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Przhevalsky Nikolai Mikhailovich. Great Russian traveler Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky

Russian traveler, researcher of Central Asia; Honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy (1878), Major General (1886). He led the expedition to the Ussuriy region (1867-1869) and four expeditions to Central Asia (1870-1885). First described the nature of many areas of Central Asia; Opened a number of ridges, Kotlovin and Lakes in Kunlun, Nanshan and on Tibetan Highlands. Gathered valuable collections of plants and animals; For the first time, a wild camel was described, a wild horse (Przhevalsky's horse), a bear-friendly bear and other vertebrate species.

Nikolai was born in the village of Kimboron Smolensk province on March 31 (April 12) of 1839. Father, the lieutenant in resignation, died early, of all forty-two years, leaving in his hands from a young widow, except for a seven-year-old Nicholas, two more sons - Vladimir and Eugene. The boy grew under the supervision of the mother in the estate. "I grew up in the village of Dickarem, the upbringing was the most Spartansky, I could go out of the house in all my weather and early to the hunt. I first shot from a toy gun with acorns, then from Luka, and I received a real gun from a toy gun.

In 1855, Przhevalsky graduated from the first student to Smolensk gymnasium and entered the solid-defining military service. Later, Nikolai Mikhailovich explained his solution so. "The heroic feats of the defenders of Sevastopol constantly raised the imagination of a 16-year-old boy, which I was then." He dreamed of exploits, but reality disappointed him. Instead of exploits - Mushtra, in the evenings - cards. Przhevalsky, evading the goals, spent more and more time on the hunt, collected herbarium, seriously engaged in ornithology. After becoming an ensign, he filed a report by the report, in which he asked for a transfer to Cupid. The answer was completely unexpected - three days of arrest.

After five years, Przhevalsky's service enters the Academy of General Staff. In addition to the main objects, he studies the works of Ritter geographers, Humboldt, Richtgofen and, of course, Semenov. At the end of study, it serves as an adjutant in the Polotsk infantry shelf.

Back at the Przhevalsky Academy prepared the course work "Military-Statistical Review of the Pria Amur Region". The manuscript sent to him to the Russian geographical society received a high feedback from the scientist and traveler Semenov: "The work is based on the most sensible and careful study of sources, and most importantly, on the finest understanding of the country." In 1864, Przhevalsky elects to the actual members of the geographical society.

Soon Nikolai Mikhailovich began to teach history and geography in the Warsaw Junkers School. He was beautiful lecturer. Using your phenomenal memory, I could quote the entire pages from the diaries of your favorite travelers. In 1867, "notes of general geography for UNCERSK Schools" were published, prepared by N. M. Przhevalsky.

By this time, he finally achieved a transfer to Eastern Siberia. Already in Irkutsk, with the help of recommendatory letters Semenov, he overturned a two-year-old business trip to the Ussuri region. In addition, again, not without the help of Semenov, the Siberian Department of the Geographical Society prescribes Przhevalsky to explore the flora and fauna of the region, collect a botanical and zoological collection.

With his companion - Junior Jagunov - he descended on Amuru, sailed on the boat on Ussuri, made his way through the paths of the unknown edge. "Somehow it is strange to see this mixture of the forms of the North and the South ... especially amazing the kind of ate, walked by grapes, or a cork tree and walnut growing next to the cedar and fir. Hunting dog finds you a bear or a sable, and immediately nearby You can meet a tiger that is not inferior to the inhabitant of the Bengal's jungle in the inhabitant. "

Two and a half years held Przhevalsky in the Far East. Thousands of kilometers are passed, 1600 kilometers are covered with a route shooting. Pool Ussuri, Lake Hank, the coast of the Japanese Sea ... A large article "The Forest Population of the Ussuriy Territory" is prepared for printing. About 300 species of plants were collected; Made more than 300 stuffed birds, and many plants and birds on Ussuri were found for the first time. He starts writing a book "Journey to Ussuriy Territory".

In January 1870, Nikolai Mikhailovich returned to Petersburg, in March for the first time asked the Tribune of the Russian Geographical Society. "It was high growth, well folded, but thin, sympathetic for outside and several nerve. The strand of white hair at the top of the temple at the womb of the face and black hair attracted involuntary attention."

He told about the Ussuri journey and about his future plans. His description of the Ussuri region revealed such pictures in the life of nature and Russian immigrants, that hearing him were amazed: as it was possible - working alone, except for the preparator boy, collect such deep, extensive information ... As a result, he was awarded silver medal.

In 1870, the Russian Geographical Society organized an expedition to Central Asia. The officer of the General Staff Przhevalsky officer was appointed chief. "I received an appointment to make an expedition to North China, in those stagnation of the heavenly empire, which we have incomplete and fragmentary information, hoped from Chinese books, from the descriptions of the famous traveler of the XIII century Marco Polo or, finally, from those few missionaries who -When and somewhere managed to penetrate these countries. "

In September 1870, Przhevalsky went to the first expedition to Central Asia. Together with him, the former student of Warsaw School, Mikhail Alexandrovich Poltsov, was driving with him. Their path lay through Moscow and Irkutsk and further - through Kyakhta to Beijing, where Przhevalsky expects to receive a passport in the Chinese government - the official permission for traveling in the area, subject to the heavenly empire.

Having received a passport, Przhevalsky leaves Tibet. A small caravan of eight camels carrying forwarding equipment is to overcome a huge path.

Great Desert Gobi met their 30-degree frosts with winds. They overcame the desert, exceeded the mountain range and in December entered the city of Kalgan, where the real spring reigned. Travelers replenished the reserves of provisions, although they were calculated mainly on the hunt, they checked revolvers and guns. Przhevalsky elected a caravan way, for which, fearing the attacks of robber shakes, no one caravan was missing for eleven years.

"The traces of the Dungan extermination met at every step," wrote Nikolai Mikhailovich later. "The villages that fell very often were broken, human skeletons were broken everywhere, and there was no living soul anywhere."

The detachment was only four people, including the chief himself. From food, only sugar, rice bag and millet bag were taken from food. In addition, instruments, paper for herbarium, 40 kilograms of powder, 160 kilograms of fractions, dozens of boxes with cartridges.

From Beijing Przhevalsky in early 1871, he moved to the north, to the Lake Dalinor, and produced his complete shooting. Then headed towards the upper reaches of the yellow river - Juanhe - bypass road, avoiding villages whose inhabitants met travelers wary, often even hostile. In the summer, he drove to the city of Baotou and, crouching through Juanhe, joined the RCO Plateau, which "lies with the peninsula in the knee, formed by the bends of the average flow of Juanhe." In the north-west of the Ordos, he described the "bare hills" - the sands of the cousp. "It's hard to become a person in this ... The sandy sea, devoid of any life ... - Circle silent grave."

Having traced the flow of Juanhe up from Baotow to Dinkerezhen (about 400 kilometers), Przhevalsky moved to the southwest through the "wild and fruitless desert" Alashan, covered by "bare bulk sands", always ready to "strangle the traveler with his scorching heat," and achieved a large, High (up to 1855 meters), but a narrow Meridional Halanshan ridge, stretched along the Huanhe Valley. "Waving to the high peak with which the distant horizon opens on all directions, you feel free and for the whole hour you admire the panorama, which spreads under your feet. Hasive sheer cliffs, locking the gloomy gorge or crowding the tops of the mountains, also have many charming in their original Dyphodes. I often stayed in such places, I sat down on the stone and listened to the silence around me. She did not have a violation of human speeches, nor the turmoil of everyday life ... "

But with the onset of winter I had to turn back. In addition, pollen fell ill. He hardly rode and often fell from the saddle. Przhevalsky himself frost her fingers on both hands. To the north of the River Juanhe, the expedition went to the tender, but the rich keys of Lanshan, standing "with a sheer wall, occasionally cut off narrow gorges," and Przhevalsky traced it all over (300 kilometers), and the east detected another ridge, smaller and lower, - Shetean-Ula. New Year travelers met in Zhangziakou.

Przhevalsky passed about 500 kilometers along the valleys along the shores of Juanhe and found that in these places the Great Chinese River does not have tributaries and, moreover, the track itself lies otherwise than can be seen on the maps. Along the way, he collected the plants, mappressed the terrain, made a geological description of rocks, conducted a meteorogurnal, watched and strikingly fixed life, the morals, the customs of the people, through whose land passed.

But the expedition funds were on the outcome, and Przhevalsky was forced to return to Beijing, where he spent a month. In Beijing, he replaced the two Cossacks who did not meet his expectations, other sent from Urga (now - Ulan-Bator), - Chebyev and Buryat Irinchinov, who were faithful satellites and reliable friends. In addition, he updated and strengthened the caravan.

In the spring of 1872, the Przhevalsky formerly reached the southern part of the desert Alashan. "The desert ended ... extremely sharply ... The majestic chain of the mountains rose behind it. It was East Nanshan. Przhevalsky allocated three powerful ridge in the mining system: the outskirts (Maomooshan), Malinskhan (Lanlunlin) and Cinshlin.

The transition through the deserts of South Alashan was particularly difficult. On a hundred verst neither water drop. Rare wells were often poisoned by Dunganians.

"The hot soil of the desert breathes with heat, like from the stove ... The head hurts and spins, sweat with the face with his face and from all over the body. Animals suffer from no less than us. Camels go, squeezing mouths and lured later, as if water."

Once it happened so that there are only a few glasses. They came out at seven in the morning and went nine hours, as if on a frying pan. "We took in your mouth one sip so that, although a little, wet the very almost dried tongue. The whole body was burning like in fire, the head was spinning another hour of such a position - and we would have died."

Przhevalsky climbed the mountain of Gansu, who considered the highest point of the ridge. "For the first time in my life, I was on a similar altitude, for the first time I saw the giant mountains under my feet, then the colors were elected by the soft greenery of the forests, along which mountain streams were wriggled with brilliant ribbons. The impression was so great that I could not break away for a long time From a wonderful spectacle, for a long time stood, as if fascinated, and saved in memory that day as one of the happiers in the whole life ... "

Having spent around two weeks there, he went to the Cucunor's heartless salt lake, lying at an altitude of 3200 meters. "The cherished goal of the expedition ... Reached. True, success was bought by the price ... Heavy Tests, but now all the experienced adversities are forgotten, and we stood in complete delight ... on the shore of the Great Lake, admiring his wonderful dark blue waves."

Having finished the shooting of the North-West shore of Lake Cucunor, Przhevalsky passed the powerful ridge Cucunor and passed into the village of Dzun, located on the southeast outskirts of the swampy plain Testam. He found that it is a hollow and that its southern border serves the Burkhan Buddha ridge (up to 5,200 meters high). To the south and south-west of Burkhan-Buddha, Przhevalsky discovered the Mountain of Bayan-Hara-Ula and the eastern plot of Kukushili, and between them discovered a "wavy plateau", which is a "terrible desert", raised to the height of more than 4,400 meters. So Przhevalsky first of Europeans penetrated into the deep region of Northern Tibet, to the upper times of Juanhe and Yangtze (Ulan-Muren). And correctly determined that it was Bayan-Hara-Ula that is a watershed between both great river systems.

They came to Tibetan Highlands in winter and at an altitude of 3-4 thousand meters spent two and a half months. Przhevalsky recalled that the slightest rise seemed very difficult, the shortness of breath was felt, the heart beat very much, the hands and legs were shaking, at times dizziness and vomiting began.

There were brutal frosts, and there was no fuel, and they spent the night in the yurt without fire. The bed consisted of one felt posts in the frozen land because of the cold and high height, because of dryness and affairs of the air could not fall asleep - just forget. But in forgetting tormented the suffocation, generating heavy nightmares. "Our life was, in the full sense, the struggle for the existence, and only the consciousness of the scientific importance of the undertaken the case gave us energy and strength to successfully fulfill their task."

At the end of winter, 1873 Przhevalsky returned to Dzun. Having met the spring on the Lake Cucunor, he was the same way without a conductor to the southern outskirts of the desert Alashan. "The limitless sea was lying ... There were loose sands in front of us, and we didn't go to their gravestone kingdom without timidity." Along the Halinipan Ridge (already with the conductor), they moved to the north to the terrible heat and crossed the eastern part of the desert, and almost died from thirst: the conductor got off the road. Moving the Western foothills of the Lanshan Range, Przhevalsky passed through the most anhydrous, "wild and deserted" part of the Gobi and opened the Hurh-Ula (the extreme southeastern sprog of Gobi Altai). The thermometer in the sun shown 63 ° C. On the way not a single lake; In the wells located one from the other at a distance of 50-60 kilometers, there was no water. He returned to Kyakhtu in September 1873, and without reaching the capital of Tibet - Lhasa.

According to the deserts and mountains of Mongolia and China, Przhevalsky passed more than 11,800 kilometers and at the same time put on the map (on the scale of 10 miles in 1 inches) about 5,700 kilometers. Scientific results This expedition was struck by contemporaries. Przhevalsky Dal detailed descriptions The deserts of Gobi, Ordos and Alashani, the highland regions of the Northern Tibet and the Tsidam's hollow (open it), for the first time put on the map of Central Asia more than 20 ridges, seven and a number of small lakes. The Przhevalsky map was not distinguished by accuracy, since because of very difficult way conditions, he could not make astronomical definitions of longitude. This substantial defects later were fixed by him and other Russian travelers. He collected collections of plants, insects, reptiles, fish, mammals. At the same time, new species that received his name were open, - Przhevalsky's lush, Przhevalsky's breakdown, Rhododendron Przhevalsky ... Mikhail Alexandrovich Poltsov, selfless comrade, was awarded the same honor.

The two-volume work "Mongolia and the country of Tangutov" (1875-1876), in which Przhevalsky gave a description of his trip, delivered world fame to the author and was completely or partially translated into a number of European languages.

In St. Petersburg, Przhevalsky met as a hero - speech, banquets, solemn meetings. The Russian geographical society awards him his high award - a big gold medal. He receives the Gold Medal of the Paris Geographical Society and the Highest Awards - Chin Lieutenant Colonel, a lifelong pension of 600 rubles annually. He is called the "wonderful traveler of our time," put next to Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, with Cruisesttern and Bellinshausen, with Livingston and Stanley ...

In January 1876, Przhevalsky presented a new expedition plan to the Russian geographical society. He intended to study the East Tien Shan, to reach Lhasa, to see so much generations of European geographers, and most importantly - to examine the mysterious Lake Lobnor. In addition, in those edges, as Marko Polo wrote, a wild camel dwells. Przhevalsky hoped to find and describe this animal.

Almost two months old took the path from Moscow through the Urals in Semipalatinsk, where Przhevalsky was waiting for the faithful satellites - Chebayev and Irinchinov.

Arriving in Bulgju in July 1876, Przhevalsky, together with the assistant, Fedor Leontievich Eccar in the middle of August, moved up "smooth, like Paul", the valley or her influx of Kungees and translated the main water-income chain of East Tien Shan. Przhevalsky proved that this mining system in the middle part branches: between the branches, he found two isolated high plateaus-them-Yulduz and Baga Yulduza in the upper reaches of the Hydyk-goal River, which flows into Lake Bagraskel. South of the lake, he crossed the western tip of the "anhydrous and barren" Range of Kruhold and correctly determined it as "the last spong of Tian-Shan in the Lobnian Desert." Further to the south was diluted with "the unaware of the desert of Tarim and Lobnor. Lobnorskaya is the wildest and fruitless of all ... worse even Alashan." Having reached the lower tariffs, Przhevalsky first described them. On his map, the Konchdar River received the correct image; "New" appeared, tariff northern sleeve - the River Inics. (Congue, arising from Lake Bagraskel, was then the lower left tariff of the tariff; now in a flood, it flows into the northern part of Lobnor lake.) Route through the sands of Takla Maka to the Oasis Charclyk in the lower reaches of the Black River (Lobnar pool), also first described by Przhevalsky, Let it establish the eastern border of the desert of Takla Makan.

Having passed the southern sneakers of Tien Shan, the travelers entered the city of Kerly, where they were waiting for them, who promised the assistance of the expedition. Emir attached to the Russian pretty man - Zaman-Beck, who once consisted in Russian service, and prescribed it to non-extent to be at the expedition.

Zadan-Beck led them to the lobnor of the most difficult road. With the onset of winter, frosts were hit by twenty degrees, the rivers did not yet become, and the Tarim had to be transferred across the river. And when the cherished goal seemed completely close, before travelers - where the plain was designated on the maps, suddenly the mountains rose. Even on the crossing through Tarim, Przhevalsky saw far in the south "a narrow obscure strip, a little noticeable on the horizon." With each transition, the outlines of the mountain ridge appeared, and soon it was possible to distinguish not only individual vertices, but also a big gorge. When the traveler arrived in Charkyk, then the Altyntag Ridge, who was not previously known to European geographers, appeared in front of him, "a huge wall, which further to the south-west rose even more and passed beyond the limits of eternal snow ..." Deep in winter 1876/77 (December 26 -5 February) Przhevalsky investigated the northern slope of Altyntag more than 300 kilometers east of Charclik. He found that "Altyntag is served by the outskirt of the high plateau to the side of the lower Lobn desert. Because of the frost and lack of time, he could not translate the ridge, but correctly suggested: the south of Altyntaga is probably the most northern part of Tibetan Highlands. Przhevalsky "moved" this border more than 300 kilometers to the north. South of Lobnor, according to local residents, the south-western continuation of Altyntaga stretches without any break towards Hotan, and to the east, the ridge leaves very far away, but where it ends - the lobnorsians did not know.

In February 1877, Przhevalsky reached a huge reed lake lake labnor. According to his description, the lake had a length of 100 kilometers and width from 20 to 22 kilometers. "I myself managed to explore only the southern and western shore of the lobnar and get into the boat on the tariff until half the length of the whole lake; then it was impossible to go on shallow water and thick reeds. These labnors cover all the lobnor, leaving only on the southern shore. 3 versts) stripe clean water. In addition, small, clean platforms are located like stars, everywhere in reeds ... Water is bright and fresh ... "

On the shores of the mysterious lobnor, in the "Lop Country", Przhevalsky was the second ... After Marco Polo! Nikolai Mikhailovich wrote with legal pride: "Again, what recently dreamed, turned into a fact of reality ... Not yet passed since Professor Kessler ... predicted about Lobnor as a completely mysterious lake - now this area well known. What could not do for seven centuries done in seven months ". The mysterious lake has become, however, the subject of a lively discussion between Przhevalsky and German geographer Richtgofen.

Judging by the Chinese cards of the early XVIII century, Lobnor was not at all where Przhevalsky discovered. In addition, despite historical news and theoretical arguments of geographers, the lake turned out to be fresh, and not salty.

Richtgofen believed that the Russian expedition opened some other lake, and the true lobnor lies north. Nikolai Mikhailovich answered the remark of the German scientist with a small note in the "news of the Russian Geographical Society". Then he visited Lobnor the second time, after which his student of Peter Kozlov entered the controversy. And only after half a century, the mystery of the lobnar was solved finally.

Lob in Tibetan means "or", Nor - Mongolian "Lake". It turned out that this swamp-lake changes his location from time to time. In Chinese maps, it was depicted in the northern part of the deserted faceless blanket. But then the Tarim and Konchdar River rushed to the south. The ancient Lobnor gradually disappeared, only salt marshes, a saucer of small lakes remained in his place. And in the south of the depression, a new lake was formed, which opened and described Przhevalsky.

He hunted on the lobnore, studied birds, - millions of feathered chosen the lake with their refuge on the way to Siberia from India. Watching them, the scientist came to the conclusion that the migratory birds fly not through the shortest path, as it was thought until that time, but for such a route to seize the places for recreation, with abundant food. Instances of rare birds replenished at the Lobnora collection of Nikolai Mikhailovich.

East of Lobrore, Przhevalsky opened a wide strip of sands Kumtag.

In early July, the expedition returned to Cults. Przhevalsky was pleased: He studied Lobnor, opened Altyntag, described a wild camel, even his skins mined, gathered the collections of flora and fauna.

Here, in Kulj, letters and telegrams were waiting for him, in which he was prescribed to continue the expedition. In the spring, Russia joined the Russian-Turkish war, and Przhevalsky sent a telegram to Petersburg with a request to translate him to acting army. A refusal came with the response telegram: it was reported that Przhevalsky was produced into the colonels.

Nikolai Mikhailovich has long and strangely sick "Unbearable itching in the whole body tormented him. In the last days August, when the disease went to wage, the expedition moved from the Kruvi Karawan in 24 camels and three riding horses. But the disease aggravated. I had to return to Zaisan - Russian Border post in South Altai. In the hospital, Przhevalsky spent several months. Here with the relay from Semipalatinsk, he received a letter from his brother, in which the death of the mother was reported. "Now, the Great Mount of All Invisor has increased to a number of all adversity. I loved my mother to the whole soul ..."

A few days later, a telegram came from St. Petersburg, in which the Military Minister in connection with complicated relations with the Godsman government prescribed to return back.

During the trip 1876-1877, Przhevalsky passed on Central Asia a little more than four thousand kilometers - he was prevented by war in Western China, the aggravation of relations between China and Russia and, finally, his illness. And yet, this journey was marked by the two largest geographic discoveries - the low-level tariffs with a group of lakes and the Altyntag Ridge.

In St. Petersburg, the best doctors watched him and concluded that the patient had a strongest nervous disorder and a complete decline of forces. They strongly recommended Nikolai Mikhailovich to leave, at least for a while, business and retire to some quiet place to correct health. Przhevalsky goes to Otradnaya.

Meanwhile, the scientist world celebrated his last journey. Nikolai Mikhailovich became an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences. Berlin Geographical Society establishes a great gold medal in honor of Alexander Humboldt, and the first one who is awarded, - Przhevalsky London Geographical Society presents to him the royal medal. Baron Ferdinand Richtgofen, one of the pillars of geography, produces a brochure dedicated to Przhevalsky, where calls him a brilliant traveler. Glory grows and extends far beyond Russia ...

Resting, Przhevalsky is equipped with a new expedition. This time he took to the assistants of Cossack Irinchinova, Fyodor Ecloon, a man, reliable in all respects, and his comrade in the school, a young width of Vsevolod Roborovsky, who had already to withdraw the terrain and collect herbarium; In addition, he was also a good drawing officer. In total, in Zaisan, where the equipment was stored from the previous expedition, 13 people gathered.

In March 1879, Przhevalsky began a journey called "First Tibetan". From Zaisan, he headed to the southeast, past Lake Ulyungur and along the Urunga River to her supporters, crossed the Dzungar Gobi - "extensive wavy plain" - and rather correctly determined its size.

The Jungan desert met them with storms. The weak glimpses of the Sun barely made their way through the carrying suspension of sand and dust, and just every day from nine-ten in the morning and to sunset. And the wind arose always in one side. Przhevalsky first of the researchers of Central Asia gave this explanation.

But at all, this mystery was attracted by the desert of the storms here and only here you can meet a wild horse. Local residents call it differently: Kyrgyz - "Cartag", Mongols - "Tahi", but not a single scientist seemed.

For hours, the Przhevalsky wild horse was driving around, but I could not get closer to the distance of the shot - a bit, animals' puglives ... Only once, together with Eccar, Nikolai Mikhailovich burst enough, but the leader of the herd, having had a danger, got into flight, fascinating all the others. With annoyance lowered the heavy fitting Przhevalsky ...

He watched, studied the habits of a horse, and when from the Kirgiz hunter received a wild horse to the skin as a gift, he was able to describe the animal. While ten years, this skins remained the only copy in the collection of the Museum of the Academy of Sciences, while Grouge-Mramihlo, and later Roborovsky and Kozlov, Nikolai Mikhailovich's disciples, did not get new skins. But before Przhevalsky about the existence of a wild horse, called the Przhevalsky horse, did not know science at all.

Another new Year - 1880th - meets on the road. Strong frosts with winds, mountain passes, which had to batte horses and camels, made it difficult for the work of the expedition. The chronometers hidden overnight in the fur were so much so much that they could be impossible in their hands. Reliable a fire was faced not always - the fuel remained only a meager stock, and the water had to drink a little warm. Food spent economically.

Moving Lake Barkel, Przhevalsky went out to the oasis Hami. He crosses the eastern outskirts of the Gashahn Gobi and reached the low-level Dunhah River (left influx of Lower Sulheha), and south of Herboldt Ridge (Ulan-Daban) found it from her. Through the pass Danzin - at the junction of Altyntag and Humboldt ridges - Przhevalsky went south to the plain Sartah, crossed it and established the beginning of the Ritter Ridge (Daquen-Daban). Going through the other two, smaller ridge, he descended into the southeastern part of Tiadam, in the village of Dzun.

From Dzuna Przhevalsky moved to the southwest and found out that Kulun here has a latitudinal direction and consists of two, sometimes of three parallel chains that have different names in various parts. Przhevalsky revealed the following Sasun-Ula ridges and the western part of Burkhan Buddha; Several south - Ballagtag, named by him by the Marco Polo Ridge (with a top of 6300 meters). South of Ballagtag, Cubishli's passing, Przhevalsky discovered the Bungbura-Ula ridge, which is stretched along the left bank of Ulan-Muren (the Worthy Yangtze).

Next to the south before the traveler, the Tibet itself extended, representing the "grandiose, nowhere on the globe in such sizes does not repeat the stopping mass, raised ... to terrible height. And on this gigantic pedestal are praying ... Extensive ridges ... As if they elap here, these giants are a hard-to-reach world of transcendental Nagrains, intense for a person in nature and climate and mostly still completely unknown for science ... "For the 33rd Parallel, Przhevalsky opened the Water-Building of Yangtze and Salouin - the latitudinal ridge of the tange. Having passed to the south of the edge, barely noticeable pass at an altitude of about 5000 meters, Przhevalsky saw the eastern part of the Pienchen-Tangle Range.

Several times the expedition was attacked by the robbers from the tribe of Tengutov, who usually robbed caravans of the Bogomolers sent to Lhasa. In Beijing and in St. Petersburg, Przhevalsky was already considered dead. Messages appeared in the newspapers, telling about his tragic death in the deserts of Tibet. One of the St. Petersburg newspapers announced that Przhevalsky is alive, but languishing in captivity, and demanded to equip an expedition for his search and liberation.

Meanwhile, the expedition was approximately 270-280 kilometers from Lhasa. Here, Russian travelers met the representatives of the Dalai Lama. The rumor spread in Lhas that the Russian squad goes to kidnap the Dalai Lama, and travelers refused to visit the capital of Tibet, however, under the pretext that Russians are representatives of another faith.

Przhevalsky passed the same way to the Yangtze Toppers and several west of the former route - he turned to Dzun from there to Lake Cucunor and went around him from the south. This time, Przhevalsky is more thorough than in the previous expedition, studied the lake, inflicted the South Beach on the map, he studied the flora and fauna of the surroundings, and then headed to Sinin - the city, lying at the crossroads of trade routes connecting Tibet and China. From there, he intended to move to the Huang Huang Horseradish - in the area, not yet studied.

However, local authorities put forward many good reasons for overlapping expeditions the upcoming path. And at the end, making sure to go to the intended goal of Przhevalsky to go to the intended goal, scored with bloodthirsty robber and ruthless cannographers. But Przhevalsky does not stop, he rushes to the yellow river.

They went from Sinine directly, through the ridges of the mountain ranges, along the Alpine meadows, bypassing the deepest perpures, making their way through close gorges, pierced in the mountains with the rapid flow of a yellow river in this mountainous region, on the eve of the Huonghe Rukovyev, managed to collect a rich herbarium in which he fell New look - Prestvalsky Poplar. However, closer to the upwards failed to move: the path was blocked or impassable gorges, or sheer mountain slopes. Four days were looking for opportunities to cross the other coast, but the river was very stormy ...

Returning to Dzun, Przhevalsky through the desert Alashan and Gobi reached Kyakhta. During this trip, he walked about eight thousand kilometers and shot more than four thousand kilometers of ways through absolutely not studied areas of Central Asia. For the first time, he examined the upper flow of a yellow river (Huanghe) for more than 250 kilometers; In this area, he opened the Sennov and Ugutu-Ula ridge. He found two new types of animals - the horse of Przhevalsky and the Medvedey-Forehead. His assistant, Roborovsky, gathered a huge botanical collection: about 12 thousand copies of plants - 1500 species. Przhevalsky outlined their observations and the results of the research in the book "From Zaisan through Hami to Tibet and on the headwaters of a yellow river" (1883). The result of the three expeditions was fundamentally new maps of Central Asia.

In St. Petersburg, he was again met honors and rewards. He was awarded the Order of Vladimir 3rd degree, awarded the title of an honorary member of the Russian, Vienna, Hungarian Geographical Society, Honorary Dr. Zoology of Moscow University, Honorary Member of the S.-Peterburg University, S. -Peterburg Society of Natural Scoree, Ural Society of Lovers of Natural Science and Finally, The ranks of an honorary citizen of St. Petersburg and Smolensk. The British society has awarded him a gold medal, accompanied by the appeal, which said that the achievements of the Russian traveler exceed everything made by other researchers from the time of Marco Polo.

But in St. Petersburg, and in Moscow, Przhevalsky is annoying "Eternal turmoil, the throne of a human anthill." He began strong headaches, insomnia. Back in June 1881, Przhevalsky bought Slobod, a small estate of versts in a hundred from Smolensk, on the shore of the fabulously beautiful Ozlis Lake. Reaching in the estate, he confesses in the letter: "Among the forests and debrenor Smolensk, I lived all this time in life by expeditionary, rarely when I even spent the night at home - everything is in the forest, on the hunt." In Slobod, he disassembled the collections, processed diaries, wrote reports. The result of each new expedition became a new book.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe study of the origins of Huanghe does not give him peace. Soon he submits a carefully thought out project to Russian geographical society. "Despite the success of three of my travels to Central Asia ... Inside the Asian mainland, there is still an area of \u200b\u200btwenty thousand square meters. Geogr. Miles, almost completely unknown, I consider it my moral debt, in addition to passionate to that desire, again go there."

He decided to assemble at least twenty people in a detachment - this should have been enough to fight back from attacks. The assistants of the Przhevalsky chose Vsevolod of the Roborovsky and 20-year-old solid-definite Peter Kozlov, the former Brewing Plant Railway, in which Przhevalsky guessed this researcher.

In early August 1883, they all left St. Petersburg to Moscow, where they were already waiting for loyal comrades - Irinchinov and Yusupov, as well as five soldiers from the Moscow Grenadier Corps, allocated to Przhevalsky. At the end of September, Kyakhty reached, and another month later, the expedition as part of 21 people went hiking.

In November 1883, the next, the fourth journey of Przhevalsky began. From Kyakhta already familiar by the expedition proceeded to Dzun, which reached in May 1884. In the southeast of Tsaydam, behind the Burkhan Buddha ridge, Przhevalsky discovered a barren Solonchard "Wavy Plateau, often covered with small ... in the confusion of the mountains," the southeast continued. The plateau graced innumerable herds of wild yaks, kulans, antelope and other hoofs. Purchasing this animal kingdom, Przhevalsky came out to the eastern part of the Intergurnacent Basin of Odontal, covered with "many niccock swamps, keys and small lakes"; According to the hollow "Low small rivers, formed by part of the same keys, part of running away from the mountains. All these rivers are merged into two main streams" connecting to the northeast corner of odontal. "Hence, that is, actually from the merger of all the water of Odontale, and the famous yellow river originates" (Huanghe). Even the Chinese themselves could not tell anything defined about the origins of their great river. "The long-term our aspirations were crowned, finally, success: we have now seen the sacrificent cradle of the Great Chinese River and drank water from its origins. Our joys did not have the end." Good weather, joying travelers for a few days, "suddenly changed the strong blizzard, and by the morning the temperature dropped to -23 ° C. Two days had to wait until so increasingly dropped snow." Finally, the squad could move on south. Przhevalsky passed invisible from the Tibetan Plateau watershed in the sourdock of Huanghe and Yangtze (Bayan-Hara-Ula Ridge) and found himself in a high-mountainous country: "Here the mountains immediately become high, steep and difficult to access." Surveying a small segment of the Upper Tower of Yangtze, Przhevalsky decided not to spend time and effort to achieve Lhasa. On the way back, east of odontal, he discovered two lakes - Jarin-Nur and Orin-Nur, through which "Newborn Juanhe" flowed. He called the first Russian, the second - the name of the expedition.

Returning to Tsaidam, Przhevalsky proceeded on his southern outskirts, opened a narrow narrow, but powerful chimemag ridge and, thus, almost completely determined the contours of a huge Taidam Plain. Poting the Chimenag and the North-West Snorge of New Outlooking Cauccygtag, the detachment went on a large wider coal plain, which was east of the horizon. Far in the south before Przhevalsky opened a giant ridge of a latitudinal direction, called them mysterious; His peak was called Monomakh's caps. Later, the name of the discoverer (local name Arcatag) was awarded the name of the mysterious.

Turning back and reaching approximately the 38th parallels, Przhevalsky walked to the West of the extensive intergonsal valley of the winds, called them so because of the constant winds and storms (the Valley of the Yusupalyk River). To the north of it stretched the Aktag, and to the south of Kayanktagtag, and the previously unknown ridge of Achchchertag (Moscow). On the southern slope of Kayankdagtag, at an altitude of 3867 meters, Przhevalsky opened a salty lake, even at the end of December, not covered with ice, and called him non-freezing (Ayakcumkoyel). Further movement to the south was impossible due to the approaching winter and strong fatigue of the binding animals; The detachment went to the north, went down to the Lobnor Lake, and on its shore met the spring of 1885.

In early April, Przhevalsky rose through the valley of the river Cherchen to the Oasis Cherchen, and from there moved to the south, discovered the Russian ridge and traced him to the west along the entire length to the oasis of Keria (about 400 kilometers), opened a short, but powerful Mustag ridge adjacent to Russian . Then the detachment went to the oasis of Hotan, crossed in the northern direction of Takla Makan, Central Tien Shan and returned to Issyk-Kuly in November 1885.

For two years, a huge path was passed - 7815 kilometers, almost completely without roads. At the northern border of Tibet, a whole mountainous country is discovered with majestic ridges - nothing was known about them in Europe. The origins of Huanghe are investigated, large lakes are open and described - Russian and expeditions. The collection has new types of birds, mammals and reptiles, as well as fish, in herbarium - new types of plants.

Already on the Russian border, the great traveler built his small detachment and read out the last order.

"We were dreaded deep into the depths of the Asian deserts, having only one ally with them - courage; everything else was against us: both Nature, and people ... We lived two years like savage, in the open sky, in tents or yurts, and transferred something 40-degree frosts, then more heavy heat, then terrible desert storms. But neither difficulty wildlife The deserts nor the obstacles from the hostile population - nothing could stop us. We fulfilled our task to the end - the terrain of Central Asia was investigated and investigated, in most parts of which the European foot was yet. Honor and glory to you, comrades! We will tell all the world about your exploits. Now I hug each of you and thank you for the service faithful on behalf of the science, which we served, and on behalf of the Motherland, which we glorified ... "

At the end of January 1885, Nikolai Mikhailovich is produced in major general and appointed a member of the military-scientist committee. Przhevalsky became an honorary member of the Moscow society of natural science lovers, anthropology and ethnography, received the famous medal "Vega" from the Stockholm geographical society and a large gold medal from Italian. The Academy of Sciences of Russia honored the traveler with a golden registered medal with the inscription. "The first researcher of Nature of Central Asia." His assistants awarded himself: some received an increase in the rank and each - in the military order and the cash prize of Roborovsky Przhevalsky persuaded to prepare for admission to the Academy of General Staff, which he himself once finished, Peter Kozlova sent to study in the Junkers School.

Russian newspapers at the exhibitions in St. Petersburg regularly wrote about him and his travels, many thousands of people visited his lectures. And then there was no name more popular in Russia than Przhevalsky's name. Nikolai Mikhailovich invariably recognized in trains, on the streets. It was requested about the benefits, about the provision of a place, on a pension, about the speedy production in the next rank.

Friends have particularly noted, maybe the most important features of his character: "Nikolai Mikhailovich was a man quite clean, truthful to naivety, frank and loyal friend." He remained always sincere in the "manifestation of feelings - sympathy, love, hatred. And when it happened to be mistaken, disappointed in people, he suffered from tears.

Przhevalsky never acquired family. "We are talking about the general, probably will remain without execution, not those of my years, and not so my profession to marry. In the central Asia, I have a lot of offspring - not in direct, of course, the sense, and in the portable, forehead -Nor, Cook-Hop, Tibet, and so on. - Here are my kids. "

In 1888 he saw light last work Przhevalsky "from Kyakhta to the origins of the yellow river." In the same year, Przhevalsky organized a new expedition to Central Asia. His assistants and this time were Roborovsky and Kozlov. They reached the village of Karakol, near the eastern shore of Issyk-kul. Here Przhevalsky fell ill with abdominal typhoid. Kozlov wrote: "We didn't want to believe for a long time that Przhevalsky could afford to do what I did not allow us, in this case - never drinking the water, and myself ... I saw himself and admitted this ..."

He lay with a high temperature, delirmed, at times fell into oblivion. "Burry me without fail in Issyk-Kul, on the beautiful shore ..." he died on November 1, 1888.

He was put in the coffin in the expedition clothing, with the favorite rapid "Lancaster". So he asked. The place for the grave was chosen in twelve versts from Karakol - on a high rippled shore. And on the grave tombstone, a modest inscription: "Traveler N M Przhevalsky". So he bequeathed.

In 1889, Karakol was renamed Przhevalsk.

The global history of opening, Przhevalsky entered as one of the greatest travelers. The total length of its working routes in Central Asia exceeds 31.5 thousand kilometers. By making a number of the biggest geographic discoveriesHe radically changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe relief and the hydrographic network of Central Asia. He laid the beginning of its climate research and paid attention to the study of flora: personally, he and his staff, mainly Roborovsky, collected about 16 thousand copies of plants belonging to 1700 species, including more than 200 species and seven births, not known to botany. The huge contribution of Przhevalsky and in the study of the Central Asian fauna, collecting the vertebral collections - about 7.6 thousand copies, among them several dozen new species, many dozens of animal species are named after Przhevalsky and its satellites ...

Przhevalsky only in very rare cases enjoyed its right of the discoverer, while maintaining local names everywhere. As an exception appeared on the map "Lake Russian", "Lake of the Expedition", "Mountain Cap Monomakh."

Twice in St. Petersburg were satisfied with grand exhibitions. Collections collected by Przhevalsky's expeditions included 702 copies of mammals, 1200 reptiles and amphibians, 5010 copies of birds (50 species), 643 copies of fish (75 species), more than 15,000 plant copies (about 1700 species).

Who is Przhevalsky? He was a famous Russian forwarder. Over the years of his life, he became a pioneer-researcher of the Land of Central Asia, which conquered him with its nature. Przhevalsky had a special talent to contemplate and collect various geographical and natural science facts, thereby connecting them together using the comparison method. Nikolai Mikhailovich also became known thanks to a comparative physical geography, which, accordingly, took its origin in the first half of the 19th century. The scientific merit of Przhevalsky is invaluable. This man had a striking fate, but did he suspect, being a child that he would be waiting for such not easy and filled adventures a famous life? We will talk about the research activities of Przhevalsky.

Brief biographical information

N. M. began in the spring, March 31 (April 12) of 1839 in the village of Kimborovo, the municipality in the Seversky district of the Krasnodar Territory, in the family of a small landlord. In order to avoid ridicule regarding your date of birth, the traveler always pointed out the date for one day earlier. The Przhevalsky family was poor, at the age of six, he had already lost his father. His mothering was directly involved in his mother, she was smart and moderately strict, but at the same time provided his son freedom: he did not forbid his son on the street in completely different weather, walk in the concrete and swamps. Nikolai Mikhailovich had a beloved nurse, which was called Olga Makaryevna. He loved her as his mother and saving to her attachment and tenderness.

Prelvalsky's youth

From the early age Przhevalsky was engaged in hunting, experiencing a special passion for this, which he retained to the end of his life. The occupation of His Hunt tempered and developed love and proximity to nature. Nikolay was observed, patient and straight enough. He also loved reading books. The most favorite works were those where there was a description of travel, nature, a story about animals and beasts, information related to geography. Przhevalsky loved to read so much to read that literally every detail remembered from what he read. At the age of 16, he decides to serve in the Belev army, but the military affair did not meet his expectations. There he saw only the constant entertainment and the unbridled officers. This is what has changed his life and views on human society.


As biography tells, Przhevalsky N. M. He graduated from the Smolensk educational institution at the age of sixteen. The Crimean War began. And being a young man, he had to go to the army ordinary. At 22, he studied at the Military Academy, and at the end he was again sent to the Polotsk Regiment. Back at the Academy of N. M. Przhevalsky amounted to the "military-static examination of the Amur Region", which served as a huge change in his life. His work was assessed in the Russian geographical community, which led to the choice of his member of society at the age of 25. It was only the beginning of the life that he always dreamed.

Start of employment

From the small years, Nikolai Mikhailovich wanted to travel. As soon as the opportunity appeared, and he managed to be in Warsaw, leaving the regiment, he became a teacher in a military institution and all the money earned sent to prepare for the expedition. The life of Przhevalsky was in his rigid mode: he worked at the University Museum of Zoology, the reading room and the Botanical Garden.

Nikolai Mikhailovich always responded to his duties and strictly approached posts, and especially to teaching. He was preparing to be preparing for classes, with full pleasure told his item, which went out quite entertaining and exciting. Przhevalsky was also able to publish his own textbook on geography. In the future, his book was successful in military and civil institutions.

In 1867, Przhevalsky moved to St. Petersburg from Warsaw. Only there he filed his idea of \u200b\u200btraveling to Central Asia to the All-Russian public organization of the RGO. But, unfortunately, the support was not. In response to his plan, he only provided letters with recommendations to apply to the authorities of Eastern Siberia. Nikolai Mikhailovich went on a business trip to the Ussuri region, who joined Russia. Przhevalsky was instructed to familiarize himself with the distribution of troops and adjust information on the number and condition of Russian settlements, including Korean, as well as explore the paths that lead to turns, to correct and expand the route map. In addition, there was a permit for the conduct of various surveys.

First journey

Thanks to the business trip to Ussuri, Przhevalsky Nikolai Mikhailovich provided an excellent description of the edge. It is picturesque and in all beauty presented the geographical benefits of the Ussuri Territory. Przhevalsky well described the essence Far East. He was interested in the exceptions of the Khankaysky plains with their noble lands, wide pastures and the infinite wealth of fish and birds.

Nikolai Mikhailovich, Nikolai Mikhailovich considered his first expedition to his earlier reconnaissance in Central Asia. It helped him to make an impression about himself as a skillful traveler-researcher. Just after that, he began to take care of the permission of the expeditionary campaign in the northern part of China and the eastern edges of Southern Mongolia. It was here that Przhevalsky managed to publish his first book called "Expedition in the Ussuri Territory". This edition had a great fauror among the people and many outstanding people, especially since the tables of meteorological observations were taken into account, as well as the statistics tables of the Cossack settlement in places of Ussuri, a similar table of the settlement of peasants in the South Ussuri Territory, and a table with three Korean information settlements. Also in this edition, more than 200 species of birds were presented (of which many were open to Przhevalsky). In addition, Nikolai Mikhailovich collected about ten mammalian skins and more than 250 species of various plants, as well as more than 70 seed varieties.

Literally in July 1870, a great disposal of Przhevalsky's expedition was held in Mongolia for 3 years. The expedition in China in Mongolia really lasted about three years, from 1870 to 1873. During this time, more than 10,000 kilometers were completed. During the passage of this route, the eye was performed, thanks to which a map was drawn up on more than 20 sheets of small size. Every day magnetic and meteorological studies were carried out, and luxurious zoological and botanical selections were gathered. Based on new Przhevalsky materials, it was possible to significantly specify Asian map.

Second expedition

The second expedition of Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky began in 1876. Thanks to this research journey, Przhevalsky managed to strengthen its fame as a fair and excellent freight forwarder. Even before the completion of the processing of materials of its research, Przhevalsky has already begun preparations for the new expedition. This journey should have been very large-scale, as it was necessary to explore and Tibet, and Lhasa. About nine people went to the expedition, but they did not succeed in Tibet. This prevented the disease of the sending service and its participants. The judgment of its second study on the study on Central Asia Przhevalsky was quite brief. But some proportion of materials of this expedition entered the fourth description.

Third expedition

At the age of forty years, N. M. Przhevalsky headed for the next journey through Central Asia. Then everyone has already been known, who is such Przhevalsky. He described the first feedback from the resulting impression as if he got into another world, which was full of large animals. Transitions of travelers consisting of 13 people were rather heavy and at the end of 1879 they finally conquered the pass through an elevation called Tan-la. A few kilometers from Lhasa, the freight forwarders tied Tibet officials. After a long interview, Przhevalsky was obliged to return back.

After this study, Przhevalsky gained a numerous number of honest ranks and titles, grateful criticism and steps. It is decided to retire in a tract and starts processing the new material obtained.

Fourth journey

The fourth journey of Przhevalsky was called - "Second Tibetan Travel" and it continued for about two years. And again, Przhevalsky and his expedition had to explore Tibet, make new discoveries and plunge into the next adventures. In the materials of the researchers, new species of birds, mammals, insects, fish, and many new plants appeared.

After the study of the Tibetan plateau, travelers came to the forehead and tariff. Then the freight forwarders reached Cherry, then in the future to Keria, and from there came to Karakol to Lake Issyk-Kul. This journey was the most productive in the life of Przhevalsky.

After the expedition, Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky issues a new publication, which is called "from Kyakhta to the origins of a yellow river", where the passage of Tibet's northern places was told with all details.

Last years of the life of the Great Traveler

Nothing could hold back Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky on the spot: neither reverence, nor fame nor financial independence. His passion for research was the most important thing in life. In the spring of 1888, he completed a description of his fourth expedition, and literally in April, he was approved for a new research journey in Lhasa. In incomplete 50 years, Przhevalsky goes to the fifth journey. At the end of the year he was in Karakol, where an expedition was collected and a group of research was prepared. But to continue his expedition to Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky did not have the opportunity.

In 1888, on November 1, he died from typhoid, straight on the hands of his colleagues researchers. Before you die, the Russian traveler Przhevalsky asked him to be buried in an expedition form on the bank of Issyk-kul. His companions elected a scenic place on this shore for burial, on a cooler, where there was a beautiful view of the lake and nearby places.

The memorial was later raised on the grave from small pieces of local marble, where "Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky was the inscription, 31.03.1839 was born on 10/31/1888. The first investigator of Nature of Central Asia. "

Everyone learned who Przhevalsky thanks to his expeditions. He was nicknamed in general, he passed five expeditions, which took about 11 years of his life from him. The overall length of its path is approximately 32 thousand kilometers. During the expeditionary travel, Nikolai Mikhailovich collected many exhibits of the zoological collection, opened many species of animals, such as: wild camel, wild horse Przhevalsky, Tibetan brown bear and others.

His collection of plants is represented by 15 thousand units of plant species. Most people are amazed to this day by the collection of minerals. He received many worthy remuneration. For his life, he was elected scientist not one higher educational institution, and also became an honorary member of 24 scientific organizations of many countries, as well as a citizen of St. Petersburg and Smolensk.

Throughout the life of N. M. Przhevalsky carried out many expeditionary travels to make discoveries known to the whole world. Even the presentation of his fascinating life, he still gathered in the last journey.

In those places where N. M. Przhevalsky was born, an memorable difference was erected, and on the spot of his grave, a memorial was installed near the town of Bilderling. Also, in memory of his work, a memorial was built in the Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg.

In 1891, the priest's priest's medal was created. In 1946, the medal of his name from gold was already released.

During the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, no one also forgot who Przhevalsky is also. Not far from his grave was designed, and later the museum was opened, which absorbed the history of life and the work done by N. M. Przhevalsky.

In 1999 russian banks We released a batch of commemorative coins in honor of the famous freight forwarder, in memory of its research and discoveries.

Thanks to the discovery of N. M. Przhevalsky, some geographic objects received their name. Of these: Przhevalsky's elevation, Przhevalsky Ridge in Altai. Also, some species of animals and plants are also named. For example: Przhevalsky's horse, Przhevalsky and Buzlock Przhevalsky.

Another important fact that the city of Karakol is approximately from 1889 to 1922. And from 1939 to 1992 was named Przhevalsk.

In memory of Przhevalsky Nicholas Mikhailovic, several streets in Russia, for example, in Moscow, Minsk and Smolensk are called. There is also an educational institution named after Przhevalsky, located in the city of Smolensk.

In the Primorsky Territory, the name of Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky is named Mountains, which are called - Predhevalsky's hill. Also, his name was awarded the underground move near the city of Nakhodka and an array with rocks in the catchment station called Partisansky.

Przhevalsky, Nikolai Mikhailovich(1839 -1888) - Russian geographer, researcher of Central Asia, Major General, honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Born on March 31, 1839, in D.Kimborovo Smolensk lips. In the impoverished family of the hereditary Belorussian Show, was brought up by a uncle, a passionate hunter who upbring interest in nature and travels in the nephew.

In 1855 he became military, graduated from the Academy of General Staff in 1863. At the same time, his first publication was published - Hunter memories. From 1864, taking the position of teacher history in the Warsaw Junker School, carried away descriptions of travel and discoveries, met zoology and nerd exotic countries, made an attempt to write a new geography textbook. In 1866, it was counted for the General Staff and was appointed to the Siberian Military District.

In 1867 he arrived in St. Petersburg, where he met with the traveler P.P. Semenov-Tian-Shansky. From 1867-1869 was in the Ussuri region, he reached Lake Hank (former wintering many birds, which gave material for ornithological observations). Posted several works about the Amuria, Journey to the Ussuri region, I was appointed in 1869 adjutant headquarters of the forces of the Amur region.

From 1870 - already in Mongolia, from where he reached Beijing, Lake Dalai Nor, explored the Suma-Hody and Yin-Shan ridges, proved that the yellow river does not have branching, as they thought before on the basis of Chinese sources. He passed through the desert of Ala-Shan and the Allashan Mountains, visited Tibet and in the upper ridge of the Blue River (Mur-Usa), in 1873 - he explored the average Gobi, got to Kyakhta, having passed for three years. In the Travel Report - Mongolia and Country Tongoy - Details described the deserts of Gobi, Ordos and Alashani, the highlands of the Northern Tibet and the basin of Triadam (open), for the first time, for the first time he put on the map of Central Asia more than 20 ridges, seven major and a number of small lakes. Labor brought the author of the Gold Medal of the Paris Geographical Society. The Russian geographical society has awarded him a large Konstantinov medal, he achieved the awards of the rank of lieutenant colonel and a lifetime pension of 600 rubles annually.

In 1876-1877, during the second Central Asian expedition (Lobnorskaya and Dzhungskaya), he opened the altyn-tag ridge, proved that Lake Lobnor Fresh, and not salty (as they believed earlier), led new bird observations, as described in writing From Cultrij for Tien Shan and on the forehead. In 1879-1880, he was already the head of the Third Central Asian Expedition. With a detachment of 13 people descended by the Urunga River, passed through the Oasis Khaliy and (over the desert) to the oasis Sa -uuu, passed by Naz-Shan's ridges, went to Tibet and from there to the Mur-Usa Valley. The Tibetan government did not let him down in a helica (Lhasa), from which he was (passed by Tan-la) in 250 versts.

In 1883-1885, a fourth expedition to Central Asia took place. 21 of its participant, including Botanist V.I.Borovsky and Geographer P.K. Kozlov, passed and drove a total of more than 30 thousand versts. Moving from Kyakhta to the old way through URGA, reached Tibetan plateau, continuing the study of the origins of the yellow river and the watershed between the yellow and blue. During the expedition, Przhevalsky got to Karakol, passing for two years to 7 thousand versts without roads. At the northern border of Tibet, the mountainous country was opened, which in Europe did not know anything, described the origins of the yellow river, opened new lakes, discussed their "Russian" and "expeditions".

In 1888 his last work was published From Kyakhty to the origins of the yellow river. In the same year, his fifth expedition reached pos. Karakol, on the description of which the previous one ended. Here at the eastern shore of Issyk-Kul, Przhevalsky fell ill with abdominal typhoid and died on October 20, 1888, it was buried here. On his grave was knocked out, as he bequeathed, a modest inscription "Traveler N.M. Przhelzhalsky". Przhevalsky's scientific reports contain vivid descriptions of nature, relief, climate, rivers, lakes, vegetation and animal world. He set the direction of the main ridges of Central Asia, opened new ones, clarified the boundaries of Tibetan Highlands (where Przhevalsky was the first European, which fell into these edges). The extensive zoological collected by them (7.5 thousand copies. Mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish), Botanical (Herbarium - 15 thousand copies., Including 218 new species and 7 genera) and mineralogical collections make up pride domestic museums.

In 1891, the N.M. Przhelzhalsky Award was established on the submission of the Russian Geographical Society, as well as a silver medal, in 1946 - Golden. Monuments traveler are set in St. Petersburg and Przhevalsk. His name is called the city (formerly. Karakol), the ridge in the Kunlun system, a glacier in Altai, a number of plant species and animals. The traveler is open a wild camel and - in 1879 - the kind of wild horse, which received his name (Equus Przevalskii). According to the description of N.M. Przhelvalsky himself, it is excellent "from the home short chamber, the lack of bangs, the tail, the base of which is covered with short hair, as well as a larger head."

Lev Pushkarev, Natalia Pushkareva

N.M. Przhevalsky (1839-1888)

Przhevalsky Nikolai Mikhailovich - Russian traveler, researcher of Central Asia; Honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy (1878), Major General (1886). He led the expedition to the Ussuriy region (1867-1869) and four expeditions to Central Asia (1870-1885). First described the nature of many areas of Central Asia; Opened a number of ridges, Kotlovin and Lakes in Kunlun, Nanshan and on Tibetan Highlands. Gathered valuable collections of plants and animals; For the first time, a wild camel was described, a wild horse (Przhevalsky's horse), a Bear of the Ceff, or Tibetan Bear and others.

Przhevalsky was born in the village of Kimboron by Smolensk province on April 12 (March 31 under Art. Style) 1839. Father, the lieutenant retired, died early. The boy grew under the supervision of the mother in the estate. In 1855, Przhevalsky graduated from Smolensk gymnasium and decided in Moscow a non-commissioned officer in the Ryazan Infantry Regiment; And having received an officer rank, he moved to Polotsk Regiment. Przhevalsky, evading the goals, all the time spent on the hunt, gathered herbarium, engaged in ornithology.

After five years, Przhevalsky's service enters the Academy of General Staff. In addition to the main objects, he studies the works of Ritter geographers, Humboldt, Richtgofen and, of course, Semenov. In the same place, he prepared the course work "Military Statistical Review of the Pria Amur Region", on the basis of which in 1864 he was elected to the actual members of the geographical society.

By taking the position of teacher history and geography in the Warsaw Junker School, Przhevalsky diligently studied the epic of African travel and discoveries, acquainted with Zoology and Botanica, made a textbook of geography.

Travel route in Ussuriy Territory

Soon he achieved a transfer to Eastern Siberia. In 1867, with the help of Semenova, Przhevalsky received a two-year-old service business trip to the Ussuri regionAnd the Siberian Department of the Geographical Society ordered him to study the flora and fauna of the region.

In Ussuri, he reached the village of A Bouss, then to Lake Hank, which is a station for migratory birds. Here he conducted ornithological observations. In winter, he explored the South Ussuri region, passing at three months 1060 a mile. In the spring of 1868, he again went to Lake Hank, then packed in Manchuria Chinese robbers, for which he was appointed senior adjutant for the headquarters of the Arour region. The results of his first trip were the writings "On the foreign population in the southern part of the Amur Region" and "Journey to the Ussuriy Territory". About 300 species of plants were collected, more than 300 stuffed birds was manufactured, and many plants and birds on Ussuri were found for the first time.

First journey to Central Asia. In 1870, the Russian Geographical Society organized an expedition to Central Asia. The boss was appointed Przhevalsky. Together with him, the expedition was participating in the expedition, Mikhail Alexandrovich Poltsov. Their path was lying through Moscow and Irkutsk in Kyakhta, where they arrived at the beginning of November 1870, and further to Beijing, where Przhevalsky received permission to travel in Chinese government.

February 25, 1871 Przhevalsky moved from Beijing to the north to Lake Dalai-Nur, then, having rested in Calgan, explored the Suma-Hody and Yin-Shan ridges, as well as the course of the yellow river (Huanghe), showing that it does not have branching, as thought before on the basis of Chinese sources; Having passed through the desert of the Alashan and the Alashan Mountains, he returned to Kalgan, making a 10-month mile at 10 months.

First Travel Route in Central Asia

On March 5, 1872, the expedition again spoke out of Calgana and moved through the Alashan desert to Nanshany's ridges and further to Lake Cucunor. Then Przhevalsky crossed Tsaydam's hollow, overcame the Kunlun Ridge and reached the top of the Blue River (Yangtze) in Tibet.

In the summer of 1873, Przhevalsky, having completed his equipment, went to ULRA (Ulan-Bataru), through the average Gobi, and from Urga returned to Kyakht in September 1873. According to the deserts and mountains of Mongolia and China, Przhevalsky passed more than 11,800 kilometers and put on the map (on the scale of 10 miles in 1 inches) about 5,700 kilometers.

The scientific results of this expedition were struck by contemporaries. Przhevalsky first of Europeans penetrated into the deep region of Northern Tibet, to the headwinds of Juanhe and Yangtze (Ulan-Muren). And determined that it was Bayan-Hara-Ula that is a watershed between these river systems. Przhevalsky gave detailed descriptions of Gobi, Ordos and Alashani deserts, the high-mountainous regions of the Northern Tibet and the brand of Triadam, the first 20 ridges, seven major and a number of small lakes on the map of Central Asia. The Przhevalsky map was not distinguished by accuracy, since because of very difficult way conditions, he could not make astronomical definitions of longitude. This substantial defects later were fixed by him and other Russian travelers. He collected collections of plants, insects, reptiles, fish, mammals. At the same time, new species that received his name were opened: Przhevalsky's Lush, Przhevalsky's Sleeping, Rhododendron Przhevalsky ... The two-volume work "Mongolia and Tangutov's country" brought worldwide fame to the author, was translated into a number of European languages.

Second travel route in Central Asia

The Russian geographical society has awarded Przhevalsky Great Gold Medal and the Highest Awards - Chin Lieutenant Colonel, a lifelong pension of 600 rubles annually. He received the Gold Medal of the Paris Geographical Society. His name was set close to Semenov Tyan-Shansky, Cruzenxtern and Bellinshausen, Livingston and Stanley ...

Second journey to Central Asia. In January 1876, Przhevalsky presented a new expedition plan to the Russian geographical society. He intended to engage in the study of East Tien Shan, walk to Lhasa, examine the mysterious Lake Lobnor. In addition, Przhevalsky hoped to find and describe a wild camel that dwells there, according to Marco Polo.

On August 12, 1876, the expedition spoke out of Kulgi. Having overcome Tien Shan ridges and the Przhevalsky Tarimovskaya Tarium defendant in February 1877 huge reed lake labnor. According to his description, the lake had a length of 100 kilometers and width from 20 to 22 kilometers.

On the shores of the mysterious lobnor, in the "Lop Country", Przhevalsky was the second ... After Marco Polo! The lake has become, however, the subject of the dispute between Przhevalsky and Richtgofen. Judging by the Chinese cards of the early XVIII century, Lobnor was not at all where Przhevalsky discovered. In addition, contrary to the existing opinion of the lake turned out to be fresh, and not salty. Lichtofen believed that the Russian expedition opened some other lake, and the true lobnor lies north.

Peak Akato (6048) in Altyntag Ridge. Photo E.Potapova

Only through half a century, the lobnar mystery was solved finally. Lob in Tibetan means "or", Nor - Mongolian "Lake". It turned out that this swamp-lake changes his location from time to time. In Chinese maps, it was depicted in the northern part of the deserted faceless blanket. But then the Tarim and Konchdar River rushed to the south. The ancient Lobnor gradually disappeared, only salt marshes, a saucer of small lakes remained in his place. And in the south of the depression, a new lake was formed, which opened and described Przhevalsky.

In early July 1877, the expedition returned to Krupju. Przhevalsky was pleased: he studied Lobnor, south of the lake opened the Altyntag Ridge, described the wild camel, even his skins, gathered the collections of flora and fauna.

Here, in Kulj, letters and telegrams were waiting for him, in which he was prescribed to continue the expedition.

During the trip 1876-1877, Przhevalsky passed on Central Asia a little more than four thousand kilometers - he was prevented by the war in Western China, the aggravation of relations between China and Russia and his illness: unbearable itch in the whole body. And yet, this journey was marked by the two largest geographic discoveries - the low-level tariffs with a group of lakes and the Altyntag Ridge. The disease made him return to Russia, where he published his work "From the Kulgi for Tian-Shan and on the forehead."

Third Travel Route in Central Asia

Third journey to Central Asia. Resting, Przhevalsky in March 1879 with a detachment of 13 people began a trip, named by them "First Tibetan". From Zaisan, he headed to the southeast, past Lake Ulyungur and along the Urungu River to her upper. In the area of \u200b\u200bLake Barcoul and the village of Hami Przhevalsky crossed the easternmost part of Tien Shan. Then he proceeded through the Gobi Desert and reached the ridges of Nanshan and Taidam's basin.

In this journey, Przhevalsky sought to cross Kunlun and Tibet and reach Lhasa. But the Tibetan government did not want to let Przhevalsky in Lhasa, and the local population was so instituted that Przhevalsky, moving through Pan-la, and being 250 versts from Lhasa, was forced to retreat and through Nanshan and the Gobi Desert in the fall of 1880 he will return to URGA (Ulan Bator).

During this trip, he passed about eight thousand kilometers and shot more than four thousand kilometers of the path through the districts of Central Asia. For the first time, he examined the upper flow of a yellow river (Huanghe) for more than 250 kilometers; Opened Sensess and Ugutu-Ula ridges. Described two new types of animals - the horse of Przhevalsky and the Bear of the edible-head or Tibetan bear. His assistant, Vsevolod Ivanovich Roborovsky, gathered a huge botanical collection: about 12 thousand copies of plants - 1500 species. Przhevalsky outlined his observations and the results of research in the book "From Zaisan through Hami to Tibet and the Rippiece of the Yellow River." The result of the three expeditions was fundamentally new maps of Central Asia.

Soon he submits to the Russian Geographical Society Project on the study of the origins of Huanghe.

Fourth journey to Central Asia. In 1883, Przhevalsky undertook a fourth journey, at the head of the detachment of 21 people. This time, Peter Kuzmich Kozlov is accompanied by Peter, for which this expedition will be the first journey to Central Asia.

From Kyakhty, Przhevalsky moved through URGA in his way of returning from the third expedition - crossed the Gobi Desert and reached Nanshan. South of Nanshany, he entered the easiest part of Kunluna, where he explored the origins of the yellow river (Huanghe) and watershed between the yellow river and blue (Yangtze), and from there passed through the Taydam Basin to the Altyntag Ridge. Then he passed along Cunluna to the Khotan oasis, turned north, crossed the desert of Takla Makan and returned to Karakol through Tien Shan. The journey ended only in 1886.

For three years, a huge path was passed - 7815 kilometers, almost completely without roads. At the northern border of Tibet, a whole mountainous country of Kunlun with majestic ridges was opened - nothing was known about them in Europe. The origins of Huanghe are investigated, large lakes are open and described - Russian and expeditions. The collection has new types of birds, mammals and reptiles, as well as fish, in herbarium - new types of plants. In 1888 he saw the last work of Przhevalsky "from Kyakhta to the origins of the yellow river."

Fourth Travel Route in Central Asia

The Academy of Sciences and scientists of societies of all of the world welcomed the opening of Przhevalsky. Outdoor Range Mysterious named Range Przhevalsky. His largest merit is the geographical and natural historical study of the mountain system of Cuenluna, the ridges of the Northern Tibet, the Lobnar and Cucuna basins and the sources of Huanghe. In addition, they were opened whole line New animal forms: Wild camel, Przhevalsky horse, Tibetan bear or a bear, a series of new types of other mammals, and enormous zoological and botanical collections are assembled, which enclose many new forms described later by experts. Being a well-educated naturalist, Przhevalsky was at the same time a born skeleton traveler who preferred a lonely steppe life to all the benefits of civilization. Thanks to its persistent, decisive nature, he overcame the opposition of the Chinese government and the resistance of local residents, sometimes reaching an open attack.

After graduating from the processing of the fourth journey, Przhevalsky was preparing for the fifth. In 1888, he moved through Samarkand to the Russian-Chinese border, where during the hunt in the valley of the Kara-Balta river, drinking the river water, infected with abdominal typho. More on the way to Karakol, Przhevalsky felt bad, and on arrival in Karakol he was completely sly. A few days later, on November 1 (October 20, under Art. Style), 1888, he died - according to the official version, from abdominal typhus. Buried on the shore of Lake Issyk-Kul.

The monument in Figure A. A. Bilderling is erected on the grave of Przhevalsky. On the monument, a modest inscription: "Traveler N. M. Przhevalsky". So he bequeathed.

Another monument also on the Bilderling project was raised by a geographical society in the Alexandrovsky Garden in St. Petersburg.

In 1889, Karakol was renamed Przhevalsk. In Soviet times, a museum dedicated to the life of Przhevalsky was organized near the grave.

Przhevalsky only in very rare cases enjoyed its right of the discoverer, while maintaining local names everywhere. As the exceptions appeared on the map "Lake Russian", "Lake of the Expedition", "Mount Hood Monomakh", "Russian Range", "Mountain Tsar Liberator".


1. N.M. Przhevalsky. Travels. M., Detgiz, 1958

2. N.M. Przhevalsky. Traveling in Ussuriy Territory 1867-1869

Date of birth: March 31 (April 12) 1839
Date of death: October 20, 1888
Place of birth: Russian Empire

Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky Doctor of Geographic Sciences, Naturalist, Researcher, Traveler and Writer. Also Nikolai Przhevalsky Major General, known as a member of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg.

A future traveler was born in the small noble family of the village of Kimbirovo in Smolensk province and is a descendant of the Zaporizhia Cossack.

In order to avoid ridicule regarding the date of birth - the first of April, Nikolai always pointed the date on 1 day earlier. In connection with the death of his father, uncle was engaged in the education of the child. They also were grafted passion for travel and hunting.

Immediately after the end of the gymnasium in Smolensk, Nikolai began to serve in the infantry shelf. A year later, studies began at the Academy of General Staff. Despite the attention of the entire public on impressive, high young man, he led himself apart.

After an excellent end of the Academy became a teacher of the Junker School of Warsaw. Taking a geography, put love to his students to the truth. Recognized the only law - justice.

Start of research expeditions. After appointment and service in the east of Siberia, a young geographer returned to St. Petersburg, where a meeting with Semenov-Tyan-Shansky took place. She helped to organize an expedition. For 2 years, a large ornithological collection of the Ussuri region was collected.

The work of the researcher was awarded a silver medal of a geographical society. Przhevalsky spent three winter months In the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, in the rank of senior adjutant.

At leisure, he was fond of hunting and playing cards, and numerous victories were obtained due to amazing memory. Winning big money became last game in cards.

All expeditions were conducted in the Central Asian Region. Tibet, Mongolia and China are the first objects of attention. The first conclusions concerned the Gobi, previously considered an exaltation, turned out to be a depression that has a hilly relief. And Nanshan is a mountain system.

The world fame was brought to the opening of 7 large lakes, the basins of Tiadam, the Highlands of Bishan and the three Kunlun Range. The results of the activity brought the author a large Konstantinov medal.

Its discoveries were in the 2nd expedition. Such an object became Altyntag Mountains. For the first time, the Konchdaria and Tarima River, which at the time was filled with Lobnor Lake. The lake is not preserved to our days. The North Territory of Tibetan Highlands was clarified, which was 300 km moving.

Many ridges were open in the period of the third expedition. Among them, Kunlun, Nanshan, Boklalaktag and Tangla. The last two refer to Tibetan Highlands. The origins of the Yangtze and Juanhe were filmed, as well as Lake Cucunor.

For Nicholas, the fourth expedition was quite complicated, which is associated with the painful disease. Despite this, he passed almost two thousand kilometers. On his way, he opened the world many lakes, mountain ranges belonging to Kunlun. Denotes the contour of Taidam Valley. For the first time, the existence of a peak of victory, whiter than half a century before its discovery.

Starting a new journey Przhevalsky premeditated that he would not return home. In Karakol, his condition worsened and a few days later, the life of the unrestrained traveler was cut off.

For her not too long life, the greatest researcher devoted 11 years to expeditions. Workers routes that he overcame are 31.5 thousand kilometers. More than 7,500 exhibits entered zoological collections.

New animals were opened: the horse of Przhevalsky, the wild camel, the Bear of the Food and Other. 218 species, as well as 7 genera, Flora representatives were described for the first time. Herbarium collected in expeditions represents instances of 16,000 plants.

Russia's geographical society introduced a prize and silver medal. Przhevalsky, and after 50 years - a gold medal. Monuments in his honor are installed in St. Petersburg and near the grave.

Achievements of Nicholas Przhevalsky:

Many geographic discoveries;
Collection of zoological collections;
Opening of unknown species of animal representatives and vegetable world;
Recognized by the honorary doctor of science and a member of scientific institutions.

Dates from the biography of Nikolai Przhevalsky:

03/31/1839 Birth;
1846 Father died;
1855 End of gymnasium and the beginning of military service;
1860 made a scientific report;
1866Named to serve in Siberia;
1867 returned to Petersburg;
1867-1869 Study of the Ussuri region;
1870-1873 Research Tibet, Mongolia and China;
1876-1877 Second Expedition;
1879-1880 Third Expedition;
1883-1885 Fourth expedition and second trip by Tibet;
1886 received the title of Major General;
1888 went to last journey;
20.10.1888 died.

Interesting facts of Nikolai Przhevalsky:

Discoveries are known to the world;
His report saw the world a hundred years after writing;
And nowadays the Przhevalsky Prize and Medals are issued;
The unrestrained traveler premeditated the end of his exciting life, but still went to the last trip.