Repairs Design Furniture

Staging dedicated to February 23. IX. Distribution Fear from Roman B. Vasilyeva. VIII. Excursion in history. The Great Patriotic War



Petrov, Sidorov, Burakov - Soldiers and others.

Part 1. On the construction.

The ensign is bypass.

Sidorov! Sidorov! Where is the sidor?!

Sidorov appears, it becomes in operation.

Yes, here I ...

Still would! As Sailors say, where are you going with a submarine! Kidding.

I do not ask where you were! I ask where you come from! And in general, if you want to say something, stand and silent!

Remarks Burakova, not deciding to settle.

And you, bugs, what are you standing there? Do you have any language to knock?

Allow it to be in operation.

I allow. So, I will start with reminders: boots need to be cleaned from the evening and put on the fresh head in the morning! Further: yesterday I went through your beds, I don't understand how you live there ... Immediately clean up!

I turn to the work plan for today. Take yourself! Namri! Private Ivanov, why do you scratch your nose when I commanded "Smirno!" ?

I have a fly on the nose.

But I commanded: "Spearly!"

Yes, but the fly continues to march! (Everyone laughs.)

Laughing! And you would have spilled better, ordinary Ivanov, you still have no noodles on your ears!

So today by plan Saturday. For a soldier, Saturday is a voluntary business, and not so that you want - you participate, and do not want - no.

Who loves light music - three steps forward! Two soldiers fail.

The office of officers brought a new piano. Take it on the third floor. The rest is to bookmark the foundation. Copy from the fence to lunch. With shovels, I have already agreed. Own!

Part 2. Evening, free time.

The soldier writes a letter, pronouncing him out loud.

Honey Mom, everyone knows that in the soldiers' barracks perfect purity and order. But only settling here, I realized who supports this order and clean ...

Fit college.

Mother write?

Yes sir.

Be a friend, put a copy of the movie ...

Enters the ensign. He fell across a soldier with a parcel.

What, the parcel from Ukraine sent?

Sent. What do you want Sala?

I will not refuse.

Well, write to relatives, let them send. The ensign is offended, shouts:

Orderly! Running daylight.

I went through the barracks. The bull is lying in the corridor. Whose?

Nut, comrade ensign! Smoke! Another soldier runs to the ensign.

Comrade Envigator, your orders fulfilled!

Yes, I did not order anything ...

And I did nothing!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is always celebrated in primary school. Parents are invited for the holiday and the dads and grandparents are waiting for. After all, it is for them this holiday. How to surprise guests? Show new scenes by February 23. In elementary school you can play different variants Scenes who will enjoy guests. We have several options that can help you in preparing for the holiday. Let's watch them.

Scene - different military professions.
This scene will tell and show a variety of military professions. For scenes you need to prepare toys or cut from cardboard required Material. For example, a tank, plane, ship and so on. All this is necessary for when the scene goes and the children told about some kind of profession, other participants on the example of toys showed how it all works.

Profession Tanker.
The student comes out and tells about tankers. And others with toys show what it is and how everything happens.

Profession pilot.
The next student tells about the pilots and about what they do. Assistants also with airplanes show everything that is happening. Can be staged air battle. In which our aircraft defeat enemies.

Profession radist.
Now about radioists. You can also show everything. For example, one child will come out with a walkie-talkie and radio and seem to transmit a signal somewhere.

Profession border guard.
Many dads and grandparents served on the border, and it will be interesting to them. Here the disciples tell about border guards and about their service.

Profession Military doctor.
In war it is. Perhaps the most severe profession is a military doctor. It helps the wounded and constantly in work. Children tell verse about military doctors, and assistants show how doctors tie up wounded.

Profession Military Sailor.
And finally, the main military profession on February 23 is a sailor. This verse is large and some students can tell. And the rest to show how the fighting ships can be carried out into the sea.

Scene - grandfather.
Everyone knows that in the army was, and maybe there is a grandfather. This is when the eldest call or for a service life makes all others. In this scene you will see this.
First on stage a little boy He is pressed, and they are headed by a older boy. Then the boy comes even older and makes the one who has led before. Then it comes more older and already he makes it pressing the one who was older to him and so on. And the girl coming out, who plays the role of his wife, and turns to the oldest, to his husband. Asks him - why is he not at home? He cannot give an accurate answer, and his wife makes him press.
Look at the video, what this scene looks like:

The approaching holiday of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, every year puts the beautiful half of mankind before the difficult task - how to originally congratulate the expensive men from February 23. And if this dilemma is solved with his own men with a delicious dinner and a gift, then, for example, for the male colleagues at work you need to come up with something more creative for the corporate party. Question original congratulations On February 23, girls are puzzled in schools and even kindergartens. They also want to prepare an interesting and fun holiday for boys with pleasant congratulations and surprises. As a result, the first, and the second, quite often come to the decision to organize a festive concert for their men in honor of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. A mandatory part of such a concert, as a rule, becomes funny scenes on February 23 performed female halves Team. From their implementation, creativity and jokes, the entire atmosphere of the holiday and the mood of its participants depends. Therefore, then we offer you ideas for funny and cool scenes on February 23, which can be used to congratulate dear men and boys with their wonderful holiday.

What scenes for congratulations on February 23 is better to prepare girls and women

To begin with, we note several scene options on February 23, which are best suited for congratulations to men and boys, and who can easily prepare both girls and women. First of all, pay attention to the funny scenes with humor, jokes and jokes to army topics. It is the humorous numbers that determine the holiday atmosphere and have to be fun. In addition, cheerful army scenes will easily fit into any scenario on February 23. Also using numbers with humor you can beat congratulations in verses or prose.

Among the scene options for congratulations on February 23, which are best to prepare girls and women, it is worth noting the parodies. Scenes-parodies are one of the most win-win and fun room options for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. It is possible, for example, make a common parody scene to the army weekdays or prepare a parody of real people of the team / class. But choosing this type of scenes, it is very important to remember that the parodies should be kind and to the best of themselves, so that it is not offended by anyone. Also good option Scenes on February 23 performed girls and women can be musical numbers. For example, it is interesting to beat the musical popure from popular military songs and famous cinema phrases dedicated to the military.

Scenes for boys on the matinee February 23 in kindergarten, ideas and video

Festive concerts, dedicated Day Defender of the Fatherland, in obligatory Prepare in kindergartens. The main participants of such festive events The children themselves, and the numbers and scenes in their execution are devoted primarily to the dads and grandfathers. But quite often on the matinee on February 23 in kindergartens prepare individual scenes for boys in the performance of educators, mothers and girls. As a rule, such scenes are congratulating and consist of wishes in verses and prose. Musical options for greetings are also popular. For example, the boys congratulate the original children's garden It is possible with small dance sketches with poems about different troops of Russia. You can also involve the organization of a festive concert and real military. For example, with their participation you can put a scene about features military service And its importance. Such a number, of course, will not take an entertainment, but it will introduce the kids with real defenders of the Fatherland.

Funny scenes boys from girls on February 23 to school, video

If we talk about the organization of a festive concert on February 23 at school, then, as a rule, there are necessarily funny scenes for boys in the execution of girls. You can even say that such humorous rooms are an integral part of the holiday of the Defender of the Fatherland Day. And even if a big festive concert in school is not provided, then at least at the level of each class as part of the congratulations, there are minor funny scenes. True, the level of their execution and theme may differ significantly depending on what age of schoolchildren. Therefore, we further prepared for you ideas for funny scenes Boys from girls on February 23 to school for primary and senior classes separately.

Options for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day for primary school classes

Defender of the Fatherland Day primary grades Schools are noted necessarily and to its preparation relate to special enthusiasm. Boys are waiting not only congratulations and pleasant presents, but also fun entertainment. Therefore B. festive concert At the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23, funny and funny scenes are necessarily present. The subjects of such numbers are somehow connected with the military and service in the army. For example, you can beat the passage of the medical system within the framework of the concert. Such a scene can be made in the form of a musical popure, pick up your funny melody under each participant from the song. You can also put a fun scene on what defenders will be class boys in the future (which troops will be, where they will serve, etc.). It is desirable that such predictions of the "future" were based on the peculiarities of the character of each boy. For example, the most noisy and talkative can be determined in unison, where he can "squeeze to death" of all potential enemies.

Ideas of funny and funny scenes from girls on February 23 for senior classes

In high school, it is also desirable to choose a humorous format for scenes in the framework of the celebration of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. One of the most popular and funny options for ridiculous scenes in high schools on February 23 are parodies on boys in the performance of girls. For example, you can get fun to beat the situation that it would be if the guys got into the army and how they behaved. In this case, you can beat the typical school behavior of boys in military service. If the talented beat their habits and stereotypes of behavior by adding a little army humor, you can get a very funny scene. Another interesting option - put a scene based on a popular film or a series on army or military topics. The main characters of such a scene will be, of course, the boys of the class whose roles can perform girls. It will be especially funny if you choose something similar to classmates in the nature of the film, tracks from the film and scenery with costumes.

Options for funny scenes on February 23 Defender of the Fatherland Day for Male Colleagues, Video

Funny scenes on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland for Male Colleagues are almost the most popular option for congratulations on corporate parties. Such love of women to similar numbers is easy to explain that when it is still like a corporate party on February 23, it is possible to have fun and kindly to laugh with men over their behavioral features. As for the possible topics of funny scenes on February 23, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland for Male Colleagues, it is necessary to give preference to everyone familiar to each situations. For example, you can put a cheerful scene about how women decide every year that to give men on February 23. This may be like solo reflection in the form of a stand-up and a scene-dialogue with the participation of several women. You can also beat the situation when the guy is taken into the army and he says goodbye to friends, mom and girl. Surely many colleagues who served in the army will see themselves in this funny scene. In general, almost any event associated with the army and the service can be beaten with humor, jokes and jokes. Therefore, only with creativity, come to a certain situation and talented it to beat it.

Popular ideas for cheerful scenes on corporate party February 23 from women

Next, we suggest you in more detail to consider the most popular ideas for merry scenes At the corporate party on February 23, who can fulfill women. Let's start with the simplest performed, but also one of the most fun topics - the features of gifts on February 23 and their comparison with the presents on March 8. Probably a good familiar with the situation when a man for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland receives a shaving foam from his beloved, but on March 8 gives her more valuable giftFor example, the ring. So this rather common situation can be fun to beat. For example, put a scene from the category "somewhere in the parallel universe", in which girls go to the International Women's Day of the hairpin, but the men on February 23 receive expensive hours and phones. Another cool version of the scene on this subject can be put in the format of a funny listing of why women give exactly these gifts to men. Naturally, gifts should be the most banal, and the reasons that pushing the ladies on their acquisition are ridiculous.

One more interesting idea For funny scenes on February 23 for corporate parties - Comic nomination. For example, you can prepare a number on how the company manager decided to arrange military exercises for his employees and decides who from the team will fulfill one or another role. For example, the secretary can be retracted to a military writer, and the head of the department to appoint the commander of the company. During such a scene, it is advisable to call each of the hall, about whom this is speech and rewarded with funny attributes related to its purpose.

Funny and cool scenes on February 23 must be present in the scenarios of congratulatory concerts in kindergartens, junior and high school classrooms and corporate countries. Their presence provides not only the fun atmosphere of the entire holiday, but also helps originally and interestingly congratulate boys and men-colleagues with the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. Such comprehensive greetings are particularly pleasant to the greeting ladies - girls and women who know the men from their teams and can present their characteristics with humor. We hope that our ideas for funny rooms in honor of February 23 will be useful, and selected videos will inspire you to hold an unforgettable merry holiday for their men.

February 23, This is the famous and respected holiday of men. It is not necessary to note it. And so that the celebration has passed as much as possible, we offer you a script for this celebration. This scene can also be used in a friendly company, and also in corporate.

Funny scene on February 23 with queens, princesses and princes
Queen (teacher), princesses, princes (all students grade 6). Before starting the prince boys, emblems are awarded; Some red emblems, others - blue, to break all boys on the 2nd teams for competitions.

Host: In some kingdom, there were 13 small princesses in some state. They were both serious, and strict, kind and fun, obedient and mischievous, different. In the same kingdom-state, 15 bold little princes lived. They studied with princesses in the same class, sat together behind the parties, and had fun and having fun.
This is what happened once.

(In the hall includes princesses)

The first princess: it became very boring in our kingdom state. There is nothing interesting.

The second princess: what to come up with a certain one?

The third princess: Perhaps the war will declare war?

Fourth Princess: No, the war on this day is not in fashion.

Fifth princess: What do we learn, the brave princes, or not?

First Princess: And maybe if you will declare a knightly tournament?

The second princess: successfully! We invite all boys from our class to the tournament.

Third Princess: Conduct Competitions.

Fourth princess: We will define the winner.

Fifth princess: devote everyone to the knights.

The first princess (unfolds and reads the scroll): Attention! Attention! We invite everyone to the knightly tournament!

The second princess: only now and only with us!

The third princess: all princes having a red emblem are becoming on the left.

Fourth Princess: All princes who have a blue emblem are becoming on the right.

(The boys are divided into 2 teams, the same team has blue emblems, in the other - red. Boys perform tasks. In contests participate 1-2 people from the team or the whole team. Competitions are held princesses.)

Competition 1. "Who is faster"
2nd a man on the team begins to wind the rope on the stick. Who here will get it up to the middle, he won.

Competition 2. "Pass on the ladder"
On the floor - a rope (or line), it is necessary to go with blindfolded eyes and not stupid.

Competition 3. "Who will gather the mosaic"
The guys distribute mosaic. Guys are collecting a mosaic for a while. Wins the one who is faster there.

Competition 4. "Warming Eye"
Throw a bag with sand and get to the chair.

Competition 5. "Who is screamed"
On the chairs hang jackets (jackets), torn inside out. Who will turn the jacket faster here, puts it, sit down on the chair and says: "P0zhannik is ready," he won.

Competition 6.. "Clesh hunters"
On the floor are toys - home and forest beasts. Any participant knocks down "beast" and puts into its circle hoop. The point of the team is counted, Kohl is shot down the "Forest Beast".

Competition 7. "Collecting Pea"
On the floor lie balls (or cases from kinder-gifts). Each participant in turn receives a shovel, bucket, apron, golk. By the signal, he puts on the apron, a shock, takes right hand Shovel, and in the left - bucket. You need to drive the ball on the shovel without the help of your left hand, put the ball in the bucket, and then everything is transferred to the next player. The team that will win more balls will win.

Princesses: So, the tournament is completed. Time to summarize.

Princesses (in turn):
Time is sensitive forward
Veins over the fields and forests.
That comes our cores
Prove what we stand for themselves.

And walk in the formidable battles,
Right into the battle from the school threshold
My dear peers,
Knights without fear and reproach.

How much heart and soul are needed
How much power and courage are needed
Whatever to walk in the unknown wilderness
Through the forest, swamps and ravines!

Light new lights
From housing familiar far
And do not know that they
Knights without fear and reproach.

You would have already disappeared missing
If not a fierce faith,
If not their hearts fed,
Their impulse and the strength of their example.

I was getting clearer at the dawn,
And the easy rude road,
Because alive and on this day on earth
Knights without fear and reproach.

Princesses alternately cause princes and devote them to the knights. Decree is read: "I, the Great and Almighty Queen of the Knight's Order of His authority dedicate to the Knights of the courage, friendship, honor.
The knight worsens his knee, the queen touches his shoulder with a sword. Princessee give him a diploma.

Cute white boys,
Knights without fear and reproach,
You love computers and books,
Sometimes run away from lessons.

Manits the sea of \u200b\u200byou Magic Sonya.
You are always persistent, stubborn
And you are ready to donate
For the sake of the girl - an excellent beloved lady.

And always on the spot your swords,
Intou knightly armor.
With you your loyalty and courage
And your victories and success.

We wish adventure not from the book,
What would always be on the way together
Expensive older boys,
Knights courage, friendship, honor!

(This scene will help fun to hold the most ordinary, but very necessary gifts in a family circle, consisting of a husband, wives and two sons)

Wife (husband):

Till the tips
I give you panties! (Give family panties)
Well, and to them - trico in the load, (give a household trico)
Yes, perhaps for a snack
I will give me a brandy,
So that you can play a holiday! (Hand a bottle of brandy)

(Sen Son):

Sorry, I have no mustache,
But remember: without panties
Life, believe me, much worse,
So my gift is needed! (give panties)

Wallet belt
It will be like a spare!
If the south will gather
It is stock in it! (Present a belt belt-wallet)

(Younger son):

Look, Sergey on Brothers:
All the cowards are happy!
So, there is nowhere to go,
Get like younger brother,
You are shortly brows
But believe me - they are not worse! (give panties)

Take a brain
She was given to me for surrender! (Present T-shirt)

(says toast):

My cute men
You are my defenders!
And today there are no reason
Feelings to hide your own!

Funny universal scene for the holiday (February 23, March 8, wedding)

It was written specifically for theatrical statement. Written with humor. It is suitable for any fun holiday. You can also use on February 23 and on March 8, for a wedding. Reads and learns easy. Pushkin's fairy tale style is written.

Action I.

Three maidens by the window
Talked about one thing:
Groom how to pick up
To better live.

(1 maiden)
I wanted me, the girls
Life live like all the queens.
Husband so best dress up
Every day to entertain
All whims performed,
And sad, so as not to give.

(2 maiden)
Groom used to find such
In the full sense of the golden
So that had a cottage huge,
"MERS" cool, not at all modest,
By the world I took me
I wore my hands.

(3 maiden)
In the clouds fly not sin,
But will the success come to you?
Where will you find these
Modest, smart, gold?
Life is not a fairy tale, maiden!
It is worth hopefully!

Men are all - Duro Ki !!!
Argue with you - not with hands!

Bridegroom, of course you need!
It is necessary to try together.
The goal is supplied - forward!
We are lucky luck together!

Action II.

Just was able to negotiate
Someone began to call them all.
"Hey, Marina, Tanya, Ksyusha!
I am familiar yours, Andryusha!
Are you not boring there to sit?
The legs are not time to warm?
My dolls and me
We ask for a walk with us
For questions, for the words
Bowling ball to ride. "

"Ah, our native, Andryusha!
How nice to listen to you!
Everyone is ready to play
We come in exactly five! "

"Everything is dotted, the girls! (Andrew)
Will wait for all of you guys! "
(1 maiden)
"Here is good luck!
So that we all ozit! "

(2 maiden)
Need to work hard
Well unfate

(3 maiden)
And cilia suspend
To make the eye do not take.

Here are all three girls,
Like beautiful queens ...
And ready for the battle of lioness!
The main thing is not to be lazy
And the guys of all rid
So that it is impossible to sob away!

Action III

That's time to have fun,
Love and make friends.
Bowling played,
And then they danced,
Stayed all walked
And the character agreed
And in the morning they diverged.

How much friendship continued?
Maybe a month, maybe a year ...
Relationships strengthened
The case to the wedding goes ...

That weddings were fucked by
Long remembered the whole people.
Where are our three girls?
What are they all waiting for them now?

Our first maiden
I became a nice queen.
From Carden - stylish, visible!
And girlfriends will enviable everyone.
Every day only entertainment,
And candy and cookies,
Life re-placed
About reality forgot ...
Quickly everything is tired of her
To her husband suddenly all cool
About the friend now dreams
Husband's husband wishes ...

The second of our maiden
Mines, blueberries
Everything is that the soul is pleased
And the cottage is steep, huge!
Only happiness is so distant,
She is terribly lonely ...
In the Tereme sits one,
Even my husband is not needed.
The world flies floats
And she does not take it.

Our third maiden
Does not bored, having fun ...
The house is filled with noise, laughter
She is not a meal at all ...
She has a son and daughter.
There is no quiet nozzle.
Husband beloved at hand
Only money is not a river ...
Forever money is missing,
My husband scolds.

Life lived - do not regret!
There is no ok!
Bitter pepper - Sweet honey ...
Who can't understand it?
Always add to tears in laughter
Out in a storm, in the sun Gree ...
So as not bored was to live,
Nothing to forget!
And yourself to cheer!

February 23, this is the famous and respected holiday of men. It is not necessary to note it. And so that the celebration has passed as much as possible, we offer you a script for this celebration. This script can be used in a friendly company, and also with corporate.


Themes, undoubtedly military. The place where this day will be celebrated is better to decorate the protective color posters, stars, guns, which would have been able to understand without any doubt that it male holiday.


Today, the main on the evening - Men,

This is all by no means for no reason

And this means the holiday is time

And to confirm these moments

I ask you from all - applause!

(all applaud)


Well, let's go right away

Toast with you head:

For men, for our brave,

Very strong and skillful!


Who knows how to shoot

Please show all all!


Competition is called: "Tagged singer." Participation is accepted by everyone. For this contest you will need inflatable balls little size (in advance they are put on a small note, with the text of the chastushka), a gun with plastic bugs. Balls are attached to a distance of 6 meters from the participants. Each makes one shot and takes on a note. The presenter includes chastial music and men start singing:


We are defenders of Russia,

From all of you to protect

There will be rats, or snakes,

We quickly sucmisched them!

In honor of the men today holiday -

This is a matter of us,

Just would drink first!

Women people are gracious

The army is not called them,

Only these phrases of false

Who do you want, break!

I came home today

I have a permutation,

My wife answers me:

I coped without you,

So the holiday is for me!

Happy holiday congratulate

Defender's Day with us

Mood is amused

Wouldn't let me go to dance!

(applause, participants are seated in their place)


Oh, well, you and musicians,

Immediately you can see, there are talents,

Then let's, we are for you

Let's drink at this idle hour!

(musical pause, meal)


The task of each simple,

We protect everyone and all!

But to protect all we,

It is necessary in good form to be!


Competition is called: "push up. Participation is accepted by everyone. Participants take turns occupy a stay, and on the team leading is beginning to appeal. All this is done for a while - 30 seconds. Who will make the most pushups, the winner. Prize: stew bank and folding hiking spoon.


Well, now and relax,

Have a snack, Vints bumble,

I'm still new contest wash

And you will surprise everyone!

(musical pause, meal)


Now I will rid the riddles,

Who is responsible, a gift hand.


Competition is called: "Military riddles." The leading riddles the riddles who guess, receives a gift. For gifts are suitable: lanterns, bandans, thermocruises, T-shirts and T-shirts of protective color.


This part of the army, the earth will be care,

And all because the name is it ...?

(answer: infantry)

With them will pass kilometers of the way,

They are only in help, yours ...?

(Answer: Boots)

He shoots the same thing as Karateta beats,

And the name of this soldier will be ... 7

(Answer: Tanker)

She is always with you, hanging at the machine,

It happens and toy, but still ...?

(answer: grenade)

Everyone says she is a fool

And it will be only ...?

(answer: bullet)


All the riddles guess,

I was surprised, the mood was raised!

Now I propose to dance,

I ask the cavaliers, let's notice!

(Slow music sounds, guests dance on pairs)

Leading (toast):

Now let's drink for the lads

For the fact that they are always true to you,

Without women of course, because it is simply impossible

They are your feeling, love and family!

For lovely ladies!


Dear male, you showed yourself in all our glory, even tiredly tired.

Now you sit on the site and on the scene-greetings, from women, see.

Congratulations on the Russian-Italian.

Active persons: Italian and translator.

Foreign as a foreigner: Rusis Soldathe is the most Pakashinte, Harbenthe and Aigenthe.

Translator: Russian men are the best.

Foreign as well as Segenthe we congratulations, songs of Penta and Wine Pulling.

Translator: Today is a celebration in your honor.

Foreign: Togde Seanenthe Hegent, Tableo is not Eternhe.

Translator: We wish you good health.

A foreigner: To your gynt love, satisfying, crazy Skhodnye from you.

Translator: Let your wives appreciate you.

A foreigner: All Rosiento know that you are not some kind of kideenthe.

Translator: All Russia is confident in you.

Foreign: Congratulations, Nabuhanto, not Blaver.

Translator: Congratulations again, celebrate this holiday worthy!


Well, women, thank you,

Applause will give you!

Well, now, again, to the table,

To salads, and to the guilt!



And now go to the street,

And stand up under the salute rain!

(everyone goes outside, and watching salute, then returned to the room and the holiday continues, only without leading)

Objectives: Share about the holiday of the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland; Reliable respect for the army, develop a smelter.

For several decades, on February 23, we are widely and popularly celebrate the feast of the Defender of the Fatherland, we note it with decent solemnity and special warmth.

February 23 - the day of military glory of Russia, which Russian troops found on the battlefields. Initially, this day laid a lot of meaning - to love, read and defend his depreciation, and if necessary, be able to defend it worthy. Protecting native Russian land soldiers accounted for very often, but always a Russian soldier with honor performed his duty.

1st girl:

Still snowball in the winter sparkles

Still still cut the creaking sled,

But with each morning Sinitsy Sin

It becomes gentful and longer.

2nd girl:

So, February is almost already completed.

Increasingly, we hear the cheerful drops.

And the ice river is now not so durable,

And the snow blizzard is not terrible to us.

Today is not just a february day. Today is a special day. And we congratulate our men: fathers, sons, brothers, classmates.

Winds are blowing in February, spent in the pipes loudly,

Snake rushes on the ground Easy gym.

Lifting, rushing in the distance of the units of the link

It celebrates February Army Birth.

At night, the blizzard busheval and Metelitsa Chal.

And with the dawn, we quietly daddy's holiday brought us.

And today over a wide white tablecloth of fields

From above you can see the aircraft of our military units.

Papin Holiday - Main Holiday

All boys and men.

And congratulate dads favorite

We are so rush today!

6th girl: our dear men! Congratulations on your upcoming holiday! We wish you success in affairs, happiness, good, clean, peaceful sky above your head. Boys grow strong, bold, courageous, kind and noble; remember the noble rank of men!

Competitive program (for boys).

Good soldier It differs not only to dexterity and power, but also by the mind and smelting. This we will check now. Let's see how you can guess riddles.

1. There are no on the horizon,

And opened in the sky umbrella.

After a few minutes it dropped .... (parachute)

2. Without overclocking, it takes off, the dragonfly resembles

Departed in flight

Our Russian .... (Helicopter)

3. He bursts and draws chalk, he draws white-white

On paper blue, he draws himself, sings himself. What is this? (Plane).

4. At night, at noon, at dawn

He carries the service secret

(Border guards)

5. Who walks on the parade,

Ribbons behind their backs

Ribbons are clogged, and in the detachment

No girls none.


6. Podter, and after the brother

I will also be a soldier,

I will help him

Protect your ...


7. Brother said: "Do not hurry!

Better at school you learn!

You will be an excellent student -

We will become ...

(Border guard)

8. Savory you can become

So that the border is guarded

And not to serve on earth,

And on the military ...


Future man (read boys).

I have toys yet:

Tanks, pistols, guns,

Tin soldiers

Armored train, automata.

And when the term will come,

To serve calmly,

I'm with the guys in the game

Training in the yard.

We play there in the Zarnitsa

Fucked me the border,

In the post I! Single!

Once entrusted - I can!

And parents in the window

Watching after alarming me.

Do not worry for my son,

I am a future man!

All hands master.

2 people participate. It is necessary to sew a button as quickly as possible. Wins the one who quickly and qualitatively fulfilled the task.

Fighter roosters.

On the floor delineate the circle with a diameter of 1 m. Two participants tie back from behind. Jumping on one leg, the player must push the opponent abroad or deprive his equilibrium so that he gets up on both legs.

Collect the proverb.

(In envelopes - a proverb, cut into words. Who will quickly fold it.)

1. Hero - Motherland Mountain.

2. To live home to serve.

3. Where courage is there a victory.

4. If the army is strong, invincible and the country.


1. SPI. (Who is bigger.)

3. Run commands: left, right, circle. (Who will never be mistaken.)

Every boy can become a soldier,

To fly across the sky, swimming in the sea,

Protect the border with a machine gun

To protect your depreciation.

But first on the football field

Protects the gate with himself.

And for a friend in the courtyard and school

It will take an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -

Sprumber than playing war.

If you did not defend my sister,

How do you protect your country?

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Pope Congratulations

Happy Holiday:

In his youth, I know

In the army served.

So also warrior,

Although not commander.

Holiday is worthy

Guarded the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.

I do not give the abyss:

I am frayed glorious

Small part.

February, February, Winter and Sun!

And first birds piclik!

Today looked out in the window:

Froze, to the glass face a trick.

My friends - yesterday the boys -

Today rose and suddenly

Everything is like alone, throwing a book,

Behind the hands took up, got into a circle

And promised mothers, sisters

Borders of joy take care

Keep our world - and birds, and the sun,

I will protect me in the window!

Defenders of Fatherland

Thanks to everyone who gave life,

For Rus native, freedom,

Who fear forgot and fought

Serving beloved people.

Thank you,

Your feat is eternal,

While alive is my country,

You are in our souls,

In our heart, heroes will not forget, never!

Boys, dads and grandparents,

Happy holiday your male!

You are good, smart, strong!

We want to congratulate you!

You are always guarding our happiness,

We do not submit evil.

Serve, work you and dream -

All that we were light!

Competition "Important Report"

The class is hidden in the class. In it, the task you want to execute. Competition participants are looking for a package. Candy and note in the package: "You have sweets for victory in this competition, you have to divide this prize at all"

The game has long been continuing, but the audience in the stands still jumped, stamped, embraced and dubbed each other. Slightly pale clapzube still stared down. No, he is not mistaken. The guys played not in the manner characteristic of them. Whether they are tired of the road, or they were not in the mood, but the game did not fit the team. It was still a wonderful game, which brought the audience to delight, did not have enough enthusiasm and rear needed for victory. Meanwhile, the reds played like eleven devils, and Clapzubovtsy all the first half stood in defense. When the judge whistle announced the end of the first half with a score of 1: 0 in favor of Australia, Klapzubovtsy returned to the dressing room are depressed. None of them did not utter a word, they dropped on the chairs and benches, and only the gonza was blurred without the end, trying to keep the tears, resulting on the eyes.
In the next room whole army Massewear and coaches attacked the Australian players to refresh their tired muscles to rubbing and cotton. Clapzubov was quiet in the locker room, and the shadow of the inevitable defeat hung over the letterhead. Although father came! But today, as if on purpose, he, he always awaited them in the locker room, was lazy. Minutes walked, and father did not show everything!
- Lord, did nothing happen to him? - said an Frank with his eyes expanded from fear.
Everyone shuddered. In fact, otherwise it is impossible to explain his absence. Guys embraced despair. They jumped up from the places and rushed to the doors. Outside he was heard a long whistle - the judge informed about the beginning of the second half. But Klapzubovtsy and eyebrow did not lead. They were interested in one thing: what's wrong with his father?
At this moment, the old clapzub appeared in the doorway.
- Father! Father!
Everyone happily rushed to him. He stood in front of his sons slightly painted and hardly disappeared from them.
- Well, well, devils are crazy, wait a minute!
They retreated, realizing that he was going to say something to them. And Pevolpo lowered their eyes. But the father was not angry. On the contrary, his voice sounded softly, even too soft.
- Wait, guys, do not strangle me! Everything has a measure! I watched you as you played. Very good, though very good. I have not seen such clean work yet ...
Tonic suspiciously raised his eyes - this sweet tone did not like him at all. And the father continued:
- In fact, the game Pa Divo! Running, teamwork, and which strikes! You really pleased me! One thick gentleman came to me and said that, they say, in Sydney there is a club of heavyweight from a hundred kilograms and above. They, they say, sometimes play football, so do not you agree to play with them next Sunday! But before, let, they say, a little rest, to be worthy opponents. And then one young lady came to me and stated that the game was introduced here in Handball. And, they say, mine (em, it would be more pleasant to you and more processable than confusing with football. And besides, I heard the two old grandmothers argued, whether they often lost the ball in the days of their youth, as the current Europeans ...
- Father! ..
It was rather a cry than the exclamation. Everyone sobssed from rage. Old clapzuba could not stand the stinging tone. He melted and sphuming.
- The tube of his English Majesty I snapped because of you. Damn it, the team, what am I telling the mother? ..
The guys could no longer withstand and jumped outwards, where the judge whistles already angrily, and the tribunes were yelling, demanding the defeat of the Chekhov. Before getting out of the corridor, Tonic stopped:
- Guys ... My God! ..
It came the last "to be or not to be!" All felt the significance of his words. I wiped your eyes with a sleeve and silently shook my hands. It was more than the oath.
And went, and began to play.
Their game was awesome and crushing like a hurricane. There were moments when Australians stayed on the run to see what, in fact, occur around. White attack? Eight people whirlwind over the field, and somewhere between them flew the ball, not visible until he fell into the gate grid. Protection? Dingen man like white Wall. Combinations?