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Triangular coins of Russia. The first Russian money. Coins of ancient Russia

If you wonder what the most ancient coins of Russia will be, the answer can be very surprised. It turns out the most ancient coins that archaeologists found where the lands of the Kiev principality extended, were Roman denaries released from four hundred and hundreds of years before our era. However, it is not at all the fact that they used to buy or sell. Most likely metal mugs with intricate drawings were much more popular as components of jewelry. Amazing this fact will not seem to those who represent the nature of the commercial relationship of the pore. At the time when the ships and caravans of merchants followed the animated trading paths, Russia was located away from these routes. Natural exchange flourished on her lands. Only since the consolidation of settlements and the appearance of cities, the need to have a certain universal equivalent value of any product facilitating most of the exchange operations.

As a tree has the beginning of the roots and the pedigree coins of ancient Russia can be stretched from hryvnia. The initial hryvnia is difficult to call us the usual coin. In fairy tales of different nations We often stumble on the fact that the wealth of a person was measured in the number of herds of his horses. It turns out that herd performed a wallet, and the horse is from it - a translating coin. The amount of silver sufficient to acquire a horse ("buying the mane"), began to call "hrying". According to another version, the etymology of this word is not associated with a horse mane, but leads from the cervical female decoration, but turning into a certain measure of weight in the form of a ingot. Over time, he began to give a characteristic form that the National Bank of Ukraine likes to depict on its collembrants. After the start of the coin coin, the name "hryvnia" passed to them.

Zlatniki and Srebreniki

When did the first money appeared in Russia? Historians say that the most likely period has come at the end of the tenth century. For their manufacture, precious metals were used - gold and silver. This led them to the names of "Zlatniki" and "Srebrenika", but this does not mean that they were named after them in princely times. It was just that more convenient to describe them when studying ancient coins. However, the data later the name is not so far from the truth. For example, on the coins dated from 980 to 1015, the inscription "Vladimir on the table, and his Srebro," is present. Of course, the Grand Duke does not pay off on the table, and this word is indicated by a more decent "throne". If, on one side of the coin, a princely portrait was present, then on the other we can see the coat of arms of the principality having a form of a trident or a two-season (late specimens), or Jesuch Christ (early copies). The generic sign of Rurikovich over the shoulder of the prince was not a constant, and the changes in itself are changes related to those who are this moment was on the throne. The weight of the gold coin was a little easier than four and a half grams. And the Srebrenikov attended the whole money row, where the mass varied from 1.7 to 4.68 grams. After the prince of Vladimir, gold ceased to be used for the release of coins. Silver money entrenched in the circulation, they were accepted for payment already outside the Kiev Rus, which markedly facilitated a merchant life.

Princely portrait disappears during the reign of Yaroslav Wise, replaced by the image of St. George. So the prototype of modern penny denominations originated in those ancient times. True, here George, as we see above, has not yet seen on horseback and does not understand the snake. The inscription on the reverse, the center of which occupies the generic sign of Rurikovich, is also modified ("Yaroslavl Silver" on the spot, and "on the table" is absent, so historians say that here we are talking about the prince of Yaroslav in Novgorod).

The first one who became a famous copy of Yaroslavlov Srebra from the collection of A. I. Musina Pushkin was discovered as a look at the icon in one of the Kiev churches. However, coins for some reason did not suit the Grand Duke, their release gradually stopped. The last surge is characterized by the monetary signs of Oleg Svyatoslavovich 1083-1094. After that, the coins cease to be a payment facility and do not participate in the turnover, and the period of history corresponding to this time is referred to as "messenger".

Hryvnia ancient Russian principalities

The calculated means again becomes hryvnia, but (as we have already mentioned before) the characteristic form in the form of a rhombus with truncated ends. Kiev hryvnia weighed about one hundred and sixty grams. The hryvnias of other principalities were solid. For example, in Chernigov, the hryvnia lacked only five grams to two hundred, and it was different from the Kiev proper diamond form. In the Volga region and Novgorod were in the course of flat two-particle silver bars. And Lithuanian hryvnia was a bar with notches. The hryvnia was a major monetary value. For small trading operations, small coins were used in Russia when exporting them merchants from neighboring countries or Europe.

Other driving coins of ancient Russia

This foreign trifle was sometimes called the words "Kuna", "Vixt", "Nogat" (or "Nagata", if we consider the origin from the Arab "MgeD" - "Selecting Coin" or "Nakanda" - "Select good coins") . Modern man It is not difficult to determine the similarity of the sound of the "Kuna" and "Cunits". Indeed, valuable fur Kunitz was not only a commodity, but also exchange equivalent, which was reflected in the name of the money. Similar origin have "Veviewers" and "Virashi", originating from the local names of the Belichesky skins (silver eyeline weighed the third part of the gram). A "Nogat" is a direct designation of fur skirts with legs. Interesting fact You can note the existence of leather money. Of course, they did not equate directly to gold or silver, but were most likely the role of financial obligations. The meaning hidden in the title, has "Rezan". This is the predecessor of "Kuna". Rezana produced barbaric for numismatics. Dirhami Abbasid Caliphate was taken and cut them into parts. But Khalifat stopped the release of Dirhemov, so the rezans gradually left the turnover. The need for a barrier coin was closed by the appearance of the Kuna.

It is symbolically combined with a ruble, which "cut" from silver hryvnia. The ruble has been a major monetary unit, therefore he had to chop at half, who received the name "Poltina". The name "hryvnia" gradually leaves the tongue, replacing the word "ruble". Of course, then still destined to arise the concept of "grivennik", but it will only be component ruble. But the familiar to us a penny appeared much later, already in the Middle Ages, therefore, they are attributed to the coins of ancient Russia.

One of the Zlatnikov Vladimir we can see on the reverse of the memorable coin of the USSR State Bank of 1988. Golden Storubevka is dedicated to the Millennium Anniversary of the Old Russian Mint Chacking. It is worth recalling that in 1988, almost at the state level, the Millennium of the Baptism of Russia was noted. Festive events Passed in the main cities of the USSR (Leningrad and Moscow), as well as in the ancient princely capitals (for example, Kiev and Vladimir). After June 18, all the dioceses of Russian joined the celebrations orthodox church. In this regard, the State Bank of the USSR produces an expanded series of coins, where baptism was not directly mentioned, but historical monuments of that pore ("1000 years of Russian literature" or "1000 years Russian architecture" were reflected). For Srebrenika, a three-headed nominal quoted on silver 900 samples was taken.

How many original coins of Kiev Rus are preserved? Very little. So the Zlatnikov Prince Vladimir is only eleven, and Srebrenikov - two and a half hundred. The number of famous Srebrenikov Prince Svyatopolka does not exceed and fifty. But the least reached our time coins Yaroslav Wise - seven copies. It is clear that it is they who are alive with the Zlatniki Prince Vladimir and are the most rare coins of ancient Russia. Those who are interested in the topic and want to learn it in detail, I essentially recommend the book of Ivan Georgievich Spassky "Russian Mint". It is fully and reliably outlined by the money circulation of ancient Russia.

Before the emergence of his coins in Russia, the Roman Denarias and Arab Dirhama, and Byzantine Solides went to Russia. In addition, you could pay to the seller and the fur. Of all these things, the first Russian coins arose.


The first coin, minted in Russia, was called a silverman. Even before the baptism of Russia, during the reign of Prince Vladimir, she was cast from silver Arab Dirhemov, in which a sharp deficit began to be felt in Russia. And there were two silver designs. Initially, they copied the image of the Byzantine coins of solids: the prince was depicted on the front side, stern on the throne, and on a circulator - a pitch-boiler, i.e. Jesus Christ. Soon silver money passed redesign: instead of the Face of Christ on the coins, the generic sign of Rurikovichi began to focus on the coins, and the legend was placed around the prince's portrait: "Vladimir on the table, and his Srebro" ("Vladimir on the throne, and this is his money").


Along with Silvernik, Prince Vladimir has fade and similar coins made of gold - Zlatniki or spools. They were also made on the manner of Byzantine solids and weighed about four grams. Despite the fact that in terms of their number there were quite a bit - until today, there was a little more than a dozen of the Zlatnikov - their name was firmly in the folk sayings and proverbs: a small spool, and a pleasurahr. Mal spool, yes gold weigh, a great camel, and the water is carried. Bend puddles, share spools. The trouble comes pounds, and goes spools.


At the turn of the 9th - 10th centuries, a fully domestic monetary unit appears in Russia - hryvnia. The first hryvnias were sweaty ingots of silver and gold, which were rather a weight standard than money - on them it was possible to refuse the weight of precious metal. Kiev hryvnia weighed about 160 grams and in shape resembled a hexagonal ingot, and the Novgorod hryvnia were a long bar weighing about 200 grams. Moreover, the hryvnias were in the go and at the Tatars - on the territory of the Volga region was known "Tatar hryvnia", made in the form of a rook. Hryvnna received its name from the female decoration - a gold bracelet or hoop, which was carried on the neck - a camp or a grivy.


Equivalent of modern penny in ancient Russia was an eyewax. Sometimes it was called protein or veversive. There is a version that, along with a silver coin in circulation, there was a selected winter skunk protein, which was its equivalent. There are still disputes around the famous chronicler phrase that Khazars were taken as Dani from Polyan, Northerners and Vyatichi: a coin or protein "from smoke" (at home). In order to accumulate to the hryvnia, the ancient Russian person would need 150xresses.


In Russian lands and East Dirham went. His, and also the European Denarium, also enjoyed popular, in Russia, called KUNU. There is a version that initially Coon was the skin of the curtain, proteins or foxes with the princely stigma. But there are other versions related to in-language origin Cun names. For example, many other peoples who have in circulation Roman denarius, for the coin there is a philizer-based Russian kun name, for example, English Coin.


The problem of accurate calculation in Russia was solved in their own way. For example, the skin of the curtain or other fur beast is cut, thereby causing a piece of fur under one or another cost. Such pieces were called risen. And since the fur shelter and the Arabic Dirham were equivalent, then they were divided into parts and a coin. To this day, half a Russian treasures are found in the Old Russian treasures, and even quarter of dirhemov, because the Arab coin was too large for small trade transactions.


Another small coin was a legate - she cost about the twentieth of the hryvnia. Its name is made to communicate with the Estonian Nahat - fur. In all likelihood, the hut was also originally the fur skit of any beast. It is noteworthy that in the presence of all sorts small money, every thing tried to tie with their money. In the "Word about the regiment of Igor", for example, it is said that if Vsevolod would be on the throne, then the slave would be at the price "on their harness", and the slave is "on the cut."

The beginning of the coin chasing in Russia, in a modern understanding of this word, dates from the end of the X - the beginning of the XI centuries. Silver and golden Russian coins appeared during the rule of Vladimir the Great. Prior to that, there were either dirhemes, imported by merchants from the East, or Byzantine coins were used for mutual settlements. It could also have a natural exchange. In addition, writing sources mention several payment units, regarding most of which researchers did not come to a common opinion.

Payment units of Dovladimy Rus

The most famous means of calculations of this period is hryvnia. This name implied a massive silver decoration, wearable on the neck. In the payment equivalent of the hryvnia was the silver fusion weighing 200 g and exchanged on it.

Also in written sources mention such names like hryvnia kun, kun, legate, cutting, vivseritsa (eyewi). Regarding what they mean these words, the researchers did not come to a common opinion. Kuhn is sometimes identified with the Arabic Dirham, Western European denarity or other silver coins. Sometimes it is associated with the calculations of the fur for the goods. Also correlate with the name of taxes that existed in those times and called the "Cuckit". But anyway, hryvnia kun is a sum of 25 kun.

Another settlement unit was a legat, which correlate either with a separate group of Arab Dirhemov, or with skin calculations and furs. Hryvnia Kun crushed at 20, if necessary. Rezan was 1/2 kun, and one of the possible physical expressions of this payment unit could well be trimmed by Arab Dirhemov detected in the ancient Russian treasures.

The smallest nominal called the eyeline or vivery (protein) and amounted to 1/6 kun or, according to other sources, 1/100 hryvnia. It is possible that the ancient system of calculating the fur simply imparted an imprint in the form of titles to the coins entered in circulation.

First Russian coins

The first coins that began to be minted at the courtyard of Vladimir the Great, were made of gold and silver and wore the name of the scenario and silver, respectively. On the obverse of the coin depicted the Grand Duke Kiev, on the reverse - TRUZUB, the prince's coat of arms. The same coins minted the son of Vladimir Great, Yaroslav Wise, and Cousin Yaroslav - Svyatoslav Torovsky. On the obverse of the coin of Yaroslavlovoy, the saint patron of Prince - Yuri shine.

It is curious to note that Russian coins with portraits of Kiev princes and Tremeubs were unique for Europe at that time. Western European monetary units of that time were copies of Roman coins.

Malemone and the appearance of the ruble

After the attack of Mongol-Tatars, a period of fragmentation occurred. Kiev fell, and the chasing of uniform coins in Russia ceased. In walking gradually entered of different shapes Ingots precious metals. Among them, the same type of rectangular silver ingot with the scar of the scar and the "chopped" ends was distinguished, which was called the ruble. One ruble was tenth hryvnia kun. The ruble divided into smaller payment units by destroying it into parts, which only supported his name, firmly inserting a word into life.

The tenth part was called the grivennik. The ruble, divided by half, was called Poltina, for four parts - Quarter. Also from the ruble did small payment units - money. Moreover, 200 money received from the ruble in Moscow, and in the Novogorod - 216.

Return of the chased coin

The Russian coins began to minimize the Russian coins in the second half of the XIV century. The "specific" period in Russian numismatics begins with the 1380s and is characterized by the emergence of coins that minted in certain specific princesses. During this period, local monetary systems began to emerge, which subsequently formed a single one.

For the first time, registered silver money was made in the Grand Duch of Moscow during the reign of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. In almost the same time, Russian vintage coins of Ryazan and Nizhny Novgorod Principles are dating. At the very beginning of the XV century. The principality of Tverskoy began its coin, and for 20 years it caught up with Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. Until the end of the first half of the XV century. Up to 50 specific rulers began to produce its coin.

A set of mint signs was small: silver money and half-one. Novgorod and Pskov minted money and a quarter. In some places (for example, in the Moscow and Tver Principles), there was also a copper coin of the smallest dignity - pool.

In Moscow, at the end of the XIV in the account system was as follows: the ruble (ink) was divided into two colts, 10 of the grivens or 33 1/3 Altyna. At the same time, Poltina, the Grivennik and Altyn did not have a coin expression, these were units of account. But the money and half-one - chased Russian coins, and their cost, in comparison with the ingots, was as follows: one ruble was equated with 200 chased money or 400 half-chairs. Regarding the quantitative relationship of the copper pool to silver coins, the data is absent.

The royal period of numismatics

From 1533 to the end of the XVII century. Specific monetary systems merged, forming one, united for the Russian state.

During the reign of Mother Ivan the Terrible - Elena Glinsky - the strict rules of coin chasing are established. Silver money was made in shallow and large weight. Small coins carried the image of the rider with a sword and wore the name of the swords. On large silver money, a copiret rider was depicted, they got the name of a spear money. From the latter, modern penny leads its origin. The smallest coin was called a half-one. She was equal to a quarter of a penny or half money.

Before the reign of Fedor Ivanovich, Russian coins did not carry the designation of the year of release. This king was the first one who ordered to apply the date on a penny.

Old Russian coins in history and numismatics

Numismatics is auxiliary historical discipline. Money is an important element of any society. They carry the imprint of his political, ideological device, religious installations and historical processes passing in it. In addition, money reflects many parties public Lifewho fell out of the field of view of other documentary evidence of last time.

Thus, for example, the transition to a standardized monetary system of the royal period from a variety of coins of the XIV-XVI centuries. Displays the completion of the long process of centralization of scattered principalities.

In addition to importance for historical science, numismatics is also one of the types of collectibles. The first collector of coins in Russia is called Peter I along with his associate - Alexander Menshikov.

Cost of Russian coins

There are many directories that list the Russian coins known to date and their cost. However, the price of a particular coin depends on its preservation and general condition.

For example, if the price of the silver prince Vladimir in a fairly good condition can be more than 250 US dollars, then a pretty damaged coin without several fragments is much smaller. That is why the question of how much Russian coins are of antiquity, it is most reasonable to solve in each particular case by the method of relevant examination, because we are talking about archaeological value.

Ancient Russia largely copied the achievements of the Byzantine Empire, did not exception and money.
At the end of the 10th century, with Vladimir, Svyatoslavich began to minimize the coins - Srebreniki. In size and weight, they corresponded to the Byzantine, the same production technologies were used, but the inscriptions were Russian, the princely sign was also added. Currently, only about 400 such coins are known, they are considered raryiths and almost everyone is stored in museums.

At approximately at the same time, sovereigns that copy the Byzantine gold solids appear. Images on the Srebreniki and Zlatnikov are very similar. With the following rukers, only Srebreniki was minted, the latter are dated Yaroslav Wise time. In the future, for unknown reasons, the coinage of own coins stops for three centuries.

It was not always his coins in Russia, and it is well known. Calculations were made and services and goods. For a long time, the equivalent served fur. Imperial Denarium (Rome), and East Dirham, and even Solid Kazantia attended. But the era of own money was steadily coming. So....


The first of the coins minted in Russia was called Silver. She appeared during the time of the book. Vladimir, before baptism. The lack of a barrier coin began to be felt especially acutely, the dirhemes lacked. The material was silver from the remelting of the latter.

Silverians minted in two types of design. At first it was a copy of the ideas of the Solides of Byzantium: on the one hand - the throne-class KN. Vladimir, with reverse - Jesus. Later design has changed. The face of the Messiah disappeared. His place was taken by a trident, Generic coat of arms Rüric. The portrait of the prince surrounded the inscription: "Prince Volodir on the throne, and this is money."

Spools (sovereigns)

Zlatnotov (980-1015)

Zlatniki was present in the go, like silver. Their chasing also unfolded the KN. Vladimir. Only lily coins, as follows from the name, in gold. The Vizantine Solidity served as the prototype of the Zlatnik. The mass was quite impressive - 4 g.

It was a rather rare and expensive coin of a very limited circulation. However, the People's Solva to this day stores its name in folklore. Modern numismaties can present the public at no more than a dozen of the scenarios. Therefore, the price of them is very high, both on the official and in the black market.


It was hryvnia who became truly an independent official cash unit of Russia. Originated in the 9-10 century. He was a weighty gold or silver ingot. But it was rather a reference to the mass than a monetary unit. With the help of the hryvnia, the weights of precious metals were measured.

The hryvnia Kiev had 160 g of mass and 6-coal shape of the cell. Money Novgorod was a long lump mass in 200 g. However, the name from the difference external view Changes did not undergo. Tatars also used the hryvnia in the Volga region. She was called, "Tatar", had the form of a rook.

The name of the money occurred from the completely unrelated to them of the items of the cervical wrap, which performed jewelers in gold. The decoration was worn on the "Grivka". From here - "Grivna".


Perfect analogue of the current penny, ancient Russian eyelid! Other its names are protein, Vevey. Regarding the first version there is an interesting explanation. It states that during the walking of a small silver coin, its "natural" analogue was the isolated her skin of the skin.

The chronicles mention that the ancient tribute from some tribes was "one protein or coin from a single house." By the way, one hryvnia was equivalent to 150 oriencies.


The appeal of the Eastern Dihrema is a historical fact. Denarium was no less popular. Their of both Rusichi was called "Kuns". Why?

There are two explanations. The first: equivalent to both coins served and branded kuni skirts served. By the way, very valuable, even at the time. Second: the English-speaking word "Coin" (sounds: "Coin"), translated - "coin".


Rezans were called "Monetary Units", designed to conduct the calculation as accurately as possible. For example, somehow the skins shared the flap, in order to fit them under the specific price of the goods. It is these flap and called "Rezans" (emphasis on the second "A").
And since the fur shelter and the Arabic Dirham were equivalent, then they were divided into parts and a coin. To this day, half a Russian treasures are found in the Old Russian treasures, and even quarter of dirhemov, because the Arab coin was too large for small trade transactions.

Today in the ancient treasures, archaeologists often find halves and quantity of these coins. Arab money had rather major dignity to operate as a whole form with small transactions.


Harm, small exchange coin, 1/20 hryvnia. Her name, as philologists and historians suggest, went from the Estonian "Nahat" ("fur"). It is possible that the feet were originally "attached" to the Ferry.

With all the variety of coins in Russia, it is rather notable for the fact that any trading item "tied" to his own money. The testimony of this has in its text "Word about Igor's regiment". It says that be on the throne Vsevolod, the slave would be appreciated into a nogatu, and the slave would be sold according to Risen.

It is considered to be the beginning of Russian statehood 882 AD, when novgorod Prince Oleg with his buddy took the city of Kiev. It is from this moment that the official story of our state begins. Like other countries, not only government agencies, but also money from the very beginning.

The oldest coins found in Russia are Byzantine silver and gold coins.

On the one hand, the portrait of the emperor was depicted on a coin, another could occupy different images, inscriptions and nominal coins. It is this type of coin on Russia to be taken over the sample. Precisely, thanks to the Byzantines, we have such modern view Coins in real Russia.

Epochs and rulers, coat of arms and names changed, and Russia developed and flourished, and coin evolved with it.

The beginning of the coin coinage directly in Russia leads us, grateful descendants, in Kievan Ruswhere "Srebrenik" appears approximately at the end of the first century. On the coin depicted Kiev Prince, and next to him, the coat of arms Rurikovich - a steaming falcon in the form of a trident.

However, the full-fledged workshop for the production of coins in Russia has not appeared. The main monetary unit was a silver ingot called hrying.

In the XIII century, the technique of money production changes. Now coins began to produce from silver wire. From here there is a familiar name "Ruble" from the fact that the bars "cut" from the wire. The dimensions of the ingots were different in weight and form. Moscow and Novgorod produced his rubles. From the ruble made coins.

But all this was handicraft production. The first mass coins in Russia began to do at the beginning of the 20th century in Moscow, then in the Suzdal principality, and after in Ryazan and Tver. At the first Moscow coins, he was depicted mainly by Dmitry Donskaya, but often there are coins with the image with riders, warriors with arms in hand, animals both existing and mythical animals. This was due to the fact that as such a coin court did not exist, and the coins were made by the Master's silver affairs, which the prince personally allowed a coin to replenish the coin. So coins minted even county princes and rich boyars. On the other side of the Moscow coins, on the other hand, the inscription in the Tatar language was depicted. The fact is that at that time Muscovy was actively conquered the markets of the Volga region, where the main language was Tatar, so the money was "multi pagan." This gave its fruits in the second half of the 20th century to the inclusion of these lands in Russia, the Russian antique coin, called "Dengoy", was also able to hold leadership in the region and was an analogue of the dollar in the modern world.

As the state and the creation of the domestic market, the money began to be minted only with Russian inscriptions, and the need to disseminate money abroad disappeared.

The next milestone in the history of copper money in Russia is considered to be 1534, a year, when Elena Glinsky's monetary reform ends. Now the money of a single state sample began to focus on Russia. A rider was depicted on the coin with a spear, from here the new name went - "Kopeika". A penny became on for a long time The largest coin of the Moscow kingdom.

Silver has become the only material for the production of money for a long time. Many kings tried to conduct monetary reform, and copper money was introduced, and Vasily Shuisky even released the first gold money, but all this was a drop in the sea and often failed. So, the copper riot even received a separate chapter in the textbooks of history and Moscow studies.

The next step in the development of Russian money was made by Tsar Reformer Peter Alekseevich Romanov, known more as Emperor Peter I. In 1704, Petr conducts monetary reform. Silver ruble coins, fifty dollars, half defensions, a grivennik, a patch with the inscription "Ten money" and Altyn, equal to three kopecks.

Now on one side of the royal coin, a double-headed eagle was depicted - coat of arms Russian Empireas was customary in all european countries. Since 1730, the emblem of the Moscow Kingdom - Georgy Victorious appears on the body of the Eagle.

In addition to silver, work was carried out above the copper coin. The fact is that the entire Board of Peter I conducted the search for the nominal copper coin, so the copper of this period often changed weight and shape.

Further development of coins in Russia went on increasing. Coins became more in the amount, more valuable by weight, the image of the emperors was becoming more and more skillful.

With the development of the state, paper money gradually began to appear, the first appeared in the Russian Empire in the Mother Empress Catherine II. The final point of the coin coin in the Russian Empire was 1917, the first World War, the revolution. The economy of Russia of that period was characterized by the phrase I.A. Vysnegradskiy, Minister of Finance of Russia in 1887-1892, "Do not imagine, but take out."

In 1915 it came to the fact that in the royal army there were no shells and cartridges, soldiers of some parts were given axes on long sticks, to reflect the attacks of Germans and Austrians. In the country, more and more rich rich and even harder poorly poor. Such a state of affairs led to the revolution in February 1917, when bourgeois circles took advantage of the situation, and to the Great October Socialist Revolution. The new government quickly realized the need for their own, new money. On the coins of the Soviet era will be told in another article ...