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Fox tattoo on a guy's hand. The value of the fox tattoo. Foxes in cultures of different nations

If you decide to make a tattoo, look at the images of fox. This animal appears in many cultures. Thanks to its qualities, it is one of the central characters in national folklores.

Fox is a very ambiguous animal, it combines good and evil, positive and negative. Very often, Lisa personifies female nature. But despite this, the fox tattoo is a frequent choice of men's half. This animal has always been present in the culture of Japan, China, Indians and Europeans.

In Japan, the tattoo face symbolizes rain, protection and longevity. The Japanese believed that the gods could be confused by her beauty, and they would send life to Earth in the form of rain to Earth, and everyone would be able to continue his existence without perishing drought.

In China, this animal is associated with the otherworldly world. The Chinese believed that if a person sees a fox, then this is a sign from the deceased.

In Korea Fox is a symbol of fertility, the continuation of the kind and female sexuality.

In the ancient Celtic culture of Lisa was a symbol of wisdom, education and honor. As well as the Chinese, the Celts believed that this animal was a conductor in the afterlife.

In Peru, the inhabitants personified this animal with the warrior, holding her mind, strength and courage. It also praised the opinion that Lisa could manage the mind of other people.

At the indigenous Americans attitude towards the fox dual. Some believed that she was a positive character and brings with him good and nobility. Other tribes believed that Fox was a symbol of evil and destruction.

In some countries, this animal appears as a tricky, prudillary, noise creature. Therefore, very often, to convey exactly this value, the fox tattoo is depicted with a cigar or smoking tube. Transfer the positive side of the fox's cunning mind will help glasses.

Now summarize all the values \u200b\u200bof the fox tattoo. So this tattoo may mean:

  1. Cunning;
  2. Rebirth;
  3. Cunning;
  4. Longevity;
  5. Cunning;
  6. Playfulness;
  7. Fixture;
  8. Sexuality;
  9. Protection.

Fox tattoo ideas

As mentioned earlier, this image is chosen both girls and men. In this case, there is no clear separation for typical areas depending on the floor. The fox tattoo can be located on the shoulder, the inner side of the hand, wrist, ankle. As you can see, preference is given to the upper limbs.

Girls for themselves can pick up face-design or a small image of fox. Representatives of the strong floor most often make this tattoo on a large scale, often in combination with other animals.

Tattoo Lisa:fairi-Design

Tatu Lisa : tribal design

Tatu Lisa : with claws

Tatu Lisa : on the shoulder

Tatu Lisa : and bird on the inside of the hand

Tatu Lisa : feminine design

Tatu Lisa : geometric design

Tatu Lisa : on the back

Tatu Lisa : on the hand

Tatu Lisa : in chest

Not all people are limited to a standard set of animal tattoo - Wolf, Bear, Tiger, etc. For example, many like a fox tattoo. This option is still less common than any biker wolves going to the moon, but is gaining popularity.

If you enter this request in the Google search, you will be given dozens of options.

The symbolism of this beautiful animal in Russian mythology knows everyone. Fox cowar, cunning, and can at least scratch himself around his finger. By the way about him, horned. Some nations are attributed to the furious animal connection with the prince of darkness. No, not with Marylin Manson, but with the real master of hell.

It is believed that the Russian beliefs about the cunning fox take the origins in the Scandinavian legends. In fact, if you figure it out, a chanterelle tattoo has the meaning for girls, then we will get an image of a cunning tempted and seductive. Such a lady is a forbidden fruit in the Paradise Garden. It is dangerous, smart, and can wrap any situation in their favor.

From the country to the country, from the people to the people, the opinion of foxes and interpretation are changing. For example, the Chinese wise men believed that this animal was a symbol of good luck and longevity. He was attributed to mystical forces, the ability to reincarnate into humans. In the Japanese Mythology of Fox-reversals Kitsune. In this country, small fox tattoos are often made in order to attract money in their lives, profit in business, as well as improve their business skills.

The Egyptians were considered a fox by vicious, windy. She was compared with a woman for which her sexuality is a tool for managing men.

The Celts who inhabited the ancient Britain and the nearest land believed that such a tattoo would make them invincible, would allow to get an incredible dexterity, trick, intuition. Also Lisa was a protective sign, which in local beliefs should have been protected from fire, thieves and other hazards. In general, quite topical issues even in the XXI century.

Also, Celtic tribes considered the fox by such a charon. Of course, the beast had no boat, and he did not require money, but accompanied the souls of people into the world of spirits no worse than other mythological heroes.

The tribes of the Indians considered the fox by the sacred animals. It was respected by all - warriors, trackers, hunters, shamans. After all, the fox combines the best qualities necessary for each of them. She disassembled in herbs, skillful in the hunt, perfectly finds mining and the right place, easily bypass traps, it feels in advance, strong and prompt. In general, an excellent example for imitation. It is not by chance that her muzzle with a crammed mouth became one of the most popular tattoos for many tribes.

The peoples of the North and the inhabitants of the Scandinavian countries personified a red retirement with a new life, revival. It was believed that she patronically pregnant women and babies. Disclaimers, sorcerers and sores often made themselves such a tattoo to find the patronage of the beast. After all, according to the belief, it was fox stole a fire and brought him to the ground. Moreover, he said not from someone, but Loki is the most insidious and cunning god in the northern tradition. To create a similar one, it was necessary to have not only enough tricks and dexterity, but also to be very bold.

It was also believed that a native image of the fox protects against burns. Therefore, it was used for blacksmiths who constantly have to work with fire and high temperatures.

Men's or female?

Still, while this plot tattoos is more common in women. Thus, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are trying to demonstrate to all that they are not so simple as they may seem from. This is quite consistent with the realities of life. Foxes are far from the most aggressive animals, but they still remain predators, and they are ready to fight to the last. In particular, if something threatens their offspring.

Also, the fox muzzle tattoo can hint at the trick, and even the cunning of the owner. This is either a warning or a protective reaction. However, you should never underestimate girls. They, like fox, can always be presented to surprise.

Previously, this tattoo was used by adults and experienced women. She showed that behind the owner of the owner remained the difficulties that she managed to overcome, and go on with a highly raised head.

Today, such sketches choose even young girls. They just like the appearance of the animal, its grace, mystery and trick. Rather, the drawing reflects not the inner world, but what she sees herself.

What does the fox tattoo mean? Unlike an adult animal, he will only know the world. Full childish naivety, playful, and, sometimes, reckless, small foxes are not afraid of anything. This can destroy it, and it can bring a lot of benefit and experience. Lesson - the choice of young adventurers.

Is it different for men? Undoubtedly, it is different. Yes, and there are such sketches much less often. Guys, first of all, bet on Japanese symbolism, hoping that the animal will give them success.

Whether such a native totem foxes in business helps, the story is silent, and we have no statistics. On the other hand, if you like it, no one loses anything.

Another value for men is freedom. It is known that Lisa is more likely to squint his own paw than will remain caught in the cabin, waiting for an inevitable death.

Separately, it is worth considering the fox tattoo value at the zone. You can ask how to treat persons who have been in prison, but their special "culture" for many years is an object of mass interest. Symbolism, incl. Animal, in the society of the arrests has its own specifics. Here you see wolves, bears, eagles, and yes, of course, roosters. But what for the inhabitants of the seats is not so remote mean a fox tattoo?

In this case, the prisoners were not original. In their opinion, a person with such a tattoo is very cunning and dodgy. It is better not to turn back to it, but to trust - the last thing.

Another interesting point is the word fox itself. In the zone, this abbreviation, meaning "love and death". In general, the prison tattoo is often somewhat pathetic. But it is not in reproach specific culture. Indeed, in the zone there is a kind of focus of the cult of power, courage and an inconvenient spirit that helps to stand in the horrific conditions of camp life.

Development of a tattoo sketch with fox

In the catalogs of tattoo masters, you can often see original and beautiful sketches of the fox tattoo. Pay attention to how the animal looks like, it is completely depicted, or only a muzzle. Each item has a value, accents show which quality it is in mind first.

If the wizard focuses on the head, the face of the beast, this means that the main aspect is curiosity, if the tail is the key quality - the fox dexterity. Show cunning and cunning helps the square, and the caustic mouth is readiness for protection, aggression.

Often come across the photo of the fox tattoo, on which animals bend, demonstrating the plasticity. These are female tattoos talking about the sexuality of the owner. If the fox is collapsed into the ball, this suggests that the woman wants warmth, protection, shows his openness and vulnerability, is in search of what he can provide her reliable shoulder.

You can portray a fox in different ways. And it is not only about styles here, but also about different details. If this is a reference to the Indians and Shamisama, then often next to the head of the animal draw feathers, other attributes of traditional culture. Sometimes the fox head is depicted in the form of a mask.

The fox is often depicted with other animals and birds. For example, with a corona. Interesting plot, where the wolf and fox are depicted as two elements - the fiery - red flame and gray ice.

Tattoo design styles with fox

There are many techniques - classic and modern, simple and incredibly complex. During the existence of such a phenomenon, as a tattoo, several dozen styles appeared. Some suggest the realism of the picture, high detail, other illustrative, and the third more abstract.

Perhaps, the most unusual examples include:

  • tattoo fox geometry - Lainvork and other techniques;
  • tattoo Lisa Origami. This Japanese art of creating paper figures is known all over the world. Artists and tattoo masters did not go around his work.

What is interesting fox tattoo from geometric shapes? It may seem simple and even a few primitive. At the same time, it is worth noticeing, and you will notice that the whole drawing has been worked out to the smallest details consisting of direct lines and the volume is visible.

If you need a bright and original fox tattoo, there are several options:

  • Tresh polka. One of our most popular techniques. It is considered a punk from a tattoo, a kind of art provocation;
  • Made in realism, or new-chel style, fox tattoo with flowers;
  • An even more unusual and bright will be a tattoo fox watercolor;
  • Among the girls are popular directions called Baroque. It combines complex ornaments and shapes, patterns. Often the image consists of lines imitating lace weaving threads. Frequently combines image of drawing and abstract details.

For those who do not like the abundance of paints, there are also options. This is a fox tattoo minimalism, engraving, or graphics. Such black and white fox is easily drawn, and at the same time it looks stylish.

Notice how the sketches of the fox tattoo for girls differ. Most of them use softer and smooth lines, while geometry is more popular with guys.

Tattoo location

Where is the best tattoo with a fox? We offer you at once six options:

  • on the hand;
  • on the wrist;
  • fox on foot;
  • on the hip;
  • fox tattoo on the shoulder;
  • on the back;

In general, the back, shoulder and thigh, as the most convenient for applying plots, many masters consider the best options for those who want a big drawing with good details.

The expected question - and where does it hurt? In the network, it is often possible to see a schematic image on which the sections of the human body and the levels of pain when applying a tattoo are shown in various colors. The further the skin from the bone / joint, the less unpleasant the upcoming procedure will be.

Choose style, original sketch, and go to the salon. If you are afraid of pain, the master uses anesthesia. So there is nothing to be afraid.


Photo gallery of fox tattoos, in various places: hand, leg, thigh, back and belly. A fox tattoo made in various stylistics from minimalism to realism.

It is impossible to definitely say that denotes a tattoo with a fox. Different peoples give this animal their meaning. Consider some.

The value of the fox tattoo in Japan.

White fox here is considered a symbol of successful business. A person with such a tattoo will necessarily achieve great heights, will be honored surrounded. Here you can see an unusual tattoo with the image of a nine-way fox. The Japanese are confident that this mythical handsome man helps them in difficult times and protects against trouble.

The value of the fox tattoo in China.

Fox tattoo here is a sign of success. It is believed that the owner of such a footprint acquires longevity and good health.

The value of the fox tattoo in ancient Rome.

In ancient Rome, it was not so well treated for this animal. Fox was considered evil, the messenger of the troubles and diseases.

The value of the fox tattoo in ancient Egypt.

Ancient Egypt considered the fox with a symbol of egoism, hypocrisy and cunning.

The value of the fox tattoo in Russia.

In Russia, many not the best qualities associate with the fox. The so-called "red-haired" hiter, selfish, calculated and easily goes on deception. But, on the contrary, here you can find many advantages: dedication, brightness, mind, hard work and pride.

Female half loves tattoos with fox. They are not frightened that many are accustomed to follow the stereotypes and consider it unkind symbol. The owner of such a tattoos is distinguished by bright appearance, seductiveness and flirt. "Sunny as a fox" - this expression heard everything. By the way, it is also intended, mostly girls.

Men love to fill images of foxes with a ruffle - it means the courage and the ability to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The fox tattoo with a fox personifies a strong family, loyalty to the partner. Such a drawing will definitely bring joy to the house. Little Lytenysh is friendliness, trust.

Tattoos with fox beautifully look at the blades. Here you can fill the jumping fox, which will mean playfulness and grace.

Looking in the distance Animal can talk about thoughtfulness, the ability to choose the environment.

The value of the fox tattoo may vary in its interpretations, as there are different characteristics and associations concerning this mysterious and diverse symbol. You can find out more detailed about the symbolism of the fox you can from the following material.

Fox is an unusually prudent and cunning night predator, which is very difficult to lure into the trap. In each nationality there is its own special attitude towards the red chest - or angry it, or a contemptuous attitude towards its qualities.

As a rule, the tattoo, which shows the fox, are performed by representatives of the beautiful floor. Basically, prefers sketches of fox tattoos, made in a typical color scheme for this animal. And often it is often applied to a tattoo on the score, shoulders, forearms, blades or on the sides.

Historical certificate of fox

The Chinese associated the red-haired chest with longevity, luck, she was a good charm. According to the famous Chinese proverb "Where there is no fox, there can not be founded by the village."

In the residents of Japan, white fox symbolized abundance and wealth, and also performed a real envoy over. A fox tattoo in these states will tell about the desire for self-development and self-improvement, the development of contemplation and its entrepreneurial qualities.

Scandinavians perceive the fox as the sacred living being of a cunning and uncomfortable Loki God. Also in Scandinavia Fox agreed with obstacles, predictions and meanings.

In the Celts culture, the fox tattoo was a guard from theft, fire and a dangerous road.

In the ancient Romans, the fox is a demon of fire and the messenger of hell.

The ancient Egyptians Lisa has been associated with hypocrisy, cunning, windiness, depressions and promotion. A similar characteristic of the fox tattoo is suitable for girls who seek to focus on their playfulness, eroticity and sex.

The value of Tattoo Lisitsa

The fox tattoo, taking into account the different values \u200b\u200bof the image of this animal in different peoples, has a variety of meaning. For the most part, the fox tag will choose a high self-esteem girl who are capable of committing tricks and the use of various tricks when they need to get the desired. This characterizes them as very extraordinary personalities.

In addition, the fox tattoo can make a person think about eroticism and passion, characterizing the owner of such a tattoo as a dangerous seducer who fascinates. In most cases, this option is used by representatives of beautiful gender, which can boast of experience in different areas of life.

However, the fox tattoo is chosen not only by ladies, but also men. If a representative of a strong sex is ambitious, independent, bold, finding, has a good smelling and easily solves any situations, then with the help of such a tattoo it will be even greater emphasis on all these qualities.
It is impossible to unequivocally talk about the symbolism of fox in negative or positive contexts. This animal is distinguished by a carriance, cunning, cunning, selfishness, ambition, calculation, as well as mind, independence, pride, hard work, the ability to enjoy original non-standard solutions. Therefore, a tattoo with the image of a red beast is chosen by those people who have the specified qualities to some extent.

According to its value, the fox tattoo is very suitable for girls, because their nature resembles this cunning animal.

In the art of the tattoo, you can detect an image of a squash with a fox in the following variations:

  • Fox Rocks - Symbol of aggression and malice
  • Fox rolled up with a glomerus - personification of vulnerability, care, family bonds
  • Lisa, who has very cunning eyes - will tell about cunning, vigority and curiosity
  • A fox who is beautifully strung out - he will tell about sexuality, playfulness, seduction and temptation
  • In addition, the image of fox is usually decorated with different elements and objects that are designed to tell about its qualities.

For example, when they want to focus on the positive qualities of this beast, depict it in glasses or with flowers. If a fox smokes a cigar or a smoking tube - it is associated with meanness, prudentity and cunning. Variation variations and fox tattoo values \u200b\u200bare very much, in this case your fantasy plays a big role.

Where to apply a tattoo and what size should it be?

In this case, the size is of great importance. If you come to the Tattoo Salon and bring an image on which the fox is drawn as a living, but want to make yourself a reduced Tattoo option, then most likely, come up with the refusal. On the small area of \u200b\u200bthe body is impossible to apply a plausible image. If you dream about a realistic image, the tattoo must be sufficiently large.

Also very carefully choose the sketch of the tattoo, because it can be performed in a huge version of styles: realism, Oldke, watercolor, black and white, Japanese and so on. Your fantasy plays a huge role here with desires. Before deciding to perform the tattoo, it is shown to consult from the expert who will tell you everything about the right choice of sketch, places and the most relevant trends today.

Who will suit a tattoo with a fox?

It should be done by those representatives of beautiful gender, which differ in the following characteristics:

  • high warehouse of mind;
  • easy to look for a solution to any problems. Whatever the question does not arise in the life of the owner of the fox tattoo, it will definitely find a way out, making it as creative as possible;
  • sexapillary - those fair sex who impresses the tricky chanterelle, attract the attention of men, their appearance makes the mind of a strong half of society. At the same time, it is absolutely optional so that they look defiantly;
  • the grace - feminine in all their manifestations - they are the girls who like a fox tattoo;
  • flexibility and grace;
  • indifferent to gossip. Although the chanterelle in fairy tales has always been in the center of the most recent news and events, the owner of such a tattoo does not score a head with gossip, as it is lower than its dignity;
  • the desire to stand out from the gray mass - the fox tattoo will become one of the girls' trumps in this case, but, of course, far from the only one. She really likes different jewelry, which add her piquancy image.

Note! If you first inflicted the fox tattoo on the body, but you dream about even greater flavor and diversity, allowed a bold combination of this image with other variants of images, because the fox value is in harmony with many other symbols.

Beautiful sexes will like the variant of the combination with:

  • Other living beings. This may be an alliance with predators (for example, a wolf, owl, bear or prey - hare). The tattoo in this case can be both color and black and white.
  • Plants. Using the Green Master will easily make focus on the entire brightness of the drawing.
  • Semantic expressions. Please note that specials with fox tattoo will never allow rebellious behavior. In the case of supplementing fox tattoo with phrases, first of all, make an emphasis on words having a deep or double meaning to emphasize the qualities of foxes as cunning and mind.
  • Ethnic details. A wonderful version of addition to black and white fox or a fox made in a geometric direction.
  • Decorative elements. The use of a crown or tandem with diamonds is a win-win solution, which will focus on an interesting nature of tattoo owners and will show how much she appreciates itself.

In conclusion

It is impossible to say unequivocally that the fox symbol is bad or good. On the one hand, he denotes longevity and wealth, and on the other - a trick and ambition. The fox tattoo often expresses the characteristics of the nature of its owner and this is the main factor in the process of choosing this tag.

Practice to cover itself with animal images has no longer than a dozen years. What there is a dozen. Patronizing a thorough kind of one or another, have always been a favorite theme of a native painting. Here are just some characters with time only added to themselves, and the popularity of others was declining.

For example, do you know many people on the body of which fox tattoos are banging? Right, a bit. It is painfully an ambiguous attitude to the very animal. Although we recognize, chanterelle has simply chic appearance: bright, elegant, fluffy. Adorable creation with magnificent hunting habits! The image of this cunning animal is present in many fairy tales.

So what does the tattoo "Lisa" mean? Again, depending on which side to come. If you depicted Chinese ku, then the main interpretation of the Tattoo is longevity. The Chinese believe in the Divine origin of this animal. However, upon reaching the age of fifty years, the animal ceases to be such and gets the opportunity to turn into a seductive woman. Having lived to a hundred years, the foxes the youngsters and becomes a young girl. And in a thousand years in his power it will change the female appearance on the male. We are no longer a simple cube, but the heavenly foxes.

Similar interpretation of fox tattoo from the Japanese. Kitsune, or by its nature Identich Ki-Lee. But besides longevity, she personifies the path of self-development and self-improvement. Redhead festing also carries well-being and abundance.

As you can see, the Asian peoples have an animal equal to the divine creatures, which are both assistants and defenders.

But in the Russian tradition, it is rather a false and insidious creature. Although sometimes a fox-sister seeks for his cunning much more than a rough force. And where the coexhable will not help, there it is possible to take it beauty.

Probably, that is why tattoos with a fox most often make their girls. They are smart, playful and used to turning their weaknesses into a weapon, which allows you to seek. It seems that the owner of a charming drawn rhyzy is light and superficial. However, along with the ability to enjoy a moment, they thoroughly think over and plan their lives.

There are fox tattoos and men. Rarely, but it happens. What to expect from their owner? Charm, intelligence. So be sure that such a person will not lose in the most confusing situation, it will be able to find a way out where you did not assume. Maybe he will not go alright, but it certainly does not catch fire.

As for the technique in which fox tattoos are performed, then there are no well-established canons. There are images in a realistic manner, cartoon, punk, old school style. As always, traditional Chinese and, and where exactly put the image of the charming creation, you yourself decide. Redhead beast can settle behind the ear, on the neck, on hand, on the leg, on the back. The result ultimately depends on your personal taste and artist's skill.