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When to dip. The Baptism of the Lord: when they celebrate, blessing water, bathing, omens, divination. What happens to the human body when immersed in ice water

Bathing at the Epiphany. Photo:

Baptism of the Lord - great Orthodox holiday, which has a long history, its rituals, rules and traditions. It is this holiday that ends Christmas time, which lasts from January 7 to 19.

The history of the holiday is rooted in the distant past, when people were baptized in the Jordan River god's son Jesus Christ. It was from here that the integral tradition of bathing in the hole began.

Every year the number of people who want to plunge into the hole is only growing. However, not everyone knows ground rules, which must be observed when immersed in ice water.

When is the best time to swim

Many are wondering when it is better to swim - on the eve of the holiday on January 18, or on the Epiphany itself on January 19.

It is believed that on January 18 it is best to go to the temple for the evening service. There, you must definitely read a prayer and collect holy water home. In this case, in this case, you can not collect plastic water or bottles from alcoholic beverages. Holy water should have its own container, previously well washed.

After the festive evening service, you can swim in the hole. The best time for this action is the time interval from 00:00 to 01:30. It was at this time that Epiphany water has the strongest healing properties that help with any ailments. Of course, not everyone can get up at such a time to bathe, so you can do this at any time already on Epiphany itself on January 19th.

How to dive into the hole

You can dive into the hole only in specially designated areas and under the supervision of lifeguards. Initially, a special Jordan in the form of a cross should be carved in the ice, after the priest lowers the crucifix into the water and reads a prayer, you can swim in it.

You can't just go into the water. The body will be in a state of shock anyway, and if you do not comply certain rules, the consequences can be dire:

  • an hour before swimming, you must definitely eat, but do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • before bathing, you need to warm up the body, do a warm-up, go for a run;
  • clothing should be simple so that it can be easily removed and put on;
  • you can’t go barefoot to the ice hole, it’s best to wear boots or good woolen socks, they need to be dressed so as not to slip;
  • check the stability of the ladder or descent into the water;
  • you need to enter the water gradually, do not do it abruptly, otherwise you can provoke problems with pressure. Diving into the water is also not recommended, as a state of shock may occur;
  • the maximum time spent in the water should not exceed 30 seconds, this is quite enough to plunge three times;
  • you can’t dive with your head, it’s best to do it only up to your neck. If you plunge with your head, then the vessels can narrow sharply, this will lead to a sharp decrease in temperature and a shock state of the body;
  • try not to swim in cold water, limbs can cramp;
  • if you have a child with you, watch him, in a state of shock from cold water, he may forget that he can swim;
  • when leaving the water, hold on to the handrails not with wet hands, but with a dry towel;
  • after bathing, rub yourself with a towel again;
  • to warm up, herbal or berry tea is best, but again, by no means alcoholic drinks.

What to bring with you

In order for swimming in the Epiphany hole to be successful, you need to have a number of seemingly everyday, but in this case very necessary items with you.

These include:

  • towel and bathrobe;
  • a set of dry clothes;
  • swimsuit or change of underwear (it is also allowed to dip in it);
  • slippers, so as not to slip on the ice, and woolen socks are best;
  • a rubber cap so as not to soak your head and then not to freeze in the cold;
  • willpower and desire.


As it turned out in the case of swimming in an ice hole, there are a lot of contraindications that can not only spoil the effect of this action, but also lead to exacerbations of diseases.

  • with the cardiovascular system;
  • from the central nervous system- epilepsy, the consequences of severe injuries of the skull; sclerosis of cerebral vessels in a pronounced stage, syringomyelia; encephalitis, arachnoiditis;
  • with the peripheral nervous system - neuritis, polyneuritis;
  • from endocrine system - diabetes, thyrotoxicosis;
  • inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx;
  • with the organs of vision - glaucoma, conjunctivitis;
  • with respiratory organs - pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma;
  • with the genitourinary system - nephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the prostate gland.

Maria Babich

Immersion in ice water severe stress. The adrenal glands react sharply and powerfully to it, throwing into the blood a large dose of potent anti-inflammatory hormones, which are normally released a little bit at a time. They inhibit all inflammatory reactions by simply “suppressing” the immune system, helping to endure cold, and adapt the body to endure stress.

If you properly prepare for a dive, a person with average health will endure a one-time dive without difficulty. But if he is at least a little weakened, in three or four days you will have to pay for your courage. According to Boris Skachko, the action of adrenal hormones continues after a release for a maximum of two days. After that, their deficiency occurs, and the body sharply weakens and becomes sensitive to any infections.

Run before the water bottle, and after the exit - warm yourself with tea. And if the thermometer is below ten, it is better to reschedule the session for the next time.

1. Before diving, be sure to consult a doctor. People with diabetes, arrhythmia, kidney problems, women with gynecological diseases, alas, it is better to forget about the hole. Hypertension patients can even have a stroke.

2. A week before diving, it is better to start preparing the body for frost. The first 3-4 days it is enough to go out on the balcony for a minute in shorts and a T-shirt. In the remaining days - add dousing with cold water. Enough one or two (in the last two days) basins of cold water.

3. Also, a week before the oatmeal, citrus fruits, herbs, rose hips and other foods rich in vitamin C should be excluded from the diet. After all, it stimulates the immune system, and it is not necessary to stimulate the immune system more than the act of winter swimming: it will be too much, the immune system will fall ".

4. Your clothes and shoes should be easy and quick to put on and take off. Dress properly. Ideally, clothes should not have fasteners at all, in extreme cases - a “zipper”. It will be problematic to fasten buttons with fingers that do not obey after a frost, and even more so to tie shoelaces. You will only waste your time standing in the cold. Also, take a mat. You will stand on it while you dry yourself and change clothes. Don't forget your hat - put it on as soon as you jump out of the water.

5. Not all weather is suitable for swimming. The ideal temperature for beginners is 2 to 5 degrees below zero. You can take the risk of diving into a harder frost, but -10 is already a dangerous threshold for a person trying to dive into an ice hole for the first time.

6. The ice hole should be well cleared of ice fragments so that you do not slip and do not get hurt and make it easier to get out. It is desirable that she has a ladder or a shallow area for easy exit from the water. Never walrus alone - suddenly you need help.

7. Two hours before the dive, you must definitely eat a solid meal, that is, provide the body with “fuel”. When you find yourself in cold water, the body will begin to frantically spend all its resources on heating and not a single kilocalorie will be superfluous.

8. Enter the water warm and gradually. This makes it easier to bear the cold. To warm up before the procedure, you can run for several minutes, squat, do active movements. Enter the water slowly, at an average pace: if slowly, you can freeze, and if quickly, you may experience fear, severe stress, pulse and pressure rise sharply, take your breath away. Going up to your knees, rinse your face with water, wash your face. This will also prepare the body for full immersion.

9. Do not drink alcohol before swimming, otherwise the freezing after going out will be much stronger. In addition, there is a high risk of rupture of blood vessels. After diving, you can warm up with a small amount of alcohol (vodka is best), but ordinary tea is also great for warming up.

10. Do not sit in the ice "whirlpool" to goosebumps. Chills are a sign that the body has begun to overcool. As soon as you feel this, immediately jump out of the water. On average, it is enough to stay in the water for 10 seconds - you will just have time to plunge three times, as it should be according to tradition.

Doctors categorically forbid children to swim in the cold. Young children, especially infants, have an imperfect thermoregulation system. Frostbite can happen very quickly and parents simply do not have time to notice it. The consequences of such bathing are the most serious: a child can get pneumonia, meningitis, or another disease of the central nervous system.

The rite of baptism of Christ at his request was performed by John the Baptist. During the baptism in the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven proclaimed, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." According to Christian teachings, it was on this day that God appeared in three persons: God the Father - in the voice, the Son of God - in the flesh, the Holy Spirit - in the form of a dove. Therefore, the feast of Baptism is often called the Epiphany. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is very important. It is believed that it was baptism that revealed the Savior to the world, who took upon himself all the sins of mankind. John Chrysostom wrote about this. And it was from the moment of baptism that Jesus began to preach the word of God and enlighten people.

Until now, the main traditions of the Epiphany holiday are associated with water. And the clergy on the feast of Epiphany, according to tradition, dresses in white robes.

How to celebrate the Epiphany

The celebration of the Epiphany (January 19) begins the day before - January 18. This day is called Epiphany Christmas Eve, and also Hungry Kutia. By analogy with Christmas Eve, on the day before the feast of the Epiphany, it is necessary keep a strict fast. Also on the eve of the feast of the Epiphany, the Orthodox prepared lean kutya. Festive dinner on Epiphany Christmas Eve was called "hungry kutya." Kutya, pancakes, oatmeal jelly were an obligatory dish of this meal.

Kutya, kolivo, eve - a ritual memorial dish of the Slavs, porridge cooked from whole grains of wheat (barley, rice - Saracen millet or other cereals), poured with honey, honey satiety or sugar, with the addition of poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, milk or jam.
An important event of the Baptism of the Lord and Theophany is blessing of water. On a river or on a lake, a cruciform polynya, called the Jordan, is cut in advance in the ice. With the onset of midnight, the priests bless the water in the polynya, and the faithful take a bath in the blessed water. People are not afraid of the cold because bathing at christening- this is a symbolic cleansing from sins, spiritual rebirth. The faithful are looking forward to the Feast of the Epiphany, and when the Baptism of the Lord comes, the Orthodox go to church to remember the miraculous event that changed the world.

How to bathe on Epiphany

For believers, bathing at Baptism means communion with the special grace of the Lord, which he sends to all water on this day. It is also believed that water at Baptism brings health, both bodily and spiritual. At the same time, the church warns against attaching any magical meaning to this tradition.

  • Bathing rules for baptism
Ice-holes or Jordans, in which they bathe at Epiphany, are consecrated. There are no hard and fast rules for those wishing to plunge into Jordan for Epiphany. But still, it is customary to quickly dive headlong into the water 3 times, while being baptized and saying: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Traditionally, it is believed that on Epiphany you should bathe in shirts, and not in swimsuits, so as not to flaunt your bodies.

Epiphany water - wonderful healing properties

In all the springs consecrated in the Baptism of the Lord, the water becomes holy and healing. It is believed, and this has many confirmations, that Epiphany holy water has miraculous and healing properties:

  • Believers take it with them - Epiphany holy water has the ability not to deteriorate for a long time.
  • Epiphany water is drunk throughout the year on an empty stomach, it is carefully kept as a shrine and diseases, both bodily and mental, are treated.
  • Saint Epiphany water you can sprinkle a dwelling to drive out evil spirits and bring the grace of God into the house.

Where to get baptismal holy water

If you want to collect consecrated baptismal water after bathing, it is not necessary to come with canisters. A small bottle is enough. According to Christian canons, any water can be made holy if you add a little baptismal water to it - from a temple or from Jordan. Festive worship services will be held in all Orthodox churches on the night of 18 to 19. But it is not necessary to come on this day. As explained in the Moscow Patriarchate, the water becomes holy after a special prayer service for the blessing of water. Access to containers with baptismal water will be open in churches for several days. In addition, queues are expected to line up for holy water at Epiphany, and it will be difficult to drive up to the temples. According to the safety rules, on the days of major religious holidays, parking near temples closer than 50 meters is prohibited.

When to collect baptismal water

The rite of the Great Blessing of Water (Great Hagiasma) is performed on Epiphany Eve (January 18) after the Divine Liturgy and on January 19 - on the very day of the Baptism of the Lord. During both days, you can collect baptismal water in any church. Both times the water is consecrated by the same rite, so there is no difference in when to collect water - on Christmas Eve or on the Feast of Epiphany itself.

If you decide to collect baptismal water from the tap and want to know when is the best time to do this. It is better to collect water for Epiphany in the time interval from 00:10 to 01:30 on the night of January 18-19. However, it is possible to collect baptismal water later - until 24:00 on January 19.

What you need to know before collecting water for Baptism:

  • it is better to collect baptismal water not thoughtlessly, but after participating in a church service (in church) or prayer (at home);
  • you need to pour water for Baptism into dishes without any marking - it is better in a special jug or flask bought in a church shop (in no case in a beer bottle)

It is believed that baptismal water has healing properties. It can be drunk with an illness on an empty stomach and washed to be healthy. You need to drink baptismal holy water with prayer, asking the Almighty for spiritual and physical health. And it is not at all necessary to take it in reserve, there should be a lot not of water, but of faith.

Baptism - folk traditions

Previously, there were special folk traditions celebration of the Baptism of the Lord or Epiphany. For example, it was customary to release doves at Epiphany - as a sign of Divine grace that descended on Jesus Christ. Other folk traditions for Baptism are known according to legend.

In Russia, on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, as soon as the first church bell calls for matins, pious believers kindled a fire on the shore so that Jesus Christ, who was baptized in the Jordan, could also warm himself by the fire.

The Jordan began to be prepared a week before Epiphany: they cut through the wormwood on the river, sawed out a large cross and placed it over the hole. The throne was also sawn out of ice. Christmas tree branches decorated the "royal gates".

On the morning of the holiday, after the service, everyone went to the river. After the consecration of the water in the river, all those gathered collected it in their dishes. It was believed that the sooner you scoop it up, the holier it will be. There were brave souls who swam in the Jordan, remembering that one cannot catch a cold in the consecrated water.

Then everyone went home. And while the women were setting the table, the eldest man in the family sprinkled Bogoyavlenskaya water all economy. Everyone drank holy water before eating. After eating, the girls hurried to the river - to wash in the "Jordanian water", "so that their faces were pink."

After Baptism, it was forbidden to wash clothes in the river. According to legend, when the priest plunges the cross into water, all devilry jumps out of fear, and then sits on the shore and waits for someone to appear with dirty laundry. As soon as the linen is lowered into the river, along it, like a ladder, all the evil spirits go into the water. Therefore, it was believed that the later women begin to wash, the more wickedness will freeze from Epiphany frosts.

Divination for Baptism

There were other traditions - it was believed that miracles happen at Epiphany midnight: the wind subsides for a moment, complete silence reigns and the heavens open. At this time, you can say cherished desire which will surely come true.

There is another tradition at Baptism, which, however, is not approved by the church. On January 19, Christmas time ends - the period of fortune-telling in Russia. On Epiphany night, the girls tried to understand what awaits them in the future, whether they will get married, whether the year will be successful.

Baptism - folk signs

Since ancient times, many folk signs have been associated with Baptism. Many of them were associated with economic activity peasants or predicted the weather. For example, folk omens for baptism read:

  • If the weather is clear and cold on Epiphany, the summer will be dry; cloudy and fresh - to a bountiful harvest.
  • A full month for Epiphany - to the big spring spill.
  • Starry night on Epiphany - the summer will be dry, the harvest for peas and berries.
  • There will be a thaw at Epiphany - for the harvest, and a clear day for Epiphany - for crop failure.
  • The wind will blow from the south to Epiphany - it will be a thunderous summer.
  • If during the Liturgy, especially while walking on the water, it snows, then next year it is expected to be fertile, and the bees will make many swarms.

When to baptism dogs barked a lot, waiting for a successful hunting season: If dogs bark a lot at Epiphany, there will be plenty of every beast and game. Chickens are not fed on Epiphany, so that gardens are not dug in the summer and seedlings are not spoiled.

The folk Russian calendar connects the Feast of Epiphany with frosts. Epiphany frosts: “Crack frost, don’t crack, but Vodokreschi passed.

How to bathe on Epiphany so as not to get sick

At Epiphany, both old and young bathe. But without special preparation, swimming for children and the elderly can be dangerous. It is better to prepare in advance by gradually hardening by dousing with cold water at home in the bathroom. Precautions must be observed by everyone who decides to bathe at Baptism. Doctors warn against bathing at Epiphany for people with hypertension, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, or tuberculosis. Bathing at Epiphany is also unacceptable for other acute chronic diseases. Doctors warn that swimming in ice-cold water can lead to negative consequences. After all, winter swimming in the hole leads to maximum voltage all the mechanisms of human thermoregulation and this can cause shock.

Well, if you are healthy, then follow the following recommendations, how to bathe on baptism:

  • you can swim in Epiphany only in the hole, where there is a special entrance to the water;
  • never go swimming at Epiphany alone, there should be a person nearby who can help if necessary;
  • alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited before bathing; you should not swim on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • Take a blanket with you, as well as comfortable clothes for changing.

Epiphany is a holiday with history and rich traditions. But the main thing, of course, is not ritual, but the great meaning that it carries. The Orthodox holiday of the Baptism of the Lord is of great importance for believers, because this is the day when a person’s spiritual renewal takes place.

Where to swim in Moscow for Epiphany

The choice of places for swimming at Epiphany 2018 in Moscow is large. About 59 fonts will be equipped so that everyone can go through the ritual of bathing. They will be equipped in such a way that people can easily undress, rub themselves, take a bath and drink hot tea. If you choose by metro, then this information will help you - here are a number of addresses for swimming in Moscow on Epiphany on January 19, 2018: Vykhino metro station - Beloe Lake recreation area, Putyaevsky ponds cascade - Sokolniki park, Schelkovskaya metro station - Babaevsky pond, Lermontovsky prospekt metro station - Kosinsky park, Kryukovsky forest park, Strogino metro station - Rublevo village park, Konkovo ​​metro station - Teply Stan park, Novogireevo metro station - Raduga ponds, Krylatskoye metro station - Serebryany Bor park, Polezhaevskaya metro station - a park on Filevskiy Boulevard, Novokosino metro station - Meshcherskoe lake, Izmailovskaya metro station - Izmailovo park.

Epiphany bathing will take place from 6 p.m. on January 18 until noon on January 19. Mass exit of people on the ice is not provided. The thickness of the coating currently does not exceed 15 - 20 centimeters. All bathing places are equipped with safe approaches and descents to the water. For a comfortable ceremony, heated locker rooms, toilets and lighting are installed. Bathing participants will be provided with hot drinks and places for heating.

If you choose places for bathing on Epiphany by district, read below:

Where to swim at Epiphany - Central District of the CAO

  • a font in the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Chisty Vrazhek;

Where to swim on Epiphany - Northern District of SAO

  • Big Garden Pond;
  • Coastal passage, vl.7;
  • Water stadium "Dynamo";

Where to swim on Epiphany - North-Eastern District of the North-East

  • Palace Pond (1st Ostankinskaya, near house 7).

Where to swim on Epiphany - Eastern District of the East Administrative Okrug

  • Babaevsky pond, st. Kurganskaya, d. 5 - 9
  • Red pond, Izmailovsky forest park
  • Font "Vernissage in Izmailovo", Izmailovskoe sh., 73Zh
  • Maisky Pond (former Dog), Sokolniki Park, st. Sokolnichesky Val, 1, building 1
  • Lake White, st. B. Kosinskaya, 46
  • Lake Holy, st. Oranzhereinaya, 18
  • Terletskiye Prudy, Svobodny Ave, 9
  • Deer pond;

Where to swim on Epiphany - South-Eastern District SEAD

  • Upper Kuzminsky pond, st. Kuzminskaya, 10, near the dam
  • Lower Lublin pond, st. Shkuleva, ow. 2b, near the station of the Ministry of Emergency Situations
  • Shibaevsky pond, st. District, ow. 14, near the rescue station

Where to swim at Epiphany - Southern District of South Administrative District

  • Borisovskie Prudy, st. Borisovskie Prudy, 2g
  • Upper Tsaritsynsky Pond, st. Dolskaya, 1
  • Pond Becket, Zagorodnoye sh., 2

Where to swim on Epiphany - South-Western district of SWAO

  • Vorontsovsky Pond (Church of the "Life-Giving Trinity in Vorontsovo" St. Ak. Pilyugina, 1)
  • Pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoe" (Temple of the "Kazan Icon Mother of God in Uzkom st. Profsoyuznaya 123B)
  • Troparevsky pond (Recreation area "Troparevo" St. Academician Vinogradova 7)
  • Pond on Nakhimovsky Prospekt (Nakhimovsky Prospect, Building 8 (near the Church of Euphrosyne
  • Chernevsky Pond ( decorative pond No1) (Church of the Nativity of Christ in Chernevo, Yuzhnobutovskaya st., 62)
  • Pond on the territory of the Temple

Where to swim at Epiphany - Western District ZAO

  • Meshchersky Pond (Voskresenskaya St., Za)
  • Pond in the village of Rublevo / Village of Rublevo, (Botylev St., near 41)
  • Moscow River (Filevsky Boulevard, opposite 21)
  • Moscow River (B. Filevskaya st., 40a)

Where to swim on Epiphany - North-Western district of the North-West

  • Baryshikha river ( landscape park st. Baryshikha ow. 4)
  • Pond in the village Rozhdestveno (Pond in the village of Rozhdestveno (behind the Church of the Nativity), Mitino district
  • Derivative canal (opposite the house at the address: Malaya Embankment st. 3, building 1)
  • Khimki Reservoir (Moskva River) st. Svobody d. 56, PKiO "Northern Tushino"
  • Stroginskaya floodplain (st. Tvardovsky vl. 16 building 3)
  • Kirov floodplain (st. Isakovskogo vl. 2)
  • Lake Bezdonnoe (St. Tamanskaya, 91)
  • Moscow River (Karamyshevskaya emb., 13-15)
  • Moscow river (Aviatsionnaya street, 79)
  • Derivative canal (st. Lodochnaya property 19)

Where to swim on Epiphany - Zelenograd

  • Black Lake, on the western side of the reservoir, Lesnye Prudy alley, 6th microdistrict
  • School lake, on the western side of the reservoir, Panfilovsky avenue, bldg. 1001

Where to swim on Epiphany - Trinity and Novomoskovsky districts

  • MUSP Fishing and sports (Troitsk, Desna river in the recreation area "Zarechye").
  • Pond in the village Intercession (n. Voronovskoe, Church of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, from. Pokrovskoe).
  • A pond near the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Church (Krasnopakhorskoye village, Bylovo village).
  • Pond p. Filimonkovskoe, village Knutovo.
  • Pond p. Shchapovskoye, with. Oznobishino, Church of the Holy Trinity.
  • Pond of the village of Voskresenskoye, territory of the recreation center "Voskresenskoye", dam 1.
  • Pond settlement Marushkinskoe, village. Big Pig.
  • Pond of the settlement of Moskovsky, the settlement of the Ulyanovsk forest park, LLC "Gloria", the temple-chapel of the icon of the Mother of God "Fadeless Color".
  • Pond p. Moskovsky, village Govorovo, pond No. 2, st. Central.
  • Pond of the Mosrentgen settlement, the middle pond of the Troitsky Estate cascade.
  • River village Rogovskoe, village Vasyunino, 100 m from the Church of the Holy Trinity on the river.
  • Font of Vnukovskoye village, pos. DSK "Michurinets", st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, d. 1. Font next to the river. Setun.
  • Font of the village of Marushkinskoye, village of Marushkino, park "Rucheyok".
  • Kupel p. Klenovskoe, v. Tovarishchevo, r. Liver.
  • Font of the village of Desenovskoye, village of Evseevo-Kuvekino.
  • Font of the village of Pervomayskoye, village of Puchkovo, Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
  • The font of the village of Mikhailovo-Yartsevskoye, the village of Shishkin Les, building 43, the Church of the New Martyrs.

16 places in specially protected natural areas of Moscow:

  • PIP "Bitsevsky Forest", apt. 7, st. Sanatorium alley, sanatorium "Uzkoe", Fourth Pond in Uzkom (with the participation of the Yasenevo District Administration)
  • PIP "Kuzminki-Lublino", Apt. 9, Shibaevsky pond, Kuzminki district, Zarechie street, property 14
  • PIP "Kuzminki-Lublino", Apt. 33, Nizhny Lyublinsky Pond, Tekstilshchiki district, Shkuleva street, property 2B
  • PIP "Kuzminki-Lublino", Apt. 9, Upper Kuzminskiy pond, Kuzminki district, Kuzminskaya st., 7
  • PP "Serebryany Bor", Lake Bezdonnoe, near the street. Tamanskaya, 91
  • PP "Serebryany Bor", Lake Bezdonnoe, near the street. Tamanskaya, 91 (opposite shore of the lake)
  • PIP "Moskvoretsky", Kirov floodplain, Isakovsky st., 2-4 (Administration of the Strogino district)
  • PIP "Moskvoretsky", Tvardovsky st., 16 (Administration of the Strogino district)
  • PIP "Moskvoretsky", Zhivopisnaya st., 56 (Administration of the Shchukino district)
  • PIP "Moskvoretsky", Karamyshevskaya emb. 15 (Administration of the Khoroshevo-Mnevniki district)
  • PIP "Izmailovo", Terletsky Forest Park, 2/6, Olkhovy Pond
  • PIP "Izmailovo", forest park "Izmailovsky", the village of Izmailovskaya apiary, 1, Red pond (Izmailovo district administration)
  • PIP "Kosinsky", st. Zaozernaya, 18, lake Beloe (Government of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky district)
  • PIP "Kosinsky", st. Oranzhereinaya, vl. 24., building 1, Lake Svyatoe
  • Landscape reserve "Teply Stan", recreation area "Troparevo" Academician Vinogradova vl. 12, Troparevo recreation area
  • Fri Zelenograd, Forest Ponds alley, Black Lake recreation area (Government of the Savelki district)

Map of the placement of fonts for Epiphany bathing in 2018

On the night of January 18-19, the Orthodox world celebrates the feast of the Epiphany. In Moscow, about 60 fonts and ponds are being equipped for swimming. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the addresses of the Epiphany fonts in Moscow in 2018. In order to view the map in detail and find out where you can swim on Epiphany on the night of January 18-19 in Moscow, click on the zoom button in the lower right corner of the map.

The Baptism of the Lord is an Orthodox holiday celebrated on January 19th. Many beliefs and traditions are associated with it. One of these traditions is ice diving.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows the history of this custom, the time when it is possible to engage in Epiphany bathing and how to do it correctly. In order for diving into the hole to be beneficial, it is imperative to know all the rules of this dive, as well as take into account all possible contraindications associated with the state of health.

When they swim in the hole at Epiphany 2018, at what time: history, rules and beliefs of the holiday

The history of the great Christian holiday, the Baptism of the Lord, goes back many centuries, into the past. When, in the Jordan River, the prophet John the Baptist, the baptism of the son of God, Jesus Christ, was carried out. According to legend, it was at that moment that the tradition of diving into an ice hole was born. It is believed that the most desirable time for this ceremony is the time of January 19 from 00:10 to 01:30. In ancient legends it is said that this is exactly the moment when water becomes healing and helps to wash away sins and improve health.

To comply with the rules of the holiday, on January 18, it is advisable to go to church for evening liturgy and read a prayer there. Going to the service, you should take a clean container with you in order to bring home the saint Epiphany water. Starting at midnight, after the end of the Liturgy, you can go swimming. Dipping into the ice-hole is allowed only in the places designated in advance. Beforehand, a Jordan is cut out in the ice - a hole in the shape of a cross. Before giving the go-ahead for bathing, the priest must lower the crucifix into the water and read a prayer.

When they swim in the hole at Epiphany 2018, what time: is it necessary to do this

The rector of the Church of the Martyr Tatyana at Moscow State University, Vladimir Vigilyansky, claims that Epiphany bathing is enough new tradition. And also that he did not meet any mention of her in any historical literature about Ancient Russia, nor in the notes of pre-revolutionary Russia. The rector believes that the church does not force anyone to dive into the hole. Each person decides for himself what legends to believe in and what rituals to perform. What is more important is not whether the believer will plunge into the hole that day, it is important that everyone come to the Epiphany Liturgy and take communion.

When they swim in the hole for Epiphany 2018, at what time: precautions for Epiphany bathing

Those who are determined to plunge into the hole on January 19 should know that you can’t swim in ice water on an empty stomach, but the intake of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited both before, during and after swimming. Before dipping, you need to move around to warm up the body. In no case do not enter the water too quickly and do not dive headlong, so as not to cause a state of shock by these actions. You need to plunge only three times, you can not stay in the water for more than 30 seconds. Coming out of the water, you must immediately rub yourself with a towel and change into warm, dry clothes. After that, it is advisable to drink tea. Also, do not forget about contraindications. So, for people with cardiovascular diseases, with a disturbed nervous system, with diseases of the organs of vision, respiratory and urinary-genital system, as well as children and pregnant women - dipping in the hole is strictly FORBIDDEN.

Bathing in the hole remains the most relevant rite on the great feast of the Epiphany. In 2018, the date of this event remains unchanged.

The Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany, is one of the most important religious events. Once upon a time, on this day, the baptism of Jesus Christ and his recognition as the Son of God took place. Epiphany bathing is an old Russian rite that some people perform annually. In 2018, you can follow the proven tradition, and it will be possible to do this already on January 18 after the evening church service. As a rule, most people take a bath in the hole on the night of the 18th to the 19th, but it will be possible to plunge into the font during the whole feast of Epiphany on January 19th.

Event history

From the annals it is known that the baptism of Jesus Christ took place in the waters of the Jordan River. This event took place in the city of Bethavre - it was there that our Savior met John the Baptist, who baptized the Son of God.

After Jesus Christ left clear waters Jordan, a dove sat on his shoulder, and a voice came from Heaven, saying that from that moment on he was recognized as the Son of God. Witnesses of the event realized that before them was a righteous man, and began to turn to him for help.

Now people continue to believe that by swimming in the hole on January 19, you can get rid of sins, as well as provide yourself with health for the whole year. You can be convinced of this only if you yourself perform this ceremony in 2018.

The meaning of baptismal bathing

Surely most people have heard about the old Russian tradition of swimming in the hole at Epiphany, but many sometimes do not understand what the purpose of this ceremony is. As usual, a cross is cut through the thickness of the ice, which is then consecrated by a priest. It is believed that only after this, the water begins to have healing properties, which will not only have a positive effect on your health, but also help cleanse the body and soul from the sins committed earlier.

Before you plunge into the hole, be sure to consult a doctor and only after that perform the ceremony. You can not go into the water in a state alcohol intoxication or on an empty stomach. Before taking a bath, be sure to visit the church. It is not necessary to turn to God with a specific prayer - you can simply pour out your soul and ask the Almighty for help.

How to perform a bathing ceremony so as not to get sick

Despite all positive sides this rite, after swimming in the water in cold weather there is a risk of getting sick. Doctors say that if you follow simple rules, then further unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

After you take off your clothes, immediately plunge into the water. The longer you stay cold, the higher the chance that you will get sick after swimming.

No need to plunge into the water abruptly: first, go knee-deep, and then wash yourself. It is not necessary to enter the hole completely.

You do not need to be in cold water for more than 15 seconds. If you have a need to leave the hole before the right time, then do not be afraid to do it.

After you leave the hole, be sure to quickly dry yourself with a towel and put on warm clothes.

After the ceremony, in no case warm yourself with alcoholic beverages. Firstly, it is considered a sin, and secondly, it is unlikely that they will become warmer. Immediately after bathing, doctors recommend going indoors and drinking hot tea.

On such a great religious holiday as Epiphany, rites and rituals take on special power. With the help of baptismal fortune-telling, you can find out what awaits you in the near future. We wish you happiness and good health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.01.2018 06:46

The Baptism of the Lord is often referred to as Theophany. Many believe that different names mean the same ...