Repairs Design Furniture

Heopping the cottage in winter with electricity. What and how to heat the summer country house in the winter. Experience of European countries

Many people who own country houses or simply gives, seriously tormented the question - what will happen to the house, his finish, as well as all installed furniture, if throughout the cold season it is not to give a house? From here there is another question - what is better for the house: to leave it in the abpense of all winter or from time to time to come there and make the living space? This question should be understood. So, what happens to your cottage, if you leave the house without heating in winter.

Different parts of the house and furniture can completely respond completely to a similar test. First of all, because various materials used during finishing, repair, as well as furniture manufacturing, react differently to similar tests.

Autumn passes, in our country most often accompanied by abundant rains. And finally, winter comes. The air temperature on the street and in the unheated house is sharply reduced. As a result - its humidity also decreases dramatically. But the moisture from the air does not go out without a trace - it is deposited on any surfaces - walls, furniture, floors, ceilings. If the cold is fast enough, the moisture turns into anger and remains indoors to the first spring thaws. So, items remain wet a rather small period of time.

What happens if you decide for the winter several times in your winter and drove it? Animes quickly melts. The air indoors heats up, but the walls and all the furniture still remain cold. In order for them to heat, you need at least a few hours. Consequently, when in contact with warm air (with an increased moisture content) with cold items, moisture drops will appear on items - condensate. Finally, things and walls of the building are dry only after their temperature comes with an indoor air temperature. As mentioned above, it will happen in a few hours.

In such conditions, different materials behave differently. Glass, plastic covered with varnish or painted wood easily transfer a similar test - they absolutely do not absorb moisture. Therefore, the condensate drops will evaporate without a trace after a few hours. But the usual wood, upholstered furniture, drywall and other breathable materials quickly absorb moisture. As a result, the upholstery of furniture can start rotting, the plasterboard will swell.

If there is a cottage, the question immediately arises the issue of arrangement of the heating system, because the city is pleased to spend time not only in the summer, but at any time of the year, even in the cold season.

What to choose the garden heating in winter depends on the set of factors, such as the presence or absence of communications, the possibility of connecting, the features of the house planning, materials from which it is made and much more. Also takes into account the frequency of visits in the country during the cold season.

Winter heating in winter - types of heating systems

  • Gas heating;
  • Electric;
  • Chimney;
  • A system operating on liquid fuel;
  • Solid fuel boilers;
  • Universal.

This option is considered the most economical at cost and most convenient, but only if accommodation is carried out on a permanent basis. Usually, the majority of summer cottages have subordinate communications, and if the house is a capital structure, then the possibility of connecting to the gas pipeline.

In this case, a water heating system is equipped and a gas boiler is installed. This approach is convenient because the heating of the room can be carried out on an ongoing basis and it is not too expensive. The main disadvantage is the need to constantly monitor the system and in the event that it is necessary to leave for a long time with the giving for a long time, it is necessary to completely drain the water from the batteries, otherwise, when you turn off the boiler, it will freeze and the pipes are filled. Repairs will cost quite expensive.

It is also worth noting that for the inserts to the gas pipe and the installation of the boiler will require a special permit and participation of qualified specialists, which also requires certain investments.

Another option to solve the problem, how to heat the country in the winter - autonomous heating with gas cylinders. This approach is considered optimal if the site is in the distance from communications and it is not possible to connect to them.

Cylinders filled with liquefied gas are connected to the heating boiler when using the gearbox. The advantages of this approach are convenience, cost-effectiveness, environmental friendliness and possibility if necessary, re-equipment of the system for connecting to the central gas pipeline.

Disadvantages - Again, the permission and participation of specialists who will create a heating system diagram will also be connected to equipment. Alone, such works are categorically not recommended, otherwise emergency situations that are dangerous to life and health of others may occur.

Electric heating at home and giving with a boiler

The easiest and most affordable option is the installation of an electric boiler. Such equipment has a compact size, perfectly fits into the interior and is quite simple adjustable. At the moment, the heating equipment market may offer various options for such aggregates, the capacity of which is designed for different area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

The heating of the room with the help of electrical equipment is carried out by the method of direct heating of the coolant, which is pumped through the heating system using the pump and returns back to the heat exchanger.

The effectiveness of this approach can be different, it depends on the place where the unit is installed. For example, if it is in the basement, there will be a significant weight loss, because its essential part will go to the heating of the basement. If the equipment is installed in the residential room adjacent to residential rooms, the heat transfer will be higher, respectively will be a certain electricity savings.

The advantage of electric boilers is sacchability, the absence of any extraneous smells, simple installation and management, maximum level of environmental friendliness, high safety.

Disadvantages. If the power of the unit is from 3.5 to 7 kW, it is necessary to highlight a separate communication from the distribution panel with the installation of the appropriate automatic protection. If the power is exceeded, more than 7 kW is always connected to a three-phase type network.

It should also be noted that this method of heating is quite expensive due to the high prices for electricity.

In addition to the electric boiler, you can use other devices that may be more comfortable and favorable in circulation.

Alternative methods for organizing electrical installation

When solving the problem than to drop the cottage in the winter, many of the owners of remote areas attract alternative types of electric heating, which are a fairly large selection.

Heaters infrared type

Sufficiently favorable structures that operate on the principle of infrared emission is based. They have small sizes and are placed in the top of the wall or on the ceiling. The room quickly warms, have simple adjustment and you can install them yourself.


Not particularly economical, but also have good heat transfer and with good power quickly heat the room. They differ in aesthetic appearance and can act as an addition to the interior.

Convector devices

Have a high efficiency, inexpensive cost, low weight and fit well into the interior. Do not require any special conditions for installation. Installation of equipment can be performed independently in a short time.

Oil devices

Not economical because it takes a certain time for full heating, but the electricity consumption is carried out in standard operation mode. But their advantage in compactness, mobility (you can move from the room to the room if necessary) and affordable cost.

Heat ventilation units

Also inexpensive are inexpensive, they carry out quick heating of the room and are more beneficial to use than oil units. But when they functioning, there is noise, as well as a violation of the optimal content of moisture in the air, which can cause damage to people with diseases of the respiratory system.

Stove heating

Consumer heating when using a conventional oven can be called a classic option. The traditional brick oven is heated, though long, but very long time holds heat, which provides with low fuel costs, good thermal regime in the room.

The advantages of this design in economy and high heat transfer after full warm-up. But it is possible to achieve a good efficiency in the event that the furnace is folded on all the rules by a qualified master. Also, in the equipment of heating of this type, it is necessary to carefully comply with the rules of fire safety, because the slightest violation in this area can lead to a fire.

To exercise summer cottages in winter, besides the brick furnaces are also used fireplaces or metal furnaces, which can be purchased in specialized stores, or to make themselves if there are skills and experience.

Heating with a fireplace is quite convenient because the heating of the room is performed quickly. But it will not be particularly economical due to the fact that such a design does not hold heat for a long time.

Fireplaces can be both purchased in the store, selling heating equipment and facing refractory bricks. Purchased devices are also quite often tinted with bricks to improve aesthetics and to increase heat-saving characteristics.

Metal furnaces can be of various shapes and functionality. There are aggregates, the functionality of which is directed only to heating the room, or on heating and cooking. When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account this moment.

The convenience of metal furnaces is to quickly heat them. Metal walls in the shortest time reaches the maximum temperature, but at the same time it can be considered as a flaw, they can be burned about. Therefore, in most cases, metal structures are placed with refractory bricks, like fireplaces.

Liquid fuel heating units

Such apparatus of steel or cast iron is made and connected to the water heating system. They work on diesel fuel, kerosene, spent oil or fuel oil, and if there is no connection to communication communications, it is enough to simply solve the problem how to heat the country in the winter.

This equipment is installed, mainly in a separate room, which is necessarily equipped with an exhaust ventilation system.

Liquid fuel boilers are single or dual circuit. The first option is intended only for heating the coolant, the second can be performed simultaneously to heat the coolant and ensuring hot water for household needs. Second type units may have a built-in boiler or flowing water heater.

Also there is a separation by the type of placement - outdoor and wall equipment.

Outdoor boilers have quite large dimensions and it is to them that the requirements of the presence of a separate room for installation are presented. When working, they produce significant noise, also the installation of equipment involves the use of additional devices that require free space. There is also no particularly pleasant smell, and the appearance of soot.

Wall-mounted devices have small size and less problematic during operation. They can be placed in any room, but their efficiency is insufficient for heating large areas.

Solid fuel heating devices

The increase in the cost of electrical energy contributed to the appearance of the tendency to use heating systems operating on solid fuel. Many confuse them with conventional steel furnaces, but there is a difference in the design, which allows the use of peat, wood waste, coal, coal briquettes, coke, coil, coal, coal, coke and different combustible products of this type as fuel, and the possibility of connecting to water heating system.

The advantages of this equipment are reliability and simple use, available cost, the possibility of using fuel of various types.

Disadvantages - low efficiency, the need for the presence of a constant stock of fuel and equipment for storage with protection against natural precipitation, as well as mandatory cleaning of the camera after the combustion cycle is completed.

Advantages - Independence from communications of life support, for a long time on one fuel boot.

Solid fuel equipment for long burning is designed for functionality at one loading of wood or wood waste for a while up to two days, coal or coal briquettes - for a while up to 5 days.

Universal heating boilers

The most urgent problem than to drop the cottage in winter is if there are no gas communications, electricity is supplied with interruptions, and the ability to make a significant stock of a certain fuel, which would have enough for the whole winter, no.

In this case, universal heating boilers can be used, which can work both on liquefied gas and on liquid fuel, or on firewood or coal. The selection of the model depends on the size of the room and the individual characteristics of the organization of the heating system.

Such equipment is intended for heating the coolant and for each type of fuel there is its own burner. Such devices are equipped with an automatic control system and overheating protection, which makes them quite safe when used.

When switching to another type of fuel, changes are made in the settings, and the boiler continues to work in the usual mode, providing a good efficiency.

Choosing the heating boiler, it is necessary to take into account all the available nuances, the cost of energy resources, as well as the availability of communications, otherwise the heating system will be ineffective or too expensive.

Heating for cottage house gas

Ways of heating dacha

When solving such a question, as dacha heating options can be the most diverse. The choice of the optimal solution to this task largely depends on the intensity of the use of the country house during the cold period of the year, as well as from the budget.

In addition, the following factors affect the determination of the method of heating of cottages:

  • the presence of a power line;
  • the presence of a gas pipeline;
  • purchase and possibility of storage in sufficient volumes of solid (briquettes, firewood, coal) or liquid fuel (diesel engine);
  • technical parameters of the building itself (its size, degree of insulation and fire safety).

Boilers can work at different types of energy:

  • solid fuel;
  • natural gas;
  • electricity;
  • liquid fuel (diesel fuel).

If the heating in the country can be connected using any of the energy carriers, the determining factor when choosing the type of country boiler becomes the cost of equipment and heating costs. In addition, it is important that the duration of the use of a country house: if the house is used only for summer accommodation - it is more expedient to use portable heaters working from electricity, and for year-round-stationary systems based on heating boilers or furnaces.

The most affordable energy carriers for heating in the country are natural gas and firewood. For gas heating in a house, a gas boiler and the pipeline system will have to be mounted. For heating the wood of a modern structure, it is not necessary to use an archaic stone stove at all, especially since it is distinguished by large heat lines and uneven heat distribution indoors.

One of the oldest ways to warm up your home, flood the oven. In small houses, such heating will be ineffective, the room will warm up for a very long time, even with a small residential area. Heating Firwards in the country can be implemented or using a bourgeitry stove, a fireplace or by means of a modern solid fuel boiler.

Bourgehog is easy to install and operate, it not only heats the room, but also allows you to cook food. However, it can make the relatively small country houses (up to 60 square meters. M.). As for the fireplace, it has excellent decorative properties and will decorate anyone, will warm in crude weather, but it does not cope with heating in winter.

If the area of \u200b\u200bthe house is higher than the specified, then it is more expedient to use a solid fuel boiler. Such a heat generator will help not only effectively drop the room, but also significantly reduce labor costs for the device maintenance (a solid fuel boiler produces much less soot and burning waste, and the loading of firewood can only be done once a day.)

Electric heating

The easiest way to organize heating in the country with your own hands is to use electricity. The undoubted advantage of heating using electricity is that it can be arranged both with the help of complex heating systems and with the help of household oil electric heaters or infrared panels.

Electric heating of the country house with complex systems allows you to programmatically adjust the degree and time of heating, which makes it possible not only to create the most comfortable environment, but also save. But the use of complex heating devices is impractical in the dwelling of a small area.

Portable and portable electric heaters

Country houses are designed only for seasonal accommodation, and the installation of a complex heating system will cost a significant amount. In this case, it is much more efficient to use portable electric heaters. The latter includes oil batteries and infrared panels.

The principle of operation in these heaters is diametrically opposite: the oil heater heats the air around him, and the infrared panel - items (floor, walls, furniture), which fell infrared rays. That is, it acts on the principle of sunlight, which allows to demonstrate an efficiency of 92%.

But all portable heaters have a common dignity - they can easily be transferred around the rooms, heating only the room that is currently necessary, or taken to heating the apartment. If the dwelling is not used year-round, in this case, the use of portable heaters will be as if the way.

Electric boiler

The most favorable version of the heating of the country house is an electric boiler that heats up, and with the help of an embedded pump, pumps the coolant (water or antifreeze) along the pipeline system.

Heat from radiators is distributed throughout the house. This system has only one drawback - to implement such a scheme, you will have to take care of the installation of heating pipes, which will significantly increase the estimate of the organization of the heating of the country house. This option is suitable when the cottage is used for winter accommodation, it is a two-storey building or heating is necessary for a long period and in several rooms.

Gas heating of the country house

If there is a possibility of connecting to a trunk gas pipe in the country, the question of how to choose the heating of the country house, disappears by itself: the boiler is capable of drying up a country house in a short time, while the cost of the spent energy carrier will not be too burdensome for the owners.

For summer cottages, small, low-power wall models are suitable, they are more than enough for heating a small house. In the gas boiler as a coolant, as well as in the electric, water or antifreeze acts. Such a heating scheme assumes the presence in the house of the mounted pipeline heating system.

When heating the country house, the gas boiler can work completely autonomously (without electricity consumption). In this case, water in the pipeline circulates not forcibly due to the operation of the pump, but on its own on the principle of convection. That is, hot water, expanding when heated, pushes the cold in the heating zone and so without a break. True, to install a non-volatile boiler, it is necessary to take into account the tilt of the pipes and the height of the heat generator relative to batteries and heating pipes.

Despite the fact that the gas boiler can be installed with his own hands, do without a specialist of the service, it is unlikely to succeed, it includes the connection of the boiler to the gas highway and the first launch of the heating unit.

If you firmly decided to take advantage of the gas boiler, but you do not have the ability to connect to the pipeline gas, then you will have to install a gas throat. These welded cylindrical or spherical tanks are made of steel and installed under the ground. They are kept liquefied high pressure gas. As required, the container is replenished. It is worth noting that such a gas supply scheme of gods will entail significant costs not only to the installation of the capacity, but also on its regular replenishment.

Regardless of that gas is a boiler or electric, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of freezing water in pipelines and, as a result, their destruction. Avoiding such an accident will help the use of antifreeze as a heat carrier or the use of pipes with a heating cable under warming insulation. In addition, the boiler protection unit will help secure the heating system. Since electricity is needed for its work, the emergency power of the boiler from the diesel generator should be provided.

Alternative methods of heating cottages

If there is a need to organize an effective heating of the country house, but the lack of gas and electricity on the site do not allow to solve this problem in the usual way, will have to use boilers with an alternative energy carrier: on solid (coal, peat, firewood) and liquid fuel (diesel fuel, gasoline) are suitable for This role is not better.

Of course, the heat produced will cost much more expensive than the gas boiler. But considering that its task is not included in the heating of large premises in the harsh winter and the possibility of working on a non-standard energy carrier, such a model can be the best option for country houses located in remote locations.


To select the best choice of giving heating, select the type of fuel that is most suitable for you, calculate the power or contact our specialists for help from the choice.

Before buying a heat generator, take care of the thermal insulation of the house - the use of modern heat-insulating materials will minimize the costs of the coolant and save funds for its purchase.

The country house must have heating, even if it is seasonal housing. Depending on whether the house will be a residential winter or not, the type of heating and its arrangement scheme is selected. This may be the capital heating of the country house with all safety devices and the automation system, and there may be a simple heating of the desired rooms by electrical devices - in any case, it is necessary to pump the premises at least in the minimum volume so that the structure does not start prematurely collapse from the constant impact of moisture and dampness .

Types of heating systems and aggregates

What is the heating of the country house to choose which energy carriers will operate in the scheme, how to mount and use heating depends on the extensive list of factors. These are the existing engineering communications (gas, electricity, water), and the layout of the premises in the house, and the building materials from which the house is erected, and the number of tenants, and the frequency of visits at home in winter. Even the type of foundation affects effective garden heating in winter.

There are several options for heating systems that are offered to the consumer depending on the energy carriers that can be used in the house:

  1. Gas heating;
  2. Heated by electrical devices with water heating or without water;
  3. Normal wood-burning oven, fireplace;
  4. Liquid-fuel or solid fuel heating units in the country in winter;
  5. Universal heating boilers.

Gas heating of the country house

Gas heating boilers are the most economical and efficient accommodation for housing heating, but large savings are observed with constant and year-round accommodation in the country. The burning of gas and the transformation of it into thermal energy occurs in a gas boiler, which, with the help of the pump, supplies heated coolant into heating radiators throughout the house. To work without constant control by person, gas equipment is equipped with a system of control and automation, so you can safely leave the house unattended for a while if it is heated with gas.

The disadvantage, or rather inconvenience, is that the inserts to the central gas highway need to be issued a large number of permits, to establish a gas meter, and for all this will have to refer to the relevant specialists, which also requires certain expenses.

Gas can not only be a trunk, but also a balloon, which greatly facilitates the connection, but complicates the operation of the equipment: it will have to constantly monitor the level of fuel and change the cylinders. But with great remoteness from the gas center it is a good way out.

A balloon, or a group of cylinders, connect to the boiler through the gearbox. Such use of gas is more economical, and when it appears to connect to the central gas pipeline, it is very easy to do, applying the minimum re-equipment of the system. But even for such a gas connection scheme, a gas service is needed to be heard, connecting the meter and the participation of gas supplies. An independent connection of any gas source will be wrapped for you with large fines.

Heating with electricity - boilers and heaters

How else to dry the country house? In any house there is always electricity, and this is not the cheapest, but the most affordable way to equip the heating system. Any electrical devices have small dimensions, modern electrical equipment will perfectly fit into the interior of the cottage, and the installation, care and maintenance of such systems always takes at least time and does not require special skills.

In order to accommodate the cottage, it is possible to install an electric boiler with water heating, or simply use piece electrical heaters for each room, which will be released, undoubtedly more than a single system. Water electric heating works just like the gas-heated coolant with a circulation pump moving along the radiators system. The principle of operation of electrical calorificates, fan heaters, infrared emitters, convectors and oil heaters do not need to be described - everyone knows everything well how it works.

Effectively and best drop the cottage with electric heaters will not work - for this you need to heat all the premises immediately, which will lead to a large consumption of electricity. More economically there will be an electrocotel and water heating. It can be ordinary water radiators or a "warm floor" system, as well as when the operation of gas equipment. Especially ineffective will be the use of piece electrical appliances, if the dacha is equipped with a basement and / or attic.

The advantage of good electrocottles is silent work without the release of smoke, combustion products and without odors, as well as simple installation of equipment that does not require permission of state authorities, plus the absolute environmental friendliness of the work, automatic system of control and management in winter time and high level of any security - fire, sanitary, electrical, chemical, etc.

Of the disadvantages, you can note the high power consumption of any electrical appliances. The average power of the electrocotel is 3.5-7 kW, the electrical heater - 1-2.2 kW, and for these devices it will be necessary to equip a separate electrical wheel, connect RAM and other automatic response devices during accidents and overloads, and may also be summed up , not a single-phase electrical network.

Alternative heating technologies on electricity

In addition to gas or electrical heating equipment, how to heat the country in other ways and devices? There are quite a lot of alternatives, in some cases more profitable, sometimes clearer in installation and operation, but most often they are used if the cottage is better to pull in the cold season, but only when residents come to her, that is, periodically.

Electric infrared emitters - the most advantageous electrical equipment when choosing than to warm the country in the winter. Infrared radiation heats no air in the house, but objects that then gradually give heat into the room. The walls of the rooms fall into the number of objects, and this is a very large area, therefore, with such a large heat transfer rate, electricity consumption will be minimal, and the heating effect is maximum. Typically, such heaters are installed as above, and often on the ceiling.

Electric fireplaces are characterized by a large consumption of electricity, and serve, rather as an interior design element, and not for heating. Although, if you do not save on electricity, this device will very quickly heat the room.

Convectors are a high efficiency, a small price, a light and comfortable design that can be stationary or mobile, which allows you to place the device anywhere in the room. Special installation is not needed - the convector can stand on its own legs, on wheels, or (in a stationary version) to hang onto the brackets on the wall.

Oil electrical radiators more than others consume electricity, as they have high heating inertia. But they also cool very slowly, without consuming electricity. Such instruments are also performed in stationary or mobile variants.

Thermal electric ventilation devices are something that the cottage can be heated in winter as an alternative choice of the heating method. The devices are fairly cheap, the premises are warming much faster than the rest of the equipment, as warm air is fed to the room from the spiral with the fan. From the disadvantages, it is possible to note the noise of work and drying the air, which, when staying children in the room it is undesirable.

Chimney Heated Dacha

And how to dig a cottage, if neither electricity nor gas is not supplied? Exit is the usual wood cutting furnace in its classic execution. A brick structure is heated for a long time, but it is still holding heat for a long time, and the use of coal makes such a furnace an indispensable assistant in the heating of the cottage. There is energy savings, high inertia of the furnace, and with the proper equipment of the stove - and the ability to prepare food, heat the water for household needs, and you can even make water radiator heating without a pump - according to the principle of natural circulation of hot water. The only lack of furnaces is a high fire hazard, especially in wooden houses. In addition, under firewood or coal, it is necessary to highlight a separate room or building, and to maintain fire, you need to have a permanent stock of fuel in front of the oven itself, that is, an additionally dedicated and fenced small place.

In addition to a brick furnace, you can build a conventional bourgear or fireplace:

Fireplace - equipment that mono not only build on their own, but also buy a ready-made piece of metal and with additional options. Homemade fireplaces suggest the wider possibility of experiments both with an area and with forms and content. In addition, even the factory manufacturer's fireplace can be improved at least externally - for example, it is imposed by cladding decorative bricks.

Bourgeisters are not only a familiar homemade furnace from an iron barrel or steel welded sheets. Modern factory bourgearies are quite suitable for installation in the most premises, they are made of different forms, and can be filled with the most different functionality, for example, the same cooking or water heating for household needs, which will not hurt in the country. Therefore, how to warm the country in the winter is solved by choosing among a huge set of proposed solutions. For example, if I drown a gift to firewood, then I have a choice to choose and a common oven, and a Russian oven, and a fireplace, and a burzhuyka, and a solid fuel boiler.

Liquid fuel boilers

The boiler on DT, working out, fuel oil or kerosene does not work as an independent unit - it, like other boilers, you need to connect to a liquid heating system with radiators, batteries or registers located in all residential cottages. The lack of such heating is the need for a separate room or a building for the boiler room, as well as a place for storing liquid energy. The room should be ventilated and equipped according to the fire safety rules.

Zht boilers can be equipped with one or two contours. One contour is just the heating of the cottage without the possibility of organizing the DHW, the second circuit is used to heat the water for household needs. A double-circuit boiler can be with a built-in boiler (to save fuel at small), or with a flow heater, including electrical. According to constructive execution, Zht boilers can be outdoor or wall.

Floor heating equipment is quite large size, so they are recommended to be mounted in a separate room. In addition, any liquid fuel equipment makes characteristic loud sounds. Wall-mounted boilers can be installed in the kitchen, and an additional functionality is used to suppress noise, they are smaller, but such a boiler will not be able to warm up a large cottage.

Solid fuel heating devices

Heating equipment operating on solid fuel (firewood, briquettes, coal, pallets, chips, sawdust, straw, peat, etc.) is becoming increasingly popular due to the rise in price of other energy carriers and enough cheap prices for solid fuel of natural origin. Such boilers also work only in a tandem with a water system for the delivery of coolant into heated rooms.

Advantages of TDK - reliable work, simple service, the possibility of self-installation of equipment, an inexpensive price, the possibility of using different solid fuels, the main types of which were listed above, the autonomy of work and controlling security systems, long-term combustion time of one fuel batch - from 18 hours to two days .

Negative moments in solid fuel boilers - low efficiency, requirements for constant stock, fuel need for separate room or building for storage, constant cleaning of chimney and combustion chambers from soot.

It doesn't matter how to make a house in frosts - it is important to cover it with heat loss.

So, the cold weather outside the window and the house begins to fall the temperature. So that the temperature in the house was comfortable in cold weather, each dwelling should be a heat generator. What acts as a heat generator - a boiler, a stove or a heat pump, not so important. It is important that its power is enough to cover the heat loss at home in the winter.

Well, and when "overboard" the temperature drops to -30c and -40c, it's time to "wind the bowler" on the full coil. How to warm the house in the frost - this is the question that puts any owner of a private house. We will consider it in terms of practice.

The better to give up a house in terms of convenience

What is better to fuck a house? Without a difference than, if only this fuel was available to you and by means. What is the point of consulting or gas that people nor the other resources are not available.

Of course, it is better to get a gas-natural house - natural (main), which enters your house on the pipe. This is the most convenient and cheapest type of fuel at the moment. And even after the government enters social norms on gas, this type of fuel will still remain the most affordable for people.

Of course, the most convenient type of fuel is a natural main gas.

How to dig a house in winter if there is no gas next to your site or the cost of connecting to the gas pipe excavation for 10,000,000 rubles? Next by convenience, but not cheaper, electricity should be. The most trouble-free energy carrier, for the installation of the equipment there is no need to make a lot of money. But a lot of money will need to pay for your sellers of electricity - the energy company in your area.

WHERE BETTY DOWN THE HOUSE, if there is no gas, and the dedicated electricity on your home ownership does not exceed 5 kilowatt? The following option in terms of convenience is. You will be brought before the start of the season tank with diesel and pour 3-5-10 tons of diesel fuel to your capacity depending on the power of your boiler and heated area.

If there is no such and you yourself go to refueling with the canes, then this option can be compared with the heating of waste oil. The same process of assembling conditionally free fuel. Only the burner for testing is just more expensive than the burner for diesel fuel. The cost of the diesel burner is 15-25 thousand rubles, the cost of the burner for the spent oil is from 60 thousand rubles. But the fuel is almost nothing.

Next to the convenience of use are pellets. The pellet boiler will require a disposable loading of fuel in front of the season if you have a large bunker for a 10-20 cubic meter pellets with pneumopod.
If not, then you will have to regularly download pellets into the bunker. Well, if you have an advanced bunker for pellets at 600-800 kilograms. If the standard is 200 kilograms (usually put such on the basic configurations of pellet boilers), then you will have to approach the boiler with pellet bags every day). And believe the practice, download pellets every day at the level of the head and pellets into the bunker - the occupation is not for weaknikov.

Further on the convenience of use of firewood and coal. Want to be a fireman or an extract in his own home? Then this option is for you.
There are, of course, coal boilers such as carborobot and wood convective and, which allow you to approach boilers and furnaces not so often.
However, the calibrated coal for carborobota needs not only specially prepare, but also get into your area somewhere.
Pyrolysis furnaces are not as good as they write about in advertising booklets sellers stoves.

Why did I not mention about Gazgolders and other conditionally autonomous sources of gas heating? Because the cost of installing equipment is easier to pay an entry fee for connecting to a trunk gas and in general to forget about problems with gas stations with gas.

The cheaper to fuck the house in winter

We looked at the better to get the house in terms of convenience. Now let's see, the cheaper to sculpt the house in winter, ranging from small minus temperatures and ending with the most real frosts.

The cheapest type of fuel is free fuel. Of course, completely free fuel does not happen. You spend money and your personal time to deliver fuel. However, if you abstract from the cost of delivery, then you can call.

Opil, trimming sawn timber, used packing cardboard, waste paper and cellulose production, straw, oil-worked oil - all this fuel is worthless. It is only necessary to find its sources and arrange delivery. If you succeed, you can damn your home in winter for free (conditionally of course).

If your oven allows you to burn anything in it - then your option is free fuel.

Than to pull a house without gas

How to dig a house in winter, if the "pipe with blue fuel" does not fit to your site and is unlikely to fit in the near future? It will fall off, do not hang the nose and decide how to pull the house without gas in the winter.

We went in order (according to the degree of costs):

  • firewood / coal,
  • exhaust oil
  • pellets,
  • heat of land (thermal pump),
  • diesel fuel,
  • electricity.

Here is such a "gentleman's set" in case Gazprom forgot about you and does not want to remember.

Heated area of \u200b\u200bthe house in the cold period

There is one option that will reduce the cost of home heating. Effective heated area of \u200b\u200bthe house is the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises in which you will maintain a comfortable temperature from + 18C to + 22C.
An efficiently heated area of \u200b\u200bthe house may include bedrooms, bathroom, living room. In the rest of the houses - pantry, boiler rooms - you can keep the temperature at the level of + 8c to + 12c. In Tambura and fuel warehouse, you can keep the temperature from + 5C to + 8c.

Thus, it is possible to strongly reduce the cost of heating the house as a whole, just lowered a constant temperature in those rooms where you are not constantly.

Close the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises in the house for the winter - and your home heating costs will decrease.