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Commander of the 3d Army. Great War Rating. Who are they the best teamar RKKKA? In the existing army

During the Great Patriotic War, the general and tank armies in the framework of the Red Army were large military associations intended to solve the most complicated operational tasks.
In order to effectively manage this army structure, the teamarm had to have high organizational abilities, it is good to know the features of the use of all kinds of troops of the troops of his army, but also of course have a hard character.
During the hostilities, various military leaders were appointed to the post of commander, but only the most prepared and talented of them remained on it until the war was completed. Most of those who commanded the armies at the end of the Great Patriotic War, before its start, were held by subordinate positions.
So, it is known that during the war of war in the position of the commander of the Communist Party Army, 325 military leaders were visited. And 20 people retocked tank armies.
In the beginning there was a frequent change of tank commander, for example, the commander of the 5th tank army was Lieutenant General M.M. Popov (25 days), I.T. Helmet (3 months), A.I. Lieseukov (33 days, to death in battle on July 17, 1942), 1st commanded (16 days) Artilleryman K.S. Moskalenko, 4th (for two months) - Cavalier V.D. Kryuchenkin and the less than all the one (9 days) - the hostual commander (P.I. Batov).
In the future, the commander of the tank armies during the war years were the most stable group of military leaders. Almost all of them, starting to fight Colonels, successfully commanded tank brigades, divisions, tank and mechanized buildings, and in 1942-1943. He headed the tank armies and commanded them until the end of the war.

From the Community Commanders who ended with the war in the post of Commander, 14 people before the war commanded the corps, 14 divisions, 2 - brigades, one - regiment, 6 were in teaching and teamwork in educational institutions, 16 officers were headquarters of different levels, 3 were Deputy Division Commanders and 1 Deputy Corps Commander.

Only 5 generals commanding the army at the time of the beginning of the war ended it in the same position: Three (N. E. Berzarin, F. D. Gaelko and V.I. Kuznetsov) - on the Soviet-German front and two more (M. F. Terekhin and L. G. Cheremis) - on the Far Eastern Front.

In total, during the war, 30 commanders from among the commandermen were killed, of which:

22 people died or died from injuries received in battle,

2 (K. M. Kachanov and A. A. Kontokov) were repressed,

2 (M. G. Efremov and A. K. Smirnov) committed suicide to avoid captivity,

2 people died in Avia- (S. D. Akimov) and car accidents (IG Zakharkin),

1 (P. F. Alfferov) was missing and 1 (F. A. Yershakov) died in a concentration camp.

For success in planning and implementing combat operations during the war and immediately at its end of 72, the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, 9 of them - twice. After the collapse of the USSR, two generals were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

During the war years, the Red Army in its composition has only consisted of about 93,000, guards, shock and tank armies, of which were:

1 seaside;

70 general-purpose;

11 guards (from 1 to 11th);

5 shock (C1 to 5);

6 tank guards;

In addition, there were:

18 air armies (from 1 to 18);

7 air defense armies;

10 sapper armies (from 1 to 10);

In an independent military review of 04/30/2004. The ranking of commander of World War II was published, the following is an extract from this rating, the assessment of the combat activities of the commander of the main general-official and tank Soviet armies:

3. Commanders with general military armies.

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich (1900-1982) - Marshal of the Soviet Union. From September 1942 - Commander of the 62nd (8th Guards) Army. Particularly distinguished in the Battle of Stalingrad.

Batov Pavel Ivanovich (1897-1985) - army General. Commander of the 51st, 3rd armies, assistant commander of the Bryansk front, commander of the 65th Army.

Beloborodov Athanasius Pavlandevich (1903-1990) - army General. From the beginning of the war - the commander of the division, the rifle building. From 1944 - the commander of the 43rd, in August-September 1945 - the 1st Red Banner armies.

Grechko Andrei Antonovich (1903-1976) - Marshal of the Soviet Union. From April 1942 - Commander of the 12th, 47th, 18th, 56th armies, Deputy Commander of the Voronezh (1st Ukrainian) Front, Commander of the 1st Guards Army.

Krylov Nikolai Ivanovich (1903-1972) - Marshal of the Soviet Union. From July 1943, he commanded the 21st and 5th armies. He possessed a unique experience of the defense of the deposited major cities, being the head of the headquarters of the Defense of Odessa, Sevastopol and Stalingrad.

Moskalenko Kirill Semenovich (1902-1985) - Marshal of the Soviet Union. From 1942 he commanded the 38th, 1st tank, 1st Guards and 40th armies.

Pukhov Nikolai Pavlovich (1895-1958) - Colonel-General. In 1942-1945 Commanded the 13th Army.

Chistyakov Ivan Mikhailovich (1900-1979) - Colonel-General. In 1942-1945 Commanded the 21st (6th Guards) and the 25th armies.

Gorbatov Alexander Vasilyevich (1891-1973) - army General. From June 1943 - Commander of the 3rd Army.

Kuznetsov Vasily Ivanovich (1894-1964) - Colonel-General. During the war, he commanded the troops of the 3rd, 21st, 58th, 1st Guards armies from 1945 - Commander of the 3rd shock army.

Lucinsky Alexander Alexandrovich (1900-1990) - army General. Since 1944 - Commander of the 28th and 36th armies. Especially distinguished in Belarusian and manchu operations.

Ludnikov Ivan Ivanovich (1902-1976) - Colonel-General. During the war, he commanded the Rifle Division, the corps, in 1942 he was one of the heroic defenders of Stalingrad. From May 1944 - Commander of the 39th Army, who participated in Belarusian and Manchu operations.

Galitsky Kuzma Nikitovich (1897-1973) - army General. From 1942 - Commander of the 3rd shock and the 11th Guards armies.

Zheadov Alexey Semenovich (1901-1977) - army General. From 1942 he commanded the 66th (5th Guards) army.

Vasily Vasilyevich Vasilyevich (1896-1947) - Colonel-General. Commanded the 9th, 46th, 31st, in 1945 - the 9th Guards armies. It was distinguished in the Kursk battle, the battle for the Caucasus, during the forcing the Dnieper, the release of Austria and Czechoslovakia.

Kolpakchi Vladimir Yakovlevich (1899-1961) - army General. Commanded the 18th, 62nd, 30th, 63rd, 69th armies. The most successfully acted in the Visolo-Oder and Berlin operations.

Pliev Issa Aleksandrovich (1903-1979) - army General. During the war years, the commander of the Guards Cavalry divisions, corps, commander of equestro-mechanized groups. Particularly distinguished by bold and bold actions in the Manchurian strategic operation.

Fedyuninsky Ivan Ivanovich (1900-1977) - army General. During the war years, the coming troops of the 32nd and 42nd armies, the Leningrad Front, the 54th and 5th armies, Deputy Commander of the Volkhov and Bryansky Fronts, commander of the troops of the 11th and 2nd shock armies.

Belov Pavel Alekseevich (1897-1962) - Colonel-General. Commanded the 61st Army. Distinguished with decisive maneuverable actions during the Belarusian, Vorolo-Oder and Berlin operations.

Shumilov Mikhail Stepanovich (1895-1975) - Colonel-General. From August 1942 and until the end of the war, the 64th Army was commanded (from 1943 - 7th Guards), which, together with the 62nd army, was heroically defended Stalingrad.

Berzarin Nikolai Erastovich (1904-1945) - Colonel-General. Commander of the 27th, 34th armies, deputy commander of the 61st, 20th armies, commander of the 39th and 5th shock armies. Especially distinguished by skillful and decisive actions in the Berlin operation.

4. Commands with tank armies.

Katukov Mikhail Efimovich (1900-1976) - Marshal of armored troops. One of the Tank Guard Runs is the commander of the 1st Guards Tank Brigade, the 1st Guards Tank Corps. From 1943 - Commander of the 1st Tank Army (from 1944 - Guards).

Bogdanov Semen Ilyich (1894-1960) - Marshal of armored troops. From 1943 he commanded the 2nd (since 1944 - Guards) Tank Army.

Rybalko Pavel Semenovich (1894-1948) - Marshal of armored troops. From July 1942, he commanded the 5th, 3rd and 3rd Guards tank armies.

Lelyushenko Dmitry Danilovich (1901-1987) - army General. From October 1941, he commanded the 5th, 30th, 1st, 3rd Guards, 4th tank (since 1945 - Guards) army.

Rothmistrov Pavel Alekseevich (1901-1982) - The main marshal of armored troops. Commed by a tank brigade, a corps, distinguished himself in the Stalingrad operation. From 1943 he commanded the 5th Guards Tank Army. From 1944 - Deputy Commander of the Armored and Mechanized Forces of the Soviet Army.

Kravchenko Andrei Grigorievich (1899-1963) - Colonel-General of Tank Forces. From 1944 - Commander of the 6th Guards Tank Army. Showed a sample of highly melanic, rapid action during the Manchurian strategic operation.

It is known that the commanders of the armies were chosen in this list, which were comparable for a long time in their positions and showed quite high commander capabilities.

Educated in September 1812 as a result of the connection Danube army Admiral Chichagov and 3rd western Observation armygeneral Tormasov.

At the end of August, 1812 of the Danube Army troops (33 thousand people) arrived at Volyn, where she held the defense of the Tormassov Army (about 25,000 people). They opposed them Austrian building Schwarzenberg (26,000 people) in Lutsk, and Saxon corps Ranier (9000 people) at Vladimir-Volynsky; 17th Polish Division Dombrovsky (12000 people) was in Bobruisk against the 2-mountaineer case gene. F. F. Ertel.

According to Alexander I Tormasov, M. I. Kutuzov was recalled to the main apartment of M. I. Kutuzov for the command of the 2nd West Army instead of the wounded gene. P. I. Bagration. 10 (22) September Chichagov joined the Command Community, received the name of the 3rd Western Army, and 18 (30) Saint. Brands and gene. E. I. Markov Offed in ch. Apartment Kutuzov.

According to the plan imp. Alexander I, the Army Chichagova was supposed to reach the line of r. Berezina, take G. Borisov., cut the path of the retreat of the Great Army. 15 (27) Oct. The 3rd Western Army began march in the direction of Minsk. Avant-garde Lambert inflicted defeat the detachment of the gene. F. K. Kossetsky for New-overall and Kaidanov and 4 (16) of November took Minskwhere captured huge stocks of food and equipment. 9 (21) November, Avangard Lambert took the battle Borisov.By breaking the Dobrovsky Division. November 10 (22) All the forces of Chichagov, but after the defeat of Rus, were sharpened to the city. Avant-garde 11 (23) November under Like The 3rd Western Army left Borisov, focusing along the right bank of Berezina, breaking the French of the path of retreat, hoping that Napoleon would break into Minsk, Chichagov focused the main forces in Borisov and south of him, where the French began to prepare crossing.

However, the real crossing was built north of Borisov and prevent the transition of the Great Army through Berezina Chichagov could not. 16 (28) November his army led heavy battles on the right bank with the neglected enemy. Then the 3rd Western army vigorously pursued the remnants of the Great Army to Vilnawhich occupied November 28 (December 10). After a short rest, she continued to move towards the border, then participated in hostilities on the territory of the Duchy of Warsaw. 1 (13) February 1813 Chichagov, insulted by accusations that he "missed" Napoleon under Berezine, under the pretext of frustrated health passed the command of the 3rd Western Army General M. B. Barclay de Tolly. Under his command, the army was deposited by Thorn, participated in battles in Königsvart and Bautzen, then he became part of the Allied Silesian Army.

I. N. Vasilyev. (According to the materials of the Encyclopedia "1812")

3rd Western Army

Commander-in-Chief - Admiral P.V. Chichagov

Head of the Army headquarters - General I. V. Sabaneev

Land-winning general - Colonel (from 2.12.1812 - Major General) R. E. Renny

Head of Artillery - Colonel G. P. Velivsky

Commander of the Main Apartment - Colonel V. D. Rykov

The duty officer - Colonel (from 2.12.1812 - Major General) K. F. Oldekop.

The body of the general from the infanteria of Count A. F. Langeron,

Lieutenant General A. I. Milovo

Lieutenant General P. K. Essen

Barona General Lieutenant Corpus Osten-Sakena (left in the Brest-Litovsk district against Schwarzenberg troops and Ranier for covering the movement of the Army to Berezine)

Reserve body of Lieutenant General I. V. Sabaneev

Reserve case of General Ertel.

Avanganda E. I. Chappeta and K. O. Lambertbut

1. Rifle troops.

Rifle housing

office, headquarters, oppa

2-3 CD (GSD)

heavy cap (1,250 people)

Cap (900 people)

odn (24,76 mm sn, 6 xen. machine guns)

AE (16 itself.)

Rifle division

ozzy (12 zp)

oPTDN (18 or.)

Gorn-rifle division

optbat (6 or.)

Rifle brigade

xen. BATER (4 or.)

Rifle regiment (3182 people)

tatter 45mm guns (6)

min. BATER (4 120 mm)

rota air defense (9 quadruple PU)

bATTER 76-mm guns (4)

2 Research Research

Rifle battalion

3 Rifle companies

machine gun Rota

mortar company (6 82-mm m)

PT platoon (2 45 mm PTO)

Explology of the Rifle Division

tank Rota

rota armored car

motorized Reline Cavalry Rota Squadron


2. Cavalry.

3. Airborne Forces

4. Avtoblean troops

Mechanized case


Motorcycle Regiment

omib (664 people)

Communication battalion

avia Squadrilla

Tank Division

PMB (832 people)

Motorized Division


Lib (402 people)


Tank Regiment Tank Division

heavy tank battalion

2 tank battalions

easy flame tank battalion

sapper Rota


Motorized rifle regiment TD and MD

3 motorized rifle battalions

art. battery

Motor transport battalion

communication company

sapper Rota

Motorized Division Tank Regiment

3 tank battalions

sapper Rota

intelligence Rota


Tank Division Battalion

Rota light tanks



motorcycle. company

art. battery


Place management

Sapper platoon

Planty flamete platter


sky platoon

5. Artillery

Anti-tank artillery brigade

2 anti-tank artillery shelf

mINO-SAPER battalion

motor transport


Anti-tank artillery regiment

headquarters and Battery

adner 107 mm cannons (3 bars of 4 guns)

2 adn 76 mm cannons (3 bars in 4 guns)

2 adn 85 mm sn (3 bars of 4 guns)

an anti-aircraft division (2 bars of 4 37mm sn and 1 SPR in 36 digits)

School of Junior Commostava

Security divisions

GABBIC ArtPolk BM RGK (24 guns)

headquarters and Battery


Intelligence arthdivizion

security divisions

Gabichic (Cannon) Art Plk RGK (48 guns)

headquarters and Battery


Intelligence arthdivizion

security divisions

Cabinet artpolk (36 guns)

headquarters and Battery

2 adn 3 bars (24 107-mm guns)

1 adn in 3 baberts (12,52-mm warmness)

security divisions

Heavy corpus artpol (30 guns)

headquarters and Battery

2 adn 3 baberts (24 152-mm warmness)

1 adn in 3 BATER 2 152-mm Maubi Gubitsa

security divisions

Mortar battalion (48 mortars)

4 companies of 12,120-mm mortars

artydivizion OM (6 guns)

3 batteries 2 guns

6. Air defense troops

Formation of air defense

Covered points

The composition of parts and divisions included in the formation

Tools of caliber

Anti-aircraft machine guns




1st case

6 zap, 2 oad, 1 zpp, 2 p spear, 1 p VOS, 2 TRUP, 2 BUY

2nd Corps


6 zap, 2 oad, 1 zpp, 3 p spectacle, 1 p Vos, 2 TRUP, 2 BUY

3rd corps

4 zap, 4 oad, 1 zpp, 1 p spear, 1 p VOS, 1 TRUP, 2 VOGOR, 2 BUY

3, 4th Division

Kiev, Lviv

2 Zap, 1 Odn, 1 ZPP, 2 Farm, 1 AC Division, 2 Battalion

8 Brigades (7-10, 12-15th)

Minsk, Batumi, Khabarovsk, Riga, Kaunas, Grodno, Vilna, Odessa

1 zap (or 5 rear), 1 zpb, 1 Order, 1 Division AC, 1 Battalion VOS

1 brigade (11th)


1 ZAP, 1 ZPB, 1 Farm, 1 AC Division, 1 Battalion Vos

Zaporizhia, Dnepropetrovsk, Tbilisi, Komsomolsk-on-Amur

3 rear, 3 ZPR, 3 categories, 1 Rota deposit

Large industrial and military facilities

2 rear, 2 ZPR, 2 litter, 1 platoon deposit

109 divisions

J.-D. Stations and nodes, industrial facilities

4 batteries, 1 anti-aircraft machine gun

113 divisions

Military Warehouses and Bases

3 batteries

7. Air Force

Aviation Division


2-5 of the same type or dirty regiments

Air base (attached)

Aviation Brigade


2-3 shelf or 1-2 shelf and 2-3 squadrons

Air base (attached)

Aviation Regiment

Control (2 aircraft)

4-5 Squaders of 3 links in 3 aircraft

Airfield battalion (attached)

Aviation base


Battalions in the number of regiments in Division (Brigade)




Comfusion of the aviation garrison

Aerodromnotechnical Rota

8. Engineering troops and communication troops

Engineering Polk

technical battalion (4 companies - electrotechnical, electrostation, hydraulic, disguise)

Moto-engineering battalion

light Park School of Junior NPL Komostava

Pontoon-bridge regiment

personnel ponic battalion

2 rod pontoon battalion

technical Rota

set of park H2P

Separate sapper battalion (SC) - 901 people.


technical company (5 plates - road-position, pavement, logging, electrotechnical, field water supply)

transfer Park

Separate sapper battalion (SD) - 521 people.


technical platoon

technical and Supplies Place

transfer Park

Separate communication regiment

headquarters and support group

radioToatal (2 companies)

phone-telegraph battalion (2 types of 3 platforms, telegraph and telephone exchange)

cable-telegraph motorized company (3 cable telegraph and 1 telegraph-building platoon)

rota mobile communications (FPS platoon, PSS platoon, expedition, post VOS)

Separate communication battalion (SD)

staff Rota (3 platforms - radio, telephone, mobile communications)

2 Phone services

Security divisions

9. Field Office of the Front, Army and their headquarters

Divisions of controls

Number of man in management

Departures headquarters

Number of people in the headquarters

Military Council


Operational department

Artillery Management

Intelligence department

ABTV Management

Topographic department

Engineering management (department)

Education Department, Devices and Services of Troops

Communication Management (department)

Supply and Road Service

Air Defense Management (Division)

Administrative and Economic Department

Chemical management (department)

Financial part

Boat training management (department)

Department of Military Messages

Airborne Service Department


Human Resources Department

Rear bodies

Total person / including Wolnonamed

Note. In addition, political governance and departments, management and departments of the Air Force, special departments that were kept in their own states were to manage fronts and armies.

3 The army was formed on September 1, 1939 as part of the Belarusian Special Military District on the basis of the Vitebsk army group of troops.
In September-October 1939, 3 Army participated in the Polish campaign of the Red Army.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the army (4th rifle and 11th mechanized corps, 68th fortified area, 7th artillery brigade VET, a number of artillery and other parts) in the Western Front led heavy defensive battles in Grodno regions, Lida , Novogrudok. At the end of June 1941, numerically superior forces of the enemy managed to break through to the Minsk district and cut off her troops from the other forces of the front. Until July, the compounds and parts of the army were heroically fought in the rear of the enemy, fighting his significant forces. In the future, most of the army troops came out of the environment, some of her parts remained in the enemy rear, where guerrilla actions were conducted. On the night of July 1, 1941, the remnants of the management of the army led by the commander of Lieutenant General V.I. Kuznetsov managed to break into the area east of Minsk, but only on July 28, 1941, they managed to get out of the surroundings of the north of Rogachev together with a detachment of 204 of a motorized division and 274 Rifle regions 24 Samaro-Ulyanovsk Iron Division. In the order of the TGK of the USSR No. 270 dated August 16, 1941, "On the responsibility of military personnel for passing and leaving the enemy of weapons" it was said that the Army Army Lieutenant General Kuznetsov and a member of the Military Council Army Commissioner 2 rank of Biryukov with battles were brought out of the surroundings 498 Armed Red Army and Commanders of the 3 Army Parts 3 and organized a way out of the environment of 108 and 64 rifle divisions ...

After leaving the surroundings of 3, the army from July 5, 1941 was at the disposal of the BGK rate, it was completed and on August 1, 1941 included in the central front. The commander of the army was left by V. I. Kuznetsova, the head of the headquarters was appointed General-Major A.S. Liquid; The headquarters is located in the area of \u200b\u200bWest Kalinkovichi. The army was submitted to submission 66 Rifle Corps, Mozyr Stolongion, as well as 75 Rifle Division.

In the second half of August 1941, the Central Front was crushed and disbanded. 3 The army was forced to leave Mozyr, after the multi-kilometer march, 21 army passed his troops, and her headquarters were moved to the joint of 50 and 13 armies with submission to the headquarters of the Bryansk front. The commander of the army was appointed Major General Ya.G. Krayser. Former Army Commander, Lieutenant General V.I. Kuznetsov was appointed commander of the 21st army, and after its defeat in Kiev, the kittel was headed by 58 army.

3 The army participated in the Smolensk battle, an Orlovsk-Bryansk defense operation.

In November 1941, its compounds and parts of the South-Western Front (from November 11) continued to lead defensive battles and by December 5, the southeastern of the Bogoroditsk, east of Efremov, were departed. With the transition of the troops of the Red Army to a counteroffensiveness near Moscow, the 3rd Army participated in the Yeletic operation and liberation of Efremov (December 13, 1941). Continuing to develop an offensive as part of the Bryansky front of the 2nd formation (from December 24), by the end of December, it was reached on the right bank of R. Zusha east of the eagle, where he moved to defense.

Subsequently, the defending line engaged in the summer, until the summer of 1943, periodically made offensive actions, with limited goals and in a number of sites improved its position. On March 13, 1943, the army was included in the central front of the 2nd formation, March 27 - to the Oryol Front (from March 28, the Bryansk front of the 3rd formation).

In June 1943, Lieutenant General A.V. was appointed the new commander of the 3rd army. Gorbatova, who commanded her until the end of the war.

In July-August 1943, the army participated in an Ollovskaya strategic offensive operation, in September - early October - in the Bryansk offensive operation, at the end of which came to the left bank of the r. Coolant in the area of \u200b\u200bRadoysk (Slavgorod). From October 8 transferred to the central (from October 20, the Belorussky, from February 24, 1944, the 1st Belorussky) front and in their composition there were military operations in Gomel-Rechitsky (November 1943) and in Rogachevsko-Zhlobinskaya (February 1944 ) offensive operations.

On April 6, the army is included in the Belarusian front of the 2nd formation, on April 17 of the 1st Belarusian front of the 2nd formation, on July 5, the 2nd Belarusian Front of the 2nd formation.

In the second half of 1944, the army's troops participated in the liberation of Belarus and the eastern districts of Poland, in Bobruisk, Minsk and Belostok offensive operations. Over 500 km have passed and released the cities of Novogrudok (July 8), Volkovysk (July 14), Bialystok (July 27), Ostroleka (September 6) and Lomza (September 13), in the future they came to R. Narev and occupied defense at the turn of Ostrolek, Ruzany.

In January 1945, during the Mlavsk-Ellbinge operation, the army occurred as part of a shock grouping of the front from the Ruzhanskoye Bridgehead in the direction of Villenberg (Velbark), Melzak (Penno).

On February 10, he entered the 3rd Belarusian front, as part of which in March participated in the elimination of the East-Prussian group of the enemy South-west of Königsberg (Kaliningrad).

In early April, the 3rd army was brought to the reserve of the front, redesigned to the South-east Kustere region, on April 16, included in the 1st Belarusian front of the 2nd formation and participated in its composition in the Berlin Operation.

In August 1945, the army was disbanded, her headquarters was aimed at the formation of the headquarters of the Minsk Military District.

Commanders: Lieutenant-General Kuznetsov V.I. (June 1939 - August 1941); Major General Kruzer Ya.G. (August-December 1941); Lieutenant-General P.S. (December 1941); Lieutenant-General Batov P.I. (December 1941 - February 1942); Major General Zhmachenko F. F. (February-May 1942); Lieutenant-General Korzun P.P. (May 1942 - June 1943); Lieutenant-General, since June 1944, Colonel Gorbatov General (June 1943 - until the end of the war).

Members of the Military Council: Army Commissioner 2 rank Biryukov N.I. (April-August 1941); Division Commissioner Shlykov F.I. (August 1941 - April 1942); Brigadier Commissioner, from December 1942, Major General since November 1944, Lieutenant General Konov I.P. (April 1942 - until the end of the war).

Headquarters headquarters: Major General Kondratyev A.K. (September 1939 - July 1941); Major General Zhadov A.S. (August 1941 - May 1942); Major General, from September 1944, Lieutenant General Ivashechkin M.V. (May 1942 - until the end of the war).

Belarusian Special Military District
West Front
Central Front
Bryansk Front
Southwest Front
Oryol Front
Belorussian Front
1st Belorussian Front
2nd Belorussian Front
3rd Belorussian Front



    1 First formation (Polish RKKK)
      1.1 Polish Hiking of the Red Army 1.2 Occupation of Baltic Collectics 1 Comanding 1.4 Battle Compound 1.5 Military Operations 1.6 Combat Losses
    2 Second formation (German-Soviet war)
      2.1 Command 2.2 Military formations in the army during the war years
        June 2, 1941 (as part of the Western Special Military District) 2.2.2 August 1, 1941. (in the Central Front) 2.2.3 December 1, 1941. (in the South-West Front)
    3 post-war time (group of Soviet troops in Germany)
      3.1 Command 3.2 The combat composition of the army in 1988



General Army of the USSR

3rd Army

http: ///images/ukbase_2__17511.jpg "width \u003d" 200 "height \u003d" 214 src \u003d "\u003e

Actions of the 3rd Army during the occupation of the Baltic States. June 1940.

http: ///images/ukbase_2__12681.jpg "width \u003d" 200 "height \u003d" 178 src \u003d "\u003e

Map of Kowing Map 3rd Army in the Grodno

http: ///images/ukbase_2__3589.jpg "width \u003d" 100 "height \u003d" 135 src \u003d "\u003e

http: ///images/ukbase_2__6121.jpg "width \u003d" 100 "height \u003d" 141 src \u003d "\u003e

Commander of the 3rd Army General Major

http: ///images/ukbase_2__7948.jpg "width \u003d" 100 "height \u003d" 145 src \u003d "\u003e

Commander of the 3rd Army Colonel Colonel

Third Army (3 A) - The combination army as part of the Armed Forces of the USSR during the campaign of the Red Army in Poland in 1939, the German-Soviet war and the part of the occupying troops of the Soviet Army in the post-war time in Germany as part of the HSVG.

1. First formation (Polish RKKK)

1.1. Polish hike RKKKA

In November 1941, its compounds and parts in the South-Western Front (from November 11) continued to lead defensive battles and by December 5, they moved to the east of the Bogoroditsk to the east of Efremov.

With the transition of the troops of the Red Army to a counter-offering near Moscow, the 3rd Army participated in the Yeletsky operation of December 1941) and the liberation of the city of Efremov (December 13). Continuing to develop the offensive as part of the Bryansky front of the 2nd formation (from December 24), until the end of December, the army's troops came to the right bank of the Zusha River, east of the Eagle, where he moved to defense.

In the future, protecting the busy frontier until the summer of 1943, the army troops periodically led offensive actions with limited targets and in a number of sites improved their position.

In August 1945, the army was disbanded, her headquarters was aimed at forming the headquarters of the Minsk Military District.

By courage, heroism and high military skills in the battles of tens of thousands of her soldiers were awarded orders and medals, and 83 soldiers received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

2.1. Command

      Lieutenant Lieutenant-General 1Avgusta 1941); Major General (August 25 - December 13, 1941); Lieutenant-General December 1941) - died, having exploded to mini; Lieutenant-General І. (28 Breasts 1Lo-1942); Major General (11 Lyuto - 12 Travel 1942); Lieutenant-General (12 Travel 1 HERE 1943); Lieutenant-General, Z 29 Chervalia 1944 Colonel-General (27 Cherval 1lip 1945).

2.2. VIYSKOVI Formuvna at the warehouse of Armії in Rocky Vіini

2.2 IUNE 1941 (at the warehouse of the Skidny Pleesky District)

    4th Straighty Corps (Major General є. єGorov, Grodno District)
      27-A Starletsy Divіzіya (Major General, Augustow District); 56-A Starletsy Divіzіya (Major General, Porec region)
    21st Starletsky Corps (Major General, Vistebsk\u003e ІВень) - Visited another Eshieloni Armenia.
      17-A Starlezka Divіzіya (Major General, Polotozk\u003e Lіda) 37-A Starletsy Divіzіya (Colonel A. є. Checky, Lötel, Vitebsk\u003e Benyakon, Voronovo) 50-A Starletsy Divіzіya (Major General V.P. Evdokimov, Polotsk\u003e Krevo)
    11th Mechanisy Case (Major General, Volkovovka)
      29-A Tankova Divіzіya (Colonel EV, Grodno) 33rd Tankova Divіzіya (Colonel, Sokhulka) 204-A Motorized Divіzіya (Colonel, Volkovovka)
    S "єднанна тальной підпододовувняя:
      85-A Starlezka Divіzіya (Major General, Grodno) 24-A Starletsy Divіzіya (Major General, Molodechno) 7-A Protitankova Artlerіyski Brigade (p. Mikhalovo Zablauddsky District) 68th Grodnenskiy Ukr_PEZ District
    Dodani particle
      11-A ZMISHAN AVIADIVІZIYI (commander - Colonel P. І. Ganichev; Based in the district of Grodno, Lіda). Two vinted shelf on the I-15 bis, І-153, І-16, one bombardvalney Avіapolk, Yakiy by conducting the remnant of leschchikіv with the Sat on the PE-2, the vast 208 Boyovich Lіkіv (including 19 of the unary).

1 Serpnya 1941 ROCK (at the storage of the central front)

    66th Straighty Case:
      75-A Starletsy Divіzіya; 232-A Strelitzka Divіziya;
    68th fortified area; 214-A Rytryano-Tencel Brigade; 447th Cabinets Articleeister Regiment (Ros.); Okrahi Artiler Divіzіon PTO 18th Tank Regiment; 20th motorcycle regiment.

1 Pigeon 1941 ROCK (at the stock of the pivic-zakhіdny front)

    6-A Guardіysky Starletsy Divіzіya: 137-A Starletsy Divіziya; 212-A Rifle Division; 269-A Straight Divіzia; 283th Starletsy Divіzіya; 29th Cavalry Division; 52-A Cavalieri Divіziya; 569th artilersky regiment of PTO; 6th Guardian Minegeneous Regiment (without Divіzіon); 42nd Oven Senno-Artylerіysky Division; 150-A Tankov Brigade; 78th Oven of the iNhrannie battalion; 513th Oyaria Supper Batalion.

3. Pisianny hour (Grup Radyantsky Vіyski Nіmetchchini)

3rd Zagalynіyskova Armia I-th pіslovyu-native formwhan Bula Vibelan on the territory of Bіlusi, de їїnnya Dulkomplektvalo Düklilіnnya Bіlorusko-Lithuanian Vіiskovsky district. Until їїst, 3 Starlezkyki Corps (9 Divіziy) was included. Nadalі SII Z "єднанна, OKRIM 120-OSI, Buli Ruifornovani.

3rd Zagalynіyskova Armia II-go Formuvna Veda Istorіja Vіd 3-ї's shocking Armії часііїіv Vіini, Scho in the 1950s Rocky assault . That hour before the warehouse її 2 Corps included Chotiri Divіzії: 9-MU Corps - 94-A Guardіyski Stlіletskiy Divіzіya Ta 18-A Mechanisova Divіzіya (Scho Bula in Rocky Nіmezky-Radyandskoi Vіini - 416-Moscow Divіzіyu), and in 79 - Berlіnskom Starletsy Corpusі - 207-A Straletsy Divіziya Ta 15-A Mechanisian Divіziya (Rocky Velikovo Vіtchiznyannoy Vіini 230-A sD). Easy Divіzіya - 11-A Tankov Divіzіya - I had to reserve.

Until the end of the 1980s RR. The sivіzіy zhodna was not hacked at the warehouse of Armenia - the 11th-11-tank and 15-yd, the 1950s of the RR were distributed in the middle of the 1950s., And Molte Buli Prolimi to the warehouse of the already arms. Divіzії, Shahched to Armia, Lzh Buli All Guardіyskі 7, 10, 12, 47-A Tankovi Divіzії.

3.1. Command

    Commanders: Members of the Military Council: Headquarters:

3.2. Boyovi Warehouse Armіїna for 1988 RIK

    Headquarters of 3-Ohu Zagalovіysky Co. (Magdeburg) 7 guardіyski Tankov Kyivsko-Berlіnsk Order Lenіn Dvikі Chervonoprapran Order Suvorova Divіzіya (Roslau)
      55 gvardіysky tank Vasilkіvsky Order Lenina Chervonopraporny ordenіv Suvorov that B. Khmelnytskyi regiment (Lutherstadt-Wittenberg) 56 Guards Tank Vassilkovskaya-Shepetovsky orders Lenin Krasnoznamenny orders Suvorov and Kutuzov regiment (Zerbst) 79 Guards Tank Bobruisky Krasnoznamenny orders Suvorov and Kutuzov regiment (Rosslau) 40 Motor-Stretch Berlin Regiment (Bernburg) 670 Guards Self-propelled-artillery Lviv Order of the Red Star Regiment (Kohstadt) 287 Guards Anti-aircraft Rocket Lviv Red Star Regiment (Roslau)
    10 Guards Tankovaya Uralsko - Lviv order of the October Revolution of the Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Volunteer Division named Marshal Soviet Union (Altengrabov)
      61 Guards Tank Sverdlovsko - Lviv Order of Lenin Red-Blden Orenov Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment (Altengrabov) 62 Guards Tank Perm-Kelets Red Banner Order of Suvorov, Kutuzov and B. Khmelnitsky Regiment (Altengrabov) 63 Guards Tank Chelyabinsk - Petrokovsky Red Banner Order Suvorov and Kutuzov Regiment (Altengrabov) 248 Guards Motorized Relo-Rubber Ordena Lenin Red Blodded Order Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky and A. Nevsky Regiment (Skeeping) 744 Guards self-propelled artillery Ternopil, orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, A. Nevsky and Red Star Regiment (Altengrab ) 359 Guards Zenit Rocket Lviv Order Kutuzov, A. Nevsky and Red Star Regiment (Altengrabov)
    12 Guards tank Lenin Oman Order of Lenin's Red Banner Order Suvorov division ( NoyuRuppin)
      48 Guards Tank Vapnyar-Warsaw Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Regiment (Neuruppin) 332 Guards Tank Warsaw Red Banner Order A. Nevsky Regiment (Neuruppin) 353 Guards Tank Vapnyar - Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Regiment (Neuruppin) 200 Guards Motion Lenin Red-known Order of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment (Burg) 117 Self-propelled-artillery regiment (Maluninel) 933 Anti-aircraft missile Verkhnedneprovsky Red-known Order A. Nevsky Regiment (Burg)
    47 Guards Tank Lownedneprovskaya Red Banner order B. Khmelnitsky Division (Hillarsleben)
      26 Tank Feodosian Order A. Nevsky Regiment (Hillersleben) 153 Tank Smolensky Red Banner Order Cutuzov Regiment (Hillersleben) 197 Guards Tank Vapnyar-Warsaw Ordena Lenin Red Banned Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov Regiment (Halberstadt) 245 Guards Motor-Style Gneezensky Red Blodded Order Suvorov Regiment (Maluninel) 99 Guards self-propelled-artillery Pomeranian red-known orders of Suvorov and Kutuzov Regiment (Maluninel) 1009 Anti-aircraft missile Order of the Red Star Regiment (Hillarsleben)
    Connections and parts of army subordination
      178 separate helicopter regiment (40 mi-24, 10 mi-8) (Borstel) 440 separate helicopter regiment (40 Mi-24, 30 mi-8) (Borstel) 36 rocket brigade (8 PU 9K72 "Elbrus") (altengrabs) 448 Rocket Brigade (Born) 49 Anti-Arbitrary Rocket Brigade (Planken) 385 Artillery Brigade (72 Units 2C5 "Hyacinth") (Planken) 323 Model Engineering-Sapper Brigade (Magdeburg) 42 Brigade of Material Support (Magdeburg) 254 Separate Radio Technician 6 Lodzinsky red-known pontoon-bridge regiment (Magdeburg) 105 separate orders of A. Nevsky and Red Star Communication Regiment (Magdeburg) 9 separate helicopter squadron (6 Mi-8, 2 Mi-6, 2 Mi-24K, 2 mi-24g) (Neuruppin ) ?? Separate landing assault battalion (Neurappin) 232 Separate battalion for security and security (5 BTR-70, 2 BTR-60) (Magdeburg); 10 separate Rab battalion (Magdeburg); 614 Separate battalion Osinase (Magdeburg); 15 separate radio battalion (Magdeburg); 302 Separate repair and recovery battalion (Magdeburg); 298 Separate repair and recovery battalion (Magdeburg); 458 Separate radio relay-cable battalion (Magdeburg).