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Driving for three seas. What did Afhanasiy Nikitin open? "Going in three seas" Athanasius Nikitina

"Walking for the three seas" is a literary monument of the past, written in the "Travel" genre, or as previously called "walking". This literary and ethnographic monument is considered one of the main sources for the study of that era. In 1957, the eponymous film was filmed on "walking ..." - "walking in three seas". In the film he played Oleg Strizhenov. This source together with such works as a "man from the moon" Nikolai Nikolayevich Miklukho-Maclay, Henri Sanchez Penol "in the drunk silence", also "The Word about Igor's regiment" is invaluable to obtain some information in terms of studying a culture.

This story dates back to 1474-1475. It is known that the official of Vasily Mamrin in 1475 found this manuscript. Rather, there are no accurate information about how she turned out to be. In 1818, "walking in three seas" opens one of the famous Russian historians Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, and he also published it in the same year. At about the same time, the Music-Pushkin was published by the famous work "Word about the regiment of Igor.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin discovered "walking ..." in the Troitsk list. As historians write, Athanasius went from the native Tver, down the Volga. They were moving one desire - to see unprecedented land. About "walking ..." Russian merchants in India and even in China are known somewhere from the 9th century, but it is not known, the truth is or not. Then in Tver Rules Mikhail Borisovich Tver (1461-1485) and, by having collapsed by him permission, the merchant of Athanasi went to the road. Athanasius Nikitin reached the shores of India, and she really achieved it, long before the famous travel of Vasco da Gama. It is known that Athanasius Nikitin was born a peasant family, and that Nikita was his father. Nikitin reached Nizhny Novgorod, later they went to Derbent, but not without adventures - their kaitaki captured, but Athanasia managed to reach Derbent, and he wrote even the Moscow Ambassador and Hassan Beck so that they would take care of the captured. The journey continued. This is how it is stated in the story:

"And we came to Derbent, and Vasily came safely there, and we are robbed. And I beat my friend Vasily Papine and the Ambassador of Shirvanshaha Hassan Beek, with whom we came - so that I would have patted about people who were captured by Kaitaki. And Hasan-Beck traveled to the mountain to the Bulat Beek ask. And Bulat-Beck sent a Spear to Shirvanhah to convey: "Mr.! The Russian ship was broken under the packs, and kaitaki, having come, captured people, and their goods were plundered. "

Next, the merchant of Athanasi went to Derbent, from there - in Baku, from there - to Chapacur. In Chapakur he lived six months, and in Sari lived a month. Then he went to Amoli, and lived there for about a month, after - Demavend, and from Demavennd - to Rey, where serious craftsmen began. As Nikitin himself writes, "seventy cities collapsed." But when everything was aged, from Ray, they went to Kashan, from Kashan - to Nay, from Naina to Jezdu. They reached the target, and then through Lar and Bender - to Ormuzdu. And I saw the merchant Athanasius "Indian Sea, Persian Daria Gunduskaya."

Here's how Nikitin writes about the customs of the Hindus: "I wanted in Junnara, I lived here for two months. Every day and night - for four months - everywhere water da dirt. These days they are plowing and sow wheat, yes rice, and peas, and everything is edible. They make wine from large nuts, Kosy Gundanes are called, and Braga is from Tatn. Horses here are fed peas, but cook Khichry with sugar and butter, but feed them horses, and in the morning they give Soshney. In the Indian land, horses are not found, bulls go to their earth and the buffaloes - they drive them and drive them, and they do everything. "

Or - such an ethnographic note.

"In winter, they have ordinary people walk - fata on the hips, the other on the shoulders, and the third on the head; And the princes and the boyar put on the ports, and shirt, yes, caftan, and a fata on the shoulders, another veil of himself, and will wander the third head. (Oh God, God is great, the Lord is true, God is generous, the God is merciful!) ".

The fact that the Russians could sail to India, they guessed them in India, but they were not very complained, and, as Nikitin himself writes, they often cheated.

By the way, another curious observation. There is such a belief that monkeys worship in some places India. Like gods. I found something on this account at Athanasius Nikitina:

"And monkeys, those live in the forest. They have a prince of monkeys, walks with her Reli. If someone monkeys offend, they complain of their prince, and he sends his ruin on the offender and they come to the city, they destroy the houses and kill people. And the monkey rails, they say, very large, and their tongue is yours. The cubs will be born a lot from them, and if which of them will be born in either mother, nor in his father, these are thrown on the roads. Ohhh Hordans choose them yes teach all sorts of crafts; And if you sell, then at night, so that they could not find the way back, but others teach (people to amaze). " He learned about this in the city of Alania, where the market was, fair and prince, whom people were relatively loved. Athanasius, judging by the text, was familiar with some influential people in India. Traveled in many cities. And, according to your custom, I coped there Orthodox holidays.

Nikitin has a lot of curious notes on how members of royal families lived, that Sultan in such a city is young - "20 years old, and that they rule all the boyars.

That he leaves with her mother and wife for a walk. By the way, he returned through Feodosia, and Smolensk. But, unfortunately, he did not reach the house - died on the way to Smolensk, somewhere near Smolensky.

TO XIX century In historiography, there was a special direction - the Orientalists who was engaged in, in particular, Nikolai Roerich. He lived on Tibet for many years, from where he brought his worldview, Tibetan culture, as well as information on this country. Then for the Russians it was new. Now in Tibet and India, you can travel, only those who have for this means.

The source "Walking for the Three Seas" Nikitin himself is invaluable for ethnographers, well, who wish can learn something new there.


Athanasius Nikitin. Walking for the three seas.

Books of Nikolai Roerich, his paintings


N. Guseva Projects in India

Languages \u200b\u200bD. I. Afanasy Nikitin

Likhachev D.S. Walking for the three Sea Athanasius Nikitina

Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay, man from the moon

Text: Olga Sysuev

ANDi Tverskaya merchant Afanasiya Nikitina (approx. 1433-1472) for hearing everyone. Everyone knows that he went to India and left "walking in three seas", and, if you look into the map, you can even guess that three seas are black, Caspian and Arabian. But how many have a pleasure to appear this wonderful narrative?

Traveling for the three seas was not the first for Athanasius. Most likely, to its 33 years, when he went to Persia with the Embassy of Ivan III, this enterprising person had time to wander through the light. I knew a lot, I wondered a lot. Maybe in those days were not so far from each other were the West and East? Maybe in the Middle Ages there was no such perplex between Europe and Asia, between Western and Eastern beliefs and customs? Maybe we burned out from each other later?

Whatever it can be safely argued that it was merchants, and not scientists, conquerors and adventurers, with such persistence expanded the limits famous worldThey were looking for - and found new lands, established links with new peoples. And this does not reach one courage and recklessness, do not do without ability to compromise, respect for new and friendliness. It is a pity that followed by the pathways of ruthless nomads and greedy rulers, calendar, burning rigorous sprouts of mutual understanding and kindness. The merchant is looking for benefits, not a quarrel: war - Savan trade.

Among thousands of merchants who have been put into full journey in desperate determination to sell more expensive, cheaper to buy, you can count on my fingers those who left the way entries. And Athanasius Nikitin - among them. Moreover, he managed to visit the country where it seems to him did not step by a European foot, - an amazing, linedly India. Its a few "Hozheni for the Ti Sea of \u200b\u200bAfroasya Mikitin" contained a whole painting of precious information about Old Indian life, still not lost its value. What is just one description of the solemn departure of the Indian Sultan surrounded by 12 viziers and accompanied by 300 elephants, 1000 riders, 100 camels, 600 trumpeters and dancers and 300 concubines!

It is extremely instructive to learn about the difficulties with which Afanasy Christian collided in a foreign country. Of course, he is not the first painfully looking for a way to preserve his faith among the Inovers. But it was his story - the most valuable European document, which is an example of not only spiritual durability, but also tolerance and ability to defend their views without false heroism and empty insults. And it is possible to argue to wheezing, if Athanasius Nikitin Muslims accepted. But is it the fact that he sought to return to his homeland with all the forces, does not prove that he remained a Christian? ..

Independent and measured, devastated by all sorts of literary excesses and at the same time, the very personal story of Athanasius Nikitin is read by one spirit, but ... puts a lot of questions before the reader. How did this person, having lost all his property, got to Persia, and from there to India? Did he know in advance overseas languages, or learned them along the road (after all, he transfers the Tatar, Persian and Arabic speakers to the Russian letters)? Was there an ordinary skill among Russian merchants to navigate the stars? How did he get herself to feed? How did you collect money to return to Russia?

To understand all this will be helped by the narration of other travelers - merchants and ambassadors who have made an application to this book. Get acquainted with the notes of Franciscan Guillaume de Rubrock (approx. 1220 - OK. 1293), with all the forces trying to fulfill their mission and constantly complied with the negligence of Tolmachi; Russian merchant Fedot Kotov, who went to Persia around 1623 and for which on the first, on the second and in third place trade benefits and the state of trade routes; and Venetsians Ambrokho Contarini and Josafat Barbaro, Ambassador and merchant, who visited Russia on the road to Eastern countries in 1436-1479. Compare their impressions. Rate how the world has changed in four centuries. And maybe the truth will open you ...

Athanasius Nikitin. Walking

Old Russian text Troitsky list of the XVI century.

Z.and the prayer of the saints of our father, Lord Issue Christ, the Son of the Boggy, a lot of the Slave of His Grenago Afonasya Mikitin Son. CE NO WORATE HOW HOZHENIE FOR THE TRI OF THE SEA: Derbenskoye Breaking Sea, Diyia Khwalish; The second Sea Indian, Doria Gondestanskaa; The third sea is black, Doria Stembolska. Podidocho Sainchago Savior Savita, from the Grand Duke Mikhail Borisovich and from Vladyku Genadia Tvѣlimskiy, aid on the bottom of the Volga and Pri-Troita in the Manastyr K. Svyatѣi Live Troita and the Holy Martyr Boris and Glѣba; and Ighumena Sia blessed by Makaria brothers; And from a wagon of a stroke on to coal, with the carbon on Kostroma to the prince Alexander, with a diploma. And the prince is greatly let go of all Russia voluntary. And for Elezo, in Novgorod, Lower to Mikhail Kyzisev, Ivan Sarayev, Ivan Sarayev, was missing voluntary. And Vasili Papin drove in the city, and Zhdal Zhdal in the city of Two weeks of Ambassador Tatarskago Schirvashin Asambѣg, and drove from Krechaty from Velikago Prince Ivan, and Krechatyat is ninety. And I drove the EUMI with him on the bottom of the Volga. And Kazan Esch, and the Horde, and Ducked, and Sarai, and Verelezan drove the Eat voluntarily. And they entered the ecto in universal rod.

And the three Tatarins of Poganya came to us and told us falsely: Kasyat Soltan wakes guests in Buzani, and with him three thousand Totar. And the ambassador Shirvashin Asanbѣg gave them on the one-order yes on the canvas, in order to spend past Azarkhan. And they took on one-array, yes, they gave the king in Khaztorohani. And the Yaz of his vessel left Yes Paul Semi to the vessel on the ambassador and from the comrades. Azitarkhan on Mѣsyatsa Nights with a sail, the king of us was also a tatars and the clichali: "Katma, do not bless!" And the king sent all his hordes for us. And on our grindish, we were comprehended on Bugunѣ, they shot a man with us, and we have been shot from them; And the vessel, our change, has become on the junction, and they took him to take the hour of that yes, and my rhylad is all in the mens of the ship. And the ecto vessel reached the sea, otherwise it became on the mouth of the Volga on the mel, and they took us Tuo, and the ship was treated back to Yezu. And here the ship is our bang, and 4 heads took Russian, and we were released by the Goliy heads for the sea, and I would not be missed by the vomit. And they went to Derbeni Two Courts: In the same vessel Ambassador Asambѣg, yes Teziki, yes Rusakov I's heads; And in the other vessels 6 Moskvich da 6 tweter.

And the forestavina enthusiastically enthusiasm on the sea, yes the vessel was broken about the shore, and the kaitaki came, and the people were pleased with all. And they arrived in a squaben. And that Vasili came to a short, and we are branched. And Bil the Esmi Brom Vasillia daddy, yes, Ambassador Shirwanin Asanbga, that the Eat with Him came to sit on the People's People, that they were sculpted under Tarka Kaitaki. And Osanbѣg was seeded and traveled to Mount to Bultab. And Bulatjbѣg sent soon yes to Khirvanšѣbuhu: that the ship is crashed under the tar, and the kaitakov came people, and their goods ran into them. And Shirvanzhabѣg Tom's hour sent the ambassador to Shurin to his Alilbegi kaitak princess, that the ship was smashed by pod of Tarh, and your people came, people were, and their goods were bobble; And you would have sent me to the people to me and the goods collected them, Zaesen Tѣ people sent to my name; And that the tobѣ will be awesome by me, and you came to me, and Yaz Tobѣ, my brother, for that I don't stand and you would let them go voluntarily to me. And Alilbѣg, that hour sent people to the Derbent volunteer, and His Koitul was sent from Derbent. And we went to the Shirwist and Koitule and beat them to him, so that we had granted us, to do to Russia. And he did not give you anything, ano is a lot of us. And we crushed yes rose to koi Kuda: who has what is in Russia, and he went to Russia; And why should, and he went to the wisdom of his eyes suffered, and others were left in Shamachi, and others went to work to the Buckѣ.

Athanasius Nikitin - the first Russian traveler, author "Hozing for the Three Sea"

Athanasius Nikitin, a merchant from Tver. The right is considered not only the first Russian merchant, who visited India (for a quarter of a century to the Portuguese Vasco da Gama), but also the first Russian traveler at all. The name Athanasius Nikitina opens a list of brilliant and most interesting marine and land Russian researchers and discovers, the names of which gold letters are inscribed world history Geographical discoveries.

The name Athanasius Nikitina became known to contemporaries and descendants due to the fact that he was all the time of his stay in the East and in India a diary, or more precisely, travel notes. In these notes, he described the cities and countries visited by him and the countries, the morals and the traditions of peoples and rulers ... The author himself called "Hoggling for the Three Seas" with many details. The three seas are Derbent (Caspian) Arabian (Indian Ocean) and black.

I did not reach the back of the way A. Kisitin to the native Tver. The manuscript of "hives for the three seas" his comrades were handed over to the hands of Dejak Vasily Mamyreva. She fell from chronicle of 1488 from him. Obviously, contemporaries rated the importance of the manuscript, if they decided to include his text in historical chronicles.

N. M. Karamzin, the author of the "History of the Russian State", at the beginning of the nineteenth century accidentally stumbled upon one of the chronicles of "Ham ...". Thanks to him, the journey of Tver merchant A. Kisitina became the heritage of the general public.

Texts of travel notes A. Kisitina testifies to the broad horody of the author, the good ownership of the business Russian speech. When reading, they involuntarily catch themselves on the thought that almost all the records of the author are completely understood, although it was written more than five hundred years ago!

Brief information about traveling Athanasius Nikitina

Nikitin Athanasius Nikitich

Tver merchant. Year is unknown. Place of birth - too. Died 1475 near Smolensk. Exact date Travel starts too unknown. According to a number of authoritative historians, it is most likely 1468 year.

Purpose of Travel:

the usual commercial expedition on the Volga consisting of a caravan of river vessels from Tver to Astrakhan, the establishment of economic relations with Asian merchants leading trade in the Great Silk Road, passing through the famous Shemakhu.

Indirectly confirms this assumption that Russian merchants went down the Volga accompanied by Asan-Becka, Ambassador of the sorcerer Shemakhi Shirvan-Shaha Forus-Esar. The Shamhassian Ambassador Asan-Beck was on a visit to Tver and in Moscow at the Grand Duke Ivan III, and sent the ravoisi after the Russian ambassador Vasily Papine.

A. Nikitin with comrades handled 2 vessels, loading them with a different product for trade. The goods of Athanasius Nikitina, as can be seen from his records, there was a rhylad, that is, the fur. Obviously, trials and other merchants sailed in the caravan. It should be said that Athanasius Nikitin was a merchant experienced, bold and decisive. Prior to this, the distant countries were visited - Byzantium, Moldova, Lithuania, the Crimea - and safely returned home with the overseas goods, which is indirect confirmation in his diary.


one of the most important points throughout the Great Flip Route. Located on the territory of the current Azerbaijan. Being at the intersection of caravanways, Shemach was one of the major trade and craft centers in the Middle East, occupying an important place in trading in Fuck. Back in the XVI century, trade relations of Shemakhin and Venetian merchants are mentioned. In Shemache, the Azerbaijani, Iranian, Arab, Central Asian, Russian, Indian and Western European merchants. Shemach is mentioned by A. S. Pushkin in the "Faiport of Golden Cockerel" ("Give me a girl, Shemakhan Queen").

Caravan A. Nikitina wound cargo diploma from the Grand Duke Mikhail Borisovich for moving through the territory of the Tver Principality and breaking Distribution abroad with which he sailed to Nizhny Novgorod. It was planned to come together with the ambassador of the Moscow father, who also followed in Shemakh, but did not have time to capture him.

The eid of the Savior Svyataro Zlatomerhago and smiling his love from the sovereign of yours From Velikago Prince Mikhail Borisovich Tversko ...

Interestingly, initially Athanasius Nikitin was not planned to visit Persia and India!

Historical setting During the trip, A. Nikitina

Golden Horde, controlling the Volga, in 1468 was still strong enough. Recall that Russia finally dropped the ORDIAN IGO only in 1480, after the famous "standing in the thorough". In the meantime, the Russian principalities were in vassal addiction. And if the tribute was properly paid and "did not have shown", then they were allowed to be some freedoms, including trade. But the danger of robbery always existed, so the merchants were going to caravans.

Why does the Russian merchant appeals to the great prince Tver Mikhail Borisovich as a sovereign? The fact is that at that time Tver was still an independent principality that did not enter the Moscow State and leading with him a constant struggle for the championship in Russian lands. Recall that the Territory of the Tver Principality was finally part of the Moscow kingdom under Ivan III (1485)

P worry a. Nikitina can be divided into 4 parts:

1) travel from Tver to the southern shores of the Caspian Sea;

2) the first journey through Persia;

3) journey in India and

4) Reverse journey through Persia to Rus.

All his way is clearly visible on the map.

So, the first stage is a journey along the Volga. It went well, right up to Astrakhan. Near Astrakhan, the expedition was attacked by robberies of local Tatars, ships surfacing and looted

And Kazan Esch drove voluntarily, did not see anyone, and the Horde was drove away, and Dissan, and Sarai, and Berechezan were driving. And Viehli Esty in Buzan. Three three Tatarins flew on us and told us a false lead: "Kaisim Saltan wakes guests in Buzani, and with him three thousand tatars." And Ambassador Shirvanshin Asanbhege gave them on a one-terrain one on the canvas, to spend past Haztarahan. And ones, frustrated by Tatarov, they took over a one-array, and they gave the news in Haztarajan (Astrakhan) Tsar.. And Yaz my vessel left Yes, it was harvested to the vessel on the vessel and with his comrades.

We went past the Haztarakhan, and the month shines, and the king saw us, and Tatarov climbed us: "Qachme, do not run!" And we did not hear anything, but fled to the ecto sail. According to our sin, the king sent all his hordes for us. Ini, we were comprehended at Bogun and stated us to shoot us. And we were shot by a person, and they had two Tatarins shot. And the vessels of our change fell on Uzu, and they took us, so that hour loosened And my was a petty rhylad all in the menassed ship.

Bandits took away all goods purchased from merchants, obviously on credit. Return to Rus without a product and without money threatened with a debt. Comrades Athanasius and he himself, he said, " slap, yes kowy kuda went: who has something in Russia, and he went to Rus; And why should, and he went, Kuda his eyes suffered. "

Be comfortable to unwittingly

Thus, Athanasius Nikitin became a traveler to unwittingly. The way home is ordered. To trade with nothing. One thing left is to intelligence in other people's countries in the hope of fate and their own enterprise. Heard about the fabulous wealth of India, he directs his stops there. Through Persia. Asking the wandering Dervysh, Nikitin stops for a long time in each city, and shares his impressions and observations with paper, describing the life of the life and morals of the population and the rulers of those places in which his fate entered.

And Yaz went to Derbenti, and from Derbenti to the tank, where the fire is to plant non-regimes; And from Baki went to the sea for the sea to Chebokar. Yes, here the Esmi lived in Cabokare 6 months, yes in Sarah lived a month, in the Mazdranian land. And from there to Amili, and here I lived the month. And from there to Dimnovant, and from Dimovanda to Rey.

And from Dreya to Kashcheni, and here the ESMI was a month, and from coughing to naine, and from Naina to driving, and then lived the month. And from Diesa Kyzchana, and from Syrchant to Taroma .... And from Torus to Laru, but from Lara to Bende, and here there is a gurmaus's refuge. And here there is an Indian sea, and the parses of the language and GondustanskaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAnd from there Ints to the sea to gurmais 4 miles.

The first journey of Athanasius Nikitin through Persian lands, from the southern shores of the Caspian Sea (Chebukara) to the shores of the Persian Gulf (Bender Abashi and Ormuza), lasted for more than a year, from winter 1467 to spring 1469.

Russian travelers and pioneers

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"Walking" in the ancient Russian literature was called works in which travel-pilgrimage in Palestine, Byzantium, the countries of the East were described. Traveler's efforts were aimed at talking about the Christian East, about his relationships with Russia, driving were committed by both official representatives of the Russian Church and on their own initiative or a promise of pilgrims. They were eager to see the birthplace of Jesus Christ, described in the Gospels, Hills, Gardens, Buildings, Wells, pass the "God's path" of Christ to Calvary, visit the temple of the Mernel. Such walking was performed throughout the Middle Ages.

SAME famous works The genre of "walking" or "hozing" of the ancient Russian literature of the XII-XV centuries are: "walking" of Hegumen Daniel, written in the XII century, "walking in Tsarhd" Dobryni Jerrykovich, monument of the XIII century, "Hoggling for the three seas" Athanasius Nikitina, the work of XV century. Igumen Daniel first in Russia developed the principles of writing works of this genre, pilgrimage. All the subsequent literature of the walking developed in this direction and preserving those formal components that Daniel were asked: to write only that he saw and heard the traveler himself, not to put his personality to the fore, their experiences, as it took place in Western European works of this kind; write "not cunning, but just", write so that reading travel notes could replace the journey itself; create relatively independent essays - sketches and group them into a whole work on the basis of a temporary or spatial topographic principle; Biblical or apocryphalic legend is a necessary element in pilgrimage walking, but it must be local, correlated with a certain historical and geographic location.

These principles of the genre will be observed by writers - travelers throughout the history of the literature of ancient Rus. Asia and Athanasius Nikitin adhered to them, except for one: he refused his notes from biblical and apocryphal motives.

It is known more than seventy works written in the genre of "walking", they constituted a noticeable part in the circle of reading ancient Russia. Among the "walkings" are known so-called "travelers" - brief signs of the routes, which contained only the list of points, through which the path of the pilgrim from Russia to the Holy Land passed. An example of such a "traveler" - "The Tale of the Epiphany of Mnich about the way to Jerusalem": "From Velikago Novograd to the great onions 300 fuels, from the bow to Polotsk 180 ... from the Tsar-Grada Evksigny (black) by the sea ... and everything from Velikago Novograd to Jerusalem 3420 Flash. Amen". But most often the location contained not only the description of the route, but also information of geographical and ethnographic nature, and most importantly - the personal impressions of the pilgrims from what they saw (describing the cathedrals, their painting and utensils, worship, etc.) and retelling plots Scripture or apocryphal legends correlated with visited pilgrim attractions.

In the 40s of the XV century, travel essays are created about Western Europe ("Bailing of an unknown Suzdal to Ferraro-Florentine Cathedral" and "Abrahamia Suzdal").

In the second half of the XV century, a planned and consistent description of the countries of the Muslim East, their economy and culture begins, travel notes on Egypt, Malaya Asia are created. Russian travelers gave descriptions of the Egyptian Syrian Sultanatu, the cities of Karaman and the West of Ottoman Turkey. "Congratility for the three seas" Athanasius Nikitina in this regard is a continuation of travel notes of its contemporaries and together - vertex in the history of the ancient Russian travel essay. At his "walking" of Athanasius Nikitin finally approved a new type of narrator: instead of the pilgrim on the holy places, a secular traveler with a wide range of horizons and multifaceted interest in the life of the peoples of other countries appears. .

1. « Walking» Athanasius Nikitin

The author of "Haming" Athanasius Nikitin was Tver, but in his essay, he never detects its regional interests, not even mentions Tver. Recalling his homeland in a foreign land, he recalled Russia as a whole, Russian land. The interests of it were commonwood, and he thought herself primarily by the Russian man. In this regard, he divided the views and feelings that most often characterized the Moscow literature and the Moscow political thought of his time. The composition of Athanasius Nikitina was delivered to Moscow and did not enter Tverskaya, but in the Moscow chronicle crops. It is placed under 1475 in the second Sophia Chronicle.

According to the classes of Athanasius Nikitin was a merchant. In the XV century, especially in his second half, merchants have already played a prominent role in the Russian state. Russian merchants was directly interested in the centralization of the state, in the elimination of the feudal fragmentation of Russia, which prevented the development of trade both within the country and abroad.

How significant was Russian trade abroad, it is possible to judge because the numerous Russian colony in which Russian merchants lived or permanently lived in the XV century, in which Russian merchants lived or constantly, or travel, because they went from the Crimea further, in the so-called "Flopery", that is, in the cities of the low-apiary coast - Sinop and Trapezund, from where they drove dry, in Brusa, to Tokat, to Amias. The ruler of Amasia and Toccata wrote at the time that "the Grand Duke Ivan Many guests (merchants) in our turntage walks the products of the rare." Russian merchants went to Shemakhu, Persia and Central Asia, buying mainly Silk, pearls, called the Gurmyzsky grain (on the island of Ormiza, where he was mined), and spices: pepper, saffron, Gandzhubas, musk, and also Paints that were famous for eastern countries. Items of exportation from Russia were mostly the advantage of fur, the so-called "soft rhylad", then wax, honey, leather, canvas and hunting birds - falcons and cream.

Therefore, there is nothing surprising that when in 1466 the embassy arrived at Moscow from Shirvan-Shaha Feruh-Yasar, the enterprising Russian merchants took advantage of this circumstance to organize a shopping caravan and under the protection of the Moscow government's response to go to their goods in Shemhah. The "head" of this caravan was chosen our great traveler and an outstanding Russian writer of the XV century Athanasius Nikitin. On the way, not reaching Astrakhan, one ship of Athanasius was captured by Tatars, the other broke. He was forced to continue his way to the Caspian Sea to continue on the shy of the Shemakhinsky ambassador, and then dry, through Derbent and Baku, went to Persia and then to India, where he visited the cities of Chivil, Junnaar, hips, parvat. On the way back, not reaching Smolensk, Athanasius died. The journey continued from 1466 to 1472.

Apparently, before his trip to India, Athanasius Nikitin was already trained in white light. At least, lists the countries in their book in their book, he mentions Georgia, Podolia and Valachia. If in Georgia, he could have been passing while traveling to India, then in Podolia and Valahia, located on the side of his recent travels, he could only be during some other travel. According to some hintings in his book, it can be assumed that until his trip to India, he also visited Constantinople, probably before the capture of the city of the Turks in 1453.

Consequently, Athanasius Nikitin, departing in 1466 in a distant journey, was not a newcomer in this matter, and the election of his head of the caravan was recognized by his authority among Russian merchants. It is possible that the Moscow authorities, giving him a security certificate for travel with the embassy, \u200b\u200bdid this because Athanasius Nikitin was not esteem for them. Only the presence of a prior arrangement between Afanasius Nikitin and the devils of the Moscow Grand Duke can be explained at first glance the mysterious fact of the introduction of "walking" Athanasius Nikitin into such an official state document, which in the XV century there was a Russian chronicle.

"Heniation for the three seas" Nikitina was a completely unofficial monument; It was, due to this, devoid of traditional traits characteristic of church or official literature. It was associated with the "hives" and "pilgrims" of the previous centuries, only few features were associated with the transfer of geographic locations with indications of distances between them, an indication of the wealth of a country. In general, "Hoggling" Nikitina was a travel diary, notes about his adventures, telling about which the author also had no idea how they would fail: "There was already a sidosh (passed) 2 great days (Easter) in the demerenent land, and Christianities do not leave ; Further, God is to see what to make ... I don't know the way, I like Kamo (where) from Gundustan ... ". Subsequently, Nikitin still headed for Russia and found the path of "from Gundustan", but here the record of his wanders should be accurately followed by traveling and breaks on arrival in Cafa (Feodosius).

By writing his impressions on a foreign trade, the Tver merchant, it was probably hoping that his "Ham" would ever read the "Brothers of Rossty Christians"; Fearing unfriendly eyes, he recorded the most risky thoughts not in Russian. But all these readers foreseen in the future, maybe after death (as happened). In the meantime, Nikitin simply recorded what he really felt: "There is an Indian country, and people walk all the nagi ... And they have a lot of children, and all the naked children, and all the blacks: Az Kuda go, and Io behind me a lot of yes white man…»

Falling into an alien country, the Tver merchant far did not understand everything in the environment. Like most people who were abroad, he was ready to see in any, even in the most unusual manifestation of peculiar local customs. About some of the author's lunaries, his stories about the Bird "Gukuk", eager fire, and about the monkey - "Prince Monkey", which has its own army and which sends a numerous rhe on their opponents.

But where Athanasius Nikitin was relying not to the stories of his interlocutors, but to his own observations, his eyes turned out to be true and sober. India, seen by Nikitin, is the country far, with special nature and its customs, but on the device is the same as everyone known to the Russian traveler of the Earth: "And the Earth of Ludna Velmi (very crowded), and the village of Luda goals Velmi, and the boyars are strong good And lush velima. " Nikitin clearly realized the difference between the conquerors - "delements" and the main population - the "Gundistans". He noticed the fact that Muslim Khan "drives people", although "elephants he and horses are a lot of kind," and "Gundistani are all pedestrians ... and all naga da Bosa." Dysfunctional alien, offended by the "Femenky" Khan, Nikitin told "Indyanam" that he is "not tremended"; He noted without pride noted that "Indyan", thoroughly hiding their daily life From Muslims, from Him, Athanasius, did not "cover in anything nor about anyone, no wives of their own listeners,"

However, despite his sympathy for "naked rural people" India, Nikitin, naturally, was alien and lonely. The topic of longing in the homeland is perhaps the main topic of "hozing". This topic is present not only in the words of Nikitin that there is no country like Russian land in the world. The feeling of the motherland exacerbates in a foreign land, and although in Russia there is a lot of disrepair, he is the road to his depreciation, and he exclaims: "Russian Earth, and there will be a god of stirry!. There is no country like it on this light, although the Venels-like Russian Earth is unfair. Yes, the Russian earth will be landscaped and the justice will be in it! " (This remark was set out just in case of Turkic). Nikitin scolds "Pots Rememmen" who assured him that in India "there are a lot of our goods", and prompted this difficult journey, complains of the high cost: "And Zhiya in Gindustan, IO ONO SOBILE (Cash) of Isharchiti, they are all expensive : One of the EUI person, Io, in Altyna Altyna Harch himself on the day, and the wines of the Esmi did not have ... ". The main trouble, most of all oppressing Nikitin, is a distance from the native language and from the faith, which for him was inextricably linked with the usual life. Nikitina was oppressed not only direct attempts to turn him into Muslim faith, but also the impossibility of abiding the customs of the Motherland on a foreign land: "But I have nothing, no book, and the books of the Eat with themselves with Russia, IO IFI pounds took them ..." Turkic language that Nikitin enjoyed in India gradually began to outpire from his memory native language. The "distillation", in which Nikitin fell, after one of his "endless" interlocutors told him that he did not seem to be "degenera", but Christianity does not know: "Az in many Thickness Recool in yourself: Mount to me is an overwhelmed, IKo from the path of true lapping ... Lord God, the Creator, the Creator of the Nebu and the Earth! Do not turn off the face from the Rabita of yours, Yako in the grief of Ey ... Lord My, Ollo Fourth, Ollo you, Karim Ollo, Ragim Ollo, Karim Ollo, Raverllo (in Arabic: Save me, Lord, My God hits) ... »Last Communications with native land are broken: starting with the appeal of the Christian God, Nikitin (maybe, imperceptibly for himself) goes to muslim prayer. Most of all in his essay, the traveler speaks of India, life, customs, economic life and the nature of which he draws very detailed, reporting a lot of real information, but sometimes, however, bringing fiction elements and elements. So, he is amazed "black" the color of the skin of local residents, their clothes: "... People walk all the nude, and the head is not covered, and the chest goals, and the hair in one braid wicker." Especially strange and unusual for the Russian man was the appearance of "Propolux" married women. Indeed, for a Russian woman "wrapped up" - to reveal their hair - it was the greatest shame. Indians are not eating "nicotor meat", but eat twice in the afternoon, and do not eat or drink wine at night. Eating "Barnets" (Fig) Yes "Kichiri" (carrots) with butter, yes "Herbs are rose eating." Before accepting food, the hands are washed, legs and rolled mouth. Eating law handle, but the spoons and knives do not know. During meals, many are covered with a covering so that no one has seen them.

It is equally in detail that he lists all the places that visited, accurately indicating the time of staying in them and determining the distance between them by the number of days spent on movement from one point to another. Presentation of Afanasia does not differ in harmony composition; In this presentation, in addition, the repeat is not uncommon. The style of "hozing" - the style of diary records, which the author, a person who did not receive a special learning did not manage or did not have time to streamline.

The Russian merchant attracts an annual Grand Bazaar, held by the thigh. "The whole country of Indian trading" goes to this bazaar, "yes to trust 10 studies", every product is called. From place to the place of Athanasius is in India in trade concerns. But trade is bad; Nikitin is looking for the goods "to our land" and nothing finds: "Menely bang the dogs demelessly," he complains, "And only a lot of our goods have been complaining, Ano there is nothing to our land ... Pepper Yes, Döszhevo: IO ACHE ACHE MORE, Ohah we can carry duties will not give, and a lot of duties, but a lot of robbers on the sea. "

Interested in the Russian traveler weapons of Indian troops and the technique of fighting. However, he with condemnation speaks of meaninglessness and fear of wars.

Notes Athanasius and the features of the climate of India: "... they have become the winter with the trinity, and everywhere water, yes dirt and then plow and sow wheat, millet, peas and all edible. Spring is coming from the postal of the day, when the first zasimki begins in Russia. It is striking Nikitin that in India "Konya will not give birth", and the wills of yes buffaloes.

At the Athanasius in September 1472 reached the Trapezund, he was under the pretext that he arrived from the Horde Uzun-Hasan, they were exposed and robbed well. However, Athanasia Nikitin managed to negotiate with ships about moving to the Crimean city of Cafu (Feodosia), where he pledged to pay for travel. Autumn storms detained the ship on which the Russian traveler was sailed to his homeland. Only the sixth of November 1472, he was able to land ashore in a cafe and there in the Russian colony hear a native speech and complete his work on the book "Haming for the three seas."

The "journey" ends with lyrical reflection of the author: "After many of the thoughts, I woken up and said myself: grief to me, the pounded. I got off from the true path and I do not know where to go. Lord God, the Almighty, Creator and Heaven and Earth, do not turn out of your face from your servant, since I'm creature going, creating yours. Do not turn me away from the true path and mention on the right path. "

From the cafe of Athanasius Nikitin left, probably, the usual way of that time: to the pier Oleszka, who was in the lower house of the Dnieper. Where did the Dnieper go to Smolensk, not to reach which somewhere passed away. Russian people, among whom Athanasius Nikitin died, managed to assess the meaning of his book. She was carefully sent to Moscow, where she was immediately rewritten into the chronicle. The great work of the Russian traveler did not die.

2. Image of the traveler in the work, language, Style, composition

nikitin composition image traveler

Athanasius Nikitin quite educated personHe knew the Book Tradition of the Middle Ages well, but in his book he almost does not resort to the citation of the Middle Ages and the citation of biblical texts. But he freely enjoys a conversational speech design, building a narrative and descriptive part of his book based on simple offersconnected by repeating alliances "A", "Yes" or starting from the verb of the present time "is". For example: "And the head is not covered ... And the hair in one braid is woven ...", "And they have a lot of children." Or: "Yes, they are signed by the towns, yes in the town of 12 people in the twilight, and everything with guns, yes arrows ..." Or: "They have one place ...", "There is in that Alaand ...", "there is a Khoroshan" etc.

High literary skills in the book Athanasius Nikitin is that it opens a new page in the history of the Russian literary language. Athanasius Nikitin as a writer created his own literary manor, his special, unique literary style. And it became possible because he first boldly appealed to the living picture of the Russian spoken language His time. So, for example, telling about the robbery of Russian merchants by Tatars, he will expressly say that the Tatars let go robbed merchants " naked heads" Describing its arrival in India, he will noted: "Jaz Kuda go, Io, after me, there are many people, whom to the white man."

Along with this, Athanasius Nikitin is not afraid to introduce purely businessworthiness of official documents of Moscow orders, apparently also familiar to him. He briefly, for example, writes: "Bil Esmi Brom ... In order for the Sia Pechers about the people ..." A special local flavor of speech Athanasius Nikitin was reached by the skillful introduction to the text of his book foreign language words: Turkic, Arab and Persian. What he did it intentionally, in literary purposes, and not because for many years the wanders were used to thinking in the language of the country where he was at that time, it is seen from the explanations and translations given to them. For example, leading the words of the Arab and Persian prayer "Ollo Bervogydir, Ollo Corcar, the Bizyim Biz" Mudna Nasipa Bolotnichy ", he immediately translates her:" And in Russian and the language shall be prayer: Ozzy, God, God, High, the King of Heaven We tried to see borrow. "

V.P. Adrianov-Penets rightly notes that "the abundance of the autobiographical element in the" Haming "Athanasius Nikitin - in the form of stories about the events of his life in the way and in the form of lyrical episodes - allocates these travel notes from all the literature travel of Russian Middle Ages. But at the same time, this feature is binding Nikitin with new currents in the biographical genres of Russian literature of the XV century. Interest in inner world Hero, the analysis of his mental experiences is broken in the XV century in the traditional form of "lives" and the historical story, the personality of the author himself, contrary to the traditions of the past, is manifested in front of readers in the form of lyrical deviations, moral and evaluations of the pictures of the facts. The framework of pure epic narration is moving away, giving a place to express emotions and reflections and hero and author. Athanasius Nikitin appears before us by the writer of his time when he and the epic tissue of travel notes color and revitalues \u200b\u200babout his impressions, sentiments, appeals to contemporary readers with moral cavity, comparative estimates of their native and alien. "

All this makes the book Athanasius Nikitina one of the most remarkable monuments of Russian medieval literature.


Although the commercial purpose that prompted the pioneer to such a dangerous journey was not achieved, the result of the wanderings of this observational, talented and energetic person was the first real description Unknown distant country. Prior to that, in ancient Russia, the fairy country India was known only in legends and literary sources of that time.

The XV century man saw the legendary country with his own eyes and managed to talentedly tell about this with his compatriots. In his records, the traveler writes about state strictly India, religions of the local population (in particular, "faith in the floor" - so Athanasius Nikitin heard and recorded the name of the Buddha, sacred for most people of India of that time).

He described the trade in India, the armament of the army of this country, spoke about exotic animals (monkeys, snakes, elephants), local neravas and representations of Indians about morality. Some Indian legends are recorded.

The Russian traveler also describes cities and terrain, in which he himself did not have visited, but heard from Indians. So, he mentions Calcutta, Ceylon Island and Indochina, places that at that time were completely unknown by Russian man. Information, carefully collected by the pioneer, allow us to judge the military and geopolitical aspirations of the Indian rulers of the time, the state of their armies (up to the number of combat elephants and the number of chariots).

His "walking for the three seas" was the first text of this kind in Russian literary literature. The fact that he did not describe only holy places, as pilgrims did before him, gives an essay a unique sound. In the field of his attentive view, there are not objects of the Christian faith, but people with another religion and other way of life. His notes are devoid of any official and internal censorship, and this is especially valuable. The story of Afanasia Nikitin and its discoveries - video Map of Travel Athanasius Nikitina.

FROMpikov used literature

1. Vodovozov, N.V. History of ancient Russian literature [Text]: Tutorial / N.V. Water cuts. - Moscow: Ministry of Education RSFSR, 1958. - 357 p.

2. Ancient Russian literature [Text] / Sost. N.I. Prokofiev. - 2nd ed., Dop.-Moscow: Enlightenment, 1988. - 479 p.

3. Kuskov, V.V. History of Old Russian Literature [Text]: Textbook / V.V. Pieces. - 4th ed., Act. and add. - Moscow: high school, 1982. - 296 p.

4. Hogeration for the three seas Athanasius Nikitina, 1466-1472. [Text] / Ed. V.P. Adriano-Penets and B.D. Grekova; Ed. Ed-Va A.A. Vorobyov; Art. I.F. Rerberg. - Moscow; Leningrad: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1948. - 229 C: IL.

5. Walking for the three seas Athanasius Nikitina [Text] / Premisse., Premium. Text, lane. and comments. N.I. Prokofiev; Art. A.S. Bakulevsky. - Moscow: owls. Russia, 1980. - 208 p., Il.

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Walking for the three seas Athanasius Nikitin

Per year 6983 (1475) "...". In the same year, Athanasius, the merchant Tverskova was received, he was four years in India, and he writes that he went to the path with Vasily Dadno. I asked when Vasily Papin sent himself with the creetse ambassadors from the Grand Duke, and he told me - he returned from the Horde for the Kazan hike, and he died under Kazan, the boom was shot, when Prince Yuri to Kazan went. In the records, I did not find it, in which year Athanasius went or in which year he returned from India and died, but they say that he died, without reaching Smolensk. And he wrote his record with his own hand, and those notebooks with his records brought merchants to Moscow Vasily Mamyrev, Zeaku Grand Prince.

For the prayer of the holy fathers of our, Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me, the slave of his sinful Afanasia Nikitina Son.

I recorded here about my sinful walking in three seas: the first sea - Derbent, Daria Hwalis, the second sea - Indian, Daria Gundustan, Third Sea - Black, Daria Istanbulskaya.

I went from the Savior of the Sacred Golder with His mercy, from the sovereign of his Grand Duke Mikhail Borisovich Tver, from the Vladyka Gennady Tverskova and from Boris Zakharyach.

I sailed down the Volga. And came to the monastery Kalyazinsky to the Holy Trinity of the Liberal and Holy Martyrs Boris and Gleb. And Igorman Makaria and Holy Brahra received a blessing. From Kalyazin sailed to the coal, and let me go from the coal without obstacles. And, sailing from the coal, came to Kostroma and came to the prince Alexander with another letter of the Grand Duke. And let me go without obstacles. And in the Ples came without obstacles.

And I came to Nizhny Novgorod to Mikhail Kiselev, the governor, and to the Viennament Ivan Sarayev, and they let me go without obstacles. And Vasily Papin, however, the city was already driving, and I waited for Hasan-Bek in Nizhny Novgorod, Ambassador Shirvanhaha Tatar. And he was driving with Kreketami from the Grand Duke Ivan, and he had a ninety and dresses. I swam down with them down the Volga. Kazan passed without obstacles, did not see anyone, and the Horde, and Usylan, and the barn, and Berechezan were floated and entered Bosan. And here we met three Tatarin of the wrong things yes, the false message was transferred to us: "Sultan Kasim lies the merchants on Buzan, and with him three thousand Tatars." Ambassador Shirvanshaha Hassan Beck gave them to the caftan-one-order and a piece of canvas in order to spend us by Astrakhan. And they, incorrect Tatars, were taken by the one-order, but in Astrakhan, the king of the message filed. And I left my companion with my companions, moved to the Embassy vessel.

We float past the Astrakhan, and the month shines, and the king saw us, and we shouted the Tatars: "Catch - do not run!" And we did not hear anything and run themselves under the sail. For our sins, they sent the king for us all his people. They overtake us at Bogun and began to shoot in us. We shot a person, and we had two Tatars shook. And the smaller of our ship is stuck, and they immediately took it, they loosened, and my whole choking was on that ship.

We reached the sea on a big ship, and it became on the meli in the mouth of the Volga, and then they overtake us and told the ship to pull up the river to Eza. And the vessel is our big lubricated here and four people were captured by the Russians, and they were released with bare heads for the sea, and back, up the river, they did not miss that they did not file.

And we went, pecking, on two courts in Derbent: In one vessel, the Hassan-Beck Ambassador, and Teziki, yes of us, Russians, ten people; And in another ship - six Muscovites, yes six Tverchi, yes cow, yes our food. And rose to the sea of \u200b\u200ba storm, and the smallest ship was broken by the shore. And here it is the town of Tarka, and people went ashore, but Kaitaki came and captured everyone.

And we came to Derbent, and Vasily came safely there, and we are robbed. And I beat my friend Vasily Papine and the Ambassador of Shirvanshaha Hassan Beek, with whom we came - so that I would have patted about people who were captured by Kaitaki. And Hasan-Beck traveled to the mountain to the Bulat Beek ask. And Bulat-Beck sent a Spear to Shirvanhah to convey: "Mr.! The Russian ship was broken under the packs, and kaitaki, having come, captured people, and their goods were plundered. "

And the Shirvansham Ambassador immediately sent her to Shurin, the prince of Kaitakov Khalil-Beck: "The ship was broken under the packs, and your people, having captured people from him, and their goods were plundered; And you, for the sake of me, people came to me and their goods to collect them, because those people sent to me. And what will you need from me, and you send to me, and I will not give you my brother to your brother, I will not reserve anything. And those people went to me, and you, for me for, let me go to me without obstacles. " And Khalil-Beck of all people let go to Derbent immediately without obstacles, and from Derbent sent them to Shirvanhah in his bet - Coytul.

We went to Shirvanhah in the bid and beat him the brow, so that we have granted us to reach Russia. And he did not give us anything: they say a lot of us. And we dreamed, peeing, who is where: someone left in Russia, he went to Russia, and who had to be, he went where the eyes look. And others remained in Shemache, they went to work in Baku.

And I went to Derbent, and from Derbent to Baku, where the fire burns non-resident; And from Baku went for the sea - in Chapacur.

And I lived in Chapakur for six months, yes in Sari lived a month, in Mazandaran Earth. And from there went to Amoli and lived here a month. And from there went to Demavend, and from Demavennd - to Rey. The Shah Hussein was killed, from the children of Ali, the grandchildren of Muhammed, and fell on the killers, the curse of Mohammed - seventy cities collapsed.

From Ray, I went to Kashan and lived here a month, and from Kashan - to the nail, and from Nain to Jesad and there lived a month. And from the yarry went to Sirzhan, and from Syrzhana - to Tarom, domestic cattle here feeds by dikes, four Altyna sell Batman's dates. And from Troma went to Laru, and from Lara - to Bender - then the marina Ormuz. And there is an Indian Sea, Persian Daria Gundustskaya; To Ormuza-Grad, from here four miles go.

And Ormuz - on the island, and the sea comes on him every day twice. I spent the first Easter, and came to Ormuz four weeks before Easter. And therefore I did not know the cities that many more cities are big. A grit of a sunny heat in Ormuez, a man will burn. In Ormuze I was a month, and from Ormuza after Easter on the day of the Radunut, I went to Tave with horses for the Sea of \u200b\u200bIndian.

And we went to the sea to Muscat ten days, and from Muscat to Degas four days, and from Degas to Gujarat, and from Gujarat to Cambury. Here the paint is born yes varnish. From Cambay floated to Chaul, and from Chaul came out in the seventh week after Easter, and the sea was six weeks in Tave before Chaul. And there is an Indian country, and people go to Nagi, and the head is not covered, and the chest goals, and the hair in one spit is braided, all the brukta walk, and the children will deal with every year, and they have a lot of children. And men, and women are all naked yes all black. Where I go, for me people are a lot - the white man is missed. The Thawed Prince - a veil on the head, and the other on the hips, and the Boyar of the Thawed - Fata over the shoulder, and the other on the hips, and the princess goes - a vertex over the shoulder perhaps, the other veil on the hips. And at the servants of the prince and boyars, one veil on the hips wrapped, yes shield, and a sword in his hands, other with darts, others with daggers, and other with sabers, and others with bows and arrows; Yes, all Nagi, yes Bosy, and strong, and the hair does not shave. And women go - the head is not covered, and the chest goals, and the boys and girls are naked to seven years old, they are not covered.

From Chaul, they went to the halter, went to the past eight days, to the Indian mountains. And from Pali walked ten days before the die, then the city is Indian. And from die seven days of the way to Dzhunna.

The rules here are Indian Khan - Asad-Khan Junnarsky, and he serves Melik-AT-Tudjara. The troops are given from Melik-At-Tudjara, they say, seventy thousand. And at Melik-AT-Tudjara, under the start of two hundred thousand troops, and he fights with Cafaram twenty years old: and they won it more than once, and he won them many times. The same asad-khan rises in humans. He has a lot of elephants, and his horses have a lot of kind, and warriors, Horaceans, he has a lot. And the horses are brought from the Horace land, other from the Arab land, other from the Turkmen land, other from the Chagotai Earth, and bring them all the sea in the tavakh - Indian ships.

And I, sinful, brought a stallion to Indian land, and came to Junnara with him, with god's helpHealthy, and he became a hundred rubles me. The winter has started with the Trickyna of the day. I wanted in Junnara, lived here for two months. Every day and night - for four months - everywhere water da dirt. These days they are plowing and sow wheat, yes rice, and peas, and everything is edible. They make wine from large nuts, Kosy Gundanes are called, and Braga is from Tatn. Horses here are fed peas, but cook Khichry with sugar and butter, but feed them horses, and in the morning they give Soshney. In the Indian Earth, horses are not found, bulls will be called in their earth. Yes buffaloes - they drive them and drive them, everything is done.

Junnah-Grad stands on a rock stone, not fortified by nothing, God fenced. And the way to that mountain day, go to one person: the road is narrow, you can not pass two.

In the Indian land, merchants will set on the opposition. Guests of the hostess are boiled, and the bed of the hostess, and sleep with guests. (If you have a close connection with it, let's two inhabitants, if you do not have a close connection, give one inhabitant. Many here wives according to the rule of temporary marriage, and then close connection with gift); And love white people.

In winter, they have ordinary people walk - fata on the hips, the other on the shoulders, and the third on the head; And the princes and the boyar put on the ports, and shirt, yes, caftan, and a fata on the shoulders, another veil of himself, and will wander the third head. (Oh God, God is great, the Lord is true, God is generous, the God is merciful!)

And in that Junnaar, Khan took a stallion from me when I learned that I would not be tremended, and Rusin. And he said: "And the stallion will return, and a thousand gold, let's give the ladies, just go to our faith - in Mukhammeddini ...

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