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In which year, Alexander Nevsky rules. Novgorod Prince Alexander. Biography of Prince Alexander Nevsky. Briefly

Neva Alexander Yaroslavovich (in monastic - Alexy) - grand Duke Kiev and Vladimir, outstanding Russian commander.



Father Nevsky, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, was Prince Pereyaslavsky, later - Vladimir and Kiev. Mother, Rostislav (Feodosia) Mstislavna, was a pronuncated of Toropetsk, the daughter of Mstislava, Prince of Novgorod and Galitsky.

In 1225, Svyatwer Simon, Bishop Suzdal, on the orders of Nevsky's father committed a dedication to the warriors over the small Alexander.

In 1234, when Alexander turned 13 years old, his first trip took place under the command of his father to Derpt, against the Livonians.

Foreign policy

One of the main directions of the foreign policy of Alexander Nevsky was the West.

In 1240, the Germans approached the Pskov himself, and the Swedes moved to Novgorod. July 15, 1240, Alexander suddenly attacked the Swedes, who stopped at the Neva camp. The prince defeated the Swedes in the battle, which was called Nevsky and gave nicking to the winner. Alexander himself fearlessly fought in the ranks of his warriors, and his tactic of the fight showed his commander talent.

In 1241, at the request of Novgorod, Alexander cleared the surroundings of Novgorod and Pskov from Livonian knights. On April 5, 1242, Nevsky broke the Germans on the Chief of Lake. The battle got the name of the ice traveling.

In 1245, Alexander defeated Lithuanians in the battle of Lake Lisa.

These victories strengthened the northern borders of Russia and forced the Germans to abandon their former conquests.

Several times of Innocent IV ambient, Pope, offering him to obey Catholic faith. Nevsky answered with refusal.

After the Nevsky stroke on the Vladimir throne, the Lithuanians again besieged Pskov. Alexander made a good trip.

The second issue of Nevsky in foreign Policy Eastern became a relationship with Tatar-Mongols.

In September 1246, Nevsky's father called to Karakorum to Khan, where he was treacherously poisoned. After the death of his father, Alexander himself went to the Horde. There he passed all the necessary rituals and became the admissory son of the Khan of Batya himself. Together with his brother Andrei Princehousehouses Hana in Mongolia. The brothers returned to Russia only in 1249.

In 1251, Alexander goes again in the Horde, causing a ropot of discontent in Russia with his frequent trips to Tatars. Some tend to see a betrayal in this, but most historians believe that Nevsky was a wise diplomat, which his trips restrained the Horde from new raids on Russia. However, soon after this trip, Tatars defeated the brother Nevsky, Andrei, who was forced to run abroad.

In 1258, Nevsky rides in the Horde for the third time to settle the issue with rebidden Novgorod.

The last time Nevsky came to the Horde in 1262 to deliver the Khan, who was angry with the murder of his collectors to Dani in Russia. From Horde Nevsky returned hard patients.

Domestic politics

The internal policy of Alexander Nevsky was aimed at strengthening cities.

By 1240, the prince strengthened the southwestern border of Novgorod on the Sheloni River.

Relations with Novgorod became one of the most important areas internal politicians Alexandra. Novgorod residents were very jealous of their liberty, and after the Nevsky battle, the Prince had a conflict with them. Nevsky retired to his father to Pereyaslavl, but soon the Novgorod residents were forced to humiliate their own pride, as Pskov captured Livonian knights: they asked to return to the princely throne of Alexander.

After the death of his father, Alexander became Prince of Kiev, but since Kiev by that time already loses his meaning, the prince prefers to live and rule in Novgorod. After the defeat of the Tatars of his brother Andrei Nevsky becomes prince Vladimir.

In 1257, Novgorod refused to participate in the census, which was conducted by Tatar-Mongols to cover all the tribute. Threatening in Tatar pogrom, in 1259 Nevsky forced the Novgorod residents to agree to the census. In 1262, in many Russian cities, Tatar collectors Dani - and Nevsky had to go to the Horde once again and settle the conflict.

Personal life

In 1239, according to the will of the Father, Alexander married Alexander (in the world - Paraskeva), the daughter of Bryachcholava, Prince Polotsk. The girl was not over the years and not in time is formed and read. Wedding took place in Toroptz, in the local temple of St. George. In 1240, Alexander gave birth in Novgorod the firstborn, who was named Vasily. Then they had three more sons (Dmitry, Andrei and Daniel) and the daughter of Evdokia.

With the name of Nevsky, the name of another woman is mentioned - some vassa. In the Princess Monastery of Vladimir, where, according to legend, the wife of Nevsky is resting, on the grave inscription: "Vassas". Some biographers argue that this is the second name of Alexandra, others write about the second wife of the Grand Prince.


Heavy patients returned Alexander from Horde after his last trip. There is a version according to which Nevsky was poisoned by Tatars. Host to take a shima named Alexia, Nevsky died on November 14, 1263 in the city. The prince was buried in the Vladimir Christmas monastery, but by order of Peter I, his power was postponed to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in St. Petersburg.

The main achievements of Nevsky

  • Nevsky showed his commander talent in battles with Swedes and Livonian knights. Rejected the threat from the West, Nevsky on long years Release the northern borders of Russia from attacks.
  • Nevsky was a wise diplomat, not assessed by his contemporaries: realizing that Russia is powerless before the Horde, diplomatic relations with Tatar khana. Moreover, he prevented the final extermination of Russia to Tatar-Mongols.
  • Nevsky strengthened the foundations of faith of Orthodox, refusing to Catholics in cooperation and itself is an example of the Orthodox Warrior and Prince.

Important dates of Nevsky's biography

  • 1221 - Birth
  • 1225 - Dedication to Warriors
  • 1234 - the first participation in the battle on the River Omovege
  • 1239 - Marriage to Alexandra
  • 1240 - Birth of the son of Vasily, victory over the Swedes in the Nevsky Battle
  • 1242 - victory over Livonian knights Child Lake
  • 1245 - victory over Lithuanians in the battle of Lake Lake
  • 1246 - death father
  • 1247 - Ride in Horde
  • 1248 - a trip to Mongolia
  • 1249 - Return to Rus
  • 1251 - the second trip to the Horde
  • 1258 - Third trip to the Horde
  • 1262 - Last trip to the Horde
  • 1263 - death

Interesting facts from the life of Nevsky

  • Alexandra, Nevsky's wife, was 16 years old, and she was already tonsured in a nun, when the Grand Duke Yaroslav ordered them to marry.
  • Tatar women were frightened by the name of Alexander Nevsky of their smaller children.
  • Nevsky did not lose any battle in his life.

One of the most prominent rulers of its time, a brilliant tactic and strategist, great commander, the main victories won in youth, Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky, historic portrait Which we will look at, was simply a man. He rose at the helm of a huge, but sputtered by invading Tatar-Mongols from the south-east and German Catholics from the West, the powers and could not just stay on the throne, but also to return the former greatness. He also turned out to be a wise thinker and philosopher, for which he was canonized, as a holy, having a lot of reverence in the people. So who was this comprehensively developed person really?

Alexander Nevsky: Brief biography of this Russian hero

The second one for the seniority of the son of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Prince Pereyaslavsky and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Grand Prince Novgorod, Vladimir and Kiev, received the name Alexander. His mother was the second wife of his father Rostislav, the daughter of Galician Prince Mstislav removed (good), who received the name of Feodosia in baptism. He appeared on the light in the town of Pereslavl-Zaless a warm spring day in May 1221. The family had nine or ten children, in different chronicle sources. Some researchers believe that in 1216, Prince Yaroslav divorced Rostislavoy and married the third time, on Feodosia (Efrosini), the daughter of the specific prince Ryazan Igor Glebovich. However, as it was in fact, find out difficult.

At the age of four, the Little Prince Alexander Nevsky, together with the elder brother, Fedor, who did not live and under fourteen years, and two younger, that they were completely more infants, accepted the so-called "Prince Toward". Thus called the rite of initiation in the warriors. Performed his bishop Suzdal Simon in the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral native city Alexandra Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Childhood and growing

In early December 1228, Prince Yaroslav decided to gather in a military campaign to Riga, because he was collected in Novgorod, where he left his older sons, Fyodor and Alexander. In view of the young age, Boyarin Fyodor Danilovich and Tiun. However, in February 1229, the provisions reserves were in the city on the outcome, when taking into account the Pereyaslav army, standing in the settlement, and the hunger began to mow the population. Guardians sent a petition for Yaroslav with a messenger about the abolition of a snack, special view The tax in the princely treasury, but did not receive the answer.

Fearing for the life of a prince in such a difficult situation, when a hungry riot, Tiun, and Boyar Fedor, could be blown up for a minute, and Boyar Fedor gathered and escaped from Novgorod. Two years later, in 1230 Novgorod, to extend freedom and impunity, called Prince Yaroslav to the throne. However, he did not sit in the city again. Pickuping only two weeks, he planted on the reign of Fyodor and Alexander, who at that time was ten and nine years. In Russia, the age of fourteen came in Russia, but there was a normal practice for the reign and ten-year rulers.

Only three years later, the elder brother Fedor was completely unexpectedly died on June 5, 1233, just before his own marriage. The cause of death remained unexplained to the present day. But in 1232, both brothers still had to take part in a huge battle on the omkov. Then, in the old age, Pope Gregory IX declared a crusade against Russian and Finnish pagans, but suffered a crushing defeat. All these events undoubtedly put a mark on the future prince Alexander Yaroslavich.

Personal qualities in the historic cut

Views on the characteristics and historical portrait of Alexander Nevsky in historians are different, and sometimes, even radically opposed. Many centuries were believed that he played a colossal role in history just when the threat was torn to Russia from three sides. The Russian modern historian Nikolai Borisov believes that today everyone considers his duty to give an assessment of the activity of Prince and prove that he cannonized him completely in vain, and his great commander and liberator of his allegedly made a church. There are three versions of the assessment of the personal qualities of Nevsky.

  • In the canonical version of the development of events, Prince Alexander Nevsky is exhibited by Saints. Without a single battle not lost in life, he allegedly managed to restrain the pressure of the Catholic West and agree with the rulers of the Golden Horde.
  • The representative of the Eurasianism Lev Gumilev looked at the question somewhat differently. He believed that Alexander was a kind of builder of the Russian-Ordane Union. He believed that in 1251 he traveled to the Horde, where he dreamed with the son of Batya Sartak, after which he himself received the title of Khan. According to Gumilev, it made it possible to establish a merger and synthesis of Mongol-Tatar and East Slavic culture.
  • A critical assessment for today is the most sought-after. Many historians believe that the prince moved exclusively pragmatism, and his actions in this vein brought more harm for the state as a whole than good. Sergey Smirnov, Igor Danilevsky and even John Lister Illingworth Fennel, Professor Oxford University, offer to overestimate his merit, when taking into account evidence that Alexander describe, as a person of a very powerful and cruel, not knowing pity and compassion.

According to the interpretation of the latter, the threats from the Livonian Order were significantly exaggerated, and and with the Horde could be fighting, she did not imagine a big threat. They believe that the prince led Mongol-Tatar on Russia only solely for the sake of strengthening his own influence and power. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences And Doctor of Historical Sciences Valentin Jan wrote that it was Nevsky who spread the power of the Horde to Novgorod, who never inclined to Igog, and all the dissenting citizens simply sharpened his eyes to see less. It puts under big question, is such a holy Alexander Nevsky, how will it want to put orthodox Church.

The Board of Alexander Nevsky: Stubborn Facts

Starting from 1236, Yaroslav leaves Novgorod completely on the management of the young prince, and himself goes to pronomize in Kiev. Two years later, he went from there to Vladimir, and never returned back. It can be said that from now on, the independent years of the reign of Alexander Nevsky and his victorious trips begin.

Beginning of the Board in Novgorod

During the time from 1237 to 1238, just when the raids of Tatar-Mongols began on Russia in its northeastern part, Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich was waiting for Warriors Svyatoslav and Yaroslav, and did not wait. Moreover, the Horde stood two weeks near the siege under Torzh, but he didn't put it in Novgorod, which surprises the historians of modernity. Perhaps Alexander has already found mutual language with invaders. And the neighbors of the Novgorod residents did not differ peacefully. For example, in 1237, more than two hundred soldiers from Pskov took part in the campaign of the Order of the Middle Mares against the Lithuanian Principality, which ended with the defeat battle of Saul, but in December 1237 Roman Pope Gregory IX declared a second crusade against the pagans in Finland.

In June of the next year, Waldemar II Victorious and Hermann Balk, who at that time was Landmaster of the Teutonic Order in Germany and Livonia, agreed to divide the Estonia and attack Russian principality, with a connection to combat actions of the Swedish powerful and well-armed swedish military. In the late summer of 1240, the Swedish fleet led by the ruler himself by the Yarl Birger (Birger Magnusson) and several Catholic bishops entered the Neva, going to capture to start the lady, which was considered a strategic object.

On the throne: Battle of Lake Music

When Alexander Nevsky found out that the invaders are moving deep into the state, he did not work general collection, expect scums from Father from Vladimir. Taking only their squad, that is, professional trained warriors, without collecting militia among the people, but using spontaneously organized detachments of those who want to fight, came to towards the enemy. On June 15, he was completely defeated by Swedish detachments. Further events developed quite rapidly.

  • In August of the same year, the onset of the Order began, which agreed with Yaroslav Vladimirovich Prince Pskov and Novotorzhsky. They headed for the Izborsk, defeating the detachment of Pskovichi from eight hundred people, and stood siege under the walls of Pskov. The boyar traitors opened the gate them and let go to the city. Novgorod, without fear of provecha, drove Alexander on his victob.
  • After a short time, the German army captured the land of the people, and the fortress of Coporye on the elevation of Izhora. Then Novgorod was frightened and sent the embassy to Yaroslav to return Prince. He decided to send them the younger son of Andrei, but they demanded Alexander. In 1241, he arrived in Novgorod and quickly dealt with all the enemies in the surrounding lands.
  • In 1242, Help Alexander went to help from Vladimir, led by Andrey Yaroslavich. Common forces Rusichi took Pskov, destroying more than seven tens of knights. The Germans fled and gathered near Yuryev. Runing into battle, Nevsky appreciated their advantage and retreated the waters of the lake for the decisive battle.
  • On April 5, 1242, the Order struck the crushing blow to the front of the Russian troops and many thought that the defeat was inevitably. However, the end of the battle decided from the flannels. The Novgorod chronicle states that the Russians more than seven miles of challenge dressed in heavy iron lats of the knights on ice until they hit a thin place, where they "cung itch."

In 1245, the Lithuanians attacked Torzok, but who came to Nevsky with Novgorod, with disgrace, traveled them from there. After that, he let go of the militia and caught up and devoted and finished the unfortunate Lithuanians who, after that, began to "obey his name." Meanwhile, the father of Alexander Yaroslav was called in Karakorum, the capital of the Horde, where he was poisoned at the end of September 1246.

Achievements and interesting facts from the life of Alexander Nevsky

According to the hereditary laws in Russia, after the death of his father, his eldest son becomes the ruler. A year after that, the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexander Nevsky himself went to Karakorum to Khan. He returned only a year later in the 1249th and surprised to find him younger brother Mikhail took the Novgorod Principality at Uncle Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, but the reign of him lasted for a long time, he was killed in battle with Lithuanians. Baty wanted to see in the throne of Vladimir Alexander, but his father decided in his own way before his death. He bequeathed to sit in Novgorod, and Andrei put in Vladimir. As a result, Nevsky received Novgorod, Kiev and "All Russian Earth."

Some sources indicate that the Roman dad of Innocent IV sent a few letters to Alexander Nevsky to turn to Catholicism and completely exclude the threat of the attack of the Tutons. In addition, the Knights of the Order were to help with the attacks of Tatar-Mongols. In 1251, the ambassador of Pope and Bullah arrived at the courtyard. However, refraining and consulting with wise people, he answered in polite refusal, saying to them: "Si all we will eat good, but do not accept exercises from you." In the same year, it was concluded by a non-aggression pact with the King of Norway by Khakon IV old. After three years, even "distinctive grades" appeared, which divided the spheres of influence and collecting Dani from Karelov and Saamov.

While Alexander traveled again in the Horde and back, on his brother Andrei, that the rules at that time, Vladimir, spoke not to the troops. They attacked Pskov, where the Russians were entrenched, and defeated them, but the city did not rip off. When Andrei escaped to Sweden, the older brother automatically became the prince there. Many historians believe that Alexander and waited for this development of events, and his brother was pursued by his pointed. But it was not calmly to rule, because a new war with Western neighbors broke out. In 1253, his son had already reflected the attacks of Teutons to Novgorod and nearby land.

By 1255, Novgorod residents decided to get rid of the eldest son Alexander Vasily and tried to call on the reign of Yaroslav Yaroslavich. However, the father did not allow the prince of this, he forcibly returned Vaska to the throne, and Posadani Onanue, who spoke for all kinds of liberty, ordered to replace the prisoner and obedient Michael Stoot. Two years later, the Mongolian census began in Vladimir, Ryazan and Murom, but about Novgorod stumbled. Vasilia, who sympathized with the people, but could not go to the father either, had to be rerated in Pskov, and his father appointed the younger son Dmitry in his place. Many then were punished, as the chronicler writes "Owm nose cut, and in a different eye of the wiser." In 1261, the Union was finally concluded between Novgorod and the Grand Durability Lithuanian.

Personal life and death of Alexander Nevsky

On the personal qualities of Prince, called Nevsky, many have a fairly controversial opinion. Yes, and about personal and family life knows little. Chronicles for some reason preferred to describe his military, and not love victories. Nevertheless, something else can be excreted from vintage scrolls.

Wives and children

It is known that Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky was married twice. One of his spouse, Polotsk Princess, the daughter of the prince of Bryachliva Vasilkovich, wore the name Alexander. I could not identify the second, it is known only that the name was its vassa. Nikolai Karamzin doubted that the prince was married twice, he believed that this name belongs to Alexandra itself, but in monastic. About children know a little more.

  • Vasily, born until 1245, became Prince of Novgorod.
  • Dmitry, which emerged in the 1250th, managed to visit the prince of Novgorod, Pereyaslav and even the Grand Duke Vladimir.
  • Andrei, that was born around 1255, became the prince of Kostromsky, Novgorod, Gorodetsky and even Grand Duke Vladimir.
  • Daniel, born in 1261, received the Moscow Principality and became the first in the list of his rulers.
  • Evdokia's daughter, about the date of her birth, there is no information, became the wife of Konstantin Smolensky.

And the daughter, and the wife of Prince Alexander Nevsky were buried in one place, namely in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, that in Vladimir.

Residence and death of the Great Command

Most of the life of the prince Alexander spent in the campaigns, but returning, he was driving in a hot-beloved Vladimir or Novgorod. There were his residences, both inside the city wall and beyond. Start in Kiev he did not like. The city ruled by Tatar-Mongol raids lost all values \u200b\u200bfor him, and the Kiev themselves did not particularly complain the prince, which was friends with the invaders-orders. Because the main residence of the ruler can still be called the Novgorod settlement.

In 1262, antiordan uprisings began to break out throughout Russia, for example, the flame of hatred was covered by Ryazan, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Vladimir and other cities. There simply killed Mongolian builders of Dani and whispers. Therefore, the newly minted Khan Burke demanded to provide him with people for the goodwill. Understanding what it can turn around, Alexander went to the Horde to negotiate with stupid Khan not to do this.

He did his job, but for some reason why he strongly stunned. I barely coming home, the prince accepted Schima under the name Alexy, after which almost immediately died on November 14, 1263. As Nevsky died, why it happened whether it was angry intent, poisoning, as in the case of his father or some disease, most likely, will remain for the descendants of the mystery. I buried him in the Christmas monastery of the city of Vladimir, but in 1724 the King Peter first, with honor, exhumed his power and reburied them in the Alexander Nevsky Monastery of St. Petersburg.


Many chronicles noted that during the funeral of Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky, the real miracle was accomplished. Turning into the coffin in the temple until November 23, that is, nine days, he did not succumb to decomposition, and the remains of him themselves were mummified. Historians believe that the body of the prince was simply fined salt, as well as fragrant oils and herbs, along the ancient Varangi custom, but as was really unknown.

Alexander Nevsky in the memory of the people

Many testimonies of wonderful events that took place with the body of the deceased Alexander Nevsky, historians immediately mark, but to explain all the coincidence or blurred consciousness, it turns out not always. So, for example, a sleepy pearler saw something incomprehensible, in the form of an angel over a crypt. When the coffin was discovered, the relics of the prince were so awesome. In the sixteenth century, the Nikonov and Voskresensk chronicles were compiled, in which there is a mention that the power burned in the fire on May 23, 1491 ("The Body of Prince Great Alexander Nevsky Zgorod"). However, after a century, when rewriting the scrolls, a new insert appeared, as if people had a vision, as Alexander on horse raised to heaven in shine.

In 1547 on Universal Cathedral Prince Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky was ranked as saints and entered into all church books. In 1790, Queen Elizabeth Petrovna ordered to make his silver cancer for the relics, instead of a carved wooden. It was necessary to spend more ninety pounds of pure silver. Interestingly, in May 1922, cancer was opened, she was going to send it to the Atheism Museum and Religion, and what was found there shocked everyone. There were several bones in the box and they were all different colorWhat testifies to their belonging to various mummies.

But after all the events, Alexander Nevsky is still revered as a saint, but the memory of him has been preserved not only in church saints. In honor of him, Square, Avenues and Streets in different cities are named. In times great Patriotic WarNamely in the 42nd year of the twentieth century, the Order of Alexander Nevsky, who was awarded fighters for personal courage, manifested courage and heroism. To reconstruct the image of the prince on it, the architect of calves used the appearance of the actor, who played this colorful character in the movie in 1938 Nikolai Cherkasov.

Nevsky has many books as artistic and scientific research. Boris Vasilyev and Lydia Obukhov, Vasily Yang, Alexander Segeng and many others wrote about him. Monuments, sculptures and monuments are a great prince in Pskov, Kursk and of course, in Veliky Novgorod and Vladimir. They are in St. Petersburg, Suzdal, Moscow, Kharkov, Volgograd, Alexandrov, Vitebsk, Chita, and in Kaliningrad, the monument opened quite recently, April 18, 2018. The image of a great commander, honest and fair husband was repeatedly used in movies. In the 1984 tape, called "Mr. Veliky Novgorod", played by Alexander Francevich-Laie, in the lives of Alexander Nevsky, 1991 - Anatoly Gargul. In the adventure film "Druzhina" from 2015, in the main role of Little Prince Alexander is busy Nikita Morozov.

In 2008, in the All-Russian voting of Internet users on the theme of the Great Worker in the history of Russia, the name of Prince Alexander Nevsky was put in first place. He scored 524,575 votes. Petr Stolypin took second place - 523,766 votes, the third - Joseph Stalin - 519 071. At the same time, however, the activities of Alexander Nevsky is assessed by historians ambiguous

Biography of Prince Alexander Nevsky. Briefly

  • 1221 - Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Daughters of Prince Prince Mstislav Mstislavich Rostislav Feodosia was born the second son Alexander

    Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Son of the famous prince Vsevoloda-great nest, I had a rich biography. Princessed in relevance (1200-1206), Pereyaslavl-Zalessky (1212-1238), Kiev (1236-1238, 1243-1246), Vladimir (1238-1246), four times - in Veliky Novgorod Novgorod (1215, 1221-1223, 1226 -1229, 1231-1236)

  • 1230 - Yaroslav - again the prince of New Year, but lives in his native Pereyaslavl. In Novgorod, the sons remained instead - Senior Fedor and Jr. Alexander
  • 1233 - Fedor, Alexander's brother, died and Alexander remained pronomized in Novgorod one
  • 1234 - The victorious battle of the squad of Yaroslav with German knights on the river Omwork (modern Emayigi River in Estonia), in which Alexander participated
  • 1236 - Yaroslav moved his princes the throne in Kiev. Novgorod completely switched to Alexander

    "Novgorod, built on the banks of Volkhov, not far from the source of this river, arising from Ilmen Lake, was at the crossroads of trade routes, important as for Kievan RusAnd for the whole of Northern Europe. In the XI-XIII centuries, Novgorod was a big, well-organized city. His Kremlin has been strengthened stone wall and included Sophia Cathedral (Also also repository of state documents) and the Episcopian courtyard. Opposite the Kremlin was a bargaining, the evening area, courtyards of ingenic merchants and the church of merchant corporations. Wolchow's shores were divided into pier and densely stolen by ships and boats different countries and cities. In the periphery of the city there were monasteries. The city was paved with wooden bridges, relative to which there was even a special charter about stories. In the XII-XIII centuries, the main population of Novgorod was artisans of a wide variety of specialties: blacksmiths, potters, masters of gold and silver cases, many masters specializing in the manufacture of a certain type of products - shchers, archers, saddles, combers, nails, etc. Relations Novgorod was associated with Kiev and Byzantia, with Volga Bulgaria and Caspian countries, with Gotland and all southern Baltic. Real power in the city belonged to Boyam. Novgorod boyars many times showed his will in relation to great princes and princes-governors, whom Kiev sent to Novgorod. In the last quarter of the XI century, the chronicle of the notice of the beginning of the reign of a new prince has significantly changed; Previously talked: Grand Duke Kiev "Posadi" Prince in Novgorod. Now they began to say: Novgorod "Introduce" Prince to yourself. In the XII - XIII centuries, the princes of Novgorod were essentially hired military leaders "(B. A. Rybakov" World of History ")

  • 1237 - 1238 - Rule of Mongol-Tatars Northeast Russia
  • 1238, Spring - Yaroslav left the princely throne in Kiev and moved to the "capital" of Northeastern Russia Vladimir
  • 1239 - Victory Hiking of Yaroslav against Lithuanians and Princes of South Rus, in which Alexander participated
  • 1239 - Alexander married the daughter of Prince Polotsk
  • 1240 - The campaign of the Swedes in Novgorda lands in order to strengthen in the mouth of the Neva to cut off Novgorod from the sea
  • 1240, June 15 - the successful battle of the Novgorod squad under the guidance of Alexander with the Swedes near the imposition of the Izhora River. Victory brought Alexander the name "Nevsky"

    "IN ancient chronicles It does not meet this nickname: he is called Alexander in the Novgorod Chronicles, as well as the Novgorod Prince and the Great Prince in the Lavrentiev Chronicles. Nicknieu Nevsky at Alexander appears in the community arrangements of the end of the XV century "(" Around the World "No. 10, 2016)

  • 1240, Late Autumn - Knights of the Livonian Order captured Pskov, Polokorier's polish, Izborsk - in the west of the Novgorod land
  • 1240-1241, autumn-winter - Alexander Nevsky "did not come down in character" with Novgorod boyarism and moved to his father to Pereyaslavl
  • 1241 - Novgorod people turned for help from Alexander Nevsky
  • 1241 - Alexander liberated Coporye, Izborsk
  • 1242 - Alexander's squad liberated Pskov and entered the territory of the Order. The squad of the Governor of the Nevsky Domasha Tverdislavich was defeated, and Nevsky with a friend retreated to the eastern shore of the Church of the Lake (the Church of Lake was the border between the lands of Novgorod and the Order)
  • 1242, April 5 - the victorious battle of Alexander Nevsky with Livonian knights on the Ice of the Church of the Lake, who was in history called the Ice Battery

    The Ice Learning Map in the textbook is familiar to many generations of Russians. Although in historical sources there is no fact that the plan for building troops with arrows: the composition of the participants in this battle, the exact location, loss of the parties is unknown. None of the document is mentioned by knights falling under the ice. And authoritative historians Vasily Klyuchevsky and Mikhail Pokrovsky do not mention the battle on the Church of the Lake in their detailed and volumetric works. Moreover, in the 1950s, the expedition of the institute of archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR did not do on the intended place to travel important finds. Livonian "rhymed chronicle" tells us about the 20 dead and 6 captured knights. A later "Chronicle of Grassmasters" speaks of the death of 70 "Order of the Lord" (together with the died in the battle of Pskov). Novgorod chronicle assures that our 400 Germans, another 50 captured, and Estonian militia fell "no number." It is clear that every kulik his swamp praises: Livonian chroniclers write, as if for each German there were 60 Russians. But these exaggeration seem innocent compared to the version stalin's era: Most of the 15 thousand participants died in the ice, the cross of the "Cross campaign of Teutons on Russia". (It is important) to understand what happened in the Baltic States in the XII-XIII centuries. Crusading, of course, did not smell. In the buffer area on the territory of Latvia, Estonia and the Pskov region occurred by internecine shortness. Swedes and their allies Suomi made raids in 1142, 1164, 1249, 1293, 1300 years. Novgorod residents at the same time with Kareli invaded in 1178, 1187, 1198. Blocks and unions have formed the most bizarre. In 1236, the Lithuanians were broken under the shawl of the Teutonic Order, on the side of which allied Pskovichi was fighting - "Two-hundred", as the chronicle claims. And the background of the ice clogging, according to the chronicles, is as follows: In 1242, Prince Alexander Nevsky seized the German fortress Coporye, suppressed the unhappy in Pskov and led the army in the land of Cuddle (Estonians), allowing to fight "in healing" (that is, to ruin farms). But, having received a tick, Nevsky turned back, and the whole cash ordinance strength and evalted Estonians rushed to him. They caught up on the Chief of the Lake - no one in the right mind will not be planned in advance the battle on the ice in early April! ("Arguments of the Week", No. 34 (576) of 08/31/2017)

  • 1242 - the Order sent an embassy in Novgorod with a refusal of all claims to Russian lands, a request to the exchange of prisoners and the proposal of the world. The world was concluded

    "The Nevsky Battle and Ice Battle were only two episodes in history complex relationship between the Teutonic Order, Novgorod, Pskov, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden. The goals of the Swedes and the Order, who tried to turn into the Catholicism, the pagan tribes of Kurys, Livov, Esta, Zemgalov and establish themselves on their lands, came across the interests of Pskov and Novgorod, who collected a tribute there and traded. On the side of Novgorod, Prince Alexander was performed. Armed conflicts occurred after 1242: so, in the 1253rd, the Germans burned Pskov Posad. There were examples and friendly communication. In 1231, it was the Germans that the Novgorod residents were saved from hunger, "foul with life and mouth" ("around the world")

  • 1243 - Alexander Nevsky's father Grand Prince Vladimir Yaroslav received a label of the reign from Khan in Vladimir and Kiev
  • 1245 - In the battles at Toroptz, Thiege and Combat (Smolensk and Vitebsk Lands), Alexander inflicted defeats the Lithuanians who invade Novgorod possessions
  • 1246, September 30 - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich died - Father Alexander Nevsky
  • 1247 - Great Prince Vladimir House recognized Brother Yaroslav Svyatoslav
  • 1247, Autumn - Alexander and his younger brother Andrei went to Baty to protest against the Nazynia Svyatoslav Grand Prince. The mission ended with luck. Alexander received Kiev, Andrei - Vladimir
  • 1248 - Alexanda Nevsky Correspondence with Pope Roman. In a letter to Prince Innokenty IV, he offered "Alexander, Prince Suzdalsky" to connect with the Roman Church, and in the event of the next attack of the Tatars, to seek help from the Teutonic Order and to the Holy See Holy See. Alexander's answer is definitely unknown, but it is assumed that he was evasive, although Alexander offered to build a Catholic temple in Pskov
  • 1249 - Return of Alexander Handray in Russian Earth. Alexander did not go to the ruined Kiev, remaining in Novgorod, Andrei "Sel" in Vladimir, and, marrying his daughter on Daniel Galitsky's daughter, Poshusl to lead independent of the Golden Horde politics
  • 1251 - The ruin of the Tatars of the Vladimir Principality, flight of Andrei in Sweden
  • 1252 - Great Prince Vladimirsky recognized by Tatarmi Alexand Nevsky. In Novgorod, he left the governor of his son Vasily

    "In 1251, Alexander arrived in the Orda Batya, became friends, and then he quit his son Sartak, as a result of which he became a foster son of Khan. The Union of Horde and Russia was carried out due to the patriotism and dedication of Prince Alexander (L. Gumilev)
    (Documents confirming the message Gumileva not found)

  • 1255 - Novgorod people expelled Vasily
  • 1255 - Alexander's campaign with army to Novgorod. The case ended with negotiations and peace. Vasily returned to the governor
  • 1256 - Hike Alexander Nevsky in Southeast Finland. Destroyed outposts of the Swedes, but with the departure of Russian Swedish power was restored
  • 1257 - Tatar attempt to endure Tanny Novgorod. The uprising of the Novgorod residents under the guidance of Vasily. Alexander Nevsky's squad brutally crossed the rebellion (cut off the noses, scattered eyes), Vasily was expelled
  • 1259 - the same story. Alexander Nevsky, fulfilling the role of the Tatar ally, again suppressed the rebellion of Novgorod, refusing to pay tribute to Tatars
  • 1262 - Tatar Khan Berke unleashed the war against Iran Hulang ruler and began to demand the help of Russian troops. Alexander Nevsky went to the Horde in an attempt to convince Khan to give up this idea. The case it ended - it is unknown, but on the way back Alexander fell ill and
  • November 14, 1263 in the town of Volga died. Before death, he accepted by the post under the name of Alexy
  • 1547 - The Orthodox Church officially canonized and counted to the face of Saints Alexander Nevsky

    "In the face of terrible tests that collapsed on Orthodox lands in the first half of the XIII century, Alexander - almost the only one of the secular rulers - did not doubt his spiritual right, did not hesitate in his faith, did not get away from his God. Refusing joint action jointly with Catholics against the Horde, he suddenly becomes the last powerful stronghold of Orthodoxy, the last defender Total orthodox world. And the people understood and accepted this, asking for real Alexander Yaroslavich, all cruelty and injustice, which were saved by many evidence of the Old Russian chronicles. The defense of the ideals of Orthodoxy has redeemed (but did not justify how many modern historians do it) his political presets. Could the ruler of the Orthodox Church not recognize the holy? Apparently, so he cannonized not as the righteous, but as a blessed prince "(I. A. Danilevsky, Russian historian)

    Two points of view on the activities of Alexander Nevsky

    - An outstanding commander who won all the battles in which he participated, who combined decisiveness with the calculation, a man of great personal courage. Thin politician. Defender of Russian lands from the Crusaders and Orthodoxy - from the onslaught of Catholicism
    - I recognized the Supreme Power of Mongol-Tatars, not attempted to organize resistance to them, contributing to incapanates in establishing a system of exploitation of Russian lands


    1942, July 29 - Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, established the Order of Alexander Nevsky for outstanding services in organizing and managing combat operations and for the successes achieved as a result of these operations. The Order was awarded the commanders of the Red Army. The sketch of the Order was developed by architect Igor Tolenikov. Since the prince's lifetime images did not exist, he took the photo of the actor N. Cherkasov as a photograph, who performed the main role in the film Eisenstein
  • Alexander Nevsky (born on May 30, 1220, died on November 14, 1263) - Saint, Grand Duke Vladimirsky, Son of the Grand Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich and Feodosia, daughter Mstislav removed. Youth Alexander spent in Novgorod, where he reigned with Brother Fedor (mind 1233), under the leadership of two Suzdal boyars, and from 1236 on its own. In 1239, he married Alexander, the daughter of Bryachchloha Polotsk.

    In 1240, the Swedes who challenged in Novgorod residents in Finland, moved to the papal bull on the crusade, under the leadership of Birger, to Novgorod, but Alexander broke them when the Izhora fell into the Neva (Birger, "placing a stamp on the face of a sharp copy"). This battle gave Alexander the name of Nevsky (see the Nevsky Battle).

    In the same year, he quarreled with Novgorod, who limited his power, and went to Pereyaslavl. But there was a war with the swords, who were connected to the Teutonic Order, won in the 1240 Pskov region, took in 1241 Pskov, built a fortress in Coporya, took the tests and laid the tribute to the water. The Germans began to rob merchants in 30 versts from Novgorod. Novgorod residents sent Lord with boyars to Alexander; He returned, in 1241 dismantled Coporye, in 1242 - Pskov, moved to the Livonia and on April 5, 1242, the heads of the Germans on the ice of the Lake (""). According to the peace prisoner, the Germans refused to conquer and returned the prisoners.

    Ice afternoon Alexander Nevsky. Painting V. Nazawa, 1984

    In 1242 and 1245, Alexander Nevsky won a number of victories over Lithuanians; In 1256, to intimidate the Swedes, empty (Finland).

    After the death of his father, Alexander and Brother Andrei went in 1247 in the Orda to Batya, and from there, according to the will of the latter, - to Great Hanu in Mongolia. Andrei received the first in the meaning of the Vladimir table, Alexander - Kiev and Novgorod. Andrei did not reveal with the Tatars; In 1252, the Tatar hordes of Nurse were moved on it. Andrei fled to Novgorod, and then to Sweden. At this time, Alexander was in Horde and received a label to Vladimir.

    Fighting Alexander Nevsky with Swedes and Germans

    North there, Alexander Nevsky prevented the emergence of useless rebellions on the then and tried to be suburior to Khan to deliver the benefits to Russian land. In Novgorod, Alexander landed his son, Vasily. In 1255, the Novgorodians expelled him, inviting the princess Yaroslav Yaroslavich Tver. But Alexander moved to Novgorod and restored Vasily. In 1257, unrest were resumed in Novgorod, caused by rumors about the intention of the Tatar to make a census to cover the residents of the vigorous tribute. Vasily was on the side of Novgorod, but Alexander sent him to Suzdal and cruelly punished his advisers.

    In 1258, Alexander Nevsky traveled to the Horde "to honor" the influential dignitary caught and in 1259 prompted Novgorod to agree to the Tatar census. In 1262, an uprising appeared in Suzdal, Vladimir, Rostov, Pereyaslavl and Yaroslavl, caused by Tatars - Dani whirls. Alexander again went to the Horde, turned his pogrom of Russian cities and exhaust for them exemption from the preparation of militia for the Tatars.

    Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. Icon

    On the way back, Alexander Nevsky died in the city of Volzhsky. Metropolitan Kirill, arranged in Vladimir about the death of Alexander, expressed her public mood with the words: "He is my sweet, desire, Jaco Zaid the Sun of the Russian Earth." Alexander Nevsky was the most close-figure figure in Russian history from Vladimir Monomakh to Dmitry Donskoy. His memory is surrounded by poetic legends. The church ranked Alexander to the Family of Saints. Its relics are open in 1380, and in 1724 were postponed to St. Petersburg, Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

    About Alexandra Nevsky is either good or nothing. The real historical figure is lost for the chanting of the exploits of the Russian prince. Analysis of historical sources shows that the figure of Alexander Nevsky is not devoid of intrigue.

    Deadian Horde

    According to the relationship between Alexander Nevsky, historians still argue with the Horde. Scholar Eurasian Lev Gumilev wrote that in 1251, Alexander Nevsky dreamed with the son of Batia Sartak, "as a result of which he became the son of Khan and in 1252 he led the Tatar Corps to Russia with experienced Neuon." According to Gumileva, Alexander confidently created an alliance with the Golden Ord, and this Union is not considered as a yoke, but as benefit.

    The scientist declares that during the days of Alexander Nevsky there was a political and military union of Russia with the Horde.
    According to another version, more common, Alexander Nevsky had no other exit, and he chose a smaller of two angry. West pressure, Rome's desire to spread in Russia Catholicism forced Alexander to make concessions to the East, because he was tolerated to Orthodoxy. Thus, Alexander Nevsky retained Orthodox Russia.

    But the historian Igor Danilevsky focuses on the fact that sometimes in the chronicle sources, Alexander Nevsky acts by the power-loving and cruel manwho went to the Union with Tatars to strengthen personal power.

    But the most rigid assessment of the "Tatarophilia" of Nevsky belongs to Academician Valentina Janina: "Alexander Nevsky, concluding an alliance with the Horde, subjugated to Novgorod to Ordigo influence. He distributed the Tatar government to Novgorod, who was never conquered by Tatars. And he focused her eyes into disagreement Novgorod, and a lot of sins of all sins. "

    In 1257, the news came to Novgorod that the Horde wants to take Tamga and Tith from Novgorod. At that time, the son of Alexander, Vasily, and Nevsky himself in Vladimir himself, in Veliky Novgorod. Novgorod residents refuse to pay tribute to Horde, and Alexander is equipped with an punishable campaign for a repeated city. Vasily Alexandrovich runs to the neighboring Pskov. But soon the father overtakes him sends "to the bottom", in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, and the same, "Who Vasilla led to Evil", executed: "Owm nose is cut, and in a wisdom of wishes." The Novgorod residents killed Alexandrov Miller Plantman Mikhalko Stepanich for it.


    IN lately There is a sustainable opinion that Western Europe Russia seriously threatened, and therefore the value of the Nevsky battles won by Alexander Nevsky battle. We are talkingIn particular, about the understatement of the importance of victory in the Nevsky Battle.

    For example, historian Igor Danilevsky notes that "Swedes, judging by the" Chronicle of Erica ", in detail about the events in the region in the XIII century., In general, they managed not to notice this battle."

    However, such an assessment objects the largest Russian specialist in the history of the Baltic region Igor Shashlysky, noting that "in the medieval Sweden until the beginning of the XIV century, large narrative writings on the history of the country of the city of Russian chronicles and large Western European chronicles were created.

    The depreciation is also exposed to the ice side. The battle is represented by a battle in which numerous troops ran. Relying on the information of the "senior Livonian rhymed chronicles", which indicates only 20 kits during the battle of the knights, some experts speak of a minor scale of the battle. However, according to the historian Dmitry Volodikhin, the Chronicle did not take into account the losses among those who participated in the battle of Danish mercenaries, the Baltic tribes, as well as the militia, who were the backbone of the army.

    Some historians calculate the army of Alexander Nevsky at 15-17 thousand people, and the German warriors opposed him - 10-12 thousand. It happens more - 18 thousand to 15.

    However, on the 78th page of the Novgorod first chronicle of the elderly, it is written: "... and Pade Chyudi Bebysslah, and the German 400, and 50 Yasha's hands and brought in Novgorod." The figure grows in the next annals, the youngerie: "... and Pade Chyudi Bebysslah, and German 500, and Yasha and brought in Novgorod with 50 hands."

    The Lavrentievsky chronicle lays the entire story about the battle of three lines and does not even indicate the number of soldiers and those killed. Apparently, it does not matter and not significantly?
    "The lives of Alexander Nevsky" - the source is more artistic than the documentary. In it, in general, another angle of view: spiritual. And from the spiritual side, sometimes one person is stronger than thousands.

    You can not go around the successful hiking of Alexander Nevsky against the German, Swedish and Lithuanian feudals. In particular, in 1245, Alexander was defeated by the Lithuanian prince Mindovgu, who attacked Torzhok and Bezhecks. Moreover, released Novgorod residents, Alexander forces their squads pursued the remains of the Lithuanian troops, during which the Lithuanian detachment was crushed under the commmed. In total, judging by the sources that came to us, Alexander Nevsky conducted 12 military operations and did not lose in any one.

    How many wives?

    In the life of Alexander Nevsky, it was reported that in 1239, St. Alexander entered into marriage, taking the daughter of Polotsk Prince Bryachland into his wife. Some historians say that the princess in the Holy Baptism was TezoMenitis to his Holy Spouse and wore the name of Alexander. At the same time, you can find reports that there was another wife: "Alexandra was buried in the Cathedral of the Monastery - the first wife of Prince, Vassa is his second spouse and daughter Evdokya." This is what is written in the "Story of the State of the Russian" N.M. Karamzin: "

    According to the death of the first spouse, the name of Alexandra, the daughter of Polotsky Prince Bryachcholava, Nevsky was combined with a second marriage with an unknown for us by the prostate vasso, which body lies in the Assumption Monastery Vladimir, in the Church of the Nativity of Christ, where his daughter, Evdokia is buried and the daughter.

    And yet, the existence of the second wife Alexander is in doubt and historians and ordinary peoplewho read the holy prince Alexander Nevsky. There is even the opinion that Vassa is the monastic name of Alexandra Bryachitalovna.

    Overcoming brother

    It is known that in 1252, Alexander Nevsky's brother, Andrei Yaroslavich, was expelled from Vladimir's reign sent to him by the Nursery Reli. In common opinion, the prince was deprived of a label for non-appearance in the Horde, however, there are no information about the challenge of Andrei Yaroslavich in the barn.
    In the chronicles it is said that Alexander traveled to the Don to the son of Batiya Sartak and complained that Andrei received a grand-axle table not for seniority and did not pay the Mongols of Dan.

    Dmitry Zenin's historian is inclined to see the initiator of the overthrow of Andrei his brother Alexander, since, in his opinion, the Bati was not particularly understood in all the intricacies of Russian interclause accounts and could not accept such responsibility.

    Moreover, some researchers under the name "Nerya" imply Alexander Nevsky himself. The basis for this is the fact that the Neva at the Lreamgal language sounded like "Nebr". In addition, it is rather strange that the name of the commander of Nurse, who was the rank above the Damenka anywhere else is not mentioned.


    Prince Alexander Nevsky is canonized as bold. Due to the Soviet propaganda, this ruler seems most often as a successful warrior (he really did not lose any battle in his entire life!) And it seems that he has become famous only with his military merits, and holiness has become something like "rewards" from Churches.

    Why was it canonized? Not only for the fact that the prince did not go to the Union with Latinians. Surprisingly, his efforts in the Golden Horde was created orthodox diocese. And the preaching of Christianity spread to the north - in the land of Pomorov.
    To this face of saints - fabulous - the laity, famous for the sincere deep faith and good deeds, as well as the Orthodox rulers who managed to remain faithful Christ in various political conflicts in their state ministry and in various political conflicts. "Like any Orthodox holy, the blessed prince is not an ideal sinless person at all, but this is primarily the ruler, guided in his life, primarily by the highest Christian virtues, including mercy and humans, and not the thirst for power and not careful."