Repairs Design Furniture

Types of asymmetric dupled roofs for the garage. The solid system of the two-tie roof is your own hands - instructions on the device. Skates of different shapes and lengths

The bartal roof is a roofing design, which is more often used in private house-building. It is not only easy to build, it is reliable, it will cost it inexpensively, if you correctly carry out the calculation of the number of elements .. The article discusses which items this kind of roofing is, and how it can be collected with your own hands. You will learn about the basics of calculations, rules and assembly stages, which will allow "on one wave" to talk with the contractors of the construction company.


Online Calculator Roofing

To learn the approximate cost of the two-sheet roof, use the following calculator:

Which elements are the roof of two skate

It becomes clear from the very name that such roofs have only two skates, which may be the same or different in the area. The first is called symmetric, second asymmetric

Not all two-tight roofs consist of the same elements. But there are among them the main, which are present in all designs.

    Mauerlat. - Bar 100x100 mm (minimum cross section), which resumes a rafter system. The main purpose is to distribute evenly the load acting on the roofing structure on the walls of the construction. Mauelalat is fixed to the walls (there are several options).

    Rafyla, in a different way they are called rapid legs. These are boards (rarely bars) with a minimum thickness of 50 mm, located with a slope of the walls. They form the skates. The bottom end, they are attached to Mauerlat, the top to the skate bruus or to each other.

    Bar Skad. It is not always used, but only when the roof is covered with sprinkling rafters. About this little below. His appointment is a support for rafting legs.

Rafters attached to Mauerlat Source

Additional wooden elements that are not applied on all bounce structures.

    Supports under the skate bar. They are installed only if there is contained in the roofing structure.

    Racks under the rafal. Apply if the width of the structure is more than 12 m. The longer rafters, the lower they have a carrying capacity.

    Run, he is a barlaid on the rack across the rafter feet. On him, and not on supports, rafters rest.

    Sill - Bar located in parallel to run, only at the bottom. The racks for rafters are mounted on it.

    Tightening. These are bars, tighten the paired racks (each other).

Varieties of rafter systems

There are two of them: hanging and sleepers. The first variety in which the upper ends of the rafter is based on each other, together and fasten. To increase the strength of the connection and reliability of the design, the tightening is often installed between them.

The second variety is the legs resting on the horse. They can also be pulled by tightening if the task is set to increase the carrying ability of the entire system.

Attention! Tightening functions for hanging species can perform the beam of overlapping, to which legs rest.

Hanging and swelling rafters Source

On our site you can find the contacts of construction companies that offer the service of calculation, installation and repair of the roof. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Rules for assembling a bartal roof

The double roof is going differently. Dependency - type of the rafter system. We will understand separately with each.

Assembling hanging rafyl

There is strict sequence of operations performed:

    Produce montage Mauerlat on the wall. It is attached to them with the help of studs that are installed in a fused reinforcing belt. The top end of the hairpin is a threaded part to which the nut with a wide washer is screwed. It is them and pressed Mauerlat to the wall.

    Produce installation of the skate bar. For this, along the roofing design, right in the middle (if a symmetrical roof is constructed) reference racks from a bar or boards are installed. They are attached to the fading or to the beams of overlapping with special metal corners on the self-tapping screw. Additionally, the backups and bodies are installed to withstand the verticalness of the racks.

    On the latter the skiing bar is stackedwhich is fixed to the racks the same metal profiles (corners, plates and other). The main task of the manufacturer of the work is to set the skate run in the horizontal plane.

    Installed rafters ParnvoWhen forming triangles of the roofing system.

Hanging rafal Source

    If necessary, then under the rafter feet are installed additional racks. They are fixed or directly among themselves, or laid on top of the racks run across the legs.

    Over the rafter system installed doomle From wooden bars or boards.

    On top of the crate roofing material is stuffed.

Assembly of urban

The rolling line of the duplex roof of the skeleton house, and not only frame, is assembled on the roof, but on Earth. The thing is that it is difficult to fit the elements among themselves when they do not have a support at one end. To do this, you will have to build an additional reference design of temporary type. These are the costs of time, strength and money, no one needed.

Therefore, pair rafters, they are in the assembled form are the name of the farm, are collected in the plane of the Earth. Since the design of the farm is a triangle, in a symmetrical roof, besides an equilged, then collect it will not be much labor. The main task of the manufacturer of the work is to comply with the dimensional parameters of the farm elements. Because customized farms on the roof will be more difficult if there are quite large dimensional errors between them.

    Raise rafters assembled on the roof lifting crane or other device.

Installation of sprinkled rafted source

    First install two extreme farms According to the front of the house, they are exposed to each other and fixes to the beams overlap with backups and bodies (temporary).

    Stretch between the upper dots of two farms threadon which the remaining rafting triangles are assembled.

The rest, as in the case of hanging rapid legs, is stuck and roofing material.

Video Description

The process of construction of a duplex roof in video:

Calculation of rafting legs

An important preparatory measure on which the carrying capacity of the system as a whole depends. Independently carry out the calculation if you do not understand it, it is impossible. Therefore, ordinary people use online calculators or tables. The calculated manipulation is based on the cross section of the bars (in mm) or boards, depending on the length of the legs and the installation step.

The dependence is this: the longer legs and the longer the distance between them, the greater the cross section of the bauses. For instance:

    installation step 2.15 m, the length of the rafters is 3 m, for this use the timing segment 100x150 mm;

    step 1,4, Length 3, section 75x125 mm;

    step 2,15, length 5 m, cross section 100x250;

    step 0.9, Length 5.5, section 50x200 mm.

For each position there is its own parameter of the used bars. There are tables in free access.

Scheme distribution of rafter feet Source

Slope slope

Determine the bias of the two-tie roof design is not easy. Take into account the type of roofing. The dependence is:

    if asbotic slate is used, then the angle should be no less than 22 °, the decline in this parameter will lead to leaks in the locations of the adjacent sheets;

    metal tile - 14 ° corner;

    professional flooring - 12 °;

    bituminous tile - angle should not exceed 15 °Otherwise, the probability of climbing the coating from the crates will appear;

    roll Material (Ruberoid, Tol and Others) - Tilt within 3-25 °.

But there is one nuance here. The cooler roof, the less loads act on its slips, because rainwater and snow quickly go from the surfaces. But at the same time the construction of the structure increases. That is, wind loads increase. At the same time, high roofs are an increase in the cost of building materials that increase the cost of structures.

The angle of inclination of the roof of the roof source

Drowned roofs

The bartal roof with different rods today is often found quite often. It is impossible to say that they are better than symmetrical, but the originality of the design made them popular. We add that such roofs are more complex than traditional with the same skates.

These roofs are divided three types:

    Asymmetrical. They have a skate run located in the middle of the house. Skates are located to each other at one angle of inclination. But one of them is always longer than the other.

    Asymmetric. On the length of the skates can be the same or different, but the angle of the inclination is different.

    Asymmetric with displacement. The same as the previous option, only the skunk run is shifted relative to the middle of the house in one of the parties.

Asymmetric Diple Roof with Skate Runs Offset Source

Rules for the construction of asymmetric duplex roofs

Double roof with different skates - the construction is not easy. All the difficulty lies in the fact that the offset of the skate bar relative to the middle of the building creates completely different loads. They are no longer distributed over the skate. Their main pressure (central) falls on a long more gentle-skate. That is why at the design and settlement stage, it is necessary to accurately determine the installation site of additional racks. They are installed under the rafter legs of a long canopy skate.

At the same time, they do not carry out the installation of the entire sropling system on the eyes. Even the most slight deviation from the project can lead to irreparable consequences. Make changes to the design will be difficult, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

Sling Farm Asymmetric Roof Source

And one moment. For an asymmetric roof (duplex), a construction of a very durable mauelalate is required, with which the uneven loads will have to redistribute. Special attention to the mount of Mauerlat to the walls of the house.

As for the construction of the roof with different skates, the technology itself is no different technology. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the requirements indicated above. Typically, such structures are collected from removal rafting legs with the installation of the skate bar. Therefore, the main task of the manufacturer of work is to accurately set the horse horizontally on the site strictly on the project. Be sure to accurately withstand the dimensions of the rafter, which basically concerns length.

Multi-level roofs

Another kind of roofs with two slopes. To understand what we are talking about, look at the photo below.

Multi-level double roofs Source

According to its configuration, the roof is bunk, covers the whole house. But individually, each slope is a single design. Usually, the carrier wall is being built between them, on which both skates are based on.

But at the same time, the slope is larger in size relies on the top end of the wall, where the skiing bar or the Mauerlat beam is installed, and the smaller on its vertical plane, where the beam is usually fixed. The construction of such roofs is carried out using a single-table technology.

Duscal roofs with broken rods

These structures are mainly used in homes where the attic construction is planned. Under traditional skates to organize a room problematic. The reason is the presence of "dead" zones on the joint sections of the rafting system and the wall of the house. To remove these zones, it is necessary to make part of the slope sharper in terms of tilt relative to the vertical.

In the section, the roof will not be triangular, but pentagonal. It is not easy to collect it, too many elements disposed near different angles. But she serious advantages Before everyone else:

    well withstands snow loads;

    perfectly opposed pressure wind.

Minus one is a large consumption of building materials. But the winnings are explicitly - an extra living room for small cash spending.

Loan roof Source

The construction of the attic roof is the installation of the racks to which the litters are stacked and the lower ends of the rafter system are resting. At the top of the ends of the rafters are connected on the skate. Steep lower rafting legs rest in the bottom in Mauerlat, and from above on the ice. It turns out quite stable and robust design.

Video Description

In this video about the devoration of the attic roof:

Generalization on the topic

A variety of two-ropted roofs makes it possible to choose the option that will fit into the architecture of the erected home. The effectiveness of the structure is just a visible part. The same design is the exact calculation of the elements and loads on them. But, as practice shows, most of the roofs in the category of private house-building is precisely 0.

Roof mounting is a complex multi-step process. To assemble and set the solo system yourself, it is necessary to carefully study the methods for connecting the elements, calculate the length of the rafter and the angle of the slope, select the appropriate materials. If there is no needed experience, it is not worth it for complex designs. The optimal option for a residential house of small sizes is a two-screw roof with their own hands.

The standard roof of this type consists of the following items:

Mauerlat is called a timber laid on the walls along the perimeter of the construction. It is fixed using steel rods with thread or anchor bolts. The timber must be made of coniferous wood and have a square cross section 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm. Mauerlat takes on the load from the rafter and transmits it to the outer walls.

Stropile legs - These are long boards with a cross section of 50x150 mm or 100x150 mm. They are attached to each other at an angle and give the roof a triangular shape. The design of their two rafter feet is called a farm. The number of farms depends on the length of the house and the type of roofing. The minimum distance between them is 60 cm, the maximum is 120 cm. When calculating the step of the rafter feet, not only the weight of the coating should be taken into account, but also the wind load, as well as the amount of snow in the winter period.

Located in the highest point of the roof and most often is a longitudinal bar connecting both skate together. From the bottom of the bar support vertical racks, and the sides are attached rafters. Sometimes the hob consists of two boards, which are naked to the upper part of the rafter on both sides and are connected at a certain angle.

Racks - vertical bars with a cross section of 100x100 mm, located inside each farm and employees for transmission of the load from the run of the skate on the bearing walls inside the house.

The pumps are made from crashes of timber and are installed at an angle between racks and rafyles. The side faces of the farm are strengthened by the sink, the carrying capacity of the structure increases.

The tightening is the beam connecting the lower parts of the rafter, the base of the triangle of the farm. Together with the pink, such a beam serves to harden the farm, increases its stability resistance.

They are called a long timing with a cross section of 100x100 mm, laid along a central carrier wall, which is based on vertical racks. Liezhane is used when installing the sleeve rafters, when the run between the outer walls is more than 10 m.

The pebble is the boards or a timber stuffed on the rafter. The lamp is solid and with gaps, depending on the type of roof. It is always attached perpendicular to the direction of rafters, most often horizontally.

If there is no more than 10 m between the outer walls and the carrier wall is arranged in the middle hanging rafter system. With such a system, the upper ends of adjacent rafters are drowned at an angle and combine with nails, excluding installation of racks and a skate timber. The lower ends of the rafting legs are based on the outer walls. Due to the absence of racks, the attic space can be used to arrange attic. Very often, the function of the fumes perform the beams of overlapping. To harden the design, it is recommended to install the upper tightenment at a distance of 50 cm from the skate.

If there is a central support wall, the arrangement is more justified sloping System. They laid a litter on the wall, the support racks are fixed on it, and the skating racks are nourished. This method of installation is quite economical and more simple in performance. If the ceilings in the interior are designed at different levels, the racks are replaced with a brick wall that divides the attic into two halves.

The roof mounting process includes several stages: Mounting Maurolalat to the walls, assembling of rafter farms, installation of rafted onto floors, a skate device, fastening the crate. All wooden elements before the start of the assembly are carefully treated with any antiseptic composition and dried in air.

To work, you will need:

  • bar 100x10 mm and 150x150 mm;
  • 50x150 mm boards;
  • 30 mm thick boards for crate;
  • ruberoid;
  • metal studs;
  • electrolovka and hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • nails and selflessness;
  • corolon and construction level.

In wooden houses The functions of the Mauerlat perform the logs of the last row, which significantly simplifies the workflow. To install the rafter, it is enough to cut on the inside logs of the groove of the appropriate size.

In brick houses Or buildings from blocks Installation of Mauerlat occurs as follows:

Brussia Maurolalat should form a regular rectangle and be in one horizontal plane. This will facilitate the further installation of the roof and ensure the design necessary stability. In conclusion on the bars make marking under the rafted and cut out the grooves in the thickness of the bar.

When choosing a hanging rafter system, it is necessary to collect farms on the ground, and then set over the floors. First you need to draw up the drawing and calculate the length of the rafter feet and the angle of their connection. Typically, the angle of inclination of the roof is 35-40 degrees, but it is reduced to 15-20 degrees on open, highly blown areas. To find out where to connect rafters at what angle, the angle of inclination of the roof is multiplied by 2.

Knowing the length of the run between the outer walls and the connection angle of the rafter, you can calculate the length of the rafter feet. Most often, it is equal to 4-6 m, taking into account the cornese swelling of 50-60 cm wide.

The upper ends of the rafter can be copp in several ways.: Vangest, jack and "in paw", that is, with a cut-out grooves. Metal lining or bolts are used for fixation. Next, the bottom and upper tightening are mounted, and then the finished farms are raised up and installed above the overlaps.

The first farms are mounted: with a plumbing plumbing, it is set vertically, adjust the length of the overhang and attach to the Mauerlat with bolts or steel linings. In order to in the process of installation, the farm does not move, it is strengthened by temporary bruse bruises. After installing the extreme rafters, the rest, observing the same distance between them. When all farms are fixed, take the board with a cross section of 50x150 mm, the length of which is 20-30 cm greater than the length of the eaves, and nourishes it along the top edge of the skate. The same is done on the other side of the roof.

The first option: on a rafter foot at the place of adjunctions to Mauerlat, a rectangular groove on 1/3 of the width of the bar is cut out. Rates from the top of the box of 15 cm, the steel crutch is driven into the wall. The rafter is set in terms of the level, the grooves combine, then they attach the clamp from the wire from the top and attract the beam close to the wall. Wire ends securely fix on crutch. The lower edges of the rafters are neatly cut off with a disk saw, leaving SCL 50 cm.

The second option: the upper rows of walls are laid out with a stepted cornice of bricks, and Mauerlat has a heaven with the inner surface of the wall and cut into it under the sling. The edge of the rafter hand is cut along the level of the top corner of the cornice. This method is easier than the rest, but the soles turns out too narrow.

The third option: ceiling beams are produced by the edge of the outer wall by 40-50 cm, and the rafter farms are installed on the beams. The ends of the rafter feet are trimmed at an angle and rest in the beams, fixing metal linings and bolts. This method allows you to slightly increase the width of the attic room.

Device of the rolling line

1 shows a word of subposses of a rafted in a legend, laid on intermediate supports, and FIG. 2 - Opporting a rafter foot on Mauerlat

Procedure of work when installing the revolving line system:

When the main elements are fixed, the surface of the rafter is treated with antipirens. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of the crate.

For the crate, the timber 50x50 mm is suitable, as well as boards with a thickness of 3-4 cm and 12 cm wide. Under the crate, the waterproofing material is usually placed to protect the solo system from wetting. Waterproofing, the film is fired with horizontal stripes from the cornice to the ridge of the roof. The material is sprinkled with 10-15 cm, after which the joints are fastened with scotch. The lower edges of the film must completely close the ends of the rafter.

Between the boards and the film, it is necessary to leave the ventilation gap, so first the film is stuffed with wooden slats with a thickness of 3-4 cm, having them along the rafted.

The next stage is the sheathing of the rafter system by boards; They are stuffed by perpendicular to raids, ranging from the roof eaves. Not only the type of roofing coating is affected by the shaft step, but also the angle of slope: the greater the angle, the more distance between the boards.

After the installation is completed, the crates are proceeded with the trim and soles. It is possible to close the frontaths by boards, plastic panels, clapboard, waterproof plywood or professional flooring - it all depends on financial capabilities and personal preferences. The trimming of the side of the rafter is attached, nails or self-tapping screws are used as fasteners. Sails are also fed by various materials - from the tree to siding.

Video - Two roof with his own hands

A duplex roof or tweezing is a roof of two skate, i.e. Having 2 inclined surfaces (skates) of rectangular shape.

The frame of the two-sheet roof due to the design features perfectly combines the simplicity of device and maintenance with reliability and durability. These and many other parameters make the construction of a double roof with a practical and rational solution for private and commercial home-building.

As part of this article, we consider how to make a soling system of a two-tie roof with your own hands. For effective perception of the material, it is presented in the form of a step-by-step instruction from A to Z, from the choice and calculations, before the installation of Mauerlat and crates under the roof. Each step is accompanied by tables, diagrams, drawings, drawings and photos.

The popularity of the roof of the house is due to a number of benefits:

  • design variability;
  • easy in calculations;
  • natural water flow;
  • the integrity of the structure reduces the probability of leakage;
  • efficiency;
  • preservation of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic or the possibility of arrangement of the attic;
  • high maintainability;
  • strength and durability.

Types of two-sheet roof

Installation of the rafter system of the bone roof depends primarily from its design.

Several options for two-tie roofs (types, species) are distinguished:

The most common version of the roof device for simplicity and reliability. Thanks to the symmetry, a uniform distribution of loads for bearing walls and Mauerlat is achieved. The view and thickness of the insulation do not affect the choice of material.

The cross section of the bar makes it possible to ensure the reserve of bearing ability. There is no likelihood of rafting. The backups and spacers can be put almost anywhere.

An explicit drawback is the impossibility of arranging a full-fledged indoor floor. Due to acute corners, "deaf" zones are appear, which are not suitable for use.

The device of one angle of more than 45 ° leads to a decrease in the magnitude of the unused area. There is an opportunity to make residential rooms under the roof. At the same time, the requirements for the calculation are increasing, because Load on the walls and foundation will be distributed unevenly.

This roof design allows you to equip a full-fledged second floor under the roof.

Naturally, a simple double rafting roof is different from broken, not only visually. The main difficulty is to fade in the complexity of calculations.

Construction of a soling system of a two-sheet roof

Building the roof of any complexity with their own hands involves the knowledge of the appointment of the main structural elements.

The location of the elements is shown in the photo.

  • Mauerlat.. Designed to distribute the load from the rafting system on the bearing walls of the building. For the arrangement of Maurolalat, a timber timber is chosen from durable wood. Preferably larch, pine, oak. The cross section of the bar depends on its type - one-piece or glued, as well as from the alleged century of the structure. The most popular sizes are 100x100, 150x150 mm.

    Council. For a rafter system made of metal Maurylalat should also be metallic. For example, a chawler or a foreign profile.

  • Stropile foot. The main element of the system. For the manufacture of rafting legs, a durable timber or log is used. United legs form a farm.

The silhouette of the rafting farm determines the appearance of the structure. Examples of farms in the photo.

The parameters of the rafter are important. We will talk about them just below.

  • Tightening - connects the rafting legs and gives them stiffness.
  • Run:
    • Skown runMounted in the place of the adjoining of one rafted to another. In the future, the roof lobs will be installed on it.
    • SidebreaksThey provide farm extra hardness. Their number and size depends on the load on the system.
  • Rack for timber - Vertically located bar. Also taken part of the load from the weight of the roof. A simple double roof is usually located in the center. With a significant width of the span - in the center and on the sides. In an asymmetric double roof - the installation site depends on the length of the rafted. With broken roof and arrangement of one room on the attic attic - racks are located on the sides, leaving a free space for moving. If the rooms are supposed to be two - the racks are located in the center and sides.

The location of the rack depending on the roof length is shown in the figure.

  • Troop. Serves support for the rack.

Council. The installation of a pan at an angle of 45 ° significantly reduces the risk of deformation from the wind and snow load.

In the regions with significant wind and snow load, not only the longitudinal pump (located in the same plane with a plumbing pair), but also diagonal.

  • Sill. Its purpose is to serve as a support for the rack and the mounting place of the pan.
  • Okeekhet. Designed for movement during construction and fixation of roofing material. It is established perpendicular to the rafter feet.

Council. An important assignment of the crate is the redistribution of the load from the roofing material on the rafter system.

The presence of drawing and schemes indicating the location of all listed structural elements will help in operation.

Council. Be sure to add data about the device for the passage of the ventilation mine and the smoke pipe into the diagram of the double-circuit roof.

The technology of their device is determined by the type of roof.

Selection of material for rafters

When calculating the material on a double-wing roof, you need to choose high-quality wood without damage and wormochin. The presence of bones for beams, Maurolat and rafters is not allowed.

For the boards of the bumps of the bitch must be at the same time, while they should not fall out. Wood must be strong and treated with necessary drugs that increase its properties.

Council. The length of the bitch should not exceed 1/3 of the thickness of the bar.

Calculation of the solo system of the two-tie roof

The calculation of the parameters of the material is an important stage, therefore, we give the calculation algorithm step by step.

It is important to know: the entire rafter system consists of a plurality of triangles, as the most rigid element. In turn, if the rods have a different form, i.e. They are an irregular rectangle, then you need to divide it into separate components and calculate the load and the number of materials for each. After calculating the data to summarize.

1. Calculation of load on the truss system

Load on rafters can be three types:

  • Permanent loads. Their action will always be felt by the rafter system. Such loads include the weight of the roof, crates, insulation, films, good elements of the roof, finishing materials for. The weight of the roof is the sum of weight of all its components, such a load is easier to consider. On average, the size of the constant load on the rafter is 40-45 kg / m.kv.

Council. To make a margin of strength for the rafter system better to calculate 10%.

For reference: Weight of some roofing materials per 1 m.kv. Presents in the table

Council. It is desirable that the weight of the roofing material coming on 1 m.kv. The roof area, did not exceed 50 kg.

  • Variable loads. Act in different periods and with different strengths. Such loads include: wind load and its strength, snow load, precipitation intensity.

In fact, the roof slide is similar to the sail and, if we take into account the wind load, the entire roof design can be destroyed.

The calculation is carried out by the formula: Wind load is equal to the region, multiplied by the correction coefficient. These indicators are kept in lowering "load and exposure" and are determined not only by the region, but also the location of the house. For example, a private house, surrounded by multi-storey buildings, accounts for less loads. A separate country house or cottage is experiencing increased wind loads.

2. Calculation of snow load on roof

The calculation of the roof on the snow load is carried out by the formula:

The complete snow load is equal to the weight of the snow multiplied by the correction coefficient. The coefficient takes into account wind pressure and aerodynamic effect.

Snow weight, which falls on 1 m.kv. The roof area (according to SNiP 2.01.07-85) is in the range of 80-320 kg / m.kv.

The coefficients showing the dependence on the angle of the slope are presented in the photo.

Nuance. At the corner of the slope of the skate over 60 ° The burden of snow on the calculation does not affect. Since the snow quickly slips down and will not affect the strength of the bar.

  • Special loads. Accounting for such loads is carried out in places with high seismic activity, tornadoes, storm winds. For our latitudes, it is enough to make a stock for strength.

Nuance. The simultaneous action of many factors causes the synergies effect. It is worth considering (see photo).

Assessment of the condition and bearing ability of walls and foundation

It should be borne in mind that the roof has a significant weight that is able to harm the rest of the building.

Determining the roof configuration:

  • simple symmetric;
  • simple asymmetric;
  • loaven.

The harder the shape of the roof, the greater the number of rafter farms and the subcording elements you need to create the necessary stock by strength.

The angle of inclination of the two-sheet roof is determined primarily with roofing material. After all, each of them puts forward its demands.

  • soft roof - 5-20 °;
  • metal tile, slate, professional flooring, ondulin - 20-45 °.

It should be noted that an increase in the angle increases the area of \u200b\u200bspace under the roof, but also the amount of material. What affects the total cost of work.

Nuance. The minimum inclination angle of the bone roof should be at least 5 °.

5. Calculation of the step

The step of the rafted bartal roof for residential buildings can be from 60 to 100 cm. The selection depends on the roofing material and the weight of the roof design. Then the amount of rafter feet is calculated by dividing the length of the slope to the distance between the rapid pairs plus 1. The resulting number determines the number of legs on one slope. For the second number you need to multiply by 2.

The length of the rafted for an attic roof is calculated by the Pythagorean theorem.

Parameter "A" (The height of the roof) is set independently. Its value determines the possibility of arranging residential premises under the roof, the convenience of finding in the attic, the consumption of material for the construction of the roof.

Parameter "B" equal to half of the width of the building.

Parameter "C"it is a triangle hypothen.

Council. To the resulting value you need to add 60-70 cm. For the marked and removal of the rafter foot behind the wall.

It is worth noting that the maximum length of the bar is 6 mp. Therefore, if necessary, the timing for rafters can be spliced \u200b\u200b(extension, docking, compound).

The method of splicing rafters in length is shown in the photo.

The width of the rafted for the roof depends on the distance between the opposite carriages.

7. Calculation of the cross section of rafters

The cross section of the rafted double roof depends on several factors:

  • loads, we have already written about it;
  • views of the material used. For example, the log stands over one load, the timber - the other, glued bar - the third;
  • the length of the rafting leg;
  • wood type, which is used in construction;
  • distances between rafyles (stepped step).

Determine the section of a bar for rafters, knowing the distance between the rafters and the length of the rafter can be using the data below.

Surface Side - Table

Council. The greater the installation step of the rafter, the greater the load falls on one rafter pair. So, the cross section of the rafter should be increased.

Sizes of lumber (timber and boards) for a two-tie rafter system:

  • thickness (section) Maurolat - 10x10 or 15x15 cm;
  • the thickness of the rafting leg and tightening is 10x15 or 10x20 cm. Sometimes the timing of 5x15 or 5x20 cm is used;
  • run and pump - 5x15 or 5x20. Depending on the width of the leg;
  • rack - 10x10 or 10x15;
  • liezer - 5x10 or 5x15 (depending on the width of the rack);
  • thickness (cross section) of the roof crates - 2x10, 2.5x15 (depending on the roofing material).

Types of the solo system of the two-tie roof

For the design of the roof design, there are 2 options: urban and hanging rafters.

Consider each kind of detailed in order to make a weighted choice.

Hanging rafal

Applied with a width of the roof no more than 6 mp. Installation of hanging rafters is performed due to the fastening of the foot for the bearing wall and the ski run. The design of the hanging rafters is especially the fact that the rafting legs are under the influence of the suspension. Hanging rafters with a tightening mounted between the legs allow to reduce its effect. The tightening in the rafter system can be wooden or metal. Often, tightening are put down, then they play the role of beams. It is important to ensure reliable fastening of the tightening on the rapid leg. Because it is also transmitted by a pilot effort.

The higher the tightening is located, the greater the strength it should have.
If the tighten is not to install, the bearing walls can simply "disperse" from the pressure generated by the solo system.


Applied when arranged roofs of any size. The design of the spelling rafters provides for the presence of a chunk and rack. Liezer, lying parallel to Mauerlat takes part of the load. Thus, the rafting legs are working on each other and are supported by the rack. The rafting legs of the sleeve system work only on bending. Yes, and the simplicity of installation also inclues the scales in their favor. The only drawback is the presence of a rack.


Due to the fact that modern roofs are distinguished by a large variety of forms and complexity of configurations, a combined view of the solo system is used.

After selecting the type of the rafter system, you can accurately calculate the number of materials. The results of the calculations write. At the same time, professionals are recommended to draw up drawings for each element of the roof.

Installation of the rafting system of a two-tie roof

After the rainbow roof rafters are calculated, you can start mounting. The process will break into the steps and give the characteristic to each of them. It will be a kind of step-by-step instruction, containing additional information on each stage.

1. Mount Mauerlat to the wall

The timber is installed along the length of the wall to which rafters will be relying.

In the logs of the log, the role of Mauerlat plays the upper crown. In buildings constructed from porous material (aerated concrete, foam concrete) or brick, Maurylalat is installed along the entire length of the carrier wall. In other cases, it can be installed between rapid legs.

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Since the Length of Mauerlat exceeds the standard size of sawn sizes, it has to splicer.

The connection of Mauerlat is done with each other as shown in the figure.

How to connect Mauerlat?

The bars washed it only at an angle of 90 °. The compounds occurs with the use of bolts. Nails, wire, wooden brazening are not used.

How to mount Mauerlat?

Installing Mauerlat is performed on the top of the wall. Installation technology provides several ways to mount Mauerlat:

  • strictly in the center of the carrier wall;
  • with offset in one of the sides.

Maurylalat cannot be located closer than 5 cm. To the outer edge of the wall.

To protect the timber for Mauerlat from damage to it, it is placed on a layer of waterproofing material, which is most often the usual runner.

The reliability of the Mauerlat attachment is an important aspect of construction. This is due to the fact that the slop of the roof is similar to the sail. That is, it is experiencing a strong wind load. Consequently, Mauerlat needs to firmly fix on the wall.

Moveda Mounting Methods for wall and rafters

Anchor bolts. Ideal for monolithic structure.

Wooden brazen. Used for log cabins from logs and timber. But, they are always used with additional fasteners.


Stud or fittings. It is used if the cottage is built of porous materials (aerated concrete, foam concrete).

Sliding mount (hinged). A bundle in this way allows to ensure the displacement of the rafting legs during the shrinkage of the house.

Annealed wire (knitting, steel). Used as an additional fastening in most cases.

2. Production of truss farms or steam

Installation is performed in two ways:

  • installation of bars directly on the roof. It is not used often because to carry out all the work, measurements, trimming at a height problematic. But allows you to fully accomplish your own hand;
  • assembly on earth. Those., Individual elements (triangles or pairs) for the rafter system can be collected downstairs and then lift them to the roof. The advantage of such a system in a more rapid completion of high-rise works. And the disadvantage is that the weight of the collected design of the rafter farm can be significant. To raise it will be required special equipment.

Council. Before collecting rafter legs, you need to put markup. Very convenient to use templates for these purposes. The rafter collected pairs will be absolutely the same. For the manufacture of a template, you need to take two boards, the length of each of which is equal to the length of one rafter, and are connected.

3. Installing rafting legs

The collected pairs rise upstairs and are installed on Maurylalat. To do this, at the bottom of the rafter feet should be done.

Council. Since the slots on Mauerlate will weaken it, you can take a pressure only on the rafter foot. To the same washed the same and firmly lightened to the base, you need to use a pattern. It is cut out of plywood.

Methods for attaching a rafter foot showing in the figure.

Starting the installation of rafting steam is needed from opposite roof ends.

Council. To properly set the rafter legs, it is better to use temporary soap and struts.

Between the fixed pairs is stretched by the twine. It will simplify the installation of subsequent rafting steam. And also, denotes the level of the skate.

If the rafter system is mounted directly on the roof of the house, then the skate support is installed after installing the two extreme rafal legs. Next to it are fixed half of the rafter pairs.

It is worth noting that in this matter the opinions of professionals diverge. Some advise the use of a chess order of attachment, which will evenly distribute the increasing load on the walls and the foundation is more evenly. Such an order assumes the installation of one rafter in a checker order. After part of the rafter feet installed, the missing parts of the pair are assembled. Others, insist that you need to make a consistent installation of each pair. Depending on the size of the design and configuration of the farm, the strengthening of the rafting legs is performed by backups and racks.

Nuance. Additional structural elements are connected with cutting down. Fix them preferably with construction brackets.

If necessary, you can lengthen the rafter foot.

Methods of splicing of the rafter feet are shown in the photo.

Council. The method to be lengthened by Mauerlat (washed at 90 °) in this case cannot be applied. It will weaken the raftered.

4. Installing the rope

The ridge of the roof is manufactured by connecting the rafter foot at the top.

The roof ridge device:

  • The method without using the support bar (see Fig.).

  • Method using a rafter bar. The bar is needed for large roofs. In the future, it can be support for the rack.
  • The laying method on the bar.

  • The method shown in the photo can be considered a more modern variety of manufacture of the skate assembly.

  • Word method.

After the solo system is installed, we make the capital consolidation of all structural elements.

5. Installation of roof crates

It is mounted in any case, and is designed for a more convenient movement on the roof in the process of performing work, as well as for fastening the roofing material.

The shap of the crate depends on the type of roofing material, for example:

  • under metal tile - 350 mm (the distance between the two bottoms of the crates should be 300 mm).
  • under the professional and slate - 440 mm.
  • under the soft roof we fill a solid crate.

Slinged Double Roof System with Athenor - Video:


As we see, despite the seeming simplicity, the installation of the rafter system of the bone roof contains many pitfalls. But, relying on the recommendations given, you can easily build a reliable design with your own hands.

Duct roofs are most often embarked in frame and low-rise construction.

Two-slot roof - This is a triangular design that consists of rafters, beams, roofs.

It is quite simple: these are two inclined planes (rods), which are based on the walls located against each other. It also includes two triangular shapes - frontoths. If the building has a significant area, and the roof is high enough, the underpants space is often used as a residential premises. We are talking about the device of the attic.

The obvious advantages of the design include ease, practicality and availability in terms of price.

This is one of the most popular raids varieties. It can be mounted even independently, and for a fairly short time.


The design is almost similar to the designs of other roofing roofs. It includes the same elements of the rafting system, the roofing pie consists of conventional layers: vapor and waterproofing, insulating material.

As roofing, ordinary materials are used: slate, metal tile, etc.

The roofing nodes are satisfied with the special care: hobbies, nodes of the passage of ventilation mines and chimneys through the roof coating.

A specific method of device devices and their features depend on the type of roof.

Main elements

The main elements of the roof with two slopes include:

  • rafters;
  • maurylalat;
  • clamp;
  • carrier;
  • horizontal ribs;
  • endanda;
  • racks;
  • swees;
  • waterproofing;
  • heat insulation.

Rafters (or lumpy legs) - One of the most important details of any roof. When building large buildings from concrete and bricks, a frame with concrete and metal rapid legs is mounted. The length of the component elements is calculated in advance. The resulting dimensions are saved when mounting. In private house-building, wooden rafters are used that perform the foundation function for the crate. In duct roofs, these parts are installed along the length of the structure, at a specific angle. When installing between them, some distance is preserved.

When the roof device uses inclined, sliding and hanging rafters.

The lamp is the basis for fastening the roofing, the waterproofing layer. The boards and the bars of this element serve to connect rafters with each other - from the lower edge of the rod to their top. The roofing type determines the method of laying the crate: for example, when choosing a bitumen tile, a suit must be solid, based on the sheet material (an example - waterproof plywood).

Mauerlat. - In essence, it is a timber bar with a cross section of 100 × 100 mm, 150 × 150 or 100 × 150.

This is the basis for fastening the system of rafters and a roof frame. Mauerlat performs a very important function: thanks to him, the load is evenly distributed on the surfaces of the walls and protects them from destruction under the influence of pressure from the outside. Mauerlat is placed along the perimeter of bearing walls, along their top. Although this detail is also called a supporting bar, in reality it is most often made of a log or a foreign beam.

The skated run is in the uppermost point of the bartal roof. It is a bar (sometimes a board) with a cross section of 50 × 200 or 50 × 150 mm.

With a considerable length of the span, the ski run consists of 2 or more boards. At the same time, it is strengthened between Legene (laid under the skate bar or a log) and a horse rack.

Slopes serve to connect racks and run. The optimal location of the run is space over the carrier (inner) wall.

Rigel - This element is a board used to fasten the brackets located on the opposite skates. Its cross section should be equal to the cross section of the rafter. Racks are installed between Lecking and Rigel.

For the overall stability of the design, an increase in its resistance to external loads is used additional elements. This is a pitchpie, disclosures that bind diagonal parts. They are used to strengthen the frame.

Blood varieties with two slopes

This roof type can have two types of skates:

  • smooth;
  • broken.

Smooth are traditional solution. They are quite simple both from the point of view of installation and from the position of further maintenance and repair.

The broken rods have an unusual form. It is much more complicated to erect them.

In both versions, the skates are located at some angle in relation to each other. The roof is closed in the upper part (with the help of a skate) triangle.

The maximum efficiency (from the point of view of the consumption of materials) is the roof with an angle of slope in the range from 35 to 40 degrees. This angle value ensures the optimal distribution of the total load.

  • The disadvantage of the roof with the specified inclination is the impossibility of using the attic as a residential premises.

To increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe subsecutable space, with the purpose of arranging an additional room, you can choose a broken type, for which the presence of a canopy top is characterized, while the lower half will be with a sharp slope.

The specified design creates a fairly extensive room of the attic under the roof. When insulation and the waterproofing device, it can be removed into the attic. Naturally, the construction of the rafal system has its own specifics.

The main varieties of bounce roofs are:

    1. Loan

    2. Symmetric

    3. Asymmetric

Of these three species, the first is more traditional. Its foundation is a chain triangle.

Symmetrical duplex is chosen in the case when the use of the indoor indoor is planned as a attic, since it is this species that creates an extensive manner space.

In the asymmetric version of the horse is located not strictly in the center, but with a certain displacement. This feature gives a construct a somewhat extravagant form, although the exploited attic room is significantly reduced.

There are several other types of banta roofs.

Look very unusual multi-level roofing. It is a broken structure whose rises, unlike other options, are not connected in a skate, and end at different levels. This feature gives the building an individuality, however the construction of the design requires a high level of professionalism.

Double semi-haired roof - With a superficial look, it seems similar simple forceps, however, has its own "highlight", which is to use bevelled elements at the ends of the skate. Its components are made in standard form. Dupps and trapezoidal lower part.

This feature clearly distinguishes the line between the floors and allows you to get an original appearance. This type is suitable for small houses.

Polvalma is an ideal solution for regions with strong winds.Since relatively low rises protect the fronton of the building from the winds of the wind and from the effects of moisture.

Tilt angle

When you take such structures, it is necessary to competently calculate the angle of the slope.

The minimum value of the angle is calculated taking into account the peculiarities of roofing materials and the effects of environmental factors.

For example, for slate, the minimum angle is quite large. This is due to the following circumstance: with a "low" device of a slate roof, the wind load is increasing several times, which also contributes to the penetration of moisture. As a result, the roof reserves and begins to collapse, like Slate himself, because, from under him, the moisture evaporates with difficulty. With inconsistency, the angle of tilt in the interior begins to develop mold and fungus, which makes the building dangerous to accommodate.

    1. Slate, tile - at least 22 degrees. At a lower magnitude, the precipitate penetrate inside through the points of the joints.

    2. Metal tile - 14 degrees. The moisture cannot penetrate it, but this material is distinguished by instability in relation to strong winds, during which it can be deformed or completely torn (the abbreviation of the angle leads to an increase in the ventilation guide gap, into which air flows penetrate completely unhindered).

    3. Profiled sheets - 12 degrees. When using this coating, it is recommended to thoroughly wrap all the joints with a sealant.

    4. Rolled materials - 5-15 degrees: The specific value is determined depending on the number of layers: when using a three-or four-layer material, an angle is 5 degrees, with 1 or 2 layers the value should be within 10-15 degrees.

    5. Ondulin is the smallest value: 6 degrees. This coating takes one of the first rows by the degree of reliability (for structures with a small slope slope).

The climatic features of the region have the value. So, with a dry climate, the bartal roof can be arranged at a low angle.

With a large amount of precipitation, the magnitude increases - up to 60 degrees: rainwater and the mass of snow do not accumulate on a steep roof.

The frequency and strength of the wind in the construction zone is also important. In areas with strong winds, it is advisable to erect a roof with a small angle of inclination to reduce the load provided to the design.

Slinged design of the bartal roof and its types

Two basic requirements are presented to the rafter system of the bartal roof: it should be durable and easy: to withstand external loads and at the same time do not have too much pressure on the building.

The system of the system of rafted a bartal roof allows the entire load to evenly distribute the construction perimeter.

Slinged with the bottom ends, rely on Mauerlat, which is consisting of a support detail of the structure consisting of bars.

Their fixation is carried out using metal brackets or fasteners. The angle of inclination of the rafter brushes determines the angle of inclination of roofing rods.

Use the sleeves and hanging varieties of rafters.

The name "Hanging" these details were received due to the features of the attachment. The edges of the rafting legs are based on the walls and roofing bond.

Curvas are named so because of the way of installation. They are used in the presence of a middle carrier wall, columns or any intermediate support. Slot rafters are based on external (carrier) walls, while their middle part is located on the supports.

Hanging variety of rafters works on compression and bending. Spring forces created by rapid legs are reduced by connecting the string of the screed.

In the ultimate type, the rafted timber works only on bending, with comparison with other roofs, the amount of costly effort is significantly lower.

The optimal choice is the combination of two types of rafters, since certain places in the design can make it impossible to install one of the types. The combination of urban and hanging rafters increases the strength of the roof and at the same time makes it possible to use less building material.

Advantages of bantal roofs

  • 1. Easy and speed of devices.
  • 2. Practicality and rationality of use. Large sizes of undergraded space allow you to arrange a living room or a spacious attic used for household purposes. At the same time, preference is better to give a broken variety.
  • 3. In the attic you can arrange ventilation, heating system and air conditioning system.
  • 4. The construction of this design does not require special equipment or technology.
  • 5. When selecting the appropriate, the precipitate is not delayed on the rods.
  • 6. Elegant, beautiful exterior. You can embody bold architectural fantasies.
  • 7. Efficiency - more profitable in this regard is only a single roof.
  • 8. Repair can be carried out even on their own, and with minimal costs.


  • 1. The angle of inclination, the height of the roof depend on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house. Significant dimensions require consumption of a large number of building materials.
  • 2. When re-equiping the underpantry space in the attic, the overall height of the structure should be increased, as well as the number of rafters. At the same time, they certainly are additionally enhanced. As a result, financial expenses significantly increase.
  • 3. The attic must be equipped with auditory windows, which complicates the roof design.


  • The duct roof is simple, reliable and practical.
  • It consists of two at a certain angle of rods and two triangular ends.
  • Skates can be smooth or broken.
  • There are several types of duplex roofs: broken, symmetric, asymmetric.
  • The angle of inclination is selected depending on the type of roofing material and weather characteristics of a particular region.
  • The main part of the whole design is the system of rafters - light and at the same time durable.
  • Use two types of rafters: Current and hanging.
  • The main pluses of the roof with two slopes are functionality, simplicity of installation and reliability.
  • The main minus: complication of the design and the increase in costs at the disposal device.

How to calculate the cost of building a double roof, see the video clip.

Have you ever decided to build your own home on the countryside, look for a non-standard construction project? Then you should think about the asymmetric or asymmetric roof. From the standard roof, this design is characterized in that it has two slopes of different lengths or with a different slope. The bartal roof of the building with different skates is usually shutdown when combining a residential building with some additional annex.

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What do different races make

A similar question is the beginning builders. The choice of roofing structures is based, first of all, on its operational characteristics and appearance.

If you wish to build a beautiful house, not similar to neighboring, the roof design must be taken into account when creating a construction project. Symmetric structures have long been anxious, modern trends in building structures imply a distortion of stereotypes, proper geometric forms.

Therefore, the double roof with different rods is effectively allocated among symmetric analogs. The ability to change the parameters of the classic triangle provides space for creating original projects of two-tie roofing structures. It also allows you to highlight the house against the background of neighboring structures, attract attention to it, since it is the roof that sets the appearance to any structure.

How to affect the calculation of the roof weather conditions

Technological features of roofing structures are also based on its geometric shapes.

  • As far as the roof is to resist the impact of the natural environment, depends on the angle of inclination of roofing rods. It is based on the climate testimony of the region in which the building is elevated, the most optimal bias of the roof is selected.
  • When creating a construction project, be sure to take into account the wind rose, study information over the past few years. This allows you to determine the most frequent direction of wind, its strength.

Important! The roofing skate with the smallest bias is installed on the side of frequent and strong busting of the wind. This allows you to significantly reduce the load transmitted to the carrying structure, reduce the noise effect from the vibration of the roofing coating.

Organization of undergrades

An increase in the angle of inclination of an asymmetric roof provides an opportunity to benefitly use an attic space, for example:

  1. Under the roofs can be equipped with a fairly spacious storage room or a cozy room room.
  2. Long roofing slut can overlap at the same time several floors.
  3. When arranging the terrace as its visor can also perform a longer roofing raft.

One of the common ways to increase the area is the use of broken structures of the roofs, when the angle of inclination of the roofing slope changes without reaching the base. Of course, these are additional costs of building materials, and the installation of the roof is somewhat complicated.

Frame calculation for asymmetrical roof

When performing calculations of a double roof with different skates, the following points are required:

  • the mass of roofing material;
  • wind loads, their predominant direction;
  • the climatic conditions of the region in which the house was erected.

Important! Roofing forms constant power effects on frame design elements. Therefore, during the workpiece of the consumable lumber to create a frame, it is necessary to take into account that ceramic tiles is much harderweight of soft roofing materials.

All these nuances simultaneously create general requirements for the System System:

  • what material is better to use for the construction of a frame;
  • quantity, thickness, step of rafter legs.

According to the finished drawings of the binary asymmetric roof, you can read which items are necessary for the construction of the supporting structure:

  1. Mauerlat is a robust frame, with the help of which rafters are attached to the building.
  2. Race skoth - the second supporting element for roofing rods, which is mounted on the upper frontal corners.
  3. The rafters are the roof coating supports, connect the roofing bump with the carrier walls of the building. Metal or wooden screeds are mounted as elements of amplification between opposite rafters.
  4. Sidebroken runs - fixed parallel to roofing. To reduce the load, they are removed a little further.

A dupping asymmetric roof is a bold solution for a country house, an overhaul of own housing by capital roofing design that provides the ability to make the easiest to use the free space under it.