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Namaz to make a right decision. Does a person must see sleep after making Namaz-Ostohar? That if I can not make a decision

Ostohar. (Arabsk. - "The search for good in business") is a voluntary prayer consisting of two cancerists, the purpose of which is to search for the leadership of Allah. Shown in the presence of a problem that does not have an obvious solution. Scientists are unhands that the Prayer of Stahar is a Sunny.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, said: "When some of you wants to do any case, then let him make an extra prayer in two cancer, and then say:" Oh Allah, truly I ask you to help me Knowledge and strengthen me by your power and I ask you from your great grace, because you are truly you know, but I don't know, because you know the hidden. About Allah, if you know that this business will be a blessing for me in my religion and for my life, and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and future), then I predetermined him and make it easier, and then make it a blessed one for me . And if you know that this case will turn evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and the future), they gave it from me and gave me away from him, and predetermined me the good, wherever It, and then make me satisfied with it. " And he said: "And let him indicate her business" (Bukhari №1166).

Text on Arabic


"Allahumma, Inni Astakhiru-Kya Bi-'-Kya Va Va Astakdarda Bi-Kudati Kya Va Aa'aalu-Kya Min Fadli-Kya-L-Quea Fa-Inna-kya Tatir Va La Akdiru, Va Ta'lla Va La A'lyam, Va Anta 'Allyam-ls Gueby! Allahumma, in Kunta Ta'lyam Anna Khaza-l-Amra (here a person should say that he intends to do) Heirun Li Fi Dini, Va Ma'aSi Va 'Akibati Amri, Fa-Kduur-Hu Lee Va Jassir-Hu Lee, The amount of the Barik Lee F-hea; Va Ying Kunta Ta'lyam Anna Haza-L-Amra Cherrun Lee Fi Dini, Va Ma'asha Va 'Akibati Amri, Fa-Dzhif-Hu' An-Na Va-Dzif n n 'An-Hu Va-Kduur Lia-th -Hyra Heisu Kyana, the sum of Ardi or Bie. "


"Oh Allah, truly, I ask you to help me with your knowledge and strengthen me with your power and I ask you from your great grace, because you are truly you know, but I don't know, because you know the hidden. About Allah, if you know that this business will be a blessing for me in my religion and for my life, and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and future), then I predetermined him and make it easier, and then make it a blessed one for me . And if you know that this case will turn evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and the future), they gave it from me and gave me away from him, and predetermined me the good, wherever It, and then make me satisfied with it. "

Nama Ostohar has no temporary frameworkBut desirable and preferable is still the last third of the night before reading Vitr-Namaz. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, said: "Make the Viter with the last your Namaz night" (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

If the program separates the ban on mapping (for example, menstruation), then you should wait until the reason for the ban will be held, but if the answer is needed urgently and the case does not tolerate deposits, then you should ask for help (Istohar), reading the DUA, but not making Namaz.

Allah Almighty said: "... Forgive them, ask for forgiveness for them and advise them about affairs. When you accept the decision, then you hope to Allah, because Allah loves those who are reluctant "(Surah 3" Family of Imran ", Ayat 159). Despite the fact that the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah, was the most knowledgeable among people, he consulted with his associates in difficult affairs. Also, his righteous caliphs kept advice with people who have knowledge and piety.

Scientists have different opinions about what is priority: consult or make Prayer Stahar. Sheikh Ibn Usaymin, and the Allah is full over him, in the comments to the book "The Righteous Gardens" found that he first needed to make Stahar, according to the prophet. Then, after the execution of Starara three timesIf it was not open, what to do, you need to consult with believers and follow the advice. The Council can be asked for a person competent in affairs and pious in religion. Shephara is done three times, because this was the custom of the Prophet, peace and blessing: he repeated Dua three times.

How to make Namaz Ostohar?

1) Perform ablution for namaz

2) make the intention for Namaz-Ostohar before starting it

3) Make two cancer. Sunnae is reading in the first cancer after the "Fatihi" sura "Kyafirun", and in the second - after Al-Fatiha, Sura "Miales"

4) At the end of the namaz, say Salam

5) After Salyam, raise his hands with humility to Allah, realizing his greatness and power, concentrate on Dua

6) At the beginning of the Dua, say the words of praising and exaltation of Allah, then say Salavat Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, and Ibrahim, peace

7) Read Dua-Stahar, without changing the text. In prayer to specify your own business (after pronouncing the words "... if you know that this is a matter, you need to call your problem. For example:" ... If you know that this is a case (admission to university, etc.). If you are not learned the dua by heart, you can read from the sheet, but it will be better to learn

9) Reliable to its goal, to implement the desired and be in this consistent. If, after reading the prayer, the situation did not become cleared, you can repeat the Istohar.

After the request of the Council of the Almighty "inspires" Muslim, instructing it on the righteous path. You must listen to your heart and make the right choice. If the first time you could not see signs, then you should continue reading this prayer. There is a Hadith, transmitted by Ibn Al-Sunny, which says that the Prophet, peace and blessing, said, said: "If you are worried about any question, do Istohara, praying to your Lord, then see what the first feeling arose in your heart. If after this Dua heart will be inclined to do what Ishpehar made, then the commission will be better; If the heart is not prone, then this case is postponed. If the heart is not inclosed to anything - then repeat more than seven times. "

Good for everyone is considered to be considered if Allah facilitated the commission of a certain case and the problem was solved easily. If there are obstacles on the way, Allah shows you that it is not necessary to make. In both cases, you must be satisfied, because by doing the obihara, you rely on the Most High and ask him to choose for you what is better. It is possible that the most proper decision is that it is contrary to your desires. Having made the Stahar, you need to rely on the Most High and not to go about your passions.

"Perhaps you are unpleasant what is a blessing for you. And perhaps you love what is evil for you. Allah knows, and you do not know "

Holy Quran. Sura 2 "Al-bakara" / "Cow", Ayat 216

Abdullah ibn Umar, yes there will be the Almighty Allah satisfied with him and his father, said: "A person may ask for help (making it objar) by Allah and he will tell him to choose from. But he grows on his Lord and does not wait, what will the outcome be. In any case, he is already drawn. "

The Musnade contains Hadith from Said Ibn Abu Vakkas, may Allah will be pleased that the Prophet, peace and blessing, said, said: "The happiness of the son of Adam is the possibility of petition for help (Stahar). The happiness of the son of Adam is pleased with his predestination from Allah. Unfortunately of the son of Adam is to leaving Starara. Unfortunately of the Son Adam is anger on the predestination of Allah. "

Ibn Al-Kayim, yes Allah, he said over him, said: "Whoever believes in predestination, that two cases are enough: Ostohara to him and satisfaction after."

How to do Namaz Ostohar to do what you need to read and what DUA use to make it?

As I came in Hadith, who handed al-Bukhari, and others, from Jabam, that he said: "The Messenger of Allah, and he blesses his Allah and welcomes, he taught us the prayer of Ostohar, because he taught us Sura from the Quran, and said:" When Anyone from you wants to do anything, let it make a prayer besides mandatory, in two rockets, and then say:

"About Allah, truly, I ask you to help me with your knowledge and strengthen me with your power and I ask you about your great grace, for, truly, you can, but I can't, you know, but I don't know, and you know All about hidden (from people)! About Allah, if you know that this is a business (here a person should say what he wants) will be a blessing for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and the life of the future), then predetermined His make it facilitate him for me, and then give me your blessing for it; If you know that this business will become evil for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and the life of the future), then turn it away from me, and turn me away from him, and predetermined I am good, wherever it is, and then bring me to satisfaction with them. "

Transcription for Namaz Ostohar

Transcription of Dua for Nama Ostohar

In transcription in the photo there is inaccuracy. You need to read like this:

Allahumma Inni Astahahiruk Bi 'Ilmika Va Astakjdiruk Bi Koutratica Va Asyuyuk Min Fadlikal Azum, Fa Innak Tagwear Va Aquadira, Va Ta'lyam Va La A'lyam Va Anta' Allaumul G'ujub. Allahumma In Kunta Ta'lyam Anna Khazal Amra (then he clarifies his business) Hyruun Lee Fi Dini Va Ma'aashi Va 'Akyibati Amri (or:' Agilihi Va Agilihi), Faughty Lie Va Yassirhu Lee Amount Barik Lee Fihi.

Va Ying Kunta Ta'lyam Anna Khazal Amru Cherrun Lee Fi Dini Va Ma'asha Va 'Akyibati Amri (or' Agilihi Va Agilihi) Beat Anni Vodrifni Anhu, Vakjadyrlyl Hyura Hyays Canna Ardyni Bihi.

We give some benefits about this prayer:

  • 1. The words of the Prophet "Make something either .." - these are generalized words under which it is understood by private
  • An example of where the obstacle is appropriate, for example, the marriage, or the opening of some business, and others, see "Sharh Suan Abi Daud", 8-304
  • 2. Dzhamba words: ".. Taught us the prayer of Istohar, because I taught us Sura from the Quran ..". Sheikh Muhammad Ali Adam Al-Assyubi said: "That is: I paid the attention of Istohar, the same as Sura came from the Quran, and this is due to the great benefit from this prayer, and the generalization of this benefit" see "Sharh An-Nasai", 27 -175
  • 3. "I wanted to make anything .." - scientists will dismiss, whether it means that this is just what flashed in thoughts, or what a person firmly configured to do. Sheikh Muhammad Ali Adam Al-Assyubi said: "The first probable sense is very far from the meaning of the Hadith, and should not be turned to him, and be sure to attribute it to the second probable meaning" (that is, the obihara is read only when there is a serious intention to commit Something) See "Sharh An-Nasai", 27-176
  • 4. "Two Rakataataa" said Sheikh Muhammad Ali Adam Al-Assyubi: "Sunna - will be limited to two rockets, as it came in Hadith," see "Sharh An-Nasai", 27-176
  • 5. "..Molver in addition to obligatory .." - in this Dalil on the fact that the Dua Al-Ostohara is unreliable and not legalized, see "Aun al-Ma'bud", 3-461, "Sharh Reindeses Musta ', 7-50. As for Rautib, it is more faithful of the opinions of scientists is that the two racks of Istohara are required by themselves, so it is performed separately from all other prayers.
  • 6. said An-Nawavi, which is desirable to read the al-Kafirun and Al-Mialyas in these two cancers. He said Hafiz al-Iraqi in the "Sharh At-Tyrmizi": "I did not find Dalil to it" see "Sharh An-Nazai", 27-177. Sheikh Muhammad Ali Adam Al-Assyu said: "The fact that they (An-Nawavi, and others) said, needs Dalile, and if there is a reliable Dalil, then we will say according to his instructions, but no other case in readable suns Restrictions of something that is mentioned, and in this matter of the latitude of choice, "see" Sharh An-Nazai ", 27-177.
  • 7. "And then let him say .." said Sheikh Muhammad Ali Adam Al-Assyubi: "These words are apparent to the fact that Dua is read after the completion of the prayer" see "An-Nasai Sharh", 27-177. Ibn Abs Jamra said: "The wisdom is that the prayer is made before Dua, the fact that the goal of Ostohar is to collect between the benefit of the Dunya, and the good of the last life, and for this you need to knock on the door of the king, and there is nothing better to successfully contribute to the success in this, than prayer, thanks to the exaltation of Allah, and praise on it, and the manifestation of needs in it, at the moment and ultimately, that it contains "see" Fatah Al-Bari ", 12-480.
  • 8. Prayer Stahar is desirable. He said Hafiz al-Iraqi: "I did not see anyone who would say about the obligation of Starara" see "Sharh An-Nazai", 27-181.
  • 9. It is common that after Istohara need to wait until you feel something, or see a dream, but it is incorrect, since those Imams who said about it, relied on a very weak Hadith, transmitted from Ibn as-Sunney. Hafiz Ibn Hajar said about this opinion: "If this Hadith was reliable, then it would be necessary to rely on him, however, his insanity is extremely weak," see "Fatah Al-Bari", 12-481

Sheikh al-Assyubi said: "I see what Ibn said Abdus Salaham, and Allah is humble on him, is more correct, since the benefit of the execution of Stahar is to facilitate the Almighty Allah to his slave, who made the Istohar, what Better for him. Therefore, when he managed to commit something and eased, after he made the Istohar to Almighty Allah and entrusted it to him his case and asked him to relieve him, it was an indication that Allah answered him. And he should not stop in doing this case, as it is the best for him. " See "Sharh An-Nasai", 27-182


Ostohar. (Arabsk. - "The search for good in business") is a voluntary prayer consisting of two cancerists, the purpose of which is to search for the leadership of Allah. Shown in the presence of a problem that does not have an obvious solution. Scientists are unhands that the Prayer of Stahar is a Sunny.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, said: "When some of you wants to do any case, then let him make an extra prayer in two cancer, and then say:" Oh Allah, truly I ask you to help me Knowledge and strengthen me by your power and I ask you from your great grace, because you are truly you know, but I don't know, because you know the hidden. About Allah, if you know that this business will be a blessing for me in my religion and for my life, and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and future), then I predetermined him and make it easier, and then make it a blessed one for me . And if you know that this case will turn evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and the future), they gave it from me and gave me away from him, and predetermined me the good, wherever It, and then make me satisfied with it. " And he said: "And let him indicate her business" (Bukhari №1166).

Text on Arabic

اَللَّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَسْتَخِيْرُكَ بِعِلْمِكَ، وَأَسْتَقْدِرُكَ بِقُدْرَتِكَ، وَأَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ الْعَظِيْمِ، فَإِنَّكَ تَقْدِرُ وَلاَ أَقْدِرُ، وَتَعْلَمُ وَلاَ أَعْلَمُ، وَأَنْتَ عَلاَّمُ الْغُيُوْبِ. اَللَّهُمَّ إِنْ آُنْتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذَا اْلأَمْرَ - وَيُسَمَّى حَاجَتَهُ- خَيْرٌ لِيْ فِيْ دِيْنِيْ وَمَعَاشِيْ وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِيْ (أَوْ قَالَ: عَاجِلِهِ وَآجِلِهِ) فَاقْدُرْهُ لِيْ وَيَسِّرْهُ لِيْ ثُمَّ بَارِكْ لِيْ فِيْهِ، وَإِنْ آُنْتَ تَعْلَمُأَنَّ هَذَا اْلأَمْرَ شَرٌّ لِيْ فِيْ دِيْنِيْ وَمَعَاشِيْ وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِيْ (أَوْ قَالَ: عَاجِلِهِ وَآجِلِهِ) فَاصْرِفْهُ عَنِّيْ وَاصْرِفْنِيْ عَنْهُ وَاقْدُرْ لِيَ الْخَيْرَ حَيْثُ آَانَ ثُمَّ أَرْضِنِيْ بِهِ


"Allahumma, Inni Astakhiru-Kya Bi-'-Kya Va Va Astakdarda Bi-Kudati Kya Va Aa'aalu-Kya Min Fadli-Kya-L-Quea Fa-Inna-kya Tatir Va La Akdiru, Va Ta'lla Va La A'lyam, Va Anta 'Allyam-ls Gueby! Allahumma, in Kunta Ta'lyam Anna Khaza-l-Amra (here a person should say that he intends to do) Heirun Li Fi Dini, Va Ma'aSi Va 'Akibati Amri, Fa-Kduur-Hu Lee Va Jassir-Hu Lee, The amount of the Barik Lee F-hea; Va Ying Kunta Ta'lyam Anna Haza-L-Amra Cherrun Lee Fi Dini, Va Ma'asha Va 'Akibati Amri, Fa-Dzhif-Hu' An-Na Va-Dzif n n 'An-Hu Va-Kduur Lia-th -Hyra Heisu Kyana, the sum of Ardi or Bie. "


"Oh Allah, truly, I ask you to help me with your knowledge and strengthen me with your power and I ask you from your great grace, because you are truly you know, but I don't know, because you know the hidden. About Allah, if you know that this business will be a blessing for me in my religion and for my life, and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and future), then I predetermined him and make it easier, and then make it a blessed one for me . And if you know that this case will turn evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or for this life and the future), they gave it from me and gave me away from him, and predetermined me the good, wherever It, and then make me satisfied with it. "

Nama Ostohar has no temporary frameworkBut desirable and preferable is still the last third of the night before reading Vitr-Namaz. The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, said: "Make the Viter with the last your Namaz night" (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

If the program separates the ban on mapping (for example, menstruation), then you should wait until the reason for the ban will be held, but if the answer is needed urgently and the case does not tolerate deposits, then you should ask for help (Istohar), reading the DUA, but not making Namaz.

Allah Almighty said: "... Forgive them, ask for forgiveness for them and advise them about affairs. When you accept the decision, then you hope to Allah, because Allah loves those who are reluctant "(Surah 3" Family of Imran ", Ayat 159). Despite the fact that the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah, was the most knowledgeable among people, he consulted with his associates in difficult affairs. Also, his righteous caliphs kept advice with people who have knowledge and piety.

Scientists have different opinions about what is priority: consult or make Prayer Stahar. Sheikh Ibn Usaymin, and the Allah is full over him, in the comments to the book "The Righteous Gardens" found that he first needed to make Stahar, according to the prophet. Then, after the execution of Starara three timesIf it was not open, what to do, you need to consult with believers and follow the advice. The Council can be asked for a person competent in affairs and pious in religion. Shephara is done three times, because this was the custom of the Prophet, peace and blessing: he repeated Dua three times.

How to make Namaz Ostohar?

1) Perform ablution for namaz

2) make the intention for Namaz-Ostohar before starting it

3) Make two cancer. Sunnae is reading in the first cancer after the "Fatihi" sura "Kyafirun", and in the second - after Al-Fatiha, Sura "Miales"

4) At the end of the namaz, say Salam

5) After Salyam, raise his hands with humility to Allah, realizing his greatness and power, concentrate on Dua

6) At the beginning of the Dua, say the words of praising and exaltation of Allah, then say Salavat Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, and Ibrahim, peace

7) Read Dua-Stahar, without changing the text. In prayer to specify your own business (after pronouncing the words "... if you know that this is a matter, you need to call your problem. For example:" ... If you know that this is a case (admission to university, etc.). If you are not learned the dua by heart, you can read from the sheet, but it will be better to learn

9) Reliable to its goal, to implement the desired and be in this consistent. If, after reading the prayer, the situation did not become cleared, you can repeat the Istohar.

After the request of the Council of the Almighty "inspires" Muslim, instructing it on the righteous path. You must listen to your heart and make the right choice. If the first time you could not see signs, then you should continue reading this prayer. There is a Hadith, transmitted by Ibn Al-Sunny, which says that the Prophet, peace and blessing, said, said: "If you are worried about any question, do Istohara, praying to your Lord, then see what the first feeling arose in your heart. If after this Dua heart will be inclined to do what Ishpehar made, then the commission will be better; If the heart is not prone, then this case is postponed. If the heart is not inclosed to anything - then repeat more than seven times. "

Good for everyone is considered to be considered if Allah facilitated the commission of a certain case and the problem was solved easily. If there are obstacles on the way, Allah shows you that it is not necessary to make. In both cases, you must be satisfied, because by doing the obihara, you rely on the Most High and ask him to choose for you what is better. It is possible that the most proper decision is that it is contrary to your desires. Having made the Stahar, you need to rely on the Most High and not to go about your passions.

"Perhaps you are unpleasant what is a blessing for you. And perhaps you love what is evil for you. Allah knows, and you do not know "

Holy Quran. Sura 2 "Al-bakara" / "Cow", Ayat 216

Abdullah ibn Umar, yes there will be the Almighty Allah satisfied with him and his father, said: "A person may ask for help (making it objar) by Allah and he will tell him to choose from. But he grows on his Lord and does not wait, what will the outcome be. In any case, he is already drawn. "

The Musnade contains Hadith from Said Ibn Abu Vakkas, may Allah will be pleased that the Prophet, peace and blessing, said, said: "The happiness of the son of Adam is the possibility of petition for help (Stahar). The happiness of the son of Adam is pleased with his predestination from Allah. Unfortunately of the son of Adam is to leaving Starara. Unfortunately of the Son Adam is anger on the predestination of Allah. "

Ibn Al-Kayim, yes Allah, he said over him, said: "Whoever believes in predestination, that two cases are enough: Ostohara to him and satisfaction after."

What is Starahar?

In the lexical meaning, Istohar is a search for good in business. They say: "Ask for help from Allah and he will give you a choice."

In the terminological value of Stahar - the search for a choice, i.e., finding where to attach efforts to be preferable before Allah.
This prayer corresponds to Namaz or Dua, read about Ostohar.

"Searching for a choice between two deeds facing those who need to choose one of them" (Ibn Hajar al-Ascale, "Fatah Al-Bari")

Her position (Hokm)

Scientists are united in opinion (IJD) that the Prayer of Stahar is a Sunny. The argument of her legality is the words given by Imam Al-Bukhari from the companion of Jaama, will be pleased with Allah: " About Allah, Truly, I ask you to help me with your knowledge and strengthen me by your power and I ask you from your great grace ...»

When does the slave need Namaz-Ostohar?

The slave in the earthly life faces situations when he does not know how to do and feel doubts. When he needs to appeal to the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Creator of People, then he can turn to him, waiting his hand and calling with a plea for help, wanting to receive an answer to appeal. He makes a prayer for calm and facilitate the case. When it proceeds to this case, such as buying a car, marriage, a device for a certain job, departure on a journey, then he resorts to a request for help.

Sheikh Ul-Islam Ibn ThamiaDid not regret the one who asked for help (made Istohar) Creator, consulted with creations and decided on his business" The Most High said: "By the grace of Allah, you were soft in relation to them. But if you were rude and cruel, they would certainly leave you. Forgive them, ask for forgiveness for them and advise them about affairs. When you accept the decision, then you hope to Allah, because Allah loves those who are reluctant. " (Sura "Family Imran", Ayat 159). Katada Said: " Whoever consulted with people, making it only for the sake of the Face of Allah, is not otherwise how will be aimed at the best way in his business" Imam an-Nawavi In the chapter "Ostohar (request for help) and Mushavara (consultations with people)" said: " Istohar with Allah, Mushavara with people who have knowledge and piety. After all, a person is not perfect and mistaken. Man is a weak creature. He can confuse different situations, and when he encounters it, what to do?»

Moluba Namaz-Stahar

Jabir, and he will be pleased with Allah, said that the messenger of Allah, and he would not sleep the world and good greetings to him, he taught us the prayer of Ostohar, because he taught us the Surarm from the Quran, and said: " When some of you wants to do any case, let him make an additional prayer in two cancer, and then say: "Oh Allah, truly I ask you to help me your knowledge, and strengthen me with your power and I ask you From your great grace, for, truly you know, but I don't know, because you know the hidden. About Allah, if you know that this case will be a blessing for me in my religion and for my life, and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and future), then I predetermined him and make it easier for me and then do it His blessed for me. And if you know that this case will turn evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and the future), they gave it from me and gave me away from him, and predetermined me where It was neither it, and then make me satisfied with it. " And said: « And let him indicate"(Bukhari №1166).

اَللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْتَخِيرُكَ بِعِلْمِكَ، وَأَسْتَقْدِرُكَ بِقُدْرَتِكَ، وَأَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ الْعَظِيمِ، فَإِنَّكَ تَقْدِرُ وَلاَ أَقْدِرُ، وَتَعْلَمُ وَلاَ أَعْلَمُ، وَأَنْتَ عَلاَّمُ الْغُيُوبِ. اَللَّهُمَّ إِنْ كنْتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذَا اْلأَمْرَ — وَيُسَمَّى حَاجَتَهُ- خَيرٌ لِي فِي دِينِي وَمَعَاشِي وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِي (أَوْ قَالَ: عَاجِلِهِ وَآجِلِهِ) فَاقْدُرْهُ لِي وَيَسِّرْهُ لِيْ ثُمَّ بَارِكْ لِي فِيهِ، وَإِنْ كنْتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذَا اْلأَمْرَ شَرٌّ لِي فِي دِينِي وَمَعَاشِي وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِي (أَوْ قَالَ: عَاجِلِهِ وَآجِلِهِ) فَاصْرِفْهُ عَنِّي وَاصْرِفْنِيْ عَنْهُ وَاقْدُرْ لِيَ الْخَيرَ حَيْثُ كانَ ثُمَّ أَرْضِنِي بِهِ

"Allahumma, Inni Astakhiru-Kya Bi-'-Kya Va Va Astakdarda Bi-Kudati Kya Va Aa'aalu-Kya Min Fadli-Kya-L-Quea Fa-Inna-kya Tatir Va La Akdiru, Va Ta'lla Va La A'lyam, Va Anta 'Allyam-ls Gueby! Allahumma, in Kunta Ta'lyam Anna Khaza-l-Amra (here a person should say that he intends to do) Heirun Li Fi Dini, Va Ma'aSi Va 'Akibati Amri, Fa-Kduur-Hu Lee Va Jassir-Hu Lee, The amount of the Barik Lee F-hea; Va Ying Kunta Ta'lyam Anna Haza-L-Amra Cherrun Lee Fi Dini, Va Ma'asha Va 'Akibati Amri, Fa-Dzhif-Hu' An-Na Va-Dzif n n 'An-Hu Va-Kduur Lia-th -Hyra Heisu Kyana, the sum of Ardi or Bii. "

Method of performing Namaz-Stahar

1) Make ablution for namaz.

2) It is necessary to make intentions for Namaz-Ostohar before starting it.

3) Make two cancer. Sunnae is reading in the first cancer after the "Fatihi" sura "kyafirun", and in the second after al-Fatiha, "Suru" Mialyas ".

4) At the end of Namaz, say Salam.

5) After Salyam, raise his hands with a humility to Allah, realizing his greatness and power, concentrate on Dua.

6) At the beginning of the Dua, say the words of praising and alleviating Allah, then say Salavat Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah. It will be better if they say Salavat Ibrahim, peace is, as it is pronounced in Tashahud:

« Allahumma Sally 'Alya Muhammadin Va' Ala Ali Muhammadin, Kyama Sallight 'ala ibrahima va' ala Ali ibrahim. Va Barik 'Alya Muhammadin Va' Alya Ali Muhammadin, Kyama Barakta 'Ala Ibrahima Va' Alya Ali Ibrahim. Fil 'Alaina Innakya Hamidu-M-Majid! "Or any other learned form.

7) then read Dua-Stahar: " About Allah, Truly, I ask you to help me with your knowledge, and strengthen me with your power …" to end.

8) after pronouncing the words "... if you know that this is ", You need to call your goal. For example: "... If you know that this is a matter (my journey into such a country or buying a car or marriage to the daughter of such something, etc.) - then complete the Dua with the words" ... that this case will be a blessing for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and future) " These words are repeated twice - where they say about the good and bad outcome: "... And if you know that this business will turn evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and future) …»

10) On this Namaz-Istohar ends, the outcome of the case remains for Allah, and behind a person - hope for him. It is necessary to rush to your goal and discard any dreams and all that oppresses and overcomes. Do not be distracted by all this.

It is necessary to rush to the last thing I saw good.

Paths of finding assistance (Istohar)

Path first: Search for help from the Lord Worlds, who knows what happens, what will happen, no matter what not to be and what can I do.

Way of the second: Consultation with knowledgeable, decent and reliable Muslims. Almighty Allah said: "... and advise them about affairs"(Sura" Family Imran ", Ayat 159).

Here is the appeal to the Prophet, peace and the blessing of Allah, in which the Almighty Allah said: "... Forgive them, ask for them for forgiveness and advise them about the affairs. When you accept the decision, then you should hope for Allah, because Allah loves those who are reluctant "(Sura" Family of Imran ", Ayat 159). Despite the fact that the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah, was the most knowledgeable among people, nevertheless, he did not even equally consulted with his associates in difficult affairs. Also, his righteous caliphs kept advice with people who have knowledge and piety.

What to do at the beginning: consult or seek help (Istohar)?

Scientists have different opinions about what is priority - consult or seek help (Istohar)? Reliably as I installed Sheikh Ibn UsayminYes, the Allah is melted over him, in the comments to the book "Righteous Gardens", "that first need to do Istohar, according to the prophet, peace and blessing of Allah:" If anyone of you is concerned about the case, let him make two cancer... ". Then, after the execution of Stahar three times, if it was not open, what to do, you need to consult with believers. And then, accept what was advised.

We say that Ostohar is done three times, because it was the custom of the Prophet, peace and blessing of Allah, when he did Doua, he repeated him three times.

Some scientists said that "a person repeats the Namaz as much as it takes that he opened some of the two best."

Conditions for the request of the Council. Personality with whom you need to consult

1) To be competent, he had experience in affairs, balanced, scrupulous and leisurely.

2) To be pious in religion, because the one who is not religious is not worthy of confidence. As stated in Hadith from Anas Ibn Malik, and he will be pleased with Allah: " Messenger of Allah, peace to him and the blessing of Allah, said: "There is no faith that there is no confidence and there is no religion in who has no obligations"" All because the person who is no confidence can easily be resorted to the acelness, and Allah will save us from it. It should be consumed about what is harmful or about what is not good. And then, from harm you can suffer only as much as predetermined by Allah.

Acts that must be observed and to pay attention to

1) Ear of themselves to the shell in every case, no matter how small it is.

2) The gravity that the Almighty Allah will send you to what will be better. Be sure of it during the Dua and thinking about him and understand this great thought.

3) Not really obihara, read after the ratibs of mandatory (FarD) Namaz. On the contrary, it is necessary that these were two separate cancers read specifically for Starara.

4) If you wish to make Istohara after voluntary ratibs, namazu-spirit or other navalfilic-namaz, then it is permitted, but with the condition that the intention is made before joining Namaz. And if you started Namaz, and did not make an intention to Istohar, then this is not correct.

5) If you need to make the sheard into a forbidden time for prayer, then to be patient until it takes. And if it can be completed before the forbidden time is over, you are making Namaz at this time and ask for assistance (Istohar).

6) If you are separated from Namaz to the ban on malaza (such as menstruation in women), then the reason for the ban will be held. And if it may be completed before the forbidden time is over, and the case does not tolerate deposits, then you should ask for assistance (Istohar) only by reading the Dua without making Namaz.

7) If you did not learn by heart, Ostohar, you can read it from the sheet. But it will be better to learn.

9) If you have assessed assistance (Istohar), then the desired and be consistent in this. Do not pay attention to dreams and similar things.

10) If the situation has not been cleared for you, then Intohara can repeat.

11) Do not add anything to Dua-Ostohar and do not give anything from it. Observe exactly the framework of the text.

12) Do not allow your passions to control themselves in what you choose. It is possible that the most correct decision is that it contradicts your desire (such as in the marriage to the daughter of this or you like the cars, etc.). Moreover, the person who committed the Istohar needs to leave his personal choice. Otherwise, what is the meaning of finding assistance from Allah? It will not be fully sincere in his handling (DUA).

13) Do not forget to consult with knowledgeable and pious people. Combine your stoker and consultation.

14) does not ask for help (Istohar) one for another. However, it is very possible when a mother calls to Allah for his son or a daughter so that Allah chose a good for them - at any time and in any Namaz, in two positions:

first - in the earthly worship
The second - after Tashakhhud, Salavat for the envoy of Allah, peace and blessing of Allah in the form of Salavat for Ibrahim, peace to him.

15) If there is a doubt whether there was an intention to Prostohar and after Namaz has already begun, it became clear that there was no intention, and he was already in Namaz, then the intention of the general Namaz is made. And then, a separate Namaz for Starara is performed.

16) If things are much, is it legitimate to make one Namaz for all the case or for each case your obihara?
Answer: more correctly and better for every case to do a separate obochar. But if they are combined, there will be nothing wrong with that.

17) There are no obihara in unwanted affairs, not to mention the forbidden.

18) It is forbidden to make Istohar on rosary or the Quran (as shiites do), let them instruct their Allah. Istohar is made only by the permitted method - Namaz and Dua.


Abdullah ibn Umar, yes there will be the Most High Allah satisfied with him and his father, said: " A person may ask for help (making it objara) by Allah and he will tell him to choose from. But he grows on his Lord and does not wait, what will the outcome be. In any case, he has already been drawn».

The "Musnade" contains the Hadith from Said Ibn Abu Vakkas, will be pleased with them to the Almighty Allah that the Prophet, peace and the blessing of Allah, said: " The happiness of the son of Adam is the possibility of petition for help (Istohar). The happiness of the son of Adam is pleased with his predestination from Allah. Unfortunately of the son of Adam is to leaving Starara. Unfortunately Son Adam is anger to predestination of Allah».

Ibn al-kayimYes, Allah is melted over him, said: " Who believes in the predestination, the two cases are enough: Ostohara to him and satisfaction after«.

Umar Ibn al-Hattab, may be pleased with them Allah Allah, said: " I do not care, in what position I will be: with what I like or with what I do not like. All because I do not know what good - in what I like or is that I am hateful».

Over a servant Muslim! Do not give the values \u200b\u200bto smelting discontent and disasters. Perhaps that you do not like, there is your success, and perhaps in the case you like is your destruction. Allah Almighty said: "... You can be unpleasant to you what is a blessing for you. And perhaps you love what is evil for you. Allah knows, and you do not know "(Sura" Cow ", Ayat 216).

Sheikh Ul-Islam Ibn Timia said: " Did not regret the one who asked for help (Istohar) from the Creator, consulted with creations and was persistent in affairs».

May Allah send you to what is good and good!

The world and blessing of Allah our prophet, his family and all associates.

Everyone has been confronted with "difficulties, when a person does not know how to do in one situation or another. He feels doubts about making decisions, thinks whether "is good to perform this act. When we need to appeal to the Almighty, and ask him for help, wanting to get an answer to your question. We resort to the help of Allah, starting such things like, for example, marriage to someone, buying a house or car, job search, departure on a journey, etc. In such important and doubting points, each Muslim is prescribed to make Namaz Stahar.

In Arabic Translation of Stahar - a search for good, choice in business. The choice between two acts, who needs to take one of the right, preferred before Allah solutions. They say: "I ask for help from Allah and he will give you a choice.

To whom and when to make Namaz Ostohar

The commitment of Stahar is desirable to the one who wished to make any definite action. If Muslim fluctuates in choosing between several solutions, praying attentively after listening and weighing the tips "Experienced stops on something one and makes Namaz Stahar. After namaz with a calm soul, the target is scheduled. And if the case is good, as the great Allah wishes, will undoubtedly facilitate him or eliminate this matter. I read the obiukhara will not roll or doubt the result, the outcome of your business. In any case, whatever options are made - it will be good. Excellent if it happened, as I wanted and good in the other, if not happened.

It should be noted that this namaz is committed to any particular case. If we, for example, ask for yourself happiness, success in work and study, health, well-being, new work, family life, then we do the usual Molub (DUA).

Nama Ostohar does not have a "temporary framework, it can be done by anyone and anywhere (except for places that are not allowed by the pronunciation of the name of Allah and not allowed for namaz times). But desirable and preferable is still the last one third of the night. It is also better to read it before reading the Vitr-Namaz in accordance with the words of the Prophet, and he will bless his Allah and the world sent from Abdullah Son Umar, will be pleased with them Allah:

اججلوا آخر صلاتكم بالليل وترا - "Make Vitri last your Namaz at night (Hadith lead al-Bukhari and Muslim).

How to make Namaz Ostohar

When you're going to do something, and you sincerely want Allah to point you the right decision, then for this you first need to perform ablution (voodoo) and additional prayer in 2 cancer. After committing prayer, you should read a special Molub (Istohar).

It is reported that Jabir Bin Abdullah, and he will be pleased with Allah, said: - The Messenger of Allah, (Sallalylah 'Aleihi Ua Sallaum), taught us what should be given to help in all matters, just as he taught us for some kind of Sura from Koran, and said: "If one of you wants to do anything, let it make an additional prayer in two rackat, and then say:

اَللَّهُمَّ إِنِّيْ أَسْتَخِيْرُكَ بِعِلْمِكَ، وَأَسْتَقْدِرُكَ بِقُدْرَتِكَ، وَأَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ الْعَظِيْمِ، فَإِنَّكَ تَقْدِرُ وَلاَ أَقْدِرُ، وَتَعْلَمُ وَلاَ أَعْلَمُ، وَأَنْتَ عَلاَّمُ الْغُيُوْبِ. اَللَّهُمَّ إِنْ آُنْتَ تَعْلَمُ أَنَّ هَذَا اْلأَمْرَ - وَيُسَمَّى حَاجَتَهُ- خَيْرٌ لِيْ فِيْ دِيْنِيْ وَمَعَاشِيْ وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِيْ (أَوْ قَالَ: عَاجِلِهِ وَآجِلِهِ) فَاقْدُرْهُ لِيْ وَيَسِّرْهُ لِيْ ثُمَّ بَارِكْ لِيْ فِيْهِ، وَإِنْ آُنْتَ تَعْلَمُأَنَّ هَذَا اْلأَمْرَ شَرٌّ لِيْ فِيْ دِيْنِيْ وَمَعَاشِيْ وَعَاقِبَةِ أَمْرِيْ (أَوْ قَالَ: عَاجِلِهِ وَآجِلِهِ) فَاصْرِفْهُ عَنِّيْ وَاصْرِفْنِيْ عَنْهُ وَاقْدُرْ لِيَ الْخَيْرَ حَيْثُ آَانَ ثُمَّ أَرْضِنِيْ بِهِ

"Allahumma, Inni Astakhiru-Kya Bi-" Ilmi Kya Va AstaKdarda Bi-Kudati-Kya Va Aus "Alyu-Kya Min Fadli-Kya-L-" Azami Fa-Inna-Kya Tatrau Va La Akdiru, Va Ta "Lyama Va La A "Lyama, Va Anta" Allahum-ls Gueby! Allahumma, in Kunta Ta "Lyama Anna Haza-L-Amra Heirun Lee Fi Dini, Va Ma" Asha Va "Akibati Amri, Fa-Kduur-Hu Lee Va Jassir Hu Lee, the amount of the Barik Lee fi; Va in Kunta Ta "Lyama Anna Khaza-L-Amra Cherrun Lee Fi Dini, Va Ma" Asha Va "Akibati Amri, Fa-Dzif-Hu" An-Na-Craif or "An-Hu Va-Kduur Lia-th -Hyra Heisu Kyana, the sum of Ardi or Bi Hee. "

The general meaning of this prayer: "About Allah, I ask you to help me your knowledge and your power and I ask you to give me great mercy, for you can, but I can't, you know, but I don't know, and you know everything about hidden! About Allah, if you know that this is a matter (and a person should be said that he intends to do,) will be a blessing for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or: sooner or later), then I predetermined him, make it easier for me, and then give me my blessing to it; if you know that this case is harmful to my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs, then led him from me, and lend me From him and judge to me, wherever it is, and then bring me to satisfaction with them. "

None of those who requested help from the Creator, and then consulted with believers created by him, showing careful in their affairs, because Allah Most High said: - "... and advise them about the affairs, and deciding on something either, hope for Allah "(" Family Imran ", 159.)

How many times do Namaz Ostohar?

Before each important thing, Istohar is enough to make one time.

After the request of the Council of the Almighty, "inspires Muslim, instructing him on the righteous way. Praying must listen to her heart and make the right choice. If the first time he could not see "signs," the "man should continue to read this prayer until he feels something. AND hadith commented by ibn al-Sunny in which it says that the Prophet (may Allah bless him and welcomes) said: "If you are worried about any question, do Istohar, praying to your Lord, then see what the first feeling arose in your heart. If after this Dua heart will be inclined to do what Ishpehar made, then the commission will be better; If the heart is not prone, then this case is postponed. If anything will not be inclosed to anything - then you repeat more than seven times .

Some scientists advised to repeat Namaz until "opens, which of the two deeds is the best.

NE knocks on the one who does Prihara!

The expensive brothers and sisters, after we got themselves to the Almighty, turned to him with the need, reading Namaz "Ostohar and Du" A, we stay to do what the heart is lying. Good for each of us and good "familiar is considered if Allah facilitated the commissioning of a certain case, the problem was decided - easily and ease. And opposite the existence of obstacles on the way - a sign of removing from unrighteous cases, actions. Thus, Allah shows us that this is not necessary to do this, you can not be made. In both cases should be pleased , After all, I will obey, we give Most High to choose for us what is better. If even at that time it seems to us that it is not. Let Allah always protect us and leads along the path of good and good!

Detailed desirable order to make Nama Ostohar

1) Make ablution for namaz.

2) It is necessary to make intentions for Namaz-Ostohar before starting it.

3) Make two cancer. Sunnae is reading in the first cancer after the "Fatihi Sura" Kyafirun, and in the second after Al-Fatiha Suru "Mialyas.

4) At the end of Namaz, say Salam.

5) After Salyam, raise his hands with humility to Allah, aware of his greatness and power, concentrate on Du "a.

6) At the beginning of the Du "And to say the words of praising and exalcation of Allah, then say Salavat Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah. It will be better if they pronounce Salavat Ibrahim, peace to him, as he is pronounced in Tashahud:

« Allahumma Sally 'Alya Muhammadin Va' Ala Ali Muhammadin, Kyama Sallight 'ala ibrahima va' ala Ali ibrahim. Va Barik 'Alya Muhammadin Va' Alya Ali Muhammadin, Kyama Barakta 'Ala Ibrahima Va' Alya Ali Ibrahim. Fil 'Alaina Innakya Hamidu-M-Majid! Or any other learned form.

7) then read the du "A-Stahar:" About Allah, Truly, I ask you to help me with your knowledge, and strengthen me with your power … to end.

8) after pronouncing the words "... if you know that this is , you need to call your goal. For example: "... If you know that this is a business (my journey into such a country or buying a car or marriage to the daughter of such a thing, etc.) - then complete the Du" And the words "... that this case will be a blessing for my religion, for my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and future) . These words are repeated twice - where they say about the good and bad outcome: "... And if you know that this business will turn evil for my religion, my life and for the outcome of my affairs (or he said: for this life and future)

10) On this Namaz-Istohar ends, the outcome of the case remains for Allah, and behind a person - hope for him. It is necessary to rush to your goal and discard any dreams and all that oppresses and overcomes. Do not be distracted by all this. It is necessary to rush to the last thing I saw good.

Rules when making Nama Ostohar

1) Ear of themselves to the shell in every case, no matter how small it is.

2) The gravity that the Almighty Allah will send you to what will be better. Be sure of this during Du'a and thinking about him and understand this great thought.

3) Not really obihara, read after the ratibs of mandatory (FarD) Namaz. On the contrary, it is necessary that these were two separate cancers read specifically for Starara.

4) If you wish to make Istohara after voluntary ratibs, namazu-spirit or other navalfilic-namaz, then it is permitted, but with the condition that the intention is made before joining Namaz. And if you started Namaz, and did not make an intention to Istohar, then this is not correct.

5) If you need to make the sheard into a forbidden time for prayer, then to be patient until it takes. And if it can be completed before the forbidden time is over, you are making Namaz at this time and ask for assistance (Istohar).

6) If you are separated from Namaz to the ban on malaza (such as menstruation in women), then the reason for the ban will be held. And if the case may end before the forbidden time is over, and the case does not tolerate the deposit, then you should ask for help (Istohar) only by reading Du'a, without making Namaz.

7) If you have not learned by heart Du'a-Ostohar, you can read it from the leaf. But it will be better to learn.

9) If you have assessed assistance (Istohar), then the desired and be consistent in this.

10) If the situation has not been cleared for you, then Intohara can repeat.

11) Do not add anything to Do'A-Ostohar and do not reduce anything from it. Observe exactly the framework of the text.

12) Do not allow your passions to control themselves in what you choose. It is possible that the most proper decision is that it is contrary to your desire (as, for example, in the marriage to the daughter of such or buying the cars you like, etc.). Moreover, the person who committed the Istohar needs to leave his personal choice. Otherwise, what is the meaning of finding assistance from Allah? It will not be fully sincere in his handling (Du'a).

13) Do not forget to consult with knowledgeable and pious people. Combine your stoker and consultation.

14) does not ask for help (Istohar) one for another. However, it is very possible when a mother calls to Allah for his son or a daughter so that Allah chose a good for them - at any time and in any Namaz, in two positions:

the first is in the earthly worship, the second - after Tashahud, Salavat for the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing of Allah in the form of Salavat for Ibrahim, peace to him.

15) If there is a doubt whether there was an intention to Prostohar and after Namaz has already begun, it became clear that there was no intention, and he was already in Namaz, then the intention of the general Namaz is made. And then, a separate Namaz for Starara is performed.

16) If things are much, is it legitimate to make one Namaz for all the case or for each case your obihara? It is more correct and better for every case to make a separate obochar. But if they are combined, there will be nothing wrong with that.

17) There are no obihara in unwanted affairs, not to mention the forbidden.

18) It is forbidden to make Istohar on rosary or the Quran (as shiites do), let them instruct their Allah. Shephara is made only by the allowed method - Namaz and Du'a.