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The first ram in the night air battle produced. Who and when for the first time performed a night air ram

For the first time in the world, the night air ram was performed by the Soviet pilot-fighter Senior Lieutenant Evgeny Stepanov October 28, 1938 Sky of Spain

For a long time It was believed that the first night Taran on the account of the Soviet pilot Viktor Talalikhin, which on August 7, 1941, Taranized the Nazi-111 fascist bomber near Moscow. Do not detract from his championship in this case in the framework of the Great Patriotic War, let us give the tribute and our great pilot-ACU Evgenia Nikolaevich Stepanov.

So, the first night Taran in the history of aviation was made on October 28, 1938. That night weaving on his I-15 commander of the 1st squadron "Chatos" Senior Lieutenant Evgeny Stepanov saw an enemy bomber illuminated by Moon, and went to the attack. During the battle, the arrows of the upper turret was killed. In the meantime, "Savoy" turned towards Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe lights of which were already clearly visible. Stepanov decided to go to the ram. Trying to save the propeller and the engine as possible, he hit the wheels, which came across the tail plumage "Savoy". Having lost the stabilizer, the bomber immediately collapsed down just a few kilometers from the city.

Although I-15 was damaged, Stepanov checking the control and operation of the motor, decided to continue patroling and soon discovered another "Savoy". Several times firing a bomber, he made his crew turn to the side open sea, over the waves of which finally finished bombovoz. Only after that, our pilot returned to the Sabadell airfield, where she was safely planted his damaged fighter.

In total, Stepanov spent 16 air fighting and hit 8 opponent aircraft.

The last fight in the Spanish sky Evgeny Stepanov held on January 17, 1938. On that day, he led a squadron to the Mountain Universalence for the interception of "Junkers", flying to the bombing of the republican troops, accompanied by a large group of Fiatov. Over the city of Okhog-Negro, the battle has rue. The opponent was superior to Stepanov's group almost 3 times. Eugene successfully attacked and knocked down "Fiat" and thereby saved from the obvious death of the Austrian pilot - Volunteer Toma Drozha. After that, Stepanov chased after the second enemy fighter, went to his tail, caught in the sight and pressed the gay. But the machine guns were silent. Cartridges ended. Decided: "Taste!" This second in front of the nose I-15 broke out several anti-aircraft shells. Fascists gave trim fire. The second series of explosions covered the car Stepanov. The fragments were collected by the control cables, the engine is damaged. Do not obey the will of the pilot, the plane went cool to Earth. Stepanov jumped out of the cab and opened the parachute. He landed not far from the advanced position and was captured by Moroccans. This would probably not have happened if, when landing Stepanov did not hit the rock and did not lose consciousness.

The enemy soldiers rushed out of the Soviet pilot uniforms, stripped to the underwear, twisted the wire. Interrogations followed, beatings, torture and bullying. The month was kept in a single chamber, for several days they did not give food. But the officer did not even say enemies even his of this surname. Stepanov passed the prisons of Zaragoza, Salamanca and San Sebastian.

Six months later, the government of the Spanish Republic exchanged him on the prisoner of the fascist pilot.

After returning from Spain, Stepanov received the rank of captain and was appointed inspector on the technique of piloting the 19th IAP of the Leningrad Military District.

From the biography: Evgeny Stepanov was born on May 22, 1911 in Moscow, in the family of a worker - marbled. At the 6th age left without a father. In 1928 he graduated from the 7th grades, and in 1930 - the FMU railway school. Worked by Kuznets. Engaged in the factory radio club. In 1932, she graduated at the Moscow School of Osoaviahim's pilot, having a raid 80 hours. In the same year, the Komsomol's junction was sent to the Borisoglebsk School of Military pilots. After her end, in March 1933, he was appointed to serve on a bomber, but after numerous applications managed to achieve appointment to the fighter. He served as part of the 12th Fighter Aviation Squadron, which was part of the 111st Fighter Aviation Brigade of the Leningrad Military District. He was a senior pilot and a link commander.

From August 20, 1937 to July 27, 1938, he participated in the National Revolutionary War of the Spanish people. He was a pilot, squadron commander, and then commander of a group of fighters and-15. He had pseudonyms: "Euhenio" and "blindnev". He had 100 hours of combat raid. After spending 16 air bonds, hit 8 opponent aircraft personally, including 1 - Taran, and 4 in the group. November 10, 1937 was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

From May 29 to September 16, 1939, he participated in the battles with the Japanese in the Khalhin River area - goal. Flew to I-16 and on I-153. His task was to transmit combat experience to pilots that have not yet met the enemy in the air. In total, in the sky of Mongolia, the inspector on the technique of piloting the 19th Fighter Aviation Regiment (1st Army Group) Captain E. N. Stepanov made more than 100 combat departures, spent 5 air bonds, hit 4 opponent aircraft. August 29, 1939 for the courage and military valor shown in battles with enemies, awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. On August 10, 1939, he was awarded the Mongolian Order "For Military Valor".

As part of the 19th Fighter Airlock participated in the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. Then he was an inspector on the technique of piloting the Office of the Moscow Military District Air Force.

During the Great Patriotic War, he worked in the management of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. In 1942 - 1943 he was the head of the Department of Military Educational Institutions of the Air Force of this district. After the war, he resigned to the reserve, worked as an inspector, instructor and head of the department in the Central Committee of the DOSAAF, was then deputy chief of the Central Aeroclobe named after V. P. Chkalov. He died on 4 September 1996. He was buried on the Trojeurov cemetery.

The famous fact, the first aviators did not fight in the sky, and welcomed each other.
In 1911 and the French and Russians simultaneously equipped aircraft with machine guns and rushed the era of air battles. In the absence of pylons, a ram was used.

Taran - acceptance of an aviation battle, intended to derive an opponent aircraft, ground target or a pedestrian pedestrian.
For the first time was applied by Peter Nesterov on September 8, 1914 against the Austrian scout aircraft.

There are several types of Taranov: the punch of the chassis on the wing, a shot with a propeller on the tail plumage, blow by the wing, blow by the fuselage, punch with a tail (Taran I. Sh. Bikmukhametova)
Taran, performed by I. Sh. Bikmukhametov, during the Great Patriotic War: Going to the head of the enemy with a slide and turning bikmukhametov, hit the tail of his aircraft on the wing of the enemy. As a result, the enemy lost control, fell into a corkscrew and crashed, and Bikmukhametov could even bring his aircraft to the airfield and land safely.
Taran V. A. Kulyapina Taran S. P. Subbotina, a taran on the jet fighter, was used in air combat in Korea. Subbotin fell into a situation where the enemy caught up at the decline. After releasing the brake shields, Subbotin dropped the speed, actually substituting his plane under the blow. As a result of the collision, the enemy was destroyed, Subbotin managed to catapult and stayed alive.


The first air ram applied Peter Nesterov on September 8, 1914 against the Austrian scout aircraft.


During the war, 28 opponent aircraft were shot down, of which one in the group, and 4 aircraft shot down Taran. In three cases, the Coversan on his aircraft MiG-3 returned to the airfield. On August 13, 1942, on the aircraft La-5, Captain Kovzan discovered a group of bombers and opponent fighters. In battle with them, he was chosen, he wounded his eyes, and then the CZZAN sent his plane to the enemy bomber. From the blow of the CZZAN, he dropped from the cab and from a height of 6000 meters with a non-fully discontinued parachute, he fell into a swamp, breaking the leg and a few Ryubers.


There was a damaged plane to the nominal target. According to reporters, Vorobyov and Rybas, the burning aircraft Gastello made a taran of a mechanized column of enemy technician. At night, the peasants from the nearby village of Deccents removed the corpses of pilots from the plane and, wrapped the body into parachutes, buried them next to the place of falling a bombarder. The feat of Gastello was to some extent canonized. The first taran in the history of the Great Patriotic War committed the Soviet pilot D. V. Kokorev on June 22, 1941 approximately 4 hours 15 minutes ( for a long time The author of the first Taran in the history of the Great Patriotic War was considered to be I. I. Ivanov, but in fact he made his randa for 10 minutes. Later Kokorev)


On the Light Bombarder Su-2 shot down one German fighter ME-109, the second tagged. From the blow of the wing in the fuselage "Messerschmitt" broke in half, and the Su-2 exploded, while the pilot was thrown out of the cab.


The first on August 7, 1941 applied the night Taran, hitting the HE-111 bomber near Moscow. At the same time he left alive.


On December 20, 1943 in his first air combat, destroyed two American bomber B-24 "Libertor" - the first of the machine gun, and the second air rag.


February 13, 1945 In the southern part of the Baltic Sea, with an attack of the end-transport, V.P. P. P. got to the aircraft, the plane began to fall, but the pilot sent his burning aircraft directly to transport and destroyed it. The crew of the aircraft died.


On May 20, 1942, I flew on an airplane I-153 to interception of the JU-88 enemy scout, photographed military facilities in the city of Yelts Lipetsk region. The opponent's airplane fell, but he remained in the air and continued flight. Barkovsky talked his plane to the ram and destroyed the JU-88. Pilot died in a collision.


On November 28, 1973, a Taran F-4 "Phantom" of Iran's Air Force was performed on the MiG-21cm jet fighter (in violation of the last state border of the USSR in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Mugan Valley of AzSSR), the captain of the city of Eliseev died.

10 Kuliapin Valentin (Taran Kulyapin)

Made a Tranio Airplane CL-44 (LV-JTN room, Transportes Aeree Rioplatense airline, Argentina), which made a secret transport flight along the Tel Aviv - Tehran route and unintentionally invaded to Armenia's airspace.

Nature itself did not want him to become a pilot, but all his short life Victor Talalikhin knew how to make the right decisions.

For those who lived 23 years, this Saratov guy managed to go through two wars and grow in an experienced pilot, who had 10 air victories in his all-service list. He made one of the first air taranans of the Great Patriotic War, received the Golden Star Hero of the Soviet Union at number 347 and turned into a real idol of Soviet youth, who was trying to live life as Victor Talalikhin.

Following the brothers

Victor was born on September 18, 1918 in the village of Teplovka Volsky County of Saratov province, becoming a "follower." Parents regretted and loved the baby, who actually replaced them by the oldest who died during the civil war. In 1933, the Father, in search of the best share, transported the family to the capital of the Soviet Union. The 15-year-old Victor entered the school at the Moscow (Mikoyanovsky) meat processing plant, which immediately went to work in 1937.

But the sky manifes him to himself. This was a considerable degree of degree of fate of the older brothers. Alexander served as an onboard mechanic Nikolai - Sea pilot. And in his free work and participation in the drama time, Viktor visits the Aeroclub, acquiring the overall airplane management skills and parachute jumps.

Not at that

After the call to the army, Victor expressed a desire to become a military pilot and was sent to the Borisoglebsk military school, which she successfully graduated in 1938. It is necessary to take into account that the growth of Talalichina was only 155 cm, his nickname "Kid" was accompanied in life. He did not even want to allow to aircraft, but not on how they say, they attacked.

Young pilot entrusted to manage a somewhat obsolete biplane and-153 "Seagull". He mastered the martial car at perfection, which was very helpful to the younger lieutenant Talalichine during the Soviet-Finnish war.

On an outdated fighter with an open and blown by all winds, the cab The young pilot made 49 combat flights and hit 4 enemy aircraft, for which he was presented to awarding the Order of the Red Star. At that time, it was one of the most respected combat awards, which even dreamed of high rank warlods dreamed.

In early 1941, Viktor Talalikhin served in the city of Wedge of the Moscow Region, fulfilling the duties of the Deputy Commander of the Aviation Squadron of the 177th Fighter Aviamar. Now he flew to the "Ishachka" I-16, who proven himself to be the best fighter of the Spanish campaign, but rapidly obsolete against the background of the newest German technology.

Battle for the sky of Moscow

On July 22, 1941, the first airline at Moscow took place. To break through to the capital in the afternoon, the fascists did not have almost no chance, and they made attempts to night bombarded to the city from various sides.

The Soviet command puts the task completely to overlap one of the Moscow sky sectors, not allowing the approach to the capital of enemy bombers to the capital of enemy bombers to the 177th. On the alarm in the air rose only the most prepared pilots, capable of navigating and fighting in the night sky.

It was necessary not only to detect and destroy the German bombers "Junkers", "Heinkel" and "Dornery", but also not to fall under the fire of ground-based means of their own anti-air defense. Viktor Talalikhin immediately demonstrated himself a virtuoso of air combat, skillfully lavored between the tracing bursts of anti-aircraft shells, as well as shots of enemy guns and machine guns.

How to become a hero, survivors

The star hour of the young pilot came on the night of August 7, 1941, when in the sky over the modern Domodedovo district of Moscow, Viktor Talalikhin discovered the "Heinkel-111" bombarder of the German Lieutenant I. Tashner.

These were two worthy opponents, skillfully leaving mutual attacks. Frequently quickly our pilot spent the ammunition. According to the instructions, he should immediately return to the base, but then the fascist would unhindered his bombs at the peaceful residents of Moscow.

And the Soviet guy who did not even fulfill the age of 23, decided to sacrifice his life for the birthplace. He sent a fighter towards the enemy bomber and did not allow this to dare to strike. The screw of our fighter literally cut off the tail plumage of the fascist. Even direct machine-gun queues stopped the hero, one of whom has inflicted him a serious wound in his hand.

The taran as an intake of air combat has never been and will not be the main, since the collision from the enemy often leads to the destruction and fall of both machines. Thalene is admissible only in a situation where the pilot has no other choice. For the first time, a similar attack was performed in 1912 the famous pilot Peter Nesterov, shot down the Austrian-Relief. His light "Moran" hit the heavy enemy "Albatross" from above, on which the pilot and the observer were. As a result of attacks, both aircraft were damaged and fell, Nesterov and Austrians died. At that time, the aircraft were not installed on the aircraft, so the ram was the only way to bring down the enemy airplane.

After the death of Nesterov, the tactics of the taranny strikes was carefully worked out, the pilots began to strive to knock the enemy plane while retaining her. The main way of attack was a blow to blades air screw According to the tail of the opponent's aircraft. The rapidly rotating propeller damaged the tail of the aircraft, which led to the loss of its controllability and fall. At the same time, pilots of attacking machines often managed to safely plant their planes. After replacing the cut screws, the machines were ready for flights again. Other options were used - blow by wing, keel, fuselage, chassis.

Night taranis were especially difficult, since in conditions of poor visibility, it is very difficult to perform a blow. For the first time, the night air ram applied on October 28, 1937 in the sky of Spain Soviet Evgeny Stepanov. At night over Barcelona on the "I-15" he managed to destroy the Italian bomber "Savoy-Marketti" to destroy the Italian bomber. Since the Soviet Union officially did not participate in the civilian in Spain, the pilot of the pilot was preferred for a long time.

In the course of the Great Patriotic War, the first night air Taran was performed by the fighter pilot of the 28th Fighter Petr Vasilyevich Eremeev: July 29, 1941 by the MiG-3 plane, he destroyed the enemy bomber "Junkers-88". But the Night Taran of the Fighter Fighter Taran Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhina became the more famous: on the night of August 7, 1941, on the aircraft "I-16" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe suburban Podolsk, he knocked down the German bomber "Heinkel-111". The battle for Moscow was one of key moments Wars, so the pilot feat was widely known. For the manifested courage and heroism, Viktor Talaliahine were awarded the Order of Lenin and the Golden Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. He died on October 27, 1941 in air combat, destroying two opponent aircraft and having received a deadly wound with a broken projectile.

During battles with fascist Germany Soviet pilots performed more than 500 taranne attacks, some pilots used this technique several times and remained alive. Boots were used and later, already on jet machines.

The air force of the Third Reich (Luftwaffe) from the very beginning of the war with the Soviet Union had to experience the rage of Soviet Sokolov. Heinrich Gering, Reichsministra of the Imperial Ministry of Aviation in 1935-1945, was forced to forget his boastful words about what "no one will never be able to achieve the benefits of the air over Germans!"

On the first day of the Great Patriotic War german pilots Faced with such a reception as an air ram. This technique was first suggested by the Russian aviator N. A. Yatsuk (in the journal "Vestnika aeronautics" No. 13-14 for 1911), and at the Practice was also first applied by the Russian pilot Peter Nesterov on September 8, 1914, when he shot down the Austrian aircraft scout.

In the Great Patriotic War, the air taran was not provided for by the military charter, any instructions or instructions and Soviet pilots resorted to this receipt by order of command. Soviet people moved love to his homeland, hatred for the invaders and the rage of battle, a sense of duty and personal responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland. As the main Marshal of Aviation (since 1944), twice the hero of the Soviet Union, Alexander Alexandrovich Novikov, who from May 1943 to 1946 by the commander of the Soviet Air Force: "The air ram is not only a lightning calculation, exceptional courage and self-control. Taran in the sky is primarily a readiness for self-sacrifice, the last test on loyalty to its people, its ideals. This is one of the highest forms of manifestation of the most moral factor inherent in the Soviet person who did not take into account and could not take into account the enemy. "

During Great War Soviet pilots made more than 600 air taranas (the exact amount of their number is unknown, since the research continues and at present, the new exploits of Stalin's Sokolov are gradually known). More than two thirds of Taranians fall on 1941-1942 - this is the most heavy period wars. In the fall of 1941, a circular was even sent to the Luftwaffe, which forbidden to approach Soviet aircraft closer than 100 meters to avoid air taran.

It should be noted that the pilots of the Soviet Air Force used a ram on all types of aircraft: fighters, bombers, attack aircraft and scouts. The air troughs were made in single and group battles, day and night, in large and small altitudes, above their territory and over the territory of the enemy, in all weather conditions. There were cases when the pilots tagged the ground or water target. Thus, the number of terrestrial taranans is almost equal to air attacks - more than 500. Perhaps the most famous terrestrial taran is a feat that has done on June 26, 1941 for DB-3F (IL-4, two-door distant bomber) Create Captain Nikolai Gastello. The bomber was brought against the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery fire and committed so H. "Fire Taran", hitting the enemy's mechanized column.

In addition, it is impossible to say that the air taran necessarily led to the death of the pilot. As statistics show, when performing air taran, about 37% of pilots are skirt. The remaining pilots not only remained alive, but even retained the aircraft in a more or less efficient state, so many cars could continue the air battle and committed good landing. There are examples when pilots made two successful taran in one air combat. Several dozen Soviet pilots committed so many. "Double" tarana, this is when the enemy's first time did not succeed and then had to finish it with a second blow. There is even a case when the Fighter-fighter-fighter Kilgovatov to destroy the enemy, four-tuning strikes had to commit. 35 Soviet pilots committed two Tarana, N.V.Terukhin and A.S. Clamps - three.

Boris Ivanovich Kovezan (1922 - 1985) - This is the only pilot in the world, who made four air taran, and he returned to his native airfield on his aircraft. On August 13, 1942, on a single-engine fighter La-5, Captain B. I. Kovzan made the fourth ram. The pilot found a group of enemy bombers and fighters and joined them into the fight. In a fierce battle, his plane fell. The enemy machine gunway accounted for a cockpit of the fighter, the dashboard was broken, the pilot's head was commissioned by fragments. The car burned. Boris Kovezan felt a sharp pain in his head and one eye, so hardly noticed, as one of the German aircraft went to his frontal attack. Machines quickly come closer. "If the German will now not stand and turn up, then it will be necessary to tash", "Czzan thought. Wounded in the head of the pilot on a burning plane went to the ram.

When the aircraft collided in the air, the cuba from a sharp blow was thrown out of the cab, so on. Belts simply burst. 3500 meters he flew, without revealing the parachute in a half-conscious state, and only over the earth itself, at an altitude of only 200 meters, woke up and pulled out for the exhaust ring. The parachute was able to reveal, but the blow of the Earth was still very strong. Soviet speakers came to himself in the hospital of Moscow for the seventh day. He had a few wounds with fragments, turned out to be broken clavicle and jaw, both hands and legs. The right eye of the pilot doctors could not save. For two months, the treatment of Czzana continued. Everyone was well understood that only a miracle was saved in this air battle. The verdict of the commission for Boris Cause was very heavy: "You can not fly more." But it was a real Soviet falcon who did not imagine life without flights and the sky. Czzan sought his dream all life! His at one time did not want to take to the Odessa military aircraft school, then the Czuzan attributed to himself a year and thus stunned by the medical commission doctors, although she did not finish 13 kilograms of weight to the norm. And he achieved his goal. His hard confidence was led if it was constantly striving for the goal - it will be achieved.

He was wounded, but now healthy, head in place, hands and legs recovered. As a result, the pilot reached the master committee of the Air Force A. Novikov. He promised to help. A new conclusion of a medical examination was obtained: "It is suitable for flights on all types of fighters." Boris Czzan writes a report with a request to send it to the warring parts, receives several failures. But this time achieved his own, the pilot was enrolled in the 144th division of anti-heart defense (air defense) near Saratov. In total, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet pilot committed 360 combat flights, took part in 127 air battles, hit 28 German aircraft, and 6 of them, after severe injury and being one-eyed. In August 1943 he received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Kovzan Boris Ivanovich

Soviet pilots during the Great Patriotic War used various techniques Air Taran:

A shock by the propeller of the aircraft by the tail of the enemy. The attacking aircraft comes on the enemy from behind and strikes the propeller on his tail plumage. This blow led to the destruction of an enemy aircraft or loss of manageability. It was the most common air taran technique during the Great War. With the right execution, the pilot of the attacker aircraft had pretty good chances to survive. When a collision with the aircraft, the enemy usually suffers only a propeller, and even if he failed, there were chances to plant a car or jump with a parachute.

Blow by wing. It was produced both with a frontal convergence of airplanes and when entering the enemy from behind. The blow was applied by the wing on the tail or the fuselage of the enemy aircraft, including the cabin of the pilot of the aircraft target. Sometimes the frontal attack was completed by such a reception.

Punch fuselage. It was considered the most dangerous for the pilot a view of the air taran. This technique also includes the collision of airplanes during the frontal attack. Interestingly, even with such an outcome, some pilots survived.

Punch with a tail of the aircraft (Taran I. Sh. Bikmukhametova). Taran, who committed Ibrahim Shagihamimedovich Bikmukhametov on August 4, 1942. He comes out in the forehead to the enemy aircraft with a slide and turning the tail of his fighter on the wing of the enemy. As a result, the enemy's fighter lost control, fell into a corkscrew and died, and Ibrahim Bikmukhametov was able to even bring his lagg to the airfield and safely sit down.

Bikmukhametov graduated from the 2nd Borisoglebsk Red Banner Military Aviation School of pilots. V. P. Chkalova, in the winter of 1939 - 1940 participated in the war with Finland. In the Great Patriotic War, the Junior Lieutenant participated from its very beginning, until November 1941 served as part of the 238th Fighter Aviamar (JEP), then in the 5th Guards JaP. The regiment commander noted that the pilot "bold and decisive."

On August 4, 1942, the sixth and single-engine fighter fighters of the 5th Guards JaP headed by Major Major Grigory Onufrienko flew to cover ground troops in Rzhev. This group included the link commander Ibrahim Bikmukhametov. Behind the front line, Soviet fighters met 8 enemy fighters Me-109. The Germans walked a parallel course. Began a speed air scramge. She ended with the victory of our pilots: 3 Luftwaffe aircraft were destroyed. One of them hit the commander of the squadron of Onufrienko, two other Messerschmitt I. Bikmukhametov. The first M-109 pilot attacked on the battle turn, hitting him from the gun and two machine guns, the enemy's aircraft went to the ground. In the fear of the battle I. Bikmukhametov lately noticed another enemy aircraft, which came from above in the tail of his car. But the commander of the link was not confused, he vigorously made a slide and went to the German with a sharp turn. The enemy could not stand the attack in the forehead and tried to unscrew his plane. The enemy pilot was able to avoid a meeting with the blades of the air screw of the machine I. Bikmukhametov. But our pilot was illuminated and, sharply trusting the car, he had a strong blow to the tail of his "iron" (so called the Soviet pilots this fighter) on the wing "Messer". The enemy fighter fell into a corkscrew and soon fell into the thicket of thick forest.

Bikmukhametov was able to bring a strongly damaged car to the airfield. It was the 11th enemy aircraft, shot down by Ibrahim Bikmukhametov. The pilot during the war was awarded 2 orders of the Red Banner and the Order of the Red Star. The brave pilot was killed on December 16, 1942 in the Voronezh region. During the fight with the superior forces of the enemy, his plane was bent and during a forced landing, trying to save the fighter, the wounded pilot crashed.


The first tarana of the Great Patriotic War

Researchers are still arguing about who made the first ram on June 22, 1941. Some believe that it was a senior lieutenant Ivan Ivanovich IvanovOthers call the author of the first Taran of the Great Patriotic War of Junior Lieutenant Dmitry Vasilyevich Kokorev.

I. I. Ivanov (1909 - June 22, 1941) served in the ranks of the Red Army since the fall of 1931, then he was sent according to the Komsomol journey to the Perm Aviation School. In the spring of 1933, Ivanov sent to the 8th Odessa Military Aviation School. Initially, he served in the 11th Lögobombardi shelf in the Kiev Military District, in 1939 he participated in the Polish campaign for the liberation of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, then in the "Winter War" with Finland. At the end of 1940 he graduated from fighter pilot courses. He received a appointment in the 14th mixed aviation division, deputy commander of the squadron of the 46th IAP.

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov

At dawn on June 22, 1941, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Ivanov rose into the sky for combat alarm at the head of the I-16 level (for another version, the pilots were on I-153) on the interception of a group of enemy aircraft, which were approaching the Mlyn airfield. In the air, the Soviet pilots found 6 two-dimensional HE-111 bombers from the 7th squader of the KG 55 Squader. Senior Lieutenant Ivanov led the link fighters in the attack on the enemy. The link of Soviet fighters spliced \u200b\u200bon the lead bomber. Arrows bombers opened fire on Soviet aircraft. Coming out of the dive, I-16 repeated the attack. One of the "Heinkels" was shot down. The rest of the enemy bombers, dropped bombs without reaching the goal and began to go to the west. After a successful attack, both led Ivanov went to their airfield, because, leaving the fire of the enemy shooter, maneuvering, they spent almost all fuel. Ivanov skipping them for landing, continued persecution, but then, also decided to sit down, because Fuel ended, and the wiping ended. At this time, an enemy bomber appeared above the Soviet airfield. Noticing him, Ivanov went to meet him, but the German, leading machine-gun fire, did not turn from the course. Single way Stop the enemy remained a ram. From the blow of the bomber (Soviet aircraft compartment with a screw tail of the German car), which led Unter-Officer H. Rolfeil, lost control and crashed into the ground. The German crew died all. But the aircraft I. Ivanova was badly damaged. Because of the low height, the pilot could not use parachute and died. This ram took place at 4:55 minutes in the morning at the village of Zagor, Rovno district of the Rivne region. On August 2, 1941, Senior Lieutenant Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov posthumously became the hero of the Soviet Union.


At about the same time, his ram made a junior lieutenant Dmitry Vasilyevich Kokorev(1918 - 12.10.1941). The native of the Ryazansk region has a service in the 9th Mixed Aviation Division, in the 124th IAP (Western Special Military District). The regiment was stationed in the border aerodrome highly - Mazowieck, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Zambrov (Western Ukraine). After the war began, the regiment commander Major Polunin instructed the young pilot to explore the situation in the state border area of \u200b\u200bthe USSR, which was now the line of combat contact of the Soviet and German troops.

At 4 o'clock 05 minutes in the morning, when Dmitry Kokorev returned from the intelligence, the Luftwaffe was made on the airfield the first powerful blow, since the regiment interfered with the span of the country. The fight was cruel. The airfield was very destroyed.

And then Kokarev saw the dorne-215 scout-bomber (for other information, a multi-purpose aircraft Me-110), giving away from the Soviet airfield. Apparently, it was a Hitler's scout, which performed the control of the result of the first strike on a fighter airlip. The anger blinded by the Soviet pilot, steeply rushing the high-altitude fighter "MiG" in the battle turn, Kokorev went to the attack, he opened the fire ahead of time. She missed, but the German arrows hit a label - the lines of breaks flashed the right plane of his car.

The enemy aircraft at the maximum speed went to the state border. Dmitry Kokorev went to the second attack. He reduced the distance, not paying attention to the mad shooting of the German arrow, coming to the distance of the shot, Kokorev pressed the gay, but the buzz was over. Long the Soviet pilot did not think that the enemy could not be released, he sharply added speeds and threw the fighter to the enemy car. "MiG" rushed with a screw near the tail of Dornery.

This air taran occurred at 4 hours and 15 minutes (according to other data - at 4.35) in front of the infantry and border guards who defended the city of Zambles. The fuselage of the German aircraft was broken in half, and Dorney collapsed to the ground. Our fighter fell into a corkscrew, his engine stalled. Kokorev came to his senses and could snatch the car from terrible rotation. Chose a glade for landing and successfully landed. It should be noted that the younger lieutenant Kokorev was the usual Soviet ordinary pilot, which were hundreds in Air force Red Army. Behind the shoulders of the younger lieutenant was only a flight school.

Unfortunately, the hero did not live to victory. He made 100 combat departures, hit 5 aircraft enemy. When his regiment fought near Leningrad, on October 12, the intelligence reported that at the airfield in Sivev found a large number of enemy "Junkers". The weather was not harmful, the Germans did not rise into the air in such conditions and did not wait for our aircraft. It was decided to strike on the airfield. A group of 6 of our dive bombers of PE-2 (they were called "pawns"), accompanied by 13 MiG-3 fighters, appearing over Siversk, became a complete surprise for the Nazis.

The incendiary bombs with a low height hit exactly in the target, machine-gun fire and fighter reactive shells endorsed the defeat. The Germans were able to raise only one fighter into the air. PE-2 was bombed and left, only one bomber behind. Kokorev rushed to his defense. He knocked down the enemy, but at that time the contrary defense of the Germans woke up. Dmitry's aircraft was shot down and fell.

First ...

Ekaterina Ivanovna Zelenko (1916 - September 12, 1941) became the first woman on the planet, which made an air ram. Zelenko graduated from Voronezh AeroLub (in 1933), 3rd Orenburg Military Aviation School. K. E. Voroshilova (in 1934). He served as part of the 19th Light Bombarding Aviation Brigade in Kharkov, was a tester pilot. For 4 years, she mastered seven types of aircraft. This is the only pilot woman who participated in the "Winter War" (as part of the 11th Lung-Bombardy Aviation Regiment). Was awarded the Order of the Red Banner - made 8 combat departures.

In the Great Patriotic War, he participated from the first day, fighting as part of the 16th Mixed Aviation Division, was the Deputy Commander of the 5th Squadron of the 135th Bombarding Aviation Regiment. I managed to take 40 combat departures, including night. On September 12, 1941, she made 2 successful intelligence military departures on the SU-2 bombarder. But, despite the fact that during the second flight, Her Su-2 was damaged, Ekaterina Zelenko flew on the same day for the third time. Already returning, in the city of Romna, two Soviet aircraft were attacked by 7 enemy fighters. Catherine Zelenko was able to knocked down one ME-109, and when she ran out by the wiping, she rammed the second German fighter. The pilot destroyed the enemy, but at the same time he died herself.

Monument to Catherine Zelenko in Kursk.

Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin (1918 - October 27, 1941) Made a night Taran, which became the most famous in this war, having knocked down on the night of August 7, 1941 on I-16 in the area of \u200b\u200bPodolsk (Moscow region) HE-111 bomber. For a long time it was believed that this is the first night ram in the history of aviation. Only later it became known that on the night of July 29, 1941, the fighter pilot of the 28th IAP Petr Vasilyevich Eremeev By plane MiG-3, the enemy bomber "Junkers-88" was shot down by a shuffle. He died on October 2, 1941 in air combat (September 21, 1995, Eremeev for courage and military valor, posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Russia).

On October 27, 1941, 6 fighters under the command of V. Talalichina flew to the cover of our forces to the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Kamenka, on the shore of Nara (85 km of the capital). They ran into 9 enemy fighters, in the fight Talalikhin knocked down one "Messer", but the other was able to beat him, the pilot fell by the death of the brave ...

Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin.

Crew Viktor Petrovich Nosov From the 51st Minno-torpedoral regiment of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, the first in the history of the War of the vessel was performed using a heavy bomber. The lieutenant commanded the Torpedon-Main A-20 (American Douglas A-20 Havoc). February 13, 1945 in the southern part of the Baltic Sea, when attacking enemy transport in 6 thousand tons, the Soviet aircraft was shot down. The commander sent a burning machine directly to the transport of the enemy. The plane fell into the goal, an explosion occurred, the enemy ship sank. Airplane crew: Lieutenant Victor Nosov (commander), Junior Lieutenant Alexander Igoshin (navigator) and Sergeant Fedor Dorofeyev (Radist's shooter), died by the death of brave.