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Study in graduate school. What it is. Latest Tips for the section "Work & Career"

Publication date: 11/16/2013

This question is asked by many. However, this issue is truly problematic after you enrolled in graduate school. So let's consider the basic concepts ...

What it is

Graduate school is needed in order to get a candidate degree. If you only finished the university and received a master's status or a specialist, you can enroll in graduate school.

In theory, graduate school is needed in order to educate scientific frames that would move back to the science. However, in fact, everything is completely different ...

The fact is that graduate school as a forge of scientific personnel has long been outlived. The truth is worth a reservation, much depends on the specific university. However, in the global plan, graduate school has ceased to be something important and necessary.
This is especially felt when you just did there.

You think you will be there to receive brilliant advice, to communicate with ingenious scientists, moving the science forward ... But in fact, everything turns out at all. Obtaining a candidate is 90% of bureaucracy and 10% of science. The candidate protects not the smartest, but the most earliest.

Statistics find easy. Come on any forum of graduate students and see the reasons for admission. As statistics shows, only 10% go to graduate school for the sake of, actually, science. So, here's the list ...

Delay from the army

This is the most frequent cause. If you are subject to call, then when entering the graduate school you will be asked directly: "Must from the army?". If you say "yes", then with a probability of 80% you will not be taken to the graduate school (although, in commercial will take).
The university needs you to engage in science, and did not avoid the army. But here there are many nuances.

In the commercial graduate school it is very easy to enter. And if you have another red diploma, it will make it easier to easily. And considering that universities with accredited graduatement a lot of universities, then there are no problems in admission. If you have a lot of four in the diploma, but you at least once participated in the conference, you will also take you. If you have a triple, it will be impossible to do.

In addition, pay for 3 years of graduate schools is much cheaper than buying a military ticket. And most of the guys at the time of completion of the university already have a job or their business. And throw it all for a year, in order to work for free? !!! The army is not the place where you need to be. Although if you want a military career or law enforcement, then the army will be needed.

But it is not necessary to think that graduate schools are packed by "kosychi" - it is not. After all, in graduate school, those who have at least some tendency to science are coming. Therefore, over time, you begin to penetrate the science and forget about the initial reason for admission to graduate school.


This is the second most popular reason. If we speak human language, then in graduate school there are many those who are used to learn. Such people have no work, they are forever student. Among them are those who do not want to lose his student spirit. They are afraid of the world.

If such people still defend the candidate, then become eternal teachers. Pichal :(

If you are one of these people, then you dress up and start working! Postgraduate studies without practicing - time to wind.

Those who move science

IN pure form Do not meet. These are usually those people who are really useful for Russian science. However, they pursue the purpose of either a career or money or glory. Such people rarely become teachers. Usually they get high positions or leaving abroad.

Such people are easy to distinguish. At the beginning of the 5th year, they already find a supervisor to themselves and are already beginning to be published and printed.


These are adult people. Candidate brocade they need in order to move on career stairs. This is especially true of officials who "litter" the most delicious places in legal universities.


There are people who learn in graduate school, but do not understand why they do it. It seems that the special intention of life circumstances is guilt. Some people just follow the "wave".

In general, everyone decides for himself, why he needs graduate school. Special success seeks graduate students of technical and economic specialties.
From your actions depends on who you will become. You can become another teacher without prospects, and you can become a famous scientist or apply your knowledge to increase capital. Actually, money is the only criterion for the success of a person ...

You can leave your reasons and your opinion in the comments.

Thanks for attention!

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Adjuncture, Clinical Residency

  • Adjuncture - Postgraduate studies of universities and research institutions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Clinical order - Form of improving the qualifications of doctors in medical universities, institutions of improvement and research institutions.

Graduate student

Social guarantees

In Russian legislation by federal law "On the Higher and Postgraduate professional education in Russian Federation»The following warranties are envisaged:

P.S. Temporarily, until the spring call of 2012, students of the full-time form of non-accredited graduate studies are not subject to calling in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the presence of application number 2 and licenses of graduate studies, since the decree on receiving accreditation graduate students has been published relatively recently (only licenses were previously required). Universities were given time to prepare.


In some european countries Terminams graduate student and graduate school correspond doctoraty and doctorate.


Release from service in the army receive candidates and doctors of science.


see also

  • Ordatura

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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    Modern encyclopedia

    - (from Lat. Aspiro I strive to approach), form of training of scientists. It was organized in 1925 with the drug addict of the RSFSR, in the 1930s. Established in universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (defense by graduate students of candidate dissertations from 1934). In the beginning. 1990 x ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Graduate school, graduate school, wives. (neol.). 1. Position, graduate student. 2. Only units., Sobir. Graduate students (talk.). Dictionary Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    Graduate school, s, wives Preparation that graduate students pass; System of such training. Learn in graduate school. Cum graduate school. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    graduate school - s, g. Aspirant M.N. Aspirantur. The system of training scientific and scientific educational personnel in universities and scientific research institutions. Bass 2. Lex. Eras. 1935: graduate student / ra ... Historical Dictionary Galticisms of the Russian Language

    Graduate school - graduate school. The form of training scientifically pedagogical and scientists. It was organized in 1925 with the drug addict of the RSFSR, in 1930s. In universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (protection of candidate dissertations - since 1934). Maybe full-time (3 years of study) ... ... New dictionary of methodical terms and concepts (theory and practice of learning languages)

    Graduate school - (I strive from Latin Aspiro, I try to approach), the form of training of scientists. It was organized in 1925 at the drug addict of the RSFSR, in the 30s. Established in universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (defense by graduate students of candidate dissertations from 1934). At first … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Graduate school - (from Lat. Aspiro I strive, I try to approach the form of training of scientists. It was organized in 1925 with the Drug Address of the RSFSR, in the 30s. Established in universities and scientific research institutes of the USSR (defense by graduate students of candidate dissertations since 1934). IN… … Legal encyclopedia


  • Science philosophy: uch. pos. / T. G. Leshevich - M.: NIC infra-M, 2016.-272 s ..- (WITH: Postgraduate Studies) (P), Leszhevich T.G .. In a brief and accessible form, the material is set out the material of the candidate minimum According to the basics of philosophy of science. An attempt was made to maintain the ideological potential of philosophy, ...

IN last years Many students strive to become graduate students. This is due to the fact that after defending the thesis, they have more opportunities. Translated from the Latin word "graduate student" means striving for something. First of all, people who wanted to continue their studies seek knowledge. If the specialty is technical, they have the opportunity to make the opening in the selected industry. Humanities, with the help of obtaining a candidate degree, increase their ranking in the labor market. We will understand in more detail, which gives graduate school.

Advantages of graduate school

First of all, students pay attention to the fact that in graduate school it is really possible to delay from the army and scholarship. If the university or research institutes are preparing scientists in a technical specialty, then the size of the scholarship may be much higher than the minimum country, which is now installed at 2,500 rubles. Other benefits should be divided into three large groups:

  1. The ability to self-improvement in the chosen profession. This advantage rarely attracts young and ambitious people, so this wording is increasingly attracted to the graduate school of mature and already held in the profession of specialists. At the time of graduate students are available scientific libraries, laboratories and visit conferences.
  2. The opportunity to engage in science and make your own discoveries and research. Future candidates of science has a prospect to engage in science. Even without defending the thesis, they can declare themselves in the scientific publications and performances at conferences.
  3. An option to go not only by the selected specialty, but also to train students. The end of the magistracy also gives you the opportunity to teach, but in the institution above the auspiece you will not take you. With a candidate degree, you can lecture in universities.
  4. For a scientific degree on public service Check out, and for publications in specialized editions often give elevated fees.
  5. Over time, you can protect your doctoral dissertation, which makes it possible to join the steering of the university or a scientific institution.

Most often, graduate school prefer to choose those who want to engage in scientific research.

For this, additional training is ready to give the maximum number of features.

Who can be useful for additional training

Graduate studies are able to give other possibilities. For example, increase your quotes in the labor market. It is useful to pass additional training will be those specialists who are too much in the labor market. Find good workplace much more easier to peoplehaving a scientific degree. This statement can be applied to:

  • teacher;
  • economist;
  • lawyer.

For representatives of the first profession, a scientific degree is a way to find a higher paid place to work. Economists and lawyers in our country are quite a lot, so employers prefer those who have a candidate degree. In case of employment, they are more willingly invited to interviews.

Engineer or doctor graduate school is needed to improve their knowledge, more full information About the selected direction. In addition, during passage additional learning Really make a discovery. Everything necessary for this is in the laboratories of the Research Institute and universities.

The differences of graduate school and orders

If you stop in more detail on improving the qualifications of doctors, then they have their own opportunities to become valuable specialists. One way to achieve high level Is the order. At this stage of learning you can do, having a diploma medical university. After the residency, a special document (certificate) is issued, which gives a doctor the opportunity to practice.

Graduate studies are the ability to pull theoretical knowledge. After her, a medical care is assigned a scientific degree, which can be employed not only in the Medical Academy or any hospital, but also to find research in research institutes, attend conferences and conduct teaching work among practitioners.

Doctors who passed all possible steps Learning and have a degree, are more willing to work in the largest hospitals of the country. They may apply for senior posts. Most therapeutic institutions that are ready to accept medical workers from scientific degreeare engaged in the development of new treatments, which will allow the doctors to continue their surveys for a long time.

In graduate school, which is the next stage of comprehension of science, it is customary to allocate several stages of training. This time, allocated to study in graduate school, must be used extremely rationally and reasonable, i.e. so that to have time to learn educational material It is good enough and at the same time worthy to protect the dissertation.

Many are starting to study in graduate school immediately at the end of the university and immediately face certain difficulties inherent in this period of learning. Naturally, young scientists, especially graduate students of humanitarian and natural specialties, often resort to uncomply recommendations in order to most effectively use years of study in order to expand and deepen knowledge in their field.

The first year of study. Usually, after admission to graduate school, future scientists are lost, not knowing where to start learning. It should be borne in mind that in graduate school, as in the university, there will be time in the edge and therefore it is necessary to try not to waste time or spend it in the mind, but immediately proceed to business. First of all, it is necessary to attend classes on philosophy and foreign languageIf such an opportunity provides an educational institution chosen by graduate student. it prerequisite not only to increase the level of its erudition and general education, but also for successful training and passing exams on the disciplines mentioned to get a scientific degree of candidate of science.

The past course of philosophy gives a graduate student the opportunity to deepen his knowledge in the future and it is better to understand not only the directions of modern philosophy, but also literature, art, politics, the structure of society, the features of spirituality different countries. The study of a foreign language will provide an indispensable service in reading the work of foreign authors for the specialty graduate student. Reading these works in the original will help better understand the subject studied. Even with a weak knowledge of foreign language reading sources foreign literature Over time, it will be easier, because soon the graduate student will definitely detect countless terms similar to its main language, structures. It makes it easier for him to read the works written by the net carriers, for example, Spaniards or Chinese in English, as they write simply, accessible and understandable, without any sophisticated phrases and complex words. Many educational institutions also taught a course of psychology and pedagogy. Listening to the aforementioned courses is necessary for further pedagogical practiceAnd to deepen your knowledge.

Need to keep in mind that people with scientific degree have high authority and are considered to be highly intelligent. Many are considered with their opinion, and therefore, in graduate student, over the years of study, it is necessary to try to meet such a high assessment in order to have authority. We must learn while there is time, strength and opportunities, because at the end of graduate school, a young scientist loses this chance mainly due to its employment. Then you will have to learn independently, sometimes learning others, but the receipt of the graduate student of education is hardly interest.

By regularly visiting classes, the graduate student will be able to pass the candidate exams. But for writing the dissertation of this is not enough. In the first year of study, it is necessary to engage in a scientific research, as the receipt of the candidate degree also involves writing the candidate work. Therefore, enrolling graduate student in graduate school, the university appoints him a supervisor from among the doctors of sciences or professors. The topic of the candidate thesis approves the Department or the Council of the Faculty until December 31 of the year of arrival. Together with the supervisor, the graduate student develops an individual work plan, fills title page plan explanatory note Regarding the choice of the topic and fills the plan for the first year of study. After approval of the plan at the meeting of the department, the graduate student is under the sensitive attention of the professor, i.e. scientific supervisor organizing and guide scientific research graduate student controlling and carrying responsibility for implementing an individual plan.

It is more correct to try to pass the exams in philosophy and a foreign language at the end of the first school year, because then the graduate student is unlikely to find free time to devote him to re-visiting classes in these disciplines. In addition, the graduate student will no longer be a great desire to attend lectures without a group of graduate students who made him at one time a company. If the graduate student wants to take the exam, then he needs to submit an appropriate statement about his intention.

Young scientists may not dream of relaxing, because at the end of each year of study they are obliged to make a report on the work done for the year at the meeting of the department. To do this, they must be passed to graduate school already a predetermined and approved report.

In order to report on the work done at the meeting of the department, you must first take care of his organization. In graduate school, no one will worry, for which internal reasons the department could not hold meetings. (If the school year ends in December, then it is necessary to take the report in November. Therefore, in October a meeting of the department will be held, and it is necessary to engage in the organization of his convocation in September, i.e. immediately after graduate student comes out of vacation.)

The second year of study in graduate school is mainly devoted to the continuation of the appropriate experiment, collecting and primary data processing, as well as a deeper analysis of the work carried out at this stage of training. Intermediate stages of work here are the study, results, discussion (analysis) of results, conclusions. It is better to carry out the design and representation of each intermediate stage of work as a scientific article.

Such a presentation of the intermediate work has subsequently can help a graduate student when writing text of the thesis. It can also come important experience In the presentation of the data obtained when studying material.

A feature of the second year of study is that it becomes basic as in the number of conferences, where graduate student reports its results and in the number of its publications on the basis of the work done. Another feature of the second year of study is the pedagogical practice that graduate students are passing. During pedagogical practice, they fulfill the work of the teacher at the Department, which is 40-50 hours of school. The positive aspect is that in the second half of the second year of graduate student, thanks to practice, it is easier for the candidate exam in a specialty. The end of the second year involves the completion of the experimental part of the work or, as a last resort, its main part.

The third year of learning is characterized by the fact that at this stage will have to complete the conduct of the experiment, if the work on its completion was not completed in advance. We also have to have time to spend final processing Data, their analysis, after which draw conclusions. The third year is significant in that it is at that time a graduate student writes a lion's share of the text of his thesis. It is more expedient to start the year to spend on the completion of writing chapter 3 ("" Research results "), thorough editing of the text of chapter and design with drawings, tables, schemes. For writing chapter 4 ("Discussion of the results") will have to use the knowledge found in the process of studying the relevant literature in the specialty. The purpose of chapter 4 is to conduct a theoretical analysis of the data. Chapter 1 provides an overview and / or analysis of the used literature. It is possible to start writing chapter 1 much earlier (in the summer at the end of the second year, in the first year of study or simultaneously with chapters 3 and 4).

As for the conclusions of the work, they need to be formulated clearly, specifically, but Emko. They must logically proceed from the results of the study. Approximately 5-8 conclusions are sufficient for the candidate thesis, however, it is natural that the number of real conclusions will exceed the number of conclusions carried out in the dissertation. It should be noted that it is not worth a hurry with the wording of this part of the thesis, since the final version of the conclusions can only be written as a result of numerous changes in the editorial office.

During the writing by his modest dissertation, the graduate student should not take care of the glory of the scientist, who left an indelible mark in science. Only time will tell how successful "ticket" in scientific life became his candidate dissertation.

Graduate Studies - What is? What is needed for? Many young people who learn from the university or are just going to do, there are similar questions. What is it? Postgraduate studio is the main form of training of personnel having higher qualifications. Previously, this was considered the lot of minority. It was possible to enter it only by special direction From the institute, where a specialist with a diploma worked.

The incoming had to find out what graduate school, withstanding the series of entrance exams in the specialty, philosophy and foreign language, as well as passing the qualifying competition.

The same features remained today. There is only one exception: any graduate of the highest educational institution can enter there, which has a tendency to scientific and research and which seeks to fully realize itself in scientific research. What is graduate school and why is it needed? This is a form of study, the purpose of which is to prepare highly qualified personnel for educational institutions and other scientific institutions, as well as for those social areas where without science can not do.


So, your goal is graduate school. What is it - now clear. How is trained? There are two forms - correspondence and full-time. The deadline for full-time is three years. Almighty lasts for a year longer. The organization of the learning process has many serious differences from organizational forms in higher educational institutions. Of course, there are also lecture classes, seminars and exams, but hours on such classes is allocated much less compared to the fact that students must fulfill themselves as their research activities. What is graduate school? In fact, learning here is rather individual than collective.

At the time of study, for each graduate student, an individual plan is drawn up, where all major types of work are prescribed, their deadlines, as well as the results of execution. According to his own plan, a person must be reported every year at a special meeting of the scientific laboratory or the department, on which he learns. The results of such a discussion allow it to translate it to the next academic year.

Each graduate student during his training should pass three mandatory exams: in its specialty, history and philosophy, as well as in a foreign language. In order for students to successfully surrender candidate exams, an educational institution suits additional classes. Such conditions put graduate school. What is the candidate exam? Passing which man gets the title

scientific adviser

This person is a major person for graduate student. The supervisor is usually prescribed to one who is in their field leading scientists. As a rule, this is either a professor. The supervisor helps a graduate student to choose the topic of the physician dissertation. Together they make up the plan and are advised by all major issues relating to the graduate student.

The Dissertation of the candidate

This is a major test that puts postgraduate studies before the young scientist. What is the PhD dissertation? It is different from or that protects in a special dissertation council, which includes scientists in specific industries that are authorities. It is worth noting, it can be organized as an institution where the training and a different scientific or educational institution is underway.

Scope of graduate student

After the successful end and protection of the candidate thesis, graduate student is assigned the title of Sciences. Now he may well take a highly paid position in any organization or institution on the profile that he chose.

Thus, if a person decides to associate life with research activities, it is interested in what graduate school and magistracy. Before him is a choice. To become a candidate of science, you need to complete graduate school, protecting the degree will be a step towards the status of a graduate student.