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Norms of pronunciation of words of foreign-speaking origin. Pronunciation of solid and soft consonants in borrowed words

Many words of foreign language origin are firmly learned by the Russian literary language and are pronounced in accordance with existing orthoepic standards. Less significant part of foreign-language words belonging to various areas of science and technology, culture and art, to the field of politics (as well-by-language own names), during pronunciation, retreats from generally accepted norms. In addition, in some cases there is a dual pronunciation of foreign language words (Wed: with [o] there is no - with [a] no, b [o] Lero - B [a] Lero, p [o] Man - p [a] Man, p [o] Yal - P [A] Yal, to [ O] NChest - K [a] Nessent, P [O] ET - P [A] and etc.). Pronunciation types to [o] Neszrt, P [O] Man, H [O] Vella, T [E] CST, ME [E],characterize pronunciation as deliberately book. Such a pronunciation does not respond to the standards adopted in the literary language.

Departing from the norms when the pronunciation of foreign language words, cover the limited layer of vocabulary and are reduced mainly to the following:

1. In unstressed syllables (translated and impressive) in foreign language words in place of the letter aboutsound is pronounced [o]: [o] Tel, b [o] a, p [o] et, m [o] Derat [o], for the sake of [o], ha [o] s, kaka [o], p [ O] ETESS; In their own names: B [O] Deller, in [o] the smiser, s [o] la, d [o] Laurez Ibarruri, p [o] cut, well [o] res and others.

2. Before foreign language words, firmly advantageously dental consonants [t], [d], [z], [s] and [n], [p]: hotel, Atelier, Parter, Metropolitan, Interview; model, decollet, code, disorientation; highway, meringue, frost, basement; cough, pensne; Sorrento; Cut, Zhores, also Flaubert, Chopin.

3. In unstressed syllables of foreign language words with solid consonants before [E] in place e.pronounced vowel [e]: AT [E] Lie, AT [E] Izm, mod [e] ling, etc. In place of the letter e.after andin the following foreign language words, [E] is pronounced: di [e], di [e] s, pi [e] thymism, pi [e] aunt.

4. At the place of the letter e. At the beginning of the word and after vowels, it is pronounced [E]: [e] ho, [e] pose, according to [E] T, the [E] of the Tessa is pronounced softly: removed from him, loaf, without a case, products, from the case, Select - [Sleep], [with Nivo], [Bizidenk], [Product], [from-do], [заjat].

5. Prefix - pretext inbefore soft lips, pronounces gently: in the song, in front of [F Son], [fp and mouth].

6. Lights in front of the posterior are not softened: rates, breaking, chains [ENADKI], [breaking], [TsEPKI].

7. Finite consonants [t], [d], [b] in consoles in front of soft lip and dividing kommersantdo not soften: out, start - [Ltjel] ,.

8. Consult [P] before soft dentals and lumps, as well as before [h], [Sh] pronounced firmly: artel, cornet, feed, samovarchik, welder - [LPTEL], [KLRNET], [KLRMIT], [Remove telechka], [Welshik].

Private rulesregarding all sections of orthoepia. They are as options for general utilities. These options allow oscillation in the standards. They arise or under the influence of Leningrad or under the influence of Moscow.

Private or-etopepical rules include the following:

1. Combination of letters - cna few dozen words are pronounced as [SN] or [SHN]: mustard, scrambled eggs, bakery, of courseand others. Many words are not summarized under this rule and are pronounced [CN]: fabulous, country, habitual, eternaland etc.

2. Pirorative [x]it is in most cases non-leaturated however, in some words its pronunciation is permissible: the benefit of the BLD [x] o, aha - a [x] a.

3. In place of the letter shyou need to say the sound [Shch]: gap, pike.

4. In many foreign words at the place of the letter about,denoting unstressed vowel, contrary to the general rule pronounced [about],and not [L] or [K]: nocturne, Poetry, Cocktailand etc.

5. The correct pronunciation of some letter abbreviations has also become a question of orthoepia. As a general rule, alphabet abbreviations are read in accordance with the alphabetic names of letters: FRG, USA.

6. In the I-Ohm default syllable butafter well, Shcan pronounce as butor how s.This pronunciation is called Staromoskovsky: balls [seed].

7. In the endings of adjectives with the basis for g, k, xin adjective forms chit - nodpermissible pronunciation and soft posterior-speaking. This is Staromoshkovskaya norm: Quiet - quiet.

8. Returning suffix -We Usually pronounced with soft c.`learn, be proud.

9. Combination thpronounced as [PC]:what, but something.

A person who does not know the rules of orthoepia or knowing them, but poorly applying them in practice, makes many orthoepic errors leading to a distorted recreating the sound form of words, as well as to the wrong intonation of speech.

There are several reasons for which orthoepic errors are allowed.

Manypronunciation errors in Russian speech are explained by the dialective influence, for example: vasnainstead spring, Ocenainstead very, moveinstead yearetc. Certain faces, having learned from childhood an articulation base and phonetic laws of some dialect, not immediately, not always or not completely rebuilt on the literary pronunciation. However, with the development of society, as a result of universal education, under the influence of radio, television, dialects are increasingly decaying and disappeared, and the Russian literary language becomes the main means of communication; Therefore, the number of dialective utterances in the speech of our contemporaries - Russians - is ascended.

Lots ofpeople of non-Russian nationality, who have studied Russian, adequately admit orthoepic errors, also associated with the incomprehension of phonetic units (segment and super-segment) and sound laws of Russian and native languages; eg: watchinginstead watch, Terey.instead current, Seatranitsainstead page, Nieseinstead carry

Such mistakes, especially numerous in the initial stage of mastering Russian, gradually may disappear, due to the general practice of Russian speech and the orientation of Russian speech.

Thirdan important factor in the deviation from the orthoepic norms of the Russian language is the interference of written texts. This reason can be combined with the first or second, support them. In -per, the person, not well knowing the oral forms of some words and at the same time, not enough, only in general, aware of the sound values \u200b\u200bof Russian letters, guided when reading words (and later - during the reproductions of them without support for written text) by writing them understood superficially. So, the beginning to learn the Russian language read [h] then instead of [Ш] then, it [g] one instead of [in] one, Ces [t] but, and not what [CH] o. Secondly, a person (including the Russian carrier of the Russian language is well-owning it) may have a false belief that he follows that it is necessary to correctly be corrected by writing. Such a false "correctness" is characterized in one way or another most beginners read in Russian. Later, the native speaker refuses this, conscious of various principles for writing and pronunciation of words. Nevertheless, the tendency to pronounce the words of some extent on the norms of pronunciation of individual words and their groups. Consequently, as a result, the type pronunciation developed thin, stronginstead of a previously literary tone [k] th, sharp [k] th.

From the part of the carriers of the Russian language, which know in one way or another foreign languages, sometimes there is an intentional phonetic distortion of words of foreign origin. Man speaking in Russian, says these words not as they need to be pronounced in Russian, based on the Russian articulation base, but to foreign switches, pronouncing them in French, in German or in English, introducing into Russian Alien to her sounds and replacing individual sounds, for example: [Hai] not instead of Heine, [zhu] ri instead [zh`U] ri. Such a pronunciation, including with alien Russian languages, does not contribute to the normalization and culture of speech.

In order to avoid the above errors, it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba) to carry out permanent control over its own pronunciation; b) observe the speech of people well-owning the standards of the literary language; c) constantly study the rules of phonetics and orthoepies and constantly contact information dictionaries.

Borrowed words constitute 10-20% of the vocabulary of the Russian language. Many of them are organically entering into its composition and are only in relation to their origin: meter, culture, newspaper. Most of them for pronunciation does not differ from the words of the original Russians, but some have features that violate the main orthoepic norms of the Russian language.

In the original Russian words in position before [ e. ] Only soft pair consonants are represented: vera [v'Era]. Therefore, the pronunciation of solid consonants before [ e. ] In borrowed words - a new feature in Russian phonetics, but associated with system factors. Combination itself solid consonant + [e. ] Is not alien to Russian. This is a potential trait, the possibility of which is laid in the system. We pronounce solid consonant before [ e. ] In such Russian words as tin [zHES'T '], target [cal '] And others. More L.V. Scherba said that "no Russian does not complicate the pronunciation of the syllables of the TE, DE, NE, SE at the junction of words - from this, on this, at the junction of the prefix and the root - the designer." There are a little such words, but the very fact of their existence indicates the possibility of solid consonant in the system [ e. ].

Many attention of the dictionaries are given by foreign-speaking words with sound [ e. ] In different positions - drums ( rector) and unstressed ( dean). Russification of such words is to replace the solid consonant before [ e. ] on mitigated, spelling it is designated e., Pronunciation of type raintor, pioneer considered illiterate; in the case of an unstressed position ( deand'and Kan.) Sound pronunciation [ e. ] After softened consonant, it also changes the sound - e. close "and" – [eI ]. There are a lot of foreign language words with the specified sound in modern Russian, they are grammatically mastered by the Russian language - many of them are inclined, but the pronunciation is often preserved, it is especially characteristic of the terminological vocabulary: phoneme [nE.], defile [dE.], awning [tE], artery [tE] etc. Along with this, other special words were separated: detonator, hyphen, pace, term, thermometer, theory; wherein [ e. ] can save household words like decallet [dE., tE], kesne [nE.], diet [iE].

It is interesting to trace the phased change in the relationship of lexicologists to the formation of a new borrowing pronunciation with [ e. ]. In the middle of the twentieth century, more specified on this score even in such words as text, timbre, tenor, awning. In the 1959 Dictionary. There are litters: text [not tE], subject [not tE], textologist [not tE], tenor [not tE]. Stall preserve [ e. ] the words timbre [tE], trend [tEand DE.], awning [tE], but the word pace subjected to phonetic change: the 1959 Dictionary - pace [tE], the 1998 Dictionary - pace [t'E.]. The same happened with other words: the 1959 Dictionary - dismantling [dE.], demoralization [dE.], depression [dE., not rEC]; Dictionary of 1998 in all these words gives [ d'].

The process goes unevenly, unification did not occur even at the end of the twentieth century. Moreover, soft and solid options coexist in the same type of words. For example, in words with a component press: press [p'E.], compress [p'E.], press conference [p'E.] - Passed soft pronunciation, and in words repression, express It is allowed along with a soft version of solid. In mass use, a solid version is preferred, contrary to the instructions of dictionaries. The prevalence of a solid version is supported and the practice of using other words with re: progress [rEC], stress [rEC], congress [rEC], where the norm provides a soft option. How definitely an abnormative option can even be met beret [rEC], correction [rEC].

It is the language system that determines the patterns of pronunciation of solid or soft consonant before [ e. ] In borrowed words. You can highlight a number of factors affecting the pronouncement of consonant as solid or soft . According to L.A. Verbian, they can be divided into three groups.

First Group - phonetic factors : First of all, the quality of the consonant, as well as the position in relation to stress. It was observed that most often they are pronounced as solid front-speaking consonants, less often - loving, extremely rarely posterior. In addition, the percentage of hard decreases with the removal from the emphasis.

Second group - morphological factors : Namely - the morphological language of the word, that is, whether the word has acquired the word in the Russian language paradigm. The morphological illness of the word helps to preserve the hardness of the consonant before [ e. ]. For example, unclear names nouns: cafe, meringue.

Third Group - lexical factors : Borrowing time and the lexical language of the word. There is an opinion that the sooner the word came, the more it is Russified. However, the word panel It was recorded already in the "Lexicon" of 1726, but so far his pronunciation has not been established. The second lexical factor is the lexical language of the word or the degree of acquaintance of native speakers with a given word. You can highlight 3 degrees of sobility:

1 - the words are well known and used;

2 - the words are familiar, but small- or unsusistenced;

3 - Unknown words.

It is experimentally proved that most often a hard consonant occurs in the words of unfamiliar and unfamiliar, and, on the contrary, the probability of the appearance of soft consonants in well-known words is 2-3 times more than in little-known and unknown.

Special studies have shown that a certain dependence of the firmness-softness of consonant before [ e. ] From what language the word came, apparently not.

Finally, the pronunciation of consonant before [ e. ] In borrowed words, it may depend on the individual characteristics of the native speaker: education, age, place of residence. But the language system will play a decisive role Which has repeatedly wrote L.V. Scherba: "Everything is truly individual, not flowing out of the language system, it is not laid in it potentially ... irrevocably dying" [Schemev; P. 19].

The main difficulty of developing rules for the pronunciation of borrowed words is related to the fact that there is a wide variability .

You should pay attention to words, in the roots of which only solid consonants are pronounced [ from ], [r ], [n. ], [m. ], [f. ]; These are words pensne, cabaret, kesne, panel, burime, cafe. Almost all these words refer to the unclear, that is, morphologically undeveloped. These examples talk about the importance of the morphological factor in the pronunciation of solid or soft consonants.

It is interesting to note that sometimes such factors as the quality of the consonant and lexical language of the word are valid in opposite directions. Most often, the phonetic factor turns out to be stronger; For example, we pronounce solid consonant in such well-known and frequently used words as tennis, index, thermos.

So, the utterance of the soft or solid consonant in the words under consideration primarily depends on the quality of the consonant: the posterior and lumps in most cases are soft: scheme [cX'EMA], skittles [k'EGL'I] And only in some cases - solid: camping [camp'ink], canape [kanaze]; Advanced - mainly solid: pace [tamp], phoneme [fANEMA], antenna [antenna].

Borrowed words in some cases differ from Russian peculiarities in pronunciation. The most essential of them is to save in the pronunciation of sound [ about ] In unstressed syllables and solid consonants before the vowel front range [ e. ]. In an unstressed position, the sound [ about ] persists, for example, in such words as m.[about]del, b.[about]but and in foreign eigen names: FL[about]ber., IN[about]lex. The same pronunciation is observed in proclaiming syllables: kaka[about], kid[about]. However, the majority of borrowed vocabulary, which is words, firmly learned by the Russian literary language, is subject to the general rules of pronunciation [ about ] and [ but ] In unstressed syllables: b.[ă ]cal., to[ă ]stum.

In accordance with the law of Russian pronunciation before vowels [ e. ] Pronounced soft consonants. This rule applies to borrowed words, firmly entered into Russian, for example, aqua[p'E.]l., [d']to[p'E.]t. and many others. However, in speech practice, we meet with the facts that contradict this rule. Even long-rangely mastered foreign language words included in a wide speech job, some are pronounced with solid consonants. Often you can hear: [ tE]rmin instead of [ t'E.]rmin, ko[fE] Instead ko[f'E.]. Many words that were previously uttered only firmly, now allow both a soft pronunciation, for example: artery [tE] and add. [ t'E.], vaudeville [dE.] and add. [ d'] .

In most words, the main option becomes a soft pronunciation of consonants, and the version with solid consonants is an additional, for example: aggression [p'E.] and add. [ rEC], congress [p'E.] and add. [ rEC]. However, individual words - artery, inert, trend, paceAccording to the dictionaries of recent years, the strengthening of solid pronunciation is observed: aR[tE]ria, and[nE.]rTN, [tE]nedding, [tE]mP.

Some impact on the pronunciation of unstressed [ about ] I provided a letter. In foreign words like poet, poetry, bolero pronunciation of unstressed [ about ] It appeared, of course, under the influence of writing and, apparently, was supported by the desire to emphasize the origin of these words, so in Russian words, the unstressed about always alternated [ but] Appropriate degree of reduction. It should be noted that cases of the effect of writing pronunciation are noted when a new pronunciation does not enter into conflict with the system when system relations are not affected.

Hence it follows that the overall process of Russification (development) of foreign language words gradually leads them to "subordination" by the utilities of the Russian literary language. However, the adaptation of "strangers" combinations of sounds to the phonetic nature of the borrowing language occurs very uneven and creates considerable difficulties in the pronunciation of words of foreign-speaking origin .

Thus, you can do the following conclusions.

Leading trends in the development of modern literary pronunciation are primarily the following.

The first is simplification of a number of complex orthoepic rules .

The second is clearing up the mere pronunciation features under the influence of the media: radio, television, school, cinema, theater .

The third is racing by the regulatory pronunciation with a letter, which is explained by the fact that the literary language is learned by students, students through written speech, through books, newspapers, magazines .

Fourth is phonetic adaptation of foreign language words .

Fifth - that's social Pronunciation Level .

Speaking of the dependence of the norm from the system, it should be said that in the phonological system of the Russian language there was a number of regularities identified internal rearrangements that can lead to some changes in the norm. In opposition to solid consonants, not all potential possibilities of this category are exhausted. An analysis of our research shows that it may still have an increase in the number of consonants, opposed to firm-softness, may increase or decrease the number of positions in which this opposition is implemented. The process of increasing the number of positions in which hard and soft differentiances are occurring in modern language due to the expansion of the oppression of solid soft before the vicen front row e. . It is planned a further restriction in the use of vowels in an unstressed position. If so far, this restriction concerned only two background< e. \u003e I.< about \u003e, vowels medium lifting, currently there is a tendency to weaken the functional load< w. >.

The absence of a widespread pronounced standard can be explained, on the one hand, the influx in the city of the rural population, carrying a dialective speech, and on the other - the spread of the media (radio, television, movies). In this connection, the study of the utterance standards of the Russian language is of particular importance, the identification of the aggregate of orthoepic rules. Knowledge of these issues is necessary to teachers of the Russian language. Pronunciation training is also necessary for learning properly writing and grammatical rules; However, still orfoepium is not an independent subject in teaching the Russian language in schools and universities.

Borrowed words, as a rule, are subject to the orthoepic standards of the modern Russian literary language, and only in some cases differ in characteristics in pronunciation. The most significant of them is the preservation of the pronunciation of the sound [o] in unstressed syllables and solid consonants before the vicinity of the front row [E].
In an unstressed position, the sound [o] is maintained, for example, in such words, as M [o] del, M [o] Derne, [O] Azis, B [O] A, [O] Tel, F [O] Maja, m [o] Dernism and in foreign one's own names: FL [o] Ber, in [o] STITTI, T [O] Lyatti, W [o] Pen, M [o] Passan. The same pronunciation [o] is observed in proclaiming syllables: the [o], for [o]. However, the majority of borrowed vocabulary, which is words that are firmly learned by the Russian Lithuanian language, is subject to the general rules for pronunciation [o] and [a] in unstressed syllables: B [A] Cal, to [a] Stum, canned, B [a] kser, p [a] yal, pr [a] gress, to [ъ] bines, f [ъ] to rmut and
In most borrowed words before [E], the consonants are softened: ka [t '], PA [T'] EPHON, Facultiv [T '] ET, [T'] ector, [blowable, [d '] ECPOT, [H' ] Ervg, Pio [H '] EP, [C'] Excition, [C '] Eria, Mu [' s] - it, ha [z "] Et, [p '] Enta, [R'] Ector.
Always before [e] soften the posterior consonants: PA [K'E) T, [k'e] Gly, [k'e] KS, Ba [g'E] T, [g') RCOG, with [x ' E] Ma. The sound [l] is also commonly pronounced in this position softly: [l'] di, Mo [l'] Kula, Ba [l'] t etc.
However, in a number of words of foreign-speaking origin, the hardness of consonants before [E] is preserved: W [TE] PSEL, O [TE], with [TE] ID, KS [DE], MO [DE], ka [RE], [ DE] Miurg, [DE] Mping, Kash [NE], E [NE] - Rgia, [DE] Marsh, Mor [ZE], to [RE] before, and others. And usually in borrowed words retain the hardness before [e] Dental consonants [t], [d], [s], [s], [z], [p].
The description of the orthoepic standards can be found in the literature on the culture of speech, in special linguistic studies, for example, in the book R. I. Avanesov "Russian literary pronunciation", as well as in the intelligent dictionaries of the Russian literary language.

More on the subject of the pronunciation of the Borrowed words:

  1. Borrowed vocabulary. Causes of borrowing. Signs of borrowed words. Calca and semi-shit.
  2. Vocabulary. Ordon Russian and borrowed vocabulary. Evaluation of the influx of foreign vocabulary in post-standby periods. Eating borrowed words. Etymological dictionaries. Foreign word dictionaries.

Borrowed words constitute 10-20% of the vocabulary of the Russian language. Many of them are organically entering into its composition and are only in relation to their origin: meter, culture, newspaper. Most of them for pronunciation does not differ from the words of the original Russians, but some have features that violate the main orthoepic norms of the Russian language.

In the original Russian words in position before [ e. ] Only soft pair consonants are represented: vera [v'Era]. For this reason, the pronunciation of solid consonants before [ e. ] In borrowed words - a new feature in Russian phonetics, but associated with system factors. Combination itself solid consonant + [e. ] Is not alien to Russian. This potential trait is the possibility of which is laid in the system. We pronounce solid consonant before [ e. ] In such Russian words as tin [zHES'T '], target [cal '] And others. More L.V. Scherba said that "no Russian does not complicate the pronunciation of the syllables of the TE, DE, NE, SE at the junction of words - from this, on this, at the junction of the prefix and the root - the designer." There are a little such words, but the very fact of their existence indicates the possibility of solid consonant in the system [ e. ].

Many attention of the dictionaries are given by foreign-speaking words with sound [ e. ] In different positions - drums ( rector) and unstressed ( dean). Russification of such words is to replace the solid consonant before [ e. ] on mitigated, spelling it is designated e., Pronunciation of type raintor, pioneer considered illiterate; in the case of an unstressed position ( deand'and Kan.) Sound pronunciation [ e. ] After softened consonant, it also changes the sound - e. close "and" – [eI ]. There are a lot of foreign language words with the specified sound in modern Russian, they are grammatically mastered by the Russian language - many of them are inclined, but the pronunciation is often preserved, it is especially characteristic of the terminological vocabulary: phoneme [nE.], defile [dE.], awning [tE], artery [tE] etc. Along with this, other special words were separated: detonator, hyphen, pace, term, thermometer, theory; wherein [ e. ] can save household words like decallet [dE., tE], kesne [nE.], diet [iE].

It is interesting to trace the phased change in the relationship of lexicologists to the formation of a new borrowing pronunciation with [ e. ]. In the middle of the twentieth century, more specified in this account even in such words as text, timbre, tenor, awning. In the 1959 Dictionary. There are litters: text [not tE], subject [not tE], textologist [not tE], tenor [not tE]. Stall preserve [ e. ] the words timbre [tE], trend [tEand DE.], awning [tE], but the word pace subjected to phonetic change: the 1959 Dictionary - pace [tE], the 1998 Dictionary - pace [t'E.]. The same happened with other words: the 1959 Dictionary - dismantling [dE.], demoralization [dE.], depression [dE., not rEC]; Dictionary of 1998 in all these words gives [ d'].

The process goes unevenly, unification did not occur even at the end of the twentieth century. Moreover, soft and solid options coexist in the same type of words. For example, in words with a component press: press [p'E.], compress [p'E.], press conference [p'E.] - Passed soft pronunciation, and in words repression, express It is allowed along with a soft version of solid. In mass use, a solid version is preferred, contrary to the instructions of dictionaries. The prevalence of a solid version is supported and the practice of using other words with re: progress [rEC], stress [rEC], congress [rEC], where the norm provides a soft option. How definitely an abnormative option can even be met beret [rEC], correction [rEC].

It is the language system that determines the patterns of pronunciation of solid or soft consonant before [ e. ] In borrowed words. You can highlight a number of factors affecting the pronouncement of consonant as solid or soft . According to L.A. Verbicky, they are divided into three groups.

First Group - phonetic factors : First of all, the quality of the consonant, as well as the position in relation to stress. It was observed that it was often pronounced as solid advanced consonants, less often - luminous, extremely rarely posterhable. At the same time, the percentage of solid decreases with the removal from the emphasis.

Second group - morphological factors : Namely - the morphological language of the word, that is, whether the word has acquired the word in the Russian language paradigm. The morphological illness of the word helps to preserve the hardness of the consonant before [ e. ]. For example, the unclear names nouns: cafe, meringue.

Third Group - lexical factors : Borrowing time and the lexical language of the word. There is an opinion that the sooner the word came, the more it is Russified. At the same time panel It was recorded already in the "Lexicon" of 1726, but so far his pronunciation has not been established. The second lexical factor is the lexical language of the word or the degree of dating of a language with a language with a given word. You can highlight 3 degrees of sobility:

1 - the words are well known and used;

2 - the words are familiar, but small- or unsusistenced;

3 - Unknown words.

It is experimentally proven that it is more often a solid consonant in the words of unfamiliar and unfamiliar, and, on the contrary, the probability of the appearance of soft consonants in well-known words is 2-3 times more than in little-known and unknown.

Special studies have shown that a certain dependence of the firmness-softness of consonant before [ e. ] From what language the word came, apparently not.

Finally, the pronunciation of consonant before [ e. ] In borrowed words, it may depend on the individual characteristics of the native speaker: education, age, place of residence. But the language system will play a decisive role Which has repeatedly wrote L.V. Scherba: "Everything is truly individual, not flowing out of the language system, it is not laid in it potentially ... irrevocably dying" [Schemev; P. 19].

The main difficulty of developing rules for the pronunciation of borrowed words is related to the fact that there is a wide variability .

You should pay attention to words, in the roots of which only solid consonants are pronounced [ from ], [r ], [n. ], [m. ], [f. ]; These are words pensne, cabaret, kesne, panel, burime, cafe. Almost all these words relate to the unlock, that is, morphologically unavailable. These examples talk about the importance of the morphological factor in the pronunciation of solid or soft consonants.

It is interesting to note that sometimes such factors as the quality of the consonant and lexical language of the word are valid in opposite directions. More often a phonetic factor is stronger; For example, we pronounce solid consonant in such well-known and frequently used words as tennis, index, thermos.

So, the utterance of the soft or solid consonant in the words under consideration primarily depends on the quality of the consonant: the posterior and lumps in most cases are soft: scheme [cX'EMA], skittles [k'EGL'I] And only in some cases - solid: camping [camp'ink], canape [kanaze]; Advanced - mainly solid: pace [tamp], phoneme [fANEMA], antenna [antenna].

Borrowed words in some cases differ from Russian peculiarities in pronunciation. The most essential of them is to save in the pronunciation of sound [ about ] In unstressed syllables and solid consonants before the vowel front range [ e. ]. In an unstressed position, the sound [ about ] persists, for example, in such words as m.[about]del, b.[about]but and in foreign eigen names: FL[about]ber., IN[about]lex. The same pronunciation is observed in proclaiming syllables: kaka[about], kid[about]. At the same time, the majority of borrowed vocabulary, which is words, firmly learned by the Russian literary language, obeys the general rules of pronunciation [ about ] and [ but ] In unstressed syllables: b.[ă ]cal., to[ă ]stum.

In accordance with the law of Russian pronunciation before vowels [ e. ] Pronounced soft consonants. This rule applies to borrowed words, firmly entered into Russian, for example, aqua[p'E.]l., [d']to[p'E.]t. and many others. At the same time in speech practice, we meet with the facts that contradict this rule. Even long-rangely mastered foreign language words included in a wide speech job, some are pronounced with solid consonants. Often you can hear: [ tE]rmin instead of [ t'E.]rmin, ko[fE] Instead ko[f'E.]. Many words that were previously uttered only firmly, now allow both a soft pronunciation, for example: artery [tE] and add. [ t'E.], vaudeville [dE.] and add. [ d'] .

In most words, the main option becomes a soft pronunciation of the consonant, and the version with solid consonants is optional, for example: aggression [p'E.] and add. [ rEC], congress [p'E.] and add. [ rEC]. In this case, individual words - artery, iNCIENT, trend, paceAccording to the dictionaries of recent years, the strengthening of solid pronunciation is observed: aR[tE]ria, and[nE.]rTN, [tE]nedding, [tE]mP.

No exposure to the pronunciation of unstressed [ about ] I provided a letter. In foreign words like poet, poetry, bolero pronunciation of unstressed [ about ] Of course, under the influence of writing and, apparently, was supported by the desire to emphasize the origin of these words, so in the Russian words, the unstressed about the whole of all alternated [ but] Appropriate degree of reduction. It should be noted that cases of the effect of writing pronunciation are noted when a new pronunciation does not enter into conflict with the system when system relations are not affected.

Hence it follows that the overall process of Russification (development) of foreign language words gradually leads them to "subordination" by the utilities of the Russian literary language. At the same time, the adaptation of "other people" combinations of sounds to the phonetic nature of the borrowing language occurs very unevenly and creates considerable difficulties in the pronunciation of words of foreign-speaking origin .

Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, you can do the following conclusions.

Leading trends in the development of modern literary pronunciation are the following.

First - ϶ᴛᴏ simplification of a number of complex orthoepic rules .

Second - ϶ᴛᴏ cutting of mere pronunciation features under the influence of media: radio, television, school, cinema, theater .

Third - ϶ᴛᴏ racing by the regulatory pronunciation with a letter, which is explained by the fact that the literary language is learned by students, students through written speech, through books, newspapers, magazines .

Fourth - ϶ᴛᴏ phonetic adaptation of foreign language words .

Fifth - ϶ᴛᴏ social Pronunciation Level .

Speaking of the dependence of the norm from the system, it should be said that in the phonological system of the Russian language there was a number of regularities identified internal rearrangements that can lead to some changes in the norm. In contrasting solid consonants, the potential capabilities of this category are exhausted. An analysis of our research shows that it may still have an increase in the number of consonants, opposed to firm-softness, may increase or decrease the number of positions in which this opposition is implemented. The process of increasing the number of positions in which hard and soft differentiances are occurring in modern language due to the expansion of the oppression of solid soft before the vicen front row e. . It is planned a further restriction in the use of vowels in an unstressed position. If so far, this restriction has been concerned only by two< e. \u003e I.< about \u003e, vowels medium lifting, currently there is a tendency to weaken the functional load< w. >.

The lack of an important pronunciation standard can be explained, on the one hand, the influx in the city of the rural population, which bears a dialective speech, and on the other - the spread of the media (radio, body, cinema). In this connection, the study of the utterance standards of the Russian language is of particular importance, the identification of the aggregate of orthoepic rules. Knowledge of these issues is extremely important to teachers of the Russian language. Pronunciation learning is extremely important in the same way as learning properly writing and grammatical rules; However, still orfoepium is not an independent subject in teaching the Russian language in schools and universities.

The pronunciation of foreign language words is the concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Pronunciation of foreign language words" 2017, 2018.


1. Pronunciation of borrowed words 2
2. Stage pronunciation and its features 3
3. Pronunciation of vowels and consonant sounds 6
4. List of references 8
Options for Russian literary pronunciation.

Pronunciation of borrowed words.

In Russian literary language, as in every literary language with a long history there is a considerable number of words of foreign-language origin, often inaccurately called "foreign words". The borrowed word was rarely digested by the Russian language in the form, in what it was in the source language. The differences in the pronunciation between the Russian language and foreign led to the fact that someone else's word changed, adapted to Russian phonetic standards, the unusual sounds disappeared in it. Now a significant part of such words in their pronunciation is no different from the words of the original Russians. But some of them are words from different areas of technology, science, culture, politicians and especially foreign language own names, - allocated among other words of the Russian literary language with their pronunciation, violating the rules. The following describes some features of the pronunciation of words of foreign-speaking origin.
Combination [J], [DZ] .
In the words of foreign language origin, the combination of [J], corresponding to the phoneon [Z] of other languages, which is an affririent [z], but spoken with voice. In the Russian language combination j. It is also pronounced as the same combination in the original Russian words, namely, as: it is, yeper, ygit, Беленен.
In isolated cases, a combination of [DZ] corresponding to the sound [z] is encountered. This sound is a sponge [C]. Like I. j., combination dZ In Russian, it is pronounced just like a corresponding combination in the original Russian words, namely how: Muein.
Sound [ h. ] .
In some words of foreign language origin in place of the letter g. Clear sound [h] is pronounced, for example, [H] Abitus or brain which the pronunciation of [H] is possible along with [g]. Some of the foreign eigen names can be pronounced with this sound, for example, Heine :.
Sound [o] in unstressed syllables .
Only in a few borrowed words in the 1st estate syllable [o], and then somewhat weakened: B [O] A, D [O] Siere, B [o] RDO. Preserved [o] and in some difficult words, for example, in the word community.
In the 2nd estate syllable, in the absence of reduction of vowels, pronunciation of [o] in such words as to [O] NA [O], M [O] Derat [O], B [O] Lero.
Nearby words in which the letter about A vocabulary [o] is pronounced in pronounced syllables after consonants and vowels: Vet [o], Avid [o], Kred [o], for the sake of [o], kaka [o], ha [o] with.
The unknown vowel is often preserved in foreign language own names: B [o] Deller, Z [o], in [o] SME, D [O] Laurez, P [O] DEN.
The pronunciation of the unstressed [o] has a stylistic value. When declaring the execution of the composer's work is more appropriate to pronounce x [o] Pen, and in everyday speech it is possible to shine.
I agree to E. .
In foreign language unwanted words, consonants before e. Do not soften as in the original Russians. This applies primarily to the dental consonant (except l.) - t, d, s, s, n, r.
Solid [t] pronounced in such words as atheism, Atelier, Stand, Aesthetics. Solid [T] and in the iNoyasic console inter-: in [TE] Rugh; and also in a number of geographical names and other eigen names: AMC [TE] RDAM, DAN [TE].
Sound [d] is not softened in words codex, Model, Modernet al., as well as in such geographical names as Delhi, Rhodesia Both the names Descartes, Mendelssohn.
The sounds [s] and [s] are pronounced firmly only in few words: [SE] Ntencia, Mor [ZE]. Also solid [s] and [s] are found in the names and surnames, such as Joseph, S.e.nek.
The sound [H] also remains solid in the names and surnames (REC [NE], [NE] Lhes. Most words are pronounced with solid [n], but there are cases when [H] before e. Suitable: neolithic, neologism.
But in most words of foreign-speaking origin, consonants e. Softened in accordance with the norms of Russian literary pronunciation, so this pronunciation is completely unacceptable, as a pro [FE] quarrel, AG [RE] SORS, [BREE] T, etc.
Stage pronunciation and its features.

Theater has always been extremely interested in the presence of uniform utility standards of the literary language and played their outstanding role in developing. It was the theater that became a school of generally accepted orthoepic pronunciation and the keeper of orthoepic traditions. The generally accepted keeper of the purity of the literary pronunciation of Dooktyabrian time was the Moscow Small Theater.
Great actors of this theater - M.S. Shchepkin, P.M. Sadovsky, G.N. Fedotova, M.N. Ermakova, Oh. Sadovskaya, N.I. Muzil and others - developed Russian scenic norms of pronunciation. Their tradition already in the Soviet era continued A.A. Yablokina, E.A. Gogolev, E.M. Shatrov and many others. In the creation of the norms of Russian stage pronunciation, great role played by Veliky Dramaturgorg A.N. played a very significant role. Ostrovsky. For example, he directly worked with P.M. Sadovsky. M.F. Gorbunov wrote: "Colossal talent P.M. Sadovsky after the execution of the merchant Rusakov in "not in their sleigh do not sit down" the Ostrovsky grew up in the whole measure. " Pieces premieres A.N. Ostrovsky finally polished the Russian stage pronunciation, which was adopted by the Russian theater in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other centers.
Scenic speech is in particular relations with all the language styles of our public household practice. The basis of the stage pronunciation is the neutral style of pronunciation of society. But although the latter has developed quite clearly its norms, it has many variant elements. In addition, the norms of literary pronunciation were not fully coded, meanwhile, the scene requires more stringent norms, in other words, the codification of them so that the scenic speech is easily and freely perceived by the audience, was beautiful and could serve as a model. Therefore, in the presence of pronounced options, the stage speech seeks to free themselves from them, adopting only one of them, most often the one that is adopted in the strict species of neutral style and which corresponds to the Staromoshkovskaya rate.
The pronunciation in the stage speech is not only its external form, but also an important expressive acting agent along with intonation, gesture, suit, makeup. Therefore, depending on the style of the play, time and place of action, the nature of the actors of the stage speech has to contact all the language styles that really exist in public practice, including those outside the literary language. But it is impossible to overestimate the role of pronunciation as an expressive agent, stylistic use on the scene of different types of pronunciations, their expressiveness benefits significantly in the presence of high-orthoepic culture in society.
The most important features of the stage pronunciation.
1. Ecane, pronunciation in the estate syllable in place e. and i, and then c. and sh in place but Sound type [E]: [in "E] sleep, [p" e] ka, [pr "e] do instead straight, [h "E] Sy. This is the trait of the eldest norm of both Moscow and Leningrad pronunciation. Subsequently, when the literary pronunciation perceived Ikinier, he did not accept him.
2. With an explosive [g], a frkarative sound is allowed [?] As a speech paint, a limited circle of the words of church origin: bla [?] Go, bla [?] Cancel, Bo [?] A-fine, Bo [?] Orodice.
3. To simulate the old Moscow pronunciation, as a speech paint in place to Before the deaf [to], [p], [t] and ringing [g], [b], [d], can it be pronounced [x] or [?]: [x] -com, [x] -poly, [ x] then, [x] -the, [?] - the city, [?] - battle, [?] De, Ko [?] Yes, [?] - home.
4. On the spot sh, as well as sch. In the absence of a clear clad morphol, etc .................