "swamp" is eliminated from the competition.

Contest "Minefield".

Night. Dark. You need to go through the "mined field" and not touch any "mines".

Blindfold bypass 8 "min" - skittles or plastic bottles. Whoever hooks more "mines"

drops out of the competition.

Competition "Hit the target."

Each soldier must shoot accurately, have keen eyes.

At a distance of 4-5 meters, hit the target "Darts". (Points are counted).

Love Message Competition.

Each participant pulls out a piece of paper with one poetic line.

Exercise. Compose a message to the Lady of the Heart.

Your eyes are like two diamonds...

Your lips are like rose petals...

Your hair is like silk threads...

Your face is as beautiful as a violet...

You are as beautiful as a star in the night...

Your flexible camp is like a white birch...

The arch of the eyebrows, like a seagull above the water...

Time - 5 minutes.

While our knights are writing messages to the Beautiful Lady, we will warm up with the audience "Almost jokes, but almost." Let's see how our viewers feel about humor.

Conclusion. Summing up and awarding

Dear participants and spectators! Our competition has come to an end. While the jury is summing up the final results, I would like to say that all the participants of the competition with honor and dignity withstood the difficult tests they proposed, convincing us that real defenders are growing on our land, capable of showing male character, courage, perseverance, courage: "He wins who is familiar with the art of thinking subtle."

Each participant deserves an incentive prize. (Participants are given books). And the winner of our "Knight's Tournament" was ..., who is awarded a diploma and a memorable gift.



1. pastries, tea for everyone

2. a group of assistants for the competition

3. support team

4. report, motto from each class

5. selection of sports melodies

6. two leaders (adult, child)

7. preparation of the pole, twine for the concept of the flag

8. a group of male teachers for the cordon


1. Gathering at the sports ground at 9.00. MUSIC

1 leader: Attention! Attention! Dear fans, athletes and judges! Our microphones are installed on the school playground.

2 leader: To sing songs louder,

Live to be more interesting

You need to be strong and healthy!

These truths are not new.

1 presenter: Sport is friendly with health.

Stadium, pool and court,

Hall, ice rink - everywhere you are welcome.

For effort as a reward

There will be cups and records.

Your muscles will become hard.

2 host: Just remember, athletes

Every day is sure

Start with exercise.

Don't play hide-and-seek with the nap.

Lead 1: That's the secret of health!

Hello to all fitness friends!

2 leader: School, attention! We start our sports holiday"Health is great!"

Lead 1: School equals, at attention, prepare to submit a report. Class rollover. Submitting a report. Class motto.

Lead 1: Team captains are given the right to raise the flag of the school. The school anthem sounds.

Please take an oath.

Forever faithful to the sport to be:

We swear!

Health from youth to keep:

We swear!

Do not cry and do not despair:

We swear!

Do not offend opponents:

We swear!

Competitions to love:

We swear!

Try to be the first in games

We swear!

Main part:

Mass run. During the general run, the freed do exercises-warm-up. MUSIC

After the run:

Lead 1: To restore my breath, I offer classes and class teachers find your place on the sports ground, hold hands and repeat the movements after me to the music:

1. we go to the right, we speed up the step, we speed up more, we ran ......

2. we go to the left, we speed up the step, we speed up more, we ran ......

3. turned, looked at each other, smiled ...

4. and now show how friendly you are: everyone come to the center of your circle and hug... Well done!

5. put your hands up and applaud each other!

6. look around, how many of us, how do you think, will the circle turn out to be big if everyone in this stadium join hands and stand in one big circle. Let's try, friends! MUSIC intensifies...

Lead 2: Now you have warmed up, restored your breath, and we can move on to our sports competitions.

The middle-level guys compete after the younger ones.

While the junior level competitions are being held, middle and senior level guys are invited to try their hand at other sports: play streetball, tennis on the left side of the playground.

1 presenter: We would like to introduce you to the members of the jury and at the same time the counting commission.

2 host: All points will be calculated for you

Counting commission.

Lead 1: While the guys are getting ready, I offer you chants, answer my questions in unison:

Let sports records

Never grow old!

Let them be beaten more often in sports,

Do you agree with me? Yes

We are for battles and battles,

For the sporting spirit of victories.

We are for the bitterness of defeat

Only in sports! In life: no.

All amateur fans

They always know a lot about games.

Do you want to play yourself?

Answer in unison: yes!

Lead 2: So, the competition begins, fans, don't forget to cheer for your favorite team!

MUSIC BACKGROUND. There are competitions.

Lead 1: Still, it's interesting to watch the competing teams. How do they all work together and harmoniously. How cleverly they handle this or that object. How well they manipulate the viewer.


2 host: The floor for the speech is given to the members of the panel of judges. JUDGES ANNOUNCING THE RESULTS.

Lead 1: That's not all, my friends! We bring to your attention fun starts for adults. Do you think it's easy to persuade our teachers to compete with our adult children - high school students. We understand that they are stronger than us, but nevertheless, the team of teachers will show what they are capable of! Children of 9th, 10th, 11th grades and teachers are invited to the start.

Fans, call out!

Is everyone ready?

Competitions of teachers and high school students.

1. Do not be afraid, children, of rain and cold.

Go to the stadium more often.

And everyone who has been friends with sports since childhood,

He will be smart, healthy and strong.

2. Long live nets, balls and rackets,

green field and sunlight!

Long live rest! Fight and hike!

Long live the joy of sports victories!

Nazarova N.N. Draft program of the health-forming environment "Step by step"

You can modify the question: leisure from personal experience.

Let's say NO to smoking! / Levanova E.A., Romannikova M.V., Tatarnikova M.V. Telegina I.O. Under total Ed. E.A. Levanova. - M.: ARKTI, 2012. - 160 p.

Svetlana Vladimirovna Prokopchik
teachers physical education
The game QUEST on health stations is designed for students
technical school.
The goal of the game is:
 systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on healthy
lifestyle and sports;
acquisition in the form of a game of new vital knowledge
according to healthy lifestyle;
formation of students' motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle
life, education of responsibility for their health and the health of their
loved ones;
promotion of the development of the communicative qualities of the student's personality;
developing the ability to work in a group.

In accordance with the route map received by the team for
queues visit Health stations, where station managers set
task teams, evaluate their performance and put the points earned in
route sheet. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins
number of points.
Purpose: Propaganda active forms leisure.
1. Formation of healthy lifestyle settings.
2. Shaping leadership qualities and development of organizational skills,
ability to work in a team.
3. Development of an active life position.
4. Expansion of communicative experience.
5. Increasing awareness of healthy lifestyles
About a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a lifestyle of a person aimed at
disease prevention and health promotion.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects
human life, achievement of active longevity and
full performance of social functions, for active participation in
labor, social, family, leisure forms of life.
A healthy lifestyle appears as a specific form of expedient
human activity is an activity aimed at preserving, strengthening and
improving his health
The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by the increase and change
the nature of the loads on the human body due to the complication of social
life, increased risks of technogenic, environmental, psychological,
political and military nature, provoking negative shifts in
state of health. IN modern society growing more and more
tendency to lead a healthy lifestyle
1. Formation of teams. Options: based on the collective during the general
gathering students at the event by distributing color tokens
commands are defined. The number of teams in a game must not exceed
the number of stations.
Team line-ups should be as
equal in age and number of participants. Number of players in
commands are unlimited. There is a briefing before the game.
2. Preparing props. According to the expected quantity
teams prepare route sheets (Appendix No. 1), plates with
names of stations, requisites at the station (see description of stations).
3. Training of stewards at stations. Managers can be
senior students, teachers, teachers of additional
education of the technical school, pedagogical workers who received the necessary
installation and consultation of the organizers of the event, aimed not only
to determine a team with a stronger level of training, how many
expanding the horizons of students on healthy lifestyles.
4 Preparation of the award fund. Like any game where it's supposed to
identification of the winner, when summing up the results must be present and
the moment of the award. As awards can be as medals in quantity
team members with a symbolic inscription “We are for a healthy lifestyle!!!”, and
sweet prizes and diplomas.

(speech by the organizer of the competition, all teams gather in the assembly
Good afternoon We are happy to greet you. April 7 is the World
Health Day. This day is held annually so that people can
understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do,
to improve the health of people around the world. We want you to be
healthy and exercise. To this end, we celebrate the Day
Health. Today we will all go on a journey together. After all, health
it is the most important value of human life. To become a resident of this
countries, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, observe the correct regime
day, nutrition and hardening, love sports, not get sick, and if it happens a little
get sick, be able to quickly recover yourself and help others.
When passing the game at each station, your team will be expected
station managers with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station.
Route sheets with the indicated
order of passage of stations. Into these sheets the station stewards
will contribute the points you earn at the stations. Keep in mind that the team
who completed the tasks the fastest will receive an additional point, and
team that violated discipline during the passage of the game, points will be
act in film.
Good luck! Have a good mood and new necessary for
later life of knowledge!
Beginning of the game:
Each team is given route sheets indicating the sites and
the name of the competition.
A certain time is given for the passage of each competition (510 min.
depending on the composition of teams, venue, etc.). Teams Together
perform practical, thematic and intellectual tasks. At first
the passage of the game is timed and turns off after passing
the last stage, also at each stage the teams receive points (points) for
the correct execution of the task and the number of completed tasks.
At the end of the stage, the team goes to the next
tests by performing the given exercises.
1. STATION "Healthy Wisdom"
Station manager:

Health is the state of any living organism, in which it is generally and
all its organs are capable of fully performing their functions; absence of disease
diseases (a detailed discussion of the definitions of health is given below). TO
sciences that study health include: dietetics
, pharmacology, biology,
(health psychology, developmental psychology,
experimental and clinical psychology,
social Psychology),
psychophysiology, psychiatry, pediatrics, medical sociology and medical
anthropology, psychohygiene, defectology and others.

Protection of human health (health) is one of the functions of the state.
On a global scale, the protection of human health is the responsibility of the World
healthcare organization.
The task of this station lies in the folk wisdom of proverbs and
health sayings. It is necessary to compose well-known proverbs about health from words.
The proverbs are printed on paper, the words are cut out.

jumping - depicting a "centipede" (everyone stands in one column, bends one
leg at the knee, the partner standing behind takes the leg in front of the one standing in the hand, etc.),
jump without breaking the chain - you need to cross the given line.
2. STATION "Healthy food - Tasty and healthy!"
Station manager.
Healthy nutrition is nutrition that ensures growth, normal development
and human activity, contributing to the strengthening of his health and
disease prevention. Compliance with the rules healthy eating in combination with
regular exercise reduces the risk of chronic
diseases and disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.
Of course, the composition of the ideal human diet depends on the type
activities, lifestyle and place of residence, but there are more or
less general advice,
developed by health
organizations. It is necessary to observe: diet, calorie intake,
properly distribute the daily ration, diversify the diet, you need
be moderate in eating, eat slowly, drink more water, combine correctly
products, eat simple and fresh food, try to exclude fried
Be sure to consult a doctor about diets,
trust only nutrition developed by reputable institutions
Some products, or rather the substances contained in them, are capable of
beneficial effect on the body, others, on the contrary, can worsen it
activity and adversely affect the state of many organs and even systems.

The task of proper nutrition is to eliminate from the diet junk food and enrich it
useful, which is what we're going to do today.
Task: make a menu for one day - according to the rules of a healthy diet.
Application: prepare food cards.
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way: all
divide by two people, and perform ex. "Tachanka" (one gets up on his hands,
the second holds - by the legs, moving on the hands) to the line, (middle distance)
– then change roles.
3. STATION "crocodile game"
station manager
Today I will talk about the benefits of sports. In the modern world where
power prevails information technologies, it is difficult to maintain oneself in
form constantly. But sport is necessary for everyone! Sedentary lifestyle
entails such dangers as obesity, atherosclerosis, strokes, migraines and
other ailments. There is a solution - to start playing sports. And quite
it is not necessary to visit the pool or the gym, you can do physical
exercises and at home. The health benefits of sports are invaluable only with proper
approach to lessons. Each person should choose for himself the right kind.
physical activity, which suits him for health reasons and based on
personal preferences. Doing it with pleasure and without unnecessary stress,
exhausting the body, you can not only keep the body in good shape, but also
change your life for the better. Doing sports. health benefits and
human body
Many words have already been said about the benefits of sport. So what
What effect does exercise have on the body? What are the benefits of sports for
After classes:
improves muscle tone, increases endurance and strength;
immunity increases (as a result of which a person is less sick);
the musculoskeletal system is strengthened;
weight is normalized;
blood circulation improves.
Also, sport has a positive effect on the functioning of the organs of vision and respiratory function.
systems. Such activities reduce the risk of early strokes,
heart attacks and more.
Sport brings up discipline, fortitude and responsibility, and
also improves mental health.

Agree that such a beneficial action is worth it to break away
from the TV screen and go in for sports!
The task of who will guess the most sports (crocodile game)
Rules of the game: the manager thinks of a word, phrase or phrase.
One of the players must show the word made without words, only. Only
gestures, facial expressions, and postures, i.e. pantomime. It is forbidden to speak with lips
words, show the word by letter, take foreign objects. Guessing
can ask the player questions; ask the player to show synonyms; list
any options that appear. To display a word or phrase, retract
certain time. If the correct answer is not given before the end of this
term, then the word is considered not guessed.
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way:
the first takes emphasis crouching, the second jumps over it - stands at point blank range
crouching, the third one starts jumping over two in turn, and so on. until
reach the next station - the last player of the team.
4. STATION "Poetic" (creative)
station manager
A lot of poems have been written for children and adults about healthy
lifestyle, how it is useful and about harm bad habits. today you
try yourself as a writer.
Task: words are given, you need to come up with a rhyme for them and come up with
clockwork chant about health, a healthy lifestyle.
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way:
"Transportation of the wounded" team is divided into three people and in any way
carries the "wounded".
5. STATION "Ambulance"
station manager
The fleeting modern life requires a person to know the basic
techniques and methods of providing first medical care yourself or your loved ones.
How much you possess such knowledge and skills, this stage will show.
Tasks: name medications from the first-aid kit and indicate their area
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way:
"crossing in hoops". They become in one hoop - as many people as

fit together and run to the next stage, one returns in the hoop for
the rest, etc.
Station manager.
In modern society, a person experiences a whole complex
unfavorable factors: emotional stress, informational
overload, poor environmental conditions. These factors are often combined with
insufficient physical activity. The cumulative effect of adverse
environmental factors and a sedentary lifestyle
extremely negative impact on the body, disrupting its normal
functioning and contributing to the development of various diseases.
In such conditions, it is very important to use a complex of various
means of maintaining and strengthening the health of the body. Healthy
a person is a full-fledged member of society, which is distinguished by a high level
physical and mental performance, good health,
inner peace of mind.
One of the health benefits
organism, is morning hygienic gymnastics. In addition to the specific
influence that facilitates the process of transition from a state of rest to a state of
active wakefulness, morning exercises
increases the level of general physical activity of a person. For most
urban population morning exercises are often the only
specially organized physical exercises.
Like most effects on the body, morning exercises are useful.
only under the condition of its competent application, which takes into account the specifics
functioning of the body after sleep, as well as individual characteristics
specific person.
Task: And as you already understood, the next task is to compile
UGG complex of 10 exercises and do it all together.
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way:
"bump crossing". Bumps are made from pieces of wood and the whole team, holding on to
hands pass through the "swamps". If someone goes off the "bump" the whole team
returns back.
Station manager:
(about propaganda about life)
Assignment: Draw and make a propaganda poster from improvised means
"Formation of a healthy lifestyle".

Station manager.
Movement is life! This slogan has been tested by more than one generation.
of people. Only an active lifestyle, and even better - sports and physical education
will help us to save ourselves from a number of diseases, and first of all - from
cardiovascular and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Teams
you need to pass the obstacle course.
Task: all members of the team pass the obstacle course, from the available
sports equipment in turn.
For example: running in a straight line 15 m;
Crawl along the bench only pulling up on your hands;
Climb into the tunnel (hoop, it has 3-measure material on it);
Somersault on the mat;
Climb into the hoops with a snake (without knocking them down);
Hit the ball in the basket (1 attempt, the player who threw, runs after the ball
and returns it to the next one, etc.);
A web is stretched between the trees (the rope is one lower, the other higher
etc.). Players overcome obstacles under the rope and jump over it.
All teams gather in the assembly hall. The jury is summing up.
Team awards. 10
a game
guessed word
propaganda poster
10 b
right answers
10 b
10 b
score on
score for
points for

Application for Concus 1:

God would give health, but we will find happiness.
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm.
If you want to be healthy - temper yourself.
Move more, live longer.
Competition application 2.

Annex to
Athletics -
running, relay, javelin, discus, jumping
run-up length, sports gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, figure
skating, trampolining, diving, water polo, hockey, handball, football,
boxing, judo, karate, aerobics, armwrestling, bodybuilding, sports dancing,
figure skating, bobsleigh, skeleton, curling, freestyle skiing, luge,
ski jumping, snowboarding, short track, Nordic combined,
speed skating, hockey, alpine skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing,
basketball, badminton, wrestling, water sports, cycling, volleyball,
trampolining, rowing, judo, sailing, equestrianism, triathlon,
tennis, archery, bullet shooting, fencing, taekwondo, ice hockey
Application (station 4): (words are given from which to compose
poem) save, live, bathe, must love, engage,
laugh, visit, respect, save.

Application (station 5)
1. Iodine - a disinfectant for damaged skin
2. Zelenka is a disinfectant for damaged mucous membranes
3. Analgin - pain reliever
4. Aspirin - antipyretic
5. Paracetamol - antipyretic, with headache
6. Ammonia(ammonia) - with fainting
7. Activated charcoal - for poisoning, stomach pain
8. Valerian tincture or extract - nervous disorders, nervousness
9. Citramon - for headaches
10. Validol - for pain in the heart.
Application (station 7): drawing paper, felt-tip pens, paints, magazines, glue.