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Presentation on the topic president with a cool background. Presentation "Powers of the President of the Russian Federation" on social science - project, report. A citizen of Russian Federation

President of the Russian
(4 hours)

Questions theme

Nature of the President's Institute in the system
state power.
Evolution of the status of the President (USSR-RSFSR-RF).
Substitution of position and early termination
Powers of the President of the Russian Federation.
The main functions of the head of state.
Constitutional and other powers of the president
RF. Institute "Hidden Powers."
President of Russia and the separation of the authorities.
Acts of the President of the Russian Federation. Location I.
The role of the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation in the system of law.
Legal and political status of administration
President of the Russian Federation.

The meaning of the figure of the head of state

Conservation of tradition (deep
The need for "father") - 70% of countries have
Head of state presidents
Elimination (symbol)
statehood and unity of the nation
Completion of state
Security of the states of the state

"State power in the Russian
Federations are carried out on the basis of
separation to legislative
executive and judicial "(Article 10)
"State power in the Russian
Federations are carried out by the President
Russian Federation, federal
Meeting (Federation Council and
State Duma), Government
Of the Russian Federation, the courts of the Russian
Federation "(Article 11)

President of the Russian Federation in the system of state power

Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 11
1998 № 28-P "In the case of interpretation of the provisions of part
4 Articles 111 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation ":
"President of the Russian Federation, according to
The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the head
States (Article 80, Part 1). By virtue of his place in
The system of separation by the authorities President of the Russian
Federation as the head of state determines in
accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and
federal laws the main directions
internal and foreign policy state (Article 80,
Part 3), the implementation of which is assigned to
Government of the Russian Federation (article 114, part

President of the Russian Federation in the system of state power

On the one hand, the head of state
is inside the separation system
authorities, on the other, - towers over
All branches of power.
inherent presidential and especially
Semoupresident model!

President of the Russian Federation in the system of state power

Smoothed contradictions only
Thanks to carefully verified
System of checks and counterweights.

Competence (functions and powers) of the President of the Russian Federation

Competence (functions and powers)
President of the Russian Federation
The main tasks of the President (Article 80 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation):
guaranteeing (provision) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, human rights and freedoms and
Citizen - the duty not to allow mass and / or coarse failure to comply
Constitution, primarily in the field of personal rights;
Taking measures to protect the sovereignty of Russia and its independence,
State integrity of the Russian Federation - security
Russia, both from threats from outside and from attempted the integrity of the Russian Federation
From the inside;
Ensuring the agreed functioning and interaction of bodies
state power - the implementation of the highest political arbitration for the purpose
preventing conflicts between different public-power institutions in
avoiding constitutional crises and impasses, as well as the adoption of measures to conclusion from
4) Representation of the Russian Federation within the country - Protecting
federal government, first of all, with relationships with
heads of the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
5) Representation of Russia in international relations - speaking on behalf
Countries under state visits, international negotiations, in international
organizations, etc.;
6) identifying the main directions of internal and foreign policy
State - Optional Prospects for the Development of the country, the management of the current policy
And the correction of it.

Ontological contradiction peculiar to the Institute of Head of State, in our design increases

Russian President obliges
Play two roles:
Guardian statehood
active political actor

Guarantee (provision) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Rights and Freight
man and citizen:
submission to the Council of the Federation candidates for appointment on
positions of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the highest
Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;
appointment of judges of other federal courts;
Representation of the Council of the Federation of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation
and entering the Federation proposals for exemption from
positions of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;
signing and promulgation of federal laws;
The right to suspend acts of actuator bodies
subjects of the Russian Federation in the event of the contradiction of these acts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and
federal laws, international obligations of Russia to decision
this issue is the corresponding court;
The right to introduce on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its separate locations
emergency (under certain circumstances);
The right to cancel the decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation in the case of
their contradictions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and decions
President of the Russian Federation

Powers provided to the President of the Russian Federation to fulfill his tasks

Taking measures to protect the sovereignty of Russia and its
independence, state integrity
Russian Federation:
Supreme Commanding of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
Implementation of the management of foreign policy;
Formation of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and leadership of them;
Appointment and release of the highest command
Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
Assigning the highest military and higher special ranks;
Appointment and review after consulting with the relevant
committees or commissions chambers of the Federal Assembly
Russian diplomatic representatives in foreign
states and international organizations;
In case of aggression against Russia or immediate threat
aggression introduction in the territory of the Russian Federation or in
its separate local locations with
immediate message about this to the Federation Council and
State Duma

Powers provided to the President of the Russian Federation to fulfill his tasks

Ensuring agreed functioning and
interaction of state authorities:
Use of conciliation procedures for permission
disagreements between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and
authorities of the state of the subjects of the Russian Federation, as well as between
Public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation with the right to convey
Resolution dispute for consideration of the relevant court in
case of an agreed solution;
Appointment and liberation of authorized representatives
President of the Russian Federation;
appointment of elections of the State Duma;
dissolution of the State Duma in cases and order
stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
Purpose of the referendum;
making bills to the State Duma;
giving instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation in case of his resignation or
addition of powers to act before forming a new

Powers provided to the President of the Russian Federation to fulfill his tasks

Representation of Russian
Federations within the country:
Solving issues of citizenship of the Russian
Solving issues of granting
political asylum;
Awarding state awards
Russia, assignment of honorary titles
Russian Federation;
Pardon exercise

Powers provided to the President of the Russian Federation to fulfill his tasks

Representation of Russia B.
international relations:
negotiation and signing
international treaties of Russia;
signing ratifications;
acceptance of credentials and revocation
Merities accredited under the president
RF diplomatic representatives

Powers provided to the President of the Russian Federation to fulfill his tasks

Identify the main directions of internal and foreign policy
Appeal to the Federal Assembly with annual messages about the situation in the country,
about the main directions of the internal and foreign policy of the state;
appointment with the consent of the State Duma Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;
The right to chair the meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation;
making a decision on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation;
Presentation of the State Duma Candidation for Appointment
Chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the statement of the State Duma
about liberation from the post of chairman of the Central Bank;
Appointment and liberation from the post of deputy chairmen
Government of the Russian Federation, federal ministers (on the proposal of the Chair
Government of the Russian Federation);
adoption or rejection of the statement of the Government of the Russian Federation on resignation;

case of repeated (for three months) expressions of the Duma distrust to the Government
Solving the issue of the resignation of the government either on the dissolution of the State Duma in
the case of her refusing to the government, the question of which is placed by himself
Government of the Russian Federation

Doctrine "Meaning (Hidden)
Powers »
Theoretical substantiation of what
The authority is entitled to perform those or
Other power actions that are not
provided for him but
Potentially exist, i.e. organ
state power does not assign
yourself new powers, and clarifies
its competence AD \u200b\u200bHOC (to this
Mainly and most often this doctrine is used to
Institute of President

Doctrine "implied (hidden) powers"

In our practice, for the first time on this doctrine, leaned
Constitutional Court in the Regulation of July 31
"For cases when this (installed
Constitution. - mk) Order is not detailed, but
also in relation to the authority not listed in
Articles 83-89 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, their
General frameworks are determined by the principle of separation
authorities (article 10 of the Constitution) and the requirement
Article 90 (part 3) of the Constitution, according to which
Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian
Federations should not contradict the Constitution and
Laws of the Russian Federation. "

Doctrine "implied (hidden) powers"

Implementation is possible both in the decrees and
In the laws.

FKZ "On the Government of the Russian Federation" of December 17, 1997
leads the activities of federal bodies
executive authority of defense issues
security, internal affairs, justice, foreign affairs,
Prevent emergency situations and elimination of consequences
natural disasters, approves on the submission of the Chair
Government of the Russian Federation Regulations on them and appoints managers and
deputies of these bodies, and also carries out other
powers as the Supreme Commander Armed
Forces and Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation
distributes the functions between the federal
executive authorities. In case of change in
The established manner of the system and the structure of federal authorities
executive to adopt federal issues
relevant changes to federal laws may
Redistribute established by federal laws
Functions of federal executive bodies,
whose activities are managed

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in federal laws

FZ "On the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation" of January 11, 1995
(in the red. 2004): "The Chairman of the Accounts Chamber is appointed to
Position of the State Duma on the Submission

Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber is appointed to
position of the Federation Council on the Submission
President of the Russian Federation for a period of six years.
(as amended by 2006): "On the presidential representation
Russian Federation Federation Council and state
Duma is prescribed six auditors of the Accounts Chamber for a term of
six years.

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in federal laws

FZ "On General Principles of Organization
legislative (representative) and
executive bodies of state power
Subjects of the Russian Federation "dated October 6, 1999
№ 184-ФЗ
Making the legislative authority of the subject of the Russian Federation
candidates for empowerment of chapter
Subject of the Russian Federation;
Dismissal from the position of the head of the subject of the Russian Federation;
RosPask of the Legislative Body of the Directory of the Russian Federation

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in federal laws

Law of the Russian Federation "On the status of judges in the Russian Federation" from
June 26, 1992 № 3132-1
(Ed. 2001 and 2009)

Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
Constitutional, supreme and senior arbitration courts
RF (in the presence of a positive conclusion of VKKS RF) - by 6
Subject to the Council of the Federation candidates for appointment
deputy chairmen of the constitutional, supreme and
Supreme Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation (if there is a positive
Conclusions of the CFCC of the Russian Federation and on the basis of submission
Chairman of the relevant court) - for 6 years;
Appointment by chairmen and deputy chairmen
all other federal courts (on the presentation
Chairmen of the Supreme or Supreme Arbitration Courts) -
for 6 years

Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in federal laws

FZ "On the system of civil service of the Russian
Federation "dated May 27, 2003 and the Federal Law" On
state civil service of the Russian
Federations "dated July 27, 2004
Manages civil service
Publishes 28 subtitual acts,
The activities of civil servants
Assigns higher cool ranks
(In addition to constitutional powers to award
State awards of the Russian Federation, assigning
Honorary titles of the Russian Federation, Higher Military and Higher
Special ranks - Article.89)

Three legal restrictions on the authority expansion of the president

1. Compliance with the powers of the head of state
its constitutionally established functions
and general powers.
2. Competence of other state bodies
the authorities, above all, parliament
Governments (and federal bodies
executive), court bodies, and
Prosecutor's Office.
3. Competence of the subjects of the Federation and local

Why these restrictions are not
Because the President of the Russian Federation
Institutionally dominates!

The main reason for the dominant position of the President of the Russian Federation in the political system:

no or formal
Character of checks and balances
authorous prerogatives of the president
from parliament and

Factors due to the dominant regulation of the President of the Russian Federation in the political system

The formal nature of the consent of the Duma for the appointment of the Chair
Selection by the president of options when expressing distrust
Government State Duma
Completion by the Government of His authority before the newly elected
President and not before the State Duma
Approval (in practice - definition) FOOV structure
Appointment and liberation from the post of members
The right to send a resignation without objective grounds
The government is obliged to publish its decrees and orders
Based on and pursuant to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws,
Regulatory Decisions of the President of the Russian Federation
Government acts can be canceled by the president not only in
Cases of their contradictions of the Constitution and the laws, but also
Presidential right to chair government meetings

Additional factors resulting in the dominant regulation of the President of the Russian Federation in the political system

President - "Patron" State
"Factor management factor"
"FSO factor"

Consequences of the domination of the President of the Russian Federation

parliamentary elections are becoming
Political competition disappears
Party system decomposes
Bureaucracy becomes unemployed
Growing corruption and other abuse
definition of national interests and
Priorities are becoming too
Growing civil apathy


The contradiction can be allowed, and
Negative manifestations
Institutional domination
neutralized only when making
Models of the head of state as
keeper (guarantor) constitutional
statehood and higher
Political arbitrator

Evolution of the status of the President (USSR-RSFSR-RF)

Evolution of the status of the President (USSRSRSR-RF)
Presidency of the Supreme Council -
"Collective President"
March 1990 - M.S. Gorbachev - President
USSR (elected at the congress N.D. USSR + Vice President Yanaev)
June 1991 - B.N. Heltsin - President
RSFSR (elected nationwide + vice-president by Rusky)
December 1993 - B.N. Heltsin - President
Russia (new status without re-election)

Replacement of the post of president of the Russian Federation

Citizen of the Russian Federation (not having a second citizenship)
Age - not younger than 35 years
Permanent accommodation in the Russian Federation at least 10 years
Can not be elected and / or registered by a candidate
President of the Russian Federation Person:
1) a recognized court incapable or contained in places
imprisonment by the court sentence;
2) on the day of the official publication of the decision on
Appointment of the President of the Russian Federation Position of the President of the Russian Federation
second term in a row;
3) in respect of which the court sentence came into force to deprive him
Rights to hold public positions for
a certain period if the vote in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation
will be held before the expiration of the deadline
4) having a foreign national citizenship or a view of
Residence or other document confirming the right to
Permanent accommodation of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of foreign

Substitution of the President of the Russian Federation (continued)

Can not be elected and / or registered by a candidate
President of the Russian Federation Person:
convicted to deprive freedom for grave and (or)
grave crime and having a voting day with a dismantling and
Improtected conviction for the specified crime;
convicted for committing a crime of extremist orientation, and
Having a voting day with an incomparable and outstanding conviction for
specified crime;
administrative punishment for committing
Administrative offenses provided for by the articles of the CACAP - 20.3
(Nazi attributes) and 20.29 (distribution of extremist
materials) if the vote in the presidential elections will be held before
deadline during which the person is considered subjected to
administrative punishment;
With respect to which the court decision establishes the fact
limitations of agitation (extremist statements) if specified
Violations or action committed in a period not exceeding four
years before the voting day.

Nomination of presidential candidates (FZ on presidential elections in 2003)

Put forward:
Political parties - not a member of another party
In order of self-nomination - subject to its support
Self-nomination by a group of voters at least 500 citizens of the Russian Federation
Until 2005 - electoral blocks
Collection of signatures
With self-digits - at least two million signatures
Political party in support of his candidate - no less
Two million voter signatures. At the same time on one
The subject of the Russian Federation should have no more than 50 thousand signatures
There are Favorites: a political party holding
Deputies in the State Duma, not collecting signatures.

Entry into office

The moment stops execution
Powers Previous President of the Russian Federation
Solemn atmosphere
The presence of members of the SF, deputies of the DG and
Judges of the Russian Federation
Bringing oath

The inviolability of the President of the Russian Federation is
"Legal funds that provide
free and responsible implementation
President of the Russian Federation
belonging to him constitutional
Powers and continuity
Functioning of the Institute of Chapter
states "
(Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2000 No. 12-P)

The inviolability of the President of the Russian Federation

Federal Law "On Guarantees to the President of the Russian Federation,
ceased to fulfill its powers and members of his
Families "of February 12, 2001
Invalidation of attraction to criminal or administrative
responsibility (for acts committed by him in the period
execution of powers of the President of the Russian Federation);
Invalid detention, arrest, searches, interrogation or
personal inspection if the specified actions are carried out in
During the production of affairs related to the execution of them
Powers of the President of the Russian Federation;
inviolability of residential and service premises of the former
President of the Russian Federation used vehicles, funds
Relations belonging to him documents and baggage, correspondence.

Early termination of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation

Early termination
Powers of the President of the Russian Federation
Resignation - only voluntarily
Health exercise
His powers belonging to him - no
grounds and procedures
Decision from office
Exit from Russian citizenship

Decision from office ("impeachment")

Not a form of political responsibility
Initiative of at least 1/3 deputies GD
Education of the Special Commission of DG (15 people), which gives a conclusion about
compliance with procedural rules and actual validity
Charges (+ Regulation GD)
Adoption of the decision of the State Duma (at least 2/3 of the votes) on nomination
accusations of government treason or other serious
(especially hard) crime
The ruling is sent to the Federation Council, Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the CS of the Russian Federation
The SF convenes the meeting and decides on the direction of the request to
CS RF about the country of conclusion about the observance of the established procedure
Nominations against the President of the Russian Federation
72 hours after receiving the conclusion of the CS of the Russian Federation convenes
SF meeting It is the chairperson of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the CS of the Russian Federation with
conclusions of these vessels, and also the conclusion of the Committee
Council Council on Constitutional Legislation
If the conclusions of the highest courts are positive, the SF is starting to
The President of the Russian Federation is considered detached from office, if for it
Votes at least 2/3 members of the SF

Acts of the President of the Russian Federation

Orders of Glavkoverha
Appeals, etc.

Administration of the Russian Federation

Legal status - state body
Legal basis:
Constitution of the Russian Federation
Regulations on the administration
President of the Russian Federation

Latin Day

De Lege Ferenda.

Law, desirable for adoption

Slide 2.

The President of the Russian Federation is the highest state office of the Russian Federation.

Russian President is:

  • the head of the state not incorporated into any of the branches of power;
  • the guarantor of the Constitution of Russia, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in Russia;
  • supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • The president
  • Head of State
  • Garant Constitution
  • Supreme Commander Sun.
  • Slide 3.

    The post of President of the Russian Federation (until December 25, 1991 - President of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic) was established on April 24, 1991 as the post of senior official and head of the executive authority of one of the Union republics of the USSR - RSFSR - on the basis of the will of the people expressed on the referendum on March 17 1991.

    On March 17, 1991, the first All-Russian referendum was held on the introduction of the post of President of the RSFSR. It was attended by 75.09% of Russian citizens, of which 69.85% supported this proposal. Three months later, June 12, 1991, Boris Yeltsin was elected first president of the Russian Federation.

    Slide 4.

    The legal status of the President of Russia is enshrined in the fourth chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    Initially (in 1991), Russian President was elected for 5 years. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, 1993, the term of office of the president was reduced to 4 years.

    After amendments to the Constitution, who entered into force on December 31, 2008, from the following elections, he will be elected to a six-year term of office.

    Slide 5.

    • The president
    • People
    • Elections
    • Universal
    • Equal
    • Straight

    The President of the Russian Federation is elected by citizens of the Russian Federation on the basis of:

    Secret elections

    Slide 6.

    The exact order of the presidential elections of the Russian Federation is determined by the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 No. 19-FZ "On the election of the President of the Russian Federation".

    A citizen of the Russian Federation may be a candidate for the position of president:

    • not younger than 35 years
    • permanently residing in the Russian Federation at least 10 years
    • The same person can not hold the position of President of the Russian Federation more than two times in a row.
  • Slide 7.

    On the basis of the fourth chapter of the Constitution, the Russian President of Russia exercises the following powers:

    • appoints from the approval of the State Duma Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • has the right to chair the meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • decides on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • represents the State Duma for appointing a chairman of the Central Bank; and also sets the issue of the release of the chairman of the Central Bank from the post of office;
    • at the suggestion of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, appoints and dismisses the deputy chairmen of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal ministers;
  • Slide 8.

    Represents the Council of the Federation candidacy for appointment:

    • Judges of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Arbitration Court, the candidacy of the Prosecutor General;
    • contributes to the Federation Federation a proposal to release the Prosecutor General from office;
  • Slide 9.

    • appoints the judges of other federal courts;
    • forms and heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation,
    • approves military doctrine of the Russian Federation;
  • Slide 10.

    • forms the administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
    • appoints and frees the authorized representatives of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Slide 11.

    • appoints and recalls diplomatic representatives of the Russian Federation in foreign countries and international organizations.
    • appoints and frees the highest command of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • Slide 12.

    • appoints the election of the State Duma in accordance with the Constitution and Federal Law;
    • dismisses the State Duma in cases and procedure provided for by the Constitution;
  • Slide 13.

    appoints a referendum in the manner prescribed by the Federal Constitutional Law;

    Slide 14.

    signs and publishes federal laws within fourteen days from the date of receipt.

    contributes bills to the State Duma;

    If, with a re-consideration, the federal law will be approved in the previously adopted edition by the majority of at least two thirds of the votes from the total number of members of the Federation Council and Deputies of the State Duma, it is subject to signing by the President of the Russian Federation for seven days and publication.;

    If the president within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the Federal Law will rejoint it, then the State Duma and the Federation Council in the procedure established by the Constitution reiterate this law.

    • law Project
    • The State Duma
    • Council of the Federation
    • The president
    • 2/3 Votes State Duma
    • 2/3 Votes Federation Council
    • Must sign
  • Slide 15.

    applies to the Federal Assembly with annual posts on the situation in the country, the main directions of the internal and foreign policy of the state.

    The President of the Russian Federation may use conciliation procedures to resolve disagreements between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as between the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In case of unacceptable agreement, it may convey the resolution of the dispute to the consideration of the relevant court.

    Slide 16.

    • The President of the Russian Federation has the right to suspend the action of acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • carries out the management of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation;
    • negotiating and signs international treaties of the Russian Federation;
    • takes credentials and response certificates of diplomatic representatives accredited.
    • signs ratification certificates;
  • Slide 17.

    in the case of aggression against the Russian Federation or the immediate threat of aggression, the President of the Russian Federation introduces military situation in the territory of the Russian Federation or in its separate local locations with a prominent report on this to the Federation Council and the State Duma.

  • Slide 18.

    • awards by state awards of the Russian Federation, assigns the honorary titles of the Russian Federation, the highest military and higher special titles;
    • solves the issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation and the provision of political asylum;
    • carries out pardon.
  • View all slides

    The material is designed to explore the legal status of the president both in the Russian Federation and abroad.

    The presentation contains historical facts, information on the symbols of the President of the Russian Federation, information on its powers and requirements imposed on candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation.

    View the contents of the document
    "Presentation to social studies" President of the Russian Federation ""

    What is the president?

    The president - From Lat. Praesidens, PRAESIDENTIS PRESIDENTIS - Sitting Ahead, headed

    The term "president" is used from the 18th century (in preparation for the adoption of the US Constitution, 1787 there was a question of how to refer to the electoral chapter of the state)

    Signs of president

    President is an elected official

    The president performs the functions of the head of state

    President not subordinate to anyone and does not depend on other state bodies

    The President is obliged to comply with the limitations established by the legislation.

    The president has great political influence, exercising the Supreme Guide to the current political affairs of the state

    The President is the head of the executive branch of the authorities, or participates in the development of executive decisions, initiates the adoption of laws

    Constitutional status of the president

    The president is not in any of the branches of power (legislative, judicial, executive) - RF, Italy, Hungary

    The President is the head of state and the head of the executive branch of power (USA, Mexico)

    Models of the presidency

    Presidential model - Characterized by the general powers of the President (USA) when the president is not only the head of state, but also the head of the executive

    Semippeted model - The president is not the head of government, but can influence its policy (France). Basically, the executive power forms parliament

    Parliamentary model (Switzerland, Ireland) - the president actually does not have the authority associated with the implementation of the executive

    What kind of model in Russia does not exist in Russia, but many are inclined to the fact that it is closer to the semippets, but with reservations

    Presidency in the Russian Federation

    The position of President of the Russian Federation was established on April 24, 1991 (until May 16, 1992, the position was called - President of the RSFSR)

    Federal Law of January 10, 20000 No. 19-FZ "On the election of the President of the Russian Federation"

    The president acquires her powers as a result of elections

    A) elections are appointed by the Federation Council;

    B) the nomination of candidates is made by political parties or in order of self-nomination;

    C) the main election activities are carried out by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation;

    D) elections are held at a single federal district - the whole country (the population living outside of Russia is involved in the elections)

    Who can become president of the Russian Federation?

    Age centers - face, not younger than 35 years

    A citizen of Russian Federation

    A citizen must live constantly in the Russian Federation at least 10 years

    Powers of the President of the Russian Federation

    Powers to form state bodies, appointing officials

    Sets the system and structure of federal executive authorities

    Assigns :

    Presents :

    Decides on the resignation of the Government of the Russian Federation

    • The chairman of the government (with the consent of the State Duma of the Russian Federation);
    • deputy Chairman of the Government;
    • Federal ministers

    A) the advice of the Federation for appointment:

    • to the position of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
    • The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

    B) the State Duma candidacy for the appointment of the chairman of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

    Powers of the President on cooperation with the Federal Assembly

    • appoints elections to the State Duma;
    • dismisses the State Duma in cases provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
    • has the right of legislative initiative;
    • signs and publishes federal laws;
    • appoints plenipotentiary representatives in the State Duma and Federation Council

    Powers of the President on interaction with the executive authorities

    • may chair the meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • before the newly elected President of the Russian Federation, the Government is composed of his authority;
    • may cancel the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • it is direct management of a number of federal authorities (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, etc.)

    Powers of the President in Foreign Policy

    • implements the management of foreign policy;
    • represents the Russian Federation in international relations, negotiates, signs international treaties

    Powers of the President in the field of security and defense

    • forms and heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation;
    • is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
    • approves military doctrine of the Russian Federation;
    • - Introduces military and emergency regime

    Other powers of the President of the Russian Federation

    • solving citizenship issues;
    • awarding state awards and assigning honorary titles;
    • providing political asylum;
    • pardon, etc.

    In order to provide the President of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federal District was established in 2000. Educated 8 federal districts (Central, North-West, North Caucasian, South, Volga, Ural, Siberian, Far Eastern)

    Acts published by the President of the Russian Federation



    Symbols of the President of the Russian Federation

    Standard (flag) president

    Head of the President of the Russian Federation

    Specially made copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    Presidents of the Russian Federation

    Yeltsin Boris Nikolaevich - First President of the Russian Federation (1991 - 1999)

    Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich - President of the Russian Federation:

    2000 - 2008;

    2012 - to the present.

    Termination of the Powers of the President of the Russian Federation

    The powers of the President of the Russian Federation are terminated in the case of:

    • his resignation (voluntary addition of their powers);
    • persistent inability for health status to carry out the powers belonging to it;
    • decuting from office.

    In all cases, when the President of the Russian Federation is not able to fulfill his duties, they are temporarily executed by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    After the termination of the authority, the president establishes the relevant guarantees (Federal Law of 12.02.2001 No. 12-FZ) "On guarantees to the President of the Russian Federation, which ceased to fulfill its powers and members of his family"

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    Topic of the lesson: Russian presidents president (from Lat. Praesidens) - Sitting ahead, headed by the position of President of the Russian Federation was established on April 24, 1991 on the basis of the will of the people expressed on the referendum on March 17, 1991. The President became the highest official and head of the executive authority of one of the Union republics of the USSR - RSFSR.

    1991 1997 2011 1996 1998

    The first Russian president was elected in 1991 for a period of 5 years. In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, 1993, the term of office of the president was reduced to 4 years. In accordance with the amendments to the Constitution, which entered into force on December 31, 2008, starting from the 2012 elections, the President of the Russian Federation is elected for a six-year term of office

    The legal status of the President of Russia is enshrined in the fourth chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Constitution (Latin Constitutio) - Establishment

    The symbols of the presidential power of the Standard (flag) of the President of Russia is a square cloth of three isometric horizontal strips: the upper - white, medium - blue and lower - red colors (colors of the Russian Flag of Russia). In the center is a golden image of the state coat of arms of Russia. Plotted golden fringe. A silver brace with engraved surname, the name and patronymic of the President of Russia and the dates of his stay in this post. After bringing the oath by the President of Russia, the President of Russia Standard is established in its office, and the duplicate of the Standard rises above the President's Residence in the Moscow Kremlin.

    The symbol of presidential power is the sign of Russian President consists of a sign and chain of the sign. A gold sign is an equilibrium cross with expanding ends, from the front side of a ruby \u200b\u200benamel. The distance between the cross is 60 mm. At the edges of the Cross - a narrow convex rant. On the back of the cross in the middle - round medallion, in the circumference of which - the motto: "The benefits, honor and glory". On the back of the sign of the chain of the sign, linings covered with white enamel are placed on which the surname, name, patronymic of each Russian president and the year of his entry into office are engraved with gold letters.

    By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1996 No. 1138 established that a specially manufactured only copy of the official text of the Constitution of Russia is the official symbol of presidential power. Upon joining the newly elected president of Russia, the President of Russia brings oath on a special copy of the text of the Constitution.

    Upon joining the position of the President of the Russian Federation brings the following oath: "I swear in the implementation of the authority of the President of the Russian Federation to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, to comply with and defend the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, to serve the people " The Standard of the President of Russia, together with the sign of the President of Russia and the special copy of the text of the Constitution, is transferred to the newly elected President of Russia during the procedure for joining the position of President of Russia.

    № REPORT PRESIDENT DESIGN DURATION 1 BORIS Nikolaevich Yeltsin July 10, 1991 November 5, 1996 3096 days Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin (Acting president) November 5, 1996 November 6, 1996 1 day 1 Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin November 6, 1996 December 31, 1999 3096 days - Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Acting president) December 31, 1999 May 7, 2000 128 days 2 Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin May 7, 2000 May 7, 2004 2922 days May 7, 2004 May 7, 2008 3 Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev May 7, 2008 The current president (the term expires May 7, 2012)

    President Birthday Education Age in which he became President Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin 02/31/1931 - 04/23/2007 Higher Ural Polytechnic Institute. CM. Kirov Building faculty 59 years 4 months Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin 07.10.1952 Higher Leningrad State University Law Faculty Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev 14.09.1965 Higher Leningrad State University Faculty of Law

    President Activities 1. Yeltsin B.N. A. Tax reform in Russia (2000) B. Decree on approval of the Demographic Policy Concept of the Russian Federation (2007) V. Federal Law "On Police" (2011) 2. Putin V.V. G. Liberalization (vacation) of prices, freedom of trade (1992) D. Decrees "On the recognition of the Republic of Abkhazia" and "On the recognition of the Republic of South Ossetia" E. Decree in Russia of the Teacher (2009) 3. Medvedev D.A. J. December 12, 1993 - a referendum on the new Constitution Z. Decree "On Guarantees to the President of the Russian Federation, which ceased to fulfill its powers, and members of his family" I. Privatization (the transfer of state ownership of private hands) (1992)

    The nation is the basis of the prosperity of Russia!

    History of elections President Russian Federation

    Past in March 2018 became seventh of the presidential elections in modern Russia. Before that they were held in

    1991, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012.

    The post of President of Russia, elected by popular voting, was established according to the results of a nationwide referendum on March 17, 1991. The relevant provisions were enshrined in the Constitution of the RSFSR, according to which the president was elected for a period of 5 years.

    From March 17, 1991, the provisions were enshrined in the Constitution of the RSFSR, according to which the president was elected for a period of 5 years.

    In 1993, the new Constitution of the Russian Federation entered into force, according to which the term of presidential powers was reduced to 4 years. In 2008, the term of office of the president was again increased - up to 6 years

    The first elections of the President of Russia - 1991

    In accordance with the law "On the election of the President of the RSFSR" of 1991, to win, a candidate needed more than half of the voters.

    On June 12, 1991, 6 candidates took part in the first election of the President of the Russian Federation. As a result of universal and direct elections, in the first round, the president of the country for 5 years

    was blais Yeltsin elected .

    Boris Yeltsin (Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR) scored 57.3% of the votes

    In total, 74.66% of voters took part in the elections.

    Single two-party presidential elections - 1996

    These elections were still the only in the newest history of Russia, when to determine the winner it was necessary to hold a second round.

    The second round came out two candidates - the current President Boris Yeltsin and the leader of the Communist Party of Gennady Zyuganov, who received the largest number of votes in the first round. As a result, the president was again blais Nikolayevich Yeltsin

    Third election of the President of Russia - 2000

    On December 31, 1999, Boris Yeltsin announced the early prosecution of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation and appointed the acting head of the state of the President of the Government of the Russian Federation

    Vladimir Putin.

    The early elections of the president took place on March 26, 2000. They took part 11 candidates.

    Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia who participated in the elections in order of self-nomination. The official entry into office took place on May 7th.

    In total, 109 million 372 thousand 46 people were added to the lists of voters. The election took part 75 million 181 thousand 71 voter (68.74%)

    Fourth elections to the President of Russia - 2004

    On March 14, 2004, the next elections were held in accordance with the new version of the Law on the Elections of the President of the Russian Federation, which entered into force on January 16, 2003.

    For the highest post of state, 6 candidates fought.

    Vladimir Putin who participated in the elections as a self-confineler was elected president for a second term.

    In total, 108 million 064 thousand votes were included in the voter lists at the time of the vote, 69 million 581 thousand 761 voters took part in the voting (64.39%)

    Fifth elections President of Russia - 2008

    On March 2, 2008, 4 candidates fought for the highest post. Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to the Constitution of the country, did not have the right to run for this post

    for the third time in a row.

    The final turnout was 69.81%. According to the results of the vote by the President of the country dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev , First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, nominated by "United Russia" and received support for the parties "Fair Russia", "Civil force" and the agricultural party of Russia.

    Seventh elections President of Russia - 2018 year

    The appeal in the elections of the President of Russia amounted to 67.54%.

    The result of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin became a record, since in 2000 he received 52.94% of the vote, that is, 39.74 million people were supported, in 2004 the current owner of the Kremlin scored 71.31% - more than 49.563 million voters, and in elections In 2012, Putin was supported by 45.602 million Russians (63.60%).

    In 2018, the current head of the state was elected to the new six-year term Vladimir Putin by defeating the elections with the result of 76.69% of the votes