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Message Biography Brothers Kirill and Methodius. Kirill and Methodius: Why is the alphabet named the name of the younger brothers


on the topic: "History of Slavic writing"


student c. OAB-51.03.06-11

Kudrin Maxim Ruslanovich


Art. Cat teacher. Miit.

Sukhanova E.V.

Izhevsk, 2016.

Introduction ............................................................................................. 3.

1. History of the letter ........................................................................ ... ........4

2. ABC Kirill and Methodius .................................................................. 5

2.1. Biography Kirill and Methodius ...................................................... .. ... 5

2.2. The origin of the ABC Cyril and Methodius .......................................... 6

2.3. Development of ABC .............................................................................. .8

3. Monuments of the Old Slavonic language ...................................................... .11

Conclusion ...................................................................................... ... 13

List of references ..................................................................... ... .............


The letter is of great importance in our life, as well as the language. It displays the culture of the nation, part of its mentality and mental features. Many scientists argue that the destruction of writing and the language of a certain people will drastically change its existence, will change cultural values, as well as life.

Since childhood, we get used to our alphabetically and rarely think about, and someone never thought about when a letter was invented. But the creation of a letter is an important point in the history of any people. Most often it happens that the history of the creation of the alphabet of one or another people is forgotten, and maybe it is not at all taken into account.

Fortunately, the story of the creation of the Russian alphabet is alive in the memory of our people, we remember all the stages of writing the letter, remember the compilers of our alphabet. In this abstract, I will try to tell who the letter was invented who enjoys a modern person when he was invented and what they were led by creating an alphabet.

The story of the letter.

Writing appeared about three and a half thousand years before our era. The first monuments of writing are Vampuma and Kipu. Vampim is a cylindrical cylindrical beads from the shells, they served people as a decoration, a currency unit, but their main purpose was to transmit information. Kipu is complex ropes and nodules, where each nodule meant the word entirely or concept. For people, such a letter was not convenient, because most often it was used for important messages from the king to the people or other kings, so the evolution of the letter did not stop in the shell and nodule letter. Then the pictographic letter began to develop. This is a drawing indicating the subject or action. The pictographic letter was used at the dawn of writing by different cultures: Mesopotamskaya, Egyptian, Chinese, Aztec, Margushka, etc. Due to the inconvenience of a clear understanding of pictograms, people began to further improve the letter. After the pictogram, ideograms appeared. The icon always denotes a whole word or a concept, and the view of the icon corresponds to what it means, and the ideogram, in contrast to the pictogram, may indicate not only the concept, but also indirectly associated concepts, and its appearance does not have to correspond to the material of the designation . After the ideogram, a slight letter begins to develop, where the sign meant no word entirely, but only a syllable. On average, the sludge alphabets, sometimes they are also called sillybariums, have 80-120 characters. Nowadays, writing, using a syllated alphabet, are Japanese, Creole, Mysensky and Cherokey Language. Over time and the syllable letter disappeared and was replaced by the alphabet, habitual for most residents of the Earth countries. One of the first inspected systems of phonetic writing systems in the history of humanity is Phoenician writing. Appeared around the XV century BC. e. And became the genericant of most modern alphabetic and some other writing systems. Further, on the basis of the Phoenician alphabet, the Greeks created their alphabet, the Latin alphabet was built on it.

Such is the history of writing to the development of the ABC from Kirill and Methodius. Next, I will consider the history of the emergence and development of Slavic writing.

ABC Kirill and Methodius.

Biography Kirill and Methodius.

Cyril and Methodius Greek missionaries, creators of Slavic writing. They were born in Soluni in the family of the Byzantine commander. Cyrill has been highlighted from childhood with its abilities. He was brought up at the court, he studied with the juvenile emperor Mikhail III. Kirill was inclined to monastic life, so he refused the court career. However, he failed to retire in the monastery. Cyril worked as a librarian of the Patriarchal library, taught philosophy, participated in the controversy with the iconoborets. In 855-856, Kirill participated in a missionary trip to the Arabs. In 860 Kirill, along with her brother, Methodius participated in the Byzantine campaign to Khazara. During this trip, Cyrill discovered the relics of the Holy Clement - the fourth Pope, the martyrs died in Chersonese. This find had a huge impact on the success of missionary activity from Slavs.

In 863, Moravian Prince Rostislav appealed to the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III with a request to send a bishop and teachers for sermons among the Slavs living in Pannonia and Moravia. These Slavic lands were in the church administration of Rome, and Constantinople did not have the right to put a bishop there, so Patriarch was sent by the official authority of Cyril and his brother Methodius. In that epoch, Slavs have not yet had their own writing; Kirill created the alphabet for them (apparently it was a verb), and also translated some texts from the Greek alphabet. In addition to the invention of Slavic alphabet, for forty months of his stay in Moravia, Kirill and Methodius transferred some liturgical books to Church Slavonic language. Having lived in Rome for about a year, February 14, 869 Kirill died, having adopted Shima with the name of Kirill shortly before his death (real name Konstantin). He was buried in Rome in Kripte Basilica of the Holy Clement.

The mission leadership passed to Methodius. He trained the Slavic language and writing, organized the rewriting of Slavic books, was preparing priests who could serve on these books. However, this activity soon was interrupted. In 870, Prince Rostislav was overthrown, and Methodius was accused of heresy and entered into prison, where he spent about three years. Only after the intervention of Pope, he was restored in his rights. The confrontation of the new Moravian Prince and the German clergy forced Methodius to go to Rome again to protect his business. Slavic translations of liturgical texts were approved by Roman smoke, about which Pope John VIII reported in a special message. After strengthening his position in Moravia, Methodius carried out a number of new translations, completed the translation of the Bible, Nomocanon (the Byzantine Collection of Church Laws) and Catema.

On April 6, 885, Methodius died, leaving behind about 200 students. Soon after his death, opponents of Slavic worship were activated: Slavic liturgy was banned, and students and followers are expelled from the country. Cuts from Moravia, students of Methodius found a refuge in Bulgaria, which became a new center of Slavic writing.

Memory Day St. Cyril February 14 (in the Russian Orthodox Church on February 14, in the old style), St. Methodius on April 6 (old style), Saints Cyril and Methodius on May 11 (old style).

Both flowers, trees, and animals, and people - God's creation. But people differ from all living things that they can speak. In total, in the world there is a name: in Tuchka, near the river, the carnations, in the birch, near the wind and zipper. All signs of items and phenomena: red, fast, warm, cold, is all named. In the conversation, we say that "Grandma, I missed you." But it is good to say when the grandmother is near. And if she is in the village, in another city? We must somehow tell her that you miss, wait for her to visit. You can call? And if the grandmother broke the phone? Write! Write a letter. The letter is more expensive than any call, the letter can be re-read, show the neighbors: "See, my granddaughter writes, calls to visit."

To write a letter, you need to know the words. And the words are composed of letters. The letters are connected by the alphabet. Our alphabet is now almost in the form, in which Holy Equal-Apostles Brothers Kirill and Methodius brought it to Russia. They translated from Greek to Slavic a lot of books, mostly religious, introduced worship in Slavic. We have undergone many persecutions from Roman Catholics for this: they did not want the Slavs to have their own writing. The brothers answered this: "Doesn't the sun shine for everyone, isn't it raining for everyone, isn't it to all be the word of God's truth, and in the language that a man says?"

Based on the Slavic Azbuchi there was a basic prayer. "Az Buki lead" in translation: I know (I know) letters. "Verole, good, eat, live" in translation: to live well in kind. "Kako, people, a thought" - it is not necessary to translate. Just like "RCS, the word, firmly," that is: Say the word confidently, firmly.

Of course, it is immediately noticeable that the initial letters of words are just making up our "Absegadshka", the alphabet. They taught the alphabet before aloud, all together. There was even such a proverb: "Azbuchka is taught, in the whole hut scream."

The Day of Saints Saints Kirill and Methodius is celebrated just a day when the last call is heard in our schools, on May 24. This day is the holiday of Slavic writing and culture.

According to the book of V.Krupina "Children's Church Calendar". M., 2002.

It is celebrated both in Russia and in some other Slavic countries. In Russia, festive events take place within a few days.

Cyril and Methodius, Slavic enlighteners, creators of Slavic ABC, Christianity preachers, the first translators of liturgical books from Greek to Slavic. Kirill (before the adoption of monastics in the beginning. 869 - Konstantin) (827 - 14.02.869) and his elder brother Methodius (815 - 06.04.885) were born in the city of Fassoniki (Solun) in the commander's family.

Cyril was educated at the courtyard of the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III in Constantinople, where one of his teachers was foty. Slavic, Greek, Latin, Jewish and Arabic knew well. Refusing an administrative career proposed by him by the emperor, Cyril became a Patriarch librarian, then he taught philosophy (received a nickname "philosopher").

In the 40s successfully participated in disputes with iconoborets; In the 50s. Was in Syria, where she won the theological disputes with Muslims. About 860 committed a diplomatic trip to Khazar. Methodius went on military service. 10 years was the ruler of one of the areas inhabited by the Slavs. Then retired to the monastery. In the 60s, refusing to San Archbishop, became the igumen of the polychron monastery at the Asian Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Marmara Sea.

In 863, Kirill and Methodius were sent to the Byzantine emperor to Moravia in order to serve Christianity in Slavic language and helping the Moravian Prince Rostislav in the fight against German feudal feudals. Before leaving, Cyril created Slavic Azbuka and with the help of Methodius translated from Greek to Slavic language several liturgical books (Favorite readingsfrom the Gospel, Apostolic Messages, Psaltry, etc.).

In science there is no consensus on the issue of which Cyril - verbolitsa or Cyrillic (most scientists believe that the verbs). The preaching of the brothers at the Moravian population of Slavic launched the basis of the National Church, but caused discontent with the German Catholic clergy. Kirill and Methodius were accused of heresy.

In 866 (or 867) Cyril and Methodius on the call of the Roman Pope NicholasI. they headed to Rome, on the way visited Blatensky Principality (Pan-Nonya), where the Slavic diploma and Slavic worship rite were also distributed. Dad Adrianii in a special message allowed them the spread of Slavic books and Slavic worship services. After arriving in Rome, Kirill fell ill and died. Methodius was dedicated to the San Archbishop of Moravia and Pannonia and in 870 returned from Rome to Pan Nonia. The German clergy, who sought to deal with Methodius, by intrigue made his conclusion in the dungeon; After liberation from prison, Methodius continued its activities in Moravia.

In 882-884 lived in Byzantium. In the middle of 884, Methodius returned to Moravia and engaged in the translation of the Bible to Slavic. With its activities, Kirill and Methodius laid the foundation of Slavic writing and literature. This activity was continued in South Slavic countries with students of Cyril and Mefo Diya, expelled from Moravia in 886.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Educational activities of Saints Cyril and Methodius

Holy Brothers Kirill and Methodius - Christian preachers and missionaries, enlighteners of Slavic peoples. In 863, the Byzantine emperor sent brothers in Moravia to the preaching of Slavs. The brothers made up the first Slavic alphabet and transferred liturgical books to Slavic. Thus, the foundations of Slavic writing and culture were laid.

The memory of the saints of equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius was noted in the Slavic peoples in antiquity. Then the celebration was forgotten and restored in the Russian Church only in 1863, to GD A, and the decision was made to recall the Slovenian enlighteners 11 (24 across N. Art.) May.

Modern celebration

In 1985, the 1100th anniversary of the death of CV was noted in the Slavic world. Equal Methodius. For the first time in the USSR on May 24, the Day of Slavic Culture and Writing was announced.

On January 30, 1991, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR adopted a resolution on the annual days of Slavic writing and culture. Since 1991, state and public organizations have taken the days of Slavic writing and culture together with the Russian Orthodox Church.

During the celebration, various church events are held,sacred by Saint Cyril and Methodius: Worship Services in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin and other temples of Russia, processions, children's pilgrimage missions for monasteries of Russia, scientific and practical conferences, exhibitions, concerts.

Since 1991, in the framework of the celebration of the days of Slavic culture and writing, the annual spiritual and cultural expedition "Slavic stroke" is held on the cities of Russia.

It is interesting

In Bulgarian schools on the eve of the Day of Saints, Kirill and Methodius are held "days of letters" - quiz and educational games.

In the Czech Republic, the day of memory of the Kirill and Methodius brothers and the holiday of Slavic writing is celebrated on July 5th.

Centers Celebrationdays of Slavic cultureand writing

Until 2010, every year the center of the celebration was transferred to any of the Russian cities. In 1986 it was Murmansk, in 1987 - Vologda, in 1992 and 1993 - Moscow.

The monument to the Saint Equal-Apostles Cyril and Methodius is located in Slavic Square in Moscow.

Since 2010, Moscow has become the capital of Slavic writing.

The creators of the Slavic ABC Methodius and Kirill.

At the end of 862, the Prince of Great Moravia (State of Western Slavs) Rostislav appealed to the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail to send preachers to Moravia, who could spread Christianity in Slavic language (sermons in those regions were read in Latin, unfamiliar and incomprehensible people).

Emperor Mikhail sent to Moravia Greeks - a scientist Konstantin Philosopher (the name Kirill Konstantin received when making monastics in 869, and with these name he entered the story) and his older brother Methodius.

The choice was not random. Konstantin and Methodius brothers were born in Soluni (Greek Saloniki) in the commander's family, got a good education. Kirill studied in Constantinople at the courtyard of the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III, well knew Greek, Slavic, Latin, Jewish, Arabic languages, taught philosophy, for which he received a philosopher's nickname. Methodius was in military service, then several years managed one of the areas inhabited by the Slavs; Subsequently retired to the monastery.

In 860, the brothers had already traveling to Khazaras with missionary and diplomatic goals.
In order to be able to preach Christianity in the Slavic language, it was necessary to make the transfer of Holy Scripture to the Slavic language; However, the alphabets capable of transferring Slavic speech at that time did not exist.

For the creation of Slavic ABC and began Constantine. In his work he was helped by Methodius, also well-known Slavic language, as there lived a lot of Slavs in Soluni (the city was considered semigenic, half-temper). In 863, the Slavic Alphabet was created (the Slavic Azbuk existed in two versions: the verbolitsa - from the verb - "speech" and Cyrillic; so far, scientists have no consensus, which of these two options was created by Cyril). With the help of Methodius, a translation of a number of liturgical books from Greek to Slavic was made. Slavs got the opportunity to read and write in their own language. The Slavs appeared not only his, Slavic, alphabet, but also the first Slavic literary language was born, many words of which still live in Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian and other Slavic languages.

Mystery of Slavic ABC
The Old Slavonic Azbuk received its name from the combination of two letters "AZ" and "Buki", which marked the first letters of the alphabet A and B. The most interesting fact is that the Versel Slavic ABC was graffiti, i.e. Inscriptions scratched on the walls. The first old Old Slavonic letters appeared on the walls of the churches in Pereslavl approximately in the 9th century. And already by the 11th century, ancient graffiti appeared in the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev. It was on these walls that the letters of the alphabet were indicated in several draws, and the letter of the letter-word was interpreted.
In 1574, the most important event occurred, which contributed to the new twist of the development of Slavic writing. The first printed "alphabet" appeared in Lviv, which Ivan Fedorov saw - a man who printed it.

ABC structure
If you look back, you will see that Cyril and Methodius created not just an alphabet, they opened the Slavic people a new path leading to the perfection of a person on earth and the celebration of the new faith. If you look at historical events, the difference between which is only 125 years old, you will realize that in fact the way of the approval of Christianity on our land is directly related to the creation of Slavic ABC. After all, literally in one century, the Slavic people eradicated the archaic cults and accepted a new faith. The connection of the creation of Cyrillic and the adoption of Christianity today does not cause any doubt. Cyrillic was created in 863 years, and already in the 988th Prince Vladimir officially announced the introduction of Christianity and overthrow primitive cults.

Studying the Old Slavonic Azbuka, many scientists come to the conclusion that in fact the first "alphabet" is a secrecy that has a deep religious and philosophical meaning, and the most important thing is that it is constructed in such a way that it is a complex logical and mathematical organism. In addition, comparing many finds, researchers concluded that the first Slavic alphabet was created as a holistic invention, and not as a creation, which was created in parts by adding new letter forms. It is also interesting that most of the letters of the Old Slavonic alphabet are the letters. Moreover, if you look at the entire alphabet, you will see that it can be divided into two parts, which are radically different from each other. At the same time, the first half of the alphabet we conditionally call the "highest" part, and the second "lower". The highest part includes letters from A to f, i.e. From "AZ" to "Firth" and represents a list of letters words that carry meaningful sense in themselves. The lower part of the alphabet begins with the letter "Sha" and ends with "Izhitsa". The letters of the lowest part of the Old Slavonic alphabet do not have a numerical value, unlike the letters of the highest part and carry a negative subtext.

In order to understand the share of the Slavic alphabet, it is necessary not just fluently watch it, and read into every letter-word. After all, each letter-word contains a semantic kernel, which invested in her Konstantin.

Leading truth, the highest part of the alphabet
AZ - This is the initial letter of the Slavic alphabet, which denotes the pronoun I. However, its indigenous meaning is the word "initially", "start" or "beginning", although in everyday life, the Slavs most often used AZ in the context of pronoun. Nevertheless, in some Older Slavonic writings, you can find AZ, who identified "one", for example, "I will go to Vladimir". Or to "start with Azov" indicated "start from the beginning." Thus, the Slavs denoted with the beginning of the alphabet, the entire philosophical meaning of being, where there is no end without beginning, there is no light without darkness, but without good there is no evil. At the same time, the chief emphasis is placed on the duality of the world's arrangement. Actually, the alphabet itself is built on the principle of duality, where it is conditionally divided into two parts: the highest and lowest, positive and negative, part located at the beginning and part that is at the end. Also, you should not forget that AZ has a numeric value, which is expressed by the number 1. In the ancient Slavs, the figure 1 was the beginning of everything beautiful. Today, studying the Slavic numerology, it can be said that Slavs, like other nations, shared all the numbers on emphast. At the same time, odd numbers were the embodiment of all positive, kind and light. In turn, the even numbers were of darkness and evil. At the same time, the unit was considered the beginning of all began and was very revered by Slavic tribes. From the point of the erotic numerology, it is believed that 1 is a phallic character from which the continuation of the kind begins. This number has several synonyms: 1 is a unit, 1 is one, 1 - just.

Buki (Books) - the second letter-word in the alphabet. It does not have a digital value, but it has no less deep philosophical meaning than AZ. Buki means "be", "will" is most often used in the turnover in the future form. For example, "Boudi" means "let it be", and the "booming", as you probably have already guessed, indicates the "future, upcoming". In this word, our ancestors expressed the future as the inevitability that could be like a good and iris, so gloomy and terrible. Until now, it is unknown, why Konstantin did not give a numerical value, but many scientists suggest that this is due to the duality of this letter. After all, by and large, it denotes the future, which every person represents for himself in the rainbow light, but on the other hand, this word also denotes the inevitability of punishment for perfect low deeds.

Vedi - The most interesting letter of the Old Slavonic alphabet, which has a numeric value 2. This letter has several values: to behave, know and own. When Konstantin put this meaning in lead, he meant the innermost knowledge, knowledge - as the Higher Divine Dar. If you fold az, beech and lead in one phrase, you will get a phrase that means "I will know!". Thus, Konstantin showed that the person who opened the alphabet created by him will later have some knowledge. No less important and the number load of this letter. After all, 2 - two, two, the couple were not just numbers from the Slavs, they took an active part in magical rituals and were generally the symbols of the duality of the whole earthly and heavenly. The number 2 of the Slavs indicated the unity of the sky and the earth, the duality of human nature, good and evil, etc. In a word, the deuce was the symbol of the confrontation of two sides, heavenly and earthly equilibrium. Moreover, it is worth noting that the Slavs considered the Devilian number two and attributed to him a lot of negative properties, believing that it was the two who reveals a numerical series of negative numbers who carry death. That is why the birth of twins in the Old Slavonic families was considered a bad sign that carried the genus of the disease and misfortune. In addition, the Slavs have a bad sign considered to smooth the cradle, two people are filled with one towel and in general to make any action together. Despite such a negative attitude to the number 2, the Slavs recognized its magic force. For example, many rituals of expulsion of unclean forces were carried out with the help of two identical objects or with the participation of twins.

Having considered the highest part of the alphabet can be stating the fact that it is the secret message of Constantine to descendants. "Where is it seen?" - you ask. And you now try to read all the letters, knowing their true meaning. If you take a few subsequent letters, the phrases of edification are folded:
Led + verb denotes "Edition Teaching";
RCSi + word + firmly can be understood as the phrase "Crowd the word true";
Firmly + Oak can be interpreted as "strengthening the law".
If you take a closer to other letters, then you can also find the Tynesh, which Konstantin Philosopher left.
And you ever thought, why the letters in the alphabet are worth exactly in this order, and not any other? The order of the "highest" part of the letters of Cyrillic can be considered from two positions.
Firstly, the fact that each letter-word is inserted into a meaningful phrase followed by a non-random pattern, which was invented for the speedy storage of the alphabet.
Secondly, the Old Slavonic alphabet can be considered in terms of numbering numbers. That is, each letter is also the number. And all the letters numbers are arranged in ascending order. So, the letter A - "AZ" corresponds to the unit, in - 2, g - 3, d - 4, e - 5 and so up to ten. With the letters, dozens begin, which are listed here in the same way as units: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 80 and 100.

In addition, many scientists noticed that the outlines of the letters of the "highest part of the alphabet are graphically simple, beautiful and comfortable. They perfectly approached a jumping letter, and the person did not experience any difficulties in the image of these letters. And many philosophers are seen in the numerical arrangement of the ABC, the principle of the triad and spiritual harmony, which a person reaches, striving for good, light and truth.
Having studied the alphabet from the most "Azov" we can conclude that Konstantin left his descendants the main value - the creation, which urges us to strive for self-cultivation, teaching, wisdom and love, miserably dark paths of malice, envy and hostility.

Now, revealing the alphabet, you will know that the creation that has appeared for the world due to the efforts of Constantine Philosopher is not just a list of letters from which words express our fear and indignation, love and tenderness, respect and delight.

And Methodius entered the story as the creators of Slavic alphabet. Thanks to their activities, we can now read, express our thoughts in writing. These are quite famous historical personality. There is even Cyril and Methodius a brief biography for children.

Worldly life of future saints

Two brothers were born in the city of Thessaloniki. Their father is a soldier at the governor of the city. The years of the life of Kirill and Methodius in a brief biography belong to the XIV century of our era.

Methodius's elder brother was born in 815, Kirill, at the birth of Konstantin, was born in 827. Mikhodii, at birth, Mikhail, was originally appointed to the princely place. But the worldly bustle tired of a young man. He refused such privilege and at the age of 37 accepted the post.

The younger brother Kirill from the very beginning consciously chose a spiritual path for himself. Thanks to his curiosity and phenomenal memory, he won the favor of others. Cyril was sent to Byzantium, where he was trained with the emperor himself. Having studied thoroughly geometry, dialectics, arithmetic, astronomy, rhetoric and philosophy, he is fond of learning languages. His noble origin made it possible to enter into a profitable marriage and get a high state office. But the young man decided to build his life differently. He settled in the temple of the Holy Sofia Keeper of the library, and later became a teacher at the university. Often participated in philosophical disputes. For excellent oratory skills and erudition, he began to call him a philosopher. But worldly life is just part of the brief biography of Cyril and Methodius, which is rapidly over. A new story began.

Start of a spiritual path

The court life was not satisfied with Cyril, and he went to his brother in the monastery. But spiritual silence and privacy, which he so longed and did not gain. Cyril was frequent disputes regarding faith issues. He knew the canons of Christianity perfectly and often defeated opponents thanks to his mind and high knowledge.

Later, the emperor Byzantium expressed a desire to attract Khazar Christianity. In their territory, Jews and Muslims have already begun to spread their religion. Kirill and Methodius were sent to the Kharill and Methodius to enlighten the Kharian minds of Christian sermons. Their biography tells them about an interesting case. On the way home brothers visited the city of Korsun. There, they were able to get the relics of the Holy Clement, the former Pope. After returning home, Kirill was delayed in the capital, and Methodius went to the monastery of the polychry, which was located near the Mount Olympus, where he received Igumen.

Mission in Moravia

The biography of the Kirill and Methodius brothers is based on chronicle data. According to them, in 860, the ambassadors of Moravia Rostislav's ambassadors were requested to the Byzantine Emperor, with a request to send preachers to praise Christianity. The emperor, without hesitation, laid an important task for Kirill and Methodius. The biography them tells about the complexity of the commission. It was that German bishops began their activities in Moravia, aggressively configured against anyone else.

Arriving in Moravia, Kirill discovered that almost no one knows the Holy Scriptures, since the service was performed on an unknown people in Latin. Preachers from Germany adhered to the opinions that worship can only be in Latin, Greek and Hebrew, because it was in these languages \u200b\u200bthat there were inscriptions on the cross, where they crucified Christ. The eastern clergy admitted service in any language.

The main task of future saints and was the creation of its own alphabet. After writing its alphabet, they began to rewrite the Scriptures on the language understandable to the people. But in order to carry out worship, it was necessary not only to create his letter, but also to educate the people of diploma.

The clergy of Moravia with caution belonged to such innovations, and later began to resist them. An important factor was not only spiritual life, but also political. Moravia actually submitted to the jurisdiction of Pope of Roman, and they looked at the dissemination of a new letter and language as an attempt to capture the power by the Byzantine emperor, the hands of preachers. At that time, Catholicism and Orthodoxy were another faith under the protection of Pope Roman.

The active activity of Kirill and Methodius caused the indignation of German bishops. Since in religious disputes, Kirill has always won, German preachers wrote a complaint to Rome. To solve this issue, Pope Nicholas I called on the brothers to appear to him. Cyril and Methodius were forced to go to a long way.

Creating ABC

The complete biography of Kirill and Methodius is filled with mentions about the origin of their greatest creation. Kirill knew the Slavic language well and therefore began to create an alphabet for Slavs. He actively helped his elder brother. The first alphabet was created according to the sample of the Greek alphabet. The letters corresponded to Greek, but had a different appearance, and Jewish letters were taken for characteristic Slavic sounds. This version of the alphabet was called the verbs, from the word "verbit" - to speak. Another variant of the alphabet was called Cyrillic.

The verbs is a set of sticks and symbols, energizing with the Greek alphabet. Cyrillic is an option, more close to a modern alphabet. It is believed that it was created by followers of the saints. But disputes about the truth of this statement are still being carried out.

It is difficult to accurately establish the date of formation of the alphabet, since the original source does not reach us, there are only secondary or rewritten letters.

Metamorphosis of the first alphabet

As soon as Cyril and Methodius finished work on the creation of Slavic writing, they began to translate a number of books for worship. In this, they helped many students and followers. So the Slavic literary language appeared. Some words from it reached our time in Bulgarian, Ukrainian and Russian. Early option became the basis of the alphabet of all Eastern Slavs, but also a late version did not forget. She is now enjoyed in church books.

Initially, Cyrillic letters were written separately from each other and were called the charter (by the authorized letter), with time we transformed into semi-supersay. When the initial letters were modified, the semi-stitch replaced the speed. From the XVIII century, during the reign of Peter I, from Cyrillic, part of the letters were excluded and called it a Russian civil alphabet.

Kirill and Methodius in Rome

After the peripetias with German bishops, Cyril and Methodius were called to the court to Pope Roman. Going to the meeting, the brothers took with them the relics of the Holy Clement, previously brought from Corsun. But an unforeseen circumstance happened: Nicholas I died before the arrival of future saints. His successor Adrian II met them. For the meeting of the brothers and saints, the whole delegation was sent for the city. As a result, Pope gave his consent to hosting services in Slavic

During the trip, Cyrill was weakening and felt bad. He is running from diseases and, foreseeing the early death, asked her older brother to continue their common cause. He accepted Shima, replacing the worldly name Konstantin on the spiritual Cyril. His older brother had to return from Rome to one.

Methodius without Kirill

As promised, Methodius continued its activities. Pope Adrian II proclaimed Methodius by the Bishop. He was allowed to lead worship in Slavic, but provided that he would be sure to start service in Latin or Greek.

Upon returning home, Methodius took several disciples and began for the translation of the Old Testament to Slavic. He opened church schools and enlightened young faster minds in matters of Orthodoxy. The population has become more converged, where the service was conducted in Latin, and moved to the side of the Methodius. This period is one of the brightest episodes of the biography of Cyril and Methodius.

Sad fate followers

With the gradual increase in the authority of the German feudal and changing power on the lands of Moravia, mass prosecution of Methodius and his followers began. In 870, he was delayed for "uncontrolled self-government". Together with him are arrested and its approximated.

For six months they were imprisoned until they were before the court. As a result of long-term disputes, Methodius was deprived of Sana and sharpened in the monastery. Just getting to Rome, he was able to refute empty charges and regain the San Archbishop. He continued enlightening activities until his death in 885.

After his death immediately came out a ban on hosting services in Slavic. His students and followers waited for death or slavery.

Despite all the difficulties, the lifestyle of the brothers flourished with a greater force. Thanks to them, many nations have gained their writing. And for all the tests that the brothers had happened, they were canonized - they rank saints. We know them as equivalent to Cyril and Methodius. Everyone should know and honor the biography of Saints Cyril and Methodius as a tribute to their work.