Repairs Design Furniture

Homemade boat with air screw. Homemade aeroglysser shape and size of the cross section of the blade

US MARS in Florida is one of the most amazing and unspoiled corners of the wildlife, but how to communicate with such a non-sensitive terrain and not to become a dinner for alligator.

Florida swamps have become a house for more than a million crocodiles. These ancient creatures reach weights of 350 kg and grow up to 4 meters. Their jaw force is more than 3000 kN / cm². They "flourish" in freshwater lakes and rivers, so that this area is their natural habitat, but if someone wants to look at these creatures closer, then a special vessel will be required. For this purpose, a unique lightweight was created. air boat - aeroglysser. These powerful boats Can go on water and on the ground. In their use, not only curious tourists need to look at alligators, but also the police, coast guard and environmental protection organizations.

It all starts from the build of the case. It is made of light aluminum alloy, and the flat bottom allows you to slide and on the water and over the wetlands, without riding the bottom. The housing form parts components cooked with each other. Other employees prepare exterior boat, giving surface roughness. Then the polymer paint is applied to the finished housing, which gives protection, and also looks great. When the case is ready aeroglysser Equipped with seats for seats depending on the project and two engines. As American Marsh Marsh Marsh High Cane and Vegetation Warded Steel Equipment for Seating is designed as high as possible and strong.

air boats (Aeroglyssers)

aluminium case

air boats in action

amphibian qualities aeroglisser

multi-meal air boat

transportation of the boat requires a special semi-trailer

Another feature aerial boats is the engine and the propulsion. These are the only details aeroglisserwhich is not done manually. The traditional rowing screw would have worked for a short time, as it would wat a numerous underwater vegetation in a small swamp. So instead in motion air boat Called with two propellers. They develop up to 6,000 revolutions per minute and are located in several centimeters behind the pilot fenced down with a large protective grid.

Everything aerial boats Equipped with six-liter engines V8, which were originally designed for brand cars " Chevrolet." Motors that develop power up to 620 liters. from. Specially adapted for use on aeroglyssers. This means that the propeller can create wind speed of which is 240 km / h, but air boat Accelerated to a speed of 120 km / h, as it is experiencing water and air resistance. It is tantamount to man-projectile, which instead of the shell small boat. On some aerial boats A special system of propellers with an anti-cancellation is applied. This design reduces the rotating moment, keeping aeroglysser Exactly increasing traction effort.

All these properties make air boat An ideal way to explore the swamps of Florida, and thanks to the striking amphibian qualities, a person can now enjoy the amazing landscape, holding prehistoric reptiles at a safe distance.

The air screw, or, as they talked at the dawn of aviation, the propeller is experiencing his second birth today. The reason for the appearance of deltlettos and motor paraglids with very perfect breeding installations. Pilots quickly understood that they can be operated in the ground version.

It should be noted that the power units of deltoletti in power, reliability and efficiency are perfectly suitable for creating aeroglysters, since the motor parameters with a propeller are not worse than the traditional power units with a propeller. Moreover, the cater with an airfield is not afraid of shallow water, the cane thickets, sources and algae. In addition, the engine of the Glisser produces the exhaust gases not into water, as a suspended or stationary power unit of any boat (from the point of view of ecologists, such a method of disgracing exhaust does not withstand critics!), And in the air.

So, Aeroglysser. The heart of its vintomotor installation is the wiper boat engine - a compact two-cylinder engine of liquid cooling with a capacity of about 25 hp Unfortunately, the rotational speed of the crankshaft is great to work in a pair with an air screw, so the motor is equipped with a three-year-wedded clinorem reducer with a gear ratio of 1.6. Wedge belts - "Zhigulevsky", from the "Engine - pump - generator" system.

The presenter and driven pulleys are sharpened from duralumin (D16T or AK4-1T) and after fitting subjected to solid anodization. The presenter pulley is attached to flywheel rivets.

1 - Glisser housing (upper part); 2 - door; 3 - engine hood; 4 - installation of power; 5 - Air screw; 6 - keel-fence of the air screw; 7 - steering device; 8 - Glisser housing (lower part).

To install the driven pulley, it is necessary to install a 5 mm thick plate from a steel sheet with a thickness of 5 mm, and the cantilever axis of the slave pulley can be installed on it. The pulley itself rotates on the axis, on two ball bearings 204 and one - 205. There are duralumin remote sleeves between bearings. The pulley is fixed on the axis of the retaining ring and the screw with the washer.

The plane-space is fastened with bolts to the engineer of the engine and to the brackets, and the latter are installed on the transition sleeves, which are screwed up instead of nuts on the heel fastening of the engine head. For belt tension, a mechanism is used consisting of a spanking sleeve and a bolt with a nut.

As already mentioned, the engine cooling is liquid, while the wicker is used, which is supplied to the cooling shirt with a homemade pump made on the basis of the impeller from the Kama electric pump. To maintain the optimum engine temperature (80-85 ° C), a standard car thermostat is used.

The engine is launched using a cord, for which the pulley is installed between the screw and Kok, around which the cord is turned around before launching.

Aeroglysser air screw - wooden, monoblock, that is, made of solid pine bar. True, it is not easy to choose such a bar without bitch and the costelors, and in this case it makes sense to glue the billet with an epoxy resin from thoroughly swelling plates with a thickness of about 10 mm. When selecting plates, it is necessary to trace the wood layers of the wood symmetrically relative to the gluing planes - it will relieve the air screw in the future.

The manufacture of the air screw begins with the preparation of templates - plywood or, better, duraluminum, which are made according to a carefully made drawing-plaza on 1: 1. The following templates will be needed: a planned, side view (to the symmetry axis), as well as the upper and lower profile of the screw.

To begin with, the billet fell from all sides in accordance with the overall sizes of the screw, after which the axial lines are applied to it and with the help of a template side view. Next, the extra wood is removed - first with a sharp hatch, and then the planer and rashpil.

Next, the blank is placed already using a planned template, which is fixed with a small nail in the center of the future screw, will be bored with a pencil, after which the template rotates 180 ° and placed the planned projection of the second blade. Excess wood is removed with an arctic or belt shallow saw.

The most responsible part of the work is to give the aerodynamic profile blades. As can be seen from the screw drawing, one side is flat, and the other convex. In accordance with the position of the control sections on the workpiece, the locations of the templates are placed, and the "beacons" make their way and semicircular rashpil - in accordance with the configuration of the upper and lower templates.

The main tool for processing the screw blades is a small ax from good steel, sharpened literally to the sharpness of the razor. When removing wood it is recommended to first make small natures - it will avoid splitting the workpiece. Next follows the pre-processing of the billet with a plane and rashpil.

Then the final finishing in the stapel. The latter is a thoroughly echo-bath with a thickness of at least 60 mm thick, on which transverse rods are made to a depth of 20 mm to install the lower profile of the screw blade profile. The central rod of the stapel is pulled out of steel or duralumin, the diameter must match the hole in the screw hub. The rod is inserted in the center of the stripboard strictly perpendicular to its surface.

Next, the working surfaces of the lower templates are riveted with a color pencil or blue, the screw blank is put on the central rod and pressed to templates - first with one blade, and then the other. At the same time, traces from templates in those places are imprinted on the workpiece where they come into contact with the bottom surface of the propeller. "Spain" places with the help of a planer, a grip, a rashpil or a wooden bar with a skin pasted on it are wondering, the blank is again placed in the stock - and the processing of the screw blades is repeated. When the traces of the color pencil are imprinted along the entire width of the blade, the processing of its lower surface can be considered finished.

The top of the screw is processed in the stapel using the upper templates (they are also called counterclaves). First, with the help of a semicircular rashpil, the blade is adjusted to the counterclabs (as professionals say - counterclands are placed), as a result of which the template and counterclabs should come into contact on the plane of the connector, tightly covering the blade itself. Then the processed places are rubbed with color pencil and zones are processed between the control cross sections. In this case, the color is necessary in order to eliminate the re-processing of the blades in the location of the control sections. The correctness of the processing is checked with a flat steel line applied to single-thorny points of adjacent sections. On the properly made blade of the gap between the ruler and the surface should not be.

If in the process of operation, the awkward movement of the tool led to the chip of wood, then this does not mean that the work is unaffected by corrosive. It is possible to fix it with a putty, mixed from epoxy glue and small wood sawdust.

Ready screw is carefully balanced. It is best to do this, tightly inserting a metal roller into the central hole and installing the propeller on balancing rules. If one of the blades turn out to be easier, it is recommended to load lead, for which small strips of this metal are first pasted on it, and when the propeller is backed, the strips are melted and poured into a form, for example, in a segment of the steel pipe. The resulting rod (or rods) is inserted into the hole, drilled in the place of the blade, where the lead strips were stuck. The hole on both sides of the blade should be slightly divided.

The propeller finishes consists in pasting it with two layers of thin fiberglass, after which the grinding, final balancing, primer and painting by auto email are followed.

The airlusser case consists of two large parts - upper and lower. It is better to build it from the bottom. For this, in accordance with the theoretical drawing of the body and figs from plywood, 12 mm thick are cut into the formative swarthings, and from the sections with a cross section of 20 × 20, 30 × 20 and 30 × 30 mm - Stringors and keel. The frame is going on the smooth floor. Previously, it is placed a diametral plane and location of the spangling. The swarthhums are attached to the floor with wooden bars and decks. The adjustment of the longitudinal set of the platform is made "at the place", the mounting of the splines to the splits - epoxy glue with the temporal fixation of the elements of the adjusting wire. The curvilinear rails for the front of the frame are obtained using the pre-sparking in boiling water and fixing the wire on the frame. After drying, the latches are fixed on epoxy glue spangles.

After the latch (equalization) of the samping frame filled with blocks from the construction foam, which are recorded using the same epoxy binder. After processing the foam surface (if necessary, it is sublinking with an already familiar composition of epoxy glue and wood sawdust) The housing is covered with two layers of fiberglass, sweeping, polished and painted with auto-email. From the inside, the foam is cut into shorts with the pins and also becomes fiberglass.

A - carcass assembly; B- filling with foam blocks; B - fiberglass case

And - markup of the workpiece using the side view template; B - marking using a planned template; In - the "beacon" and rough cutting of the blades; G - Processing blades of the plane; D - treatment of rashpyl and skirt

1 - bolt M10; 2 - washer; 3 - air screw; 4.17 - bolts M8; 5 - Sleeping washer; 6.7 - Bearings 204; 8 - axis-console; 9.10 - remote sleeves; 11 - Bearing 205; 12 - the washer remote; 13 - Ring lock; 14 - Nut M8; 15-bolt of belt tension mechanism; 16 - slave pulley; 18 - Transition sleeves, 19 - gearbox bracket (2 pcs.); 20 - Belt Wedge (4 pcs.); 21 -shkov presenter; 22 - Rivet D5 (Steel, 10 pcs.); 23 - Plate-space; 24 - Engine "Vichr-30".

1 - Central Rod; 2 - air screw; 3.4 - counterclabs; 5 - Wrecked board; 6 - Lower patterns.

The manufacture of the upper part of the aeroglysser is not much different from the bottom. True, the frame is assembled not from plywood plywood, but from harvested curvilinear rails, and not on the floor, but on the already finished bottom of the housing.

The spline on which the engine motor is mounted, has an enlarged cross section and gain in the joints of the joints - plywood jams. The frame itself is attached to the crossbar of the square steel tube with a cross section of 40 × 40 mm and is fixed by the separation from the pipes with a diameter of 22 mm.

Formation is also made using foam plastic with subsequent fiberglass pasting.

Glazing of doors - from plexiglass with a thickness of 4 mm, windshield - from the rear door of the car "Moskvich-2141". Part of the door itself became element of the cabin.

Aeroglysser doors consist of wooden frame and plywood trim. From the inside and outside they are flooded fiberglass. Door loops are homemade, overlaid. In the cab ceiling (or, if you want, cutting) there is a removable hatch cover, manufactured from the cut part of the roof.

With the breeze - to the fish. Homemade boat with air screw.

Video provided111oleg. \u003e\u003e\u003e This is a homemade fishing vessel, which can navigate not only on water, and in the snow. The basis is the principle of aerosas. The design was developed by the father of Oleg (here's from where the golden hands - by inheritance! J.) And I refined and experienced Shurin Igor. Below the description from Oleg.

Shurin last year collected and runs through this device. Places where he is fishing, large in length and as seen from the roller, with an ordinary boat engine, you will not go there. The homemade is also designed for winter, for movement in the snow. All the drawings developed my father, it's a pity that I didn't see my creation, during my life ... My father worked in the house of the pioneers, led technical circles and worked for himself.

All drawings and thoughts he took with him in his head ... I know only one thing - the principle of operation of this aero station is similar to the work of Sanya Fox:
Sani Fox.
The peculiarity of this design is that the complex form of trimaran is used as a working base, but at the same time the main part of the hull and side sponsons have absolutely flat bases that are on the same level or, using the thermal hydrodynamics - are equipped with hydraulics. This type of gliding court housing was designed and patented by the English designer Uffa Fox and his surname firmly fixed in the title. The theory says that for these utensils it is characteristic that in the transition to gliding mode the resistance of Sanya Fox is lower than that of other cases, so such a vessel is faster on gliding and develops high speed even at maximum load, as well as has increased resistance.

So, my father apparently went further, whatever the ship could move not only on water, but also in the snow. Based on two skis, the bottom has a complex hemispherical shape. When moving, due to the injected oncoming air, an artificial airbag is created, which lifts the vessel above the surface (as in SVP), although this aerogene is made much easier than SVP. I was struck by the fact that many homemade workers, to achieve such results, in practice, design a few models, with the help of samples and errors bringing to mind. The same aerogene, from the words of Shurin, does not require the adjustment, apparently the calculations of the father were faithful. See the "Test" video:

The engine from the VAZ 2108, the screw Shurin somewhere in Moscow acquired, and the boat itself did father, to the coating fiberglass. Schuryak brought everything to mind, and on the video first tests. You might think that such a device is scattered - nothing like that. He had never thought so while he did not make sure that in the opposite. I read the reviews who have SVP (an air cushion vessel) - all the same opinion.

Here is an example of the application of such fishing SDP from the site:

In early June, Klevel fish on fishing rods, spinning and other sporty views began. All my plans in relation to fishing with SVP came true. The arrangement of the vessel was generally successful. Calculations for fishing using the "swelling" method, that is, sat down on SVP and quickly drove into a particular place. For low water on our rivers you can swim only on special motors with low speed. Local fishermen float on the breeze-8 with the protection of the screw, and the rigs pass with the engine turned off, piercing the sixth. On SVP, I get to the same places for 1 hour with a little. Now we can conclude that the ship can be successfully used on the most winding, small, stony and overgrown rivers at any time of the year. There are no competitors. On the summer exploitation, I can compare with a boat equipped with a very good American engine GO-DEVIL, specially designed for swimming over overgrown and rocky water bodies. This motor is far from SVP, which passes all obstacles from above and at good speed. The aerobote also loses, as it will not be able to walk on the stones. In winter, when moving in a partially frozen river or spring, the ICP has no competitors, except for aerobots, which in some cases are better passing the bulk and obstacles.

The vessel on the air cushion, like any other apparatus with an air screw, a rather noisy car. The noise creates as an engine that is always working on high revs and screw. At first, it confused me a little, because I did not want to break the beautiful silence of forest rivers, but then I got torture, comforting myself in the fact that fishermen still float on the rivers with a submerged screw and excite the water until the bottom. And SVP floats from above and does not have a lot of exposure to the water. No wonder in the preserves of the United States and Canada, the operation of aerobots is allowed. After the first trials of the vessel, I am surprised to hear from local fishermen, the statements that my ship scares all the fish and she will leave the river. It seemed to me with great ignorance and I began to hold a permanent explanatory work.

On one of the weekends in October 2005, I and I as usually went on SBP fishing. We went up the river on the river. 40 kilometers overcame in 1 hour. The average speed on SCP on small rivers rarely exceeds 35-40 km / h, as frequent turns do not allow to keep good speed. An example for skeptics, that the fish is not afraid of the boat. Departure to the river. I launched the engine, sailed downstream approximately a kilometer and stopped on the flow between two ridges of stones. I turned off the engine and almost immediately began to throw spinning to the opposite shore. The depth of the river in this place did not exceed 2 meters. After a second cast right in front of the vessel, some large fishing flashell grabbed. She slowly, but confidently went upstream. Friction on the coil of Zube, wreating the fishing line. Attempts to stop fish did not give any results. On the spool, the coil was only 50 meters of good, but a thin cord. I did not wind the fishing line, because it was usually caught on small rivers. When the fishing line began to approach an end, I became feverishly thinking how to avoid the leak break. I wanted to even run the engine and ride the time. The second option was to go ashore and run along the shore, but the fishing line was already over, the friction fell silent. I began to move along the side, holding the rod in a vertical position and trying to stop the fish at the limber strength. Fish still stopped, and then turned around and also slowly went downstream.

When she began to approach the ship, I managed to gradually bring it to board. The fish did not make sharp movements and did not rush out of side to the side, the more puzzled me. Without hoping to pull it out, my wife and I dreamed at least to know what the fish grabbed. Fishing fishing to the ship, I began to raise it closer to the surface. The spouse stood not far from the postpotion in his hands. The huge yellow spotted side did not leave a doubt - a pike sits on a hook. But she obviously did not fit into the prand. The spouse slipped the prandrip under the middle of the pike body, and I pulled the fishing line. When the pike was already at the level of the pneumobalone, the pin broke, the spouse brought back back across the passenger seat to another board of the vessel. I sacrificing my wife, picked up the pike at the side and moved her closer to the middle of the vessel. Pike finally woke up and began to actively fight for life. I would never have been able to keep it on the deck, because there are no sides on the SVP as on a regular boat, and raw and slippery plastic ducts and pneumatic closure only helped with a pike mucus. But the pike made another mistake. I easily slipping out of me, she put her head under the passenger seat. To move on forward, she prevented a narrow space in the sidewall of seats, and I lay on it with my 90 kilogram weight. Ultimately, with the help of a revived spouse, I packed pike. Pike pulled 9 kg. 200 g. And was demonstrated by local fishermen as evidence that the fish was not afraid of fish. True, some envious told that the pike grabbed with a fright, but the bulk of skeptics was broken. None of them could boast such prey.

Exclusively for the site. Reprint is possible only with permission

Almost every fisherman dreams of having a boat, especially - a boat with a motor. Some buy a boat with a motor, while others modify their boats by installing homemade engines on them, as it turns out cheaper, and they can not be installed on each boat. And, nevertheless, the owners of boats cope with their task. Recently, water engines have begun widely popular, as more functional.

To make water can be needed, any, the most common engine type. And then it all depends on the skills of the owner of the boat. If this opportunity is available, then you should pay attention to such models as "CM-557-9l \\\\ T", "Moscow", "Wind", "Strela" and others. Made by water can greatly cope with its task, regardless of which, on the basis of which from the engines it is made.

The most important advantage is the absence of rotating parts in water, and unprotected. In other words, this is the most secure engine type. In addition, the engine work is difficult to violate various outsiders in water, including aquatic plants. An ordinary boiler motor can easily watery algae, which you can not say about the water. In addition, moving elements are protected from various blows, which cannot be insured, moving along the water stroit, especially in shallow plots.

It is believed that the waterways are suitable for the following characteristics:

  • in the presence of not large depths or small reservoirs;
  • in the presence of water vegetation, especially violent;
  • on water bodies where many small plots;
  • on rivers that differ in the presence of focate.

In other words, a boat with a water engine will be held where the boat with an ordinary suspension motor will not be able to pass at all, as there is a risk of damage to the motor, or rather its screw. The water comment is deprived of such drawbacks, as the nozzle of the water vehicle and the intake tube are located high in the thickness of the water. In addition, the intake tube has a special lattice, which does not allow to fall into the water to various major objects. If not large algae or fragments of objects and get inside the camera, it will not affect the trouble-free operation of the motor. Lattice cells have small sizes, which prevents pebbles inside. The only thing that can get into the vacuum chamber is sand, which is also unable to lead to emergency modes. The water makes have another very important factor - their blades are not subject to the process of cavitation, which has a positive effect on their durability. Therefore, we can safely say that water can be a lot of positive qualities.

Now on sale you can meet some models of waterballs, but they do not differ good functionality. Usually, when they are installed, part of the power is lost, due to which the movement speed drops. In addition, the maneuverability of the boat is reduced and its handling. At the same time, the boat management process is the same as when installing a conventional suspension boat engine.

In this case, two options for the installation of a waterway are available: outside the case or directly in the case. His location is the bottom of the boat. In the nose part there is an inlet, and the design itself is integrated into the boat housing. At the same time, it should be monitored so that the entrance nozzle is always in water, otherwise failures in the work of the water supply are possible.

In fact, the design on the principle of action is not much different from the engine performance principle with a screw. There is also a screw, called the impeller, which is rotating, creates a stream of water, moving the boat.

The impeller is placed inside the water vehicle, which includes and the outgoing holes of which are not the same. The design is equipped with a control device, called a reverse-steering, with which the direction of the water jet is carried out in the desired side, which leads to a change in the direction of movement of the boat.

The inner part of the water is made in the profiled version, due to which the turbulence of the aqueous stream is reduced until the moment when it does not fall into the zone of the impeller.

The control device can direct the flow of water in the desired direction. In addition, you can get a boat with a reverse move, switting the control device to the Reverse position. A similar function, quite useful, as it allows you to get out of complex situations, especially if there are a large number of thickets.

As a rule, the speed of moving by reversal is much less than when moving forward, since the input and output of the device have different thickness, that is, the diameter.

How to build a water lift engine for a boat yourself?

The best version of the water veterinary engine is obtained by using a boiler "Wind 12" as the basic one. This is due to the fact that this engine is provided with a necessary range of spare parts. They are not problematic to acquire them in the city market or via the Internet.

After upgrading a conventional boat engine, the total weight of the water will increase only by 1 kg, which is not at all essential for the boat of any type.

Worker water can be dispersed with a boat with a displacement of 450 kg to 20-25 km / h, which is not capable of a suspended boat engine of similar power.

The following details will be required to modernize the usual boat engine:

  • Boat engine "Breeze 12" with a special flange.
  • Reducer.
  • Water collector sweep.
  • Apparatus for welding.
  • Hub.
  • Special glue (waterproof).
  • Fittings.
  • Engine diagram (drawing).

Preparatory work should be responsible and carefully, otherwise you can easily withdraw the motor. It should not be resorted to the use of unreliable materials, except for those that meet all the requirements.

In the design of the waterborg, there is a deepening, which provides for boats necessary maneuverability and permeability, and also reduces the hydrodynamic resistance. This is done due to the fact that the upper front edge is 35 mm below the bottom level.

To build a motor on its own, it is necessary to have a conventional gearbox that is fixed on the engine with a special flange. After that, you need to take a workpiece from the metal, on which the scan of the shell, the wrapper and six blades is drawn.

To make the workpiece of the necessary form, a file is used and bending rollers. Despite this, they can be done manually, with the use of mandrel. After that, they begin welding work to weld the longitudinal and transverse seams of drainage and the chamber of the water supply that have a different shape.

In the design of the water vehicle, there is a hub located on the production of the product.

Validians in the assembled form reaches a mass of 20 kg. At the same time, the drawing of such a water is found extremely rare. But this does not mean that such a design is impossible to make it yourself. If you contact the Internet, here you can find any drawing by choosing the appropriate option from a huge set. The main thing is that the boat with the water engine has much better performance.

Assembly of the self-made motor for the PVC boat is not more difficult than for other types of boats, but on the contrary, somewhat easier. This is due to the fact that for this any suspended motors are suitable, with a capacity of 15 to 20 horses. In addition, to acquire similar boat engines is not problematic, but their reliability is quite high. Attention should also be paid to a wide range of similar products, which allows you to choose the appropriate option.

At the same time, attention should be paid to models with the smallest weight, which is especially important. In this regard, we should give preference to imported samples, although such boating motors are produced and domestic producer. At the same time, it is no secret that domestic models are not so reliable as foreign. In addition, they differ more silent and economical work.

To build a water consumer engine for the PVC boat, such components should be purchased:

  • Suspended boat engine.
  • Special gearbox.
  • Special flange.
  • Hub.
  • Welding machine.
  • Water collector scan.
  • Engine drawing.
  • Fittings.
  • Waterproof glue.

The technology of turning the usual boat engine into the water consumer engine is the same as in the manufacture of a water vehicle for a regular boat.

Preparatory procedures

This is a very important stage in creating a waterometer for PVC boat, since its operational capabilities will depend on the correct actions. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account such a moment as the presence of a special tool, as well as the presence of materials that meet the declared specifications.

As a rule, such work is not considered particularly difficult and almost any owner of the boat can cope with them if desired.

As a rule, the inlet part of the nozzle must be 1.5 times longer than the diameter than the water industry itself. When moving very small sections, a depth of 0.1-0.15 meters, rare shocks are possible, which indicates an insufficient amount of water entering water. It is at that moment he can score. This is due to the fact that on particularly small sections the nozzle can capture IL or Sand, with the presence of other items. That this does not happen, it is necessary to provide input filter.

To work normally normally, it is desirable to make it in drawings. They will not find a lot of work, especially in the presence of the Internet. Although options are possible with unfinished drawings. That is, such drawings are possible, according to which the water makes were not manufactured and their performance was not checked. Such works require special tools and special work skills with materials and tools.

PVC water vehicles operates in the usual transition capable of bringing the boat to gliding, at a speed of 13-17 km / h. The efficiency (efficiency) of such structures is at least 50%, which is quite acceptable and the classic type of the boat engine can not boast.

The work of the water is built in the following principle: water is injected into the working chamber through a waterball due to the work of the blades located on the impeller (handwheel). As a result of such work in the chamber, excessive pressure is formed. After that, water under pressure is produced from the working chamber than and the boat movement is ensured. In this case, the principle of reactive thrust used in turbojet engines is used. This is due to the difference in the diameters of the input and outlet, as well as the presence of a turbine: in our case it is an impeller. The impeller rotates due to the cardan transmission coming from the boat motor.

The design feature is that the PVC boat can be operated at any depths, including the smallest, which is unacceptable in the presence of an ordinary suspension boat engine.

In this case, it is very important to pick up the motor's power directly to the dimensions of the boat and its weight. This means that it is necessary to know the technical characteristics of the plael. Cases are possible when setting a similar type of engine will not be able due to the technical condition of the boat. At the same time, do not forget that it is very dangerous on water with faulty elements.


If you carefully delve into the topic, you do it with your own hands a waterman for a boat is not a problem that many plaquinity owners do. Experience shows that in the presence of all necessary parts and tools, collect the working water consumer engine is possible in 2-3 hours.

Naturally, many are engaged in manufacturing not from a good life, as you have to constantly save on something. To buy a ready-made waterway engine and install it on your boat, you will have to lay out a large amount of money. But this is not a fact that it will work efficiently and reliably, especially if it is a model of a domestic manufacturer.

The use of water can save money and gasoline, since it is more effective than a conventional boat engine. In addition, the watery propulsion is safer in any case, both for others and for exploiting it.

How to do homemade aeroglysser. It should be noted that the power units of deltoletti in power, reliability and efficiency are perfectly suitable for creating aeroglysters, since the motor parameters with a propeller are not worse than the traditional power units with a propeller. Moreover, the cater with an airfield is not afraid of shallow water, the cane thickets, sources and algae.

In addition, the engine of the Glisser produces the exhaust gases not into water, as a suspended or stationary power unit of any boat (from the point of view of ecologists, such a method of disgracing exhaust does not withstand critics!), And in the air. So, Aeroglysser. The heart of its vintomotor installation is the wiper boat engine - a compact two-cylinder engine of liquid cooling with a capacity of about 25 hp Unfortunately, the rotational speed of the crankshaft is great to work in a pair with an air screw, so the motor is equipped with a three-year-wedded clinorem reducer with a gear ratio of 1.6. Wedge belts - "Zhigulevsky", from the "Engine - Generator" system.

The presenter and driven pulleys are sharpened from duralumin (D16T or AK4-1T) and after fitting subjected to solid anodization. The presenter pulley is attached to flywheel rivets. It is necessary to install the slab-space from the steel sheet with a thickness of 5 mm to install on the drive of the slave pulley to the front part of it, and mount the cantilever axis of the slave pulley on it. The pulley itself rotates on the axis, on two ball bearings 204 and one - 205. There are duralumin remote sleeves between bearings.

The pulley is fixed on the axis of the retaining ring and the screw with the washer. The plane-space is fastened with bolts to the engineer of the engine and to the brackets, and the latter are installed on the transition sleeves, which are screwed up instead of nuts on the heel fastening of the engine head. For belt tension, a mechanism is used consisting of a spanking sleeve and a bolt with a nut. As already mentioned, the engine cooling is liquid, while the wicker is used, which is supplied to the cooling shirt with a homemade pump made on the basis of the impeller from the Kama electric pump.

To maintain the optimum engine temperature (80-85 ° C), a standard car thermostat is used. The engine is launched using a cord, for which the pulley is installed between the screw and Kok, around which the cord is turned around before launching. Aeroglysser air screw - wooden, monoblock, that is, made of solid pine bar. True, it is not easy to choose such a bar without bitch and the costelors, and in this case it makes sense to glue the billet with an epoxy resin from thoroughly swelling plates with a thickness of about 10 mm.

When selecting plates, it is necessary to trace the wood layers of the wood symmetrically relative to the gluing planes - it will relieve the air screw in the future. The manufacture of the air screw begins with the preparation of templates - plywood or, better, duraluminum, which are made according to a carefully made drawing-plaza on 1: 1. The following templates will be needed: a planned, side view (to the symmetry axis), as well as the upper and lower profile of the screw. To begin with, the billet fell from all sides in accordance with the overall sizes of the screw, after which the axial lines are applied to it and with the help of a template side view.

Next, the extra wood is removed - first with an overwhelming hatcher, and then the planer and rashpil. Next, the workpiece is already placed using a planned pattern, which is fixed with a small nail in the center of the future screw, will be burned with a pencil, after which the template rotates 180 degrees and placed the planned projection of the second blade. Excess wood is removed with an arctic or belt shallow saw. The most responsible part of the work is to give the aerodynamic profile blades. As can be seen from the screw drawing, one side is flat, and the other convex.

In accordance with the position of the control sections on the workpiece, the locations of the templates are placed, and the "beacons" make their way and semicircular rashpil - in accordance with the configuration of the upper and lower templates. The main tool for processing the screw blades is a small ax from good steel, sharpened literally to the sharpness of the razor. When removing wood it is recommended to first make small natures - it will avoid splitting the workpiece. Next follows the pre-processing of the billet with a plane and rashpil. Then the final finishing in the stapel. The latter is a carefully swelling board with a thickness of at least 60 mm, on which transverse rods are made to a depth of 20 mm for installation of the bottom patterns of the screw blade profile.

The central rod of the stapel is pulled out of steel or duralumin, the diameter must match the hole in the screw hub. The rod is inserted in the center of the stripboard strictly perpendicular to its surface. Next, the working surfaces of the lower templates are riveted with a color pencil or blue, the screw blank is put on the central rod and pressed to templates - first with one blade, and then the other. At the same time, traces from templates in those places are imprinted on the workpiece where they come into contact with the bottom surface of the propeller.

"Spain" places with the help of a planer, a grip, a rashpil or a wooden bar with a skin pasted on it are wondering, the blank is again placed in the stock - and the processing of the screw blades is repeated. When the traces of the color pencil are imprinted along the entire width of the blade, the processing of its lower surface can be considered finished. The top of the screw is processed in the stapel using the upper templates (they are also called counterclaves). First, with the help of a semicircular rashpil, the blade is adjusted to the counterclabs (as professionals say - counterclands are placed), as a result of which the template and counterclabs should come into contact on the plane of the connector, tightly covering the blade itself.

Then the processed places are rubbed with color pencil and zones are processed between the control cross sections. In this case, the color is necessary in order to eliminate the re-processing of the blades in the location of the control sections. The correctness of the processing is checked with a flat steel line applied to single-thorny points of adjacent sections. On the properly made blade of the gap between the ruler and the surface should not be. If in the process of operation, the awkward movement of the tool led to the chip of wood, then this does not mean that the work is unaffected by corrosive. You can fix it with a putty, mixed from epoxy glue and small wood sawdust

Ready screw is carefully balanced. It is best to do this, tightly inserting a metal roller into the central hole and installing the propeller on balancing rules. If one of the blades turn out to be easier, it is recommended to load lead, for which small strips of this metal are first pasted on it, and when the propeller is backed, the strips are melted and poured into a form, for example, in a segment of the steel pipe. The resulting rod (or rods) is inserted into the hole, drilled in the place of the blade, where the lead strips were stuck.

The hole on both sides of the blade should be slightly divided. The propeller finishes consists in pasting it with two layers of thin fiberglass, after which the grinding, final balancing, primer and painting by auto email are followed. Housing homemade aeroglysser Consists of two large parts - upper and lower. It is better to build it from the bottom. For this, in accordance with the theoretical drawing of the hull and plywood patterns, the forming of a thickness of 12 mm is cut into the formative swarthhums, and from the sections of 20x20, 30x20 and 30x30 mm - Stringers and Kili. The frame is going on the smooth floor. Previously, it is placed a diametral plane and location of the spangling. The swarthhums are attached to the floor with wooden bars and decks.

The adjustment of the longitudinal set of the platform is made "at the place", the mounting of the splines to the splits - epoxy glue with the temporal fixation of the elements of the adjusting wire. The curvilinear rails for the front of the frame are obtained using the pre-sparking in boiling water and fixing the wire on the frame. After drying, the latches are fixed on epoxy glue spangles. After the latch (equalization) of the samping frame filled with blocks from the construction foam, which are recorded using the same epoxy binder.

After processing the foam surface (if necessary, it is sublinking with an already familiar composition of epoxy glue and wood sawdust) The housing is covered with two layers of fiberglass, sweeping, polished and painted with auto-email. From the inside, the foam is cut into shorts with the pins and also becomes fiberglass. The manufacture of the upper part of the aeroglysser is not much different from the bottom. True, the frame is assembled not from plywood plywood, but from harvested curvilinear rails, and not on the floor, but on the already finished bottom of the housing.

The spline on which the engine motor is mounted, has an enlarged cross section and gain in the joints of the joints - plywood jams. The frame itself is attached to the crossbar of the square steel pipe with a cross section of 40x40 mm and is fixed with the cut off the pipes with a diameter of 22 mm. Formation is also made using foam plastic with subsequent fiberglass pasting. Glazing of doors - from plexiglass with a thickness of 4 mm, windshield - from the rear door of the car "Moskvich-2141". Part of the door itself became element of the cabin.

Aeroglysser doors consist of wooden frame and plywood trim. From the inside and outside they are flooded fiberglass. Door loops are homemade, overlaid. In the cab ceiling (or, if you want, cutting) there is a removable hatch cover, manufactured from the cut part of the roof. In the back of the aeroglysser, two keels that organize airflow and besides the function of the air screw fence are mounted.

Controlled homemade aeroglysser With the help of the steering wheel, on the shaft of which the steering drum is fixed, connected with the cable wiring with the traverse on the ballair of the steering wheel. Management of "Gas" - lever located under the left hand of the driver. A passenger and driver chairs are placed in the cockpit. The frames of seats and the backs are glued out of wooden rails and is shed with 4-mm plywood. Pillows are made of foam rubber and artificial leather.