Repairs Design Furniture

Types of tasks in the test. Creation of electronic training materials

Samples of types of tests

1. Tests open with a given restriction with specified restrictions

Read the situation description. Calculate the amount of sales surveillance. Enter the calculations and the amount of the sales charge implemented.

Description of the situation

The trading organization sells grocery and bakery products to retail. On Grocery Products The trade markup is set in the amount of 25%, on bakery products - 10%.

The amount of revenue, taking into account VAT for April 2008, amounted to:

- on grocery goods - 150000 rubles;

- on bakery products - 110000 rubles.

2. Tests closed with an alternative answer

To prepare a biscuit dough, you should use flour with a weak gluten content of about 30%.

Well no

3. Tests closed with multiple selection

Determine the Capadecor Arte-Lasur Color paint consumption when painting the surfaces of a 66.5 m2 room in two layers, if the paint consumption per 1 m2 - 130 g.

1) 17,29 kg

2) 17,50 kg

3) 17,85 kg

4) 18.00 kg

4. With specified restrictions

Prepare using ICT project " Optimal layout Cabinet Secretary-Referenta ": Submit the Cabinet Scheme, description and justification (text material - 3-5 pages, Kehal 12, Interval 1.5).


Insert the missed word:

Pigments suspensions in varnishes are ___________________

6. Tests closed on recovery sequence

Write down points numbers in the correct measurement sequenceexceeds on the railFlexl - RODS with adapter for Nedo Laser - Auge with receiver.

1. Install the rake at point A.

2. Align the bullet bubble in such a way that it is in the center (zero item).

3. Set the level between points A and V.

4. Putting the rail segments, install the receiver in the laser beam passing zone.

5. Record.

6. Remove the readings on the counting rail system while reducing two receiver arrows.

7. Calculate the desired excess as the difference of samples.

8. Repeat the measurement for the V. point

7. Tests open with free brief answers

Read the situation description. Written to questions:

1. B. Which period of time gr. Petrov is obliged to pay the amount marked in the sentence?


2. Is it possible to provide installments on the payment of a fine of the convicted GR. Petrov, if it does not have the opportunity to pay a fine within the prescribed period?


3. What are the rules criminal and executive legislation regulate the described situation?


Description of the situation

C. Petrov convicted by the court sentence for a crime provided for in Part 1 of Art. 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, to a fine without installments of payments in the amount of 200 thousand rubles.

8.Tests closed for conformity

Connect the material and the area of \u200b\u200bits application with lines.


Insulating pipelines hot water and technological equipment with temperature up to 270 ° C.


Heat and sound insulation of vehicles


Heat insulation of pipelines and equipment, additional vaporizolation

9. Closed tests for the exception of superfluous

What is not included in the content of the technological card?

A. List of operations in the technological sequence

B. List of equipment and tools

B. Number of simultaneous maintenance places

G. The rate of time for the lack of details in the warehouse

Principles of job selection closed type and test compositions.

Tasks with a choice of one correct response from two proposed options

Tasks with a choice of one correct answer from two proposed options require one answer option, for example, "yes" - "No", "right" - "incorrectly".

When designing such issues, one of the main compositional principles is used:

1) the principle of contradiction (options for responses, which are negliges of each other);

2) the principle of polarity (and no). Along with strict negations, we assume the selection of answers, which, being antonym in meaning, allow the existence of transitional concepts (states): decreasing - increasing; periodic - non-periodic; convex - concave; Positive - negative;

3) the principle of homogeneity (such two responses are selected, which relate to one genus, form or display 2 main sides of the phenomenon, for example, words opposed in meaning: synonyms - antonyms;

4) the principle of cumulation (the content of the second answer absorbs the content of the first).

briefness and clarity of tasks;

simplicity of instructions;

high manufacturability;

speed testing;

the test design of the test on the laws of formal logic (the law of contradiction, the law of an excluded third).

The disadvantages of this test design are:

the relatively high probability of guessing the correct answer (1/2).

ability to memorize the correct answer (due to the limited options offered),

fast declassifying (tested transmissions to each other content of remembered tasks and answers to them).

Test issues of this type are advisable to use for rapid diagnostics, input (preliminary) control, self-control (in order to detect gaps in knowledge), for an oral group survey, i.e., in those situations where "the accuracy of the assessment plays a smaller role than fast Testing. " However, it is not excluded the possibility of using test questions with the choice of one correct answer from the two proposed options for the final control over a number of disciplines (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, grammar) in the battery of tests. With the help of this type of type, the developer quickly and effectively compresses one of the reasons for the unsuccessful performance of the entire test battery is the inability to demonstrate the ability or carry out activities due to the lack of necessary knowledge.

Tasks with the choice of one correct answer from the proposed options

It is believed that test questions with the choice of one faithful response from the four proposed options of preferably test questions involving the choice of response from two to three options. However, the practice shows that the reliability of the task is determined not by the number of distractors, but their quality, i.e. believable compared to the correct answer. Ideally, the choice of any distractor and the correct answer should be equally even. The scope of application coincide with the tasks with the choice of one correct response from the two proposed options.

Tasks with a choice of several correct answers from fixed set options

In modern testology, tests with a choice of several answers from the list of proposed options are considered the most difficult for the subjects, since not only the choice of the correct answers, but also the analysis of their completeness. Considering this task group, notes that the tasks of this type can be used to verify the classification knowledge, knowledge of the causes of important phenomena and events. Among the basic requirements for this type of tasks, testologists allocate:

brevity and homogeneity of response options;

the use of the nominal scale in assessing, the absence of the need to apply the correction formulas for a possible guess.

Match assignment tasks

The tasks of this group assume the establishment of conformity between the elements of two sets. Their appointment: Checking associative knowledge, checking the knowledge of the relationships, definitions and facts, forms and content, authorship of works and scientific papers; relations between different objects, objects, properties, connections, formulas. At the same time, the elements of the first set are considered as fixed constants, the second is the correct and incorrect variables, from which the test you need to select only the correct answers.

The main scope of applying assignment tasks is the current and thematic knowledge control. The maximum effective tasks of this type when organizing self-controls.

Tasks for establishing the correct sequence

There are three specific groups of test tasks for setting a sequence:

associated with the establishment of the correct sequence of historical events,

to establish the right sequence of technological operations, sequences of various processes,

chains of mental actions forming a system of knowledge, skills, skills.

Test tasks to establish the correct sequence allow you to "check algorithmic knowledge, skills and skills necessary to establish the correct sequence various actions, operations, calculations "().

Having considered the most frequently used varieties of test issues of a closed type, we turn to test questions. open typewhere the likelihood of guessing when responding is almost equal to zero.

The distinctive feature of the open type assignments is that the answer to the question given by the student, the teacher cannot predict literally. Open-type tasks differ in character and response length.

By the nature of the answers distinguish questions:

ü with free answers When the subject needed to give a brief answer: independently add word, phrase, offer, sign, formula, complete an unfinished offer, make a calculation or drawing. These issues are very close to the tasks of the closed type. They are distinguished by only the ability to express the correct answer is not a word for word, but descriptively, retaining the same meaning, so they are checked using model answers containing all possible options for answering this question.

ü supplements (with specified restrictions) when the subject must formulate answers with regard to the limitations provided for in the task. Another name of this type of test question is a question with an extended structured response. The question can be used to respond to test questions in which the student, in accordance with the requirements for them, disclaims the reasons for certain events in the form of the reasons for comparison, makes brief conclusions based on the results of the processing of the information presented. Checking such tasks is also made using model responses, as it assumes the presence of several options for correct answers.

ü free presentation (Free design, without specified restrictions, or a question with a detailed unstructured response), when the subject must independently formulate answers. In the response, the learner must write a connected text, fixing the results of the processing of information presented to it, or give a very detailed drawing, or calculating, or submit an oral statement. Tasks implying an unstructured response allow you to check how the student picks up and organizes ideas, whether the presentation elected presentation and the speech design of the test question corresponds. Checking open issues of this type requires the use of special evaluation technology using evaluation scales.

Requirements for the development of test tasks with one correct answer consisting of task wording and answering options

Problem wording :

1. specific and unequivocal;

2. is formulated extremely briefly, as a rule, no more than one sentence from seven-eight words;

3. it has an extremely simple syntactic design, and should not contain more than one subordinate supply;

4. it is given in the form of an approval, which turns into a true or false statement after the substitution of one of the answers;

5. includes all repetitive words from the wording of the responses.

Response options:

6. there must be approximately one length and be equally attractive for the subject;

7. must be parallel with the design and grammatically consistent with the task formulation;

8. Must eliminate all verbal associations, contributing to the choice of the correct response using guesses;

9. there should not contain the words "all", "not one", "never", "always", the expressions "none of the listed", "all of the listed".

10. should not contain answers arising from each other;

11. should not contain appraisal judgments and opinions of the student on any question;

12. should not be partially the right answer that turns under certain additional conditions into the correct answer;

13. do not serve as a key to the right answers to other tasks of the test (i.e., you should not use the answers from one task as an answer to other test tasks).

If a

14. the task has among other alternative answers, it should not immediately bring the alternative response after properly, since the attention of the responding is usually focused on these two answers.

Requirements for the development of open tasks
in addition to restrictions

The scheme for developing tasks in addition to the restrictions on the answers is quite simple. First, it is recommended to formulate a question containing no more than seven-eight words, then to write a response to the question, representing some statement of about the same length. Further, from the received statement, exclude the keyword (number, symbol, etc.) and in its place put a ditch. Then it is necessary to change the order of words in the statement, so that the dummy, if possible, moved to the end of the sentence. In the tasks with restrictions, it is determined in advance what is considered to be the correct answer and the degree of completeness of the response is set. It usually happens quite short one word, a number, symbol, etc. Sometimes - longer, but not exceeding two or three words.

The development of open tasks for the addition to the restrictions is obeyed by a number of generally accepted rules:

1. Each task must only be aimed at one addition, the place for which is denoted by docking or points.

2. Skuff is placed on the spot key element, the knowledge of which is the most significant for the material being controlled.

3. All fiwers B. open tasks For one test, it is recommended to do equal length. After dashboard, if possible, the units of measurement are indicated.

4. Additions are better to put at the end of the task or as close as possible by the end.

5. The task text must have an extremely simple syntactic design and contain minimal amount information required for proper fulfillment tasks.

6. The task text should not be repetition and double denial.

Materials are used:, tattur and tests in education. M.: Mafi, 1995.

Avanesov B. C., Composition of test tasks: Study book For teachers of universities, school teachers, graduate students and pedestrian students. - M., 1996.

The battery of tests consists of several test questions to study various aspects of the same quality, while the developer proceeds from the requirements of maximum diagnostic efficiency - maximum reliability at a minimum cost.

To Distract (English) - distract.

Severe two types of test tasks that combine seven types of test tasks. Types and types of test tasks are represented in the scheme:

Test tasks

Open type

Closed type


free presentation

multiple selection

sequence recovery

alternative answers

restoration of conformity

with one right answer

with multiple answers

Open-type tasks include two types - tasks to addition and task free presentation. Their distinctive feature is that for their execution, the learning must write one or a few words (numbers, letters, possibly phrases or even offers). This type of task does not have distractors and options for the correct answers. A distractor in American test literature is called the wrong, but plausible answer, from english verb "To Distract" - distract.

The tasks of the closed type include the tasks of five types: alternative answers, multiple selection with one correct answer, multiple selection with several correct responses, tasks for restoring conformity and to restore the sequence. The test tasks of the closed type suggest various options for answers to the task, for example, the choice of one or more correct options for answers from a number of proposed options, selection of the correct items of the list, setting the correct sequence, etc. It is always tasks with prescribed answers, which involves the presence of a number of previously developed options. Replies.

Open tasks

Open-type tasks include the tasks of two types - tasks to add and set free presentation.

IN jobs add-on Tests must independently give answers to questions, but their ability is limited. In the tasks of the addition, it is defined in advance what answer is definitely correct, and the degree of completeness of its presentation is set. The answer must be brief, should not exceed 2-3 words, more often - one word, number, symbol. Restrictions in the tasks of the supplement provide an objectivity of estimating the result of the task execution, and the formulation of the response should be able to clearly estimates.

A distinctive feature of the tasks of the supplement is that they should form only one planned by the developer the correct answer. Despite the fact that externally, the creation of tasks of this species looks sufficient simply, it is necessary to ensure that the students are used to use exactly the option that is planned by the developers, it is quite difficult to even experienced the creators of the open tasks of the test.

In the system of psychological training of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, open-type tasks are not used, however, if our colleagues need to include in the open type task test in addition, we recommend using the following scheme of their development.

First, it is recommended to formulate a question containing no more than 7-8 words, then wrote the answer to write a response representing some statement of the same length. Further, from the received statement, exclude a keyword (number, symbol) and put a dashboard in its place. Then it is necessary to change the order of words in the statement so that the ditch moved to the end of the sentence.

For example:

Question: What is the name of a non-specific response of the body on any requirement that presented it?

Answer: Non-specific response of the body on any requirement that pretended to him is called Stress

Task for the addition: Non-specific reaction of the body on any requirement that pretended to it is called __________

Note also general rules Development of tasks in addition:

1. Each task should be aimed only for one addition, the place for which is denoted by a dock or points.

2. The battle is placed on the site of the key element, the knowledge of which is the most significant for the material being controlled;

3. All dashes in open tasks for one test are recommended to do one length;

4. Additions are better to put at the end of the task or as close as possible by the end.

5. After dog, if necessary, the units of measurement are set.

6. The task text must have an extremely simple syntactic design and contain the minimum amount of information that is required to properly perform the task.

7. The text of the task should not be repetition and double denial.

Tasks of free presentationsuppose free answers testly tested in essence. To perform them, you need to write one or more words yourself (numbers, letters, possibly phrases, or suggestions). On the answers to the tasks of free presentation, the restrictions are not superimposed. However, task formulations should ensure that only one correct answer has.

From the point of view of the Open type task composition must contain the following mandatory elements:

    Instructions for testing.

Instructions for add-on assignments: Instead of each dashboard, enter only one word (symbol, sign, etc.).

Instructions for the tasks of free presentation: complete the offer (phrase); Enter the correct answer instead of forth; Complete the definition by writing the answer in the form, etc.

Examples of tasks for adding:

A set of events carried out in places of mass accumulation of people and aimed at preventing mass negative reactions - this is ____________ (support of mass events)

Examples of the tasks of free presentation:

Tasks of psychological service specialists when providing EPPs in emergency mode are ____________

The main rules for the provision of EPP victims with the OSR are ____________

3. Answers K. Tasks.

In any test task, it is determined in advance, which is definitely considered the correct answer to the questions asked. The task is considered to be performed correctly if the response of the test is coincided with the stipulated standard prescribed in the evaluation scheme. Therefore, it is necessary to provide all synonyms as standards.

The advantages of well-compiled tasks of supplement and free presentation are:

1) brevity and unambiguous responses;

2) the need to playback response;

3) the absence of the need to look for several response options;

4) simplicity of formulating issues;

5) simplicity of verification;

6) the inability to guess the answer.

The inability to guess the answer is the main advantage of open-type tasks, and the main disadvantage is the complexity of the formalization of the correct answer.

Tasks of a closed type

Quests of alternative answers

In the content of all academic disciplines there are many such elements of knowledge that are called dichotomous. These are knowledge that allow you to determine the correctness or irregularity of facts, methods, processes; Knowledge that it is good that it is bad that it is possible, and what cannot be done under any circumstances. Test tasks with two responses are used to check such knowledge.

Each task of alternative answers is given only two answers. The test must choose one of them: yes - no, right - incorrectly, etc. .

Examples of the tasks of alternative answers may be:

Personal features of the rescuer affect the successful performance of professional activities:

Experts of the extreme profile involved in the elimination of the consequences of emergencies relate to groups of victims:

The tasks of alternative answers are the most simple and therefore not the most common when drawing up tests. This is mainly due, with the specificity of the material that is more consistent with this form of tasks. The tasks of alternative answers are used to evaluate one element of knowledge. Using the tasks of alternative answers in the form of a separate question, it usually leads to trivial testing and undesirable to use. The recommendations of the Dutch Institute for Education Assessment (CITO) are also indicated: "Alternative answers are offered only one alternative, which is tested or accepts as correct or rejects." Thus, the test has the opportunity to guess the correct answer to the question by 50%. Therefore, these tasks are advisable to apply a series to one element of knowledge. It should be borne in mind that the chance to guess 10 issues equal to 0.00098.

In the instructions, the STIO says: "In an individual, alternative answers are not very effective, but long series of such issues have certain advantages. Answers to them usually do not occupy a lot of time, and there is an opportunity to cover all the material on the subject, asking as much questions as possible on it. "

There are a number of tasks when alternative answers are most appropriate. This refers to major definitions, complex processes, charts, charts, tables, the elements of knowledge that can be structured or divided into smaller parts. For example, about any complex object or phenomenon you can create a series of questions that completely detect its properties.

The symptoms of the PTSD, combined into the Assignment Symptoms Group, belong:

memory violation, inability to remember important episodes of the event, places, people


delete feelings

loss of access to the resources of the past, lack of orientation for the future

associated with the dream event

"Flashbak episodes", sudden actions and feelings, as if the event happened now

evasion of thoughts, activities and feelings related to the event

feeling of removal and alienation from others

Instruction: Before you a statement that needs to be continued by alternatives shown in the table. From the above alternatives you need to choose those that correctly complement the approval. In the event that you agree with the above alternative - circle the answer "Yes" in the table. In the event that you disagree with the above alternative - circle the answer "no" in the table.

Key points when providing emergency psychological assistance to a person with sharp stress reactions are:

not to leave a person one

give a feeling of greater security;


leave a person one alone with his experiences

create a feeling that a person has not left alone with his misfortune

clean clear short phrases with affirmative intonation

put the injured phrases that everything will be fine

try to reduce the reaction to crying

surround the victim of a large number of attention, collecting the crowd around him

The feature of the tasks of alternative answers is that the issue must be formulated in the form of approval, since he implies consent or disagreement, which can be attributed to approval.

Setting multiple selection

Multiple selection tasks are the main type of tasks used in pedagogical tests. Such tasks assume the presence of variability in the choice. The test must select the correct option or variants among the proposed answers options - depending on which task is - involving the choice of one correct answer or selecting several correct answers.

The optimal number of answers for multiple selection tasks with one correct answer is 3-4. It is usually difficult to find more than 4 interesting and original alternatives, in addition, the test for their reading will take more time. Probably the minimum number of possible alternatives is 3, the maximum number of alternatives will depend on the volume of the text of the proposed response options. In the event that these are digital expressions, then 5-6 options cannot be too long for reading, and then 5 alternative answers can be considered the optimal amount.

As we have talked, besides the tasks of multiple selection with one correct answer, there are settings for multiple selection with several correct answers. A feature of tasks with several correct answers is that the test need not only find the right answers, but also determine the completeness of your answer. Accordingly, these tasks are more complicated than tasks with one correct answer.

The optimal number of answers options for multiple selection tasks with several correct answers is 5-7. At the same time, the question of the optimal share of the number of correct and incorrect answers arises. To achieve equality of the number of correct and incorrect answers in each task should not be, because the tests must be prepared for the fact that any number of correct answers may be in any task.

As examples of sets of multiple selection with one correct answer, you can lead:

The number of the order "On approval of the Procedure for the provision of emergency psychological assistance to the victim to the population in emergency situations and in the fires":

    691 EMERCOM of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated November 14, 2008

    682 Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia of 11.11.2008

    525 Order of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia from 09/20/2011

    500 Order of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia of 09/25/2007

Instructions: Select one correct answer.

Active learning method, which is based on the clarification and operationalization of goals, tasks, methods of solving, forms of promotion and control using algorithms:

    problem learning

    programmed learning

    interactive learning

As examples of multiple selection tasks with several correct answers, you can cite:

The EPP turns out:

    tV viewers

    victims due to emergency

    relatives and loved ones and victims due to emergency

    relatives of specialists involved in the elimination of emergencies

    specialists working in the elimination of the consequences of emergency

Instructions: Select a few correct answers.

Actions to provide emergency psychological assistance to a victim with an acute stress reaction of aggression:

    give the victim the opportunity to be alone with his emotions

    keep emotional stability, talking to victims calmly, gradually reducing the pace and speech volume

    minimize the number of others

    give the opportunity to "release steam";

    to charge the work associated with high exercise;

    sharply shake the victim over the shoulders for 1 minute

    if necessary, to attract law enforcement officers

It should be borne in mind that when conducting computer testing an important aspect It is a graphic design of places for answers to the tasks of multiple selection with one correct answer and with several correct answers. So in the AIS "Psychologist" a place for tasks with one correct answer is presented in the form of a circle, and for tasks with several correct answers - a square.

In compiling the tasks of the multiple choice, it is useful to be guided by several principles, namely: the principle of homogeneity and the principle of the fake content of the task.

The principle of homogeneity is that such answers are selected that relate to one clan, form, reflect the main sides, the face of the phenomenon.

When creating tasks on the principle of uniformity, a significant factor in strengthening their effectiveness is to use letters similar to writing or sounding, numbers, signs, words or phrases. This allows you to make answers believable, logically impeccable.

For example:

Instructions: Select one correct answer.

Stress leading to the depletion of internal reserves of the body:





The principle of homogeneity often makes it possible to create full system Replies to which there is nothing to add.

For example:

Instructions: Select one correct answer.

Acute stressful reaction, the symptoms of which are muscle tension (especially facial), stripped surface breathing, reduced control of its own behavior, severe heartbeat:



    motive excitement

  1. nervous trembling

    estroid reaction

The principle of the fake content of the task is reduced to a certain form of recording several options for the same task - the facet. The suggestion of words and phrases forming the facet is placed in curly brackets. Namely:

Instructions: Select a few correct answers.

The crowd of people, (seeking to destroy, destruction, murder), is called:








In such tasks, it is possible to change the names, the characteristics of the subject / phenomenon, numeric parameters, etc. This is clearly reflected in the example, where the part is highlighted that the part that can be replaced by creating, thus, another task.

If you replace in the previous example, the part that is highlighted by curly brackets, then you can get another number of tasks, including, for example, as follows:

A crowd of people, (chanting slogans, rhythmically expressing one or another emotion ...), called:








In one task may not be one, but several facets:

Emergencies in which the person suffered from (50 to 500), or the conditions of life (500 - 1000) are violated; The emergency area (covers the territory of two) subjects of the Russian Federation:


  1. Territorial




Tasks for restoring conformity

In the assignment assignment tasks, it is necessary to find compliance (equate parts, elements, concepts) - between the elements of two lists, two sets. This form of tasks is rather diverse and can be successfully used for all academic disciplines and subject areas.

In any educational subject, educational information is found in which the objects studied (concepts, values, etc.) are divided into species, classes, types, etc. For each of these species, there are many properties and characteristics, principles, rules and norms use, so it is possible to draw up tasks to establish the conformity of these terms by their characteristics. Moreover, the setting of conformity in this case will be more rational than tasks with the choice of the correct answer.

Matching assignment tasks allow you to check the so-called associative knowledge that exist in each academic discipline. This is knowledge of the relationship of definitions and facts, authors and their works, forms and content, entities and phenomena, on the relationship between various objects, properties, laws, formulas, dates.

Usually, the task for compliance consists of two columns: in the first - questions, approval, facts, concepts, etc., in the second - a list of statements, properties of objects that need to be put into line with the elements of the first column. It is desirable that in one column elements of the list be marked with letters, and in another column - numbers. This will help avoid confusion when performing these tasks.

The instructions for the tasks of this species are formulated as follows: correlate written in columns 1 and 2. Record the numbers from column 2 into the responses table 2, which correspond to the assertions from column 1.

For example:

Column 1: Stages of professional development

Column 2: Characteristics of the Stages

    Stage of formation of professional intentions

    Achievement by a specialist of professional skills, authority in his professional circle and, perhaps, beyond, the formation of a circle of like-minded people

    Stage vocational training

    building plans for future profession, conscious preparation for the future career in the chosen profession

    Stage Professional Adaptation

    adaptation of a young specialist in a professional environment; possessing sufficient experience for independent and effective solving professional tasks

    Personality Implementation Stage in Professional Labor

    mastering special knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional formation

In the considered form of representation of conformity assignment, in addition to two columns containing elements that need to be brought into line with, there is a special sign for the results in it.

Some authors propose to represent the tasks of this species in the form of two columns containing two list of statements, respectively, to relate to each other with arrings. In our opinion, this method of marking has significant drawbacks. First, problems may arise when interpreting test results due to ambiguity of arrow placement between elements of two sets. Secondly, laboriousness when checking test results, especially in the case of a large number of tested.

One of the formal requirements for assignment assignments is the unequal number of elements in the right and left columns. Excessive (plausible, but incorrect) answers are available in one column. They perform the role of distractors. If the number of elements in columns was the same, then the last pair would be chosen automatically using the consistent exception method.

For example:

Instructions: Sign up written in columns 1 and 2. Record the numbers from column 2 in the response table, which correspond to the assertions from the column 1. In this case, the elements column than in the column 1. You need to understand which elements of the column 2 are extra.

Column 1: OSR

Column 2: Symptoms

1. Strong trembling of the whole body or individual parts


2. Excessive excitement, many movements, theater postures, emotionally saturated, fast speech, shouts, sobs

    Estroid reaction

3. Overcome fatigue, full indifference and indifference

4. Fighting the lips, the feeling of depression, in contrast to the hysteria - the lack of excitement in behavior

5. nonsense, auditory hallucinations and thinking disorders

    Psychomotor arousal

6. Muscle tension (especially facial), stripped surface breathing, reduced control of its own behavior, severe heartbeat

7. Sharp movements, amelessly and senseless actions, abnormally loud speech

    Nervous trembling

8. Lack of reactions to external stimuli, "Thorough" in a specific posture, stupor, condition of complete immobile

9. Irritation, discontent, anger, verbal insults, brand

10. Pessimism; feeling of guilt, uselessness, anxiety and fear; low self-esteem; Thoughts of death; Sleeping

This task is better than the previous fact that the list from which the answers are selected are longer, which significantly reduces the likelihood of guessing. So, if the test knows 7 out of 8 replies in the same lists in length, the eighth will be inevitably correct.

It is important to remember that in cases where the list of lists does not coincide, it is necessary to make instructions in the instructions for test tasks.

In addition, I would like to note that there are different points of view regarding the maximum number of items in one list. Analysis of various works devoted to the problem of pedagogical tests showed that among the opinions of the authors involved in the consideration of this problem, there is no unity. A number of authors believe that the number of elements of one list should not exceed 5-6. Others say that the length of one list should not exceed 10 elements. It seems to us the optimal is the second option, which is due to the peculiarities of our educational material.

The main advantages of tasks for compliance are the possibility of rapid assessment of the level of knowledge in a specific area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, and the cost-effectiveness of tasks in the test. For example, from several monotonous tasks with a choice of one correct response, more rational to make one task to establish matches.

Unfortunately, due to the difficulties in terms of the technical design of this type of tasks in the AIS-psychologist, these tasks are not used in the system of psychological training of EMERCOM of Russia.

Tasks for recovery sequence.

Tasks for the recovery of the sequence can be considered as a version of the assignment assignment, when one of the rows is the time, distance or other continual construct, which is meant in the form of a row. Since this type of tasks requires special instructions, we allocated its consideration into a separate subsection.

The feature of the instructions for the tasks to the sequence lies in the fact that it needs to be indicated in which the sequence is the elements from greater to the smaller, in alphabetical, chronological order, etc.

The form of presentation of the reference of the sequence, which is recommended in most publications devoted to the development of pedagogical tests, is as follows:

Set the correct sequence of stages in the development of general adaptation syndrome (Selleg). In the response column, put the appropriate letters.

Due to the difficulties in the technical design of this type of tasks in the AIS "Psychologist", we present the tasks of this type as follows:

Set the correct sequence of stages in the development of general adaptation syndrome (Selre):

    resistance, exhaustion, anxiety

    anxiety, exhaustion, resistance

    anxiety, resistance, exhaustion

    depletion resistance, anxiety

Thus, in appearance is a set of multiple type with one correct answer, and in content is a setting of a sequence.

The reference tasks are rarely used in tests, which is undeserved. In fact, this is a very high-quality form of test tasks, which has significant advantages: brevity and simplicity of verification. It is suitable for any academic discipline in which algorithmic activities or temporary events are present.

Summing up the consideration of the tasks of a closed type, we note that the main difficulty in the development of such tasks is to search for plausible distractors. While the advantages of the tasks of the closed type are:

    reliability of tasks, since there are no factors associated with subjective estimates that reduce reliability;

    evaluation of tasks is fully objective: there can be no differences between the estimates of various inspectors;

    ease of processing multiple selection tasks, speed testing;

    a simple fill algorithm that reduces the number of random errors and the descriptions;

    ability to cover large areas of knowledge that the achievement tests are especially important;

    the ability to automatically process responses;

    low probability of guessing the correct answers;

    learning not necessarily to be able to formulate answers;

    the possibility of obtaining an accurate assessment of the test of the test, which is especially important for determining the conformity of the test to the objectives of the study.

It should be noted that each of the task types considered allows you to test specific types of knowledge. The choice of the type of task depends on the purpose of testing and testing the test, on the characteristics of the audience, on the technical capabilities and the level of development of the developer in the area of \u200b\u200bthe theory and methodology for monitoring the level of knowledge.

It is desirable that tasks in the test be the most diverse as possible, in favor of this, you can bring three significant arguments.

1. The tasks of different types are tested more diverse, from the point of view of the tested. More diverse activities make it possible to move the threshold of fatigue on the occurrence and, as a result, makes more time to highlight on testing. Having a larger reserve of time, we have the opportunity to put more tasks in a test and, as a result, get a more reliable tool.

2. Having a test consisting of the tasks of one species, we always have a real danger to get the ability to work as a component of the final score to work only with this type of tasks. Those who will quickly adapt to them, those for whom they will be most convenient will benefit. This can be avoided using the tasks of various types.

3. For different elements of the content of the educational material, different types of tasks are suitable. For example, for complex definitions, testing an understanding of the actual material most convenient are the tasks of alternative answers. To check the knowledge of temporary or spatial phenomena, the tasks for the restoration of the sequence are more suitable for the restoration of the sequence, etc. Therefore, trying to reduce all the variety of educational material to one form, we know the test, in which the content does not match the form and, as a result, it will be Less quality. Based on these considerations, the tests should include tasks of different types.

In the system of psychological training of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the use of the tasks of the closed-type of the following types is: Setting the multiple selection, which assumes one correct answer and setting a multiple selection that implies several correct answers. It is desirable to use tasks for setting a sequence. The development of other types and types of tasks is not mandatory and produced at the discretion of the developer.

The use in the system of psychological training of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia is precisely listed species of tasks due to the peculiarities of our educational material, technical capabilities, as well as the specifics of professional contingents with which we work. For example, the execution of open-type tasks, in our opinion, can cause more resistance from professional contingents of Russia, rather than performing a closed type tasks. In addition, based on the experience of spending on psychology in professional contingents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, we have formed the assumption that they may have difficulties in formulating the correct response to open-type tasks. Often, at certificates of psychology, specialists of the Russian Emergencies Ministry explains the answers to questions "in their own words", relying on their life and professional experience, bypassing psychological terms. Talk "on different languages"Significantly complicates the procedure for formalizing the correct response. Our task is not to force specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia to learn psychological terminology, but to help understand it, give them knowledge, tools that will allow them to optimize their mental state and more effectively fulfill their professional duties.

Any test is a totality test tasks. The test task is the main component of the test part, which consists of an instruction for students, the text of the task, has a unambiguous correct answer and is characterized by a set of indicators.

From point of view developer Test tasks have the following structure:

1. Instruction.

2. Test text (including the proposed answers). 3. Correct answer.

The instruction contains instructions that you need to do a subject, how to perform the task where you note how to add, the total test time is reported, etc. If the test has different forms of tasks, then when changing forms, it is given before each subtest additional instruction By fulfillment new form tasks. Tasks in the subtests are recommended to have an increase in difficulty.

After the instructions in the test there are numbered test tasks. The tasks can be formulated both in the affirmative and in the interim form and contain or do not contain options for answers. Test task must have a clear correct answer.

Test tasks are divided by types, forms and types. In favor of the variety of forms of test tasks, you can bring the following arguments:

- Tasks of different shapes make the testing process less monotonous, move the threshold of the onset of fatigue, and in the test can be placed large quantity tasks, which increases its reliability;

- Different elements of the formation of education are suitable different in the form of a task, so the mixing of the diversity of educational material to one form of tasks is obviously makes such tests that do not correspond to the content of learning and, thereby, less high-quality (even with a large number of tasks).

Before consideration different species Test tasks Recall 4 levels of learning of knowledge allocated by V.P.Bespalko.

I. The level of acquaintance with educational material (leading cognitive actions - recognition, recognition, distinction).

II. Reproductive reproduction level (reproduction of educational information on memory or meaning in a familiar situation, sample action).

III. The level of reproduction in the changed situation (own examples, situation situations) is the main level at school.

IV. The level of creative use of knowledge with the formation of a new knowledge.

Accordingly, the four levels of knowledge assimilation are also formed test tasks of four levels. Thus, the objections of some teachers about primitiveness and simplicity of test tasks are removed.

Level I Testspresent tasks for identification, distinguishing or classification of objects, phenomena, concepts. It is necessary to determine the student to determine whether a separate object is related to this class (mind) or not. More complex form - "Selective" test, when the task is carried out in the conditions of "interference", created by similar response options. Often, "incomplete" answers are used in such test tasks, with the passage of essential parts.

Test Questions II level It is often compiled as "test substitutions", students should reproduce the word, phrase, formula, or another element of knowledge missing in the text. More complex "constructive" tests in which the student must reproduce (descriptive) required in full. He will not receive new information from the test.

Test Questions III level Specially are being developed to check certain skills and contain "typical" questions and tasks. The learning effect of the test tasks of the third level is that the student in the course of execution does not simply repeat the extensive actions, but transforms them in connection with the situation.

Test Questions IV Level identify the skill of students to navigate and make decisions in problem situations. Working with such assignments, the schoolboy acquires new knowledge and skills as a consequence of expansion and transformation of the learned.

According to the formulation methoddistinguish 6. basic types of test tasks 2 additional.

Possible types and types of test tasks are presented in Fig. 1. The basis of the classification of test tasks A.N. Mamiorova is taken.

Fig.1. Types and types of test tasks.

In addition, any of the test tasks presented on the diagram can be:

verbal. information is pronounced by words;

non-verbal - The information is expressed in the pattern, scheme, video phragment, slide, etc. similar shapes.

Selecting a task type affects the learning outcomes. Thus, the tasks of the closed type contain options for ready-made answers, of which students must independently choose the correct (correct). The answer to such a task is easy to fix and unequivocally evaluated. Unlike open-type tasks, they contain a prompt, which increases their training function, but reduces the objectivity of the control. The tasks of alternative answers carry the maximum tip; To repeat the material and to consolidate knowledge, they are most useful.

Open-type tasks suggest an independent response of students without any restrictions and tips. These are well-known traditional questions used with oral and written survey. They allow you to check any levels of knowledge, but they are difficult to unequivocally evaluate.

Tasks of a closed type

The test tasks of the closed type have options for ready-made answers to the assigned question, and one must select one (or more) correct answers from a number of proposed. All response options should be plausible, but may contain typical errors and difficulties.

1. Quests of alternative answers (AO).

Only two answers are given to each task: "Yes" or "no" ("right" - "incorrectly"). The subject must choose one of them.

Task form:

Approval 1 Approval 2 Approval 3 Approval 4 Yes Yes Yes Yes No no no no

When drawing up such a task, formulate the main text in such a way that there is no possibility of an ambiguous response (and "yes", and "no").


The task.Square equation S. negative discriminant not has valid roots

Response options:

a) yes; B) No.

In this task, ambiguous answers may appear: "Yes" (not), "no" (he does not have real roots). Both those and other subjects meant the same answer. The task must be remade. Below is one of the options for the converted task.

Instruction. Select the answer "Yes" or "No".

The task.Square equation with a negative discriminant has a valid root

Response options:

a) yes; B) No.

The answer becomes unequivocal, but the task is still composed of unsuccessfully.

A single task of alternative answers (see example 2) is very high likely to guess the correct response (50%). Therefore, such tasks are better to use long series to one element of knowledge (see example 3) - the chances of giving faithful answers to 10 such questions are already small.

Instruction. Select the answer "Yes" or "No". (If you agree with the statement - "yes", and if they do not agree - "No.")

The task. Biosphere is part ...

Response options:

Answer: Yes - no - no - no - yes - no.

The tasks of alternative answers are formulated in the form of allegations, since they assume consent or disagreement, which can be attributed to allegations.

The tasks of the AO are most suitable for identifying knowledge of complex definitions, rules, testing of understanding of complex graphs, diagrams, schemes.

2. Setting multiple selection.

This is the most common type of tasks used in the tests of achievements. The subject must choose one correct (sometimes somewhat correct) response from the proposed options, or one (several) incorrect. Optimally offer in the tasks of this type of 5 options for answers, the minimum number possible options Answer - 3, otherwise the likelihood of simple guessing increases.

The remaining answers are wrong, but plausible, - called distractors(from the English. Distract to cut). Incorrect answers are recommended based on typical mistakes trainees. The search for plausible homogeneous and original answers constitute major difficulty for developers.

Task form:

Question (approval):

A. Answer version 1

B. Answer version 2

B. Response option 3

G. Optional Answer 4

D. Answer Option 5

Instruction. Specify the correct answer number.

The task. What group of substances is sulfuric acid?

Answer options:

1. Not electrolyte.

2. Weak electrolyte.

3. Electrolyte of the middle force.

4. Strong electrolyte.

Answer: 4.

The location in the responses of the characteristics of the electrolyte force in the degree of increase (descending) does not lead to loss of time when reading, which is more successful in comparison with chaotic on this feature of the arrangement of answers. Tasks are better formulated in a narrative form.

Example 5.

Instruction. Select the right answer.

The task. Boat floats on the river, the flow rate is equal but, boat speed in standing water is equal b.. Which of the formula expresses the time spent by the boat to descend downstream 30 km and return back? (Parking time not to take into account).

Answer options:

but) ; b); in) ; d).

Answer: b).

This is a good task for checking the knowledge of formulas and skills to perform mathematical and other cognitive operations. You can select the correct answer by only committing certain actions.

Instruction. Select the right answer.

The task. Empire is ...

Answer options.

a) a large state.

b) the state managed by the emperor.

c) a state consisting of metropolis and colonies.

d) a strong state.

e) a non-democratic state.


Strictly speaking, according to the vocabulary definitions is faithful and the answer b). But only the answer in) is counted. The verifier receives distorted data on the knowledge of the subject. The right answer should be the only one. In the answer b) the word "emperor" can be replaced by the "king".

3. Tasks for restoring conformity.

In the assignment assignment tasks, it is necessary to determine the correspondences between the elements of two sets. Elements of sets can serve both verbal and non-verbal forms of knowledge expressions (drawings, graphs, symbols, etc.)

Since there are two rows of objects in such tasks, one of them is reasonable to designate numbers, and the other - letters, which helps to avoid confusion when performing tasks.

This type of tasks is sufficiently diverse in the form of the presentation of the material and can be successfully used for all academic subjects and subject areas.

Instruction. Sign up the schemes and values \u200b\u200bof the total chain resistance.

Response options:

1. 4.4 Ohm.
2. 4.5 Ohm.
3. ~ 1.9 Ohm
4. ~ 7.3 ohms
5. ~ 1.7 Ohm
Answer: I. II. III. IV. V. 3 1 2 5 4

The task given in Example 7 has a significant drawback: in order to give the correct answer, it is not necessary to calculate the resistance of all 5 schemes. It suffices to calculate 4 resistance, and the fifth scheme put in accordance with the remaining fifth numerical value.

Instruction. Title written in columns 1 and 2.

The task. Who wrote?

Response options:

This task is unsuccessful for two reasons. Too short and incorrect wording of the question, which requires additional explanations. But the main thing, one author was put to each work, and at 4 correct answers, the fifth answer will be inevitably correct. It is better to offer such a task in the following version.

Instruction. Specify the letter, which author belongs to the books listed in the list (leave a blank chance opposite the book that is not specified in the left list).

Answer: G, A, B, -, -, V.

The presentation of the lists of unequal length reduces the likelihood of guessing the correct answer.

Tasks for compliance, as well as alternative tasks, inherent disadvantage - the danger of trivial testing. Knowledge of the author's work is not so important (but still necessary) compared with the skills to analyze the work or express their attitude to its problems.

Therefore, assignment assignment tasks are used to quickly check the knowledge, events, dates, personalities, formulas, the presence of skills and skills in a particular area. It can be:

- List of plants (animals) and taxonomic row - in biology;

- words and appropriate parts of speech or orphograms, etc. - in philology;

- dates, events, personality, etc. - in history;

- Formulas, rules, laws and specific cases of their application - in the exact sciences;

- causal relationships, subject-object relations, etc. - in psychology, philosophy, sociology;

All the above named verbal elements of knowledge can be correlated with non-verbal (sound and video phrases, drawings, photographs, cards, etc.).

When drawing up assignment assignments, the following requirements must also be observed:

1) Elements of each of two sets must be selected by one base.

2) the number of elements of one list should not exceed 10.

3) both list must be placed on one Page, not allowing the transfer of individual elements.

4. Settings for the recovery of the sequence.

These tasks can be considered as an option for assignment of conformity with one feature: you need to list the filed in the correct sequence. Test tasks to establish the correct sequence are designed to assess the level of ownership of a sequence of actions, processes, etc. Elements associated with a certain taskare given in tasks in an arbitrary order, and the student must establish the correct procedure for the proposed elements and indicate it in a given way in the place specifically allocated for this place.

Example 10.

Instruction. Place in the correct sequence (in the response column, put the appropriate letters).

The task. Place the stages of the germ development of vertebrates in the right order:

Response options:

Correct answer:

1. B.
2. BUT.
3. IN.
4. D.
5. G.

Tasks for the recovery of the sequence are undeservedly rarely used in testing. This is a very high-quality form of test tasks, which has brevity and simplicity of verification, saves the work and compiler, and the subject.

These test tasks are suitable for any item where algorithmic activity is present, temporary events are analyzed, the logic of the study. It may be:

- order of technological operations, sports actions - in technological disciplines and sports;

- restoration of temporal sequences of events;

- Stages of word formation, etc. For the lessons of the Russian (foreign) language;

- Sequence Analysis artistic work for literature lessons;

- problem solving algorithms for accurate sciences, logic of research objects (phenomena);

- Stages of development of philosophical thought in philosophy and much more.

It should be noted a very low probability of guessing the right answers.

5. Grouping tasks.

This form Test task is a modification of the tasks for the recovery of the sequence. In such a task, it is awarded to make up 2-3 small stories from fragments, each of which describes one concept (regularity, event). The starts of the stories are combined into a group BUT (in random order), the following fragments - in groups B, B.etc.

The test tasks of the group are convenient in that it allows to cover signs of similarities and differences in related concepts, require various analytical synthetic activities related to comparison, allocating essential signs, analysis.

The principle of grouping is optimal to establish a sequence of events and phenomena, describing the properties of the object being studied, comparing characteristics and conditions with subsequent conclusions and generalizations.

You can use any descriptive material that allows logical structuring. The grouping tasks are convenient to check the knowledge of the algorithm for any activity, as well as to estimate the depth of the assimilation during the generalization of the material. It should also be noted the low probability of guessing the correct response inherent in this type of tasks.

Task form:

Instruction. FROMleave texts from fragments A, B, V.

The task.

BUT.1) The beginning of the first text ...

2) Start of the second text ...

3) The beginning of the third text ...

B.1) Continuation of the Third Text ...

2) the continuation of the first text ...

3) the continuation of the second text ...

IN. 1) The end of the third text.

2) End of the second text.

3) End of the first text.

Correct answer: A1 B2 B3; A2 B3 B2; A3 B1 B1.

Example 11.

Instruction. FROMleave the text from fragments A, B, B, G, D.

The task.

BUT.1) cell division ...

2) The metabolism in the cell is necessary for ...

3) Plants call ...

B.1) manufacturers of organic matter because ...

2) Complex process ...

3) cell supply ...

IN. 1) associated with growth and ...

2) building material and energy ...

3) in the process of photosynthesis create ...

G.. 1) cell reproduction ...

2) Providing the growth and life of the cell ...

3) from inorganic substances (carbon dioxide, water) in the presence of light ...

D.1) continues continuously while the cell is alive.

2) Organic starch and oxygen substance.

3) in two ways - for useless and sex.

Correct answer: A1 B2 B2 g3 d2, etc.

In the conclusion of the review of the tasks of the closed type, we note their main advantages:

- there are no factors associated with subjective estimates;

- The quality of the answer does not affect whether the tests are able to formulate the answers well, because Select ready-made answers.

- Possible machine processing and analysis of results, so testing is carried out quickly.

Open tasks

Open-type test tasks are calculated on the answer in free form. The usual algorithmic program used to assess the results of closed tests, for open-end tests is unsuitable. As a rule, open test tasks are used to detect heuristic, creative skills and are evaluated by experts.

These include the tasks of two species.

1. Quests of free presentation.

They suggest free responses of the subjects in essence. Restrictions are not superimposed on the answers, however, the formulation of tasks should ensure that there is only one correct answer. Computer checking such tasks is difficult, expert expert answers.

Example 12.

Instruction. Finish the proposal. Instead of dots, you can enter a phrase, phrase, offer or even a few sentences.

The task. Noun name - this is ...

Answer.The answer is considered correct if it contains the following keywords or their synonyms: "Part of speech", "refers to objects", "answers questions who? what?".

2. Addition assignments (or other name: tasks with responses restriction).

In these tasks, the tests should also independently formulate answers to questions, but their capabilities are limited (the number of words, signs, characters that can be used when answering) are specified.

Example 13.

Instruction. Write missed words. Only one word corresponds to one pass.

The task. Independent part Speech, denoting subject and answering questions who? what? - this is … …

Answer. Noun.

The correct answer is defined quite unambiguously, therefore, the add-on tasks can be included in the computer test (correctness of the response can be checked using a computer).

Addition assignments have a limited scope of application. With the help of such tasks, residual knowledge is checked, the ability to reproduce and apply knowledge in a familiar situation, it is limited to checking the understanding of the studied material, i.e. The task can be attributed to the I or II level of complexity, while the task of free presentation may have from II to IV levels of complexity.

When drawing up an add-on jobs, specific rules should be adhered to:

- use no more than 3 passes in a row;

- complement the most important thing, knowledge of which must be checked;

- Additions are better to put at the end of the sentence.

3. Test task-discussion.

It is a kind of test task of free presentation. A feature of the test task-discussion is the formulation of tasks in the form problem issuesrequiring an alternative choice of an answer with the subsequent rationale for its position in free form.

Example 14.

Instruction. Be judge in the dispute! Choose and argue the right answer.

Replies options:

1. Yes, because ...

2. No, because ...

Answer justify in free form.

The right answer: No, if the arguments contain the following keywords or their synonyms: "mammal", "breathes light", "warm-blood".

Sometimes the third answer option is possible:

3. Neither, not the other, because ...

The main difficulty in drawing up open-type tasks is to comply with the main requirement for test tasks - the presence of an unambiguous correct answer.

There are several techniques that allow you to formalize a free answer, to make it unequivocal. Show it on specific examples.

Example 15.

Instruction. Finish the proposal.

The task. Inertia is ...

Answer. "... The phenomenon of preserving a uniform straight line with compensation for all external influences on the body."

This is an example of an unsuccessful response. The task with this option is impossible to process. The likelihood of accurate (literal) coincidence with the reference model of the answer is small.

Answers "Phenomenon", "Preservation of uniform straightforward movement", "Movement when compensating external influences" can be considered partially correct, which violates the main requirement for test tasks (the uniqueness of the right response) and leads to subjective estimates.

In this case, there are several options for exiting the created position.

1. Try to reformulate the task so that the answer becomes unambiguous, for example:

The task. "The phenomenon of preserving a uniform rectilinear movement when compensating for all external influences on the body is called ...".

Using testing to monitor students 'knowledge on computer science allows you to identify the level and quality of students' knowledge on a certain material, objectively evaluate them regardless of the teacher.

This article discusses the types and types of test tasks; their features, advantages and disadvantages; Requirements for test tasks; Methods for drawing up test tasks on computer science and their application in practice.

In the most general form, test tasks should:

  • comply with the content of the educational material;
  • be compiled taking into account the relevant rules;
  • be tested in practice;
  • be understandable to the subject.

Using test tasks, you can measure the level and quality of knowledge of students on computer science. Then test tasks must meet the following requirements:

  • reliability - show the same results repeatedly, in similar conditions;
  • validity - to detect and measure the level of assimilation of those knowledge that the test developer wants to measure;
  • objectivity.

From the point of view of the developer, the minimum requirements for the composition of the test task are available:

1. Instructions(There must be an indication that the subject must do how to make a task where and how to mark and write. The instruction should ensure the availability of tasks and understanding the methods of its execution for any subjects).

2. Text tasks or question(It is a meaningful refilling of the task. The structure and composition of the issue are determined by the content of the educational material).

3. Right answer.

The listed three components of the test task are minimally necessary to compile tests.

In addition, the compilers of test tasks it is advisable to indicate a number of necessary information, such as:

  • age (class) on which this task is calculated;
  • topic (subject or subject area);
  • an estimated compiler time execution time;
  • the timing of the presentation;
  • the level that corresponds to this task, or the skills that it finds out;
  • compliance with standard or software;
  • data on the author.

Types and types of test tasks. Their features, advantages and disadvantages

Consider the typology of test tasks, and highlight the requirements for them. There are two types of tasks that combine six species.

Scheme 1. Types and types of test tasks

Open-type tasks include two types - tasks to addition and task free presentation. Their distinctive feature is that for their implementation, the student needs to write one or more words (numbers, letters, phrases, proposals).

The settings of the closed type (alternative responses, multiple selection, restore and restore sequence) provide for various options for the answer to the assigned question: from a number of proposed one or more correct answers are selected, the correct (or incorrect) lists are selected. These tasks suggest a series Pre-developed options for response to a given question.

Tasks of a closed type

1. Quests of alternative answers.

Each task of alternative answers is given only two options for answers. The subject must choose one of them - "Yes - no", "right - wrong", etc.

Shape of the task

Task text (question)
Approval 1. yes not
Approval 2. yes not
Approval 3. yes not
... ... ...

Instructions for the task of alternative answers: You need to choose one answer option that you consider correct.

The tasks of alternative answers are more suitable for identifying the level of mastering complex definitions, knowledge of sufficiently complex graphs, diagrams, schemes, etc.

The feature of the tasks of alternative answers is that the issue must be formulated in the form of approval, since he implies consent or disagreement, which can be attributed to approval.

Instruction: You need to choose one answer option that you consider correct.

Question: The Paint Program is not a program to work with spreadsheets.

Replies options:

Answer: Yes.

These alternative tasks are most consistent with the task of identifying the extent to which the subject understands the data. They may contain verification skills to work with graphs, approximate calculation skills. Any other form of task representation will be much more cumbersome and less comfortable.

2. Setting multiple selection.

This is the main type of tasks used in the tests of achievements. Multiple choice tasks assume the presence of variability in the selection. The subject must choose one of the proposed options, among which most often only one is right.

Multiple selection tasks form:

Question (approval):

A. Answer version 1

B. Answer version 2

C. Answer version 3

Instructions for sets of multiple selection: Select the letter (s) corresponding to the (no) option (OM) of the correct response (s).

Let us give a few examples:

Instruction: Select the letter corresponding to the option of correct response.

Question: For what operation with the table serves the window, the fragment of which is presented<Рисунок 1>:

Replies options:

A. Summation on strings.

B. Summation in columns.

C. Filtering table.

D. Consolidation of data.

Instruction: Select letters that match options for correct answers. Question: Select from the list of object types with which Access works.

Replies options:

A. Tables.

B. Information.

C. Requests.

F. Reports.

G. Macros.

N. Modules.

Answer: A, C, D, F, G, H.

3. Tasks for restoring conformity. Table

The tasks of this type include assignment assignments between the elements of the two lists, the order of the row.

Form of representation of assignment assignment:


Response options:

Instruction: Title written in columns 1 and 2.

Question: When creating a DBMS table, you can use 5 possibilities. Choose from the specified definitions those that correspond to them<Рисунок 2>:

Answer options.

Answer: A. 3. 2. S. 5. D. 1. E. 4.

The main advantages of the tasks of this species are: the possibility of rapid assessment of knowledge, skills and skills in a specific area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, and the cost-effectiveness of tasks in the test.

4. Tasks for recovery sequence

Tasks for the recovery of the sequence can be considered as an option for the restoration of conformity, when one of the rows is the time, distance, or other continual construct, which is meant in the form of a row.

Tasks for the recovery of the sequence are a very high-quality form of test tasks, which has significant advantages: shortness, simplicity of verification.


Answer options.

Let us give a few examples:

Instruction: Place in the correct sequence.

Question: Install the sequence of the design stages of expert systems.

Replies options:

Column 1.

Column 2.

1 A. Selection of a suitable problem.
2 B. Reprotecting the prototype to the industrial expert system.
3 S. Docking expert system.
4 D. Development of the prototype of the expert system.
5 E. Evaluation of the expert system.
6 F. Support for the expert system.

Answer: 1. A. 2. D. 3. V. 4. E. 5. P. 6. F.

Advantages of the tasks of the closed type

  • Tasks can be reliable because there are no factors associated with subjective estimates that reduce reliability.
  • Evaluation of tasks is fully objective: there can be no differences between the estimates of various inspectors.
  • Not taken into account the skill of the subjects well formulate answers.
  • The tasks of this type are easily processed, testing is quickly carried out.
  • A simple fill algorithm reduces the number of random errors and the descriptions.
  • These tasks make it possible to cover large areas of knowledge that the achievements tests are especially important.
  • Machine processing of answers is possible.
  • Low probability of guessing the correct answers.
  • It is possible to obtain an accurate assessment of the test of the test, which is especially important for determining the conformity of the test to the objectives of the study.

Open tasks

These include the tasks of two types:

1) Supplements (tasks with responses restriction). In these tasks, the testes also independently give answers to questions, but their ability is limited.

Restrictions ensure the objectivity of estimating the result of the task execution, and the formulation of the answer should be able to clearly estimates.

Instructions for add-on tasks: Instead of dots, enter only one word (symbol, sign, etc.).

An example of an add-on task.

Instructions: Instead of dulling, enter only one word.

Question: A firm providing network services is ...

Answer: Provider.

2) free presentation or free design. They suggest free responses of the subjects in essence. Restrictions are not superimposed on the answers. However, task formulations should ensure that only one correct answer has.

Instructions for the tasks of free presentation: Finish the proposal (phrase), enter instead of the correct answer (phrase, phrase, offer or several proposals).

An example of a job of free presentation.

Instruction: Finish the proposal.

Question: Special program that implements the rules for transferring information between computers - this ... ...

Answer: Network Protocol.

The difficulty in applying this type of tasks is to complexity with the formalization of the responses, the need to prepare evaluation schemes makes it difficult to standardization, the bulky of the procedure and the high time spent on conducting.

The main difficulty in drawing up open-type tasks is compliance with the main requirement for test tasks (the presence of an unambiguous correct answer).

The positive aspects of well-compiled tasks of supplement and free presentation are:

1) the inability to guess the answer;

2) brevity and definition of answers;

3) the need to playback response;

4) no need to look for several answer options;

5) the simplicity of the wording of the question;

6) Easy verification.


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The article discusses how to design test tasks of closed types. Requirements for the construction of the meaningful part and describes the methods for assessing the results of the testing conducted.

  • Features of designing non-standard test tasks
  • Features of determining the validity of the pedagogical test
  • Use software testing in pedagogical practice

The pedagogical test is a system of didactic tasks of a specific form, which allows to assess the level of student training: a set of their ideas about the object of knowledge, knowledge, skills and skills in a ionic area of \u200b\u200bcontent.

Passing pedagogical testing to innovative estimation methods, we highlight its following advantages:

  1. Higher objectivity of control.
  2. The assessment of knowledge becomes more differentiated (more gradations of the assessment, the ability to translate the resulting evaluation to any valuation scale).
  3. More high efficiency (It is possible to control simultaneously in large groups of students).
  4. Processing results are carried out faster (especially in the case of computer testing).

Based on the research of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (USA) and a number of domestic testologists, we allocate the main stages of the design of pedagogical tests:

  1. Phase of target (define the form, resource capabilities, sources of financing, budget, the circle of attracted specialists).
  2. Preparatory Stage (analysis and selection of contents of the material being checked, definition of types and number of knowledge used, setting the requirements of the check time, determination of the estimation system, the development of conditions).
  3. Stage drawing up test.
    1. Development and testing of test tasks (in representative groups).
    2. Determination and calculation of quality indicators of the created tasks (validity, reliability) ,.
    3. Analysis of the results of the test.
  4. Stage of test and analysis of the results obtained
    1. Standardization of test (uniformity procedures for conducting and evaluating test tasks).
    2. Preparatory work on technical equipment.
    3. Tracking test.
    4. Processing results, receiving statistical data for analysis. Preparation of the final report.

Test tasks are several types. The most popular of them is the type of test tasks of a closed type, they were widespread mainly due to the ease of automation. The tasks of the closed type involve the choice of one or more correct answers from several proposed options. The main disadvantage of such tasks is the possibility of guessing.

We highlight the basic rules for drawing up test tasks:

  1. Start formulating the question with the correct answer.
  2. The content content must meet the software and reflects the learning content.
  3. The question must contain one finished thought.
  4. When drawing up questions, the words "sometimes", "often", "always", "everything" and "never" should be especially carefully carefully carefully used.
  5. The question must be clearly formulated, avoiding the words "big", "small", "small", "a lot", "little", "less", "more".
  6. Avoid introductory phrases and suggestions that have little connection with the main thought.
  7. Wrong responses should be reasonable, there should be no obvious inaccuracies.
  8. Less often deny in the main part. Avoid double denies ("why not do not do?").
  9. It is better to use a long question and a short answer.
  10. From the text of the tasks, it is necessary to exclude all verbal associations that promote the choice of the correct answer by guessing.
  11. From the number of test tasks of a closed type, eliminate jobs requiring bulky calculations.
  12. The terminology used should not go beyond the framework of the training course.
  13. Task text and answer options must be recorded in different fonts, for quickly different from each other when executed.
  14. At the beginning of each test, instructions should be provided for its use.

Distractor in test tasks of the closed type will call the option of an incorrect answer. The word "distractor" occurred from english word. "Distract", which is translated as "distract". Thus, distractors are incorrect answers that distract and confuse the test.

We highlight the requirements for distractors:

  1. In the main part of the task should be more keywords, in answers no more than three most keywords.
  2. Answers to one task should approximately one length.
  3. All distractors to each task must be equalized.
  4. Distractors should not be incomplete correct answers that turn into correct under certain conditions.
  5. There should not be broken distractors (they must be chosen).
  6. The frequency of the choice of distractors should be approximately the same.
  7. From the responses it is necessary to eliminate repeating words by entering them into the main text of the task.
  8. In the answers it is not recommended to use words: "all", "not one", "never", "always", "none of the listed", "all of the above". In some cases, they contribute to guessing the correct answer.
  9. From among the distractors, exclude answers arising from one of the other.
  10. All responses must be parallel with design and grammatically consistent with the main part of the task.
  11. It is advisable not to use the following words in the answers: "yes / no", "right / wrong." It is recommended to create more informative answers.
  12. If the response number coincides with it numerical meaning, then they are necessarily written in one line (1. 1 bit, 2. 2 bits, 3. 8 bits, 4. 4 bits). If the distractors are words, they should be positioned in alphabetical order.

notice, that a large number of Distractors reduces the likelihood of guessing, but requires more time when developing. Personally knowledgeable material Students are trying to find the right answer by guessing on "formal" features: the longest answer, the smartest answer, a well-founded answer).

Under the Facet is a form that provides a representation of several variants of the same test content element. The facade test is a large array of elements - facets, of which by different combinations Test tasks are constructed.

Here small examples Test:

  1. In one kilobate (megabat, gigabay) contains byte:
  2. The start date of the Soviet-Finnish war (World War II, the Great Patriotic War)

Thus, to reduce the likelihood of guessing, we can recommend:

  1. Increase the number of distractors in the task up to 4.
  2. Using task facets.
  3. Strong temporary limit on the task.
  4. Use the formulas to correct the scores with the possibility of guessing.

It is possible to evaluate the test results in different ways.

Evaluation Algorithms Execution Test Quest:

  • Dichotomous assessment of the task. The term "dichotomically estimated test tasks" means that the response of the examination is only in one of the two possible categories, the correct one (1 point is set for it), or incorrect (0 points).
  • Polytomic assessment of the task. The term "politomically estimated test tasks" means that several different numbers are affixed to task for different answers.

Consider several methods for assessing the tasks of the closed form.

  1. Traditional method. This score calculation method is as follows: all points are summed up for each task.
    1. Evaluation with a weight coefficient. Subject to the choice of the test only the correct answers, a complete score is charged, otherwise zero points are charged. The disadvantage of this method is to reduce the differentiating ability of the task, because Tested with a "partial set of knowledge" and testable with the "complete lack of knowledge" are practically no distinguishable.
    2. Partial score method. The essence of this method is as follows: Partially points are accrued in the case of a choice of not even a full response, but in case of choice, in combination with the correct answers of a certain distractor - the points are reset completely or partially decrease.
  2. Correction of points, taking into account possible guessing. By this method Calculations are made according to the following formula: zi \u003d xi-wi / (k-1), where Zi is a corrected test score of the i-th test, XI - the test ball of the i-th test without correction, Wi is the number of erroneous responses from the i-th test , k - the number of answers in tasks (there must be a permanent value). For example: there were 30 tasks in the test, each was given 4 responses. The test on 20 tasks answered correctly, 10 tasks are made with errors. Calculate the score in the form of an assessment with the weighting coefficient, but taking into account the correction by guessing: zi \u003d 20-10 / (4-1) \u003d 16.7.
  3. The correction method "Right + Pass". A formula based on a random guessing model that adjusts the "guessing effect", has the form: zi \u003d xi + Hi / k, where Xi is the corrected individual score of the i-th test, Xi - the number of correct responses of the i-th test, Ni - The number of missing tasks from the i-th test, K is the number of answers options in each task (all tasks must have options). Suppose that the student A and the student would give some test. The test consists of 150 tasks of a closed form with four answers. Student and correctly answered 90 tasks, and he missed the remaining 60 tasks (as it was not confident in choosing an answer). A student also responds to 90 tasks correctly, but he answered the rest of 60 tasks by a simple guessing. Since the student B has a chance of 25% to guess the correct answer, it can dial 15 additional points only by guessing. With the traditional calculation of points, a student and scores 90 points, while the student b will be credited 105 points. Thus, individual scores in these two students have a significant difference that does not reflect however, their level of preparation, but is only a function of a tendency to guess the correct answer. This difference must be taken into account, since testing is carried out, as a rule, once, and its results significantly affect the certification. If we apply to the calculation of the points, the correct + pass correction method, we will receive the same number of points in these students (105). In this way this method Allow the properly differentiation of students in their level of knowledge.

I summarize all of the above, we note that the tasks of the closed type in pedagogical tests are widespread. The main reason for such widespread is the ease of both computer automation and manual analysis. For this type of tasks, methods for constructing content and all the necessary tools for the correct estimation of the subjects taking into account all possible errors, including a factor of guessing.


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