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Sample explanatory note on violations. Explanatory note about non-compliance with duties. Examples of explanatory notes

In life there may be an unexpected situation in which it is without dispense. But how to make it right? In this article, we consider how exactly the attributes must certainly be reflected in this business document, as well as tap the basic rules for filling out explanatory notes.

Explanatory note is a document

The explanatory note is a business document, which collects explanations of all participants in the conflict. However, it should be understood that this document is not a basis for addressing the requirement for management. It just will simply reflect the essence of the problem.

Usually explanatory asking to present, violation of the working discipline, etc. But at the same time, many ever thought never, how correctly it is necessary to make an explanatory note. To understand this issue, you can go 2 ways:

  1. In the search engine, ask a request "how to make an explanatory note correctly" and choose the most suitable option (in your opinion)
  2. Explore this article and learn information about the correctness of the compilation of the explanatory note for all occasions

Please note that when compiling an explanatory note there is one basic rule. It is a typical rule of business correspondence and compliance with it should be:

  • The note should reflect the main idea of \u200b\u200ba business-style problem without an abnormative lexicon and spacious
  • The accuracy of this information and the short statement
  • Explanatory is written from the first person with the logical and consistent construction of the proposal, keeping chronology
  • At the end, the document must necessarily be freezing by the signature and date of drawing up

The need for shape and blank explanatory note

Explanatory note: sample

There is no typical form of an explanatory note, he is simply not approved. Therefore, the note is written in an arbitrary form. But in case you have no idea how to properly write explanatory, then it is better to use the sample of the explanatory note on our website.

It is noteworthy that in some organizations approved its own blank of the explanatory note. This is not prohibited by the legislation of our country, which means you have to use exactly the form that the company offers you.

Sample explanatory note to the management of the organization

Using the example of an explanatory note to the management of the organization due to late or absenteeism, consider how it is necessary to make such a document? Take, for example, the situation where the worker was late for work or even decided to make a day off, which will be listed by the bunch. What in this case to write?

In general, the filling of the explanatory note will look something like this:

  1. In the upper right corner of the sheet should be written by Fm.o. Officer to whom an explanatory note is sent. For example, LLC Cherchec Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
  2. Bully below, under the destination, you need to specify from whom the note is written. Those. Specify your data. For example: from the main economist of Levochka Evgeny Romanovich.
  3. Having retreated even below, it is necessary to write the name of the document in the center of the sheet. Namely: explanatory.
  4. The main part of the note. In this part of the explanatory note, it is necessary to clearly and clearly reflect the cause of the absenteeism, which now the enterprise management requires clarify.
  5. Completion. In the end, it is necessary to put the date of the document and its signature. For example: 06/29/16, Levochkin E.R.


In the explanatory note will have to explain the causes of violation

An example of the main part of the explanatory note looks like something like this: 06/28/2016 I did not appear at a working place for a good reason - breakthrough sewage in the apartment. As a result of the emergencies, I had to call emergency service, as well as take measures to minimize the accident.

The emergency service came to call only after 4 hours, i.e. at 13.25 local time. The team of specialists began to repair work at 13.40. They could eliminate the problems only after 3 hours 45 minutes. By that time, the working day was already approached. I could not leave the apartment at the time of repair work, because I live myself. Accordingly, besides me plumbing no one else could provide access to my apartment.

Call and warn the management of the enterprise, where I work I could not, because of the lack of a mobile phone. And when a call from the stationary there was some interference, because of which I could not get through to work. At the explanation note, I make a certificate that confirms the reality of the accident and repair work in my apartment.

Compiled explanatory note is sent to the boss or who is authorized in these issues. He, in turn, studies a filed document and makes its resolution on the adoption of concrete measures towards this employee.

If the head decided to apply disciplinary recovery in relation to the employee, the explanatory note will be attached to the case in the form of proof.

Explanatory in school

Explanatory note is written in the name of the head

In principle, the explanatory note to the school is practically no different from that note that is provided by an employee at the place of its employment. The main distinguishing feature of an explanatory note to school will be an official:

  • Classroom teacher
  • Head
  • Director

Let's look at how correctly write an explanatory to school:

  1. "Cap", i.e. From above in the right corner of the sheet you need to specify the addressee. For example, Director School No. 1 Kuzmin Alexei Viktorovich.
  2. "From whom". Next, we are prescribed: from the student of the 11-b class of Lavrenko Irina Anatolyevna. If the note is written on the face of the parent of the student, it must be written from c. Lavrenko Larisa Vitalevna
  3. Main part. Here in the text it is necessary to clarify the reason for finding school classes.


Suppose my student's mother wrote an explanatory note, then its content should be as follows:

"I, Lavrenko Larisa Vitalyevna, Mom of the student of the 11th grade of Lavrenko Irina Anatolyevna, regarding the skipping of school lessons I can provide explanations. Waking up in the morning, my daughter complained about acute toothpow, and we went with her to receive a dentist. After assisting the doctor said that my daughter needs peace and better to go home. In this regard, the child did not appear on the classes 12.10.2016. At the explanatory note, I attach a certificate that a dentist was issued. "

Usually such explanations are written in the name of the class teacher. But this is not the essence. The main thing is to understand who exactly the note will be addressed, and only then proceed to its compilation.

The ability to competently make an explanatory note to anyone will prevent anyone. However, if there is already repeated late for your back, then it may be time for you to think and work on your punctuality. After all, it will help you correct your reputation for the better.

How to write explanatory? Teach the video tutorial:

The written provision of the explanation becomes mandatory only in some cases. The most common - in assessing respect for the causes of the disciplinary offense of the employee (violation by the employee of labor, duties). This requires the procedure for imposing a disciplinary action under Art. 193 of the Labor Code (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), which can be poured not only to the remark or reprimand, but also in dismissal. It all depends on the circumstances in which it must be understood. An explanatory note in this case documens, informs to lead the position of the employee, his vision of the situation, its arguments.

Fragment of the document

Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 193 "The procedure for applying disciplinary penalties"

Before applying disciplinary recovery, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee. If after two working days the specified explanation by the employee is not provided, then the corresponding act is drawn up.

Unposable explanation by an employee is not an obstacle to the use of disciplinary recovery.

Disciplinary penalty is applied no later than one month from the date of the misconduct detection, not counting the time of the employee's disease, staying on vacation, as well as the time required for the opinion of the representative body of workers.

Disciplinary recovery cannot be applied later than six months from the date of the misdeeding, and according to the results of the audit, testing of financial and economic activities or an audit - later than two years from the date of its commit. The time of production in the criminal case does not turn on this time.

For each disciplinary misconduct, only one disciplinary penalty can be applied.

The order (order) of the employer on the use of disciplinary action is announced by an employee for painting within three working days from the date of its publication, not counting the time of the absence of an employee at work. If the employee refuses to familiarize himself with the specified order (ordered) under the painting, then the corresponding act is drawn up.

Disciplinary penalties can be appealed to the employee to the State Labor Inspectorate and (or) authorities for the consideration of individual labor disputes.

But explanatory can be drawn up for other reasons, although the aspect of the "need to justify" is preserved (after all, in other cases, official and report notes are used). For example, during the investigation of the circumstances of causing damage to the property of the employer and determining its size under Art. 247 TK RF.

Requiring written explanations

So, "before applying a disciplinary recovery, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee." As you can see, the law does not indicate exactly whether the requirement of explanations should occur in oral or writing. In particularly complex cases, when the employee, and the employer are very serious and intend to go, what is called to a winning end, the employer must request an employee in writing in writing, then to be able to confirm the compliance of the procedure prescribed for the imposition of disciplinary recovers in Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Example 1). The approved form of this personnel document never existed, because in each organization it is made on its own way. Even the type of document for this use different (notification, requirement, letter, etc.), although it is correct to call it that "requirement", because in part 1 of Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the written explanation needs to be "requested. The notification in meaning has another shade - there is aware of and there is no need to do anything. The letter is an outgoing document, which is sent to the third-party organization or physical face, and the employee is not so "someone else's" man.

It should be remembered that "disciplinary recovery is applied no later than one month from the date of misconduct detection" (Part 3 of Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The fact of its detection is confirmed by the act, and not a requirement. Therefore, from the date of detection (which ideally must coincide with the date of drawing up an act) and this month should be counted, and not from the date of requesting written explanations.

From the date of the requirements, another period is counted - 2 days to give a written explanation (see example 3). Therefore, it is important not only to make a requirement, but also to prove that it was awarded to an employee or he refused to receive it. To do this, at the bottom of the sheet, you can immediately make the appropriate blanks (marked with numbers 1 and 2 in example 1): If the first one is not executed (signature on obtaining a requirement), then the second is drawn up (the witnesses confirm the fact of the employee's failure to receive this document, this mark eliminates the need to be Separate act about this).

Written demand for an employee's explanation

Text Requirements of explanations from an employee about the causes of absence at work and signature

Calculation of the term for the giving written explanation of the causes of disciplinary offense

Suppose the workers' worker damaged the property of the employer on Monday 01.09.2014, there were witnesses and the act was issued on the same day. 09/02/2014 The worker presented a requirement for the country of written explanations. Term We begin to count down from the next day:

  • 09/03/2014 - 1st day,
  • 09/04/2014 - 2nd day (when the presentation explanatory will still be considered timely)
  • 09/05/2014 You can already activate the fact of failure to submit explanations.

If the requirement for the dacha written explanations was presented to the employee on Friday 05.09.2014, and Saturday and Sunday he has a weekend (i.e., in the calculation of the 2-day period, it is not involved), then the term of timely presentation of the explanatory note will expire only on Tuesday 09.09 .2014.

For a conscientious worker not confused in the calculation of this period, it is better to immediately point out a specific date in the requirement, to which the explanatory note must be provided. You can add a specific division / official to which it must be given (see the second paragraph of the text requirement from Example 1). The addressee of the explanatory note (on whose name it is drawn up, for example, the CEO) and the person to whom it should be conveyed (for example, the secretary or head of the personnel service) is likely to be different people.

If the employee really had good reasons for behavior that did not like the employer, and in general they are adequate, then you should not be afraid of an explanatory note - it will defend the "accused". Then you do not need to wait for a written request from the employer. According to his interpretation, it is better to immediately compile an explanatory note by attaching the maximum evidence of its rightfulness. Not only official documents will be suitable, even a printout from the news site about interruptions in the work of the metro branch, according to which it comes to work. If there is a conflict between employees, then competently composed explanatory may even "drag" the leadership on the side of its author.

Which name is the explanatory note written?

To accurately answer this question, you need to look into the rules of the internal work schedule, which should act in each organization. Most likely, it is written there that the employee obeys its immediate boss and the Director-General. Then explanatory in the case of which the employee will write in the name or its chief, or the Director-General.

Another hierarchy can be installed local regulatory acts: for example, members of the Working Group are subject to the head of this group, despite the fact that they represent different divisions. The team leader may ask for written explanations only if the misdemeanor is associated with the work of the Group.

Thus, the security service, the corporate culture manager, the head of the personnel administration, is not entitled to demand an explanation from those who do not obey the employees of other departments, if it is not directly spelled out in local regulations of the organization. True, the relevant authority of this and other officials can still be delegated by the Director General of the Order (for example, the Chairman of the Commission for the Investigation of a specific incident). See signatures in examples 1 and 2 marked with an exclamation mark.

From hand or on a computer?

The law does not oblige writing explanatory notes from hand, they can be typing on the computer. But experienced personnelists demand from employees of explanations written only personally. In the event of an employment dispute, this will help the employer to protect against unlawful actions by an employee who may declare that it was "forced to" sign the text already compiled by someone.

The minimum necessary composition of the handwritten elements, drawn by the hand of the employee on the explanatory note, such:

  • position,
  • personal turncheck I.
  • AND ABOUT. Surname.

It is impossible to restrict ourselves to only handwritten personal strokes, because Some signatures of the graphological examination are not able to definitely identify as belonging to a certain person. And by all words (in the posts and surnames), this will definitely be done.

Details of the explanatory note

The form of an explanatory note is relatively free. No one demands from the employee of a thorough knowledge of documents for paperwork, enough compliance with the required minimum.

From above on the right side of the sheet in the column is written information about who and who is addressed by an explanatory note. The employee must indicate its structural unit, position, as well as full surname, name and patronymic. The name of the type of document is an explanatory note - written in the center, after a few lines (usually with a capital letter or only in capital letters, as shown in Example 4). In example 5, an outdated version was demonstrated, where the name of the type of document is written completely small letters and after the point is set, i.e. The whole "hat" could be read by a single proposal; Such design options have previously met and applications.

"Cap" explanatory note

Outdated option "caps" of an explanatory note

  • the correctness of the wording and the use of the official-business-style output as possible,
  • only accurate dates, if necessary - time,
  • facts and reasons for the current situation.
  • Circumstances are different, and demand from a brief worker in explanatory incorrectly. The note may occupy several sheets of paper, contain a direct speech and read as a good detective, and may consist of one line. The employer is not entitled to limit the employee in such "creativity."

    No one expects from an employee in explanatory conclusions and suggestions, although it will not be possible to prohibit it.

    The content of the explanatory note determines only the employee who needs to write it. The head is not entitled to dictate the text, say the phrase of the "This is not the reason", demand to rewrite and other ways to influence the content of the document. In some organizations, there are even further and make up typical texts of explanatory notes. The worker has the right to decide whether to use them or write explanatory independently. In his interest, describe what he thinks right. The employer, in turn, is obliged to familiarize himself with any explanations of the employee, they like them or not.

    Mark about the availability of applications

    Explanatory compiled. What to do next?

    The employer, having received an explanatory note, stipulates the registration number of the document on it and is mandatory - the reception date.

    According to Art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for which we referred at the beginning, the employee has 2 business days to write an explanatory note. If, after this time, the explanation by the employee is not provided, the employer is entitled to make an appropriate act about it. To progress from unlawful actions by the employer, the employee is better to register its explanatory note in the Office or at the secretary with an affiliation on the document of the corresponding mark, after which it is possible to pick up a copy of the explanatory with this mark. Another option: An employee can write an explanatory in 2 copies, and one of them, after stating the mark of reception, leave. Then no one can say that the worker did not provide written explanations in the period established by law.

    In art. 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is said that before applying a disciplinary recovery, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee. If after two working days the specified explanation by the employee is not provided, then the corresponding act is drawn up. Not the provision of an employee's explanation is not an obstacle to the use of disciplinary recovery.

    What follows from this?

    1. Explanatory you can claim only Employer, not anyone who is not lazy (for example, the head of the department or the auditor does not have the right to do this).
    2. If the employer requested an explanation from you, then it is better to write it better, and there are nuances here:

    Do not write wrongbecause There is a high probability that they can check the information, and then, to your violation, you will also be asleep and in lies ... and this is bad.

    do not blame all your colleagues - The employer will definitely claim an explanation also from them, as a result you will not only not be excuseable, but also additionally cater for enemies + can emerge any other violations.

    do not write "I did not teach me ..." - When taking a job, you signed an official instruction (by the way, before writing any explanatory, do not be lazy to re-read it), where, as a rule, everyone is taken into account, including self-study and adherence to all sorts of instructions. Not knowledge, as you know, does not release ... the employer and in this case will require the explanatory already from your manager (who did not teach), and ... - Here, see the previous paragraph.

    An explanatory note is better to write with reference to the duties specified in your official, on instructional materials (they say, probably did not really try). If you really want to blame someone, then you can write that, probably, the sou-sides of the one and that one has developed a biased attitude, etc. There is also a trick in the name of the document, that is, not "explanatory", but the "explanatory note".

    If the violation is obvious, it is better to refer to poor well-being, a large stream of customers. Then at the end it is necessary to write that they recognize your mistake, henceforth undertake to prevent such situations.

    Form, the explanatory note template includes mandatory details:

    • name of company;
    • an indication of an official to which the note is drawn, his name;
    • from whom
    • the name of the document is "explanatory note";
    • title to the text ("regarding ...", "relatively ...");
    • explanation text;
    • compiler, his signature.

    Depending on the type of violation, the employer may request a written explanation:

    on the fact of disruption of labor discipline: Developing, lack in the workplace (more than 4 hours), the appearance in the workplace in a drunk (for the latter they can quit at once!).

    Manager Akb "Tsyganbank" (CJSC) in St. Petersburg V.V. Ivanovo. From controller-cashier department Office sales Sidorova O.V.


    On the fact of refinement 11.03.13. To work for 14 minutes I can explain the following: The lateness was made possible due to the lack of land transport in this morning from the metro station "Sennaya" very long, as a result of which waiting at the stop was 20 minutes.

    In hencefight, I am not bonding to work not to be late (or report on the phone about possible late in connection with transport delay or because of other emergency circumstances), as well as work 14 minutes today at your lunchtime.

    Sidorova O.V. (signature)

    on the fact of the violations of violations during checks, revisions, when performing operations: After conducting the inspections, an act is drawn up with a description of the discrepancies identified by the requirements of regulatory documents, where a specific point in the instructions that you broke were specified!

    No need to think that checking / auditors / auditors - gods, they are the same people as we with you, and the acts of inspections often make up, copying them from the previous ones, without even making sure the relevance of regulatory documents at the time of verification (violations Simplicate). There were cases when in violation they tried to put what was already canceled for a long time, therefore, each item, which "implies" to you, not be lazy, and first find in the instructions / position / contract / official, in order to make sure that the violation at all took place be. If there are no references to the items of regulatory documents, then there are no violations.

    Manager Akb "Tsyganbank" (CJSC) in St. Petersburg V.V. Ivanovo. From the boss Office Sales Department Sidorova O.V.


    Upon the fact of the identified violations during the inspection of the organization's office in the office of office sales, I can explain the following:

    According to clause 1 - verification of these additional offices was scheduled for December 2013, there are no violations here.

    According to paragraph 2 - the act of revision was on approval at the head of the branch, therefore was absent in the folder at the time of the inspection.

    According to p. 3 - in accordance with p.19.13. The provisions of 318-P is the composition of the commission created for conducting an audit of cash, checking the procedure for conducting cash transactions, is established by the ownership document of the credit institution. The specified commission should not be involved in the employees performing operations with audited cash speakers.

    Head of the cash circulation department and the headquarters department / cash register department are employees of the cash circulation department and officials responsible for the safety of values \u200b\u200bin branch Storage Akb "Tsyganbank" (CJSC) in the city of Ukraine, and, accordingly, could not carry out operations with audited cash in cash in an additional office number 1. they are are not the staff of this unit - Up to No. 1, like all others to the branch, structurally part of the Office Sales Department of the branch. There was no violation.

    According to p. 4 - what is the remark? What point out the instruction is broken? The act reflects all the necessary information, in accordance with paragraph 19.15. Provisions 318-p.

    According to clause 5 - please explain, in violation of which point and what instruction this remark. The act reflects all the necessary data, in accordance with paragraph 19.15 of the provisions of 318-p.

    Sidorova O.V. (signature)

    - You can make a service note from another unit on the fact of something (and it happens)Here much depends on the degree of subordination: if it is a higher division, then "Borziet" is not worth it, and if you are in equal terms, then you can write something on them to be explanatory too.

    Managing branch Akb "Tsyganbank" (CJSC) in St. Petersburg V.V. Ivanovo. From the head of the department Office sales Sidorova O.V.

    Explanatory note

    Regarding the service note, written by the Deputy Head of the Security Service (Sat) of Kozlov E.V., I can clarify the following:

    1. This incident arose due to the fact that the key was stuck in the castle and was not rotated. We also failed to pull it out of the castle. I called Sat Kozlov E.V. And asked us to help. He also could neither pull the key nor turn it out. Then the key broke away and remained to "stick" in the castle. Then we called the office manager Petrov I.I. Which was at this point at the other end of the city. Petrov I.I. He said that he would solve this problem, in the future I told me the phone for which you need to call, but because Sat the first found specialists, then we did not call.
    2. Regarding what the safe was not taken into account anywhere - it's not true. Metal safe (SP-101 cabinet (2 lock)) with inv. № 707 - to be listed for our department since 2007. He was acquired at one time for the client under the storage of the client's values \u200b\u200bin the safe room. After termination of the lease agreement, the safe was used by the employee of the recalculation of the individual storage facility, in accordance with p. 2.8. Provisions number 318-P, according to which officials responsible for the safety of values, cash regulations engaged in cash transactions are supplied metal cabinets, safes, closed carts or other devices intended for storing money during the working day. Additional requirements (as something - certification), which mentions Kozlov E.V., as we see, the instructions are not provided for and in the Central Bank on individual storage facilities, we do not report how Kozlov E.V. Moreover, he generally offered me yesterday leave money in this safe and do not enter In the repository, but after I categorically refused to do - Sat found specialists in opening safes.
    3. Duplicate key that broke - is available, but it is not possible to use it, because broken the castle itself.
    4. I want to note that from the Sat parties there was a biased attitude towards me personally (I see from the office note with comments, not reinforced by any regulatory documents and real events, but only a personal hostility to me and to Petrov I.I.) Although the requirements that I always present only within the framework of official duties and are aimed at strengthening the cash discipline and to ensure the safety of cash and values \u200b\u200bof the bank.
    Sidorova O.V. (signature)

    Explanatory note to school - This is a document in which one of the parents of the student sets out the causes and circumstances of the passage of their child in school.

    How to write an explanatory note to school

    Although the form is arbitrary, it is still desirable to adhere to the following structure:

    • document Cap - Here is the name and number of the school, as well as the surname and initials of the person who is addressed to the note (in the donate case). As a rule, explanatory is written in the name of the School Director;
    • the name of the document - the title "Explanatory note" (written without quotes);
    • the text of the explanatory - here in brief form is first set out the fact itself, then the reason for the skipping lessons at school. Among the common causes are poor well-being, illness, participation in competitions, family circumstances;
    • date of drawing up note;
    • signature - the signature itself, as well as the initials and surname of the compiler of the document.

    If there are documents confirming the cause of the absence of a child in the lessons, be sure to attach them to explanatory.

    Sample explanatory note to school

    Central Secondary School No. 22 Moscow
    A. A. Svetlov


    My son, Filatov Denis, a 6-B class student, missed classes at school on September 24, 2013 due to poor well-being.

    It is advisable to provide an explanatory note to school in a handwritten version.

    In this article, we will consider an explanatory note at work. We learn how to properly write an explanatory note to the boss, in what cases it is written that it represents and much more. At the end of the article, traditionally, you will have a unique opportunity to download a sample of the explanatory note to the boss, so that you can correctly and competently compile this document. But at first, naturally, we will start with some introduction to the point of matter so that you have an idea of \u200b\u200ban explanatory note as such.

    Explanatory note to the boss

    The explanatory note is not a school form of a document that helps stroll physical education lesson, but a completely official paper that is sent to the head in connection with any negative situation at work. Many will say that this question is not worth disassembled, because intuitively everyone knows how an explanatory note must be written. But we will allow ourselves to disagree with you, because the explanatory note is very often helped to keep the place of work, and in the modern world the place of work is of great importance, do not even be explained why.

    Let's first try to give this paper some definition. An explanatory note is needed in order to describe the head of the development of any events from the point of view of the employee.

    Events may be, for example, the following: non-fulfillment of the plan, late for the workplace, drove, failure to comply with any instruction of the leadership and many others

    The purpose of the explanatory note may be different. For example, it may explain and recommendations on any document or, let's say for any program. And it may be written, in this case, on a form that is officially accepted in this company.

    If we open the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and try to take information about the explanatory note by the head from there, we will see the following: in the case when an employee performs misconduct associated with work, the head has the full right to demand explanations in writing. If an employee refuses to write an explanatory note to the head or writes it, but provides the leadership not on time, the employer has the right to any disciplinary sanctions in the attitude of the employee. From this we can conclude that the explanatory note is always better to write, for for the employee who guessed, this is the best option.

    What are explanatory notes?

    Now let's talk about the types of explanatory notes and about what cases they are written. In general, throwing officials, they can be divided into two "camps" - exclusive explanations and explanatory explanatory notes. In the first case, an employee draws up this document when he has any violation, and he is trying to explain and justify him. In the second same case, an employee lists the reasons independent of him who forced it to do so, and not otherwise.

    Now consider in more detail when the employee may require the writing of the explanatory note. These may be different cases. Let us give a few examples:

    • When an employee stole something from the place of work
    • When an employee appeared in the workplace in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication
    • When an employee is late for work one or more times
    • When an employee just strolled his working time
    • When an employee did not fulfill his installed work plan or norm
    • When an employee systematically does not comply with labor protection rules
    • When the employee provides the leadership of incorrect personal data

    Here are some examples of workflow violations that may entail a manager's requirement to write an explanatory note on his name.

    What is the form of an explanatory note for the boss?

    Now we will discuss in what form and in which format should be written as an explanatory note for the head. Usually the explanatory note is drawn up on A4 paper. It should be written in the name of the leadership or bosses. We met several types of forms, which are recommended for filling out explanatory, but immediately warn that all these forms only recommend what to do, for the standard forms of writing explanatory notes does not exist in Russian legislation. Sometimes there are companies in which the standards of writing corporate documents are prescribed, including explanatory notes. In any case, you can write an explanatory note in any form, because even if some standards are accepted in the company regarding this document, the arbitrary form does not prevent the perception of information.

    How to write an explanatory note?

    So we approached the final part of our narration, which will answer the question, how to write an explanatory note? We remind you that the sample of the explanatory note is for the boss you can download at the end of the article. Although the explanatory note is not any standard of writing, you still recommend that you adhere to this plan:

    • The upper part contains contact information about who writes a document. FULL NAME, Position and other necessary information
    • Next, we decorated the title to the text itself. You can use the word "regarding ..."
    • We write the most important part of our note, and in this form: first the events are given, and then the consequences and motives that prompted this employee. We recommend that you do not breed water and write briefly, in business, because only in this case you look serious and responsible
    • At the end, it is necessary to sign, indicate your position. It does not prevent and decipher the painting